Son of
John Scalf, Sr. & Edeah Carlisle
Sr<Lewis Scalf
This chapter is dedicated in memory of Nelle Goring Cooke 1924-2005
Ira Scalf, son of John Scalf Sr. and Edeah (Edy) Carlisle was born 1812 – 1814 in either Floyd County, Kentucky or Russell County, Virginia. It is unknown for certain in which location his parents were living during the time Ira was born.
This photograph of Ira Scalf was originally in the possession of Hattie Scalph, the wife of Ora Scalph. Copies of this photograph have been available to the genealogical community for several years, but their authenticity was never certain. Over the years, several Ira Scalf descendents from different lines have declared this photograph to be Ira Andrew Scalf. Also, a descendent of Ira Scalf produced this photograph and said it was given to his grandmother by Hattie Bell Chapman, the wife of Ora Scalph, who was a son of Alfred Scalf/Scalph. Alfred was the son of Ira Scalf, and the surname Scalf changed to Scalph during his lifetime. Since Hattie Chapman Scalph, a granddaughter-in-law of Ira Scalf, was born in 1883 and died in 1970 which was well before internet mail made it easy to share photographs, we feel comfortable in saying this photograph is Ira Scalf. (Photograph - courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
Writings of Elmer D. Scalf on the family of Ira Scalf can be found in the book, Scalf Family History, beginning on page 129 – 170 for comparison.
Writings of Henry P. Scalf on the family of Ira Scalf can be found in the book, Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter IX, Rev. Ira and Rosannah Gibson Scalf.
Ira's father, John Scalf Sr., left Surry County, North Carolina around 1805-1806 and may have traveled through Russell County, Virginia on his way to Floyd County, Kentucky. Ira's father was living in Floyd County, Kentucky at the enumeration of the 1810 census. John Scalf Sr. and his family then appear on the 1820 Russell County, Virginia census.
In August of 1820 Ira was ordered by the court of Russell County, Virginia to be bound out to learn a trade
but no records have been found to confirm that Ira was actually removed from the home of his father. The court records of Russell County, Virginia do suggest that Ira's brother William was taken from the home but later returned.
This bit of information does suggest that the John Scalf Sr. family had been living in Russell County, Virginia for at least several years before 1820. It is unlikely that the family had only been there for a few months when the overseer of the poor determined that the children needed to be removed.
It is the opinion of the author that Russell County, Virginia is where Ira married his first wife Rosanna Gibson sometime around 1831 or 1832 although no marriage record appears to exist. Rosanna Gibson was probably a member of the Gibson family from the Russell/Scott County area and some records indicate a possible tie to Tyron Gibson (also spelled Tryon in some records and called Tiry by local natives. However, this has not been researched thoroughly at this time. It is also believed that Rosanna was most likely a descendent of the Melungeon
Gibson/Gipson families.
The author has been asked the question by various descendents of this line what is a Melungeon and where did they come from?
Therefore, as much information as possible due to the length of this chapter has been written concerning these folks to aid in the research of descendents of Rosanna Gibson Scalf. The author has also spent a good deal of years compiling information on this subject. Due to the length of this chapter excerpts from some of the writings of Jack H. Goins has been relied on for information concerning the folks described as Melungeon.
For more in-depth information on the Gibson Melungeon families the author suggests the book, Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families by Jack H. Goins, an excellent researcher and friend.
A considerable number of the Gibson/Gipson families were living in the Lee and Scott County, Virginia and Hancock County, Tennessee areas of Blackwater and Newman's Ridge and were labeled Melungeon.
According to information gathered during research of these families, the word Melungeon
did not necessarily depict a specific race of people.
Vardiman (Vardy) Collins, considered to have been the head Melungeon
of the Collins families in this area stated he was of Portagee and Indian descent.
Vardy Collins was also known to Joseph Rhea, an
early Hawkins County pioneer, as Navarrh or Navarrah.
No one truly knows where the word Melungeon originated or exactly why. However, records of nearby Stony Creek Baptist Church, the first church erected in the Fort Blackmore area of Virginia lists the name Melungins
as early as 1813 on page 37 of the Stony Creek Baptist Church Minutes. Early Gibson families were members of the Stony Creek Baptist Church of Fort Blackmore as early as 1802 and then moved to the Blackwater area in the same year. (Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families, pg. 69, Jack H. Goins)
It was also stated by one old-timer from the area that they were known in this locale as Ramps
(Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families, pg. 66, Goins)
The old-timer referred to was speaking of an area located between Dungannon and Fort Blackmore, Virginia known as Ramp Town.
Shepherd Buck
Gibson (also spelled Gipson) is believed to be one of the first Gibson/Gipson families in the area of Hawkins/Hancock Co. Tennessee. Shepherd was the brother-in-law of Vardiman (Vardy) Collins and these two gentlemen are believed to be the progenitors of the original Melungeon families of these particular areas. The word original meaning, the first known inhabitants to the Newman Ridge area known as
Jack Goins often lists them as the source Melungeons
in his book, which may be a more accurate description than original.
The family of Thomas Gibson of Louisa County, Virginia was in Russell County, Virginia as early as 1802. Rhuebin, Fanny, Henry, Thomas Jr., and Vina Gibson joined the Stony Creek Baptist Church at Fort Blackmore in July of this year. Charles Gibson and wife Mary joined the church just one month prior in June of 1802. (Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families, pg. 68, Goins)
As Jack Goins stated, these families were living in the Fort Blackmore area as early as 1802. At that time Fort Blackmore was in Russell County, Virginia. Russell County was created in 1786 from Washington County, Virginia. Scott County, Virginia was then created in 1815 from parts of Russell. Fort Blackmore is now located in Scott County.
Most of these families originally came from the Pamunkey River area to Flat River (Orange County) North Caroline and then to the area of Grayson and Russell Counties in Virginia, having lived also in the Wilkes (now Ashe) County, North Carolina area. The author is of the opinion that Rosanna Gibson's family descended from these early pioneers; however, further research will be needed to establish the exact link.
According to the research of Jack Goins, a definition for Melungeon
was not even written until 1890 and these early settlers were certainly living in the above-mentioned areas long before 1890.
Much controversy abounds among researchers and scientist today concerning these people. They were a simple people living remotely from society with different traditions, beliefs, and family traits. The original families now being extinct, their descendents are scattered throughout the country today. (Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families)
It has been theorized by various researchers that they were of Negro, White, Indian and Portuguese heritage as well as various other mixtures but there still remains (in 2007) no concrete evidence available that would definitely place these families in any specific ethnic group.
Joseph Rhea, a prominent citizen and early attorney of Hawkins County, Tennessee states that Vardy Collins was of Portuguese Nationality
Joseph was a friend of the children of Solomon Collins as well as the brother-in-law of Bailey Collins, son of Solomon. Joseph spent a good deal of time with these families. This information was passed on in a letter to Mary Collins, a niece of Joseph Rhea.
We can think of no reason that Joseph Rhea would have made these statements other than to inform his niece of her ancestors. Joseph's sister Melissa Rhea had married Bailey Collins son of Solomon Collins and knew the families intimately and no doubt recalled the information from what he had been told.
Records reveal that Vardy Collins (brother-in-law of Shepherd Gibson/Gipson) was living in Ashe County, North Carolina at the time of the enumeration of the 1810 census but was living on Newman's Ridge by 1812 in what was then Hawkins County, Tennessee and later Hancock. This area was and still is to some extent, a very isolated region coursing through the Blackwater (Scott/Lee Co) Virginia area and into Hancock County, Tennessee.
Many theories abound concerning the people known as Melungeon
and why they chose Newman's Ridge as their home. The research of Jack Goins documents their earliest known beginnings on the Pamunky River in Virginia where the Saponi Indians were living. It is a matter of record that many of these families traveled down the New River Valley area of Virginia and North Carolina through Washington and Russell County, Virginia before finally settling on Newman's Ridge.
Having lived in the East Tennessee area for the majority of my life and having known a number of descendents of these families, it is the opinion of the author that the research of Jack Goins holds more logic than any other read by this author. Jack's book is highly recommended to anyone interested in the Melungeon heritage. Especially, for research of the Collins, Gibson, Minor, and Goins name, just to mention a few.
The parents of Rosanna Gibson Scalf have not been determined at this time. However, research is ongoing. It is stated in Scalf Family History, page 129 that Ira married Rosanna in 1832 in either Russell County, Virginia or Hawkins County, Tennessee. The author believes they most likely married in Virginia. The 1833 tax list of Russell County, Virginia suggests that Ira was head of house in 1833, for he was taxed on one white poll, which would have been Ira himself.
Chapter IX of Chronicles of the Scalf Family, by Henry P. Scalf states that Rosanna was an inmate of an orphanage in South Carolina. The following is an excerpt from that chapter.
He married Rosanna Gibson who had been an
inmate of a South Carolina Methodist Church orphanage. Date of the marriage was
about 1833 or 1834. Rosanna and her brother David, their parents' names unknown,
were not living in the orphanage at the time of the marriage, died sometime
around 1852 in Claiborne County, Tennessee along with her last child, Pacify,
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter IX)
The following is an excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Tradition is consistent that Rosanna Gibson Scalf was of dark complexion, this physical trait descending to her children and grandchildren. Her life was marked with hardship and high courage in rearing her family. She was born in Virginia in 1814 and was about 20 years of age at the time of her marriage, two years younger than her husband. The mother of Rosanna was also of dark skin and hair and said to be clairvoyant by her family and neighbors, She predicted her own death. Within three years, scratched the date on the bottom of a pewter place and showed it to her daughter Rose.
Nothing is preserved by tradition relative to Rosanna's father so we assume that at the time of the prediction of her mother's death was made, he was already deceased. Naturally, the children, facing the impact of their mother's prediction, talked to the neighbors. The old witch-hunt psychosis was still lingering and the aroused neighbors charged Mrs. Gibson with being a witch. Under the threat of a trial or ill treatment from the neighbors, the mother gathered her children and what possessions she could carry and fled. There is evidence, deduced from tradition that the family was living in either Virginia or North Carolina at the time.
Fleeing south with her children, Mrs. Gibson finally domiciled in South Carolina. There, true to her prediction, it is said, she died, followed by two other children, leaving Rosanna and David. The latter two were placed in a Methodist Church orphanage. It is only a folk tradition but may have a background of truth. Like many folk stories it conflicts with the record. Rosanna Gibson, according to census records, was born in Virginia.
The statements above by Henry P. Scalf were made from legend passed down in the Ira Scalf family. We have been unable to confirm that Rosanna or David were in South Carolina although we also cannot deny it. As stated by Henry, we believe there is a remnant of truth in the legend; however, no supporting evidence has been found as of this date.
Recall the above information by Jack Goins. The family of Thomas Gibson of Louisa County, Virginia was in Russell County, Virginia as early as 1802. Rhuebin, Fanny, Henry, Thomas Jr., and Vina Gibson joined the Stony Creek Baptist Church at Fort Blackmore in July of this year. Charles Gibson and wife Mary joined the church just one month prior in June of 1802. (Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families, pg. 68, Goins)
Considering that the above Gibson/Gipson families were in Russell County in 1802, we believe that Rosanna's father could have been a son or grandson of any of the above families. However, this is only speculation and further research is needed to determine the line of Rosanna Gibson Scalf.
Some stories state that Rosanna and her last child, Pacify, died of measles and some state they died of cholera or typhoid, which was rampant in that area during the 1850's. This disease wiped out complete families in the Russell County area and other areas as well.
By 1840 we find the Ira Scalf family living in Hawkins County, Tennessee. Ira and Rosanna had four sons at the enumeration of this census. The two oldest sons were born 1830 – 1835, which suggest that Ira and Rosanna were married around 1832 or early 1833.
We know from the property records of Claiborne County, Tennessee that Ira was living in Hancock County, Tennessee by1849. Hancock was created from Hawkins in 1844 and made official around 1846 or 1847. Ira was living in the area of Hawkins County that became Hancock County and from records appears to have lived there since 1839.
Land records of Claiborne County, Tennessee reveal that Ira bought 12 acres from Phillip Keck on December 5, 1849. The deed states that Ira Scalf was of Hancock County, Tennessee at this time and Phillip Keck was of Claiborne County. Ira paid $50.00 for this land and the land was part of a 100-acre tract conveyed by Evans and Casey to Phillip Keck earlier. The description of this land reads as follows:
Beginning on a locust and Said Kecks line thence S 20 E 90 poles to a Stake, thence Eastwardly to a Stake a conditional line made between said Hopers thence with said line to a poplar thence to the Beginning.
Phillip Keck signed by mark (X). The witnesses were Elijah Goin and William Scalf. (Link to deed - Page 1 & Page 2)
This would not have been Ira's brother who was known to Scalf descendents as William #2, if the statement made by Patsy Counts Scalf in Hawkins County in 1845 is correct. Patsy stated that William #2 had died by 1845. Ira purchased the land in 1849 but the deed was not registered until 27 May 1856 at 5 o'clock p.m. This alone would rule out this William being Ira's brother. The William who signed this deed died 1852-1854 and his widow Talitha Scalf remarried by 1854 to Cornelius (Neil) Trent.
Land deed records of Claiborne County, Tennessee also show that Ira bought property from John Keck in Claiborne County. The date was January 6, 1850 in the amount of $16.45. This land was located on the south side of the Powell River, containing 50 acres more or less. This was mountain land for the most part and was probably much poorer land than the 12 acres Ira had bought from Phillip Keck considering the price Ira paid for this land. The description of this land is as follows:
Beginning on a Locus thence with a conditional line made between John Hopper and Thomas Hopper to Hezekiah Hoppers corner on the grant line from thence with the top meanderings of the top of the Apalachee Ridge to a post Oak corner made by William P. Yadon and John Keck thence with a conditional line made by the said William P. Yadon and John Keck, to a Sugar tree in the hollow below the Ivy Spring thence on a conditional line to a Stake on Harmon Hoppers line from thence to the Beginning.
(Claiborne County Deed Book) (Link to deed - Page 1 & Page 2)
The witnesses to this deed were Levi Goins, L. L. Harrell and V. Meyers. This deed was not recorded until 23 May 1856. John Keck acknowledged the deed on October 29, 1855.
Rosanna was still living when Ira bought the land in Claiborne County in 1849 and 1850. However, she had died at the time Ira registered the deed in May of 1856. This land appears to have been located near or in Tazewell, Tennessee. From the information listed above, it appears that Ira and Rosanna had moved from Sneedville (Hancock Co) Tennessee to Tazewell (Claiborne Co) Tennessee. Claiborne County had been formed much earlier than Hancock so this was a definite move and not a boundary change.
Considering the fact that Ira sold both parcels of land in Claiborne County around 1856, along with the fact that no other deeds were found of Ira purchasing more land, suggests that Ira and his second wife, Nancy Killion McVey, could have moved over to Clay County, Kentucky around 1856.
Ira had purchased the land before Rosanna died but did not register the deed until after his marriage to Nancy. Since the deeds were not registered until 1856, it is believed that Ira sold the property at this time. However, the author had no luck in finding a deed of sale for the property. Ira and Nancy probably lived there until this time then moved over to Clay County, Kentucky where Ira's son, Miles, married his second wife in 1857.
It is believed that Ira, along with his father John Sr., had left Russell County, Virginia and made a trip to Kentucky where Ira's son, David Crockett Scalf was born. This was sometime between December of 1834 and July of 1835. The last record found of John Scalf Sr. in Russell County, Virginia was dated December 1834 and the last record found of Ira in Russell County, Virginia was July of 1835.
On the 1850 census of Claiborne County, Tennessee Ira and Rosanna stated that Miles J. Scalf was 16 years old. This estimates Miles birth date to around 1834. Ira might have gone to Kentucky during this time and Miles was born there. However, Ira was back in Russell County, Virginia by 1835 and David C. Scalf is listed as the next son born in 1835 in Virginia. However, David consistently stated he was born in Kentucky.
1830 Russell CO VA
SCALF, John Sr. | |
2 males 10 – 15 | (1815 – 1820) Peter – Robert? |
3 males 15 – 20 | (1810 – 1815) Lee – Ira – Jesse? |
1 male 60 – 70 | (1760 – 1770) John Sr. |
1 female 5 – 10 | (1820 – 1825) Cecilia? |
1 female 15 – 20 | (1810 – 1815) Betsy? |
1 female 50 – 60 | (1770 – 1780) Edy |
The Russell County, Virginia tax lists of 1833 – 1850 contributed by Sharon Carter, confirms that Ira Scalf was living in Russell County 1833 and 1835. He disappears from the tax list in 1834 and was not found listed after 1835.
Considering this information it is possible that Ira's son Miles could have been born in 1834 in Kentucky and David C. born 1836 in Kentucky. It appears that the Scalf family was moving back and forth between Virginia and Kentucky during this time. The following tax list reveals the location of Ira's family.
May 7 - Scalf, Ira - 1 white male over 16
April 20 - Scalf, Ira - 1 white male over 16; 1 horse
In July of 1835 the sheriff of Russell County, Virginia confiscated property belonging to Ira Scalf, which was thought to belong to John Scalf, Sr; however, it was proven that the property belonged to Ira and Ira was compensated. This was the last record found of Ira Scalf in Russell County, Virginia.
David C. Scalf was the last child born to Ira and Rosanna in Virginia in 1835 according to the information Ira and Rosanna gave on the 1850 census and Wesley was the first child born in Tennessee around 1837.
The 1836 tax list of Clay County, Kentucky reveals that Ira was living on Otter Creek in Clay County in this year. Ira's son, David C. Scalf always stated he was born in Kentucky. His birth record states he was born 1838 in Kentucky but Ira was not found in Kentucky in 1838 although he might have still been living there.
Ira did not appear on the tax lists there in 1837 or 1838. Ira was not found in Russell County, Virginia or in Kentucky during the years of 1837 and 1838. Interestingly, his brother Jesse and father, John Scalf, Sr. were living on Otter Creek in 1836 and listed on the same tax list. We believe this to be John Scalf Sr. and not John Jr. because the tax lists of Russell County, Virginia show John Scalf Jr. still in Russell County. We do not believe John Jr. left Russell County until his move to Hawkins County. The 1836 tax list of Clay County also suggests that Ira was renting the property on Otter Creek for it was entered in the name of J. Jackson.
The school population census of 1839 in Hawkins County, Tennessee reveals that Ira was living there by 1839.
Recall in the pension file of John Scalf Sr., it was stated that John Sr. spent several years in Kentucky between the time he left Russell County, Virginia (1834-1835) and his move to Hawkins County, Tennessee (1838-1839).
(Kentucky tax lists courtesy of Virgil Scalf from the Kentucky Archives)
1836 Clay Co. KY Ira Scalf
White male over 21 years of age | 1 |
Land (3rd rate) | 20 Acres |
Water Course | Otter Creek |
In whose name entered | J. Jackson |
Horses, mares, mules & jennies | 1 |
Value of land per acre | $1 |
Total value | $20 |
Ira was picked up again beginning in 1839 in Hawkins County, Tennessee.
The School Population Census, known as the Squires Ledger
from Hawkins County, Tennessee finds Ira in Hawkins County in1839 where he has one child of school age. No Scalf was listed on the school census in 1840.
The household census records reveal that Ira was still living in Hawkins County in 1840.
Hawkins County School Population Census
Ira Scalf 1
Miles would have been five years old in 1839 if he were born in 1834 as the 1850 census states. He would have been one year younger than school age at this time considering his age on the census.
1840 Hawkins CO TN
SCALF, Ira | |
2 males < 5 | (1835 – 1840) Wesley - Greenberry |
2 males 5 – 10 | (1830 – 1835) Miles – David |
1 male 20 – 30 | (1810 – 1820) Ira |
1 female 20 – 30 | (1810 – 1820) Rosannah |
Ira is again found in 1841 on the school census and followed through 1847 with the exception of the year 1843 when Ira is either missing from the list or the list for that year was missing.
Ira Scalf 2
By 1841, Miles and David were both in school. Using the school census as a guide, we could conclude that Miles and David were born 1833 and 1835. The age for children to begin school at this time was 6 years old. Ira was again missing in 1843 but this could be due to the fact the list was very difficult to read. Ira might have been listed this year as well but Sharon was unable to read the name.
Ira Scalf 2
Ira missing
Ira Scalf 3
Ira now has three children in school. This would be Miles, David and Wesley. If the ages were correct on the 1850 census, Miles would be 10, David, 9 and Wesley 7 at this time.
Ira Scalf 4
Ira now has four children in school. Green B. was born in 1839 and was now 6 years old.
Iry Scalf 4
Ira still has four children in school but Chary has now reached school age as she was born in 1840 according to the 1850 census but might have been born 1841 since Ira has four children in school instead of five.
Hancock County
Iry Scalf 3
In 1847, Ira only has three children in school. This suggests that a child either dropped out of school or had died and possibly more than one since Ira should have had at least six children of school age in 1847. Miles and David had probably dropped out of school to help on the farm as was common at this time. This leaves a total of four children of school age. We believe the three oldest children were not in school at this time. ;
No Scalf's were listed on the school census after 1847 in Hancock or Hawkins County.
The 1850 tax list of Claiborne County, Tennessee reveals that Ira was taxed there in this year. As can be seen, Ira was taxed in the 11th district in 1850 but the enumeration of the 1850 census shows that he was living in the 10th district by October of 1850.
Ira had bought 12 acres of land in Claiborne County in 1849 from Phillip Keck. The deed stated that Ira was of Hancock County in 1849. He was most likely there in 1848 as well. Claiborne County was created long before Hancock so we know this was not a boundary change but was certainly a move for the Ira Scalf family. It is interesting that the tax list states 13 acres but the land Ira bought from Phillip Keck was only 12 acres.
John Scalf Jr. and William Scalf were taxed in Claiborne County in 1850 and only John Jr. was taxed in 1851. John Jr. also owned 50 acres of land but William was taxed only on himself and did not own property at this time.
1850 Claiborne Co. Dist. 11
Scalf, Ira - 13 acres land, val. $15; 1 poll; .44 tax1850 Claiborne CO TN 16 October 1850 Subdivision #7 – District #10
SCALF, Ira | 38 | 1812 | VA |
Rosannah | 34 | 1816 | VA |
Miles J. | 16 | 1834 | VA |
David | 15 | 1835 | VA |
Wesly | 13 | 1837 | TN |
Green B. | 11 | 1839 | TN |
Chary | 10 | 1840 | TN |
Jane | 9 | 1841 | TN |
Alfred | 4 | 1846 | TN |
Rosannah | 2 | 1848 | TN |
Pacify L. | 2/12 | 1850 | TN |
Note from the author: In her deposition taken July 1845 in Hawkins County, Tennessee, Patsy (Counts) Scalf stated that Ira had seven children at this time. This does correlate with the 1850 census of Claiborne County, Tennessee. Therefore, we can safely assume that Miles Scalf was the firstborn child of Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson Scalf.
Ira is again taxed in the same district in 1851 and is shown owning more acreage in 1851 than in 1850. As stated above, Ira had bought the 50 acres from John Keck in 1849. Ira was not found on the tax lists of Claiborne County after this year. However, some of the tax lists did not survive for this period and we believe that Ira was still living there. Ira could have been living in District 10 but owned these parcels of land in District 11; however no other deeds were found for Ira.
1851 Claiborne Co.
Dist. 11
Scalf, Ira - 50 acres; val. $75; 1 poll; .78 1/2 tax
Rosanna Gibson Scalf and her daughter, Pacify, are believed to have died either late 1851 or early 1852. This was the year that William Scalf who married Talitha Scalf made his will. William would have been 33 years old at this time and most likely had contracted the same disease as Rosanna and her daughter Pacify.
We then lost track of the Ira Scalf family until 1854 when he married the widow, Nancy Killion McVey. Ira was still living in the Claiborne County area during this time. Nancy was the daughter of William Killion and Ann Coleman and the widow of James McVey. James McVey had been killed at Walter Buchanan's saloon in Tazewell (Claiborne Co) Tennessee. Ira and Nancy were married by Simpson Hurst, J. P. on January 29, 1854 in Claiborne County, Tennessee. (Claiborne County, TN Marriages)
Land deeds discussed above suggest that Ira sold his property and left the area sometime around 1856 – 1858 and moved to Kentucky. In fact, Ira was picked up again on the Knox County, Kentucky tax lists beginning in 1858 and this confirms that Ira and his second wife, Nancy Killion McVey Scalf had moved over to Knox County, Kentucky and was living at Goose Creek. Ira might have been working at the Goose Creek Salt Works at this time along with his son Miles Scalf who was also living at Goose Creek. Ira was followed on the tax lists of Knox County from 1858 through 1870. Ira was missing from the tax lists in three years; these were, 1861, 1862 and 1866; however, this could have been due to missing tax records.
Although Ira could not be found on the 1860 census of Knox or Clay County, Kentucky, the 1860 tax list of Knox County reveals that Ira was still living in Knox County, Kentucky in this year.
1858 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Note: Ira Scalf is listed twice in 1858.
1859 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of Horses and mares --- $100
Children between 6 & 18 --- 8
Total value at 20 cents per 100 --- $100
Ira and Nancy were not found on the 1860 census of Kentucky but Ira and Rosanna's son Greenberry is found in the home of Ransom Stuart in Kentucky in 1860. Several of the children of Ira and Rosanna had left the home by this time. Although Ira was not found on the 1860 census, he was found on the 1860 tax list. We assume that Ira was missed by the enumerator on the 1860 census.
1860 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of Horses and mares --- $40
Children between 6 & 18 --- 6
Bushels of corn --- 200
Total value at 20 cents per 100 --- $40
1861 – Ira missing
1862 – Ira missing
1863 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Children between 6 & 18 --- 5
Bushels of corn --- 50
1864 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Horses and mares --- 2
Value of Horses and mares --- $100
Children between 6 & 18 --- 5
Bushels of corn --- 200
1865 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Slave --- 1
Value of slave --- $75
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of Horses and mares --- $75
Children between 6 & 18 --- 3
Bushels of corn --- 200
1866 - Ira Scalf missing
1867 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of Horses and mares --- $40
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of Horses and mares --- $40
Children between 6 & 20 --- 4
Bushels of corn --- 100
1868 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of Horses and mares --- $25
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of Horses and mares --- $25
Children between 6 & 20 --- 4
Hogs over six months old --- 1
Bushels of corn --- 75
1869 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Children between 6 & 20 --- 4
1870 Knox County, KY
Ira Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Children between 6 & 20 --- 3
Ira and Nancy were found on the census records of 1870 living in Knox County, Kentucky. We believe that part of the tax lists were missing for Knox County
1870 Knox CO KY 9 September 1870 Subdivision #93 Barbourville KY
SCALF, Ira | 66 | 1814 | TN | Married 1/29/1854 |
Nancy | 64 | 1816 | TN | Parents were William Killian & Ann Coleman |
Andrew | 17 | 1853 | TN | |
Mary | 15 | 1855 | TN | |
Clark | 13 | 1857 | TN | |
Amanda | 11 | 1859 | TN |
It is the opinion of the author that Ira died sometime between the enumeration of the 1870 census and the 1872 tax collection of Knox County, Kentucky. The census was enumerated September 9, 1870 but we cannot be certain of the date of the tax collection of 1872 although it is stated in some articles that they were generally taken in the spring but sometimes in the autumn.
1871 Knox County, Tax List --- Ira was not found on the 1871 tax list of Knox County and his wife Nancy did not appear as head of house on this list. Either Ira or Nancy should have been head of house when the 1871 tax collection was taken. Therefore, it is possible that pages were missing from the 1871 tax list that might have listed either Ira or Nancy.
Nancy then appears as head of house on the tax list of 1872 indicating that Ira had died. The best estimation we can make concerning the time of Ira's death is 1870-1872.
1872 Knox County, KY
Nancy Scalf
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Children between 6 & 20 --- 4
1873 Knox County Tax Lists---Nancy was then missing from the 1873 tax list but picked up again on the 1874 tax list. She was not found after 1875 until the enumeration of the 1880 Knox County census where she was found living in Laurel County, Kentucky.
1874 Knox County, KY
Nancy Scalf
Land each tract in acres --- 250
Number of election precinct in which situated --- 7
In the middle to late 1870s, Nancy moved from Knox County to Clay County and by 1880 had settled in Laurel County.
1875 Clay County, KY
Nancy Scalf
Nancy was not found after this year on the tax lists but does appear as head of house in Laurel County, Kentucky in 1880.
Note that Clark, son of Ira and Nancy, is living in the home of his mother in 1880 but listed as a Broton (Broughton). He was also listed as Nancy's brother. Malinda was listed as Nancy's daughter and John D. Broton was listed as Nancy's son. Words in parentheses were inserted by Virgil Scalf to show the actual relationship to Nancy. Please note that the words (Scalf), (in law) and (Son) were not listed on this census.
1880 Laurel Co KY 1 June 1880
SCALF, Nancy | Head | 61 | 1819 | TN | NC | NC |
BROTON, Malinda | Dau (in law) | 23 | 1857 | KY | TN | TN |
BROTON (Scalf), Clark | Brother (Son) | 20 | 1860 | KY | TN | TN |
BROTON, John D. | Son | 5 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
Clark (Charles) Scalf was the son of Ira Scalf and Nancy Killion McVey Scalf. Although the age is off by about two or three years on this census, other records and family legend suggest this is the same Clark Scalf from the 1870 census.
Clark Scalf and Malinda were married April 15, 1881. This appears to have been Malinda's second marriage, and John D. Broton appears to be Malinda's son from her first marriage. Broton should probably be Broughton. It appears the enumerator failed to list Clark as a Scalf or was confused between the names and relationships of the family.
Charles (Clark) Scalf died May 5, 1919 and is buried at the McHargue Cemetery in Laurel County, KY as well as John Scalf.
The family of Ira Scalf and Nancy Killion McVey Scalf will be discussed further on in this chapter.
Son of
Ira Scalf & Rosanna Gibson
Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Miles J. Scalf, the first child listed on the census records of Ira and Rosanna married first to Catherine Scalf, September 14, 1854, in Claiborne County, Tennessee if the marriage index of Claiborne County, Tennessee is correct. A marriage license did not exist or was not found by this researcher at the Claiborne County Court House.
Catherine is believed to have been the daughter of his uncle, John Scalf Jr. It is assumed Catherine died a short time after her marriage to Miles but no records have been found at this time to confirm this.
In the marriage records of Claiborne County, Tennessee, a marriage is also listed for Miles Scalf and Martha E. Qualls.
According to Nadine Davis Smith in an article listed in the Barbourville Mountain Advocate, Martha Qualls was the daughter of Mary McVey and George Qualls. Mary McVey was the daughter of James McVey and Nancy Killion McVey Scalf. (Nadine Davis Smith-Barbourville Mountain Advocate)
Mary McVey married George Qualls and they had a daughter, Lucretia Qualls. Lucretia was found living in the home of Miles Scalf and his wife Lucy in 1880 Knox County, Kentucky. Lucretia (age 5) is listed as a niece of Miles Scalf. Mary McVey, daughter of Nancy Killion McVey Scalf would have been a stepsister to Miles. Therefore, Lucretia and Martha (daughters of Mary) would have been step-nieces of Miles Scalf.
It is possible that Martha Qualls, step-niece of Miles was only a witness to the marriage of Miles and Catherine and mistakenly written on the index record as his bride. A marriage was not returned for Miles and Martha; however, just four days later, Miles applied for a license to marry Catherine Scalf, daughter of his uncle, John Scalf, Jr.
Catherine Scalf might have died in the same epidemic that took the lives of Rosanna Gibson Scalf and her daughter Pacify. It is possible that Miles and Catherine divorced; however, no other records have been found of Catherine Scalf.
On the marriage application of Miles Scalf and Martha Qualls, Miles is listed as Miles J. Scalf. On the marriage application of Catherine and Miles he is listed simply as Miles Scalf. This could suggest these were two different people; however, we believe they were the same. The Miles Scalf we have become familiar with and discussed in this chapter was the son of Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson and we know of no other Miles Scalf in the family at this time. The marriage records of Claiborne County list the marriages as follows:
Miles J. Scalf to Martha E. Qualls - July 10, 1854 - Bk 3, pg. 45 (Link to marriage document)
Miles Scalf to Catherine Scalf July 14, 1854 - Bk 3, pg. 48 (Link to marriage document)
The four-day difference in the applications is suspicious for error. An actual marriage license for either Martha or Catherine was not found in Claiborne County, Tennessee by the author. Only the marriage index and applications record this information.
Three years later, Miles married in Clay County, Kentucky to Lucretia (Lucy) Jackson on September 24, 1857. E. W. Murphy performed the ceremony for Miles and Lucy. Hugh Jarvis along with A. Cobb were witnesses. These folks are believed to have been from Hawkins County, Tennessee where Miles had lived with his parents until the move to Kentucky.
Interestingly, Miles was taxed on one poll in Union County, Tennessee in the same year that he married Lucy Jackson in Clay County, Kentucky suggesting that Miles met and married Lucy in Clay County, Kentucky but might have still been living in Union County, Tennessee. We have no specific dates on these tax lists other than the year so we do not know in what month these taxes were collected.
Union County, TN 1857 - Dist. 10
Scalf, Miles - 1 poll; $1.00 tax
Miles appears on the tax list of 1858 living in Knox County, Kentucky where his father Ira and stepmother Nancy were living. Miles and Lucy continued to make their home in Knox County, Kentucky.
1858 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Children --- 1
1859 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Children between 6 & 18 --- 1
Miles is again listed on the 1860 tax list in
the same location.
1860 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Children between 6 & 18 --- 1
Bushels of corn --- 20
Miles is missing from the tax lists of 1861 through 1866 and assumed to be due to the war. Miles may have served in the Civil War, which ended in 1865, but he did register for the draft. (Link to Civil War draft registration)
Miles appears again on the 1867 tax list living in the same area as before.
1867 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Enrolled militia --- 1
Children between 6 & 20 --- 2
Pounds of tobacco --- 30
Bushels of corn --- 30
1868 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Enrolled militia --- 1
Children between 6 & 20 --- 2
Pounds of tobacco --- 20
Bushels of corn --- 15
1869 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Enrolled militia --- 1
Children between 6 & 20 --- 3
Hogs over six months old --- 9
The spelling appears to be Milum on the 1870 census of Knox County, Kentucky.
1870 Knox CO KY 9 September 1870 Subdivision #93 – Barbourville
SCALF, Milum | 36 | 1834 | VA | Married: 9/24/1857 |
Lucy | 27 | 1843 | KY | |
Nancy | 13 | 1857 | KY | |
Roseannah | 10 | 1860 | KY | |
Susan | 8 | 1862 | KY | |
Richard | 6 | 1864 | KY | |
Elizabeth | 4 | 1866 | KY | Married Milton Bingham? per DC |
Miles was then found on the tax lists of 1870 through 1875, missing in 1876 through 1878, and listed again in 1879. The tax lists might have been missing for these years as well. Miles and Lucy were then found in 1880 and 1900 still living in Knox County, Kentucky. Neither Miles nor Lucy was found after 1900.
1870 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Enrolled militia --- 1
Children between 6 & 20 --- 3
Bushels of corn --- 50
1871 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Enrolled militia --- 1
Children between 6 & 20 --- 5
Cattle --- 1
Pounds of tobacco --- 25
Bushels of corn --- 50
1872 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Watercourse --- Goose Creek
Enrolled militia --- 1
Children between 6 & 20 --- 4
Pounds of tobacco --- 20
Bushels of corn --- 100
1873 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
1874 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Number of election precinct in which situated - 3
1875 Knox County, KY
Miles Scalf
Name of nearest resident --- Evan Davidson
Number of election precinct in which situated - 3
1879 Knox County, KY
Milum (Miles) Scalf
SCALF, Miles | Head | 50 | 1830 | KY | VA | VA |
Lucretia | Wife | 45 | 1835 | KY | VA | KY |
Susan | Dau | 17 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY |
Richard | Son | 15 | 1865 | KY | KY | KY |
Elizabeth | Dau | 12 | 1868 | KY | KY | KY |
QUALLS, Lucretia | Niece | 5 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
The 1871 tax list reveals that Miles and Lucy had 5 children between the ages of 6 and 20; however, only four have been found on the census records. It is not possible that Lucretia Qualls was living with the family in 1871 for she was not born until 1875 so this was likely a child of Miles and Lucy.
This child would have been born in or before 1871 and died before 1880. Elmer Scalf states that another child was born to Miles and Lucy in 1883. This child was named Bertha. (Scalf Family History, pg. 133)
If Bertha was born 1883, then Miles and Lucy probably had a total of six children with four living and two deceased.
However, Elmer then states on page 134 that Bertha was born 1883 and married J. W. McVey 1899 in Knox County, Kentucky. The marriage record of Bertha Scalf and J. W. McVey confirms this statement. (Marriage Record – BK T, pg. 170 Knox County Marriages - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Marriage Record)
J. W. McVey married as his second wife, Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of Richard Scalf and Phoebe Smith. (1910 census) Richard Scalf was the brother of Bertha Scalf.
The last time we find Miles and Lucy on the census records was 1900 in Knox County, Kentucky. It appears that both Miles and Lucy died between 1900 and 1912. We do know from the marriage record of his son Richard to Susie Hooker that they were both deceased by 1912.
From the 1880 and 1900 census records, we determine that Lucy's full name was Lucretia.
Lucy was used as a short name for Lucretia.
1880 Knox CO KY 18 & 19 June 1880 District #3
#320-322 | |||||||
QUALLS, Mary | Head | 45 | 1855 | TN | TN | TN | Divorced |
Nancy | Dau | 7 | 1873 | KY | KY | TN | |
William | Son | 1 | 1879 | KY | KY | TN |
1900 Knox CO KY 9 June 1900 Girdler Precinct
SCALF, Miles | Head | 70 | 1830 | KY | VA | VA |
Lucy | Wife | 66 | 1834 | KY | VA | KY |
It is assumed that Miles and Lucy had died by 1910 or possibly Miles died and Lucy remarried.
Miles Scalf and Lucretia Jackson
Nancy<Miles<Ira<John, Sr.<Lewis Scalf
Nancy J. Scalf, daughter of Miles Scalf and Lucretia Jackson, was born July 1858 and died from tuberculosis on March 1, 1914. Based on the number of children born and the number of children remaining at home, an older child has moved away from home by the time the 1900 census was taken. (Link to death certificate)
1900 Knox CO KY 2 June 1900 Corbin
SHORES, Lewis F. | Head | 43 | May 1857 | NC | NC | NC Married 18 years |
Nancy J. | Wife | 42 | July 1858 | KY | KY | KY Married 18 years 5 children born, 4 living |
Alabama O. | Dau | 17 | May 1883 | NC | KY | KY |
Robert F. | Son | 6 | Apr 1894 | NC | KY | KY |
Lewis S. | Son | 8/12 | Aug 1899 | NC | KY | KY |
1910 Knox CO KY 16 April 1910 Grays
SHORES, Lewis F. | Head | 57 | 1853 | NC | UKN | UKN | Married twice Herb Doctor |
Nancy | Wife | 55 | 1855 | KY | KY | KY | Married once 5 Children born, 4 living |
Robert H. | Son | 15 | 1895 | KY | NC | KY | |
Stanly | Son | 10 | 1900 | KY | NC | KY |
Daughter of
Miles J Scalf & Lucy Jackson
Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Rosanna (Rosie) Scalf, daughter of Miles and Lucy, was born about 1860 in Knox County, Kentucky. Rosie was probably named for her grandmother, Rosanna Gibson Scalf. Rosie married Henry Gray around 1875-1880 according to the birth of their first child. Henry Gray was born about 1859 and died about 1942. Rosannah died about 1924. Henry married Amelia Bingham September 16, 1931 but is listed as a widower in the 1940 census. Link to marriage document
Henry Gray was a big man and was listed on historical records as Big Henry Gray.
From what my dad and one of his sisters said, it unfortunately sounds like Henry was somewhat of a harsh man. His wife, Rose, was known to be kind, humble, and a good Christian woman. I recall my aunt Jane saying that when Grandma Rosie was on her deathbed they asked her if she wanted a drink of water and she replied, No, I've just had a cool drink of water from the river of life.
She closed her eyes and passed on. What a wonderful testimony of what a woman of faith she must have been. (Courtesy - Gina Gray Matthews)
Children of Henry Gray and Rosannah Scalf:
1. Mary Gray
2. Laura C. Gray
3. Mollie Gray
4. Matison Gray
5. Daniel Gray
6. James Gray
7. Nelson Gray
8. Joseph Gray
9. Lucy Gray
10. Henderson Gray
11. Grover Gray
12. Elijah Gray
13. Sudie Gray
Photograph -
(Courtesy - Gina Gray Matthews, the great granddaughter of Henry and Rosannah Gray)
1880 Knox CO KY 11 June 1880 Flat Lick
GRAY, Henry | Head | 22 | 1858 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa A. | Wife | 17 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 1 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Laura C. | Dau | 4/12 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
1900 Knox CO KY 16
June 1900
District #2 – Precinct #5
GRAY, Henry | Head | 40 | 1860 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Wife | 39 | 1861 | KY | KY | KY |
Matison | Son | 17 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY |
Daniel | Son | 15 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Nelson | Son | 13 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
James | Son | 11 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY |
Joseph | Son | 9 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY |
Lucy | Dau | 7 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Henderson | Son | 5 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
Grover | Son | 3 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
Elijah | Son | 10/12 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Knox CO KY 25 April 1910 Stinking Creek - Road Fork
GRAY, Henry | Head | 48 | 1862 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Wife | 51 | 1859 | KY | VA | KY |
Joe | Son | 19 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY |
Lucy | Dau | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Henderson | Son | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY |
Grover | Son | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
Elijah | Son | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Sudie | Dau | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
1920Knox CO KY 16 January 1920 Precinct #8 – Road Fork
GRAY, Henry | Head | 57 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY | |
Rose | Wife | 53 | 1867 | KY | KY | KY | |
Henderson | Son | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Grover | Son | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | |
Sudie | Dau | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY | |
Jordan, Lucy | Dau | 31 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | |
James M. | G-son | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 11 April 1930 District 3
GRAY, Elijah | Head | 29 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Louisa | Wife | 28 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry | Father | 64 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY Widower |
1940 Knox CO KY 24 & 25 April 1940 District 4
GRAY, Grover | Head | 43 | 1897 | KY | ||
Clara | Wife | 41 | 1899 | KY | ||
Irene | Dau | 17 | 1923 | KY | ||
Georgia | Dau | 16 | 1924 | KY | ||
Hazel | Dau | 15 | 1925 | KY | ||
Arvel | Son | 12 | 1927 | KY | ||
Jessie | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY | ||
James | Son | 8 | 1932 | KY | ||
Paul | Son | 5 | 1935 | KY | ||
Helen | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY | ||
Alice | Dau | 8/12 | 1939 | KY | ||
GRAY, Henry | Father | 74 | 1866 | KY | Widower |
Daughter of
Henry Gray & Rosanna Rosie
Mary Gray<Rosanna Scalf<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Gray, daughter of Henry Gray and Rosanna Rosie
Scalf was born about 1879 according to the 1880 census. This is all the information we have on Mary Gray.
Daughter of
Henry Gray & Rosanna ;Rosie
Laura Gray<Rosanna Scalf<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Laura Gray, daughter of Henry Gray and Rosanna Rosie
Scalf was born about 1880 according to the 1880 census. This is all the information we have on Laura Gray.
Daughter of
Henry Gray & Rosanna "Rosie" Scalf
Mollie Gray<Rosanna Scalf<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mollie Gray, daughter of Henry Gray and Rosanna Rosie
Scalf was born after the enumeration of the 1880 census and married before the enumeration of the 1900 census. Due to this time frame, Mollie was not listed on the census records in her parent's home.
Mollie was born September 2, 1880 in Hammond, Kentucky and died at 2 p.m. on January 12, 1945 in Kentucky of bronchopneumonia with underlying factors of chronic bronchitis and asthma. Mollie was 65 years, 4 months and 10 days old.
Mollie married Elijah Smith (no marriage date). Her parents were listed on the death certificate as Henry Gray and Rose Scalf. Mollie was interred at Hinkle Cemetery at Barnyard, Kentucky January 14, 1945. (DC courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Death Certificate)
Mollie and Henry were found on the 1900 - 1930 Knox County, Kentucky census living at Road Fork.
1900 KY Knox 14 June 1900 Precinct #5
SMITH, Elijah | Head | 33 | Jan 1867 | KY | KY | KY | Married 3 years | |
Mollie | Wife | 22 | Sep 1877 | KY | KY | KY | Married 3 years | 2 children born, 2 living |
Nancy | Dau | 13 | Oct 1886 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Sallie | Dau | 10 | May 1890 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Axie | Dau | 8 | May 1892 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Rilla | Dau | 6 | Dec 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Edmonie | Dau | 11/12 | Jun 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 KY Knox 15 April 1910 Road Fork
SMITH, Elijah | Head | 43 | 1867 | KY | KY | KY | Married 2 times | |
Mollie | Wife | 32 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time | 7 children born, 6 living |
Rillia | Dau | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Edmonie | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Julia | Dau | 8 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Lucus | Son | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Willie | Son | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Mossie | Dau | 1 9/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | Twin | |
Mandie | Dau | 1 9/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | Twin |
1920 KY Knox 16 January 1920 Road Fork
SMITH, Elijah | Head | 54 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY | |
Mollie | Wife | 42 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lucas | Son | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | |
William | Son | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY | |
Manda | Dau | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY | Twin |
Masna | Dau | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY | Twin |
Alice | Dau | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY | |
Henry M. ; | Son | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY | |
Sawyer | Son | 4 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
Rose | Dau | 2 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 KY Knox 2 April 1930 District #4
SMITH, Elijah | Head | 70 | 1860 | KY | IN | IN |
Mollie | Wife | 52 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry | Son | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Sawyer | Son | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Dau | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Edna | Dau | 12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
Stella | G-dau | 5 | 1925 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 KY Knox 25 April 1940 District #4
JORDAN, Ed | Head | 22 | 1918 | KY | |
Rosa | Wife | 23 | 1917 | KY | |
Beatrice | Dau | 1 | 1939 | KY | |
SMITH, Mollie | Mother in law | 60 | 1880 | KY | Widow |
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Matison<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Matison "Mat" Gray, son of Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Scalf, was born June 6, 1882. Mat married Dora Carnes Clark on July 15, 1904 in Knox County, Kentucky. This was Dora's third marriage.
1910 Knox CO KY 25 April 1910 Stinking Creek - Road Fork
GRAY, Mat | Head | 27 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY Married two times |
Dora | Wife | 35 | 1875 | KY | VA | KY Married two times 11 children born, 9 living |
Ester | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
Troy | Son | 3 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
HAMMONS, James M. | Step son | 20 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY |
Lige | Step son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Ned | Step son | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY |
Lela | Step dau | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
Ellen | Step dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
CLARK, Hobert | Step son | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Mat Gray
Age: 36
Home Address: Wallsend, Bell County, KY
GREY, Mat | Head | 38 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY |
Dora | Wife | 45 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
HAMMONS, Lige | Step son | 27 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
GREY, Ester | Dau | 15 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
Troy | Dau | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry | Son | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
William | Son | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
John A. | Son | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Bertie | Dau | 11/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY
11 April 1930
Elys Hollow Mining Camp
GRAY, Mat | Head | 47 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY |
Dora | Wife | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
Troy | Dau | 23 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry | Son | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Willie | Son | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
John A. | Son | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Bertha | Dau | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Frank | Son | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
HAMMONS, John | Grandson | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Mae | Granddau | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Laurel CO KY
4 May 1940
East Bernstadt
GRAY, John M. | Head | 57 | 1883 | KY | Farmer |
Dora | Wife | 65 | 1875 | KY | |
Troy | Dau | 31 | 1909 | KY | |
Bertha | Dau | 21 | 1919 | KY | |
Frank | Son | 18 | 1912 | KY |
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Daniel<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
We have no information on Daniel other than what is listed on the Knox County, Kentucky census reports, death certificate, and the WWI Registration Card.
Daniel Gray died January 22, 1932.(Link to death certificate)
1910 Knox CO KY 25 April 1910 Stinking Creek - Road Fork
GRAY, Dan | Head | 25 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY Married one time |
Nancy | Wife | 24 | 1886 | KY | VA | KY Married one time 2 children born, 1 living |
Dewey | Son | 3 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Dan Gray
Age: 34
Home Address: Hinkle, Knox, KY (Link to original document)
Date of Birth: June 4, 1884
Nearest relative: Nancy Gray
Address: Hinkle, Knox, KY
Present occupation: Farmer
Place of employment: Hinkle, Knox, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Black
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Knox CO KY 16 January 1920 Precinct 8 - Road Fork
GRAY, Dan | Head | 34 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
Nany | Wife | 34 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
Dewey | Son | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
James | Son | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Sarah | Dau | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Grover | Son | 3 7/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Emanuel | Son | 2/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 2 April 1930 District 4
GRAY, Dan | Head | 45 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Nancy | Wife | 45 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
James | Son | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Sarah | Dau | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Grover | Son | 13 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
Emanuel | Son | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Victor | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Lewis | Son | 1 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY 17- 18 April 1940 District 4
Gray, Dan | Head | 56 | 1884 | KY | |
Nancy | Wife | 56 | 1884 | KY | |
Jimie | Son | 27 | 1913 | KY | Widower |
Grover | Son | 21 | 1919 | KY | |
Emanuel | Son | 19 | 1921 | KY | |
Victor | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY | |
Lewis | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY | |
Cerena | G-dau | 7 | 1933 | KY | |
Raymond | G-son | 5 | 1935 | KY |
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
James<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Gray, the son of Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Scalf, was born March 13, 1887 in Knox County, Kentucky and died January 10, 1959. James married Elsie Pearlie Broughton on December 4, 1907 in Knox County, Kentucky. Elsie was born January 1, 1892 and died November 5, 1961 in Kentucky. Link to Elsie
Pearlie Broughton death certificate
Children of James Gray and Pearl Broughton: (Courtesy - Gina Gray Matthews)
1. Milton Gray
2. Martha Jane Gray
3. Thomas George Gray
4. Mary Magdaline Gray
5. Nelson Gray
6. Axie Gray
7. Walter Gray
8. Richard Carson Gray
9. Eugene Gray
10. Julie Gray
1910 Knox CO KY 25 April 1910 Stinking Creek - Road Fork
GRAY, James | Head | 22 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY Married one time |
Pearlie | Wife | 18 | 1892 | KY | VA | KY Married one time 1 child born, 1 living |
Milton | Son | 1 6/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: James Gray
Age: 27
Home Address: Scalf, KY (Link to original document)
Date of Birth: January, 1890
Born: Scalf, KY
Dependents: Wife and one child
Present occupation: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light brown
Bald: No
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Knox CO KY 10 January 1920 Precinct 6 - Dewitt
GRAY, James | Head | 30 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY |
Pearl | Wife | 24 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
Milton | Son | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha | Dau | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Thomas | Son | 3 6/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 4/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 19 April 1930 Wheeler
GRAY, James | Head | 44 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
Pearl | Wife | 38 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Milton | Son | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha J. | Dau | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Thomas G. | Son | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY |
Nelson | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Axie | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Walter | Son | 3 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY |
R.C. | Son | 1/12 | 1930 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY 20-22 April 1940 District 3
GRAY, James | Head | 53 | 1887 | KY | Farmer |
Pearlie | Wife | 48 | 1892 | KY | |
Nelson | Son | 19 | 1921 | KY | |
Walter | Son | 13 | 1927 | KY | |
R.C. | Son | 10 | 1930 | KY | |
Eugene | Son | 8 | 1932 | KY | |
Julia | Dau | 2 | 1938 | KY |
Name: James Gray
Residence: Bimble, Knox, Kentucky
Mailing address: Bimble, Knox, Kentucky Part 1 Part 2
Age: 55
Date of birth: March 13, 1887
Place of birth: Knox CO, KY
Name & address of person who will know your address: Mrs. Pearlie Gray, Bimble, Knox, Kentucky
Employer: Hart-Thompson Lumber CO, Barbourville, KY
Place of employment: Barbourville, KY
Race: White
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 156
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light
Date: April 27, 1942
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Nelson<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Nelson Gray, son of Henry Gray and Rosannah Rosie
Scalf, was born April 13, 1889. Nelson married Susan Price. This information was obtained from the 1910 census of Pawnee County, Oklahoma. Nelson was listed as the son-in-law of Samuel Price on this census. Nelson and Susan had been married for four years and had no children at this time.
From the draft registration card of Nelson Gray we learn the date of his birth as well as his description. Nelson was tall and slender with gray eyes and blonde hair. He was 28 years old at the time of the draft.
Nelson (aka Nelce/Nelse) and Susan remained in Pawnee County, Oklahoma. There are no children listed on census records through 1930 other than a nephew and the child of a couple that were boarding with Nelson and Susan in 1920.
Susan's mother had died by 1930 and her father, Samuel Price, was living in the home of Nelson and Susan.
We have no further information on this family.
