NOTE: Updates have been added throughout this chapter since the first posting; however, please make special note of the section on Jeremiah and Sarah Brinstone Scalf, son of Brittan and Talitha Couch Scalf. If anyone has confirming/denying information on Sarah, it would be greatly appreciated.
This chapter is dedicated in memory of Henry P. Scalf, author of Chronicles of the Scalf Family. Henry was the son of William P. Scalf. William was the son of Hezekiah Scalf and Hezekiah was the son of Brittan and Talitha Couch Scalf.
Had it not been for Henry's diligent research on this line of the family, we would likely not know much about the descendants of Brittan Scalf and Talitha Couch.
As with any genealogy errors will certainly be made. We hope to correct errors and update the line of Brittan Scalf through these writings. No doubt, errors will be found in these writings although certainly not intentional. It is our hope that descendants will continue to update and correct any and all errors in all of the Scalf family writings.
Some families have not been written in detail in this chapter because the writings of Henry Scalf have already covered most of these families. Therefore, a link to the chapter of Brittan Scalf written by Henry P. Scalf will be added for further information on these families.
The following information has been compiled in conjunction with various descendants of the Brittan Scalf family as well as a search of the census records by Virgil Scalf, documents of Russell County, Virginia and various other records such as tax lists, deeds, birth and death records and information from various descendants, etc. Information has also been used from Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf.
The following descendants have contributed to this research:
1) Sherry Gillman Blackburn, g-granddaughter of Columbus (Lum) Scalf, Lum
was the son of James Breckenridge Scalf, son of Brittan Scalf.
2) Martin Willard and his father, Norman Willard, Jr. Norman is the son of
James Andrew Scalf. James Andrew was the son of Henry Amos Witch
Scalf. Amos
was the son of James Brittan Scalf, son of Jeremiah Scalf, son of Brittan Scalf.
3) Jennifer Boyd, descendent of Mary Granny
Scalf Mills daughter of
Brittan Scalf and Talitha Couch.
4) Virgil Scalf – Kentucky Records and census searches – Virgil is a
descendent of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf. Peter was a brother to
Brittan Scalf.
5) Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf.
6) Sharon Ratliff, granddaughter of Willie Morgan Scalf
Please keep in mind the copyright laws when copying information. These writings may not be copied for commercial use (sales) and may be copied only for personal use. Please remember to always recheck the information with the original documents for errors. Cemetery listings were used in these writings and were found on the Internet at the USGenWeb Project and their notice is also posted here.
All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. (
A link to Chronicles of the Scalf Family is provided here to review the writings of Henry Scalf on the Brittan Scalf family. Although Chronicles of the Scalf Family is referenced frequently here, only one link will be listed to save space. The line of Brittan Scalf and Talitha Couch can be found in Chapter VIII of Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
Due to the number of family members buried at Rainey Valley and Silver Creek Cemeteries as well as Mt. Hope Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington, we feel it necessary to provide the links to these cemeteries for descendants of these lines. There appears to be family members from the marital lines of the Scalf family also buried in these cemeteries. Rainey Valley Cemetery listings are listed at two separate URL addresses; therefore, both links to the Cemeteries for Rainey Valley are listed to save space and to avoid linking to the same site so many times. Deaths from the line of James Brittan Scalf and can be found at these URL addresses.
Silver Creek Cemetery, aka Randle, Lewis County, Washington
In Lewis County Cemetery District 4.
Located on Silverbrook Rd, (the old highway), it is well kept and still in use. Named after the Randle Family who were early settlers in the Rainey Valley area. Wm R. Jobe was the first burial 1894 on land donated by Charles H. Young.
Anna Schuffenhauer came from German in 1862, and died before 1955. Came to America with her first husband, father of Max Ogens. She became PostMistress of Rhine, an area near Randle. She is buried with her second husband in Silver Creek Cemetery, Randle, Washington. Rufus T. Siler 1836-1937, PostMaster of Vance on the Cowlitz River 28 Mar 1896.
Read in 1987, transcribed by Leslie Parnell and submitted on behalf of the Lewis County Genealogical Society, October 2002.
All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the
contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws
and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the
Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research.
They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter
information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any
format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites,
requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites.
The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file
permanently for free access. (
Rainey Valley Cemetery: Lewis County Cemetery District #4, Glenoma, WA.6 miles West of Randle on Highway #12. The cemetery lies on both sides of St Highway 12. T12N R6E S4 & S9. The cemetery was created in 1905 by Milburn Jackson Stiltner. The first recorded burial was in 1919. Dedicated on 01 February 1928. 5 Acres.
Cemetery was read 1987-1988. Corrected and transcribed by Leslie Parnell and
submitted on behalf of Lewis County Genealogical Society, October 2002.
(South of US Hwy 12) This list is a supplement to the Rainey Valley Cemetery transcription already posted on the Tombstone Transcription Project, which is missing the south section.
Burial list of Salkum & Mt. Moriah Masonic Cemeteries has been submitted by John Planinshek December 1999. Special thanks to the Lewis County Genealogical Society for graciously sharing their data. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded.
The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the
general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this
material not be used in a commercial manner. All submissions become part of the
permanent collection.
Salkum (Mt. Hope) & Mt. Moriah Masonic Cemeteries
Lewis County, Washington
T12N R1E Section 13
Census records have been transcribed with the original spellings found on the census records. Names or relationships may or may not be correct; however, if something is found to be incorrect by a family member, please let us know so the information can be corrected. Typing errors or other errors may be found in these writings. Again, notify us of the error and we will make every effort to correct it. Check Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII at the above URL address for information not found in these writings.
Son of
John Scalf, Sr. & Edeah Carlisle
Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Brittan Scalf was born 1800 – 1810 according to several census records. The fact that there was only one male child in the home of John Scalf Sr. in 1800 certainly suggests that Brittan was not born before 1800. We believe from the available records that this son would have been John Scalf Jr.
A male is listed on the 1820 Russell County, Virginia census as 16–18 years
old and is most likely Brittan. This calculates his birth date at 1802–1804.
Brittan's name has been spelled various ways in the records and it is unknown
exactly what the correct spelling might have been but the most common spelling
was Britton. However, due to fact that several in this line of the family were
named Brittan with the spelling Brittan
and are assumed to have been named for
their ancestor, the spelling of Brittan
will be referred to in this chapter.
Brittan's parents, John and Edy Carlisle Scalf named two sons William. The first
William died at a young age and the second son named William had died by 1845
but appears to have been living with the family in Russell County, Virginia in
the 1830's.
Although no records have been found to determine when Brittan's brother,
William #1 was born or when he died, it would appear that William #1 was born
and died between census records and was most likely born between John Jr. and
John Sr. and Edy Carlisle were married 1787 with their first children, Nancy,
Polly and John Jr. being born 1788, 1789 and 1790 respectively. There is a span
of approximately, ten years between the estimated births of John Jr. and
Brittan. Of course there were daughters born between these years as well but it
certainly appears that William #1 was also born during this time.
Brittan Scalf married Talitha Couch of Russell County, Virginia. From a careful
review of the tax and census records, it appears that Brittan and Talitha were
married 1820 – 1825 as their first son, Jeremiah, was born 1822 or 1823. As can
be seen from the tax lists of Russell County, Virginia, Jeremiah had reached the
age of 21 and was head of house by 1845.
It is stated in Chronicles of the Scalf Family that Archibald was the
oldest child of Brittan and Talitha but Archibald does not appear on the tax
lists of Russell County, to indicate that he had reached the age of 21 before
the family moved to Kentucky. On the 1850 census of Pike County, Kentucky,
Archibald is listed as 17 years old and would have been born 1833, some ten or
so years later than Jeremiah.
It is also stated in Chronicles of the Scalf Family that Talitha was the
daughter of John and Fanny Couch and the granddaughter of Jeremiah Couch, Sr. of
Russell County, Virginia. This also is questionable as John Couch whose wife was
Fanny, would have been too young to be Talitha's father.
No marriage record has been found for Brittan and Talitha but they most likely
married in Russell County, Virginia. Talitha's family was certainly living there
at the same time as Brittan's family. We can only speculate on the approximate
time of the marriage with help from the census records in relation to the birth
of their oldest child, Jeremiah.
We do know that Brittan was married by the enumeration of the 1830 census for he
appears as head of house in Russell County, Virginia. We also believe that
Brittan was in his father's home in 1820.
Census records and tax lists of Russell County, Virginia are listed below in
support of the above statements. For an explanation of how to read the tax
lists, please see the chapter on John Scalf, Jr. A brief explanation of the
personal property tax lists is listed here:
If someone was listed as head of house on a personal property tax list with only
one male named such as one white male over 16
it can be safely assumed that
this was the head of house and was at least 21 years of age. If there was more
than one male listed, such as 2 white males over the age of 16
it can be
safely assumed that the head of house was at least 21 years old and had a son at
least 16 years old but under the age of 21. The same can be said for any number
following the name of the head of house.
These are the official dates for the census enumerations:
1790 |
2 August |
Enumerations began |
1800 |
3 August |
Enumerations began |
1810 |
6 August |
Enumerations began |
1820 |
7 August |
Enumerations began |
1830-1900 |
1 June |
Enumerations began |
1910 |
15 April |
Enumerations began |
1920 |
1 January |
Enumerations began |
1930 |
1 April |
Enumerations began |
This does not mean that every household was enumerated on the exact date
above. This simply means that this was the official day the enumerations began
in a particular year.
1820 Russell Co VA
SCALF, John 152-A
5 males | 5-10 | 1810-1815 | (Robert-Peter-Lee-Ira-Jesse?) |
2 males | 10-16 | 1804-1810 | (William–Berryman?) |
1 male | 16-18 | 1802–1804 | (Brittan?) |
2 males | 18-26 | 1794–1802 | (Count only 1 male here-John Jr |
1 male | 45-up | 1775–before | (John Sr) |
2 females | 16-26 | 1794–1804 | (Polly–Nancy?) |
1 female | 45–up | 1775–before | (Edy) |
1830 Russell Co VA
SCALF, Brittan
1 male | 0-5 | 1825-1830 | (John Henry) |
1 male | 5-10 | 1820-1825 | (Jeremiah?) |
1 male | 20-30 | 1800-1810 | (Brittan) |
1 female | 0-5 | 1825-1830 | (Mary?) |
1 female | 5-10 | 1820-1825 | (Oldest Daughter) |
1 female | 20-30 | 1800-1810 | (Talitha Couch) |
The first mention of Brittan Scalf in the Russell County Records is the
following court minutes of Russell County. It appears that Brittan and John Long
had been fighting and was fined $1.00 each.
March 4, 1828 — page 1- 2
They also presented John Long and Brittan Scalf for an assault; and then the
grand jury having nothing further to present, was discharged.
John Long & Brittan Scalf who stand, presented by the Grand Jury for an
assault committed on each other — the said John Long in his proper person & the
said Brittan Scalf by Jeremiah Couch came into Court and by consent of the Court
confessed judgments for a fine, each of one dollar each, and paid down in Court
the said fines and the Clerks and Commonwealths attornies fees. (Russell
County Court Minutes, March 4, 1828, pg. 1-2)
Brittan then appears on the 1833 tax list of Russell County, Virginia. He was
taxed on himself and no sons were of the age to be taxed in this year. This tax
list does not reveal where Brittan was living in 1833. Sharon Carter, a Trent
Family researcher, sent this tax list to me.
February 2
Scalf, Brittan - 1 white male over 16 – 3 horses
In the same year, Brittan was appointed overseer of the roads from the South of
Clinch River to Reeds Valley. This was probably the neighborhood where Brittan
lived at this time, as this was a common practice. Folks were appointed by the
court to maintain the roads or to build a road in their neighborhood when
needed. At this term of court, it was Brittan's turn. Sometimes the appointed
surveyor would also collect the taxes for the year. In 1833, Brittan was
appointed surveyor in place of Jeremiah Couch whom we believe was Brittan's
May 7, 1833 — page 17
Ordered that Brittain Scalf be appointed Surveyor of the roads from the
South bank of Clinch River to the Reeds Valley road in the room of Jeremiah
Couch, and that Henry Dickenson gent do furnish him with a list of Tithables.
County Road Surveys, May 7, 1833, pg.17)
In 1834, Brittan was living in the Western District along with his father and
several brothers.
1834B - Western District
February 10
Scalf, Brittan 1 white male over 16 - 3 horses
Brittan is missing from the 1835 and 1836 tax lists of Russell County and may
have been gone from home at this time. His brothers, Ira, Peter, Jesse, Robert
and a John Scalf were in Clay County, Kentucky in 1836 but not before this time.
The John Scalf listed on the 1836 Clay County tax list could have been either
was John Scalf, Sr. or John Scalf, Jr. We have been unable to determine from
available records which John this was. Brittan was not found on the 1836 tax
list of Clay County but the other family members were. It is possible that
Brittan might have gone with them to Clay County, Kentucky but returned to
Russell County, Virginia before the tax list was taken for that year.
By 1837, Brittan is again taxed in Russell County. Again, no district is listed
for this tax list. It is reported that Brittan was in the horse business and may
have been gone from home in 1835 and 1836 due to this reason.
March 7
Scalf, Brittan 1 white male over 16 - 3 horses
Also, in December of 1837 Brittan Scalf is found in the records of Russell
County, Virginia recording the purchase of land from Thomas Tate. The name of
Brittan's wife Talitha is spelled Delitha on this record but descendants state
that her name was Talitha.
In the next year (1838) Brittan is again appointed surveyor of the road from
the top of the hill west to Jefferson Jesse's to Richard Longs.
This was
probably his neighborhood as well or at least very close to it.
April 3, 1838 — page 501
Ordered that Brittan Scalf be appointed Surveyor of the road from the top of
the hill west of Jefferson Jessee's to Richard Longs in the room of Richard B.
Long, and that James Dickenson gent, do furnish him with a list of Tithables.
(Russell County Court Minutes, April 3, 1838, pg. 501)
3, 1838-pg-501)
On April 19th Brittan is again listed on the 1838 Russell County tax
list but is now living in the Eastern District along with his brother, John
Scalf, Jr.
1838A Eastern District
April 19
Scalf, Brittan 1 white male over 16 - 2 horses
In 1839, Brittan is again listed on the tax list but is missing again in 1840.
No district is listed for this tax list.
Scalf, Brittian 1 white male over 16 - 2 horses
On June 5, 1830, Brittan is found charged with a debt of $39.00 and is ordered
to pay the debt. This was probably related to the business that Brittan owned.
It is stated in Chronicles of the Scalf Family that Brittan was in
business as a horse-drover.
Wednesday, June 5th 1839 — page 52
Andy F. Hendricks plaintiff
Brittan Scalf defendant
This day came the plaintiff by his attorney and the defendant not yet appearing,
it is considered by the Court, that the judgment obtained in the Clerk's office
be made final and that the plaintiff recover against the debt $39. 23 the debt
in the declaration mentioned with interest thereon to be compensated after the
act of ___(?) per annum from the 2d day of August 1837 till paid and his costs
by him about his (sinc in their behalf expended) This sentence is difficult to
(Brittan - June 5
1839 - pg. 52)
By the enumeration of the 1840 census, Brittan's family had grown to include
four more children and possibly five, if the older daughter from the 1830 census
had left the home as believed. This would be a total of nine children.
The names of the family members listed below are assumed to be in the order in
which Brittan's children were born and were added by this author. These names
were not listed on the 1840 census.
1840 Russell Co VA As of 1 June 1840
SCALF, Brittan
2 males |
0-5 |
1835-1840 |
(Levy – Hezekiah?) |
2 males |
5-10 |
1830-1835 |
(John – Archibald?) |
1 male |
15-20 |
1820-1825 |
(Jeremiah?) |
1 male |
30-40 |
1800-1810 |
(Brittan) |
1 female |
0-5 |
1835-1840 |
(Mary) |
1 female |
5-10 |
1830-1835 |
(Elizabeth) |
1 female |
10-15 |
1825-1830 |
(Oldest daughter?) |
1 female |
30-40 |
1800-1810 |
(Talitha) |
As can be seen on this census, there is no daughter in the home of Brittan on the 1840 census listed around the same age as the older daughter on the 1830 census. However, there are now three daughters in the home of Brittan and Talitha whereas there were only two in 1830. Due to the approximate births of these females, it would appear that the older daughter was born about 1825 and the other two daughters 1830 – 1840. The children appear to line up as follows:
Jeremiah | 1820 - 1825 | (approximately 1823) |
Female | 1820 - 1825 | (Probably 1825) |
John Henry | 1825 – 1830 | (Probably 1827) |
Elizabeth | 1835 - 1840 | (Probably 1829 or 1830) |
Archibald | 1830 - 1835 | (Probably 1831 - 1833) |
Mary born | 1830 – 1835 | (Probably 1833-1835) |
Levy born | 1835 – 1840 | (Probably 1835-1839) |
Hezekiah | 1835 – 1840 | (Probably 1837-1840) |
James B. | 1840 - 1842 | (1842) |
The assumed lineup of Brittan and Talitha's
children above does correspond closely to their ages listed on later census
records. Henry P. Scalf, author of Chronicles of the Scalf Family,
grandson of Hezekiah Scalf was told that a daughter named Nancy married and went
west where she was killed by Indians. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family,
Chapter VIII) This information cannot be confirmed at this time.
Brittan is listed consistently from 1841 through 1845 on the tax lists of
Russell County, Virginia with the exception of a couple of years. He does not
appear after the 1845 tax list due to his death in 1845.
Note the various spellings of his name on these tax lists. By the time of the
1841 tax list was taken Brittan had a son at least 16 years old. This should be
Jeremiah who was probably at least 17 years old here, estimating his birth date
around 1824. Scalf Family History, page 190 lists Archibald as the oldest son of
Brittan and Talitha; however, the tax lists of Russell County, Virginia and the
1850 Floyd County, Kentucky census suggest that Jeremiah was the oldest son.
April 6
Scalf, Brittian | 2 white males over 16 - 2 horses |
1842B Western District.
April 14
Scalf, Brittian | 2 white males over 16 - 2 horses |
May 2
Scalf, Brittan | 2 white males over 16 - 2 horses |
In 1844 Brittan still has a son old enough to be tithed. By the year 1845,
Jeremiah is in his own home and Brittan still has a son old enough to be tithed
in this year. This was probably John Henry if the census records are near
March 4
Scalf, Brittan | 2 white males over 16 - 2 horses |
In Russell County, Virginia in October of 1844,
Brittan was paid $2.00 for guarding a prisoner.
Tuesday, October 8th 1844 — page 406
The following accounts were presented in Court, and allowed; it appearing to the
Court that former guards were necessary to the safe conveyance of the prisoners
to the jail of Russell County, which is ordered to be certified to the Auditor
of public accounts; Benjamin Haley, $2.76; Brittan Scalf $2. 76; Hezakiah Hamon
$2.76 and William Hale $2.76. (Brittan, Oct. 8, 1844-pg-406)
In 1845, Brittan still has one son that has reached the age of 16 and as stated
above, is likely John Henry. Jeremiah is in his own home as head of house and
taxed in this year.
Scalf, Britten 2 white males over 16 3 horses
Scalf, Jeremiah 1 white male over 16 2 horses
On July 8, 1845 in Russell County, Virginia, Brittan and his wife sold property
to Anderson Williams. This would be the last record found of Brittan Scalf.
Tuesday, July 8th 1845 — page 452
A list of Conveyances admitted to record by the Clerk of the Court since the
last Term.
An Indenture of bargain and sale for land from Brittan Scalf & wife to Anderson
Williams, acknowledged before two Justices.
(Brittan-1845-pg. 452)
Brittan died sometime after July 17, 1845 when the deposition was made by Patsy
Counts Scalf in Hawkins County, Tennessee. It is reported that Brittan was
killed by a falling tree while working on the roads in Russell County.
Brittan's widow, Talitha Scalf and their son, Jeremiah appears on the 1846 tax
list of Russell County. Unfortunately, there is no month listed for this tax
list to help us narrow down a more approximate date of death for Brittan.
Talitha is then gone in 1847 but Jeremiah remains and is listed in 1847 but is
not found in Russell County in 1848. There were no Scalfs listed on the tax
lists after 1847 in Russell County, Virginia. It should be noted here that
Talitha's name often appears as Delitha and Delila in Russell County, Virginia.
Scalf, Delila 1 white male over 16 3 horses (Talitha)
Scalf, Jeremiah 1 white male over 16 2 horses
For an account of Talitha's move to Kentucky, please see Chapter VIII of
Chronicles of the Scalf Family. The link is listed at the beginning of this
chapter. You can use your Find
selection and type in the name you are
searching for.
Russell County, Virginia Tax list:
Scalf, Jeremiah 1 white male over 16 2 horses
1848 – No Scalfs
1849 – No Scalfs
1850 – No Scalfs
Patsy Counts Scalf stated in her deposition in Hawkins County, Tennessee, that
Brittan had nineteen children by the year 1845. This was surely a mistake on the
clerk's part in interpreting what Patsy said. Patsy might have said something
similar to, Brittan has nine or ten children
and the clerk heard nineteen.
It does not appear reasonable that Brittan and Talitha could have had that many
children between 1823 and 1845. The tax lists of Russell County, Virginia also
confirm that Brittan did not have sons old enough to be tithed before 1841 and
the grandson's of Brittan confirmed to Henry P. Scalf that they had never know
of this many children.
The 1830 census should have reflected a larger number of children if there had
been 19 children in the Brittan Scalf family. It is the opinion of this
researcher that the number 19
on the deposition given by Patsy Counts Scalf
was either an error on the part of the clerk, or cause by an extra stroke of the
Eight known children of the Brittan Scalf family have been found and are listed
below along with as many descendants as we know at this time. Brittan Scalf died
between July 17, 1845 and before the 1846 tax list was taken in Russell County,
Virginia, as his wife was listed as head of house on the 1846 tax list. His
family then moved over to Pike and Floyd County, Kentucky.
Wife of Brittan Scalf
Talitha was last found in Russell County, Virginia on the tax list of 1846. It is a matter of record that Talitha moved to Pike County, Kentucky. Talitha was found on the 1850 census listed as Talitha SKATH. Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Talitha left Russell County, Virginia the year following Brittan's death. Brittan died in late 1845. Talitha was found on the tax list of Russell County in 1846 but could have moved after the taxes were collected for this year and if so, would have made the move to Kentucky in 1846, which would have been the year after Brittan's death as stated by Henry P. Scalf.
It was suggested by both Henry P. Scalf and Elmer D. Scalf that Talitha was the daughter of John and Fanny Couch. However, the records suggest that Jeremiah Couch, Sr. was the father of Talitha and not his son John.
Jeremiah Couch first appeared in Russell County in 1810 living in the upper district. Jeremiah was taxed on one tithable other than himself, suggesting he had a son who had reached the age of 16 or over in 1810.
The only other Couch family member living in Russell County, Virginia was a William Couch listed on the 1800 and 1801 personal property tax lists of Russell County. In 1801, William Couch had one tithable. William could have been the father of Jeremiah or a brother. However, William had left the area after 1801 and was not found in Russell County. He might have died or simply moved from the area.
There were no other Couch families in Russell County listed on the tax or census records other than Jeremiah Sr. until 1840 when John Couch and Jeremiah Couch, Jr. appear. John was listed as 30 – 40 years old and would have been near the age of Talitha according to the estimation of her age from the census records. Talitha was listed as 30 – 40 years old in 1840 as well. It appears that Talitha, John and Jeremiah Couch, Jr. were actually siblings.
Jeremiah Sr. was born 1770 – 1780. He appears as head of house in 1820 with eight females and four males in the home other than himself and his wife. In 1830, only one older female other than his wife was listed suggesting two of the females had married.
In 1850, we find Jeremiah listed as 74 years old estimating a birth date of 1776. It appears that his wife had died. There is a Polly in the home aged 35 and was likely another daughter. Jeremiah Couch, Sr. was born in Grayson County, Virginia and Polly was born in Russell County also indicating this was his daughter.
Jeremiah Couch does not appear on the 1860 census of Russell County. John Couch and his wife Fanny do appear on the 1860 census. John also appeared on the 1850 census with his wife Fanny who was listed as 40 years old in 1850. However, in 1860, Fanny appears to be 84 years old. Fanny should have been 50 years old in 1860. Reviewing the 1860 census suggests that this was most likely intended to be 54 instead of 84 and could be mistaken for 84 due to the handwriting of the enumerator. Couch descendants might be able to help with this.
It is the opinion of this researcher that Jeremiah Couch, Sr. was the father of Talitha Couch Scalf and not John and Fanny Couch due to the ages of John and Talitha.
Henry Scalf stated in Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII
that Talitha lived to be in her 80's. The grandmother of Norah James Scalf, wife
of Henry recalled her remembrance of Talitha at her home at Moree.
Robinson stated the following to Henry P. Scalf. Talitha was a good horsewoman
in her advanced years, Mrs. Robinson noted, and would ride alone from the Johns
Creek section to the home of Levy Scalf on Big Creek, a considerable distance
over rugged trails for an aged woman.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family,
Chapter VIII)
Reverend Alex Blankenship, a highly respected minister recalled the location
of Talitha's grave.
The Blankenship cemetery, on lands owned for years by the
Rev. Alex Blankenship, is on a high point overlooking Johns Creek, near the
present (1965) postoffice of McCombs, Pike County. Talitha was buried at the
neck of the point where the promontory begins to extend away from the hill. The
grave is unmarked.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
It cannot be confirmed that Talitha Couch Scalf lived to be in her 80's, due to the fact that she was not found after the 1850 census. This is not to say that she is not listed on a census after 1850; however, a thorough search of the census records and tax lists of Kentucky and Virginia as well as other states has been undertaken and have failed to produce Talitha Scalf by any variation of the surname.
Given the lack of evidence concerning Talitha, we cannot confirm that she did live this long and we must rely on the above statement by Mrs. Robinson. Talitha might have been living in the home of someone else. If she were living with another family she would not
be listed on a tax list or as head of house on a census record.
The 1850 census confirms that John Henry Scalf was the oldest son in the home of Talitha Scalf in Pike County, Kentucky and was probably the son listed as 16 or over in the home of Brittan Scalf in 1846 after Jeremiah had married. This census also confirms that Elizabeth was the next child born to Brittan and Talitha and was born around 1829 or 1830. There was one older daughter on the 1830 census of Russell County, Virginia that was missing from the 1840 census of Russell County. This was not Mary Scalf daughter of Brittan and Talitha, for Mary was born around 1835.
Note: Mary is listed on the 1850 census as Mary T. Scath. We do not
know what the T might have represented but the name Talitha
comes to mind if
this was in fact, a T. It could just as easily have been a (J) or an (I).
1850 Pike Co KY 13 September 1850
SCATH (Scalf) Talitha |
49 |
1801 |
VA |
John |
23 |
1827 |
VA |
Elizabeth |
21 |
1829 |
VA |
Archibald |
17 |
1833 |
VA |
Mary T. |
14 |
1836 |
VA |
Levi |
12 |
1838 |
VA |
Hezekiah |
7 |
1841 |
VA |
James |
7 |
1843 |
VA |
Son of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jeremiah Scalf was the oldest son of Brittan and Talitha and was born
1823-1825. The 1850 census of Floyd County, Kentucky suggests 1823. Jeremiah
married Sarah Sally
Byington and this couple was found in Floyd County,
Kentucky in 1850. On the 1850 census of Floyd County, Kentucky, Jeremiah was
listed as Jeremiah SCARF. Tax records of Pike County, Kentucky show that
Jeremiah moved to Pike County, Kentucky from Russell County, Virginia. However,
by 1850, Jeremiah was living in Floyd County and by 1860 he was back in Pike
Jeremiah and Sarah could have married in Russell County, Virginia; however, there were no Brinstone families living in that area in 1840. Jeremiah may have met his wife in Kentucky on a trip there to visit relatives or on a trip with his father concerning the horse business. They most likely married around 1845 according to the birth of their first child.
Henry Scalf states that Jeremiah went to Kentucky to be with his uncles, Robert, Jesse and Peter and states Jeremiah could have married in Virginia and might have met Sarah in Kentucky. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family at the above link)
In 1860 Jeremiah is listed as SCOLF on the census index. Review of this microfilm does in fact show that the name was spelled SCOLF by the enumerator. This enumerator also listed the household number beside of Jeremiah's wife instead of Jeremiah resulting in Jeremiah appearing to have been living in the home of his brother Levi on this census. Levi is spelled Levy on this census. Levi's family was living next door to Jeremiah in 1860. Both surnames are spelled SCOLF.
Jeremiah died sometime between 1858 and 1864 for the records show that his last child, Henry Amos Scalf was born about 1859. Jeremiah's widow, Sarah Brinstone Scalf remarried in 1864 to Leroy Vaughn.
Due to the timing of the death of Jeremiah Scalf, it is very possible he served in the Civil War. descendants of this line might benefit from a search of the military records of Pike County, Kentucky. Jeremiah might have been with a home guard unit and if so, there may not be a record of his service.
As noted above, Jeremiah was listed as head of house and taxed beginning in 1845 in Russell County Virginia. This tax list confirms that Jeremiah was the oldest son of Brittan and Talitha. No other son was found old enough to be listed on this tax list as head of house.
Scalf, Jeremiah 1 white male over 16 2 horses
Scalf, Jeremiah 1 white male over 16 2
Scalf, Jeremiah 1 white male over 16 2
1848 – Russell County, VA
Jeremiah was not found on the tax lists of Russell County, Virginia in 1848 and was not found in Kentucky in 1848. However, Jeremiah first appears in Pike County, Kentucky on the 1849 tax list of that year.
1849 Floyd Jeremiah Scalf
White male over 21 years of age --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares --- $40
Cattle --- 4
Total value --- $40
1850 Floyd Jeremiah Scaff
White male over 21 years of age --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares --- $25
Cattle --- 2
Total value --- $25
Jeremiah was found as head of house in 1850 in Floyd County, Kentucky and listed as Jeremiah SCARF.
1850 Floyd Co KY 5 August 1850
SCARF, Jeremiah |
27 |
1823 |
KY |
Sarah |
26 |
1824 |
KY |
Brittan |
5 |
1845 |
KY |
Cynthia |
3 |
1847 |
KY |
William |
1 |
1849 |
KY |
Note: Even though this is the same family in 1850 & 1860, the age of Jeremiah and Sarah, as well as the children raise a few questions in comparing the two census records. Jeremiah's age in 1850 is most likely nearer correct than the 1860 census as well as the family members. Jeremiah named his oldest son James Brittan probably in honor of his father who died the year James Brittan was born. The 1850 census suggests that James Brittan was born 1845 in Kentucky, which also suggests that Jeremiah was in Kentucky at some point in 1845. If his age was correct on this census, he would have been born in Russell County, Virginia unless Jeremiah had married in Kentucky and James Brittan was born there before his father went back to Russell County, Virginia, which is also possible.
1860 Pike Co KY 24 July 1860
SCOLF, Jeremiah |
30? |
1830? |
VA |
Sarah |
28? |
1832? |
VA |
James B. |
13 |
1847 |
VA |
(James Brittan) |
Cynthia T. |
12 |
1848 |
KY |
William |
10 |
1850 |
KY |
Nancy J. |
8 |
1852 |
KY |
Mary |
6 |
1854 |
KY |
Lissy |
4 |
1856 |
KY |
(Sarah Melissa) |
Henry |
1 |
1859 |
KY |
(Amos Henry) |
After the death of Jeremiah, Sarah Brinstone Scalf remarried to Leroy Vaughn August 26, 1864 according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
This marriage record has not been found at this time but is cited in Chronicles of the Scalf Family. The census record of 1870 Pike County, Kentucky does show Leroy Vaughn and Sarah with a child Emma T. and two of the children of Jeremiah and Sarah in the home. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Mary, daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah was born 1854 according to the 1860 census of Pike County. There is no child named Mary listed on the 1870 census. However, there is a child named Talitha A. Scalf who appears to be the correct age to have been Mary from the 1860 census; however, we cannot verify that Mary and Talitha were the same person and due to the incorrect ages from census to census, there might have been a child named Mary that died.
Mary was not found after the 1860 census and Talitha was found only on the 1870 census in the home of her mother Sarah Brinstone Scalf Vaughn and stepfather, Leroy Vaughn. This also adds to the confusion since Talitha was born around 1854 and should have been in Jeremiah's home in 1860.
Lissy, listed on the 1860 census appears to be Sarah M. on the 1870 census and was probably named Sarah Melissa and used Lissy as a short name for Melissa. Melissa (Lissy) married John Adams.
Once again, the name SCALF is spelled differently on the 1870 census. It is now spelled SCAFF. This is very plainly spelled SCAFF on this census by the enumerator.
1870 Pike Co KY 29 July 1870 District #5 Piketon
Vaughn, Leroy | M |
55 |
1815 |
VA |
Sarah | F |
43 |
1827 |
VA |
Emma T. | F |
4/12 |
1870 |
KY |
SCAFF, William | M |
21 |
1849 |
KY |
Nancy J. | F |
18 |
1852 |
KY |
Talitha | F |
16 |
1854 |
KY |
Sarah M. | F |
14 |
1856 |
KY |
(Lissy) |
Amos | F |
11 |
1859 |
KY |
(Henry Amos) |
By the enumeration of the 1880 census, all the children of Jeremiah and Sarah are gone from the home. The only child left at home is the daughter of Leroy and Sarah Brinstone Scalf Vaughn.
1880 Pike Co KY 11 June 1880 Lower Johns Creek Dist #5
Vaughn, Leroy | Head |
60 |
1820 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Sarah | Wife |
50 |
1830 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Tennessee | Dau |
16 |
1864 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Miller, J.P. | Servant |
21 |
1859 |
NC |
NC |
NC |
Emma from the 1870 census and Tennessee from the 1880 census were most likely
the same person even though there is an age difference. Emma was the daughter of
Leroy and Sarah.
From the 1870 Pike County census we find the family of Mitchell Nunnery and wife
Elizabeth. William Scalf, son of Jeremiah and Sarah Brinstone Scalf, is living
in the home at this time. William's name was again spelled SCAFF on these census
William also appears to have been listed twice in this year. He was enumerated
once in the home of his mother Sarah Brinstone Scalf and stepfather Leroy Vaughn
and once in the home of Mitchell and Elizabeth Nunnery. This is unusual as the
census was recorded on the same date. However, we know of no other William
Scaff/Scalf in the area and his age is exactly the same in both households.
1870 Pike Co KY 29 July 1870 District #5 Piketon
NUNNERY, Michell |
M |
40 |
1830 |
VA |
Elizabeth |
F |
40 |
1830 |
KY |
John W. |
M |
17 |
1853 |
KY |
Elizabeth I. |
F |
15 |
1855 |
KY |
Elijah |
M |
13 |
1857 |
KY |
Andrew |
M |
11 |
1859 |
KY |
James |
M |
6 |
1864 |
OH |
William T. S. |
M |
3 |
1867 |
KY |
Hiram |
M |
1 |
1869 |
KY |
SCAFF, William |
M |
21 |
1849 |
KY |
Information from Chronicles of the Scalf Family reveals that the Mitchell Nunnery family was living near the Scalf family in Pike County, Kentucky and that Hezekiah had built a house up the valley. The home of Mitchell Nunnery was located above Hezekiah. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
NOTE: Since the first posting of this chapter, a death certificate for Cynthia Scalf Burchette was found by Virgil Scalf. On this death certificate, Cynthia's mother's maiden name is listed as SARAH BYINGTON. (See death certificate of Cynthia Scalf Burchette listed under her section)
The informant for Cynthia's death certificate was her daughter, Alice Burchette Layne, wife of Dallas Layne. Although it is possible that Alice did not know her grandmother's correct maiden name, we must assume she did. The death certificate of William Scalf, son of Jeremiah and Sarah, does not have his mother's name listed, only his father, Jeremiah. Ballard Scalf was the informant for this record.
Excerpts from the writings of Henry Scalf listed here add more confusion to this discrepancy.
Henry was the author of The Voices of Old Men,
as well as Chronicles
of the Scalf Family.
An excerpt from The Voices of Old Men is
listed here and compared to Henry's statement from Chronicles of the Scalf
Family concerning Sarah Brinstone Scalf:
LeRoy Vaughan or Roy, as he was called, exhibited the features and
temperament of an Indian more than any other Vaughan, unless it was Grandsire
Vaughan, his grandfather. From childhood to old age he was tricky, deceitful and
full of deviltry. He has been dead three quarters of a century, yet oldsters
tell endless tales about him.
He married the widow, Amanda Mills, in 1829, and following her death, married Julia Byington Scalf, widow of Jerry Scalf, on Buffalo Creek, Pike county. He removed to her cabin just a few miles above the Pike county line and lived there during the Civil War and at the time of his death. (The Voices of Old Men, Chapter V – H.P. Scalf, 1965)
6. Jeremiah (Jerry) Scalf,
born Russell County, Va. Married Sarah Brinstone. Died Pike County, Ky.
of the Scalf Family, Chpt. VIII, Henry P. Scalf)
Jeremiah (Jerry) Scalf, son of
Brittan and Talitha Couch Scalf, was born in Russell County, Virginia, in 1823
and named for his uncle, Jeremiah Couch. We know nothing of his teen-age life
except that when he was about 17 years old, in 1840, he crossed over the
Cumberlands to Southeastern Kentucky to be with his uncles, Robert, Jesse and
Peter Scalf. At about this time he married Sarah Brinstone, the place not known.
It is conceivable that he married in Virginia and moved to Clay County,
Kentucky, after his marriage. She was the same age as her husband, according to
the 1850 Clay County Census.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chpt. VIII,
Henry P. Scalf)
Henry Scalf listed the widow of Jeremiah Scalf as JULIA BYINGTON SCALF in his book, The Voices of Old Men, 1965.
In Chronicles of the Scalf Family, 1972, Henry names the wife of Jeremiah Scalf as SARAH BRINSTONE.
The granddaughter of Jeremiah, Alice Burchett Layne, listed the mother of Cynthia Scalf Burchettt (daughter of Jeremiah) as SARAH BYINGTON on Cynthia's death certificate.
Therefore, we have different names for the wife/widow of Jeremiah Scalf from two different sources. Henry is related to the family through Jeremiah's brother, Hezekiah. However, Alice Burchett Layne was a granddaughter and one would think she would have more knowledge of her grandmother.
We are left to determine if the maiden name of Jeremiah's wife/widow was BRINSTONE or BYINGTON, and if her name given name was SARAH or JULIA, or SARAH JULIA.
Although the death certificate of Cynthia Scalf Burchett is an official record and would take precedence over anything else, we have chosen to leave the name SARAH BRINSTONE as Jeremiah's wife/widow until further evidence can unravel this mystery.
Son of
Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Brinstone
James B<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Brittan Scalf was the oldest son of Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Brinstone.
James was born 1845 – 1847 according to census records. If this is correct, he
could have been born in either Virginia or Kentucky. James stated he was born in
Virginia on the 1870 Floyd County, Kentucky census.
James Brittan Scalf married Mary Elizabeth Thompson, probably around 1865 according to the birth of his first child, Jinsey L. Scalf who was born 1866. Jinsey would have been fourteen years old in 1880 but apparently died sometime before the 1880 census for she was not listed in the home on the 1880 census.
James Brittan was not found after 1880 and it assumed that he died 1880 –
1900. His wife, Mary Elizabeth Thompson Scalf was found as head of house in 1900
and listed as a widow. She was not found in 1910 but was found again as head of
house in 1920 and still widowed. She was still living in 1930 in the home of her
son, John Wesley and his second wife, Emma Music Scalf in Chehalis (Lewis Co)
Mary Elizabeth Thompson Scalf was listed as Grandma Scalf
in her obituary. The
obituary reads as follows:
88, mother of John Scalf, died Friday at the home of her son. She was buried
Sunday at Rainey Valley Cemetery. The date of this obituary was 16 March 1934. (Lewis
County Historical Museum)
More information for this family can be found in Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
Census records are presented below to confirm these families.
1870 Floyd Co KY 15 August
1870 Prct #7 Prestonsburg
M |
24 |
1846 |
VA |
F |
21 |
1849 |
KY |
F |
4 |
1866 |
KY |
M |
2 |
1868 |
KY |
1880 Pike Co KY 11 June 1880 Prct #5 Lower Johns
SCAFF, James B. | Head |
35 |
1845 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Mary | Wife |
32 |
1848 |
WV |
WV |
WV |
William W. | Son |
10 |
1870 |
KY |
VA |
WV |
John W. | Son |
7 |
1873 |
KY |
VA |
WV |
HARVY, Randa | Nephew |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
FARMER, Jane | Other |
12 |
1868 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
After the death of her husband, James Brittan Scalf, Mary Elizabeth Thompson Scalf moved to Lewis County, Washington with her son, John Wesley Scalf and his family where Mary died and was buried at Rainey Cemetery. Mary Elizabeth Thompson Scalf was born 02 Mar 1847 and died 22 Mar 1934. (See Rainey Valley Cemetery Listing)
1900 Floyd Co KY 12 June 1900 Dicks Creek
SCALF, Mary |
Head |
52 |
1848 |
KY |
KY |
KY Widow |
1910 – Mary not found on this census.
1920 Lewis Co WA 20-21 January 1920 Randle Precinct
SCALF, Mary | Head | 70 | 1850 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Lewis Co WA 8-9 April 1930 Randle Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head | 57 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY | |
Emma> | Wife | 42 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lee B. | Son | 15 | 1915 | WA | WA | KY | |
Olie R. | Son | 14 | 1916 | WA | WA | KY | |
Minnie A. | Dau | 12 | 1918 | WA | WA | KY | |
Andrew L | Son | 10 | 1920 | WA | WA | KY | |
Myrtle M | Dau> | 9 | 1921 | WA | WA | KY | |
Opal V. | Dau | 8 | 1922 | WA | WA | KY | |
Irvin B. | Son | 7 | 1923 | WA | WA | KY | |
Hazel | Dau | 5 | 1923 | WA | WA | KY | |
John W. Jr | Son | 3 9/12 | 1926 | WA | WA | KY | |
Jina | Dau | 5/12 | 1929 | WA | WA | KY | |
SCALF, Mary | Mother | 83 | 1847 | WA | WA | KY |
Son of
James Brittain Scalf & Mary Thompson
William W<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Wayne Scalf was born February 28, 1870 and died January 3, 1931 in Chehalis (Lewis Co) Washington. William was killed in a car accident. He is buried at Silver Creek Cemetery in Chehalis, Washington. Interestingly, William's headstone lists his name as William J. Scalf. Chronicles of the Scalf Family lists his name as William Wayne. The headstone listing could be a transcribing error.
William married Martha F. DeRossett, daughter of Thomas Jefferson DeRossett
and Nancy Jane Goble in Floyd County, Kentucky. Martha was born 1874 and died
1949. She is also buried at Silver Creek Cemetery.
This family had moved to Lewis County, Washington by 1911. Willie was a
government bounty hunter
and had moved to Washington before the DeRossett
family had made the move. His wife, Martha DeRossett wrote such glowing
back home to Kentucky about the good hunting, fishing, etc., that her
brother, Ike DeRossett decided to also make the trip to Washington.
Ike married Gracie Porter and this family also traveled to Lewis County, Ike brought his and Martha's parents Thomas Jefferson DeRossett and Nancy Jane Goble DeRossett along to Lewis County. Thomas DeRossett was born 1840 and died 1918. Nancy Jane Goble DeRossett was born 1843 and died 1919 just one year after her husband's death. Both are buried at the Silver Creek Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington.
Their son, Isaac Napoleon (Ike) DeRossett was born 1877 and died 1968 in Lewis County, Washington. He married Grace Porter DeRossett born 1886 and died 1979 in Lewis County, Washington. Both are buried at Silver Creek Cemetery. Ike and Gracie were the parents of seven children. Only six lived to adulthood.
1) Raymond was born August 14, 1905 and died September 9, 1993. His wife was Alberta I Gardner. She was born April 25, 1907 (no death date known).
2) Elkanna (Kaney) was born February 18, 1910 and died June 26, 1992. He married Elsie Collins. She was born February 28, 1915 and died June 16, 1973. Elkanna (E.K.) and Elsie are buried at Sliver Creek Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington.
3) Anna (Eunice) married Ruel Gillmore - three children.
4) Edna May died as a baby from whooping cough.
5) Bert ( no dates) Never married.
6) Hubert Leonard born 1919. Married Irene Smeltzer and had a daughter.
7) Herbert Jack born 1919. Married Delia McMurray and they had a daughter.
(Names listed above from Lewis County Historical Museum)
The journey to Lewis County took its toll on these families. Several of the families lost children; some died during the trip and some died afterwards. Some births and deaths of these families were found on the Lewis County, Washington website. (See Silver Creek Cemetery Listings)
Another interesting piece of information was found on the Lewis County, Washington website. This article was written by Tami (DeRossett) Moorcroft and inserted here with her permission.
LINK TO A PHOTOGRAPH OF THIS FAMILY (courtesy of Tami DeRossett Moorcraft)
My grandparents came from Floyd County, KY in 1911. My granddad Isaac (Ike)
Napoleon DeRossett brought my gram Gracie (Porter), their 3 kids Raymond, Anna
Eunice, and Elkanna, along with them he brought his parents Thomas Jefferson
DeRossett and Nancy Jane (Goble). In Ky they left brothers and sisters - the
parents never seeing their other kids again. When I started doing genealogy I
started in Floyd county and I found a few distant cousins from the DeRossett
side after 3 years I was thinking none of the kids of the brothers and sisters
still lived back there. But this last spring I came in contact with my 3rd
cousin and he was so generous to send me some pictures to look at that he did
not know and low and behold was a picture of my grandparents sent to his
grandmother (who was my grandad's sister) taken of them after they moved out
here. None of us out here had ever seen the picture and I was totally thrilled
to get it. I believe this picture was taken in Vance from the mountains in the
distance and knowing where they lived at this time. My gram looks awful I
believe this to be right after she lost her 6 month old baby girl to whooping
cough she had ivory skin and in this picture she looks so dark. Not a happy time
for her she told me that after she lost her baby she thought she was going to
lose her mind. What made it really hard for her was she had no family of her own
out here as Grandad had his sister Martha DeRossett Scalf and her husband Will
and kids and his parents he brought. She said she held Edna (the baby) and
wouldnt let any one take her because in the days before she died she would get
to coughing and she would stop breathing and turn blue and then all of a sudden
she would catch her breathe and come back. But she held her for over 6 hours
after she died thinking she would come back. How hard our poor grandparents had
it. How sad and how homesick my gram must have been and none of us understanding
that they had a life before here. I wish I had paid more attention but it wasnt
real to me I just didnt stop and think what she had gone through. Everytime a
letter came from back there she would get tears in her eyes and put her apron up
over them. She was a wonderful and loving woman I still miss her and her big
hugs. Such a change from her generation to mine.
(Tami DeRossett Moorcraft).
Children of Willie Scalf and Martha DeRossett:
1) Everett (Rastus) Scalf born July 22, 1890.
2) Thomas J. Scalf born December 23, 1891.
3) Joseph K. Scalf born May 13, 1894.
4) John Wesley Scalf born November 28, 1897.
5) Mary Jane Scalf born January 21, 1901, died December 24, 1903.
6) Bailey Scalf born March 13, 1904.
7) Rose Melvina Scalf born February 3, 1908.
8) Cloie Alice born about 1911.
9) Ida Mae Scalf born about 1915.
Ida Mae could be Ida Mae Ward buried at Silver Creek Cemetery with a date of 1914__
This may be her husband as well. Carl Ward - 1901-1971
William (Willie) Scalf and his family were followed on the census records through 1930. Helen E. and Willis J. Scalf, children of Joseph K. Scalf and Maybelle Bishop Scalf were living in the home of their grandparents, William and Martha DeRossett Scalf in 1930. Their mother Maybelle had died in 1928.
1900 Floyd Co KY 12 June 1900 Dicks Creek
SCALF, William | Head |
31 |
1869 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha | Wife |
28 |
1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rastus | Son |
9 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas | Son |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Joseph | Son |
6 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John | Son |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thompson, Margaret | Boarder |
53 |
1847 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 23 April 1910 Verndale Precinct
SCALF, William | Head |
40 |
1870 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Martha | Wife |
37 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rastus | Son |
19 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas | Son |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Joseph | Son |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John | Son |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Baily | Son |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Melvina | Son |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Lewis Co WA 15 & 16 January 1920 Randle Precinct
SCALF, Willie | Head |
52 |
1868 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Martha F. | Wife |
45 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rastus E. (Evertt) | Son |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John W. | Son |
22 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bailey M. | Son |
15 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Melvina R. | Dau |
11 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Cloie A. | Dau |
9 |
1911 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ida M. | Dau |
5 |
1915 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
1930 Lewis Co WA 4-5 April 1930 Randle Precinct
SCALF, Willie W. | Head |
61 |
1869 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha F. | Wife |
55 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John W. | Son |
31 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bailey M. | Son |
26 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ida M | Dau |
16 |
1914 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Helen E. | G-dau |
8 |
1922 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Willis J. | G-dau |
5 |
1925 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
It should be noted here that there are several graves at Silver Creek Cemetery that have no dates. It cannot be determined which family Ernest Scalf belonged to. Ernest died as an infant.
1940 Lewis CO WA
9 April
SCALF, Martha F. | Head | 66 | 1874 | KY Widow |
Everett R. | Son | 49 | 1891 | KY |
Bailey M. | Son | 36 | 1904 | KY Divorced |
Phyllis E. | G-dau | 6 | 1934 | WA |
Son of
William (Willie) Scalf & Martha DeRossett
Everett R<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Everett E. (aka Rastus) Scalf was born July 22, 1890 in Prestonsburg, Kentucky and died 17 September 1961 in Randel, Washington. Everett never married. Everett is buried at Silver Creek Cemetery in Chehalis (Lewis Co) Washington. (See Silver Creek Cemetery Listings)
Note: Rastus is listed twice in 1910. On April 23, 1910, he is in the home of
his parents. Five days later, on April 28th he is listed as a Hired
in the home of Robert Peters.
His obituary states he was a veteran of World War I.
SCALF – Everett E., 71, passed away Sept. 17th at his home in Randle. He was born July 22, 1890 in Prestonsburg, Ky., and had been a resident of Randle for 52 years. Mr. Scalf was a veteran of the U. S. Army in World War I. Surviving the deceased are four brothers, Tom, John, Bailey, all of Randle; Joe, Kosmos; Two sisters, Mrs. Alice Hackney, Randle; Mrs. Ida Mae Ward, Kosmos. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Morton Chapel of the Fissell Funeral Home with Rev. Everette M. Filbert officiating. Burial in Silver Creek Cemetery. (Chehalis Advocate – Courtesy,
Lewis County Historical Museum)
1900 Floyd Co KY 12 June
1900 Dicks Creek
SCALF, William |
Head |
31 |
1869 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha |
Wife |
28 |
1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rastus |
Son |
9 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas |
Son |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Joseph |
Son |
6 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John |
Son |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thompson, Margert |
Boarder |
53 |
1847 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 23 April 1910 Verndale Precinct
SCALF, William | Head |
40 |
1870 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha | Wife |
37 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rastus | Son |
19 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas | Son |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Joseph | Son |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John | Son |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Baily | Son |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Melvina | Dau |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 28 April 1910 Randle Precinct
PETERS, Robert K. |
Head |
40 |
1870 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Sarah |
Wife |
32 |
1878 |
OR |
IL |
IL |
Ralin K. |
Son |
12 |
1898 |
WA |
KY |
OR |
Herbert |
Son |
11 |
1899 |
WA |
KY |
OR |
Della E. |
Dau |
9 |
1901 |
WA |
KY |
OR |
Vivian F. |
Dau |
6 |
1904 |
WA |
KY |
OR |
Birdie |
Dau |
3 |
1907 |
WA |
KY |
OR |
Nellie |
Dau |
4 |
1906 |
WA |
KY |
OR |
Robert |
Son |
2/12 |
1910 |
WA |
KY |
OR |
SCALF, Rass |
Hired Man |
19 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Evertt Scalf
Age: 27
Home Address: Mineral, WA
Born: Prestonsburg, KY
Date of Birth: July 22, 1890
(Link to original document)
Employer: C.M. & St Paul
Occupation: R.R. section hand
Place of employment: Mineral, WA
Nearest relative: Sarah Keesee - mother
Nearest relative address: Chehalis, Lewis CO, WA
Height: Short
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1917
In 1920, Everett is back home with his parents. He is then found as head of
house in 1930.
