Son of
John Scalf, Sr. & Edeah Carlisle
Jesse<John Scalf Sr<Lewis

Jesse Scalf, son of John Scalf Sr. and Edeah Carlisle Scalf was born 1810-1815 in either Kentucky or Virginia. His parents were living in Floyd County, Kentucky at the enumeration of the 1810 census but then moved to Russell County, Virginia sometime between 1810 and 1820.

Legend states that Jesse's father was involved in a fight in Floyd County and was detained in the Prestonburg Jail. Legend also states that the fight concerned a neighbor who had fought with the Tories during the Revolutionary War. John Scalf, Sr. served in the Continental Line during the war and of course was an enemy to the Tories.

We have no solid evidence to help us determine the exact reason John was in jail in Floyd County, Kentucky; however, John escaped his confinement and the author is of the opinion this was when he took his family to Russell County, Virginia. This is believed to have occurred around 1812. Therefore, if Jesse Scalf was born after his brother Ira who is believed to have been born 1812, then Jesse was most likely born in Virginia 1812-1815. However, we have no solid evidence to confirm this at this time.

Scalf Family History, page 162 lists a birth date for Jesse Scalf of October 1812. However, Elmer did not list a reference for this birth date. Jesse's brother Ira is also believed to have been born 1812 and their brother Lee in 1810. If Lee was born 1810 and Ira in 1812, then Jesse's birth date was most likely 1813 or later; however, it is possible both Ira and Jesse were born in 1812 depending on the month of their births. In examination of records concerning the two brothers the author feels this is unlikely.

Jesse stated in the pension file of his stepson Eli Collins in 1888 that he was 76 years old. This calculates a birth year of 1812 as listed in Scalf Family History. However, this does not correspond with the birth dates of the other children of John Scalf or the census records. We have not found a document stating a specific month, day, or year for Jesse's birth.

It is difficult to determine, with a reasonable amount of certainty, exactly when the children of John Scalf Sr. were born other than Nancy and Polly whose birth dates are stated in the deposition of their mother, Edeah Carlisle Scalf. The birth dates of the children of John and Edy are estimated by comparison of the census records among other records found of these children with all records varying in dates, and leaving us with only an estimation of birth dates for most of the children of John Scalf Sr.

On the census records, Jesse's birth varies from 1813 to 1817 and it is felt that Jesse was most likely born 1813-1815.

Jesse was also one of the children bound out from the home of John and Edy but again, no records have been found to confirm or deny that this actually took place. Jesse, Peter and their brother Robert, left Russell County, Virginia sometime between 1832-1836 and moved over to Clay County, Kentucky.

We believe that William, Ira, Jesse, Peter and Robert were the sons in the home of their father in 1830 Russell County, Virginia; however, it is possible that William II had died by 1830 and instead of William this could have been Berryman. But again, due to the lack of names on the 1830 census record we can only speculate.

1830  Russell County VA  

SCALF, John Sr.      
2 Males 10-15 (1815-1820) Peter - Robert?
3 Males 15-20 (1810-1815) William or Berryman? - Ira - Jesse?
1 Male 60-70 (1760-1770) John Sr.
1 Female 5-10 (1820-1825) Cecilia?
1 Female 15-20 (1810-1815) Betsy?
1 Female 50-50 (1770-1780) Edy

John Scalf Sr. was taxed on the 1833 Russell County Personal Property Tax List taken March 11, 1833 on 2 males over the age of 16. One male would have included John himself. The other male would have included one of the sons of John that had reached 16 years old.

Taking into consideration that John Jr., Brittan, Lee and Ira were named on this tax list; it is possible that this was William II in the home of his father if he was still living. We know from the statement of Patsy Counts Scalf that William had died by July of 1845 but we have no records to confirm the exact year he died.

Their brother Berryman was married and living in Washington County, Tennessee at this time. Therefore, the only son that might have been old enough to be taxed would have been William II or Jesse. It is doubtful that Jesse, Peter, or Robert had reached the age of 16 at this time.

We are grateful to Sharon Carter, a Trent descendant and researcher for providing the following Russell County tax lists.

1833B Russell County VA Tax List

Feb. 3 - Scalf, Briton, 1 white male over 16; 3 horses
March 11 - Scalf, John Jr. (?) - 1 white male over 16; 2 horses
March 11 - Scalf, John - 2 white males over 16; 3 horses (John and a son)
March 11 - Scalf, Lea - 1 white male over 16
May 7 - Scalf, Ira - 1 white male over 16

Note that in 1834, John Sr. is taxed on one male over the age of 16 (himself). The male in 1833 is now gone from the home. This might have been when William II died or this might have been when Jesse left home.

1834B - Western district Russell Co. Tax List

Feb. 10 - Scalf, John Sr. - 1 white male over 16; 4 horses
Feb. 10 - Scalf, Lee - 1 white male over 16; 1 horse
Feb. 10 - Scalf, Britian - 1 white male over 16; 3 horses
Apr. 9 - Scalf, John Jr. - 1 white male over 16; 3 horses

On July 9, 1834, John Scalf Jr. was charged with passing a counterfeit coin in Russell County and was detained in the Russell County jail until September 17th when he was found not guilty

December 2, 1834, John Scalf Sr. sold his property in Russell County, Virginia probably to pay the debt he owned the attorney for representing his son.

December 2, 1834 page 186 Russell County, Virginia Court Minutes:

An indenture in Trust for land and personal property from John Scalf to Edward D. Kenan acknowledged in the clerks office.  (Russell County Court Minutes, Dec. 2, 1834, pg. 186)

In July of 1835, the following court record was recorded in Russell County, Virginia.

July 7, 1835 page 250

John W. Blizzard having obtained an attachment against the estate of John Scalf senr who intended to remove his effects out of this county, for debt, and the constable having made return that he had attached of the property of the defendant, one cow & calf and bull, two pair of hames and one pair of drawing chains, about 8 or 9 bushels of corn, one old side saddle; this day came the plaintiff by his attorney, and the defendant being solemnly called came not. Whereupon came also, by his attorney, Ira Scalf, who claimed the cow and calf and corn aforesaid attached and filed his interpleader, to which the plaintiff replied and issued being joined came also a jury, to wit: William Sargant, John Garrett, John Belchor, Vincent Jessee, Joel Fields, Abraham Campbell, Elihu Kizer, Thomas Gibson jr., James C. Gibson, Charles H. Gilmon, John B. Fields and Henry Gillespie, who being sworn diligently to inquire into the right of said property, upon their oath do say, that the right thereto is in the said Ira Scalf. Therefore, it is considered by the Court, that the plaintiff pay to the said Ira Scalf his costs and it appearing that the defendant is indebted to the plaintiff $19 due by note, it is considered that the plaintiff recover against the defendant the said sum of $19 with interest thereon to be computed after the note of (?) per centum per amount from the 12th day of April 1835 till paid, and is costs in this behalf expended. And it is ordered that the Sheriff make sale of the residue of the said property, as the law directs, pay the proceeds thereof to the plaintiff, and return an account of such sale to the next Court.

(Russell County Court Minutes, July 7, 1835, pg. 250)

John Sr. sold his property in December of 1835 suggesting it was sometime between February and July of 1835 that he left Russell County according to the court record of July 7, 1835 listed above. This would be the last record of John Scalf Sr. in Russell County, Virginia.

Note also on the 1835 tax list that only John Sr. and Ira were listed. John Jr. was not listed on this list, nor was his brother Lee. However, we know that Lee was still living in 1840 and we also believe from records that John Jr. did not leave Russell County, Virginia until 1837-1840. It is also possible that the tax lists for John Jr. and Lee were missing at this time.

1835A Russell Co. Tax List

Feb. 14 - Scalf, John, Sr. - 2 white males over 16; 2 horses
April 20 - Scalf, Ira - 1 white male over 16; 1 horse

The author feels certain that John Jr. did not leave Russell County, Virginia due to the fact that Elizabeth Gose brought a suite against John and his wife Patsy although the cause of the suite is not clear other than Patsy was accused of lying. This case was dismissed by order of the plaintiff; however, apparently another suite was brought by John Scalf Jr., against the Gose and/or the Bush family charging them with slander against his wife. We have no records on this at the moment and the file will be posted as soon as this record is found.

It was also stated by a descendant that John acquired a Mill owned by either the Bush family or someone in the area of Russell County concerning this suite. An update to this will be posted as soon as this information is researched and confirmed.

August 8, 1838 page 532

Elizabeth Gose plaintiff vs.
John Scalf and wife defendant - By order of the plaintiff, this suit is dismissed. (Gose vs. Scalf-Aug. 8, 1838, pg. 532)

The year 1836 finds John Scalf, Sr., along with sons Robert, Peter, Jesse and Ira living in Clay County, Kentucky where they were probably working at the Goose Creek Salt Mines. No listing for William II was found and he would have been over 16 at this time. It is very strongly believed that this was John Scalf Sr. due to the fact that he signed permission for his sons Peter and Robert to marry in Clay County, Kentucky in 1835.

We believe John Scalf Sr. stayed in Clay County for at least a year before moving to Hawkins County, Tennessee where he applied for his Revolutionary pension in 1838.

Considering the fact that John Sr. was taxed only on himself in1834 and after 1835 along with the fact that his son William II would have been well over taxable age certainly suggests that William Scalf II died sometime before 1834. William did not appear on the tax lists as head of house with his brothers in Clay or Russell County, Virginia; however, no confirming evidence has been found to determine the exact date of William's death.

This William also could not have been the William who married Talitha Scalf in Hawkins County, Tennessee if the statement of Patsy Counts Scalf was correct. Patsy stated that William II was deceased at the time of her statement in1845. A Will found for William who married Talitha suggests he died around 1852.

All four brothers were found along with their father in Clay County, Kentucky in 1836. John Jr. and Lee were still in Russell County, Virginia, and Berryman was in Washington County, Tennessee. The author is of the opinion that William II had died and the rest of the sons were in Clay County, Kentucky.

(Kentucky Tax Lists Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

1836 Clay Co. Kentucky Tax List

Robert Scalf  
1 male 21 years or over    No land or personal property or location listed

Peter Scalf 
1 male 21 years or over   No land or personal property or location listed

John Scalf  
1 male 21 years or over   
Horses, mares, mules & Jennies 1
Value of land per acre 1
Total value 50

Jesse Scalf  
1 male 21 years or over
Horses, mares, mules & Jennies None
Value of land per acre -?
Total value - 100

Ira Scalf
1 male 21 years or over
Horses, mares, mules & Jennies 1
Value of land per acre 1
Location Otter Creek
Land entered in name of J. Jackson
Total value - 100

In March of 1836, Jesse Scalf married Polly Eversole. Permission was not required for Jesse suggesting that Jesse was at least 21 years old in 1836. The fact that John Sr. had to sign permission for his sons Peter and Robert also suggest they had not reached the age of 21 by 1835.


On March 7, 1836 Peter Eversole and Jesse Scalf signed a bond for the marriage of Jesse to Peter's daughter, Polly Eversole. We cannot confirm that Jesse and Polly were married on this exact date for we have no marriage license, only the bond for the marriage. However, we are certain that Jesse and Polly were married either on March 7th or a few days after in 1836 Clay County, Kentucky. (Marriage Bond of Jesse Scalf & Polly Eversole Courtesy if Virgil Scalf)  

On page 161 of Scalf Family History, Elmer Scalf sates a marriage date of March 7, 1837 for Jesse and Polly but we believe this was a typing error for the bond was taken out on March 7, 1836 one year prior.

Jesse Scalf & Polly Eversole

Part One

Clay County Sct

I George Stivers Clerk of Clay County Court do hereby certify that bond & security is taken in my office for a license to issue for a marriage intended between Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole these are therefore to license any persons legally authorized to celebrate the rights of Matrimony to join together in holy wedlock the said Jesse & Polly agreeable to the law & this shall be your sufficient warrant given under my hand at office this 7th March 1836    (Link to marriage bond ~ part one)

George Stivers CLK

Part Two

State of Kentucky Clay County 7th March 1836  

Know all men by these presents that we Jesse Scalf & Peter Eversole are held & firmly bound unto the commonwealth of Kentucky in the penal sum of fifty pounds lawful money of Kentucky to which payment will & truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, Executors or administrators jointly severally & firmly by these presents signed and sealed the day & date above written The condition of above obligation is such that whereas the above named Jesse Scalf is about to obtain a license for a marriage intended between himself & Polly Eversole. Now if sd. J. Scalf shall faithfully perform this his undertaking unless legally prevented then this obligation to be void else to remain in full force & virtue. witness our hand & seals this day & date above written.  
(Link to marriage bond ~ part two)

                                                         Jesse  X Scalf     (Seal)
   Witness                                                     mark    
   George Stivers  CLK  
                                                         Peter X  Eversole  (Seal)

1837 Clay Co. Kentucky Tax List

Jesse Scalf  
1 male 21 years or over
Water Course --- Otter Creek

Tax lists for Robert and Peter will be listed in their chapters.

Jesse and Robert were both missing on the 1838 tax list. Peter was the only one of the brothers found in 1838 Clay County. Recall that Rebecca, daughter of Jesse and Polly was born in Tennessee.>However, no records of Jesse have been found in Tennessee at the time. We assume if Rebecca was born in Tennessee that Jesse was probably visiting family at that time.

1838 Clay County, Kentucky Tax List

Peter Scalf
1 male 21 years or over    
Cattle --- 2

Jesse and Robert were not found on the tax list of 1838.

The 1839 tax list was missing.

In 1840 Jesse and Peter were the only two brothers listed on the tax lists. We believe Robert might have still been in Hawkins County, Tennessee although he was not found on a census there.

1840 Clay County Kentucky Tax List

Jesse Scalf
White male over 21 --- 1
Water Course --- Goose Creek

Jesse was not found as head of house on the 1840 census but there is a possibility that he and Polly were in the home of her parents. Jesse was not found with his family in Hawkins County, Tennessee nor Russell County, Virginia.

1840 Clay CO KY  

EVERSOLE, Peter      
1 Male 5-10 (1830-1835)  
2 Males 10-15 (1825-1830)  
1 Male 20-30 (1810-1820) Jesse Scalf?
1 Male 50-60 (1780-1790) Peter Eversole, father of Polly
1 Female 5-10 ((1830-1835)  
2 Females 15-20 (1820-1825)  
1 Female 20-30 (1810-1820) Polly Eversole Scalf
1 Female 40-50 (!790-1800) Peggy (May) Eversole, wife of Peter

Jesse was found on the 1841 tax list of Clay County with four children in the home between the ages of 7 and 17. If the ages of his children were correct on the 1850 census, the tax list suggests three of the children were Rebecca, Margaret and Nancy. Mary Ann was not born until after this tax list.

1841 Clay  Jesse Scalf

White male over 21 --- 1
Horses and mares --- 2
Value of horses and mares --- $50
Children between 7 and 17 --- 4
Total value --- $100

Either the tax list for 1842 was missing or Jesse was not on this tax list for he was not found again until 1843. Jesse then had 1 child between the ages of 5 and 16, which would likely have been Nancy.

1843 Clay  Jesse Scarf (Scalf)

White male over 21 --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares --- $30
Children between 5 and 16 --- 1
Total value --- $30

In 1843, no children were listed on the tax lists and therefore we cannot estimate which children or how many were at home at this time.

The 1844 tax list was missing.

The 1845 tax list also did not list children.

1845 Clay  Jesse Scalf

White male over 21 --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares --- $35

In 1846 Jesse had two children at home between 5 and 16. It would be difficult to speculate which children these were due to the missing tax list of 1842 and no children listed in 1845.

1846  Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares --- $15
Children between 5 and 16 --- 2

In 1847 there was again one child between the age of 5 and 16.

1847  Jesse Scalf

1 white male over 21
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares --- $15
Children between 5 and 16 --- 1
Qualified voter ---

Children were again not listed in 1848.

1848  Jesse Scalf

1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $50
Qualified voter --- 1

The 1849 tax list indicates that Jesse had two children between the ages of 5 and 16. In 1847 he only had one in this age range. If the ages of the children were correct on the 1850 census, all five daughters would have been between the ages of 5 and 16 in 1849; however, this is assuming that all the daughters were still living at home and that Jesse recalled their correct ages.

1849 Jesse Scalf

1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $50
Water Course --- Red Bud Creek
Children between 5 and 16 --- 2
Qualified voter --- 1

Jesse was not found in 1850 on the tax lists or the tax lists were missing for the years 1850-1862.

Polly Eversole Scalf died before 1850 and her last child was born around 1848 according to the 1850 census. Polly died before she and Jesse appeared on the census records by name making it difficult to determine exactly which wife was the mother of Rhoda from the 1850 census; however, the author is of the opinion that she was the daughter of Jesse and Polly.


The children of Jesse and Polly Eversole Scalf are listed here according to research of the author in conjunction with the research of Virgil Scalf and others. There might have been older children that died before being named on census records. Scalf Family History states that Jesse had a total of thirteen children from both marriages including Eliza's son Eli Collins; however, the author has only found eleven children of Jesse Scalf from both marriages.

Children of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole:
  1) Rebecca (Becca) Ann Scalf
  2) Margaret Scalf
  3) Nancy Scalf
  4) Mary Polly Ann Scalf
  5) Rhoda Scalf

Daughter of
Jesse Scalf & Polly Eversole
Rebecca<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Rebecca Ann (Becca) Scalf, daughter of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole was born January 17, 1834 and died June 5, 1921. (link to death certificate)

Rebecca Becca Ann Scalf married James Scalf, son of Robert Scalf and Martha Patsy Jackson on November 17, 1857. (Scalf Family History, page 162 and Kentucky Marriages)

On page, 166 of Scalf Family History in the Chapter of Robert Scalf, the marriage date is listed as January 30, 1858. The marriage is listed on page 162 as November 11, 1857. The marriage date of James and Rebecca on page 162 of Scalf Family History appears to be a mistake.

The marriage license of James Scalf and Becca states the date as January 30, 1858 as listed on page 166 of Scalf Family History. Rebecca and James were married in the presence of Jesse Scalf and Thomas Hensley. (Marriage License Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Marriage License)

Rebecca Scalf then married John F. Northern (marriage record not found) Children in the home of John Northern and Rebecca in 1870 are listed as Andrew born about 1860, Martha born about 1863, Bettie Ann born about 1865 and Joseph born 1870. We believe the first three children were children of James and Rebecca Ann. It appears that James died 1865-1870.

The marriage of Becca Ann to John Northern is listed in Scalf Family History, page 162 as 1868. John was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Northern from Tennessee. One child is listed for John Northern and Becca Ann in Scalf Family History. This was Joseph Northern born 1870.

The General Index to Marriages Knox County, Kentucky lists a marriage of E. Betti Scalf to Daniel Price on February 22, 1883, BK R, page 65; however, we cannot confirm that this is the same Bettie listed in the home of John Northern and Rebecca Scalf Northern. However, the age of Betti on the census suggests that this could be the same person.