1910 Pawnee CO OK 26 April 1910 McElroy
PRICE, Samuel | Head | 54 | 1856 | KY | KY | KY | Married 35 years | |
Jannie D. | Wife | 52 | 1858 | KY | KY | KY | Married 35 years | 11 children born, 7 living |
Allie | Dau | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | ||
James | Son | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Mollie | Dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Cordelia | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Ethel | (G)dau | 5/12 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY | ||
GRAY, Nelson | Son-in-law | 24 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY | Married 4 years | |
Susan | Dau | 19 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | Married 4 years | No children |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Nelson Gray
Age: 28
Home Address: Jennings, OK (Link to original document
Date of Birth: April 13, 1889
Employed: Farmer
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Blonde
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Pawnee CO OK 23 & 24 January 1920 McElroy
GRAY, Nelce | Head | 35 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Susie | Wife | 33 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
PRICE, Willie | Nephew | 9 | 1911 | OK | KY | KY |
MEIGHEN, Sylvan | Boarder | 20 | 1900 | MO | MO | MO |
Mollie | Boarder | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Virginia K. | Boarder Dau | 3/12 | 1919 | MO | MO | MO |
1930 Pawnee CO OK
3 April 1930
GRAY, Nelce | Head | 38? | 1882? | KY | KY | KY |
Susie | Wife | 38? | 1882? | KY | KY | KY |
PRICE, Samuel | Father in law | 75 | 1855 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Pawnee CO OK
4 April 1940
GRAY, Nelce G. | Head | 47 | 1893 | KY |
Susie | Wife | 50 | 1890 | KY |
SMITH, Coeta | Niece | 10 | 1855 | OK |
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Joseph<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Gray, son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Scalf, was born December 1890. Joseph married
Lydia Marlow on July 14, 1910 in Knox county, County. Joe was 20
years old and Lydia was 15 years old.
(Link to marriage document)
1920 Knox CO KY
10 January 1920
GRAY, Joe | Head | 35 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Littie | Wife | 25 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | |
William | Son | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY | |
Rosie | Dau | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY | |
Bertha | Dau | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ellen | Dau | 5/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | |
George | Son | 2 4/12 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY | |
Henderson | Son | 1 7/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dan | Son | 3/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | |
MARLOW, E. B. | Father in law | 69 | 1851 | KY | KY | KY | |
Milly | Mother in law | 55 | 1865 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY
25 April 1930
District #3
GRAY, Joe | Head | 45 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY Farmer |
Lidie | Wife | 42 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY |
ANDERSON, Buck | SIL | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Dau | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
GRAY, Ellen | Dau | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Henderson | Son | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY |
Dan | Son | 13 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Lena | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Maria | DAu | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY
19-20 April 1940
District #3 & #4
GRAY, Joe | Head | 47? | 1893? | KY Farmer |
Lidia | Wife | 45? | 1895? | KY |
Ellen | Dau | 23 | 1917 | KY |
Lemon | G-son | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Billie | G-son | 2 | 1938 | KY |
Henderson | Son | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Dan | Son | 18 | 1922 | KY |
Lena | Dau | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Mariah | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Gussie | Dau | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Ethel | Dau | 6 | 1934 | KY |
Daughter of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Lucy<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lucy Gray, daughter of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Scalf, was born about 1893. Henry Gray gave
permission for the marriage between Woodson Jordan and his daughter, Lucy Gray
(marriage permission document) Lucy married
Rev Hugh Woodson Jordan
on November 7, 1912. Rev Jordan was much older than Lucy and may have died about
1913. However, the 1920 census lists Lucy as married, and she with her son, James M., are living in the home of her
1920 Knox CO KY 16 January 1920 Precinct #8 – Road Fork
GRAY, Henry | Head | 57 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY | |
Rose | Wife | 53 | 1867 | KY | KY | KY | |
Henderson | Son | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Grover | Son | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | |
Sudie | Dau | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY | |
Jordan, Lucy | Dau | 31 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | Married |
James M. | G-son | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Lucy married Thomas J. Hensley on April 14, 1924.
(Link to marriage document) Thomas was born about 1879.
1930 Knox CO KY
17 April 1940
District 3
Hensley, Tom | Head | 45 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Lucy | Wife | 38 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Thomas | Son | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Sudie | Dau | 3 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY |
JORDAN, James M. | Son | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY
1 May 1940
District 3
Hensley, Lucy | Head | 43 | 1897 | KY | Widow |
Jim Matt | Son | 22 | 1918 | KY | |
Thomas | Son | 13 | 1927 | KY | |
Sudie | Dau | 11 | 1929 | KY | |
Denver | Son | 9 | 1931 | KY | |
Hobart | Son | 7 | 1933 | KY |
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Henderson<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
1930 Knox CO KY 9 April 1930 District #4
GRAY, Henderson | Head | 37 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Lillie | Wife | 27 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Martin | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Otis | Son | 2 3/12 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY
17 April 1940
District #1
GRAY, Henderson | Head | 47 | 1893 | KY |
Lillie | Wife | 36 | 1904 | KY |
Martin | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Otis | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Thomas B. | Son | 9 | 1931 | KY |
Ethel M. | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Grover<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Grover Gray, son of Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Scalf, was born October 13, 1899 in Knox
County, Kentucky. Grover married Clara Carnes on November 6, 1920 in Knox
County, Kentucky.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Grover Gray
Age: 18
Home Address: Knox County, KY (Link to original document)
Date of Birth: October 13, 1899
Nearest relative: Henry Gray
Address: Knox County, KY
Employed: Coal Miner
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Black
Date: September 12, 1918
1930 Knox CO KY 11 April 1930 District 3
GRAY, Grover | Head | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
(Carnes), Clara | Wife | 29 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Irene | Dau | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY |
Georgia | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Hazel | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Arvil | Son | 3 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY 24 & 25 April 1940 District 4
GRAY, Grover | Head | 43 | 1897 | KY | ||
Clara | Wife | 41 | 1899 | KY | ||
Irene | Dau | 17 | 1923 | KY | ||
Georgia | Dau | 16 | 1924 | KY | ||
Hazel | Dau | 15 | 1925 | KY | ||
Arvel | Son | 12 | 1927 | KY | ||
Jessie | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY | ||
James | Son | 8 | 1932 | KY | ||
Paul | Son | 5 | 1935 | KY | ||
Helen | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY | ||
Alice | Dau | 8/12 | 1939 | KY | ||
GRAY, Henry | Father | 74 | 1866 | KY | Widower |
Son of
Henry Gray & Rosannah Rosie
Elijah<Rosannah<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Elijah Gray, son of Rosanna Rosie
Scalf and
Henry Gray was born about 1901 (census calculation) in Kentucky. We have no
further information on this family.
1930 Knox CO KY 11 April 1930 District 3
GRAY, Elijah | Head | 29 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Louisa | Wife | 28 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry | Father | 64 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY Widower |
Daughter of
Henry Gray & Rosanna "Rosie" Scalf
Sudie Gray<Rosanna Scalf<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sudie Gray, daughter of Henry Gray and Rosanna "Rosie" Scalf was born about 1904 according to the 1920 census. This is all the information we have on Sudie Gray.
Daughter of
Miles J. Scalf & Lucy Jackson
Susan<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Susan Scalf, daughter of Miles J. Scalf and Lucy Jackson Scalf was born about 1866 according to census records. Susan married Daniel McVey son of James McVey and Nancy Killion McVey Scalf. Daniel was born 1838 in Claiborne County, Tennessee. The spelling of this name can be found as McVey and McVay. We have used the most common spelling found of this name in these writings.
Susan Scalf and Daniel McVey were married February 24, 1888 in Knox County, Kentucky. (BK H, pg. 405 - General Index to Marriages, Knox Co. KY)
This was a second marriage for Daniel. We do not have the name of the first wife of Daniel. His third wife was Vina B. Warren December 18, 1901. Vina was the daughter of John and Amanda Mills Warren. (Newspaper clipping, Barbourville Mountain Advocate - Nadine Davis Smith)
From the 1900 census it appears that either Susan was married prior to her marriage to Daniel or Daniel had a stepdaughter from his previous marriage living in the home. Amelia Cole is in the home and listed as Daniel's stepdaughter. Amelia could have been the daughter of Susan by a first marriage or even a daughter of Daniels first wife. Considering the mistakes made by the enumerators with names we would need descendents of this line to confirm the correct parents of Amelia.
Elmer Scalf states that a son was born to Daniel and Susan in 1894 named Asberry. In 1910 Knox County, Kentucky Daniel's wife is Jane and a son Asberry is in the home.
Daniel stated in 1910 that he had been married three times. We do not know the first wife of Daniel but Susan Scalf was his second wife and they married in 1888. Daniel had been married to Jane (1910 census) for twelve years placing the marriage date around 1898.
We believe Susan Scalf McVey might have died sometime around the birth of Asberry who was born 1894 and Daniel remarried to Jane (maiden name unknown) Mills. Jane stated she had been married twice. In the home are Jane's children by her previous marriage; Harrison, Pearly and Lizzie Mills.
Interestingly, the General Index to Marriages of Knox County, Kentucky lists Amelia Scalf to William McVey, on December 8, 1902, BK J, page 461. This raises speculation as to whether Amelia listed below was the same Amelia who married William McVey
1900 Knox Co KY
9 June 1900 Girdler Precinct
McVEY, Daniel, Sr. | Head | 62 | 1838 | TN | TN | TN | |
Susan | Wife | 34 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY | 6 children born, 4 living |
COLE, Amelia | Step-dau | 16 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Knox Co, KY
26 April 1910
Girdler Precinct
McVEY, Daniel, Sr. | Head | 72 | 1838 | TN | TN | TN | Married three times |
Jane | Wife | 45 | 1865 | KY | IL | KY | Married 2 times - 5 children born, 4 living |
Asberry | Son | 16 | 1894 | KY | TN | KY | |
MILLS, Harrison | S-son | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY | |
Pearly | S-dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lizzie | S-dau | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
Daniel Mcvey and Susan Scalf
Susan<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Asberry McVey, son of Daniel Mcvey and Susan Scalf, was born June 24, 1894. Asberry married Pearley Mills on January 15, 1913 in Knox County, KY. Asberry was shot and killed on June 24, 1917 in Knox County, KY.
(Link to Asberry McVey and Pearley Mills marriage document)
(Link to Asberry McVey death certificate)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Asberry McVey
Age: 21
Home Address: Hammons, KY
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: December 18, 1895
Employed: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Red
Date: June 5, 1917
Son of
Miles J. Scalf & Lucy Jackson
Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Richard Scalf was born July 12, 1865 in Kentucky
and died March 8, 1947 in Corbin (Whitley County) Kentucky. The death
certificate of Richard states he died of cerebral hemorrhage at 7 a.m. due to
hypertensive cardiovascular disorder.
Interment for Richard was at the Patterson Cemetery on March 11, 1947 at
Barbourville, Kentucky. He was listed as widowed and his wife's name was Ruby
Brock Scalf. Richard was 81 years, 7 months and 6 days old at the time of his
death. Richard's father was listed as Miles Scalf and mother unknown. M.C.
Scalf was the informant. (Death Certificate courtesy of Sherry Reeter)
to death certificate)
Richard married first to Phoebe Smith September 6, 1882 in Knox Co. Kentucky. Richard was 17 years old and Phoebe was 24. They were married at the home of Richard's father, Miles (Milum) Scalf. The parents of Phoebe are not listed. (Marriage License – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Marriage License)
According to the marriage dates of Richard Scalf to Phoebe Smith it appears that Elizabeth was the daughter of Richard and Phoebe. Richard's children were listed on the 1898, 1899 and 1900 Knox County School Census. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
1898 Knox County School Census
Parent or Guardian | Child | Date of Birth | Age of Male | Age of Female |
Richard Scalf | Elizabeth | Nov 10, 1885 | 12 | |
Martha J. | Mar 25, 1888 | 10 | ||
James | Jan 13, 1891 | 7 |
1899 Knox County School Census
Parent or Guardian | Child | Date of Birth | Age of Male | Age of Female |
Richard Scalf | Elizabeth | 14 | ||
Martha J. | Mar 25, 1889 | 10 | ||
James | Jan 13, 1891 | 8 |
1900 Knox County School Census
Parent or Guardian | Child | Age of Male | Age of Female | Location |
Richard Scalf | Martha | 12 | Woodbine | |
James | 9 |
We have no information on Phoebe Smith Scalf.
Daughter of
Richard Scalf & Phoebe Smith
Elizabeth<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Elizabeth Scalf daughter of Richard Scalf and Phoebe Smith was born November 10, 1885 in Kentucky. (1898-1899 School Census – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Elizabeth married James W. McVey and they were found on the 1910 census of Knox County, Kentucky with one child, Sarah. A cousin Julia Jorden was living in the home.
J. W. McVey (James?) had been married prior to his marriage to Elizabeth. J. W. McVey married Bertha Scalf, daughter of Miles and Lucy Jackson Scalf. We believe Bertha died soon after the marriage for J. W. then married Elizabeth sometime around 1900 if this is the same J. (ames) W. McVey.
1910 Knox Co KY 25 April 1910 Girdler Precinct
MCVEY, James W. | Head | 36 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY | |
(Scalf) Elizabeth | Wife | 24 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY | 2 children born, 1 living |
Sarah | Dau | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | |
JORDEN, Julia | Cousin | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | Divorced |
Note: James and Elizabeth had been married for 12 years calculating a marriage date of 1900. This would explain why Elizabeth was not in the home of her father in 1900. The school census states her birth date as November 10, 1885. She would have been 15 years old when she married.
Daughter of
James McVey and Elizabeth Scalf
Sarah<Elizabeth<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sarah McVey, daughter of James McVey and Elizabeth Scalf, was born November 10, 1907 in Knox County, KY and died February 24, 1929 in Knox County, KY. Sarah married James Marcum. (Link to death certificate)
Richard's first wife, Phoebe Smith Scalf died and Richard then married
Mary Hensley, June 19, 1887 Knox County, Kentucky. The marriage license states
this was a second marriage for Richard and the first marriage for Mary. Mary was
born in Tennessee and her father in North Carolina. Her parent's names were not
listed. They were married at the home of Milum (Miles) Scalf. (Marriage
License – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
to Marriage License)
According to the School Censuses, it appears
that Martha J. and James were the children of Richard and Mary Hensley Scalf.
Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Phoebe Smith Scalf, was missing from the 1900
school census as well as the household census of that year. However, she was
found in 1910 in her own household and was married to J. W. McVey. Elizabeth was
the daughter of Richard and his first wife, Phoebe Smith.
Knox County School Census
Parent or Guardian |
Child |
Date of Birth |
Age of Male |
Age of Female |
Richard Scalf |
Elizabeth | Nov 10, 1885 | 12 | |
Martha J. | Mar 25, 1888 | 10 | ||
James | Jan 13, 1891 |
7 |
Knox County School Census
Parent or Guardian |
Child |
Date of Birth |
Age of Male |
Age of Female |
Richard Scalf |
Elizabeth | Nov 10, 1885 | 14 | |
Martha J. | Mar 25, 1889 | 10 | ||
James | Jan 13, 1891 |
8 |
Knox County School Census
Parent or Guardian |
Child |
Age of Male |
Age of Female |
Location |
Richard Scalf |
Martha | 12 | Woodbine | |
James |
9 |
Daughter of
Richard Scalf & Mary Henley
Martha Jane<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martha J. Scalf, daughter of Richard Scalf and Mary Hensley was born March 25, 1888 in Knox County, Kentucky (Knox County, Kentucky School Census 1898-1899, Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Martha married Joe Shorter May 26, 1904 in Knox County, Kentucky. (General Index To Marriages Knox Co. KY – BK I, Pg. 409)
Elmer Scalf states that Joe and Martha had two children; Frank Shorter – born 1909 and died 1944; Rosie Shorter – born 1921 and died 1931. (Scalf Family History, pg. 134-135)
Martha and Joe were found on the 1910 census of Knox County, Kentucky living at Barbourville. They were not found in 1920 but found again in 1930. The census records reveal that Joe and Martha also had a daughter Pearl and a son John H. Scalf. A son Dallas (Spelled Dowie on the census) was in the home at age 18. Martha and Joe also had a daughter named Flossie Mae. Martha was a widow in 1930 and Martha died in 1931.
Martha Scalf Shorter was listed as a widow in 1930. It is believed that Martha died in 1931; however, a Martha Shorter was found on the SS Index who may have possibly been the wife of Joe Shorter. ;If so, Martha died May 15, 1972.
Name: Martha J.
Last Residence: 42101 Bowling Green, Warren, Kentucky, United States of
Born: 23 May 1877
Died: 15 May 1972
State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (1965
1910 Knox CO
KY 16 April 1910 District 1
SHORTER, Joe | Head | 58 | 1852 | KY | TN | TN |
Martha J. | Wife | 21 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY |
Pearl | Dau | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
John H. | Son | 8/12 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 2 April 1930 Heidrick
SHORTER, Martha | Head | 39 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | Widow |
Dowie | Son | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY | (Dallas) |
Daughter of
Joseph Shorter & Martha J. Scalf
Flossie M Shorter<Martha J Scalf<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Flossie Mae Shorter daughter of Joseph Shorter
and Martha J. Scalf was born May 10, 1916 and died October 14, 1988. (SS
Index courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Flossie was married to a Hubbard at the time of her death; however, we have been
unable to find the first name of her husband.
We have no further information on Flossie.
Name: Flossie M. Hubbard
SSN: 407-32-7200
Last Residence: 42274 Rockfield, Warren, Kentucky, USA
Born: 10 May 1916
Died: 14 Oct 1988
State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 1951)
Son of
Joseph Shorter & Martha J. Scalf
Dallas Shorter<Martha J Scalf<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Dallas Shorter son of Joseph Shorter and Martha J. Scalf was born October 15, 1911 and died December 1977. (SS Index courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
We have no further information on Dallas.
Son of
Richard Scalf & Mary Hensley
James<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Scalf, son of Richard and Mary Hensley Scalf was born January 13, 1891 (Knox County, Kentucky School Census 1898-1900). The Social Security Index states a date of birth for James as February 13, 1893, two years later than the school census reports. (SS Index - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
James married Nancy Mills (No marriage date).
James and wife Nannie (Nancy) Mills were found
on the 1920 and 1930 census records of Knox County, Kentucky. No further
information is known of this family. They had a son Estil Scalf. A picture of Estil is listed below. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
WWI Registration Card
Name: James Scalf
Age: 24
Home Address: Barbourville, KY
Date of Birth: February 13, 1893
(Link to original document)
Born: Knox CO, Kentucky
Employed: Farm
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Light
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Knox CO KY
20 January 1920 Precinct 1
SCALF, James | Head | 33 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
(Mills) Nannie | Wife | 27 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Eland | Son (Dau) | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Hazel | Dau | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Estel | Dau(Son) | 3 5/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
McVEY, Sarah | Niece | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox
County KY 5 April 1930 Heidrick
SCALF, James | Head | 40 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY |
Nannie | Wife | 42 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY |
Hazel | Dau | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Estil | Dau(Son) | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Cecil | Son | 12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
Ellen | Son | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY (Link to death certificate) |
Christine | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Margie | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
TUGGLE, Elan | Dau | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
TUGGLE, James H. | G-son | 1/12 | 1930 | KY | KY | KY |
Note: In the 1920 and 1930 censuses, Estil Scalf is listed as a female. However, Estil is a male and he married Lizzie Lawson on November 25, 1935 in Knox County, Kentucky.
1940 Knox CO KY
3 April 1940
SCALF, Jim | Head | 49 | 1891 | KY |
Nan | Wife | 53 | 1887 | KY |
Ellen | Dau | 18 | 1922 | KY |
Christine | Dau | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Maggie | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
24 April 1950
District 1
SCALF, Jim | Head | 62 | 1888 | KY |
Nannie | Wife | 60 | 1890 | KY |
Ellen | Dau | 26 | 1924 | KY |
Marjorie | Dau | 23 | 1927 | KY |
Gabrey W. | 3 | 1947 | KY |
Daughter of
James Scalf & Nannie Mills
Hazel<James<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Hazel Scalf, daughter of James Scalf & Nannie Mills, was born November 17, 1914. Hazel married Lewis Hudson.
Children of Lewis Hudson and Hazel Scalf:
1) Kenneth Ray Hudson - born September 15, 1937 and died October 15, 1937.(Link to death certificate)
2) Colene Hudson
3) Tip Hudson
4) Nannie M. Hudson
5) Margaret A. Hudson
1940 Knox CO KY 3 April 1940 Heidrick
HUDSON, Lewis | Head | 22 | 1918 | KY |
Hazel | Wife | 23 | 1917 | KY |
Colene | Dau | 2 | 1938 | KY |
Tip | Son | 5/12 | 1939 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
24 April 1950
District 1
Hudson, Lewis C. | Head | 30 | 1920 | KY | |
Hazel | Wife | 33 | 1917 | KY | (Sister of Cecil Scalf) |
Caliane | Dau | 12 | 1938 | KY | |
Tip | Son | 10 | 1940 | KY | |
Nanil M. | Dau | 7 | 1943 | KY | |
SCALF, Cecil | Brother in law | 29 | 1921 | KY |
Hazel Hudson, age 92 of Heidrick, the daughter of the late Jim and Nan Mills Scalf, born to them on November 17, 1914 in Knox County, Kentucky.
Hazel passed away on Sunday, February 25, 2007 at her home. She was a homemaker, and a member of the Heidrick holiness church. On march 13, 1936 she united in marriage with Lewis Hudson. Along with her parents, and husband Lewis, she was preceded in death by on son: Kenneth Ray Hudson, her sisters: Christine Sprinkles, Elon Tuggle, Ellen Scalf, and her brother, Cecil Scalf.
Hazel is survived by loving family: her son, Tip Hudson and wife, Beverly, of Heidrick; her daughters: Collene Carnes and husband, Frank, of Heidrick, Nannie Mae Ballard and husband, Ray, of Pensacola, Florida, and Margaret Ann Hamilton and husband, Bill, of Barbourville, Kentucky; Two brothers: Estil Scalf and Gary Scalf and wife, Mary Jo, all of Barbourville; One sister: Marqie King of Heidrick. 14 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, and 8 great-great grandchildren. And many dear family and friends.
Funeral services for Hazel Hudson will be conducted in the hopper funeral home chapel on thursday March 1, 2007 at 1:00pm with Rev. Tommy Frazier and R.P.Edwards officiating.
Interment will follow in the Patterson Cemetery in Heidrick with Jimmy Hudson, Danny Hudson, Brian Brown, Dexter Carnes, Michael Hudson, and Dale Falconberry serving as pallbearers.
Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. Sargill and staff, and the professional home health care staff.
Son of
James Scalf & Nannie Mills
Estil H<James<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Estil Herman Scalf, son of James Scalf and
Nannie (Nancy) Mills was born May 24, 1915 in Kentucky and died Tuesday,
December 25, 2012. Estil
married Elizabeth Lawson November 25, 1935 in Knox County, Kentucky. She was the
daughter of Perry and Molly Sasser Gilbert Lawson. Elizabeth was born in 1920
and died May 21, 2001 in Knox County, Kentucky.
(Link to picture of Estil Scalf)
1940 Prince William CO VA 4 April 1940 Marine Reservation, Quantico, VA
SCALF, Estil | Head | 23 | 1917 | KY | Private First Class, U.S.M.C. |
1940 Knox CO KY
5 April 1940
SCALF, Estil | Head | 23 | 1917 | KY |
Lizzie | Wife | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Claudell | Son | 2 | 1938 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY 24 April 1950 District 1
SCALF, Estill H. | Head | 33 | 1917 | KY |
Lizzie | Wife | 29 | 1921 | KY |
Claude L. | Son | 12 | 1938 | KY |
Estill Herman Scalf, age 97, of Califorina
Hollow, Barbourville, was born on May 24, 1915, at Heidrick, KY. He was a son of
the late Jim Scalf and Nan Mills Scalf. Mr. Scalf died at his home, Tuesday,
December 25, 2012. He was a member of the Heidrick Holiness Church. He was the
owner and operator of Scalf Landfill for forty eight years and was a soldier in
World War II. He enjoyed many hobbies including taking care of his cattle,
logging and using his horses to pull clay for the brickyard in Barbourville. He
united in marriage to Elizabeth Lawson on November 15, 1935.
Along with his parents, his wife, Elizabeth of sixty-five years; his sisters;
Hazel Hudson, Christine Sprinkles, Elan Tuggle, Ellen Scalf, a brother; Cecil
(Pap) Scalf and a grandson, Cody Mills all preceded him in death.
Mr. Scalf is survived by his son; Claude L. Scalf and wife, Opal of California
Hollow, Barbourville; his brother; Gary Scalf and wife, Mary Jo of California
Hollow, Barbourville; his sister; Margie Keene of Heidrick; his grandchildren;
Barbara Peavley and husband, Gary; Vicki Saunders and husband Ken; Dwyane Scalf
and wife, Annette; Claudia Santoscruz and husband, Ricardo all of Gray; great
grandchildren; Dwayne Garland, Sandy Swafford, Shelley Mills, Jaime Floyd, Kenny
Saunders, Teddie Scalf, Jessica Carnes, Justin Scalf, Catrina Mills, Tamara
Peavley, Dustin Mills, Jade Santoscruz, Sajsha Santoscruz and Daniel Santoscruz.
Funeral Services for Estill Herman Scalf will be conducted in the Hopper Funeral
Home Chapel, Friday, December 28, 2012 at 2:00 pm with Rev. Bobby Abner and Rev.
James Bargo officiating. Burial will follow in the Scalf and Friends Cemetery,
with; Teddie Scalf, Justin Scalf, Kenneth Doolin, Dustin Mills, Kenny Saunders,
Caleb Swafford, Sam Swafford and Ken Saunders serving as pallbearers. Honorary
Pallbearers will be: Dwayne Garland, Josh Swafford, Gary Scalf, Ricardo
Santoscruz, Jimmy Baker, Ray Mills Sr., Nick Floyd, Homer Lee Jackson and Rev.
Herman Mills. Friends will be received at the Hopper Funeral Home Wednesday
after 6:30 pm and Thursday after 9:00 am and Friday after 9:00 am until the
funeral hour at 2:00 pm.
Elizabeth Lawson Scalf (Wife of Estil Scalf)
Elizabeth Lawson Scalf, 81, of California
Hollow, Barbourville, died Sun May 21 2001 in the Knox Co Hospital.
She was the daughter of the late Perry and Molly Sasser Gilbert Lawson,
born to them on June 14 1919. Mrs. Scalf was a member of the Heidrick
Holiness Church. On Nov 15 1935, she united in marriage to Estill
Herman Scalf and to this union a son was born. Along with her parents,
she is preceded in death by a brother, Charlie Lawson, a half Brother,
Joe Gilbert and a g-grandson.
Mrs. Scalf is survived by her husband of over 65 yrs, Estill Herman
Scalf of California Hollow, 1 son, Claude L Scalf and wife Opel of Gray;
4 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; 4 g-g-grchildren; many nieces
and nephews and many other relatives and friends to mourn her passing.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson Scalf will be conducted in
the Hopper Funeral Home Chapel on Thurs May 24 2001 at 1 pm with the
Revs Garrett Garland and Tommy Frazier officiating. Mrs. Scalf will be
laid to rest in the Scalf Cemetery in California Hollow.
Hopper Funeral Home will be in charge of arrangements.
Son of
James Scalf & Nannie Mills
Cecil<James<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
1940 Knox CO KY 3 April 1940 Heidrick
SCALF, Cecil | Head | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Bertha | Wife | 26 | 1914 | KY |
CAMPBELL, Betty Lou | Step dau | 7 | 1933 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
24 April 1950
District 1
Hudson, Lewis C. | Head | 30 | 1920 | KY | |
Hazel | Wife | 33 | 1917 | KY | (Sister of Cecil Scalf) |
Caliane | Dau | 12 | 1938 | KY | |
Tip | Son | 10 | 1940 | KY | |
Nanil M. | Dau | 7 | 1943 | KY | |
SCALF, Cecil | Brother in law | 29 | 1921 | KY |
Daughter of
James Scalf and Nancy (Nannie) Mills
Ellen<James<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ellen Scalf, daughter of James Scalf and Nancy Nannie
Mills, was born about
1909. Ellen married Evart Tuggle March 29, 1929 in Knox County, Kentucky.
Unfortunately, Evert was murdered on March 29, 1933.
(Link to death certificate).
Later, Ellen married Taylor Deaton, and they are found on the 1940 census. Also, James and Mary on the 1940 census are the children of Evert and Ellen Tuggle, but they are using the surname of Deaton. ;
1930 Knox
County KY 5 April 1930 Heidrick
SCALF, James | Head | 40 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY |
Nannie | Wife | 42 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY |
Hazel | Dau | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Estil | Dau(Son) | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Cecil | Son | 12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
Ellen | Son | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY |
Christine | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Margie | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
TUGGLE, Elan | Dau | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
TUGGLE, James H. | G-son | 1/12 | 1930 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox
County KY 5 April 1940 Heidrick
DEATON, Taylor | Head | 50 | 1890 | KY |
Ellen | Wife | 31 | 1909 | KY |
James | Son | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Mary | Dau | 7 | 1933 | KY |
Flora Mae | Dau | 1 | 1939 | KY (Link to death certificate) |
Son of
Richard Scalf & Mary Hensley
William<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr< Lewis Scalf
William Scalf son of Richard Scalf and Mary Hensley
was born about 1893. William was not listed on the school census of Knox County
and was found living in the home of Kizzie Smith in 1900 and then in the home of
Richard and his third wife, Malinda Tuttle Scalf in 1910. William (Willie)
married Eva Hooker. Relationship to Susie Hooker, fourth wife of Richard Scalf
(if any) is unknown.
William and Eva had two children Dorothy and Willie according to census records. Dorothy was born 1915 and married Bill Bradley. Willie, son of Willie and Eva, was born 1919 and died 1924.
After the death of Eva, William married Cora Smith. Their family is listed below along with the family of William and Eva Hooker Scalf. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
William (Willie) died January 27, 1972.
From the research of Virgil Scalf, we have the following information on William Scalf.
1900 Knox CO
KY 4 June 1900 Girdler Precinct
SMITH, Kizzie? | Head | 67 | 1843 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Willie | (missing) | 7 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Knox CO
KY 22 April 1910 Barbourville
SCALF, Richard | Head | 47 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY |
Malinda | Wife | 42 | 1868 | KY | KY | KY |
James | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
William | Son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Milton | Son | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Lucy | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Richard | Son | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Lizzie | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
John | Son | 1 5/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Knox CO KY
20 January 1920 Precinct 1
SCALF, William | Head | 27 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | Coal Mines |
(Hooker), Eva | Wife | 31 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dorothy | Dau | 4 9/12 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY | |
Willie | Dau | 7/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | Died young |
Willie Scalf died January 19, 1924. (Link to death certificate)
1930 Knox CO KY
2 April 1930 Heidrick
SCALF, William | Head | 35 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer (died 01/27/1972) |
(Smith), Cora | Wife | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dorothy | Dau | 15 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY | |
Loma | Dau | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY | |
Grace | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ethel | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY | |
Maude | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Laurel CO KY
17 April 1940
District 2
SCALF, William | Head | 47 | 1893 | KY |
Cora | Wife | 36 | 1904 | KY |
Gracie | Dau | 17 | 1923 | KY |
Etheyl | Dau | 13 | 1927 | KY |
Maudie | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
William, Jr. | Son | 7 | 1933 | KY |
Flossie | Dau | 5 | 1935 | KY |
James | Son | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Wanda L. | Dan | 11/12 | 1939 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
5 April 1950
SCALF, Cora | Wife | 40 | 1910 | KY | Operator in Coal Mines |
Will | Head | 53 | 1897 | KY | |
Junior | Son | 18 | 1932 | KY | |
Flossie | Dau | 16 | 1934 | KY | |
James | Son | 13 | 1937 | KY | |
Wanda Lee | Dau | 11 | 1939 | KY | |
Claude | Son | 8 | 1942 | KY | |
Joyce | Dau | 6 | 1944 | KY |
The Scalfs of Eastern Kentucky have long been producers of good music. The
Scalf Sisters, Eathel and Maude, begin their musical career as children in the
late 1930s. Daughters of Will and Cora Smith, the girls performed on guitar and
mandolin throughout the area and were constant winners of YMCA, local theater
and radio contests, and performed at Renfro Valley. They were later joined by a
younger sister, Flossie, who became an adept mandolin player at age six. Will
was a good musician and had a fine tenor voice. Cora played the organ, had a
strong voice and often sang at funerals. Cora's parents were Frank Smith and
Rhoda Ellen Tuttle.
(History and families of Knox County, KY - Eathel S.
Henson – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Descendants of William Scalf:
William Scalf 1893 – 1972 married Eva Hooker. William Scalf died January 27,
1972. (Kentucky Death Records Index)
Children of William and Eva:
A) Dorothy Scalf - born April 3, 1915 and married Bill Bradley.
1) Eddie
Chumley Bradley
2) Billy
3) Jannette
4) Bobby
B) Willie Scalf - daughter of William and Eva born May 17, 1919 died January 19, 1924.
Willie fell into a fire and her clothes caught fire in their home when she was 4 years old and she suffered until she died 2 weeks later. (courtesy Beth Smith)
C) Loma Scalf - born 1922 and married George Messer
1) Maggie
2) Georgia
3) Renfro
4) Oscar
5) Ricky
6) Lloyd
7) Cluster
D) Grace M. Scalf - born April 16, 1922 and married Horace Chumley
Linda Chumley
Debby Chumley
Helen Chumley
Bill Chumley
Bobby Chumley
William Scalf then married Cora Smith and had the following children:
A) Melva Eathel Scalf - born June 21, 1926 - married Charles L. Henson
1) Janet
2) Bonnie
3) Judy
4) Beverly
5) Danny
B) Maude Scalf - born January 22, 1928 – married Jesse Dye
1) Larry
2) David
3) Linda
C) Chester Scalf - born June 5, 1930 and died April 3, 1931 from bronchial pneumonia (Link to death certificate)
D) Will Scalf, Jr. - born July 20, 1932 – married Shirley Stivers
1) Pamela Scalf
E) Flossie Scalf - born August 2, 1934 – married Bob Wiles
1) Billy
2) Bobby
3) Shawn
4) Windy
F) James Scalf - born December 27, 1936 – married Mary Helton
1) Jimmy Scalf
G) Wanda Scalf - born 1939 – married Earnest Mongony
1) Sandra MongonyH) Claude Scalf - born 1941 – married Linda Baker
I) Helen Joyce Scalf - born March 31, 1944 – married Bruce Williamson
1) Kim WilliamsonJoyce Scalf then married Woodson Daniels, Jr.
1) Shawn DanielsCora Smith Scalf died 27 March 1988 at Knox County, Kentucky at the age of 85. (Kentucky Death Records Index)
General Index to Land Conveyances, Knox County Kentucky
Grantor | Grantee | Location | Date |
Will & Eva Scalf | Dill & Mary Jane Hooker | Little Richland - one acre | October 1, 1921 |
Will & Eva Scalf | Dill & Mary Jane Hooker | Barbourville - 1/2 acre | December 6, 1934 |
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Daughter of
William Scalf & Eva Hooker
Loma<William<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr< Lewis Scalf
Loma Scalf, daughter of William Scalf & Eva Hooker, was born about 1921 and died February 16, 2008 in Knox County, Kentucky. Loma married George Messer.
1940 Fayette CO KY 11 April 1940 Greendale
SCALF, Loma | 17 | 1923 | KY |
Mrs. Loma Messer age 82, of
Barbourville, Ky. departed this life on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at the Knox
County Hospital. She was the daughter of the late Will and Elva Scalf born to
them on April 16, 2008 after the death of her mother at an early age she was
raised by the late Cora Scalf. Mrs. Messer was a homemaker a believer in the
Baptist faith and loved to be with her grandchildren. She is preceded in death
by her parents Will and Elve Hooker Scalf, three brothers James Scalf, Willie
Scalf and Will Scalf, Jr., five sisters Maude Dye, Dorothy Bradley, Gracie
Chumbley, Ethal Henson and Effie Scalf.
Survivors include eight sons Renfro Messer and wife Sharon of Tazewell Tn.,
Oscar Messer and wife Lisa of Williamsburg, Ky., Ricky Messer of Barbourville,
Lloyd Messer, Cluster Messer and wife Karen all of Corbin, Ky., David Messer and
wife Cleda of Gray, Ky., Norman Messer and wife Hazel of Detroit, Michigan, Ray
Messer and wife Janette of Florida., two daughters Maggie Owens and husband
Alvin, Georgia Miller and fiancé Mike Elam all of Barbourville, one brother
Claude Scalf and wife Linda of Barbourville four sisters Flosie Wiles Daniels
and Joyce Scalf both of Barbourville a special son in law Pete Miller of
Barbourville and a special friend Randy Miller twenty four grandchildren, eleven
great grandchildren plus a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her
passing. Funeral services for Mrs. Loma Messer will be conducted in the Hampton
Funeral Home Chapel on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Frank
Elliot and Rev. Jason Miller officiating. Pallbearers will be George Messer,
Jonathan Messer, Jake Messer, Harley Ray Messer, Langdon Messer, Jason Miller
and Chris Powers. Honorary Pallbearers will be Pete Miller and Mike Elam. Burial
will follow in the Powers-Miller Cemetery at Davis Bend, Ky. with Hampton
Funeral Home in charge of all the arrangements.
Malinda Tuttle was the third wife of Richard Scalf. Richard and Malinda were
married November 7, 1896. On the marriage license of Richard and Malinda, her
father is stated as Milton Tuttle; however, her mother's name is not listed. Her
father's name is listed under birthplace of father.
Richard and Malinda were
to be married at Dan McVey's. (Marriage License – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
(Link to Marriage License)
William Scalf, son of Richard, was not listed in the household above and may be the William living in the home of Kizzie Smith just two houses away from Richard. Kizzie might have been Richard's mother-in-law from his first marriage to Phoebe Smith. This household is listed below.
1900 Knox CO KY
4 June 1900 Girdler
SCALF, Richard | Head | 34 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY | Married 11/7/1896 |
(Tuttle) Linda | Wife | 25 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | |
Martha J. | Dau | 12 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY | Mother is Mary Hensley |
James | Son | 9 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | Mother is Mary Hensley |
Milton | Son | 3 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY | |
TUTTLE, Lucy | Sister in law | 17 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY |
Note: It is unknown what relationship
(if any) Kizzie Smith might have been to the Richard Scalf family.
It is possible that Kizzie Smith was the mother of Phoebe Smith Scalf, first
wife of Richard. However, Willie (William) appears to have been the son of
Richard and Mary Hensley Scalf if his age and birth date from the school and
census records is correct. Richard did not marry Malinda until 1896 and
Willie/William was born 1893. This suggests that Mary Hensley was also the
mother of William (Willie). ;
Willie (William?) is listed in 1900 in the home of Kizzie Smith while no William is in the home of Richard and Malinda in 1900; however, there is a William in the home of Richard and Malinda by 1910 with the same birth date. This indicates that William and Willie were the same person.
Knox CO KY
4 June 1900 Girdler
SMITH, Lizzie? | Head | 67 | 1843 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Willie | Ukn | 7 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
According to the marriage dates of Richard
Scalf, it appears that the last five children, Milton, Lucy, Richard Jr., Lizzie
and John were the children of Richard and Malinda.
The Knox County School Census of 1901-1903 reveals that Richard and Malinda had
four children in school at this time; namely Martha Jane, Willie, James (Jimmie)
and Miltie.
– 1903 Knox County School Census
years 1901 – 1903 are combined)
Parent or Guardian |
Child |
Age of Male |
Age of Female |
Location |
Richard & Linda Scalf |
Martha Jane | 14 |
District 1 |
Willie |
10 |
Jinnie |
12 |
Miltie |
6 |
In 1904, the same children were still in
1904 Knox County School Census
Parent or Guardian |
Child |
Age of Male |
Age of Female |
Location |
Richard & Linda Scalf |
Martha Jane | 15 |
District 1 |
Will |
10 |
Jim |
12 |
Meltie |
6 |
1910 Knox CO KY 22
April 1910 Barbourville
SCALF, Richard | Head | 47 | 1863 | M2 | KY | KY | KY | |
Malinda | Wife | 42 | 1868 | M2 | KY | KY | KY | 13 children born, 5 living |
Miltie | Son | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Lucy | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Richard | Son | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Lizzie | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | ||
John | Son | 1 5/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | ||
James | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | ||
William | Son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Scalf and family were listed twice in the 1910 census.
He moved his family to another location in the town of Barbourville
after the first census was taken.
Note: Malinda stated on the first enumeration in 1910 that she had thirteen
children born with five living. We know that Milton, Lucy, Richard, Lizzie and
John were the children of Richard and Malinda.
Malinda then states on the second enumeration in 1910 that she had seven children born with only five living. By this, we assume that Malinda included five children from a prior marriage on the first enumeration but did not include those children on the second enumeration. We also assume that Richard and Malinda had a total of seven children. However, Tuttle descendents might be able to help solve this.
1910 Knox CO KY 5
May 1910 Barbourville
SCALF, Richard | Head | 45 | 1865 | M3 | KY | KY | KY | |
Sarie M. | Wife | 35 | 1875 | M2 | KY | KY | KY | 7 children born, 5 living |
James | Son | 19 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Will | Son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Miltie | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | See note | |
Lucy | Dau | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Richard | Son | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Elizabeth | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | ||
John | Son | 1 4/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
From the census records we find that Malinda's full name was Sarah Malinda.
Malinda died October 2, 1911.
After the death of Malinda, Richard married Susie Hooker December 6, 1912 in Knox County, Kentucky. On the marriage license of Richard and Susie it is stated that this was a fourth marriage for Richard and all former wives were dead. Both Miles and Lucy were deceased at this time as well. Susie was the daughter of Frank and Mary Hooker of Clay County, Kentucky. Susie's mother was also deceased at this time. Witnesses to the marriage were Nannie Scalf and Nannie Tuggle. (Marriage License - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to marriage certificate)
We have no further information on Richard Scalf and Susie Hooker.
We were unable to find Richard on the 1920 census; however, he was found on the 1930 census living with his daughter and son-in-law in Knox County, Kentucky and listed in the home as a widower. Either Susie had died or they divorced for Richard remarried in 1925 to Ruby Brock. Ruby gave the information for Richard's death certificate.
Richard married Ruby Brock October 25, 1925. Richard was 58 and Ruby was 23. Ruby was the daughter of Lewis Jackson. (Link to marriage certificate)
1930 Knox
CO KY 24 April 1930 District #6 - Corbin
CHUMLEY, Ruben | Head | 36 | 1894 | TN | TN | TN |
(Scalf) Lucy | Wife | 27 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Horace D.L. | Son | 12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
Christine | Dau | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Sewall | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Jewell | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Claude | Son | 4 1/12 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Lawrence | Son | 2 7/12 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Richard | Father in law | 63 | 1867 | KY | KY | KY Widower |
1940 Knox CO KY
15 April 1940
District #6
MARCUM, Jim | Head | 36 | 1904 | KY |
Lizzie | Wife | 26 | 1914 | KY |
SCALF, Richard | Father in law | 74 | 1866 | KY Widower |
We have listed the mother of
the above children according to the dates of marriage and birth dates of the
children from census records. This may or may not be accurate. Descendents of
this family may be able to confirm or deny this information.
Son of
Richard Scalf & Malinda Tuttle
Milton<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Milton Scalf son of Richard Scalf and Malinda Tuttle was born about 1899 in Kentucky. Milton married Rosa Marcum 1917 in Knox County, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, pg. 135)
Milton and Rosa are listed below from the census records of 1920 thru 1940 and the draft registration card of Milton Scalf.
No further information on this family has been found.
(See Scalf Family History and Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Miltie Scalf
Age: 19
Home Address: Knox County, KY
(Link to original document)
Date of Birth: 1899
Nearest relative: Rosa Scalf - Wife
Address: Knox County, KY
Employed: Coal Miner
Height: Short
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Knox
CO KY 20 January 1920 Precinct #1
SCALF, Milton | Head | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Wife | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Tipton | Son | 1 5/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
Johnie | Brother | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 5 April 1930 Heidrick
SCALF, Milta | Head | 29 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Rose | Wife | 21 | 1909 | KY | IN | KY |
Tip | Son | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Jeana | Dau | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
May | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Dora | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Charles | Son | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY
11 April 1940
District 6
SCALF, Miltie C. | Head | 43 | 1897 | KY |
Rosie | Wife | 40 | 1900 | KY |
Dora | Dau | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Charles | Son | 13 | 1927 | KY |
Marie | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Gorman | Son | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Lester | Son | 5 | 1935 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
19 April 1950
District 6
SCALF, M. C. | Head | 53 | 1897 | KY |
Rosie | wife | 50 | 1900 | KY |
Gorman | Son | 17 | 1933 | KY |
Wanda | Dau | 15 | 1935 | KY |
Lester | Son | 15 | 1935 | KY |
Son of
Milton Scalf & Rosa Marcum
Tip Scalf<Milton<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Tip Scalf, the son of Milton Scalf & Rosa Marcum, was born August 1, 1918 and died April 16, 1954. Tip married Loretta Fore on May 22, 1937 in Knox County, Kentucky.
Children of Tip Scalf and Loretta Fore:
1. Wilma Jean Scalf
(Death certificate)
2. Phyllis Doris Scalf - born January 10, 1941 -
(marriage document)
3. Lois F. Scalf
4. Caroline J. Scalf
5. Beverly A. Scalf
6. Jerone T. Scalf
7. Roy E. Scalf
8. Tip Scalf
1940 Knox CO KY
15 April 1940
District 6
SCALF, Tip | Head | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Loretta | Wife | 19 | 1921 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
20 April 1950
District 6
SCALF, Tip | Head | 31 | 1919 | KY |
Loretta | Wife | 31 | 1919 | KY |
Doris | Dau | 9 | 1941 | KY |
Lois | Dau | 6 | 1944 | KY |
Carolyn | Dau | 4 | 1946 | KY |
Beverly A. | Dau | 1 | 1949 | KY |
Daughter of
Milton Scalf & Rosa Marcum
Jeana Scalf<Milton<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jeana Scalf, daughter of Milton Scalf & Rosa Marcum, was born about 1922 in Heidrick, KY. Jean married Earl Mullins.
Child of Earl Mullins and Jean Scalf:
1) Carol Ann
Mullins - born June 1, 1940 in Cincinnati, OH and died September 20, 1940 in
Corbin, KY.
(Link to death certificate)
1940 Hamilton CO OH 12 April 1940 Cincinnati
MULLINS, Earl | Head | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Jean | Wife | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Son of
Milton Scalf & Rosa Marcum
Charles<Milton<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Charles Scalf, the son of Milton Scalf & Rosa Marcum was born March 28, 1927 and died November 29, 2007. Charles married Joyce Aline Brown. Joyce was born November 29, 1928 and died October 28, 1991.
(Link to Joyce Scalf death certificate)
Son of
Milton Scalf & Rosa Marcum
Lester Scalf<Milton<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lester Scalf, the son of Milton Scalf and Rosa Marcum, was born July 5, 1934 in Knox County, Kentucky and died December 13, 2009.
Lester Scalf,
75, of Corbin, passed away Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009, at Baptist Regional
Medical Center.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Corbin Funeral
Daughter of
Richard Scalf & Malinda Tuttle
Lucy<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lucy Scalf, daughter of Richard Scalf and Malinda Tuttle was born about June 4, 1902 and died August 15, 1976 in Whitley County, Kentucky.
Lucy married Mat Hammons on December 1, 1913. Mat was 21 and Lucy was 16. This was the first marriage for the bride and groom. (Marriage certificate-Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Marriage Certificate)
Lucy married Ruben Chumley, the son of William Chumley and Frances Gibson, on April 30, 1917 in Claiborne CO, Tennessee. ; (Link to marriage document)
Lizzie Scalf,
sister of Lucy was living in the home.
1920 Bell CO KY 31 January 1920 Straight Creek Precinct #5
CHUMBEY, Rube | Head | 24 | 1896 | TN | TN | TN (Chumley) |
(Scalf), Lucy | Wife | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Horace | Son | 1 1/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Lizzie | Sister in law | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 24
March 1930 District #6 - Corbin
CHUMLEY, Ruben | Head | 36 | 1894 | TN | TN | TN |
(Scalf) Lucy | Wife | 27 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Horace D.L. | Son | 12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
Christine | Dau | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Sewall | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Jewell | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Claude | Son | 4 1/12 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Lawrence | Son | 2 7/12 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Richard | Father in law | 63 | 1867 | KY | KY | KY Widower |
Son of
Richard Scalf & Malinda Tuttle
Richard Jr<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Richard Scalf, son of Richard Scalf and Malinda Tuttle Scalf was born about 1901 and died about 1945. He married Mary Brumley 1919 in Knox Co. Kentucky. (Marriage License – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Marriage License)
Richard and Mary had two children; Lucille and Willie. Richard then married Sarah A. Mills in 1927 according to Scalf Family History (Scalf Family History, pg 135).
1920 Knox CO KY
30 January 1920 Barbourville
SCALF, Richard | Head | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Wife | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry Scalf stated the following information in
the book Chronicles of the Scalf Family concerning Richard Scalf:
The Scalfs of Georgetown, Ohio, originated in Knox County, Kentucky. They trace
their ancestry back to Richard Scalf, Jr. son of Richard, Sr. who was born May
5, 1903, at Barbourville, Kentucky, and died Jan. 5, 1945, at Manchester, Ohio.
Richard married Sarah Ann Mills, of Barbourville, March 22, 1926 in Lee County,
Virginia. She was born May 14, 1902, at Barbourville. They moved to Ohio in 1927
and changed the name to Sibert. Under this name they were lost to the
knowledge of the Eastern Kentucky Scalfs for 18 years. The Sibert family was an
old Clay County one and one of the maternal ancestors of the children of
Richard, Jr. and Sarah Ann Mills Scalf, was a Sibert. Sarah Ann Mills was a
daughter of John O. Mills and Eliza Broughton, and a granddaughter of Obie Mills
and Nancy Bargo Mills.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
1930 Hamilton
CO OH 4 April 1930 Precinct D Cincinnati
SIBERT, Richard | Head | 26 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
(Mills) Sarah | Wife | 28 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
John J. | Son | 1 8/12 | 1928 | VA | KY | KY |
Mary L. | Dau | 3/12 | 3/12 | OH | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Richard Scalf & Malinda Tuttle
Lizzie<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lizzie Scalf, daughter of Richard Scalf and Malinda Tuttle, was born about 1905 (Census calculation) in Knox County, Kentucky. From the census records of 1910, we find that Lizzie's full name was Elizabeth. She was listed twice in 1910 because her father moved and was enumerated on both censuses.
Lizzie married Clarence McDonald on May 22, 1926 in Knox County, KY. (Link to marriage document)
Child of Clarence McDonald and Lizzie Scalf:
1) Rubin C. McDonald -
born and died on May 13, 1928 in Knox County, KY (premature birth)
1910 Knox CO KY 22
March 1910 Barbourville
SCALF, Richard | Head | 47 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY | M2 |
Malinda | Wife | 42 | 1868 | KY | KY | KY | M2 13 children born, 5 living |
Miltie | Son | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lucy | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | |
Richard | Son | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lizzie | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
John | Son | 1 5/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | |
James | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | |
William | Son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Richard Scalf and family were listed twice in the 1910 census. He moved his family to another location in the town of Barbourville after the first census was taken.
1910 Knox CO KY 5
May 1910 Barbourville
SCALF, Richard | Head | 45 | 1865 | KY | KY | KY | M3 |
Sarie M. | Wife | 35 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | M2 7 children born, 5 living |
James | Son | 19 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | |
Will | Son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | |
Miltie | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lucy | Dau | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | |
Richard | Son | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | |
Elizabeth | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
John | Son | 1 4/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
Malinda stated on the 1910 census that she had seven children born with five living. James in the home was the son of Richard and Mary Hensley. It appears that William was also the son of Richard and Mary; however, it is possible he could have been the son of Richard and Phoebe Smith Scalf.
1920 Bell CO KY
31 January 1920 Straight Creek Precinct #5
CHUMBEY, Rube | Head | 24 | 1896 | TN | TN | TN (Chumley) |
(Scalf), Lucy | Wife | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Horace | Son | 1 1/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Lizzie | Sister in law | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY
15 April 1930
Bailey Switch
MCDONALD, Clarence E. | Head | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
Lizzie B. | Wife | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
Richard Scalf & Malinda Tuttle
John<Richard<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Scalf, son of Richard Scalf and Malinda Tuttle was born about 1908 (census
calculation) John was killed at the age of 13 in a mining accident by falling
The death certificate of John states that he was born January 1910. However, he was listed as one year and four months old on the 1910 census.
John died April 10, 1923. His parents are listed as Richard Scalf and Linda Tuttle on the death certificate. The death certificate of John may confirm that Malinda's maiden name was Tuttle. Willie Scalf was the informant for the death certificate. John was interred at the Patterson Cemetery in Barboursville (Knox County) Kentucky. (Death Certificate Kentucky Bureau of Vital Statistics – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Death Certificate)
End of Richard Scalf family
Daughter of
Miles Scalf & Lucretia Jackson
Lucy<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lucy Scalf, daughter of Miles (Milum) Scalf and Lucy Jackson, was born May 1880. She married McKinney "Mack" Smith on December 16, 1895. (Scalf Family History, pg. 134)
Lucy and Mack were found only on the 1900 census of Clay County, Kentucky. By 1910, Mack had remarried to his second wife, Mollie, whose maiden name we have not learned. We believe Lucy died 1900-1910.