1920 Lewis Co WA 15 & 16 January 1920 Randle Precinct
SCALF, Willie |
Head |
52 |
1868 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha F. |
Wife |
45 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rastus E. (Evertt) |
Son |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John W. |
Son |
22 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bailey M. |
Son |
15 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Melvina R. | Dau |
11 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Cloie A. | Dau |
9 |
1911 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Ida M. | Dau |
5 |
1915 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
1930 Lewis Co WA 4-5 April 1930 Randle Precinct
SCALF, Evertt | Head |
39 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Lewis CO WA
9 April
SCALF, Martha F. | Head | 66 | 1874 | KY Widow |
Everett R. | Son | 49 | 1891 | KY |
Bailey M. | Son | 36 | 1904 | KY Divorced |
Phyllis E. | G-dau | 6 | 1934 | WA |
We believe Everett Rastus Scalf is the same Everett listed in the Silver Creek Cemetery Listings as Everett E. Scalf born 22 July 1890 and died 17 September 1961. He was a Veteran of WWI. The transcribed copy lists Everett E., which we believe was a transcribing error and the E should have been an R. Henry P. Scalf states that Everett never married.
WWII Registration Card:
Name: Evertt E. Rastus Scalf
Address: Randle, Lewis County, Washington
Age: 52
Date of birth: July 22, 1890
(Link to
Place of birth: Floyd County, Kentucky
Person who will know your address: Martha Scalf
Son of
William (Willie) Scalf & Martha DeRossett
Thomas J<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Thomas J. Scalf was born December 23, 1891 in Kentucky and died 12 June 1967
at Tacoma (Lewis County, Washington (Silver Creek Cemetery and SS Death Index).
Joseph married Grace Short. This family is listed on the 1920 and 1930 census
records. Grace was not found in the cemetery listings. (See Silver Creek
Cemetery Listings)
RANDLE – Thomas James Scalf, 75, died Monday in a Tacoma hospital. He had been a resident of Randle for the past 57 years.
Mr. Scalf was born Dec. 23, 1891, in Prestonsburg, Ky. He was a veteran of World War I and for many years was employed by the U. S. Forest Service.
Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Audry Dillen, San Francisco; four sons, Floyd, Seattle; Howard, Taft, Calif.; Myrl, Klamath Falls, Ore., and Wilfred Scalf, Ukiah, Calif. ; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Hackney, Randle, and Mrs. Ida Mae Ward, Glenoma; three brothers, Joe, John and Bailey Scalf, all of Randle, and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services are 3 p.m. Friday at the Fissell-Brown Mortuary in Morton, with the Rev. Peter Allen officiating. Interment will follow in the Silver Creek Cemetery. (Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
1920 Lewis Co WA 5 January 1920 Lindberg Precinct
SCALF, Thomas J. | Head |
29 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Grace E. | Wife |
20 |
1900 |
WV |
KY |
WV |
Floyd D. | Son |
1 8/12 |
1918 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
John W. | Brother |
21 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Lewis Co WA 25 & 26 April 1930 Big Bottom Precinct
SCALF, Thomas J. | Head |
38 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Grace E. | Wife |
30 |
1900 |
WV |
KY |
WV |
Floyd J. | Son |
11 |
1919 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
Howard W. | Son |
10 |
1920 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
Muriel D. | Son |
7 |
1923 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
Audrey M. | Dau |
5 |
1925 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
Wilfred J. | Son |
4 |
1926 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
1940 Lewis CO WA
3 May 1940
Big Bottom Precinct
SCALF, Thomas J. | Head | 48 | 1892 | KY Widower |
By 1940, Thomas and Grace were divorced and Grace has remarried to Delos Spaulding. Thomas is listed as a widower which is incorrect but happens many times during this period due to the social stigma attached to a person who is divorced.
1940 Lewis CO WA 5 April 1940 Morton
SPAULDING, Delos | Head | 60 | 1889 | NY |
Helen G. | Wife | 41 | 1899 | WV |
SCALF, Howard | Step son | 20 | 1920 | WA |
Myrtle | Step son | 17 | 1923 | WA |
Audrey M. | Step dau | 16 | 1924 | WA |
Wilford | Step son | 13 | 1927 | WA |
WWII Registration Card:
Name: Thomas James Scalf
Address: Randle, Lewis County, Washington
Age: 50
Date of birth: December 23, 1891
(Link to
Place of birth: Floyd County, Kentucky
Person who will know your address: Martha Scalf, Randle, Washington
Employer's name and address: Bob Harrington, Packwood, Washington
Place of employment: Bob Harrington Logger, Packwood, Washington
Son of
Thomas Scalf & Helen Grace
Floyd<Thomas J<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
1940 Lewis Co WA May 1940 Big Bottom Precinct
SCALF, Floyd J. | Head | 22 | 1918 | WA |
June A. | Wife | 17 | 1923 | MT |
Son of
Thomas Scalf & Helen Grace
Mtrl<Thomas J<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Myrl was born April 25, 1922 and died February 12, 2006. Myrl served in the military during WWII. He enlisted in the Navy at Seattle, WA on November 4, 1941 and was serving on the U. S. S. Pelias as an AS when the quarter ended on December 31, 1941. On March 28, 1943, S2C Myrl Don Scalf is located again as a member of the crew of the U. S. S. Pelias.
Myrl is buried at the Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery in Medford, OR.
A gathering of remembrance for Myrl Scalf, 83, of Medford who died February 12, will be held on Thursday, February 16th from 2-4:00 p.m. at the Conger-Morris Chapel in Medford.
Myrl Scalf, 83, was born in 1922 in Morton, Washington to Helen Grace and Thomas James Scalf. He lived with his family of one sister, Audrey Dillon, and three brothers, Howard, Wilford, and Floyd. Myrl graduated from high school in Morton, WA in 1941 and joined the Navy soon after. He served on a submarine, the U.S.S. Gar 206 during WWII. After the war he attended Barber College in Spokane. He lived in Morton, WA with his first wife and son, Ronald. Sadly, Ronald (Rocky) preceded him in death in 1992.
In 1971, he married Geraldine Raty and they had a daughter, Dawnelle, the star of his existence. To support his family, Myrl worked for many years as an independent contractor installing and selling mobile homes around the Medford and Ashland areas. For the past 20 years, Myrl was the loving companion to Bea Parker of Medford, who survives him. In 2005, Dawnelle and her husband, Jeremy Wynia blessed him with a grandson, Cade, whom he adored.
Myrl was a kind and gentle man who took care of his family and lived his life with dignity and honor. He will be missed.
Son of
William (Willie) Scalf & Martha DeRossett
Joseph K<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Joseph Kendell Scalf was born May 13, 1894 and died November 9, 1967. He is buried at Silver Creek Cemetery. Joseph served in World War I.
Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Joseph married Mary Belle
Bishop. However, the name listed on her headstone is Maybelle according to the
transcribed cemetery listings. An article on the Lewis County, Washington
website also confirms that her name was Maybelle.
She was born 1898 and died
1928. Maybelle is buried beside of Henry Bishop. Relationship, if any, is
The death date given for Maybelle (Mary Belle) in Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry Scalf does not match the death date listed on the headstone of Maybelle Scalf. She was born December 4, 1898 and died June 2, 1927 according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family but her headstone states she died 1928. We believe this is the same person because the birth dates do match.
Two of Joseph and Maybelle's children were living in the home of their grandparents, William and Martha DeRossett Scalf in 1930. They appear to be the youngest children of Joseph Kennel Scalf and Maybelle Bishop Scalf.
One daughter of Joseph and Maybelle (Geneva) was living in the home of
Joseph's sister Cleo Alice Scalf Hackney in 1930. The other daughter, Lola, was
living in the home of Rose Melvina Scalf Morris, another sister of Joseph. The
article at the Lewis County website states that Joseph's wife Maybelle died of
Maybelle Bishop Scalf was the daughter of David Crockett Bishop (French), a
Baptist Minister and Effie Sampson
Children of Joseph Kennel Scalf and Maybelle
(Mary Belle) Bishop:
1) Lola Belle. Scalf born 1918
in Lewis County, Washington died 1933 in Lewis Co. Washington. Lola drowned in the Cispus River at the age of 15.
2) Geneva Scalf born 1920 in Lewis County, Washington.
3) Helen E. Scalf born 1922 in Lewis County, Washington.
4) Willis J. Scalf born 1925 in Lewis County, Washington.
An excerpt from
Before It's Gone, Old-Timers Tales
by LaVonne M. Sparkman is listed here
concerning the family of
William (Sam)
Scalf. This story is listed on page 198 under the title Looneys Meet Morris and
Sam was called
by his dad's side of the family and was nick-named Two Gun Sam
by his
grandfather Bill Scalf.
Bill Scalf was
William Wayne Willie
Scalf who married Martha DeRossett.
Another excerpt from the same page:
The family lived by the Cispus River near Tower Rock. Sam had three sisters; Lola Belle Scalf, 1926-1936, drowned in the Cispus River; Geneva, b. Feb. 22, 1920 married Bid Hackney and had two children, Debbie and Billy; and Helen b. Feb 27, 1922 and married Harry Lindberg and had Joe, Karen and Lola. (Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
We are uncertain exactly which birth and death date is correct for Lola; however, according to the cemetery and census records, 1918-1933 is accurate.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Joseph Kennel Scalf
Age: 23
Home Address: Randle, WA
Date of Birth: May 13, 1894
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Farmer
Place of employment: Randle, WA
Height: Short
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Lewis Co WA 15 & 16 January 1920 Randle Precinct
SCALF, Joseph K | Head |
25 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Belle M. | Wife |
20 |
1900 |
WA |
KY |
US |
Lola B. | Dau. |
1 7/12 |
1918 |
WA |
KY |
WA |
1930 Lewis Co WA 7 & 8 April 1930 Randle Precinct
SCALF, Joe |
Head |
34 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY Widower |
1940 Lewis CO WA
20 April 1940
Tilton Precinct
SCALF, Joe | Head | 36 | 1904 | KY |
Norma | Wife | 35 | 1905 | MO |
Willis | Son | 15 | 1925 | WA |
Helen | Dau | 18 | 1922 | WA |
WWII Registration Card:
Name: Joseph Kendell Scalf
Address: Kosmos, Lewis County, Washington
Age: 48
Date of birth: May 13, 1894
(Link to
Place of birth: Floyd County, Kentucky
Person who will know your address: Mrs. Martha Scalf, Randle, Washington
Employer's name and address: Jack Southerland, Kosmos, Lewis County, Washington
RANDLE – Joseph K. Scalf, 73, Randle, died Friday in a Tacoma hospital. He had lived in Lewis County for the past 59 years, and was a resident of the Randle – Kosmos area for the past 23 years. He was born May 13, 1894, in Kentucky. He was a retired logger, a member of the Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union of Morton and served in the U. S. Army in World War I.
Survivors include his widow, Mona, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Geneva Hackney, Morton, and Mrs. Helen Lingburg, Eatonville; a son, Willis Sam, Randle; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Mae Ward and Mrs. Alice Hackney, Glenoma; two brothers, John and Bailey,
Randle; 8 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services are Tuesday, 1 p.m. at the Fissell – Brown Mortuary chapel, Morton. Burial will follow at the Silver Creek Cemetery in Randle. (Centralia Daily Chronicle Obit – Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
An article was found on the Lewis County, Washington website concerning the family of Joseph (Joe) Kennel Scalf. This article is listed under Sam and Frances Scalf.
After the death of Maybelle, Joseph remarried to Mona A. Rhoades. Mona was born December 31, 1895 in Missouri and had lived in Eastern Lewis County for approximately 50 years at the time of her death in 1972.
RANDLE – Mona A. Scalf, 76, a resident of Randle for the past seven years, died Tuesday at home. She was born Dec. 31, 1895 in Missouri and had lived in Eastern Lewis County about 50 years. She was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary in Morton.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Helen Lindberg, Eatonville, and Mrs. Geneva Hackney, Tacoma; one son, Willis Scalf, Randle; three sisters, Mrs. J. G. (Bess) Powers, Tyler, Tex.; Mrs. John (Aileen) Stehm, Duenweg, Mo., and Mr. Walter (Vera) Stehm, Joplin, Mo.; a brother, Robert C. Rhoades, Mossyrock; eight grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Services are pending at Brown Mortuary Service Chehalis.
NOTE: On June 15, 1972, arrangements were announced for Mona A. Scalf. Her name was spelled Monda in the heading of this obit.
RANDLE – Services for Mona A. Scalf, 76, Randle, who died Tuesday at her home, will be Saturday, 1 p.m. at the Morton chapel of the Brown Mortuary Service with the Rev. Donald Gayman officiating. Burial will follow at the Sliver Creek Cemetery. (Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
Helen, Geneva and Willis were listed as the children of Mona; however, these
children were the children of Joseph K. Scalf and Maybelle Bishop Scalf.
Daughter of
Joseph K. Scalf & Mary Belle Bishop
Lola<Joseph K<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis
Lola Belle Scalf was born about 1918 in Lewis County, Washington and died 1933
at the age of 15. Lola drowned in the Cispus River at Chehalis, Washington in
1933 at the age of 15. Chronicles of the Scalf Family states she died in
1932 but her headstone states 1933. She is buried at Silver Creek Cemetery.
Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Lola drowned in the Cyprus
River; however, the article listed on the Lewis County website states Cispus
River. This spelling is listed consistently in the article and does not appear
to be a spelling error.
Lola's mother passed away in 1928 and Lola was living with her aunt and uncle, Herbert Morris and Melvina Scalf Morris in 1930. Lola Belle died three years after this census was enumerated.
1930 Lewis Co WA 15-16 April 1930 Verndale Precinct
Morris, Herbert | Head |
27 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Melvina | Wife |
22 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Winfred | Son |
5 |
1925 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Gene | Son |
1 7/12 |
1928 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Lola | Niece |
11 |
1919 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Daughter of
Joseph K. Scalf & Mary Belle Bishop
Geneva<Joseph K<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis
Geneva Scalf, daughter of Joseph Scalf and Maybelle Bishop Scalf was born
about February 22, 1920 and married Bid Hackney. (Before It's Gone Old-Timers
Tales, page 198, Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
Geneva was living with her aunt and uncle Charles Hackney and Cleo Alice Scalf
Hackney in 1930. Alice was a sister to Geneva's father, Joseph.
Children of
Bid Hackney and Geneva Scalf Hackney:
1) Debbie Hackney.
2) Billy Hackney.
1930 Lewis Co WA 23 & 24 April 1930 Big Bottom Precinct
HACKNEY, Charles H. | Head |
22 |
1908 |
VA |
KY |
WV |
Alice | Wife |
19 |
1911 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Dale A. | Son |
11/12 |
1929 |
WA |
VA |
WA |
SCALF, Geneva | Niece |
10 |
1920 |
WA |
KY |
WA |
Daughter of
Joseph Kennel Scalf and Maybelle Bishop
Helen<Joseph K<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Helen Scalf was born February 27, 1922. She married Harry Lindberg. (Before It's Gone Old-Timers Tales, page 198, Lewis County Historical Museum)
1940 Lewis CO WA
25 April 1940
MORRIS, Herbert | Head | 37 | 1903 | KY |
Melvina R. | Wife | 32 | 1908 | KY |
Winford C. | Son | 15 | 1925 | WA |
Gene | Son | 11 | 1929 | WA |
Lois N. | Dau | 5 | 1935 | WA |
Beverly A. | Dau | 2 | 1938 | WA |
SCALF, Helen E. | Niece | 18 | 1922 | WA |
Children of Helen and Harry:
1) Joe Lindberg
2) Karen Lindberg
3) Lola Lindberg.
Son of
Joseph Kennel Scalf and Maybelle Bishop
William J<Joseph K<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Sam
Scalf was born September 29, 1924 and died December 11, 1994. William was also
called Willis
by his father's family according to the article written by
LaVonne M. Sparkman.
William (Sam) married Frances Looney. A marriage date was not listed in the article but Sam and Frances were the parents of three children.
The article states that Sam retired in 1981 after being in a truck accident. A car accident had left his wife Frances disabled in 1974.
According to the article listed in the above stated manuscript, Joseph Kennel Scalf did remarry after the death of his wife Maybelle. His second wife was Mona but no maiden name was provided.
Children of William (Sam) Scalf and Frances Looney:
1) Dennis Michael Scalf – married Joni Sasich.
2) Tina Marcia Scalf – married Danny J. Hall – six children.
3 Duane Matthew Scalf – married 1) Connie (Korrie Anne) Hatch – one son. 2) Dacia Davenport.
SamScalf, 70, died Sunday, Dec. 11, at Morton General Hospital.
Son of
William (Willie) Scalf and Martha DeRossett
John W<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Wesley Scalf, son of William Wayne Willie
Scalf and Martha DeRossett
was probably named for his uncle, John Wesley Cooge
Scalf. John was born
November 28, 1897
and died 22 February 1983 at Olympia (Lewis Co) Washington (Silver Creek
Cemetery and SS Death Index)
John is buried at Silver Creek Cemetery. The nickname Snuffy
is listed on
his headstone. (See Silver Creek Cemetery Listings)
John married Lucille Valma Hackney, believed to have been the sister of Charles
Hackney who married Alice Celo Scalf, the sister of John Wesley Scalf.
(Link to marriage document)
What is known of this John Wesley Scalf was learned from the obituaries of John and Lucille and the 1940 census.
1940 Lewis CO WA
May 1940
Big Bottom Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head | 42 | 1898 | KY |
Lucille V. | Wife | 26 | 1914 | WA |
Barbara E. | Dau | 7 | 1933 | WA |
Ernest P. | Son | 5 | 1935 | WA |
Betty A. | Dau | 2 | 1937 | WA |
Children of John
Wesley Snuffy
Scalf and Lucille Hackney Scalf:
1) Floyd J.
2) Barbara Scalf – married John Zigler.
3) Betty May Scalf – married ___Courtney.
4) Ernest Scalf born April 13, 1935 and died April 25, 1990.
WWI Registration Card
Name: John Wesley Scalf
Age: 21
Home Address: Vance, Lewis CO, WA
Date of Birth: November 28, 1897
Name of employer: Mineral Lake Lumber CO
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Lumber
Place of employment: Mineral, Lewis CO, WA
Name of closest relative: Martha F. Scalf, Vance, Lewis CO, WA
Height: Short
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
SCALF DATED FEB. 22, 1983:
Scalf, 85, a resident of Randle for the past 73 years, died Tuesday,
Feb. 22, in St. Peter Hospital, Olympia.
He was born in Pike County, Ky., on Nov. 28, 1897. Scalf had been employed as a mill worker for Packwood Lumber Co., and belonged to the Lumbar and Sawmill Workers Union of Morton.
Survivors include his wife, Lucille, at home; two daughters, Mrs. John (Barbara) Zigler of Packwood, and Betty May of Courtney, British Columbia; a son, Ernest Scalf at home; two sisters, Mrs. Charles (Alice) Hackney of Randle, and Ida Mae Pierce of Glenoma; eight grandchildren, and numerous great grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
A service will be conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Morton Chapel of the Brown Mortuary Service. Interment will follow at Silver Creek Cemetery, Randle. (Daily Chronicle – Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
RANDLE - Lucille V. Scalf, 76, a life-long resident of Randle, died Tuesday, April 18 in Morton General Hospital.
She was born March 27, 1913 in Randle, and was a member of the Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Wesley Scalf, in 1962.
Surviving are two daughters, Barbara Zigler of Packwood and Betty Workman of Labrador Bay, Alaska; a son, Ernest Scalf of Randle; two sisters, Emma Kauer of Packwood and Lily Woodward of Raymond; three brothers, Johnny Hackney of Toledo,
Wilbur Hackney of Onalaska and Charlie Hackney of Randle; eight grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
Remembrances may be donations to Morton Providence Senior Assistance Center. Arrangements are under the direction of Brown Mortuary Service. (Courtesy, Lewis County Historical Museum)
From the two
obituaries listed above, we find that John Wesley Snuffy
Scalf married Lucille
We believe that
Charles Hackney, husband of Alice Scalf, daughter of Willie Scalf and Martha
DeRossett and Lucille Hackney Scalf were brother and sister. John Wesley Cooge
Scalf was the father of Lucille's husband, John Wesley Jr., which would make
Alice and John Wesley, Jr. first cousins.
RANDLE – Ernest M. Scalf, 55, a life-time resident of Randle, died Wednesday, April 25, in Morton General Hospital. He was born April 13, 1935, in Packwood, and was a construction worker on roads and dams. Surviving are a daughter, Dana Scott of Rainier; two sisters, Barbara Zigler of Packwood and Betty Ann Workman, residing in Alaska; and two grandchildren. Arrangements are under the direction of the Brown Mortuary Service. (Lewis County Historical Museum)
Ernest had a son named Marty Joe. Marty Joe died at the age of 11. He is buried at Silver Creek Cemetery.
RANDLE – Marty Joe Scalf, 11, Randle, died in a Selah hospital from natural causes Thursday. He was born Dec. 2, 1956 in Morton. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scalf, Randle; a sister, Dana, at home; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scalf, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Reed, all Randle, and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude White, Puyallup. Graveside services will be Tuesday, 2 p.m., at the Silver Creek Cemetery. Arrangements are under direction of the Fissell-Brown Mortuary.
(Daily Chronicle – Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
Daughter of
William (Willie) Scalf and Martha DeRossett
Mary J<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Jane Scalf was born January 21, 1901, died December 24, 1903 at the age of two.
Son of
William Scalf (Willie) and Martha DeRossett
Bailey M<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Bailey Scalf was born March 13, 1904 and died 15 February 1926 at the age of 71 years old at Centralia, Washington. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family and Washington Death Index) Bailey is also buried at Silver Creek Cemetery although he may not have a headstone.
1940 Lewis CO WA 9 April Randle
SCALF, Martha F. | Head | 66 | 1874 | KY Widow |
Everett R. | Son | 49 | 1891 | KY |
Bailey M. | Son | 36 | 1904 | KY Divorced |
Phyllis E. | G-dau | 6 | 1934 | WA |
Daughter of
William (Willie) Scalf & Martha DeRossett
Rose M<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Rose Melvina Scalf was born Feb. 3, 1908 and died Dec. 7, 1944. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family and Silver Creek Cemetery) Melvina married Herbert Morris, son of Jack and Melinda Mills Morris. Melvina's headstone lists her as Rose Melvina Morris.
Herbert Morris is also buried at Silver Creek. He was born 1903 and died 1978. For further information on this family see Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf
1930 Lewis Co WA 15-16 April 1930 Verndale Precinct
MORRIS, Herbert | Head |
27 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Melvina | Wife |
22 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Winfred | Son |
5 |
1925 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Gene | Son |
1 7/12 |
1928 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Lola | Niece |
11 |
1919 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
1940 Lewis CO WA 25 April
1940 Verndale
MORRIS, Herbert | Head | 37 | 1903 | KY |
Melvina R. | Wife | 32 | 1908 | KY |
Winford C. | Son | 15 | 1925 | WA |
Gene | Son | 11 | 1929 | WA |
Lois N. | Dau | 5 | 1935 | WA |
Beverly A. | Dau | 2 | 1938 | WA |
SCALF, Helen E. | Niece | 18 | 1922 | WA |
Daughter of
William (Willie) Scalf & Martha DeRossett
Alice C<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Alice Cleo Scalf was born about 1910 and died 1988. Alice married Charles H. Hackney born 1907 and died 1990. Both Alice and Charles are buried at Silver Creek Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington. (See Silver Creek Cemetery Listings)
1930 Lewis Co WA 23 & 24 April 1930 Big Bottom Precinct
HACKNEY, Charles H. |
Head |
22 |
1908 |
VA |
KY |
WV |
Alice |
Wife |
19 |
1911 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Dale A. |
Son |
11/12 |
1929 |
WA |
VA |
WA |
SCALF, Geneva |
Niece |
10 |
1920 |
WA |
KY |
WA |
Daughter of
William (Willie) Scalf and Martha DeRossett
Ida M<Willie<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ida Mae Scalf was born 1914. We believe that Ida married Carl Ward born 1901 and died 1971. Ida and Carl are both buried at Silver Creek Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington. We do not have names for their children, if any, at this time. (See Silver Creek Cemetery Listings)
Son of
James Brittan Scalf and Mary Elizabeth Thompson
John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Wesley Scalf was born March 22, 1872 in Floyd County, Kentucky and died October 4, 1962 in Lewis County, Washington. John Wesley married first Martha Viola Clark born March 20, 1873, daughter of Addison and Sarah Adams Clark of Floyd County, Kentucky. John and Martha were married 25 June 1894 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County Marriages).
Martha Clark Scalf died in Lewis County, Washington October 28, 1912. Martha died in childbirth to a daughter Nora V Scalf. Nora was born 1912 according to the 1920 census. Henry Scalf states there were nine children from this marriage; however the census records show only seven due to the fact that two daughters were born 1901 – 1905 and died before the enumeration of the 1910 census.
In 1900 the family was found in Floyd County, Kentucky living at Dicks Creek. The oldest son was Rolan. We believe the correct spelling might have been Roland. The next children were William and General. Note that in Lewis County, Washington in 1910, Roland and William are missing.
From the writings of Henry Scalf in Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Henry lists a letter written from Mrs. Mae Scalf Kirkpatrick, of Chehalis, Washington who states she was the daughter of John Wesley Scalf.
In her letter, Mrs. Kirkpatrick stated that the two oldest sons, Rolan and Brian and the two oldest daughters, Elizabeth and Nellie, had contracted measles on the train on their way to Lewis County, Washington. Mrs. Kirkpatrick states that all of the children contracted the measles but the two older sons and two older daughters had died. Note on the 1900 census of Floyd County, Kentucky that Rolan is the oldest son and William is the next oldest son. William was probably the son named Brian Mrs. Kirkpatrick was speaking of.
There is a span of five years between the births of General and George Quilven Scalf. This is probably when Elizabeth and Nellie were born. They would probably have been born around 1902 – 1905 and died around the ages of 5 – 8 years old. This would bring the total number of children to nine including Nora V. who was born last in 1912 in Lewis County, Washington.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick
states the following. She died at childbirth.
Martha Viola Clark Scalf had
died in childbirth to her daughter, Nora. Mrs. Kirkpatrick also stated that the
five of them were living near her father at the time Mrs. Kirkpatrick wrote the
letter. The remaining children would have been the five children who lived. Nora
would have been included in these children.
Mrs. Mae Kirkpatrick was Sarah M. Scalf listed on the 1910 and 1920 censuses of Lewis County, Washington.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick stated that her father, John Wesley, then remarried to Emma Music, daughter of Marion and Caroline Crider Music. This family is found on the 1920 and 1930 census records of Lewis County, Washington. There were eleven children from this marriage but census records only show ten children.
According to the writings of Henry P. Scalf, John Wesley was known in
Kentucky as Cooge.
John Wesley is buried at Rainey Valley Cemetery with
several family members. It is unknown where Martha Viola Clark Scalf was buried.
She is not listed in the cemetery listings of Rainey Valley but may be buried
there without a headstone.
Scalf, John W. 22 Mar 1873 - 04 Oct 1962 (Rainey Valley Cemetery)
John and Martha were found on the 1900 and 1910 censuses.
1900 Floyd Co KY 12 June 1900 Dicks Creek
SCALF, J. (John) W. |
28 |
1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha |
26 |
1874 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rolan |
5 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William |
3 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
General |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 3 April 1910 Verndale
SCALF, John W. | Head |
37 |
1873 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Martha | Wife |
35 |
1875 |
WV |
KY |
WV |
General L. | Son |
10 |
1900 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
George | Son |
3 |
1907 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
May | Dau |
4 |
1906 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
Vadie | Dau |
3/12 |
1910 |
WA |
KY |
WV |
1920 Lewis CO WA
15-16 January 1920
Randle Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head | 47 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY |
Emma | Wife | 30 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY |
General L. | Son | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Sarah M. | Dau | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
George Q. | Son | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Vatie A. | Dau | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Nona V. | Dau | 8 | 1912 | WA | KY | KY |
Lee B. | Son | 5 | 1915 | WA | KY | KY |
Ole O. | Son | 4 6/12 | 1916 | WA | KY | KY |
Alverda M. | Dau | 3 8/12 | 1916 | WA | KY | KY |
Lloyd A. | Son | 1 11/12 | 1918 | WA | KY | KY |
1930 Lewis Co WA 8-9 April
1930 Randle Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head |
57 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Emma | Wife |
42 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lee B. | Son |
15 |
1915 |
WA |
WA |
KY |
Olie R. | Son |
14 |
1916 |
WA |
WA |
KY |
Minnie A. | Dau |
12 |
1918 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Andrew L. | Son |
10 |
1920 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Myrtle M. | Dau |
9 |
1921 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Opal V. | Dau |
8 |
1922 |
WA |
WA |
KY |
Irvin B. | Son |
7 |
1923 |
WA |
WA |
KY |
Hazel | Dau |
5 |
1923 |
WA |
WA |
KY |
John W. Jr | Son |
3 9/12 |
1926 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Jina | Dau |
5/12 |
1929 |
WA |
WA |
KY |
SCALF, Mary | Mother |
83 |
1847 |
KY |
KY |
KY Widow |
Son of
John Wesley Scalf & Martha Viola Clark
General Lee<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis
General Lee Scalf was the oldest living son of John Wesley Scalf and Martha Viola Clark. He was born February 22, 1899 and died 11 April 1985 at Port Townsend at the age of 86 (Death Record: 010969). He married Lucinda Taylor May 11, 1929. Lucinda was born June 6, 1895 in Floyd County, Kentucky. Lucinda died 09 Oct 1975 at Port Townsend at the age of 80 (Death Record: 022792).
Lucinda was married prior to her marriage to General. The son of Lucinda and her first husband is in the home in 1930 and reveals that Lucinda was married to a Hoyt prior to her marriage to General. Henry Scalf states that General and Lucinda were the parents of a son, Robert Scalf born Jan. 22, 1932.
This family was found on the 1930 census; however, no children are listed. General and Lucinda were the parents of one son, Robert.
General Lee Scalf, 86, a former Eastern Lewis County resident, died Thursday,
April 11, in Port Townsend.
Born Feb. 22, 1899, in Ivel, Ky., Scalf ran bolts down the Cispus River and worked in the Mineral Shingle Mill. He served in the Civilian Conservation Corps and was later employed by the U. S. Forest Service. During World War II, Scalf went to work for the government and remained there until his retirement. His wife, Lucinda, preceded him in death Oct. 9, 1875.
Survivors include a son, Robert Scalf of Port Townsend; a step-son Ernie Hoyt of Pasco; three brothers, George Scalf of Oroville, Calif., Lee Scalf of Longview, and John Scalf of Randle; six sisters, Mae Kirkpatrick of Elbe, Sally Romensko of Glenoma, Myrtle Hunt and Janice Shmitt, both of Morton, and Hazel and Dolly Mullins, both of Randle; a grandson; and two great-grandsons.
A service was held Monday April 15, in Port Townsend. (Lewis County Historical Museum)
WWI Registration Card
Name: General Lafayette Scalf
Age: 19
Home Address: Mineral, Lewis CO, WA
Date of Birth: February 22, 1899
Name of employer: North Coast Timber CO
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Logger
Place of employment: Mineral, Lewis CO, WA
Name of closest relative: John Wesley Scalf, Vance, WA
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: September 12, 1918
1930 Lewis Co WA 1 April 1930 Mineral Precinct
SCALF, General | Head |
31 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lucinda | Wife |
34 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
? |
HOYT, Earnest E. | Step son |
7 |
1923 |
MN |
MO |
KY |
1940 Clallam CO WA
11 April 1940
Port Angeles
SCALF, G. L. | Head | 41 | 1899 | KY |
Lucinda | Wife | 44 | 1896 | KY |
Robert Elvin | Son | 8 | 1932 | WA |
Son of
John Wesley Scalf and Martha Viola Clark
George Quilven<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf,
Sr>Lewis Scalf
George Quilven Scalf was born February 21, 1907 in Kentucky. George married Ethel Tiller. She was born May 21, 1919. Ethel was the daughter of Ivan K. Tiller and Alice Jackson. George's family has not been found on the census records. A list of his children can be found in Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
1940 Lewis CO WA 23 April 1940 Temple Precinct
SCALF, George Q. | Head | 33 | 1907 | KY |
Ethel | Wife | 20 | 1920 | WA |
COGAR, Walter | Hired hand | 50 | 1890 | WV |
Daughter of
John Wesley Scalf and Martha Viola Clark
Sarah Mae<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis
Sarah Mae Scalf was born about 1906 in Kentucky. She married Russell L. Kirkpatrick March 5, 1923 in Lewis County, Washington. Russell was born July 19, 1899 the son of Robert H. Kirkpatrick and Amanda S. Harp.
Earl George Kirkpatrick, son of Russell and Sarah was born Dec. 8, 1923 and died in an airplane crash, January 4, 1953. Earl was the only child of Russell and May Scalf Kirkpatrick. Earl married Virginia Jennings in 1923. Two known children were born to Earl and Virginia. (May Kirkpatrick-Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Children of Earl Kirkpatrick and Virginia Jennings:
1930 Pierce Co WA 4 April
1930 Ashford Precinct
KIRKPATRICK, Russell | Head |
30 |
1900 |
OR |
AR |
AR |
May S. | Wife |
25 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Earl G. | Son |
6 |
1924 |
WA |
OR |
KY |
Son of
John Wesley Scalf and Martha Viola Clark
Vadie<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Vatie (Vadie) was born February 15, 1910 in Kentucky or about three weeks before the family made the move to Lewis County, Washington. Vada Died May 1974.
(Link to Vada Scalf & Earnest Randle marriage document)
1930 Lewis CO WA 9 April 1930 Mineral Precinct
LODEN, Earnest | Head | 26 | 1904 | WA | Sweden | Sweden | Married @ 24 |
Vada | Wife | 19 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 18 |
1940 Lewis CO WA
12 April 1940
Mineral Precinct
LODEN, Earnest | Head | 35 | 1905 | WA |
Vada A. | Wife | 30 | 1910 | KY |
Dwayne E. | Son | 4 | 1936 | WA |
Son of
Earnest Loden& Vada Scalf
Vadie<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Earnest Loden, the son of Earnest Loden& Vada Scalf was born about 1936 in Lewis County, Washington. Earnest married Irene Goodwin on August 9, 1955.
(Link to Earnest Loden & Irene Goodwin marriage document)
Daughter of
John Wesley Scalf and Martha Viola Clark
Nora<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Nora was the last child born to John Wesley and Martha. Nora was born in 1912 when her mother, Martha Clark Scalf died. Nora married Frank Romanesko according to the obituary of her brother, Alexander Loyd Scalf in 1983.
Nora had one son and one daughter at the time of Mrs. Kirkpatrick's letter to Henry Scalf. No further information is known.
John Wesley Scalf remarried to Emma Music daughter of Marion and Caroline Crider Music. They were the parents of eleven children. John, Emma and their children were listed on the 1920 and 1930 census of Lewis County, Washington. Five of the children of John and Martha were in the home in 1920.
WWI Registration Card
Name: John Wesley Scalf
Age: 45
Home Address: Vance, Lewis CO, WA
Date of Birth: March 22, 1872
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Farmer
Place of employment: Vance, Lewis CO, WA
Name of closest relative: Emma Scalf, Vance, Lewis CO, WA
Height: Short
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Lewis Co WA 15 & 16 January 1920 Randle Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head |
47 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Emma | Wife |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
General L. | Son |
20 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah M. | Dau |
13 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
George Q. | Son |
10 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Vatie A. | Dau |
9 |
1911 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nora V. | Dau |
8 |
1912 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Lee B. | Son |
5 |
1915 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Ole O. | Son |
4 |
1916 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Alverda M. | Dau |
3 8/12 |
1916 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Lloyd A. | Son |
1 8/12 |
1918 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
All of the children of John Wesley and Martha Viola Clark Scalf had left the home by the enumeration of the 1930 census.
1930 Lewis Co WA 8-9 April 1930 Randle Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head |
57 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Emma | Wife |
42 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Lee B. | Son |
15 |
1915 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Olie O. | Son |
14 |
1916 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Minnie A. | Dau |
12 |
1918 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Andrew L. | Dau |
10 |
1920 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Myrtle M. | Dau |
9 |
1921 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Opal V. | Dau |
8 |
1922 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Irvin B. | Son |
7 |
1923 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Hazel | Dau |
5 |
1925 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
John W. Jr. | Son |
3 9/12 |
1926 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
Jina (Jency) | Dau |
5/12 |
1929 |
WA |
KY |
KY | |
SCALF, Mary | Mother |
83 |
1847 |
KY |
KY |
KY | Widow |
Myrtle married Lonzo Hunt. Eva married Jack Mullins.
1940 Lewis CO WA
20 April 1940
Randle Precinct
SCALF, John W. | Head | 68 | 1872 | KY |
Emma | Wife | 51 | 1889 | KY |
Ola O. | Son | 24 | 1916 | WA |
Andrew | Son | 21 | 1919 | WA |
Bennie | Son | 15 | 1925 | WA |
Hazel B. | Dau | 13 | 1927 | WA |
John W. | Son | 11 | 1929 | WA |
Jincy L. | Dau | 10 | 1930 | WA |
Eva J. | Dau | 9 | 1931 | WA |
Son of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Lee Brittan<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis
Lee Brittan Scalf was the first child born to John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and
Emma Music. Lee was born around June 29, 1914 in Lewis County, Washington. Lee
married Ada Levinia Pax and had one child. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family,
Chapter VIII)
An Ada L. Scalf is listed on the Lewis County, Washington Death Index from
Ancestry. She died 14 July 1967 at Shelton (Mason) County, Washington. This may
or not be Lee's wife but it does appear to be her.
An obituary was found for Ada L. Scalf of Randle, Washington. We believe this to
be the same person. However, her husband is listed as Lee W. Scalf not Lee
Brittan Scalf.
Funeral services were Thursday afternoon at the Silver Brook Community Church near Randle for Mrs. Lee W. (Ada L.) Scalf, 46, a resident of Shelton for the past 12 years who died suddenly Friday in a Shelton hospital.
The Rev. Raymond L. Hill officiated at the 1 p.m. service. Burial followed at the Rainey Valley Cemetery, Glenoma.
Mrs. Scalf was born July 21, 1920, in Owmbran, South Wales.
In addition to the husband, of Shelton, survivors include Mrs. Mary Harvey, Shelton; three sisters, Mrs. Alice Farr, Mrs. Daisy Culley, and Mrs. Joan Pattiomore, all of South Wales; and a grandson.
Services were under direction of Fissell-Brown Mortuary, Chehalis. (Lewis County Historical Museum)
1940 Pierce CO WA 5 April 1940 Ashford Precinct
LOVE, Arthur | Head | 26 | 1914 | MT |
Alverda | Wife | 22 | 1918 | WA |
Donald | Son | 3 | 1937 | WA |
Donna | Dau | 5/12 | 1939 | WA |
SCALF, Lee | Brother in law | 26 | 1914 | WA |
Son of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Ole Oliver<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis
Ole Oliver was born 1 June 1916 and died 6 March 1964. (Rainey Valley Cemetery Listings)
Ole Oliver is buried at Rainey Valley Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington. He never married. Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Ole Oliver never married.
No further information.
Daughter of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Minnie<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Minnie Alverda Scalf was born about August 22, 1917 in Lewis County, Washington. Minnie married Arthur Lowe.
Children of Minnie and Arthur listed from Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
1) Donald Lowe
2) Donna Kay Lowe
3) Robert Lowe married Judy Zemon
4) William Lowe married Ann Westfall, daughter of William and Frances
Tucker Westfall. Three children.
5) Richard Lowe
1940 Pierce CO WA
5 April 1940
Ashford Precinct
LOVE, Arthur | Head | 26 | 1914 | MT |
Alverda | Wife | 22 | 1918 | WA |
Donald | Son | 3 | 1937 | WA |
Donna | Dau | 5/12 | 1939 | WA |
SCALF, Lee | Brother in law | 26 | 1914 | WA |
Son of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Andrew Loyd<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis
Andrew Loyd Scalf was born at Randle, Washington November 15, 1918 and died 29 January 1983 at Centralia (Mason Co) Washington at the age of 64. Andrew lived in Shelton, Washington when he died. (Lewis County Historical Museum and Social Security Death Index Certificate #002683)
Andrew was born 1920 according to the 1930 census but his headstone states 1918. Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Andrew never married.
Andrew Andy
Scalf, 64, a long-time resident of Shelton, died in a Centralia nursing home
Saturday, Jan. 29.
Scalf was born in Randle, on Nov. 13, 1918, and worked as a fern picker for many years in the Shelton area.
He is survived by six sisters, Mrs. Frank (Nora) Romanesko and Mrs. Jack (Eva) Mullins, both of Glenoma, Mae Kirkpatrick of Elbe, Mrs. Lonzo (Myrtle) Hunt and Janice Schmitt, both of Morton, and Mrs. John (Hazel) Mullins of Randle; four brothers,
G. L. Scalf of Port Townsend; George Scalf of Oroville, Calif. John Scalf of Randle and Lee Scalf of Castle Rock, and numerous nieces and nephews.
A service will be conducted at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Rainey Valley Cemetery, Glenoma.
Remembrances may be donations to the Randle Aid Car. Arrangements are under the direction of the Brown Mortuary Service. (Lewis County Historical Museum)
Daughter of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Myrtle<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Myrtle Marie Scalf was born October 26,1919 in Lewis County, Washington. Myrtle Marie Scalf married first Peter Phillips, son of Alex and Mary Phillips. They had three children. Myrtle Marie Scalf Phillips married second to Gilbert Neimi, son of Ben and Gertrude R. Neimi. They had one son. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Daughter of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Opal<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Opal Virginia Scalf was born March 9, 1921 in Lewis County, Washington. Opal married Monroe Tiller, son of Ivan K. and Alice Jackson Tiller. One daughter, Sharon Tiller married William Leydig. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
Son of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Irvin<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Irvin Bennie Scalf was born 20 December 1924 at Randle, Washington and died 2 August 1959 from injuries sustained in an automobile accident in Randle at the age of 34 years old. Irvin was an employee of the Cecil Mullins Logging Company and a Veteran of World War II. Irvin is buried at Rainey Valley Cemetery.
Irvin married Feb. 17, 1948 to Cora Alice Mullins. She was born July 28, 1932 the daughter of Mart and Melissa Tennessee Hackney Mullins. They have three children. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Children of Irvin and Cora:
1) Wanda.
2) Linda.
3) Arleta.
Scalf – Irvin Benny, 34, Randle, passed away Aug. 2nd in an Enumclaw hospital from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. He was born Dec. 20, 1924 at Randle; was an employee of the Cecil Mullins Logging Company and a veteran of World War II.
Surviving the deceased is his wife, Cora; three daughters, Wanda, Linda, and Arleta; his father, John W. Scalf, Sr., Randle; Andrew and Lee, Shelton; George, Alpha; General, Port Townsend; eight sisters, Mrs. Ted Kirkpatrick, Elbe; Mrs. Frank Rainenesko, Ashford; Mrs. Ernie Loden, Mineral; Mrs. Terry Lockyear, Mrs. Gilbert Niemi, Mrs. Richard Peterson, Mrs. Jack Mullins and Mrs. John Mullins, Randle; Mrs. Bill Schmitt. National Graveside services, under the direction of Fissell Funeral Home and the Morton VFW, were held Wednesday morning in Rainey Valley Cemetery. (Lewis County Historical Museum)
Daughter of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Hazel<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Hazel Bernice Scalf was born May 9, 1925 in Lewis County, Washington. Hazel Bernice Scalf married June 9, 1940 to John Mullins, a brother to Cora Alice and Virginia Lou Mullins Scalf. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
A Hazel I. Mullins is listed in the Silver Creek Cemetery listings with a birth date of 30 November 1927 and died 10 September 1977. We cannot be certain this is the same Hazel, however. John was not found in the cemetery records and both may still be living.
Children of Hazel Bernice Scalf and John Mullins:
1) John Edward married Jerri Bowen, daughter of James Lindsay Bowen
and Gladys Marie Spears Bowen
2) David Wayne
3) Elaine Janice married Glen Bowen and they are the parents of a
4) Larry Kenneth
5) Marty Joe.
Son of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
John Wesley Jr<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf,
Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Wesley Scalf, Jr. was born February 7, 1924 in Lewis County, Washington according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family. Chronicles of the Scalf Family does not list any information on this John Wesley and we have no further records at this time. Another John Wesley Scalf was born 1936 according to census records and was probably a different John Wesley.
Daughter of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Jency<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jency (Jina) Luanna Scalf was born March 23, 1931 in Lewis County,
Washington. Jency married first Ralph Kerr, son of George and Amanda Kerr. Jency
and Ralph had one daughter. Jency Luanna married second to William Schmitt.
Jency and William have two sons.
Daughter of
John Wesley Cooge
Scalf and Emma Music
Eva<John Wesley<James Brittan<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Eva Jean Scalf, the last child born to John Wesley and Emma Music was born May 4, 1935 according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family. Eva Jean Scalf married March 22, 1949, James Thomas Dean, son of William and Marie Dean. Eva Jean then married Jack Mullins, son of Mart and Tennessee Hackney Mullins. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, VIII)
Daughter of
Jeremiah Scalf & Sarah Brinstone
Cynthia<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Cynthia T. Scalf, daughter of Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Brinstone, was born February 22, 1846 in Kentucky and died April 9, 1925 at the age of 78 years, 2 months and 7 days old from pneumonia. Cynthia is interred at John's Creek in Buffalo, Kentucky. Her daughter, Alice Burchette Layne, was the informant for her death certificate. On this death certificate, Cynthia's mother is listed as Sarah Byington and her father as Jerry Scalf. (Death Certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Cynthia married Thomas Henry Burchett January 31, 1866. Cynthia and Thomas had one son at the enumeration of the 1870 census; however, Henry Scalf states there were more children. The children of Cynthia and Thomas are listed here as stated in Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
They resided on the Clark Branch, a tributary of Buffalo Creek, Floyd
County. He was a farmer and a large landowner.
(Chronicles of the Scalf
Family, Chapter VIII)
Children of Thomas Henry Burchett and Cynthia Scalf Burchett:
1) Joseph married Angeline Dotson and lived on Buffalo Creek in Pike
County, Kentucky.
(Link to death certificate)
2) George married Fairy Crider and lived in Greenup County, Kentucky.
3) Perry died unmarried
4) Floyd married Polly Blankenship and lived at Gu1nare, Pike County,
5) Alice married Dallas Layne and resided at Harold, Floyd County.
6) James Henry married Elizabeth Nunnery and lived on Clark Branch,
Buffalo Creek, Floyd County, near the home of his father, Thomas Henry Burchett.
Cynthia and Thomas were followed on the census records through 1910. Thomas died between 1910 and 1920. Cynthia was found as head of house with her granddaughter, Esta, living in the home.
1870 Floyd Co KY 22 August 1870 Prct #7 Prestonsburg
BURCHETT, Thomas |
24 |
1846 |
KY |
Cynthia |
24 |
1846 |
KY |
Joseph M. |
3 |
1867 |
KY |
1880 Floyd CO KY 26 June 1880 Precinct #3
BURTCHETT, Thomas | Head | 36 | 1844 | KY | VA | VA | Farmer |
Scyntha | Wife | 29 | 1851 | KY | VA | VA | |
Joseph M. | Son | 12 | 1868 | KY | KY | KY | |
James J. | Son | 10 | 1870 | KY | KY | KY | |
Samuel G. | Son | 7 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY | |
William P. | Son | 3 | 1877 | KY | KY | KY |
1900 Floyd CO KY 12 June 1900 Dicks Creek
BURCHETT, T.H. | Head | 55 | Feb 1845 | KY | VA | KY | Married 35 years | Farmer |
S.E. | Wife | 53 | Feb 1847 | KY | VA | VA | Married 35 years | 2 children born, 2 living |
Joseph M. | Son | 19 | Dec 1880 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Sarah A. | Dau | 14 | Mar 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Floyd CO KY 14 May 1910 Johns Creek
BURCHETT, Thomas H. | Head | 65 | 1845 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Cynthia | Wife | 63 | 1847 | KY | KY | KY | 6 children born, 5 living |
Axxxxx | G-dau | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | |
COLLINS, Henry | Hired hand | 24 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Floyd CO KY 2 January 1920 Johns Creek
BURCHETT, Mrs T.H. | Head | 68 | 1852 | KY | VA | VA | Widow |
Esta | G-dau | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | (Daughter of Alice) |
Son of
Jeremiah Scalf & Sarah Brinstone
William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Scalf was born April 3, 1849. He married Elizabeth Scott 1 April 1875 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County Marriages)
William died June 28, 1914 at Thomas (Pike County) Kentucky of Pulmonary Tuberculosis at the age of 65 years, 2 months and 25 days old. (DC #67198-KY Bureau of Vital Statistics)
William's death certificate states he was buried at Martin Scott's on July 3, 1914. Henry Scalf states that William is buried at the Scott Cemetery at Gulnare, Kentucky. William was buried five days after his death. This indicates that some of his children may have been living in another area and the funeral was postponed to wait for their arrival. Ballard Scalf, son of William, was the informant for the death certificate.
William and Elizabeth were the parents of at least
seven known children. The names below are listed as found on the census records;
however, these names were difficult to determine and may be incorrect. The name
might have been something else as well as Maletha. Maletha appeared to
be Mabetha
on the census but due to the fact she was listed as Lethia in
Chronicles of the Scalf family, it is assumed that her name was Maletha.
1880 Pike Co KY 10 June 1880 Lower Johns Prct #5
SCAFF, William | Head |
31 |
1849 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Elizabeth | Wife |
30 |
1850 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Monna Nettie | Dau |
3 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maletha | Dau |
2 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Minnie A. | Dau |
1/12 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1900 Pike Co KY 14 June 1900 District #7
SCAFF, William | Head |
51 |
1849 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Elizabeth | Wife |
50 |
1850 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Nettie | Dau |
23 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Alice | Dau |
20 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Hester | Dau |
18 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Tremble | Son |
15 |
1885 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ballard | Son |
12 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dallas | Son |
10 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
In 1910, Samuel George Layne was living in the home of his grandparents, William and Elizabeth Scalf. He was the son of Nettie Scalf, daughter of William and Elizabeth. Nettie married Lindsey Lacey Layne. It appears that Nettie might have died in childbirth to Samuel, as she does not appear on the census records after 1900.
1910 Pike Co KY 2 May 1910 Lower Johns
SCALF, William | Head |
61 |
1849 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Elizabeth | Wife |
59 |
1851 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Minnie A. | Dau |
30 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Trimble P. | Son |
25 |
1885 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ballard | Son |
22 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dallas | Son |
19 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
LAYNE, Sam G. | G-son |
2 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William Scalf died
four years after the enumeration of this census. His widow, Elizabeth Scott
Scalf was living in the home of her son Trimble on the 1920 census. Trimble's
brother Dallas and sister Alice were also in the home of Trimble on this census.
1920 Pike Co KY 15 January 1920 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, Trimble | Head |
34 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Alice | Sister |
32 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dallas | Brother |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elizabeth | Mother |
60 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY Widow |
Daughter of
William Scalf and Elizabeth Scott
Monna<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mona Nettie was born about 1877 and may have died after her marriage to Lindsey Layne. It is reported that this couple had a son, Samuel George Layne. Nettie was not found on a census record with her husband and son. Lindsey's first wife was Alice Palmer according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family. They were found on the 1880 census of Pike County. A number of Layne families are living nearby and one of these families was probably the parents of Lindsey. An older Lindsey Layne was living next door and might have been Lindsey's father.
1880 Pike Co KY 19th & 21st June
1880 District 36
LAYNE, Lacy L. | Head |
27 |
1853 |
KY |
OH |
OH |
Alice | Dau |
20 |
1860 |
OH |
OH |
OH |
Nellie V. | Dau |
1 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
OH |
1900 Floyd Co KY 21 June 1900 5th District
LAYNE, Lindsey L. | Head |
46 |
Dec 1853 |
KY |
KY |
KY | Widower |
John B. | Son |
12 |
Feb 1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Floyd Co KY 4 June 1910 Precinct 5 Mag.