1870 Leslie CO KY  6 August 1870 Manchester

NORTHERN, John M 22 1848 TN
    Rebecca F 27 1843 TN
    Andrew J. M 10 1860 KY
    Martha J. F 7 1863 KY
    Bettie An  F 5 1865 KY
    Joseph M 4/12 1870 KY

1880 Claiborne CO TN     2 June 1880       District 6

NORTHERN, John Head 36 1844 TN NC NC
    Rebeca Wife 40 1840 KY KY KY
    Martha Dau 15 1865 KY TN KY
    Billey Son ? 13 1867 KY TN KY
    Joseph  Son 8 1872 KY TN KY
    Nelson Son 6 1874 KY TN KY
    Sarah Dau 5 1875 KY TN KY

1900 Rockcastle CO KY      8 June 1900      Precinct 2

NORTHERN, John Head 51 Jun 1848 KY NC NC Married 34 years  
    Rebecka Wife 68 Jan 1831 TN NC KY Married 34 years 6 children born, 4 living

1910 Rockcastle CO KY       29 April 1910        Roundstone

NORTHERN, Joseph Head 36 1874 TN TN TN Married 2 times  
     Rosa B. Wife 26 1884 KY KY KY Married 1 time for 10 years 4 children born, 3 living
     Robert Son 8 1902 KY TN KY    
     Bessie A. Dau 6 1904 KY TN KY    
     John L. Son 3 1907 KY TN KY    
     Rebecca Mother 76 1834 TN TN TN Widow  

1920 Clark CO KY       30 January 1920        Pinchem

HUNT, Day Head 41 1879 KY KY KY  
   Martha J. Wife 52 1868 KY KY KY  
SPOONMORE, Bertha M.    Dau 16 1904 KY KY KY  
       Joe L. Son in law 26 1894 KY KY KY  
NORTHERN, Rebecca Mother in law 85 1835 TN KY KY Widow


Daughter of
John Northern and Rebecca Scalf
Martha<Rebecca<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

1920 Clark CO KY      30 January 1920       Pinchem

HUNT, Day Head 41 1879 KY KY KY  
   Martha J. Wife 52 1868 KY KY KY  
SPOONMORE, Bertha M.    Dau 16 1904 KY KY KY  
       Joe L. Son in law 26 1894 KY KY KY  
NORTHERN, Rebecca Mother in law 85 1835 TN KY KY Widow


Daughter of
John Northern and Rebecca Scalf
Betty<Rebecca<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Betty Northern, daughter of John Northern and Rebecca Scalf, was born May 14, 1865 in Tennessee and died December 9, 1950 in Clark County, KY. Betty married 1) John James Todd on September 20, 1888 in Rockcastle, KY and 2) John Morgan about 1907.

(Link to death certificate)

1900 Rockcastle CO KY       11 June 1900      Brodhead

TODD, John J. Head 36 1864 KY KY KY married 11 years  
    Betsy A. Wife 33 1867 TN KY KY married 11 years 6 children born, 6 living
    William A. Son 15 1885 KY KY KY    
    John H. Son 10 1890 KY KY KY    
    Levy N. Son 7 1893 KY KY KY    
    James M. Son 5 1895 KY KY KY    
    Lucy C. Dau 3 1897 KY KY KY    
    Joseph B. Son 1 1899 KY KY KY    

1910 Rockcastle CO KY       8 April 1910      Roundstone

MORGAN, John Head 26 1884 VA VA KY married 1 time married 3 years  
    Bettie Wife 39 1871 TN TN KY married 2 times married 3 years 8 children born, 5 living
    Harrison Step-son 19 1891 KY KY TN      
    Levi Step-son 17 1893 KY KY TN      
    James Step-son 14 1896 KY KY TN      
    Lucy Step-dau 13 1897 KY KY TN      
    George Step-son 8 1902 KY KY TN      

1920 Union CO KY        29-30 March 1920      DeKoven

MORGAN, John Head 50 1870 KY KY KY
   Bettie Wife 49 1871 KY KY KY
   Ordry L. Son 22 1898 KY KY KY

1930 Clark CO KY       11 April 1930         Winchester

MARTIN, Henry Head 23 1907 KY KY KY
    Mary E. Wife 19 1911 KY KY KY
    Bettie R. Dau 2 1928 KY KY KY
    J. D. Son 5/12 1929 KY KY KY
MORGAN, Bettie Mother in law 62 1868 KY KY KY      Widow

1940 Clark CO KY         15 April 1940       Winchester

MARTIN, Henry Head 33 1907 KY
    Mary Elizabeth Wife 29 1911 KY
    Betty Ruth Dau 12 1928 KY
    John D. Son 10 1930 KY
    Pauline Dau 8 1932 KY
    Ray Lee Son 2 1938 KY
    Joan Dau 9/12 1939 KY
MORGAN, Bettie Mother in law 73 1867 TN      Widow


Son of
John Northern and Rebecca Scalf
Joseph<Rebecca<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Joseph Northern, son of John Northern and Rebecca Scalf, was born February 25, 1870 and died June 23, 1936. Joseph married Rosa Belle Spoonmore.

(Link to death certificate of Joseph Northern)

1910 Rockcastle CO KY      29 April 1910       Roundstone

NORTHERN, Joseph Head 36 1874 TN TN TN Married 2 times  
     Rosa B. Wife 26 1884 KY KY KY Married 1 time for 10 years 4 children born, 3 living
     Robert Son 8 1902 KY TN KY    
     Bessie A. Dau 6 1904 KY TN KY    
     John L. Son 3 1907 KY TN KY    
      Rebecca Mother 76 1834 TN TN TN Widow  

1920 Rockcastle CO KY      12 January 1920      Wildie

NORTHERN, Joseph Head 49 1871 TN KY KY
     Belle Wife 37 1883 KY KY KY
     Robert Son 20 1900 KY TN KY
     Bessie Dau 16 1904 KY TN KY
     John L. Son 14 1906 KY TN KY
     Frances Dau 6 1914 KY TN KY
     Rebecca J. Dau 4 3/12 1915 KY TN KY
     Sallie M. Dau 11/12 1919 KY TN KY

1930 Rockcastle CO KY      25 April 1930      Wildie

NORTHERN, Joe Head 56 1874 TN TN KY Married @ 19
    Belle Wife 46 1884 KY KY KY Married @ 14
    Robert Son 31 1899 KY TN KY  
    John L. Son 24 1906 KY TN KY Married @ 23
    Frances Dau 17 1913 KY TN KY  
    Sallie M. Dau 11 1919 KY TN KY  
    Hannia Dau in law 17 1913 IN IN IN Married @ 16


Daughter of
Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole
Margaret<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Margaret Scalf, daughter of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole was born about 1838 or 1839 in Clay County, Kentucky. Margaret married Felix Brown from Harlan, Kentucky December 25, 1857 in Clay County, Kentucky (Clay County, Kentucky Brides).(Link to Marriage License)  No further information is known.


 Daughter of
Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole
Nancy<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Nancy Scalf, daughter of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole was born about 1840 or 1841 in Clay County, Kentucky. She married Stephen Fields October 5, 1869 but no further information is known. Scalf Family History, page 162 states this was his fourth marriage and he was 65 years old. He may have died for Nancy was living at home again in 1860 and is listed as Nancy Fields, age 18.


Daughter of
Jesse Scalf & Polly Eversole
Mary A<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Mary Polly Ann Scalf, daughter of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole, was born about 1842 or 1843 in Clay County, Kentucky (census calculation). A descendant states her birth date as December 22, 1838. Mary died 1900 or 1910. The descendant states her marriage date was approximately 1858>Mary is not listed as a daughter of Jesse in Scalf Family History; however, Elmer Scalf listed that Martha Scalf married William Amburgey (Scalf Family History, page 162)

Mary Ann appears on the 1850 census of Clay County, Kentucky in the home of Jesse Scalf.

An excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family concerning the marriage of Martha Scalf to William Amburgey:

Other descendants of Jesse Scalf married into the Amburgey and Martin families of Leslie and Knott counties. One Martha (Polly) Scalf married William (Limpy Bill) Amburgey, ca 1860. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIII)

Email from an Amburgey descendant to Virgil Scalf:

Mary A. Scalf married William Amburgey from Letcher County, KY about 1860. There were several William Amburgeys in the Letcher/Knott County area, during the middle 1800s, and since the parents named their children after relatives, it was very common to have a William Amburgey in every generation. As a result, they received nicknames such as Limpy Bill, Hoppy, Fat, Little, Brother William, and Uncle William to distinguish which William they were talking about. William, the husband of Mary Ann Scalf, was crippled, due to a bite from a mad dog; so, he received the nickname Limpy Bill. Mary died between 1900 and 1910 and is buried in Francis Day Cemetery, Knott County, Kentucky. The cemetery is located outside the town of Hindman, Kentucky, and the grave is not marked. After Mary died, Bill went to live with his son Albert Amburgey and his wife Cassie Mullins Amburgey. (Amburgey descendant)

In an email to Bob Scalf, a descendant states the following concerning Mary A. Scalf:

Dear Bob.  In the book by Ed Scalf, I have a correction. In chapter: VIII Jesse Scalf- in the paragraph stating Children of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole and Elizabeth Collins------- the book lists one of their children as Martha Scalf married William Amburgey.  The name Martha is incorrect. The correct name is Mary Polly Ann Scalf. 

She did marry William Amburgey, that is correct.

She is my great great grandmother. I have been to her gravesite. She is buried in Francis Day Cemetary, Knott County, Kentucky. It is outside the town of Hindman, Kentucky. She is buried above her husband William H. Amburgey (known as Limpy Bill Amburgey) in the middle back of the cemetery. She has no tombstone that I know of, but someone erected a tombstone for her husband in the last few years. I have her dates as: born 12-22-1838, died 1900 or 1910. Marriage date: aprox 1858. Native of Tennessee; and Letcher Co Ky, Whitesburg, Kentucky. She is listed on page 3 in the Amburgey Ancestry in America book, written by Dorothy Amburgey Griffith, because she married an Amburgey. But I would like her to be listed correctly in the Scalf books. Perhaps no one can research her because she is listed incorrectly as Martha in Ed Scalf's book. Tho I hear she is listed as Mary A. Scalf in the Scalf household in a census before she married an Amburgey.

To my knowledge, I may be the only person who knows where she is buried, because my grandfather showed their graves to me in the 1980's.

I want to pass on this information so her family, the Scalfs and others know of her and where she is buried. Can you forward this info to the Scalf websites and others, so this information wont be lost. I have the names of her children and dates, etc also. She is my great great grandmother. Thank you. S. Wheatley (Email from Bob Scalf)

The author has tried (unsuccessfully) to contact S. Wheatley to obtain more information on the descendants of Mary Polly Ann Scalf Amburgey.

We cannot confirm or deny that Jesse had a daughter Martha; however, we are indebted to the above informant for their information concerning the marriage of Mary A. Scalf.

The family of William Limpy Bill Amburgey and Mary A. Scalf were followed on the census records through 1900.

1850 Clay CO KY     16 August 1850 

SCALF, Jesse M 37 (1813) VA
    Eliza F 24 (1826) KY
    Rebecca F 14 (1836) TN
    Margaret F 12 (1838) KY
    Nancy F 9 (1841) KY
    Mary A. F 7 (1843) KY
    Rhoda F 2 (1848) KY

1860 Letcher CO KY    5 July 1860     Whitesburg

AMBURGY, William H. M 24 1836 KY
      Mary F 19 1841 TN
      Elizabeth F 3/12 1860 KY

1870 Letcher CO KY    22 August 1870      Whitesburg

AMBURGEY, William M 34 1836 KY
      Mary F 32 1838 KY
      Elizabeth F 9 1861 KY
      John M 7 1863 KY
      Thomas M 6 1864 KY

It appears that Thomas born 1864 had died by the enumeration of the 1880 census for he was not listed in 1880. The next child Mary was born about 1866. There is a time span of about four years between John (1862) and Mary (1866) Thomas was born 1864. Alfred, Lourania (Louisiana?), Robert, Hiram and Lydia were born after Mary.

1880 Letcher CO KY    18 June 1880    Precinct 4

AMBURGY, William Head 43 1837 KY KY KY
     Mary Wife 40 1840 TN TN TN
     Elizabeth Dau 20 1860 KY KY TN
     John Son 18 1862 KY KY TN
     Mary Dau 14 1866 KY KY TN
     Alfred Son 13 1867 KY KY TN
     Lourania Dau 11 1869 KY KY TN
     Robert Son 9 1871 KY KY TN
     Hiram Son 7 1873 KY KY TN
     Lydia M. Dau 5 1875 KY KY TN

During the twenty-year time span between the 1880 and 1900 censuses, the children of William and Mary Scalf Amburgey had married and left home. There might have been some who died for two grandchildren were living in the home in 1900. Mary A. stated she had eighteen children with thirteen living. William and Mary had lost five children between 1860 and 1900.

1900 Knott CO KY      7 June 1900      District 2   Carr

AMBURGEY, William Head 62 Jun 1837 KY KY KY  
      Mary A. Wife 61 Mar 1839 KY KY KY 18 children born, 13 living
      William G-son Dec 1893 KY KY KY  
      Granvill G-son 4 May 1896 KY KY KY  

Mary A. Scalf Amburgey died sometime 1900 1910 and may have died during the year of 1900 after the enumeration of the census. By 1910 William Limpy Bill Amburgey was living in the home of his son Albert and wife Cassa and listed as widowed.

1910 Knott CO KY      25 April 1910    District 2   Lower Carr

AMBURGEY, Albert Head 43 1867 KY KY KY  
     Cassa Wife 42 1868 KY KY KY 8 children born, 7 living
     Mary Dau 17 1893 KY KY KY  
     John Son 15 1895 KY KY KY  
     Newton Son 13 1897 KY KY KY  
     Bernie Son 8 1902 KY KY KY  
     Estill  Son 6 1904 KY KY KY  
     Otis Son 3 1907 KY KY KY  
     Francie Dau 10/12 1909 KY KY KY  
AMBURGEY, Wm Father 74 1836 KY KY KY Widower


Son of
William Amburgey & Mart Polly Ann Scalf
Albert Amburgey<Mary Polly Ann Scalf<Jesse<John Scalf, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Albert Amburgey, son of William Amburgey and Mary Ann Scalf was born about 1866 or 1867 (census calculation) in Kentucky. Albert married Cassa (maiden name unknown). This family was found on the 1910 and 1920 Knott County, Kentucky censuses. We have no further information on this family. 

1910 Knott CO KY      25 April 1910    District 2   Lower Carr

AMBURGEY, Albert Head 43 1867 KY KY KY  
     Cassa Wife 42 1868 KY KY KY 8 children born, 7 living
     Mary Dau 17 1893 KY KY KY  
     John Son 15 1895 KY KY KY  
     Newton Son 13 1897 KY KY KY  
     Bernie Son 8 1902 KY KY KY  
     Estill  Son 6 1904 KY KY KY  
     Otis Son 3 1907 KY KY KY  
     Francie Dau 10/12 1909 KY KY KY  
AMBURGEY, Wm Father 74 1836 KY KY KY Widower

1920 Knott CO KY      10 January 1920   Precinct 6    Lower Carr

AMBURGEY, Albert Head 52 1868 KY KY KY
     Cassie Wife 51 1869 KY KY KY
     Bell Dau 27 1893 KY KY KY
     John J. Son 25 1895 KY KY KY
     Newton Son 22 1898 KY KY KY
     Bernie Son 18 1902 KY KY KY
     Estill Son 16 1904 KY KY KY
     Otis Son 13 1907 KY KY KY
     Franie Dau 10 1910 KY KY KY
GIBSON, Denver Nephew 10 1910 KY KY KY

1930 Knott CO KY     20 April 1930     District 3

AMBURGEY, Albert Head 63 1867 KY KY OH
      Cassie Wife 62 1868 KY KY KY
      Mary B. Dau 37 1893 KY KY KY
      Frona E. Dau 20 1910 KY KY KY
SMITH, Mamie Relative 61 1869 KY KY KY

Daughter of
Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole
Rhoda<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis

Rhoda Scalf, daughter of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole, was born about 1847 or 1848 in Clay County, Kentucky. Rhoda appears to have been the last child born to Jesse and Polly before Polly died. However, it is possible she could have been the first child of Jesse and Elizabeth Collins Scalf. We believe Rhoda died 1850-1860. No information has been found for Rhoda at this time.

Polly Eversole Scalf died before 1850 and Jesse remarried to Eliza Collins.


After the death of Polly Eversole Scalf, Jesse remarried to Eliza Collins. Scalf Family History states that Eliza was the daughter of Aaron Collins of Clay County but we have been unable to confirm this at this time.

The marriage bond of Jesse and Eliza states that Calvin Collins, whom the author believes might have been a relative of Eliza, signed the bond with Jesse June 23, 1849; however, we do not know if Jesse and Eliza married on this date or several days later. (Marriage Bond Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)


Jesse Scalf & Elizabeth Collins


THAT WE, Jesse Scalf and Calvin Collins are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the just and full sum of Fifty Pounds current money, to the true payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, & c. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this 23 day of June 1849. The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas there is a marriage shortly intended to be solemnized between the above bound Scalf and Eliza Collins of the County of Clay:---Now if there shall always appear that there is no legal obstruction to said marriage, then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue.  (Link to marriage bond)

     Test:                                               Jesse Scalf  (Seal)

                                                       Calvin Collins (Seal)

Scalf Family History,
page 162 also states that Jesse and Eliza had seven children and this included Eliza's son Eli. A total of 13 children are listed in Scalf Family History, page 162-163.  The author can only account for 11 children of Jesse Scalf from both marriages excluding Eli Collins. Recent information obtained from the pension file of Eli Collins reveals that Eli was not the son of Jesse Scalf.

The 1850 census of Jesse and Eliza Collins Scalf show five daughters in the home born before 1849. This was before the marriage of Jesse and Eliza if their ages are correct on this census. Jesse and Polly might have had several children that died.

There is a gap of approximately four years between Mary A. and Rhoda, the last two children, and it is possible that one or even two children could have been born during this time. Rebecca, oldest child of Jesse and Polly was born about 1836 according to the 1850 census.

It is stated in Scalf Family History that Eliza had a son Eli Collins by Jesse before their marriage. Elmer Scalf states that Eli's mother gave a true and accurate account of his background when he applied for his pension and this is correct, Eliza did give an accurate account of Eli Collins; however, she did not mention his father's name in the pension file.

Jesse Scalf and Eli Collins joined the 47th Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry -Union Army August 9, 1863. They were mustered in October 5, 1863 at Irvine, Kentucky. Jesse and Eli mustered out December 26, 1864 at Lexington, Kentucky. Jesse served as a Corporal in Company B and Eli served as a Private. (Adjutant General's Report Eli Collins, Line 10 Jesse Scalf, Line 39 > (Link to Adjutant General's List)

It appears that Eli Collins applied for his pension sometime around 1883 for the first correspondence with the Department of the Interior is dated May 24, 1883. (Pension File of Eli Collins) (Link to application)

The pension file of Eli Collins does not state on any of the papers reviewed by Virgil Scalf and the author that Eli was the son of Jesse Scalf. In fact, Jesse called him his stepson in the pension file, and Eli referred to Jesse as his stepfather (Link to document). Jesse also stated that Eli went by the name of Bolin part of the time and Collins part of the time before he and Eliza were married and after the marriage Eli used the name Scalf. He also stated that Eli was Eliza's son before their marriage. (Statement of Jesse Scalf Pension file of Eli Collins) (Link to File Statement of Jesse Scalf Pg. 1)

Neither Eliza, Jesse nor Eli named the father of Eli in the pension files. The fact that Eli Collins went by the Bolin name part of the time suggests to the author that his father was a Bolin. Eliza also stated that Eli was born out of wedlock. (Pension file of Eli Collins - Declaration for original pension for Eliza Collins Scalf, page 1 of 2)

Eli is shown on the 1860 census of Clay County in the home of Jesse and Eliza at the age of 13 and listed under Scalf. Eli was born about 1847 according to the census.