1900 Clay CO
KY 9 June 1900 Otter Creek
SMITH, Mack | Head | 30 | Mar 1870 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lucy | Wife | 20 | May 1880 | KY | KY | KY | 4 children born, 2 living |
Burchell | Son | 2 | Apr 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Creesy | Dau | 5/12 | Dec 1899 | KY | KY | KY | |
SMITH, Lady | Servant | 25 | Mar 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
When the 1910 census was taken, Mack has been married to his second wife for seven years, and Lucy appears to have died around 1903,
1910 Clay CO
KY 2 May 1910 Otter Creek
SMITH, Mack | Head | 40 | 1870 | KY | KY | KY | M2 |
Mollie | Wife | 21 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | 4 children born, 3 living |
Burchell | Son | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY | |
Creasy | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | |
Mahatha | Son | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | |
Bertha | Dau | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ollie | Dau | 1 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Clay CO
KY 14 January 1920 Otter Creek
SMITH, Mack | Head | 48 | 1872 | KY | KY | KY |
Mollie | Wife | 34 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
John M. | Son | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Bertha | Dau | 14 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Ollie | Dau | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Faris | Son | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Emma | Dau | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Axie | Dau | 4 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Churhel | Son | 2 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
McKinney Smith & Lucy Scalf
Burchell Smith<Lucy Scalf<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Burchell Smith, son of McKinney Mack
Smith and
Lucy Scalf was born 1899 in Clay County, Kentucky. Mack married first to Mary
(maiden name unknown) and was found living on Otter Creek (Clay Co) Kentucky in
1920. His sister Creasy was living in the home.
Mack and Mary had at least one son, Homer, born 1919. Mack and Mary divorced and Mack remarried to Docia Henson, daughter of Taylor Henson and Martha Eversole June 30, 1928 in Clay County, Kentucky. Mack was 29 and Docia/Doshia was 21. Mack and Docia were living in Clay County, Kentucky in 1930. They had a son Burton on this census.
1920 Clay CO
KY 14 January 1920 Otter Creek
SMITH, Burchell | Head | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Wife | 19 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Homer | Son | 8/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Creasy | Sister | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Marriage Date: 06–30-1928 Clay Co., Ky. File Box 48
SMITH, Burchell, age 29, divorced, Birthplace Clay Co., Ky.
HENSON, Docia, age 21, single, Birthplace Clay Co. Ky.
Groom's Parents: Mack SMITH, Lucy SCALF
Bride's Parents: Taylor HENSON, Martha EVERSOLE (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
1930 Clay CO KY 26 April
1930 District 1
SMITH, Burchell | Head | 30 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Doshia | Wife | 30 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Burton | Son | 11/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
McKinney Smith & Lucy Scalf
Creasy Smith<Lucy Scalf<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
MackSmith and Lucy Scalf was born about 1900 in Clay County, Kentucky. Creasy married John Brumley. This family was found living in Clay County, Kentucky in 1930 with five children in the home. Creasy was living with her brother Burchell in 1920 and her first son, Winfield, was born about 1922. Her estimated marriage date was probably 1920 after the enumeration of the 1920 census.
1920 Clay CO
KY 14 January 1920 Otter Creek
SMITH, Burchell | Head | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Wife | 19 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Homer | Son | 8/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Creasy | Sister | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Clay CO
KY 2-3 May 1930 District 1
BRUMLEY, John | Head | 29 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Creasy | Wife | 30 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Winifield | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Mildred | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Arnold | Son | 3 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Burchill | Son | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
Doris | Dau | 9/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Miles Scalf & Lucretia Jackson
Elizabeth<Miles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of Miles and Lucy Jackson Scalf was born 1866-1868
probably in Knox County, Kentucky. Scalf Family History, pg. 134 states that
Elizabeth married Silas Brown 3-7-1887 in Knox County, Kentucky. This
information is confirmed by the marriage license of Silas Brown and
Elizabeth Scalf. (Marriage License – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to
Marriage Bond – License)
The Death Certificate of Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of Miles and Lucy, states
that she was 55 years old when she died November 28, 1923 in Knox County,
KY. Milton Bingham was the informant. Elizabeth died from cancer of the
liver. She was living at Barbourville, Kentucky at the time of her death.
Elizabeth is buried at Cottengin, KY. Milam Scalf and Lucy Jackson were
listed as her parents. (Commonwealth of Kentucky, Vital Statistics
Certificate #28516 – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Death Certificate)
Silas and Elizabeth were found on the 1900-1920 census records of Knox County, Kentucky listed below. Elizabeth's age is not consistent with her birth date on the census records; however, we believe this is the same Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of Miles and Lucy.
1900 Knox Co. KY June 6, 1900
District 2 – Precinct #5
BROWN, Silas | Head | 31 | Nov 1868 | KY | KY | KY | Married 14 years |
Elizabeth | Wife | 29 | Apr 1871 | KY | KY | KY | 4 children born, 4 living |
Eli | Son | 10 | May 1890 | KY | KY | KY | |
Alafore? | Dau | 8 | Apr 1892 | KY | KY | KY | |
Stephen D. | Son | 5 | Feb 1895 | KY | KY | KY | |
Evie | Son | 2/12 | Jun 1899 | KY | KY | KY | Ernie? |
1910 Knox Co. KY 16 April 1910
Stinking Creek – Precinct #7
BROWN, Silas | Head | 39 | 1871 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time for 22 years |
Lizzie | Wife | 36 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time for 22 years |
Eli | Son | 20 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY | |
Mollie | Dau | 19 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | |
Allice | Dau | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | |
Daw | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | |
Steve | Son | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ernie | Son | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Knox Co. KY 13 January 1920 Precinct #5
BROWN, Silas | Head | 54 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY |
Lizzie | Wife | 48 | 1872 | KY | KY | KY |
Ernie | Son | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Eli and Steve Brown, sons of Silas and Elizabeth are living next door to
their parents in 1920. They have both married. Eli's wife was Mollie (maiden
name unknown). They had two children on this census, Steven and Ida.
Steven's wife was Cordia. Steven and Cordia had no children on this census.
Melvin Brown, age 51 is also living nearby and might have been a brother of Silas. A Stephen Brown age 67 and wife Thursy was living nearby Silas in 1900 and may also have been his father. Silas named a son Stephen.
It is possible that Milton Bingham who gave the information on Elizabeth's death certificate was a son-in-law of Elizabeth. The Charlie Bingham family was living nearby Silas in 1910.
Son of
Ira Scalf/Rosanna Gibson
David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Information on the David C. Scalf family was
written in conjunction with the research of Mrs. Nelle Goring Cook, (Coleman
Ambrose Scalf family) Mrs. Bea James King (Rachel Dovey Scalf family) Mrs. Edna
Mae Noble Lovelace (Nancy Ann Scalf family) and Mrs. Doris Mellenbruch Peterson
(Rosanna Rose
Scalf family)
Unfortunately, during the writing of this chapter, Nelle Goring Cook passed away. Nelle will truly be missed by her family and friends and very much by this author. Nelle and I became very close friends when the writings were first posted on the Scalf Family website.
It was not until December of 2006 that we learned of Nelle's death. It was suspected when emails were not answered for it was very unlike Nelle not to answer right away. When several other friends had not heard from her the SS Index was searched and her death found by Virgil Scalf.
Name: Nelle B. Cook
Last Residence: 96001 Redding, Shasta, California
Born: 12 Mar 1924
Died: 22 Sep 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951)
Nelle Goring Cook was the granddaughter of Coleman Ambrose Scalf, and great-granddaughter of David Crockett Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith.
Bea James King is the granddaughter of Rachel Dovey Scalf and Paul James and the great-granddaughter of David Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith. Bea was battling cancer at our last correspondence and we have been unable to get a response from her.
Edna Mae Noble Lovelace is the granddaughter of Nancy Scalf Noble Payne and great-granddaughter of David Crockett Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith. Edna graciously submitted the information on the family of Nancy Ann Scalf Noble Payne.
Doris Peterson is the granddaughter of Rosanna (Rose) Scalf and Andrew J. Wright. We suspect Doris has also passed away. Doris and I corresponded by postal mail and a letter to her in July of 2006 was unanswered.
Virgil Scalf is responsible for many of the censuses, marriage, death records, tax lists, and school censuses concerning the Ira Scalf family. This information was a combined effort by all of these folks and this chapter could not have been written without them.
David C. Scalf son of Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson was born April 2, 1838 and died November 14, 1915 at the age of 77 years, 7months and 14 days in Shasta County, California. (Death Certificate of David C. Scalf- Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Links to photographs of David and Nancy (photo 1) & (photo 2)
David married Nancy Jane Smith, daughter of John Smith and Nancy Ann Elliott of North Carolina. No marriage record has been found for David and Nancy at this time. David and Nancy were living in the town of Pitville, California at the time of his death. David's birthplace was listed as Kentucky on his death record; however, the earlier census records indicate that David was born in Virginia around 1835 and was 15 years old on the 1850 Claiborne County, Tennessee census. David was living in Hawkins County, Tennessee with his parents in1840.
Bea James King states the following concerning the David C. Scalf family:
My line comes thru David Crockett Scalf and
Nancy Jane Smith Scalf. They were my great grandparents. According to my
records David C. was born 2 April 1835 in or near Russell County, Virginia and
died 14 November 1915, Pittsville, Shasta, California.
Nancy Jane Smith was born 20 April 1839 in Tennessee and died 30 Dec. 1915, Pittsville, Shasta, California. Her parents were John R. (Dickie) Smith and Nancy Ann Elliott. Nancy Ann's parents were Thomas Elliott and Elizabeth Ballinger.
They were married 24 July 1858 possibly in North Carolina. No proof.
Of this union I have the following children:
1) Saraphina (Sarah Fina) born 6 Mar. 1860 Claiborne, TN died: 22 May 1922 Hominy, Oklahoma.(Courtesy of Bea James King)Isaac born 1862 and I know he was living in 1900 according to Missouri census.(Bea James King).It is difficult to determine exactly where David was born due to so many factors. Ira and Rosanna might not have remembered his place of birth correctly along with the fact that David might have always believed he was born in Kentucky because he lived there for so long when he was young as happened so often with folks; however, David consistently stated on each census record that he was born in Kentucky.
Ira Scalf (David's father) was still in Russell County, Virginia for at least a short period of time after Ira's father left around the latter part of 1834 or early 1835. The local sheriff had confiscated property from Ira believed to have belonged to John Sr. in July of 1835. John Sr. had sold his belongings in December of 1834 in Russell County and it is assumed he left around this time. Ira resolved the matter of the confiscated property in July of 1835. From this record we assume Ira was still living in Russell County, Virginia in July of 1835.
Ira left Russell County sometime after July of 1835 and was found living on Otter Creek in Clay County, Kentucky in 1836. However, we cannot be certain Ira was still there in 1838. Ira did appear in Hawkins County, Tennessee in 1839 and may have gone there from Clay County, Kentucky.
What we do know for certain is that Ira (father of David) was in Russell County, Virginia in July of 1835, in Clay County, Kentucky in 1836 and in Hawkins County, Tennessee in 1839. It is very possible Ira was still in Clay County, Kentucky in 1838. Regardless of where Ira might have been, the death certificate will take precedence because it is a legal document and the date of David's birth will be listed as April 2, 1838.
David's parents are listed as Ira Scalf and Rosa Gibson on the death certificate. The cause of David's death was listed as cerebral hemorrhage with arteriosclerosis as an underlying factor for ten years. Ira is listed as being born in North Carolina and Rosa was born in Virginia. However, we know that Ira's father had left North Carolina by 1806 and was in Floyd County, Kentucky by 1810. Ira was born around 1812, possibly in Kentucky or possibly in Russell County, Virginia. We do not know the exact date John Scalf Sr. arrived in Russell County, Virginia. We only know that he was there sometime before the enumeration of the 1820 census.
Almost all of David and Nancy's children were married in 1893. Coleman, Rosie and Thirsey/Thurzy married the three children of Henry Pickard and Miriam Reed Tuter. The three couples went to McCloud, California in 1902 with Pickard, his second wife, Sally and their children.(Nelle Goring Cook).Nancy Jane Smith Scalf died one month after her husband on December 30, 1915 in Shasta County, California. She was born April 20, 1839 in Tennessee. Nancy died at the age of 76 years, 8 months and 10 days old. Nancy's cause of death is listed as bronchopneumonia with general debility as an underlying factor. Her father is listed as John Smith born North Carolina and Nancy Elliot born in North Carolina. Robert Scalf, grandson of David & Nancy, was the informant for the information concerning Nancy. C. A. Scalf (Coleman Ambrose) gave the information for David's death certificate. ;Coleman was the son of David and Nancy. No burial place is listed on the death certificate. (Death Certificate – Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
(Link to Death Certificate of Nancy Jane Smith Scalf)
We first find David and Nancy on the 1860 Claiborne County, Tennessee census. David and Nancy had been married just a short time at the enumeration of this census. This census, along with the 1870 census of Madison County, Kentucky, suggests that David and Nancy had married 1855-1860. Sarah Fina (Saraphina) Scalf, the first child of David and Nancy was born about 1861 (census calculation).
On the 1870 census of Madison County, Kentucky, David's name is listed as D. W. Scalf. Other records, along with the prior writings of Henry Scalf and Elmer Scalf state that David's name was David Crockett Scalf. This caused some confusion concerning David's full name. In an email from Nelle Cook, dated January 29, 2004, Nelle states that she found a voter's list of 1912 Shasta County, California and David's name was listed as David C. W. Scalf so it does appear that both initials in David's middle name are correct but it is unknown what name the (W) represented.
A number of the members of the Scalf family of Carter and Washington County, Tennessee were found with two middle initials and we have found that these two initials represented one name: i.e., Mary Lucinda was found to be abbreviated as Mary L.C. This appeared to be something that was common with enumerators and clerks early on. It is possible that David C. Scalf's middle name was like this but we know him only as David Crockett Scalf. ;
A son, Isaac Scalf, was born to David and Nancy about 1862 or 1863 in Kentucky but no records have been found at this time to determine if Isaac lived to adulthood or not. It is stated by Elmer Scalf in Scalf Family History, page 138 that Isaac died. However, Bea James King states the following concerning Isaac.
David, another son of David and Nancy also reported to have died young in Scalf Family History, page 128, was born after the 1880 census and is listed on the 1900 census with David and Nancy at 18 years old. He is gone from the home by 1900 and this could suggest that he died; however, it could also suggest he may have married and moved away
The following is a copy of the census records of David and Nancy (Smith) Scalf courtesy of Virgil Scalf. Information inserted in parentheses ( ) was placed by either Virgil Scalf or the author.
1860 Claiborne CO
TN 1 June 1860 Second Subdivision
SCALF, David | 24 | 1836 | KY | Married 1860 |
(Smith) Nancy | 22 | 1838 | TN | Nancy's parents were John Smith & Nancy Elliot |
1870 Madison CO
KY 19 July 1870 Kington
SCALF, David | 35 | 1835 | KY |
Nancy | 30 | 1840 | KY |
Sarah | 10 | 1860 | KY |
Isaac | 8 | 1862 | KY |
Elihu | 6 | 1864 | KY |
Nancy | 4 | 1866 | KY |
Coleman | 2 | 1868 | KY |
1880 Madison County KY 4 June1880 Glade
District 6
SCALF, D.W. | Head | 43 | 1837 | KY | NC | VA |
Nancy | Wife | 42 | 1838 | TN | VA | VA |
Sarah F. | Dau | 19 | 1861 | TN | KY | TN |
Isaac | Son | 18 | 1862 | TN | KY | TN |
Elihu | Son | 14 | 1866 | KY | KY | TN |
Nancy A. | Dau | 12 | 1868 | KY | KY | TH |
Coleman | Son | 11 | 1869 | KY | KY | TN |
Permina | Dau | 8 | 1872 | KY | KY | TN |
Rosa | Dau | 3 | 1877 | KY | KY | TN |
Dovie | Dau | 2 | 1878 | KY | KY | TN |
Elizabeth | Dau | 1/12 | 1880 | KY | KY | TN (born in May) |
1900 Benton County MO 2 June 1900 South Union Township
SCALF, D.C. | Head | 62 | 1838 | KY | VA | VA | Married 40 years |
Nancy | Wife | 61 | 1839 | TN | VA | VA | 14 children born, 10 living |
David | Son | 18 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Shasta County CA 15 April 1910 Fall River Township 11
SCALF, David | Head | 72 | 1838 | KY | VA | VA |
Nancy | Wife | 71 | 1839 | TN | VA | VA |
WOODWARD, Olba S. | Lodger | 56 | 1854 | WI | NY | MA |
In an email from Nelle Goring Cook dated May 4,
2001, Nelle states the following. Her email is copied here exactly as written to
the author:
Corrections or additions to –
Chronicles of the Scalf Family
by Henry
P. Scalf, pg. 150
David and Nancy's grave marker was installed in 1998, courtesy of Nelle Cook, their great-granddaughter.
Coleman Ambrose Scalf m. Mildred Herschel Tutor, September 24, 1893*
Mary Rose Scalf m. James William Tutor, October 26, 1893*
Thursey Jane Scalf m George Ballard Tutor, probably 1893
(Note: It is interesting to note that all of David's children married in 1892 and 1893.)
Coleman Ambrose Scalf their son, built a small home for them on the 80 acres on which he had filed for homestead in Shasta Co. CA. Homestead Entry Redding No. 02462, Serial No. 5825, September 25, 1912, first occupied November 3, 1912, Patented February 4, 1916.
Pg 151. Ella Scalf, etc.
Fact. The Coleman Scalfs could not have come to CA before 1902, because David Ambrose and Gertrude were born in MO. I think they came with other family members to McCloud, Siskiyou Co. CA about 1902 and worked in the lumber mill and on the construction of the railroad. Coleman was working at the McCloud Dairy when Dorothy and William were born in 1906 and 1907, respectively.
The Bench
in Shasta Co. CA refers to Pittville,
CA where Coleman filed a homestead claim in 1912. Coleman and family lived in
Kennett, Shasta Co. CA when he worked at the copper smelter sometime between
1907 and 1912. The water behind Shasta Dam now covers the old town of Kennett.
*Copies in possession of Nelle Cook, Redding,
CA. (Email from Nelle Goring Cook 2001)
Daughter of
David Crockett Scalf & Nancy Smith
Sarah F<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sarah Fina (Saraphina) Scalf was born about 1861 probably in Claiborne County, Tennessee. Her parents, David and Nancy were living there in 1860. Sarah married Russell Schoolcraft. Sarah and her husband were the parents of Effie Schoolcraft who married Thomas Net Braden about 1908 in Zora (Morgan County) Missouri.
Saraphina married a Mr. Schoolcraft (family
info stated he died in a mining accident shortly after their daughter was born.
No proof.)
(Bea James King)
1a: Effie G. born 24 Nov. 1892. Married Thomas Braden. (Bea James King)
Note that on the 1910 census of Morgan County Missouri Sarah is not listed as Sarah Schoolcraft but is listed as Sarah Braden. She states she has one child with one child living. This was her daughter Effie Schoolcraft who married Thomas Net Braden. Sarah was a widow in 1910. We believe Sarah was listed as a Braden in error by the enumerator.
By 1920, Sarah is listed as Sarah Collier and is again listed as a widow. It appears that Sarah had remarried to a Collier but it is unknown when this marriage took place. By 1930, Sarah had probably died as well and was no longer found on the census records.
1910 Morgan
CO MO 27
March 1910 Buffalo
BRADEN, Thomas | Head | 20 | 1890 | MO | MO | MO |
Effie | Wife | 17 | 1893 | KS | IN | TN |
Amos | Son | 8/12 | 1909 | MO | MO | KS |
Sarah | Mother in law | 49 | 1861 | TN | TN | TN Widow |
Sarah was still living in the home of her daughter and son-in-law in 1920.
1920 Osage CO
OK 28 February 1920 Strike Ax Township
BRADEN, T. N. | Head | 31 | 1889 | MO | TN | TN |
Effie | Wife | 27 | 1891 | KS | USA | KY |
Robert | Son | 10 | 1910 | MO | USA | USA |
Bessie | Dau | 9 | 1911 | MO | USA | USA |
Violet | Dau | 6 | 1914 | MO | USA | USA |
Oral | Son | 6/12 | 1919 | OK | USA | USA |
COLLIER, Sarah | Mother in law | 56 | 1854 | KY | TN | TN Widow |
By 1930, Thomas and Effie (Schoolcraft) Braden were living in Montgomery County, Kansas in the Coffeyville City Precinct #2. Their oldest son, Amos, is now married and living next door. Thomas is listed as he appeared on the census record. Bea James King states his name was Thomas Net Braden. The initial on the census record appears to be an H but this is probably due to the handwriting of the enumerator.
1930 Montgomery CO KS 29 March 1930 Coffeeville City
BRADEN, Thomas H. | Head | 39 | 1891 | MO | MO | MO |
Effie G. | Wife | 36 | 1894 | KS | USA | MO |
Oral O. | Son | 11 | 1919 | OK | MO | KS |
Margaret B. ; | Dau | 9 | 1921 | KS | MO | KS |
Newell M. | Son | 6 | 1924 | OK | MO | KS |
Thomas N. | Son | 5 | 1925 | OK | MO | KS |
Evaline | Dau | 2/12 | 1930 | KS | MO | KS |
1930 Montgomery CO KS 29
March 1930 Coffeeville City
BRANDEN, Amos R. | Head | 20 | 1910 | MO | MO | KY Married @ 20 |
Lois L. | Wife | 16 | 1914 | AR | MO | AR Married @ 16 |
Children of Thomas Net Braden and Effie
G. Schoolcraft Braden courtesy of Bea James King:
1) Robert
Amos Braden born 7 August 1909 in Zora (Benton) Missouri.
2) Bessie
Fina Braden born 14 December 1910 in Hughsville, Missouri and died Coffeyville,
3) Violet
Leona Braden born 29 August 1913 in Zora (Benton) Missouri.
4) Maudie
Zelma Braden born 29 October 1915 in Zora (Benton) Missouri.
5) Oral
Ottis Braden born 29 August 1918 in Zora (Benton) Missouri.
6) Margaret
Bernice Braden born 12 January 1921 in Coffeyville (Montgomery) Kansas.
7) Newell
Melton Braden born 12 December 1923 in Dewey, Oklahoma and died South
Coffeyville, Oklahoma.
8) Thomas
Lindle Braden born 13 January 1925 in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma.
9) Pearlie
Ileene Braden born 28 March 1926 in Coffeyville, Kansas and died 15 September
1926 in Hominy, Oklahoma.
10) Eulena Vevia Braden born 28 March
1928 in Coffeyville, Kansas.
11) Leonard Kenneth Braden born 28
August 1930 in Coffeyville, Kansas and died 11 November 1968 in Springfield,
12) Leo Eddie Braden born 10 March 1932 in
Coffeyville, Kansas.
13) Leon Teddie Braden born 10 March 1932 in
Coffeyville, Kansas.
Son of
David Crockett Scalf & Nancy Smith
James Elihu<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Elihu Scalf married Minnie Hobbs 20
November 1893 in Missouri. James died at Edmonds, Washington. Elmer Scalf
lists this information on page 138 of the Scalf Family History.
A search of the census records reveals that James and Minnie were living in
Chehalis County, Washington by 1900 and then in Snohomish County, Washington in
1930. Their daughter, Ada Scalf Burses (Burns? Buress?) and her husband William
were in the home in 1930.
Elmer Scalf states that Ada married:
1) Tom BjorensenBea James King states the following:
James Elihu; born 12 Nov. 1865 Claiborne, TN; died
1960 Edmonds, Washington. Married: 10 Nov. 1893 in Benton County, MO to Minnie
Elmer Scalf states that Etta, daughter of James and Minnie Scalf, married Russell Morehouse. This couple has not been found. ;
1900 Chehalis
CO WA 30 June 1900 Elma Precinct
SCALF, James L. | Head | 34 | Nov 1865 | KY | TN | TN | Married 6 years |
Minnie | Wife | 24 | Oct 1875 | MO | MO | OH | Married 6 years 2 children born, 2 living |
Etta | Dau | 5 | Aug 1894 | MO | KY | MO | |
Mary | Dau | 5/12 | Jan 1900 | MO | KY | MO |
1910 Snohomish WA 2 May 1910 Richard Precinct
SCALF, James D. | Head | 44 | 1866 | KY | TN | TN |
Minnie H. ; | Wife | 34 | 1876 | MO | MO | OH |
Etta | Dau | 15 | 1895 | MO | KY | MO |
Ata | Dau | 10 | 1900 | MO | KY | MO |
1920 Snohomish Co WA 20 January 1920 Richmond
SCALF, James H. | Head | 54 | 1866 | KY | TN | TN |
Minnie | Wife | 44 | 1876 | MO | IA | OH |
Etta | Dau | 25 | 1895 | MO | KY | MO |
1930 Snohomish Co WA 2 May 1930 Richmond
SCALF, James E. | Head | 64 | 1866 | KY | TN | TN |
Minnie | Wife | 54 | 1876 | MO | MO | OH |
Burses, Ada | Dau | 30 | 1900 | MO | KY | MO (Burns/Burses?) |
" William | Son in law | 54 | 1876 | IRE | IRE | ROMANIA |
1940 Snohomish Co WA
15 April 1940 Richmond
SCALF, James | Head | 73 | 1867 | KY |
Minnie | Wife | 63 | 1877 | MO |
David Crockett Scalf/Nancy Smith
Nancy<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
(Link to photo of Nancy Ann (Scalf) Noble Payne and grandson)
We are very much indebted to Mrs. Everett (Edna Mae Noble) Lovelace, daughter of Everett Griffin Noble and Josie Laverne Wylie for her help on the family and descendents of Nancy Ann Scalf.
Nancy Ann Scalf, daughter of David C. Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith was born August 8, 1865 in Madison County, Kentucky according to her death certificate. Nancy died August 16, 1952 at Chinook (Hill Co) Montana at Kennedy Deaconess Hospital. Nancy was 87 years and 8 days old. The informant on the death record of Nancy was Mrs. Ed Johnson of Spokane, Washington. The name of Nancy's father is listed simply as Scalf. Under her mother's name is listed, no record.
Nancy died from myocardial disease (Death Certificate - Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
(Link to Death Certificate)
Nancy married first to Griffin Noble 30 January 1893 in Benton County, Missouri and had two sons before Griffin died. (Link to marriage certificate)
Children of Nancy Ann Scalf and Griffin Noble:
1) Norman N. Noble
2) Everett Griffin Noble
(Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
We have no information on Norman M. Noble, son of Griffin Noble and Nancy Ann Scalf at this time.
Son of
Griffin Noble & Nancy Ann Scalf
Everett G Noble<Nancy A Scalf<David C<Ira Scalf<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
(Link to photograph of Everett G. Noble and family)
Everett Griffin Noble son of Nancy Ann Scalf and Griffin Noble was born February 1, 1896 at Cross Timber, (Benton Co) Missouri. His birth certificate was compiled from the Family Bible Record, his Army records and his marriage license for his delayed birth certificate. (Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace) (Link to copy of Birth Certificate)
Everett enlisted in the Army May 28, 1917 at Miles City, Montana and served in Co. E. 4th Engineers. He was overseas from May 1, 1918 to July 29, 1919 and discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa August 4, 1919 as a Bugler. (Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
Everett married September 13, 1923 at Moorhead (Clay Co.) Minnesota to Josie Laverne Wylie. (Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace) (Link to Marriage License)
Josie Laverne Wylie was born August 2, 1904 in Valley City, North Dakota and died September 10, 1999 at West Valley City, Utah. Josie is buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Tacoma, Washington beside her husband, Everett. (Courtesy of her daughter, Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
Everett died December 4, 1959 at the Veteran's Hospital in Seattle, Washington at the age of 63 from bronchogenic carcinoma of the left main stem bronchus. Everett is buried at Mt. View Cemetery in Tacoma, Washington. His parents are listed as Griffin Noble and Nancy Scalph. (Courtesy of Edna Mae Lovelace) (Link to Death Certificate)
1930 Pennington CO SD 7 April 1930 2d Ward Rapid City
NOBLE, Everett G. | Head | 34 | 1896 | MO | US | US |
Josie L. | Wife | 25 | 1905 | ND | NY | WI |
Joy D. | Dau | 5 10/12 | 1924 | WI | MO | ND |
Madge J. | Dau | 4 | 1926 | ND | MO | ND |
Dorothy G. | Dau | 2 | 1928 | ND | MO | ND |
Name: Everett
Griffin Noble
Army #: 569,029
Registrant: no, enlisted prior
Birth Place: Cross Timber, Mo.
Birth Date: 01 Feb 1896
Parent's Origin: of American parents
Occupation: mail carrier
Comment: enlisted at Miles City, Mont., on May 28, 1917; sent to
Vancouver Barracks, Wash.; served in Company E, 4th Engineers, to discharge.
Grade: Bugler, Jan. 14, 1918 - overseas from May 1, 1918, to July 29,
1919. Engagements: Offensives: Aisne-Marne; Meuse-Argonne. (Courtesy of
Virgil Scalf)
Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa, on Aug. 4, 1919, as a Bugler.
Children of Everett Griffin Noble and Josie Laverne Wylie:
1) Joy Dolores Noble.
Daughter of
Everett Griffin Noble & Josie Lavern Wylie
Joy D Noble<Everett G Noble<Nancy A Scalf<David C<Ira<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Joy Dolores Noble was born May 23, 1924 at Lancaster, WI, died January 31, 1972
at SLC, UT. Joy married Gordon John Lovelace April 6, 1943 in Seattle,
Washington. He was born July 8, 1921 in Valley City (Barnes) North Dakota.
(Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
Children of Joy Dolores Noble and Gordon John Lovelace:
1) Diane Lynne Lovelace married Paul Nicol. Two children: Thomas Paul and Troy Steven Nicol.
Daughter of
Everett Griffin Noble & Josie Laverne Wylie
Madge J Noble<Everett G Noble<Nancy Ann Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Madge Josie Noble was born March 7, 1926 at Valley City (Barnes Co) North
Dakota. Married 1) Alfred E. Cordeau April 7, 1945 at Tacoma, Washington. Alfred
died about 1984 in Florida. Madge married second to Charles John Moore, May 4,
1985 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Madge died November 20, 2006 at her home in St.
Petersburg, Florida. Her remains were cremated and will be buried with her first
husband's in Maine. (Courtesy of her sister, Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
Daughter of
Everett Griffin Noble & Josie Laverne Wylie
Dorothy G Noble<Everett G Noble<Nancy A Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Dorothy Grace Noble was born March 8, 1928 at Valley City (Barnes Co) North Dakota. Dorothy married Russell Martin Ramseth March 28, 1948 in Tacoma, Washington. He was born Valley City (Barnes Co) North Dakota. Russell died November 23, 2001 in West Valley City, Utah. (Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
Children of Dorothy Grace Noble and Russell Martin Ramseth:
1) Cathryn June Ramseth married Donald Gordon. Two children: Candice Lynn and Crystal Ann Gordon. Cathryn married second to Kenneth B. Liehr.
Daughter of
Everett Griffin Noble & Josie Laverne Wylie
Edna M Noble<Everett G Noble<Nancy Ann Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Edna Mae Noble was born May 24, 1930 at Rapid City, South Dakota. Edna married Everett Lovelace July 4, 1947 in Tacoma, Washington. He was born February 14, 1927 in Valley City (Barnes Co) North Dakota. (Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
Children of Edna Mae Noble and Everett Lovelace:
1) Robin Lee Lovelace married Tania Milnikoff. Three children: Mark Rodney, Laura Jean and Steven David Lovelace.
Son of
Everett Griffin Noble & Josie Laverne Wylie
John P Noble<Everett G Noble<Nancy A Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Paul Noble was born March 2, 1933 at Valley City (Barnes Co) North Dakota.
John married Jane (Bonnie) McAvoy June 16, 1965 at San Francisco, California.
She was born June 30, 1937 at Oakland, California, died November 29, 1994 at
Redding (Shasta Co) California. John Paul Noble remarried to Bonnie Kay Gibson
May 4, 1996 at Sacramento, California. John had no children. (Courtesy of his
sister, Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
After the death of Griffin Noble, Nancy Ann Scalf Noble remarried to Samuel Noah
Payne. They were living in Hickory County, Missouri in 1900. Jesse J. Payne was
a son of Samuel Payne by a prior marriage. Jesse was also living in the home. We
believe Nancy Ann Scalf Noble married Samuel Noah Payne around 1898 according to
what was stated on the 1912 census. In 1912, they stated they had been married
for 12 years and had six children with five living.
1900 Hickory Co MO
1 June 1900 Cross Timbers Township
PAYNE, Samuel N. | Head | 46 | 1854 | ENG | ENG | ENG |
Nancy A. | Wife | 32 | 1868 | KY | TN | TN |
Jesse J. | Son | 17 | 1883 | IL | Ukn | IL |
(Noble) Norman N. | Step son | 6 | 1894 | MO | IL | KY |
(Noble) Everett G. | Step son | 4 | 1896 | MO | IL | KY |
On the 1910 census of Benson County, North Dakota, Samuel and Nancy's daughter, Vonzie Mae appears to be spelled Fonzula due to the enumerator's handwriting. Their first daughter, Fanta Viola was born June 25, 1902 and died September 29, 1902.
On the 1920 census, Vonzie's name is spelled correctly. This census suggests she was born about 1904. Edna Mae Lovelace states that Vonzie Mae was born August 14, 1903.
The 1910 census states that Samuel and Nancy had been married for 12 years calculating a marriage date of 1898. Nancy stated she had six children born with five living. This was the second marriage for both Samuel and Nancy. Counting the child that died, Nancy had two children by her first marriage and four by her second marriage, which correlates with her statement.
1910 Benson Co ND
7 May 1910 Iowa Township
PAYNE, Samuel | Head | 55 | 1855 | ENG | ENG | ENG | Married two times |
Nancy | Wife | 45 | 1865 | KY | KY | KY | Married two times with 6 children born and 5 lliving |
Fonzula | Dau | 7 | 1903 | MO | ENG | KY | (Vonzie Mae) |
Guy | Son | 4 | 1906 | MO | ENG | KY | (William Guy) |
Robert | Son | 2 | 1908 | ND | ENG | KY | (Robert Fulton) |
NOBLE, Norman | Step son | 16 | 1894 | MO | OH | KY | |
NOBLE, Everett | Step son | 14 | 1896 | MO | OH | KY |
Samuel and Nancy were enumerated twice in 1920. Samuel was found living with Nancy in January of 1920 and in February he was living or visiting in the home of James Payne.
1920 Benson
Co ND 19 January 1920 Pleasant Lake Township
PAYNE, Samuel | Head | 65 | 1855 | ENG | ENG | ENG |
Nannie | Wife | 56 | 1864 | KY | TN | TN |
NOBLE, Norman | Son | 26 | 1894 | MO | IL | KY |
Evort | Son | 24 | 1896 | MO | IL | KY |
PAYNE, Vonzie | Dau | 16 | 1904 | MO | ENG | KY |
William | Son | 14 | 1906 | MO | ENG | KY |
Robert | Son | 4 | 1916 | ND | ENG | KY |
1920 Benson County ND
February 1920 Iowa Township
PAYNE, James | Head | 46 | 1874 | MI | ENG | ENG |
Maria | Wife | 44 | 1876 | ENG | ENG | ENG |
Arthur J. | Son | 25 | 1895 | MI | MI | ENG |
Nina M. | Dau in law | 20 | 1900 | IN | IN | MI |
PAYNE, Samuel N. | Brother | 65 | 1855 | ENG | ENG | ENG |
SPIRES, Efy M. | Niece | 19 | 1901 | MI | MI | ENG |
BUCK, James | Brother in law | 49 | 1871 | IA | CAN | CAN Widower |
Joe H. | Nephew | 14 | 1906 | MI | IA | ENG |
Mable C. | Niece | 8 | 1912 | MI | IA | ENG |
Maria | Niece | 5 | 1915 | MI | IA | ENG |
Samuel Payne, second husband of Nancy, passed away in 1928. ;(Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
In 1930, Nancy was found in Roosevelt County, Montana with two of her sons in the home, Norman Noble and William G. Payne.
Samuel Payne had been married prior to his marriage to Nancy Ann Scalf Noble. A son from his prior marriage, Jesse J. Payne, was living in the home in 1900.
1930 Roosevelt Co MT
3 & 4 April 1930 Culbertson
#47 | PAYNE, Nancy | Head | 69 | 1861 | KY | TN | TN |
(Noble), Norman M. | (Son) | 36 | 1894 | MO | ENG | KY | |
PAYNE, William G. | (Son) | 23 | 1907 | MO | ENG | KY |
Daughter of
Nancy Ann Scalf & Samuel Noah Payne
Vonzie M Payne<Nancy A Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Vonzie Mae Payne, daughter of Nancy Ann Scalf and Samuel Noah Payne was born August 14, 1903 in Benton County Missouri and died in Portland Oregon. We have no death date for Vonzie Mae at this time. She married first to Emanuel Lauritzen. She married second to a Johnson. We believe that Mrs. Ed Johnson who gave the information for Nancy Ann's death certificate was in fact, Mrs. Vonzie Mae Johnson.
Child of Vonzie Mae Payne and Emanuel Lauritzen:
1) Lauritz Lauritzen born 1932.
Edna Mae Lovelace sent the following information in an email message dated January 19, 2007:
Fanta Viola was born June 25, 1902 and died September 29, 1902. Vonzie Mae was
born August 14, 1903. I haven't been able to locate her date of death, but I
think it was in the mid-to-late 1980's and she was living in Portland, Or, at
the time. I'll try to get more on this asap. By the way, Vonzie Mae went by her
middle name most of her life. We knew her only as Mae for many years. Whoever
was taking down the information for the 1910 census must have mistakenly put
down the wrong name for the living daughter. (Edna Mae Lovelace)
Son of
Samuel Payne & Nancy Ann Scalf
William G Payne<Nancy A Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Guy Payne, son of Samuel Payne and Nancy Ann Scalf was born December 14,
1906 in Benson (Knox Co) North Dakota and died 1970 at Portland, Oregon.
(Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
Son of
Samuel N. Payne & Nancy Scalf
Robert F Payne<Nancy A Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Robert Fulton Payne son of Nancy Ann Scalf and Samuel Noah Payne was born April 7, 1908 in Benson (Knox Co.) North Dakota and died May 2, 1978 in Moscow, Idaho. Robert married Mabel D. Grunst May 7, 1928 in Medicine Lake (Sheridan Co) Montana, daughter of John Grunst and Bertha Wolff. Mabel was born October 28, 1909 in Kimball (Jackson Co) MN. (Courtesy of Edna Mae Noble Lovelace)
(Link to photo of Robert & Mabel Payne)
Children of Robert Fulton Payne and Mabel Grunst:
1) Lucille Payne born October 17, 1929 in Culbertson (Roosevelt Co) Montana. She married George Friend. Two children: Eileene and Bruce Friend.#46 | PAYNE, Robert F. | Head | 21 | 1909 | ND | ENG | KY |
Mabel D. | Wife | 20 | 1910 | MN | GERM | IL | |
Lucille M. | Dau | 5/12 | 1920 | MN | ND | MN |
Son of
David Crockett Scalf/Nancy Smith
Coleman A<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mrs. Nelle Goring Cook of California submitted
the following information on the family of Coleman Ambrose Scalf. Nelle was
extremely helpful in the research of this family. Nelle also contributed
(indirectly) some of the information concerning the David C. Scalf family listed
in Chronicles of Scalf Family.
On September 20, 1970, Mrs. Elsie Payne Archer replied to a genealogical ad
Nelle had placed in Everton's Genealogical Helper
in her search for Scalf.
Elsie later traveled to California in October of 1974 and spent some time with
Nelle and her family.
Nelle and Elsie became good friends and correspondents until Mrs. Archer's death. Elsie previously had traveled to Missouri to trace the David Crockett Scalf family and their move West for the writing of Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf.
In 1967, Nelle purchased the book, Chronicles
of the Scalf Family.
Ironically, Nelle had previously compiled the history
on Coleman Ambrose Scalf, son of David Crockett Scalf, which was shared with
another researcher in California. This researcher was also researching the Scalf
family. Nelle's research ultimately found its way to Elsie Payne Archer and was
published in Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
In essence, Nelle unknowingly had submitted the
history of the Coleman Ambrose Scalf for the writings of Chronicles of the
Scalf Family.
The history had been submitted by the researcher whom Nelle
had shared her material with and the researcher then submitted the material to
Elsie Payne Archer.
Nelle very graciously shared with the author her correspondence with Elsie Payne Archer and Edwin O. Scalf, another early Scalf researcher. Edwin is also deceased.
The paragraphs below were written and submitted to the author by Nelle Goring Cook:
Coleman Ambrose Scalf was the fifth child of
David C. Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith. Coleman married Mildred (Millie) Tuter 24
Sep 1893 in Iconium, St. Clair County, Missouri. Coleman made Homestead Entry
16221 November 11, 1895 at Boonville, Missouri for the NE-1/4 SE ¼ Sec.1, T.39
S., R.24W. The 40 acres were in Osceola, St. Clair Co. MO. He abandoned the
homesteaded land for $25.00.
Robert and Ella were born in Benton Co. Missouri. The next two children, Gertrude and David were born in Green Co. Missouri. Dorothy and William were born in McCloud, Siskiyou Co. CA.
Coleman was an industrious, hard-working man of the Baptist Faith. He enjoyed good health except for a weakness for pneumonia. The seventh bout with pneumonia claimed his life at age 67. Coleman Ambrose Scalf died in 1937.
A 1905 death record exists for Coleman Ambrose Scalf, Jr. revealing 7 children instead of 6 born to them. Coleman Jr. would not be listed on census records and would not have been found if not for this death record. ; (Copy in possession of Nelle Goring Cook)
The following are the memories of Gertrude Anne Scalf Jordan Turner as recorded by her daughter, Millie Beshears.
1) Camp 2 – Coleman and family moved to Camp 2 out of McCloud, CA in 1903 because Coleman had a job working in the woods.Why you look at me too much?When Gertrude went to visit Cindy she watched her gather acorns to make bread. If she found a worm in an acorn, she would ask Gertrude if she wanted the worm. When Gertrude told her
no, Cindy would put it in her mouth and say,
He die pretty soon.
November 14, 1915 Coleman received
Homestead Certificate for S-1/4 NE-1/4 of Section 12, TWP 37N, R5 E MD Meridian,
California, containing 80.00 acres. The Certificate was approved February 4,
1916. Patent No. 514541 was awarded February 18, 1916.
(Copy in possession
of Nelle Cook, Redding, CA)
Nelle Goring Cook submitted the following information from her database:
Coleman Ambrose Scalf was born 13 June 1869 in Madison Co. KY, and died 4 February 1937 in Mount Shasta (Siskayou) CA. He married Mildred Herschel Tutor 24 September 1893 in Iconium (St Clair) MO. Mildred (Millie) was the daughter of Henry Tutor and Miriam Reed. She was born 8 May 1871 in Mercer Co. WV or Decatur Co. IN and died 1 February 1953 in Redding (Shasta) CA.
(Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Marriage Notes for Coleman Scalf and Mildred
(Copy in possession of Nelle Cook, Redding, CA)
Children of Coleman Scalf and Mildred Tutor
1) Robert
Edward Scalf, born 9 Dec 1894 in Iconium, MO; died 9 Aug 1934 in Palo Alto,
2) Ella
Miriam Scalf, born 7 Nov 1895 in St. Clair Co, MO; died 25 Nov 1958 in
Sacramento, CA.
3) David
Ambrose Scalf, born 15 Oct 1899 in Greene Co. MO; died 25 Oct 1967 in
Redding, Shasta Co, CA.
4) Gertrude
Ann Scalf, born 16 May 1901 in Greene Co, MO; died 19 Jan 1986 in
Springfield, OR.
5) Dorothy
Bernice Scalf, born 5 Apr 1906 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co, CA; died 16 Nov 1944
in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA.
6) William
Elmer Scalf, born 7 Jul 1907 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co. CA; died 2 Jun 1962 in
Redding, Shasta Co. CA. He married (1) Beatrice Hawkins 1928. He
married (2) Effie M. Haling on May 23, 1950 in Shasta
Co., Ca; born 1924 in Shasta Co., CA.
7) Coleman
Ambrose Scalf, Jr. died 20 Apr 1905 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co. CA.
Coleman and his family were found on the 1900 – 1930 census records compiled and submitted by Virgil Scalf.
1900 Benton Co MO 2 June 1900 South Union Township
SCALF, C.A. | Head | 30 | 1870 | KY | VA | TN Married 6 years |
Millie | Wife | 29 | 1871 | IN | VA | TN 3 children born, 3 living |
Robert | Son | 5 | 1895 | MO | KY | IN |
Ellie J. ; | Dau | 2 | 1898 | MO | KY | IN |
David A. | Son | 7/12 | 1899 | MO | KY | IN |
1910 Shasta Co CA 26 April
1910 Fall River Township 11
SCALF, Coleman C. | Head | 40 | 1870 | KY | TN | TN |
Millie H. | Wife | 38 | 1872 | IN | VA | VA |
Robert E. | Son | 15 | 1895 | MO | KY | IN |
Ella M. | Dau | 12 | 1898 | MO | KY | IN |
Ambrose D. | Son | 10 | 1900 | MO | KY | IN |
Gertrude A. | Dau | 8 | 1902 | MO | KY | IN |
Dorothy B. | Dau | 4 | 1906 | CA | KY | IN |
William E. | Son | 2 | 1908 | CA | KY | IN |
1920 Siskiyou County CA
January 1920 Butte Township
SCALF, Ambrose C. | Head | 50 | 1870 | KY | VA | VA |
Millie | Wife | 48 | 1872 | IN | VA | VA |
Dorothy | Dau | 13 | 1907 | CA | KY | IN |
William | Son | 12 | 1908 | CA | KY | IN |
1930 Siskiyou County CA 9 April 1930 Butte
SCALF, Coleman A. | Head | 61 | 1869 | KY | VA | USA |
Mildred H. | Wife | 59 | 1871 | IN | USA | USA |
TUTTER, Woodrow T. | Nephew | 10 | 1920 | MO | KY | IN |
1940 Siskiyou CO CA
17 April 1940
Mott Judicial District
SCALF, Mildred | Head | 69 | 1871 | IN Widow |
Son of
Coleman Scalf & Mildred Tutter
Robert<Coleman<David<Ira<John, Sr.<Lewis Scalf
Robert Edward Scalf was born 9 December 1894 in Iconium, Missouri and died 9 August 1934 in Palo Alto, California. He married Ella Wheeler Fee 13 July 1919 in Siskiyou Co, California. She was born 17 Dec 1902 in Sutter Co. California and died 22 April 1990 in Shasta Co. California. (Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Robert Edward Scalf
Age: 22
Home Address:
Sesson ( Siskiyou County), CA
Date of Birth: December 9, 1894
Siskiyou County CA
(Link to original document)
Employed: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Siskiyou County CA January 1920 Butte Township
SCALF, Robert | Head | 25 | 1895 | MO | KY | IN |
(Fee) Ella | Wife | 16 | 1904 | AZ | MO | CA |
Siskiyou County CA 9 April 1930 Butte Township
SCALF, Robert E. | Head | 35 | 1895 | MO | KY | IN |
Ella W. | Wife | 26 | 1904 | CA | IL | MO |
Robert E. | Son | 9 | 1921 | CA | MO | CA |
Walter W. | Son | 8 | 1922 | CA | MO | CA |
Cliffored E. | Son | 6 | 1924 | CA | MO | CA |
After Robert E. Scalf dies in 1934, Ella Scalf married Vernon Holderman.
1940 Siskiyou County CA 24 April 1940 Edgewood
HOLDERMAN, Vernon J. | Head | 42 | 1898 | CA |
Alla W. | Wife | 37 | 1903 | CA |
SCALF, Walter W. | Son | 18 | 1922 | CA |
Clifford E. | Son | 16 | 1924 | CA |
After the census on April 24, 1940 in Edgewood, CA, Vernon Holderman and his family moved to Butte, CA. They were counted again on May 11, 1940.
Siskiyou County CA
11 May 1940
HOLDERMAN, Vernon | Head | 42 | 1898 | OK |
Ella | Wife | 36 | 1904 | CA |
SCALF, Walter | Son | 18 | 1922 | CA |
Clifford | Son | 16 | 1924 | CA |
CARLSON, Alford K. | Lodger | 46 | 1894 | Sweden |
FEE, Alma | Mother | 59 | 1881 | AZ |
Son of
Robert Edward Scalf & Ella Wheeler Fee
Robert<Robert<Coleman<David<Ira<John, Sr.<Lewis Scalf
Robert E. Scalf, the son of Robert Edward Scalf & Ella Wheeler Fee, was born August 17, 1920 in Siskiyou County, CA and died June 8, 1968.
1940 Honolulu CO HI 5 April 1940 Schofield Barracks
SCALF, Robert E. | Soldier | 19 | 1921 | CA Private |
Son of
Robert Edward Scalf & Ella Wheeler Fee
Walter<Robert<Coleman<David<Ira<John, Sr.<Lewis Scalf
REDDING- Walter Wheeler Scalf was born
November 26, 1921 and died July 4, 2008 after a long illness at the age of
Walter leaves three children; William V Scalf of Florence, OR, Patrick Scalf
of Redding, CA, and Virginia M Scalf of Sacramento, CA. He also had nine
grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren.
One of his grandchildren; Chirstina Ann Scalf LeCount died 2 years ago very
suddenly at the age of 36.
Walt Scalf was married to Reoma Ann Ingalls Scalf for over 40 years.
His first wife, who he fathered his 3 children with was Olive Amber Dowling
Scalf Fogel.
Walter lived his life as a logger, hunter and fisherman. He will always be
known for his Lodge Log Homes, Scalf Logging, love for fresh trout and very
bad jokes.
Services will be held at McDonald's Funeral Home chapel on July 9, 2008 at
11 a.m.
Daughter of
Coleman A. Scalf & Mildred H. Tuter
Ella M<Coleman A<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ella Miriam Scalf was born 7 Nov 1895 in St. Clair Co, MO, and died 25 Nov 1958 in Sacramento, CA. She married Alexander Cleveland Lester 2 Aug 1917 in Lassen Co, CA. He was born 20 Jun 1877 in IA, and died Abt. 1927 in Hot Springs, AR.
Children of Ella Scalf and Alexander Lester are:
1) Louise Herschel Lester, born 31 Jul 1918 in Everton, WY; died 20 Dec 1956 in Sacramento, CA. She married Earl Totemeier.(Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Son of
Coleman Scalf & Mildred Tutter
David<Coleman<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
David Ambrose Scalf was born 15 Oct 1899 in Greene Co. MO, and died 25
Oct 1967 in Redding, Shasta Co, CA. He married (1) Elsie Brown Abt.
1918. ;He married (2) Myrtle Shelton Abt. 1928.
He married (3) Katie Cullop Abt. 1950 in Redding, CA. He married
(4) Nellie Cullop Abt. 1960 in Redding, CA.
Child of David Scalf and Myrtle Shelton is:
1) Margaret Shelton (Step-daughter, born 12 Feb 1928).SCALF, David A. | Head | 19 | 1901 | MO | KY | IN |
Elsie | Wife | 17 | 1903 | KS | MO | MO |
1930 Siskiyou County CA
9 April 1930 Butte Township
SCALF, David A. | Head | 30 | 1900 | MO | KY | IN |
Myrtle J. | Wife | 18 | 1912 | CA | CA | CA |
Margaret P. | Dau | 1 1/12 | 1929 | CA | MO | CA |
1940 Siskiyou CO CA
17 April 1940
Mott Judicial District
SCALF, David A. | Head | 40 | 1900 | MO |
Myrtle | Wife | 28 | 1912 | CA |
Margaret | Dau | 11 | 1929 | CA |
WWI Registration Card
Name: David Ambrosa Scalf
Age: 18
Home Address:
Siskiyou County CA
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: October 15, 1899
Nearest relative: Coleman Scalf
Siskiyou County CA
Employed: Pioneer Box Factory
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Black
Date: September 12, 1918
Daughter of
Coleman A. Scalf & Mildred H. Tuter
Gertrude A<Coleman A<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Gertrude Ann Scalf was born 16 May 1901 in Greene Co, MO, and died 19 Jan 1986 in Springfield, OR. She married (1) Silas Jordan 28 Mar 1918 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA. He was born 5 Aug 1886 in Tulare Co, CA, and died 29 Mar 1975 in Shasta Co, CA. She married (2) George Turner 18 Sep 1940. ;
Children of Gertrude Scalf and Silas Jordan are:
1) Talbert Woodrow Jordan, born 1 Sep 1919
2) Mildred Elizabeth Jordan, born 21 Aug 1920; died 11 Sep 1997 in Springfield, OR. She married Cecil Elliott 17 Oct 1937 in Yreka, Siskiyou Co. CA; born 17 Feb 1913 in Port Angeles, WA.
3) Edith May Jordan, born 13 Jul 1922 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA. She married (1) Elvin Eliot Anderson 1941 in Mount Hebron, Siskiyou Co. CA; born 12 Feb 1917 in Lowell Oregon; died 5 Mar 1945 in Iwo Jimo Island. She married (2) Donald Rufus Anderson 30 Jun 1947 in Reno, NV; born 12 Jan 1920 in Midvale, ID; died in Weiser, ID.
4) Billie Marie Jordan, born 9 Aug 1924 in McCloud, CA. She married Beverly Dale Street 15 Mar 1942 in MacDoel, Siskiyou Co. CA; born 2 May 1920 in Coffey, MO.
(Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Daughter of
Coleman A. Scalf & Mildred H. Tuter
Dorothy B<Coleman A<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Dorothy Bernice Scalf was born 5 Apr 1906 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co, CA, and
died 16 Nov 1944 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA. She
married Francis Thomas Goring 12 Jun 1923 in Yreka, Siskiyou Co. CA, son of
William Goring and Ellen Madden. He was born 19 Apr 1900 in Melbourne, Vic,
Australia, and died 13 Jan 1961 in Oakland, Alameda Co. CA.