Dist 5
LAYNE, Lindsey L. | Head |
56 |
1853 |
KY |
KY |
KY | Widower |
John B. | Son |
24 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Samuel George Layne is listed with his father in 1920. He was born July 19, 1907. It appears that his parents might have married 1905-1910.
1920 Floyd Co KY 29 January 1920 Mouth of Mud Precinct 5
LAYNE, Lindsey L. | Head |
60 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
John B. | Son |
31 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Anna | Dau in law |
21 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Samuel G. | Son |
11 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(Died July 24, 1930 from typhoid fever) |
Son of
Lindsey L. Layne & Nettie Scalf
Samuel<Monna Nettie<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Samuel Layne was born July 19, 1907 and died July 24, 1930 from
typhoid fever. Samuel was living with his grandparents in 1910 and his father in
1920. When the 1930 census was taken on April 22, 1930, Samuel was a boarder in
the home of Albert and Victoria Maynard and is unmarried. However, he married
Acie Ludy a short time later. This marriage was cut short by Samuel's untimely
death on July 24, 1930.
(Link to Samuel Layne's death certificate)
1930 Pike CO KY
22 April 1930
Precinct 2
MAYNARD, Albert | Head | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
Victoria | Wife | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
LAYNE, Sam G. | Boarder | 23 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
William Scalf and Elizabeth Scott
Malethia<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Malethia (Lethia) Scalf was born May 19. 1877 in Pike County, Kentucky and
died February 13, 1962 in Floyd County, Kentucky. Lethia
married Andrew Jackson Francisco, the son of George Francisco and Frances
McCoy. His name is listed in Chronicles of the Scalf
Family as A .J. Cixco. Andrew and Lethia were married on September 13, 1894
in Pike County, KY and the family was found on the 1900 census. Jettie (Jetta) was in the home on this census. A nephew, Jenkins King, was also
in the home.
King was the son of John Henry King and Mary E. Francisco. It is possible that
Mary Francisco was an older sister of Andrew Jackson Francisco, which would make
Jenkins King Andrew Francisco's nephew. (Courtesy of
Barbara Harvel)
Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Andrew died and Lethia remarried. According to his death certificate, Andrew J. Sesco was born May 11, 1868 in Pike County, Kentucky and died June 17, 1941 in Pike County, Kentucky (Link to death certificate).
(Link to Letha Compton death certificate)
Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Following the death of A.J. Cisco, Lethia remarried a Mr. Ronk. A third
marriage was to John Compton.
of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
There is confusing information concerning this family. Either there were two Jetta Francisco's in Pike County or Jetta was listed twice on the 1900 census, once in the home of Andrew Francisco and once in the home of her grandparents Beverley Francisco and Louisa. The census was enumerated on June 14 at the home of Andrew Francisco and then on June 19th at the home of Beverley Francisco. Within five days, Jetta is listed on two different censuses.
Henry Scalf also states that Lethia had two daughters, Georgia and Jetta.
1900 Pike Co KY 14 June 1900 District 7
FRANCISCO, Andrew | Head |
31 |
1869 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Malethia | Wife |
21 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jettie | Dau |
1 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KING, Jenkins | Nephew |
19 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1900 Pike Co KY 19 June 1900 Marrowbone
FRANCISCO, Beverly | Head |
42 |
Nov 1857 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Louisa | Wife |
37 |
Oct 1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
10 born, 9 living |
Armina | Dau |
19 |
Sep 1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1 born, 1 living |
Marseley | Son |
18 |
May 1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Grove C. | Son |
14 |
Jun 1885 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dolie | Dau |
12 |
Sep 1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Roxie | Dau |
10 |
Sep 1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bertha | Dau |
8 |
Jul 1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Oscar B. | Son |
7 |
Apr 1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Banty | Son |
4 |
Jul 1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ethel | Dau |
2 |
Oct 1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jettey | G-Dau |
1 |
Sep 1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
In 1910, Jetta is living in the home of a Woods family. She is listed as a sister-in-law to William Woods. William Woods had married Armina Franscico 1900 – 1910. Armina was the daughter of Beverly Francisco and Louisa. The 1910 census listing of Jetta indicates that William's wife Armina was a sister to Jetta. However, Jetta is only 11 years old and Armina was 29 years old.
This was a second marriage for William Woods as he indicated on this census that this was his second marriage and he had been married for 8 years. Armina states this was her first marriage and that she had been married for 8 years. This is also confusing due to the fact they had both been married 8 years but William stated he had been married before.
This census places the date of marriage for Armina at 1902. She states she has two children with 2 living on this census. However, there are three children in the home. Grove was born 1896 before the marriage of William and Armina and the census does not state what his relationship might have been to the family.
1910 Pike Co KY 22 April 1910 Precinct 25
Woods, William | Head |
36 |
1873 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Armina | Wife |
29 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Grove | Son |
14 |
1915 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Estell | Dau |
6 |
1916 |
VA |
KY |
VA |
Francisco, Jetta | Sister-in-law |
11 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Pike CO KY
23 April 1910
Lower John's Creek
SESCO, Jackson | Head | 41 | 1869 | KY | VA | KY | Married 15 years | |
Malithia | Wife | 32 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY | Married 15 years | 3 children born, 2 lliving |
Jettie | Dau | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Georgia | Dau | 8 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Pike CO KY
14 January 1920
Lower John's Creek
SESCO, Jack | Head | 51 | 1869 | KY | KY | KY |
Letha | Wife | 41 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
Georgie | Dau | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Pike Co KY 7 April
1930 Lower John's Creek District 5
Sisco, A. J. | Head | 61 |
1869 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @ 27 |
Letha | Wife | 51 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @ 16 |
Living next door to Andrew and Letha in 1930 is Georgia Francisco and her husband, Lando Scott.
1930 Pike Co KY 7 April 1930 Lower John's Creek District 5
Scott, Lando | Head | 30 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @ 24 |
Georgia | Wife | 28 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @ 22 |
Edith | Dau | 5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY 3
April 1940
District 5
SESCO, A. J. | Head | 71 | 1869 | KY |
Letha | Wife | 60 | 1880 | KY |
We would like to thank Barbara Harvel for providing information on the Andrew and Letha Sesco family.
In researching the Francisco family it was found that a number of folks in the same area were listed as Cisco and Cesco as well as Francisco. Some of these folks were part of the Francisco family and this is noted to help researchers of this line. It is difficult to sort out which ones were authentically Francisco. Information from descendants of this line might clear up the confusion.
Daughter of
Maletha Scalf and Andrew J. Francisco
Jetta<Malethia<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
According to Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf, Jetta
was the daughter of Andrew J. Francisco and Maletha Letha
Scalf. This may be
correct; however, the census records are confusing concerning Jetta and are
listed below. From the available records, we cannot confirm or deny that Jetta
was the daughter of Andrew and Letha at this time.
Jetta Francisco was born about 1899. She stated on the 1930 census that she married at the age of 18. This information suggests she married around 1912. Her first child, Gladys, was born 1919 and there might have been another child born before Gladys due to the time span between 1912 and 1919. Jetta may also have listed her age at her marriage incorrectly.
In 1900 Jetta was listed with Andrew and Letha and then five days later is living in the home of her grandparents, Beverly Francisco and wife, Louisa.
In 1910 Jetta is listed in the home of William Woods and his wife, Armina Franscico and listed as a sister-in-law of William Wood, which would suggest Jetta was his wife's sister.
In 1900 Beverley Francisco and his wife have nine children in the home. Armina was the oldest child. Jetta Francisco is listed as the granddaughter of Beverley on this census.
On the 1900 census, Beverley and Louisa Francisco state they have 10 children with nine living. All nine are listed in the home. Therefore, Andrew Francisco (alleged father of Jetta Francisco) could not have been a son of Beverley and Louisa.
We can rule out Andrew being the son of Beverley Francisco due to the ages of these two men. However, they may have been brothers. Andrew was born 1869 and Beverly was born 1857. There is twelve years difference in the ages of Beverley and Andrew.
It certainly appears that Jetta was a relative of this family but was neither the sister-in-law of William Woods nor the sister of his wife, Armina.
If Jetta's parents were Andrew Franscico and Lethia Scalf, it is unknown why she was living with her relatives on these censuses or why she was listed as the granddaughter of Beverley Francisco. It is also unknown where Andrew and Lethia were in 1910 and 1920 as well as their daughter, Georgia.
Note on the 1900 census in the home of her father that Armina Franscico states she has one child with one living. Armina was not married at this time. Jetta Francisco is then listed as a granddaughter to Armina's father, Beverley.
Also, on the 1900 census of Beverley Franscico Armina had a brother named
born 1885. On the 1910 census of Pike County, Armina has a son named
Grove as well. He is 14 years old placing his birth date 1896.
Armina states on the 1910 census that she has two children with two living but there are three children in the home; Grove, Jetta and Estell. Grove was born 1896 and Jetta 1899, both before the marriage of Armina to William Woods.
The child Estell from the 1910 census was born 1904 after the marriage of William and Armina. Again, it is difficult from these census records to determine which children belonged to Armina.
By 1920, Jetta Francisco is married to Clinton Taylor.
1900 Pike Co KY 19 June
1900 Marrowbone
FRANCISCO, Beverly | Head |
42 |
Nov 1857 |
KY |
VA |
KY | |
Louisa | Wife |
37 |
Oct 1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY | 10 born, 9 lvg |
Armina | Dau |
19 |
Sep 1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY | 1 born, 1 living |
Marseley | Dau |
18 |
May 1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Grove C. | Dau |
14 |
Jun 1885 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Dolie | Dau |
12 |
Sep 1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Roxie | Dau |
10 |
Sep 1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Bertha | Dau |
8 |
Jul 1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Oscar B. | Son |
7 |
Apr 1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Banty | Son |
4 |
Jul 1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Ethel | Dau |
2 |
Oct 1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY | |
Jettey | G-Dau |
1 |
Sep 1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Pike CO KY 22 April 1910 Hellier
WOOD, William | Head |
35 |
1875 |
VA |
VA |
VA | |
Armina | Wife |
29 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY | 2 born, 2 living |
Grove | Son |
14 |
1896 |
VA |
VA |
VA | |
Estell | Dau |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
VA |
KY | |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY | sister-in-law |
1920 Pike CO KY 3 July 1920 Lower John's
Creek Precinct 5
Taylor, Clint | Head |
24 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jettie | Wife |
21 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Gladys G. | Dau |
8/12 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pike CO KY 5 April 1930 Lower John's Creek
Precinct 5
Taylor, Clinton | Head |
35 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @22 |
Jettie | Wife |
31 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @18 |
Gladys G. | Dau |
11 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Carleen | Dau |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Clinton Jr | Son |
7 |
1923 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Oka? Ora? | Son |
4 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Guff | Dau |
3 4/12 |
1917 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY 2 April 1940 Lower John's Creek
District 5
TAYLOR, Clinton | Head | 44 | 1896 | KY |
Jettie | Wife | 42 | 1898 | KY |
Clinton, Jr. | Son | 17 | 1923 | KY |
Oakie | Dau | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Gulf E. | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Julius D. | Son | 4 | 1936 | KY |
Angeline | Dau | 2 | 1938 | KY |
Daughter of
William Scalf and Elizabeth Scott
Minnie<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Minnie Alice Scalf was born 1880 in Pike County, Kentucky. Alice married Sherman Nunnery. It is possible that Alice was married prior to this marriage but this has not been confirmed at this time. Alice and Sherman were found on the 1930 census.
It appears that Alice and Sherman married late in life. Alice was 44 when she married Sherman and he was 50. They had been married six years, placing their marriage date at 1924. The census states that Sherman was employed at a retail store. No further information.
1930 FLOYD Co KY 11 April 1930 Betsy Layne Precinct 17
Nunnery, Sherman |
Head |
1874 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @ 50 |
Alice |
Wife |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Md @ 44 |
Daughter of
William Scalf & Elizabeth Scott
Hester<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Hester Scalf was born about 1880 in Pike County, Kentucky. Hester married
William Hunter. William's occupation was listed as a Barber.
On the 1910
census of Pike County, Hester's husband is listed as James Hunter. We cannot be
certain at this time, but this appears to be the correct family. James Hunter is
also listed as a Barber
on this census. Hester's husband's name in 1920 is
listed as James Hunter and in 1930 is listed as William B. Hunter.
It is possible that the B might have actually been a J as they have a son named William J. who might have been named for his father. We believe this to be the same family and William B. was probably William James Hunter instead of William B. Hunter.
Estimating from the census records, it appears that Hester married around 1905. No further information is known of this family.
1910 Pike Co KY 22 April 1910 Pikeville
HUNTER, James |
Head |
30 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Barber |
(Scalf) Hester |
Wife |
27 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1 born, 1 living |
James |
Son |
4 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Pike Co KY 16 January 1920 Pikeville
HUNTER, Willie B. |
Head |
39 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Barber |
Hester |
Wife |
37 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William J. |
Son |
14 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pike Co KY 3 April 1930 Pikeville
HUNTER, William |
Head |
49 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Barber |
Hester |
Wife |
48 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
BALLARD SCALF – (Enumerator)
Son of
William Scalf & Elizabeth Scott
Ballard<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ballard Scalf was born about 1888 in Kentucky and died 07-24-1965 (KY Death Certificates 036 17586). Ballard married Judy Roop. By estimation from the 1920 census, it appears that Judy was born around 1894. A Judy Scalf was found on the Social Security Death Indexes born 1 June 1893 and died 15 May 1972 at Betsy Layne (Floyd) County, Kentucky. This may or may not be Juda Roop Scalf. This name is also spelled Rupe on some records.
We have no marriage record available for Ballard; however, Ballard is listed on the Floyd County, Kentucky marriage index with a marriage date of 1915.
Estimating from the 1920 census of Pike County, Kentucky he married 1900 – 1915. Maggie had just been born at the enumeration of this census and had not reached one month old yet.
Children of Ballard Scalf and Judy Roop as
listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Births taken from Pike County, Kentucky Births:
1) Nettie Scalf born March 23, 1916, Pike County, Kentucky (Pike Co. Births) Nettie married Lawrence Adkins. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
2) Eunice Scalf born April 3, 1917, Pike County, Kentucky (Pike County Births) Eunice married Alonzo Stratton. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
3) Barney Scalf born June 14, 1918 Pike County, Kentucky (Pike County Births)
4) Maggie Scalf born December 31, 1919, Pike County, Kentucky (Pike Co. Births). Maggie married Robert Johnson. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
5) William Ballard Scalf.
6) Earl Scalf married Magdalene Steffey.
7) Elizabeth J. Scalf born October 27, 1925, Pike County, Kentucky (Pike Co. Births) Elizabeth married Ed Layne. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
8) Edward Scalf married Catherine Sparks. (Charles Edward per census).
9) John Henry married Velma Jean Adkins.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Ballard Scalf
Age: 29
Home Address: Thomas, KY
Born: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: September 28, 1887
(Link to original document)
Employer: Self employed
Occupation: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Pike Co KY 2-3 January 1920 District #5
Johns Creek
SCALF, Ballard |
Head |
32 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Juda |
Wife |
26 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nettie |
Dau |
3 11/12 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Eunice |
Dau |
2 9/12 |
1917 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Barney |
Son |
1 6/12 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(Maggie) |
Dau |
0/12 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Floyd Co KY 18 April 1930 Evel Precinct
SCALF, Ballard | Head |
38 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Juda | Wife |
37 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nettie | Dau |
14 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Eunice | Dau |
13 |
1917 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Barney | Son |
11 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maggie | Dau |
10 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William B. | Son |
7 |
1923 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Earl J. | Son |
5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elizabeth | Dau |
4 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Charles E. | Son |
2 |
1928 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John H. | Son |
6/12 |
1929 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
5 April 1940
District 4
SCALF, Ballard | Head | 52 | 1888 | KY |
Juda | Wife | 48 | 1892 | KY |
Maggie | Dau | 20 | 1920 | KY |
William Ballard | Son | 17 | 1923 | KY |
Earl Jason | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Elizabeth | Dau | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Charles Edward | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY |
John Henry | Son | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Son of
Scalf and Judy Roop
Barney<Ballard<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Barney Scalf, Son of Ballard Scalf and Judy Roop was born June 14, 1918 in Kentucky and died August 31, 1997 in Fort Bragg, Cumberland County, North Carolina. Barney was marrried to (1) Nancy Mae Frazier and (2) Mary Agnes Mintz. Nancy Mae Frazier Scalf was later married to David Louder.
Child of Barney Scalf and Nancy Agnes Minta
1. Donald Ray Scalf
Son of
Barney Scalf & Nancy Mae Frazier
Donald<Ballard<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
1950 Floyd CO KY 31 March 1950 Allen
LOUDER, David | Head | 28 | 1922 | KY | Married | Waiter Restaurent |
Nancy | Wife | 32 | 1928 | KY | Married | Proprietor Restaurant |
Donald Ray | Step son | 9 | 1941 | KY |
Son of
Scalf and Judy Roop
Charles<Ballard<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Scalf, Sr.
Charles Edward Scalf, son of Ballard Scalf and Judy Roop (Rupe) was born 1928 in Kentucky. We have very little information on the family of Ballard Scalf's children; however, an obituary for Charles and his wife was found and is listed here.
Columbus Dispatch Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1970 Page: 22 B
Charles E. Scalf, age 42, 168 Dexter Ave. Hilliard, Ohio, Doctors Hospital, Tuesday, Employee Marble Cliff Quarries. Survived by wife, Catherine; daughter, Anita C.; son, Charles S.; mother, Judy Scalf, Ivel, KY.; brothers, Barney, Spring Lake, N.C., William Ballard Jr., Milwaukee, Wis., Earl, Oceana, W. VA. John H. Betsy Layne, KY.; sisters, Nettie Atkins, McDowell, KY., Unice, Stratton, Ivel, KY., Maggie Johnson, Detroit, Mich., Elizabeth Layne, Lorain, Ohio. Friends may call Webster D. Junk Funeral Home, Hilliard, Ohio, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. Thursday where service will be held at ?? p.m. Friday. Interment Wesley Chapel 18-19. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Catherine J. Scalf
Columbus Dispatch Date: Wednesday, May
30, 1984 Page: 7 B
L. Catherine Scalf, age 51, of 580 Dunbury Drive, Columbus. Preceded in death by husband, Charles E. Survived by son and daughter-in-law, Charles and Kathy Scalf, Hilliard; daughter and son-in-law, Anita and Fred Horsley, Columbus. Grandson, Thomas Edward Scalf; brothers, John and Ed of London, Ohio and Russell Deboard of Albuquerque, N.M. Sisters, Doris Deboard of London, Mary Leming, Columbus. Father and step-mother, Harry and Emma Sparks of Plain City. Many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the WEBSTER D. JUNK FUNERAL HOME 2-4 and 7-10 p.m. Wednesday, where service will be held 1 p.m. Thursday. Interment Wesley Chapel. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Son of
Scalf and Judy Roop
John<Ballard<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Henry Scalf, the son of Ballard Scalf and Judy Roop was born October 8, 1929 and died April 18, 2016. John Henry married Velma Jean Askins.
Memorial Saturday, April 23 at 1 p.m. in the
Hall Funeral Home Chapel.
Interment Davidson Memorial Gardens, Ivel, KY
Born October 8, 1929
Died April 18, 2016
John Henry Scalf, age 86, of Betsy Layne, KY., husband of the late Velma Jean
Adkins Scalf, passed away Monday, April 18, 2016 at the Prestonsburg Health Care
Center, Prestonsburg, KY. He was born October 8, 1929 in Tram, KY., to the late
Ballard and Judy Roop Scalf. He was a member of the Harold Church of Christ,
retired self employed business owner, avid golfer and a US Army Korean War
He is survived by his daughter; Jennifer Cisney (Kevin) Scalf, Crystal Lake, IL.
In addition to his wife and parents he was preceded in death by four brothers;
Barney, Junior, Earl and Edward Scalf, four sisters; Nettie Adkins, Eunice
Stratton, Maggie Johnson and Elizabeth Layne.
Funeral service will be conducted Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. in the
Hall Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in the Davidson Memorial Gardens,
Ivel, KY., visitation is after 6 p.m. Thursday and all day Friday at the funeral
home, under the kind and professional care of the Hall Funeral Home, Martin, KY.
Son of
William Scalf & Elizabeth Scott
Trimble<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Trimble Scalf was born March 11, 1885 and died April 21, 1975 at Goody (Pike Co) Kentucky. (SS Death Index and Pike County, Kentucky death records)
He married Minnie Lyons. The children listed below are listed in Chapter VIII of Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
In 1920, Trimble is found listed as head of house in Pike County, Kentucky. In the home are his sister Alice, his brother Dallas and mother Elizabeth.
Trimble and Minnie were found in 1930 with two of the their children, Walter and Ernest.
Children of Trimble Scalf and Minnie Lyons from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Don Walter Scalf married Mata Alice Scalf, daughter of Melvin and Ann Scalf. Melvin was the son of Hezekiah Scalf. Ernest Scalf married Emma Lou Burchett, daughter of Henry and Fanny Bevins Burchett.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Trimble Scalf
Age: 33
Home Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: March 11, 1985
(Link to original document)
Employer: Self employed
Occupation: farmer
Nearest relative: Elizabeth Scalf
Address of nearest relative: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of Eye: Gray
Color of Hair: Light
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Pike Co KY 15 January 1920 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, Trimble | Head |
34 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Alice | Sister |
2 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dallas | Brother |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elizabeth | Mother |
60 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
1930 Pike Co KY 5 April 1930 District #5 Lower
Johns Creek
SCALF, Trimble | Head |
45 |
1885 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Minnie | Wife |
32 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
WV |
Walter | Son |
8 |
1922 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Earnest | Son |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
LYONS, Marie | Niece |
15 |
1915 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
2 April 1940
District 5
SCALF, Trimble | Head | 54 | 1886 | KY |
Minnie | Wife | 42 | 1898 | KY |
Walter | Son | 18 | 1922 | KY |
Ernest | Som | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Walter, son of Trimble, married Mata Alice Scalf daughter of Melvin Scalf and Ann Collins Scalf. Melvin was the son of Hezekiah Scalf.
Son of
William Scalf & Elizabeth Scott
Dallas<William<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Dallas Scalf was born July 9, 1890 in Kentucky and died May 6, 1945 in Wise County, Virginia. Dallas married Florence Sesco. It was originally thought that her name was Florence Francisco; however, her obituary states SESCO.
(Link to the death certificate of Dallas Scalf)
Dallas Scalf was living in the home of his brother Trimble in 1920. Dallas married by 1930 and he and Florence were found on the 1930 census of Pike County, Kentucky. He was still living at Johns Creek (Pike County), Kentucky in 1930 but at some point, moved to Coeburn (Wise Co) Virginia where three of his children were married.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Dallas Scalf
Age: 27
Home Address: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: July 9, 1890
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Farmer
Place of employment: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Pike Co KY 15 January 1920 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, Trimble |
Head |
34 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Alice |
Sister |
32 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dallas |
Brother |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elizabeth |
Mother |
60 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
1930 Pike Co KY 5 April 1930 District #5 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, Dallas |
Head |
38 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Florence |
Wife |
28 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Carter J. |
Son |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Olie E. |
Dau |
4/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
2 April 1940
District 5
SCALF, Dallas | Head | 49 | 1891 | KY | |
Florence | Wife | 34 | 1906 | KY | |
Carter | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY | (Link to death certificate) |
Evalene | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY | (Link to death certificate) |
Sherman | Son | 7 | 1933 | KY | |
Betty | Dau | 5 | 1935 | KY | |
Christine | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY | (Link to death certificate) |
Bob | Son | 1 | 1939 | KY |
1950 Wise CO VA
3 April 1950
SCALF, Florence | Head | 48 | 1902 | KY | Widow |
Sherman | Son | 17 | 1933 | KY | |
Betty | Dau | 15 | 1935 | KY | |
Christine | Dau | 13 | 1937 | KY | |
Bob | Son | 11 | 1939 | KY |
Henry Scalf states that Dallas had a son named Carter who died as a young man
and three other children.
Carter is listed on the 1930 census. On the
Pike County, Kentucky death records the birth of a son named Dalace I. Scalf to Florence Sesco is listed. He was born August 22, 1928
and we believe this to be a son of Florence and Dallas Scalf. If this is
correct, this son also died. Henry did not list names for the other three
children but we believe the three children listed below are the children
referred to
The names of the three children not listed on the 1930 census of Pike County, Kentucky were taken from the marriages of Wise County, Virginia. They are listed here with their spouses as stated in the marriage records of Wise County. There might have been other children that we do not have names for. The children may not be listed in birth order. Ollie Evelyn from the 1930 census might be Evelyn listed below who married Lowell Adkins.
Children of Dallas Scalf and Florence Francisco:
1) James Carter Scalf - born June 3, 1923 and died
August 13, 1946.
to death certificate)
2) Evelyn Scalf (birth date unknown)
married Lowell Adkins January 28, 1948, Wise County, Virginia. He was the son of
E. L. Adkins and Melissa James. He was born at Bondtown, Virginia and she was
born in Kentucky. Both addresses at this time were Coeburn (Wise Co) Virginia.
3) Alva Jean Scalf (birth date unknown) born at Pikeville, Kentucky daughter
of Dallas Scalf and Florence Francisco. Married William Hall October 15, 1954 in
Wise County, Virginia. He was born at Crane's Nest, Virginia, the son of Emory
Hall and Gertrude Sands.
4) Christine Scalf (birth date unknown) born at Gulnare, Kentucky, the
daughter of Dallas Scalf and Florence Francisco of Wise County, Virginia.
Christine married Dalford Gouge December 16, 1954. He was the son of Lawrence G.
Gouge and Ora Dotson of Crane's Nest, Virginia.
An obituary was found for Florence Sesco Scalf and states the following information.
Michigan City, Indiana – Florence Scalf, 93, died Friday (Oct. 27, 1995) at Life Care Center of Michigan City. Born in Gulnare, Kentucky, she was a former resident of Coeburn, Virginia before moving to Michigan City a few years ago.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Dallas Scalf; her parents, George and Elizabeth Sesco.
Surviving are three daughters, Christine Gouge, Michigan City, Indiana, Betty Hall, Coeburn, Virginia, Ollie Adkins, Gallen, Michigan. One son, Robert Scalf, Three Oaks, Michigan; 21 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; one brother, Merlin Sesco, Meta, Kentucky, and several nieces and nephews.
Calling hours are from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday at Estes Funeral Home, Coeburn, Virginia. Services will be conducted Tuesday at the funeral home chapel with the Rev. Mike Hunsaker officiating.
Burial will follow in the Kiser Cemetery in Pine Camp section of Coeburn, Virginia. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
(Link to Florence Scalf death certificate)
(Link to obituary of Florence Sesco Scalf)
From the obituary above, we assume that Frances' maiden name was Sesco and not Francisco. We also note that Evelyn from the marriage records and census records was in fact, Ollie Evelyn Scalf. We also note that there was one more child born to Dallas and Florence. This was Robert Scalf listed in the obituary of Florence.
Daughter of
Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Brinstone
Nancy<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Nancy J. Scalf daughter of Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Brinstone was born about 1852 in Kentucky. Nancy is reported to have married Wesley Stratton, son of Tandy Richard Stratton and Mahala Lewis Stratton of Floyd County, Kentucky. Wesley and Nancy moved to Arkansas after the Civil War and lived near Little Rock. No further information is known of this family. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Daughter of
Jeremiah Scalf & Sarah Brinstone
Talitha<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Talitha A. Scalf daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah Brinstone Scalf was born 1854 - 1856 according to census records. Virgil Scalf found a birth record for Talitha stating her birth date as March 13, 1854, Pike County, Kentucky. (Link to birth record)
Talitha was not in the home of her parents, Jeremiah and Sarah Brinstone Scalf in 1850 or1860 but was living in the home of her mother Sarah Brinstone Scalf Vaughn and stepfather Leroy Vaughn in 1870 and listed as 16 years old.
In the home of her father Jeremiah Scalf in 1860, there is a Mary listed who would have been the same age as Talitha A. There is no Mary listed on the census of 1870. Whether Mary and Talitha A. were the same person or not is unknown.
It is possible that the ages of the two girls were listed wrong on one or the other census records and Mary could have been the child that died mentioned by Henry Scalf as Tabitha; however, it is the opinion of the author that the spelling of Talitha might have appeared to be Tabitha, which caused Henry to believe there was a child named Tabitha.
Talitha Scalf married Allen Blackburn, son of Elizabeth Scalf Blackburn. Elizabeth was the daughter of Brittan and Talitha Couch Scalf. Allen Blackburn and Talitha A. Scalf were first cousins.
Three children were listed on the 1880 census for Allen and Talitha but there were probably more. Allen and Talitha were not found after 1880.
See Chronicles of the Scalf family, Chapter VIII for more information concerning Mary and Talitha.
1880 Floyd Co KY 18 June 1880 Precinct #7
BLACKBURN, Alen | Head |
27 |
1853 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Son of Elizabeth Scalf |
Talitha A. | Wife |
24 |
1856 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Mary J. | Dau |
7 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William C.J. | Son |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rollin B. | Son |
1 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daughter of
Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Brinstone
Nancy<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sarah Melissa (Lissy) Scalf was born about 1856 in Pike County, Kentucky. (1860 Pike County Census).
Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Melissa Scalf
. Married John Adams, brother to Rev. Robert Adams and
Samuel Adams, but father's name unavailable. They were parents of three
children, a son, Floyd Adams, and two daughters, Lou and Virgie Adams. Lou died
unmarried. No other information on this family, John Adams and Melissa Scalf
Adams probably lived in Pike County, Kentucky. (Chronicles of the Scalf
Family, Chapter VIII)
No further information on this family.
Son of
Jeremiah Scalf & Sarah Brinstone
Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Information concerning the Amos Scalf family has been compiled from the various records available. Information for this family was also provided by Martin Willard. Martin is the g-g-grandson of Amos Scalf and Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee and the great-grandson of James Andrew Scalf, son of Amos and Sarah. Reference has also been made to Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf.
Amos Scalf (aka Witch) was born June 22, 1862 in Pike or Floyd County, Kentucky and died 1911 in Lewis County, Washington. The 1880 census of Floyd County, Kentucky states he was 20 years old in 1880 and would have been born about 1860 according to the census. The 1900 census is also consistent with the 1880 census; however, Henry P. Scalf states a full birth date of June 22, 1862 in Chronicles of the Scalf Family. We do not know who submitted the birth date to Henry nor do we know which date is correct. Census records also reveal that Amos' first or middle name was Henry.
It appears that Henry P. Scalf did not realize that Amos Scalf and Henry Scalf were the same person for he believed that the child of Jeremiah and Sarah Brinstone Scalf named Henry had died.
Henry Amos Scalf married Sarah Jane Music daughter of Rev. Andrew Music and Emily Bowen Music. Sarah was born April 6, 1858 in Kentucky and died 1946 in Napavine (Lewis County) Washington. Amos and Sarah married around 1879 or 1880 in Floyd County, Kentucky. We believe that they were married in 1879 and that the Amos Scalf listed on the marriage index of Floyd County, Kentucky was Amos Henry or Henry Amos Scalf. (Marriage record index courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Amos and Sarah were recently married by the enumeration of the 1880 census and were found living in Floyd County, Kentucky. There were no children listed at this time.
There were children of Amos and Sarah that married or died between 1880 and
1900 that would not have been listed on the 1900 census. Due to the missing
censuses of 1890, it is difficult to follow some of the family members. One
daughter, Mary, was born 1880 after the enumeration of the census and therefore
was old enough by 1900 to marry, which she did. Mary was not found on the census
records due to the missing 1890 censuses. Chronicles of the Scalf Family
has been relied on for names of the older children of Amos and Sarah.
1880 Floyd Co KY 11 June 1880 Precinct #7
SCAFF, Amos |
Head |
20 |
1860 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah |
Wife |
22 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
1900 Pike Co KY 13 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, Amos | Head |
40 |
1860 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah | Wife |
41 |
1859 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Emma | Dau |
13 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lee | Son |
10 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Callie | Dau |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Anna | Dau |
5 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Norah | Dau |
3 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jeremiah | Son |
6/12 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andrew | Son |
18 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha | Dau in law |
17 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Between 1900 and 1910, the Scalf family, along with the Music, Goble, DeRossett and several other families moved from Kentucky to Lewis County, Washington. Some of the Keesee family also moved from Kentucky with these families.
1910 Lewis Co WA 23 April 1910 Verndale
SCALF, Amos | Head |
50 |
1860 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah J. | Wife |
52 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Emma | Dau |
22 |
1888 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Lee | Son |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Callie | Dau |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Annie | Dau |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Nora | Dau |
13 |
1897 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Jerry | Son |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
A record of Amos' birth and death can be found in the cemetery listings of Rainey Valley Cemetery at the second URL address for the South Section listed at the beginning of this chapter.
It was probably the logging or the mining business that drew the Kentucky families to Washington and no doubt, the Amos Scalf family among others was engaged in one or both of these businesses. Amos may have died from an illness or he may have died from an injury. We do not have a death certificate for Amos at this time to help determine what his cause of death might have been. However, Amos died not very long after arriving in Washington State.
Amos is buried near the parents of Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee. Several
other family members are buried in this section of the cemetery.
Children of Amos Witch
Scalf and Sarah Brinstone from Chronicles of the
Scalf Family:
2) Andrew Scalf – born June 6, 1882, married Martha Goble.
3) Wesley Scalf – born March 9, 1885 – died 1887.
4) Emma Scalf – born April 16, 1887, married Thomas Coleman.
5) Lee Scalf – born October 5, 1889.
6) Callie Scalf – born March 19, 1892 married Thomas A. Saunders.
7) Anna Scalf – born October 12, 1894 married Wallace Morris.
8) Nora Scalf – born April 12, 1897, married Carl Smith.
9) Jerry Scalf – born December 10, 1899, married Nellie Larson.
The first three children of Amos and Sarah were not found listed with the family on the census records.
Daughter of
Henry Amos Scalf & Sarah Jane Music
Mary<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Scalf, oldest child of Amos and Sarah was born June 12, 1880 in Kentucky. (Family records of Martin Willard) Mary is not listed on a census record with her parents. There are no census records for 1890 and Mary was married before the enumeration of the 1900 census.
Mary married Albert Hayes Goble around 1897 by estimation. He was born September 13, 1876 in Inez, Kentucky. Albert died May 23,1966 at Morton Hospital in Morton, Washington. He is buried at Morton Cemetery.
Albert was the brother of Martha Goble Scalf who married Andrew Scalf, son of Amos Scalf and Sarah Jane Music Scalf. (See obituary for Albert in Chapter VIII of Chronicles of the Scalf Family) The obituary for Albert Hayes Goble states that he had been a resident of Morton since 1902. We find that his first three children with Mary were born in Kentucky with the last one being born 1906. Martin Willard has a date of July 30, 1905. Albert and Mary were found on the 1900 census of Pike County, Kentucky.
Records suggest that some of the families moved to Lewis County around 1906 while others appear to have moved there around 1909. Chronicles of the Scalf Family lists that Mary died February 6, 1907 and the records of Martin Willard are in agreement
with this date.
Mary may have been
one of the folks who contracted measles on the train and died on the way to
Chehalis. Mrs. May Kirkpatrick, daughter of John Wesley Scalf was a daughter of
John Cooge
Scalf and stated some family members died from measles on this
trip. We have no information to confirm that the Albert Hayes Goble family was on the train with John Wesley Scalf but it seems logical this might have been what happened.
However, Chronicles of the Scalf Family lists that Mary died February 6, 1907. Mary might have died before Albert left Kentucky or she may have died after the family arrived in Lewis County.
Albert Hayes Goble had remarried by 1910 and was found on the 1910 census of
Lewis County, Washington. His wife's name was Selenta if the spelling on the
census was correct. Her maiden name is unknown.
Albert and his second wife, Selenta were the parents of ten children according
to the obituary of Albert Hayes Goble. Three of the children listed below were
children of Albert and Mary Scalf Goble. The first two children belonged to
Albert and Mary; however, we are not certain which one was Bertha as she was
listed only as Bertha on the census records. We assume either Mrs. Constance
Nostrant or Mrs. Goldie Danhouser was Bertha. The other children appear to be
the children of Albert and his second wife.
The following children survived him:
Mrs. Edna Bright.
Mrs. Anna Fields
Mrs. Olive Geidel
Mrs. Bess Greiter
Mrs. Beryl Davis
Mrs. Virginia McMillion
Mrs. Constance Nostrant
Mrs. Goldie Danhouser
Emery Goble
Claude Goble
Albert Goble
Lester Goble
Donald Goble
The obituary for Albert Hayes Goble can be found in Chapter VIII of
Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1900 Pike Co KY 13 June 1900 District 7
GOBLE, Hayes | Head |
23 |
Sep 1876 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary | Wife |
21 |
Jun 1878 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1 born, 1 living |
Edna | Dau |
1 |
Sep 1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 23 April
1910 Morton Precinct
GOBLE, Hayes | Head |
33 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Selenta | Wife |
23 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
0 born |
Edna | Dau |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bertha | Dau |
9 |
1901 |
Anna M. | Dau |
4 |
1906 |
1920 Lewis Co WA 9 January
1920 Sulphur Creek
GOBLE, Hayes | Head |
43 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sereyta | Wife |
31 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bertha | Dau |
19 |
1901 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Minnie? A. | Dau |
14 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bessie | Dau |
8 |
1912 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Emery | Son |
7 |
1913 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Olvie | Dau |
5 |
1915 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Berle | Dau |
3 6/12 |
1916 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Albert | Son |
3 5/12 |
1916 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Claud | Son |
3 |
1917 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Virgie | Dau |
1 3/12 |
1918 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Daughters of
Mary Scalf and Albert Hayes Goble
Bertha &Anna<Mary<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Bertha Goble was born November 15, 1900. (Martin Willard). Census records list her birth by estimation as 1902; however, census records were often incorrect on ages. Martin also has that Anna was born July 30, 1905.
If Annabelle listed in the home of Gregory Grieter was a sister to Bertha, she is probably the Anna M. listed on the 1910 Lewis County, Washington census. We cannot confirm which name is correct.
Bertha and Anna were children of Mary Scalf and Albert Hayes Goble. Bertha married Gregory Grieter and their family was found on the 1930 census living at Centralia in Lewis County, Washington.
Bertha appears to be Mrs. Bess Grieter listed in the obituary of Albert Hayes Goble but she was listed as Bertha on the census records. For further information see Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII and the obituary for Hayes Goble.
1930 Lewis Co WA 14 April
1930 Centralia
GRIETER, Gregory |
Head |
30 |
1900 |
MN |
Bertha |
Wife |
28 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Gilbert |
Son |
1 9/12 |
1928 |
CA |
MN |
KY |
GOBLE, Annebell |
Sister in Law |
23 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Henry Amos Witch
Scalf & Sarah Jane Music
Andrew<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Andrew Scalf was born June 6, 1882 in Pike County, Kentucky. Andrew died November 1, 1936 in Salem, Oregon. (Obituary – Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
Andrew married Martha Jane Goble May 10, 1900 in Marion County, Kentucky and moved from Kentucky to Eastern Washington. Andrew is buried at Glenoma (Lewis County) Washington at Rainey Valley Cemetery. (Norman Willard, Jr. and son Martin Willard)
Martha Goble Scalf was born November 26, 1882 in Martin County, Kentucky. Martha Goble Scalf died in Seattle, Washington May 15, 1974 and is buried at Sunset Mausoleum in Chehalis, Washington. (Norman Willard, Jr. and Martin Willard)
Andrew and Martha were the parents of four children.
Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
In the first
decade of the present century there was much talk of the State of Washington in
Southern West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky and Andrew Scalf, son of Amos Scalf,
visited the state and sent back glowing reports of the opportunity offered on
the west coast.
Some of the Goble family also made the trip to Lewis County, Washington along with other family members. Andrew and Martha Goble Scalf were in the home of Andrew's parents in 1900 in Kentucky but appear on the 1910 Lewis County, Washington census
as head of house.
1900 Pike Co KY 13 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, Amos | Head |
40 |
1860 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah | Wife |
41 |
1859 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Emma | Dau |
13 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lee | Son |
10 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Callie | Dau |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Anna | Dau |
5 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Norah | Dau |
3 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jeremiah | Son |
6/12 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andrew | Son |
18 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha | Dau in law |
17 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 17 May 1910 Big Bottom Precinct
SCALF, Andrew |
Head |
28 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha |
Wife |
27 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ella |
Dau |
7 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elmer |
Son |
5 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wallace |
Son |
2 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andrew and Martha
had three children at the enumeration of the 1910 census of Lewis County,
A land patent in Vancouver, Washington 1916 for twenty-three and seventy-hundredths of an acre was found and this appears to have been this same Andrew Scalf.
Andrew was not found in 1920 but his wife Martha Goble Scalf was found as head of house in 1930. She was listed as a widow on this census but this was apparently a mistake by the enumerator for Andrew was still living in 1930.
The obituary of James Andrew Scalf states he died in 1936 and his grandson Norman Willard, Jr. confirmed this. Norman states that Andrew came through Chehalis in 1930 and brought him a wagon. The death date on Andrew's headstone also states he died 1936.
Henry P. Scalf states that Andrew went to Alaska to prospect for gold at some point but does not mention exactly when Andrew went to Alaska. Andrew was living in Salem, Oregon at the time of his death according to the obituary and the Social Security Indexes. It appears that Andrew was out of the state of Washington during the years 1920 – 1936.
The 1910 census records list the children of Andrew as being born in Kentucky. Wallace was the last child born in Kentucky before the move to Washington. However, the 1920 census of Lewis County, Washington lists Wallace as being born in Washington and another daughter born after him was also listed as being born in Washington. We believe this to have been a mistake on the census and Wallace was actually born in Kentucky. Mary A. was born in Washington.
The following census records show the family of James Andrew Scalf and Martha Goble Scalf in 1910. However, Andrew was not found on the 1920 or the 1930 census. An obituary for James Andrew Scalf confirms that he was living in Oregon 1920 – 1936.
Andrew and Martha were living in Lewis County, Washington by 1902 where their first child Ella May Scalf was born June 16, 1902. Norman Willard, Jr., son of Norman Sr. and Ella May Scalf Willard confirms that Ella only had three siblings, Elmer, Wallace and Mary.
Martin Willard provided the following information on the family of James Andrew and Martha Goble Scalf:
1) Ella May Scalf, b. June 16, 1902, Martin County, KY, d. December 16, 1965, Chehalis, WA.
Ella May Scalf, daughter of Andrew and Martha Goble Scalf married Norman Willard, Sr. This couple were the parents of Norman Willard, Jr. father of Martin Willard who provided information on this family. Norman Willard Jr. is still living at the writing of this chapter. (2005)
As can be seen below, the census records conflict with the above birth dates of these children with the exception of Elmer. This is often found on the census records, however.
1910 Lewis Co WA 17 May 1910 Big Bottom Precinct
SCALF, Andrew | Head |
28 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha | Wife |
27 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ella | Dau |
7 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elmer | Son |
5 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wallace | Son |
2 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Andrew Scalf
Age: 36
Home Address: Chehalis,
Lewis County, WA
Date of Birth: January 6, 1882
(Link to original document)
Employer: Chehalis
Mill CO
Occupation: Logging
Nearest relative: Martha Jane Scalf
Nearest relative address:
Chehalis, Lewis
County, WA
Height:: Tall
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 – Andrew
not found.
Andrew was not listed with Martha in 1920 or 1930. An obituary for Andrew confirms that he was in Oregon during this time. Andrew was transferred back to Lewis County, Washington for burial.
1930 Lewis Co WA 9 &10 April 1930 Precinct South #1 Chehalis
SCALF, Martha J. | Head |
47 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Wallace R. | Son |
22 |
1908 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Mary A. | Dau |
18 |
1912 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
1940 Lewis Co
5 April 1940 Precinct South #1 Chehalis
SCALF, Martha | Head | 57 | 1883 | KY Widow |
Mary | Dau | 29 | 1911 | WA |
Mrs. Norman Willard, Miss Mary Scalf and Wallace R. Scalf of Chehalis and Mr. And Mrs. E. J. Scalf of Shevlin, Ore., were called to Salem early last week by the critical illness of their father, James Andrew Scalf, of Monmouth, Ore. His death occurred about 2 o'clock Sunday morning. His body was brought to Lewis County by Clough-Barrick funeral directors of Salem. Funeral services and burial were held at Glenoma. Mr. Scalf was born at Pikeville, Pike county, Kentucky, January 6, 1882. Besides his four children he is survived by Mrs. M. Scalf, Mrs. B. Keesee, a sister Mrs. T. A. Saunders of Onalaska and two brothers, Jerry of Puyallup and Lee of Glenoma, and a grandson, Normal Willard, Jr. of Chehalis.
NOTE: Buried November 6, 1936. (Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
Daughter of
James Andrew Scalf and Martha Goble
Ella May<Andrew<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ella May Scalf,
daughter of James Andrew Scalf and Martha Goble Scalf was born June 16, 1902 in
Lewis County (Chehalis) Washington and died December 16, 1965 in Chehalis,
Ella married Norman Willard, Sr. June 29, 1922 in Chehalis, Washington. Norman Willard, Sr. was the son of Albert Willard and Bertha (Damitz) Willard and grandson of Alexander Willard and Emily (Simmons) Willard. His maternal grandparents were Francis and Almarine (Holman) Damitz.
Photograph of Ella May Scalf Willard (Courtesy of Martin Willard)
After Ella passed away, Norman Sr. remarried to Alta Smith, widow of Victor Smith in 1982. Norman was born September 16, 1895 and died at the age of 102 August 15, 1998. (Courtesy of Martin Willard)
Norman Willard, Jr. an only child of Norman Willard, Sr. and Ella May Scalf married Darcia Margaret Dayton, June 21, 1948 in Tacoma, Washington. Darcia was the only child of Darcy Milliman Dayton, born October 1876 and died 21 or 26 November 1964 and Lillian Lucille Rees born 18 January 1898 and died August 4, 1965. (Courtesy of Martin Willard)
Norman Willard,
Jr. and Darcia Dayton Willard settled in Louisville, Kentucky.
Children of Norman Willard, Jr. and Darcia Dayton Willard:
1) John Dayton Willard born 17 October 1952 and died 1 March 1981.
2) James Steven Willard. (Private)
3) Martin Paul Willard. (Private)
Siblings of Ella May Scalf Willard provided by her grandson, Martin Willard:
1) Wallace Scalf married Grace Forth June 27, 1936.
2) Elmer Scalf married Elenora Elizabeth Stout. After Elmer's death October 2, 1950, Elenora moved to Bend, Washington and married Phillip H. Pitman on October 1, 1951.
3) Mary Alverna Scalf. Mary never married. She lived in Chehalis, Washington as did Ella Scalf Willard and Norman Willard, Sr. Mary eventually moved with her mother, Martha Goble Scalf to Seattle, Washington where they both died.
Martin Willard confirmed that Edna Goble Bright was a cousin to Martha Goble Scalf and confirms that Edna married Stan Bright. He also confirmed that James Andrew Scalf's sister Callie married Tom Saunders as stated in Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
Son of
Andrew Scalf & Martha Goble
Elmer<Andrew<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Elmer Scalf, son of James Andrew Scalf and Martha Goble Scalf was born about 1905 in Lewis County, Washington and died February 1950 in Lincoln County, Oregon (C #10833 SS Death Index) Elmer married Elenora Elizabeth Stout. Martin Willard
states that Elmer died October 2, 1950.
(Link to Elmer Scalf and Elenora Stout marriage document)
(Link to
Elenora Pitman obituary)
1930 Deschutes Co OR 17 April 1930 Shevlin Precinct 31
SCALF, Elmer J. |
Head |
25 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elenora E. |
Wife |
25 |
1905 |
WA |
WI |
1940 Deschutes CO OR
15 April 1940 Shevlin
Logging Camp
SCALF, Elmer | Head | 35 | 1905 | KY |
Eleanora | Wife | 35 | 1905 | WA |
Son of
James Andrew Scalf and Martha Jane Goble
Wallace<Andrew<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Wallace Richard Scalf was born August 21, 1907, Lewis County, Washington and died March 28, 1970 at Pasco, Washington. Wallace was one of four children of James Andrew Scalf and Martha Jane Goble. Wallace married Grace Forth June 27, 1936.
(Martin Willard and SS Security Index)
1940 Thurston CO WA
17 April 1940
SCALF, Wallace R. | Head | 32 | 1908 | WA |
Grace V. | Wife | 27 | 1913 | WA |
Daughter of
James Andrew Scalf and Martha Jane Goble
Mary A. <Andrew<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary A. Scalf, daughter of James Andrew Scalf and Martha Jane Goble was born October 2, 1910 according to her obituary. Mary never married. She moved to Seattle, Washington with her mother and both Mary and Martha died in Seattle.
Former Lewis County resident Mary A. Scalf died at the age of 83 on Saturday May 28, in Seattle. She was born Oct. 2, 1910,
at Randle. Memorial services for Scalf were held Thursday at Hope Bible Fellowship in Seattle. Private entombment will be in Claquato Cemetery, Chehalis. Arrangements were under the direction of Bonney-Watson Funeral Directors in Seattle. (Obit – Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
Several members of the Amos Scalf family are buried at Rainey Valley Cemetery in Glenoma (Lewis Co) Washington.
Scalf, J. Andrew 1882 - 1936
(Andrew Scalf - son of Amos Scalf and Sarah Jane Music)
Scalf, Andrew L 1918 - 1983
(Andy - son of John Wesley and Mary E. Thompson)
Scalf, Dinna 1888 - 1962 (?)
(Could be daughter of one of the boys but could be wife of Lee)
Scalf, Emma 30 Mar 1890 - 26 Aug 1956 - Mother
(Second wife of John Wesley)
Scalf, Irvin B. 20 Dec 1924 - 02 Aug 1959 WA US Army Tec5 3625 QM Truck Co WW2.
(Son of John Wesley and Emma)
Scalf, Lee 1882 - 1967
(Son of James Brittan Scalf)
Scalf, Mary Elizabeth 02 Mar 1847 - 22 Mar 1934
(Mary Elizabeth Thompson, wife of John Wesley Scalf)
Scalf, Ole Oliver 01 Jun 1916 - 06 Mar 1964
(Son of John Wesley and Emma Music Scalf)
Daughter of
Henry Amos Witch
Scalf and Sarah Jane Music
Emma<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Emma Scalf was born April 16, 1887 and died 1910. Her birth date is listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family and Martin Willard provided her death date as well as the birth and death date of her husband. Emma married Thomas Coleman. Thomas was born 1882 and died 1909. (Courtesy of Martin Willard)
No further information for Thomas and Emma.
Son of
Henry Amos Witch
Scalf & Sarah Jane Music
Lee<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lee Scalf, son of Amos and Sarah Jane Music Scalf was born October 5, 1889 in Pike County, Kentucky and died 5 October1967 at Morton, Washington. (Obituary, Lewis County Historical Museum - Headstone at Rainey Valley Cemetery - Social Security
Death Index and Martin Willard)
Martin Willard informs us that the Rainey Valley Cemetery is located at Glenoma (Lewis County) Washington.
On the 1930 census
Lee's wife is listed as what appears to be Vina.
Martin Willard states that
Lee Scalf married Vina Pack
Hatfield March 2, 1926. Vina was born April 4,
1882. Vina is also buried at Rainey Valley Cemetery. (Martin Willard)
From the transcribed listings of Rainey Valley Cemetery, a Dinna Scalf
listed. We cannot be certain at this time that Dinna and Vina were the same
person or that this is the wife of Lee Scalf. However,
Dinna Scalf
was born
1888 and died 1962.
Considering the information listed in the obituary of Vivian (Vinna) Scalf, it
appears that the headstone was transcribed incorrectly. The birth and death
dates for Dinna Scalf
match the birth and death dates for Vivian (Vinna)
Lee was living in the home of Henry Hisker in 1910 as a boarder and was one of 13 workers in a sawmill. He was not found in 1920 but in 1930, he is listed with his wife and a niece, Verna Bernice Scalf.