Eliza stated in the pension file that Eli was a very young boy of about 15 when he enlisted in the Civil War and this would calculate to a birth date of 1848. Eli was discharged December 28, 1864 at Lexington, Kentucky. (Pension file of Eli Collins - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to statement of Eliza Collins Scalf page 1 of 3)

Jesse stated in his deposition for the pension of Eli that Eli lived with them and helped with their support until he enlisted in the Army during the Civil War. Eliza made the statement that Jesse and Eli were both in the same regiment and company of the Union Army during the Civil War when Eli contracted measles from which he became very ill. He developed a dry, hacky cough afterwards and his health declined tremendously. He was unable to work for the majority of the next 20-25 years and succumbed to death on November 1, 1888 at the age of forty or forty-one. (Pension file of Eli Collins) (Link to statement of Eliza Collins Scalf page 1-3)

Note: In the pension file of Eli Collins, the name of Rachel Hayes is spelled Hacker. The author believes that Hacker might have been from a marriage after the divorce of Eli and Rachel. The pension office sent a request to Clay County requesting information on the marriages of Eli and the clerk responded with the following information suggesting that Rachel was the late Rachel Hacker. Late, could mean a recent marriage or death but we believe the meaning was intended as a recent marriage.

Eli married first to Christina Rhodes July 20, 1876. Eli and Christina divorced September 9, 1879. (Pension file of Eli Collins) (Link to Divorce - Christina Scalfe & Eli Scalfe
- page 1, page 2, & page 3)

I James Marcum Clerk of the County and State aforesaid that it offers from the Marriage Register in my office that there has been no marriage license issued to Eli Collins except to Christina Rhodes issued July 20th 1876 and to Rachel Hays late Rachel Hacker issued April the 27th 1885 given under my hand and seal of office the 23rd of October 1888.

                    Signed James Marcum Clerk

                    Clay County Court

It appears that Eli married under the name of Collins and divorced under the name of Scalf.

Eli's mother stated he then lived a widower for 8 or 9 years after this. However, we believe Eliza mistakenly used the word widower for no mention was made of a deceased wife. Eliza stated he then married Rachel Hacker (Hays) with whom he lived with from spring to fall when he was sentenced to 12 months in the penitentiary, which time he did not serve out because of spitting up blood. When he came back home his wife had taken up with another man. He got a divorce but never again married. (Statement of Eliza Collins Scalf Pension file of Eli Collins)

In her deposition, Eliza stated Rachel's name as Rachel Hacker again suggesting that at the time of Eliza's deposition Rachel had married to a Hacker. (Pension file of Eli Collins)

Eli married second to Rachel Hayes April 28, 1885 and Eli and Rachel divorced October 22, 1886. (Pension file of Eli Collins)  >(Marriage record - link to Eli and Rachel Hayes Clay Co)

Between his marriages, Eli lived with Margaret Radford. Margaret Radford and Eli Collins separated February of 1885 approximately one to two months before he married Rachel Hayes. Margaret then married Isaac Bolin on Christmas of 1885. Margaret also gave a deposition in support of Eli's mother to draw Eli's pension after his death. (Statement of Jesse Scalf - Pension file of Eli Collins (Link to statement of Jesse Scalf pg. 2) (Link to statement of Margaret Bowling - page 1 and page 2)

Unfortunately, the pension file did not state how many children Jesse had with his first wife Polly Eversole nor did it state how many children he had with Eliza Collins.

After Eli's death, Eliza then applied for the pension of her son. (Pension File of Eli Collins - deposition of Eliza pg. 1 of 3) (Link to deposition)

Jesse stated on the 1850 census that he was born in Virginia. On the 1860 census, he stated Tennessee, then on the 1870 census he stated Virginia again. By 1880, Jesse stated he was born in Kentucky. Note that Rebecca the first child of Jesse and Polly is listed as being born in Tennessee. Jesse and Polly could have gone to Tennessee before the enumeration of the 1850 census as Jesse did have family in Tennessee at this time.

1850 Clay CO, Kentucky Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 3
Qualified voter --- 1

1850 Clay CO KY     16 August 1850 

SCALF, Jesse M 37 (1813) VA
    Eliza F 24 (1826) KY
    Rebecca F 14 (1836) TN
    Margaret F 12 (1838) KY
    Nancy F 9 (1841) KY
    Mary A. F 7 (1843) KY
    Rhoda F 2 (1848) KY

Jesse was not found in Tennessee during the time Rebecca was born but this does not mean that he was not there. He may have simply been visiting family in Tennessee when Rebecca was born.

Elmer Scalf lists all the children from Jesse's marriage together in Scalf Family History, page 162. However, Elmer did not list Rhoda as a child of either Polly or Eliza. We have no records for verification but it is possible that Polly died in childbirth to Rhoda.

1851 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 4
Qualified voter --- 1

1852 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 4
Qualified voter --- 1

1854 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Red Bird Creek
Children --- 5
Qualified voter --- 1

On September 3, 1854 we find Jesse, Eliza and Rebecca Scalf appearing in court to sign bond in the amount of $100 to insure their appearance to testify for the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the kidnapping case of Elizabeth and Margaret Collins.


Submitted by Nell Dwyer

September 3, 1854 (Page 285, Vol 5)

The Commonwealth versus Margaret Collins and Elizabeth Collins

Being in custody, charged with the offense of stealing a child under the age of 10 years old and being admitted to bail in the sum of $100 we Amos Collins, Pleasant Sizemore and Benjamin Collins of Clay County freely undertake that the above named Elizabeth and Margaret Collins shall appear in the Clay Circuit Court on the first day of next April to answer said charge and shall at all times render themselves amenable to the orders hereof of said court in the prosecution of said charge and if named? perform whereof these conditions that we will pay the Commonwealth of Kentucky the sum of one hundred dollars.

Isaac McCollum, F. I. Gilbert, Gilbert Collins, Wm. M. McCollum, Calvin Collins, Claiborne Smith, Aggy Sizemore, Aaron Collins, Pleasant Sizemore, Eliza Scalf, Rebecca Scalf, Elizabeth Collins, Jesse Scalf and Mahala Woods each acknowledged themselves indebted to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the penal sum of $100 to be levied of their respected goods and chattels lands & tenements to the use of the Commonwealth rendered but to be void upon their appearance here on the first day of next term as witnesses for the Commonwealth against Margaret Collins and not depart without leave of the Court. > (Link to copy)

It should be noted here that a Susan Collins was also listed as a defendant; however, no information has been found to help us determine who this Susan Collins was or how she might have been involved in this case.

Jesse is then found on the tax lists with some tax lists missing.

1855 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $20
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 4
Qualified voter --- 1
Horse --- 2
Value of Horses --- $20

1856 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf

1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 5
Cattle --- 4
Hogs --- 7
Qualified voter --- 1

1857 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 3
Cattle --- 1
Qualified voter --- 1

Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 4
Cattle --- 3
Hogs --- 4
Qualified voter --- 1
Bushels of corn --- 150

1860 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 150 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Big Creek
Children --- 4
Cattle --- 4
Hogs --- 1
Qualified voter --- 1
Bushels of corn --- 50

1860 Clay CO KY     16 June 1860     Manchester

SCALF, Jessi M 49 1811 TN
   Eliza F 34 1826 Clay CO. KY
   Eli F 13 1847 Clay CO. KY
   Emaline F 10 1850 Clay CO. KY
   Ibia F 7 1853 Clay CO. KY
   Blackgrove M 4 1856 Clay CO. KY
   Millard M 1 1859 Clay CO. KY
FIELDS, Nancy F 18 1842 Clay CO. KY
SCALF, Mary A. F 17 1843 Clay CO. KY

In 1860 Eli Collins was living in the home of Jesse and Eliza Scalf at age 13. Emaline, Ibia, Blackgrove (aka Grover) and Millard, all children of Jesse and Eliza are in the home. Nancy Scalf Fields daughter of Jesse and Polly Eversole and her sister Mary A. Scalf were also in the home.

Note that Rhoda was not in the home of Jessie and Eliza in 1860 and should have been around 12 years old. This suggests that Rhoda died 1850-1860.

Jesse was then found on the tax lists of 1861 and 1862 but was not found again until 1866.

1861 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 100 acres
Value of land --- $25
Water Course --- Red Bird Creek
Children --- 4
Horse --- 1
Value of Horse --- $60
Qualified voter --- 1
Enrolled in Militia --- 1
Bushels of corn --- 150

1862 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21
Land --- 50 acres
Value of land --- $50
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares --- $50

The Civil War was beginning and Jesse answered the call as many of his family also did. Jesse joined Company B of the 47th Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry on August 9, 1863 along with his stepson Eli Collins. Jesse was discharged December of 1864. During his service, Jesse contracted piles and a hernia and filed for a pension February 24, 1880. Jesse stated that in the line of his duty at Big Hill January of 1863, he was taken down sick with piles. (Pension File of Jesse Scalf Pg. 3) (Link to Pension Application)

Jesse was denied the pension for which he applied 1880-1888. Jesse stated in 1885 that he was 73 years old suggesting a birth date of 1812.  

The next record of Jesse Scalf was his purchase of land in Clay County.


Jesse Scalf purchased a warrant from the Clay County Court, which authorized a survey for the land in question. After receiving the warrant and survey, the Land Office Division in Frankfort, Kentucky issued a patent on the tract of land to Jesse.  This warrant, a 50-acre tract of land - Patent #45915, was surveyed on August 26, 1866 and granted to Jesse on November 28, 1871. It was located on the Big Creek in Clay County, Kentucky.

Grantee:  Scalf, Jesse
Acres: 50         (Link to original document)
Book: 81
Page: 503
Survey Date: 8-28-1866
County: Clay
WaterCourse: Big Creek
Volume 1
Part 2
page 1663

Jesse was then found on the tax lists of 1866-1868.

1866 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

1867 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

1868 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

Very little information was obtained from these tax lists; however, they do show that Jesse was the only male over 21 years old in the home in these years. Jesse was then followed on the tax lists from 1870 through 1874.

1870 Clay CO KY     22 August 1870     District 32 Manchester

SCALF, Jesse M 53 1871  
   Liza F 44 1826  
   Ibby F 16 1854  
   Blackgrove M 13 1857  
   Millard M 11 1859  
   James M 7 1863  
   Dillan M 4 1866  

1870 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

1871 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

1872 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

1873 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

1874 Clay County, KY Tax List

Jesse Scalf
1 white male over 21

By 1880, Jesse and Eliza were living alone in Leslie County, Kentucky. Living nearby is an Eli Collins; however, this Eli Collins has his mother Susan Collins living in the home and is obviously not Eli, son of Eliza.

1880 Leslie CO KY      17 June 1880    District 61

SCALF, Jesse Head 68 1812 KY VA VA
     Liza Wife 49 1831 KY VA KY

Jesse filed for his military pension February 24, 1880 based on an inguinal hernia and piles contracted during the war. In 1882 his military service was questioned but later resolved. Jesse stated that he had not been able to perform manual labor since he discovered his hernia while on the road to his home after his discharge. He stated he made himself a truss and wore it daily. (Pension File of Jesse Scalf Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

From 1880 to 1888, Jesse filed numerous claims for his pension benefits due to piles and an inguinal hernia received in service. Jesse's pension was rejected because the pension commission determined that Jesse had piles before his service. Dr. S. G. Reid of Manchester examined Jesse in July of 1888 and stated that he was severely diseased with piles and a hernia so that he was unfit for any manual service. (Pension File of Jesse Scalf)

Jesse Scalf also stated in his deposition for Eli's pension that he (Jesse) had never been very stout and was often down sick. He did not know what ailed him but guessed it was from weakness. He said that his parents told him he never even took a step until he was around seven years old. (Pension File of Eli Collins) (Link Eliza Scalf pension package fm Jesse Scalf 1 of 2)

The pension file of Jesse Scalf reveals that Jesse was unable to do very much physical labor due to his health. It was reported in one of the depositions that Jesse was very thin and had never been able to provide an adequate amount of support for his family. Eliza stated in her deposition that Jesse was not able to send her much money during his military service due to his having to support his first family. Eliza, no doubt, had a hard life but remained with Jesse until the end.

Jesse received his pension in 1888 but died seven years later on December 18, 1895. (Pension File of Jesse Scalf) (Link to document)

Although we do not have a specific date of death for Eliza Collins Scalf, we are assuming she died January 1902. A notification was sent to the Commissioner of Pensions January 21, 1902 notifying the office that the pensioner had died. She was last paid August 4, 1900 and may have died 1901; however, she most likely died in the same month the letter was sent by Mr. A.B. Coombs, Pension Agent of Louisville, Kentucky. (Pension file of Eli Collins)  >(Link to Pension package Eli Collins - Pensioner dropped)



From the writings of Henry P. Scalf we find the following information concerning the children of Jesse and Eliza:

According to records of birth in Clay County in the 1850's, an infant with no name given it was born to Jesse and Elizabeth (Eliza) Scalf, July 9, 1854 and a son, Ashberry, was born Jan. 21, 1856. The birth of Ashberry corresponds to the birth year of Blackstone. The discrepancy remains unsolved but is probably chargeable to the laxity of the clerks or census enumerators. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIII)

Considering the discrepancies in the census records, this may or may not have been Ibia who appears to have been born 1853 according to the census record of 1860. Blackstone mentioned by Henry was Blackgrove or Grover, as he was commonly known.

Children from census records:

  1) Emeline Scalf
  2) Ibia
  3) Blackgrove (Grover)
  4) Millard
  5) James
  6) Dillan

 Daughter of
Jesse Scalf and Eliza Collins
Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Emeline Scalf, daughter of Jesse Scalf and Eliza Collins was born about 1850 and was most likely the first child of Jesse and Eliza Collins Scalf. She married Solomon North April 24, 1871 in Clay County, Kentucky. (Clay Co. Kentucky Marriage Index)

Emeline Scalf Northern was found on the 1880 Leslie County, Kentucky census as head of house suggesting that Solomon had died before 1880. A son George is listed on the 1880 census with a birth date calculating to 1871. The next son was David born 1873 (census calculation). Although her son David is listed on the census as David Northern, it is uncertain if David was born a Northern or a Scalf.

A David Scalf was found on the Vital Statistics for Clay County, Kentucky born 1874. His mother is listed as Emeline Scalf. This appears to be Emeline, daughter of Jesse and Eliza Collins Scalf. The father of David was not listed; therefore we assume David was born after the death of Emeline's husband. The next son Jasper was born 1875 (census calculation).

It is possible there was a mistake made on the Vital Statistics of Clay County, Kentucky concerning David's father; however, David used the name Scalf and by this we can only speculate that he was born out of wedlock if this is the correct David Scalf.

We have no further information on this family; however, a death certificate was found for George Northern, son of John and Emeline.

(Link to Death Certificate of George Northern)

1880 Leslie CO KY      18 June 1880

NORTHERN, Emaline Head 30 1850 KY VA KY
     George Son 9 1871 KY TN KY
     David Son 7 1873 KY VA KY
      Jasper Son 5 1875 KY VA KY


Son of
Emeline Scalf
George Northern<Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf


 George Northern , the son of Emeline Scalf was born about 1871 in Leslie County, Kentucky.

1910 Leslie CO KY        23 April 1910      Hyden 

NORTHERN, Gerge Head 50 1860 KY KY KY Married 20 years
     Nacra Wife 50 1860 KY KY KY 13 born, 7 living
     John Son 15 1895 KY KY KY  
     Joe Son 10 1900 KY KY KY  
     Polly Dau 8 1902 KY KY KY  
     Dartie Dau 6 1904 KY KY KY  

1920 Leslie CO KY        19 January 1920          Big Creek

NORTHERN, George Head 61 1859 KY KY KY
     Jackie Wife 55 1865 KY KY KY
     John Son 24 1896 KY KY KY
     Joe Son 19 1901 KY KY KY
     Polly Dau 17 1903 KY KY KY
      Dartie Dau 14 1906 KY KY KY
      Martha Dau 10 1910 KY KY KY

1940 Leslie CO KY       2 May 194         District 1

NORTHERN, George Head 69 1871 KY  
      Nacky Wife 68 1872 KY  
HOWARD, Dartie Dau 37 1903 KY Widow
     Odley  G-dau 12 1928 KY  
     Bill G-son 9 1931 KY  
     Walter G-son 5 1935 KY  


Son of
Emeline Scalf
David<Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

David Scalf has been difficult to place with the correct family group. There is a strong possibility that David is the son of Emeline Scalf, daughter of Jesse Scalf and Polly Eversole. Emeline was married to Solomon North/Northern. Solomon's surname was listed on the marriage index of Clay County, Kentucky as NORTH; however, Emeline is listed as Emeline NORTHERN on the census records. We are uncertain which is correct.

(Link to David Scalf birth data)

There is a good possibility that Emeline and David used her maiden name of Scalf after Emeline's husband died. On the Vital Statistics for Clay CO, KY, there is this entry:

SCALF, David
Birthdate: 3-10-1874
Birthplace: Clay CO, KY
Father: no name given
Mother: Emaline SCALF
Birthplace: Clay CO, KY
Residence: Clay CO, KY (Courtesy Joyce Taylor Collins Email to Virgil Scalf)

Due to the information listed above, David Scalf will be shown as the son of Emeline Scalf until additional evidence is found to clearly identify his parents.

David married Adaline Sizemore April 22, 1893 in Leslie County, Kentucky. (Leslie County, Kentucky Marriages)

David and Adeline were found on the 1900-1920 census records of Clay County, Kentucky.

1900 Clay CO KY        7 June 1900    BIG CREEK

SCALF, David Head 26 1874 KY KY KY  
     Addie Wife 29 1871 KY KY KY  
     Ary Dau 6 1894 KY KY KY  (Laura Scalf)
     Blackburn Son 4 1896 KY KY KY  
     Jahazy Son 1 1899 KY KY KY  

1910 Clay CO KY         28 April 1910      District #5  Otter Creek

SCALF, David Head 34 1876 KY KY KY  
    Ada Wife 37 1873 KY KY KY  
    Arry Dau 16 1894 KY KY KY  (Laura Scalf)
    Blackburn Son 13 1897 KY KY KY  
    Hazy J. Son 11 1899 KY KY KY  
    Hilda Dau 8 1902 KY KY KY  

1920 Clay CO KY  6-7 January 1920    Goose Rock Precinct #8

SCALF, David F. Head 47 1873 KY KY KY  
    Adeline Wife 48 1872 KY KY KY  
HOSKINS, Ida Dau 17 1903 KY KY KY  
SCALF, Florence G-dau 2 1/12 1917 KY KY KY (Daughter of Blackburn Scalf)

Daughter of
David Scalf & Adeline Sizemore
Laura<David<Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Laura Scalf, the daughter of David Scalf & Adeline Sizemore was born February 17, 1894 and died July 27, 1984. Laura was married four times. The names of the first, second and third husbands are unknown. Laura married her fourth husband, Rufus B. Sizemore, on March 24, 1958 in Jonesville, Virginia.

(Link to marriage document)

1900 Clay CO KY        7 June 1900        BIG CREEK

SCALF, David Head 26 1874 KY KY KY  
     Addie Wife 29 1871 KY KY KY  
     Ary Dau 6 1894 KY KY KY  (Laura Scalf)
     Blackburn Son 4 1896 KY KY KY  
     Jahazy Son 1 1899 KY KY KY  

1910 Clay CO KY      28 April 1910        District #5  Otter Creek

SCALF, David Head 34 1876 KY KY KY  
    Ada Wife 37 1873 KY KY KY  
    Arry Dau 16 1894 KY KY KY  (Laura Scalf)
    Blackburn Son 13 1897 KY KY KY  
    Hazy J. Son 11 1899 KY KY KY  
    Hilda Dau 8 1902 KY KY KY  


Birth: February 17, 1894
Death: July 27, 1984

Laura Scalf Sizemore, age 90, born February 17, 1894, died July 27, 1984 at the St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, of a 5-month illness. She was the daughter of Addine Sizemore and Dave Scalf, and had been a resident of Hyden, Kentucky for the past 52 years. Laura was a member of the Church of Christ, and by occupation was a coal hauler and housewife. Laura was preceded in death by her husband, Rufus Sizemore. Survivors included, 1 son, R. B. Sizemore of Hobbs, New Mexico. Funeral Services were held July 31, 1984 at the Hurts Creek Church of Christ with Vance Bowling officiating. Burial was in the Hurricane Cemetery near Hyden, KY. 