Children of Dorothy Scalf and Francis Goring are:
1) Nelle Bernice Goring, born 12 Mar 1924 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA. She married Elbert Woods Cook 16 Dec 1944 in Dorris, Siskiyou Co, CA; born 3 Mar 1918 in Fairfield, Solano Co. CA. Nelle died 22 September 2005 in Redding (Shasta Co) California.
2) Francis William Goring, born 13 Nov 1925 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA; died 2 Jun 1977 in Redding (Shasta Co) CA. He married (1) Emma Leah Moore 1947 in Yreka, Siskiyou Co., CA; born 30 Sep 1932. He married (2) Leona Williams Abt. 1955. He married (3) Frances Carolyn Miller 3 Jan 1962 in Carson City, NV; born 3 Nov 1933 in Idaho.
(Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Son of
Coleman A. Scalf & Mildred H. Tuter
William E<Coleman A<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis
William Elmer Scalf, born 7 Jul 1907 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co. CA; died 2 Jun
1962 in Redding, Shasta Co. CA. He married (1) Beatrice Hawkins 1928.
He married (2) Effie M. Haling 23 May 1950 in Shasta Co., Ca; born 1924
in Shasta Co., Ca.
(Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Son of
Coleman A. Scalf and Mildred H. Tuter
Coleman Jr<Coleman A<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Coleman Ambrose Scalf, Jr. was the last child born to Coleman and Mildred. His
birth would not have been known if Nelle had not accidentally found his death
record for no one in the family had mentioned him. Coleman Jr. was born and died
on the same day.
Coleman Ambrose Scalf, Jr. died 20 Apr
1905 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co. CA.
1. ;Marriage License recorded 8 Nov 1893, St. Clair Co. MO.
2. ;1880 Census - Indiana, Co. Decatur, Town Clay, Pg 31, Dwg#293, Fam #299.
3. ;Death Certificate filed in Book 12 of Death Records, Pg. 206.
4. ;1870 Census, Loc. Rock TWP, Mercer Co. WV, Pg 580.
5. ;Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 3, Social Security Records:
U.S., SS Death Benefit Records, Surnames Beginning with S, Date of Import: 4 May
1996, Internal Ref. ; #
(Courtesy of Nell Goring Cook)
Daughter of
David C. Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith
Margaret P<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Marcella Hallagin Jones, granddaughter of
Margaret Pernina Scalf, states that (HALLIGAN) should be spelled (HALLAGIN). (Courtesy
of Bea
James King)
This name is spelled Hallagin in most of these writings with the exception of
the census records where it was found as Halligan. Name spellings have been
copied as they were found on records; however, this family has always used the
spelling of Hallagin.
Margaret Pernina Scalf, daughter of David C. Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith was born September 22, 1872 in Kentucky and died February 15, 1933 in Bartlesville (Washington Co) Oklahoma. Pernina (Nina) is found on the census records as Nina and Margaret. She married Richard David Hallagin March 9, 1893 in Benton County, Missouri. Richard was born about 1873, the son of James HALLAGIN. Richard and Nina are first found on the 1900 Benton County, Missouri census. Richard is listed as David HALLAGIN and Pernina is listed as Nina. The name is spelled Permina in the Scalf History Book but I believe this should be Pernina since Nina was used for a short name.
Richard and Nina were followed though the census records beginning in 1900 Benton County, Missouri where their first three children were born. Richard and Nina then moved to Oklahoma although they have not been found on the 1910 census at this time but were found on the 1920 and 1930 Oklahoma census.
Nina and Dave separated and Nina is found living several houses from David in 1930. David was living alone as head of house and Nina was head of house with two of the children at home. Their oldest son, James, is found in Oklahoma until 1930 where he is found living in Washington County, Kansas.
Dave and Nina's son, Emmett had been born in Kansas about 1909 so we know that the family had lived in Kansas for a short time as well. On the 1930 census of Washington County, Oklahoma, Marvin is listed as divorced and Nina has a granddaughter living in the home. This is probably Marvin's daughter but she could have belonged to either of the sons. Marvin states he married at 20 years old so this would indicate he married around 1925 and was divorced by 1930. The granddaughter of Nina is listed as 3 years and 5 months old.
No information has been found concerning who Mary L. (Lou) married or where she was living. Myrtle married Floyd S. Lauderdale and Emmett married Ida Mae Bell according to Elmer Scalf. No information is found on this family at this time.
The following was submitted to Bea James King by Marcella HALLAGIN Jones, granddaughter of Margaret Pernina Scalf and Richard David HALLAGIN.
Her youngest son Emmett HALLAGIN/Hallagin/Hallegan
told his children that Margaret Pernina always made him go to church with her
when he was very young. She was active in "laying on of hands" praying and
healing. As he got older he quit going to any church and when he died he was not
a member of any church.
Cause of Death: Cervical Cancer
3) JAMES R. HALLAGIN, b. December 15, 1893, Fristoe Township, Missouri.
Cause of Death: Lung Cancer
4) MARY LOU HALLAGIN, b. April 1896.
Cause of Death: Cancer
5) EMMETT EARL HALLAGIN, b. August 14, 1908, South Coffeyville, Oklahoma; d. Abt. 1990, Bartlesville, Washington, Oklahoma. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
The Halligan family was found on the census records of Missouri and Oklahoma from 1900 – 1930.
Benton County MO 25 June1900 Fristoe Township
HALLIGAN, David | Head | 27 | May 1873 | MO | MO | MO | Married 7 years |
Nina | Wife | 27 | Aug 1872 | KY | TN | TN | 3 children born, 3 living |
James R. | Son | 6 | Jun 1894 | MO | MO | MO | |
Mary L. | Dau | 4 | Apr 1896 | MO | MO | MO | |
Myrtle I. | Dau | 2 | Jan 1898 | MO | MO | MO |
Washington County OK 5 January 1920 Jackson Township
HALLIGAN, Richard D. | Head | 51 | 1869 | MO | IA | MO |
Margaret E. (P) | Wife | 50 | 1870 | KY | TN | TN |
Myrtle | Dau | 21 | 1899 | MO | MO | KY |
Marvin | Son | 14 | 1906 | MO | MO | KY |
Emmett | Son | 11 | 1909 | KS | MO | KY |
Washington County OK 14 April 1930 Ward 3
HALLIGAN, Nina | Head | 57 | 1873 | KY | TN | TN | |
Emmett | Son | 21 | 1909 | KS | MO | KY | |
Marvin | Son | 25 | 1905 | MO | MO | KY | Divorced - married @ 20 |
Betty Jean | G-dau | 3 5/12 | 1926 | OK | MO | USA |
Washington County OK 14 April 1930 Ward 3
HALLIGAN, Dave | Head | 56 | 1874 | MO | USA | USA |
Son of
Richard David Hallagan & Margaret Pernina Scalf
James Hallagin<Margaret P Scalf<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James R. Hallagan/Hallagin son of Richard David Hallagan/Hallagin and Margaret Pernina Scalf was born about 1894 in Missouri (census calculation)
We have no further information on James other than the census records.
Montgomery County KS 5 January 1920 Parker Township
HALLIGAN, J.R. | Head | 26 | 1894 | MO | KY | KY |
Emma | Wife | 19 | 1901 | MO | MO | KY |
Helen B. | Dau | 8/12 | 1919 | KS | MO | MO |
Washington County OK 28 April 1930 Ward 4
HALLIGAN, James R. | Head | 37 | 1893 | MO | MO | KY |
Emma | Wife | 29 | 1901 | MO | IL | IL |
Helen | Dau | 12 | 1918 | KS | MO | MO |
Junior | Son | 8 | 1922 | KS | MO | MO |
Forrest Ray | Son | 7 | 1923 | KS | MO | MO |
Robert | Son | 5 | 1925 | KS | MO | MO |
James R. | Son | 1 | 1929 | KS | MO | MO |
Son of
Margaret Pernina Scalf and Richard David Hallagin
Emmett Hallagin<Margaret Pernina<David C.<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
This family was also submitted to Bea James King by
Mrs. Alfred (Marcella Hallagin) Jones, oldest daughter of Emmett and his wife,
EMMETT EARL8 HALLAGIN was born August 14, 1908 in South
Coffeyville, Oklahoma and died Abt. 1990 in Bartlesville,
Washington, Oklahoma. He married Ida Mae Bill October 12,
1933 in Nowata, Nowata, Oklahoma, daughter of Charley Bill and IDA Mae Bill.
Her father was full Indian name of Charlie and her mother was Ida (last name
unknown) She was born May 17, 1917 in Oglesby, OK, and died February 5, 1961 in
Bartlesville, OK.
Children of EMMETT HALLAGIN and IDA BILL are:
1) MARCELLA9 HALLAGIN, b. November 9, 1936; m. ALFRED JONES.
Health: Heart
2) MARY LOU HALLAGIN, b. October 16, 1938; m. CHAMBERS.
Health: Thyroid Cancer
1) EMMETT EARL HALLAGIN, JR., b. September 8, 1941.
2) IDA PERNINA HALLAGIN, b. June 18, 1943; m. LEWIS.
Health: Thyroid Cancer
5) CHARLENE MAE HALLAGIN, b. March 25, 1945; m. BEARD.
Health: Breast Cancer
3) TWIN BOYS HALLAGIN, b. 1950; d. Stillborn.
4) RITA RENEE' HALLAGIN, b. December 3, 1955; m. LAND.
Health: Cervical Cancer
7) RICHARD CHARLES HALLAGIN, b. August 28, 1958.
(Courtesy of Marcella Hallagin and Bea James King)
Daughter of
David C. Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith
Thurza J<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Much of the information concerning Thurza Jane
Scalf has been compiled with the census records and the help of Nelle Goring
Cook and Bea James King.
Thurza J. Scalf, (Thirsey) daughter of David C. Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith was
born about 1874 in Kentucky, probably Madison County. Thurza did not show up on
the 1880 census and it is unknown at this time where she might have been.
Thurza (Thirsey) would have been around 12 years old in 1880 and should have
been listed in her father's home but might have been with relatives at this
Thurza married George B. Tuter and this family
is found in Benton County, Missouri in 1900, however, by 1910 Thurza had died
and George remarried to Elizabeth Lizzie
(Whipple) Thomason. (Nelle Goring
George and Elizabeth were found in the 1910 Siskiyou County, California census.
Several of the children of David and Nancy had left Missouri for California by 1910, including David and Nancy.
George and Thurza had only been married seven years but had two children in the home ages 8 and 10. Thurza also stated she had three children, with two living. The last two children on this census were the children of George and Thurza and the first two sons, James and John belonged to George Tuter and his first wife, Minnie O. Wheeler.
Tuter's first marriage was to Minnie O. Wheeler. George and Minnie had two sons,
James D. Tuter born July 1889 in St. Clair Co. Missouri and John William Tuter
born 28 Mar 1892, St Clair County, Missouri. John William Tuter married Gladys
Sheldon. Minnie died when he was born. George married Thurzie the next year. ;I
don't know what happened to James D. Tuter yet. The only Scalf descendants were
Thurzie's two daughters, Mary Edna Tuter who married Jacob Christian Nielson and
Effie May Tuter, married Charles F. Nelson 14 Oct 1918.
George & Thirsey Scalf Tuter moved to McCloud, Siskiyou Co. in 1902 from MO. A son, Irving B. Tuter, was born to George and Thirsey on 1 Oct 1905 and died 25 Oct 1905. George worked at Camp 2, a lumber camp a few miles out of McCloud. Thirsey died some time before 1910 and is probably buried in McCloud. George & Lizzie moved to Yreka, Siskiyou Co. in 1937 where they lived for the rest of their lives. (Nelle Cooke).
By 1910, George is in Siskiyou County, California with his new wife Elizabeth Thomason. George states they have been married two years. Elizabeth states she has seven children with seven living. She and George both state this is their second marriage. George and Elizabeth are not found in 1930.
Information submitted by Bea James King:
Thurza Jane born 1874 KY married after 1893 in Springfield, MO to George Ballard
1900 Green
County MO
1 June 1900
Campbell Township
TUTER, George B. | Head | 30 | Jul 1868 | VA | VA | VA | Married 7 years |
Thurza J. | Wife | 26 | May 1874 | KY | TN | TN | 3 children born, 2 living |
James D. | Son | 10 | Jul 1888 | MO | VA | MO | by first marriage |
John W. | Son | 8 | Mar 1892 | MO | VA | MO | by first marriage |
Mary E. | Dau | 2 | May 1897 | MO | VA | KY | by Thurza |
Effie M. | Dau | 1 | Dec 1898 | MO | VA | KY | by Thurza |
On the 1910 and 1920 Siskiyou County, California census, the name that appears
to be Ewel
should be Earl. (Nelle Cook).
Elizabeth Thomason Tuter, second wife of George
B. Tuter has four sons living in the home from her first marriage.
Descendents of Thurza Jane
By Nelle (Goring) Cook
1) Thurzy Jane1 Scalf was born Abt. 1875 in Madison Co., Ky, and died Abt. 1907 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co. CA. She married George Ballard Tutor1 1893 in Dell Delight, Mo., son of Henry Tutor and Miriam Reed. He was born 24 Jul 1869 in Mercer Co., W.Va., and died 20 Jan 1953 in Yreka, Siskiyou Co., CA.
Children of Thurzy Scalf and George Tutor:
1) Edna2 Tuter, born 1899 in Greene Co. MO; died Abt. 1950. She married Jacob Chistian Nielson.Endnotes
1. ;1870 Census, Loc. Rock TWP, Mercer Co. WV, Pg 580.
(Courtesy of Nelle Cook)
Daughter of
George Tuter and Thurza Jane Scalf
Mary Edna<Thurza Jane<David C.<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Edna Tuter, daughter of George B. Tuter and Thurza Jane Scalf was born May
1897. Mary Edna married Jacob Christian
Nielson. (Nelle Cook)
No further information is known.
Daughter of
George B. Tuter and Thurza Jane Scalf
Effie May<Thurza Jane<David C.<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Effie May Tuter, daughter of George B. Tuter and Thurza Jane Scalf was born December 1898 and married Charles F. Nelson 14 Oct 1918. (Nelle Cook)
No further
information is known.
1910 Siskiyou County CA 18 April 1910 Squaw Valley Township
TUTER, George B. | Head | 46 | 1864 | VA | IN | IN |
Elizabeth | Wife | 41 | 1869 | IL | IL | OH |
Olive P. | Dau | 6/12 | 1909 | CA | VA | IL |
Edna M. | Dau | 15 | 1895 | MO | VA | USA by Thurza |
Effie M. | Dau | 11 | 1899 | MO | VA | USA by Thurza |
THOMASSON, Raymond | Step-son | 23 | 1887 | CA | CA | IL |
Ronnie | Step-son | 18 | 1892 | CA | CA | IL |
Ira W. | Step-son | 17 | 1893 | CA | CA | IL |
Ewel L.(Carl) | Step-son | 14 | 1896 | CA | CA | IL |
Edward | Step-son | 9 | 1901 | CA | CA | IL |
1920 Siskiyou County CA
January 1920
Butte Township
TUTER, George B. | Head | 50 | 1870 | VA | SC | VA |
Elizabeth | Wife | 50 | 1870 | IL | IL | OH |
Pearl | Dau | 10 | 1910 | CA | VA | IL |
THOMASON, Ewel (Carl?) | Step-son | 23 | 1897 | CA | VA | IL |
Daughter of
David Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith
Mary<David<Ira<John, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Rose Scalf was born December 5, 1876 in
Kentucky, probably Madison County and died March 22, 1957 in Sacramento,
California. Mary Rosa married James William Tuter October 26, 1893 in Benton
County, Missouri. James and George Tuter were brothers. ;
(Link to marriage document)
An email received from a descendent by the name of Murray who failed to
state his last name is listed here.
Excerpt from an email received August 10, 1998:
James William Tuter was born April 14, 1864 in
West Virginia. James and Mary Rosa had eight children all born in Missouri.
Children of Mary Rose Scalf and James William Tuter:
1) Etta Tuter
The family moved to Northern California where James
got a job with the railroad. Etta (my grandmother) met her husband to be Floyd
Frazier. They are all gone now except Maude. Maude was born in 1920.
(Courtesy of Murray -last name not stated)
Mary Rosa and James were also living in Benton County, Missouri when the 1900
census was enumerated. A Henry Tuter, age 56, born 1843 in North Carolina was
living next door to James and Mary. This was the father of James and George
Tuter. (Nelle Goring Cook)
James and Mary Rosa were not found on the 1910 census but were found in California in 1920. It appears that their daughter, Millie E. had died or married by the enumeration of the 1930 census for she is not found in the home in 1920.
* Mary Rosa born 5 Dec. 1896 Madison Co., KY. Died 22 Mar. 1957 Sacramento, CA. Married 26 Oct. 1893 in Edwards, MO. To James William Tuter. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
1900 Benton County MO
2 June 1900 Robberson Township
TUTER, James W. | Head | 35 | Apr 1865 | WV | NC | WV |
Mary R. | Wife | 20 | Dec 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry L. | Son | 6 | Feb 1894 | MO | WV | KY |
Millie E. | Dau | 2 | May 1898 | MO | WV | KY |
Maude M. | Dau | 5/12 | Dec 1899 | MO | WV | KY |
1920 Siskiyou County CA
January 1920
Butte Township
TUTER, James W. | Head | 54 | 1866 | WV | NC | NC |
Mary R. ; | Wife | 41 | 1879 | KY | KY | VA |
Henry L. | Son | 24 | 1906 | MO | WV | KY |
Maude | Dau | 20 | 1900 | MO | WV | KY |
Iva/Eva? | Dau | 18 | 1902 | MO | WV | KY |
Arthur | Son | 16 | 1904 | CA | WV | KY |
Nellie | Dau | 14 | 1906 | CA | WV | KY |
Willis | Son | 12 | 1908 | CA | WV | KY |
Ollie | Dau | 10 | 1900 | CA | WV | KY |
Iva/Ina/Eva, daughter of James W. Tuter and Mary Rosa Scalf Tuter was known to the family as Ivy. (Nelle Cook).
1930 Siskiyou
CO CA 14 April 1930 Butte Township
TUTER, James | Head | 65 | 1865 | VA | VA | VA |
Mary R. | Wife | 54 | 1876 | KY | VA | VA |
Maude M. | Dau | 30 | 1900 | MO | VA | KY |
Descendants of Mary Rose Scalf
Children of Mary Rosa Scalf and James Tutor are:
1) Henry Tuter, born 19 Feb 1894 in Missouri; died 13 Jan 1943 in Sacramento, CA.
Son of
James William Tuter and Mary Rosa Scalf
Henry<Mary R Scalf<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Henry Tuter was born 19 Feb 1894 in Missouri, and died 13 Jan 1943 in
Sacramento, CA. He married Thelma A. VanSickle. She was born 29 Jan
1904 in Shasta Co. CA, and died 7 Sep 1962 in Sacramento, CA.
Children of Henry Tuter and Thelma VanSickle are:
1) Paul Tuter.
Daughter of
James William Tuter & Mary Rosa Scalf
Etta M<Mary R Scalf<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Etta M. Tuter was born 11 May 1898 in Missouri, and died 18 Dec 1969 in Sacramento, CA. She married Floyd Frazier. ;
Children of Etta Tuter and Floyd Frazier are:
1) George William3 Frazier, born 30 Mar 1920 in Siskiyou Co. CA; died 16 Dec 1987 in Sacramento, CA.
Daughter of
James William Tuter & Mary Rosa Scalf
Maude Tuter<Mary R Scalf<David Scalf<Ira<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Maude Tuter, born 1899 in St. Louis, MO. She married Roy Glenn. No further
Daughter of
James William Tuter & Mary Rosa Scalf
Ivy Tuter<Mary R Scalf<David Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ivy P. Tuter was born 1 Dec 1902 in Greene Co, MO, and died 1 Mar 1977 in
California. She married Clifford Raymond Fee. He was born 27 Feb 1901
in California, and died 18 Nov 1983 in Shasta Co. CA.
Children of Ivy Tuter and Clifford Fee are:
1) Mary Fee.
Son of
James William Tuter & Mary Rosa Scalf
Arthur Tuter<Mary R Scalf<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Arthur Virgil Tuter was born 17 Jun 1903 in Siskiyou Co. CA, and died 9 Feb 1991 in Mount Shasta, Sisk.Co, Cal. He married Pearl Exina Van Sickle 17 Jun 1924 in Siskiyou Co. CA, daughter of Van Sickle and Loveland. She was born 18 Jun 1906 in Redding, Shasta Co., Ca, and died 10 May 1995 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA.
Children of Arthur Tuter and Pearl Van Sickle are:
1) Isabel Tuter, born 14 Sep 1926 in Siskiyou Co. CA. She married David George.
Daughter of
James William Tuter & Mary Rosa Scalf
Nellie Tuter<Mary R Scalf<David <Ira<John Sr<Lewis
Nellie Irene Tuter was born 20 Jun 1905 in Siskiyou Co. CA, and died 10 Dec
1990 in San Joaquin Co. CA. She married Joe Hunt 17 Jun 1924. ;
Children of Nellie Tuter and Joe Hunt are:
1) Richard Hunt.(Courtesy of Nell Goring Cook)
Son of
James William Tuter & Mary Rosa Scalf
William E Tuter<Mary R Scalf<David <Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Earl Tuter was born 17 Sep 1907 in Siskiyou Co. CA, and died 30 Jan
1982 in Tehama Co. CA. He married Juanita Short.
Child of William Tuter and Juanita Short is:
1) Rose Marie Tuter, born 6 May 1928 in Siskiyou Co. CA; died 5 Sep 1987 in Siskiyou Co. CA. She married Owens. (Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Daughter of
James William Tuter & Mary Rosa Scalf
Ollie Tuter<Mary R Scalf<David<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ollie Tuter was born 23 Dec 1909 in McCloud, Siskiyou Co, CA, and died 30
Sep 1975 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA. She married James Pace. ;
Children of Ollie Tuter and James Pace are:
1) Alice3 Pace, born 23 Sep 1928 in Mount Shasta, Siskiyou Co, CA; died 16 May 1997 in Redding, Shasta Co, CA.Endnotes
1. ;1870 Census, Loc. Rock TWP, Mercer Co. WV, Pg 580.
(Courtesy of Nelle Goring Cook)
Daughter of
David Crockett Scalf &Nancy Smith
Sr<Lewis Scalf
(Link to photograph of Rachel Dovey Scalf – Courtesy of Bea James King)
Information on this family has been compiled
with the help of Bea James King. Virgil Scalf collected the census records
listed below and Bea submitted names, dates, places and some history on her
grandmother's family.
Rachel Dovey Scalf was born about 1878 and died about 1951 according to Scalf
Family History. Her granddaughter, Mrs. Bea James King confirms that Rachel
was born August 10, 1878 in Kentucky and died June 28, 1951 in Provo (Utah
County) Utah.
Rachel married 1) Paul James June 22, 1893 in Benton County, Missouri. (Link to marriage document) Paul James was born November 28, 1856 in West Virginia, the son of William James and Amanda Duckworth. After the death of Paul James, Rachel remarried to Charles Rollins. No information is known of Mr. Rollins.
Rachel is listed in her father's home as being born about 1878 but the 1900 census of Benton County, Missouri lists her as 40 years old, estimating her birth some 20 years earlier. This was surely a mistake on the part of the enumerator as he also listed Rachel as Rachel Lillie.
Paul and Rachel were enumerated on the 1900 and 1910 census of Benton County but were not found in 1920 or 1930. Paul and Rachel stated they had been married for17 years and had 10 children with 4 living in 1910. Lee, Charles, John and Walter on the 1900 census were children from the first marriage of Paul James.
The following information was submitted by Bea James King:
My line is from child 9 - Rachel Dovie Scalf and Paul James. Paul had been married to Amanda Josephine Rothrock (she died March 5, 1893) and July 2, 1893 he married Rachel. He had 6 sons by the marriage to Amanda. Their names were: Jesse Francis born 1881, Lee Roy born 1883; Charles L. born 1885; John T. born 1887; William B. born 1889 and Walter Herbert born 1891.
Paul and Rachel Dovie had the following children:
9a: Warner Wesley James born June 1895 Dell Delight, Benton, MO. Died 4 Feb. 1985 in Coffeyville, Montgomery, Ks. Married 14 July 1919 in Independence, Montgomery, KS to Virginia (Virgie) Denton-Sanders.
NOTE: Warner Wesley James was born to Paul and Rachel. When he was about 7 years old, there was a will being probated that pertained to Paul's late wife Amanda Rothrock James. All the boys were home except the last one Walter Herbert. They didn't know where he was (he still hasn't shown up in 2004) but they needed his signature on these papers. Paul had Warner with him at this meeting and the lawyer commented as far as he was concerned this kid here (pointing at Warner) could be Walter. So the long shot was Warner signed the papers. As Warner got older he began to fear he had broken the law and to keep a low profile he started signing all papers and took the name of Walter Herbert James. He married and died and is buried by the name of Walter Herbert James when he really was Warner Wesley James. (No wonder genealogists pull their hair out at times.) My father (Paul Herman James) was the only person I ever heard call my uncle by his real name of Warner. We kids knew him as Uncle Walt.
9b: Edna (Edney) Maude James was born August 1897 in Dell Delight, Benton, MO. She died 25 October 1958 in Coffeyville, Montgomery, KS. She married James Barber but I have no other information on the dates.
9c: Rosa Mary James was born (according to my Uncle Warner) after 1900 but didn't live long. I actually have no proof she ever existed.
9d: Noah Morgan James born 26
Feb. 1902 in Dell Delight, Benton, MO. Died 21 Dec. 1946 in El Rio, Ventura,
California. About 1927 he supposedly
married Eula Mae Shufeldt. They had one
son Randolph born in 1928. In the 1930 census Eula and Randolph are living with
her parents in Oklahoma. Noah is in Kansas living with but supposedly
to Nellie Dow and their 4-year-old son Eugene. (Some day I will be able to put
this together but not now.)
9e: Paul Herman James was born 27 Oct. 1909 in Dell Delight, Benton, MO. And died 26 Oct. 1962 in Tyro, Montgomery, KS. He married 3 Jan. 1934 in Independence, Montgomery, KS. To Emma Mae Durst-Hayden. Emma was born 22 March 1908 in Lenapah, Oklahoma to Henry Durst and Hattie Mary Koons-Durst. She died 18 July 1974 in Coffeyville, Montgomery, KS. Her first husband was Kenneth Carl Hayden who upon learning she was pregnant with their first child, packed up and left never to be seen or heard from again for many years. She had to move back home with her parents and had her child, a boy, named Cecil Hayden. In 1933 she met Paul Herman James at a country-dance and they dated. She couldn't afford to get a divorce, so Paul paid for the divorce and they were married on 3 Jan. 1934. Their children are:
9e1 - Beulah (Bea) Lucile James born 22 Oct. 1934 in Wann, Ok. Married:
1) Melvyn Eugene Simon in 1955 and he died in 1960.Leo adopted Michael Charles in July 1976 and he is known as Michael Charles King. Michael has one son Curtis James King born 3 Oct. 1990. Michael was married in 1986 to Barbara Tyson and divorced by 1994. 11 March 2003 he married Tina Courtney-Finn.
9e2 - Stanley Paul James born 16 Feb. 1937 in Wann, OK. Married 23 August 1956 in Dearing, KS. To Peggy Earline Groff born 14 Sept. 1939 in Wann, Oklahoma.
1) Lisa Michele born 21 July 1961
NOTE: Dell Delight, Benton, Missouri no
longer exists. It was located right outside of Warsaw, Benton, Missouri. There
are only two buildings still standing and they are in very bad shape today. But
there was a post office back in the 1900's.
I can only tell you a few things I remember my Dad and/or my Uncle Warner telling me about their life.
My grandfather Paul James was a blacksmith by trade. After he married Rachel Dovey Scalf and they had at least four children, my father Paul Herman the youngest, they moved to Oklahoma. They lived at different places but ended up for a spell at Lenapah, Nowata Co., OK where my grandfather opened another blacksmith shop. According to my Uncle, my grandmother Rachel had a word fight with my grandfather and she got real mad. That night she took gasoline and poured it all around the shop and burned it to the ground. After that they moved to Wann, OK where he opened another shop and was there until he died.
At one time around 1936 grandmother Rachel took a large knife and was going to do harm to my mother and me. Grandpa came in and took it away from her. She didn't like my mother. After grandpa died Rachel stayed a short while around Wann then she left for Wyoming where her daughter and family was reportedly living. She lived with them for a while until they had a big fight and she moved to Utah. She worked in a café and met a man named Charles Rollins. They later married. About 6 months after they were married, Mr. Rollins put her in the Utah State Mental Hospital. She stayed there until her death. We never heard anything from Mr. Rollins. After she died, my dad and his brother brought her back to be buried in Robbins Cemetery outside Coffeyville, KS next to her husband Paul James.
(Courtesy of Bea James King)
Benton County MO 15 June 1900 Fristoe Township
JAMES, Paul | Head | 41 | Jan 1859 | KY | VA | VA |
Rachel Dovie | Wife | 40 | Feb 1860 | MO | MO | MO |
Lee R. ; | Son | 17 | Jun 1883 | MO | KY | MO |
Charles L. | Son | 15 | Feb 1885 | MO | KY | MO |
John T. ; | Son | 13 | May 1887 | MO | KY | MO |
Walter H. | Son | 9 | Jan 1891 | MO | KY | MO |
Warner W. ; | Son | 4 | Jun 1895 | MO | KY | MO |
Edney M. | Dau | 2 | Aug 1897 | MO | KY | MO |
1910 Benton County MO 10 May 1910 Fristoe Township
JAMES, Paul | Head | 59 | 1851 | KY | WV | MD |
Rachel | Wife | 51? | 1859? | KY | TN | TN |
Warner | Son | 14 | 1896 | MO | KY | KY |
Edna | Dau | 12 | 1898 | MO | KY | KY |
Noah | Son | 8 | 1902 | MO | KY | KY |
Paul | Son | 6/12 | 1909 | MO | KY | KY |
1920 Nowata CO
OK 23 January 1920 Lowery Precinct Hickory Township
JAMES, Paul | Head | 61 | 1859 | WV | MD | VA |
Rachel D. | Wife | 41 | 1879 | KY | TN | TN |
Noah M. | Son | 17 | 1903 | MO | WV | KY |
Paul H. | Son | 10 | 1910 | MO | WV | KY |
1930 Nowata CO
OK 18 April 1930 Hickory Township Wann
JAMES, Paul | Head | 71 | 1859 | USA | USA | USA |
Rachael | Wife | 54 | 1876 | KY | USA | USA |
Paul | Son | 20 | 1910 | MO | USA | KY |
Paul James died July 25, 1936. Rachel Dovey
Scalf James died June 18, 1951. Rachel is buried beside her first husband, Paul
James, in the Robbins Cemetery in Coffeyville (Montgomery) Kansas.
(Courtesy of Bea James King)
Daughter of
Rachel Dovey Scalf and Paul James
Edney Maude<Rachel Dovey<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Edney Maude James was born August 1897 in Dell Delight (Benton) Missouri and died October 25, 1958 in Coffeyville (Montgomery) Kansas. Edney married James Barber. I have no other information on the dates. He died February 1978 in Coffeyville (Montgomery) Kansas. James and Edney had seven children. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Children of Edney Maude James and James Barber:
1) Avis Barber born 3 January 1915 in Billings, Montana and married 1) __Waisner. 2) __Aldrich. JAMES BARBER, Jr.
Son of
James Barber and Edney Maude James
James<Edney Maude<Rachel Dovey<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Barber Jr. was born July 3, 1934. He
married Karen Sue Ferguson. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Daughter of
James Barber and Edney Maude James
Edney Maude Barber<Edney Maude James<Rachel Dovey Scalf<David C<Ira<John
Sr<Lewis Scalf
Edney Maude Barber was born 1941 and married
____Banzet. ; (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Son of
Rachel Dovey Scalf and Paul James
Noah<Rachel Dovey<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Noah Morgan James was born 26 February 1902 in
Dell Delight (Benton) Missouri and died 21 December 1946 in El Rio (Ventura)
California. He married 1) Eula Mae Shufeldt about 1927 in Oklahoma. He married
2) Nellie Mae Dow. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Child of James and Eula Shufeldt:
1) Randolph James 18 March 1928 in Lenapah (Nowata) Oklahoma.
Son of
Noah Morgan
James and Eula Shufeldt
Randolph<Noah<Rachel Dovey<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Randolph James was born March 18, 1928 in Lenapah (Nowata) Oklahoma. He married 1) Wilma Jo Taff August 7, 1950 in Oklahoma. She died 1972 in Oklahoma. He married 2) Connie Still September 1972 in Oklahoma. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Children of Randolph James and Wilma Taff:
1) Sam James
Son of
Dovey Scalf and Paul James
Herman<Rachel Dovey<David C.<Ira<John Sr.<Lewis Scalf
Paul Herman James was born October 27, 1909 in Dell Delight (Warsaw) Missouri and died October 26, 1962 in Tyro (Montgomery) Kansas of acute coronary. He married Emma Mae Durst January 3, 1934 in Independence (Montgomery) Kansas, daughter of Henry Durst and Hattie Koons. Emma was born March 22, 1908 in Lenapah (Nowata) Oklahoma (Indian Territory at that time) and died July 18, 1974 in Coffeyville (Montgomery) Kansas. ;(Courtesy of Bea James King)
Children of Paul Herman James and Emma Mae Durst:
1) Beulah (Bea) James born 22 October 1934 in Wann (Washington) Oklahoma.
Daughter of
Herman James and Emma Mae Durst
Beaulah<Paul Herman<Rachel Dovey<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis
Bea James was born October 22, 1934 in Wann (Washington Co) Oklahoma. Bea married Leo George King August 28, 1975 in Iola (Allen) Kansas. Leo was the son of Godfrey King and Agatha Bruggeman. Leo was born April 14, 1929 in Piqua (Woodson) Kansas. Leo was married to Doris ___ and they divorced May 5, 1969 in Iola, Kansas. Leo and Bea were married in 1975 and Leo adopted Michael Charles Mauk in July of 1976.
Bea lost her husband in 2003 and is recovering from a bout with cancer herself. Bea so kindly submitted the information from her research on the line of Rachel Dovey Scalf. Bea is also a wonderful lady and we wish her the very best with her recovery.
Child of Leo George King and Bea James King:
1) Michael Charles (Mauk) King born July 17,
1964 in Houston, Texas and married 1) Tina Marie Courtney born December 28, 1969
in Houston, Texas. 2) Barbara Sue Tyson January 16, 1986
in Iola, Kansas.
Barbara was born October 19, 1968 in Kansas. Michael and Barbara divorced in
1995 in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Herman James and Emma Mae Durst
Stanley Paul<Paul Herman<Rachel Dovey<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis
Stanley Paul James was born February 16, 1937 in Wann (Washington) Oklahoma. Stanley married Peggy Earlene Groff August 23, 1956 in Dearing (Montgomery) Oklahoma. Peggy is the daughter of Andy Groff and Marian Hawk. She was born September 14, 1939 in Wann, Oklahoma. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Children of Stanley and Peggy Groff James:
1) Lisa Michelle James born July 21, 1961 in Coffeyville, Kansas married Mark Bastian May 23, 1981 in Tyro (Montgomery) Kansas. Mark was born September 14, 1960 in Montana.End line of Rachel Dovey Scalf (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Information on David Scalf, one of the children of David C. Scalf and Nancy Jane Smith could not be confirmed. David was listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf, Chapter IX.
Daughter of
David Crockett Scalf & Nancy Smith
Elizabeth<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis
Elizabeth E. Scalf, the daughter of David Crockett Scalf & Nancy Smith was born May 3, 1880 in Madison County, Kentucky, and passed away on October 28, 1961 in El Dorado Springs, Missouri. She is interred at the Maple Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, Kansas.
Lizzie married Henry M. Hoagland on August 24, 1897 in Benton County, Missouri. Henry Hoagland was born in Pennsylvania and died September 20, 1933 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Note: In an email from Nelle Cook, Nelle asked if I had heard there was a lady in attendance at the funeral of Rachel Dovie Scalf James by the name of Lizzie Wood. Nelle stated that someone believed this was her sister Elizabeth Scalf that married a Hoagland. (Courtesy of Bea James King)
Henry M. Hoagland & Elizabeth E. Scalf marriage
1900 Montgomery CO IA 4 June 1900 Red Oak Township
HOAGLAND, Henry M. | Head | 27 | Dec 1872 | PA | NJ | NJ | Married 4 years | Painting |
Elizabeth E. | Wife | 20 | May 1880 | KY | PA | TN | 2 children born, 1 living | |
Henry D. | Son | 1 | May 1899 | IA | IA | KY |
1910 Clay CO MO
18 April 1910
Gallatin Township
HOAGLAND, Henry M. | Head | 38 | 1872 | PA | PA | York | |
Lizzie | Wife | 32 | 1878 | KY | TN | TN | |
Henry | Son | 11 | 1899 | IA | PA | KY | |
David | Son | 9 | 1901 | MO | PA | KY | |
Mildred | Dau | 7 | 1903 | MO | PA | KY |
1920 Jackson CO MO
20 January 1920
Karn Township
HOAGLAND, Henry M. | Head | 47 | 1873 | PA | PA | PA |
Lizzie | Wife | 39 | 1881 | KY | TN | TN |
Harry D. | Son | 20 | 1900 | IA | PA | KY |
David | Son | 19 | 1901 | MO | PA | KY |
Mildred | Dau | 17 | 1903 | MO | PA | KY |
1930 Wyandotte CO KS
10 April 1930
Kansas City
HOAGLAND, David | Head | 28 | 1902 | MO | PA | KY |
Lizzie | Mother | 59? | 1871? | KY | USA | At Sea |
FOSTER, Ida | Niece | 8 11/12 | 1921 | MO | MO | MO (Daughter of Mildred Hoagland) |
Son of
Henry Hoagland & Elizabeth Scalf
Henry<Elizabeth<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis
Henry Hoagland, the son of Henry Hoagland & Elizabeth Scalf was born May 17, 1899 in Iowa and died about 1950 in Kansas.
1930 Cass CO MO 12 April 1930 Camp Branch Township
HOAGLAND, Henry L. | Head | 30 | 1900 | IN | USA | USA | |
Nora H. | Wife | 32 | 1898 | MO | MO | IL | |
Robert H. | Son | 4 | 1926 | MO | IN | MO | |
Mable E. ; | Dau | 2 | 1928 | MO | IN | MO | |
MCDONALD, Vialo E. | MIL | 68 | 1862 | IL | MO | IL | Widow |
1940 Cass CO MO
9 April 1940
Camp Branch Township
HOAGLAND, Henry | Head | 40 | 1900 | IA | Paper Hanger |
Nora | Wife | 42 | 1898 | MO | |
Robert | Son | 14 | 1916 | MO | |
Mable Edith | Dau | 12 | 1918 | MO | |
Anna Lee Maud | Dau | 1 | 1939 | MO |
Son of
Henry Hoagland & Elizabeth Scalf
David<Elizabeth<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis
David Hoagland, the son of Henry Hoagland & Elizabeth Scalf was born about 1901 in Missouri.
1930 Wyandotte CO KS 10 April 1930 Kansas City
HOAGLAND, David | Head | 28 | 1902 | MO | PA | KY |
Lizzie | Mother | 59? | 1871? | KY | USA | At Sea |
FOSTER, Ida | Niece | 8 11/12 | 1921 | MO | MO | MO (Daughter of Mildred Hoagland) |
Daughter of
Henry Hoagland & Elizabeth Scalf
Mildred<Elizabeth<David C<Ira<John Sr<Lewis
Mildred S. Hoagland, th daughter of Henry Hoagland & Elizabeth Scalf was born August 18, 1903 in Missouri and died July 28, 1947 in Kansas City, Kansas. Mildred married (1) Charles Foster, (2) Eddie Leo Inskeep and (3) William Bourgeois.
Mildred Bourgeois Death Certificate
1930 Camden CO NJ 7 April 1930 Oaklyn
FOSTER, Charles H. | Head | 50 | 1880 | NJ | NJ | NJ |
Lillie | Wife | 47 | 1883 | MA | MA | MA |
Charles M. | Son | 27 | 1903 | NJ | NJ | MA |
Mildred | DIL | 27 | 1903 | NJ | NJ | NJ |
Garth | G-son | 3 | 1927 | NJ | NJ | NJ |
1940 Johnson CO KS
15 April 1940
Shawnee Township
INSKEEP, Mildred | Head | 37 | 1903 | MO | Divorced |
Edna M. | Dau | 16 | 1924 | MO | |
Mary L. | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KS | |
James F. | Son | 7 | 1933 | KS | |
FOSTER, Ida L. | Dau | 18 | 1922 | MO |
Son of
Ira Scalf/Rosanna Gibson
Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Greenberry Scalf was born about 1839, in either Russell County, Virginia, Kentucky or Hawkins County, Tennessee. His family was living in Hawkins County by 1840 so it is possible they might have been there when Greenberry was born. Greenberry was the son of Ira Scalf and his first wife, Rosanna Gibson. Rosanna had died before 1860 and Ira remarried to Nancy Killion McVey.
It appears that something might have caused the family unit to dissolve by 1860. It might have been due to Ira's second marriage or for some other reason; however, Greenberry was found in the home of Ransom Stuart in Clay County, Kentucky in 1860. The relationship (if any) to this family is not known at this time but it is possible this was part of Rosanna's family since children often went to live with aunts and uncles following the death of a parent.
Greenberry has been found listed as Greenberry and Green B. on the census records. Greenberry married Sarah Ann (aka Sallie) Johnson 1860 –1863. Their first child was born about 1863. Scalf Family History states they married December 26, 1861 in Laurel County, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, pg. 140)
It is stated in the Scalf Family History that Sarah was of Cherokee descent through her mother, Mary Traugerson, of North Carolina. It should be noted that at least one line of the Johnson family were also of Cherokee descent.
Greenberry and Sarah raised their children in Lily (Laurel) Kentucky. By 1900, Greenberry and Sarah were found in the home of their son, John R. Scalf in Campbell County, Tennessee. It is not absolutely clear that this is Greenberry, son of Ira; however, there does not appear to be another Greenberry with a wife named Sarah or Sallie. It is the opinion of the author that the family in Campbell County, Tennessee is the family of John R. Scalf along with his father Greenberry living in the home.
Scalf Family History, page 141 states that Greenberry married a second time to Julie Bellitia in Laurel County, Kentucky, November 28, 1901. This places the death of Sarah between June 1900 and November of 1901. It is also stated that Greenberry and Sarah sold their land August 31, 1891 in Laurel County, Kentucky to T. Murrell, which then narrows the death date of Sarah as August 1901 – November 1901.
Greenberry and his second wife, Julie Belittia was not found on the 1910, 1920 or 1930 census and it is unknown when either of them died. Elmer Scalf states they were residents of Lily, Kentucky at the time of their marriage.
Greenberry Scalf married Julie Bellittia on 28 Nov 1901 in Laurel Co KY. (Marriage Certificate) (Link to marriage certificate)
1860 Clay County KY 26 July 1860
STUART, Ransom H. | 33 | 1827 | KY |
Mary J. | 33 | 1827 | TN |
James H. | 18 | 1842 | KY |
Elzart | 8 | 1852 | KY |
Sarah E. | 6 | 1854 | KY |
Mary J. | 4 | 1856 | KY |
Oria | 2 | 1858 | KY |
Hubbard, Joseph | 17 | 1843 | KY |
SCALF, Greenberry | 21 | 1839 | TN |
Greenberry was then found on the 1861 tax list of Clay County, Kentucky. Greenberry paid tax on 100 acres at Buzzard Creek and was enrolled in the Militia.
1861 Clay County, KY Tax List
Berry Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of
Land --- 100 acres
Value of land $50
Watercourse – Buzzard Creek
Enrolled in militia --- 1
It appears that Greenberry and Sallie Johnson married around 1861 by estimation of the birth of their first child on the 1870 census of Laurel County, Kentucky.
1870 Laurel County KY 24 January 1870 London
SCALF, Green B. | 29 | 1841 | TN | Married 12/26/1861 |
Sallie A. | 29 | 1841 | KY | Parents: Gray Johnson/Mary Traugerson |
Martha | 7 | 1863 | KY | |
George | 5 | 1865 | KY | |
Andy J. | 3 | 1867 | KY | |
Mary A. | 2 | 1868 | KY | |
Tinsey P. | 6/12 | 1869 | KY |
was found on the 1875 Knox County, Kentucky tax list living near Thomas Scalf
1875 Knox County, KY Tax List
Berry Scalf
1 white male over 21 years of age
Number of election precinct
in which situation --- 7
Name of nearest resident --- Thomas Scalf
Greenberry and Sarah Sallie
were last found in
their own home on the 1880 census of Laurel County, Kentucky. They were then
living with their son John Robert Scalf in Campbell County, Tennessee in 1900.
Greenberry has not been found after the 1900 census.
1880 Laurel CO KY 1-2 June 1880 District #55
SCALF, Greenbury | Head | 40 | 1840 | TN | TN | TN |
(Johnson)Sarah | Wife | 39 | 1841 | KY | NC | NC |
George | Son | 16 | 1864 | KY | TN | KY |
Andrew J. | Son | 14 | 1866 | KY | TN | KY |
Mary A. | Dau | 12 | 1868 | KY | TN | KY |
Frances | Dau | 10 | 1870 | KY | TN | KY |
Margaret W. | Dau | 8 | 1872 | KY | TN | KY |
John | Son | 6 | 1874 | KY | TN | KY |
Catherine | Dau | 4 | 1876 | KY | TN | KY |
Sarah | Dau | 4/12 | 1880 | KY | TN | KY |
1900 Campbell CO TN 9
June 1900
District #13
SCALF, John | Head | 26 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY |
Marry | Wife | 21 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Annie | Dau | 9/12 | 1899 | TN | KY | KY |
SCALF, Green B. | Boarder | 50 | 1850 | TN | TN | TN |
" Sarrah | Boarder | 52 | 1848 | TN | TN | TN |
AYERS, George | Boarder | 28 | 1872 | TN | TN | TN |
McGhee, James | Boarder | 30 | 1870 | TN | TN | TN |
Son of
Greenberry Scalf/Sally Johnson
George<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
George Scalf was born about 1864 or 1865 according to the 1870 and 1880 Laurel County, Kentucky census. George married Catherine ___ (maiden name unknown). Very little is known of this family. Elmer D. Scalf lists the family of George and Catherine on page 142 of the Scalf Family History. They are listed below as taken from the book.
Susan Scalf – born 1883.
2) William
E. Scalf – born 1888.
Carleen Scalf – born 1890
Martha Scalf – born 1894
Sherman Scalf – born 1896 – died 1966. WWII
Berry Scalf – born 1899
No other information is known of this family at this time.
Son of
Greenberry Scalf/Sally Johnson
Andrew<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Andrew J. Scalf, son of Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sally) Johnson was born September 5, 1868 and died November 17, 1931. His wife was listed as Mary in his obituary.
(Link to Andrew Scalf death certificate)
Many thanks are extended to Tahmarrah (her surname not listed) for pointing out the discrepancies in the prior writings and for her help in setting the records straight. We are still not absolutely certain that this is the correct Andrew J. Scalf who married Aggie J. North but it is possible that Andrew was married twice. For this reason, this Andrew has been included here as the son of Greenberry Scalf.
In the writings of Elmer Scalf, page 141 – 142, it is stated that Andrew married Aggie J. North August 31, 1890 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Elmer lists one daughter as Martha E. Scalf – born 1894 – who married Paris Shotwell. Please note that Elmer has this family confused with another Martha Scalf from the line of Peter Scalf.
With the help of a descendent (Tahmarrah) we hope to set the records straight. Below is a transcript of this work.
Correction to Scalf Family History and "Chronicles of the Scalf Family" from the Bulletin Board at Scalf Family Website:
Chapter VI of "Scalf Family History
Elmer D. Scalf states that Andrew J. Scalf (son of Greenberry Scalf and Sallie
Ann Johnson) married Aggie J. North. The marriage date is recorded in Laurel
County, KY. This is correct but is this the same Andrew J. Scalf who was the
son of Greenberry Scalf?
Elmer Scalf states the following on page 142 of Scalf Family History:
Children of Andrew J. Scalf and Aggie J.
Martha E. Scalf (B.
1894 -) married Parris Shotwell
Children of Parris Shotwell and Martha E. Scalf
Mary F. Scalf (B. 1896-) m. P.M. Lanham (1-16-1916 Laurel Co. Ky)
George Scalf
Ester Scalf
Katie Scalf
The children of Parris Shotwell and Martha E. Scalf appear to be the children of
Andrew and Aggie with the exception of Raymond. Martha E. Scalf was born 1894
according to Elmer, however, her first daughter, Mary F. was born 1896 according
to Elmer and as pointed out by Tahmarrah, we believe this is an error. ; Martha
(the mother) would have only been two years old in 1896 if she was born 1894 and therefore,
Mary F. could not have been her daughter.
Henry Scalf lists the family in this manner:
Andrew J. Scalf married Aggie, her maiden name
not known. They were the parents of seven daughters and a son George who was
drowned in the Ohio River at Evansville, Indiana, at age 10 or 12 years
(Link to death certificate). Names
of four of the daughters were Martha, Mary, Ester, and Katie. The other
daughters died young, Andrew J. ("Andy") was twice married but he had no
children by the last marriage. He died in Indiana.
(Chronicles of the Scalf
Henry Scalf had not found the marriage of Andrew and Aggie at the time of his writings; therefore, he did not know the last name of Aggie. Henry states they were the parents of seven daughters and one son with the son (George) drowning in the Ohio River at Evansville, Indiana. He then names four daughters stating the others died young.
From further research and help from Tahmarrah, the following information was compiled:
SCALF, Andrew J. | Head | 34 | Sep 1865 | KY | TN | NC |
(North), Aggie J. | Wife | 26 | May 1874 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha E. | Dau | 6 | Oct 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary F. | Dau | 4 | Sep 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
Andrew and Aggie were listed as being married for 12 years and had three children with only two living calculating a marriage date of 1888.
From the 1910 Daviess Co. KY census:
SCALF, Andrew | Head | 44 | (1866) | KY | KY | KY |
Aggie | Wife | 30 | (1880) | KY | KY | KY |
Martha | Dau | 15 | (1895) | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 14 | (1896) | KY | KY | KY |
William | Son | 12 | (1898) | KY | KY | KY |
Eater | Dau | 5 | (1905) | KY | KY | KY |
Andrew and Aggie were listed as being married 20 years with 7 children and only 4 living calculating a marriage date of 1890.
As can be seen, the census births vary as well as the marriage calculation. The author has calculated births from the 1910 census.
Aggie Jane (North) Scalf died at 1 a.m. on March 4, 1913 at Uniontown, Kentucky from pulmonary tuberculosis at the age of 34. She was the daughter of Elijah North (mother unknown). Aggie was born in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1879 (Calculated birth). A. J. Scalf was the informant for her death certificate. (Death Certificate – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Death Certificate)From the records of Tahmarrah:
Obituary card for Andrew J. Scalf: Scalf, Andrew J. 63 y/o d. 11-17-31; 111 Fulton Ave. Died at home (injuries suffered 10 yrs. ago from falling and coal striking him). Wife: Mary.
Daus: Mrs. Deal McDaniel...(#1 from above, Martha Scalf Payne-McDaniel).
Mrs. Edwin Patterson
Mrs. Robert Cox
Mrs. Berg Belcher
Bros: Charles of Newburgh and John of Kentucky. (Greenberry had sons, Charles and John) (Note from the author: Greenberry had sons Charles and John which correlate with this)
Obit card for McDaniel, Mrs. Martha: 70, d. 1-6-63; 2315 N 6th Ave. died @ St. Mary's Hosp. Hus: Deal, died many years ago.
Son: Claude Payne, address unknown.... (My grandfather, Charles Claude Payne). (Tahmarrah's note)
Dau: Mrs. Myrtle Faught, Owensboro, KY.
2 sis: Mrs. Katherine Cox and Mrs. Esther Schuler both of Evansville, IN.
Obit card for McDaniel, Deal; 77, d. 11-28-51; 1402 Catherine St. Wife: Martha ...(my grandmother, Martha Scalf Payne McDaniel).
Obit card for Patterson, Mrs. Mary Francis; 61; d. 10-2-57; 1231 N. Fifth St. Sis: Katherine Cox, Detroit. Mrs. Martha McDaniel, Mrs. Esther Shuler of Evansville ...(handwritten, husb: Ed, died last March).
Obit card for Cox, Mrs. Katherine; 66; d. 9-6-67; 1231 N. 5th Ave. Sis: Mrs. Wm. M. Schuler, Evansville.
Obit Card for Schuler, Mrs. Esther; 70; d. 10-27-74.
Email message concerning this family from Tahmarrah, as quoted by her grandmother:
"Your grandfather, Charles Claude Payne, was a WWII Vet, born to Charlie Payne and Martha Scalf 10 Aug 1919 in Herrin, IL. I believe both of them was born in Kentucky, somewhere around Owensboro. He had a brother who I believe was named Woodrow, not sure if he ever married, but if I remember correctly he was killed in a street/knife fight in the 50's, either way, he also had a sister named Myrtle that married Attrice Faught. I don't recall that Attrice and Myrtle ever had any kids, but they both worked at KenRad. The last I ever heard about Myrtle was that she was in Rosedale nursing home in Owensboro in the early 1980s. I remember he had family in Indiana. Mary Francis Patterson, I think, was the one in Evansville, IN, but he also had an Aunt Katherine Cox, who was in Illinois at one time, I don't know if Charles and Martha divorced or if he died, but by the time your grandfather and I married in 1940, she was married to Deal McDaniel...." (Courtesy of Tahmarrah, written by her grandmother)
According to the above census records, Andrew and Aggy had seven children with only four living by 1910. These were Martha, Mary, William and Esther. A George is not mentioned but William might have been George William or there were children born after 1910. If so, they had more than seven children. ;It is also possible that George was an older child and did die young in a drowning.