MORTON – Lee Scalf, 78, a resident of Sumner for the past 3 years and formerly of Glenoma since 1907, died Thursday in a Morton hospital.
He was born Oct. 5, 1889, in Pike County, Ky., and was a farmer.
Surviving are a brother, Jerry, Sumner; a sister, Mrs. Callie Saunders, Eureka, Calif., and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services are Saturday, 1 p.m., at the Fissell-Brown Mortuary chapel, Morton, with the Rev. Samuel A. Carlson officiating. Interment follows at the Rainey Valley Cemetery, Glenoma. (Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
The obituary of Lee Scalf does not list a wife or any children; however, the obituary of Mrs. Lee (Vivian) (aka Vinna) Scalf was listed at the Lewis County Historical Museum.
OBITUARY OF MRS. LEE (VIVIAN) SCALF dated March 13, 1962:
SCALF – Mrs. Lee (Vivian) 73, Glenoma passed away March 13th in a Morton nursing home. She was born April 4, 1888 in Martin County, Kentucky and had been a resident of Glenoma for 37 years. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Ann Westfall, Dayton, Ohio; a brother Frank Pack, Drift, Kentucky. Funeral services will be held Monday, March 19th at 1 p.m. at the Morton Chapel of the Fissell Funeral with Rev. Everette M. Filbert officiating. Interment in Rainey Valley Cemetery.
A small piece was
also listed from the Morton Journal
and confirms that Vivian and Vinna were
the same person.
A 37 year
resident of Glenoma Mrs. Vinna Scalf, 73, passed away in Morton Tuesday, March
13. She was born April 4, 1888 in Martin County, Kentucky.
She is survived by her husband…--- Article ends here. (Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
1910 Lewis Co WA 5 May 1910 Mineral Creek Precinct
HISKER, Henry | Head |
34 |
1976 |
Martha | Wife |
29 |
1881 |
SCALF, Lee | Boarder |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Lee Vasco Scalf
Age: 27
Home Address: Randle, WA
Date of Birth: October 5, 1889
(Link to original document)
Born: Pike CO, KY
Employer: G.W. Morris
Occupation: U.S. mail carrier
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1917
1930 Lewis Co WA 11-14 April 1930 Verndale Precinct
SCALF, Lee | Head |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Vina | Wife |
43 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Verna Bernice | Niece |
6 |
1924 |
WA |
KY |
WA |
daughter of Jerry Scalf |
MURIE, Archibald | Uncle |
48 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
CHAFFIN, William | Uncle in law |
25 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Lewis Co WA 29 April 1940 Verndale Precinct
SCALF, Lee V. | Head | 50 | 1890 | KY |
Vinna | Wife | 49 | 1891 | KY |
WWII Registration Card:
Name: Lee Scalf
Address: Glenoma, Lewis County, Washington
Age: 52
Date of birth: October 5, 1889
(Link to
Place of birth: Pike County, Kentucky
Person who will know your address: Frank Christian, Glenoma, Washington
Occupation: Farmer
Scalf, Lee 1889 – 1967
Scalf, Dinna 1888 – 1967
The death date for Dinna should be 1962. Her husband Lee died in 1967.
Daughter of
Henry Amos Witch
Scalf and Sarah Jane Music
Callie<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Callie Scalf, born March 19, 1892, married, August 15, 1921, Thomas A.
Saunders, born May 13, 1883, died May 3, 1959. They were parents of six
children: A daughter died infant, Thomas M., Evelyn, Arleen, Donald, and
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
Callie and her husband Thomas were found on the 1930 census of Lewis County,
Washington. Note that Saunders was spelled Sounders
on this census. No further
information is known. For a list of the marriages of the children of Thomas and
Callie see Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1930 Lewis Co WA 8 April 1930 Granite Precinct
SOUNDERS, Thomas | Head |
48 |
1882 |
Callie | Wife |
38 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas, Jr. | Son |
6 |
1924 |
WA |
KY |
Evylin | Dau |
4 10/12 |
1925 |
WA |
KY |
Aileen | Dau |
2 7/12 |
1927 |
WA |
KY |
Donald | Son |
2/12 |
1930 |
WA |
KY |
Daughter of
Henry Amos Witch
Scalf and Sarah Jane Music
Theresa A<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Theresa Ann Scalf,
(aka as Anna) was the third daughter born to Henry Amos Witch
Scalf and Sarah
Jane Music Scalf. Anna was born about 1894 according to the writings of Henry
Scalf and her headstone at Rainey Valley Cemetery. She died 1918 according to
the cemetery records of Lewis County, Washington.
Martin Willard has a birth date of 1895 and a death date of 1918. An article listed on the Lewis County, website also lists a death date of 1918 but no birth date.
Henry P. Scalf corresponded with several family members in Lewis County, Washington at the writing of Chronicles of the Scalf Family. An excerpt from the writings of Henry concerning Ann Scalf Morris is listed here:
Anna Scalf
, born October 12, 1894, married Wallace Morris
In the home of her parents (Amos and Sarah) in 1900 Pike County, Kentucky, her birth estimates around 1895 and the same again in 1910 in Lewis County, Washington. However, her headstone at Rainey Valley Cemetery lists the following:
Morris, Anna 1894 - 1918 Mother & Infant
Considering the above information, it appears that Theresa Ann (Anna Scalf) Morris died in childbirth in 1918. Her infant child was buried with her if the headstone was transcribed correctly. Anna would have been 23 or 24 years old when she died.
Anna married George Wallace Morris, Sr. and had three living children before she died according to the 1920 census of Lewis County, Washington. The census records list Anna's husband's name as Wallace. The cemetery records list his name as Geo. Wallace Morris, Sr.
Also see Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII, by Henry P. Scalf.
Anna (Theresa) Scalf Morris is buried at Rainey Valley Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington. Her father and her mother's parents (Rev. Andy Music and Emily Bowen Music) are buried there as well.
Anna's husband, George Wallace Morris, Sr. and his second wife, Cynthia Elizabeth Scruggs are also buried at Rainey Valley
The second wife of Wallace Morris, Cynthia Elizabeth Scruggs was the daughter of Andy and Vashtie Music Scruggs. A relationship between Sarah Jane Music and Vashtie is unknown at this time but we feel they were most likely related. Vashtie is also buried in the same cemetery. (See Rainey Valley Cemetery Listings)
Rainey Valley Cemetery – Lewis County, Washington
Morris, Anna 1894 - 1918 Mother & Infant
(Daughter of Henry Amos Scalf and Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee)
Morris, Elizabeth 03/17/1902 - 10/20/91
(Second wife of Wallace Morris)
Morris, Geo. Wallace, Sr. 04/10/1893 - 10/14/82
(Husband of Anna Scalf and Cynthia Elizabeth Scruggs).
Morris, Hubert 4/21/15 - 10/14/75 Beloved Husband
(Son of Wallace and Cynthia Elizabeth Scruggs Morris)
Morris, Barbara 1929 - 1998 Beloved Wife & Mother (Wife Hubert Morris)
Scruggs, Vashtie 01/01/1872 – 02/21/61
(Vashtie Music Scruggs, mother of Cynthia Elizabeth Scruggs Morris)
Morris, Willard 1917 - 1997 (brass plate, grave includes Wife's ashes)
(Son of Wallace Morris and Theresa Ann Scalf Morris)
Anna Scalf and Wallace Morris were found living with their parents next door to each other in 1910.
1910 Lewis Co WA 23 April 1910 Verndale Precinct
SCALF, Amos. | Head |
50 |
1860 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah J. | Wife |
52 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Emma | Son |
22 |
1888 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Lee | Son |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Callie | Dau |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Annie | Son |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Nora | Dau |
13 |
1897 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Jerry | Son |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 23 April 1910 Verndale Precinct
MORRIS, John W. |
Head |
33 |
1867 |
KY |
WV |
VA |
Cynthia |
Wife |
34 |
1866 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
7 born, 6 living |
Wallace |
Son |
14 |
1896 |
KY |
WV |
KY |
Earl |
Son |
13 |
1897 |
KY |
WV |
KY |
Grace |
Dau |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
WV |
KY |
Herbert |
Son |
7 |
1903 |
KY |
WV |
KY |
Clara |
Dau |
4 |
1906 |
KY |
WV |
KY |
Willie |
Son |
2 |
1908 |
KY |
WV |
KY |
From a study of the census records, it appears that Wallace Morris married Anna Scalf around 1913 according to the birth of their first child Lee but may have married a year or so earlier allowing for the ages listed on the census records. If 1913 is correct, Anna would have been 19 years old when they married.
Anna may have died at the birth of their last child, listed as infant
her headstone. The last living child was Willard born 1917.
Wallace then remarried to Cynthia Elizabeth Scruggs and was found with his second wife on the 1920 Lewis County census.
1920 Lewis Co WA 7-10 January 1920 Randle Precinct
MORRIS, Wallace G. |
Head |
26 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Cynthia E. |
Wife |
17 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lee |
Son |
6 |
1914 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Hubert |
Son |
4 |
1916 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Willard |
Son |
2 4/12 |
1917 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
In 1930 Wallace and Elizabeth were found with the children of Wallace and Anna in the home and now have three children of their own. Cynthia Elizabeth's mother, Vashtie Music Scruggs is also living in the home as well as Elizabeth's brother Archie.
1930 Lewis Co WA 2 & 3 April 1930 Randle Precinct
MORRIS, Wallace G. | Head |
36 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elizabeth S. | Wife |
28 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lee | Son |
16 |
1914 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Hubert | Son |
14 |
1916 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Willard | Son |
12 |
1918 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Darlene | Dau |
9 |
1921 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Irene | Dau |
6 |
1924 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Wallace, Jr. | Son |
3 7/12 |
1926 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
SCRUGGS, Vashti | Mother in law |
59 |
1871 |
KY |
NC |
NC |
Archie | Brother in law |
30 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daughter of
Henry Amos Witch
Scalf and Sarah Jane Music
Nora<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Nora Scalf Born April 12, 1897 Married Carl Smith.
(Chronicles of the
Scalf Family)
Nora and her family were found on the 1920 census record of Lewis County, Washington.
Martin Willard provided the names of four
children of Carl and Nora:
1) Doris Lee Smith.
2) Carl Smith, Jr.
3) Lois Jacqueline Smith.
4) Stanley Edward Smith.
Carl Smith was the son of the immigrant George Peter Schmitt from Hohefield, Germany. George immigrated to the United States in 1881. He married Ottilia Deihms born in Remlinger, Germany 1863.
1920 Lewis Co WA 24 January 1920 Granite Precinct
SMITH, Carl | Head |
31 |
1889 |
WA |
Nora A. | Wife |
22 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Henry Amos Witch
Scalf & Sarah Jane Music
Jerry<Henry A<Jeremiah<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jerry Scalf was born December 10, 1899, married Nellie Larson. Three
daughters by this marriage; Verna, Myrtle, and Dora. Jerry remarried second to
Virginia Morriel. Three sons by this marriage: Paul, David and Morris. (Chronicles
of the Scalf Family)
Jerry and his sister, Callie Scalf, were living with their mother and
stepfather in 1920 in Lewis County, Washington and in 1930 Jerry was a boarder
in the home of Fred Lindsley or Lindsey.
A daughter, Dora, was living in the home of her grandmother, Sarah Jane Music
Scalf Keesee in 1930. Another daughter, Verna, was living in the home of Jerry's
brother, Lee Scalf and his wife Vina in 1930.
An article is listed concerning this family at the Lewis County, Washington website. The article is listed under William (Willie) and Leonard Lindberg.
Jerry W. Scalf died, a longtime resident of Glenoma, died in Tacoma on Dec. 29. He was 95. Scalf was born to Amos and Sarah Jane Scalf in Pike County, Ky., in 1899. The family migrated to Washington state in 1911, settling in Glenoma. It was there that he met and married Nellie Larson in 1922 and the couple moved to Onalaska. She died in 1926. Scalf then moved to Tacoma where he worked as a barber for most of his life. He married Virginia Morrell in 1930 and the couple was together for more than 50 years before her death in 1987. He is survived by two daughters, Verna Lowler of Challis, Idaho, and Dora Arnott of Roy, Wash.; three sons, Paul Scalf of Puyallup, David Scalf of Prineville, Ore., and Morris Scalf of Eatonville; and numerous nieces and nephews. (Obituary – Morton Journal, 01/11/95 - Courtesy of Lewis County Historical Museum)
Children of Jerry Scalf and Nellie Larson:
1) Verna Scalf Lowler of Challis, Idaho.
2) Dora Arnott of Roy, Washington.
3) Paul Scalf of Puyallup.
4) David Scalf of Prineville, Ore.
5) Morris Scalf of Eatonville.
Jerry was listed on the 1920 and 1930 censuses:
WWI Registration Card
Name: Jerry Scalf
Age: 18
Home Address: Onalaska, WA
Date of Birth: December 10, 1899
(Link to original document)
Employer: Henry Hall (mill)
Occupation: Operating log haul
Place of employment: Onalaska, Lewis CO, WA
Nearest relative: Sarah Keesee - mother
Nearest relative address: Chehalis, Lewis CO, WA
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Lewis Co WA 5 January 1920 Agate Precinct
KEESEE, Booker | Head |
55 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Sarrah J. | Wife |
57 |
1863 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
SCALF, Callie S. | Step dau |
27 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KEESEE, Margrett | Dau |
25 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Everett | Son |
23 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Jerry | Step son |
20 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KEESEE, John B. | Son |
17 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pierce Co WA 17-22 April
1930 Tacoma
LINDSLEY, Fred D. | Head |
49 |
1881 |
PA |
NY |
SCALF, Jerry | Lodger |
30 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pierce CO WA 11 April
Woodrow Precinct
SCALF, Jerry | Head | 40 | 1900 | KY |
Virginia | Wife | 36 | 1904 | MT |
Verna | Dau | 16 | 1924 | WA |
Myrtle | Dau | 15 | 1925 | WA |
Doris | Dau | 14 | 1926 | WA |
Paul | Son | 8 | 1932 | WA |
David | Son | 6 | 1934 | WA |
Morris | Son | 4 | 1936 | WA |
Sarah Jane (Music) Scalf
After the death of Amos Scalf, Sarah Jane Music Scalf married Booker T. Keesee about 1917 in Chehalis, Washington. Booker was widowed as well and had several children. Booker had also moved from Kentucky to Washington. The following information was obtained from a History Of Lewis County, page 209 written by Ethel Rutherford. (Courtesy of the Lewis County Historical Museum)
Booker T. Keesee
was born August 9, 1864 in Right Fork, Pond Creek, Kentucky and died December
13, 1939.
He came to Washington State from Pike County, Kentucky around 1907-1908. He was married previously to Caroline Evie (Maynard) Keesee May 1905. Caroline was born October 19, 1865 and died May 1905 shortly before Booker moved to Washington State. They were married June 19, 1884 in Pike County, Kentucky.
Children of Booker T. Keesee and Caroline Evie Maynard:
1) Ida Keesee – born April 30, 1885 Pike County, Kentucky. Married Dallas T. Bogar April 28, 1910 in Chehalis, Washington. Ida died April 11, 1974 and is buried at Claquato Cemetery in Chehalis.
MaggieKeesee – born March 21, 1894 in Piso, Kentucky. Married Lawrence B. Tully April 23, 1920. She died 1970 and is buried at Sumner, Washington.
LizzyKeesee – born June 9, 1899 in Kentucky. Married David F. Curry December 24, 1917 and died February 28, 1920.
We know of no children born to Booker and Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee. Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee and her second husband, Booker T. Keesee lived near Morton, Washington.
This family was found on the 1920 and 1930 census of Lewis County, Washington. Dora Marie listed on the 1930 census in the home of Booker and Sarah and listed as Booker's step-granddaughter appears to have been the daughter of Jerry, son of Amos and Sarah.
1920 Lewis Co WA 5 January 1920 Agate Precinct
KEESEE, Booker |
Head |
55 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Sarrah J. |
Wife |
57 |
1863 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
SCALF, Callie S. |
Step dau |
27 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KEESEE, Margrett |
Dau |
25 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Everett |
Son |
23 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Jerry |
Step son |
20 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KEESEE, John B. |
Son |
17 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Lewis Co WA 2-4 April 1930 Verndale Precinct
KEESEE, Booker |
Head |
65 |
1865 |
KY |
US |
VA |
Sarah Jane |
Wide |
71 |
1859 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
SCALF, Dora Marie |
Step g-dau |
4 |
1926 |
WA |
KY |
WA |
daughter of Jerry Scalf |
Dora Marie Scalf,
daughter of Jeremiah (Jerry Scalf) was living in the home of her grandmother,
Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee in 1930.
Both Booker and Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee are buried at the Rainey Valley Cemetery in Chehalis (Lewis County) Washington along with other family members.
The fact that Booker was also living in Kentucky and moved to Chehalis during the same time these families moved, suggests there might have been some type of relationship between the families of either Booker or his deceased wife, Caroline Maynard Keesee and the Scalf family or some of the other families that traveled to Washington State with them.
A photograph of Booker T. Keesee and Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee will be posted at a later date.
Listed below is an excerpt from an email received from Martin Willard, son of Norman Willard Jr. and g-grandson of Henry Amos Scalf and Sarah Jane Music Scalf Keesee.
I talked to my
father again about the pictures. He does not believe that the woman on the porch
in Chehalis was Gramma Kessee because Gramma Kessee was such a small woman, he
says. But he thinks the one with him in uniform may well be Gramma Kessee. My
father tells a nice story about Grandma Keesee. He said that when he was
visiting her once in Morton, WA, he had flown to WA from San Francisco. When he
told her about flying in from SF, she said,
(Martin Willard). It's the only way to travel.
also said that she had a salve she would make, using various plants, for
treating burns. Unfortunately, no one else could make it because she kept the
recipe a secret.
End Jeremiah Scalf
Son of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Henry Scalf was born about 1825 - 1827 in Russell County, Va. John died at Buffalo Creek (Endicott) Floyd County, Kentucky in May of 1864. John Henry married Clarinda Sellards March 25, 1856. Clarinda was born Feb. 10, 1840 and died Jan. 1914 at Dassell, (Meeker County) Minnesota. She was the daughter of Thomas Sellards and Mary Clark.
Very little can be added to the life of John Henry Scalf. Henry P. Scalf wrote the story of this family in his book Chronicles of the Scalf Family and here we excerpt a section of his writings concerning the John Henry Scalf family. Typing errors were corrected and placed in parentheses.
John Scalf, although of Confederate sympathy, determined to stay out of the
struggle if he could. To all overtures that he join with his brothers, he
turned a deaf ear. He had his family to guard and feed. Assiduously applying
himself to his farm he began to accumulate livestock and feed. But for the war
he could look around his acres with a measure of satisfaction.
The internecine struggle waxed fierce in the valley. Jackson's Confederates stalked Blackburn's Unionists. Dow Elkins, searching the countryside for Blackburn, was killed by the accidental discharge of his rifle as he talked with his fiancée at her door step. Finally Jackson and Blackburn met in battle and John P. McGuire was killed. Seeking revenge, Jackson and his adherents, ambushed Blackburn and shot his brains out.
The roar of the partisan guns, a few miles from the John Scalf home, had scarcely died when his fourth child, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was born June 14, 1863. While the babe lay in its cradle the partisans of the South roamed the valley but they inflicted no harm on the John Scalf family for they knew for all his facade of neutrality his sympathies were with the Confederacy. Someday, he feared, the Union guerrillas would come.
A few months after the birth of his daughter the dreaded event occurred. Men swarmed over his farm and at the point of guns robbed his pantry and smokehouse of all the food on the place. With their bayonets they ripped the featherbeds apart. Much of the furniture was burned in the yard while John stood helpless and his wife and children cried.
The bogs (hogs) and cattle were butchered on the farm and the meat packed on their horses. A team of horses with which John did his farm work were taken from the barn and driven away. When they left the Scalf farm that bitter winter day the family was destitute. Their neighbors, stricken as they, were impoverished, too, particularly the family of James W. Sellards, brother of Clarinda Scalf. The guerrillas left only the roofs over their heads and the clothes they wore. A hundred years later the dastardly deed was still green in the traditions of the Scalf and Sellards descendants.
John Scalf and his wife's kinsmen of the Sellards Settlement, faced the spectre of starvation and want, comforted each other by a division of food that escaped the clutching bands of the jackals. The weeks wore away and spring came. John, without a team with which to plow, fell fiercely upon his soil with band tools. He dug and planted. Weak from lack of food and hard work he took pneumonia and died in May 1964 (1864). (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
John Henry was found only on the 1860 Pike County, Kentucky census with his wife, Clarinda, and sons, Solomon and John C. B. After the death of John Henry, Clarinda remarried to Jefferson Shortridge October 1869. This couple, along with her parents and several other family members moved to Dassel (Meeker Co) Minnesota.
1860 Pike Co KY 24 July 1860 District #1
SCALF, John |
34 |
1826 |
VA |
Clarinda |
21 |
1839 |
KY |
Solomon |
3 |
1857 |
KY |
John C.B. |
1 |
1859 |
KY |
Clarinda then married Jefferson Shortridge by the enumeration of the 1870 census of Meeker County, Minnesota. Henry P. Scalf states the marriage took place October 1869. Clarinda, her parents, some siblings and her children had made the trip to Minnesota sometime between 1866 and 1869.
The 1870 census of Meeker County, Minnesota lists Clarinda and Jefferson Shortridge with the children of Clarinda and John Henry Scalf in the home.
On the 1880 census of Meeker County Jefferson and Clarinda and Jefferson now have five children, the oldest being born about 1871. James and Mary Scalf, children of John Henry Scalf were also in the home, the others probably were married at this time.
1870 Meeker Co MN 3 August 1870 Swan Lake Twsp
24 |
1846 |
VA |
Clarinda |
30 |
1840 |
KY |
Solomon |
12 |
1858 |
KY |
John B.C. |
10 |
1860 |
KY |
James W. |
8 |
1862 |
KY |
Mary D. |
6 |
1864 |
KY |
1875 MN Territorial & State Census Meeker County Swan Lake
SHORTRIDGE, Jefferson | 28 | 1846 | VA | VA | VA |
Clarinda | 35 | 1840 | KY | VA | VA |
SCAFF, Solomon | 18 | 1857 | KY | VA | KY |
Breckinridge, John | 16 | 1859 | KY | VA | KY |
SCALF, James W. | 13 | 1862 | KY | VA | KY |
SCALF, Mary D. | 10 | 1865 | KY | VA | KY |
SHORTRIDGE, Sesn F. | 4 | 1871 | MN | VA | KY |
SHORTRIDGE, Ellen M. | 9 | 1866 | MN | VA | KY |
Clarinda is not listed below her husband on this census. It is possible this was due to the fact the enumerator might have felt she should be listed above her children from her first marriage; however, this is only speculation and it is unknown why she was listed this way.
1880 Meeker Co MN 7 June 1880 Swan Lake
SHORTRIDGE, Jefferson |
Self |
45 |
1835 |
WV |
WV |
WV |
Susanah |
Dau |
9 |
1871 |
MN |
WV |
KY |
Ellen |
Dau |
7 |
1873 |
MN |
WV |
KY |
William |
Son |
5 |
1875 |
MN |
WV |
KY |
Joseph |
Son |
2 |
1878 |
MN |
WV |
KY |
Eley |
Dau |
2/12 |
1880 |
MN |
WV |
KY |
Clearinda |
Wife |
40 |
1840 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, James |
S-son |
18 |
1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Mary |
S-dau |
16 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
A correction to the writings of Henry P. Scalf is noted here. Henry believed that Clarinda had died and her husband remarried. A paragraph from his writings is listed here:
Clarinda Sellards Scalf, born Feb. 10, 1840, died January, 1914 and her
second husband, Jefferson Shortridge, survived until April, 1933. She buried in
Dassel Cemetery, and Jefferson, who remarried, is buried at Minneapolis.
of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
By 1900 the census records show that Jefferson Shortridge had died and Clarinda Sellards Scalf Shortridge was living in the home of her son John Breckenridge Scalf. She was listed as a widow on this census. Clarinda was not found after the 1900 census and it is assumed she did die on the date stated above but her husband, Jefferson Shortridge surely died before 1900 since she was listed as a widow here.
1900 Meeker Co MN 6 June 1900 Dassel Township
SCALF, J. (John) B. (Breckenridge) |
Head |
39 |
1861 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
SHORTRIDGE, Clarinda |
Mother |
61 |
1839 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Parents of
Clarinda Scalf Shortridge
Clarinda's parents, Thomas and Mary Clark Sellards were found living nearby Clarinda and Jefferson Shortridge in Meeker County, Minnesota.
1870 Meeker Co MN 4 August 1870 Swan Lake Twsp Dassel
SELLARDS, Thomas |
65 |
1805 |
KY |
Mary |
55 |
1815 |
KY |
Thomas |
16 |
1854 |
KY |
William |
13 |
1857 |
KY |
Mary |
8 |
1862 |
KY |
1880 Meeker Co MN 1 June 1880 Swan Lake
Twsp Dassel
SELLARDS, Thomas |
Head |
73 |
1807 |
KY |
WV |
WV |
Mary |
Wife |
62 |
1818 |
KY |
NC |
NC |
Son of
John Henry Scalf & Clarinda Sellards
Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Solomon Scalf was born March 27, 1857. He was the oldest child of John Henry
Scalf and Clarinda Sellards. Solomon and his brother John Breckenridge were
living in the home of Joel Smith in 1880 Meeker County, Minnesota as boarders.
By 1900 Solomon had married and was living in Ward County, North Dakota.
Henry Scalf states the following concerning Solomon and his wife:
Solomon Scalf was the first to leave the parental home. He married Mary
Frances Fuller, Jan. 28, 1883. They were the parents of six children, all born
at Dassel. Solomon is best described by a nephew who knew him intimately, and
Solomon was a patient and enduring man, never unkind and always
considerate of others.
Solomon homesteaded at Norma, North Dakota, in 1900 and at one-time, he and his half-brother, William Shortridge, conducted the Lewis Store, an establishment widely patronized. In 1908 he moved to near Coronach, Sasketchewan, Canada, a small hamlet north of the Montana border. It was 25 miles to Scobey, Montana, the grain center of the region and Solomon freighted his wheat there. In 1925 he moved to Coronach where he died, June 3, 1932. His widow survived until February 1937, and died at Centralia, Washington. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
The census records of 1900 Ward County, North Dakota lists Solomon and his family. However, his wife's name is not Mary or Frances. His wife's name is Vera or Vina F. Scalf on this census. The first child, John H. was born about 1885 according to the census and would coincide with the marriage date of 1883 as stated by Henry P. Scalf. Vera is listed as 34 years old on this census with an estimated birth date of 1866.
By 1910, Solomon's wife is listed as Mary F. and her age is 43 with an estimated birth date of 1867, which is very close to the age of Vera from the 1900 census. We cannot determine if Vera/Vina and Mary Frances were the same person but it does appear that the enumerator either made a mistake or Mary Frances had three names.
The death of Mary Frances Fuller is confirmed at the link listed below. She was born 1865 and died 1937 in Centralia (Lewis County) Washington. She is buried at Salkum (Mt. Hope) Cemetery in Lewis County, Washington.
Several of the Fuller family members are buried here.
Mary Frances Scalf, 71, died Saturday morning in a local hospital. She was born September 26, 1866, in Virginia. She is survived by four sons, John of Cottage Grove, Ore.; James and William of Harmony where the deceased made her home, and George of Yorktown, Canada; a brother, James A. Fuller of Salkum; two sisters, Mrs. Roxie DeLong of Centralia and Mrs. Henry Hammill of Stanfield, Ore., and 19 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Salkum church, and interment was in the Salkum cemetery under the direction of the Fissell Funeral Home. (Courtesy, Lewis County Historical Museum)
1880 Meeker Co MN 18 June1880 Swan Lake
Smith, Joel B. |
Head |
41 |
1839 |
NY |
NY |
PA |
Sarah |
Wife |
34 |
1846 |
NY |
NY |
Arthur |
Son |
11 |
1869 |
NY |
NY |
NY |
Etta |
Dau |
7 |
1873 |
MN |
NY |
NY |
Servant |
18 |
1862 |
SCALF, Salmon |
Boarder |
22 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Breckenridge |
Boarder |
20 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1885 MN Territorial & State Census Meeker County 2 June 1885 Dassel
SCALF, Solemn | 27 | 1858 | KY |
Frances | 19 | 1866 | MN |
John H. | 1 | 1884 | MN |
1895 MN Territorial & State Census Meeker County 12 June 1895 Collinwood
SCALF, Solemon | 38 | 1857 | KY | Lived in state for 31 years & district for 8 years |
Francis M. | 29 | 1866 | MN | |
John Henry | 11 | 1884 | MN | |
James H. | 6 | 1889 | MN | |
Willie Leslie | 3 | 1892 | MN | |
Clarence E. | 1/12 | 1895 | MN | |
SHORTRIDGE, Ellen | 22 | 1873 | MN |
1900 Ward Co ND 1 June 1900 Township 161 Range 87
SCALF, Solomon |
Head |
43 |
1857 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Vera F. |
Wife |
34 |
1866 |
MN |
VA |
VA |
John H. |
Son |
15 |
1885 |
MN |
KY |
MN |
James H. |
Son |
10 |
1890 |
MN |
KY |
MN |
William L. |
Son |
8 |
1892 |
MN |
KY |
MN |
George E. |
Son |
3 |
1897 |
MN |
KY |
MN |
1910 Renville Co ND 3 & 4 May 1910 Fairbanks Township
SCALF, Solomon |
Head |
53 |
1857 |
KY |
US |
KY |
Mary F. |
Wife |
43 |
1867 |
MN |
VA |
VA |
William |
Son |
18 |
1892 |
MN |
KY |
VA |
George E. |
Son |
13 |
1897 |
MN |
KY |
VA |
1916 Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Alberta, Canada Census
SCALF, Solomon | Head | 58 | 1858 | Home - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
Frances | Wife | 50 | 1866 | Home - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
William | Son | 24 | 1892 | Home - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
George | Son | 19 | 1897 | Home - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
Son of
Solomon Scalf & Mary Francis Fuller
John<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Henry Scalf was born February 13, 1884 in Dassel, Meeker County, Minnesota and died 1949 in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. In 1905, he married Mabel Thorson.
Children of John Henry and Mabel Thorson Scalf:
1) Erbelle
2) Martis Coy Scalf
3) Frances Vernon Scalf
4) Mara A. Scalf
5) Kenneth Cordell Scalf
6) Mercedes Beverly Scalf
1920 Comanche CO OK
2 January 1920
Mangan Township
SCALF, John H. | Head | 35 | 1885 | MN | KY | VA | Accountant - railroad |
Mabel | wife | 31 | 1889 | IL | IL | IA | |
Erbelle | Dau | 13 | 1907 | MN | MN | IL | |
Martis | Son | 11 | 1909 | IA | MN | IL | |
Vernon | Son | 8 | 1912 | MT | MN | IL | |
Marie | Dau | 6 | 1914 | IA | MN | IL | |
Kenneth | Son | 2 3/12 | 1917 | IA | MN | LI | |
James H. | Brother | 31 | 1889 | MN | KY | VA | Material clerk - railroad |
1925 Polk CO IA State Census
1 January 1925 Des
SCALF, Mabell | Head | 36 | 1889 | IL | Divorced |
Erbella G. | Dau | 18 | 1907 | IA | |
Martis C. | Son | 16 | 1909 | IA | |
Francis V. | Son | 14 | 1911 | IA | |
Marie A. | Dau | 10 | 1915 | IA | |
Kenneth C. | Son | 7 | 1918 | IA | |
Mercedes B. | Dau | 2 | 1923 | IA |
WWI Registration:
Name: John Henry Scalf
Present address: Manly Worth, IA
Date of birth: February 13, 1884
Link to document
Present Occupation: Accountant
Employer's name: C R & P Ry (Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad)
Place of employment: Manly Worth, IA
Nearest relative: Mabel F. Scalf - wife
Address of relative: Manly Worth, IA
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Alburn
WWII Registration Card:
Name: John Henry Scalf
Address: Stanfield, Umatilla CO, OR
Age: 58
Date of birth: February 13, 1884
(Link to document)
Place of birth: Dassel, Minnesota
Person who will know your address: William L.Scalf, Stanfield, CA
Employer name and address: U. S. War Department, Umatilla Ordnance Depot,
Hermiston, Umatilla CO, OR
Daughter of
John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson
Erbella<John<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Erbella Scalf, daughter of John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson, was born about 1907.
1940 Des Moines CO IA 3 & 4 April 1940 Des Moines
SMITH, John | Head | 56 | 1884 | IA |
Mary | Wife | 60 | 1880 | IA |
SCALF, Erubella | Roomer | 33 | 1907 | IA |
Marie | Roomer | 27 | 1913 | IA |
Beverly | Roomer | 16 | 1924 | IA |
Son of
John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson
Martis<John<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martis C. Scalf, son of John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson, was born November 14, 1908 in Iowa and died June 1983 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Martis married Helen Ann Harban Cox in the early 1930s. However, Martis and Helen are divorced by 1940. Later, Martis marries Liala Cornelia Osgood on September 16, 1961 in Freeborn Minnesota. Martis was an ordained Pentecostal Minister.
1940 Polk CO IA 9 April 1940 Des Moines
SCALF, Helen | Head | 33 | 1907 | IA Divorced |
COX, Conrad | Son | 15 | 1925 | IA |
HARBIAN, Josiah | Father | 78 | 1862 | England Widower |
BROWNER, Wm | Roomer | 29 | 1911 | MO |
Mary | Roomer | 54 | 1886 | KS |
1940 Los Angeles CO CA 20 April 1940 Los Angeles
SCALF, Martis | Head | 31 | 1909 | IA Divorced |
ABNEY, Arthur W. | Partner | 30 | 1910 | AR |
Son of
John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson
Vernon<John<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
1940 Elkhart CO IN 18 April 1940 Goshen
SCALF, Vernon | Head | 29 | 1911 | MT |
Dorothy | Wife | 29 | 1911 | IA |
Larry | Son | 2 | 1938 | IA |
Daughter of
John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson
Marie<John<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Marie Scalf, daughter of John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson, was born April 4, 1913 in Iowa. (Link to birth certificate)
1940 Des Moines CO IA 3 & 4 April 1940 Des Moines
SMITH, John | Head | 56 | 1884 | IA |
Mary | Wife | 60 | 1880 | IA |
SCALF, Erubella | Roomer | 33 | 1907 | IA |
Marie | Roomer | 27 | 1913 | IA |
Beverly | Roomer | 16 | 1924 | IA |
Son of
John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson
Kenneth<John<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Kenneth Scalf, son of John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson, was born October 1, 1917 and died March 27, 2013. Kenneth married Mary Margaret Knight, the daughter of Edger and Myrtle Bishop. However, Kenneth and Mary Scalf were divorced on July 2, 1945. Mary Scalf married Richard LaMar George on July 28, 1945. (Link to Mary George death certificare)
Kenneth Scalf spent some time in the Kalispell, Flathead, Montana County Jail. He was admitted on November 17, 1936. We don't why or how long Kenneth was incarcerated. (Link to record)
(Link to Kenneth Scalf and Mary Knight marriage document)
(Link to Mary Scalf and Richard George marriage document)
1940 Elkhart CO IA
19 April 1940
PETERS, Hal C. | Head | 67 | 1873 | IN |
Carrie | Sister | 75 | 1865 | IN |
SCALF, Kenneth | Son in law | 22 | 1918 | IA |
Mary | Dau | 16 | 1924 | MO |
Daughter of
John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson
Marie Beverly<John<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mercedes Beverly Scalf, daughter of John Henry Scalf & Mabel Thorson, was born about 1924.
1940 Des Moines CO IA 3 & 4 April 1940 Des Moines
SMITH, John | Head | 56 | 1884 | IA |
Mary | Wife | 60 | 1880 | IA |
SCALF, Erubella | Roomer | 33 | 1907 | IA |
Marie | Roomer | 27 | 1913 | IA |
Beverly | Roomer | 16 | 1924 | IA |
Son of
Solomon Scalf & Mary Francis Fuller
James<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Scalf was born June 6, 1889 in Minnesota and died March 3, 1960 in Hermiston, Umatilla, Oregon. He is buried in the Willamette National Cemetery located in Portland, OR and is buried at Section S Site 1700.
WWI Registration Card:
Name: James Harrison Scalf
Present address: Julian, MT
Date of birth: June 6, 1889
Link to document
Age: 28
Born: Dessell, MO
Occupation: Farm laborer & Mechanic
Married/single: Single
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
1920 Comanche CO OK 2 January 1920 Mangan Township
SCALF, John H. | Head | 35 | 1885 | MN | KY | VA | Accountant - railroad |
Mabel | wife | 31 | 1889 | IL | IL | IA | |
Erbelle | Dau | 13 | 1907 | MN | MN | IL | |
Martis | Son | 11 | 1909 | IA | MN | IL | |
Vernon | Son | 8 | 1912 | MT | MN | IL | |
Marie | Dau | 6 | 1914 | IA | MN | IL | |
Kenneth | Son | 2 3/12 | 1917 | IA | MN | LI | |
James H. | Brother | 31 | 1889 | MN | KY | VA | Material clerk - railroad |
WWII Registration Card:
Name: James Harrison Scalf
Address: Doyle, Lassen, CA
Age: 52
Date of birth: June 6, 1889
(Link to document)
Place of birth: Dassel, Minnesota
Person who will know your address: W. L. Scalf (William Lester Scalf) -
Standfield, OR
Employer name and address: Midway Tavern Operator - Doyle, Lassen, CA
Son of
Solomon Scalf & Mary Francis Fuller
William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Leslie Scalf was born
February 7, 1892 in Dassell, Meeker County, Minnesota and died on September 12,
1970 in Seattle, King County, Washington. William married Fern Randall on
March 26, 1918. Fern was the sister of Mildred Agnes Randall, who married
William Leslie Scalf's brother, George Edward Scalf. Fern was born
June 13, 1900 in Fremont, Nebraska
and died October 23, 1930 in Coronach,
Saskatchewan, Canada. William Scalf was in the farm implement
business and was mayor of a town in Canada. When the depression hit he lost
everything including his wife. He gave
up all of the kids and left to find work in the states.
After Fern (Bill's wife) died in 1930, the children were sent to live with many
people. Bill could not afford to raise seven children on his own. Four of the
children are still living but three are deceased. I believe all of them
eventually moved to the US. (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
Children of William Leslie Scalf
and Fern Randall:
Donald Dale Scalf - born December 27, 1918 in Eddyville, Saskatchewan, Canada
and died 18 Nov 1977.
2) Virgil Glen Scalf - born September 16, 1920 in East
Poplar, Saskatchewan, Canada
3) Eugene Vincent Scalf - born November 11, 1921 in
East Poplar, Saskatchewan, Canada. He married Ruth Heinle July 7, 1941. She was
from Odessa, Russia.
4) Veryl Clyde Scalf - born September 18, 1924 in Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada
and died 1 May 1986.
5) Lila Irene Scalf - born July 25, 1926 in
Scobey, Daniels Co., MT, USA and died September 24, 2010 in New Dalles, OR.
6) Lowell Leslie Scalf - born August 21, 1928 in
Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada
7) Mervin Manley Scalf - born November 21, 1929 in Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada
and died 22 Jun 2006.
Link to wedding photograph of William Leslie Scalf and Fern Randall
Photograph - (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
WWII Registration Card:
Name: William Leslie Scalf
Address: Stanfield, Umatilla CO, OR
Age: 50
Date of birth: February 7, 1892
(Link to document)
Place of birth: Meeker CO, Minnesota
Person who will know your address: Jim Scalf (brother), Doyle, CA
Employer name and address: U. S. War Department, Umatilla Ordnance Depot,
Hermiston, Umatilla CO, OR
We are indebted to Denise Williamson and Virgil Glen Scalf for some of the information and photographs found in this chapter.
1940 Umatilla CO OR 19 April 1940 Precinct 31
SCALF, William L. | Head | 47 | 1893 | MN Divorced |
Veryl C. | Son | 15 | 1925 | Canada |
Lila I. | Dau | 13 | 1927 | MT |
Lowell L. | Son | 11 | 1929 | Canada |
Melvin M. | Son | 10 | 1930 | Canada |
BRITTON, Eva B. | Housekeeper | 49 | 1891 | KA |
The census data below containing Annetta Scalf was placed below William L. Scalf because it appears that William married Annetta in the 1930s and for some reason they were divorced.
1940 Lane CO OR 25 April 1940 Eugene
RUNDLETT, Robert W. | Head | 57 | 1883 | IA |
Erma P. | Wife | 52 | 1888 | WI |
John Jr. | Father | 83 | 1857 | NY |
SCALF, Annetta | Servant | 43 | 1897 | MN Divorced |
CORNACCHIA, Josephine | Lodger | 23 | 1917 | OR |
Son of
William Leslie Scalf & Fern Randell
Donald<William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Donald Scalf was born December 27, 1918 in
Eddyville, Saskatchewan, Canada and died November 18, 1977. Donald married
Neva McNair and they had two children. Later, Donald Scalf married
Florence Marianne Roberts, the ex-wife of his brother, Mervin Scalf, in 1968.
Children of Donald Scalf and Neva McNair:
1) William Dale
Scalf - born April 28, 1939 and died January 9, 2010.
2) Mark Eric Scalf - born May 15, 1956 and died October 11, 1985.
Photograph - (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
1940 King CO WA 15 April 1940 Star Lake Precinct
SCALF, Donald D. | Head | 23 | 1917 | Can |
Neva J. | Wife | 24 | 1916 | OR |
William D. | Son | 11/12 | 1939 | OR |
Son of
William Leslie Scalf & Fern Randell
Virgil<William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Virgil Glen Scalf was born September 16, 1920 in East Poplar, Saskatchewan, Canada. He married Ruth Burns on August 6, 1940 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada. A few years later, on March 18, 1947, Virgil married Wilma Potts in Seattle, Washington.
On March 4, 1952, Virgil became a U. S. Citizen. (Link to naturalization document)
Son of
William Leslie Scalf & Fern Randell
Eugene<William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Eugene Vincent Scalf was born November 11, 1921 in East Poplar, Saskatchewan, Canada. He married Ruth Heinle July 7, 1941. Ruth was born July 17, 1920 in North Dakota and died June 2, 2004 in Arizona. Ruth's mother was from Odessa, Russia.
Child of Eugene Scalf & Ruth Heinle:
1) Dennis Marlow Scalf
1940 Cowlitz CO WA 27 April 1940 Jackson Precinct
PETERSON, Charles | Head | 61 | 1879 | MN |
Majorie | Wife | 59 | 1881 | KS |
SCALF, Eugene | Farm hand | 19 | 1921 | MT |
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment
Name: | Eugene V Scalf |
Birth Year: | 1921 |
Race: | White, citizen (White) |
State of Residence: | Oregon |
County or City: | Umatilla |
Enlistment Date: | 25 Aug 1944 |
Enlistment State: | Oregon |
Enlistment City: | Portland |
Branch: | No branch assignment |
Branch Code: | No branch assignment |
Grade: | Private |
Grade Code: | Private |
Term of Enlistment: | Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law |
Component: | Selectees (Enlisted Men) |
Source: | Civil Life |
Education: | Grammar school |
Civil Occupation: | Semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor |
Marital Status: | Single, without dependents |
Son of
William Leslie Scalf & Fern Randell
Veryl<William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
C. Scalf was born September 18, 1924 in Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada and died
May 1, 1986 in Portland, Multnomah CO, OR. He married 1) Pearl N. Beauchamp in 1947,
2) Lillian Wagner in 1955 and 3) (Living) Royce in 1964.
Veryl is buried at the Willamette National Cemetery in Portland, OR.
Link to Veryl C. Scalf Naturalization Record
Photograph - (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
Name: Veryl C. Scalf
Birth Year: 1924
Race: White, citizen (White)
State of Residence: Oregon
County or City: Umatilla
Enlistment Date: 18 Feb 1943
Enlistment State: Washington
Enlistment City: Spokane
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency,
plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise
according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 1 year of high school
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 70
Weight: 130
Daughter of
William Leslie Scalf & Fern Randell
Lila<William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lila Scalf was born July 25, 1926 in Scobey, Daniels Co.,
Montana and died September 24, 2010 in New Dalles, Oregon. Lila married
Gale Peterson.
Son of
William Leslie Scalf & Fern Randell
Lowell<William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lowell Leslie Scalf was born August 21, 1928 in Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada.
He married Vira
Hynek on April 16, 1956.
On December 12, 1944, Lowell is traveling on the U. S. A. T.
Daniel Willard
from Prince Rupert, B. C. to Tacoma, WA, USA. He is listed as
16 years old, AB seaman, 5'3" tall and 130 pounds.
Vira Jeannie
Scalf died Aug. 20, 2007, after a long
illness. Jeannie was born Sept. 21, 1934, in Bad Axe, Mich., to Jerry and Irma
Hynek. She attended school in Bad Axe and after graduation was baptized as one
of the Jehovahs Witnesses and began serving as a full-time minister.
On April 16, 1956, Jeannie married Lowell Scalf and for over 51 years they
worked side by side and served their God Jehovah together. She loved to tell
others of Jehovah's promise to make the earth a paradise again. This made her
life both rich and rewarding. This was Jeannie and Lowell's first love and as a
theocratic team they really found the greatest love of all helping others on
their way to the real life as living witnesses praising Jehovah.
Jeannie and Lowell attended the Coupeville congregation where she had many
friends who loved her dearly. She was known for her wonderful sense of humor and
large laugh. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, Sept. 8, at 2 p.m. at
the Kingdom Hall, 331 Morris Road, Coupeville.
Son of
William Leslie Scalf & Fern Randell
Mervin<William<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Manley Scalf was born November 21, 1929 in Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada and
died June 22, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He married Florence Marianne Roberts on
September 10, 1948 in New York, NY. Florence married Donald Dale Scalf,
the brother of Mervin Scalf, in 1968. Mervin was married three times. I
do not know the name of one of them, but they married in Bermuda. The others
are Florence Marianne Roberts and (Living) Wylie. (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
Link to Naturalization Petition for Mervin Scalf
Photograph - (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
Son of
Solomon Scalf & Mary Francis Fuller
George<Solomon<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
George Scalf, son of Solomon Scalf and Mary Francis Fuller, was born March 14, 1897 in Meeker, MN. He married Mildred Agnes Randall in Plentywood, Sheridan, Montana on October 19, 1917. Mildred is the sister of Fern Randall, the wife of William Leslie Scalf. George and Mildred are living in Saskatchewan, Canada when he registers for the WWI draft in 1917.
Children of George and Mildred Scalf:
1) Clarie
Vincent Scalf
2) Ethel May Scalf
3) Laverne Clifford Scalf - born May 1, 1920 and died
November 2, 1921.
4) Irwin Stanley Scalf - born July 3, 1922 and died
June 23, 1953.
5) Gloria Vivian Scalf - born 1928 and died 1989.
6) Gordon Wendell Scalf - born 1930 and died 1990.
WWI Registration:
Name: George Edward Scalf
Present address: Eddyside P.O., Saskatchewan, Canada
Military number: 456393 LC
Date of birth: March 14, 1897
Place of birth: Dassel, MN, USA
Link to document
Married/Single: Married
Religion: Baptist
Trade: Farmer
Next of kin: Mrs. Mildred Scalf
Relation of next of kin: Wife
Address of next of kin
Medical examination: June 20, 1918
Age: 21 years, 3 months
Height: 5 foot, 10 1/2 inches
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark brown
Son of
John Henry Scalf & Clarinda Sellards
John B<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John B. Scalf, son of John Henry Scalf and Clarinda Sellards is listed as
John C. B. Scalf on the 1870 Meeker County, Minnesota census and listed as
Breckenridge on the 1880 Meeker County census. He is then listed as John B. C.
Scalf on another census indicating that C.B. was an abbreviation for
Breckenridge. This type of abbreviation was often used for middle names at this
John was born about 1860 in Pike County, Kentucky. He married Emma Hanson, October 1908. Henry Scalf states that John Breckenridge died December 15, 1952 at Culver City, California. His wife, Emma Hanson Scalf was born July 17, 1886 and died April 1923. They are both buried in the Dassel cemetery at Dassel, Minnesota.
The 1920 and 1930 census reveals that John Breckenridge Scalf moved to North Dakota along with his brother, Solomon. Henry P. Scalf states that John Breckenridge did move to North Dakota but Breckenridge returned to Minnesota after a year. Emma Hanson Scalf had died by the enumeration of the 1930 census.
Photograph (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
1880 Meeker Co MN 18 June 1880 Swan Lake
SMITH, Joel B. |
Head |
41 |
1839 |
NY |
NY |
PA |
Sarah |
Wife |
34 |
1846 |
NY |
NY |
Arthur |
Son |
1 |
1869 |
NY |
NY |
NY |
Etta |
Dau |
7 |
1873 |
MN |
NY |
NY |
Servant |
18 |
1862 |
SCALF, Salmon |
Boarder |
22 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Breckenridge |
Boarder |
20 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1900 Meeker Co MN 6 June 1900 Dassel Township
SCALF, J. B. (Breckenridge) |
Head |
39 |
1861 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
SHORTRIDGE, Clarinda |
Mother |
61 |
1839 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
1910 – John Breckenridge was not found in this year. This might be the year
that John Breckenridge returned to Kentucky to visit as stated by Henry P.
Henry states that John Breckenridge went to North Dakota in 1902 but returned the following year. This may be correct, but if so, John Breckenridge moved back to North Dakota by 1920 where he was found on the census of that year.
John Breckenridge Scalf and his family remained in North Dakota where they were again found in 1930.
1920 Renville Co ND 31 January 1920 Fairbanks Township
SCALF, John B. |
Head |
60 |
1860 |
KY |
NC |
KY |
Emma |
Wife |
33 |
1887 |
IA |
IA |
IA |
John R. |
Son |
10 |
1910 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Vera |
Dau |
8 |
1912 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Eleanor |
Dau |
5 |
1915 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Mary E. |
Dau |
4 |
1916 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Wilson |
Son |
1 |
1919 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
1930 Renville Co ND April 1930 Fairbanks Township
SCALF, J. B. |
Head |
70 |
1860 |
KY |
NC |
KY Widower |
J. Robert |
Son |
20 |
1910 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Vera |
Dau |
18 |
1912 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Eleanor |
Dau |
15 |
1915 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Mayme |
Dau |
14 |
1916 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
Wilson |
Son |
12 |
1918 |
ND |
KY |
IA |
1940 Ward CO ND
8 April 1940
SCALF, John B. | Head | 80 | 1860 | KY |
Wilson L. | Son | 22 | 1918 | ND |
Son of
John Breckenridge Scalf & Emma Hanson
John Robert<John B<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Scalf, the son of
John Breckenridge Scalf & Emma Hanson, was born September 8, 1909 in
Renville County, North Dakota and died August 17, 2008 in Shreveport, Louisiana.
John married Evaline Eva
Catherine Arntz about 1938. In 1940, John was a
surveyor for the Soil Conservation Service.
1940 Choctaw CO OK
5 April 1940
SCALF, John | Head | 30 | 1910 | ND |
Eva | Wife | 31 | 1909 | ND |
John, Jr. | Son | 4/12 | 1939 | OK |
Daughter of
John Breckenridge Scalf & Emma Hanson
Eleanor<John B<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Eleanor Scalf, the daughter of John Breckenridge Scalf & Emma Hanson, was born in North Dakota about 1915.
1940 Wyandotte CO KS 5 & 6 April 1940 Kansas City
NEUDECK, Benjamin F. | Head | 62 | 1878 | KS |
Lulu S. | Wife | 56 | 1884 | MO |
Lucile K. | Dau | 22 | 1918 | KS |
Herbert D. | Son | 19 | 1921 | MO |
Helen L. | Dau | 13 | 1927 | KS |
SCALF, Eleanor | Lodger | 25 | 1915 | ND |
SWENSON, Curtis K. | Lodger | 23 | 1917 | KS |
TINKLIN, George S. | Lodger | 27 | 1913 | KS |
Daughter of
John Breckenridge Scalf & Emma Hanson
Mary<John B<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Scalf, the daughter of
John Breckenridge Scalf & Emma Hanson, was born about 1916 in North Dakota.