Son of
David Scalf & Adeline Sizemore
William<David<Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

William Blackburn Scalf, son of David Scalf and Adeline Sizemore was born June 1, 1894 in Leslie County, Kentucky. David married Margaret Wooten in Highland Falls, New York while serving in the Army at West Point. William was twenty years old and Margaret was sixteen.

(Link to William Scalf and Margaret Wooten marriage document)

Margaret Wooten Scalf died August 8, 1925 and William remarried to Laura Campbell. (Link to Margaret Wooten Scalf death certificate)

William and Margaret had one known child, Florence born about 1917 (census calculation).

William and Laura had two known daughters, Marjorie and Anna F. Scalf. There also might have been other children.

WWI Registration Card

Name: William Blackburn Scalf
Age: 24
Home Address: Spring Creek, KY  (Link to original document)
Date of Birth: June 1, 1894
Born: Leslie CO, KY
Nearest relative: David Scalf
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: August 29, 1918

1920 Clay CO KY     9 February 1920   Precinct 19  Flat Creek

SCALF, William Blackburn Head 23 1897 KY KY KY
(Wooten), Margaret   Wife 20 1900 NY NY NY  
     Florence Dau 2 4/12 1917 KY KY KY
     James Son 4/12 1919 KY KY KY 
HOSKINS, Ida     Sister 18 1902 KY KY KY
TREY, Della 2nd Cousin Ukn Ukn KY KY KY (Grey?)

1930 Perry CO KY     2 April 1930      Masons Creek

SCALF, Bill B. Head 33 1897 KY KY KY
(Campbell), Laura Wife 23 1907 KY KY KY  
     Marjorie Dau 2 4/12 1927 KY KY KY
     Anna F. Dau 9/12 1929 KY KY KY
HALL, Mary Servant 18 1912 KY KY KY

1940 Perry CO KY      2 April 1940       Masons Creek

SCALF, Laura Head 33 1907 KY
   Marjie Yvonne Dau 12 1928 KY
   Anna Fay Dau 10 1930 KY
   Flave Juanita Dau 9 1931 KY
   Troy Blackburn Son 6 1934 KY (Link to death certificate)
   Charlie Beckner Son 5 1935 KY

When the 1940 census was taken, William and Laura are not living together. William has moved to Louisville, KY, and Laura remained at home with the children. They may be separated or he went to the large city for a job. William is a carpenter with a construction contractor, and this separation is probably job related.

1940 Jefferson CO KY       11 April 1940     Louisville

SCALF, William B. Lodger 39 1901 KY

Laura Campbell Scalf died very young at the age of 34 from cancer.

(Link to death certificate for Jimie Scalf ~ 1927)

(Link to death certificate for Margaret Scalf ~ 1925)

(Link to marriage with Nora Gray ~ 1925)

(Link to death certificate for Laura Campbell Scalf ~ 1941)

Son of
William Blackburn Scalf & Nora Gray
Ray<William<David<Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Ray Scalf, the son of William Blackburn Scalf & Nora Gray, was born on October 2, 1926 and died November 20, 1999. Ray was married to (1) Frances Alice Davis (2) Joyce Landers.

(Link to Frances Alice Scalf death certificate)

1940 Clay CO KY        8 April 1940       Hima

SCALF, James Head 31 1909 KY
    Della Wife 30 1910 KY
    Edith Dau 10 1930 KY
    Doris Dau 8 1932 KY
    Earl Son 6 1934 KY
    Liney Dau 4 1936 KY
    Zual Son 1 1939 KY
LAWSON, Mittie Servant 20 1920 KY
SCALF, Ray Nephew 13 1927 KY


Ray Scalf, 73, died Nov. 20, 1999, at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. He was born on Oct. 2, 1926, in Clay County, Ky., the son of Blackburn and Nora (Gray) Scalf, both now deceased.

He was a member of the Mormon Church in Anderson and also attended New Hope Baptist Church in Lawrence. Ray played blue grass music with his own band, the Clay County Travelers. He had been employed at Wayne Works in Richmond, retiring in 1988. He also transported cars for David Sizemore's car lot, Fortville.

Survivors include his wife, Joyce (Landers) Scalf of Ingalls; two daughters, Cathy Thompson of Richmond and Kelly Gawthrop of Syracuse; his son, Daniel Scalf of Richmond; two stepdaughters, Barbra Needham of Pendleton and Regina Shaffer of Indianapolis; 17 half-brothers and half-sisters; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, officiated by the Revs. Ron Smith and Jack Cornwell. Burial will be in Mendon Cemetery in Pendleton.

Visitation hours are from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday at Ronald L. Seals Funeral Home in Fortville. 

Daughter of
David Scalf & Adeline Sizemore
Jay Hazel<David<Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Jay Hazel Scalf (Birdie), the daughter of David Scalf & Adeline Sizemore was born February 12, 1899 in Clay County, Kentucky. Jay Hazel was listed as the son of David Scalf on the 1900 and 1910 census. We do not know why this error occurred. She was listed on the 1900 and 1910 censuses as Jahazy and Hazy J., and this unusual name could have contributed to the misunderstanding. Jay Hazel was not found on the 1930 census. Jahazy married John Thomas Lawson.

(Link to Jay Hazel (Birdie) Lawson death certificate)

Children of JaHazel Scalf & John Lawson:

  1. Blackburn Lawson - born December 1, 1922 & died March 30, 1923. (Link to death certificate)
  2. William Lawson - born about 19332
  3. Fannie Lawson - born about 1934
  4. Anna Lawson - born about 1937



1900 Clay CO KY        7 June 1900    BIG CREEK

SCALF, David Head 26 1874 KY KY KY
     Addie Wife 29 1871 KY KY KY
     Ary Dau 6 1894 KY KY KY
     Blackburn Son 4 1896 KY KY KY
     Jahazy Son (Dau) 1 1899 KY KY KY

1910 Clay CO KY  28 April 1910   District #5  Otter Creek

SCALF, David Head 34 1876 KY KY KY  
    Ada Wife 37 1873 KY KY KY  
    Arry Dau 16 1894 KY KY KY  
    Blackburn Son 13 1897 KY KY KY  
      Hazy J. Son (Dau) 11 1899 KY KY KY  
    Hilda Dau 8 1902 KY KY KY  

1920 Clay CO KY          12 February 1920          Flat Creek

LAWSON, John Head 24 1896 KY KY KY Farm
    Jahazy Wife 21 1899 KY KY KY  
    Ara Dau 2 1918 KY KY KY  
    America Dau 6/12 1919 KY KY KY  

1940 Bell CO KY          13 May 1940             Fern Lake

LAWSON, John Head 44 1896 KY Barber
   Jahazy  Wife 40 1900 KY  
   Billy Son 8 1932 KY  
   Fanny Dau 6 1934 KY  
   Anna Dau 3 1937 KY  


Daughter of
David Scalf & Adeline Sizemore
Ida<David<Emeline<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Ida Scalf, the daughter of David Scalf & Adeline Sizemore was born about 1902 in Clay County, Kentucky. Ida married (1) ______ Hopkins.

1910 Clay CO KY         28 April 1910         District #5  Otter Creek

SCALF, David Head 34 1876 KY KY KY  
    Ada Wife 37 1873 KY KY KY  
    Arry Dau 16 1894 KY KY KY  (Laura Scalf)
    Blackburn Son 13 1897 KY KY KY  
    Hazy J. Son 11 1899 KY KY KY  
    Hilda Dau 8 1902 KY KY KY  

1920 Clay CO KY         6-7 January 1920          Goose Rock Precinct #8

SCALF, David F. Head 47 1873 KY KY KY  
    Adeline Wife 48 1872 KY KY KY  
HOSKINS, Ida Dau 17 1903 KY KY KY  
SCALF, Florence G-dau 2 1/12 1917 KY KY KY (Daughter of Blackburn Scalf)

1920 Clay CO KY      9 February 1920            Precinct 19  Flat Creek

SCALF, William Blackburn Head 23 1897 KY KY KY
(Wooten), Margaret   Wife 20 1900 NY NY NY  
     Florence Dau 2 4/12 1917 KY KY KY
     James Son 4/12 1919 KY KY KY 
HOSKINS, Ida     Sister 18 1902 KY KY KY
TREY, Della 2nd Cousin Ukn Ukn KY KY KY   (Grey?)

1930 Clay CO KY       16 April 1930             District 7

LAWSON, Tom Head 26 1904 KY KY KY married @ 22
   Ida Wife 28 1902 KY KY KY married @ 24
   Ambros Son 4 1926 KY KY KY  
   Bent Son 3 1927 KY KY KY  
   Enos Step son 7 1923 KY KY KY  
    Annalee Step-dau 11 1929 KY KY KY  

1940 Clay CO KY        24 April 1940           District 4

LAWSON, Tom Head 34 1905 KY Widower
   Ambers Son 15 1925 KY  
   Grant Son 9 1931 KY  
   George Son 7 1933 KY  
   Arko Son 5 1935 KY  
> > >


Daughter of
Jesse Scalf & Eliza Collins
Ibby V<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Ibby or Ibia as she was listed on the census, was born about 1853 or 1854 in Clay County, Kentucky. She married George Houf on June 6, 1871 in Clay County, Kentucky and later married Henry Newberry Smith April 17, 1879 in Clay County Kentucky.

We believe George Houf died or they divorced before 1880.

1880 Clay CO KY     10 June 1880    District 4

SMITH, Newberry Head 30 1840 KY NC KY
     Ibby Wife 25 1855 KY TN KY
     Rosa Dau 10 1870 KY KY KY
     Lucinda Dau 8 1872 KY KY KY
     Jesse Son 4 1876 KY KY KY
     Martha Dau 2 1878 KY KY KY
     John L. Son 1 1879 KY KY KY

Note: Ibby (Scalf) Houf Smith died before the 1900 census was enumerated. Her second husband Newberry Smith was found in the home of their son Jesse in 1900. Newberry remarried 1900-1910 to Lucinda (maiden name unknown) and they were found on the 1910 census with a daughter Minnie.

1900 Clay CO KY     26 June 1900    Otter Creek Precinct

SMITH, Jesse Head 23 Aug 1876 KY KY KY  
   Lucinda Wife 25 Mar 1875 KY KY KY 3 children born, 3 living
   John H. Son 5 Jan 1895 KY KY KY  
   Parlee Dau 3 Feb 1897 KY KY KY  
   Floyd Son 1 Sep 1898 KY KY KY  
   Newberry Father 55 May 1845 KY KY KY  


1910 Clay CO KY     11 May 1910    District 4

SMITH, Newberry Head 63 1847 KY KY KY  
    Lizzie Wife 22 1888 KY KY KY 1 child born, 1 living
    Minnie Dau 8/12 1909 KY KY KY  


Son of
Henry Newberry Smith & Ibby Vine Scalf
Jesse Smith<Ibby V<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Jesse Smith son of Henry Newberry Smith and Ibby Vine Scalf was born about 1876 (census calculation) in Kentucky. Jesse was married to Lucinda (maiden name unknown) in 1900; however, Lucinda apparently died or they divorced and Jesse remarried to Maggie Fail Garland, we believe 1900-1905.

Hubert on the 1910 census was born about 1900 and might have been the last child of Jesse and Lucinda as there is a five-year time span between his birth date and the birth date of Nola Smith born 1905. John Henry, son of Jesse and Lucinda was living in the home.

1900 Clay CO KY     26 June 1900    Otter Creek Precinct

SMITH, Jesse Head 23 Aug 1876 KY KY KY  
   Lucinda Wife 25 Mar 1875 KY KY KY 3 children born, 3 living
   John H. Son 5 Jan 1895 KY KY KY  
   Parlee Dau 3 Feb 1897 KY KY KY  
   Floyd Son 1 Sep 1898 KY KY KY  
   Newberry Father 55 May 1845 KY KY KY  

1910 Clay CO KY     10 May 1910    District 4

SMITH, Jesse Head 34 1876 KY KY KY  
(Garland), Maggie Wife 25 1885 KY KY KY 4 children born, 4 living
    Hubert   Son 10 1900 KY KY KY  
    Nola Dau 5 1905 KY KY KY  
    Isabelle   Dau 3 1907 KY KY KY  
    Pearl Son 6/12 1909 KY KY KY  
    John Henry Son 15 1895 KY KY KY  

Jesse Smith died November 10, 1913 in Bell CO, KY. (Link to death certificate)

Son of
Jesse Smith & Maggie Garland
Pearl<Jesse Smith<Ibby V<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Pearl Smith, son of Jesse Smith and Maggie Garland, was born about 1910. His mother, Maggie, died a year later and his sisters, Isabel and Nola (Twins) were sent to an orphanage and not heard from again. Pearl was an infant at when his mother died and grew up thinking his father abandoned them. It was not known until the wife of his grandson obtained a death certificate for Pearl revealing that he died of tuberculosis. Although it is unknown if Pearl was admitted to the T.B. Sanitarium, it is likely that he was. He probably remained there until his death in 1913; therefore, Pearl died not knowing that not only his mother, but his father as well, had died of tuberculosis. His mother died in 1911 and his father in 1913.

Pearl was found living with his aunt, Martha (Margaret) also known as Maggie, in 1920 Rockcastle County, Kentucky.

1920 Rockcastle CO KY        23 January 1920         Pinehill

MINK, Charlie Head 46 1874 KY KY KY
   Martha Wife 41 1879 KY KY KY
SMITH, Pearl   Adopted son 10 1910 KY KY KY

Note: Jesse and Maggie Fail Garland Smith had three children.

An email message sent to Virgil Scalf from a Smith descendant:

Maggie Smith died in 1911 and the twin daughters Isabel and Nola were sent to an orphanage never to be heard of again.

Their one son, Pearl, was just an infant at the time of her death and was raised by his Aunt Martha/Margaret Smith Mink.  Pearl grew up & died thinking that his father abandoned him. He knew his mother had died and that his two sisters were orphaned.  His daughter Edith Smith (Mink) (my mother-in-law) and her other siblings also had no clue as to what happen to Jesse.

Finally, I found Jesse's death certificate and he died in 1913 of TB. For some reason he was never told that his father had died. The only thing I can guess is that because both of his parents died from TB which at the time must have had a stigma like AIDS does today this fact was kept from him.

Another sad fact is that Jesse was buried in Cary Cemetery without the services of an undertaker the day following his death.  (Smith descendant - courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Daughter of
Henry Newberry Smith & Ibby Vine Scalf
Martha Smith<Ibby V<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Martha Smith, the sister of of Jesse Smith and the wife of Charlie Mink, adopted Pearl Smith, the son of Jesse Smith. Unfortunately, Martha died a few years later from tuberculosis.

1920 Rockcastle CO KY        23 January 1920         Pinehill

MINK, Charlie Head 46 1874 KY KY KY
   Martha Wife 41 1879 KY KY KY
SMITH, Pearl Adopted son 10 1910 KY KY KY

Martha Smith Mink died June 20, 1924 from tuberculosis. (Link to death certificate)

Daughter of
Henry Newberry Smith & Ibby Vine Scalf
America Smith<Ibby V<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

America Smith, daughter of Henry Newberry Smith and Ibby Vine Scalf, was born about 1886 in Clay County, KY and died April 11, 1927 in Bell County, KY. America married Abiga Allen.

(Link to death certificate of America Smith Allen)

Children of America Smith and Abiga Allen:

  1) Chester Allen
  2) Delia Allen
  3) James Allen
  4) General Allen
  5) Charles Allen
  6) Ellis Allen
  7) John H. Allen
  8) Martha Allen

1910 Bell CO KY        3 May 1910        Pineville

ALLEN, Abiga Head 52 1858 KY KY KY Married 2 times  
     America Wife 25 1885 KY KY KY Married 1 time for 10 years 4 children born, 4 living
     Chester   Son 8 1902 KY KY KY    
     Delia Dau 4 1906 KY KY KY    
     James Son 1 11/12 1908 KY KY KY    
     General Son 1/12 1910 KY KY KY    

1920 Bell CO KY        10 & 12 January 1910        Precinct 8

ALLEN, Abiga Head 71 1859 KY IN KY
   America Wife 34 1886 KY KY KY
   General Son 9 1911 KY KY KY
   Charles Son 7 1913 KY KY KY
   Ellis Son 5 1915 KY KY KY
   John H. Son 4 8/12 1915 KY KY KY
   Martha Dau 1 4/12 1918 KY KY KY


Son of
Jesse Scalf & Eliza Collins
Blackgrove<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Blackgrove Scalf (aka Grover) son of Jesse Scalf and Eliza Collins was born about 1857 in Clay County, Kentucky. He married Margaret Akman (Ackman?) December 14, 1876 in Clay County, Kentucky. (Link to marriage document)

By 1880, Blackgrove or Grover as he was also known, was living in Leslie County, Kentucky and is listed as head of house in 1880. It is unknown whom Margaret had married prior to her marriage to Blackgrove but her son, Spencer Akemon is living in the home in 1880. A Malinda Couch is also in the home listed as a servant. Her relationship to this family, if any, is also unknown.

Blackgrove Grover is believed to have died 1900-1910. His wife Margaret Akemon Scalf remarried to David Asher and was found on the 1910 census of Clay County, Kentucky. > (Link to marriage document)

1880 Leslie CO KY      18 June 1880     District #2

SCALF, Black G. Head 28 1852 KY VA KY
(Akeman), Margaret Wife 21 1859 KY KY KY
      Mary J. Dau 1 1879 KY KY KY
AKEMON, Spencer Step-son 4 1876 KY KY KY  Died November 9, 1914
COUCH, Malinda Servant 13 1867 KY KY KY

Note: Spencer Akemon was using the surname Scalf when he died in 1914.> (Link to death certificate)

William Gray and Mary Scalf were married on April 1, 1898. > (Link to marriage certificate)  

I believe the Mary Scalf in the home of Blackgrove Scalf during the 1880 census and the Mary Scalf that married William Gray are the same person. I based this belief on the age of Mary on the 1880 and 1900 census and the important connection between Spencer Akemon, the son of Blackgrove's wife Margaret, who was listed in the 1880 census and the Spencer Scalf, who is listed on the Marriage Certificate of William Gray and Mary Scalf, plus the 1894 school Record listed below. Apparently, Spencer's surname was changed to Scalf as he grew older. (Virgil)

1894 Clay County, Kentucky School Record
School number: 67
School Census completed: April 31, 1894

Parent Children
Blackgrove Scalf Spencer 16
  Mary 13
  Filix 12
  Nancy 7

1900 Clay CO KY     23 June 1900     Otter Creek Precinct

SCALF, Blackgrobe Head 47 1853 KY KY KY
    Margaret Wife 44 1856 KY KY KY
    Nancy Dau 13 1887 KY KY KY
    Shelby Son 9 1891 KY KY KY
    Manford Son 6 1894 KY KY KY
    Robert Son 3 1897 KY KY KY
    Felix Son 16 1884 KY KY KY

1910 Clay CO KY     28 April 1910      Otter Creek Precinct

ASHER, David Head 75 1835 KY KY KY  
(Akeman), Margaret Wife 50 1860 KY KY KY 10 children born, 2 living

Note: Margaret Akeman Scalf married David Asher on July 3, 1907.  (Link to marriage document)

Daughter of
Blackgrove Scalf & Margaret Akemon
Mary<Blackgrobe<Jesse<John Scalf, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Mary B. Scalf, daughter of Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akemon was born about 1859 in Kentucky. The author agrees with Virgil Scalf concerning the marriage of Mary Scalf to William Gray (See note of Virgil Scalf below)

1880 Leslie CO KY      18 June 1880     District #2

SCALF, Black G. Head 28 1852 KY VA KY
(Akeman), Margaret Wife 21 1859 KY KY KY
      Mary J. Dau 1 1879 KY KY KY
AKEMON, Spencer Step-son 4 1876 KY KY KY  Died November 9, 1914
COUCH, Malinda Servant 13 1867 KY KY KY

William Gray and Mary Scalf were married on April 1, 1898. (See insert below) I believe the Mary Scalf in the home of Blackgrove Scalf during the 1880 census and the Mary Scalf that married William Gray are the same person. I based this belief on the age of Mary on the 1880 and 1900 census and the important connection between Spencer Akemon, the son of Blackgrove's wife Margaret, in the 1880 census and the Spencer Scalf, who is listed on the Marriage Certificate of William Gray and Mary Scalf, plus the 1894 school Record listed below. I believe Spencer's surname was changed to Scalf as he grew older. (Virgil Scalf)

Transcribed copy of William Gray and Mary Scalf Marriage Documents.  