According to Tahmarrah's grandmother, Charlie Payne (first husband of Martha) was thought to have had a brother Woodrow and sister Myrtle, so there were at least three Payne children by this marriage. Martha then married Deal McDaniel.
In conclusion, Henry Scalf was correct with most of his information. Mary, Esther and Katie were the daughters of Andrew and Aggie. There was also a son William who might have possibly been George William.
Mary was Mrs. Edwin (Mary Frances Scalf) Patterson. Kate was Mrs. Robert (Katherine Scalf) Cox. Charles and John were brothers of Andrew J. Scalf and this is verified by the census records. ;
We cannot say for certain at this time if Andrew J. Scalf who married Aggie J. North was the same Andrew J. Scalf whose wife was listed as Mary in his obituary. What we do know for certain is that one Andrew J. Scalf was the father of Martha E. Scalf who married 1) Charlie Payne - 2) Deal McDaniel.
By 1930, Andrew is living with his daughter,
Mary, in Wayne County, Michigan. Mary is listed as head of house and was a widow
at this time. It is unknown who Mary married before she married Mr. Patterson.
SCALF, Andrew J. | Head | 34 | Sep 1865 | KY | TN | NC Married 12 years |
(North), Aggie J. | Wife | 26 | May 1874 | KY | KY | KY Married 12 years 3 children born, 2 living |
Martha E. | Dau | 6 | Oct 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary F. | Dau | 4 | Sep 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Daviess CO KY 22
March 1910
District #2
SCALF, Andrew | Head | 40 | 1870 | KY | KY | KY |
Aggie | Wife | 30 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha | Dau | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
William | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Eater | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
Andrew is then found in 1920 with a second wife Mary. Although we cannot be certain, it appears that the two children in the home were likely stepchildren even though they are listed under the Scalf name. Note that Edward was born 1908 and Hellen was born 1909. If the ages are correct, these children should have been children of Andrew and Aggie but were not in the home in 1910. Therefore, we believe they were children of Mary before her marriage to Andrew.
1920 Daviess CO KY 9
January 1920
District #2
SCALF, Andy | Head | 63 | 1857 | KY | KY | USA |
Mary | Wife | 46 | 1874 | KY | USA | USA |
Edward | Son | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
Hellen | Dau | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Andrew was living in the home of Mary Scalf (his daughter) in 1930 in Wayne County, Michigan. Andrew died the following year.
1930 Wayne CO MI 7 March 1930 Precinct #7 Detroit
SCALF, Mary | Head | 34 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | Widow |
Andrew J. | Father | 71 | 1859 | KY | TN | SC | Widower |
Note that
Andrew was living with his daughter Mary at the enumeration of the 1930
census in Wayne County, Michigan. Andrew died November 17, 1931. His
obituary states his wife as Mary. This information suggests that Andrew and
his second wife Mary might have been separated at the time of his death in
1931. Andrew's daughter Mary was also listed on the 1930 census as a widow.
Daughter of
Andrew J. Scalf & Aggie J. North
Martha< Andrew<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martha Scalf, daughter of Andrew J. Scalf and Aggie J. North was born about 1893
and died January 6, 1963 at St. Mary's Hospital in Illinois. Martha married
first to Charles Claude Payne and had at least two children; Myrtle and Claude
and possibly one more named Woodrow. After the death of Charles Payne, Martha
married Deal McDaniel who died November 28, 1951. We do not know of any
children from this marriage at this time.
Martha and her first husband, Charlie Payne were found on the 1920 Williamson
County, Illinois census in Herron Township with their daughter Myrtle Payne and
son Claude Payne.
It appears that Martha married very young if the 1920 census is correct on the age of her first child Myrtle. Myrtle was born about 1908 and Martha would have been about 15 when Myrtle was born so she likely had married at the age of 14 or 15 years old and probably around 1907. There is around five years age difference between Myrtle and Claude and there could have been other children. Tahmarrah's grandmother thought she remembered Claude having a brother named Woodrow who was killed in a street fight sometime in the 1950's.
1920 Williamson CO IL 7
1920 Herrin Township
PAYNE, Charley | Head | 45 | 1875 | KY | TN | TN |
Martha | Wife | 27 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Myrth | Dau | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Claud | Son | 6/12 | 1919 | IL | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Andrew J. Scalf & Aggie J. North
Mary< Andrew<Greenberry<Ira<John
Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Scalf, daughter of Andrew J. Scalf and Aggie J. North, was born September, 1895. Mary died October 1957. Her full name was Mary Frances Scalf. While living in Daviess County, KY, Mary was married to George Claxton, and they had at least two children. She is listed as divorced on the 1930 census of Wayne County, Michigan, and her father, Andrew J. Scalf, is in the home on this census. Later, Mary was married to Edwin Patterson at the time of her death.
(Link to Mary Frances Patterson)
Children of George Claxton and Mary Scalf:
1) Ida M. Claxton -
born August 15, 1912 in Daviess County, KY.
2) Ethel M. Claxton - born January 13, 1914 in Daviess
County, KY and died December 27, 1914 in Daviess County, KY.
(Link to death certificate)
SCALF, Mary | Head | 34 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | Divorced |
Andrew J. | Father | 71 | 1859 | KY | TN | SC | Widower |
Daughter of
Andrew J. Scalf and (Aggie J. North?) (Mary?)
Esther<Andrew<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Esther Scalf was born about 1904 and died October 27, 1974. Esther married William H. Shuler and had been married for forty years at the time of her death. No other information is known of this family.
Daughter of
Andrew J. Scalf and (Aggie J. North?) (Mary?)
Katherine<Andrew<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Katherine Scalf was born about 1901 according to her obituary but was probably
born after 1904 since her sister Esther was born around 1904. Katherine could
have been born 1910 or after for she was not listed with the family on the 1910
census. Katherine died September 6, 1967. Katherine married Robert Cox. No
further information is known of this family.
(Link to Katherine Cox death certificate)
Daughter of
Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sallie) Johnson
Mary A<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Scalf, daughter of Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sallie) Johnson was born
about 1868 and died 1894. Nothing more is known of Mary.
Daughter of
Greenberry Scalf Sarah Ann Johnson
Frances<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Frances Scalf was born about 1870. Her death date is unknown. Frances married
M. T. Gatliff 1887 in Laurel County, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, Pg.
Nothing is known of this family. However, review of the 1870 and 1880 Laurel County, Kentucky census suggests that it is very possible that Frances and Tinsey are the same person. On the 1870 census in the home of Greenberry, Tinsey's birth is estimated at 1869. On the 1880 census in Greenberry's home, Frances' birth date is estimated at 1870. Both were born after Mary A. Therefore, it is the opinion of the author that Tinsey P. was actually Tinsey F. and was the same person as Frances.
Scalf Family History states that Frances married M. T. Gatliff and Tinsey married Thomas Miracle. However, Frances appears to be the wife of Henry North on the 1900 Whitley County, Kentucky census. Chronicles of the Scalf Family also lists that Frances Scalf married Henry North.
Mollie Hearst is in the home and listed as a sister-in-law to Henry North. Mollie was the daughter of Greenberry and Sallie Ann Johnson Scalf. Mollie married Brown Hurst. Mollie and Frances were sisters. Mollie's daughter Flora was also in the home.
1870 Laurel County KY 24 January 1870 London
SCALF, Green B. | 29 | 1841 | TN | Married 12/26/1861 |
Sallie A. | 29 | 1841 | KY | Parents: Gray Johnson/Mary Traugerson |
Martha | 7 | 1863 | KY | |
George | 5 | 1865 | KY | |
Andy J. | 3 | 1867 | KY | |
Mary A. | 2 | 1868 | KY | |
Tinsey P. | 6/12 | 1869 | KY | (Tinsey Francis?) |
1880 Laurel CO KY 1-2
District #55
SCALF, Greenbury | Head | 40 | 1840 | TN | TN | TN |
(Johnson)Sarah | Wife | 39 | 1841 | KY | NC | NC |
George | Son | 16 | 1864 | KY | TN | KY |
Andrew J. | Son | 14 | 1866 | KY | TN | KY |
Mary A. | Dau | 12 | 1868 | KY | TN | KY |
Frances | Dau | 10 | 1870 | KY | TN | KY |
Margaret W. | Dau | 8 | 1872 | KY | TN | KY |
John | Son | 6 | 1874 | KY | TN | KY |
Catherine | Dau | 4 | 1876 | KY | TN | KY |
Sarah | Dau | 4/12 | 1880 | KY | TN | KY |
NORTH, Henry | Head | 35 | May 1865 | KY | KY | KY | |
(Scalf), Frances | Wife | 31 | Jan 1869 | KY | KY | KY | 5 children born, 3 living |
John | Son | 5 | Oct 1894 | KY | KY | KY | |
Willie | Son | 4 | Apr 1896 | KY | KY | KY | |
Jerry | Son | 1 | Jul 1898 | TN | KY | KY | |
HEARST, Mollie | Sister in law | 32 | Apr 1868 | KY | KY | KY | 1 child born, 1 living |
Flora | Niece | 8 | May 1892 | KY | TN | KY |
Daughter of
Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sallie) Johnson
Margaret<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Margaret Scalf, daughter of Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sallie) Johnson, was born March 23, 1870 in Laurel County, Kentucky. She married Calvin Gosnell 1888 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Later, Margaret married John Thompson, and they lived in Knox County, Tennessee. Margaret died from Bright's disease on August 26, 1936. (Link to death certificate)
Daughter of
John Thompson and Margaret Scalf
Lillian>Margaret<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lillian Thompson, the daughter of John Thompson and Margaret Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky on May 28, 1901. Lillian married Louis A. Baldwin and they lived in Knoxville, Tennessee. Lillian Thompson Baldwin died June 30, 1944 from a heart attack. (Link to death certificate)
Son of
Greenberry Scalf/Sally Johnson
John R<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Writings by Elmer D. Scalf for the John Robert Scalf family from Scalf Family History can be found on page 140-142)
Writings by Henry P. Scalf Chronicles of the
Scalf Family
concerning this family can be found in Chapter IX Rev. Ira and
Rosannah Gibson Scalf.
(Link to John Robert Scalf death certificate)
John Robert Scalf, son of Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sally) Johnson was born about 1874 in Kentucky and died 1947 according to Scalf Family History. He married Mary E (Eunice) Cook.
John Robert Scalf was born April 7, 1874, in
Laurel County, Kentucky, and grew to manhood there. He married Mary Eunice Cook,
September 10, 1898, at Huntsville, Scott County, Tennessee. He died October 8,
1947, of cancer, at Livermore, McLean County, Kentucky. Death came at the home
of a daughter, Mrs. Flora Davis. He is buried at Livermore. Mrs. Mary Eunice
Cook Scalf, born in 1878, survived her husband until March 25, 1958. She died at
the home of Mrs. Nora Campbell, a daughter.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family,
Chapter IX)
Children of John Robert Scalf and Mary Eunice Cook from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
1. Annie Belle Scalf, born September 10, 1899. Died at the age of 13 months.
2. Albert Lonzo Scalf, born October 10, 1901, died November 10, 1901.
3. Nora Frances Scalf, born Nov. 11, 1902, married James Campbell. He was a veteran of World War I. He died in 1956. They had two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Campbell was surviving in 1967 and residing alone on her farm at Lewisport.
4. Emory Green Scalf, born December 8, 1905, married first Eva Howard. They were parents of a son, Albert A., died age seven, and a daughter, Virginia Lee, married G.J. Hedrick, had two children. Emory Green married second Ruby M. Cardwell. They are parents of Cecil Ray, died infant; Harold Roger, born Sept. 28, 1944; Alice Faye, born June 19, 1946; Helen Marie, born June 18, 1950; Cathie Ann, born Oct. 28, 1954; Reda Mae, born March 6, 1956; and Bonita Sue, born March 15, 1962. Emory Scalf and family reside at Morgantown, Kentucky.
5. Cora Lee Scalf, born July 16, 1908, died August 13, 1910.
6. Flora Mae Scalf, born January 9, 1912, married John Davis. They reside (1967) at Livermore. Of 12 children, six survive.
7. Charles Andrew Scalf, born July 1, 1915, died December 16, 1953. He never married. A veteran of World War II, he came home an invalid and died in a Veterans Administration hospital.
8. Ora Fern Scalf, born May 31, 1918, married Estel Burden. They reside (1967) at Centertown, Kentucky, and are parents of two sons and three daughters.
9. John Arthur Scalf, born December 11, 1921, married Pearl Farris. They reside at Island, McLean County, Kentucky, and are parents of three sons and a daughter. One son, Willie Lee Scalf, resides at Owensboro, Kentucky.
John Robert Scalf and family were found on the
1900 census of Campbell County, Tennessee.
It is difficult to determine where John Robert might have been during the
20-year span between the 1880 and 1900 census and may have still been in his
father's home. He would have been around 20 years old in 1894.The 1900 Campbell
County, Tennessee census reveals that John and Mary might have married 1895 –
1898. Their daughter Annie was born about 1899. Annie may or may not have been
their first child. Elmer states that Annie (Annabelle) died 1900. (Scalf
Family History, pg. 141)
Elmer Scalf also lists nine children for John Robert Scalf and Mary E. Cook. However, only seven were found on the census records. According to prior writings, the first two children had died. Cora is listed on the 1910 census but is gone from the 1920 census, which correlates with the statement that she died 1910.
1900 Campbell
CO TN 9 June 1900
District #13
SCALF, John | Head | 26 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY |
Marry | Wife | 21 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Annie | Dau | 9/12 | 1899 | TN | KY | KY |
SCALF, Green B. | Boarder | 50 | 1850 | TN | TN | TN |
" Sarrah | Boarder | 52 | 1848 | TN | TN | TN |
AYERS, George | Boarder | 28 | 1872 | TN | TN | TN |
McGhee, James | Boarder | 30 | 1870 | TN | TN | TN |
1910 Butler CO KY 28
March 1910
District #4 – Horse Mill Precinct
SCALF, John R. | Head | 38 | 1872 | KY | TN | KY |
Mary E. | Wife | 31 | 1879 | MI | MI | MI |
Nora F. | Dau | 7 | 1903 | AR | KY | MI |
Emory G. | Son | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | MI |
Cory L. | Dau | 1 4/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | MI |
1920 Daviess
CO KY 19
January 1920
District #7
SCALF, Robert J. | Head | 47 | 1873 | KY | TN | KY |
Mary E. | Wife | 42 | 1878 | MI | MI | MI |
Nora F. | Dau | 17 | 1903 | AR | KY | MI |
Emory G. | Son | 14 | 1906 | KY | KY | MI |
Flora M. | Dau | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | MI |
Chas A. | Son | 4 | 1916 | KY | KY | MI |
Ora F. | Dau | 1 4/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | MI |
1930 McLean
CO KY 2 March 1930
District #6 – Island Town
BROWN, Charley H. | Head | 62 | 1868 | KY | KY | KY |
Georgie C. | Wife | 67 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, John R. | Roomer | 57 | 1873 | KY | TN | KY Widower |
John | Roomer | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | MI |
John Scalf and Enuice Scalf appear to be separated or divorced in 1930 even though John Scalf is listed as a widower.
1930 McLean CO KY
5 April 1930
SCALF, Emert | Head | 24 | 1906 | KY | KY | MI | Married @ 24 |
Eva | Wife | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 16 |
Eunice | Mother | 50 | 1880 | MI | MI | MI | |
Ora Fern | Sister | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | MI |
In the 1940 census, John R. Scalf and his wife, Mary Eunice, continue to
live apart. He is living alone in McLean County, Kentucky, and she has moved
into the home of her sister in Prince George County, Virginia.
1940 McLean CO KY 24 April 1940 District 6
SCALF, John R. | Head | 70 | 1870 | KY Widower |
1940 Prince George CO VA
17 May 1940
JERUE, Phillip C. | Head | 42 | 1898 | TN |
Linda | Wife | 41 | 1899 | VA |
Tommy | Son | 12 | 1928 | VA |
Elden | Son | 2 | 1938 | VA |
Phillip H. | Father | 72 | 1868 | IA |
SCALF, Eunice | Sister | 60 | 1880 | MI |
Daughter of
John Robert Scalf and Mary Eunice Cook
Nora<John Robert<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Nora Frances Scalf, first child of John R. Scalf and Mary E. Cook was born about 1903 and married James Campbell.
From Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
3. Nora Frances Scalf, born Nov. 11, 1902, married James Campbell. He was a veteran of World War I. He died in 1956. They had two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Campbell was surviving in 1967 and residing alone on her farm at Lewisport.
Son of
John Robert Scalf and Mary Eunice Cook
Emory G<John Robert<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Emory G. Scalf was born 1905 and died about 1992. Emory married 1) Eva Howard. 2) Ruby Cardwell. We are indebted to Elizabeth Brown, a descendent of this line for her help in placing these family members.
From Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Emory Green Scalf, born December 8, 1905, married first Eva Howard. They were parents of a son, Albert A., died age seven, and a daughter, Virginia Lee, married G.J. Hedrick, had two children. Emory Green married second Ruby M. Cardwell. They are parents of Cecil Ray, died infant; Harold Roger, born Sept. 28, 1944; Alice Faye, born June 19, 1946; Helen Marie, born June 18, 1950; Cathie Ann, born Oct. 28, 1954; Reda Mae, born March 6, 1956; and Bonita Sue, born March 15, 1962. Emory Scalf and family reside at Morgantown, Kentucky.
From Elizabeth Brown:
Children of Emory Scalf and Eva Howard:
1) Albert ScalfChildren of Emory Scalf and Ruby Cardwell:
1) Harold Roger Scalf – born 1944 – married Brenda ___; two children; Anthony and Sarah1930 McLean CO KY 5 April 1930 Livermore
SCALF, Emert | Head | 24 | 1906 | KY | KY | MI | Married @ 24 |
Eva | Wife | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 16 |
Eunice | Mother | 50 | 1880 | MI | MI | MI | |
Ora Fern | Sister | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | MI |
1940 Butler CO KY
5 April 1940
District 1
SCAFF, Emery G. | Head | 32 | 1908 | KY |
Eva | Wife | 25 | 1915 | KY |
Virginia L. | Dau | 7 | 1933 | KY |
Daughter of
John Robert Scalf and Mary E. Cook
Flora M<John R<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Flora M. Scalf was born January 9, 1912. She married John Davis. In 1930, John and Flora are living with his parents.
Children of John Davis and Flora Scalf:
1) Billie Ray Davis -
born September 12, 1941 and died November 13, 1931.
2) Mary Elizabeth Davis - born March 2, 1933 and died
April 4, 1933.
3) Bobbie G. Davis - born February 15, 1935.
4) William J. Davis - born February 25, 1935 and died
August 3, 1935.
5) Lena M. Davis - born October 20, 1936 and October
21, 1936.
6) Rena R. Davis - Born October 20, 1936.
7) Jewell Lee Davis - born January 16, 1938.
8) Carol F. Davis - born September 17, 1940.
9) Dorothy A. Davis - born June 28, 1942.
10) Linda L. Davis - born September 1, 1943.
11) Donna J. Davis - born March 7, 1948.
12) Johnny E. Davis - born March 7, 1948.
1930 McLean CO KY 5 April 1930 Livermore
DAVIS, Clay | Head | 54 | 1876 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lula | Wife | 39 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | |
John W. | Son | 19 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 18 |
Flora | Dau (in law) | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 17 |
Marie | Dau | 12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY | |
Donald Lee | Son | 5 | 1925 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 McLean CO KY
6 April 1940
DAVIS, John William | Head | 29 | 1911 | KY |
Flora | Wife | 28 | 1912 | KY |
Jewell Lee | Dau | 2 | 1938 | KY |
From Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
6. Flora Mae Scalf, born January 9, 1912,
married John Davis. They reside (1967) at Livermore. Of 12 children, six
Son of
John Robert Scalf and Mary E. Cook
Charles A<John R<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Charles Andrew Scalf son of John Robert Scalf and Mary Eunice Cook was born July 1, 1915 in Knottsville, Kentucky and died at the age of 38 from pulmonary hemorrhage on December 16, 1953 at the Veteran's Hospital in Outwood (Christian Co) Kentucky. Charlie was a patient at the Veteran's Hospital for nine months before death occurred.
His residence in 1953 was McLean, Kentucky. Charlie is interred at Oak Hill Cemetery in Livermore, Kentucky. Hughart Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. His parents were listed as John Scalf and Mary E. Cook. Information for his death certificate was obtained from his veteran records. (Death Certificate – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Death Certificate)
From Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
7. Charles Andrew Scalf, born July 1, 1915, died December 16, 1953. He never married. A veteran of World War II, he came home an invalid and died in a Veterans Administration hospital.
Daughter of
John Robert Scalf and Mary E. Cook
Ora Fern<John R<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ora Fern Scalf was born about 1918 and died 1999. Ora married Leslie Estil Burden. Estil was born 1909. Ora and Estil had the following children:
1) Wesley Ray Burden8. Ora Fern Scalf, born May 31, 1918, married Estel Burden. They reside (1967) at Centertown, Kentucky, and are parents of two sons and three daughters.
Son of
John Robert Scalf & Mary Eunice Cook
John A<John R<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
9. John Arthur Scalf, born December 11, 1921, married Pearl Farris. They reside at Island, McLean County, Kentucky, and are parents of three sons and a daughter. One son, Willie Lee Scalf, resides at Owensboro, Kentucky. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family Chapter IX)
1940 McLean CO KY
26 April 1940
District 6
SCALF, John A. | Head | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Pearlia | Wife | 15 | 1925 | KY |
Daughter of
Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sallie) Johnson
Catherine<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Catherine Scalf was born about 1876. (Scalf Family History, page 141) Nothing more is known of Catherine.
Daughter of
Greenberry Scalf & Sally Johnson
Sarah<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sarah Scalf, daughter of Greenberry and Sally Johnson Scalf, was born about 1880. Sarah married Henry Jones 1898 in Laurel County, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, pg. 141)
It appears that Henry might have been the son of Robert Jones and Christine Hensley Jones; however, this has not been confirmed.
We are indebted to Sharon Carter, a Trent family researcher, for sending us the death record of Sarah Scalf Jones. The record states that Sarah was born in Kentucky and died at the age of 37 years old in 1917. Her father was born in Claiborne County, Tennessee and her mother was born in North Carolina.
Email from Sharon Carter:
Margaret, I forgot to mention
that I was able to get to the TN State Archives (for only about an hour) last
week. They had a book there entitled "Claiborne Co., TN Vital Statistics 1914
through 1925"…I was looking for Trents, but came across a daughter of Greenberry
Scalf. You may already have this; it's her death record:
Jones, Sarah, age 37, b. KY - Fa. Greenberry Scalf (b. Claiborne Co.) Mo. Sallie Johnson (b. NC) d. 1917. (Courtesy of Sharon Carter)
(Link to Sarah Scalf Jones death certificate)
From Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter IX:
Greenberry and Sally Johnson, Scalf were the
parents of 11 children. These were John Robert Scalf, Andrew J. Scalf, Charles
Scalf, Mollie Scalf, Frances Scalf, Sarah Scalf, George Scalf and four children,
their names unavailable but they probably died young. Charles married Callie
Heath, who died in 1966, had nine daughters, and was living at Evansville,
Indiana, in 1967. Frances Scalf married Henry North; Sarah Scalf married
Brownlow Hurst.
We cannot confirm the marriage of Sarah and Brownlow Hurst. However, Mollie Scalf, daughter of Greenberry did marry Brownlow or Brown Hurst.
Henry Jones and Sarah Scalf Jones were found on the 1900 and 1910 census of Whitely County, Kentucky.
1900 Whitley Co KY
18 June 1900 Black Oak Precinct
JONES, Henry | Head | 30 | Jul 1869 | KY | VA | KY | |
Sarah | Wife | 20 | Feb 1880 | KY | TN | KY | 1 child born, 1 living |
Jessie M. | Dau | 0/12 | May 1900 | TN | KY | TN |
Henry and Sarah Jones moved from Whitley County, KY to Campbell County, TN in
June 1900 and Charles Scalf, Sarah's brother, moved into the home.
1900 Campbell CO TN
11 June 1900
District 13
JONES, Henry | Head | 31 | Jul 1869 | KY | KY | KY | Married 2 years | |
Sarrah | Wife | 29 | Feb 1871 | KY | KY | KY | Married 2 years | 1 child born, 1 living |
Jessie May | Dau | 1/12 | May 1900 | TN | KY | KY | ||
THOMPSON, John | Boarder | 27 | Apr 1873 | TN | TN | TN | ||
Moore, Marget | Boarder | 28 | Mar 1872 | KY | KY | KY | ||
SCALF, Charley | Boarder | 16 | Jun 1883 | TN | TN | TN |
1910 Whitley Co KY
28 April 1910 Wofford Precinct
JONES, Henry | Head | 40 | 1870 | KY | VA | KY | |
Sarah | Wife | 30 | 1880 | KY | TN | KY | 3 children born, 2 living |
Jessie M. | Dau | 9 | 1901 | TN | KY | KY | |
Leroy | Son | 3 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Greenberry Scalf and Sarah (Sallie) Johnson
Mollie<Greenberry<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mollie Scalf, daughter of Greenberry and Sallie Johnson married Brown Hurst in 1886 Laurel County, Kentucky. Nothing more is known of Mollie's family.
Son of
Greenberry Scalf and Sarah Johnson
Sr<Lewis Scalf
Charlie Scott Scalf, son of Greenberry Scalf and Sallie Johnson, was born June 20, 1883 in Kentucky and died August 6, 1966 in Indiana.
Charlie married Callie Heath, according to Scalf Family History, page 141. The census records have been compiled for this family and reveals that the name of Charlie's wife was Callie. Charlie registered for the draft of WWI and his registration card is also listed. Charles is living with the family of his sister in 1900.
(Link to Charles Scalf death certificate)
(Link to Callie Scalf death certificate)
1900 Campbell CO TN 11 June 1900 District 13
JONES, Henry | Head | 31 | Jul 1869 | KY | KY | KY | Married 2 years | |
Sarrah | Wife | 29 | Feb 1871 | KY | KY | KY | Married 2 years | 1 child born, 1 living |
Jessie May | Dau | 1/12 | May 1900 | TN | KY | KY | ||
THOMPSON, John | Boarder | 27 | Apr 1873 | TN | TN | TN | ||
Moore, Marget | Boarder | 28 | Mar 1872 | KY | KY | KY | ||
SCALF, Charley | Boarder | 16 | Jun 1883 | TN | TN | TN |
1910 Butler CO KY 28
March 1910 Horse Mill
SCALF, Charlie | Head | 28 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY |
Callie | Wife | 27 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY |
Annie M. | Dau | 3 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Charlie & Callie Scalf moved during the 1910 census and were listed twice.
1910 Butler
CO KY 14 MAY 1910
District # 1
SCALF, Charlie | Head | 28 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY |
Callie | Wife | 28 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY |
Annie Marg | Dau | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
We have no information on the children of Charles and Callie Heath Scalf other than the message left on the Bulletin Board at the Scalf Family Website listed below.
my name is bonnie mork. my ggg gpa was ira
scalf. his son greenberry scalf is my gg gpa charles is my g gpa and marjorie is
my grandma. she is the only child living of charles and callie. i would like to
know where these people are buried. and the name of the cemetery if possible.
also if anyone has photos of this side of the family i would be thrilled to see
them. should anyone have these items, and made copies they can send them to me
at this address ** Bonnie Mork ** 335 n st.paul wichita, kansas, 67203.. i will
gladly pay for the price of the copying. thanks so much for you time and effort
to this web site.
We do not know if Annie Marg listed on the 1910 census was the same Marjorie that Bonnie Mork was speaking of. If so, she would now be 99 years old (2007) if living.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Charley Scott Scalf
Age: 36
Home Address:
Handcock County, KY
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: June 20, 1883
Nearest relative: Caley Scalf
Handcock County, KY
Employed: Coal Miner
Height: Tall
Build: Slinder
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
Name: Charles Scott Scalf
Residence: R. R. 1, Newburgh, Indiana
Mailing address: R. R. 1, Newburgh, Indiana
(Link to document)
Age: 58
Date of birth: June 20, 1883
Place of birth: Laurel CO, KY
Name & address of person who will know your address: Callie Scalf, R. R. 1,
Newburgh, Indiana
Employer: Aaron W. Fischer, R. R. 1, Newburgh, Indiana
Place of employment: Farming and mining
1920 Hancock
CO KY 29
January 1920
District #2 – Lewisport
SCALF, Charlie | Head | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
Callie | Wife | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
Anna M. | Dau | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary F. | Dau | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Florence E. | Dau | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Eveline | Dau | 4 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Lallie M. | Dau | 11/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Warrick CO IN
9 May 1940
SCALF, Charles S. | Head | 56 | 1884 | KY |
Callie | Wife | 55 | 1885 | IN |
Louise | Dau | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Majorie | Dau | 15? | 1925? | KY |
VAN VECTOR, Eugene | G-son | 5 | 1935 | KY |
1950 Warrick CO IN
22 Apr1950
SCALF, Charles S. | Head | 66 | 1884 | KY |
Callie | Wife | 66 | 1884 | IN |
VANVACTOR, Anna Mae | Dau | 42 | 1908 | KY |
Eugene | G-son | 15 | 1935 | KY |
STEPRO, Florence | Dau | 36 | 1914 | KY |
Randal | G-son | 11 | 1939 | IN |
SWEIG, La Vonda Sue | G-dau | 7 | 1943 | IN |
Charles married Callie Heath, who died in
1966, had nine daughters, and was living at Evansville, Indiana, in 1967.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter IX)
Daughter of
Charlie Scott Scalf & Callie Heath
Anna M<Charlie S<Greenberry<Ira<John, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Anna Marjorie (Marg) Scalf, daughter of Charles Scalf and Callie Heath, was born approximately 1907 according to the 1930 census of Hancock County, Kentucky. Her estimated birth from the census of 1910 and 1920 in the home of her parents was 1908.
Anna married Fred Vanvactor (Spelling according to 1930 census). They had at least one known daughter, Mansen Elva (census spelling) listed on the 1930 census. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
1930 Hancock CO KY
April 8, 1930
District #2 - Lewisport
VANVACTOR, Fred | Head | 43 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY | |
Annie M. | Wife | 23 | 1907 | KY | KY | IN | Married @ 19 |
Mansen Elva | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Charlie Scott Scalf & Callie Heath
Mary<Charlie S<Greenberry<Ira<John, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Scalf, the daughter of Charlie Scott Scalf & Callie Heath was born August 2, 1911 in Daviess County, Kentucky. Mary married Charles M. Barnett.
1930 Warrick CO IN 12 April 1930 Anderson Township
BARNETT, Charles M. | Head | 26 | 1904 | IN | IN | IN | Coal Miner |
Mary F. | Wife | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | IN |
During the 1940 census, Mary Barnett is living next door to her parents.
1940 Warrick CO IN 9 May 1940 Anderson Township
BARNETT, Charles | Head | 36 | 1904 | IN | Miner |
Mary | Wife | 29 | 1911 | KY | |
William E. | Son | 9 | 1931 | IN | |
Bonnie E. | Dau | 7 | 1933 | IN | |
Phyllis | Dau | 5 | 1935 | IN | |
Jerry | Son | 3 | 1937 | IN | |
Dona C. | Dau | 7/12 | 1939 | IN |
"Mary Frances Scalf was married several different times - married names include Barnett & Snelling. My Grandmother Bonnie Stover was close to her and visited her frequently on the east side of Cleveland. I was only 2 when she died but I may have a very vague memory of going to her house With Bonnie (who I called Mammy as a kid)
The daughters and of Mary Scalf and Charlie Barnett were Phyllis, Donna, Bonnie, Jerry and youngest Gary who recently passed. There seems to be a history of liver failure in the Scalf or Barnett line because they all died of liver failure and were not alcoholics.
Donna took (Christine Burton on as a daughter) not biological and I do not know her kids names. Donna Lived off of Warrensville road and lived in the eastern Suburbs of Cleveland.
Phyllis died in Cambridge, Ohio within the last 10 years. She was a Funny and sarcastic woman who would always crack small witty jokes, She was kind of a badass. I was afraid of her as a kid and called her Uncle Phyllis.
Bonnie Grew up around Evansville, Indiana and somehow ended up in Gary, Indiana area before she finally settled in Cleveland on Anson Avenue. She married a man named Rual d 6th patrols of the submarine U.S.S. Drum. They were depth charged several times and came close to dying on the submarine and he suffered with PTSD. He was very superstitious and always "knocked on wood" I think a lot of this came from his experiences in the War. There is a documentary on YouTube called Tales of the USS drum and they interview one of his crew mates Gerard Derosa, he explains some of the experiences on the sub.
Jerry Was hearing impaired and lived with my grandmother Bonnie in the back of the house on Anson until she died in 1997. I guess Jerry has just recently passed away.
I remember Bonnie Telling me a story as a kid about a BIG
fish they caught in a lake in Indiana and they also lived through a house
fire, Bonnie had an old tattered Burnt up Bible, im not sure if it was
thrown out, it had char marks all over it. Laurie Schlessman has Bonnies
Ashes. She might have one of the bibles to, not sure."(Courtesy – Thomas
Daughter of
Charlie Scott Scalf & Callie Heath
Florence<Charlie S<Greenberry<Ira<John, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Florence Scalf, the daughter of Charlie Scott Scalf & Callie Heath was born March 15, 1914 and died August 22, 1997. Florence married (1) Robert H. Stepro (2) ______ Schweig.
(Link to Florence Ellen Schweig death certificate)
1930 Warrick CO IN 11 April 1930 Anderson
STEPRO, Robert H. | Head | 18 | 1912 | IN | IN | IN |
Florence E. | Wife | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Warrick CO IN
26 April 1940
STEPRO, Florence | Head | 26 | 1914 | KY | married, husband not present |
Robert | Son | 9 | 1931 | IN | |
Jeanne | Dau | 7 | 1933 | IN | |
Joyce | Dau | 5 | 1935 | IN | |
Randell | Son | 1 | 1939 | IN |
Robert and Florence Stepro are not living in the same house when the 1940 census was taken.
1940 Warrick CO IN
24 April 1940
SMITH, Fred | Head | 68 | 1872 | IN | |
STEPRO, Hilbert | Son in law | 46 | 1894 | IN | |
Dale | Dau | 46 | 1894 | IN | |
John | G-son | 22 | 1918 | IN | |
Charles | G-son | 16 | 1924 | IN | |
Lydia | G-dau | 16 | 1924 | IN | |
Robert | G-son | 30 | 1910 | IN | married, wife not present |
Daughter of
Charlie Scott Scalf & Callie Heath
Marie M<Charlie S<Greenberry<Ira<John, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Marie Evelyn Scalf, the daughter of Charlie Scott Scalf & Callie Heath was born February 9, 1916 in Philpot, Kentucky and died September 23, 1961 in Warrick, Indiana. Marie married Ambrose Chris Taylor.
(Link to Marie Evelyn Taylor death certificate)
(Link to Ambrose Taylor death certificate)
1940 Warrick CO IN 26 April 1940 Anderson
TAYLOR, Ambrose | Head | 26 | 1914 | IN | Truck Driver |
Evelyn | Wife | 24 | 1916 | KY | |
Donald R. | Son | 4 | 1936 | IN |
Daughter of
Ira Scalf & Rosanna Gibson
Chana<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Chary Scalf, as we recognize the name from
previous writings, was the daughter of Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson Scalf. She
was born about 1840 probably in Hawkins County, Tennessee where her parents were
living in 1840. It is the opinion of this writer that the available records
confused previous authors who listed her as the daughter of Robert Scalf.
Although Robert Scalf may have had a daughter by the name of China or Chana, it
is the opinion of the author that Ira and Rosanna Gibson Scalf were the parents
of the Chana/Chany discussed in this chapter whom we know as Chary from the 1850
census record of Claiborne County, Tennessee. ;
It is the opinion of the author that her name was neither Chary nor Charity. In reviewing the available records with Virgil Scalf, we have both agreed that her name was most likely Chana Scalf.
The spelling appears to be CHARY on the 1850 census of Claiborne County, Tennessee but we believe the spelling of the enumerator was the cause for this confusion. Chany or Chana was a common name in Appalachia. Also names ending in A were often replaced with a Y. Martha was often called Marthy and Sarah was called Sary, not only in Appalachia but in other regions as well. It is also the opinion of the author that the handwriting of the enumerator caused the r in her name to appear to be an n thus causing more confusion concerning the name.
Chana was born about 1840 according to the census records of 1850 and 1880. On page 142 of Scalf Family History, Elmer Scalf states that Chary was living with a Higgins family in Knox County, Kentucky in 1870 but this cannot be verified. A Chary or Charity was found in the home of the Higgins family but does not appear to be Chary Scalf.
What has been compiled concerning Chary (Chana) Scalf is listed below.
Note the spelling of the name on the1850 census
record of Claiborne County, Tennessee in the home of Ira Scalf.
1850 Claiborne CO TN 16 October 1850 Subdivision #7 – District #10
SCALF, Ira | 38 | 1812 | VA |
Rosannah | 34 | 1816 | VA |
Miles J. | 16 | 1834 | VA |
David | 15 | 1835 | VA |
Wesly | 13 | 1837 | TN |
Green B. ; | 11 | 1839 | TN |
Chary | 10 | 1840 | TN |
Jane | 9 | 1841 | TN |
Alfred | 4 | 1846 | TN |
Rosannah | 2 | 1848 | TN |
Pacify L. ; | 2/12 | 1850 | TN |
The Ira Scalf family could not be found in 1860
although we know that Ira was living in Knox County in this year. We suspect the
family was simply missed by the enumerator in this year or possibly even out of
the state. Chary (Chany) would have been around 20 years old in 1860.
In October of 1857, what appears to be CHANEY Scalf is listed as the bride of
Messamore Smith. We believe this to be Chary Scalf from the 1850 census of
Claiborne County, Tennessee. Witnesses to this marriage were Leander Smith and
Andy Jones.
Although Chary (Chaney) married in 1857, this family was not found on the 1860 census. A daughter, Mary Lucrecia Smith, was born October 3, 1859.
Index to Marriages, Knox Co. KY - BK H, pg. 88)
Chaney Scalf (Marriage #1) Messamore Smith 1 Oct
1857 Knox Co., KY
Date: 01 Oct 1857 @ Knox Co Ky
Married by: Mathias T. Washam
Location: house of Aney Poss??
Witness: Leander Smith and Andy Jones
Knox Co. Ky Marriage Book "B"
Page 26
Knox Co Historical Society (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
By 1870 Chary (Chany) and Messamore had either divorced, or he had died for a marriage between what appears to be CHARY Smith and William Mills took place. This appears to be the same Chaney who married Messamore Smith. This marriage took place at the home of Fanny Smith and William Smith was a witness.
Again, we believe the handwriting of the clerk on this record indicates that this could be Chany. Note that Leander Smith was a witness to the marriage of Messamore Smith and Chaney Scalf. A William Smith was a witness to the marriage of William Mills and Chary Scalf.
Chaney Scalf married first to Messamore Smith then Chary married William Mills and Chamia married Hugh Smith. If this was the same person and the daughter of Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson Scalf, she had Smith relatives through her brother David C. Scalf. David married Nancy Jane Smith and although the relationship to the witnesses of these marriages (if any) is unknown, we believe there is a connection.
Chary Smith (marriage #2) William A Mills 6 May
1862 Knox Co., KY.
Date: 06 May 1862 @ Knox Co Ky
Married By: Mathias Washam
At: Fanny Smith's
Witness: James Wells and William Smith
Knox Co. Ky Marriage Book "B"
Page 37
Knox Co Historical Society (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
(Link to Marriage Record)
The spelling appears to be Chaney on the 1870 Knox County, Kentucky census.
1870 Knox CO
6 August 1870 Subdivision #93 Flat Lick
MILLS, William M. | M | 57 | 1813 | KY |
(Scalf), Chaney | F | 23 | 1847 | KY |
Martha | F | 5 | 1865 | KY (Link to Martha Mills Asher death certificate) |
Rosy | F | 2 | 1868 | KY |
William | M | 1 | 1869 | KY |
Nancy | F | 18 | 1852 | KY |
Fanny | F | 12 | 1858 | KY |
Mary | F | 10 | 1860 | KY |
By 1880 William Mills had died and Chary is now listed as what appears to be
China on the 1880 census of Clay County, Kentucky. However, the children are the
same in 1880 as in 1870 and indicates this is Chary (Chana/Chaney) Scalf Smith
Mills. She is listed as a widow on this census. It is unknown if Nancy, living
in the home in 1870 was a child of William Mills by a prior marriage or not but
certainly appears to have been.
We believe that Fanny and Mary might also have been from a prior marriage of
William Mills but they could also have been from the marriage of Messamore Smith
and Chary Scalf due to their birth dates. If so, they were not listed as Smith
on this census and were most likely from a prior marriage of William Mills.
According to the birth of the last child of William and Chary. William Mills
died 1876 – 1880.
Note that a child is named Rosanner (Rosanna) on this census.
1880 Clay Co KY 18 June 1880
District 4 Big Creek
MILLS, China | Head | 39 | 1841 | TN | TN | TN Widow |
Martha | Dau | 14 | 1866 | KY | TN | TN |
Rosanner | Dau | 13 | 1867 | KY | TN | TN |
William | Son | 10 | 1870 | KY | TN | TN |
Amelia | Dau | 9 | 1871 | KY | TN | TN |
Amanda | Dau | 6 | 1874 | KY | TN | TN |
Lucretia | Dau | 4 | 1876 | KY | TN | TN |
By 1882, Chary (Chana/Chaney) had married again to Hugh Smith.
Chaney Mills (marriage #3) & Hugh Smith 13 Jul
1882 Clay Co., KY
Marriage Permission Slip in Clay County, Ky.
"County Court Clerk Clay County, KY
Dear Sir, this is to autharize you
to ishue licens for me and Chamia Mills the
widow of William Mills dec. to wed
in the county of Clay & State of KY
this the 10 day of July 1882.
Hugh Smith X his mark
Chamia Mills X her mark
(Spelling appears as China Mills on certificate)
Clay Co. Marriage Index Book:
Hugh SMITH married China MILLS on 7-13-1882; license date 7-12-1882; file box 21
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
(Link to permission document)
(Link to marriage bond)
It is the opinion of the author that Chary (Chana/Chany) (China) (Chamia) is one and the same person and was the daughter of Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson Scalf. As stated previously, we believe the handwriting of the various enumerators and clerks is why the name appears differently on several records. Chamia should probably be Chania instead of Chamia. What appears to be an m most likely was intended to be an n.
Until further records prove otherwise, the child of Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson listed as Chary on the 1850 Claiborne County, Tennessee census is believed by the author to be Chana or Chany.
Daughter of
Massamore Smith & Chana Scalf
Mary Smith<Chana<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Lucrecia Smith, the daughter of Massmore Smith and Chana Scalf, was born October 3, 1859. Lucrecia married Andrew Grubb March 3, 1883 in Clay County, KY. However, they were listed as married on the 1880 Clay County, KY Census. Andrew Grubb died January 26, 1929 in Bright Shade, Clay County, KY. Mary Grubb died April 4, 1950 in Bright Shade, Clay County, KY. (Link to Mary Grubb death certificate)
1880 Clay CO KY 17 June 1880 District 4
GRUB, Andrew | Head | 24 | 1856 | KY | KY | KY |
Lucrecia | Wife | 21 | 1859 | KY | KY | KY |
In 1900, Mary Grubb states
that she has nine children and nine of them are living. However, only eight
children are livng in the home in 1900.
1900 Clay CO KY
21 June 1900
Otto Creek
GRUBB, Andrew | Head | 42 | May 1858 | KY | TN | KY | Married 17 years | |
Mary | Wife | 40 | Oct 1859 | KY | KY | KY | Married 17 years | 9 children born, 9 living |
Sarah J. ; | Dau | 17 | Nov 1882 | KY | KY | KY | ||
William | Son | 15 | Jan 1886 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Julia | Dau | 13 | Apr 1887 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Bitha | Dau | 10 | Jul 1889 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Olie | Dau | 6 | Dec 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Grant | Son | 5 | Jun 1894 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Jefferson | Son | 3 | Aug 1896 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Lettie | Dau | 7/12 | Oct 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Clay CO KY
5 May 1910
Otto Creek
Grubb, Andy | Head | 53 | 1857 | KY | KY | KY | Married 27 years | |
Mary | Wife | 47 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY | Married 27 years | 10 children born, 10 living |
Grant | Son | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Jeff | Son | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Lettie | Dau | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Allie | Dau | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Clay CO KY
14 January 1920
Otto Creek
GRUBB, Andrew | Head | 60 | 1860 | KY | TN | KY |
Mary | Wife | 58 | 1862 | KY | KY | KY |
Jeff | Son | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Allie | Dau | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
Roy | G-son | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY (Son of Sarah J. Grubb) |
Marsh | G-son | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY (Son of Sarah J. Grubb) |
1930 Clay CO KY
18 April 1930
Mill Creek
GRUBB, Mary | Head | 69 | 1861 | KY | KY | KY | Widow |
Marsh | Relative | 20 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY | (Son of Sarah J. Grubb) |
Daughter of
William Mills & Chana Scalf
William Mills Sr<Chana<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Mills, the son of William Mills and Chana Scalf, was born September 14, 1868 in Knox County, KY and died March 9, 1939 in Flat Lick, Knox County, KY. William married Polly Jackson August 10, 1890 in Clay County, KY.
(Link to William Mills death certificate)
1900 Knox CO KY 2 June 1900 Precinct 5
MILLS, William | Head | 30 | Sep 1869 | KY | KY | KY | |
Polly | Wife | 31 | Jun 1868 | KY | KY | KY | 6 children born, 6 living |
Ned | Son | 11 | Jul 1888 | KY | KY | KY | |
Jefferson | Son | 9 | Jun 1890 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lizy | Dau | 7 | Feb 1893 | KY | KY | KY | |
Mary J. | Dau | 5 | Mar1895 | KY | KY | KY | |
Nancy | Dau | 2 | Oct 1897 | KY | KY | KY | |
Chany | Dau | 4/12 | Jan 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Knox CO KY
2 May 1910
Road Fork
MILLS, William | Head | 37 | 1873 | KY | NC | TN | Married 2 times | Married 20 years | |
Polly | Wife | 37 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time | Married 20 years | 9 children born, 9 living |
Jeff | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | |||
Eliza | Dau | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | |||
Mary | Dau | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | |||
Nancy | Dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |||
Chanie | Dau | 10 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY | |||
Victor | Son | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY | |||
Walter | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |||
Owens | Son | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Knox CO KY
12 January 1920
Precinct 25
MILLS, William | Head | 50 | 1870 | KY | NC | TN |
Polly | Wife | 50 | 1870 | KY | KY | KY |
Jeff | Son | 29 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY |
Peter | Son | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Walter | Son | 14 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Owens | Son | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY
19 April 1930
District 3
MILLS, Williams | Head | 60 | 1870 | KY | KY | KY |
Pollie | Wife | 60 | 1870 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Ira Scalf & Rosanna Gibson
Jane<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
(Photograph of Jane Scalf Phillips courtesy of Nelle Goring Cooke)
Jane Scalf was born about 1841 in Tennessee
according to the 1850 Claiborne County census. If this is correct, Jane may
have been born in Hawkins County, Tennessee or Claiborne County, Tennessee.
Elmer Scalf states that Jane was born in 1846 and as we know, the census records
are not the most reliable records we have so Jane may have been born in 1846. ;
According to the writings of Henry Scalf, Jane left home after the marriage of
her father to Nancy Killion McVey and lived with her uncle, Robert Scalf in
Kentucky. Jane then returned home to help care for her grandmother, Edeah
Carlisle Scalf in the latter part of the 1850's sometime around 1859. Henry
also states that Edeah Scalf, wife of John Sr. was in Kentucky by 1854.
Jane's father, Ira, was certainly in Claiborne County, Tennessee in 1854 for he married the widow, Nancy Killion McVey January 29, 1854 in Claiborne County. ; It is unknown exactly what year Ira and Nancy arrived in Kentucky but they would have been there sometime before 1859 if Ira built a cabin behind his home for his mother Edy in 1859.
Ira and his family were not found on the 1860 Kentucky census of any county, nor is he found in the 1860 Tennessee census although he was listed on the 1860 tax list of Kentucky. It has been stated that David C. Scalf might have married Nancy Jane Smith in North Carolina in 1860. If this is correct, Ira Scalf and his family, along with Edeah Carlisle Scalf might have been in North Carolina in 1860. A search of the census records did not reveal this family, however.
Jane Scalf married Benjamin Madison Phillips February 22, 1861 in Clay County, Kentucky according to the writings of both Henry and Elmer Scalf. I have not seen this marriage record but have no reason to doubt this is correct.
Benjamin Madison Phillips died 1910 – 1920 and Jane died 1920 – 1930. Elmer states that this couple remained in Kentucky about ten years after Benjamin served his tour in the Civil War with the 49th Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. The war ended in 1865, so this couple should have been on the 1870 census of Kentucky but they were not found in Kentucky.
However, on the 1870 Iron County, Missouri census, is listed a B. M. Phillips and wife, Jane. Due to the fact they were not in Kentucky in 1870, it is most likely Benjamin and Jane on the 1870 Iron County, Missouri census. The names of two of the children are very difficult to determine on this census but one son, William, does appear to be the same William listed in Scalf Family History. The ages also correspond. Benjamin is not found after 1910 but Jane is found living with her son, Charles, in Woodward County, Oklahoma in 1920. Jane was not found after this and it is reported that she died in 1924.
Rosa Phillips, daughter of Benjamin and Jane Scalf Phillips married William H. Holloway. This couple was living in the home of Rosa's parents on the 1900 census of Oklahoma. They were living in Woodward County, Oklahoma in 1910, 1920 and 1930. Benjamin and Jane's two sons Denver and Charles were also living in Woodward County, Oklahoma. Jane was living with her son Charles in 1920 but Charles was living alone in 1930.
If this is the family of Benjamin Phillips and
Jane Scalf in Iron County, Missouri, this family left Kentucky 1869-1870 because
the last child was born in Kentucky in 1869. The names of the last two children
are difficult to read. The family was not found in 1880 but by 1900 Benjamin
and Jane were living in Indian Territory in the Creek Nation in Oklahoma. On
the 1900 census, Jane stated she had six children with only four living. Note
that she is listed as Jennie
in 1910. We believe her name might have been
Virginia Jane and Jennie
due to the fact that Jennie
was often used as a
short name for Virginia.
1870 Iron County MO
30 June 1870 Township 31 – Range 38
PHILLIPS, B.M. | M | 30 | 1840 | TN | |
Jane | F | 22 | 1848 | TN | |
Williams M. | M | 7 | 1863 | KY | |
Jabny A. | F | 4 | 1866 | KY | (probably Annie) |
Saber | M | 1 | 1869 | KY |
1900 Creek Nation 5 June 1900 Indian Territory (OK) Township 17-Range 13
PHILLIPS, Benjamin M. | Head | 60 | Oct 1839 | TN | TN | TN |
Jane | Wife | 67 | Mar 1833 | TN | TN | TN |
HOLLIDAY, Rosa | Dau | 22 | Feb 1877 | MO | TN | TN |
HOLLIDAY, William H. | Son in law | 25 | Jan 1872 | KS | IL | IL |
Living nearby is daughter, Anne Phillips and her husband, Martin Payne.
1910 Woodward County OK 21
April 1910 Union Township
PHILLIPS, Benjamin | Head | 72 | 1838 | TN | TN | TN | Married 48 years |
Jennie | Wife | 65 | 1845 | TN | TN | TN | 6 children born, 4 living |
Charles | Son | 36 | 1874 | MO | TN | TN |
1920 Woodward CO OK 10
1920 Union Township
PHILLIPS, Charlie | Head | 45 | 1875 | MO | TN | TN |
Jennie | Mother | 78 | 1842 | TN | SC | SC Widow |
Daughter of
Benjamin M. Phillips & Jane Scalf
Anne Phillips<Jane Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ann (Annie/Anna) Phillips daughter of Benjamin Phillips and Jane Scalf married Martin Alexander Payne. Martin was around 20 years older than Ann. On the 1910 census, Martin is listed as having been married prior to his marriage to Ann. There were probably children from Martin's first marriage. Payne family members were living near Martin and Ann that might have possibly been children from the first marriage of Martin. Martin and Ann were followed on the census records of Oklahoma where they were found living in the Creek Nation in 1900 and Okmulgee County in 1910 and 1920.
1900 Indian
Territory Creek Nation 2 June 1900 Township 18N
PAYNE, Martin A. | Head | 54 | 1846 | KY | NC | NC Married 15 years |
Anne | Wife | 33 | 1867 | KY | TN | TN 7 children born, 6 living |
Mattie M. | Dau | 13 | 1887 | MO | KY | KY |
Gracie L. | Dau | 12 | 1888 | MO | KY | KY |
Jennie J. | Dau | 11 | 1889 | MO | KY | KY |
Edmond | Son | 9 | 1891 | MO | KY | KY |
Henry C. | Son | 7 | 1893 | Ind Terr. | KY | KY |
Nellie O. | Dau | 4 | 1896 | Ind Terr. | KY | KY |
Martin stated this was his second marriage on the 1910 census.