1940 Ravalli CO MT April 1940 Township 4 Stevens
SCALF, Mary E. | Head | 24 | 1916 | ND Teacher |
POSPYHALA, Leona | Partner | 23 | 1917 | IL Teacher |
Son of
John Henry Scalf & Clarinda Sellards
James Wise<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Wise Scalf was born Sept. 18, 1861 and died Sept. 18, 1893. James married Lucinda Dancoke, April 25, 1888. James and Lucinda only had one daughter before his death. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
This daughter was Myrtle Scalf born 1888 and died 1913 according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family. She married Oscar Broberg. The 1900 Meeker County census reveals that Myrtle was the granddaughter of Thomas Hardy. This suggests that her mother's surname was Hardy. Help from descendants of this line is needed to determine if the marriage to Lucinda Dancoke is correct.
1885 MN Territorial & State Census Meeker County 13 & 14 May 1885 Collinwood
COLMAN, Lewis | 34 | 1851 | VA |
Mary E. | 20 | 1865 | KY |
Denna E. | 9 | 1876 | MN |
Charles B. | 1 | 1884 | MN |
SCALF, James W. | 23 | 1862 | KY |
1895 MN Territorial & State Census Meeker County 13 June 1895 Collinwood
PANKAKE, Linzey | 30 | 1865 | OH |
SCALF, Lucinda | 33 | 1862 | OH |
SCALF, Myrtle | 6 | 1889 | MN |
HACKNEY, Lizzie | 14 | 1881 | VA |
HARDY, Eddey | 16 | 1879 | MN |
1900 Meeker Co MN 6 June 1900 Dassel Township
HARDY, Thomas |
Head |
54 |
1846 |
OH |
VA |
VA |
Ellen |
Wife |
59 |
1841 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Frank |
Son |
23 |
1877 |
MN |
OH |
VA |
Edward |
Son |
21 |
1879 |
MN |
OH |
VA |
SCALF, Myrtle |
G-Dau |
11 |
1889 |
MN |
MN |
MN |
(daughter of James W. Scalf) |
Niece |
28 |
1872 |
MN |
MN |
MN |
1905 MN Territorial & State Census Meeker County 21 June 1905 Dassel
PANKAKE, Linzay | 40 | 1865 | OH | OH | OH |
Hulda | 28 | 1877 | MN | SWEDEN | SWEDEN |
Frank L. | 3 | 1902 | MN | OH | OK |
SCALF, Myrtle E. | 16 | 1889 | MN | KY | OH |
NOTE: Since the posting of this chapter, information on the wife of James
Wise Scalf has been submitted by Steve Scalf, a descendent of Robert Scalf and
Patsy Jackson Scalf. .
It appears that Lucinda Dancoke
should be Lucinda Pankake.
The Collinwood Township, Meeker County, Minnesota Census of 1895 shows
Lucinda Scalf (age 33, b. Ohio) and daughter Myrtle (age 6, b. Minn) living in
the home of Linzey Pankake.
The last name spelling in the family often lists as Pancake
as well. [by
the way, listing is p. 76, Family 229]. Incidentally, census lists Linzey as
age 30, three years younger than Lucinda, also born in Ohio, and a resident of
Minnesota for 28 years, meaning they moved from Ohio about 1867.
I believe it may be the same Lucinda Pancake listed in the 1880 Census as step-daughter of Thomas Hardy and Ellen.
Although this census lists Linza
as a Female stepdaughter, two years
younger than Lucinda, in the 1875 Swan Lake Township, Meeker County Census, P
976, Dwelling 11, Family 83, Linza
is again listed as a male. And again in
the 1870 Swan Lake Township, Meeker County Census, P 4, Dwelling 27, Family
34, Lucinda's brother is listed as Lindsay. (Steve Scalf)
Additionally, he lists the marriage year as 1887, instead of 1888.
John Henry SCALF b: ABOUT 1827
James W. SCALF b: 18 SEP 1863 d: 17 DEC
Clarinda SELLARDS b: 10 FEB 1839 d: 23 JAN
Myrtle Ellan SCALF b: 17 JUN 1888 d: 29
SEP 1913
Jost PANNEKUCH b: ABOUT 1700 d: aft 1760
| /Andrew
PANCAKE b: 1730S d: 1793
| | | /Fredrick
| | \Maria
| | \Ann
Mary ______
| /Abraham
PANCAKE b: ABOUT 1780 d: bef 21 APR 1842
| | \Elisabeth
| /Abraham
PANCAKE b: ABOUT 1819 d: aft 1885
| | \Lucinda
BRANDON b: ABOUT 1794 d: 21 JAN 1883
| /George
PANCAKE b: ABOUT 1842 d: 1867
| | \Olive
BRUCE b: ABOUT 1820 d: ABOUT 1851-1855
H. PANKAKE b: 16 MAR 1863 d: 1 JUN 1897
| /Reuben
LUNSFORD b: MAR 1814 d: 1890
LUNSFORD b: 18 DEC 1841 d: 6 JUN 1923
BRADLEY b: JUN 1814 d: 1890
Daughter of
John Henry Scalf & Clarinda Sellards
Mary E<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Elizabeth Scalf was born May 1864 and died July 1938. Mary married Lewis
Coleman, December 25, 1882. Lewis died before the enumeration of the 1920 census
and Mary is listed as a widow on this census. Mary was still living in 1930. The
census records show that Lewis and Mary were the parents of eight children as
stated by Henry Scalf. Only two of these children were found on the census
records as head of house.
Listed below are the children of Mary Elizabeth Scalf and Lewis Coleman as listed by Henry P. Scalf in Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
1) Charles Breckenridge Coleman (1883-1958) Married Louise Elizabeth Stelton (1886-1951)
Photograph (Courtesy Denise Williamson)
The 1900 and 1910 censuses of Meeker County, Minnesota shows Lewis' wife as Mary. Mary is then listed in 1920 and 1930 as a widow. We cannot confirm the marriages of their children as listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1900 Meeker Co MN 5 June 1900 Collinswood Township
COLEMAN, Lewis |
Head |
50 |
1850 |
VA |
VA |
KY |
Mary |
Wife |
36 |
1864 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Charley |
Son |
16 |
1884 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Wayne |
Son |
13 |
1887 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Harry |
Son |
11 |
1889 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Joseph |
Son |
7 |
1893 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Emma |
Dau |
5 |
1895 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Jane |
Dau |
3 |
1897 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Lewis |
Son |
2 |
1898 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
1910 Meeker Co MN 10 May 1910 Collinswood Township
COLMAN, Lewis |
Head |
58 |
1852 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Mary |
Wife |
46 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wayne |
Son |
23 |
1887 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Joseph |
Son |
17 |
1893 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Elma |
Son |
15 |
1895 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Jane |
Dau |
13 |
1897 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Lewis |
Son |
11 |
1899 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Ruby A. |
Dau |
7 |
1903 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
1920 Meeker Co MN 3 January 1920 Dassel Township
COLMAN, Mary |
Head |
56 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Anthony W. |
Son |
34 |
1886 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Alma C. |
Dau |
25 |
1895 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Lewis E. |
Son |
20 |
1900 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Ruby E. |
Dau |
18 |
1902 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
1930 Meeker Co MN 3 April 1930 Dassel Village
COLMAN, Mary |
Head |
67 |
1863 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Anthony W. |
Son |
44 |
1886 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Roomer |
69 |
1861 |
Widow |
For information on descendants of this line see Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
Son of
Mary Elizabeth Scalf and Lewis Coleman
Joseph<Mary E<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Joseph Coleman was born August 16, 1892 and died 1926 in Meeker County, Minnesota. He was found with his family on the 1920 census of Meeker County. He married Amy Beatrice Anderson. She was born 1892 but her death date is unknown. She was still living at the writings of Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1920 Meeker Co MN 27 January 1920 Dassel Township
COLEMAN, Joseph L. |
Head |
27 |
1893 |
MN |
WV |
KY |
Amy B. |
Wife |
27 |
1893 |
MN |
Joseph L., Jr. |
Son |
4 |
1916 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Richard D. |
Son |
3 |
1917 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Ethel L. |
Dau |
7/12 |
1919 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Daughter of
Mary Elizabeth Scalf and Lewis Coleman
Clarinda Jane<Mary E<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
1920 Meeker CO MN 10 January 1920 Collinwood
CARLSTED, Oscar | Head | 33 | 1887 | MN | SWED | SWED |
Jane | Wife | 23 | 1897 | MN | VA | KY |
Son of
Mary Elizabeth Scalf and Lewis Coleman
Lewis Jr<Mary<John Henry<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lewis Coleman, Jr. was born about 1900. He married first to Edith Irene Nelson. She was born 1908 and died 1931. Lewis and Edith were found on the 1930 Meeker County, Minnesota census with three children. No further information is known.
1930 Meeker Co MN 9 April1930 Dassel Village
COLEMAN, Lewis E. |
Head |
31 |
1899 |
MN |
VA |
KY |
Edith I. |
Wife |
21 |
1909 |
MN |
Jacqueline J. |
Dau |
3 |
1927 |
MN |
MN |
MN |
Loren E. |
Son |
2 |
1928 |
MN |
MN |
MN |
Darrel N. |
Son |
10/12 |
1929 |
MN |
MN |
MN |
End John Henry Scalf
Daughter of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
Elizabeth<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Elizabeth Scalf was born about 1829 according to the 1860 Floyd County, Kentucky census. If this is correct, she was not the oldest daughter of Brittan Scalf and Talitha Couch. The oldest daughter was born 1820-1825 according to the 1840 Russell County, Virginia census. Elizabeth married William Blackburn October 17, 1850 in Floyd County, Kentucky. She died February 27, 1866 in Pike County Kentucky. Her mother, Talitha Couch Scalf signed her consent for the marriage. A transcribed copy of the marriage bond is listed here:
Wilburn Blackburn and Sarah Elizabeth Scalf
Marriage Bond
Marriage Bonds of Pike Co. Ky 1822-1865 by Clyde Runyon, file # 1077; bond and
consent from Litha Scafe, mother of Elizabeth.
File # 1077
License issued 26 October 1850 by Jno D Mims Clk for marriage of Wilbon
Blackburn and Miss Elizabeth Scafe daughter of Litha Scafe of this county
consent being Lawfully Given by the said Litha Scafe
. Bond signed by Wilbur
Blackburn and James M Jackson. Letter of consent, dated 25 October 1850, to
issuing license for my Daughtar Elizabeth Scafe and Wilburn Blackburn
; signed
by Litha Scafe and witnessed by James M Jackson and John Scalf (by mark).
Wilburn Blackburn and Elizabeth Scalfe married Oct 27
by Jesse Ball (Jr?)
Pason; certificate dated 15 November 1850. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
In Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Henry Scalf states that both Elizabeth and William are buried at McCombs in Pike County, Kentucky. Henry also states that Elizabeth's mother, Talitha Couch Scalf probably died at Elizabeth's home in the 1880's. Elizabeth died before 1870 and her mother was not found in the home of this family on any census record.
William Blackburn then married Tabitha Priest on November 4,1872. Tabitha Priest Blackburn died and William was again a widow by 1880. He then married Elizabeth Burchett on March 21, 1888 in Floyd County, KY. William moved over to Pike County for a time and moved back to Floyd County where he was last found in 1880.
William Blackburn and Elizabeth Scalf had eight children before her death. The census records do not indicate that William and Tabitha had any children; however, it is possible the children were living with her family after her death. William died in 1906 on Missouri Creek, Pike County, Kentucky. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
1860 Floyd Co KY 17 July 1860 Prestonsburg
BLACKBURN, William |
M |
31 |
1829 |
KY |
Elizabeth |
F |
31 |
1829 |
VA |
Mary C. |
F |
8 |
1852 |
KY |
Allen N. |
M |
6 |
1854 |
KY |
Minta |
F |
5 |
1855 |
KY |
John H. |
M |
4 |
1856 |
KY |
George T. |
M |
3 |
1857 |
KY |
William J. |
M |
2 |
1858 |
KY |
1870 Pike Co KY 2 August 1870 District #5 Piketon
BLACKBURN, Wilburn | M |
39 |
1831 |
KY |
Mary C. | F |
19 |
1851 |
KY |
John H. | M |
15 |
1855 |
KY |
George T. | M |
13 |
1857 |
KY |
William J. | M |
11 |
1859 |
KY |
Amos H. | M |
10 |
1860 |
KY |
Rhoda J | F |
7 |
1863 |
KY |
William Wilburn
Blackburn married Tabitha Priest on 11/4/1872 and Elizabeth
Burchett on 3/21/1888 in Floyd County, KY. Tabitha had died before 1880 and
William was alone again. He then married Elizabeth Burchett in 1888 but this
family was not found in 1900.
1880 Floyd Co KY 18 June 1880 Precinct #7
BLACKBURN, Wilburn |
Self |
51 |
1829 |
KY |
NC |
VA |
Widower |
Amos H. |
Son |
19 |
1861 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rhoda J. |
Dau |
16 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
William Blackburn & Elizabeth Scalf
Allen<Elizabeth<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Allen Blackburn was born about 1854 in Floyd County, Kentucky. He married Telitha Scalf, daughter of Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Brinstone. Telitha was born 1854 – 1856. Telitha's father and Allen's mother were brother and sister. Allen and Talitha had three children on the 1880 census. They were not found after this census.
Children of Allen Blackburn and Talitha Scalf:
1) Mary Jane Blackburn - born June 13, 1873.
2) William Carland (Bogue) Blackburn - born March 31,
1875 and died December 11, 1951.
(Link to death certificate)
3) Roland Blackburn - born 1879.
1880 Floyd Co KY 18 June
1880 Precinct #7
Head |
27 |
1853 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Tabitha A. |
Wife |
24 |
1856 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
(Talitha) |
Mary J. |
Dau |
7 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William C.J. |
Son |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rollin B. |
Son |
1 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Elizabeth Scalf and William Blackburn
John<Elizabeth<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Blackburn was born about 1856 according to the 1880 Floyd County census. Nothing further is known of this family at this time.
See Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII for further information on the descendants of Elizabeth Scalf and William Blackburn.
1880 Floyd Co KY 18 June 1880 Precinct #7
Head |
24 |
1856 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Susan A. |
Wife |
27 |
1853 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas W. |
Son |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Disa A. |
Dau |
3 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Eliza D. |
Dau |
1 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Elizabeth Scalf and William Blackburn
Thomas<Elizabeth<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
George Thomas Blackburn was born about 1857 in Kentucky. He was found only on the 1880 census of Floyd County, Kentucky. For further information on this family, see Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
1880 Floyd Co KY 19 June 1880 Precinct #7
Head |
23 |
1857 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Elizabeth |
Wife |
16 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Elizabeth Scalf and William Blackburn
William<Elizabeth<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Blackburn, son of Elizabeth Scalf and William Blackburn, was born January 14, 1859 in Pike County, KY and died November 22, 1941 in Floyd County, KY.
3rd wife of
William Blackburn
Elizabeth was born about 1869 according to the 1910 Floyd County census. We have no further information on this family. See Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1910 Floyd Co KY 13 May 1910 Precinct #3 Johns
BLACKBURN, Elizabeth |
Head |
41 |
1869 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Dixie |
Dau |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Luzy |
Son |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Crit |
Son |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Roland |
Son |
12 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
William Blackburn and Elizabeth Burchett
David Blackburn was the son of Elizabeth Burchett and William Blackburn. David was found on the 1910 census of Floyd County, Kentucky. No further information on this family. See Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1910 Floyd Co KY 13 May 1910 Precinct #3 Johns
Head |
22 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Minnie |
Wife |
19 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Everett |
Son |
8/12 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
End Elizabeth Scalf
Son of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Archibald Scalf was born about 1832 - 1834 in Russell County, Virginia. Archibald would have been around 11 or 12 years old when his father was killed and was a teenager when he moved to John's Creek. As stated by Henry Scalf, Arch no doubt helped maintain the family when Talitha moved to Kentucky.
Arch married Sarah Ann Sellards Sept. 2, 1852, Pike County, Kentucky.
Sarah was the daughter of John. W Sellards and Elizabeth Burchett and the granddaughter of John Sellards, the Indian fighter, who was a brother to Jenny Sellards Wiley, who was captured by the Indians and escaped. Sarah was a first cousin to Clarinda Sellards who married John Henry Scalf brother of Archibald. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
Kentucky tax lists for the years 1854, 1855, 1958 and 1860 shows that Archibald was living in Floyd County, Kentucky.
1854 Floyd Archibald Scalf
White male over 21 years old --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares
--- $45
Cattle --- 1
Hogs over 6 months old ---
Total value at 17 cents per
$100 --- $45
1855 Floyd Archibald Scaff
White male over 21 years old --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares
--- $25
Cattle --- 2
Hogs over 6 months old ---
Total value at 17 cents per
$100 --- $25
1858 Floyd Archibald Scaff
White male over 21 years old --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares
--- $65
Children between 6 and 18
years old --- 3
Hogs over 6 months old ---
Total value at 17 cents per
$100 --- $65
1860 Floyd Archibald Scaff
White male over 21 years old --- 1
Horses and mares --- 1
Value of horses and mares
--- $70
Hogs over 6 months old ---
Pounds of tobacco --- 12
Bushels of corn --- 100
Total value at 30 cents per
$100 --- $70
Archibald joined the Confederate Army under Andrew Jackson May in Co. A, 5th Kentucky Mounted Infantry. Henry Scalf reports that Arch was captured while visiting his home sometime after 1862. Archibald was taken to a prison camp in Michigan where he remained until the close of the war. He applied for and was awarded a Confederate pension by Kentucky in 1913 effective July 30, 1912. (Pension application) He received $10 per month to be paid quarterly. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
In Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Henry Scalf states the following:
Easter, or Esther L. as in the census, was five years old in 1860 and Martha
Jane was one year old. One puzzling entry in the census was a Mary E. Scalf, 48
years old. This could not be his mother as her name was Talitha, although a deed
record of Virginia does show it as Delitha. The entry is puzzling but it may be
just another one of the errors found in early census records.
A study of this census reveals that Mary E. Scalf was the daughter of Archibald and Sarah and was four years old in 1860. There does appear to be an 8 listed after the 4 but it also appears this is scribbled and not intended to be 48 as Henry originally thought.
Archibald lived most of his life in Martin County, Kentucky near his sister, Mary Scalf Mills. Sarah Ann Sellards Scalf died 1900 – 1910 and Archibald was living with his son-in-law William Cook and daughter Sarah Scalf Cook at the enumeration of the 1920 Martin County, Kentucky census. Arch was not found after 1920.
The bodies of Sarah Ann Sellards Scalf and Archibald were moved from Dick's Creek and relocated at the Government Relocation Cemetery in Auxier, Kentucky when Dewey Lake was impounded. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
For further information on the descendants of Archibald Scalf and Sarah Ann Sellards see Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1860 Floyd Co KY 18 July 1860 Prestonsburg
SCAFF, Archibald |
M |
26 |
1834 |
VA |
Sarah Ann |
F |
32 |
1828 |
KY |
Esther |
F |
5 |
1855 |
KY |
Mary E. |
F |
4 |
1856 |
KY |
Martha Jane |
F |
1 |
1859 |
KY |
1870 Floyd Co KY 22 August 1870 Precinct # 7
SCAFF, Archibald |
M |
40 |
1830 |
KY |
Sarah |
F |
40 |
1830 |
KY |
Esther |
F |
15 |
1855 |
KY |
Mary |
F |
14 |
1856 |
KY |
Martha |
F |
12 |
1858 |
KY |
Eliza |
F |
10 |
1860 |
KY |
Drewy |
M |
1 |
1869 |
KY |
1880 Martin Co KY 10 June 1880 Precinct #4
SCALF, Arch | Head |
45 |
1835 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Sarah | Wife |
52 |
1828 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Nancy C. | Dai |
13 |
1867 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Andrew | Son |
11 |
1869 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Arminta B. | Dau |
8 |
1872 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Sarah F. | Dau |
4 |
1876 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
1900 Floyd Co KY 7 June 1900 Dicks Creek
SCALF, Ach |
Head |
66 |
1834 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Sarah |
Wife |
72 |
1828 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
LILY, Rosa |
Boarder |
16 |
1884 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
1910 Floyd Co KY 20 April 1910 Precinct #3 Johns
SCALF, Arch |
Head |
76 |
1834 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
LILLY, Rosa |
G-dau |
25 |
1885 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
G-son in law |
29 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
Flora |
G-child |
7 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ernie |
G-son |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Frank |
G-son |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Martin Co KY 14 January 1920 Precinct #3 Eden
COOK, William |
Head |
47 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah |
Wife |
45 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas |
Son |
17 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andrew |
Son |
15 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Millard |
Son |
12 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sam |
Son |
10 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Tellie |
Dau |
6 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rosco |
Son |
4 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John B. |
Son |
2 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Collie |
Dau |
1/12 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Arch |
Father in law |
88 |
1832 |
VA |
TN |
VA |
Widower |
Daughter of
Archibald Scalf and Sarah Sellards
Esther<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Talitha Esther Scalf, daughter of
Archibald Scalf and Sarah Ann Sellards, was born July 18, 1854 at Buffalo Creek
in Pike County, Kentucky and died May 30, 1937 in Lawrence County, Kentucky.
Esther married William Crider. William was born June 19, 1845 in Floyd County,
Kentucky and died February 27, 1917 in Lawrence County, Kentucky.
(Link to Talitha Scalf birth record)
(Link to death certificate of Esther Crider)
(Link to death certificate of William Crider)
1880 Floyd CO KY
11 June 1880
Precinct 7
CRIDER, William | Head | 30 | 1850 | KY | VA | NC | Farmer |
Easter | Wife | 26 | 1854 | KY | KY | KY | |
Morgan | Son | 5 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | |
Leatta | Dau | 3 | 1877 | KY | KY | KY | |
Netta | Dau | 1 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY |
(Photograph - courtesy of R. H. Crider)
1900 Floyd CO KY 8 June 1900 Dicks Creek
CRIDER, William | Head | 52 | 1848 | KY | KY | NC | Married 25 yeas | Farmer |
Ester | Wife | 46 | 1854 | KY | VA | KY | Married 25 years | 12 children born, 7 living |
Lesta Jane | Dau | 22 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Sarah E. | Dau | 21 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Minnie A. | Dau | 12 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Maggie D. | Dau | 9 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Louis P. | Son | 7 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Gladys B. | Dau | 5 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Lawrence CO KY 22 April 1910
District 8
CRIDER, William | Head | 65 | 1845 | KY | KY | KY | Married 37 years | Farmer |
Ester | Wife | 55 | 1855 | KY | KY | KY | Married 37 years | 12 children born, 6 living |
Douglas | Dau | 19 | 1891 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Lewis | Son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Gladdys | Dau | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 - Easter Crider was not found on the 1920 census
1930 Lawrence CO KY 5 April 1930 District 8
RICE, Dock | Head | 44 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY | Laborer - oil field |
Gladys | Wife | 34 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | |
French | Son | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY | |
Archie | Son | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
Kenneth | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | |
Crider, Esther | Mother in law | 77 | 1853 | KY | KY | KY | Widow |
Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Easter Scalf
married William Crider. They resided in Lawrence County, Kentucky. Their
children were Leotta, married Henry Collins; Morgan married Mintie Collins and
moved to Oklahoma; Lewis, also moved to Oklahoma; Etta, married Collins, moved
to Oklahoma; Budget, married Rice; Minnie, married Marion Hurd, who was killed.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
Son of
William Crider & Easter Scalf
Alexander<Esther<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis
Alexander Crider, son of William Crider & Easter Scalf,
was born October 1876. He married Minta Collins on October 22, 1898.
1900 Floyd CO KY 8 June 1900 Dicks Creek
CRIDER, Alix M. | Head | 23 | Oct 1876 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 year | |
Minty | Wife | 21 | Oct 1878 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 year | 1 child born, 1 living |
William R. | Son | 8/12 | Oct 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Floyd CO KY 20 April 1910 Johns Creek
CRIDER, Morgan | Head | 36 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time | |
Minta | Wife | 28 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time | 5 children, 4 living |
Willie | Son | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Maxel | Dau | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Radolph | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Garnet | Son | 1 8/12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Floyd CO KY 16 January 1920 Porter #18
CRIDER, Morgan | Head | 45 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
Minta | Wife | 40 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Willie | Son | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Maxie | Dau | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Radolph | Son | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Garnett | Son | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Glenn | Son | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Rosetta | Dau | 7 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Ishmael | Son | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Raymond | Son | 4/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Osage CO OK 7 April 1930 Black Dog Township
CRIDER, Morgan | Head | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
Mint | Wife | 50 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
Garnett | Son | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Glenn | Son | 19 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Ernest I. | Son | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
Raymond L. | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
CRANE, Arvil L. | Son in law | 22 | 1908 | MO | MO | MO |
Rosetta | Wife (Dau) | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
William Crider & Easter Scalf
Gladys<Esther<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Gladys Crider, the daughter of William Crider and Easter Scalf,
was born November 29, 1894 and died October 24, 1986 at the age of 91. Gladys
married Mathias Henry Doc
Rice on June 21, 1911.
1920 Lawrence CO KY 7 January 1920 Tower Louisa Precinct
RICE, Doc | Head | 33 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY | Laborer - oil well |
Gladys | Wife | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
French | Son | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY | |
Archibald | Son | 4 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
Kennith | Son | 11/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Lawrence CO KY
5 April 1930
District 8
RICE, Dock | Head | 44 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY | Laborer - oil field |
Gladys | Wife | 34 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | |
French | Son | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY | |
Archie | Son | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
Kenneth | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | |
Crider, Esther | Mother in law | 77 | 1853 | KY | KY | KY | Widow |
Children of Dock Rice & Gladys Crider:
1) Robert French Rice, April 16, 1912
2) William Archibald Rice, born 1915
3) Ira Kenneth Rice, born February 2, 1919
We have no further information on this family.
Daughter of
Archibald Scalf and Sarah Sellards
Mary<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of Archbald Scalf & Sarah Ann Sellards, was
born November 1856. She married William Caudill on June 20, 1876 in Martin
County, KY. Mary died March 7, 1910 in Riceville, Kentucky. William Caudill
was born 1854 and died 1895. Mary and William were found on the 1880 of Johnson County, Kentucky. On the 1900 census Mary was listed as a
widow as her husband had died in 1895.
(Link to Mary Scalf Caudill death information)
It appears that Mary and William moved between June 12 and June 23 1880 for they are listed twice on the 1880 census, once at Barnett Creek and once at Paintsville. William Caudill's father Matthew was living three houses away from them at Paintsville. Mary was listed as a widow on the 1900 census of Johnson County, Kentucky.
Children of William Caudill and Mary Elizabeth Scalf:
1) James Franklin Caudill - born January
2) Sarah Alice Caudill - born January 14, 1882 and died
May 31, 1945.
3) Thomas Sheridan Caudill - born 1883
4) Cynthia E. Caudill - born October 28, 1884.
5) Elizabeth Caudill - born June 10, 1886.
6) (Infant) Caudill - born and died April 1887.
7) Archie M. Caudill - born January 1891.
8) John D. Caudill - born June 16, 1893 and died
September 4, 1951.
(Link to death certificate)
1880 Johnson CO KY 12 June 1880 Barnett Creek
CAUDILL, William B. |
Head |
26 |
1854 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(Scalf) Elizabeth |
Wife |
21 |
1859 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
J. Franklin |
Son |
1 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1880 Johnson CO KY 23 June 1880 Paintsville
CAUDILL, William |
Head |
24 |
1856 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary E. |
Wife |
23 |
1857 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James F. |
Son |
1 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1880 Johnson CO KY 23 June 1880 Paintsville
CAUDILL, Matthew |
Head |
57 |
1823 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Temperance |
Wife |
58 |
1822 |
KY |
VA |
TN |
Pauline |
Dau |
20 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Edmond |
Son |
18 |
1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wiley |
Son |
15 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lydia |
Dau |
12 |
1868 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1900 Johnson CO KY 16 June 1900 District 3
CAUDILL, Mary E. |
Head |
43 |
Nov 1856 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Widow |
James F. |
Son |
21 |
Jan 1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah A. |
Dau |
18 |
Jan 1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas S. |
Son |
17 |
May 1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Cythia E. |
Dau |
15 |
Oct 1884 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lizzie |
Dau |
13 |
Jun 1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Archie M. |
Son |
9 |
Jan 1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John D. |
Son |
6 |
Jul 1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
NOTE: In 1900 Mary Elizabeth Caudill was a widow. She was listed with 7 children born and 7 children still living. There is a family tradition, which says a son was born on April 1887 but died two weeks later. This information was not documented on the 1900 census. In 1900, Mary Caudill was living next door to her brother, Andrew Schalf (Scalf).
Son of
Mary Elizabeth Scalf and William Caudill
Thomas<Mary<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Thomas S. Caudill was born May 1883 in Johnson County, Kentucky. It appears Thomas married about 1905 – 1908 according to the birth of their first child. We do not know who Thomas married but her name is listed as Ammy or Anny on the 1910 census.
1910 Johnson Co KY 25 April 1910 District 3
CAUDILL, Thomas |
Head |
27 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ammy |
Wife |
22 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
3 born, 2 living |
Rayman |
Son |
1 9/12 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nettie |
Dau |
9/12 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Johnson CO KY 30-31 January 1920 Riceville Precinct #20
CAUDILL, Thomas | Head | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Ammy | Wife | 32 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY | |
Raymond | Son | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY | |
May | Dau | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lee | Son | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lonnie | Son | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY | |
Powell | Son | 4 1/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Johnson CO KY 9 April 1930 District 3
CAUDILL, Thomas | Head | 47 | 1883 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Ammy | Wife | 43 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY | |
Raymond | Son | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY | |
Mae | Dau | 20 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lee | Son | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lonnie | Son | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY | |
Darnell | Son | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lillie | Dau | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | |
Julia | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ray | Son | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY | |
Fay | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY | |
James E. | Son | 1 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Thomas Sheridan Caudill
Age: 35
Home Address: Leander, Johnson CO, KY
Date of Birth: May 23, 1883
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Farmer
Place of employment: Leander, Johnson CO, KY
Name of closest relative: Mrs. Amma Caudill, Leander Johnson CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
Daughter of
Archibald Scalf and Sarah Sellards
Martha<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Martha Scalf, daughter of Archibald Scalf and Sarah Sellards was born about 1859 according to census records. We have no further information on Martha. Martha Jane married Amos Spears November 20, 1873. She died July 28, 1934. Amos died September 19, 1926. Five sons and three daughters were born to Martha and Amos. They are listed here from Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
Children of Martha Scalf and Amos Spears:
1) Lafayette Spears, born Nov. 16, 1874, died Nov. 3, 1947.
Married Mintie James
2) Marion Jefferson Spears, born July 3, 1876, married Farinda Justice.
3) Margaret Spears, born March 17, 1877, died August 30, 1899.
4) Rutherford B. Spears, born April 28, 1882, died Jan. 14, 1936. Married
Rebecca Damron.
5) Andrew J. Spears, born June 28, 1887, killed by a falling tree near Boldman, Kentucky, in 1935. Married Elizabeth Taylor.
6) Roland Spears, born Jan, 31, 1901, married June Goble.
7) Ilzady Spears, born April 28, 1896, married T.B. Blackburn.
8) Ballard Spears, married first Sissie Blackburn; second, Della Clark.
9) Ronald Melba Spears, son of Roland, born August 14, 1933, was drowned
in Johns Creek, August 28, 1948.
1880 Floyd CO KY 12 June 1880 Precinct 7
SPEARS, Amos | Head | 31 | 1849 | KY | KY | KY |
Martha J. | Wife | 21 | 1859 | KY | KY | KY |
Laflatt | Son | 6 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY |
Marion J. | Son | 3 | 1877 | KY | KY | KY |
Margaret E. | Dau | 2 | 1878 | KY | KY | KY |
1900 Pike CO KY 15 June 1900 District 7
SPEARS, Amos | Head | 50 | Oct 1849 | KY | KY | KY | Married 26 years | |
Martha J. | Wife | 41 | Oct 1858 | KY | VA | KY | Married 26 years | 7 children born, 6 living |
Lafayette | Son | 25 | Nov 1874 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Rutherford | Son | 18 | Apr 1882 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Andrew | Son | 13 | Jan 1886 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Ballard | Son | 7 | Jan 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Ilzady | Dau | 4 | Apr 1896 | KY | KY | KY | ||
JUSTINE, Effie | G-dau | 2 | Sep 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Pike CO KY 29 April 1910 Lower Johns Creek
SPEARS, Amos A. | Head | 60 | 1850 | KY | KY | KY | |
Martha J. | Wife | 51 | 1859 | KY | KY | KY | 8 children born, 7 living |
Layfatte | Son | 34 | 1876 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ballard | Son | 17 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ilzady | Dau | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | |
Rollen M. | Son | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Pike CO KY 2-3 & 7 January 1920 Lower Johns Creek
SPEARS, Amos A. | Head | 70 | 1850 | KY | KY | KY | |
Jane | Wife | 61 | 1859 | KY | KY | KY | |
Layfette | Son | 45 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | |
Ballard | Son | 26 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | Widower |
Rolland | Son | 18 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY | |
James | G-son | 4 10/12 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY | (Son of Ballard) |
Guy | G-son | 3 10/12 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | (Son of Ballard) |
1930 Pike CO KY 4 April 1930 Lower Johns Creek
SPEARS, Rolland | Head | 29 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | |
Junie | Wife | 27 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY | |
Virgil | Son | 7 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY | |
Olcie | Dau | 1 11/12 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY | |
Martha A. | Mother | 71 | 1859 | KY | KY | KY | Widow |
Son of
Archibald Scalf & Sarah Sellards
Andrew<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Andrew Scalf, son of Archibald and Sarah, was born about 1868. He married Phoebe Jane Webb. They resided most of their lives in Martin County but in later life lived for a short period of time on Prater Creek, near Banner, Kentucky. Their children were Tom, crippled for life in a mine accident; Buck, killed in the mines; James; Floyd; and Virgie, married Joseph Mills. Andrew and Phoebe Jane Scalf are buried on Prater Creek. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
1900 Johnson CO KY 16 June 1900 District 3
SCHALF, Andrew |
Head |
30 |
Jun 1869 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
(Webb) Phoebe J. |
Wife |
28 |
May 1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
6 born, 6 living |
Montraville |
Son |
10 |
May 1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas |
Son |
8 |
Oct 1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Eli |
Son |
6 |
Sep 1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Archie |
Son |
5 |
Jan 1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Virgie |
Dau |
3 |
Jun 1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James |
Son |
1 |
Oct 1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Floyd Co KY 18 April 1910 Precinct #3 Johns
SCALF, Drew |
Head |
42 |
1868 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Pheobe J. |
Wife |
42 |
1868 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Montraville |
Son |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas |
Son |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ali |
Son |
14 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Arch |
Son |
14 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Virgie |
Dau |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James |
Son |
9 |
1901 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Floyd |
Son |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Martin Co KY 10 January 1920 District #5 Stafford
SCALF, Drew |
Head |
52 |
1868 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Phoebe Jane |
Wife |
52 |
1868 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James |
Son |
18 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Floyd |
Son |
16 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Tom |
Son |
24 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lillie |
Dau in law |
18 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Evelyn |
G-dau |
9/12 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nephew |
11 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Andrew Scalf & Phoebe Jane Webb
Buck<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Scalf was born February
23, 1893 in Johnson County Kentucky in the unincorporated community of Odds. The
1900 census of Johnson County, Kentucky, in the home of Andrew and Phoebe,
listed a son named Montraville. Buck was a nickname that was used throughout his
life. Buck married Amma Susan Sherman in 1917. Amma was born September 27,
1897 in Kentucky.
(Courtesy -
Andy Bonanno)
Link toBirths
from Amma's bible. It was presented to her by Buck
Scalf and has his name in the front. Entries were written in Amma Scalf's
own hand. Amma
was my grandmother. (Courtesy -
Andy Bonanno)
Children of Montraville Buck
Scalf &
Amma Susan Sherman
1. Dorothy Dottie
Dimple Scalf - born 12/17/1917.
2. Olive Belle Scalf - born 11/29/1919.
Children of William Day & Amma Susan Sherman
1. Billie Steve Day - 10/21/1926.
2. Bettie Mera Day - 8/26/1928.
3. Carl Winfoid Day - 8/4/1930.
4. Mary Ruth Day - 7/23/1935.
5. Peggy Sue Day - 10/1/1937.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Monterville Scalf
Age: 24
Home Address: Dewey, KY
Date of Birth: February 23, 1893
(Link to original document)
Born: Odds, KY
Employer: Self employed
Occupation: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of Eye: Blue
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: June 5, 1917
Buck and Amma Scalf had two children, both daughters. The
daughters, Dottie D. Scalf and Olive Bell Scalf, were listed on the 1920 census
in the home of Buck and Amma. Olive was the last child born in 1920.
(Courtesy - Andy Bonanno)
1920 Floyd Co KY 2 & 4 February 1920 Martin Township
SCALF, Buck |
Head |
26 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Amma |
Wife |
22 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dottie D. |
Dau |
2 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ollive B. |
Dau |
1/12 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Buck died in an explosion during a mining accident on January 10, 1921 and was initially buried in John's Creek Burchett cemetery located near Prestonsburg, Kentucky in Floyd County, but later moved as relayed in the following story by a family member:
Dewey was a small community in eastern Kentucky (Floyd County). Several family members were born and lived in this area, including Montraville (Buck) Scalf, who was married to my grandmother Amma Sherman Day at the time of his death. In 1949, the US Army Corps of Engineers imploded John's Creek to form Dewey Lake and a dam was built to help with flood control. Dewey Lake is now part of Jenny Wiley State Park. Several cemeteries had to be relocated, and the graves were moved to the Auxier Relocation Cemetery.
** Personal note: Many years ago (probably mid 60's) while visiting relatives in the area my father, Billie Steve Day and my grandmother, Amma Sherman Day decided to take my brother and I swimming at Dewey Lake. On a road overlooking the lake, my dad stopped the car and he and my grandmother got out. They studied the lake area for a few minutes and pointed out a large tree. That tree was once in the backyard of the house they used to live in. Where the house had once stood was now under water and part of Dewey Lake. (Courtesy - Debra S. (Day) DiSalvo)
Buck's remains are still buried in the Auxier Relocation Cemetery today.
After Buck's death, his wife Amma remarried William Day. The 1930 census listed Buck's two daughters, Dottie and Olive, along with two new children that had been born to William and Amma. Billie was the first and oldest, being born 1926 (the census incorrectly lists his birth year as 1927). (Courtesy - Andy Bonanno)
1930 Floyd Co KY 22 April 1922 District 7
Day, William |
Head |
29 |
1901 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Amma |
Wife |
32 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Billie S |
Son |
3 5/12 |
1927 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Betty M. |
Dau |
1 7/12 |
1928 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
SCALF, Dottie D. |
S-dau |
12 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Olive B. |
S-dau |
10 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
By the 1940 census, the couple added four additional children. The census data listed several incorrect dates, and for the record, Billy was born in 1926, followed by Betty Marie in 1928, Carl W. in 1930, Mary Ruth in 1935, and Peggy Sue in 1937. Note that the correct birth year for Bill Day is 1901, not 1906 as shown in the 1940 census. (Courtesy - Andy Bonanno)
1940 Floyd Co KY 10 April 1940 Estill
Day, Bill | Head | 34 | 1906 | VA | Worked in coal mines |
Amie | Wife | 42 | 1898 | KY | |
Billie | Son | 13 | 1927 | KY | |
Betty Marie | Dau | 11 | 1929 | KY | |
Carl W. | Son | 9 | 1931 | KY | |
Mary Ruth | Dau | 4 | 1936 | KY | |
Peggy Sue | Dau | 2 | 1938 | KY |
BuckScalf & Amma Susan Sherman
Buck<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
BuckScalf & Amma Susan Sherman, was born November 29, 1919 in Estill, Floyd County, Kentucky. Olive married Robert
BruceHoskins when she was about seventeen years old. Bruce, Olive, and her older sister Dottie, left Kentucky for Los Angeles, California in the mid to late 1930s. Later, Bruce Hoskins died of a gunshot while visiting Bad Creek, Kentucky. Olive's second marriage was to Andrew Joseph Bonanno in Los Angeles, California on November 26, 1947. (Link to marriage document) (Link to Bonanno Family)
HOSKINS, Robert B. | Head | 23 | 1917 | KY | Steam Press Operator |
Mrs. Olive | Wife | 20 | 1920 | KY | |
Odette | Dau | 4/12 | 1940 | CA |
BuckScalf & Amma Susan Sherman
Buck<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Dorothy Dimple Scalf, daughter of Montraville Buck
Scalf & Amma Susan Sherman, was born December 17, 1917, 1897 in
Wayland, Floyd County, Kentucky. Dorothy married Leslie A. Pugh.
Children of Leslie A. Pugh and Dorothy Scalf
1. Sandra Jean Pugh
1940 Los Angeles CO CA 8 April 1940 Assembly District 45
PUGH, Leslie A. | Head | 23 | 1917 | CA | U. S. Navy |
Mrs. Dorothy | Wife | 22 | 1918 | KY |
Son of
Andrew Scalf & Phoebe Jane Webb
Thomas<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Thomas B. Scalf was born March 10, 1894 in Kentucky. Henry Scalf states that Tom was injured in a mining accident and was crippled for life. Tom married Lilly (maiden name unknown). This family was found on the 1930 Floyd County, Kentucky census. We have no further information on this family.
WWI Registration:
Name: Thomas B. Scalf
Age: 23
Present address: Tomahawk, KY
Date of birth: March 10, 1894
Place of birth: Odds, Johnson CO, KY
Link to document
Married/Single: Single
Trade: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light
1930 Floyd Co KY 3 April 1930 District 4
SCALF, Tom B. |
Head |
36 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lilly |
Wife |
30 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Evellyn |
Dau |
11 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Floyd CO KY
2 April 1940
District 3
SCALF, Tom | Head | 46 | 1894 | KY |
Lilly | Wife | 39 | 1901 | KY |
CRABTREE, George | Son in law | 23 | 1917 | KY |
Evelyn | Dau | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Son of
Andrew Scalf & Phoebe Jane Webb
Alice<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ali Scalf son of Andrew and Phoebe Jane Webb was born March 19, 1895. He was born between Tom and Arch and is not listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family. Ali married Amanda (Manda) McGinnis and is living in the home of her parents in 1920 in Martin County, Kentucky. Only four children were found on the 1930 census of Scioto County, Ohio. There were probably more. No further information.
Children of Ali Scalf and Amanda McGinnis from
the 1930 census of Scioto County, Ohio:
1) Olgie (Olga?) born about 1922
2) Richard born about 1924
3) Marie born about 1926
4) George born about 1929
WWI Registration Card
Name: Ali Scalf
Age: 22
Home Address: Tomahawk, KY
Date of Birth: March 19, 1895
Born: Floyd CO, KY
(Link to original document)
Employed: Farmer
Married/single: Single
Height:: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Martin Co KY 12-14 January 1920 John Davis District
Head |
49 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Susan |
Wife |
53 |
1867 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John |
Son |
21 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lou Emma |
Dau in law |
20 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Manda |
Dau |
18 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Ali |
Son in law |
23 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Scioto Co OH 14 April 1930 Rush Township
SCALF, Ali |
Head |
33 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Manda |
Wife |
28 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Olgie |
Dau |
8 |
1922 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Richard |
Son |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Marie |
Dau |
4 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
George |
Son |
1 |
1929 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daughter of
Andrew Scalf & Phoebe Jane Webb
Virgie<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Virgie Scalf, daughter of Andrew Scalf & Phoebe Jane Webb, was born August 2, 1897 and died April 6, 1980. She married Joseph Mills.
Children of Joseph Mills and Virgie Scalf:
Arvil Mills - born May 28, 1919.
2) Thomas E. Mills - born May 15, 1921.
3) Sylvia Mills - born August 28, 1922; married Charles
Hiner, Jr. on October 13, 1945.
(Link to marriage documents)
4) Ervin William Mills - born about 1924.
5) Frank Mills - born November 1, 1934.
6) Robert Lee Mills - born February 5, 1941; married
Lula June Wyne on June 25, 1960.
(Link to marriage documents)
1920 Martin CO KY January 19, 1920 District 5
MILLS, Joseph | Head | 23 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
Virgil | Wife | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Arvel | Son | 7/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
Andrew Scalf & Phoebe Jane Webb
James<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Scalf, son of Andrew Scalf and Phoebe Jane Webb was born about 1901 in Kentucky. James married Liddie (maiden name unknown). This family was found on the 1930 Floyd County, Kentucky census with three children in the home. No further information.
Children of James (Jim) Scalf and Liddie from the 1930 census record of Floyd
Co. Kentucky:
1) Gene H. Scalf born about 1926
2) Samuel Scalf born about 1928
3) Andy J. Scalf born about 1930
1930 Floyd Co KY 4 April 1930 District 4
SCALF, Jim |
Head |
29 |
1901 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Liddie |
Wife |
23 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Gene H. |
Son |
4 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Samuel |
Son |
2 |
1928 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andy J. |
Son |
3/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Floyd CO KY
13 April 1940
District 3
SCALF, James | Head | 39 | 1901 | KY | Farmer |
Liddie | Wife | 34 | 1906 | KY | |
Jean Harold | Son | 13 | 1937 | KY | |
Sammie | Son | 12 | 1938 | KY | |
A. J. | Son | 10 | 1940 | KY | |
Billie Jo | Son | 8 | 1942 | KY |
1950 Floyd CO KY
5 April 1950
Betsy Lane
SCALF, Liddie E. | Head | 41 | 1909 | KY |
Windford G. | Son | 24 | 1926 | KY |
Sammie A. | Son | 22 | 1928 | KY |
Andy J. | Son | 20 | 1930 | KY |
Billue J. | Son | 18 | 1932 | KY |
Truly B. | Dau | 2 | 1948 | KY |
Son of
Andrew Scalf & Phoebe Jane Webb
Floyd<Andrew<Archibald< Brittan< John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Floyd Scalf, son of Andrew Scalf and Phoebe Jane Webb was born about 1903 in Kentucky. Floyd's wife was Margie Sammons. Floyd and Margie were found on the 1930 census of Boone County, West Virginia. They had three children. Samuel Samons was living in the home and listed as a brother-in-law to Floyd.
Oliver Scalf, son of Floyd, was born 22 January 1926 and died December 1995 at Inez (Martin Co) Kentucky. (SS Death Index)
No further information for this family.
Children of Floyd and Margie Sammons:
1) Oliver Scalf born about 1926.
2) Tina Eveline Scalf - born February 17, 1928 and died
April 28, 1991 in Akron, Ohio; married Joseph Phillip Krstich.
(Link to marriage document)
Children of Tina Scalf and
Joseph Krstich:
a) Linda Joyce Krstich - born March 10, 1947 and married Richard William
(Link to marriage document)
b) Danny Joseph Krstich - born May 5, 1953 and married Donna Louise Wasson.
(Link to marriage document)
3) Helen I. Scalf born about 1930.
4) Donald Ray Scalf - born August 29, 1944 and married
Sheryl Lee Bird.
(Link to marriage document)
5) David Scalf - born October 7, 1945 and married Rose
Lee Shaffer.
(Link to marriage document)
1930 Boone Co WV 8 April
1930 Crook District Precinct #2
SCALF, Floyd |
Head |
27 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Margie |
Wife |
24 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Oliver |
Son |
4 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Tina E. |
Dau |
2 |
1928 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Helen I. |
Dau |
1/12 |
1930 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
SAMONS, Samuel |
Bro in law |
18 |
1912 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Martin CO KY
19 April 1940
District 5
SCALF, Floyd | Head | 38 | 1902 | KY |
Margie | Wife | 35 | 1905 | KY |
Oliver | Son | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Tiny E. | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Helen Irene | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Boscom J. | Son | 7 | 1933 | KY |
David | Son | 4 | 1936 | KY |
Edwanda | Dau | 2 | 1938 | KY |
Daughter of
Archibald Scalf and Sarah Sellards
Arminta<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
Arminta Mintie
Bartola Scalf was born about 1872
according to census records. However, the death certificate of Mintie states she
was born 1869 in Floyd County, Kentucky. Mintie died August 11, 1915 at Odds
(Johnson County) Kentucky from tuberculosis of the lungs. She was 46 years old
and married. Her parents are listed as Archibald Scalf and Talitha Scalf. This
is apparently an error by the informant because Talitha was the mother of
Archibald and not his wife. Archibald married Sarah Ann Sellards and they were
the parents of Arminta Mintie
Bartola Scalf Webb.
John Goble was Mintie's physician and also the informant for the death certificate. Arminta is buried at Spears Cemetery in German, Kentucky. (Death Certificate of Mintie Scalf courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Arminta (Mintie) married Jack Webb.
Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
Mintie Bartola Scalf
, married Jack Webb. The names of the children of
Jack Webb and Mintie Bartola Scalf, Webb, if any, are not known. Mintie Bartola
lies buried on Daniel's Creek, at the mouth of Sycamore Fork, Johnson County,
Jack and Arminta were not found on the census records. No further information is known.
Andrew Jackson Webb was born on 15 Feb 1870 in Johnson Co, Ky. He died 1 on
30 Sep 1944 in Daniels Creek, Johnson Co, Ky. and was buried in Odds, Ky. Andrew
Jackson Webb married Minta (Millie) Scalf.
Minta (Millie) Scalf was born in 1869 in Floyd Co., Ky.. She died 1 on 11 Aug 1915 in Odds, Johnson Co., Ky. and was buried in Spears Cemetery. Minta (Millie) Scalf married Andrew Jackson Webb.
They had the following children:
1) Lucrecia Webb
2) Elzie Webb
3) Angeline Webb - born
March 8, 1900 and died January 16, 1952. Angeline married John Honeycutt.
(Link to death certificate)
4) Millard Webb
5) Nola Webb
6) Nora Mae Webb
7) Andrew J Webb Jr.
1910 Johnson Co KY 5 May 1910 Buffalo Precinct
WEBB, Jack | Head | 39 | 1871 | KY | KY | KY | |
Tola | Wife | 37 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY |
6 children born, 6 living |
Lucresa | Dau | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | |
Elzie | Son | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY | |
Angie | Dau | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | |
Millard | Son | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lizzie | Dau | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | |
Willie | Son | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Johnson Co KY 20 January 1920 Van Lear
WEBB, Andrew J. | Head | 51 | 1869 | KY | KY | KY |
(Widower) |
Lucresa | Dau | 25 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | |
Elsie | Son | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Najia | Dau | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY | |
Nora May | Dau | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY | |
Andrew, Jr. | 8 | 8 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Johnson Co KY 2 April 1930 Daniels Creek Precinct
WEBB, Jack | Head | 62 | 1868 | KY | KY | KY | Widower |
Lucresie | Dau | 36 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | |
Nola | Dau | 22 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | |
Andrew | Son | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Floyd CO KY 15 April 1940 District 1
WEBB, Andrew J. | Head | 73 | 1867 | KY |
Luecresie | Dau | 46 | 1894 | KY |
Andrew | Son | 27 | 1913 | KY |
Mallory | G-son | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Death Certificate: Webb, Andrew J., 26 Mar 2001, Kentucky Vital Statistics, Frankfort, Kentucky.
Andrew Jackson Webb Date of Death: September 30, 1944
Place of Death: Daniels Creek, Johnson Co Ky.
Cause of Death: Paralysis Cerebral hemorrhage
Sex: Male
Age: 74 years 7 months 15 days
Date of Birth: February 15, 1870
(Link to Andrew J. Webb Death certificate)
Place of Birth: Kentucky
Marital Status: Widowed
Occupation: Farmer
Father: James A. Webb born Kentucky
Mother: Elizabeth Burton born in Kentucky
Informant: Elza Webb
Auxier, KY
Burial: Odds Ky Jones Funeral Home Paintsville
Minta (Millie) Scalf
Death Certificate: Scalf, Mintie, 26 Mar 2001, Kentucky Vital Statistics,
Frankfort, Kentucky. Date of Death: August 11, 1915
Place of Death: Odds, Johnson Co Ky.