Clay Co. Ky Marriages (book)
William Gray & Mary Scalf
bond date: 31 Mar 1898
marriage: 01 April 1898

(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

(Link to marriage documents)

1900 Clay CO KY     13 June 1900    Big Creek

GRAY, William Head 27 May 1873 KY KY KY  
(Scalf), Mary B. Wife 19 Feb 1881 KY KY KY 1 child born, 1 living
    General Son 1 1/12 Jul 1899 KY KY KY  
    Fletcher Son 6 Dec 1893 KY KY KY  

Tradition states that William killed Mary by strangulation when General, the son of William and Mary, was a young boy. When the 1910 census was taken William Gray was married to Fayeta (Fadie) Estep-Davidson-Collins-Gray.

1910 Clay CO KY     9 & 10 May 1910      Big Creek

GRAY, William Head 37 1873 KY KY KY (Third marriage)
(Estep), Fedy Wife 36 1874 KY KY KY (Second marriage)
(Davidson), Martha Dau 16 1894 KY KY KY  
(Collins), Boyd Son 10 1900 KY KY KY  
     General Son 8 1902 KY KY KY  
     Emma Dau 1 1/12 1909 KY KY KY  

1920 Clay CO KY     10 January 1920      Manchester

GREY, William Head 52 1868 KY KY KY
    Fayette Wife 39 1881 KY KY KY
    General Son 20 1900 KY KY KY
    Emma  Dau 10 1910 KY KY KY
COLLINS, Boyd Step-son 22 1898 KY KY KY
GREY, Matt     Son 7 1913 KY KY KY
WOMBLES, James Step-son (in law) 37 1883 KY KY KY
    Martha  Step dau 28 1892 KY KY KY
    Mollie Step-granddau 7 1913 KY KY KY
    William Step grandson 3 1917 KY KY KY
COLLINS, Laura Step dau in law 17 1903 KY KY KY


Son of
William Gray & Betty Scalf
General Gray<Mary Scalf<Blackgrobe<Jesse<John Scalf, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

General Gray, son of Betty Scalf and William Gray, was born July 31, 1898 in Kentucky. General registered for the draft of WWI at the age of 20. A description of General from his draft registration card states that he was of medium build and had brown hair and blue eyes. General was living at Spring Creek (Clay Co) Kentucky when he registered. General married Rachel (maiden name unknown) and they were found on the 1930 Clay County, Kentucky census with two children; Feliz and Golda. We have no further information on General.

1930 Clay CO KY     4 April 1930      District 1

GRAY, General Head 30 1900 KY KY KY
     Rachel Wife 24 1906 KY KY KY
     Felix Son 5 1925 KY KY KY
     Golda Dau 3 1927 KY KY KY

WWI Registration Card

Name: General Gray          (Link to original record)
Age: 20
Home Address: Spring Creek, Clay CO, KY
Date of Birth: July 31, 1898
Nearest relative: William Gray - Spring Creek, Clay CO, KY
Employed: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918



Son of
Blackgrove Scalf & Margaret Akmon
Felix<Blackgrove<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis 

Felix Scalf, son of Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman was born about 1884 or 1885 in Kentucky. The 1910 census of Clay County lists a Felix Scalf twice. He is first listed as head of house in the enumeration taken April 28, 1910 at Otter Creek and listed again a few weeks later in May at Upper Red Bird in the home of Richard Bowling. These two census records suggest that Martha might have died between the enumerations of these two census records or they were separated.

In Scalf Family History, page 164, it is listed that he married first to Lula Brundy (daughter of Green Brundy) on March 5, 1912 in Leslie County. He married second to Laura Bowling (daughter of Levi Bowling and Lizzie Clark) in 1918 Leslie County, Kentucky. Neither of these fit the names on the two census records other than the last name of Bowling.

The 1910 census shows he was married to Martha ____ with a son, Boyd. His son, Boyd Scalf, from the 1910 census is also in the home.

1910 Clay CO KY        28 April 1910      District #5     Otter Creek

SCALF, Felix Head 25 1885 KY KY KY Married 9 years
    Martha Wife 24 1886 KY KY KY Married 9 years  4 children born, 1 living
    Boyd Son 7 1903 KY KY KY  

1910 Clay CO KY        9-10 May 1910      District #4     Upper Red Bird 

BOWLING, Richard Head 44 1866 KY KY KY  
     Eliza Wife 45 1865 KY KY KY  
     James Son 22 1888 KY KY KY  
     Nora Dau in law 17 1893 KY KY KY  
     Mollie A. Niece 9/12 1909 KY KY KY  
SCALF, Felix   Servant 30 1880 KY KY KY Married 1 time

Felix Scalf is listed in two HH in 1910 and appears to be the same person even though the ages are off by five years. Additional research is needed on Felix Scalf in 1910.

WWI Registration Card

Name: Felix Scalf          (Link to original record)
Age: 41
Home Address: Marcum, Clay CO, KY
Date of Birth: 1877
Nearest relative: Laura Scalf - Marcum, Clay CO, KY
Employed: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light Brown
Date: September 12, 1918

Felix then married Laura Bowling daughter of Levi Bowling and Lizzie Feltner but we have no marriage date. Laura died August 3, 1923 of uremic dropsy at the age of 42 calculating a birth date of 1887. She is buried at the Bowling Cemetery in Marcum, Kentucky.  (Death record courtesy of Virgil Scalf) 

(Link to death certificate for Laura Scalf ~ 1923)

It appears that Laura Bowling had been married prior to her marriage to Felix for six Bowling children were in the home in 1920.

1920 Clay CO KY        12 February 1920 Precinct 19 - Flat Creek

SCALF, Felix Head 41 1879 KY KY KY
(Bowling), Laura Wife 38 1882 KY KY KY  
BOWLING, Edna Step-dau 15 1905 KY KY KY
      Adron Step-son 13 1907 KY KY KY
      Edward Step-son 12 1908 KY KY KY
      Altie Step-dau 10 1910 KY KY KY
      Bertram Step-son 8 1912 KY KY KY
      Woodrow Step-son 6 1914 KY KY KY
SCALF, Boyd Son 17 1903 KY KY KY

Felix then married Ruhama Stewart daughter of Creed and Maggie Stewart. Ruhama was 16 and never married. Felix was 43 and widowed. Felix and Ruhama were married January 31, 1926 by Hughes Bowling, Baptist Minister at Hector (Clay County) Kentucky. Witnesses were H. Hacker and Arnol Bowling. (Marriage Bond #81-courtesy of Virgil Scalf)  (Link to original document)

Ruhama Stewart Scalf was born February 4, 1908 and died June 20, 1939 at the age of 31 years, 4 months and 16 days old of what appears to be an attempt at the spelling of aneurysm; however, the primary diagnosis is difficult to determine due to the handwriting. The secondary causes of death were parotid abscess and brain abscess. Her parents were listed as Creed Stewart and Maggie Collins. She is buried at Elk (?) Creek in Manchester (Clay Co) Kentucky. Clara Miller gave the information for her death certificate. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf

1930 Clay CO KY        11 & 14 April 1930 District #7

SCALF, Felix Head 51 1879 KY KY KY  
(Stewart), Homie Wife 19 1911 KY KY KY Married @ 15      Died June 20, 1939
     Hugh Son 8 1922 KY KY KY  
     William Son 2 1928 KY KY KY  

(Link to death certificate for Ruhama Scalf ~ 1939)

After the death of Ruhama, Felix and a son moves into the home of his father in law, Creed Stewart. However, his daughter, Elsie M. Scalf, was placed with another relative.

1940 Clay CO KY        4 April 1940         Manchester

STEWART, Creed Head 66 1874 KY
    Maggie Wife 54 1886 KY
    Dewie Son 19 1921 KY
    Mattie Dau 17 1923 KY
    A. T. Son 15 1925 KY
    Edith Dau 9 1931 KY
MILLER, Clara Dau 18 1922 KY
    John C. G-son 2 1938 KY
    Serena G-dau 11/12 1939 KY
SCALF, Felix       Son in law 57 1883 KY     Widower
     Willie G-son 10 1930 KY

1940 Clay CO KY        13 April 1940        District 4

STEWART, Will Head 33 1907 KY
    Minnie  Wife 36 1904 KY
    Beatrice Dau 11 1929 KY
    Edward Son 8 1932 KY
    Charlie B. Son 5/12 1939 KY
JONES, Paul    Step son 18 1922 KY
    David Step son 14 1926 KY
ROBERTS, Earnest Brother in law 23 1917 KY
SCALF, Elsie M.    Niece 1 1939 KY

Felix married Lula Moore on December 7, 1940 in Clay, County, Kentucky.

1950 Clay CO KY        12 April 1950        Manchester

SCALF, Felix Head 73 1887 KY
     Lula Wife 54 1896 KY

Daughter of
Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman
Nancy<Blackgrove<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Nancy Scalf, daughter of Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman was born about 1887 in Clay County, Kentucky.

Nancy married: 

  1) John Wombles.
  2) James Wombles.

This information is listed in Scalf Family History; however, this appears to have been a mistake in the book as well. She is listed as marrying John first on December 27, 1902 and James second on February 19, 1902, which is impossible because February comes before December and if she did marry both men, then likely the dates or the order of the marriages are listed backwards. She has not been found on the census records at this time.


Son of
Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman
Shelby<Blackgrove<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Shelby Scalf, son of Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman was born about 1891 in Clay County, County, Kentucky. No further information is known.


Son of
Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman
Manford<Blackgrove<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Manford Scalf, son of Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman was born about 1894 in Kentucky. No further information is known.


Son of
Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman
Robert<Blackgrove<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Robert Scalf, son of Blackgrove Scalf and Margaret Akman was born about 1897 in Kentucky. No further information is known.


Son of
Felix Scalf & Lula Brundy
Boyd<Felix<Blackgrove<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

 Boyd Scalf, son of Felix Scalf and Martha _____, was born about 1904 in Kentucky. Boyd was found on the 1930 census with wife, Della Bowling and children.

1930 BUTLER OH    7 April 1930        HAMILTON 5th WARD

SCALF, Boyd Head 26 1904 KY KY KY
    Della Wife 26 1904 KY KY KY
    Dema  Dau 6 1924 KY KY KY
    Mattie Dau 4 1926 KY KY KY
    Mallie Dau 2 1928 KY KY KY
BOLIN, Becky Mother in law 58 1872 KY KY KY

1940 BUTLER OH    10 May 1940        HAMILTON

SCALF, Boyd Head 37 1903 KY
   Della Wife 37 1903 KY
   Dema Dau 16 1924 KY
   Mallie Dau 14 1926 KY
   Mattie Dau 12 1928 KY
   Edward Son 9 1931 OH


Son of
Jesse Scalf & Eliza Collins
Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Millard Scalf, son of Jesse Scalf and Eliza Collins was born December 25, 1861 in Clay County, Kentucky. Millard died May 22, 1912 of tuberculosis of the lungs according to his death certificate. Millard was 50 years, 4 months and 27 days old. Millard is buried at Garrison Cemetery in Manchester, Kentucky. His parents were listed as Jesse Scalf and Liza Collins with both being born in Clay County, Kentucky. His wife Catherine was the informant for the death certificate. (Kentucky Death Certificate 12113-Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to death certificate for Millard Scalf ~ 1912)

Census records suggest an earlier date of birth for Millard, which calculates to around 1859. As did their father, Millard and his brothers moved to Leslie County, Kentucky by 1880 or may have been living in the section of Clay County that became Leslie County.

It appears from marriage records that Millard married first to Candice (Candy) Short July 12, 1877 in Clay County, Kentucky. However, a death certificate for his son, Henry, was found and lists a date of birth for Henry as April 12, 1876, which was prior to his marriage to Candice Short. Henry's mother is listed on the death certificate as Kansas Smith.

According to this information, it appears that Millard married first to Kansas Smith. Information on Kansas Smith is not known at this time and a marriage record has not been found for this marriage. If this is correct, Henry was born before Millard's marriage to Candice (Candy) Short in 1877 and therefore, she was not the mother of Henry.

It appears that Millard was married at least five times although only two wives are shown on census records. The twenty-year span between the census records of 1880-1900 is the reason for two of the wives not being listed on the census records. Millard's first wife, Kansas Smith, might have died or they divorced and Millard had remarried to Candy Short before the enumeration of the1880 census.

The marriage (if there was a marriage) between Millard Scalf and Kansas Smith was apparently short for Millard married Candice (Candy) Short in 1877, a year after the birth of Henry. Kansas might have died in childbirth or later from complications of childbirth.

Millard then married Candice (Candy) Short, July 12, 1877.

Either Candy died or they divorced for he then married Mary Hensley December 10, 1883 in Clay County, Kentucky. James Scalf signed as a witness. This was probably his brother James. (Marriage record courtesy of Virgil Scalf)  (Link to marriage record of Millard and Mary Hensley)

Possibly Mary died or they divorced for it appears that Millard then married Stacy Gray, however, a marriage record has not been found. We speculate this was a marriage based on the fact that Stacy Gray was listed as the mother of Mittie Scalf Philpot (daughter of Millard) on her death record. Although the census record of 1900 Clay County, Kentucky suggests Mittie was born 1891, her death certificate states she died at 18 years old and this calculates to a birth year of 1893. Her brother, or half-brother, Chester Scalf, gave the information for the death certificate. (See death record of Mittie Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to death record of Mittie Scalf Philpot)

Stacy Gray might have been the mother of Lee, however, we cannot confirm this at this time due to fact that his parents were listed as unknown on his death certificate. (See death record of Lee Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)  Link to death record of Lee C. Scalf

Millard married last to Catherine Hooker Gilbert, May 7, 1896 in Clay County, Kentucky. Catherine is in the home in 1900 and 1910 and submitted the information for the death record of Millard. (Link to marriage record of Millard and Catherine Hooker)

Catherine had been married to a Gilbert and her children by this marriage are in the home on the 1900 Clay County, Kentucky census.

Catherine (Hooker) Gilbert-Scalf was living in the home of her daughter and stepson in 1920.

Due to the estimated birth date of James Chester Scalf (1886-1888) and the marriage dates of his father Millard, we believe Mary Hensley to have been the mother of James Chester Scalf. Millard did not marry Catherine (Hooker) Gilbert until 1896 some 8 to 10 years after the birth of James Chester, and therefore, she could not have been the mother of James Chester Scalf or any of the other children if these records are accurate.

Marriages of Millard Scalf:

  1) Kansas Smith before July 1877.
  2) Candice (Candy) Short July 12, 1877.
  3) Mary Hensley December 10, 1883.
  4) Stacy Gray (Marriage date unknown)
  5) Catherine Hooker Gilbert May 7, 1896.

Child of Millard Scalf and Kansas Smith possible marriage before 1877:

  1) Henry Scalf born April 12, 1876

Child of Millard Scalf and Candy Short married 1877:

  1) Lucy Scalf b. 1879.

Child of Millard Scalf and Mary Hensley married 1883:

  1) James Chester Scalf born 1886-1888 (Estimation from census records no death certificate)

Children of Millard Scalf and Stacy Gray married? After 1883-1896:

  1) Mittie Scalf Phillpot born about 1891.
  2) Lee C. Scalf born 1894.

The above children have been placed under the various marriages of Millard Scalf based only on speculation according to marriage dates, death certificates, etc. This may or may not be accurate. It is assumed that James Chester Scalf was the son of Mary Hensley and it is also assumed that Lee C. Scalf would have been the son of Stacy Gray; however, we cannot absolutely confirm either. Possibly, descendants of this line can confirm/deny the information for this family.

There does not appear to have been any known children of Millard Scalf and Catherine Hooker Gilbert-Scalf according to these records. Children of Catherine from her prior marriage were living in the home of the Millard and Catherine in 1910 and 1920 Clay County, Kentucky as well as the children of Millard from his prior marriages.

1880 Leslie CO KY      18 June 1880     District #2

SCALF, Millard Head 21 1859 KY VA KY
(Short), Candice Wife 18 1862 KY NC KY
    Lucy Dau 1 1879 KY KY KY
    Henry Son 1/12 1880 KY KY KY

1900 Clay CO KY        9 June 1900 District #2

SCALF, Millard Head 42 1858 KY KY KY
(Hooker), Catherine Wife 38 1862 KY KY KY
    Henry  Son 17 1883 KY KY KY
    Chester Son 12 1888 KY KY KY
    Mittle Dau 9 1891 KY KY KY
    Lee Son 5 1895 KY KY KY
GILBERT, John Step son 11 1889 KY KY KY
GILBERT, Dishman Step son 9 1891 KY KY KY
GILBERT, Olivie Step dau 5 1895 KY KY KY

1910 Clay CO KY        23 June 1910     Manchester

SCALF, Millard Head 48 1862 KY KY KY Died May 22, 1912
    Catherine Wife 47 1863 KY KY KY
(Gilbert), John Son 18 1892 KY KY KY
(Gilbert), Dishman Son 16 1894 KY KY KY
     James Son 22 1888 KY KY KY
(Gilbert), Olivia Dau 15 1895 KY KY KY
     Lee Son 15 1895 KY KY KY
HOOKER, Orlena G-step dau 13 1897 KY KY KY

1920 OH Butler      12 & 13 January 1920       Hamilton 

SMITH, Harrison Head 31 1889 KY KY KY
(Gilbert), Oliva Wife 24 1896 KY KY KY
     Dewey Son 8 1912 KY KY KY
     Della Dau 4 8/12 1915 KY KY KY
     Elmer Son 2 4/12 1917 OH KY KY
SCALF, Catherine Mother in law 59 1861 KY KY KY  Widow


Son of 
Millard Scalf & Kansas Smith
Henry<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Henry Scalf, son of Millard Scalf and Kansas Smith was born April 12, 1876 according to his WWII draft registration card and his death certificate. However, the1880 Leslie County, Kentucky census by calculation shows that he would have been born in May of 1880, once again revealing the inaccuracy of census records.

Dora Scalf was the informant for Henry's death certificate and stated that he was, about 46 years old and this calculates to a birth date of 1876 as well. Henry died March 6, 1922 in Butler County, Ohio of typhoid fever he contracted somewhere in Kentucky per the doctor's statement. He is buried at the Greenwood Cemetery in Butler County, Ohio.