1910 Okmulgee CO OK 13 May 1910 Bryan
PATNE, Martin | Head | 65 | 1845 | KY | NC | Ukn | |
Ana | Wife | 44 | 1866 | KY | TN | TN | 9 children born, 8 living |
Jennett | Dau | 20 | 1890 | MO | KY | KY | |
Edmond | Son | 19 | 1891 | MO | KY | KY | |
Henry | Son | 17 | 1893 | MO | KY | KY | |
Nellie | Dau | 15 | 1895 | MO | KY | KY | |
Ellsie | Dau | 7 | 1903 | MO | KY | KY | (Elsie P. Archer) |
Gurtrude | Dau | 4 | 1906 | MO | KY | KY | |
JOHNSON, Grace | Dau | 22 | 1888 | MO | KY | KY | 1 child born, 1 living |
Anna | Step-dau | 4 | 1906 | OK | TN | MO | |
MOTON, George | Hired man | 19 | 1891 | TX | Ukn | Ukn |
Ann Phillips Payne died 1910-1920 for Martin Payne was listed as a widower on the 1920 census.
1920 Okmulgee CO OK
10 January 1920 Bryan Township
PAYNE, M.E. | Head | 74 | 1846 | KY | NC | NC Widower |
Thomas Payne listed below could have been Martin's son from his prior marriage.
1910 Okmulgee CO OK 13 May 1910 Bryan
PAYNE, Thomas | Head | 35 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | |
Grace | Wife | 35 | 1875 | OK | Ukn | Ukn | 3 children born, 3 living |
Tomas? | Son | 7 | 1903 | Ok | KY | OK | |
Harry | Son | 5 | 1905 | OK | KY | OK | |
Okyna | Dau | 3 | 1907 | OK | KY | OK |
Daughter of
Martin Payne & Ann Phillips
Elsie Payne<Ann Phillips<Jane Scalf<Ira<John
(Link to
photo of Elsie Payne Archer)
Elsie Armilda Payne Archer was born June 21, 1902 and died April 8, 1980. Elsie married Roosevelt Archer December 23, 1919 probably in Oklahoma. Roosevelt Archer was born August 24, 1900 and died October 1970. Elsie and Roosevelt were the parents of four children.
Elsie assisted Henry P. Scalf in the writings of Chronicles of the Scalf
family. Elsie was responsible for a great deal of the research.
Children of Elsie and Roosevelt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter IX:
1. Billie Ray Archer, born July 14, 1920, Bixby, Tulsa. County, Okla.
First Lieutenant in Air Force, World War II, as pilot. Prisoner-of-war 17
months. Awarded Purple Heart, other medals. Married December 12, 1942,
Margaret Sutton Holcombe, San Antonio, Texas. Four children: William Ray,
born September 7, 1943, died July 28, 1959, El Paso, Texas; Richard Michael,
born September 18, 19490 El Paso; Margo Elizabeth, born March 2. 1953, El
Paso; Monica Louise, born July 6, 1957, El Paso.
2. Theo. Payne Archer, born March 15, 1922, Bixby Oklahoma. Service in
Signal Corps in South Sea. Islands, World War II, and of the Air Force.
Holds seven diplomas for airplane mechanics proficiency. Crew Chief at
separation. Twenty-three years service. Married January 10, 1943, Tesse
Lorraine Ing, Cape Girardeau, Mo. One child: Sandra Lorraine, born November
18, 1946, Belleville, Ill.
3. Gerald Karon Archer, born January 22, 1927, Sapulpa, Creek County,
Oklahoma. Served in U.S. Navy in South Seas in World War II. Married
February 5, 1948, Marian C. Lamb, Carterville, Illinois. Four children:
Michael Dennis, born October 22, 1948, Herrin, Illinois; Patricia Ann, born
January 28, 1951, Herrin, Ill.; Jack Thomas, born February 8, 1953, Herrin,
Ill.; Christina, M., born August 16, 1955, Benton Illinois.
4. Jeannine F. Archer, born June 2, 1931, Bristow, Creek County, Oklahoma.
Married February 25, 1956, Henry Francis Willhite, Springfield, Illinois.
One child: Jenifer Lynn, born April 8, 1957, Springfield, Illinois.
1930 Creek CO OK
10 April 1930
ARCHER, Roosevelt | Head | 29 | 1901 | OK | OK | AR |
Elsie | Wife | 28 | 1902 | OK | KY | MO |
Billy Ray | Son | 9 | 1921 | OK | OK | OK |
Teddy | Son | 8 | 1922 | OK | OK | OK |
Gerald | Son | 3 2/12 | 1927 | OK | OK | OK |
Daughter of
Martin Alexander Payne & Anne Phillips
Mattie Payne<Anne Phillips<Jane Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mattie Mae Payne was born about 1890 in
Oklahoma. Mattie married Samuel Brown, Jr. Chief of the Yuchi (also spelled
Euchee) Tribe.
Sam and Mattie were followed on the census records from 1910 through 1930 and
remained in Creek County, Oklahoma. For further information on this family,
please see Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf in
collaboration with Elsie Payne Archer, a niece of Mattie Mae Payne Brown. A
compilation of the census records is presented here for the family of Samuel
Brown and Mattie Mae Payne Brown.
1910 Creek CO OK
16 & 18 April 1910 Sapulpa Township
BROWN, Samuel | Head | 29 | 1881 | OK | MO | MO | Real Estate |
Mattie M. | Wife | 20 | 1890 | MO | KY | KY | |
Vera Juanita | Dau | 4 | 1906 | OK | OK | MO | |
Samuel W. | Son | 1 6/12 | 1908 | OK | OK | MO | |
ELLIS, William | Roomer | 38 | 1872 | IN | IN | IN | |
Addie | Roomer | 28 | 1882 | MO | VA | VA | |
ADKINS, Richard | Roomer | 54 | 1856 | OK | OK | OK | |
Ernest | Roomer | 16 | 1894 | OK | OK | OK |
1920 Creek CO OK
27-30 January 1920 Sapulpa Township
BROWN, Samuel | Head | 42 | 1878 | OK | AR | OK |
Mattie M. | Wife | 33 | 1887 | MO | KY | KY |
Vera J. | Dau | 13 | 1907 | OK | OK | MO |
Samuel W. | Son | 11 | 1909 | OK | OK | MO |
Alice V. | Dau | 6 | 1914 | OK | OK | MO |
Jewell | Dau | 4 | 1916 | OK | OK | MO |
Dorothy J. | Dau | 4 | 1916 | OK | OK | MO |
TIGER, Wesley | Lodger | 23 | 1897 | OK | OK | OK |
1930 Creek CO
OK 8 April 1930 Sapulpa Township
BROWN, Samuel W. | Head | 51 | 1879 | OK | Mixed | Yuchi Interpreter for Indians |
Mattie M. | Wife | 43 | 1887 | MO | KY | KY White |
TIGER, Juanita | Dau | 22 | 1908 | OK | Mixed | Yuchi Divorced |
BROWN, Samuel Jr. | Son | 21 | 1909 | OK | Mixed | Mixed |
Jewel V. | Dau | 14 | 1916 | OK | Mixed | Yuchi |
Dorthy J. | Dau | 12 | 1918 | OK | Mixed | Yuchi |
TIGER, Bobbie J. | G-dau | 3 3/12 | 1927 | OK | Mixed | Yuchi |
Daughter of
Benjamin M. Phillips & Jane Scalf
Rosa Phillips<Jane Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Rosa Phillips was born about 1878 and married William H. Holloway. It is unknown when Rosa died. This family was found living in Woodward County, Oklahoma from 1910 through 1930.
1910 Woodward
CO OK 21 March 1910 Union Township
HOLLIDAY, William H. | Head | 38 | 1872 | KS | IL | IL Married 10 years |
Rosa | Wife | 32 | 1878 | MO | TN | KY 3 children born, 3 living |
Grace P. | Dau | 8 | 1902 | OK | KS | MO |
Denver M. | Son | 7 | 1903 | OK | KS | MO |
Ruth A. | Dau | 2 | 1908 | OK | KS | MO |
CO OK 10
January 1920
Union Township
HOLLIDAY, William H. | Head | 47 | 1873 | KS | IL | IL |
Rosa | Wife | 42 | 1878 | MO | TN | KY |
Grace P. | Dau | 18 | 1902 | OK | KS | MO |
Denver | Son | 17 | 1903 | OK | KS | MO |
Ada R. | Dau | 12 | 1908 | OK | KS | MO |
1930 Woodward
CO OK 19 March
1930 Union
HOLLIDAY, W.H. | Head | 58 | 1872 | KS | IL | IL |
Rosa | Wife | 52 | 1878 | MO | KY | KY |
Grace | Dau | 28 | 1902 | OK | KS | MO |
BIRD, Paul | Lodger | 12 | 1918 | OK | KS | MO |
HOLLIDAY, Myrle | G-son | 3 | 1927 | OK | IL | KY |
Son of
William H. Holloway & Rosa Phillips
Denver Phillips<Rosa Phillips<Jane Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Denver Phillips was born about 1902 according to the 1930 census of Woodward County, Oklahoma. Denver married Estella ____. Her maiden name is unknown. Information on this family was taken from the 1930 Woodward County, Oklahoma census. No further information is known.
1930 Woodward
CO OK 19 March 1930
Union Township
PHILLIPS, Denver | Head | 28 | 1902 | OK | KS | MO |
Estella | Wife | 24 | 1906 | OK | IL | IN |
Billie | Son | 4 | 1926 | OK | Ok | OK |
Eugene | Son | 2 7/12 | 1927 | OK | OK | OK |
Robert | Son | 3/12 | 1930 | OK | OK | OK |
Son of
Benjamin M. Phillips & Jane Scalf
Charles Phillips<Jane Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Charlie Phillips, son of Benjamin Phillips and Jane Scalf was born about 1875. His death date is unknown. It is also unknown at this time if Charlie married or not. His mother, Jane Scalf Phillips listed as Jennie, was living with him on the 1920 Woodward County, Oklahoma census. By 1930, Charlie is living alone and Jane had died.
Charlie Phillips is 36 years old and living with his parents
1920 Woodward County OK
10 January 1920 Union Township
PHILLIPS, Charlie | Head | 45 | 1875 | MO | TN | TN |
Jennie | Mother | 78 | 1842 | TN | SC | SC Widow |
1930 Woodward
CO OK 19 March
1930 Union
PHILLIPS, Chas | Head | 56 | 1874 | MO | KY | KY |
Son of
Ira Scalf & Rosanna Gibson
Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
The question has been asked many times,
why is
the name spelled differently if the name is the same?
We have no way of
knowing the specific reason that some family lines are found with different
spellings of the same name. The best we can offer as an explanation comes from
speculation only. The author assumes from reading a lot of material over the
years concerning genealogy that this was largely due to the illiteracy of the
day. Spelling was phonetic and clerks, or record keepers of all types spelled
mainly by sound. As we know, speech varies from region to region.
No doubt, some families deliberately changed the spelling of the surname to
break away from the family unit for various reasons; however, the author has
found that the majority of the spellings in this family came from illiteracy and
phonetic spelling by clerks and record keepers of various sorts.
Our ancestors were, for the most part, illiterate and did not read or write which left them at the mercy of the local clerks, the census enumerators, etc. If one cannot read or write, one cannot know the correct spelling of something. Most of our ancestors probably never spelled their names and whatever spelling they happened to see is what they used if they could read and write at all.
As time progressed someone in the family did learn to read and write and of course was taught by someone else. Being taught by someone else also meant learning what someone else believed to be the proper spelling. The spelling then carried down to future generations whether it was correct or not. This may not have been the case with this family and is offered only as a suggestion as to why the name was spelled differently.
Portrait of Alfred Scalph family
Alfred Scalph was born about 1843 or 1846 in Tennessee depending on which census record you are looking at but most likely it was 1846. Alfred died March 3, 1914 in Webster County, Missouri and is buried at Pedelo Cemetery in Rogersville (Webster Co) Missouri. (Courtesy of Doris Peterson)
The social security index lists his death date as March 12, 1914. His last residence was Rogersville (Webster Co) Missouri. (SS Index)
Alfred married Mary Emily Elizabeth Wright 24
December 1870. Albert's wife Emily was born March 10, 1850 in Madison County,
Kentucky and died March 1, 1897 near Carterville, Missouri (Courtesy
of Doris Peterson)
(Link to Death Record of Alfred Scalf)
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Death Record of Emily
Scalf in possession of Doris Peterson)
Alfred is found in the home of his parents (Ira and Rosanna Gibson Scalf) in 1850 Claiborne County, Tennessee but the Ira Scalf family was not found in 1860. However, Alfred Scalf and Benjamin Smith were witnesses for a marriage between Thomas Hubbard and Nancy Garland in Knox County, Kentucky in 1865. Thomas Hubbard married Nancy Garland November 5, 1865, and Alfred should have been around 19 years old at this time. We feel certain this was Alfred Scalph, son of Ira and Rosanna.
Alfred would have been around five years old when his mother, Rosanna, died. No doubt, these children saw a difficult life after the loss of their mother. Life was difficult in Appalachia with both parents living but it likely became more so after Rosanna died.
It appears that Alfred moved away from home by 1865 for he appears on the Knox County, KY tax list. Alfred was also enlisted in the Militia.
1865 Knox County, KY Tax List
Alfred Scalf
Enrolled in militia --- 1
Alfred was not found on the 1870 census records.
Elmer Scalf states that Alfred married Mary E. Wright in 1870 in Missouri. Mary
was born in Kentucky according to the census record of 1880 and her death
record. It is very possible that the couple married in Kentucky before moving on
to Missouri. We have no information concerning her parents at this time.
By 1880 Alfred and Mary were found in Webster County, Missouri. Alfred's
brother, David C. Scalf was living in Madison County, Kentucky at this time but
by 1900, he was living in Benton County, Missouri. Webster County, (Rogersville)
Missouri is several counties north of Benton.
It is unknown what might have drawn Alfred to Webster County, Missouri but there were a number of Scalf families living in Missouri by 1870. In researching the Scalf family it was found that most of the time the families moved with other relatives. Sometimes the relatives were Scalf family and sometimes they were relatives of the spouse.
Alfred and Mary had four children in the home in 1880, namely; Martha, George D., William T. and John O. Scalph. Something apparently drew the family to Nebraska by 1885, for they were enumerated in the York County, Nebraska State Census of that year. There were now eight children in the home.
Note that a son, Ora, was born March 22, 1877 and was not listed on the 1880 census of Missouri but appears on the 1885 territorial census of Nebraska.
This family is missing from the census records in 1900 and a thorough search of the census records by Virgil Scalf did not reveal any information on this family other than the children. Some of the children had married at this time and had their own families.
After the death of Emily in 1897, some of the
children (John, Ira and Ora) were found in other homes in Nebraska and Missouri
in 1900. John, Ira and Ora were found living in Platte County, Nebraska with
other families in 1900 and listed as servants.
Another son, Lewis, was found in Webster County, Missouri in 1900, at the age of 15 living with the Watts family and also listed as a servant. On the 1910 Madison County, Nebraska census Ira Scalph is listed as head of house with a brother, Claude in the home. Claude is listed as 15 and would have been born about 1895 according to his age.
Vern was probably the last child born to Alfred and Mary and Mary may have died in childbirth but this is only speculation. Alfred is listed on the 1910 census as head of house at the age of 65 and states he was born in Kentucky. His son, Vern, is in the home at age 14 and born 1896. Mary E. Wright Scalf died in 1897 and this explains why the children were found in other homes in 1900. Alfred Scalph had died by the enumeration of the 1920 census.
The death records of California reveal that some
of these family members also went to California, as did the David C. Scalf
family. Birth and death dates for some family members have been taken from the
Social Security Death Records compiled by Virgil Scalf. The birth date listed
beside the family member marked with SS
represents the birth found on the
Social Security Records.
The 1910 census reveals information on how many times a person was married, how many years they were married at the time of the census and how many living and deceased children they have.
Family Group Sheet of Alfred Scalph from Doris Peterson lists the following children:
1) Martha Ann Scalph born October 25, 1871 and died 1913.(Link to family group photograph)
1880 Gentry County MO 4-5 June 1880 Jackson Township
SCALPH, Alfred | Head | 37 | 1843 | TN | TN | TN |
Mary E. ; | Wife | 29 | 1851 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha | Dau | 8 | 1872 | MO | TN | KY |
George D. | Son | 7 | 1873 | MO | TN | KY |
William T. | Son | 5 | 1875 | MO | TN | KY |
John O. | Son | 8/12 | 1879 | MO | TN | KY |
1885 York
County NE State Census 1 June 1885 Brown Township
SCALPH, Alfred | Head | 42 | 1843 | TN | |
Mary E. | Wife | 34 | 1851 | KY | |
Martha E. | Dau | 13 | 1872 | KY | |
George | Son | 11 | 1874 | MO | |
William | Son | 10 | 1875 | MO | |
Oria V. | Son | 8 | 1877 | MO | (born March 22, 1877 per SS record) |
John | Son | 6 | 1879 | MO | |
Ira | Son | 4 | 1881 | MO | |
Jesse | Son | 2 | 1883 | MO | (born March 8, 1881 per SS record) |
Lewis | Son | 2/12 | 1885 | MO |
On the Social Security Index, Jesse Scalph's name is spelled Jessey Scalph.
1910 Webster County MO 2-3 May 1910 West Benton Township
SCALPH, Alfred | Head | 65 | 1845 | KY | NC | NC | Widower |
Vern | Son | 14 | 1896 | MO | KY | KY |
After Mary E. Scalph died on March 1, 1897, Alfred did not marry again for several years, and he appears as a widower on the 1910 census. However, on November 25, 1911, Alfred marries Sarah Louiza Roberts, the daughter of Solomon Roberts and Jerusha Blackburn. Unfortunately, Sarah Roberts Scalph died a few months later on January 10, 1912 from pneumonia.
(Link to marriage license of Alfred Scalph and Sarah Roberts)
(Link to Sarah Louiza Scalph death certificate)
Daughter of
Alfred Scalf and Mary Emily Wright
Martha E Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martha is listed as Martha E. on the 1880 Gentry
County, Missouri census; however, Doris Peterson reports her name was Martha Ann
Scalph. She was born October 25, 1871 and died 1913. Martha married Russell
Dehaven according to Elmer Scalf and Doris Peterson reports the same.
Doris Peterson reports that this couple went to California after their marriage
to appear in motion picture films and was never heard of again after the
earthquake. ;
The earthquake that hit California after the turn of the century took place in 1906. Doris reports that Martha died in 1913. It has not been determined if Martha died in the 1906 earthquake or if there was another earthquake in California around 1913. However, the family has always stated that Martha died in the earthquake.
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
George Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
George David Scalph, son of Alfred Scalph and
Mary E. Wright was born October 17, 1873 in Missouri and died September 26, 1905
in Missouri. (Courtesy of Doris Peterson and SS Index).
George was found in the home of his parents on the 1880 Gentry County, Missouri
census at seven years old. Nebraska had a state census enumeration in 1885 and
the Alfred Scalph family had moved to York County, Nebraska where they were
enumerated on this census. George is still at home with his parents and is now
listed as eleven years old. The 1890 census does not exist and this family was
not found as a unit in 1900.
George is then found with his wife Sadie and children on the 1900 Webster County, Missouri census. Gladys Shuerg, a descendant of the Alfred Scalph line lists George's wife as Sarah Alice Walker. I'm sure Gladys would probably know more about this family than the author; however, on the 1910 Christian County, Missouri census, Floyd, a son of George and Sadie is in the home of a couple who appear to be his grandparents listed as Oliver M. and Tennessee Atkins.
Oliver and Tennessee appear to be the parents of Sadie. Sadie was also a short name for Sarah. Sadie remarried to Edward W. McNey and the family is found still living in Webster County, Missouri in 1910.
By 1920, Sarah (Sadie) is found as head of house in Labette County, Kansas. Sarah has her two children by George in the home and a daughter, Mable McNey. It is unknown if Edward NcNey had died or if they divorced. A Thomas Boyne was a boarder in the home.
In 1910 Sarah has a daughter named Mannie, Mamie or Marrie, the spelling is hard to distinguish. It appears that the daughter, Winifred, on the 1920 census is the same child as the one in 1910 according to the ages on both censuses. ;
1900 Webster County MO 11 June 1900
West Benton Township
SCALPH, George | Head | 24 | 1876 | MO | KY | KY | |
Sadie | Wife | 24 | 1876 | MO | MO | MO | (Sarah Atkins) |
Floyd | Son | 3 | 1897 | MO | MO | MO | (Born May 23, 1898 per SSN) |
Esther | Dau | 4/12 | 1900 | MO | MO | MO |
Webster County MO 10-11 May 1910 East
Benton Township
McNEY, Edward W. | Head | 34 | 1876 | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland | |
Sarrah A. | Wife | 34 | 1876 | MO | MO | MO | (Sarah Atkins) |
SCALPH, Esther | Step dau | 10 | 1900 | MO | MO | MO | |
SCALPH, Mannie | Step-dau | 7 | 1903 | MO | MO | MO |
1910 Christian County MO 4 May
1910 Benton
ATKINS, Oliver M. | Head | 48 | 1862 | AL | AL | MO | Married 1 time for 29 years |
Tennessee | Wife | 55 | 1855 | MO | TN | TN | 4 children born, 4 living |
SCALPH, Floid | Grandson | 11 | 1899 | MO | NE | MO |
1920 Labette County KS 12-13 Jan 1920
Parsons City
McNEY, Sarah A. | Head | 42 | 1878 | MO | MO | MO | Widow |
SCALPH, Floyd A. | Son | 22 | 1898 | MO | MO | MO | |
SCALPH, Winfred | Dau | 17 | 1903 | MO | MO | MO | |
McNEY, Mbel | Dau | 8 | 1912 | MO | MO | MO | |
Boyne, Thomas | Boarder | 35 | 1885 | MO | MO | MO |
Son of
George Scalph & Sarah (Sadie) Watkins
Floyd A Scalph<George Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Floyd Scalph son of George Scalph and Sarah (Sadie) Atkins? Walker? was born May 23, 1898. Floyd married Nellie (maiden name unknown). Nothing is known of Floyd and Nellie. The social security death records state that his last residence was Kansas City (Wyandotte Co) Kansas. He applied for his social security number before 1951. Floyd died September 1979.
Floyd was living with his mother and stepfather in 1910 Christian County, Missouri and again in 1920 Labette County, Kansas. ;
Christain CO MO 4 May 1910 Benton Township
ATKINS, Oliver M. | Head | 48 | 1862 | AL | AL | MO | Married 1 time for 29 years |
Tennessee | Wife | 55 | 1855 | MO | TN | TN | 4 children born, 4 living |
SCALPH, Floid | Grandson | 11 | 1899 | MO | NE | MO |
1920 Labette County KS 12-13 Jan 1920 Parsons City
McNEY, Sarah A. | Head | 42 | 1878 | MO | MO | MO | Widow |
SCALPH, Floyd A. | Son | 22 | 1898 | MO | MO | MO | |
SCALPH, Winfred | Dau | 17 | 1903 | MO | MO | MO | |
McNEY, Mbel | Dau | 8 | 1912 | MO | MO | MO | |
Boyne, Thomas | Boarder | 35 | 1885 | MO | MO | MO |
1930 Sedqwick
CO KS 12 March 1930 Wichita Township
SCALPH, Floyd | Head | 30 | 1900 | MO | NE | MO |
Nellie | Wife | 23 | 1907 | OH | IA | IN |
Floyd registered for the draft in 1918 in Parsons, Kansas.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Floyd Almus Scalph
Age: 20
Home Address: Parsons, Kansas
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: May 23, 1898
Nearest relative: Sarah Ellis McNey
Employed: Farmer
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Hazel
Color of Hair: Light
Date: September 12, 1918
1940 Wyandotte CO KS
10 - 12 April 1940
Kansas City
SCALPH, Floyd | Head | 39 | 1901 | MO |
Nell | Wife | 33 | 1907 | OH |
Ada Maxine | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KS |
Sammie B. | Dau | 7 | 1933 | KS |
Son of
Alfred Scalf and Mary Emily Elizabeth Wright
William Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Thomas Scalph was born about 1875 in Missouri. William served as a Private, Troop E - 8th U.S. Cavalry. William enlisted May 9, 1898 at St. Louis, Missouri and died at the U.S. Army Hospital aboard ship at Havana, Cuba. No further information is known. (Courtesy of Doris Peterson)
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
Ora V Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ora Vestus Scalf was born March 22, 1877 and
died May 25, 1970 according to the social security death records. ;(Note
Obituary, Joplin Glope Sunday May 24, 1970) His last known address was Joplin,
(Jasper Co) Missouri. Ora married Hattie Bell Chapman. (Hattie's name is
confirmed with the Chapman family Historical Association) She was born November
5, 1883 and died July 9, 1970 at Tracy, (San Joaquin Co) California. (SS Death
Indexes) Hattie worked as a school teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in her
younger years. Hattie was caring for her mother in 1946 and living in Madison,
Nebraska. After the death of her mother, Hattie worked as a personal care
nurse at a rest home in Burley, Idaho. The last years of her life were in Tracy,
California with her youngest brother, Hollis Chapman. (Information from Hattie's
granddaughter, Vera Scalph Pesce)
(Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
Ora was living in the home of Charley Hearburg in 1900 in Platte County, Missouri at the age of 23 years old. Ora possibly met and married his wife Hattie here. Hattie states on the census that she was born in Nebraska. Ora Left Hattie in the mid 1930's arriving in Joplin around 1938 and he married Daisy Sowers. Hattie Bell told several family members that Ora never officially divorced her and she never divorced him (From one of her grandchildren). Ora was a veterinarian and also owned a produce market. (Refer to obituary Joplin Globe Sunday May 24, 1970) (Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
A descendent recalls talking to his grandfather, one time before his death, by telephone. At that time (we have no date) Ora was married to Daisy. According to the descendents information, we estimate this conversation probably took place in the mid to late 1960's. An excerpt from that email is listed here:
I only had a brief phone visit with Grandpa Ora
and his wife Daisy when they lived in Joplin MO. I was going to go see them but
I was in the Military and was sent to Vietnam, when I got back Grandpa Ora
passed away. I also remember my father mentioning an Aunt who was an actress
her name Mary who was supposedly killed in the big San Francisco earthquake.
(Link to a photograph of Hattie Bell Chapman)
(Link to obituary of Ora Scalph)
Photographs - (Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
1900 Platte
Co NE 11 June 1900 Humphrey Township
HEARBURG, Charley | Head | 28 | 1872 | Germ. | Germ. | Germ. |
Rachel | Wife | 31 | 1869 | WI | Eng | Eng |
Joseph | Son | 7 | 1893 | NE | WI | Germ. |
SCALPH, Ora | Servant | 23 | 1877 | MO | TN | KY |
1910 Boone
County NE 28 May 1910 Cedar
SCALPH, Oria | Head | 33 | 1877 | MO | USA | OH | Born March 22, 1877 per SSN |
Harriett | Wife | 26 | 1884 | NE | OH | MO | Born November 5, 1883 per SSN |
Leonard | Son | 2 | 1908 | NE | MO | NE | Born November 17, 1907 per SSN |
Orvin | Son | 6/12 | 1909 | NE | MO | NE | Born November 9, 1909 per SSN |
KAESING, Earnest | Hired man | 20 | 1890 | NE | MO | NE |
As many of his family, Ora registered for the draft of WWI.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Ora Vester Scalph
Age: 40
Home Address: Flatop Platte, WY
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: March 22, 1888? (1877)
Nearest relative: Hattie Bell Scalph
Employed: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Platte CO WY 30 January 1920 Township 29, Range
66, Precinct 13
SCALPH, Ora V. | Head | 42 | 1878 | MO | MO | KY |
Hattie | Wife | 35 | 1885 | NE | OH | MO |
Lenord | Son | 12 | 1908 | NE | MO | NE |
Orvin | Son | 10 | 1910 | NE | MO | NE |
Lester | Son | 7 | 1913 | NE | MO | NE |
Lester W. Scalph was born June 10, 1912 and died April 16, 1988. His last address was Tacoma (Pierce Co) Washington. (SS Index)
1930 Scotts Bluff Co NE 30 April 1930 Ford Precinct
SCALPH, Oria | Head | 52 | 1878 | MO | NE | NE | Born March 22, 1877 per SSN |
Harriett | Wife | 46 | 1884 | NE | OH | MO | Born November 5, 1883 per SSN |
Lester | Son | 17 | 1913 | NE | MO | NE | Born June 10, 1912 per SSN |
John C. | Son | 4 6/12 | 1925 | NE | MO | NE | Born September 28, 1925 per SSN |
1940 Madison CO NE
11 April 1940
CHAPMAN, Mattie | Head | 79 | 1861 | MO Widow |
SCALPH, Hattie | Dau | 56 | 1884 | NE Divorced |
Calvin | G-son | 14 | 1926 | NE |
Son of
Ora Scalph & Hattie Bell Chapman
Leonard Scalph<Ora V Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Leonard L. Scalph, son of Ora Vestus Scalph and Hattiet Bell Chapman, was born November 17, 1907 and died November 9, 1993. His last address was Hot Springs National Park, Garland AR. (SS Index)
Leonard enlisted April 6, 1944 to serve in
WWII. He served overseas as a drag line operator building the Burma road. He
was discharged December 11, 1945 and awarded the Asian Pacific Theater
Service Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, and the Victory Medal. Leonard and his
wife, Helen, bought an 88 acre farm where they grew hay, grain, sugar beets
and beans. They sold the farm in 1989. Leonard was also a master welder; he
installed and pioneered sprinkler irrigation throughout a vast area of Idaho
and Oregon. He was one of the first to have a farm under sprinkler
irrigation in that part of the country.
(Information from Leonard's granddaughter and Vera Scalph Pesce) (Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
1940 Scotts Bluff CO NE 13 April 1940 Mitchell
SCALPH, Leonard | Head | 32 | 1908 | NE |
Helen | Wife | 27 | 1913 | NE |
Jackie | Son | 7 | 1933 | WY |
James Leroy | Son | 5 | 1935 | WY |
Paul Maurice | Son | 3 | 1937 | NE |
Mariyn Mae | Dau | 11/12 | 1939 | NE |
Leonard was living in Nebraska at the time of his draft registration. He was an automobile serviceman at this time.
U.S. World War
II Army Enlistment Records
Leonard L Scalph
Birth Year:
White, citizen
State or Country: Nebraska
County or
City: Scotts Bluff
Date: 6 Apr 1944
State: Colorado
City: Fort Logan
No branch assignment
Branch Code:
No branch assignment
Grade Code:
Term of
Enlistment: Enlistment for the
duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the
discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Civil Life
1 year of high school
Occupation: Automobile Serviceman
Status: Married
Son of
Ora Scalph & Hattie Bell Chapman
Orvin Scalph<Ora V Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Orvin Scalph, son of Ora Vestus Scalph and Hattie Chapman, was born November 9, 1909 in Cedar, Boone County, Nebraska and died March 9, 1975 in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington. Orvin was married to Dema (Dee) Vera Short. Dema was born October 4, 1918 in Wyoming and died February 27, 2010 in Spokane, Washington.
Orvin Scalph was an inventor, and he received a patent on a marshmallow toaster. (Vera Scalph Pesce, the daughter of Orvin Scalph, supported with parts from Dema Scalph's biography) (Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
"Orvin worked for the government as a steam engineer. His job consisted of maintaining the boilers from which steam was piped into the different buildings for heat. His first boiler room experience began in a sugar mill in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, during his twelfth grade high school year. He worked the graveyard shift, returned home for breakfast and then went to school. The work was seasonal as it only ran when the sugar beets were harvested, about four months of the year. ;Later steam engineer experience included that of a foreman at Fairchild AFB, Spokane, WA.; work at the Naval Supply Depot, Veradale, WA.; Neah Bay AFB, Neah Bay, WA.; McChord AFB, Tacoma, WA.; Banger Torpedo Station, Bremerton, WA. as well as the power house in Keyport, WA. During the years at Neah Bay, Orvin purchased a boat and did some commercial fishing." (Vera Scalph Pesce, the daughter of Orvin Scalph, supported with parts from Dema Scalph's biography) (Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
Photograph - (Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
In Orvin's younger years,
employment was scarce, and he worked at anything that was available which
included chopping wood at ten cents an hour, driving a tractor, doing farm
chores, digging irrigation ditches and boxing in the ring for a few dollars.
I remember his red boxing shorts with a white stripe down each side. He rode
the rails for his transportation from job to job. He also worked on Boulder
Dam, now Hoover Dam, making pipe for the dam until he was hit in the face
with a cable which broke his jaw and put him in the hospital. He worked in
the coal or iron ore mines in Bisbee, Arizona; Butte, Montana; as well as in
Wyoming. He was a miner without experience so he became a mucker (someone
who removed the rocky mine waste) which is a miner's helper. He learned to
figure the proper amount of blasting that was needed so he did a great deal
of blasting in the mines. He worked on the construction crew that built the
Cascade Tunnel on Stevens Pass, WA. for the trains to pass through. He was
employed by the Armour meat processing plant knocking cattle in Spokane, WA.
Scalph Pesce, the daughter of Orvin Scalph, supported with parts from Dema
Scalph's biography) (Courtesy of
Anthony Pesce)
(Link to photograph of Lester, Irene & Orvin Scalph)
(Link to photograph of Hattie Scalph and Dema Short Scalph)
(Link to photograph of Orvin and Hattie Scalph)
During the depression, he passed a farm
with a herd of cattle on the property. He knocked on the door and asked for
a cup of milk for his cereal. The farmer refused his request, so he went
into the field with the cattle and milked himself a cup of milk out of the
Scalph Pesce, the daughter of Orvin Scalph, supported with parts from Dema
Scalph's biography) (Courtesy of
Anthony Pesce)
Orvin had been out of work and heard from his
brother, Lester, that if he could get to Las Vegas, he could get a job
on Boulder Dam, now Hoover Dam. He left for Las Vegas alone. Dema's
sister, Lillie Hahn, came with her baby, Norman, to Lyman, Nebraska, to
stay with her. Lillie and Dema rented a little house that belonged to
the school superintendent.
Orvin and Dema had another child, Phyllis Luetta
Scalph, that not many people know about.
(Link to birth announcement)
Dema gave birth to Phyllis Luetta on December 27, 1934, at home
with a country doctor in attendance. The baby was stillborn. Lillie took
care of the burial details. Dema remembers how her baby, Phyllis, had
a lot of black hair and was dressed in a white cotton dress embroidered
with little pink roses and crocheted booties. She was wrapped in a baby
blanket and placed in a wooden box. Phyllis was buried with Dema's
brother, Herbert Short, and two cousins, Floyd Gore and Elsie Gore
(brother and sister) in the Lyman Cemetery. After the birth, Dema went
to Casper, Wyoming, for a short visit with her parents, after which she
took her first train trip to join her husband.
(From Dema Scalph's
biography) (Courtesy of Anthony
Dema (Dee) V. Scalph - Dema Short Scalph was born in Wyoming on Oct. 4, 1918. Dema was preceded in death by her husband Orvin in 1975. Dema enjoyed writing poems, dancing, and was active in the Rebekah Lodge. She is survived by her daughter Vera Pesce of Jackson, GA, her son Marvin (Lorena) Scalph of Anchorage, AK, her son Larry (Zona) Scalph of Spokane, WA, 9 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, and numerous nephews and nieces. Dema passed away in Spokane on Feb. 27, 2010.(Link to house of Orvin and Dema Scalph)
1930 Cochise CO AZ 7 March 1930 Bisbee
SCALPH, Orvin | Head | 20 | 1910 | NE | MO | NE | Works in copper mine |
1940 Spokane CO WA
15 April 1940
SCALPH, Orvin | Head | 30 | 1910 | NE |
Dema | Wife | 21 | 1919 | WY |
Vera | Dau | 3 | 1937 | WA |
Marvin | Son | 1 | 1939 | WA |
(Link to photograph of Orvin and Calvin Scalph)
Son of
Ora Scalph & Hattie Bell Chapman
Lester Scalph<Ora V Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lester Wesley Scalph, the son of Ora Vestor Scalph and Hattiet Bell Chapman, was born June 10, 1912 in Nebraska and died April 16, 1988 in Tacoma, Washington. Lester married Irene Emett on June 10, 1935. ;According to Mary, their daughter, they knew each other for 6 weeks. She was a waitress and he was working for the CCC to build the Hoover Dam. They were later remarried in 1965 at the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah.
(Link to photograph of Lester, Irene & Orvin Scalph) (courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
Photograph - (courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
1940 Nez Perce CO ID
9 April 1940
SCALPH, Lester | Head | 27 | 1913 | NE |
Irene | Wife | 25 | 1915 | UT |
Son of
Ora Scalph & Hattie Bell Chapman
John C Scalph<Ora V Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Calvin Scalph son of Ora Vestor Scalph and Hattie Bell Chapman was born September 28, 1925 and died August 1968. His last address was Port Arthur (Jefferson Co) TX. He applied for his card in Washington before 1951. (SS Index)
Link to death certificate of John Scalph
While in his early 20s, John Calvin Scalph
became a merchant mariner and was listed as a crew member on several ships. He
was 5 feet 8.5 inches tall, weighted 165 pounds, and wore a tattoo on his left
shoulder. On September 23, 1947, we find him on the SS Kings Canyon that was
sailing from Tampico, Mexico to New York City. Again, on February 4, 1948, he
is a crew member on the SS York that was sailing from Tampico, Mexico to New
York City. ; Later, on July 24, 1948, he is a crew member on the SS Azalea City
that was sailing from Balboa, Panama Canal Zone to New York City.
of Virgil Scalf)
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
John O Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
(Link to photograph of John and Vern Scalph) John is sitting in the chair. (Photograph - Courtesy of Anthony Pesce)
John O. Scalph was born August 25, 1879 and died
July 8, 1941 in York Co. NE. (SS Death Index)
His son Marion Ardath Scalph was born August 17, 1909 and died January 12, 1932.
(SS Death Index)
John married Vivian Loretta Morgan. Vivian Loretta Morgan Scalph was born October 13, 1880 and died August 8, 1927. (Metz Mortuary database, York Co, NE).
Elmer Scalf states that John married Durian Moran. I have no knowledge of this marriage but it appears he might have looked at a record that was hard to decipher since the last name (Moran) is similar to Morgan. This was probably an error in the name listed by Elmer. This family can be followed through the 1930 census. They remained in Nebraska.
Note on the Garden County, Nebraska census that John O. is listed as a hired hand in the home of Charlie Howe. It is unknown if Vivian might have been Charlie's daughter or if there was any relationship at all to Charlie Howe, but it does raise speculation to her maiden name.
John's son Harley is listed on the social security death records as being born August 28, 1904 and died April 1976. His last address was Versailles (Morgan Co) Missouri.
John married Elizabeth Thompson on May 12, 1928. They are listed on the 1930 census.
John and his brother Ira were living in the home of William Alderson or Anderson at the enumeration of the 1900 Platte County, Nebraska census.
Children of John Scalph and Vivian Morgan:
1) Esther Lorraine
2) Doris Loretta Scalph
3) Harley Otis Scalph
4) Lorena Estelle Scalph
5) James Robert Scalph
6) Marion Ardath Scalph
1900 Platte
County NE 11 June 1900 Humphrey Township
ALDERSON, William A. | Head | 40 | 1860 | WI | ENG | ENG |
Adlina | Wife | 46 | 1854 | NY | NY | NY |
Mabel | Dau | 24 | 1876 | NE | WI | NY |
Oliver R. | Son | 22 | 1878 | NE | WI | NY |
Rose H. | Dau | 20 | 1880 | WI | WI | NY |
Delin | Dau | 17 | 1883 | WI | WI | NY |
William A. | Son | 15 | 1885 | NE | WI | NY |
TAYLOR, Charles | Servant | 23 | 1877 | IA | NC | NY |
SCALPH, John | Servant | 20 | 1880 | MO | TN | KY |
SCALPH, Ira | Servant | 19 | 1881 | MO | TN | KY |
1910 Garden County NE 15 April 1910
Lost Creek Precinct
HOWE, Charlie A. | Head | 62 | 1848 | IL | PA | NY | |
SCALPH, John O. | Hired man | 30 | 1880 | MO | TN | KY | |
Vivian L. | Wife | 30 | 1880 | NE | IL | IL | (Loretta) |
Esther L. | Dau | 8 | 1902 | NE | MO | NE | |
Doris L. | Dau | 7 | 1903 | NE | MO | NE | |
Harley O. | Son | 5 | 1905 | NE | MO | NE | (Aug 28 1904) SS |
Lorne E. | Dau | 4 | 1906 | IA | MO | NE | |
James R. | Son | 2 | 1908 | NE | MO | NR | |
Marian A. | Dau | 6/12 | 1909 | NE | MO | NR |
WWI Registration Card
Name: John Ottis Scalph
Age: 39
Home Address: Creston, Platte, WY
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: August 25, 1879
Nearest relative: Vivian Scalph
Employed: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Gray
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Stanton Co NE 22 January 1920 Dimick
SCALPH, John | Head | 40 | 1880 | MO | TN | KY |
Vivian | Wife | 39 | 1881 | NE | OH | NY |
Esther | Dau | 17 | 1903 | NE | MO | NE |
Doris | Dau | 16 | 1904 | NE | MO | NE |
Harley | Son | 15 | 1905 | NE | MO | NE |
Lorna | Dau | 13 | 1907 | NE | MO | NE |
James | Son | 12 | 1908 | NE | MO | NE |
Ardath | Son | 10 | 1910 | NE | MO | NE |
1930 York
Co NE 15-16 April 1930 2nd Ward York
SCALPH, John O. | Head | 59? | 1871? | MO | USA | USA |
Eliza | Wife | 39? | 1881? | USA | USA | USA |
Harley | Son | 25 | 1905 | USA | USA | USA |
Ardith | Son | 20 | 1910 | NE | USA | USA |
1940 York CO NE 11 April 1940 York
SCALPH, J. L. | Head | 60 | 1880 | MO |
Elizabeth | Wife | 58 | 1882 | NE |
Son of
John Scalf & Vivian Loretta Morgan
Harley Scalph<John O Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Harley O. Scalph, the son of John Scalph and Vivian Morgan, was born August 28, 1904 in Humphrey, Platte County, Nebraska and died April 27, 1976 in Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri. He was married to Thelma Francis Herrin. Thelma was born October 31, 1897 in Shopville, Pulaski County, Kentucky and died January 20, 1980 in Versailles, Morgan County, Missouri.
By 1940, Harley has remarried to Velma ______.
1940 Morgan CO MO 16 April 1940 Versailles
SCALPH, Harley | Head | 36 | 1904 | NE |
Velma | Wife | 43 | 1897 | KY |
NETHERY, Mrs. Lela | Step Dau | 23 | 1917 | OK |
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
Ira A Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ira Andrew Scalph was born about April 10, 1881
and died September 12, 1912 (Doris Peterson).
Ira Andrew was one of the children living with the William Alderson/Anderson
(?) family in Platte County, Nebraska in 1900. Although the age is slightly off,
this does appear to be the same family. The name of Ira's wife on the 1910
census appears to be Lucela but we believe this is probably Luella or Lucille.
Luella remarried after the death of Ira Andrew to Carl Polenski and is found on
the1920 census of Pennington County, South Dakota. Esther, Loyd E. and Gilbert
E. are in the home in 1920.
Esther is listed as 14 years old but this daughter did not show up on the 1910 census in Ira's home. Gilbert E. Scalph was born October 11, 1903 and died February 27, 1996. Gilbert's last address was Stanton (Stanton Co) Nebraska. He applied for his social security card before 1951 in Nebraska. (SS Indexes)
Claud Scalph, younger brother of Ira, was living in Ira's home in 1910. Claud was born May 10, 1895 and died August 1975. His last address was Fresno (Fresno Co) CA. He applied for his card before 1951 in Arizona.
Information found in a database on the Internet states that Luella and Ira were divorced; however, information from Doris Peterson states that Ira had died in 1912. His son, Loyd was born about 1910 so if Ira and Louella divorced it would have been between 1910 and 1912. This cannot be confirmed at this time.
Ira was living in the home of William Alderson or Anderson in 1900.
1900 Platte
Co NE 11 June 1900 Humphrey Township
ALDERSON, William A. | Head | 40 | 1860 | WI | ENG | ENG |
Adlina | Wife | 46 | 1854 | NY | NY | NY |
Mabel | Dau | 24 | 1876 | NE | WI | NY |
Oliver R. | Son | 22 | 1878 | NE | WI | NY |
Rose H. | Dau | 20 | 1880 | WI | WI | NY |
Delin | Dau | 17 | 1883 | WI | WI | NY |
William A. | Son | 15 | 1885 | NE | WI | NY |
TAYLOR, Charles | Servant | 23 | 1877 | IA | NC | NY |
SCALPH, John | Servant | 20 | 1880 | MO | TN | KY |
SCALPH, Ira | Servant | 19 | 1881 | MO | TN | KY |
1910 Madison Co NE 24 May 1910 Schoolcraft Precinct
SCALPH, Ira | Head | 25 | 1885 | MO | TN | KY | |
Lucela M. | Wife | 27 | 1883 | NE | Norway | IA | (Luella Olsen) |
Lloyd E. | Son | 3/12 | 1909 | NE | MO | NE | |
Claude A. | Brother | 15 | 1895 | MO | TN | KY | (May 10, 1895) |
Doris Peterson states that Ira Andrew died 1912; however we cannot confirm this information at this time. Luella remarried to Carl Charles Polenske 20 June 1914. She died 03 April 1970 in Tilden (Madison Co) NE.
1920 Pennington Co SD 31 Jan 1920 Precinct
11 Douglas
POLENSKI, Carl | Head | 49 | 1871 | NE | Germ | Germ | |
Luclla | Wife | 38 | 1882 | NE | Norway | IA | (Luella Olsen) |
SCALPH, Esther M. | Dau | 14 | 1906 | NE | MO | NE | |
SCALPH, Lloyd E. | Son | 10 | 1910 | NE | MO | NE | |
SCALPH, Gilbert E. | Son | 8 | 1912 | NE | MO | NE | (Oct 3 1911) SSN |
Luella Olson
Scalph is the ex-wife of Ira Andrew Scalph. She married Carl Polenske after Ira
Scalph died, and
they were found on the 1930 census of Antelope Co. Nebraska.
1930 Antelope
CO NE 29 & 30 April 1930 Elm Township
POLENSKE, Carl | Head | 58 | 1872 | NE | Germ | Germ |
Luella M. | Wife | 48 | 1882 | NE | Norway | IA |
Lloyd E. | Son | 19 | 1911 | NE | NE | NE |
Gilbert E. | Son | 18 | 1912 | NE | NE | NE |
Lloyd and Gilbert Scalph were using the surname of their stepfather or the enumerator failed to list their surname on this census.
1940 Antelope CO NE
11 March 1940
POLENSKE, Carl | Head | 70 | 1870 | NE |
Luella | Wife | 59 | 1881 | NE |
Lloyd | Step son | 30 | 1910 | NE |
Carl Charles Polenske,
born 20 July 1870
in Madison, Madison Co., Nebraska; died 29 November 1962 in Tilden, Madison Co.
Nebraska. He was the son of 2. Gotthelf C. Polenske and 3. Bertha
Marie Tarn (Terner). Bertha was born 26 July 1848 in Germany. He
married (1) Wilhelmine "Minnie" Weltz 20 February 1894 in Madison, Madison Co.,
NE. She was born 20 November 1870 in Madison Co. Nebraska, and died 08 June 1913
in Tilden, Madison Co. Nebraska. She was the daughter of Louis "Lewis" Weltz
and Wilhelmine Hegelman. He married (2) Luella Olsen Scalph 20
June 1914. She died 03 April 1970 in Tilden, Madison Co. NE. (Internet
message board- URL address lost).
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
Jesse Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jesse Ernest Scalph, son of Alfred and Emily Wright Scalph was born March 8,
1881 and died December 1965. His last address was not listed on the social
security death records but he applied for his card in MO in 1956 and 1958. His
wife is listed as Lillie M. on the 1930 census.
(Link to death certificate of Jessey E. Scalph)
Due to the supporting evidence, it is apparent that Jesse Ernest Scalph and Jack E. Scalph are the same person. They are about the same age, married to a Lilly, and Alfred Scalph is their father.
(Link to Jack E. Scalph and Miss Belle Carnelison marriage) Lillie, the daughter of John Matt Carnelison and Mary Taylor, is living with her family when the 1900 census was taken on June 12th and she married Jack E. Scalph on October 3, 1900. Lillie's full name is probably Lillie Belle Carnelison.
(Link to Lillie Scalph death certificate)
A draft registration card for WW1 was found for Jesse. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Jess Earney Scalph
Age: 41
Home Address: Joplin MO
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: March 8, 1878
Nearest relative: Lily Scalph
Employed: Produce business
Height: Tall
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Jasper CO MO 19 January 1920 Joplin
SCALPH, Jack E. | Head | 39 | 1881 | NB | KY | KY | Fruit dealer |
Lilly | Wife | 34 | 1886 | MO | MO | AR |
Jasper Co MO 16 April 1930 2nd Precinct
SCALPH, Jesse | Head | 51 | 1879 | NE | KY | VA | (March 8, 1881) |
Lillie M. | Wife | 43 | 1887 | MO | MO | IL |
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
Lee Roy Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Very little is known of Lee Roy Scalph, son of Alfred and Mary Wright Scalph. His first wife was Lorinda Wilkerson. Lee and Lorinda had at least four children before their divorce. Lee was born February 20, 1891.
(Link to Lee Scalph and Lorinda Wilkerson marriage)
Children of Lee Roy Scalph and Lorinda:
1) Ira Alfred Scalph born November 2, 1909 and died December 31, 1995. Married Gladys Ruby Wilson. Last residence was Comfort (Kendall Co) Texas. (SS Index).Divorce of Lee Roy Scalph and Lorinda (Corinda?) Scalph:
SCALPH, Corinda / SCALPH, Lee - 80343. Div 1. Final Decree 12 May 1921 Book 133 p 317. Default. Decree for Plaintiff. She is innocent and injured party. Plaintiff awarded care and custody of their minor children, Ira, Floyd, Vivian and Bernice Scalph. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
In her research, Doris Peterson states that Lee Roy died 1892. We believe Doris might have found another Lee Roy and confused the two. This does appear to be Lee on the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census records and Lorinda is in the home until 1920. Lee remarried to Dollie Jones. We have no marriage date for Lee and Dollie.
(Link to Lee Roy Scalph death certificate)
Lorinda then remarried to Will Hale and had two children, Edith and Carl by 1930. This family was living in Green County, Missouri.
1910 Webster Co MO 30 April 1910 West
Benton Township
SCALPH, Lee | Head | 21 | 1889 | NE | KY | KY |
Lorinda | Wife | 18 | 1892 | MO | MO | MO |
Ira | Son | 5/12 | 1909 | MO | NE | MO |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Lee Scalph
Age: 28
Home Address: Springfield, MO
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: March 16, 1889
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: June 9, 1917
1920 Green
Co MO 16 Jan 1920 Campbell Township Precinct 1
SCALPH, Lee | Head | 29 | 1891 | MO | KY | VA | |
Lorinda | Wife | 25 | 1895 | MO | MO | MO | |
Ira A. | Son | 10 | 1910 | MO | MO | MO | (2 Nov 1909) SS |
George F. | Son | 8 | 1912 | MO | MO | MO | (Aug 6, 1911) SS |
Vivian | Dau | 6 | 1914 | MO | MO | MO | |
Bernice | Dau | 4 | 1916 | MO | MO | MO |
1930 Green
Co MO 4 April 1930 Campbell Township
HALE, Will | Head | 38 | 1892 | AR | MO | MO |
Lorinda | Wife | 37 | 1893 | MO | MO | MO |
Edith | Dau | 16 | 1914 | AR | AR | MO |
Carl | Son | 13 | 1917 | MO | AR | MO |
SCALPH, Floyd | Step son | 18 | 1912 | MO | MO | MO |
SCALPH, Bernice | Step son | 14 | 1916 | MO | MO | MO |
Lee Roy and Dollie had no children at the enumeration of the 1930 census.
1930 Lawrence Co MO 26 April 1930 Forest Park
JONES, Nancy K. | Head | 60 | 1870 | MO | USA | MO | |
SCALPH, Lee | Son in law | 39 | 1891 | NE | NE | USA | |
Dollie | Dau | 39 | 1891 | MO | MO | MO | (12 July 1890) SS |
Son of
Lee Roy Scalph and Lorinda Wilkerson
Ira<Lee Roy Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ira Scalph, the son of Lee Roy Scalph and Lorinda Wilkerson,
was born November 2, 1909 in Webster, MO and died December 31, 1995 in
Kerrville, TX.
1940 Maricopa CO AZ 8 April 1940 Phoenix
SCALPH, Ira A. | Head | 30 | 1910 | MO |
Gladys | Wife | 30 | 1910 | MO |
NOTE: The following information was found for Ira Alfred Scalph, son of Lee Roy Scalph and Lorinda Wilkerson.