Cause of Death: Tuberculosis of the Lungs
Age: 46 years
Date of Birth: 1869
Place of Birth: Floyd Co Ky.
Father: Archibald SCALF born Russell Co., Va.
Mother: Talitha Couch born Va.
Informant: John Goble, MD
Burial: Spears Cemetery
Daughter of
Archibald Scalf & Sarah Sellards
Sarah<Archibald<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sarah F. Scalf, daughter of Archibald Scalf and Sarah Ann Sellards, was born June 12, 1875 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Kentucky Births courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Sarah married William Cook, a minister of the United Baptist Church. Sarah
and William were found on the census records of Martin County, Kentucky in 1900
- 1920
and in Floyd County Kentucky in 1930. Sarah and William had 8 children according
to these two census records. Sarah's father Archibald was living in the home in
1920 and listed as a widow. Archibald was not listed with the family in 1930.
According to the census records, Sarah and
William had 8 children Sarah’s father Archibald
was living in the home in 1920 and listed as a widow. Archibald was not listed with the
family in 1930.
No further information is known of this family.
1900 Martin Co KY 25 June 1900 District 2
COOK, William | Head | 26 | May 1874 | KY | VA | VA | |
Sarah F. | Wife | 22 | Jun 1877 | KY | VA | KY | 3 children born, 3 living |
Lizzie | Dau | 5 | Jan 1895 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dixie B. | Dau | 1 | Mar 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Martin Co KY 6 May 1910 Eden
COOK, William | Head | 37 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY | |
Sarah F. | Wife | 26 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY | 7 children born, 6 living |
Eliza Mae | Dau | 15 | 1895 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dixie B. | Dau | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | |
Thomas D. | Son | 7 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY | |
Andrew J. | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Millard | Son | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY | |
Eli S. | Son | 6/12 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Martin Co KY 14 January 1920 Precinct #3 Eden
COOK, William |
Head |
47 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah |
Wife |
45 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas |
Son |
17 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andrew |
Son |
15 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Millard |
Son |
12 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sam |
Son |
10 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Tellie |
Dau |
6 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rosco |
Son |
4 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John B. |
Son |
2 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Cellie |
Dau |
1/12 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Arch |
Father in law |
88 |
1832 |
VA |
TN |
VA |
Widower |
1930 Floyd Co KY 3 April 1930 District #
Cook, William |
Head |
57 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarrah |
Wife |
54 |
1876 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sam |
Son |
20 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rosco |
Son |
15 |
1915 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John B. |
Son |
12 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Selia |
Dau |
10 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
End Archibald Scalf
Daughter of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Scalf Mills, daughter of Brittan and
Talitha Couch Scalf was born 1835 in Russell County, VA. She died July 11, 1925
in Martin County, KY.
Mary married Columbus Mills November 13, 1865 in Pike County, KY. He was born 1833 in Clay County, Kentucky and died 1890 in Martin County, KY. Columbus and Mary had eight children. (Jennifer Boyd).
The following census records reflect the family of
Columbus and Mary Scalf Mills. Jennifer Boyd, a descendent of Mary Scalf Mills,
submitted the information on the family of Mary Granny
Scalf and Columbus
Hezekiah Scalf, son of Brittan and Talitha, was living in the home of his sister, Mary Scalf Mills in 1860.
A genealogy of the Mills family has not been undertaken here. However, census records were compiled for research of the descendants of this line of the family. Henry Scalf has written a considerable amount of information on this line of the family and this can be found in Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
Columbus Mills was the son of William Mills and
Mary (maiden name unknown). The census of 1850 is listed here showing Columbus
in the home at age 16. We cannot confirm that Mary Scalf, daughter of Brittan
and Talitha was named Nancy Bo Mary
Scalf as listed in Chronicles of the
Scalf Family; however, we also cannot deny this.
1850 Pike Co KY 13 September 1850
MILLS, William |
M |
45 |
1805 |
VA |
Mary |
F |
49 |
1801 |
NC |
Columbus |
M |
16 |
1834 |
KY |
George |
M |
14 |
1836 |
KY |
1860 Floyd Co KY 17 July 1860 Prestonsburg
MILLS, Columbus |
M |
26 |
1834 |
KY |
Mary |
F |
26 |
1834 |
KY |
Nancy |
F |
4 |
1856 |
KY |
Henry |
M |
1 |
1859 |
KY |
(Wm. Henry md. Melissa Ward) |
SKAFF, Hezekiah |
M |
19 |
1841 |
VA |
(Brother of Mary) |
1870 Johnson Co KY 16 Aug 1870 Rockcastle Precinct
MILLS, Columbus |
M |
37 |
1833 |
KY |
Mary |
F |
34 |
1836 |
VA |
Nancy |
F |
13 |
1857 |
KY |
(Md. Kenas Williamson) |
William H. |
M |
11 |
1859 |
KY |
(Md. Melissa Ward) |
Mary J. |
F |
9 |
1861 |
KY |
(Md. Benjamin Ward) |
Laban T. |
M |
7 |
1863 |
KY |
(Md. Lucinda Ward) |
Jeremiah |
M |
5 |
1865 |
KY |
(Md. Mary J. Boyd) |
California |
F |
3 |
1867 |
KY |
(Md. John Boyd) |
1880 Martin Co KY 16 June 1880 Precinct #4
MILLS, Columbus C. |
Head |
47 |
1833 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Mary |
Wife |
45 |
1835 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Henry |
Son |
21 |
1859 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Laban T. |
Son |
16 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Jeremiah |
Son |
15 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
California |
Dau |
13 |
1867 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Columbus |
Son |
9 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Montraville |
Son |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Servant |
11 |
1869 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis CO WA 4 May 1910 Mineral Creek
MILLS, Monterville | Head | 34 | 1876 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time for 19 years | |
Marinda | Wife | 36 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time for 19 years | 8 children born, 8 living |
Mary | Mother | 75 | 1835 | VA | VA | VA | Married 1 time for 54 years | 8 Children born, 8 living |
Melvin | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Eddie | Son | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Ada | Dau | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Robert C. | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Mary J. | Dau | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Walter | Son | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Elbert | Son | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Alice M. | Dau | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills
Nancy<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Nancy Mills was born about 1857 and married Kenas Williamson who was born about 1850 in Johnson County, KY. The couple married May 17, 1872 in Martin County, KY. Nancy and Kenas were the parents of eight children. This family was found on only one census and this census reflects the first four children. (Jennifer Boyd).
1880 Martin Co KY June 1880 Precinct #2
Head |
28 |
1852 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nancy |
Wife |
23 |
1857 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sanford |
Son |
6 |
1874 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
C.C. |
Son |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Stephen |
Son |
3 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martela J. |
Dau |
1 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills
Henry<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Henry Mills was born February 23, 1859 in Floyd County, KY and died December 7, 1931 in Martin County, KY. He married Melissa Ward, born January 1, 1862 in KY and died August 15, 1950 in Martin County, KY. Henry and Melissa married November 27, 1880 in Martin County, KY. They were the parents of seven children. (Jennifer Boyd).
1900 Martin Co KY 21 June 1900 Precinct #7 Stafford
MILLS, Henry |
Head |
40 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Malissa |
Wife |
38 |
1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ep |
Son |
14 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Albert |
Son |
8 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bascom |
Son |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nannie |
Dau |
5 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Henry |
Son |
4 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Zilpha |
Dau |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Martin Co KY 2 May 1910 Precinct #7 Stafford
MILLS, Henry |
Head |
51 |
1859 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Malissa |
Wife |
48 |
1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Robert |
Son |
19 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Bascom |
Son |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nannie |
Dau |
14 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Henry |
Son |
12 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Zelkha |
Dau |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Martin Co KY 10 January 1920 Precinct #8 Stafford Fork
MILLS, Henry |
Head |
60 |
1860 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Malissa |
Wife |
58 |
1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nannie |
Dau |
24 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Martin Co KY 7 April 1930 Stafford Fork
MILLS, Henry |
Head |
71 |
1859 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Malinda |
Wife |
68 |
1862 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Henry Mills & Malissa Ward
Millard<Henry<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Millard Mills, son of Henry Mills and Malissa Ward, was born about 1882. Millard married Nannie (maiden name unknown). We have no further information for Millard. Millard and Nannie were found on the 1900 Martin County, Kentucky census. They were then found in 1910 with two children.
1900 Martin Co KY 21 June 1900 Precinct #7 Stafford
MILLS, Millard |
Head |
18 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nannie |
Wife |
18 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Martin Co KY 4 May 1910 Precinct #7 Stafford
MILLS, Millard |
Head |
28 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nannie |
Wife |
29 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Vina |
Dau |
9 |
1901 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Virgil |
Son |
4 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Henry Mills & Malissa Ward
Epperson<Henry<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Epperson Mills was born August 8, 1886 in Martin County, KY and died February 19, 1962 in Martin County, KY. Epperson married Lillie Mills born 1887 in KY. They married December 5, 1908 in Martin County, KY. They were the parents of six children. A daughter, Elsita, was born 1915 and is not listed on the following censuses. It is unknown where she was living in 1920. She married in 1938 to Junior Ward and had two children, Homer and Walt. (Jennifer Boyd)
1910 Martin Co KY 4 May 1910 Precinct #7 Stafford
Head |
23 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lillie |
Wife |
23 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Neva |
Dau |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Prentice |
Son |
7/12 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Martin Co KY 17 January 1920 Precinct #8 Stafford Fork
MILLS, Epp |
Head |
34 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lillie |
Wife |
33 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Neville |
Dau |
10 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Prentiss |
Son |
8 |
1912 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Herbert |
Son |
7 |
1913 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Forest |
Son |
6 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Martin Co KY 21 April 1930 Stafford Fork
MILLS, Eperson |
Head |
43 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lillie |
Wife |
43 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Princie |
Son |
19 |
1911 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Hebert |
Son |
17 |
1913 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Forest |
Son |
16 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lesta |
Dau |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
MILLS, Mary |
Mother in law |
66 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daughter of
Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills
Mary J<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Jane Mills was born about 1861. Mary Jane married Benjamin Ward. We have no marriage or death date for Mary Jane or Benjamin. They were not found on the census records. For further information on this family, see Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
1880 Martin Co KY 16 June
1880 Precinct #4
WARD, Benjamin |
Head |
27 |
1853 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary J. |
Wife |
19 |
1861 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Columbus |
Son |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mertelia |
Dau |
3 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WARD, Stephen |
Uncle |
54 |
1826 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills
Laban<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Laban T. Mills was born July 1863 in Martin County, KY and died about 1916 in Martin County. Laban married Lucinda Ward born December 1867 in KY and died February 7, 1932 in Mills Branch, Rockhouse Tomahawk, KY. They married 1882. They were the parents of fourteen children. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
1900 Martin Co KY 19 June 1900 Precinct #7 Stafford
MILLS, Labaind |
Head |
37 |
1863 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lucinda |
Wife |
33 |
1867 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wilburn |
Son |
16 |
1884 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Garfield |
Son |
15 |
1885 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mollie |
Dau |
12 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Feander |
Son |
10 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Columbus |
Son |
8 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Labin T. |
Son |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Leonard |
Son |
6 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Hansford |
Son |
4 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Talitha |
Dau |
3 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha |
Dau |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John |
Son |
9/12 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Martin Co KY 2 May 1910 Precinct #7 Stafford
MILLS, L. T. |
Head |
48 |
1862 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Lucinda |
Wife |
46 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Lum |
Son |
21 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
L. T. |
Son |
19 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Leonard |
Son |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Hansford |
Son |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Litha |
Dau |
14 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John |
Son |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lucinda |
Dau |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ora |
Dau |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Fred |
Son |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills
Jeremiah<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jeremiah Mills, son of Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills, was born November 30, 1865. (Death Certificate of Jerry Mills courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Jerry married Mary J. Boyd born December 1865 in KY. Mary J. Boyd Scalf died 1949 in Martin County, KY. They were married March 2, 1886 in Martin County and were the parents of four children according to the research of Jennifer and Doris Boyd. However, the 1910 census shows six children.
Jeremiah Jerry
Mills died instantly after being
struck by a log that slid down the mountain on July 6, 1928 at Barrett (Boone
County) West Virginia at the age of 62 years, 7 months and 6 days.
Jerry's parents are listed on his death certificate as Columbus Mills and Mary Scalf, both born in Eastern Virginia. (Death Certificate of Jerry Mills courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
The area of Russell County, Virginia at the time of birth of Columbus and Mary was known as Eastern Virginia.
1910 Lawrence Co KY 12 May
1910 District #2
MILLS, Jerry |
Head |
45 |
1865 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Mary J. |
Wife |
46 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Henry B. |
Son |
21 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Charles |
Son |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Tishie |
Dau |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Josephine |
Son |
14 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary |
Dau |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dovie |
Dau |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
BOYD, Laura |
Mother in law |
80 |
1830 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Martin Co KY 19 January 1920 Precinct #8 Stafford Fork
MILLS, Jerry |
Head |
54 |
1866 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Mary Jane |
Wife |
55 |
1865 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Daughter of
Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills
California<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr>Lewis Scalf
California Callie
Mills was born 1867. Callie married first to John Boyd
and had four children. Minnie was born 1886 and died 1929. Minnie married Joe
Mollett and had eight children. Mose was born 1888 and died 1918. Mose married
Penix Maribell and had two children. John J. born 1890 and died 1912 married
Mary Mollett and had eleven children. Callie Hoon Boyd born 1892 and died 1975
married Penix Seymour and had ten children.
Callie then married Jack Delong and had nine children by this marriage. Six of these children are listed below from the census records. The other two were Edna Belle, Brilla and Mary Jane. Brilla and Mary Jane died in infancy. (Jennifer Boyd)
1910 Martin Co KY 5 May 1910 Precinct #7 Stafford
DELONG, Jack |
Head |
35 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
California |
Wife |
44 |
1866 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ida |
Dau |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Emory |
Son |
13 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KY married Lizzie Mollett |
Lucy |
Dau |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KY married John Penix |
Grace |
Dau |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KY married Melvin Ward |
Mollie |
Dau |
5 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KY married Willis Meek |
Homer |
Son |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
KY married Carmen Penix |
1920 Martin Co KY 8-10 January 1920
Stafford Fork
DELONG, Jack |
Head |
49 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
California |
Wife |
52 |
1868 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mollie |
Dau |
15 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Homer |
Son |
14 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
BOYD, Walter |
G-son |
8 |
1912 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Note that Walter was listed as Walter Boyd, grandson of Jack and Callie in 1920 and then listed as Walter DeLong in 1930.
1930 Martin Co KY 21 April 1930 Stafford Fork
DELONG, Emery Jack |
Head |
57 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
California |
Wife |
63 |
1867 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
DELONG, Walter |
G-Son |
17 |
1913 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Mary Scalf and Columbus Mills
Christopher C<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Christopher Columbus Mills was born October 11, 1870 in KY and married Martha Vanhoose born May 1870 in KY. They married April 5, 1888 in Martin Co. KY. This couple had eight children but only six are shown on the census records. Christopher died on April 22, 1952 from pneumonia. (Jennifer Boyd).
1900 Martin Co KY 18 June 1900 Precinct #7 Stafford Fork
MILLS, C. C. |
Head |
29 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Martha |
Wife |
30 |
1870 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
McClelland |
Son |
10 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elsworth |
Son |
8 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary E. |
Dau |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William O. |
Son |
4 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andrew |
Son |
1 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Martin Co KY 25 April 1910 Precinct #7 Stafford
MILLS, C. C. |
Head |
39 |
1871 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Martha |
Wife |
39 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
US |
McCelland |
Son |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Elsworth |
Son |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary E. |
Dau |
16 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wm B (William) |
Son |
13 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Andrew B. |
Son |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John C. |
Son |
9 |
1901 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Martin Co KY 8-10 January 1920 Precinct
#8 Stafford Fork
MILLS, C. C. |
Head |
49 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Martha |
Wife |
49 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
WV |
Andrew V. |
Son |
21 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John C. |
Son |
19 |
1901 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
VANHOOSE, Lizzie |
Mother in law |
88 |
1832 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
1930 Martin Co KY 12 April 1930 Stafford Fork
MILLS, Christopher C. |
Head |
59 |
1871 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Martha A. |
Wife |
59 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
WV |
Son of
Mary Granny
Scalf and Columbus Mills
Montraville<Mary<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Montraville Mills was the last son listed on the census records as the child
of Mary Granny
Scalf and Christopher Columbus Mills. He was born about 1875.
Montraville married Malinda Bowen. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family,
Chapter VIII)
When Monterville left Kentucky with his family Mary, his mother, went to Washington with them. She stayed here in WA for awhile and got home sick for KY and went back there where she died. Mont and Rendy had 10 children altogether. Melville, Ed, Ada, Robert, Walter, (Mary, My mother named after Mary Scalf), Elbert, Alice, Victor and Verley. Verley died very young Melville died in a sawmill accident in Mineral WA. Robert died of brights desease. Walter died fairly young with pneumonia. Most of the rest of them lived to be quite old. Monterville and Rendy died in the late fortys. Out of their issue I don't think any males remain. I believe the Monterville linage died out. Rendy was a Bowen and there are lots of Bowens still around here in Washington. Not many Scalfs left here though. (Courtesy of Dean Bogar)
1900 Martin Co KY 20 June 1900 Precinct #7 Stafford Fork
MILLS, Monterville | Head | 24 | Sep 1875 | KY | KY | KY | Married 9 years | |
Rinda | Wife | 27 | Jan 1873 | KY | KY | KY | Married 9 years | 4 children born, 4 living |
Milvin | Son | 7 | Jun 1892 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Eddie | Son | 6 | Mar 1893 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Ada | Dau | 4 | Apr 1896 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Robert | Son | 1 | Sep 1898 | KY | KY | KY | ||
SPRIGS, Jeff | Servant | 13 | Jan 1887 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Lewis CO WA 4 May 1910 Mineral Creek
MILLS, Monterville | Head | 34 | 1876 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time for 19 years | |
Marinda | Wife | 36 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY | Married 1 time for 19 years | 8 children born, 8 living |
Mary | Mother | 75 | 1835 | VA | VA | VA | Married 1 time for 54 years | 8 Children born, 8 living |
Melvin | Son | 18 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Eddie | Son | 16 | 1894 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Ada | Dau | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Robert C. | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Mary J. | Dau | 9 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Walter | Son | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Elbert | Son | 4 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Alice M. | Dau | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Lewis CO WA 23 January 1920 Verndale Precinct
MILLS, Mont | Head | 45 | 1875 | KY | VA | VA |
Marinda | Wife | 46 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY |
Walter | Son | 16 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Elbert | Son | 14 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Alice M. | Dau | 11 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Victor | Son | 9 | 1911 | WA | KY | KY |
Verly | Dau | 6 | 1914 | WA | KY | KY |
1930 Lewis CO WA 11-14 April 1930 Temple Precinct
MILLS, Mont | Head | 55 | 1875 | KY | WV | VA |
Marinda | Wife | 57 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY |
Robert | Son | 31 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Elbert | Son | 24 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Victor | Son | 19 | 1911 | WA | KY | KY |
No further information for this family.
End Mary Scalf Mills
Son of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
Levi<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Levy Scalf was born 1837 according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family
and 1838 according to the 1850 census of Pike County, Kentucky. Henry Scalf
states he was known as Lee.
One might wonder if his uncle, Lee Scalf, brother
of Brittan was also named Levi and called Lee as well.
Levy married first to Mary Ann Bevins Reed. Levy married Mary Ann August 10, 1858. The marriage record of Levy and Mary lists her name as Mary Ann Reed.
Levy and Mary Ann were the parents of one son, James Emery Scalf.
The census records suggest that James Emory Scalf son of Levy and Mary Ann was born about 1859. We have no information from any descendent of this family to confirm or deny if James Emory was the only child of Levy Scalf. Henry P. Scalf states that Mary Ann Bevins Reed was married previously to Rueben Reed. She was a widow when she married Levy.
An excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family is listed here concerning the parents and ancestors of Mary Ann. Although we have not been able to verify this information at this time, this information is listed for descendants of this line to help aid them in their research.
Mary Ann Bevins Reed Scalf was a daughter of George Bevins and Nancy
Williamson Bevins of the Rockhouse Fork of Big Creek. George Bevins was a son of
John Bevins and Mary Jane Stacy Bevins. John was a son of the pioneer, Joseph
Bevins, who came to Pike County, Kentucky, from Belfast, Ireland. Nancy
Williamson was a daughter of John and Elender Black Williamson. John Williamson
was the second son of Alden and Isabell Thompson Williamson, Eastern Kentucky
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII).
Interestingly, on the 1860 census of Pike County, a daughter named Amy is listed in the home along with a stepdaughter named Amy and both were the same age. It is unknown if Levy and Mary Ann might have had a daughter named Amy or if this is another mistake by the enumerator when he recorded Mary Ann's daughter by her first marriage. descendants of this family might be able to verify this information. Scalf was Spelled SCOFF on this census.
The name appears to be Amy on the 1860 census but Henry Scalf states her name was Annie. James Emory, son of Levy and Mary Ann was born about 1859 according to the census record of 1870; however, James Emery does not appear in the home of Levy and Mary Ann in 1860. He does not appear until 1870 where he is listed as 11 years old. From this information it is concluded that Emery was not born until at least 1860 after the enumeration of the 1860 census.
By 1870 Levy has remarried to Susanna Varney. It is difficult to determine if James was actually born in 1859 or possibly born after the enumeration of the 1860 census, which is more likely than 1859.
James had left home by 1880 and is not listed on the 1880 census with Levy.
Mary Rows is living in the home in 1880 and is listed as a homeless
child. We
cannot determine if there was a family relationship of Mary Rows and the Levy
Scalf family.
It appears that Mary Ann Bevins Reed Scalf died between 1860 and 1870. Levy then married Susanna Varney 14 May 1866 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County Marriages). Henry Scalf reports there were no children from this marriage.
Levy and Susanna were not found after the 1880 census of Pike County, Kentucky.
1860 Pike Co KY 24 July 1860 District
SCOFF, Levy | M |
23 |
1837 |
VA |
Mary A. | F |
29 |
1831 |
KY |
Amy | F |
10 |
1850 |
KY |
REED, Amy | F |
10 |
1850 |
KY |
1870 Pike Co KY 10 August 1870 District #10 Mouth
Pond Creek
SCAFF, Levi | M |
31 |
1839 |
VA |
Susanna | F |
29 |
1841 |
VA |
(2nd wife) |
James E. | M |
11 |
1859 |
KY |
1880 Pike Co KY 7 June 1880 Precinct #10 Big
SCALF, Levi |
Head |
43 |
1837 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Susanna |
Wife |
39 |
1841 |
VA |
VA |
KY |
ROWS, Mary S. |
Homeless |
9 |
1871 |
VA |
VA |
KY |
Son of
Levy Scalf & Mary Ann Bevins Reed
James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Emery Scalf was born about 1859 according to the 1870 census of Pike County and died 1899. James married Frances E. Maynard 21 August 1879 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County Marriages).
Henry Scalf reports that descendants of Lee and James Emery Scalf family live in the West Virginia and Ohio areas.
Frank Scalf of Columbus, Ohio reports the following children for James Emery
Scalf from his research listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter
1) Louisa Scalf born 1881.
2) Lincoln Scalf born January 12, 1882.
3) Samuel D. Scalf born December 1, 1885.
4) David W. Scalf born March 13, 1886.
5) Benjamin Scalf born October 8, 1888. (SS Death Index states birth date
as October 4, 1888 and died March 1978)
6) Oliver Scalf born August 9, 1892.
7) Mary Ann Scalf born January 9, 1897.
Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family concerning the list of children by another family member. This list has been re-arranged to reflect the number of children.
Mrs. Laura Elkins Jackson, Gulnare, Kentucky, who was acquainted with the
James Emery Scalf family, gives a variant list of children.
(Chronicles of
the Scalf Family)
1) Louisia (Vicey
) married George Young;
2) Lincoln Scalf.
3) Dallas Scalf married a Stepp.
4) William married a Varney.
5) Benjamin Scalf never married.
6) Mary Ann Scalf married a Young.
7) Matt, died age three.
The research of Frank Scalf and the remembrances of Mrs. Jackson can
probably be reconciled and the differences may be due in part to common,
ordinary nicknames that were so often bestowed in families or neighborhoods.
of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
The names of the children from Frank Scalf match the census records with the exception of Mary Ann who appears to be Mary W. on the census records; however, this could be due to the handwriting of the enumerator.
The son, Dallas, submitted to Henry Scalf by Mrs. Jackson was most likely Samuel D. Scalf submitted by Frank Scalf. William was most likely David W. on the 1900 census.
Henry Scalf states that James Emery died in the spring of 1899.
Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
He was stricken in the spring of 1899 while at work in a field, probably
with a heart attack. He executed his will, July 17, 1899 and died July 30, 1899.
He and his father are buried in the family cemetery on the Elkins Branch of
Rockhouse Fork.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
The 1900 census of Pike County, Kentucky does show his wife Frances as a widow in 1900. It appears that Frances remarried to a Munsey by the enumeration of the 1930 census and was also listed as a widow in 1930 indicating that her husband had died.
New information since the posting of this chapter shows that Frances E. Maynard Scalf was born June 20, 1860 in Pike County, Kentucky and died April 5, 1948 at Williamson (Mingo County) West Virginia from bronchopneumonia. Her son, Ben Scalf, gave the information for her death certificate. She is listed as a widow and her married name of Scalf is listed, although she appears on the 1930 census as Frances Munsey living with her daughter Mary A. and husband, Willard Young. Frances was the daughter of Barney Maynard. Her mother's name was unknown. She died at the age of 87 years, 9 months and 16 days old. (Death certificate of Frances Maynard Scalf courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
1880 Pike Co KY 10 June 1880 Precinct #10 Big
SCALF, Emory | Head |
20 |
1860 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Francie | Wife |
17 |
1863 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1900 Pike Co KY 1 June 1900 District #6 Big
SCAFF, Frances |
Head |
37 |
1863 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Louisa |
Dau |
19 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lankn (Lincoln) |
Son |
18 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Samuel |
Son |
16 |
1884 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
David W. |
Son |
14 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Benjamin |
Son |
11 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Oliver |
Son |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary A. |
Dau |
3 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Pike Co KY 20 April 1910 Big Creek
SCALF, Frances E. |
Head |
46 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Willie |
Son |
25 |
1885 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ben |
Son |
21 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary |
Son |
12 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
MAYNARD, Barnabas |
Father |
72 |
1838 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Mingo Co WV 15 April 1930 Williamson
Hollow Williamson
YOUNG, Willard L. |
Head |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary A. |
Wife |
32 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Fred |
Son |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Ben |
Bro in law |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
MUNSEY, Frances |
Mother in law |
66 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Daughter of
James Emery Scalf & Frances E. Maynard
Louisa<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Louisa Vicey Scalf, oldest child of James Emory Scalf and Frances Maynard was born about 1881 according to the above information and the census records. She married George Young July 23, 1902 in Pike County, Kentucky. George was the son of John J. Young and Alifare Runyon. (Sherry Blackburn research)
Louisa had died by the enumeration of the 1910 Pike County, Kentucky census. Her husband and two children were living at Big Creek. George's parents are listed in the home along with Oliver Scalf brother of Louisa. George and Vicey had two children, Delphia and Wildia.
1910 Pike Co KY 20 April 1910 Big Creek
YOUNG, George |
Head |
27 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Delphia |
Dau |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wildia |
Dau |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
YOUNG, John |
Father |
81 |
1829 |
KY |
NC |
VA |
YOUNG, Alaphare |
Mother |
66 |
1844 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Oliver |
Brother in law |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
James Emery Scalf & Frances E. Maynard
Lincoln<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lincoln Scalf was born January 12, 1882 in Pike County, Kentucky. He was the oldest son of James Emery Scalf and Frances Maynard. Lincoln married first to Daisy (maiden name unknown) and second to Ella Stacy.
Lincoln Scalf, son of James Emery Scalf and Frances Maynard Scalf, married
ca 1901, the name of his wife unavailable except that her first name was Daisy,
born Nov. 17, 1885, died Nov. 28, 1903. A son, the name unavailable, was born
Feb. 9, 1903. He remarried March 12, 1906 to Ella Stacy, at the home of Jonathan
Estep, a minister, Mingo County, West Virginia.
(Chronicles of the Scalf
Family, Chapter VIII)
We have no further information on the first wife of Lincoln Scalf, or the name of the son of Lincoln and Daisy. However, Lincoln does appear with his second wife and family on the 1910 Mingo County, West Virginia census. Lincoln and Ella have a daughter and a son at this time. The daughter's name appears to be Enez but her name was Inez.
Lincoln was not found in 1920 or 1930 but his wife was found living in Pike County, Kentucky in 1930. Lincoln and Ella were divorced at this time. His son, James Emery and daughter Inez were not listed in the home but Ella has four younger children in the home in 1930. The last child was born in 1925. This suggests that Lincoln and Ella might have divorced shortly before 1930.
Lincoln Scalf was employed most of his life in and around Williamson, West Virginia as a carpenter. He died from hemorrhage caused by a knife wound at the age of 52 on Oct. 15, 1934. John Tilley stabbed Lincoln in the right jugular vein at the corner of Pike and Third Street, Williamson, West Virginia. He is buried on the Elkins Branch of Rockhouse Fork at Pike County, Kentucky. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII and Death Certificate of Lincoln Scalf)
Lincoln Scalf married Ella Stacy, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Stacy and Perlina Scott. Ella was born in Pike County, Kentucky Mar 19, 1887 and died January 5, 1974 in Little Hocking, Ohio, at the age of 86 years. (Sherry Blackburn research)
Lincoln Scalf and Ella Stacy had the following children:
1) Inez Scalf was born Dec 28, 1907. She married Cassem
Shaheen. Cassem was born in Syria.
2) James Emory Scalf was born Apr 26, 1910.
3) Kelba Scalf was born Apr 27, 1911. She married Allie H.
(Sam) Shaheen in Logan, West Virginia. Allie was born in Syria.
4) Elaine Scalf was born Feb 13, 1917. Elaine died Mar 24,
1971 at 54 years of age. She married Henry D Cross.
5) Marie Scalf was born Mar 24, 1919. She married Dennis
6) Hazel Scalf was born Feb 10, 1922. She married Donald
Cornes Jul 11, 1940. Donald died May 12, 1979.
7) Margaret Scalf was born Nov 9, 1925. She married Gilbert
We were contacted several years ago by one of the family members of Inez Scalf Shaheen to inform us of the death of Inez. She had died in Lebanon where she and her husband had moved many years ago. We have not been able to contact the informant and we have no exact death date for Inez but she passed away 2000 – 2004.
1910 Mingo Co WV 30 May 1910 Williamson District
SCALF, Lincoln |
Head |
28 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(Stacy), Ella |
Wife |
21 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Enez |
Dau |
3 |
1907 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
(Inez) |
Infant |
Son |
1/12 |
1910 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
(James Emery) |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Lincoln Willie Scalf
Age: 36
Home Williamson, Mingo CO, WV
Date of Birth: January 12, 1882
(Link to original document)
Employer: Self employed
Occupation: Carpenter
Nearest relative: Ella Scalf
Address of nearest relative: Williamson, WV
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of Eye: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: September 12, 1918
1930 Pike CO KY 3 May
1930 District 6
SCALF, Ella |
Head |
42 |
1888 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Divorced |
Elen |
Dau |
13 |
1917 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
Marie |
Dau |
12 |
1918 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
Hazel |
Dau |
8 |
1922 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
Margaret |
Dau |
5 |
1925 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Lincoln Scalf and Ella Stacy
James E<Lincoln<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Emery Scalf, son of Lincoln Scalf, was born April 26, 1910, married
Georgia of Inez, Martin County, Kentucky, Jan. 3, 1927. She was born July 7,
1905, the daughter of John R. Stepp and Amanda Melvina Stepp.
(Chronicles of
the Scalf Family)
James Emory Scalf and Georgia Stepp had the following children:
1) James Scalf
2) Ella Louise Scalf
3) Frank Scalf
4) Ollie Ray Scalf
5) Florence Scalf
6) Annabelle Scalf
7) Russell Scalf
8) Buddy Scalf
9) Charles Scalf
1940 Martin CO KY 22 April 1940 District 1
SCALF, James E. | Head | 29 | 1911 | KY |
Georgia | Wife | 33 | 1907 | KY |
Jimmy | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Eloise | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Frank | Son | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Oll Ray | Son | 6 | 1934 | KY |
Florence | Dau | 4 | 1936 | KY |
Anna Bella | Dau | 1 | 1939 | KY |
1950 Martin CO KY
12 April 1950
SCALF, James E. | Head | 39 | 1911 | WV | Carpenter |
Georgia | Wife | 43 | 1907 | KY | |
Oll R. | Son | 16 | 1934 | KY | |
Florence | Dau | 14 | 1936 | KY | |
Annabelle | Dau | 11 | 1939 | KY | |
William R. | Son | 7 | 1943 | KY | |
Buddy R. | Son | 3 | 1947 | KY | |
Charles E. | Son | 1 | 1949 | KY |
Son of
James Emory Scalf & Georgia Stepp
Jimmy<James Emory<Lincoln<James Emory<Levi<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Emory Scalf, Jr. was born October 12, 1928 in Williamson, West Virginia. James married Mary Dolores George. Jimmy and Mary were living in Louisville, KY when he passed away on September 19, 1995. James is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Louisville, KY.
Children of James and Delores Scalf:
1) Diane L.
2) Kenneth A. Scalf
3) David P. Scalf
4) Linda Carol Scalf - died December 5, 2012in
Louisville, KY
Son of
Emory Scalf & Georgia Stepp
William Russell<James Emory<Lincoln<James
Emory<Levi<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Russell Scalf, the son of James Emory Scalf & Georgia Stepp, was born June 23, 1942 and died March 30, 2012. William married (1) Patricia Ann Hunt and (2) Betty Miller.
William Russell Scalf, age
69, of Columbus, passed away March 30, 2012. U.S. Air Force Veteran. Retired
from Ohio Semitronics. Bill was an avid fisherman, enjoyed playing cards,
bowling, gardening and anything associated with nature. He loved to fix things
and was a very soft spoken man. Preceded in death by parents James and Georgia
Scalf, sister Anna Belle, brothers Jimmy and Frank Scalf. Survived by loving
wife of 15 years, Betty; children, William (Rose) Scalf, Jr., Aimee Scalf;
step-son, Chris (Gloria) Crane; siblings, Ray (Mary Lou) Scalf, Buddy
(Priscilla) Scalf, Charlie (Kitty) Scalf, Ella Louise Hyden and Florence Scalf;
grandchildren, Tyler, Lilly, Violet; step-grandchildren, David, Matthew, Mark
and Timothy; father-in-law, Wilbur Miller; brother-in-law, Garry (Jill) Miller;
many loving relatives, friends and special companion, Blitz. Family will receive
friends 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, at the
TIDD FUNERAL HOME, 5265 Norwich St., Hilliard, OH 43026; where funeral service
will be held 10 a.m. Thursday. Interment Alton Cemetery.
Daughter of
Lincoln Scalf and Ella Stacy
Margaret<Lincoln<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
1940 Meigs CO OH 16 April 1940 Columbia
CARPENTER, E. K. | Head | 79 | 1871 | OH |
MAYNARD, Alfred | Hired hand | 22 | 1918 | KY |
Dixie | Servant | 54 | 1886 | KY |
SCALF, Margaret | Servant niece | 15 | 1925 | WV |
Son of
James Emery Scalf & Frances E. Maynard
George Samuel D<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Samuel Dallas Scalf was born December 1, 1885 according to Henry P. Scalf, author of Chronicles of the Scalf Family. Henry did not list any information on Dallas in his writings other than his birth date. Mrs. Jackson stated that Dallas Scalf married a Stepp. We find Dallas Scalf on the 1910 census of Pike County, Kentucky with his wife Laura. The combination of these records suggests that Laura was Laura Stepp Scalf.
(Link to death certificate of Laura Stepp Scalf)
The full name of George Samuel Dallas Scalf is a bit confusing. On the census records and WWI Registration Card, we find Samuel Scalf and Dallas Scalf. However, on his WWII Registration Card, George Samuel Scalf is used. On an obituary and a death certificate, George Scalf is listed. The evidence points to a full name of George Samuel Dallas Scalf. A name with three given names is unusual but has happened several times in the Scalf family.
George Samuel Dallas Scalf was born Dec 7, 1883. I know Grandpa went by all
three names to various people. His only living child is the youngest daughter,
Goldie, married to Herbert Mahon, Ragland, WV 25690 close to Delbarton, WV which
is close to Williamson, WV. Grandpa settled in Mingo County, WV but most of his
children moved elsewhere. My own father, David, settled in Logan County, WV. (Courtesy of
Carol Scalf Ferrell - 2009)
1910 Pike Co KY 23-25 April 1910 - Precinct #10 Big
Scalf, Dallas |
Head |
26 |
1884 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Laura |
Wife |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Johnie |
Son |
10/12 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Dallas Scalf
Age: 34
Home Address: Couder, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: December 7, 1883
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Farmer
Place of employment: Couder, Pike CO, KY
Name of closest relative: Laura Scalf, Couder, Pike CO, KY
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Grey
Color of Hair: Black
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Pike Co KY 13 January 1920 - Precinct #10 Lower Big Creek
SCAFF, Dallas |
Head |
37 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Laura |
Wife |
26 |
1994 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Johnny |
Son |
11 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
David |
Son |
9 |
1911 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
George |
Son |
7 |
1913 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 01/01/1912 |
Mary |
Dau |
5 |
1915 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 03/13//1913 |
Ellie |
Dau |
4 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 01/09/1015 |
Emery |
Son |
3 |
1917 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 02/18/1916 |
Estil |
Son |
1 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 11/23/1918 |
Estil looks like Esker on the census but he is listed in the births of Pike County, KY as Estil H.
1930 Mingo Co WV 23 April 1930 Lee District
SCALF, Dallas | Head | 42 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY |
(Stepp) Laura | Wife | 37 | 1893 | KY | KY | KY |
John | Son | 21 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY |
Vina | DIL | 23 | 1907 | WV | WV | WV |
Marie | G-dau | 1 | 1929 | WV | KY | WV |
David S. | Son | 20 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
George | Son | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Mary | Dau | 16 | 1914 | KY | KY | KY |
Ella | Dau | 15 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Emry | Son | 13 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
Estel | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Joseph | Son | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY (Born 1/18/1923 - died 6/7/1968) |
Minnie | Dau | 6 | 1924 | WV | KY | KY |
Printes | Son | 4 | 1926 | WV | KY | KY |
Howard | Son | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
WWII Registration Card
Name: George Samuel Scalf
Age: 58
Home Address: Lando, Mingo, WV
(Link to document)
Date of Birth: December 7, 1883
Place of birth: Big Creek, KY
Name of Person who will know your address: Laura Scalf, Lando, WV
Name of employer: Lando Coal Co, Lando, WV
Place of employment: Couder, Pike CO, KY
George Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp
John D<George Samuel Dallas<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Dallas Scalf, son of Samuel Dallas Scalf and Laura Stepp was born about 1909. The only information we have on John comes from the database of Virgil Scalf and a note from Steve Scalf, a descendent of Robert and Patsy Jackson Scalf.
Johnny (John) Scalf, son of Samuel Dallas Scalf and Laura Stepp, had a son
named Franklin Delano Scalf. Frank died in Volusia, Florida.
(Courtesy of Steve Scalf)
Franklin Delano Scalf, son of John Dallas Scalf was born 18 Jul 1938 and died 24 Jan 1996. He married Dixie Rae Strine born 15 December 1940 and died 11 July 1996.
Children of Franklin Delano Scalf and Dixie Rae Strine:
1) DarleniaDeeDawn Scalf married ______Meadows.
(Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
We have no further information on this family.
NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Willie Morgan Scalf, Sr., also had a son named Franklin Delano Scalf.
Son of
Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp
David<George Samuel D<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Willie Scalf, the son of George Samuel Dallas Scalf and Laura Stepp, was born
August 14, 1910 in Pike County, KY. Dallas died November 23, 1968 in Logan, WV.
Dallas married Mandyleen Elizabeth Chapman. Mandyleen was born September 14,
1915 in Pike County, KY and died November 10, 1993 in Logan, WV.
My grandfather was Dallas Samuel Scalf. He moved to West Virginia in the early 1900s. My father was David Willie Scalf. He left school when he was about eleven years old and went to work in Mingo County with the coal mining industry. He and my mother later moved to Logan County, West Virginia and most of their children were born in that area. He worked most of his life in the coal mines either as a
– (Courtesy of
Carol Scalf Ferrell) boss
or an electrician. He was a man's man. He believed a man always took care of his family. Our parents provided a wonderful home for us. We always had a lots of friends, family, music and laughter. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and also the Moose Lodge. He owned a drive-in restaurant for several years. In order to purchase the property to build the restaurant on, he tore down a trestle that went to an old coal mine that went from one side of the mountain to another with very little help. I was about nine years old then and can remember how he would tie himself to those huge beams and use an electric saw to cut them apart. It was unbelievable that a man could accomplish such a feat by himself. He also built the building with some help from Grandpa Dallas. He did all this and much more while he also worked in the coal mines. He died early though at the age of fifty-eight. He had black lung but his death was listed as a heart attack. He was a wonderful father.
1940 Logan CO WV
4 April 1940
SCALF, Dave | Head | 29 | 1911 | KY |
Mandylan | Wife | 24 | 1916 | KY |
Ellean | Dau | 10 | 1930 | WV |
Emma Lee | Dau | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Laura Mae | Dau | 4 | 1936 | WV |
Son of
George Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp
George<George Samuel Dallas<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf, Sr<Lewis Scalf
George Scalf, son of Samuel Dallas Scalf and Laura Stepp, was born about 1913 according to census records.
1940 Mingo CO WV
8 April 1940
SCALF, George | Head | 26 | 1914 | WV |
Virginia | Wife | 23 | 1917 | WV |
George, Jr. | Son | 6/12 | 1939 | WV (Link to death certificate) |
A grandson of George states the following in an email to the author:
Unsure where I fit in this tree-but my dad is William Douglas Scalf (Married
to Linda Barr) - His Brothers/Sisters Eugene (Dead) Morgan (Dead) Paul (Dead)
Emma (Dead)--- Drinking and Dubieties' (Paul and Emma) Joanne is still alive---
My grandpa- George Scalf (Grandpa was Married to Virginia)--- Granma James fit
in here someplace and she talked of being kin to Jesse James.
We all lived in Cleveland, Ohio and the surrounding area- I moved a lot being in the military, met another Scalf, minister? in North Carolina in 1992---
I landed here in Denver Colorado- My Mom and Dad in Rocky River, Ohio--with my brother Anthony and his two kids and wife in Berea Ohio and my sister Tiffany Wright and her 4 kids in Rocky River Ohio.
My parents are fixing to move to a home they bought in North Carolina to retire…
Take Care-
Douglas C. Scalf
Military Advisor for Student Finance
Army Retired, 2003
From the information
listed on census records, this appears to be Doug's line. (Courtesy of Virgil
No further information on this family is known.
Daughter of
George Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp
Mary<George Samuel Dallas< James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Magdelum Scalf, daughter of George Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp, was born March 13, 1913 in Martin County, Kentucky. She married Amos Baisden.
Children of Amos Baisden and Mary Scalf:
1) Ronnie Baisden.
2) John Baisden.
3) David Baisden.
4) Columbus Baisden.
5) Clinton Baisden.
6) James Walter Baisden - born August 12, 1956; married Irene Arene Dusek. (Link to marriage document)
7) Gail Baisden.
Son of
George Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp
James<George Samuel Dallas< James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James E. Scalf, son of George Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp, was born February 28, 1915in Kentucky and died June 20, 1971 in Franklin County, Ohio. James married Garnet Spence. Garnet was born May 24, 1911 in Kentucky and died February 13, 2001 in Franklin County, Ohio.
1940 Martin CO KY
8 April 1940
SPENCE, Lyge | Head | 31 | 1909 | WV |
Stella | Mother | 59 | 1881 | KY |
SCALF, Emerly | Brother in law | 25 | 1915 | KY |
Garnet | Sister | 28 | 1912 | WV |
SPENCE, Russell | Brother | 35 | 1905 | KY |
Neva | Sister in law | 30 | 1910 | WV |
James | Nephew | 11 | 1929 | KY |
Bobby J. | Nephew | 6 | 1934 | KY |
Stella A. | Niece | 4 | 1936 | WV |
SCALF, Carmel | Niece | 2 | 1938 | WV |
Daughter of
George Samuel Dallas Scalf & Laura Stepp
Ella<George Samuel Dallas< James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ella Scalf, daughter of Dallas Scalf and Laura Stepp, was born about 1916 per census records. Ella married Earl Jenkins. Her obituary is listed below courtesy of Steve Scalf.
The census records and the obituary of Ella causes some confusion concerning her father's name. Census records show George Scalf to be the brother of Ella and Samuel Dallas Scalf as her father, but the obituary lists her father as George Scalf. Whether this Dallas was also George or not is unknown. It is possible the person taking the information for the obituary was in error as well.
Steve found the obituary of Ella (Ellie) Francis Scalf Jenkins, believed to be the daughter of Dallas Scalf and Laura Stepp. Note that the obituary states her father was George Scalf. The date of birth for Ellie (Ella Francis) Scalf calculates to a year of 1915 by the census records; however, her birth date is listed as January 9, 1916 in her obituary.
Ella Francis Scalf Jenkins, 87, a lifetime resident of Delbarton went to be with her Lord on Friday, July 18, 2003, at the Appalachian Regional Hospital in South Williamson, Ky. Born on Jan. 9, 1916, in Martin County, Ky., she was a daughter of the late George and Laura Stepp Scalf. She was a homemaker and a member of the Connolly Memorial Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents, Mrs. Jenkins is preceded in death by her husband, Earl Jenkins, one daughter, Mildred Kennedy, seven brothers, Joe, John, Howard, Estil, Emory, George and David Scalf; and two sisters, Mary Baisden and Minnie Curry.
is survived one son, Earl Eddie
(Donna) Jenkins of Pataskala, Ohio; three
daughters, Sallie J. (Mac) Hall of Williamson, Earlene Hopson of Grove City,
Ohio, and Darlene (Ronnie) Dalton of Inez, Ky.; one sister Goldie (Hubert) Mahon
of Ragland; 22 grand children; and 36 great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be at 11 a.m., Monday, July 21, 2003, at the Chafin Funeral Home of Delbarton with the Rev. Ron Paige officiating. Burial will follow in the Mountain View Memory Gardens at Maher.
Visitation will be at the funeral home from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday, July 20. (Courtesy of Steve Scalf)
Son of
James Emery Scalf & Frances E. Maynard
David W<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
David William Scalf was born March 13, 1886. (Ref: Frank Scalf – Chronicles of the Scalf Family). It is listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family that William's wife was a Varney. She is listed as Virdie on the 1920 census and in the Pike County, Kentucky Births. Her name is confirmed in a descendent chart sent to me by Sherry Blackburn several years ago.
William is listed as Willie on the 1920 and 1930 censuses of Pike County, Kentucky. The two census records show seven children born to Willie and Virdie. Trimba is probably supposed to be Trimbal. It appears that he had died by the enumeration of the 1930 census as he was not listed and would have been 15 years old at that time.
WWI Registration Card
Name: David Willie Scalf
Age: 32
Home Address: Cauder. Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: March 30, 1886
(Link to original document)
Employer: Self employed
Occupation: Farmer
Nearest relative: Virdie Scalf
Address of nearest relative: Cauder. Pike CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of Eye: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Pike Co KY 10 January 1920 Lower Big Creek
SCAFF, Willie |
Head |
33 |
1887 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Virdie |
Wife |
29 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Trimba |
Son |
5 |
1915 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Gusta |
Dau |
3 |
1917 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 03/20/1916 |
1930 Pike Co KY 14 April 1930 District #6
SCAFF, Willie |
Head |
44 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Verda |
Wife |
39 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Gusta |
Dau |
14 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 03/20/1916 |
Francis |
Dau |
12 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 04/12/1918 |
Mary Bell |
Dau |
10 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 09/27/1919 |
William T. |
Son |
8 |
1922 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 03/11/1922 |
Minta |
Dau |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 09/10/1923 |
Lucy |
Dau |
3 |
1927 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Another child was born to Willie and Vernie June 18, 1930 after the enumeration of the census. This child was listed in the birth records of Pike County, Kentucky as JAPE SCAFF born June 18, 1930. The name was apparently transcribed incorrectly on the copied records and is probably James. Minta was listed as Armentie in the birth records.
1940 Pike CO KY
6 April 1940
District 6
SCALF, Willie | Head | 54 | 1886 | KY |
Vinda | Wife | 48 | 1892 | KY |
Francis | Dau | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Mary | Dau | 17 | 1923 | KY |
Thomas | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Minnie | Dau | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Victoria | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Luther | Son | 9 | 1931 | KY |
1950 Pike CO KY
5 April 1950
Elkins Fork
SCALF, Willie | Head | 65 | 1885 | KY |
Virgil | Wife | 62 | 1888 | KY |
Luther | Son | 17 | 1933 | KY |
Son of
David William (Willie) Scalf and Virdie Varney
William T<David W<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Thomas Scalf, known as Tom was born March 11, 1922 and died November 21, 2004.
Tom married first to Grady Stotridge, born about 1930 in Hennon, Kentucky. They were married June 5, 1948 in Pikeville, Kentucky. She was the daughter of Willie Stotridge and Dixie Maynard.
Tom and Grady divorced and Tom remarried to Dora Lee Gross born 1925 in Pikeville, Kentucky. They were married May 2, 1949 in Pikeville, Kentucky. She was the daughter of Garfield Gross and Lula Ball.
The family of Tom Scalf was sent to me by Sherry Blackburn in 1998 or 1999. The children are listed below and it appears both children belonged to Tom and his second wife, Dora.
1) Leona Scalf married Willard Gibson February 19, 1980 in Clay County, Kentucky. Two children: Louie and Jeffery.
1950 Pike CO KY
5 April 1950
Elkins Forks
SCALF, Tom | Head | 26 | 1924 | KY |
Dorie Lee | Wife | 25 | 1925 | KY |
WARD, Helen Mae | G-dau | 9 | 1941 | KY |
No further information is known.
Son of
James Emery Scalf and Frances E. Maynard
Benjamin<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Benjamin Scalf, son of James Emery Scalf and Frances Maynard was born Oct. 8,
1888 according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family. According to the Social
Security Death Indexes and his WWII Registration Card, he was born October 4, 1888 and died March 1978 in West
Virginia. Benjamin never married. He was living with his sister and
brother-in-law, Willard and Mary Scalf Young in 1920 at Mingo County, West
Virginia. Their mother, Frances E. Maynard Scalf was living in the home and
listed as Frances Munsey. Frances had remarried after the death of James Emery
and her second husband had also died.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Ben H. Scalf
Age: 28
Home Address: Cauder, Pike CO, KY
Born: Cauder, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: October 4, 1888
(Link to original document)
Employer: Self employed
Occupation: Farmer
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of Eye: Grey
Color of Hair: Dark Brown
Date: June 5, 1917
1930 Mingo Co WV 15 April 1930 Williamson Hollow Williamson
YOUNG, Willard L. |
Head |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary A. |
Wife |
32 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Fred |
Son |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Ben |
Bro in law |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
MUNSEY, Frances |
Mother in law |
66 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Name: Ben Harrison Scaff
Place of residence: Williamson Hollow, Williamson, Mingo CO, WV
Age: 54
Date of birth: October 4, 1888
Link to document -
Part I
Part II
Place of birth: Pikeville, KY
Name and address of person who will know your address: Francis Scalf (mother),
Williamson Hollow, Williamson, Mingo CO, WV
Employer: Appalachian Electric Power Co., Williamson, Mingo CO, WV
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 200
Eye: Blue
Hair: Gray
Complexion: Ruddy
Son of
James Emery Scalf & Frances E. Maynard
Oliver<James E<
Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Oliver Scalf was born August 9, 1892. Oliver married Edna Maynard, daughter of Rev. Heeon Maynard and Alice Ann Lowe Maynard. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Oliver was living in the home of his brother-in-law in 1910 at Big Creek in Pike County, Kentucky. His estimated marriage date is around 1915 according to the birth of their daughter, Mabel on the 1920 census. Henry Scalf reports that his daughter, Elsie married Arthur Clark. No other information is known. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Oliver's son Norman was born 30 March 1929 and died 29 November 1995 in Pikeville (Pike Co) Kentucky. (SS Death Index)
It was stated by a descendent that Oliver and Edna also had a daughter Oma Lou Scalf that married Willie Lee Williamson.