Henry was a carpenter by occupation. His parents were listed as Millard Scalf and Kansas Smith. The death certificate states that Henry was divorced at the time of his death. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf (Link to death certificate)

Henry married Zenia Hooker 19 July 1903 at Manchester (Clay Co) Kentucky. She is listed as Zenior Gilbert on the death certificate. This may have been from a second marriage. (Marriage record courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to marriage document)

WWI Registration Card

Name: Henry Scalf             (Link to original document)
Age: 42
Home Address: Amcor, Hamilton, OH       
Date of Birth: April 12, 1876
Present Occupation: Carpenter
Employer's name: Air Nitrates Corporation
Place of employment: Amcor, Hamilton, OH  
Nearest Relative:  Mrs. Zenior Scalf
Nearest relative address: Middleton, Butler CO, OH
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918

1910 Clay CO KY       10 may 1910        Manchester

SCALFE, Henry Head 25 1885 KY KY KY married 4 years
    Zenia Wife 25 1885 KY KY KY married 4 years
    Oscar Son 4 1906 KY KY KY  
    Dora Dau 2 1908 KY KY KY  
    Teddy Son 9/12 1909 KY KY KY  

1920 Wayne CO MI        6 January 1920           Detroit

SCALF, Henry Head 45 1875 KY KY KY Carpenter
     Dora Dau 13 1907 KY KY KY  
     Ester Dau 10 1910 KY KY KY  


Daughter of
Henry Scalf & Zenior Hooker
Esther<Henry<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Esther Scalf, the daughter of Henry Scalf & Zenior Hooker was born May 9, 1909 in Kentucky and died May 6, 1993 in Starke County, Indiana. Esther married Joseph Ginter.

(Link to death certificate of Esther Ginter)

1930 Lake CO IN        16 April 1930        Hobart

GINTER, Joseph Head 22 1908 US KY IL
     Esther Wife 22 1908 IN KY KY

1940 Lake CO IN        26 April 1940         East Gary

GINTER, Joseph Head 31 1909 SD
      Ester Wife 30 1910 KY
      Joan I. Dau 8 1932 IN
      Joseph C. Son 4 1936 IN


Daughter of
Millard Scalf & Candice Short
Lucy<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Lucy Scalf, daughter of Millard Scalf and Candice (Candy) Short was born about 1879 in Kentucky. Lucy appears on the 1880 census with her parents but was not found after this census. It is unknown if Lucy died or what happened to her.


Son of
Millard Scalf & Mary Hensley?
Chester<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

James Chester Scalf, son of Millard Scalf and possibly Mary Hensley was born 1886-1888 in Clay County, Kentucky. It is uncertain at this time, whether Mary Hensley was the mother of Chester due to a lack of records. It is assumed, according to death and marriage records of this family, that he might have been the son of Millard and Mary Hensley Scalf; however, this cannot be confirmed at this time.

Chester married first to Cassie Hooker daughter of Clint Hooker (mother not know at this time) 1906 in Clay County, Kentucky according to Scalf Family History (Link to marriage document)

Chester was found on the 1920 Clay County census with wife, Cora.

Note: Chester's second wife was Amanda Zippora Eversole, which appears to have been shortened to Cora in his WWI Draft Registration Card and the 1920 census. (Link to marriage document)

WWI Registration Card

Name: Chester Scalf            (Link to original document)
Age: 34
Home Address: Woolum, Clay CO, KY     
Date of Birth: July 21, 1884
Employer: William Miller Railroad Section Worker
Nearest Relative: Cora Scalf - Woolum, Clay CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Light Blue
Color of Hair: Dark Brown
Date: September 12, 1918


1920 Clay CO KY     2 January 1920  Whites Branch

SCALF, Chester Head 34 1886 KY KY KY
   Cora Wife 36 1884 KY KY KY
   May Dau 9 1911 KY KY KY
   Lizzie Jane  Dau 7 1913 KY KY KY
   Lonzo Son 3 1917 KY KY KY
   Homer Son 3/12 1919 KY KY KY


Son of
James Chester Scalf & Cassie Hooker
Clinton<James Chester<Millard<Jesse<John Scalf, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Clinton Campbell Scalf, son of James Chester Scalf and Cassie Hooker, was born March 13, 1906 in Kentucky. Clinton was a miner by occupation. He married Naomi Hensley, daughter of Washington Hensley and Anna Edwards Hensley. Clinton was widowed when he died October 10, 1954 at St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington (Fayette Co) Kentucky at the age of 48 from apparent suicide. Clinton is buried at Grays Knob Cemetery, Grays Knob, Kentucky. Harlan County Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Clinton and Naomi had at least one daughter, Vincina. A Mrs. Vincina Bartee gave the information for Clint's death certificate and it is assumed that this was Clint's married daughter.

Clinton's wife, Naomi Hensley Smith, was born May 13, 1918 and died January 11, 1940 at the age of 29. Naomi died at 12:30 p.m. from an embolus. Naomi was 2 months pregnant and developed an embolus after having a miscarriage that morning around at 8:30 a.m. She is buried at Wilsonburger Cemetery in Harlan County, Kentucky. Clinton's grandfather, Clint Hooker, was living in the home of Clint Scalf in 1930.

1930 Harlan CO KY    24 April 1930    District 1 

SCALF, Clint Head 21 1909 KY KY KY  
    Naomi Wife 20 1910 KY KY KY  
    Vencina Dau 11/12 1929 KY KY KY  
HOOKER, Clint G-father 67 1863 KY KY KY Widower

1940 Harlan CO KY        4 April 1940        Grays Knob

SCALF, Clint Head 33 1907 KY    Widower
    Vencina Dau 10 1930 KY
    Audrey Jean Dau 8 1932 KY
    Bobby Earl Son 5 1935 KY
    Cathern Ann Dau 2 1938 KY

(Link to Clinton's death certificate ~ 1954)

(Link to Naomi's death certificate ~ 1940)


Children of Clinton Campbell Scalf and Naomi Hensley: (Database of Virgil Scalf)

  1) Vincinia Scalf Born: 12 May 1929.
  2) Audrey June Scalf Born: 18 Aug 1931.
  3) Anna Catherine Scalf Born: 03 Jul 1937.
  4) Bobby Earl Scalf.


Son of
James Chester Scalf & Amanda Zippora Eversole
Alonzo<James Chester<Millard<Jesse<John Scalf, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Alonzo Scalf, son of James Chester Scalf and Amanda Zippora Eversole, was born 1 February 1916 in Kentucky and died 26 July 1993 at the age of 77 at Stouder Memorial Hospital in Troy, Ohio. Alonzo's occupation was construction.  (Ohio Death Records and SS Index - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf

In 1940 Alonzo worked for a company that operated a coal mine. He and seventeen other individuals were staying in a boarding house near the coal mine.

1940 Harlan CO KY          8 April 1940       Highsplint-Benito-Clove Gap Mine Company

SCALF, Alonzo Lodger 21 1919 KY Coal loader

Ohio Death Records

Name: Alonzo Scalf
Birth Date: 1 Feb 1916
Birth State: Kentucky
Birth Country: United States
Gender: Male
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Death Date: 26 Jul 1993
Death Time: 2:28 AM
Hospital of Death: Stouder Memorial - Closed 9/25/98
City of Death: Troy
County of Death: Miami
Certificate: 054789
Age at Death: 77
Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: 405-12-5683
Marital Status: Married
Education: 6
Industry of Decedent: Construction
Occupation of Decedent: Managers and administrators not elsewhere classified
Primary Registration District: 5502

Social Security Death Index Record

Name: Alonzo Scalf
SSN: 405-12-5683
Last Residence: 45373 Troy, Miami, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 2 Feb 1916
Died: 26 Jul 1993
State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 1951


Daughter of
Millard Scalf & Stacy Gray
Mittie<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Mittie Scalf, daughter of Millard Scalf and Catherine Hooker was born about 1890 in Kentucky according to census records. Mittie died March 14, 1911 in Clay County, Kentucky at the age of 18 years of fever. Her death certificate has a birth date of what appears to be March 5, 1893; however, it is either faded or has been erased. The name of the cemetery is faded out and unreadable but the place is Manchester (Clay Co) Kentucky. Chester Scalf was the informant. Her parents are listed as Millard Scalf and Stacy Gray. (Death record courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to death record)

Mittie married Timothy Philpot and was living in the home of her father-in-law, Eli Philpot in 1910. Cleo, daughter of Timothy Philpot and Mittie Scalf was also in the home.

Mittie Scalf Philpot died March 14, 1911.

1910 Clay CO KY     28 May 1910    Manchester

PHILPOT, Eli Head 52 1858 KY KY KY Widower
    Timothy Son 23 1890 KY KY KY Married to Mittie
    Daniel B. Son 22 1888 KY KY KY  
    James Son 15 1895 KY KY KY  
    Aura Dau 14 1896 KY KY KY  
  Mittie Dau in law 20 1890 KY KY KY 1 child born, 1 living
    Cleo Grand-dau 3/12 1910 KY KY KY  

1920 Clay CO KY      3 January 1920      Pigeon Roost

PHILPOT, Tim Head 32 1892 KY KY KY
    Susan  Wife 22 1898 KY KY KY
    Cleo Dau 10 1910 KY KY KY


Daughter of
Timothy Philpot & Mittle Scalf
Cleo<Mittie<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Cleo Philpot, daughter of Timothy Philpot & Mittle Scalf, was born February 4, 1910 in Clay County, KY and died April 7, 1932 in Clay County, KY. Cleo married Elbert Bundy.

(Link to death certificate of Cleo Bundy)

1930 Clay CO KY       8 April 1930       Pigeon Roost  

BUNDY, Elbert Head 29 1901 KY KY KY Married @ 24
   Cleo Wife 21 1909 KY KY KY Married @ 16
   Chester T. Son 3 5/12 1926 KY KY KY  
   James R. Son 1 8/12 1928 KY KY KY  


Son of
Millard Scalf & Stacy Gray?
Lee C<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Lee C. Scalf, son of Millard Scalf and possibly Stacy Gray, was born about 1894 and died at the age of 36. His draft registration card for WWII also states he was born in 1894. Census records suggest 1895 for his birth date. 

From an analysis of the census records, birth dates, marriages, etc., it appears that Lee could have been the son of Millard Scalf and Stacy Gray. However, this may not be accurate due to variations in records. Lee was born before the marriage of Millard Scalf and Catherine (Hooker) Gilbert-Scalf and could not have been a son of Catherine if the records are correct. Unless there was an unknown marriage between the marriage of Millard and Stacy Gray and the marriage of Millard and Catherine (Hooker) Gilbert, Lee was likely the son of Millard Scalf and Stacy Gray.

Lee died March 16, 1930 at Fort Hamilton Hospital in Butler County, Ohio from having been kicked by a horse. The death certificate states that Lee had undergone surgery on March 6, 1930 for his injuries. If the doctor's handwriting has been deciphered accurately, it appears the cause of death was fracture of frontal lobe and left frontal and occipital crown of the head. The accident appears to have happened near Camden, Ohio. Griesmer-Grim Co. (undertaker) of Hamilton, Ohio was in charge of arrangements, and he was returned to Kentucky where burial took place March 19, 1930 at Sibert, Kentucky.

Lee was living at Route 5, Camden, Ohio at the time of death. Records of Mercy Hospital were responsible for his death certificate and from appearances; the hospital had very little information on Lee's family. His parents and spouse were not listed on the death certificate although Lee was listed as married. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to death certificate for Lee Scalf ~ 1930)

Lee married Sarah Hibbard 1911 in Clay County, Kentucky. They were found on the 1920 census only. (Link to marriage document)

Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:

Millard (of Manchester) is a son of Lee Scalf, who was a son of the first Millard. Lee Scalf was killed when Millard was a mere boy. Lee had one brother, Chester Scalf, who deceased many years prior to the preparation of this manuscript. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIII)

Children of Lee Scalf and Sarah Hibbard:

1. Virgie Scalf
  2. Verlie Scalf - born June 16, 1915 and died February 3, 1916. (Link to death certificate)
  3. Millard Scalf
  4. Maxie Scalf
  5. Kelley Scalf
  6. Elbert Scalf
  7. Elsie L. Scalf
  8. Mabel Scalf

1920 Clay CO KY        3 & 5 January 1920   Manchester

SCALF, Lee Head 28 1892 KY KY KY Died March 16, 1930)
(Hibbard), Sarah Wife 32 1888 KY KY KY
    Virgie Dau 6 1914 KY KY KY
    Millard Son 3 1917 KY KY KY

1940 Clay CO KY       30 April 1940       District 1

SCALF, Millard Head 23 1917 KY
   Ida Mae Wife 20 1920 KY
    Charles  Son 2 1938 KY
    Geneva Dau 7/12 1939 KY
   Sarah Mother 54 1886 KY      Widow


WWI Registration Card

Name: Lee Scalf
Age: 23
Home Address: Manchester, KY   
Date of Birth: 1894>
Born: Manchester, KY    (Link to original document)
Employed: Farmer
Married: Wife & 2 children
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light Brown
Date: June 5, 1917

Daughter of
Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard
Virgie<Lee C<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Virgie Scalf, daughter of Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard, was born April 14, 1913 and died November 30, 1958 in Clay County, Kentucky. Virgie married (1) Orus Thompson (2) _________ Burkhart.

(Link to Virgie Burkhart death certificate)

1940 Clay CO KY       30 April 1940       District 1

THOMPSON, Orus Head 31 1909 KY
     Virgie Wife 27 1913 KY
     Mildred Dau 11 1929 KY
     Yvonne Dau 5 1935 KY
     Ora Dau 3 1937 KY
SCALF, Mabel Sister in law 16 1924 KY


Son of
Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard
Millard<Lee C<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Millard Scalf, son of Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard, was born September 26, 1916 in Clay County, Kentucky and died March 4, 1991. Millard married Ida Mae Hibbard. Millard's family is listed twice on the 1940 census. All the information is the same except Millard's mother, Sarah, is not listed on one report and two enumerators are involved; so, the areas of responsibility for the enumerators may have overlapped.

1940 Clay CO KY       30 April 1940       District 1

SCALF, Millard Head 23 1917 KY
   Ida Mae Wife 20 1920 KY
    Charles  Son 2 1938 KY
    Geneva Dau 7/12 1939 KY
    Sarah Mother 54 1886 KY      Widow

1940 Clay CO KY       30 April 1940       Manchester

SCALF, Millard Head 23 1917 KY
   Ida May Wife 20 1920 KY
    Charles  Son 2 1938 KY
    Geneva Dau 7/12 1939 KY


Daughter of
Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard
Virlie<Lee C<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Verlie Scalf daughter of Lee Scalf and Sarah Hibbard was born June 16, 1915 in Clay County, Kentucky. Verlie died February 3, 1916 of a sudden cold at Manchester (Clay Co) Kentucky at 7 months and 13 days old. The place of interment was not listed on the death certificate. Henry Hibbard was the informant. This may or may not be the father of Sarah Hibbard Scalf. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf)   > (Link to death certificate for Verlie Scalf ~ 1916)

Daughter of
Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard
Kelley<Lee C<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Kelley Scalf, daughter of Lee Scalf and Sarah Hibbard, was born November 15, 1919 in Clay County, Kentucky. She died of whooping cough and bronchial pneumonia in Harlan County, KY on November 25, 1922.   (Link to death certificate for Kelley Scaff)


Daughter of
Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard
Mabel<Lee C<Millard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Mabel Scalf, daughter of Lee Scalf & Sarah Hibbard, was bor about 1924 in Clay County, Kentucky. After Mabel's father died in an accident, she moved into the home of her sister's family.

1940 Clay CO KY       30 April 1940       District 1

THOMPSON, Orus Head 31 1909 KY
     Virgie Wife 27 1913 KY
     Mildred Dau 11 1929 KY
     Yvonne Dau 5 1935 KY
     Ora Dau 3 1937 KY
SCALF, Mabel Sister in law 16 1924 KY


Son of
Jesse Scalf & Eliza Collins
James<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

James Scalf, son of Jesse Scalf and Eliza Collins was born about 1863 in Clay County, Kentucky. James married Juda (Judy) Sizemore July 12, 1886 in Leslie County, Kentucky. From the Marriage Index of Leslie County, Kentucky, the marriage was transcribed and placed on the Internet as James Scalf 23 & India Sisemore 25 - July 12, 1886. This should be Juda Sizemore, not India.  >

Judy was the daughter of Pleasant Sizemore and Mary Ann Hoskins. It is possible that James and Judy divorced; however, he has not been found on a census record after his marriage to Juda. James was found only in the home of his parents in 1870 and again in 1880 Leslie County, Kentucky in the home of Amos and Pollie Collins.

Additional information on the Sizemore/Sisemore families can be found at the following address. >

1880 Leslie CO KY      18 June 1880     District #2

COLLINS, Amos Head 40 1840 KY KY KY
    Pollie Wife 35 1845 KY KY KY
    William Son 7 1873 KY KY KY
    Callier Son 6 1874 KY KY KY
    Armlida Dau 4 1876 KY KY KY
    Mary Dau 2 1878 KY KY KY
    Mervin Son 5/12 1880 KY KY KY
    Nelson Nephew 11 1869 KY KY KY
SCALF, James Other 19 1861 KY KY KY
SCALF, Dillion Other 16 1864 KY KY KY

By 1900, Judy had remarried to Perry Collins and was living at Upper Red Bird in Clay County, Kentucky. She had two Scalf children in the home, Laura and Liza children from her marriage to James Scalf. Sam Sizemore is also in the home and listed as a stepson to Perry Collins. Sam was Judy's son born before her marriage to James Scalf according to a descendant. The calculated birth date of Liza also suggests that James Scalf died 1889-1900. However, it is possible that James and Juda had divorced but no records have been found of James to confirm this. There also has not been a death record found.>

1900 Clay CO KY        6 June 1900 Upper Red Bird

COLLINS, Perry Head 25 1875 KY KY KY
     Judy Wife 46 1854 KY KY KY
SIZEMORE, Sam Step son 16 1884 KY KY KY
SCALF, Laura Step dau 14 1886 KY KY KY
SCALF, Liza Step dau 11 1889 KY KY KY


Daughter of
James Scalf & Judy Sizemore
Laura<James<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Based on the 1910 Clay County census, which is shown below Laura was married twice. Before her current marriage, she was married to a Wagers and a son, Johnnie, was born.

Kentucky Delayed Birth Certificate Index: Johnnie WAGERS, 30 Apr 1904, Clay, Laura Scalf, 185 47443

1910 Clay CO KY     11 May 1910       Big Creek

HENSON, Lee Head 28 1882 KY KY KY  M2  
(Scalf), Laura Wife 23 1887 KY KY KY  M2 4 children born, 2 living
     Granville Son 8 1902 KY KY KY  
WAGERS, Johnny Step son 6 1904 KY KY KY  
HENSON, Floyd Son 3 1907 KY KY KY  



Daughter of

James Scalf & Judy Sizemore

Eliza<James<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Eliza Scalf, daughter of James Scalf and Juda (Judy) Sizemore Scalf was born about 1890 (census calculation) in Clay County, Kentucky. Eliza married Ezekiel Sizemore, Jr. May 31, 1903 in Clay County, Kentucky by Reverend B. P. Sizemore. (Marriage document courtesy of Della Perez)

The Scalf and Sizemore families have a number of marital connections in this line. For more information concerning these connections, please refer to the website of Della Perez, a descendant of the Scalf and Sizemore families through Eliza Scalf and Ezekiel Sizemore Jr.