Family Data Collection – Deaths
Name: Ira
Alfred Scalph
Death Date: 31 Dec 1995
City: Kerrville
County: Kerr
State: TX
Country: USA
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Family Data Collection – Births
Name: Ira Alfred Scalph
Father: Lee Roy Scalph
Mother: Lorinda Wilkerson
Birth Date: 2 Nov 1909
City: Webster
State: MO
Country: USA
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Social Security Death Index
Name: Ira A. Scalph
SSN: 499-07-6683
Last Residence: 78013 Comfort, Kendall, Texas, United States of America
Born: 2 Nov 1909
Died: 31 Dec 1995
State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Family Data Collection - Marriages -
Ira Alfred Scalph
Name: Ira Alfred Scalph
Spouse: Gladys Ruby Wilson
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
Name: Ira Scalph
Death Date: 31 Dec 1995
Death County: Gillespie
Gender: Male
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
NOTE: The following information was found for George F. Scalph, son of Lee Roy Scalph and Lorinda Wilkerson:
Social Security Death Index:
Name: George Scalph
SSN: 527-07-9595
Born: 6 Aug 1911
Died: Jan 1960
State (Year) SSN issued: Arizona (Before 1951)
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
California Death Index, 1940-1997
Social Security #:
Birth Date: 6 Aug 1911
Birthplace: MISSOURI
Death Date: 21 Jan 1960
Death Place: LOS ANGELES
Mother's Maiden Name: WILKERSON
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Son of
George Floyd Scalph & Marguetite Wilson
Floyd G Scalph<George F Scalph<Lee Roy Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John
Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Floyd G. Scalph, the son of George Floyd Scalph and Marguerite Wilson was born January 16, 1932. He was living in Arizona at the time of his enlistment in the Army. He was seriously wounded in action by a missile in the Korean conflict but was able to survive the injury. Floyd married Joan Schwartz. Joan was born April 9, 1936 and died April 29, 1958 from cardiac arrest due to anesthetic. She was pregnant with a baby girl at the time who also died. The baby's death certificate says the baby was 7 pounds when born by cesarean, cause of death was "death of mother".
(Link to death certificate of Joan Scalph)
(Link to death certificate of Paula Scalph) (Certificate of Autopsy) - the daughter of Floyd George Scalph and Joan Schwartz
Floyd G. Scalph
Home State:
Casualty Date:
30 Nov 1950
Casualty Country: North Korea Sector
Casualty Type:
Died-Nonbattle (US) OR Separated from
Army (US) OR Current Wounded (US) OR Returned to Duty (US)
Separated from Army (US)
USA - RA (Reg Army)
Private First Class
Pay Grade:
Private First Class
Previous Detail:
Seriously wounded in action by
Disposed Date:
16 Dec 1950
Disposed Place:
In Div - 7th
Element Sequence:
Cv Div Cav Regt Inf
Separated (Other than disability)
Unit #:
Service Occupation:
Light Weapons Infantryman
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
Lewis S Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lewis Stanton Scalph, son of Alfred and Emily
was born March 12, 1885 and was living with the James Watts family in 1900 in
Webster County, Missouri. Lewis married Edith Mable Sterner on May 8, 1908. By
1910 Lewis and Edith are in Sioux County, Nebraska. This couple was living in
the home of her parents, William D. and Agnes Sterner on the 1920 Madison
County, Nebraska census. Lewis and Edith had three children at this time,
Margaret B., Doris J., and Loyd.
Lewis was found in 1930 as a patient at the Nebraska State Hospital for the
insane. It should be noted that not everyone who was a patient in a Sanitarium
was there for insanity. Sanitariums were also used for tuberculosis and other
Arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's and other diseases of this nature seem to be a common illness in the Scalf family and do not necessarily affect just the elderly. The homeless were also committed to asylums in earlier years.
We have no information concerning why Lewis was in the State Hospital at this time.
However, a Lewis Stanton Scalph is listed on the SS Index with a death date of July 16, 1965. His last address was Mitchell, Nebraska.
(Link to Lewis Scalph obituary)
1900 Webster Co MO 12 June 1900 West
Benton Township
WATTS, James | Head | 60 | 1840 | MO | TN | TN |
Matilda A. | Wife | 42 | 1858 | MO | TN | TN |
SCALPH, Lewis | Servant | 15 | 1885 | MO | KY | KY |
1910 Sioux Co
NE 18 April 1910 Roosevelt Precinct
SCALPH, Lewis | Head | 26 | 1884 | NE | UKN | UKN |
Edith M. | Wife | 30 | 1880 | PA | MD | PA |
Margaret B. | Dau | 2/12 | 1910 | PA | MD | PA |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Lewis Stanton Schalph
Age: 34
Home Address: Mitchell, Sioux CO, NE
(Link to original document)
Date of Birth: March 12, 1884
Occupation: Farming
Nearest relative: Mrs Lewis Schalph - wife, Mitchell, Sioux CO, NE
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Madison NE 8 January 1920 Union Precinct
STERNER, William D. | Head | 83 | 1837 | PA | USA | PA |
Agnes | Wife | 79 | 1841 | OH | USA | OH |
SCALPH, Lewis | Son in law | 36 | 1884 | NE | USA | USA |
Edith M. | Dau | 40 | 1880 | PA | PA | OH (3-19 1879) SS |
Margaret B. | G-dau | 9 | 1911 | NE | NE | PA |
Doris J. | G-dau | 3 | 1917 | NE | NE | PA |
Lloyd | G-son | 7/12 | 1919 | NE | NE | PA |
Madison NE 3 April 1930
Nebraska State Hospital
SCALPH, Lewis S. | INMA | 45 | 1885 | NE | KY | USA |
1940 Madison CO NE
8 April 1940
Norfolk State Hospital
SCALPH, Louis S. | Patient | 56 | 1884 | NE |
1940 Scotts Bluff CO NE
18-19 April 1940
SCALPH, Edith M. | Head | 61 | 1879 | PA widow |
Lloyd I. | Son | 20 | 1920 | NE |
BADGLEY, Doris | Dau | 23 | 1917 | NE |
Royalena | G-dau | 2 | 1938 | NE |
The Social Security Index lists an Edith Scalph born 19 March 1879 and died April 1976 in Manteca (San Joaquin) California. Her social security card was issued before 1951 in Nebraska. This does appear to be Edith Sterner Scalph; however, we cannot confirm this. Edith Scalph. If this is Edith Sterner Scalph she would have been 97 years of age at her death
Son of
Lewis Scalph & Edith Mable Sterner
Lloyd Scalph<Lewis Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lloyd I. Scalph son of Lewis Scalph and Edith Mable Sterner was born 1919 in
Nebraska. Lloyd appears to have been a career soldier. He enlisted in 1942 and
was in the Army in 1956. On November 25, 1956 we find Lloyd onboard Seaboard
and Western Airlines flight 962 that is flying from Frankfurt Germany to New
York City.
1940 Scotts Bluff CO NB 18-19 April 1940 Mitchell
SCALPH, Edith M. | Head | 61 | 1879 | PA Widow |
Lloyd I. | Son | 20 | 1920 | NE |
BADGLEY, Doris | Dau | 23 | 1917 | NE |
Royalena | G-dau | 2 | 1938 | NE |
U.S. World War
II Army Enlistment Records
Lloyd I. Scalph
Year: 1919
White, citizen
Nativity State or Country:
County or City:
Enlistment Date:
24 Feb 1941
Enlistment State: Wyoming
Enlistment City:
Branch: Cavalry
Branch Code: Cavalry
Grade: Private
National Guard (Officers, Warrant
Officers, and Enlisted Men)
Source: National
4 years of high school
Civil Occupation:
Automobile Serviceman
Marital Status: Separated,
without dependents
Weight: 148
Daughter of
Lewis Scalph & Edith Mable Sterner
Doris Scalph<Lewis Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
1940 Scotts Bluff CO NB 18-19 April 1940 Mitchell
SCALPH, Edith M. | Head | 61 | 1879 | PA Widow |
Lloyd I. | Son | 20 | 1920 | NE |
BADGLEY, Doris | Dau | 23 | 1917 | NE |
Royalena | G-dau | 2 | 1938 | NE |
Son of
Alfred Scalph and Mary Emily Wright
Harley Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Harley Scalph son of Alfred Scalph and Mary Emily Wright was born about 1887 and died March of 1887. (Courtesy of Doris Peterson).
No further information is known.
Daughter of
Alfred Scalph and Mary Emily Wright
Lillie May Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lillie May Scalph was born 1889 – died September 1889. (Courtesy of Doris Peterson)
No further information
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
Benedick E Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
(Link to photograph of Earl Scalph)
Benedick Earl Scalph son of Alfred Scalph and Mary Emily Wright was born
February 20, 1892 in Rogersville, Missouri. Earl died December 20, 1916 at
Joplin (Jasper Co) Missouri of pulmonary tuberculosis. His occupation on his
death certificate was huckster
a term used at that time for peddler.
parents were listed as Alfred Scalf and Mary Wright on the death certificate.
Alfred is listed as born in Louisville, Kentucky and Mary born in Virginia. Earl
is buried at Rogersville, Missouri. (Death Certificate – Courtesy of Virgil
Scalf) (Link
to DC of Benedick Earl Scalph)
Earl married Agnes Wilkerson and they had one known child, Jack K. Scalph. Agnes Wilkerson Scalph was found living at the Sanitarium in Lawrence County, Missouri. ;Agnes had pulmonary tuberculosis and this is probably why she was living at the Sanitarium in Lawrence County, Missouri.
Agnes Wilkerson Scalph was the daughter of G. W. Wilkerson and Maggie Gates. Agnes was born April 1898 and died October 1, 1921 at the age of 24 years and four months at Springfield, Missouri. She is buried at White Oak Cemetery, Webster County, Missouri. Agnes was listed as a widow at the time of her death confirming that Earl had died before 1921. (Death Certificate – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
(Link to Death certificate of Agnes Wilkerson Scalph)
1920 Lawrence
Co MO 14 February 1920 North Mount Vernon Township
- Missouri State Sanitarium
SCALPH, Agnes | Patient | 23 | 1897 | MO | MO | MO | Widow |
Benedick Earl Scalph
– death certificate (Link
to original document)
Missouri Bureau
of Vital Statistics - #41402
County: Jasper
Town: Joplin
Name: Earl
Scalph - married
Date of birth:
February 20, 1892
Date of death:
December 20, 1916 at 9:40 AM
Cause of death:
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Huckster (peddler)
Rogersville, Missouri
Name of father:
Alfred Scalph
Birthplace of
father: Louisville, Kentucky
Name of mother:
Mary Wright
Birthplace of
mother: Virginia
Informant: Jack
Joplin, Missouri
Place of
burial: Rogersville, Missouri
Son of
Earl Scalph & Agnes Wilkerson
Jack<Benedick E Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jack K. Scalph, the only child of Earl and Agnes Wilkerson Scalph, was born January 8, 1914 and died August 24, 1996 in Phoenix (Maricopa Co) Arizona. (SS Index)
1940 Greene CO MO 18 April 1940 Springfield
SCALPH, Jack K. | Head | 27 | 1913 | MO |
Josephine L. | Wife | 30 | 1910 | MO |
Ronald K. | Son | 11/12 | 1939 | MO |
HUTCHENSON, Lillian B. | Maid | 24 | 1916 |
Son of
Alfred Scalph & Mary E. Wright
Claud Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Claud Scalph son of Alfred Scalph and Mary E.
Wright was born May 14, 1895. (Doris Peterson) Claud was born May 10,
1895 and died August 1975 according the Social Security Indexes.
What is known of Claude and his family was found on the 1930 census of Joplin,
Missouri. ; His wife is listed as Dora on this census but in the records of
Doris Peterson, Claude was married to Lena, last name unknown.
Since we have no later censuses on Claude, Lena might have been a second wife. It appears that Dora would have been his first wife due to ages, etc. Claude and Dora were operating a boarding house in 1920 with nine borders. Dora was listed as Dorothy on the 1920 census.
Madison Co NE 24 May 1910 Schoolcraft
SCALPH, Ira | Head | 25 | 1885 | MO | TN | KY | |
Lucela M. | Wife | 27 | 1883 | NE | Norway | IA | (Luella Olsen) |
Lloyd E. | Son | 3/12 | 1909 | NE | MO | NE | |
Claude A. | Brother | 15 | 1895 | MO | TN | KY | (May 10, 1895) |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Claude Scalph
Age: 22
Home Address: 2301 Byers, Joplin MO
(Link to
original document)
Date of Birth: May 10, 1895
Born: Rogersville, MO
Disability: Deformed foot
Employed: Huckster (Peddler)
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Light Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Scotts
Bluff Co NE 10 January 1920 Fanning Precinct
SCALPH, Coud E. | Head | 24 | 1896 | MO | KY | KY | (Claude) |
(Grable) Dorothy M. | Wife | 25 | 1895 | VA | VA | VA | Married December 19,1919 |
Jasper County MO 11 April 1930 Galena Township
SCALPH, Claud E. | Head | 34 | 1896 | MO | USA | USA | |
Dora | Wife | 34 | 1896 | OK | TX | MO | (Aug 27 1894) SS |
Lillie M. | Dau | 9 | 1921 | CO | MO | VA | |
Martha J. | Dau | 7 | 1923 | CO | MO | VA | |
John F. | Son | 6 | 1924 | CO | MO | VA | (5 Dec 1923) SS |
Imogene | Dau | 4 | 1926 | MO | MO | VA |
1940 Jasper CO MO
19 April 1940
SCALPH, Claude | Head | 45 | 1895 | NE |
Dora M. ; | Wife | 44 | 1896 | NE |
Martha | Dau | 18 | 1922 | CO |
John F. | Son | 16 | 1924 | CO |
Imogene | Dau | 14 | 1926 | MO |
Son of
Claud Scalph & Dorothy Mae Grable
John F Scalph<Claud Scalph<Alfred Scalph<Ira Scalf<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Floyd Scalph, son of Claud Scalph and Dorothy Mae Grable was born December 5, 1923 and died March 11, 2000. he was a veteran of WWII. John is buried at San Fernando Mission Cemetery in California. We have no further information on John Floyd Scalph.
Name: John Floyd
Birth Date: 5 Dec 1923
Death Date: 11 Mar 2000
Cemetery: San Fernando Mission Cemetery
Cemetery Address: 11160 Stranwood Avenue Mission Hills, CA 91345
(Link to photograph
of John and Vern Scalph) Vern is standing behind his older brother, John. (Photograph - Courtesy
of Anthony Pesce)
Vern/Verne Scalph, son of Alfred Scalph and Mary Emily
Wright was born October 19, 1896 in Missouri and died May 23, 1928 at 9 p.m. in
Joplin (Jasper Co) Missouri at the age of 31 years, 7 months and 4 days.
Vern was 24 when he married Nena Smith, age 14, on March 12 1920, (Missouri
Marriage Records, Jefferson City MO, USA). Nena Smith
was the daughter of Lee Smith.
(Link to marriage license)
Vern's occupation was
listed as Huckster" on his death certificate.
Vern died of suicide from carbolic acid poisoning. J. E. Scalph was
the informant. Interment was at Forest Park Cemetery in Joplin, Missouri. (Death
Certificate #17492 – Missouri Vital Statistics, courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
(Link to obituary of Verne Scalph) This obituary was found in the Joplin Globe dated May 27, 1928.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Vern Scalph
Age: 21
(Link to original
Home Address: Rogersville,
Date of Birth: October 25,
Nearest relative: Claude Scalph, brother
Color of eyes: Light Blue
Color of Hair: Dark brown
Disability: No
Date: May 29,
Vern Scalph
– death certificate
Missouri Bureau
of Vital Statistics: #17492
County: Jasper
Town: Joplin
(Link to original document)
(Link to supplementary document)
Wife: Lena - married
Date of birth:
October 19, 1896
Date of death:
May 23, 1928 at 9 PM
Cause of death:
Suicide from carbolic acid poisoning (see supplementary document)
Huckster (peddler)
Name of father:
Alfred Scalf
Birthplace of
father: Kentucky
Name of mother:
Mary Wright
Birthplace of
mother: Virginia
Informant: J.E.
Joplin, Missouri
Place of
burial: Forest Park - Missouri
Daughter of
Ira Scalf and Rosanna Gibson
Rosanna<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
According to Scalf Family History and a marriage license from Doris Peterson, Rosanna (Rosa Ann) married William Weaver in Madison County, Kentucky on August 27, 1866. ; (Marriage License) (Courtesy of Doris Peterson) David Scalf was a witness to this marriage.
The name on the marriage license of William Weaver could be RODA or ROSA considering the handwriting. It cannot be determined at this time whether Rosa Scalf married first to William Weaver in Kentucky or if this was actually intended to be RODA Scalf who married William Weaver. If Rosa married William Weaver first, we believe he might have died for she then married Andrew Jackson Wright June 4, 1867. If and when this can be determined this chapter will be updated.
Andrew and Rosa were not found on the 1870 census of Kentucky or Missouri but were found in 1880 living in Andrew County, Missouri. Andrew and Rosa were not found after this census.
Doris Peterson, DAR Registrar in Topeka, Kansas and the great-granddaughter of Rosa states that Rosa died September 21, 1881 in Rosendale (Andrew Co.) Missouri. Mrs. Peterson lists Rosa's date of birth as December 16, 1848. She also states that Andrew Jackson Wright was born June 26, 1845 in Madison County, Kentucky and died January 10, 1940. ; Andrew and Rosa were married June 4, 1867 but no county or state is listed. It appears they were married in Madison County, Kentucky for their fist child, Martha, was born in Kentucky. The first child born in Missouri was William in 1870.
Four children of Andrew and Rosa were found on the 1880 census of Andrew County.
1880 Andrew CO MO 14th & 15th June 1880
WRIGHT, Andrew | Head | 35 | 1845 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosa | Wife | 30 | 1850 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha | Dau | 13 | 1867 | KY | KY | KY |
William | Son | 10 | 1870 | MO | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 8 | 1872 | MO | KY | KY |
Elizabeth | Dau | 5 | 1875 | MO | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Andrew Wright and Rosanna Scalf
Martha B Wright<Rosanna Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martha Belle Wright, daughter of Andrew Jackson Wright and Rosa Ann Scalf was
born February 24, 1868 in Kentucky and died October 21, 1947 in Osage County,
Kansas. ; Martha married John H. Boyce March 14, 1884. John was born July 17,
1860 and died October 2, 1947 in Osage County, Kansas. (Doris Peterson)
Martha and John were found on the 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 census of Osage County, Kansas. Three of the children from the 1900 census do not appear in 1910 and may have married at this time. Martha states she had seven children with six living in 1900.
On the 1920 census, there is a John L. Boyce living next door to John and Martha. John is 26 years old and has a brother in the home. John L. is most likely John Leslie and his brother could be Henry from the 1910 census. The name is hard to determine on this census but it could possibly be Henry. These boys were born in Nebraska and their father in Illinois. Their mother was born in Kentucky. It is the opinion of the author that these two boys were sons of John and Martha.
1900 Thayer County, NE 13 June 1900 Spring
Creek Precinct
BOYCE, John | Head | 39 | Jul 1860 | IL | ENG | ENG | Married 16 years |
Martha | Wife | 31 | Feb 1861 | KY | KY | KY | 7 children born, 6 living |
Bertha | Dau | 15 | Jan 1885 | MO | IL | KY | |
Sadie | Dau | 14 | Sep 1886 | MO | IL | KY | |
Mabel | Dau | 10 | Dec 1890 | NE | IL | KY | |
Ollie | Son | 8 | ??? 1892 | NE | IL | KY | |
Leslie | Son | 7 | ??? 1893 | NE | IL | KY | |
Victoria | Dau | 4 | ??? 1896 | NE | IL | KY |
1910 Osage County, KS ?? April 1910 Bosely Township
BOYCE, John | Head | 48 | 1862 | IL | ENG | ENG | Married 1 time for 26 years |
Martha | Wife | 46 | 1864 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time 8 children born, 7 living |
Mabel | Dau | 20 | 1890 | NE | IL | KY | |
Leslie | Son | 16 | 1894 | NE | IL | KY | |
Victoria | Dau | 14 | 1896 | NE | IL | KY | |
Henry | Son | 9 | 1901 | NE | IL | KY |
1920 Osage County, KS
BOYCE, John H. | Head | 59 | 1861 | IL | ENG | ENG |
Martha B. | Wife | 51 | 1869 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Osage County, KS ?? April 1910 Bosely Township
BOYCE, John L. | 26 | 1894 | Head | NE | IL | KY |
Henry? | 18 | 1902 | Brother | NE | IL | KY |
1930 Osage County, KS 2 April 1930 Barclay
BOYCE, John | Head | 69 | 1861 | IL | ENG | ENG | Married @ 23 |
Martha | Wife | 61 | 1869 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 16 |
Son of
John H. Boyce & Martha Wright
Leslie J. Boyce<Martha B Wright<Rosanna Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Leslie John Boyce son of John H. Boyce and Martha Wright was born about 1894 (Census estimation) in Kentucky. Leslie married Sarah H. O'Malley. Her mother was living in the home with Leslie and Sarah in 1930 Osage County, Kansas.
We have no further information on this family.
1920 Osage CO
KS 8
January 1920 Barclay Township
BOYCE, John L. | Head | 26 | 1894 | NE | IL | KY |
Arva? (Henry) | Brother | 18 | 1902 | NE | IL | KY |
1930 Osage CO
KS 12 March 1930 Barclay Township
BOYCE, Leslie J. | Head | 36 | 1894 | NE | ENG | KY |
Sarah H. | Wife | 33 | 1897 | KS | IRE | IRE |
O'MALLEY, John | Nephew | 7 | 1923 | OK | USA | KS |
O'MALLY, Mary | Mother in law | 66 | 1864 | IL | IRE | IRE Widow |
Daughter of
John Boyce and Martha Belle Wright
Victoria Boyce<Martha B Wright<Rosanna Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Victoria Myrtle Boyce,
daughter of John Boyce and Martha Belle Wright and granddaughter of Rosanna
(Rosa Ann) Scalf and Andrew Jackson Wright. Victoria was born September 28,
1895 in Hebron, Nebraska and died November 19, 1966 in Topeka, Kansas. ;(Courtesy
of Doris Peterson)
Victoria married Ermal L. Mellenbruch born November 6, 1891 in Brown County,
Kansas and died June 1959 in Topeka, Kansas. Ermal and Victoria were
married September 28, 1915. Ermal and Victoria were the parents of Mrs.
Doris Peterson.
1920 Shawnee County KS 10th -11th February
1920 Tecumseh Township
MELLENBRUCH, Ermal | Head | 28 | 1892 | KS | IN | WV |
Victoria | Wife | 25 | 1895 | NE | IL | MO |
Lenora | Dau | 3 1/12 | 1917 | KS | KS | NE |
Doris | Dau | 11/12 | 1919 | KS | KS | NE |
1930 Shawnee County KS 3 May 1930 Dover Township
MELLENBRUCH, Ermal | Head | 38 | 1892 | KS | IN | WV |
Victoria M. | Wife | 34 | 1896 | NE | IL | MO |
Lenora M. ; | Dau | 13 | 1917 | KS | KS | NE |
Doris W. | Dau | 11 | 1919 | KS | KS | NE |
Virginia A. | Dau | 8 | 1922 | KS | KS | NE |
Carolyn B. | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KS | KS | NE |
Doris W. Mellenbruch, daughter of Ermal Mellenbruch and Victoria Boyce was born
January 27, 1919 near Lecompton, Kansas and married Everett G. Peterson on
September 28, 1940. Everett was born September 25, 1910 in Jamestown, Kansas
and died January 1, 1945 in Topeka, Kansas.
Doris lost her husband to a malignant brain tumor just five years after their marriage. Their son, Kenny, was three years old when his father died. Doris taught school and is/was a DAR Registrar in Topeka, Kansas. Doris raised her son, Kenny, who graduated from Kansas University in 1963 with distinction, Phi Beta Kappa and a member of the Varsity Tennis Team along with other honors. Doris did not remarry but cared for her elderly mother until her mother passed away in 1966.
Doris was living in Topeka, Kansas at our last correspondence in 2001. Doris would be now be 87 or 88 years old if still living (2007). The author has not heard from Doris since 2001 and it is possible that she may no longer be with us.
Second wife of
Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
For more extensive information on these families, please see Scalf Family
History, by Elmer D. Scalf, Chapter VI, pg. 129 – 154.
Ira Scalf, son of John Scalf Sr. and Edeah (Edy) Carlisle Scalf married second to Nancy Killion McVey, January 29, 1854. Nancy was the daughter of William Killion and Amanda Cole and the widow of James McVey.
Nancy was found living with her father and her children in 1850 Claiborne County, Tennessee. Her husband had been killed in a barroom brawl. Amanda Killion/Kilun was also in the home.
Children of James McVey and Nancy Killion from Scalf Family History:
1) Mary McVey born 1838 married George M. Qualls (1854)WattMcVey born 1843 married Rhoda Scalf, daughter of Peter and Charlotte
LottieJackson Hubbard Scalf March 2, 1865 in Knox County, KY. (General Index to Marriages Knox
Nancy Killion McVey Scalf was living in the home of her father William Killion (spelled Kullum on this census) in 1850 Claiborne County, Tennessee. Nancy was a widow at this time.
1850 Claiborne
CO TN 12 October 1850
Subdivision #7
KILLUM, William | M | 82 | 1768 | NC |
MCVEY/MCVAY, Nancy | F | 32 | 1818 | TN |
Mary | F | 12 | 1838 | TN |
Daniel | M | 11 | 1839 | TN |
Eliza J. | F | 9 | 1841 | TN |
Joshua | M | 7 | 1843 | TN |
John | M | 4 | 1846 | TN |
Elizabeth A. | F | 2 | 1848 | TN |
KILLUM, Amanda | F | 16 | 1834 | TN |
Ira and Nancy were not found on the 1860 census records and we are unable to confirm all of the names of their children at this time other than what is listed in Scalf Family History.
Nancy appears on the 1872 tax list in Kentucky indicating that Ira had died by 1872. She was then found as head of house in 1880 on the census records. The following children of Ira and Nancy were taken from Scalf Family History written by Elmer D. Scalf.
Son of
Ira Scalf/Nancy Killion McVey
"Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Andrew (Bud Andy) Scalf was born about 1855 in Kentucky according to census records, which correlates closely to the marriage of his parents, Ira Scalf and Nancy (Killion) McVey Scalf. However, his death certificate states 1844. We know this cannot be correct for Ira was married to Rosanna Gibson at that time. His death certificate states he was 72 years old when he died; however, Bud Andy would have been around 61 years old at his death.
Andrew was known as Bud Andy.
He is found on
census records listed only as Andrew. It would have helped tremendously had he
been listed with his nickname on the census records since there certainly seemed
to be no shortage of the name (Andrew) in the Scalf family. However, we have
compiled these records to the best of our ability and hope we have separated the
various men named Andrew correctly into their respective family lines.
Bud Andy was the oldest child of Ira Scalf and Nancy Killion McVey Scalf. His
first wife, Emily Scalf, was the daughter of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard.
Peter and Ira Scalf were brothers.
Following the prior writings of Henry and Elmer Scalf, there appears to be a few conflicts in the statements concerning Andrew and his four marriages. The 1880 Laurel County, Kentucky census does show Andrew and his wife Emily with their family. From prior writings, it is stated that Emily Scalf married first to Jason Hubbard in Knox County, Kentucky March 16, 1871; however, if correct, this would have been a short marriage for she then married her cousin Andrew Scalf (aka Bud Andy) August 26, 1872. (Scalf Family History, page 144)
By the enumeration of the 1900 census Andrew has no wife, but Elmer Scalf reports that Andrew married second to Eliza Broughton in Knox County on May 26, 1898. Eliza was the daughter of Martin Broughton and Peggy Smith. Eliza had also been married prior to this marriage. Eliza died before the 1900 census was enumerated and Andrew is listed with three children in the home in 1900. There does not appear to be any children from this marriage according to the census records.
It is also stated in Scalf Family History that Andrew was living in Laurel County in 1900 with two of his children; however, the 1900 census record of Laurel County shows there were three children in the home.
Since Andrew remarried in 1898 and his third child on the 1900 census was born about 1887, these children would most likely have been the children of Emily and Andrew, which causes some confusion concerning the statement that Andrew and Emily divorced and Emily remarried to Stephen Morgan in 1886. If Andrew did not remarry for the second time until 1898 and his children were born up to 1887, this would cause some speculation as to whether this Emily was the one who married Stephen Morgan in 1886 unless dates are incorrect.
Elmer states that on the marriage application of Andrew Scalf and Christine Jones that Andrew was divorced from one wife and two others had died. This is a total of four marriages for Andrew. If the ages are correct or near correct for the children on these census records, it would seem strange for Emily to marry in 1886 to Stephen Morgan when a child allegedly belonging to Emily and Andrew was born in 1887. However, as we have so commonly found in family research, the census records are not always accurate.
Elmer reports that Andrew returned from Laurel to Knox County and married Margaret Hinkle Baker on January 12, 1906. Margaret was the daughter of Bob Hinkle and her marriage to Andrew was a second marriage for her. Margaret is reported to have died not long after her marriage to Andrew and Andrew remarried once again to Christine Jones according to Scalf Family History, in Knox County, Kentucky on March 17, 1911. Elmer Scalf believed Christine's maiden name to have been Spurlock.
However, a descendant of this line submitted information to the Scalf Family website to correct the prior writings concerning this marriage.
Andrew Bud Andy
Scalf married Christine
Hensley in Knox County. Christine was the daughter of Thomas Hensley and
Elizabeth Radford. Christine Hensley had been married to Robert Jones prior to
her marriage to Bud Andy Scalf. Hence, the name Christine Jones was found on
the marriage record. Christine Hensley's father had died when her mother was
pregnant with her.
Elizabeth Radford Hensley, mother of Christine, then married Elkanah Spurlock after the death of Thomas Hensley. Elkanah signed the bond for the marriage of Robert Jones and Christine Hensley; therefore, causing Elmer Scalf to assume that Elkanah was the father of Christine (Hensley) Jones Scalf. Robert Jones and Christine Hensley had six children:
1) Patton Jones.Robert Jones died before 1910 and Christine then
remarried to Andrew Bud Andy
Scalf. Betsy Jones, a daughter of Robert Jones
and Christine Hensley Jones Scalf also married Daniel Scalf son of Bud Andy
Scalf and Emily.
The following insert is from William Swanson a descendant of this line. This information confirms what the author was told by another descendant of this line several years ago. This descendant also stated that Bud Andy married Christine Hensley Jones.
CHAPTER 6 - p. 144 lists 4th wife of Andrew
"Bud Andy" Scalf as Christine Jones. She was Christina Hensley.
Christina was d/o Thomas Hensley and Elizabeth Radford. Elizabeth Radford married 2nd Elkanah Spurlock (Thomas died in 1864-Mollie Scalf (d/o Daniel Scalf & Betsy Jones) said that Elizabeth was pregnant with Christina when Thomas died in 1864. He was on leave from the 7th Ky. Union) Christina Hensley (b. abt. 1865 Clay Co., KY) married Robert Jones (bond lists her as a Hensley and Elkanah Spurlock signed it). Robert & Christina had 6 children Patton Jones (my g gf), Betsy Jones (married Daniel SCALF), William Jones, James Jones, Sarah Jones & Henry Jones. Robert Jones died by 1910.
Patton Jones married 3 times. 1st married 1908 Harlan Co., Ky ROSA SCALF d/o Andrew Scalf; Patton was listed as a widow when he married his 2nd wife. No known children of Patton & Rosa. 2nd Molly Early 3rd Leota Spurlock (d/o Levi Spurlock & Feby McFadden; Levi was s/o Elkanah Spurlock & Elizabeth Radford) (Courtesy of William Swanson).
Bud Andy Scalf appears on the 1910 census living in the home of his son, Daniel and wife Betsy Jones Scalf. Betsy was the daughter of Robert Jones and Christina Hensley Jones Scalf. Margaret Baker and Bud Andy married in 1906 and he was remarried by 1911. Margaret Baker Scalf died before the 1910 census was enumerated and Bud Andy married again after this enumeration; so neither of these wives were enumerated with Andrew. We have no information to confirm which of these wives died and which ones were divorced other than the information written by Elmer Scalf and what the census records reflect.
By 1920 Andrew was not found and Christina
Hensley Jones Scalf appears with her son Patton Jones in the home indicating
that this is the same Christina Hensley Jones who married Andrew Bud Andy
Scalf. Her son Patton was born 1884 and her other children were born beginning
in 1896 with the last one born 1903. Christina and Andrew married March 17,
1911 in Knox County, Kentucky.
Scalf Family History, page 145
reports that Patton Jones married Rosie Scalf, daughter of William Sweet
Scalf and Emily Scalf Hubbard. The marriage of Patton Jones and Rosie
Scalf took place in 1908 in Harlan County, Kentucky and William Swanson also
confirmed this information.
William also reported that Patton was listed as widowed when he married the second time. According to Scalf Family History, Rosie Scalf Jones married first to John Jackson. It appears there were no children from either of Rosie's marriages. No other information has been found on these families.
Patton Jones married the second time to Molly Early and third to Leota Spurlock daughter of Levi Spurlock and Feby McFadden. Levi Spurlock was the son of Elkanah Spurlock and Elizabeth Radford. Elkanah Spurlock was the stepfather of Christine Hensley Jones Scalf, fourth wife of Bud Andy Scalf.
Andrew Bud Andy
Scalf was not found after the
1910 census and it is assumed that he died 1910-1920; however, descendents may
have more accurate information concerning his death.
In 1880, Andrew Bud Andy
and Emily are shown
with four children in the home and a niece, Emaline (appears to be Quanlis but
is likely Qualls or Quarrels).
Children of Bud Andy Scalf and Emily Scalf from the 1880 census:
1) Charlotte born about 1873.Children of Bud Andy Scalf and Emily Scalf, page 144 Scalf Family History:
1) William.Elmer Scalf states that the children were all born between 1872 and 1886. We have no 1890 census so we assume the last three children were born after 1880 and had left home or died by the enumeration of the 1900 census.
1880 Laurel County KY 24 June 1880 Districts 4 & 5
SCALF, Andrew | Head | 25 | 1855 | KY | KY | KY | Married 8/26/1872 |
Emily | Wife | 25 | 1855 | TN | TN | TN | |
Charlotte | Dau | 7 | 1873 | KY | KY | TN | |
James | Son | 5 | 1875 | KY | KY | TN | |
William | Son | 4 | 1876 | KY | KY | TN | |
Abba | Dau | 2 | 1878 | KY | KY | TN | |
QUANLIS, Emaline | Niece | 22 | 1858 | KY | KY | KY | This name is probably Qualls. |
Note: Quanlis could have been Quarels or
Another daughter was born to Bud Andy and Emily in 1880 probably after the
enumeration of the census. This was Elmira Scalf. Elmira died young but
married Madison/Matison Hubbard before her death and it is suspected that
she may have died in childbirth to their daughter, Daly.
In 1900 Andrew as living in Laurel County, Kentucky. Emily was not listed on this census indicating that Emily had died or they had divorced. Charlotte (Lottie), Daniel and Rosey were still at home.
1900 Laurel
County KY 19 June 1900 McHargue Precinct 5
SCALF, Andrew | Head | 43 | 1857 | KY | KY | KY |
Lotie | Dau | 21 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Daniel | Son | 15 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosey A. | Dau | 13 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
Andrew was then found living with his son Daniel in 1910 in Laurel County, Kentucky
1910 Laurel
County KY 25 April 1910 McHargue Voting
SCALF, Daniel | Head | 21 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time |
Betsy | Wife | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time |
Andrew | Father | 60 | 1850 | KY | KY | KY | Widower |
Andrew Bud
was born 1844 according to his death certificate and died January 22,
1916 at the age of 72. He was born in Knox County, Kentucky to Aree
(mother unknown). No physician was in attendance at the death of Andrew and
there is no cause of death listed. Andrew Bud Andy
Scalf is buried at the
Owens Cemetery in Knox County, Kentucky. W. M. Scalf was the informant for
the death certificate. We believe this was his son William Sweet William
Scalf. (Death Certificate – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to death certificate)
Son of
Andrew Scalf & Emiline Scalf
James<Emiline<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James<Andrew<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Samuel Scalf, son of Andrew and Emily Scalf, was born April 25, 1874 in Laurel County, KY, according to his WWI Registration Card and died at 7:00 P.M. Sunday, October 3, 1965 at Beverly Hills Sanatorium (Tuberculosis Hospital) in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee. ;We believe James married first to Sarah Knuckles Northern on December 31, 1895. Sarah appears to have married H. E. Northern first and James Scalf second. James and Sarah had Jessie, Mary, and Martha in 1900 and were living at Rockcastle County, Kentucky. James Scalf's second wife was Sallie Guinn Young Branaman, the daughter of John and Margaret Guinn. ;Later, James married (3) Margaret Radford - born about 1897, (4) Flossie Cupp and (5) Nervesta (Vesta) Cress. Vesta was born February 1, 1895 and died December 25, 1989 in Leon County, Florida.
The story of James Samuel Scalf is very complicated and, at times, hard to follow. He was a traveling salesman, married at least five times, and was the father of several children. Over the years and for several reasons, he was never available when the census was recorded until 1940.
Kentucky Marriages
Name |
Spouse |
Marriage date |
County |
State |
H. E. Northern |
Sarah Knuckles |
17 April 1889 |
Rockcastle |
KY |
James Scalf |
Sarah Northern |
31 Dec 1895 |
Rockcastle |
KY |
Links to James Scalf and Sarah Northern marriage documents - (Part 1 & Part 2)
By 1910, James is married to Sallie who appears to have been Sallie Guinn Young Branaman. Sallie had been married previously to a Young and again to a Branaman. Two stepdaughters; Pearl and Hattie Young were in the home of James and Sallie.
In 1910, Sarah Knuckles Scalf was married to Clint Northern. She was found with four Scalf children in the home, the first three being the same children listed in the home of James and Sarah in 1900. The last child, Isabell, was apparently born around the time of their divorce. Phillip and Ira Northern were sons of Clint Northern born 1905-1909. We have not determined the relationship of Clint to the first husband of Sarah. ;
WWI Registration Card
Name: James
Samuel Scalf
(Link to document)
Age: 44
Home Address: Hamilton, OH
Date of Birth: April 25, 1874
Employed: manager, Singer Sewing Machine Company
Relative: Maggie Scalf
Address: Hamilton, OH
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Unknown
Color of Hair: Black
Date: September 13, 1918
In 1920, Sallie Scalf was found as head of house and is listed as married. At this time, James Scalf and Sallie Scalf may be separated.
In 1930, Sallie Scalf was found as head of house and is listed as a widow.
In the early 1960s, James S. Scalf is living in the Norris Hotel which is located in Knoxville, Tennessee and the hotel was his last known address before he went into the Beverly Hills Sanatorium (Tuberculosis Hospital) in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee. Lexie L. Moore, the husband of Virginia Lee Scalf and the son-in-law of James Scalf, was a manager of the Norris Hotel and also operated the Southern Barber Shop within the hotel. Virginia Moore, the daughter of James Samuel Scalf, was the informant on his death certificate.
(Link to James Samuel Scalf death certificate) (Courtesy Pamela Morse)
(Link to James S. Scalf Obituary) (Courtesy Knox County Public Library, Knoxville, TN)
Since the obituary of James Samuel Scalf was so critical to finding the descendents of Emaline Scalf, the mother of James S. Scalf, it has been transcribed below.
SCALF, James S. - died 7 P. M. Sunday (October 3, 1965) at Beverly Hills Sanatorium. Residence, Norris Hotel. He attended the Baptist Church and was a retired sewing machine mechanic. Survivors: wife, Mrs. Vesta Cress Scalf, Knoxville; step-daughter, Mrs. Nora Larson, Quincy, Fla; daughters, Mrs. L. L. (Virginia) Moore, Knoxville; Mrs. Howard Phillips, Harrison, Ind; Mrs. Viola Smith, Mrs. Schubert Wylie, Newport, Mrs. Melva Sutton, Knoxville, Miss Roberta Scalf, Muskegon, Mich., Mrs. Emily Skep, Wyandotte, Mich., Mrs. Goldie Norris, New Market, Ala., sons, Luther Scalf, Wyandotte, Mich. and Cecil Scalf, Cincinnati, Ohio; half-brother, John Morgan, Lynchburg; half-sister, Mrs. Maggie Hamilton, Winchester, KY.; 40 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Funeral 2 P. M. at Stevens Chapel, Rev. W. T. Tom Flanagan officiating. Interment, Woodlawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 P. M. Tuesday. Stevens Mortuary, Stevens in charge.
Children of James Scalf and Sarah Knuckles Northern:
1) Jessie F. Scalf - born June 1896 and
died on June 10, 1918 in Bell County Kentucky.
2) Mary Elizabeth Scalf - born March 1898. ;Mary married a Helton.
3) Martha Ella Scalf - born January 1900. Martha married Charlie
William on March 2, 1916 in Claiborne County, TN.
4) Isabelle Scalf - born about 1901 in KY.
Children of Sallie Young Branaman and stepchildren of James Scalf:
1) Minnie Young - born May 1891 -
stepdaughter per 1900/1910 Census (moved away from home by 1910)
2) Willie Young - born December 1893 - stepson per 1900/1910 Census
(moved away from home by 1910)
3) Pearl Young - born February 1895 - stepdaughter per 1910 Census
4) Hattie Young - born September 1896 - stepdaughter per 1910 Census
5) Robert Branaman - born about 1903 - stepson per 1910 Census
Children of James Scalf and Maggie Radford:
1) Virginia Lee Scalf - born May 22,
1915 in Scott County, Kentucky per Kentucky birth records. Virginia married
Lexie L. Moore per James Scalf's obituary.
2) William Cecil Scalf - born February 21, 1917 in Laurel County,
Kentucky per Kentucky birth records
3) Margaret Scalf - born May 10, 1919 in Bell County, Kentucky per
Kentucky birth records. Margaret married Howard Phillips per James Scalf's
4) Viola M. Scalf - born January 9, 1921 in Madison County, Kentucky
per Kentucky birth records. Viola married a Smith per James Scalf's
Children of James Scalf and Flossie Cupp:
1) Melvina Scalf - born June 21, 1926.
Melvina married a Sutton per James Scalf's obituary.
2) Roberta Scalf
3) Lorraine Scalf - born 1939 - Married James
Hubert Wylie.
a. James and Lorene's son, Donnie Wylie, was born premature on
November 11, 1953 and died November 12, 1953.
to death certificate)
b. James and Lorene's daughter, Victoria Diane Wylie, was born July
11, 1956 and died October 6, 1957.
(Link to death certificate)
4) Emily Scalf - Emily married a Skop per James Scalf's obituary.
5) James Luther Scalf - born July 9, 1936 per James Scalf's obituary.
James was born in Arthur, Tennessee.
6) Goldie Faye Scalf - born November 24, 1944 in Bell County, Kentucky
per Kentucky birth records. Goldie married a Norris per James Scalf's
Child of Nevesta (Vesta) Cress and step child of James Scalf:
1) Nora Cress Larson
1880 Laurel County KY 24 June 1880 Districts 4 & 5
SCALF, Andrew | Head | 25 | 1855 | KY | KY | KY | Married 8/26/1872 |
(Scalf) Emily | Wife | 25 | 1855 | TN | TN | TN | |
Charlotte | Dau | 7 | 1873 | KY | KY | TN | |
James | Son | 5 | 1875 | KY | KY | TN | |
William | Son | 4 | 1876 | KY | KY | TN | |
Abba | Dau | 2 | 1878 | KY | KY | TN | |
QUANLIS, Emaline | Niece | 22 | 1858 | KY | KY | KY | This name is probably Qualls. |
Note: QUALLS is a common family name of the Claiborne County, Tennessee area and is often pronounced as QUARRELS in that area. The author believes QUANLIS could be a misspelling of the name. However, due to the writing of the enumerator, this could be another name.
In the 1900 census below, Margaret is eleven years old and is the daughter of Stephen Morgan and Emily Scalf.
1900 Clay CO KY 2 June 1900 Otter Creek
MORGAN, Stephen | Head | 53 | Mar 1843 | KY | KY | KY | Married 8 years | |
Milly | Wife | 50 | Dec 1849 | KY | IN | IN | Married 8 years | 8 children born, 5 living |
Cholie | Dau | 6 | Dec 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
(SCALF), Margaret | Dau | 11 | Sep 1888 | KY | KY | KY |
1900 Rockcastle CO KY 13 & 14 June 1900 Scaffold Cane Precinct
SCALF, James | Head | 24 | Apr 1876 | KY | KY | KY |
(Northern) Sarah | Wife | 26 | Jun 1873 | TN | NC | TN |
Jessie F. | Son | 3 | Jun 1896 | KY | KY | TN |
Mary E. | Dau | 2 | Mar 1898 | KY | KY | TN |
Martha E. | Dau | 4/12 | Jan 1900 | KY | KY | TN |
1910 Madison CO KY 19 April 1910 Court House district 1
SCALF, James | Head | 35 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
Sallie | Wife | 42 | 1868 | KY | KY | KY |
YOUNG, Pearl | S-Dau | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY |
Hattie | S-Dau | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
BRANAMAN, Robert | S-son | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Rockcastle CO KY 5 May 1910 Scaffold Cane Precinct
NORTHERN, Clint | Head | 25 | 1885 | TN | TN | TN | Widower | (Relative?) |
Sarah | Wife | 36 | 1874 | KY | NC | TN | M2 | 8 children born, 6 living |
(Scalf) Jesse | Son | 13 | 1897 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Elizabeth | Dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Ella | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Isabell | Dau | 9 | 1901 | KY | TN | TN | ||
Phillip | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | TN | TN | ||
Ira | Son | 1 | 1909 | KY | TN | TN |
1920 Rockcastle CO KY 6 & 7 January 1920 Precinct #3 Conway
NORTHERN, Clinton | Head | 39 | 1881 | TN | KY | TN | |
Sarah | Wife | 45 | 1875 | TN | NC | USA | |
Phillip M. | Son | 14 | 1906 | KY | TN | TN | |
Ira E. ; | Dau? | 10 | 1910 | KY | TN | TN | |
Pricilla | Dau | 7 | 1913 | KY | KY | TN | |
John H. | Son | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | TN | |
Davis C. | Son | 3 8/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | TN | |
Francis Ola | Dau | 2/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | TN | |
Nelson | Father | 68 | 1852 | KY | USA | USA | Widower |
SCALF, Mary E. | Step Dau | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | TN |
Sarah Northern died April 12, 1947. (Link to death certificate)
1920 Madison CO KY 3 January 1920 Richmond
CALF (Scalf), Sallie | Head | 53 | 1867 | KY | VA | KY | Married |
BRANMAN, Robert | Son | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Madison CO KY 15 April 1930 Ward 3
SCALF, Sallie | Head | 64 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY Widow |
BRENNMAN, Robert | Son | 26 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Sallie Scalf died January 25, 1931. (Link to death certificate)
1940 Claiborne CO TN 10 April 1940 Cumberland Gap
SCALF, J. S. | Head | 66 | 1876 | KY |
Flossie | Wife | 26 | 1914 | TN |
Emily | Dau | 5 | 1935 | GA |
James L. | Son | 3 | 1937 | TN |
Lorine | Dau | 1 | 1939 | KY |
MINTON, Floria | Mother in law | 56 | 1884 | TN Widow |
1945 Florida State Population Census
Jackson County
Precinct 27
SCALF, Nervesta 49 Born in Kentucky 6th grade education Housewife
Son of
James S. Scalf & Sarah Knuckles
Jesse<James<Milton<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jesse F. Scalf was born June 20, 1896. Jesse stated that James Scalf was his nearest relative on his WWI Draft Registration. While working in a coal mine, Jesse was killed by a large piece of slate (rock) that fell on him. Jesse Scalf died on June 10, 1918 in Bell County Kentucky (Link to death certificate)
1910 Rockcastle CO KY 5 May 1910 Scaffold Cane Precinct
NORTHERN, Clint | Head | 25 | 1885 | TN | TN | TN | Widower | (Relative?) |
Sarah | Wife | 36 | 1874 | KY | NC | TN | M2 | 8 children born, 6 living |
(Scalf) Jesse | Son | 13 | 1897 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Elizabeth | Dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Ella | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Isabell | Dau | 9 | 1901 | KY | TN | TN | ||
Phillip | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | TN | TN | ||
Ira | Son | 1 | 1909 | KY | TN | TN |
WWI Registration Card
Jessie F. Scalf
Age: 21
Home Address: Rockford, KY
(Link to document)
Date of Birth: June 20, 1896
Born: Rockford, KY
Father's birthplace: Clay CO, KY
Employed: Logmount Coal CO, Harrison, KY
Nearest Relative: James Scalf
Address: Dayton, OH
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1918
Note: Rockford, KY is near the northern boundary of Rockcastle CO, KY.
Daughter of
James Scalf & Sarah Knuckles Northern
Elizabeth<James<Emiline<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of James Scalf and Sarah Knuckles, was born March 7, 1898 and died March 28, 1967. We have very little information on Elizabeth. It appears she married first to a Colburn and second to a Helton. A daughter, Nora, is listed on the 1930 census as Nora Colburn and Elizabeth is listed as Elizabeth Helton (divorced). Elizabeth has some of her half siblings living in the home.
(Link to Mary Elizabeth Henson death certificate)
Children of Elizabeth Scalf:
1) Nora Isabelle Scalf - born February 16, 1922.
2) Jessie Helton - born February 9, 1924.
3) Charles Monroe Helton - born April 30, 1926.
5) Leonard Helton - born February 6, 1928.
6) Betty J. Helton - born May 31, 1930.
7) Eberal Udell Helton (female) - born September 15, 1932.
1910 Rockcastle CO KY 5 May 1910 Scaffold Cane Precinct
NORTHERN, Clint | Head | 25 | 1885 | TN | TN | TN | Widower | (Relative?) |
Sarah | Wife | 36 | 1874 | KY | NC | TN | M2 | 8 children born, 6 living |
(Scalf) Jesse | Son | 13 | 1897 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Elizabeth | Dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Ella | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | TN | TN | ||
(Scalf) Isabell | Dau | 9 | 1901 | KY | TN | TN | ||
Phillip | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | TN | TN | ||
Ira | Son | 1 | 1909 | KY | TN | TN |
1920 Rockcastle CO KY 6 & 7 January 1920 Precinct #3 Conway
NORTHERN, Clinton | Head | 39 | 1881 | TN | KY | TN | (died September 23, 1954) |
Sarah | Wife | 45 | 1875 | TN | NC | USA | (died April 12, 1947) (Link to death certificate) |
Phillip M. | Son | 14 | 1906 | KY | TN | TN | |
Ira E. ; | Dau? | 10 | 1910 | KY | TN | TN | |
Pricilla | Dau | 7 | 1913 | KY | KY | TN | |
John H. | Son | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | TN | |
Davis C. | Son | 3 8/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | TN | |
Francis Ola | Dau | 2/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | TN | |
Nelson | Father | 68 | 1852 | KY | USA | USA | Widower |
SCALF, Mary E. | Step Dau | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | TN |
Name: Nora I. Scalf
Date of Birth: 16 Feb 1922
(Link to Nora Scalf's birth certificate)
County: Rockcastle
Mother's name: Elizabeth Scalf
Volume Number: 032
Certificate Number: 15936 (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
1930 Rockcastle CO KY 5 April 1930 North Brodhead
HELTON, Elizabeth | Head | 33 | 1897 | KY | KY | TN Divorced | |
COLBURN, Nora E. | Dau | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY | (born February 16, 1922) |
HELTON, Jessie | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY | (born February 9, 1924) |
Charles M. ; | Son | 3 11/12 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY | (born April 6, 1928) |
NORTHERN, John H. | Brother | 15 | 1915 | KY | KY | TN | |
Davis C. | Brother | 12 | 1918 | KY | KY | TN | |
Francis O. | Sister | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | TN |
Daughter of
James Scalf & Sarah Knuckles Northern
Martha Ellen<James<Emiline<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martha Ellen "Ella" Scalf married Charlie William on March 2, 1916 in Claiborne County, TN. Charlie and Ella bought a home and started a family. A few years later, Ella died from Typhoid Fever on September 21, 1935. (Link to death certificate)
1920 Bell CO KY 12 February
1920 Stoney Fork Precinct 12
WILLIAMS, Charles | Head | 49 | 1871 | TN | TN | TN |
Martha E. | Wife | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Hayes | Son | 2 9/12 | 1917 | KY | TN | KY |
Clinton | Son | 9/12 | 1919 | KY | TN | KY |
1930 Bell CO KY 3 April 1930 District 4
WILLIAMS, Charles | Head | 60 | 1870 | TN | TN | TN | |
Ellen | Wife | 30 | 1900 | KY | USA | TN | Married @ 16 |
Hase | Son | 13 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY | |
Clent | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Hays William died on September 27, 1932. (Link to death certificate)
Daughter of
James Scalf & Margaret Radford
Virginia<James<Emiline<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Virginia Scalf, the daughter of James Scalf and Margaret Radford, was born May 22, 1915 and died June 9, 1971. Virginia was murdered by an unknown assailant. Virginia was married to Lexie L. Moore per James Scalf's obituary. She is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Link to newspapers articles concerning the murder of Virginia Lee Scalf Moore - (Article 1) (Article 2) (Courtesy of Pamela Morse)
Moore, Virginia Lee - age 55, died at University Hospital, Wednesday afternoon. She lived at 4938 Martin Mills Pike. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors: husband, L. L. Moore, Knoxville, daughter, Mrs. Thelma Lancaster, Memphis, sister, Mrs. Margaret Phillips, Harrison, IN; brother, Cecil Scalf, Cincinnati, OH, five half-sisters; three half-brothers, two grandchildren and one great grandson; stepmother, Mrs. Vesta Scalf of Florida. Services 1 P. M. Stevens Mortuary Chapel, Rev. C. G. Mulkey officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Pallbearers: Albert Keeling, A. W. Henderson, D. V. Sharp, H. R. Webb, A. W, Nine, C. T. Hood. Family will receive friends from 7 to 9 P. M. Friday at Stevens Mortuary. (Courtesy of Pamela Morse)
Moore, Lexie L. - age 88, of 4938 Martin Mills Pike, passed away Thursday
at his home. Menber of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134 F&AM, Blytheville, AR.,
retired manager of Norris Hotel. Survivors: foster daughter and son-in-law,
Marie and Tony Lusk; granddaughters, Katheryn Sue Gilliam, Carol Sue Brown,
Geraldine Hall; three great grandchildren. Funeral 11 A. M. Saturday, Berry
Chapel. Rev. David Johnson officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Masonic
service 7 P. M. Friday in the chapel of Berry Funeral Home. The family will
receive friends after the masonic service. (Courtesy of Pamela Morse)
Son of
James Scalf & Margaret Radford
William C.<James<Emiline<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
William C. Scalf, the son of James Scalf and Margaret Radford, was born about 1918 and died January 6, 1988 in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio. William married Nellie Marie Smith on November 3, 1937 in Kingston, Tennessee.