1910 Pike Co KY 20 April 1910 Big Creek
YOUNG, George |
Head |
27 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
Delphia |
Dau |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wildia |
Dau |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
YOUNG, John |
Father |
81 |
1829 |
KY |
NC |
VA |
YOUNG, Alaphare |
Mother |
66 |
1844 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Oliver |
Brother in law |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Oliver Scalf
Age: 24
Home Address: Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: August 18, 1892
(Link to original document)
Employer: Self
Occupation: Farmer
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Bald: Little
Date: June 5, 1917
1920 Pike Co KY 13 & 14 January 1920 Drusky Precinct #20
SCALF, Oliver |
Head |
27 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Edna |
Wife |
19 |
1901 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mabel |
Dau |
4 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maude |
Dau |
2 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pike Co KY 26 April 1930 Precinct #20 District
SCALF, Oliver |
Head |
37 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Edna |
Wife |
30 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mable |
Dau |
14 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 2/16/1916 |
Maudie |
Dau |
12 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 10/13/1917 |
Alcie |
Dau |
10 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 2/21/1920 |
Matthew |
Son |
8 |
1922 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 01/15/1922 |
Threcie |
Dau |
5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 07/18/1924 |
Heenon |
Son |
3 5/12 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 11/01/1927 |
Norman |
Son |
1 1/12 |
1929 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 03/30/1929 |
Norman could be Maran (Marian) born 1929 from birth records of Pike County, KY
1940 Martin CO KY
14 April 1940
District 7
SCALF, Oliver | Head | 47 | 1893 | KY |
Edna | Wife | 40 | 1900 | KY |
Mable | Dau | 24 | 1916 | KY |
Maudie | Dau | 21 | 1919 | KY |
Alcey | Dau | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Matthew | Son | 18 | 1922 | KY |
Thresa | Dau | 15 | 1925 | KY |
Henin | Son | 13 | 1927 | KY |
Norman | Son | 11 | 1929 | KY |
Chester | Son | 7 | 1933 | KY |
Oma | Dau | 1 | 1939 | KY |
Daughter of
Oliver Scalf & Edna Maynard
Mable<Oliver<James E<
Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mable Scalf, Daughter of Oliver Scalf & Edna Maynard, was born February 16, 1916 and died in 1954.
(Link to Mabel Scalf Crabtree death certificate)
1940 Pike CO KY
25 May 1940
District #6
WILLIAMSEN, Hurman | Head | 52 | 1888 | KY |
Bess | Wife | 41 | 1899 | KY |
Wallace L. | Son | 14 | 1926 | KY |
George L. | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Benjamin | Father | 86 | 1834 | KY |
SCALF, Mable | Servant | 24 | 1916 | KY |
Daughter of
James Emery Scalf & Frances E. Maynard
Mary<James E<Levy<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Scalf was born January 5, 1897. Mary married Willard L. Young and was found on the 1930 census of Mingo County, West Virginia with their family. Her son, Fred, had been born at this time and her mother, Frances Maynard Scalf Munsey, was living in the home. No further information on Mary.
1930 Mingo Co WV 15 April 1930 Williamson Hollow Williamson
YOUNG, Willard L. |
Head |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary A. |
Wife |
32 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Fred |
Son |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Ben |
Bro in law |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
MUNSEY, Frances |
Mother in law |
66 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
End Levy Scalf
Son of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Hezekiah Scalf, son of Brittan Scalf and Talitha Couch, was born January 30, 1841in Russell County, Virginia and died April 17, 1924 at Monder (Pike Co.) Kentucky. (Pike County, Kentucky death records)
Hezekiah married Sarah Jane Vaughn Riddle daughter of Andrew and Susannah Vaughn
Riddle. They were married August 14, 1863. (Marriage index courtesy of Virgil
Sarah Jane's name is often seen in various places on the Internet as Sarah
Vaughn Riddle.
We have no confirming evidence that Sarah's maiden name was
Vaughn. Her mother's maiden name was Vaughn and this suggests that Sarah might
have been born out of wedlock. We can safely assume that Vaughn was not a middle
name for Sarah's middle name was Jane.
Henry P. Scalf, grandson of Sarah states her name was Sarah Jane Riddle.
However, on the paragraph heading of Hezekiah's descendants from Chronicles
of the Scalf Family, Henry P. Scalf does list her name as Sarah Vaughn
There is no confirming evidence known to the author to confirm whether
Sarah's maiden name was Vaughn or Riddle. Sarah's mother is listed in the home
in 1880 as Susan Riddle widow.
Until further information can determine her
correct maiden name, Sarah will be listed as Sarah Jane Vaughn-Riddle Scalf.
Hezekiah's parents were listed as Brittan and Litha Couch on his death
certificate. The cause of death was listed as infection following
catheterization of urinary bladder and senility.
The informant for the record
was Jno. Scalf. We are not certain which John Scalf this might have been but is
believed to have been John B. McClellan Scalf, son of Hezekiah.
Hezekiah was 83
years, 2 months and 18 days old at the time of his death. Nine months after the
death of her husband Sarah Jane Vaughn-Riddle Scalf died January 14, 1925
according to Chronicles of the Scalf Family; however, the Pike County,
Kentucky death records list her death date as January 12, 1925. No cemetery is
listed on the death certificate of Hezekiah but Henry Scalf states, both were
buried in Scalf Cemetery on Scalf Branch.
Sarah's mother, Susan Vaughn Riddle, was living with Hezekiah and Sarah in 1870 and 1880. Susan was not found after 1880 and presumed deceased.
Henry Scalf states that Louanna Scalf Thompson was a daughter of Hezekiah. There is also an Anna J. listed on the census records, but Louanna was never listed. We cannot confirm with confidence that Anna J. and Louanna were the same person although it is very possible they were.
An excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family is listed here. Henry was not able to find records for Ann J. Scalf in his research. This research has also not been able to find records concerning Anna J. Scalf.
VII - VIII. Reconciliation of the 1880 Pike County Census with the Bible and
other records of the Hezekiah Scalf family is difficult. The census lists a
daughter, Anna J., 14 years old, who, would thus have been born in 1866. This
could not be Louanna whose birth date was 1876. The census also lists a Nancy
E., age two. This daughter could not be Louanna. Anna J. is listed in the 1870
Pike County Census as 4 years old, adding evidence that Anna J. was a daughter
of Hezekiah and Sarah Scalf. It is believed she died between 1880 and 1890.
Nancy E., of whom no other record exists, must have died before the turn of the
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
As can be seen by the census of 1860 in Floyd County, Kentucky, Hezekiah was not married in 1860. He was living with his sister Mary and brother-in-law, Columbus Mills at that time. Three years later, in 1863, Hezekiah married Sarah Jane Vaughn-Riddle, daughter of Susan Vaughn-Riddle.
Hezekiah was with his sister and brother-in-law in 1860.
1860 Floyd Co. KY 17 July 1860 Prestonsburg
MILLS, Columbus | M |
26 |
1834 |
KY |
Mary | F |
26 |
1834 |
KY |
Nancy | F |
4 |
1856 |
KY |
Henry | M |
1 |
1859 |
KY |
SKAFF, Hezekiah | M |
19 |
1841 |
VA |
(Brother of Mary) |
In the home of Hezekiah in 1870 were three children; John B., Anny J., and William B., along with Susan Riddle, the mother of Hezekiah's wife Sarah.
Note that Anny J. has an estimated birth date of 1866 on the 1870 census.
1870 Pike Co. KY 29 July 1870 District 5 Piketon
SCAFF, Hezekiah | M |
29 |
1841 |
VA |
Sarah | F |
26 |
1844 |
KY |
John B. | M |
6 |
1864 |
KY |
Anny J. | F |
4 |
1866 |
KY |
William B. | M |
1 |
1869 |
KY |
RIDDLE, Susan | F |
49 |
1821 |
KY |
Mother in law |
By 1880, Hezekiah and Sarah had four more children. His mother-in-law Susan Riddle was still in the home. In addition to John B., Anny J., and William P., Hezekiah and Sarah now had Robert L., Melvin, Nancy E., and William P.
Note that Anna J. again has an estimated birth date of 1866 in 1880. Also note that there is no daughter in the home named Louanna. Louanna was born about 1876 according to her death certificate and should have been in the home in 1880.
1880 Pike Co. KY 11 June 1880 Precinct 5 Lower Johns
SCAFF, Hezekiah |
Head |
35 |
1845 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Sarah Jane |
Wife |
35 |
1845 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John B. |
Son |
15 |
1865 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Ann J |
Dau |
14 |
1866 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
William B. |
Son |
12 |
1868 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Robert L. |
Son |
8 |
1872 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Melvin |
Son |
5 |
1875 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Nancy E. |
Dau |
2 |
1878 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
William P. |
Son |
1/12 |
1880 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
RIDDLE, Susan |
Mother in law |
55 |
1825 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Widow |
Grantee: Scalf, Hezekiah
Acres: 195
Book: 104
Page 516
Patent #: 57744
Grant Book & Page: 104 516
Survey Date: 12-30-1882
Grant Date
County: Pike
Water Course: Buffalo Creek
Volume 1
Part 2
page 1663
By 1900, all the children are gone from the home except James who was born after the enumeration of the 1880 census and was not listed on that census. Note that Anna J. is gone from the home in 1900. She would have been 34 years old in 1900 and likely married if she lived. Louanna (born 1876) does not appear on census records with the family.
Also note that Sarah stated she had 8 children with 6 living in 1900.
1900 Pike Co. KY 13 June 1900 District 7
SCALF, Hezekiah |
Head |
62 |
1838 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Married 39 years |
Sarah J. |
Wife |
54 |
1846 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
8 children born, 6 living |
James |
Son |
20 |
1880 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
In 1910, James is gone and Robert L. is back in the home of his parents. We assume Robert was off somewhere working or possibly married by 1900, however, he is listed as single on the next census.
Sarah again states she had eight children with six living in 1910.
1910 Pike Co. KY 4 May 1910 Precinct 5 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, Hezakia |
Head |
70 |
1840 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Married 49 years. |
Sarah Jane |
Wife |
67 |
1843 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
8 children born, 6 living |
Robert L. |
Son |
40 |
1870 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
In 1920, Robert and James are both in the home of Hezekiah. James is listed
as widowed and we assume the grandchildren of Hezekiah in the home were children
of James. Robert is listed as single.
1920 Pike Co. KY 14 January 1920 District 5 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, Hezekiah |
Head |
78 |
1842 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah |
Wife |
77?? |
1843 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Robert L. |
Son |
50 |
1870 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James P. |
Son |
38 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
Melvin |
G-son |
9 |
1911 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maggie |
G-Dau |
6 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daisy Belle |
G-Dau |
5 |
1915 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nora |
G-Dau |
3 6/12 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
No doubt, Henry was confused with the census records and rightfully so due to the years involved. He mentions that Nancy E. was 2 years old in 1880 and must have died because she disappears from the records. It is possible that Nancy did die; however, we must remember that Nancy would have been around 22 years old by the time the next census (1900) was enumerated and could have been married at that time. There is a 20-year gap between the 1880 and 1900 census, which causes considerable problems in locating people during that timeframe. Another look at marriages for a Nancy Scalf in the area might reveal if Nancy married during that timeframe.
Henry also believed that Anna J. might have died. There was never a listing of a child named Louanna with the family on census records, only Anna J. However, a death certificate obtained by Virgil Scalf reveals that Louanna (Louann) was in fact, the daughter of Hezekiah and Sarah.
On the death certificate, Hezekiah's name is listed as Kia
Scalf, which was
a short name for Hezekiah and confirms that he was the father of Louanna. Her
mother is listed as Sarah Vaughn as well.
Sarah Jane Vaughn-Riddle stated in 1900 that she had eight children with six living. These are the children listed from the census records of Hezekiah and Sarah:
1) John B.From these census records we deduct two of these children, which appear to have been Nancy E. and Anny J. leaving six children living. We know from her death certificate that Louanna was certainly another child of Hezekiah and Sarah and this would have made seven living children by 1900 because she was born in 1876.
It appears that Sarah either made a mistake in her statement, or one of these children did not belong to Hezekiah and Sarah. The only other conclusion to this mystery is the fact that Anny J. and Louanna could have been the same person and the statements made by Louanna concerning her age, etc., were incorrect. All the children listed on the 1870 and 1880 census records were gone from the home by 1900 with the exception of James and therefore, we have no way of knowing exactly which children died before 1900.
As of this date (July 2009) we can verify all the children of Hezekiah that lived to have children. These were: John B. Scalf, Melvin Scalf, Louanna Scalf, James Pinckney Scalf, William Preston Scalf, and Robert L. Scalf. The missing children are William B. Scalf, Nancy E.. Scalf, and Anny J. Scalf. This is a total of nine children, unless Anny J. and Louanna were the same person. If Louanna and Anny J. were the same person, the deceased children would likely have been William B. Scalf and Nancy E. Scalf.
Son of
Hezekiah Scalf & Sarah Vaughn Riddle
John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John B. McClellen Scalf was born January 13, 1864
in Pike County, Kentucky and died at Pike County February 5. 1932 at the age of
67 years, 5 months and 22 days from typhoid fever. John was under a physician's
care from January 11, 1932 until his death in February. His death certificate
lists him as widowed
at the time of death. (Death certificate courtesy of
Virgil Scalf)
John married Sarah Belle Jackson 11 August 1887 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County Marriages)
From Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
John B. McClellan Scalf, Born Jan, 13, 1864, on
the McGuire farm, on Johns Creek; married Belle Jackson Collinsworth of Johns
Creek. She was born May 3, 1867. Belle Scalf died Nov. 25, 1915 after a long
illness. John survived 17 years, living on at the home and rearing his children.
He died Feb. 5. 1932, at the Methodist hospital, Pikeville, Kentucky. Both are
buried in the Scalf cemetery.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter
The records are a bit confusing concerning Belle, as it appears she was either married prior to her marriage to John or she was born before her mother married Tom Collinsworth. Her death certificate states that her father was Tom Collinsworth and her mother was a Jackson. Her mother's first name is difficult to determine from this record. Henry Scalf lists Sarah Belle's name as Belle Jackson Collinsworth. From this we assume her mother may have been married to a Jackson before she married Tom Collinsworth or Belle was born out of wedlock.
This family was found on the census records through 1920. Sarah Belle Jackson Collinsworth Scalf is not listed on the 1920 census records. Her death record confirms the information stated by Henry Scalf with the exception of her birth date, which is not listed on the death certificate. Bell died from abscess of the lungs. Ballard Scalf was the informant for the death record. (Death record courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Otto, son of John B. and Sarah was born 1898 and died 1900.
1900 Pike Co KY 13 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, John B. |
Head |
35 |
1865 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Bell |
Wife |
31 |
1869 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Wane |
Son |
11 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Beverley |
Son |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ervin |
Son |
4 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Otto |
Son |
1 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Pike Co KY 3 May 1910 Precinct #5 Lower
Johns Creek
SCALF, John B. |
Head |
44 |
1866 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Sarah B. |
Wife |
40 |
1870 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wayne P. |
Son |
21 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Floyd B. |
Son |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Irvin D. |
Son |
15 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
H. F. |
Son |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William R. |
Son |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Columbia |
Dau |
2 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Pike Co KY 14 January 1920 District #5 Lower
Johns Creek
SCALF, John B. |
Head |
54 |
1866 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
Irvin |
Son |
24 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wayne |
Son |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
H. H. |
Son |
18 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rush |
Son |
15 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Columbia |
Dau |
11 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
John B. McClellen Scalf & Sarah Belle Jackson Collinsworth
Wayne P<John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Wayne was born December 17, 1888 and died Oct. 8, 1965. He never married. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Wayne P. Scalf
Age: 28
Home Address: Wonder, KY
Date of Birth: December 17, 1888
Occupation: Farmer
(Link to original document)
Location: Wonder, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Disability: Left hand gone due to gunshot wound
Date: September 12, 1918
1940 Pike CO KY 3 April 1940 District #5
SCALF, Rush | Head | 35 | 1905 | KY Divorced |
Geneva | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Wayne | Brother | 47 | 1893 | KY |
1950 Pike CO KY
1 April 1950
MAYNARD, Columbia | Head | 42 | 1908 | Divorced | |
Wayne | Brother | 60 | 1890 | Crew Boss at Gas CO | |
WARKER, Quinnon | Roomer | 22 | 1928 |
1950 Pike CO KY
7 April 1950
SCALF, H | Head | 48 | 1902 | Farmer | |
Zora | Wife | 36 | 1914 | ||
Wayne | Son | 60 | 1890 | ||
Arbusus | Dau | 18 | 1932 | ||
Lucy Jane | Dau | 12 | 1938 | ||
Ralph | Son | 15 | 1935 | ||
Dimple Jean | Dau | 3 | 1947 |
Son of
John B. McClellen Scalf & Sarah Belle Jackson Collinsworth
Floyd B<John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Floyd Beverly (Beb) Scalf was born August 10, 1892. He was killed at the Battle Of Chateau in Thierry, France in World War I on October 3. 1918. Beb never married. His body was returned to the United States and buried with military honors in the Scalf cemetery on Buffalo Creek. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Beb Scalf
Age: 24
Home Address: Wonder, KY
Date of Birth: August 10, 1892
(Link to original document)
Employer: John B. Scalf
Occupation: Farm laborer
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: June 5, 1917
Son of
John B. McCellen Scalf & Sarah Belle Jackson Collinsworth
Ervin<John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ervin Scalf was born May 30, 1895 and died November 5, 1955. He married Violet Runyon. She was born February 1904. Violet Scalf is listed on the Social Security Death Index as born 4 February 1904 and died February 1980 at Stanville (Floyd Co) Kentucky. Pike County, Kentucky death records lists a death date of February 7, 1980. Ervin was a Veteran of World War I and is buried at the Scalf Cemetery on Buffalo Creek.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Ervin Scalf
Age: 22
Home Address: Wonder, KY
Date of Birth: May 30, 1895
Born: Wonder, KY
Occupation: Farm laborer
Name of employer: Sherman Nursery
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Wonder, KY
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: June 5, 1917
During the 1920 census which was taken in January, Irvin and his brother, H.H. Scalf, are listed in the home of their parent, but later in the month, they move to Mingo County, WV and are living with the George Elswick family.
1920 Mingo CO WV 12 January 1920 Williamson
ELSWICK, George | Head | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
Zona | Wife | 40 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
WALKER, Reford | Dau | 19 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Mattie | Dau | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
ELSWICK, Gladys | Dau | 4 5/12 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Helen | Dau | 9/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, H. | Boarder | 24 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
Irvin | Boarder | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Ervin and Violet were found on the 1930 census of Pike County, Kentucky with some of their children. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family for more information).
1930 Pike Co KY 28 April 1930 District #5
SCALF, Ervin |
Head |
36 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Viola |
Wife |
23 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Phoeba |
Son? |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wandia |
Dau |
5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Josephine |
Dau |
4 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John R. |
Son |
1/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
The birth records of Pike County, Kentucky reveal that Ervin and Violet had a son named Joe R. Scalf born June 10, 1929. However, a son, John R. Scalf appears on the 1930 census born in 1930 and was one month old. This was a transcribing error.
1940 Pike Co KY 4 April 1940 District #5
SCAFF, Ervin | Head | 43 | 1897 | KY |
Violet | Wife | 34 | 1906 | KY |
Pheobe | Dau | 15 | 1925 | KY |
Juanita | Dau | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Josephine | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Joe R. | Son | 11 | 1929 | KY |
John H. | Son | 9 | 1931 | KY |
W. B. | Son | 7 | 1933 | KY |
Margaret | Dau | 4 | 1936 | KY |
Billy J. | Son | 2 | 1938 | KY |
Son of
Ervin Scalf & Violet Runyon
Joe<Ervin<John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr
Korean War Casualties
Name: Joe R Scalf
Birth Date: 1929
Race: White
Home State: Kentucky
Casualty Date: 13 Feb 1951
Casualty Country: South Korea
Casualty Type: Killed in Action OR Missing in Action, KIA
Group: KIA or Missing in Action, KIA
Branch: Artillery
Component: USA - RA (Reg Army)
Rank: Corporal
Pay Grade: Corporal
Previous Detail: Missing in Action
Disposed Date: 13 Feb 1951
Disposed Place: South Korea
Organization: In Div - 2nd
Element Sequence: Cv Div Fa Bn 105mmh
Unit #: 0015
Service Occupation: Field Artillery Cannoneer
or H. F. SCALF
Son of
John B. McClellen Scalf and Sarah Belle Jackson Collinsworth
H.F<John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
H. H. Scalf was born September 8, 1901 and died March 8, 1975. We do not know what the H and F stood for in his name if this was H. F. It could also have been H. H. He was listed on the 1910 and 1920 censuses in the home of his father, John B. McClellen Scalf. In 1910 his initials appear to be H. F. and in 1920 they appear to be H. H. His gravestone has a large H and the date he was born and the date he died. He married, November 29, 1930 to Zora Conn. She was born July 23, 1914. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family for the children of this couple).
During the 1920 census which was taken in January, H. H. and his brother, Irvin Scalf, are listed in the home of their parent, but later in the month, they move to Mingo County, WV and are living with the George Elswick family.
1920 Mingo CO WV 12 January 1920 Williamson
ELSWICK, George | Head | 36 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
Zona | Wife | 40 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY |
WALKER, Reford | Dau | 19 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY |
Mattie | Dau | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
ELSWICK, Gladys | Dau | 4 5/12 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Helen | Dau | 9/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, H. | Boarder | 24 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY |
Irvin | Boarder | 20 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
3 April 1940
District 5
SCALF, H. | Head | 39 | 1901 | KY |
Zora | Wife | 25 | 1915 | KY |
Arbutis | Dau | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Ralph | Son | 5 | 1935 | KY |
Lucy Jane | Dau | 2 | 1938 | KY |
1950 Pike COKY
7 April 1950
SCALF, H | Head | 48 | 1902 | Farmer |
Zora | Wife | 36 | 1914 | |
Wayne | son | 60 | 1890 | |
Arbusus | Dau | 18 | 1932 | |
Lucy Jane | Dau | 12 | 1938 | |
Ralph | Son | 15 | 1935 | |
Dimple Jean | Dau | 3 | 1947 |
In 1950 Arbusus was counted two times. She was counted at the home of her
parents and in another home working as a housekeeper.
1950 Pike CO KY 10 April 1950 Pikeville
CALL, W.B. | Head | 59 | 1891 | Owner of Hardware Store |
Ollie | Mother | 74 | 1876 | |
SCALF, Arbutus | Lodger | 18 | 1932 | Housework in private home |
Son of
John B. McClellen Scalf & Sarah Belle Jackson Collinsworth
William R<John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Rush Scalf was born January 26, 1904. He married Lilly Harville daughter of Millard and Pearl James Harville. William and Lilly divorced. They were found on the 1930 census of Pike County, Kentucky with one child, Geneva. Henry Scalf states there were several more children. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
1930 Pike Co KY 29 April 1930 District #5
SCALF, Rush |
Head |
25 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lilly |
Wife |
20 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Genevia |
Dau |
3/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
By 1940, Rush and Lillie are divorced and he and his daughter, Geneva, are
living with a brother, Wayne. The following month, Rush and Geneva move into the
home of a cousin.
1940 Pike CO KY 3 April 1940 District #5
SCALF, Rush | Head | 35 | 1905 | KY Divorced |
Geneva | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Wayne | Brother | 47 | 1893 | KY |
1940 Pike CO KY 21 May 1940 District #6
BURCHETT, O. M. | Head | 42 | 1898 | KY |
Kentucky | Wife | 31 | 1909 | KY |
Ollie, Jr. | Son | 15 | 1925 | KY |
SCALF, Rush | Cousin | 36 | 1904 | KY Divorced |
Geneva | Cousin | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Daughter of
John B. McClellen Scalf & Sarah B. Jackson Collinsworth
Columbia J<John B<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Columbia was born March 14, 1908. She married Virgil Maynard and they divorced. There were no children from this marriage. No further information is known.
Daughter of
Hezekiah Scalf & Sarah Vaughn Riddle
Louanna<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Louanna Scalf, daughter of Hezekiah Scalf and Sarah Vaughn Riddle Scalf, was
born May 1, 1876 in Pike County, Kentucky and died January 20, 1963 at
Prestonsburg General Hospital in Floyd County, Kentucky at the age of 87 years
old from acute myocardial infarction. Her parents are listed as Kia
Scalf and
Sarah Vaughn on her death certificate. Louann is buried at Scalf Cemetery in
Endicott (Pike County) Kentucky. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Louanna married William Ireland Thompson. We have no marriage date for Louanna at this time; however, the 1900 census of Pike County, Kentucky reveals that Luanna had been married 5 years and had 4 children living. By estimation, this places their marriage date around 1895 and correlates with the birth of their child Martha born 1896.
The author believes that Floyd, from the 1910 census, is the same person as Jackson from the 1900 census due to the age and estimated birth date. A death certificate for Floyd is listed below and corresponds with the birth date given for Jackson on the census.
William Ireland Thompson was the son of Granville Thompson. His mother's name was not listed on his death certificate. Ireland was born about 1882 according to his death certificate and died October 22, 1948 at the age of 66 from cerebral hemorrhage. He is buried at the Buffalo Cemetery in Prestonsburg, Kentucky. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Note that Ireland's death certificate lists his age as 66, which estimates a birth year of 1882; however, census records suggest he was born 1873-1875 and this is probably closer to being correct.
Luanna and Ireland were found on the 1900 through 1930 census records of Pike County, Kentucky. Louanna stated she had four children with four living.
1900 Pike CO KY 12 June 1900 District 7
THOMPSON, William | Head | 25 | Jun 1873 | KY | KY | KY | Married 5 years | Farmer |
Luanna | Wife | 21 | May 1879 | KY | KY | KY | Married 5 years | 4 children born, 4 living |
Martha J. | Dau | 4 | May 1896 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Dewey | Son | 2 | Jul 1897 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Mary B. | Dau | 1 | Sep 1898 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Jackson | Son | 0/12 | May 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Luanna and Ireland state they had been married for 15 years on the 1910 census. This correlates with the 1900 census above with a marriage date of 1895. Luanna also stated she had eight children with eight living.
1910 Pike CO KY 3 May 1910 Lower Johns Creek
THOMPSON, Arlan | Head | 36 | 1874 | KY | KY | KY | Married 15 years | Janitor |
Luanna | Wife | 34 | 1876 | KY | KY | KY | Married 15 years | 8 children born, 8 living |
Martha J. | Dau | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Dewey L. | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Mary B. | Dau | 11 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Floyd | Son | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Harris G. | Son | 8 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Sarah | Dau | 6 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Burley | Son | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Gracy | Dau | 2 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Ireland Thompson
Age: 40
Home Address: Wonder, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: June 15, 1878
Occupation: Farmer
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Nearest relative: Louanna Scalf
Address of nearest relative: Wonder, Pike CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: September 12, 1918
Note the age of Louanna listed in 1920. Her age was stated as 40 years old. She was 34 in 1870 so she should have been 44 in 1880, which calculates a birth date of 1876.
1920 Pike CO KY 14 January 1920 Lower Johns Creek
THOMPSON, Ireland | Head | 45 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | Farmer |
Louana | Wife | 40 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY | |
Dewey | Son | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | |
Floyd | Son | 19 | 1901 | KY | KY | KY | |
Harless | Son | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY | |
Burley | Son | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY | |
Gracie | Dau | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | |
Sarah | Dau | 15 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Chester | Son | 5 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY | |
Tennessee | Dau | 2 6/12 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
NOTE: On the 1930 census Tennessee appears as a granddaughter at age 14. In 1920, Tennessee is listed as a daughter at the age of 2 years and 6 months old. She should have been 12 years and 6 months old in 1930 but appears as14 years old in 1930. Although the age is off by 2 years, we believe that Tennessee was the daughter from the 1920 census instead of a granddaughter as she was listed in 1930. We believe the enumerator likely got confused since the daughter Sarah was married and divorced with her children in the home. Sarah also appears as a granddaughter in 1930 instead of a daughter.
Sarah was 15 in 1920 and appears as a granddaughter in 1930 at age 22. We feel certain this was another mistake by the enumerator and Sarah was actually the daughter and not a granddaughter.
Sarah had married at the age of 18 according to the 1930 census. If this is correct, she would have married around 1923 according to her estimated birth year from the census records. This would have been 7 years before the enumeration of the 1930 census. If this is correct, the children, Elsie, age 7; Woodrow, age 3 yrs. and 4 months; and Celia, age 5 could have been Sarah's children although Celia and Woodrow are listed as children of Ireland and Louanna. Unfortunately, this census does not list how many children belonged to each family, living and/or deceased. Therefore, we can only assume these could have been Sarah's children.
Again, Louanna states she married at 18.
1930 Pike CO KY 28 April 1930 District 5
THOMPSON, Ireland | Head | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 19 | Farmer |
Lou Annie | Wife | 51 | 1879 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 18 | |
Harlas | Son | 23 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Celia | Dau | 5 | 1925 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Chester | Son | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Tennessee | G-Dau | 14 | 1916 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Sarah | G-Dau | 22 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 18 | Divorced |
Elsie | Dau | 7 | 1923 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Woodrow | Son | 3 4/12 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
CONCLUSION: Louanna stated in 1920 that she married at age 18. She also stated she had been married 5 years in 1900, which places her marriage date around 1895. If born in 1876, she was around 18 or 19 when she married.
As of this date, we have not found information on Anny J. Scalf, Nancy E. Scalf, or William B. Scalf, children of Hezekiah and Sarah; however, the search continues.
Son of
William Ireland Thompson & Louanna Scalf
Dewey Thompson<Louanna Scalf<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Dewey Thompson, son of William Ireland Thompson and Louanna Scalf, was born July 26, 1897 according to the 1900 census in his parent's home. His age estimates a birth date of 1902 on the 1930 census of Pike County, Kentucky. Dewey was living near parents in 1930. His wife was Jennie _____. They had one son, Milton, at this time. No further information is known of this family.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Dewey Thompson
Age: 21
Home Address: Wonder, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: July 26, 1897
Name of employer: Massey Bottom Coal CO
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Massey Bottom, KY
Nearest relative: Ireland Thompson
Address of nearest relative: Wonder, Pike CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: August 24, 1918
1930 Pike CO KY 28 April
1930 District 5
THOMPSON, Dewey | Head | 28 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 19 |
Jennie | Wife | 24 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 20 |
Gertrude | Dau | 9 | 1921 | KY | KY | KY | |
Milton | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
William Ireland Thompson & Louanna Scalf
Floyd Thompson<Louanna Scalf<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Floyd Thompson, son of Ireland and Louann, was born May 20, 1901 and died January 1 in either 1923 or 1925. The death certificate is confusing because the date of onset of his illness states from December 22, 1922 to January 1, 1922, which could not be accurate and the author wonders if this should be January 1, 1923; however, it also states the duration of illness as 28 months. Some numbers are blurred and difficult to make out. Floyd died from typhoid caused by complications of hemorrhage, so it is very difficult to determine what the dates actually are. Floyd is buried at Wonder, Kentucky. His parents are listed as Ireland Thompson and Louann Scalf. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Floyd Thompson
Age: 18
Home Address: Wonder, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: May 26, 1900
Occupation: Farmer
Name of employer: Ireland Thompson
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Wonder, KY
Nearest relative: Ireland Thompson
Address of nearest relative: Wonder, Pike CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Black
Date: September 12, 1918
We have no further information on the family of Floyd
Son of
Hezekiah Scalf and Sarah Vaughn Riddle
Robert L<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Robert L. Scalf was born about 1872. His death date is unknown. Robert is listed in Chronicles of the Scalf Family as Robert E. Lee Scalf. He is listed on the census records as Robert L. Scalf. For further information, see Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
1920 Floyd CO KY 23 January 1920 Mud Precinct
STRATTON, Granville R. |
Head |
63 |
1857 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Edith J. |
Wife |
60 |
1860 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Walter F. |
Son |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William H. |
Son |
27 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
AMPIERS, Anna C. |
Dau |
29 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widow |
James C. |
G-Son |
8 |
1912 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Francis R. |
G-son |
7 |
1913 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
MAYS, William J. |
Son in law |
62 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rosa A. |
Dau |
37 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Robert L |
Boarder |
48 |
1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Five additional boarders and one servant are in the house, but they are not listed. Robert Scalf was never married and lived with his parents for many years.
Son of
Hezekiah Scalf & Sarah Vaughn Riddle
James P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Pinckney Scalf was born May 10, 1880 in Pike County, Kentucky. His death certificate states he was approximately 58 years old when he died. He died December 17, 1936. The accident took place on his farm at Mare Creek. James was buried at Mare Creek on December 20, 1936.
Statement of Henry P. Scalf: While working for his nephew, Wallace
Scalf, on a farm, on Mare Creek, he was accidentally killed by falling over a
cliff while constructing a fence, Dec. 17, 1936. He lies buried in the
Stratton-Scalf cemetery on Mare Creek. His widow, Dovie Lyons Scalf, survives at
this date 1966.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
At the time of death, James was married to Dovie Lyons. He is shown only on the 1910 census with his first wife Angeline Collins. Angie died December 23, 1918. James and Angie were the parents of five children. One of these children was Ollie B. Scalf born March 4, 1916 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County, KY birth records)
Another child found on the Pike County birth records was Suza M. Scalf born
March 6, 1913. Her mother's name is listed as Cilsy
Collins. There does not
appear to be another Collins marriage in this family and we are assuming this
might have been a misspelling of a nickname or middle for Angeline; however,
this could be another person.
In 1920, James is in the home of his father Hezekiah along with the children of James and Angie.
James then married Dovie Lyons and they had four children.
By estimation from the census records, James married Dovie Lyons around 1917. They were found on the 1930 census of Pike County, Kentucky. The children of James and Angie were not found in the home on this census.
Children of James Pinckney Scalf and Angeline Collins:
1) William Melvin Scalf
2) Suza Magdalene Scalf
3) Daisy Belle Scalf
4) Olie B. Scalf
5) Nora Scalf
1910 Pike Co. KY 4 May 1910 Precinct
5 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, James P. |
Head |
29 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Angie |
Wife |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William M. |
Son |
1 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: James Scalf
Age: 38
Home Address: Betsy Layne, Floyd CO, KY
Date of Birth: May 10, 1880
Occupation: Farmer
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Betsy Layne, Floyd CO, KY
Nearest relative: A. Angeline Scalf
Address of nearest relative: Betsy Layne, Floyd CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Dark Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Pike Co KY 14 January 1920 District #5 Lower Johns Creek
SCALF, Hezekiah |
Head |
78 |
1842 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah |
Wife |
77 |
1843 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Robert L. |
Son |
50 |
1870 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James P. |
Son |
38 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
Melvin |
G-son |
9 |
1911 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Died: March 28, 1937 |
Maggie |
G-dau |
6 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daisy Belle |
G-dau |
5 |
1915 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nora |
G-dau |
3 6/12 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Floyd Co KY 9 April 1920 District #3
SCALF, James |
Head |
50 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dovie |
Wife |
36 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Finance |
Son |
12 |
1918 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dortha |
Dau |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Junier |
Son |
4 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sallie |
Dau |
2 7/12 |
1927 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Denver |
Son |
1/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Note: James and Dovie were listed twice on the 1930 census. It appears they had moved from district 3 to district 5 between April 3 and April 28, 1930.
1930 Pike Co KY 28 April 1930 District #5
SCALF, James P. |
Head |
58 |
1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dovie |
Wife |
30 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dorothy |
Dau |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James |
Son |
6 6/12 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Denfer |
Son |
1/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
CRAFT, Finis |
Step-Son |
13 |
1917 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
11 May 1940
District #5
SCALF, Dova | Head | 48 | 1892 | KY |
Dorothy | Dau | 15 | 1925 | KY |
Denver | Son | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Tommy E. | Son | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Son of
James Pinckney Scalf and Angeline Collins
Melvin<James P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Melvin Scalf, the son of James Pinckney Scalf and Angeline Collins, was born June 9, 1909 and died March 28, 1937 in Gates, West Virginia. Melvin married Josephine Irene Lafferty on August 10, 1929 in Betsy Lane, Kentucky. Josephine was born November 26, 1912. At some point, she moved to California. On December 21, 1943 Josephine married Roland Steele. She died in San Diego, California on October, 1986.
(Link to photograph of Melvin Scalf)
(Link ot Melvin Scalf death certificate)
Child of Melvin Scalf and Josephine Irene Lafferty:
1. Mary Imogene Scalf - born November 1, 1932 and died 2003. Mary married Charles Boland Gray on July 27, 1951 in Oceana, Virginia. (Link to marriage document)
(Link to photograph of Mary Imogene Scalf)
1920 Pike Co KY 14 January 1920 District #5 Lower
Johns Creek
SCALF, Hezekiah |
Head |
78 |
1842 |
KY |
VA |
VA |
Sarah |
Wife |
77 |
1843 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Robert L. |
Son |
50 |
1870 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James P. |
Son |
38 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
Melvin |
G-son |
9 |
1911 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Died: March 28, 1937 |
Maggie |
G-dau |
6 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daisy Belle |
G-dau |
5 |
1915 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nora |
G-dau |
3 6/12 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Mingo CO WV
18 April 1940
Lee District
HATFIELD, Bure | Head | 28 | 1912 | KY | |
Beulah | Wife | 22 | 1918 | KY | |
Kathleen | Dau | 5 | 1935 | KY | |
Chester P | Son | 3 | 1937 | KY | |
SCALF, Imogene | Niece | 7 | 1933 | WV | (Daughter of Melvin & Josephine Scalf) |
1940 Mingo CO WV
18 April 1940
MCNAMARA, Robert V. | Head | 34 | 1906 | WV | |
Bessie | Wife | 30 | 1910 | WV | |
SCALF, Josephine | Maid | 28 | 1912 | KY | Widow |
Daughter of
James Pinckney Scalf and Angeline Collins
James P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
1930 Pike CO KY 29 April 1930 District 5
KING, Jake | Head | 44 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY |
Cora | Wife | 46 | 1884 | KY | KY | KY |
Ferrell | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
Ennice Mae | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Henry | Son | 2 6/12 | 1927 | KY | KY | KY |
SCALF, Maggie | Adopted dau | 19 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Magdalene Maggie
married David Hall.
Children of David Hall and Magdalene Scalf:
1) Clayton Hall
2) Bessie I. Hall
3) Juna M. Hall
Son of
Hezekiah Scalf & Sarah Vaughn Riddle
Melvin<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Melvin Scalf was born about April 25, 1875 according to WWI Registration Card. He married Alcya or Elsie Goble 21 January 1897 in Pike County, Kentucky (Pike County
Her name is spelled Alcya on this record. Her name is stated in Chronicles
of the Scalf Family as Elsie Goble.
Melvin and his family moved to Lewis
County Washington around 1904 but moved back to Kentucky some years later. An
excerpt is listed from Chronicles of the Scalf Family concerning Melvin.
He settled on the Cowlitz River in Southern Washington, homesteaded a ranch
and added to his family. He returned in 1921, after an absence of 17 years. His
wife had died and he remarried, went to housekeeping again on the Scalf farm. He
remarried to Ann Spears Collins, widow. They were parents of four children, one
son named Walter II. Melvin Scalf, after a long illness, died Dec. 17, 1936, and
is buried back of his home site on a cedar covered knoll he selected while
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, VIII)
Based on information found in the 1940 census, the death of Melvin Scalf did not occur on December 17, 1936 as was reported in Henry Scalf's book, Chronicles of the Scalf Family, and he was alive when the 1940 census was taken on April 3, 1940. At the present time, we do not know when Melvin Scalf died.
The 1930 census shows Melvin married to Susie. We cannot confirm if Susan was the same person as Ann mentioned in Henry's writings. Chronicles of the Scalf Family states that Walter, the first child of Melvin died in Washington in early adulthood. Walter was listed in the cemetery listings of Rainey Valley Cemetery with no birth or death dates. However, an obituary was found at the Lewis County Historical Museum.
Walter Scalf, aged 19 years died at Onalaska Monday of influenza. He was the son of Mr. And Mrs. Melvin Scalf of Randle. The funeral service was held Wednesday. Rev.
officiating. Interment was in the Randle cemetery under the direction of C. L.
Stricklin. (Lewis County Historical Museum)
Children of Melvin Scalf and Elsie Goble from
Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
1) Walter Scalf (1) born about 1899 in Kentucky. Died in
Washington State November 4, 1918.
2) Lenora (Nora) Scalf born 1901 Pike County, Kentucky. Death date
unknown. Married Thomas Grover 1924.
3) Raymond Perry Scalf born 1903 Pike County Kentucky. Married Maxine.
Lived in Bellingham, Washington.
4) Albert O. Scalf born 1908 in Washington and died 17 January 1990.
Married Eleanor Holmberg.
NOTE: Death record of Albert O. Scalf and his wife Eleanor lists the following:
Eleanor A Scalf 23 Oct 1995 died at Port Townsend. Her residence was Jefferson. She died at that age of 80 (Certificate No. 028665) Albert O Scalf died 17 Jan 1990 at Jefferson. Residence listed as Jefferson. He died at 81 years old. (Certificate No. 000396)
Children of Melvin Scalf and Ann Spears Collins
from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
1) Walter Scalf II born 1924. Walter II married Madeline
Burchett. Divorced.
2) Gertrude Scalf born 1925. Married Samuel Lewis.
3) Mata Alice Scalf born 1930 married Walter Scalf, son of Trimble and
Minnie Lyons Scalf.
4) Carol Lee Scalf married Tom Lewis.
1900 Pike Co KY 13 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, Melvin |
Head |
25 |
1875 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Alsin W. |
Wife |
19 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Walter |
Son |
1 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Lewis Co WA 17 May 1910 Big Bottom Precinct
SCALF, Melvin |
Head |
35 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Aley |
Wife |
29 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Walter |
Son |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nora |
Dau |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Perry |
Son |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Albert |
Son |
1 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Melvin Scalf
Age: 43
Home Address: Randle, Lewis CO, WA
Date of Birth: April 25, 1875
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Farmer
Place of employment: Randle, Lewis CO, WA
Name of closest relative: Walter Scalf (son), Randle, Lewis CO, WA
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Lewis Co WA 27-29 January 1920 Temple Precinct
SCALF, Melvin |
Head |
43 |
1877 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Widower |
Perry |
Son |
16 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nora |
Dau |
18 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Albert |
Son |
10 |
1910 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Pearl |
Dau |
8 |
1912 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
Alton |
Son |
4 8/12 |
1915 |
WA |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pike Co KY 28 April 1930 District #5
SCALF, Melvin |
Head |
58 |
1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Susie |
Wife |
48 |
1882 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rastus |
Son |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Gertude |
Dau |
5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maidie Alice |
Dau |
1/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
3 April 1940
District 5
SCALF, Melvin | Head | 65 | 1885 | KY |
Anna | Wife | 58 | 1882 | KY |
Rastus | Son | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Walter | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Gertrude | Dau | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Natie Alice | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Carol Lee | Dau | 5 | 1935 | KY |
Aldie | Son | 23 | 1917 | WA |
Daughter of
Melvin and Elsie Goble
(Lenora<Melvin<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lenora was born 1901 in Pike County, Kentucky. She married Thomas R. Grover in1924. Thomas Grover died 1960. Lenora' s death date is unknown. (See Chronicles of the Scalf Family for a list of their children).
Son of
Melvin Scalf & Elsie Goble
Raymond<Melvin<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Perry Scalf, son of Melvin and Elsie (Alcia) Gobble Scalf, was born August 21, 1904 and died September 15, 1981 in Washington State. He apparently remained in Washington when his father returned to Kentucky. Perry was living in a hotel in Seattle, Washington in 1930. We have no further information on Perry.
Henry Scalf
Chronicles of the Scalf Family) states the following concerning Perry: Logging contractor in
Washington and Montana. Born in Pike County, Kentucky, 1903. Married Maxine.....
They live in Bellingham, Washington.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
1930 King Co WA 19 April 1930 Seattle (Hotel)
SCALF, Perry |
Guest |
26 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Mason CO WA
12 April 1940
SCALF, Harry R. | Lodger | 35 | 1905 | KY |
Son of
Melvin Scalf & Elsie Goble
Albert O<Melvin<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Albert O. Scalf, son of Melvin and Elsie (Alcia) Goble Scalf also remained in Washington when his father returned to Kentucky. Albert was born September 28,1908 in Washington and died January 17, 1990 at the age of 81. (SS Death Index).
He married Eleanor Alvira Holmberg. Eleanor was born August 13, 1915 and died October 23, 1995 at the age of 80 at Port Townsend (Jefferson Co) Washington. Albert was living in King County (Seattle) Washington in 1930. The census is not clear as to whether Albert was on board a ship or not.
(Link to Albert Scalf & Eleanor Holmberg marriage)
Chronicles of the Scalf Family
lists the following children for Albert and Eleanor:
1) Kristi
2) John
3) Sherry
4) Teresa
5) Albert Jr.
1930 King Co WA December 1930 Light House Tender Seattle
SCALF, Albert |
(On ship)?? |
21 |
1909 |
US |
US |
US |
1940 Mason CO WA
6 April 1940
SCALF, Albert O. | Head | 31 | 1909 | WA |
Eleanor A. | Wife | 24 | 1916 | WA |
Lenora K. | Dau | 1 | 1939 | WA |
Daughter of
Melvin Scalf and Elsie Goble
Pearl<Melvin<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Pearl Scalf was born
May 25, 1911 and died December 16, 1990 in Fall City, King County, Washington. She married Carl Gunnells, son of Benjamin
and Eliza Gunnells. Henry Scalf, Chronicles of the Scalf
Family, reports that Pearl returned to Kentucky with her
father and married. She and her husband returned to Washington. No further
1930 Floyd CO KY 8 April 1930 Betsy Lane
GUNNELLS, Carl | Head | 20 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 18 |
Pearl | Wife | 19 | 1911 | WA | KY | KY | Married @ 17 |
Virginia | Dau | 4 2/12 | 1926 | KY | KY | WA | |
Mary Lee | Dau | 10/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | WA |
Son of
Melvin Scalf and Elsie Goble
Aulton<Melvin<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Aulton Scalf was born August 1, 1918 in Washington and died June 24, 1970 in Virginia. He married first to Estelle Gunnells, daughter of Ben and Eliza Gunnells and sister of Pearl's husband Carl. They had one son Jackie Donald Scalf who married Bonnie Blackburn and lived on Buffalo Creek.
(Link to Aulton Harry Scalf death certificate)
In the 1940 census below, Estelle is living separate from her husband, Aulton
Scalf. At this time, Aulton is living with his parents. Eventually, Aulton and
Estelle are divorced.
Child of Aulton Scalf and Estelle Gunnells:
1. Jackie Scalf
Child of Aulton Scalf and Mary Louise Ferguson:
1. Infant -
(Link to death certificate)
1940 Pike CO KY 3 April
1940 District 5
SCALF, Melvin | Head | 65 | 1885 | KY |
Anna | Wife | 58 | 1882 | KY |
Rastus | Son | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Walter | Son | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Gertrude | Dau | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Natie Alice | Dau | 12 | 1928 | KY |
Carol Lee | Dau | 5 | 1935 | KY |
Aldie | Son | 23 | 1917 | WA |
1940 Pike CO KY 18 April 1940 District 1
SCALF, Estelle | Head | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Jackie | Son | 3 | 1937 | KY |
1950 7 April 1950
SCALF, Ann | Head | 67 | 1883 | Widow | |
Jackie Donald | S-son | 13 | 1937 |
Aulton's second wife was Mary Louise Ferguson and they were married in 1949. However, Aulton and Mary were divorced on May 17, 1965.
(Link to Aulton Scalf and Mary Scalf divorce document)
Son of
Melvin Scalf & Ann Spears
Walter II<Melvin<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
1950 Floyd CO KY 14 April 1950 Betsy Lane
SCALF, Walter L. | Head | 27 | 1923 | KY | Grade School Teacher |
Madeline | Wife | 25 | 1925 | KY | |
Willie | Son | 6 | 1944 | KY | |
Ranald | Son | 1 | 1949 | KY |
Son of
Hezekiah Scalf & Sarah Vaughn Riddle
William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Preston Scalf, son of Hezekiah Scalf and Sarah Vaughn Riddle, was born Oct, 2. 1868. William married Phoebe Alice Stratton Nunnery, widow of Andrew Nunnery, and mother of Lee Nunnery.
William and Phoebe Alice Stratton Nunnery were married March 14, 1889, at the home of William and Susan Courtney, on Mare Creek, Floyd County with the Rev. Wm. H. Layne, Baptist minister officiating. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
William Preston Scalf died May 26, 1912 at the age of 44 years, 7 months and 24 days from pulmonary tuberculosis. (Death certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Phoebe Stratton Nunnery Scalf died Jan. 13, 1955. William and Phoebe are both buried in the Stratton-Scalf cemetery on Mare Creek.
William and Phoebe were the parents of Henry P. Scalf, author of Chronicles of the Scalf Family. For further information on this family see Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII.
1910 Floyd Co KY 22 April 1910 Precinct #5 – Mouth of Mud
SCALF, William P. |
Head |
40 |
1870 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Alice |
Wife |
45 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John T. |
Son |
20 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mary |
Dau |
16 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jane |
Dau |
13 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Henry |
Son |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dellie |
Dau |
5 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Wallas |
Son |
2 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Floyd CO KY 27 January 1920 Mouth of Mud Precinct
SCALF, Pheba A. | Head | 55 | 1865 | KY | KY | KY | Widow |
Henry P. | Son | 17 | 1903 | KY | KY | KY | |
Della | Dau | 15 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Wallace | Son | 12 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Pike CO KY 19 April 1940 District 1
SCALF, Wallace | Head | 32 | 1908 | KY |
Delsie | Wife | 26 | 1914 | KY |
William | Son | 6 | 1934 | KY |
Phoebe | Mother | 75 | 1865 | KY Widow |
Son of
William Preston Scalf & Phoebe Alice Stratton
John T<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Tandy Scalf was born December 4, 1889. He married Anna Lee Gose. Their children were:
1) John Woodrow Scalf married Elizabeth Elliott.
2) Hubert Preston Scalf married Ida Marie Parsons.
3) Herbert Russell Scalf born May 20, 1921 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County, KY birth records) Wife's name unknown.
4) Greetis Evelyn Scalf married Connell Miller.
5) Mildred J. Scalf married Harry Clark.
(See Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
1930 Floyd Co KY 5 April 1930 Precinct #17 Betsy Lane
SCALF, John T. |
Head |
40 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Anna Lee |
Wife |
35 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John W. |
Son |
16 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Hubert P. |
Son |
14 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Herbert R. |
Son |
8 |
1922 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Greetis E. |
Dau |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Mildred J. |
Dau |
3 4/12 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
9 April 1940
District 3
SCALF, John T. | Head | 50 | 1890 | KY |
Anna Lee | Wife | 45 | 1895 | KY |
Russell | Son | 18 | 1922 | KY |
Greetis | Dau | 16 | 1924 | KY |
Mildred | Dau | 13 | 1927 | KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: J. T. Scalf
Age: 23
Home Address: Betsy Layne, KY
Date of Birth: December 4, 1889
Born: Gulnare, KY
Name of employer: Thacker Coal Co (Link to original document)
Occupation: Mining coal
Place of employment: Thacker, WV
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Dark brown
Name: John Tandy Scalf
Place of residence: Wharton, Boone CO, WV
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
Age: 52
Date of birth: December 4, 1889
Place of birth: Pike CO, KY
Name and address of person who will know your address: Mrs. Annalee Scalf, Big
Rock, Wharton, WV
Employer: Koppers Coal Co, Wharton, Boone CO, WV
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 155
Eye: Blue
Hair: Gray
Complexion: Light
Obvious physical characteristics: Little finger on left hand off
Son of
John Tandy Scalf & Anna Lee Gose
John W.<John T<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Scalf, son of John Tandy Scalf & Anna Lee Gose, was born about 1914. He married Elizabeth Elliott.