1920 Clay CO KY        12 February 1920 Flat Creek

SIZEMORE, Ezekiel, Jr. Head 34 1886 KY KY KY
      Eliza Wife 30 1890 KY KY KY
      Bulgie Son 16 1904 KY KY KY
      Robert Son 13 1907 KY KY KY
      Mattie Dau 10 1910 KY KY KY
      Laura Dau 8 1912 KY KY KY
      Dora Dau 5 1915 KY KY KY
      George Son 4 1916 KY KY KY

1930 Clay CO KY        15 April 1930      District #7

SIZEMORE, Ezekiel, Jr. Head 43 1887 KY KY KY
      Lizzie Wife 39 1891 KY KY KY
      Bulgie Son 25 1905 KY KY KY
      Robert Son 23 1907 KY KY KY
      Mittie Dau 20 1910 KY KY KY
      Laura Dau 18 1912 KY KY KY
      Dora Dau 14 1916 KY KY KY
      George Son 13 1917 KY KY KY
      Patty Dau 10 1920 KY KY KY
      Floyd Son 8 1922 KY KY KY
      Rettie Son 2 1/12 1928 KY KY KY


Son of
Jesse Scalf & Eliza Collins
Dillan<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Dillan Scalf, son of Jesse Scalf and Eliza Collins was born about 1865 in Clay County, Kentucky. Dillan married Kitty Sizemore April 18, 1886 in Leslie County, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, Chapter VIII)

The 1900, 1910 and 1920 census records are unclear as to whether this is Kitty on all three censuses. The ages are close enough to suspect that Kitty, Aggie and Katherine are all the same person. 

The 1910 census lends some support to the speculation that Kitty and Aggie were the same person due to the fact that Dillan's mother-in-law is in the home listed as Mary Ann Sizemore.  From this, we can probably conclude that Kitty was Kitty Agnes Sizemore or Agnes Katherine Kitty Sizemore.

It also appears that Katherine from the 1930 census could be Kitty because Kitty was used as a short name for Katherine and the birth date of Katherine is close enough to have matched Kitty. We do not have the name of Kitty's father at this time.

Scalf Family History states that Dillan remarried to Cynthia Dodd June 13, 1932 in Leslie County, Kentucky. The second marriage is confirmed by a descendant who left a message on the Bulletin Board at Scalf Family website. (See message below under writings of Rebecca Scalf)

The fact that Dillan and James Scalf were living in the home of this Amos Collins also suggests a relationship to the Amos Collins family.

1880 Leslie CO KY      18 June 1880     District #2

COLLINS, Amos Head 40 1840 KY KY KY
    Pollie Wife 35 1845 KY KY KY
    William Son 7 1873 KY KY KY
    Callier Son 6 1874 KY KY KY
    Armlida Dau 4 1876 KY KY KY  (Calvin)
    Mary Dau 2 1878 KY KY KY
    Mervin Son 5/12 1880 KY KY KY  (Marvin)
    Nelson Nephew 11 1869 KY KY KY
SCALF, James Other 19 1861 KY KY KY
SCALF, Dillion Other 16 1864 KY KY KY

1900 Leslie CO KY   8 June 1900    District #1     Hyden

SCALF, Dillian Head 35 1865 KY KY KY
    Kittie   Wife 45 1855 KY KY KY
    Rebecca Dau 13 1887 KY KY KY
    Mary Dau 7 1893 KY KY KY
    Allen Son 6 1894 KY KY KY

1910 Clay CO KY     9-10 May 1910   District #4  Upper Red Bird

SCALF, Dill Head 42 1868 KY NC KY  
(Sizemore), Aggie Wife 51 1859 KY KY KY  
    Rebecca Dau 22 1888 KY KY KY 2 children born, 2 living
    Mary Dau 19 1891 KY KY KY 1 child born, 1 living
    Taylor Son 16 1894 KY KY KY  
    Maggie Dau 13 1897 KY KY KY  
    Luther Son 10 1900 KY KY KY  
    James Son 4 1906 KY KY KY  
    Ollie G-dau 4 1906 KY KY KY Child of Rebecca
    Sibyl G-son 1 2/12 1909 KY KY KY Child of Rebecca
    Millard G-son 1 2/12 1909 KY KY KY Child of Mary
SIZEMORE, Mary Ann Mother in law 93 1817 KY KY KY Widow

1920 Clay CO KY        12 February 1920        Precinct 19 - Flat Creek

SCALF, Dillard Head 52 1868 KY KY KY
     Aggie  Wife 63 1857 KY KY KY
     Luther Son 21 1899 KY KY KY
     James Son 13 1907 KY KY KY
SCALF, Taylor Son 26 1894 KY KY KY
    Ella Dau in law 19 1901 KY KY KY

1930 Clay CO KY     10 April 1930       District #1 Lincoln

SCALF, Dill Head 68 1862 KY KY KY
(Sizemore) Katherine Wife 72 1858 KY KY KY

1940 Clay CO KY       4 April 1940        District 4  

SCALF, Dill Head 74 1866 KY
(DODD), Cynthia   Wife 57 1883 KY
COMBS, Lue     Son in law 25 1915 KY
    Georgia Dau in law 29 1911 KY
    Lenner G-dau 1 1939 KY
BAKER, Hottie Niece 28 1912 KY

NOTE: A descendant left a message on the Bulletin Board at the Scalf Family Website stating that Dillan Scalf married twice. First to Kitty Sizemore and second to Lettie (Unknown) about 1890 and they had a daughter Mary Jane born 1890 in Leslie County, Kentucky. Mary Jane married Miller Sizemore 16 August 1910 in Hyden (Leslie Co) Kentucky. He was born 14 April 1893 in Leslie County and died 13 July 1979. Four children: Millard, Daniel, Taylor and Rowley. (Scalf Family Website Bulletin Board signed Kitty Sizemore)

Although the author cannot confirm or deny that this is correct, the census records reveal that Dillan was still married to Kitty Sizemore in 1930. It is possible, however, that Kitty Sizemore Scalf was not the mother of Mary Jane. (See message under writings of Rebecca Scalf listed below)

Daughter of
Dillan/Dillard Scalf & Catherine (Aggie) Sizemore
Rebecca<Dillard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Rebecca Scalf, daughter of Dillan or Dillard Scalf and Kitty Sizemore was born about 1887 or 1888 in Kentucky (census calculation). A descendant states April 1887.

Rebecca married first to Daniel Boone Combs born about 1885 in Clay County, Kentucky. The descendant states they were married 24 November 1910 in Clay County, Kentucky and Rebecca died about 1950 in Clay County at the age of 63.

Rebecca and Daniel were found on the 1920 Clay County, Kentucky census living at Flat Creek. From the 1920 census of Clay County, it appears that Rebecca had two children, Ollie and Sybol, before her marriage to Daniel Coombs.

Daniel and Rebecca had four sons according to this census records; Lawrence, Lew (probably Lewis), William and Samuel.

After Daniel died 1920-1922, Rebecca remarried to Stephen Hoskins, son of Hiram and Nancy Hoskins June 1, 1922 in Leslie County, Kentucky.

On the 1930 census of Rebecca and her second husband Stephen Hoskins had Loyd, James, Carlo and Evert. Lawrence, William and Samuel Coombs were in the home but Lew was not listed on this census and may have died or was living with other relatives.

A descendant left a message on the Bulletin Board at Scalf Family website with the following message concerning this family:

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Born in Kentucky in April 1887. In 1900 Census located in Hyderstown, Leslie Co., KY at age 13. Married Daniel Boone Combs on 24 Nov 1910 in Clay Co.,. KY Age: 23. In 1920 Census located in Flat Creek, Clay Co., KY at age 33. About 1950, died in Clay Co., KY at age 63.

Father: Dillion Scalf
Mother: Kitty Sizemore

Daniel Boone Combs born about 1885 in Clay Co., KY

Child: Samuel Combs, born 29 July 1919 in Clay Co., KY. Died 25 July 1990 in Clay Co., KY. Shown in 1920 census in Flat Creek, Clay Co., KY. Married Alice Collins.

Alice Collins was the daughter of Granville & Ida Collins. She was born 18 June 1920 and died in Clay Co., KY on 11 June 1996. I believe she had a second spouse and a son named Bart.

Dillion Scalf was born Apr 1865, son of Jesse Scalf and Eliza Collins. Dillion died in Clay Co., KY. He was married twice. He married Kitty Sizemore 18 Apr 1886 in Leslie Co., KY. They had a daughter Rebecca. He married Lettie UNKNOWN (b. Feb 1855 in KY) about 1890 and they had a daughter Mary Jane.

Mary Jane Scalf was born in 1890 in Leslie, KY. She married Miller (Millard) Sizemore on 16 Aug 1910 in Hyden, Leslie Co,. KY. Miller was born 14 Apr 1893 in Leslie, KY and died 13 Jul 1979. She is shown in the 1920 census in Flat Creek, Clay Co., KY. She and Millard had 4 children, Millard, Daniel, Taylor, and Rowley.

Jesse Scalf (b. Oct. 1812 in VA) married first to Mary Polly Eversole (7 Mar 1837 in Clay Co., KY), and then to Eliza Collins on 23 June 1849. (Jesse was a son of John Scalf and Edeah Carlisle).

Kitty Sizemore

End of message

Children of Rebecca Scalf as stated in descendant message and compiled from census records:

Children of Rebecca Scalf:

  1) Ollie Scalf
  2) Sybol Scalf

Children of Rebecca Scalf and Daniel Boone Combs:

  1) Lawrence Coombs
  2) Lew Coombs (probably Lewis)
  3) William Coombs -
  4) Samuel Coombs - born 29 July 1919, Clay Co. KY. Married Alice Collins daughter of Granville and Ida Collins. Alice was born 18 June 1920 and died 11 June 1996 in Clay County, Kentucky. (descendant of Jesse and Eliza Collins Scalf Kitty Sizemore)

Children of Rebecca Scalf and Stephen Hoskins:

  1) Loyd
  2) James
  3) Carlo
  4) Everett

1920 Clay Co KY      9 February 1920      Flat Creek

COMBS, Daniel Boone Head 35 1885 KY KY KY
(Scalf), Rebecca Wife 34 1886 KY KY KY
(Scalf), Ollie Dau 14 1906 KY KY KY
(Scalf), Sybol Dau 11 1909 KY KY KY
    Lawrence Son 6 6/12 1913 KY KY KY
    Lew Son 4 11/12 1915 KY KY KY
   William Son 2 6/12 1917 KY KY KY
   Samuel Son 6/12 1919 KY KY KY

1930 Clay Co KY      10 April 1930       District 2

HOSKINS, Stephen Head 35 1895 KY KY KY
      Becca Wife 45 1885 KY KY KY
      Loyd Son 6 1924 KY KY KY
      James Son 5 1925 KY KY KY
      Carlo  Son 3 1/12 1927 KY KY KY
      Evert Son 1 1/12 1929 KY KY KY
COMBS, Lawrence S-son 17 1913 KY KY KY
      William S-son 15 1915 KY KY KY
      Samuel  S-son 12 1918 KY KY KY


Son of
Daniel Boone Coombs & Rebecca Scalf
Lawrence Coombs<Rebecca Scalf<Dillard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Lawrence Coombs, son of Daniel Coombs and Rebecca Scalf was born about 1913 in Clay County, Kentucky. Lawrence married Jeanette Mitchell daughter of Wallen Mitchell and Dulcemia Hoskins on 17 January 1934 in Clay County, Kentucky by William Smith, Baptist Minister. Lawrence was 21 and she was 16. (Marriage record courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to marriage document)

Due to the lack of the 1940 census records, we have no names of their children at this time.

Daughter of
Dillan/Dillard Scalf & Catherine (Aggie) Sizemore
Maggie<Dillard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Maggie Scalf, the daughter of Dillan/Dillard Scalf & Catherine (Aggie) Sizemore was born about 1897 and died May 17, 1959 in Clay County, Kentucky. Maggie married Dawson Henson.

(Link to Maggie Henson death certificate)

1920 Clay CO KY           26 & 27 January 1920         Goose Rock

HENSON, Dawson Head 33 1887 KY KY KY
    Maggie Wife 23 1897 KY KY KY

1930 Clay CO KY            10 April 1930            Lincoln

HENSON, Daw Head 40 1890 KY KY KY
     Maggie Wife 30 1900 KY KY KY

1940 Clay CO KY           5 April 1940            Blue Hole

HENSON, Daw Head 60 1880 KY
    Maggie Wife 43 1897 KY
    Mary Magdaline Niece 12 1928 KY


Son of
Dillard Scalf & Catherine (Aggie) Sizemore
James<Dillard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

James Scalf, son of Dillan or Dillard Scalf and Kitty Sizemore was born about 1906 in Kentucky. James married Della Gray, daughter of Hutch (?) Gray and Nancy Ann Sizemore. James and Della were married May 20, 1927 at Manchester (Clay County) Kentucky. James was 21 and Della was 19.

James and Della were found on the1930 Clay County, Kentucky census with their daughter, Edith. (Marriage record courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to marriage document) 

Earl Scalf, son of James Scalf and Della Gray, was born about 1933 or 1934 and died October 21, 1941 at the age of 7 years, 8 months and 17 days of intestinal hernia. > (Death record courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to death certificate)

No further information is known.

1930 Clay CO KY       10 April 1930         District #1 Lincoln

SCALF, James Head 23 1907 KY KY KY
(Gray), Della Wife 23 1907 KY KY KY
    Edith  Dau 1/12 1930 KY KY KY

1940 Clay CO KY        8 April 1940       Hima

SCALF, James Head 31 1909 KY
    Della Wife 30 1910 KY
    Edith Dau 10 1930 KY
    Doris Dau 8 1932 KY
    Earl Son 6 1934 KY
    Liney Dau 4 1936 KY
    Zual Son 1 1939 KY
LAWSON, Mittie Servant 20 1920 KY
SCALF, Ray Nephew 13 1927 KY


Daughter of
Dillard Scalf & Kitty Sizemore
Mary J<Dillard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis

Mary Jane Scalf, daughter of Dilliard Scalf and Kitty Sizemore was born about 1890 or 1891 in Kentucky. Mary married Miller Sizemore, son of Ezekiel and Linda Baker August 16, 1910 in Leslie County, Kentucky.  This family was found on the 1920 and 1930 census of Clay County, Kentucky living at Flat Creek.

Miller and Mary Jane were found in 1920 and 1930 with their family in Clay County. Their daughter Flora born about 1924 married Arley Smith son of Floyd Smith and Clara Smallwood in Clay County, Kentucky December 30, 1943 by Gayley Smith, Baptist Minister.

We have no further information for this family.

1920 Clay CO KY        9 February 1920  District #45      Flat Creek

SIZEMORE, Millard Head 27 1893 KY KY KY
     Mary Jane Wife 31 1889 KY KY KY
     Millard, Jr. Son 11 1909 KY KY KY
     Daniel Son 9 1911 KY KY KY
     Rawley Son 11/12 1919 KY KY KY

1930 Clay CO KY     10 April 1930   District #1 Precinct #28   Lincoln

SIZEMORE, Millard Head 41 1889 KY KY KY
     Mary J. Wife 38 1892 KY KY KY
     Daniel Son 18 1912 KY KY KY
     Taylor Son 16 1914 KY KY KY
     Raleigh Son 10 1920 KY KY KY
     Flora Dau 6 1924 KY KY KY
     Clarence Son 4 1926 KY KY KY
     Ora Dau 5/12 1929 KY KY KY

 Taylor Sizemore died June 6, 1944. (Link to death certificate)

Son of
Dillard Scalf & Catherine Sizemore
Luther<Dillard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis

Luther Scalf, son of Dilliard Scalf and Kitty Sizemore was born February 27, 1899 in Kentucky and died on August 24, 1964 in Clay County. Kentucky. He married Allie May Sizemore August 3, 1925 in Clay County, Kentucky. She was the daughter of John Sizemore and Alice Gray. Luther was 23 and Allie was 16. They were married by George S. Jones, Missionary Baptist Minister.

(Link to Luther Scalf death certificate)

The clerk's handwriting is difficult to interpret as he listed Allie May as Allie May Lawson first then listed her as Allie May Sizemore. The handwriting is very difficult to distinguish concerning the names of her parents. However, the permission note from her parents is much clearer and the names have been taken from this record. (Marriage record courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

(Link to marriage permission) > (Link to marriage document)

 1930 Clay CO KY        4 April 1930        District #1

SCALF, Luther Head 37 1893 KY KY KY
(Sizemore), Allie M. Wife 20 1910 KY KY KY
    Kit Dau 3 1927 KY KY KY

1940 Clay CO KY       6 April 1940          District 4

SCALF, Luther Head 40 1900 KY  
   Alla Mae Wife 29 1911 KY  
   Kitty Dau 13 1927 KY (Link to death certificate)
   Sam Son 8 1932 KY  


Son of
Dillard Scalf & Catherine Sizemore
Allen<Dillard<Jesse<John Sr<Lewis Scalf

Allen Scalf, son of Dilliard Scalf and Catherine Kitty Sizemore was born about September 18, 1893 in Kentucky and died April 28, 1954 at the age of 60 from subacute bacterial endocarditis. Allen had rheumatic fever for 34 years and acute meningitis for three weeks. Death occurred at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. Allen was married at the time of death. He is buried at the Scalf Cemetery in Marcum, Kentucky. (Death record of Allen Scalf courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

(Link to death certificate)

Allen married Ella Sizemore. Allen's brother-in-law, Felix Sizemore was in the home on the 1930 census.> 

No further information is known.

WWI Registration Card

Name: Taylor Scalf      (Link to original document)
Age: 23
Home Address: Marcum, Clay CO, KY
Date of Birth: May 18, 1894
Born: Springcreek, KY
Employed: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: June 5, 1917

1930 Clay CO KY        12 April 1930      District #7

SCALF, Taylor Head 35 1895 KY KY KY
(Sizemore), Ella Wife 26 1904 KY KY KY
   Cleo Dau 9 1921 KY KY KY
   Sylvester Son 6 1924 KY KY KY
   Della Dau 4 1926 KY KY KY
   William  Son 1 6/12 1928 KY KY KY
SIZEMORE, Felix Brother in law 20 1910 KY KY KY

1940 Leslie CO KY        2 May 1940      District 1

SCALF, Taylor Head 47 1893 KY
    Ellie Wife 35 1905 KY
    Cleo Dau 19 1921 KY
    Sylvester Son 16 1924 KY
    Dellie Dau 14 1926 KY
    Bill Son 11 1929 KY
    Robert Son 9 1931 KY
    Jannie Dau 5 1935 KY



In an effort to determine the parents of Eliza Collins Scalf, the author has corresponded with a number of the Collins family researchers concerning the connection of Eliza Collins Scalf to the Collins family of Clay County, Kentucky. However, we have not been able to determine the relationship of these families at this time.

We also have not been able to determine the relationship of the parties involved in the child theft case. We only know that Margaret and Elizabeth Collins were charged with stealing a child and Jesse, Elizabeth and Rebecca Scalf were called along with other witnesses to testify for the State. The name of the child and the outcome of this trial have not been learned.

We believe that Margaret and Elizabeth Collins charged with child theft were daughters of Amos Collins of Clay County, Kentucky. The author also believes that Elizabeth Collins charged in the case later married Pleasant Hensley.

We do believe that Eliza Collins Scalf was in some way related to Amos and Calvin Collins of Clay County, Kentucky. The author offers a possible connection of Eliza Collins Scalf here. This information is strictly speculation on the part of the author and may or may not be a connection to Eliza Collins Scalf.

The Amos Collins family was first found in Clay County, Kentucky in 1840.

1840 Clay Co. KY

Amos Collins

1 male < 5 1835 - 1840  
1 male 5 -10 1830 - 1835  
2 males 10 - 15 1825 - 1830  
1 male 50 - 60 1780 - 1790 Amos
2 females 10 - 15 1825 - 1830  
2 females 20 - 30 1810 - 1820  
1 females 40 - 50 1790 - 1800 Wife of Amos

As can be seen, comparing the 1840 and 1850 censuses, the ages are not very comparable on these censuses. However, it is possible that ages were stated incorrectly on one of the censuses.