1940 Roane CO TN 21 May 1940 District 3
NEELEY, Clifford | Head | 26 | 1914 | TN |
Ada | Wife | 20 | 1920 | TN |
Harison | Son | 2 | 1938 | TN |
SCALF, William C. | Brother in law | 23 | 1917 | TN |
Nellie | Sister in law | 18 | 1912 | TN |
Daughter of
James Scalf & Margaret Radford
Margaret<James<Emiline<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Margaret Scalf, the daughter of James Scalf and Margaret Radford, was born May 10, 1919 and died June 11, 1993 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Margaret married Howard Phillips.
Daughter of
James Scalf & Margaret Radford
Viola<James<Emiline<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Viola M. Scalf, the daughter of James Scalf and Margaret Radford, was born January 9, 1921. Viola married a Smith.
Son of
Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf/Emily Scalf Hubbard
William<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Scalf, also known as Sweet William
was born May 8, 1873 in Clay County, Kentucky to Andrew and Emily Scalf
Hubbard. ;His father was the son of Ira Scalf and Nancy Killion McVey Scalf.
His mother was the daughter of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Lottie
Scalf. William married first to Delia (Della) A. Smith February 21, 1895 in
Laurel County, Kentucky. ;(Scalf Family History, pg. 145)
William left his family and Mary (daughter of William and Della) was living
with her grandmother Margaret Smith in 1900. This is confirmed by the 1900
census of Laurel County, Kentucky.
By 1910 all three daughters were in the Louisville Baptist Orphanage. By 1920 only one child (Nancy) was found in the Louisville Baptist Orphanage. Her name is listed as Jane in 1920 but she appears to be the same person as Nancy in 1910. Elmer Scalf reports that a son, Henderson, was born to William and Delia but died young.
Mary, daughter of Sweet William and Della Smith later married Reverend Matt Lanham (1916 Laurel County, KY) and they were found on the 1920 Laurel County census. Her sister, Margaret is living in the home. Mary and her husband both died in 1948 and are buried at the Felts Church Cemetery at Lilly, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, pg. 145)
Scalf Family History, page 146 also states that Margaret married a Hoover and Jane ran away from the orphanage and married at a young age. We have no information on Margaret or Jane other than what is listed in Scalf Family History.
1900 Laurel CO KY 21
June 1900 Bush
SMITH, Margaret | Head | 56 | 1844 | KY | TN | TN |
Lilie A. | Dau | 23 | 1877 | KY | TN | KY |
George | Son | 21 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Abigail | Dau | 18 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Mary | G-dau | 3 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Jefferson CO KY
25 March 1910
Precinct #35 - Baptist Orphan Asylum
SCALF, Mary | INMA | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Margaret | INMA | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Nancy | INMA | 6 | 1904 | KY | Ukn | Ukn |
1920 Jefferson CO KY 10 January 1920
Precinct #35 - Baptist Orphan Asylum
SCALF, Jane | INMA | 16 | 1904 | KY | USA | USA |
LANHAM, Mat | Head | 48 | 1872 | KY | TN | KY |
Mary | Wife | 24 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
Myrtle | Dau | 15 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
Lester | Son | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Ollie | Dau | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Homer | Son | 4 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Margaret | Sister in law | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
William Sweet William
Scalf married second
to Margaret (Gray) Owens who had also been married prior to her marriage to
William. Margaret had four sons when she married William: John, Milton,
Clifton and Chris Owens. William and Margaret had a son Tilford who is
listed in the home in 1920.
William and Margaret married September 23, 1908 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Elmer Scalf states that Margaret had two children by a previous marriage but four were found on the 1910 Laurel County, Kentucky census. (Scalf Family History, pg. 145)
William and Margaret also had a son Tilford Scalf whom Elmer believed married a Messer and moved to Connersville, Indiana and raised a family. The 1910 census confirms that Tilford was a son of William and Margaret.
Margaret Smith Scalf was born March 29, 1868 in Kentucky, the daughter of Van Gray. Her mother was a Profit but her first name is unknown. Margaret died December 10, 1924 at the age of 54 years, 11 months and 7 days. She was married at the time of her death. Margaret is buried at the Owens Cemetery in Emanuel, Kentucky. The informant for her death certificate was her husband, W. M. Scalf. (Death Certificate Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
(Link to DC of Margaret Gray Owens Scalf)
Laurel CO KY 6
MAY 1910 Bush
SCALF, William | Head | 30 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Margaret | Wife | 44 | 1866 | KY | KY | KY |
Tiford | Son | 5/12 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
OWENS, John | Step-son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
Owens, Milton | Step-son | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
OWENS, Clifton | Step-son | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
OWENS, Chris | Step-son | 8 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
William registered for the draft of WWI. His draft card is listed here courtesy of Virgil Scalf.
WWI Registration Card
Name: William Scalf
(Link to
original document)
Age: 45
Home Address: Emanuel, Knox
Date of Birth: May 8, 1873
Employer: Louisville &
Nashville Railroad, Emanuel, Knox CO, KY
Nearest relative: Margaret
Scalf - Wilton, Knox CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Dark
Disability: Eyesight bad
Date: September
12, 1918
1920 Knox CO KY 23 January 1920 Indian Creek Precinct #15
SCALF, William | Head | 48 | 1872 | KY | KY | KY |
Margrette | Wife | 52 | 1870 | KY | KY | KY |
OWENS, Criss | Step son | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Tilford | Son | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
William Sweet William
Scalf then married
the widow Rebecca Becky
Spurlock, July 10, 1924 in Knox County, Kentucky.
(Scalf Family History, page 144)
1930 Knox CO KY 22 April 1930 Barbourville
SCALF, William | Head | 54 | 1876 | KY | KY | KY |
Rebecca | Wife | 50 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Tilford | Son | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
MIRAS, Sam C. | Lodger | 73 | 1857 | KY | USA | USA |
We are uncertain if the William Scalf in the 1940 census below is
William Sweet William
Scalf because he is married to Lucy ______ and we
cannot find any record of this marriage. Lucy and Rebecca in the 1930 census
may be the same person or William has married again. In the 1940 census,
However, William is living next door to Daniel Scalf. Sweet William and
Daniel are brothers.
1940 Laurel CO KY
27 April 1940
District 2
SCALF, William | Head | 60 | 1880 | KY |
Lucy | Lucy | 54 | 1886 | KY |
Son of
William Scalf & Margaret Gray
Tilford<William<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Tilford Scalf, the son of William Scalf and Margaret Gray, was born November 5, 1908 and died July 10, 1982 in Connersville, Indiana. He married Lillian (Lillie) Mae Ballsinger on March 28, 1932 in Knox County, Kentucky. By the early 1930s, Tilford moved his family to Harlan CO, KY and he spent several years in this area working in the coal mines. Later they moved to Connersville, Indiana.
(Link to death certificate of Tilford Scalf)
(Link to death certificate of Lillie Mae Scalf)
1940 Harlan CO KY 8 April 1940 Alva
SCALF, Tilford | Head | 31 | 1909 | KY | Mechanical conveyor operator |
Lillie M. | Wife | 22 | 1918 | KY | |
Wanda F. | Dau | 8/12 | 1939 | KY |
Children of Tilford Scalf and Lillie
1) Frances
Louise Scalf - born December 21, 1932 and died October 21, 1936.
(Link to death certificate)
2) Violet Eunice Scalf - born March 11, 1937 and died
November 10, 1937. (Link
to death certificate)
3) Wanda Faye Scalf - born July 24, 1939 and died
November 19, 1990.
4) Michael Ray Scalf
5) Henrietta Scalf
>CONNERSVILLE, Ind. -- Lillie Mae Scalf, 87, of Connersville, died Tuesday, July 19, 2005.
She was born Aug. 22, 1917, in Harlan County, Ky., to Mary and Fred Balsinger.
Survivors include her son, Michael Ray Scalf; sisters, Eunice France, Frankie Peavly and Henrietta Elliott.
Her husband, Tilford Scalf, is deceased.
Daughter of
Tilford Scalf & Lillie Mae Ballsinger
Wanda<Tilford<William<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Wanda Scalf, the daughter of Tilford Scalf & Lillie Mae Ballsinger was born on July 24, 1939 and died November 19, 1990. Wanda married Berlin Ray Moore.
(Link to Wanda Faye Moore death certificate)
(Link to Berlin Moore death certificate)
Daughter of
Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf & Emily Scalf
Lottie<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Charlotte Lottie
Scalf was born about
1873-1875 in Laurel County, Kentucky. According to Scalf Family History,
Catherine married Albert Hunter and had one son, Chester. She then married
Robert Robinson and had another son Robert Robinson Jr. Chester Hunter
married Edna Farris. (Scalf Family History, pg. 150)
This information is questionable for the census records reveal that Emily Catherine Scalf (sister of Charlotte) was the wife of Albert Hunter. We believe Elmer might have been confused between Charlotte and Emily Catherine Scalf.
Daughter of
Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf & Emily Scalf
Abby<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Abby Scalf daughter of Bud Andy Scalf and
Emily Scalf was born about 1878 in Kentucky. Abby married Noah Scalf, son of
William M. Scalf & Joicy Jackson. William was the son of Peter and Charlotte
Scalf. Peter was the brother of Ira Scalf.
Abby and Noah were married August 20 or August 29, 1896 in Knox County, Kentucky. (General Index of Marriages Knox County, Kentucky – Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Marriage Record)
Noah and Abby were found on the 1910-1930 census records living at Artemus (Knox Co.) Kentucky.
1910 Knox CO KY 4-5 May 1910 Road Fork Precinct Stinking Creek
SCALF, Noah | Head | 33 | 1877 | KY | KY | KY |
Abbie | Wife | 32 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY |
Lloyd | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Sol | Son | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Julia | Dau | 8 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
Charlie | Son | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Willie | Son | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Pistle? | Dau | 6/12 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Knox CO KY 19 January 1920 Precinct #4 - Artemus
SCALF, Noah | Head | 47 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Wife | 35 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Lloyd | Son | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Julia | Dau | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Charlie | Son | 14 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Willie | Son | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
Parrie? | Dau | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Nannie | Dau | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Lillie | Dau | 1 5/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
PARKER, Shelby | G-son | 6/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
HUBBARD, William | Boarder | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 4
District #2 – Artemus
SCALF, Noah | Head | 48 | 1882 | KY | TN | TN |
Mary | Wife | 44 | 1886 | KY | TN | KY |
Pastie? | Dau | 19 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Nannie | Dau | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Lilia | Dau | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
Noah Scalf & Abigail Scalf
Lloyd< Noah<William M<Peter<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lloyd Scalf son of Noah Scalf and Abby Scalf was born March 1, 1898. Lloyd died December 15, 1924. He was living in the home of his parents in 1920. It appears that Lloyd never married. .
WWI Registration Card
Name: Loyd Scalf
Age: 20
Home Address: Artemus, Knox Co, KY
(Link to original document)
Date of Birth: March 1, 1898
Born: Artemus, Knox CO, KY
Employed: Cumberland Railroad CO
Nearest Relative: Abbie Scalf (mother), Artemus, Knox CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Light Brown
Date: September 12, 1918 (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
We have no information on the other children
of Noah and Abby.
to death certificate)
Daughter of
Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf & Emily Scalf
Emily Catherine<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Emily Catherine Scalf is reported to have been a daughter of Andrew and
Emily. She was born about 1880 according to the 1910 census of Laurel
County, Kentucky. Emily might have been born after the enumeration of the
1880 census and this would explain why she was not listed with Andrew and
Emily in the home that year.
By the enumeration of the 1900 census, Emily Scalf and Andrew had either
divorced or Emily had died but their daughter Emily Catherine has not been
found on the 1900 census. She may have been with her mother or with
relatives. Emily was found on the 1910 and 1920 censuses married to Albert
Hunter. They had two known children, Chester and Robert.
Elmer Scalf reports that Emily remarried to Robert Robinson but this family was not found. Charlotte Scalf, sister of Emily is also reported to have married Albert Hunter and Robert Robinson. ; (Scalf Family History, pg. 150)
We cannot confirm or deny the information
listed in Scalf Family History concerning Charlotte Lottie
and her marriages for we have been unable to find information on her.
Children of Emily Catherine Scalf and Albert Hunter:
1) Chester Hunter married Edna Farris.
1910 Laurel County KY
25 April 1910
McHargue Precinct
HUNTER, Albert | Head | 30 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Emily C. | Wife | 26 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
Chester | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Laurel County, KY 27 January 1920 McHargue Precinct
HUNTER, Elbert | Head | 41 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Emily K. | Wife | 34 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
Chester | Son | 14 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Robert | Son | 2 8/12 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf & Emily Scalf
Elmira<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Elmira (aka Marie and Marcie) Scalf was born in Laurel County, Kentucky January 1880. Elmira married Matison/Madison Hubbard and they had one child, Dalie (Dalila or Dalia) before Elmira died. Matison/Madison Hubbard was the son of John and Louisa Hubbard.
Matison/Madison Hubbard married first to
Sarah J. Jackson December 14, 1896 in Knox County, Kentucky. He then married
Elmira Marcie
Scalf January 19, 1899 in Knox County, Kentucky. Elmira (aka
Marcie) died 1900-1910. His third marriage was to Lizzie Hill October 24,
Daly was living in the home of her father and stepmother in 1910 Knox County, Kentucky.
1900 Knox CO KY 12 June 1900
HUBBARD, John | Head | 49 | Dec 1850 | KY | KY | KY | |
Luisa | Wife | 52 | Feb 1848 | KY | KY | KY | 12 children born, 7 living |
James | Son | 16 | Dec 1883 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dicie | Dau | 15 | Dec 1884 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dan | Son | 12 | Nov 1887 | KY | KY | KY | |
Matison | Son | 23 | Oct 1876 | KY | KY | KY | |
(Scalf), Elmira | Daughter in law | 20 | Jan 1880 | KY | KY | KY | 1 child born, 0 living |
1910 Knox CO KY 16
March 1910 Precinct #5 East Flat Lick
HUBBARD, Matison H. | Head | 32 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY |
(Hill), Lizzie | Wife | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Daley | Dau | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Marriages of Matison/Madison Hubbard
Marriages 1851-1900
Marriage Date: 14 Dec 1896
County: Clay
State: KY
Marriage Date: 19 Jan 1899
County: Clay
State: KY
Knox County KY Marriage Book U, #185
Oct 24-1907
Name: Mat Hubbard (30)
Residence: Knox Co, Born: Knox Co
Number of marriages:
3rd marriage
Occupation: farming
Father: John Hubbard, born: Knox Co
Mother: Louisa Hubbard, born: Clay Co
Spouse: Lizzie Hill (17)
Residence: Knox Co, Born: KY
Number of marriages:
2nd marriage (divorced)
Father: James Mason, born: KY
Marriage location:
@ Brice Hill
Witness: Gord Gambrel & Patton Ramsey
By: S L Hendricks
It is reported in Scalf Family History that Daly married a Ramsey; first name unknown. (Scalf Family History, pg. 150)
Daughter of
Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf & Emily Scalf
Rosey A<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Rosey A. Scalf daughter of Bud Andy Scalf and Emily Scalf was born about 1887 according to the 1900 census of Laurel County, Kentucky. We have no information for Rosey at this time.
Son of
Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf & Emily Scalf
Daniel<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Daniel Scalf, son of Andrew and Emily Scalf was born about 1884 – 1889
depending on which census record you are reading. Daniel died January 29,
1953 at the age of 67. (Kentucky death Records Index) Scalf Family
History lists his date of birth as May 8, 1884. Betsy was the daughter
of Robert Jones and Christine Hensley.
Daniel married Betsy Jones August 21, 1908 in Boering, Kentucky at the home of her parents. It appears that her name was Mary Elizabeth (Betsy) Jones according to the 1910 and 1920 census of Laurel County, Kentucky. Mary Elizabeth (Betsy) Jones Scalf died 4 November 1879 at the age of 87 years old. (Kentucky Death Records Index)
Daniel's father, Andrew, was living in the home in 1910 and listed as widowed. Dan and Betsy had at least seven children, one girl and six boys. Dan died January 29, 1953 and Betsy died in 1979. Both are buried at the Hopkins Cemetery near Lily, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, pg. 147)
Although there were several men named Andrew in the family and with daughters named Rosa, it certainly appears that Rosey A., daughter of Andrew and Emily might have been the first wife of Patton Jones. Most all of the other children named Rosa in the Scalf family are accounted for. However, we have no information on this Rosa. If Patton Jones and Rosa Scalf married around 1908, this Rosa would have been 21 years old at that time and certainly old enough to marry. Patton was listed as widowed when he remarried.
Patton Jones married 3 times. 1st married
1908 Harlan Co., Ky Rosa Scalf d/o Andrew Scalf; Patton was listed as a
widow when he married his 2nd wife. No known children of Patton & Rosa.
(Courtesy of William Swanson)
Children of Daniel Scalf and Betsy Jones from Scalf Family History, page 146:
1) Mollie Scalf married Jesse Scalf April 24, 1928 Laurel County, Kentucky.
1910 Laurel
County KY 25 April 1910 McHargue Precinct
SCALF, Daniel | Head | 21 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time |
Betsy | Wife | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time |
Andrew | Father | 60 | 1850 | KY | KY | KY | Widower |
1920 Laurel
County KY 17 January 1920 McHargue Precinct
SCALF, Daniel | Head | 34 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary E. | Wife | 26 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY |
Mollie | Dau | 8 8/12 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Willie B. | Son | 6 7/12 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Earnest | Son | 3 11/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Melvin | Son | 1 7/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Laurel
County KY 4 April 1930 6TH
Magisterial District
SCALF, Daniel | Head | 46 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 25 |
Betsy | Wife | 39 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 18 |
Willie B. | Son | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY | |
Earnest | Son | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
Melvin | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | |
Silas E. | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY | |
Roy | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY | |
Archie | Son | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Laurel CO KY
27 April 1940
District 2
SCALF, Daniel | Head | 58 | 1882 | KY |
Betsy | Wife | 45 | 1895 | KY |
Bert W. | Son | 26 | 1914 | KY |
Ernest | Son | 24 | 1916 | KY |
Melvin | Son | 21 | 1919 | KY |
Silas | Son | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Roy | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Archie | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Daughter of
Daniel Scalf and Betsy Jones
Mollie<Daniel<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mollie Scalf was the oldest child of Daniel Scalf and Betsy Jones Scalf. Mollie was born on May 8, 1911 in Laurel County, KY. Mollie married Jesse Scalf April 24, 1928 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Jesse was the son of William Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf. Jesse and Mollie had no children. (Scalf Family History, pg. 147-148)
1930 Laurel
CO KY 4 March 1930
District #2
SCALF, Jesse | Head | 24 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Mollie | Wife | 24 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
Daniel Scalf and Betsy Scalf
Willie<Daniel<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Willie Bert Scalf was born about 1913 according to the census records and married Margie Farnsley July 23, 1942 in Rockcastle Co., KY. Margie was born about 1927 and was the daughter of Leo and Mary Farnsley. ; This couple lived in Rising Sun, Indiana. (Scalf Family History, pg 146)
1) Bert Scalf, Jr. married Beverly McCoy. Beverly was born January 27, 1947 and died March 25, 2002. (Link to death certificate)
Son of
Daniel Scalf and Betsy Jones
Earnest<Daniel<Andrew "Bud Andy"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ernest Scalf, son of Andrew and Emily was born about 1916 and died December 30, 1978. Ernest is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery. Earnest married Opal Combs and had five boys and one girl. (Scalf Family History, pg. 148)
Children of Ernest and Opal:
1) Clarence F. Scalf, born 1953 – married Flora Jean Scalf, born 1956 daughter of Jim Scalf and Susie (Simpson) Scalf 8-26-1972.HiramScalf, born 1944 married Pearl Napier 12-3-1969 in Laurel Co. KY.
Son of
Daniel Scalf and Betsy Jones
"Bud Andy"<Ira<John
Sr<Lewis Scalf
Melvin Scalf was born in Laurel County, Kentucky about 1919. After World War II, Melvin returned to Connecticut and married Nellie Hill daughter of Elmer Hill Anna McGuire. (Scalf Family History)
Children of Melvin Scalf and Nellie Hill from Scalf Family History, page 149:
1) Theresa Helen Scalf married William Henry Brixius July 27, 1973.
A message left at the Bulletin Board at Scalf
Family Website from Deborah Mary Scalf Johnson correcting the information
from Scalf Family History:
"Hello Scalf Family! I am Deborah Mary Scalf Johnson, daughter of Melvin and Nellie Scalf. My grandparents were Daniel and Betsy Jones Scalf from Lily, KY. I need to make a correction to Elmer's book - my first marriage to Vincent was 4/11/75 and lasted less than a year. My daughter Katie, with Vincent, was adopted by my husband Kenneth P. Johnson when she was two - making her Katie Ann Johnson (10/11/75) - Kenneth and I have another daughter Carrie Margaret Johnson 5/29/80. Katie married Clifford Buettner 12/14/94 they had a daughter, Cailyn Carrie Ann Buettner 11/1/94 and divorced in 2004. Katie remarried on 2/25/05 - Steven Mann, Jr. and they have a son Elijah Julius Mann born 5/4/2005. (Yes, my daughter is a Mann now hee-hee) My father Melvin Scalf died on Veterans Day 11/11/1999. My mother Nellie Scalf died on 12/19/2002 I am sure that I can help with my line of the family - my sister Terry (Theresa) has a vast file on the family too - let me know if you want to contact her she has traced some roots back to Scotland. Also we will be at the Scalf Family Reunion (kin of Daniel and Betsy) at my Uncle Roy Scalf's in Annville, KY on 7/29/06 Roy is the last living sibling of the original 7 - Molly, Willie Bert, Ernest, Melvin, Elijah Silas, Roy & Archie."
Note: Correction to Scalf Family History by Elmer D. Scalf.
Deborah Mary Scalf daughter of Melvin Scalf and Nellie Hill Scalf married first to Vincent Rainer Marra April 11, 1975.
Child of Deborah Scalf and Vincent Rainer Marra:
1) Katie Ann (Marra) Johnson born October 11, 1975 (Adopted by her stepfather Kenneth P. Johnson). Katie married Clifford Buettner December 14, 1994. Divorced in 2004. One daughter, Cailyn Carrie Ann Buettner born November 1, 1994. Katie married 2) Steven Mann Jr. February 25, 2005. One son, Elijah Julius Mann born May 4, 2005.
Deborah Mary Scalf married second to Kenneth P. Johnson November 6, 1976.
Child of Deborah Scalf and Kenneth P. Johnson:
1) Carrie Margaret Johnson born May 29, 1980.
Melvin Scalf died on Veteran's Day November 11, 1999 and his wife Nellie Hill Scalf died December 19, 2002. (Courtesy of Deborah Mary Scalf Johnson)
The Hartford Courant
November 12, 1999
Melvin Scalf, 81, of Chatham Acres, East Hampton, beloved husband of Helen
``Nellie'' (Hill) Scalf, died Wednesday, (November 10, 1999) at Middlesex
Hospital, Middletown. He was born in Lily, KY, October 18, 1918, son of the late
Daniel and Betsy (Jones) Scalf, and had resided in East Hampton for one year
having formerly lived in Tracy and Meriden. Before his retirement he was
employed by International Silver for many years, and part time at Verdolini's
Restaurant in Meriden. He was a former member of Tracy Volunteer Fire Dept., and
worked for many years at the carnival for the Lady of Fatima Church in
Yalesville. He was a member of St. Patrick Church, East Hampton, and served in
the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. Melvin enjoyed fishing, playing
cards and cooking; he will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Besides his
wife of 53 years, he is survived by four daughters and three sons-in- law,
Theresa and Bill Brixus of Hillsborough, NC, Nancy and Phillip Ardito of
Northford, Dianne Cullen and her special friend, Joe Tkacz of Meriden, Deborah
and Kenneth Johnson of Winchester, VA; a brother, Roy Scalf and his wife Treva
of Annville, KY; a sister, Molly Scalf of Annville, KY; eight grandchildren, Ann
Marie, Elisa, Katie,Carrie, Kyle, Eric, Jonathan, and Daniel; a niece and her
husband, Patricia and William Schwarm of East Hampton; and several nieces and
nephews. He was predeceased by a daughter, Mary Ann Scalf and four brothers,
Burt, Silas, Ernest and Archie. The funeral procession will leave the Spencer
Funeral Home, 112 Main St., East Hampton, Saturday, 9:30 a.m. followed by a
Funeral Liturgy 10 a.m. at St. Patrick Church, East Hampton. Burial with
Military Honors will follow in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Friends may
call at the Spencer Funeral Home, TODAY, 6-8 p.m. Those who wish may send
memorial contributions to St. Patrick Church Renovation Fund, 47 W. High St.,
P.O. Box 177, East Hampton, 06424.
Son of
Daniel Scalf and Betsy Scalf
"Bud Andy"<Ira<John
Sr<Lewis Scalf
Silas was born about 1922 in Laurel County, KY and married Helen Cunagin, daughter of Lewis and Susie Hurley Cunagin. (Scalf Family History, pg 149)
Children of Silas and Helen from Scalf Family History, page 149:
1) Danny Scalf married 1) Brenda Harrison. 2) Margie Hayes.
Son of
Daniel Scalf and Betsy Scalf
"Bud Andy"<Ira<John
Sr<Lewis Scalf
Roy was born about 1924 according to the census records. Roy was also born in Laurel County, Kentucky. Roy married Treva Williams and lived in Jackson County, Kentucky. (Scalf Family History, pg 149)
We are grateful to Ray Scalf, son of Roy and Treva, for information on the descendants of Roy and Treva Williams Scalf.>Children of Roy Scalf and Treva Williams:
1) Joyce Ann Scalf born Nov 7, 1951 married to Marvin Lytel Smith June 30, 1984(Courtesy of Ray Scalf)
Son of
Daniel Scalf and Betsy Scalf
"Bud Andy"<Ira<John,
Sr.<Lewis Scalf
Archie Scalf son of Daniel Scalf and Betsy Jones was born in Laurel County, Kentucky about 1926 and married Ester Seals in Jackson County, Kentucky. Archie was a Baptist Minister in Illinois. (Scalf Family History, pg. 150)
Children of Archie and Ester:
1) Richard G. Scalf married Linda McLane.
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records,
Archie Scalf
Birth Year:
Race: White,
Nativity State
or Country: Kentucky
State: Kentucky
County or City:
Date: 11 Apr 1946
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Branch: No
branch assignment
Branch Code: No
branch assignment
Grade: Private
Grade Code:
Term of
Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six
months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil
Grammar school
Marital Status:
Single, without dependents
Name: Archie Scalf
Last Residence: 61364 Streator, LA Salle, Illinois, United States of
Born: 31 Jul 1926
Last Benefit: 61364 Streator, LA Salle, Illinois, United States of America
Died: May 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 1951 (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Daughter of
Ira Scalf & Nancy Killion McVey
Sr.<Lewis Scalf
Almira (Mary) Scalf was the second child of Ira and Nancy. Almira was born about 1856 and is found on the 1880 census of Clay County, Kentucky with her husband William Broughton and their four children. Almira and William married November 23, 1872 in Knox County, Kentucky. (Knox County, KY Marriages, BK BD – pg. 36)
1880 Clay
County KY 22 June 1880 Big Creek
BROUGHTON, William | Head | 65 | 1815 | NC | NC | NC |
Mariah | Wife | 28 | 1852 | KY | KY | KY |
Mariah J. | Dau | 5 | 1875 | KY | NC | KY |
Sarah R. | Dau | 3 | 1877 | KY | NC | KY |
William M. | Son | 3/12 | 1880 | KY | NC | KY |
Lucinda | G-dau | 8 | 1872 | KY | KY | KY |
We have no further information for this family.
Son of
Ira Scalf & Nancy Killion McVey
Charles<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Clark Scalf, son of Ira and Nancy was born around 1857. Clark married Malinda Holder April 15, 1881. Scalf Family History, page 151 relates that Elmer was not sure what Malinda's maiden name was. An excerpt from the book is listed here:
The author will present the facts here and let
the reader draw his or her own conclusions. The Laurel County records clearly
indicate that Clark and Malinda were married on April 15, 1881. The same record
shows this as Clark's first marriage and Malinda's second. Clark was 21,
according to the record and Malinda was 10. However, in the 1880 Laurel County
Census, there is listed a family unit with Nancy, Clark's mother as head of the
household. Her age is given as 61. Malinda is listed as 23, Clark 20 and John D.
(Scalf Family History, pg. 151)
From the 1880 census, it appears that Malinda was living with Nancy Killion McVey Scalf and had been married prior to her marriage to Nancy's son Clark. Malinda is listed as Malinda Broton (Broughton) in the home of Nancy. Clark Scalf and Malinda were single at this time but then married April 15, 1881.
Melinda's son from her prior marriage, John D. Broton, was in the home. However, Clark Scalf was also listed as Clark Broton. We believe the enumerator was confused with the family surnames on this census. This information was confusing and Elmer was not clear on who the father of John D. was. Considering that the marriage record named her as Malinda Holder and stated this to be a second marriage, coupled with the fact she is listed as Malinda Broton (Broughton) in 1880 suggests to this author that she was Malinda Holder Broughton Scalf and had a son John D. Broton (Broughton) from her previous marriage.
We believe that John D. Broton (Broughton) might have grown up under the name of John D. Scalf and may or may not have known his mother was married prior to her marriage to Clark. Elmer states in his book that John was born 1883 and died 1966. He married 1) Lizzie Mullins and 2) Sarah Brock. The 1880 census lists his age as 5 years old calculating a birth date of 1875.
The death certificate of Clark Scalf states that he was living in Lily (Laurel County) Kentucky at the time of death. He is listed as being born in 1852, which conflicts with the marriage date of his parents. His father is listed as Ira Scalf and mother, Nancy and it states he was born in Kentucky. His cause of death was apoplexy. Clark had been sick from March to May of 1919. The informant for the death certificate was John Scalf, presumably, John D. Broton (Broughton?) (Death Certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Link to Death Certificate)
Clark is listed as 57 years old in 1910 but should have been closer to 50. Linda Scalf listed on the Kentucky Death Records Index might have been this Malinda Scalf. If so, she died October 24, 1941 at that age of 78.
John is also buried at the McHargue Cemetery.
The families below can be found in Scalf Family History, page 150 – 154.
1880 Laurel Co KY 1 June 1880
SCALF, Nancy | Head | 61 | 1819 | TN | NC | NC |
BROTON, Malinda | Dau ? | 23 | 1857 | KY | TN | TN |
BROTON(Scalf), Clark | Brother? | 20 | 1860 | KY | TN | TN |
BROTON, John D. | Son? | 5 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Laurel
County KY 25 April 1910
McHargue Precinct
SCALF, Clark | Head | 57 | 1853 | KY | TN | KY |
Malinda | Wife | 53 | 1857 | TN | TN | TN |
Loulia B. | Dau | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | TN |
William R. ; | Son | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | TN |
Speed | Son | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | TN |
Martha | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | TN |
Sarah | Dau | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | TN |
Laurel County KY 19 January 1920
McHargue Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | TN Widower |
Malinda J. | Mother | 55 | 1865 | TN | USA | TN Widow |
James | Son | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Madison | Son | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha R. | Sister | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | TN |
Sallie A. | Sister | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | TN |
Speed S. | Brother | 19 | 1901 | KY | KY | TN |
1930 Laurel
County KY 11 April 1930 Stansbury Precinct Fletcher
SCALF, John | Head | 50 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Sarah | Wife | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Jim | Son | 26 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Mat | Son | 19 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Pearl | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 6/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY |
Malinda | Mother | 70 | 1860 | KY | USA | USA |
Children of Clark Scalf and Malinda Holder from Scalf Family History:
Checker PeteSoutherland 1923 Laurel Co. KY.
Children from the 1910 census of Laurel Co. KY:
1) Loulia Bell Scalf born ca. 1893
We have not been able to find this family on the
1900 or later census records. There may have been more children. Note that Elmer
lists Henderson A. Scalf but does not list William Scalf. William is listed on
the 1910 census but no Peter or Henderson is listed on the census record. Also,
note that Elmer has Peter married to Nancy Hurd/Herd and listed on page 152 as
Robert Peter
Scalf. Note also that the 1920 Laurel County, Kentucky census
lists him as Robert W. Scalf. Could this have been William Robert Peter Scalf?
Son of
Malinda Holder Broughton Scalf
John D. Scalf (Broughton?) was the son of
Malinda Holder Broughton Scalf and appears to have been a son by her first
marriage. If John was the son of a prior marriage, John did not use the name
Broughton but was found as Scalf on census records with the exception of the
1880 census where he was listed as John D. Broton. John would have been born
around 1875 for her was five years old in 1880. Clark and Malinda were married
April 15, 1881.
1880 Laurel Co KY 1 June 1880
SCALF, Nancy | Head | 61 | 1819 | TN | NC | NC |
BROTON, Malinda | Dau (in law) | 23 | 1857 | KY | TN | TN |
BROTON (Scalf), Clark | Brother (Son) | 20 | 1860 | KY | TN | TN |
BROTON, John D. | Son | 5 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
John D. Scalf (Broughton?) married first to Lizzie Mullins, daughter of James Mullins on June 25, 1902 in Laurel County, Kentucky.
Children of John and Lizzie from page 152 of Scalf Family History:
1) James Scalf born 1902 and married Dora L. (Taylor) Hodge 10-20-1933 in Laurel Co. KY.John then married Sarah Brock, daughter of Eathrum (Ephraim?) and Ellen Johnson Brock on April 10, 1922.
Children of John and Sarah from Scalf Family History:
1) Pearl Scalf married Gilbert McFadden 2 15-1947 in Laurel Co. KY.John is buried at the McHargue Cemetery where Clark is buried. We believe John was the informant of the death certificate of Clark Scalf.
Malinda was living in the home of her son John in 1920 and listed as a widow. John was also widowed in 1920. Martha, Sallie, and Speed (siblings of John) were also in the home. Malinda was still living in the home of her son John and his second wife in 1930.
Laurel County KY 25 April 1910
McHargue Precinct
SCALF, John | Head | 26 | 1884 | KY | KY | TN |
Lizzie | Wife | 23 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
James | Son | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Laurel County KY 19 January 1920
McHargue Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | TN Widower |
Malinda J. | Mother | 55 | 1865 | TN | USA | TN Widow |
James | Son | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Madison | Son | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha R. | Sister | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | TN |
Sallie A. | Sister | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | TN |
Speed S. | Brother | 19 | 1901 | KY | KY | TN |
1930 Laurel
County KY 11 April 1930 Stansbury Precinct Fletcher
SCALF, John | Head | 50 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Sarah | Wife | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Jim | Son | 26 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Mat | Son | 19 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Pearl | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 6/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY |
Malinda | Mother | 70 | 1860 | KY | USA | USA |
1940 Laurel CO KY
17 April 1940
District 2
SCALF, John | Head | 57 | 1883 | KY |
Sarah | Wife | 35 | 1905 | KY |
Pearl | Dau | 13 | 1927 | KY |
Mary | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Carl | Son | 5 | 1935 | KY |
Dean | Son | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Son of
John Scalf & Elizabeth Mullins
James<John<Clark<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Scalf, the son of John Scalf & Elizabeth Mullins was born July 8, 1903 and died August 3, 1971 in Indiana. James married Dora Taylor, the daughter of Reed Taylor and Lucy Moore. Dora was married (1) Willie Carroll (2) Jarvey Hodges (3) James Scalf.
(Link to James Scalf death certificate)
(Link to
Dora Scalf death certificate)
1940 Laurel CO KY 17 April 1940 District 2
SCALF, James | Head | 36 | 1904 | KY | |
Dora | Wife | 38 | 1902 | KY | |
CARROL, Howard | Step Son | 19 | 1921 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
10 April 1950
District 6
SCALF, James | Head | 46 | 1904 | KY |
Dora | Wife | 49 | 1901 | KY |
Son of
John Scalf & Elizabeth Mullins
James<John<Clark<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
1940 Laurel CO KY 17 April 1940 District 2
SCALF, Matt | Head | 30 | 1910 | KY |
Evelyn | Wife | 24 | 1916 | KY |
Dianne | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Son of
John Scalf & Sarah Brock
Dean<John<Clark<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Dean Scalf, son of John (Broughton?) Scalf was born October 6, 1936 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Dean married Irene Pack around 1957. Dean died Sunday, October 16, 2005 at Lexington, Kentucky. His obituary is listed below.
We have no further information on this family.
Dean Scalf, age 69, of Crestview Drive, passed away Sunday, October 16, 2005, at the UKMC in Lexington.
Son of
Charles Clark
Scalf & Malinda Holder
Henderson<Clark<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Henderson Scalf, son of Clark and Malinda was born 1884-1888 (census calculation). His age varies on census records, which estimates various birth dates ranging from 1884 to 1888. Henderson married Betsy Jane Garland in Laurel County, Kentucky on December 7, 1909. Henderson and Betsy had no children. The children in the home in 1930 were the children of his brother Robert Scalf and Nancy Hurd/Herd Scalf.
A Betsy Scalf is listed on the Kentucky Death Records Index and believed to have been this Betsy Scalf. If this is correct, Betsy died 4 January 1974 in Knox County, Kentucky at the age of 80. (Kentucky Death Records Index)
1910 Laurel
County KY 20 April 1910
McHargue Precinct
SCALF, Henderson | Head | 22 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY |
Betsy | Wife | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Laurel County KY 14-15 January 1920 Lilly Precinct
SCALF, Henderson | Head | 33 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
Betsy | Wife | 25 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Knox CO KY 17 March 1930 Siler
Precinct – District #6
SCALF, Henderson | Head | 46 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
Garland, Betsy | Wife | 49 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY |
Edgar | Nephew | 13 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
Laura | Niece | 11 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY |
Edna | Niece | 9 | 192 | KY | KY | KY |
Richard | Nephew | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Elsie | Niece | 5 | 1925 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Knox CO KY
29 April 1940
SCALF, Henderson | Head | 58 | 1882 | KY |
Betsy Jane | Wife | 45 | 1895 | KY |
Richard | Son | 15 | 1925 | KY |
Elsie | Dau | 13 | 1927 | KY |
1950 Knox CO KY
8 April 1950
SCALF, Hinderson | Head | 68 | 1882 | KY |
Betsy | Wife | 55 | 1895 | KY |
GARLAND, James | Nephew | 2 | 1948 | KY |
Daughter of
Charles Clark
Scalf & Malinda Holder
Lulabell<Clark<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lulabell Scalf daughter of Clark Scalf and Malinda Tuttle was born about 1892 or 1893 (census calculation) in Laurel County, Kentucky. She married William Jones 1913 in Laurel County. William was the son of Robert Jones and Christina Hensley Jones.
Children of Lulabell Scalf and William Jones from Scalf Family History:
1) Stella Jones married Dewey Mahan.This family is listed from the census records below. We have no further information.
JONES, Williams | Head | 28 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Lula B. | Wife | 26 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Laurel CO KY 5 April 1930 District
JONES, William | Head | 43 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
Lula B. | Wife | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Stella | Dau | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Tilford | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Ida M. | Dau | 5 | 1925 | KY | KY | KY |
Sammie | Son | 2 4/12 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
Note: William
Jones was son of Robert Jones & Christina Hensley. Christina Hensley Jones
married Andrew Bud Andy
Scalf March 17, 1911.
1940 Laurel CO KY
24 April 1940
District 2
JONES, William | Head | 62 | 1878 | KY |
Lula | Wife | 45 | 1895 | KY |
Tilford | Son | 18 | 1922 | KY |
Ida | Dau | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Samuel | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Oliver | Son | 7 | 1933 | KY |
Mary | Dau | 6 | 1934 | KY |
Donnie | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Son of
Charles Clark
Scalf & Malinda Holder
Robert<Charles "Clark"<Ira<John
Sr<Lewis Scalf
(Link to Photograph of Peter, Nancy and three children)
Robert Scalf son of Clark and Malinda was born about 1895 (census calculation) and married Nancy Hurd, daughter of John and Salina Burns Hurd in Knox, County, Kentucky on July 3, 1914. (Scalf Family History)
We can only confirm the name of Peter W; however, he may have had all three names.
William Swanson provided us with a correction on this information as well:
CHAPTER 6 - p. 152 under ROBERT "PETER" SCALF reads originally:
Robert "Peter" Scalf, son of Clark Scalf and
Malinda Holder Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky. He married Nancy
Hurd, daughter of John and Salina Burns Hurd in Knox County on July
3, 1914.
Correction: Nancy Hurd was d/o John Herd & Salina Spurlock. Salina married 2nd Andy Burns. Salina was d/o Elkanah Spurlock & Elizabeth Radford (Courtesy of William Swanson.)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Robert Scalf
(Link to
original document)
Age: 22
Home Address: Emanuel,
Laurel Co, KY
Date of Birth: June 8, 1898
Born: Emanuel, Laurel Co, KY
Employed: Farming
Married: Married – one child
Height: Medium
Build: Stout
Color of eyes: Black
Color of Hair: Black
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Laurel CO KY 19 January 1920 McHargue Precinct
SCALF, Robert W. | Head | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Nancy | Wife | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY |
Edgar | Son | 3 2/12 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Laura | Dau | 6/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Children of Robert Peter
Scalf and Nancy Herd from Scalf Family History:
Nancy was the
daughter of Robert Herd & Salina Spurlock. She was the sister of Caner Burns,
Virgie Harrison, Maude Metcalf, Cora Vio & Mary Burns. Virgie is still living.
Cora passed away in August 2004 in Bellview WA. She was in her 90's.
– Sharlele Sexton
(Link to
Nancy Scalfe death certificate)
At the time of Nancy's death, she was listed as
married, and W.R. Scalfe provided the information for the death certificate.
W.R. Scalfe or William Robert Scalfe was the husband of Nancy Scalfe. Scalf was
spelled as Scalfe on the death certificate of Nancy and Betty Scalf, a daughter
who died very young. Robert had died when the 1930 census was taken on April
17, 1930. We do not have a death certificate for Robert Scalf.
Commonwealth of Kentucky - #32506
County: Laurel
Town: Lily
Name: Nancy Scalfe - married
Date of birth: 1901
Date of death: November 8, 1929 at 2:00 PM
Cause of death: Typhoid
Occupation: Housewife
Birthplace: Kentucky
Name of father: John Herd
Birthplace of father: Kentucky
Name of mother: Salina Spurlock
Birthplace of mother: Kentucky
Informant: W.R. Scalfe
Address: Lily, Kentucky
Place of burial: McHargue Cemetery, Laurel County, Kentucky
Son of
Robert Peter
Scalf and Nancy Herd
Edgar<Robert<Charles "Clark"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Edgar Scalf, son of Robert Peter
Scalf and
Nancy Herd, was born October 3, 1916 and died July 2, 1986 in Ohio. He married
Barbara Jones.
1940 Laurel CO KY 3 April 1940 North Corbin
SCALF, Edgar | Head | 22 | 1918 | KY |
Barbara | Wife | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Donald Lee | Son | 11/12 | 1939 | KY |
Son of
Robert Peter
Scalf and Nancy Herd
Richard<Robert<Charles "Clark"<Ira<John
Sr<Lewis Scalf
Richard Callaway Scalf, son of Robert Peter
Scalf and
Nancy Herd, married Opal
Kelley. Richard and his sister, Elsie, were
raised by Henderson, the brother of Robert Scalf.
of Richard Scalf and Opal Kelley:
1) William Robert Scalf - born January 30, 1960 and died March 3, 1960 from
flu and Pneumonia.
(Link to death
1950 Knox CO KY
7 April 1950
SCALF, Richard C. | Head | 24 | 1926 | KY | Works in Coal Mine |
Opal Lee | Wife | 22 | 1928 | KY | |
Gertie M. | Dau | 2 | 1948 | KY | |
Leroy | Son | 9/12 | 1948 | KY |
Son of
Charles Clark
Scalf & Malinda Holder
Speed<Charles "Clark"<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Speed Scalf son of Charles Clark
Scalf and
Malinda Holder was born 1897 and died March 25, 1950 at the age of 53. (Kentucky
Death Records Index) He married Jamie Smith. One daughter, Dima Mae Scalf.
(Scalf Family History, pg. 153)
1930 Laurel
County KY 4 April 1930 District 6
SCALF, Speed | Head | 31 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Jamie | Wife | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Laurel CO KY
16 April 1940
District 2
SCALF, Speed | Head | 45 | 1895 | KY |
Jamie | Wife | 35 | 1905 | KY |
Denia | Dau | 13 | 1927 | KY |
SMITH, Nancy J. | Mother in law | 75 | 1865 | KY |
Children of Speed Scalf and Jamie Smith from
Scalf Family History:
Daughter of
Charles Clark Scalf & Malinda Holder
Martha<Clark<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martha Scalf daughter of Clark Scalf and Malinda
Holder was born about 1900 (census calculation) in Laurel County, Kentucky.
Elmer Scalf states a birth date of 1902. Martha married Chester Checker Pete
Southerland in Laurel County 1923. He was the son of Peter and Sarah
Children of Martha Scalf and Chester Checker
Southerland from Scalf Family History, pg. 153:
Daughter of
Charles Clark
Scalf & Malinda Holder
Sallie<Clark<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sallie A. Scalf daughter of Clark Scalf and Malinda Holder was born about 1903 (census calculation). Scalf Family History, pg. 153, states her birth date as 1924. However, this appears to be an error. Sallie married first to Otis McVey and second to A. B. Sevier. She is listed as Sally Mae Scalf in Scalf Family History; however, the census record appears to have A for the middle initial.
Children of Sallie Scalf and Otis McVey from Scalf Family History:
1) James McVey.
Daughter of
Ira Scalf & Nancy Killion McVey
Amanda<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Amanda married Sterling Jackson and the marriage is recorded
in Knox County Marriage Books BB and C. There is also a recording in the Knox
County Marriage Bond Book S, Line 25, dated April 20, 1880. This recording lists
Sterling M. JACKSON, age 19, born in Laurel County, KY, and whose mother was
born in Laurel Co., KY was married to Manda Scalf, age 17, who was born in Knox
County, KY. Manda's mother was Nancy Scalf who was born in Tennessee. (Courtesy
of Virgil Scalf)
Laurel County KY 24 June 1880 District 4 & 5
- McHargue
JACKSON, Sterling | Head | 19 | 1861 | KY | KY | KY | |
Amanda | Wife | 18 | 1862 | KY | KY | KY | Married April 20, 1880 |
1900 Laurel
CO KY 14
June 1900
JACKSON, Sterling | Head | 39 | 1861 | KY | KY | KY | |
Amandy | Wife | 39 | 1861 | KY | KY | KY | 9 children born, 7 living |
James A. | Son | 17 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY | |
Grant G. | Son | 15 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY | |
Nathaniel | Son | 12 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY | |
David E. | Son | 11 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | |
William | Son | 9 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | |
Wilson | Son | 5 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | |
Marthey J | Dau | 3 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
Amanda Scalf Jackson died between June 14, 1900 and January 2, 1901. Sterling Mitchell Jackson married Hiley Raney on January 3, 1901.
1910 Laurel
County KY 20 April 1910 District 6
McHargue Precinct
JACKSON, Mitchell | Head | 49 | 1861 | KY | KY | TN | Married twice |
Hiley | Wife | 23 | 1887 | TN | TN | TN | 5 children born, 3 living |
Wilson | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | |
Willie | Son | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | |
Mattie | Dau | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Charley | Son | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | TN | |
Mary A. | Dau | 3 | 1907 | KY | KY | TN | |
Thomas R. | Son | 1 | 1909 | KY | KY | TN |
1920 Laurel County KY January 1920 Precinct 2 London
JACKSON, Sterling | Head | 57 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY |
Hila | Wife | 30 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY |
Wilson | Son | 28 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Charles | Son | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
Anna | Dau | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Roy | Son | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Cossa | Son? | 6 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Dellia | Dau | 4 4/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Lettie | Dau | 1 3/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Laurel County KY
21 April 1930 District 1
JACKSON, Sterling | Head | 67 | 1863 | KY | KY | KY |
Francis | Wife | 45 | 1885 | TN | TN | TN |
Wilson L. | Son | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Cassie | Dau | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
Delia | Dau | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Lettie | Dau | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1) Grant
2) Riley
3) Jim Jackson
4) Dave Jackson
5) Willis Jackson
6) Annie Jackson
Son of
Sterling Mitchell Jackson & Amanda Scalf
James Jackson<Amanda Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Jackson son of Sterling Jackson and Amanda Scalf was born about 1883 (census calculation) in Kentucky. No further information is known of this family. They were found on the 1910 - 1930 census records.
JACKSON, James | Head | 27 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY | |
(Hammock)Barbrey | Wife | 24 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY | 6 children born, 3 living |
Roscoe | Son | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lillie M. | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dallie | Dau | 5/12 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Laurel CO KY 10 January 1920
JACKSON, James A. | Head | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY | |
Barbery A. | Wife | 33 | 1887 | KY | USA | KY | |
Henry R. | Son | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lily Mae | Dau | 14 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dolly | Dau | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dora | Dau | 3 3/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
General B. | Son | 0/12 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Laurel CO KY 9 April 1930 District 6
JACKSON, James | Head | 47 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Barbra | Wife | 43 | 1887 | KY | TN | KY | |
Lily M. | Dau | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dorabee | Dau | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
Burton | Son | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY | |
Howard | Son | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
Sterling Mitchell Jackson & Amanda Scalf
General G Jackson<Amanda Scalf<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Grant Jackson son of Sterling Jackson and Amanda Scalf was born about 1885 (census estimation) He married Rachel Lynch February 4, 1909. We have no further information for this family. They were found only on the 1910 Laurel County, Kentucky census.
JACKSON, Grant | Head | 25 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY | Married February 4, 1909 |
(Lynch), Rachel | Wife | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
JACKSON, Grant | Head | 35 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Rachel | Wife | 25 | 1895 | KY | TN | KY |
Grace | Dau | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Lona E. | Dau | 7 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Maranda | Dau | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Maxum | Dau | 3 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
Cyntha D. | Dau | 1 3/12 | 1918 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Laurel
CO KY 4 April 1930 District 6
JACKSON, General G. | Head | 45 | 1885 | KY | KY | KY |
Rachel | Wife | 35 | 1895 | KY | TN | KY |
Maranda | Dau | 15 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Maxine | Dau | 13 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
Maynard | Son | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY |
Riley | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Marie | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Gertude | Dau | 1 11/12 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
Sterling Mitchell Jackson & Amanda Scalf
David<Amanda<Ira<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
David E. Jackson, son of Sterling Mitchell
Jackson and Amanda Scalf was born about\ 1889 in Kentucky. David's wife is
listed as Annie B. on the 1910 Laurel County, Kentucky Census. We have no
further information on this family.
1910 Laurel CO KY 19 & 20 March 1910 McHargue Precinct
JACKSON, David | Head | 21 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Annie B. | Wife | 20 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY | 2 children born, 2 living |
Henry T. | Son | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | |
Bertha E. | Dau | 2/12 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Laurel CO KY 5
January 1920 McHargue Precinct
JACKSON, David E. | Head | 31 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Annie T. | Wife | 30 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY | |
Henry T. | Son | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | |
Bertha E. | Dau | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY | |
James E. | Son | 6 9/12 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY | |
William C. | Son | 2 7/12 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Laurel
CO KY 9 April 1930 Boring
JACKSON, Dave | Head | 41 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Annie B. | Wife | 40 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY | |
James E. | Son | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY | |
Clyde W. | Son | 13 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ernest M. | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
End chapter of Ira Scalf
Virgil Scalf – Florida – Census search, SS Indexes, Death Certificates, and other records.
Mrs. Nelle Goring Cook – California – Line of Ira and Rosanna through David C. Scalf and son Coleman Ambrose Scalf.
Mrs. Bea James King – Kansas – Line of Ira and Rosanna through David C. Scalf and daughter Rachel Dovey Scalf.
Mrs. Edna Mae Lovelace – Line of Ira and Rosanna through David C. Scalf and daughter Nancy Scalf Noble Payne.
Mrs. Doris Peterson – Kansas – Line of Ira and Rosanna Scalf through daughter Rosanna (Rosa Ann) Scalf and Andrew J. Wright.
Anthony Pesce - Line of Ira Scalf through Alfred Scalph and son Orin Scalph.
Tahmarrah _____? – Line of Ira and Rosanna through Greenberry Scalf and son Andrew J. Scalf.
William Swanson – descendent line not stated- Scalf Family Website Bulletin Board
Murray _____(last name unknown) – Email to the author August 10, 1998 on Mary Rose Scalf Tuter
Elizabeth Brown – Line of Emory Green Scalf
Newspaper Article from Barbourville Mountain Advocate by Nadine Davis Smith
Scalf Family History by Elmer D. Scalf
Copyright (C) 2007-2017 by Margaret Fleenor, All Rights Reserved.