There were four boys on the 1840 census but only two at home in 1850, and these were probably Robert and Benjamin. No doubt, several of the boys had married by 1850. There were four females likely daughters of Amos in the home in 1840 ranging in ages 10-30 unless these were daughter-in-laws with their children in the home.

In 1850 there are children living in the home that certainly appear to have been grandchildren. Betsy Collins from the 1860 census was born 1848 and should have been listed on the1850 census in the home if she was a child of Amos.

1850 Clay Co. KY     15 September 1850

COLLINS, Amos 60 1790 VA
Mariel? Hariet? 54 1796 VA
    Nancy 26 1824 TN
    Elizabeth 25 1825 TN
    Robert 22 1828 KY
    Benj. 17 1833 KY
    Margaret 15 1835 KY

Although it is not impossible that Amos fathered these three children, it is unlikely.

1860 Clay Co. KY     16 June 1860

COLLINS, Amos 76 1784 VA
    Mayvilla (?) 55 1805 VA
    Betsy 12 1848 Clay Co. KY
    Justin 9 1851 Clay Co. KY
    Catherine  4 1856 Clay Co. KY

Living next door to Amos Collins in 1860 is Betsy Collins believed to have been his daughter listed as Elizabeth on the 1850 census and possibly the same Elizabeth charged by the court with kidnapping in 1854.

In the home of Betsy Collins in 1850, the children appear to belong to Betsy. However, we cannot say for certain that these were her children. Pegy Collins also living in the home certainly appears to be Margaret from the 1850 census in the home of Amos and the ages correlate closely on both census records. Peggy was also used as a short name for Margaret.

Although Pleasant might have been Betsy's child, we question why he was not in the home of Amos in 1850 if he was a son of Elizabeth (Betsy). Pleasant was born about 1845 and would have been 5 years old in 1850. Could Pleasant have been the child allegedly kidnapped? If so, who were his parents and where was he in 1850? 

Note that Betsy has three younger children in the home in 1860. Margaret was born about 1853, which is eight years later than Pleasant. John was born about 1856, three years younger than Margaret, which is not a significant difference and Calvin was 4 months old, three-four years younger than John. These children do appear to have been Betsy's children but the author is doubtful about Pleasant.

1860 Clay Co. KY  16 June 1860

COLLINS, Betsy 37 1823 Clay Co. KY
   Pleasant 15 1845    "
   Margaret  7 1853    "
   John 4 1856    "
   Calvin 4/12 1860    "
Collins, Pegy 26 1834    "  (probably Margaret - sister of Betsy)

Elizabeth (Betsy?) Married Pleasant Hensley Aug 06, 1870 Clay Co. KY and is found in the 1870 Clay Co. Census listed below. This census is also questionable as Elizabeth is now 35 years old in 1870 and Betsy in 1860 was 37. Elizabeth's age in 1850 calculates to a birth date of 1835. Elizabeth (Betsy) Collins was born 1823-1825. However, as usual, this could have been an error by the enumerator. Note that the children in the home of Pleasant Hensley and Elizabeth match the names of the children in the home of Betsy Collins in 1860 with the exception of John, Anney and Juda. We believe John was John Calvin. John and Calvin's age match closely on the two censuses.

We are uncertain of the last two children, as some researchers believe these children to have been Sizemore children. The enumerator might have failed to list the correct surname of the children on this census. Pleasant, Margaret and John Calvin (if this is Calvin) were listed under Collins in 1860.

1870 Clay Co. KY

HENSLEY, Pleasant 75 born 1795 (census calculation)
    Elizabeth 35 born 1835 (census calculation)
    Pleasant 24 born 1846 (census calculation)
    Margaret 16 born 1854 (census calculation)
    John 11 born 1859 (census calculation)
    Anney 8 born 1862 (census calculation)
    Juda 1 born 1869 (census calculation)

Eliza Collins who married Jesse Scalf was not the same Elizabeth Collins, daughter of Amos Collins. We cannot say for certain that Betsy who is living next door to Amos in 1860 was the daughter of Amos Collins; however, her age matches closely the age of Elizabeth in the home of Amos in 1850 and descendants believe that she was the daughter of Amos.

The above information on the Amos Collins family along with the fact that Jesse Scalf and his wife Eliza Collins Scalf was summoned to court concerning the case of Elizabeth and Margaret Collins suggests a possible family connection between Eliza Collins Scalf and the Amos Collins family.

We have not determined at this time exactly what that relationship might have been. We are certain she was not the daughter of Amos and it is questionable that she was a sister due to the 36-42 year difference in their ages. We do speculate that Amos could have been an uncle to Eliza Scalf Collins, however.

Although location has nothing to do with relationships, it is possible Amos Collins was part of the Meredith Collins family. We suggest this only because Meredith was living in Floyd County, Kentucky very early on.

Meredith Collins and John Scalf Sr. were near the same age. Variations of Meredith's birth date consists of 1760-1765 depending on what history you are reading.

The author has no intention of trying to solve the Collins genealogy for that is best left to the Collins family. However, the following Collins information has been added to this chapter to assist descendants in the research of the line of Eliza Collins Scalf. These writings may be entirely out left field as far as the ancestors of Eliza Collins Scalf are concerned; however, the author feels that due to the location of these families, among other coincidences makes it very possible that she descended from the Meredith Collins family. However, further research is needed to confirm or deny this.

Meredith Collins was listed on the 1810 Floyd County, Kentucky census as being born 1765 or before. We do not know the parents of Meredith Collins and the author has read several opinions stated on the Internet.

Meredith Collins was first found by this researcher on a 1776 list by Kegley in Montgomery County, Virginia during a trip to the Christiansburg Library. Montgomery County was part of the now New River Valley area, which the old settlers used to travel to the area of Russell County, Virginia. Meredith was living in the area of Fincastle -Montgomery counties in 1776.

 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 11776 - Fincastle-Montgomery Co. (Christiansburg) Virginia Meredith signed an entry list for the Revolutionary War under Capt. James McDaniel.

Those listed among many others were:

George Collins
Lewis Collins
David Collins
Meredith Collins  (Kegley's list - Montgomery County, VA Library)

In 1780, Meredith was part of a Militia Unit in Montgomery County under Captain Osborn, probably Capt. Enoch Osborn. There were, of course, other men listed on this list but for the purposes of this chapter only the Collins names are listed here.

 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 11780 Militia List of Montgomery Co. Virginia

Captain Osburn's List

David Collins
George Collins
Meredith Collins
Elisha Collins
Samuel Collins
John Collins (Kegley-Montgomery County, VA Library)

Reference to the writings of Brenda Collins Dillon and Virginia DeMarcus were made in this research and the paragraphs below in quotations reflect statements by one or the other of these ladies. Reference was not noted at the time of the copying of these paragraphs and we apologize for not giving direct credit to the writer; however, if someone knows exactly which one is responsible for the statements listed here we will be glad to give credit where credit is due.

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 11783 Montgomery Co Va Millinton Collins 5-10-1783 80 acres Big Reed Island Pine & Snake Cr [in modern Carroll Co] & New River Grants 29-325 1784 NE part of Wilkes Co. NC George Collins Samuel Collins Ambrose Collins {Meredith entered into relation about this time frame; first wife unknown...2 children Bradley b. 1787 NC and a female possibly Amy) (DeMarcus or Dillon?)

Meredith traveled from Montgomery County, Virginia through Washington County and into Russell County, Virginia where he was found in 1799 on the Personal Property tax list of that area and again in 1809. He then moved to Floyd County, Kentucky by 1810.

Meredith's son Bradley was living next door to him in Floyd County, Kentucky in 1820. Both Meredith and Bradley were listed as FPC (Free Colored Persons or Free Persons of Color).

According to various manuscripts read by the author, Meredith's first wife had died and he had married Margaret Polly Holloway around 1793. It is believed that the paragraph below was stated in the writings of Brenda Collins Dillon; however, this could have been from the writings of Virginia DeMarcus.

 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 About this timeframe Meredith married Margaret Polly Holloway, his second spouse, mother of John W, Edward, Archibald, James, Reuben, William, and another female unnamed. Where they are living is yet unknown.

Interestingly, these families moved back and forth from the Russell County, Virginia Hawkins/Hancock County, Tennessee areas quite frequently through the Cumberland Gap area from Kentucky into Tazewell (Claiborne Co.) Tennessee. It was/is not a great distance to Hawkins and Hancock after arriving in Claiborne County. Of course, another route was used from Lebanon (Russell Co.) Virginia into Kentucky but either route was not a considerable distance even by1800 travel methods.

1799 Meredith Collins in Russell County, Virginia.

1809 Meredith Collins in Russell County, Virginia

1810 Meredith Collins in Floyd County, Kentucky John Scalf, Sr. in Floyd.

1820 Meredith Collins in Floyd Co. Kentucky John Scalf, Sr. in Russell Co. VA

By 1830, Bradley (son of Meredith) had moved to Clay County, Kentucky or he might have been living in the area that became Clay. Either way, Bradley is found in Clay County 1830. On this census, the head of house living next door to Bradley is listed as Hiram. This is how the 1830 census of Clay County lines up for these folks.

Collins, Abraham  

1 white male < 5 (1825 - 1830)
1 white female 20 - 30 (1800 - 1810)
1 male slave 24 - 36 (1794 - 1806)

Collins, Hiram       

1 white male < 5 (1825 - 1830)
1 male slave 24 - 36 (1794 - 1806)
1 female slave 10 - 24 (1806 - 1820)

Collins, Bradley  

1 white male < 5 (1825 - 1830)
2 white males 5 - 10 (1820 - 1825)
1 white male 15 - 20 (1810 - 1815)
1 white male 40 - 50 (1780 - 1790)
2 white females < 5 (1825 - 1830)
1 white female 5 - 10 (1820 - 1825)
2 white females 10 - 15 (1815 - 1820)
1 white female 15 - 20 (1810 - 1815)

No slaves listed.

We believe that the slaves listed on the 1830 census for Hiram and Abraham were actually slaves of Bradley with Hiram and Abraham being counted in the slave quarters. Recall that Bradley also was listed as (FPC) in 1820 Floyd County. He is now listed as White.

The author has read that Bradley had two children by his wife's sister who was a mulatto and the two children living next door were actually children of Bradley. Whether this is correct or not we have been unable to verify. We also cannot determine if Bradley was married in 1830 due the ages of the females listed in his home. It is possible that the female listed as 15-20 could have been his wife.

There was also a white female age 20-30 in the home of Abraham suggesting she was his mother. Hiram did not appear to have any one other than the male and female slaves listed. Hiram was also listed as White.

By 1840, Bradley Collins (son of Meredith) had moved to Missouri. He then moved to Appanoose County, Iowa by 1850 with his son Andrew and family. There were Scalf family members living in Appanoose County, Iowa in 1850; however, this may simply be coincidence. It has been stated by Collins researchers that Andrew married Betsy Sizemore in Clay County, Kentucky.

1840 Chariton Co. MO

Bradley Collins

1 male < 5 (1835 - 1840)
1 male 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835)
1 male 10 - 15 (1825 - 1830)
1 male 15 - 20 (1820 - 1825)
1 male 40 - 50 (1790 - 1800)
2 females < 5 (1835 - 1840)
1 female 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835)
2 females 10 - 15 (1825 - 1830)
1 female 15 - 20 (1820 - 1825)
2 females 20 - 30 (1810 - 1820)

Note that Andrew and Betsy named a son Archibald. This may or may not be significant. Bradley Collins, son of Meredith, was in the home of his son Andrew.

1850 Appanoose Co. Iowa

COLLINS, Andrew 39 1811 KY
   Betsy 35 1815 VA
   Lewis 13 1837 KY
   Sampson 9 1841 MO
   Archibald 6 1846 IA
   Polly A. 2 1848 IA
COLLINS, Bradley 63 1787 NC

This family was not found after 1850.

In 1830, Amos Collins appeared in Clay County, Kentucky. Amos was born 1780-1790 according to census calculations and could very well have been a brother of Bradley although his name was not referenced in any of the Collins history read by the author as one of Meredith's children. Amos and Bradley were both born in Virginia and records do reveal that Meredith Collins was in Virginia during the years both of these men were born. However, so was a large number of other Collins men. Amos could just as easily have been a cousin of Bradley.

Along with Amos in 1830 there appears an Elijah Collins on the census around ten years younger than Amos. His parentage is also unknown.

In 1830, Meredith Collins is living in Pike County, Kentucky. Meredith is now 60-70 years old. Also in the neighborhood is Solomon Osborn. Whether this is the same Solomon Osborn who left Lee/Scott County, Virginia and moved to Kentucky is not clear; however, the Osborn family and Collins family were associated either by marital ties or a close friendship from 1780 Montgomery County, Virginia throughout their move down the New River Valley into the Russell, Lee, Scott County areas and into Kentucky. There are also Gibson and Mullins families nearby, who were also some of the Lee/Scott County family names. A George Collins age 30-40 is also in the neighborhood.

Note that in 1850, Amos is the oldest Collins family member still living in Clay County, Kentucky. A John Collins is now listed as 52 years old and born in Virginia. He may have been a brother to Amos. Amos is listed as 60 years old and was certainly not the father of this John Collins.

Calvin and John G. Collins were head of house in 1850 and all these men including Amos and his possible brother John were listed as white. Calvin and John G. were born in TN. Benjamin, age 26 is also head of house and born in TN. He is the only one listed as Mulatto. We doubt this Benjamin was the son of Amos but we cannot discount it. Collins researchers state that John G. Collins and Calvin were certainly sons of Amos and that he had a son Benjamin as well. If this Benjamin was his son, we know of no reason why the enumerator would have marked him as mulatto on the census and the others as White.  

Considering that these men were born in Tennessee certainly suggests that Amos might have made a few trips to Tennessee or possibly have lived there if they were his sons. Most likely, these trips were made to Grainger, Claiborne, Hawkins or Hancock Counties in Tennessee where Amos had numerous relatives.

In 1840 an Archibald Collins appears for the first time in Clay County. Archibald is listed as 30-40 years old, born 1800-1810. He also matches the age of one of the males in the home of Meredith in 1810 Floyd County, Kentucky. Collins researchers also state that Meredith had a son Archibald. Archibald's oldest child (a daughter) was age 10-15 calculating a birth date of 1825-1830. This suggests that Archibald probably married 1820-1825; however, we have been unable to find him as head of house in 1830.

Archibald is significant to this research for the fact that he is the only Collins found in Clay County, Kentucky that fits the criteria closely enough to have been the father of Eliza Collins Scalf. It was thought at first that Calvin Collins could have been her father; however, Calvin was born around 1810 and Eliza around 1826. Calvin would have only been 16 when Eliza was born.

In the pension file of Eli Collins, son of Eliza Collins before her marriage to Jesse Scalf, Jesse stated that Eli was his stepson and that he had gone by the name of Bolin part of the time and Collins part of the time before Jesse and Eliza married.

We assume that Eli's father was likely a Bolin and this was probably why Eli used the Bolin name part of the time.

Eliza Collins Scalf was born about 1826 according to census records. In the home of Archibald Collins his oldest daughter in 1840 was born 1825-1830 and would fit the estimated birth date of Eliza Collins Scalf. No other Collins family was found in Clay County, Kentucky that matches Eliza's age so closely.

Interestingly, an Eli Bolin is living nearby Archibald Collins in 1830 Clay County, Kentucky.

1840 Clay Co. KY

Archibald Collins

1 male < 5 (1835 - 1840)  
1 male 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835)  
1 male 30 - 40 (1800 - 1810)  
1 female < 5 (1835 - 1840)  
1 female 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835)  
1 female 10 - 15 (1825 - 1830) Eliza Collins Scalf?  
1 female 15 - 20 (1820 - 1825)  
1 female 30 - 40 (1800 - 1810)  

We have ruled out every possible Collins family in Clay County, Kentucky as being the parents of Eliza as far as the author has been able to do with the exception of Archibald Collins who certainly seems to fit the criteria much closer than anyone else. If correct, Eliza Collins Scalf appears to have been the granddaughter of Meredith Collins. However, by which wife we cannot ascertain for it appears that Meredith had a wife in 1830 Pike County, Kentucky.

It is the understanding of the author that Polly Holloway Collins died before 1830 but this could be incorrect. It is stated in at least one manuscript that Meredith had a common-law wife after his wife died in 1812 or 1813 named Millie Johnson. The author has not researched this however and cannot confirm this as fact.

Archibald Collins left Clay County, Kentucky before the enumeration of the 1850 census and was found in Kanawha County, Virginia (later West Virginia) if this is the correct Archibald Collins and we believe that it is.

Archibald was followed through the census records until 1880. He was not found after this census and assumed to have died.

1850 Kanawha Co. VA    14 October 1850

COLLINS, Archibald 48 1802 VA  
    Peggy 42 1808 VA  
    John W. 19 1831 VA  
    Lucinda 16 1834 VA  
    Rufus 14 1836 VA  
    Matilda 12 1838 VA (see 1860 census)
    Worky 8 (female) 1842 VA (name questionable)
    Henry 2 1848 VA  

1860 Roane Co. WV        7 June 1860      Osborn's Mill

COLLINS, Archibald 60 1800 VA  
    Margaret 57 1803 VA  
    John W. 27 1833 KY  
    Malinda 21 1839 KY (see 1850 census)
    Euorka 15 1845 KY (name questionable)
    Newberry 12 1848 VA  
    Washington 9 1851 VA  

1870 Roane Co. WV    14 July 1870     Newton P.O.

COLLINS, Arch'bd 66 1804 KY
   Margaret 62 1808 KY
   Matilda 31 1839 KY
   Newberry 21 1849 WV
NEWBERRY, J.R. (M?) 6 1864 WV
   Jasper 4 1866 WV

Archibald Collins was found in the home of Ceota (Cleota?) Damron (possibly Dawson) in 1880 and may not be the same Archibald Collins; however, the age does fit closely. This might have been a granddaughter of Archibald. If so, Archibald's wife Margaret (Peggy) had died and all the children were gone from home at this time. Note that Archibald stated he was born in Virginia in 1850 and 1860. He was born in Kentucky in 1870 and born in North Carolina in 1880. If this was the son of Meredith Collins, he was likely born in Virginia considering the estimated time of his birth according to his age in 1850.

1880 Wayne Co. WV    3d & 4th June 1880   Grant or 5th District

DAMRON, Ceota? 29 1851 KY KY KY
     Thomas 9 1871 KY NC KY
     Walt  6 1874 KY NC KY
     O.N. - B.? 11/12 Jul 1879 WV NC KY
COLLINS, Arch 77 1803 NC NC NC

The names of Archibald's children appear on various manuscripts on the Internet and the children from the census records of Virginia/West Virginia match these names. It was also noted on manuscripts that Archibald had a daughter Eliza Jane Collins. However, an Eliza did not appear with the family in West Virginia. This also suggests that Eliza Collins Scalf could have been the daughter of Archibald for she would have been in Kentucky married to Jesse Scalf in 1850.

End of Jesse Scalf Chapter


Virgil Scalf Census records, tax lists, land grants, pension files and other records

Sharon Carter Trent Family descendant and researcher

Death, Marriages & Kentucky Tax Lists - Kentucky Archives

Pension files of Jesse Scalf and Eli Collins - Washington D.C. Archives

Ona Scalf - Researcher

Unknown Smith descendant

S. Wheatley Amburgey descendant

Various Collins Researchers

Writings of Brenda Collins Dillon

Writings of Virginia DeMarce

Russell County, Virginia court records

Scalf Family History Elmer D. Scalf

Margaret Fleenor - Author


Copyright (C) 2007-2017 by Margaret Fleenor, All Rights Reserved