1940 Floyd CO KY 29 April 1940 District 4
SCALF, John W. | Head | 27 | 1913 | KY |
Elizabeth | Wife | 27 | 1913 | KY |
Violet | Dau | 5 | 1935 | OH |
Phyllis | Dau | 3 | 1937 | OH |
John D. | Son | 8/12 | 1939 | KY |
Son of
John Tandy Scalf & Anna Lee Gose
Hubert<John T<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Hubert P. Scalf, son of John Tandy Scalf & Anna Lee Gose, was born May2, 1915 in West Virginia and died February 9, 1996 in Middletown, Ohio. Hubert married Ida Marie Preston.
1940 Pike CO KY 8 April 1940 District 4
SCALF, Hubert | Head | 24 | 1916 | WV |
Marie | Wife | 22 | 1918 | KY |
Bobby | Son | 5 | 1935 | KY |
Anna Lucile | Dau | 1 | 1939 | KY |
Daughter of
William P. Scalf and Phoebe Alice Stratton
Mary<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mary Louise Scalf
, Born Dec. 26, 1892. Married first Samuel D.C.
Adams. One son, Bernard Ollner, married Pearlie Bryant. Mary Scalf Adams,
following the death of S.D.C. Adams, remarried to Everett Thompson, No children.
One daughter of Bernard and Pearlie Adams was Judy, married to James Villens, a
geologist. Mr. and Mrs. Villens have a son, Edward Mooree One daughter of S.D.C.
Adams and Mary Louise Scalf was Vernice, who died at age three. Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Thompson reside (1968) on a farm at Stanville, Kentucky. (Chronicles
of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Daughter of
William P. Scalf and Phoebe Alice Stratton
Phoebe<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Phoebe Jane Scalf. Born June 22, 1895. Married first Lindsay Hunt who
was killed in a mine accident at Stanville, Kentucky, Jan. 8, 1940. Children
were Norvell, died young; Alex Preston, married Vena Thompson; Carada, married
Norma Faye Spears; Erschel, married Pauline Collins. Alex Preston Hunt was
killed in an auto accident at Broad Bottom, Kentucky, Nov. 10, 1953. He and Vena
Thompson were parents of children: Lindsay Lee, who now resides at Emma,
Kentucky and is an employee of Jenny Wiley State Park at Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
Carada Hunt and Norma Faye Spears Hunt are parents of five children: Freddie
Darrell, John Michael, Betsy, Don Robin, and William Douglas. They reside at
Stanville, Kentucky.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
Son of
William P. Scalf and Phoebe Alice Stratton
Henry P<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Henry Preston Scalf was born February 20, 1902. He married first to Myrtle Butler, May 2, 1925. Myrtle was born March 3, 1906 and died 14 September 1930 at the age of 24. (Pike County, Kentucky death records)
Myrtle was the daughter of Milton Butler and Dove Thompson Butler. Myrtle died at Pikeville, Kentucky September 14, 1930. She is buried on the Stratton-Scalf Cemetery at Stanville, Kentucky.
Henry Preston Scalf married second to Norah James daughter of Thomas and Angeline Robinson James. Henry and Norah were married October 21, 1931 in Pike County, Kentucky. Norah James Scalf was born Jan. 5, 1912 at Gulnare, Kentucky. (Birth date and location from Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
Child of Henry P. Scalf and Myrtle Butler:
1) Mary Alice Scalf born May 3. 1926 and died May 7, 1926.
Children of Henry P. Scalf and Norah James:
1) Ballard Preston Scalf born Nov. 15, 1933. He married Anna Jewel Moles, daughter of Richard and Gay Hatfield Moles. (Ballard died August 2, 1984 at Prestonsburg (Floyd Co) Kentucky) (SS Death Index and Kentucky death records of Floyd County)
2) Wallace Julian Scalf.
3) Albert DeVon Scalf.
4) Brenda Sue Scalf
1940 Pike CO KY 19 April 1940 District 1
SCALF, Henry | Head | 38 | 1902 | KY |
Nora | Wife | 28 | 1912 | KY |
Ballard | Son | 6 | 1934 | KY |
Wallace | Son | 4 | 1936 | KY |
Henry Preston Scalf was the author of Chronicles of the Scalf Family. We are indebted to Henry and his assistant Elsie Payne Archer for pioneering the writings of the Scalf Family. Without these writings as well as the writings of Elmer D. Scalf, author of Scalf Family History, we would not have the guideposts needed to find information for these families.
Henry Preston Scalf died September 1979 at Stanville, Kentucky. His wife, Norah James Scalf died February 16, 1986 at Stanville (Floyd Co) Kentucky. (SS Death Index and Pike County, Kentucky death records)
For further information on these families, see Chapter VIII of Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
Daughter of
William P. Scalf and Phoebe Alice Stratton
Della<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Della Scalf
. Born Nov. 22, 1904, at Stanville. Married Carada Terry,
Wayland, Kentucky. Terry is the proprietor of an office supply sales business.
They reside at Wayland, Floyd County. Children are Irettes, married Betty Deits,
and have one child, Stephen Mark; Joyce Ray, former-Floyd County teacher,
married Claydean Sherman and have a daughter, Barbara Sue; James Kenneth, who
married Rose Cavins, and they have a son, David Michael. (Chronicles of the
Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
1930 Floyd CO KY 3 April 1930 Wayland
TERRY, Carada | Head | 24 | 1906 | KY | KY | KY |
Della | Wife | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
Irettes | Son | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
William P. Scalf and Phoebe Alice Stratton
William W<William P<Hezekiah<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Wallace Scalf
. Born Sept. 15, 1907. Graduate of Morris Harvey
College, Charleston, W. Va., as is his wife, Delsie White. Both are now teachers
in the public school system of Logan County, W. Va. William Wallace Scalf spent
several years as a Pike and Floyd counties teacher and at one time was employed
in shipbuilding at Panama City, Florida. He afterward worked at the atomic
energy plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He resides at Amherstdale, West Virginia.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII)
1940 Pike CO KY
19 April 1940
District 1
SCALF, Wallace | Head | 32 | 1908 | KY |
Delsie | Wife | 26 | 1914 | KY |
William | Son | 6 | 1934 | KY |
Phoebe | Mother | 75 | 1865 | KY Widow |
End Hezekiah Scalf
Son of
Brittan Scalf & Talitha Couch
James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Breckinridge Scalf, born May 18, 1842 in Russell County, Virginia and died October 7, 1915 in Pike County, Kentucky at the age of 73 years old. (Death date from Sherry Blackburn research)
On April 21, 1863 James married Rebecca Scott. She was born December 16, 1842 the daughter of Axton Scott and Ruth Ann Blevins. She was the granddaughter of William Scott and Elizabeth McCoy. (Marriage record index courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Rebecca Scott Scalf died on her birthday December 16,1910 at the age of 68 in Gulnare, Kentucky. Her husband died six years later in 1916. James and Rebecca are buried at the Scott cemetery at Gulnare. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
Children of James Breckenridge Scalf and
Rebecca Scott from Chronicles of the Scalf Family.
1) Jeremiah Lee Scalf – married Sarah Pinson.
2) John C. B. Scalf – married Victoria Smith.
3) Green Brittan Scalf - born Feb. 21, 1869 and died ca 1889
4) Mitchell Thomas Scalf – married Arzella Louise McGuire
5) Mary Emily Scalf - born June 26, 1875, burned to death at the fireside
in the home as an infant.
6) Victoria Adelaide Scalf - born May 26, 1873, married first John Riley
Nunnery. Married second to Thomas Crum. Her last marriage was to Walker Mayo.
7) Christopher Columbus Scalf - married Susannah McGuire.
8) Willie Morgan Scalf - married Gracie
9) Ruth Ann Scalf - married William Calvin Clark.
10) Peter M. Scalf - born Nov. 4, 1884, died around four years of age.
11) Talitha Belle Scalf - married Malcolm James.
1870 Pike Co KY 29 July 1870 District
#5 Piketon
SCAFF, James B. | M |
27 |
1843 |
VA |
Rebecca | F |
26 |
1844 |
KY |
Jeremiah | M |
6 |
1864 |
KY |
John C. | M |
3 |
1867 |
KY |
Green B. | M |
1 |
1869 |
KY |
1880 Pike Co KY 11 June1880 Precinct #5 Lower
Johns Creek
SCAFF, James B. |
Head |
38 |
1842 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Rebecca |
Wife |
33 |
1847 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jeremiah L. |
Son |
16 |
1864 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
John C. |
Son |
14 |
1866 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
General Brittan |
Son |
11 |
1869 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Mitchell T. |
Son |
9 |
1871 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Victoria A |
Dau |
7 |
1873 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Christopher C. |
Son |
4 |
1876 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
William W. |
Son |
9/12 |
1879 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Grantee: Scalf, J. B.
Patent #: 58856
Acres: 46
Book: 106
Page: 34
Survey Date: 3- 2-1883
Grant Date: 4/28/1884
County: Pike
Water Course: Lick Branch of Buffalo Creek
Volume 1
Part 2
page: 1663
1900 Pike Co KY 12 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, James B. |
Head |
57 |
1843 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Rebecca |
Wife |
56 |
1844 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Vicy B. |
Dau |
13 |
1887 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
1910 Pike Co KY 22 April 1910 Lower Johns
SCALF, James B. |
Head |
67 |
1843 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
Rebecca J. |
Wife |
67 |
1843 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Son of
James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott
Jeremiah L<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jeremiah Scalf was born February 21, 1864 in Kentucky and died December 15, 1934 at Gulnare (Pike Co.) Kentucky. He was 69 years and 9 months old according to his death certificate. Jerry, as he was known, died from carcinoma of the prostate. His parents were listed as Jim Scalf and Rebecca Scott. Jeremiah was listed as married at the time of death indicating that his wife Sarah was still living. (Death certificate of Jeremiah Scalf courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Jeremiah married Sarah Pinson 17 October 1890 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County Marriages). Sarah was born 1858 and died 1930. She was the daughter of Jarrett Pinson and Dilly Howard. (Research of Sherry Blackburn)
The children listed below were taken from the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census in
correlation with the research of Sherry Blackburn, along with the birth and
death records of Pike County, Kentucky.
1) Nona Scalf was born 1892 per census records.
2) Florace Scalf born about 1894. Florace is listed as a son on the 1900
census, a daughter on the 1910 census and a son again on the 1920 census.
Florace is listed as a daughter on the 1930 census.
3) Carl Scalf married Polly James, daughter of Malcolm James. Carl was
born September 16, 1895 and died November 26, 1978 in Pike County, Kentucky at
the age of 83. His wife, Polly, was born 29 June 1901 and died March 23, 1984
in Pike County, Kentucky. Carl and Polly were living at Goody, Kentucky.
(Sherry Blackburn research-confirmed by the birth and death records of
Pike County, KY).
4) Ernest Scalf born October 18, 1898.
5) Dovie Scalf born March 28, 1903. She married Robert Leedy. Robert was
born January 10, 1906. (Sherry Blackburn research)
This family was followed on the census records through 1930.
1900 Pike Co KY 10 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, Jerry L. |
Head |
37 |
1863 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah |
Head |
44 |
1856 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nona |
Dau |
8 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Florie |
Son |
6 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Carl |
Son |
4 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ernest |
Son |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SMITH, Ellron |
Boarder |
17 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Pike Co KY 18 April
1910 District 1 North Pikeville
SCALF, Jerry |
Head |
45 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah |
Wife |
51 |
1859 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Florace |
Dau? |
16 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Carl |
Son |
14 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ernest |
Son |
11 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dova |
Dau |
6 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Pike Co KY 15 January 1920 District #5
SCALF, Jeremiah |
Head |
55 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah |
Wife |
62 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
VA |
Nona |
Dau |
28 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Floris |
Son |
28 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Carl |
Son |
24 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Earnest |
Son |
21 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dovie |
Dau |
16 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pike Co KY 25 April 1930 District #5
SCALF, Jerry |
Head |
66 |
1864 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sarah |
Wife |
72 |
1858 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Nona |
Dau |
38 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Florace |
Dau? |
37 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Dovie |
Dau |
27 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Son of
Jeremiah L.(Jerry) Scalf & Sarah Pinson
Florace<Jeremiah L<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Florace Scalf, the son of Jeremiah Scalf and Sarah Pinson, was born August 17, 1893 in Pike County, Kentucky. Because of his name, Florace is listed a daughter on two census records and as a son on two other census records. Florace married Margaret McNulty. (Link to marriage document)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Flaris C. Scalf
Age: 23
Home Address: Guluare, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: August 17, 1893
Name of employer: Elkhare Piney Coal Mining CO (Link to original document)
Occupation: Stenographer
Place of employment: Weeksbury, KY
Height: Short
Build: Stout
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Light
Date: June 5, 1917
1940 Mercer CO WV 8 April 1940 Bluefield
SCALF, Florace | Head | 46 | 1894 | KY |
Margaret | Wife | 32 | 1908 | WV |
MCNULTY, Pat H. | Brother in law | 23 | 1917 | WV |
Margaret teaches school in Fayette County and, due to the distance from home in
Bluefield, WV, has taken a room in Kanawha and was counted two times on the 1940
1940 Fayette CO WV 18 April 1940 Kanawha
SCALF, Margaret McNulty | Lodger | 32 | 1908 | VA |
WWII Registration Card
Name: Florace C. Scalf
Place of residence: 1750 - 16th Washington, D.C.
(Link to document)
Age: 48
Date of birth: August 17, 1893
Place of birth: Gulnare, KY
Name and address of person who will know your address: Mrs. F. C. Scalf -
1750 - 16th Washington, D.C.
Employer: Bit. Coal Div., Dept of Interior - Washington, D.C.
Son of
Jeremiah L.(Jerry) Scalf & Sarah Pinson
Carl<Jeremiah L<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Carl Scalf was born September 16, 1895 and died November 26, 1978 in Pike County, Kentucky at the age of 83. He married Polly James, daughter of Malcolm James. Polly was born June 29, 1901 and died March 23, 1984 at the age of 82. Polly was the daughter of Malcom James and Lythie Scalf. (Sherry Blackburn research)
Carl and Polly were found only on the 1930 census. By estimation of the birth of their first child, Florace, it appears they married around 1920-1921. We have no marriage record for Carl and Polly.
Children of Carl and Polly from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
1) Floris Wesley Scalf married Leona Williams.
2) James Ernest Scalf married Mary Lou Patton.
3) John Williard Scalf married Margaret Slone.
4) David Allen Scalf married Jean Morrison.
5) William Alex Scalf married Wilma Phillips.
6) Margaret Louise Scalf.
7) Elster Eugene Scalf married Betty June Lowe.
8) Nina May, unmarried.
9) Peggy Ann Scalf married Bill Hite.
10) Lawton Edward, unmarried
NOTE: Floris/Florce was listed as a daughter on the 1930 census.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Carl Scalf
Age: 21
Home Address: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: September 16, 1895
Born: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Father's birth place: Gulnare, KY
Occupation: Farm laborer
Name of employer: Jerry Scalf
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Gulnare, KY
Height: Short
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Gray
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1917
1930 Pike Co KY 25 April 1930 District #5
SCALF, Carl |
Head |
35 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Polly |
Wife |
28 |
1922 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Florce |
Dau |
4 3/12 |
1926 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
James |
Son |
2 6/12 |
1927 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
6 April 1940
District 5
SCALF, Carl | Head | 44 | 1896 | KY |
Polly | Wife | 38 | 1902 | KY |
Wesley | Son | 14 | 1926 | KY |
Ernest | Son | 12 | 1928 | KY |
John W. | Son | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Dave | Son | 8 | 1932 | KY |
Alex | Son | 5 | 1935 | KY |
Eugene | Son | 2 | 1938 | KY |
Son of
Carl Scalf & Polly James
Floris<Carl<Jeremiah L<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Wesley Scalf, the son of Carl Scalf & Polly James was born June 26, 1925 and died April 20, 1983 in Pike County, Kentucky. Wesley married Leona Williams.
(Link to Leona Scalf death certificate)
Son of
Jeremiah L.(Jerry) Scalf & Sarah Pinson
Ernest<Jeremiah L<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ernest Scalf, the son of Jeremiah and Sarah Pinson Scalf, was born October 18, 1898 in Gulnare, KY.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Ernest Scalf
Age: 19
Home Address: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Date of Birth: October 18, 1898
Born: Gulnare, Pike CO, KY
Occupation: Store Clerk
Name of employer: Howard Colliery CO
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Chattaroy, WV
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Sandy
Date: September 10, 1918
Son of
James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott
John C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John C. Scalf was born about 1867 and died March 11, 1927 in Pike County, Kentucky (Pike County, Kentucky death records)
John married Victoria Smith 19 June 1890 in Pike County, Kentucky. (Pike County Marriages).
Victoria was the daughter of Henry Smith and Lucretia Burns or Buren (spelling difficult to determine). Victoria was born 1871 in Pike County, Kentucky and died July 14, 1913 in Cincinnati (Hamilton County) Ohio. Her exact birth date was unknown by the informant for her death certificate who appears to have been her husband John. Victoria died from an ileus and paralysis of the bowels from an operation for a large abdominal hernia. (Death Certificate courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
John and Victoria had at least six known children. These children are listed below.
Children of John and Victoria from Chronicles of the Scalf Family:
1) Fannie Lucresia Scalf, born May 2, 1891, married Roy West.
2) William M. Scalf born December 14, 1892 married Ethel Bevins. (Research of Sherry Blackburn states his name as William; however, Sharon Ratliff reports his name was Willie Morgan)
3) Roscoe Scalf born August 7, 1897 married first in 1920 to Pina Blackburn. He had one foster daughter, Evelyn. His wife died in 1953 and he married Goldie Charles Bevins. Roscoe died December 1993 at Williamson (Mingo Co) West Virginia. (SS Death Index) Roscoe died December 1993 at Williamson (Mingo Co) West Virginia. (SS Death Index)
4) Maude Scalf born August 20, 1899 married Troy Williamson.
5) Virgil Scalf born June 19, 1907 married Kathleen Hatfield. Virgil died August 9, 1989 in Hillard, Ohio at 81 years old. (Sherry Blackburn research)
6) Monroe Scalf died young.
John Scalf and Victoria Smith Scalf were found on the census records from 1900 through 1920.
1900 Pike Co KY 9 June 1900 District #6 Big Creek
SCAFF, John C. |
Head |
35 |
1865 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Victoria |
Wife |
27 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Fannie |
Dau |
9 |
1891 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Willie |
Son |
7 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rosco |
Son |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John |
Son |
9/12 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Pike Co KY 29 April 1910 Precinct #19 Coburn
SCAFF, John C. |
Head |
44 |
1866 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Victoria |
Wife |
38 |
1872 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Fannie L. |
Dau |
18 |
1892 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Willie M. |
Son |
17 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rosco |
Son |
12 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maudie |
Dau |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Virgil |
Son |
2 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Pike Co KY 6 January 1920 Precinct #34
SCAFF, John |
Head |
53 |
1867 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Widower |
Willie |
Son |
27 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rosco |
Son |
22 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maudie |
Dau |
20 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Virgil |
Son |
12 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Daughter of
John C. Scalf and Victoria Smith
Fanny L<John C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Fannie Lucresia Scalf was born May 2, 1890 and died December 21, 1931. She married Roy West.
Children of Fannie Lucresia Scalf and Roy West from the research of Sherry
1) Luther West.
2) Claude West.
3) Esther West.
1920 Pike CO KY 15 January 1920 Upper Big Creek
WEST, Roy G. | Head | 31 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY |
Fannie | Wife | 28 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Luther J. | Son | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY |
Edna | Dau | 7 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Ella | Dau | 4 8/12 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
John E. | Son | 2 2/12 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY |
WEST, Ollie | Cousin | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Pike CO KY 7 April 1930 District 6
WEST, Roy | Head | 41 | 1889 | KY | KY | KY |
Fanny | Wife | 38 | 1892 | KY | KY | KY |
Edna | Dau | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY |
Ella | Dau | 15 | 1915 | KY | KY | KY |
Claud | Son | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Joe Anna | Dau | 5 | 1925 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
John C. Scalf & Victoria Smith
Willie M., Sr<John C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Willie Morgan Scalf was born December 14, 1892 and died July 18, 1970 at Sidney (Pike Co) Kentucky. (SS Death Index and Pike County, Kentucky Death Records)
Willie married Ethel Bevins on 3 March 1920. Ethel Bevins Scalf was born 14 October 1894 and died 7 December 1990 at the age of 96. (Pike County, Kentucky Deaths)
Sharon Scalf Ratliff, granddaughter of Willie Scalf, Sr., and daughter of Franklin Delano Scalf, states that her grandfather's name was not William. His name was Willie Morgan Scalf, Sr., and he had a son named Willie Morgan Scalf, Jr.
Children of Willie Morgan Scalf, Sr. and Ethel Bevins from research of Sherry Blackburn:
1) Ernestine Scalf (Sherry Blackburn research) Ernestine Scalf born January 23, 1921 (Birth records Pike County, KY)
2) Janice Scalf born November 25, 1929.
3) Maxine Scalf (Sherry Blackburn research) Maxine Scalf born March 22, 1922 (Birth records of Pike County, KY)
4) Edgar Scalf (Sherry Blackburn research) Edgar A. Scalf born September 13, 1924 (Birth records of Pike County, KY)
5) Willie Morgan Scalf, Jr. (Sherry Blackburn research) Willie J. Morgan born November 20, 1926 (Birth records of Pike County, KY)
6) Franklin Delano Scalf born December 22, 1933. Frank married Norma Jean Stanley. They had two known daughters, Sharon and Karen. Sharon was born January 11, 1956, married Rush Randall Ratliff, son of Rush and Lillian Ratliff. Karen was born March 24, 1958. Karen married David McCoy, son of David McCoy and Linda Dotson.
1930 Pike Co KY 28 April 1930 District #6 Lickieville
SCALF, Willie M. |
Head |
37 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ethel |
Wife |
35 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ernestine |
Dau |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Maxine |
Dau |
7 |
1923 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Edgar E. |
Son |
5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Willie M., Jr. |
Son |
3 |
1927 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Jennis M. |
Dau |
5/12 |
1929 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
5 April 1940
SCALF, Willie | Head | 47 | 1893 | KY |
Ethel | Wife | 45 | 1895 | KY |
Ernestine | Dau | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Maxine | Dau | 18 | 1922 | KY |
Edgar | Son | 15 | 1925 | KY |
Willie, Jr. | Son | 13 | 1927 | KY |
Janice | Dau | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Franklin D. | Son | 6 | 1934 | KY |
(Courtesy of Sharon Scalf Ratliff)
The following information on this family was received from Sharon Scalf Ratliff:
*2. Geraldine
Scalf (There was no Geraldine Scalf born to this marriage, there was, however, a
Janice (November 25, 1929) which you do not have listed.
NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Janice was not included in the children of Willie and Ethel listed above from the information of Sherry Blackburn due to the handwriting of the enumerator on the 1930 census. The author could not satisfactorily determine if the enumerator intended to write Geraldine or another name. Sharon Ratliff has clarified this name and we are grateful for her help.
Email from Sharon Scalf Ratliff:
I'm attaching a copy of my grandfathers family tree..........I hope this
will help you. Like I said I know all of these to be true as I am one of the
grand children. All of the information has been given to me by my father's
brothers and sisters as well as my contact with the other grandchildren. Willie
Morgan Scalf who was the son of John and Victoria Scalf and John was the son of
James Breckenridge Scalf, son of Brittain Scalf.
1 Willie Morgan Scalf, Sr. Born: December 14, 1892 Died: July 18, 1970 in Pike County, Kentucky Sex: Male
+Ethel Bevins Born: October 14, 1894 Died: December 07, 1992 in Pike County, Kentucky Sex: Female Father: Joseph Bevins Mother: Polly Bogar Married: March 03, 1920 in Pike County, Kentucky
2 Ernestine Scalf Born: January 23, 1921 Sex: Female
+Elmer Blackburn Born: June 11, 1916 Died: October 01, 1994 in Pike County, Kentucky Sex: Male Married: December 23, 1942
3 James Morgan Blackburn Born: December 12, 1944 Sex: Male
+Connie Staton Born: October 10, 1946 Sex: Female Married: September 05, 1964 in Pike County, Kentucky
4 David Brian Blackburn Born: July 02, 1965 Sex: Male
+Christine Cathlene Hazelett Sex: Female
5 James Thomas Blackburn Born: December 25, 1997 Sex: Male
...... 4 Gregory Alan Blackburn Born: November 11, 1971 Sex: Male
.......... +Melanie Sue Roy Sex: Female
... 3 Judith Ann Blackburn Born: September 04, 1953 Sex: Female
....... +Gregory Hatfield Sex: Male
...... 4 Christopher Shane Hatfield Born: September 16, 1974 Sex: Male
.......... +Misty Stallard Sex: Female
......... 5 Taylor Hatfield Born: August 26, 1997 Sex: Female
... *2nd Husband of Judith Ann Blackburn:
....... +Ron Edwards Sex: Male
...... 4 Devon Edwards Born: June 15, 1984 Sex: Male
2 Maxine Scalf Born: March 22, 1922 Died: March 27, 2003 Sex: Female
.... +Earl Slater Born: May 11, 1918 Died: June 16, 1987 Sex: Male Married: September 06, 1947
... 3 William Michael Slater Born: July 25, 1949 Sex: Male
....... +Pamela Runyon Born: August 18, 1952 Sex: Female Married: June 15, 1974 in Pike County, Kentucky
...... 4 Buffy Suzanne Slater Born: August 03, 1977 Sex: Female
...... 4 Matthew Slater Born: October 14, 1980 Sex: Male
...... 4 Wesley M. Slater Born: December 19, 1978 Died: December 20, 1978 Sex: Male
... 3 Deborah Lynn Slater Born: February 06, 1954 Sex: Female
....... +Larry Blackburn Born: October 27, 1951 Sex: Male Married: January 12, 1973
...... 4 Brandy Lynn Blackburn Born: August 08, 1973 Sex: Female
.......... +Scott Anthony Brown Sex: Male Married: June 08, 1996 in Pike County, Kentucky
......... 5 Noah Brown Born: February 05, 2004 Sex: Male
...... 4 Christopher Todd Blackburn Born: July 20, 1977 Sex: Male
2 Edgar Eugene Scalf Born: September 13, 1924 Sex: Male
.... +Ernestine Damron Sex: Female Married: December 24, 1943
... 3 Daniel Richard Scalf Born: January 01, 1946 Sex: Male
....... +Joan Blackburn Born: December 31, 1946 Sex: Female Married: in Pike County, Kentucky
...... 4 Becky Joan Scalf Born: June 20, 1969 Sex: Female
.......... +Marion Pete Fannin Sex: Male Married: July 21, 1990 in Fayette County, Kentucky
......... 5 Brittany Elaine Fannin Born: July 21, 1995 Sex: Female
......... 5 Aaron Daniel Fannin Born: March 26, 1997 Sex: Male
...... 4 Richard Edgar Scalf Born: December 30, 1973 Sex: Male
.......... +Leigh Ann Carter Sex: Female Married: December 27, 1997 in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky
......... 5 Jillian Marie Scalf Born: December 09, 2005 Sex: Female
... 3 Phillip Eugene Scalf Born: November 17, 1948 Sex: Male
....... +Carla Conrad Sex: Female
...... 4 Nicholas Conrad Scalf Born: September 26, 1979 Sex: Male
...... 4 Derek Morgan Scalf Born: February 23, 1981 Sex: Male
...... 4 Phillip Harrison Scalf Born: October 26, 1985 Sex: Male
2 Willie Morgan Scalf, Jr. Born: November 20, 1926 Sex: Male
.... +Faye Easterling Sex: Female Married: June 26, 1949
... 3 Stanley Thomas Scalf Born: November 04, 1957 Sex: Male
....... +Mesta Davis Sex: Female Married: January 14, 1979
...... 4 Stanley Thomas Scalf Born: August 17, 1979 Sex: Male
.......... +Theresa Terri
Cook Sex: Female
......... 5 Dakota Stanley Scalf Born: October 06, 2000 Sex: Male
..........5 Aiden David Scalf Born October25, 2006 Sex: Male, Place: Franklin
Co. KY.
..........5 Tristan Steven Scalf Born January 19, 2008 Sex: Male, Place:
Franklin Co. KY.
..........5 Lillian Sophia Grace Scalf Born December 22, 2010 Sex: Female,
Place: Scott Co. KY
...... 4 Jonathon Morgan Scalf Born: April 11, 1982 Sex: Male
... 3 Lisa Susan Scalf Born: April 20, 1961 Sex: Female
2 Janice Scalf Born: November 25, 1929 Sex: Female
.... +Fathies Cornett Born: August 16, 1930 Died: December 08, 1997 in Boyd County, Kentucky Sex: Male Married: July 21, 1954 in Pike County, Kentucky
... 3 Gary Thomas Cornett Born: November 07, 1955 Sex: Male
....... +Rita Allen Born: August 07, 1957 Sex: Female Married: October 04, 1975 in Boyd County, Kentucky
...... 4 Alyson Paige Cornett Born: February 19, 1986 Sex: Female
... 3 Brenda Cornett Born: December 18, 1956 Sex: Female
....... +Paul Mullins Born: January 16, 1954 Sex: Male Married: December 21, 1974 in Boyd County, Kentucky
...... 4 Amanda Mullins Born: April 17, 1978 Sex: Female
...... 4 Brent Mullins Born: December 06, 1979 Sex: Male
...... 4 Kayla Mullins Born: December 28, 1983 Sex: Female
... 3 Leigh Ann Cornett Born: November 09, 1964 Sex: Female
....... +Michael Rex Adams Sex: Male Married: May 21, 1988 in Boyd County, Kentucky
...... 4 Andrew Michael Adams Born: October 23, 1989 Sex: Male
...... 4 Nicolas Tyler Adams Born: December 05, 1991 Sex: Male
... 3 Infant Cornett Born: January 17, 1970 Died: January 17, 1970 Sex: Female
2 Franklin Delano Scalf Born: December 22, 1933 Sex: Male
.... +Norma Jean Stanley Born: August 31, 1931 Died: May 20, 1984 in Pike County, Kentucky Sex: Female Father: Turner Stanley Mother: Louisa Hunt Married: May 28, 1954 in Pike County, Kentucky
... 3 Sharon Kay Scalf Born: January 11, 1956 in Mingo County, West Virginia Sex: Female
....... +Rush Randall Ratliff Born: October 29, 1956 in Pike County, Kentucky Sex: Male Married: May 28, 1982 in Pike County, Kentucky
...... 4 Bryan Randall Ratliff Born: November 12, 1984 Sex: Male
... 3 Karen Gay Scalf Born: March 24, 1958 in Mingo County, West Virginia Sex: Female
....... +David G. McCoy II Sex: Male Married: November 03, 1990 in Pike County, Kentucky
...... 4 Brandon Chase McCoy Born: November 23, 1992 Sex: Male
(Courtesy of Sharon Scalf Ratliff)
Son of
Morgan Scalf, Sr. and Ethel Bevins Scalf
Willie Jr<Willie Sr< John C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Willie Morgan Scalf,
Jr., son of Willie Morgan Scalf, Sr., and Ethel Bevins Scalf was born November
20, 1926 in Leckieville, Kentucky and died March 9, 2009 at his home. Willie
married Faye Easterling June 26, 1949. (Obituary of Willie Scalf, Jr.,
Courtesy of Sharon Scalf Ratliff)
The following is the obituary of my uncle, Willie
M. Scalf, Jr. son of Willie M. Scalf, Sr. and Ethel Bevins Scalf:
Willie Morgan Scalf, Jr.
82, of Sidney, Kentucky, passed away at his home on Monday March 9, 2009
following a courageous battle with cancer.
He was born
November 20, 1926 in Leckieville, Kentucky, a son of the late Willie Morgan
Scalf Sr. and Ethel Bevins Scalf.
He attended Belfry
High School, graduating in 1945. Junior, as he was known to his family and close
friends, served in the U.S. Army during the European Occupation in Austria and
Germany following World War II. On June 26, 1949, he was united in marriage to
Faye Easterling. Junior and Faye built a home next to his father at Sidney,
Kentucky where they resided. In 1970 they moved to Williamson, West Virginia for
the next 20 years. Upon his retirement, they moved back to Sidney where he
remained until his death.
Photograph of Willie Morgan
Scalf, Jr. (Courtesy of Sharon Scalf Ratliff)
He worked for N&W
Railroad for 35 years as a brakeman/conductor, retiring in 1987. He previously
worked at the N&W Collieries at Leckieville and Persinger's Supply.
He was a devoted
member of the First Baptist Church of Williamson where he was a deacon. He was a
member of the Stone Masonic Lodge #890, a York Rite Mason of the Pikeville
Council #96 and Pikeville Chapter #133, Pikeville Commandery #45, as well as a
Shriner of the El Hasa Temple.
Junior is survived
by his wife, Faye Easterling Scalf; one son, Dr. Stanley Thomas Scalf and wife
Mesta, of Georgetown, Kentucky; one daughter, Lisa Susan Scalf of New York;
Grandson, Jonathan Morgan Scalf of Georgetown, Kentucky and Stanley Thomas Scalf
II and wife Terri; Great Grandsons, Dakota, Aidan and Tristan also of
Georgetown, Kentucky; also surviving are two brothers, Edgar Eugene Scalf and
wife, Ernestine of Canada, Kentucky and Franklin Delano Scalf of Sidney,
Kentucky: one sister, Janice (Scalf) Cornette; Sisters-in-law, Emma Hatfield,
Wihelmia Easterling and Doris Easterling. He is survived by a host of nieces and
nephews, cousins and friends, and additionally Stephan Sostack and Grand Dog
In addition to his
parents, he was preceded in death by two sisters, Ernestine Blackburn and Maxine
Slater and nephew Gary Cornette.
A memorial service
celebrating the life of Willie Morgan Scalf, Jr. will be held at 1 P.M. on
Friday March 13, 2009 at the First Baptist Church of Williamson, Pastor Jarrod
Belcher will officiate. Internment will immediately follow at the Mountain View
Memory Gardens at Huddy, Kentucky with Masonic Rites and Veterans Services.
Relatives and friends are welcome at R.E. Rogers Funeral Home at Belfry,
Kentucky on Thursday March 12 after 6 P.M.
Pallbearers will be
Bill Easterling, Ron Edwards, Justin Marcum, Brandon McCoy, Bryan Ratliff, Terry
Stafford, Aaron Thacker and Nathan Thacker.
R.E. Rogers Funeral
Home is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences can be made at
We also lost one other family member this month,
Gary Thomas Cornette, who was the son of Janice Scalf Cornette, the daughter of
Willie M. Scalf, Sr. and Ethel Bevins Scalf. Following is his obituary.
Gary Thomas Cornette, 53 of Eastview, died Thursday, March 5, 2009 at St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital in Louisville. He was a native of Pikeville and attended White Mills Christian Church. He was a truck driver for Hardin Delivery. He was preceded in death by his father, Faithies Cornette. He is survived by his wife, Rita Allen Cornette; one daughter, Alyson Cornette of Eastview; his mother, Janice Scalf Cornette of Ashland and two sisters, Brenda Mullins and Leigh Ann Adams both of Catlettsburg. The funeral will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at Brown Funeral Home with Bro. Tim Dennis officiating. Burial will follow in Elizabethtown Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be Saturday from 4:30 to 8 p.m. and continue Sunday after 12 noon at the funeral home. (Courtesy of Sharon Scalf Ratliff)
We extend our sympathies to the families of Willie Morgan Scalf, Jr., and Gary Thomas Cornette.
Son of
John C. Scalf and Victoria Smith
Roscoe<John C<James
B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Roscoe Scalf was born August 7, 1897. He married first to Pina Blackburn on March 3, 1920. They had one foster daughter, Evelyn. Pina died in 1953 and Roscoe married Goldie Charles Bevins.
(Link to Roscoe Scalf and Pina Blackburn marriage document)
(Link to Goldie Scalf death certificate)
Children of Roscoe Scalf and Pina Blackburn from Sherry Blackburn research:
1) David Scalf.
1930 Mingo CO WV 18 April 1930 Williamson
SCALF, Roscoe | Head | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Pina | Wife | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Evelyn | Dau | 10 | 1920 | WV | WV | WV |
1940 Mingo CO WV
26 April 1940
SCALF, Roscoe | Head | 42 | 1898 | KY |
Pina | Wife | 42 | 1898 | KY |
Evelyn | Dau | 21 | 1919 | WV |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Roscoe Scalf
Age: 21
Home Address: Toler, KY
Date of Birth: August 9, 1897
Born: Canada, KY
Father's birth place: Gulnare, KY
Name of employer: N & W Railroad CO
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Williamson, WV
Name of closest relative: John C. Scalf, Toler, KY
Height: Short
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: August 24, 1918
Daughter of
John C. Scalf and Victoria Smith
Maude<John C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Scalf was born on August 21, 1899 in
Pikeville, Pike County, KY and died on November 15, 1977 in Port Huron, MI. She
married Troy Williamson, Sr.
in Pike County, KY. Troy,
son of Jonah Williamson
and Vicey Ray,
was born on April 9, 1905 in Pike County, KY and died April 1981 in Ann Arbor,
MI. (Courtesy of Nicole Kowalk)
Children of Maude Scalf and Troy Williamson from Sherry Blackburn research:
1) Golda May Williamson born May 21, 1925. Golda married
Herbert Bradley Cline. Their children were Herbert Bradley Cline, II and Rodney Cline.
2) Elizabeth Ann Williamson born March 13, 1927.
Elizabeth married a Blackburn and their children were Zoann Blackburn, Jeri
Blackburn, Thomas Blackburn, and David Blackburn.
3) Troy Williamson, Jr. born December 28, 1928. Troy
Williamson died January 13, 2004 in Trenton, MI. Troy married Bonita Sawdon. Their children were Juliana Marie Williamson; Catherine Mary Williamson;
Bethany Ann Williamson; Nicola Jean Williamson; Samuel Joseph Williamson;
Patricia Maria Williamson; Paula Marcia Williamson.
The photograph of Troy and Maude Williamson courtesy of Nicole Kowalk.
1930 Mingo CO WV 14 April 1930 Williamson
WILLIAMSON, Troy | Head | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 19 | Baker in Bakery |
Maude | Wife | 30 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 24 | |
Golda M. | Dau | 4 3/12 | 1925 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Elizabeth | Dau | 3 2/12 | 1927 | WV | KY | KY | ||
Troy, Jr. | Son | 1 3/12 | 1928 | WV | KY | KY |
Son of
John C. Scalf and Victoria Smith
Virgil<John C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Virgil Scalf was born June 19, 1907. He married Kathleen Hatfield. Virgil died August 9, 1989 in Hillard, Ohio at 81 years old. (Sherry Blackburn research)
Child of Virgil Scalf and Katherine Hatfield from Sherry Blackburn research:
1. Randall Scalf.
Son of
James Breckenridge Scalf and Rebecca J. Scott
Green B<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Green Brittan Scalf was born February 21, 1869 and died 1889 at the age of 19 years old. Green Brittan never married.
Son of
James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott
Mitchell T<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mitchell Thomas
Scalf was born March 31, 1871 and died January 8, 1952 at Pikeville, Kentucky at 79
years old. Mitchell married
Arzella Louise McGuire, November 10, 1892, daughter of Frank P. McGuire and Arnetta Jane Stratton McGuire. Arzella was born July 11, 1878. Arzella's sister,
Susannah McGuire married Christopher Columbus Scalf, brother of Mitchell. Arzella died
October 28, 1957 in Pike County, Kentucky at 79 years old.
According to family members, Mitchell
always went by the name of Mitch and Arzella by Zellie. Mitchell and Arzella are
buried in the Martin Scott Cemetery at Gulnare, Kentucky.
Link to Mitchell Scalf death certificate
Link to Arzella Scalf death certificate
We are
grateful to Kevin Scalf, a great-grandson of Thomas, who recently updated us on
Robert E. Lee Scalf, a son of Thomas. This information is contained in the
section on Robert E. Lee Scalf.
Children of Mitchell Scalf and Arzella McGuire:
Hot RockScalf - born February 24, 1898; married Grace Charles.
Children of Arby Layne and Rebecca Phoebe Scalf:
1) Edwin Layne - born July 2, 1923. He was killed in combat in Germany in World War II on June 23, 1943.Mitchell and Arzella were found on the following census records.
1900 Pike Co KY 11 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, Mitchell |
Head |
27 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Arzellie |
Wife |
21 |
1879 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Victoria J. |
Dau |
4 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John C. |
Son |
2 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Minnie A. |
Dau |
2/12 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Pike Co KY 18 April 1910 District 1 North
SCALF, Mitchell |
Head |
39 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Zellie |
Wife |
35 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Victoria |
Dau |
14 |
1896 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John C. |
Son |
12 |
1898 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Minnie |
Dau |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Roland R. |
Son |
8 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Robert L. |
Son |
5 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rebecca |
Dau |
4 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1920 Pike Co KY 17 January 1920 North Pikeville
SCALF, M. T. |
Head |
47 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Arzilla |
Wife |
43 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John C. |
Son |
21 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Robert L. |
Son |
15 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rebecca |
Dau |
14 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Joseph E. |
Son |
2/12 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pike Co KY 4 April 1930 District #1
SCALF, Mitchell |
Head |
57 |
1873 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Arzelia |
Wife |
53 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Joseph E. |
Son |
10 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ada M. |
Dau |
5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Shortly after the enumeration of the 1930 Pike County census in District 1, it appears that Mitchell and Arzella moved to Ward #51 in Pikeville in time for the enumeration in that area as they were listed twice in 1930. Robert does not appear to be with them on the second enumeration and may have married between April 4 and April 11, 1930.
1930 Pike Co KY 11 April 1930 Ward
#51 Pikeville
SCALF, Mitchell |
Head |
59 |
1871 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Arzela |
Wife |
52 |
1878 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Robert L. |
Son |
27 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Joseph E. |
Son |
10 |
1920 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
A. May |
Dau |
5 8/12 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
11 April 1940
SCALF, M. T. | Head | 69 | 1871 | KY |
Arzella | Wife | 61 | 1879 | KY |
Joe E. | Son | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Ada May | Dau | 15 | 1925 | KY |
1950 Pike CO KY
5 April 1950
SCALF, Mitt T. | Head | 79 | 1871 | KY | |
Arzilla | Wife | 71 | 1879 | KY | |
Ruby J. | G-dau | 3 | 1947 | KY |
Daughter of
Mitchell Scalf & Arzella Louise McGuire
Victoria<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Victoria Scalf was born March 29, 1896 and died in early adulthood. She was not married. She died of tuberculosis on March 15, 1916, at the age of 19 and is buried in the Stratton Cemetery on Mare Creek in Floyd County, Kentucky. Link to death certificate
Child of Victoria Scalf:
1) Mary Scalf - born August 20, 1915 and died June 29, 1916 in Pike County. Cause of death was spinal meningitis. Mary is also buried in the Stratton Cemetery on Mare Creek. Family history gives the father's name as Allen Layne of Pike County and the death certificate confirms this. Link to death certificate (Courtesy of Sherrie Simpson)
Son of
Mitchell Scalf & Arzella Louise McGuire
John C<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
John Calhoun
Breckenridge Hot Rock
Scalf, born February 24, 1898 in Pike County, Kentucky.
He married Grace Charles on November 5, 1921 in Pike County. Grace was the
daughter of James Charles and Rebecca ____ Charles. John died
February 17, 1971 in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Grace was born May 26, 1898 in Pike County, Kentucky and died
December 8, 1977 in Pike County, Kentucky. He and Grace are buried at the Pinson Cemetery
on Raccoon Creek in Pike County. (Courtesy of
Sherrie Simpson)
John married Grace Charles. It appears that John and Grace were married about 1917 from a calculation of the birth of their first child. It is reported in Chronicles of the Scalf Family that John's full name was John C. B. Scalf. John and Grace were found on the 1930 Pike County, Kentucky census with one child, Viola.
Children of John Scalf and Grace Charles:
1) Homer Scalf
- born February 9, 1927.
Gertrude Scalf - born July 3, 1930 in Pike County,
Ann Scalf - born March 14, 1935 in Pike County,
Jimmie R. Scalf - born October 24, 1939 in Pike
County, Kentucky
Mildred Ruth Scalf - born February 10, 1942 in
Pike County, Kentucky
Viva Scalf, born about 1924 in Pike
County, Kentucky. Viva married a Ray and had 15 children at the time of her
death. She died several years ago. Viva is probably Viola Scalf on the 1930
It appears that
Homer may have died since he as not listed on the 1930 census. Gertrude was born
after the enumeration of this census and would not be listed.
WWI Registration Card
Name: John Scalf
Age: 20
Home Address: Pikeville, KY
Date of Birth: May 24, 1898??
Name of employer: Marion Young
(Link to original document)
Occupation: Teamster
Place of employment: Pikeville, KY
Nearest relative: Mitch Scalf
Location of nearest relative: Pikeville, KY
Height: Short
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: September 12, 1918
1930 Pike Co KY 11 April 1930 District 5
SCALF, John |
Head |
28 |
1902 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Grace |
Wife |
26 |
1904 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Viola |
Dau |
6 |
1924 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(probably Viva Scalf) |
1940 Pike CO KY
9 April 1940
District 1
SCAFF, John | Head | 43 | 1897 | KY | |
Grace | Wife | 41 | 1899 | KY | |
Vica | Dau | 17 | 1923 | KY | (Link to death certificate) |
Gretrude | Dau | 9 | 1931 | KY | |
Anna | Dau | 5 | 1935 | KY | |
Jimmie | Son | 5/12 | 1939 | KY |
Son of
Mitchell Scalf & Arzella Louise McGuire
Roland<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Roland Rush Scalf was born about November 25, 1902 in Kentucky and died July 27, 1995 in Orlando, Florida. He married Mildred Nickerson born 14 June 1906 and died April 1970 at Saint Albans (Kanawha Co) West Virginia. (SS Death Index)
WWI Registration Card
Name: Rollan Scalf
Age: 18
Home: Cincinnati, OH
Date of Birth: November 25, 1900
(Link to original document)
Employer: Avenue Hotel
Occupation: Laborer
Nearest relative: Arzella Scalf - mother
Address of nearest relative: Pikeville, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of Eye: Brown
Color of Hair: Dark
Date: September 12, 1918
1930 Kanawha Co WV 12 April 1930 Charleston
SCALF, Roland R. |
Head |
27 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(Nickerson) Mildred |
Wife |
23 |
1907 |
OH |
OH |
OH |
RIDDLE, Gertrud |
21 |
1909 |
OH |
OH |
OH |
(Divorced) |
Patricia A. |
Niece |
3 11/12 |
1926 |
WV |
WV |
WV |
1940 Kanawha CO WV
17 April 1940
SCALF, R.R. | Head | 35 | 1905 | KY | Truck driver |
Mildred | Wife | 32 | 1908 | OH | |
NICKASON, E.E. | Father in law | 54 | 1886 | OH |
Son of
Mitchell Scalf & Arzella Louise McGuire
Robert<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Robert E. Lee Scalf was born November 11, 1904 and died on February 13, 1992. He married Chelsie Boleyn. Robert & Chelsie Scalf are buried at the Greensburg Cemetery in Summit County, OH.
Children of Robert Scalf and Chelsie Boleyn: (Courtesy of Kevin Scalf)
1) Bobby Jean Scalf - born October 25, 1936; married Ronald Wayne Hopkins on March 15, 1953. (Link to marriage document)
2) Samuel Thomas Scalf - born November 6, 1938; married Carol Eleanor Codispoti September 16, 1961. (Link to marriage document)
3) Gerald Lee Scalf - born July 15, 1944.
My dad is Gerald Lee Scalf and he married Judy Johnson. (Courtesy of Kevin Scalf)
Children of Gerald Lee Scalf and Judy Johnson:
1) Kevin Scalf - born March 2, 1970
2) Chrissy Scalf - born April 25, 1979
I have a son Evan Robert Scalf - born June 2 2003. (Courtesy of Kevin Scalf)
1940 Perry CO KY
10 April 1940
SCALF, Robert L. | Head | 36 | 1904 | KY |
Chelsea | Wife | 31 | 1909 | KY |
Bobbie Jean | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Samuel Thomas | Son | 1 | 1939 | KY |
Ohio Death Record
Name: Robert Scalf
Age at Death: 88
Date of Death: 13 Feb 1992
City of Death: Barberton
County of Death: Summit
Volume: 28889
Certificate: 013759
Date of Birth: 11 Nov 1903
State of Birth: Kentucky
Country of Birth: United States
Father's Surname: Scalf
Mother's Maiden Name: McGuire
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Years of Schooling: 12
Social Security Number: 404-03-5644
Industry: Other rubber products, and plastics footwear and belting
Occupation: Miscellaneous machine operators, not elsewhere classified
County of Residence: Summit
State of Residence: Ohio
Country of Residence: United States
Census Tract: 5315
Primary Registration District: 7702
Hospital of Death: Barberton Citizens Hospital
Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient
Time of Death: 8:43 AM
Filing Date: 14 Feb 1992
Certifier: Physician
Whether Referred to Coroner: No
Autopsy: No
Classification of Place of Injury: Unspecified Place
Whether Injury Happened in Ohio: Yes
Name: Chelsea B Scalf
Age at Death: 63
Date of Death: 11 Nov 1972
City of Death: Cuyahoga Falls
County of Death: Summit
Volume: 21136
Certificate: 099995
Date of Birth: Est. 1909
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
County of Residence: Summit
State of Residence: Ohio
Country of Residence: United States
Hospital of Death: Cuyahoga Falls General Hosp
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: No autopsy
Name: Robert L. Scalf
SSN: 404-03-5644
Born: 11 Nov 1903
Died: 13 Feb 1992
State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 1951 )
Name: Chelsea Scalf
SSN: 281-44-2762
Last Residence: 44232 Green, Summit, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 1 Mar 1909
Died: Nov 1972
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963 )
Daughter of
Mitchell Scalf & Arzella Louise McGuire
Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Minnie Alice Scalf was born March 3, 1900, in Floyd County, Kentucky, and died December 2, 1995, in Pikeville, Kentucky, at the age of 95. She is buried in the Annie E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek, in Pikeville, Kentucky. Minnie married Wilson Edgar Robinson on January 31, 1918, in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Wilson Edgar Robinson was born April 15, 1896 in Pikeville, the son of John D. Robinson and Louisa Victoria Clay. Wilson was an army veteran of World War I, assigned to Company H of the 337th infantry in France. He died on April 4, 1932, at the age of 36, after being hit by a train and is buried in the historic Dils Cemetery on Lower Chloe Creek, in Pikeville, KY.
Children of Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson:
1) Woodrow Wilson Robinson, Sr. - born November 23, 1918, in Pikeville, Kentucky and died May 2, 1991, in Chicago, Illinois.
Son of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson
Woodrow Robinson<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Children of Woodrow Wilson Robinson and Katherine Langley Huffman:
1) Woodrow
Wilson Woody
Robinson, Jr. - born October 15, 1941 in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Annette Robinson - born March
1, 1943 in Pikeville, KY; died at the age of approximately seven months. She is buried in the Dils
Cemetery on Lower Chloe Creek in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Robert Preston Robinson - born
July 28, 1944, in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Ralph Edward Robinson - born
March 15, 1946, in Pikeville, KY.
5) Raymond Earl Robinson - born
December 25, 1947, in Pikeville, KY and died February 14, 1977.
Morea Cookie
- born
December 5, 1948 in Pikeville, KY.
Son of
Woodrow Wilson Robinson, Sr. and Katherine Langley Huffman
Woodrow Robinson, Jr.<Woodrow Robinson, Sr.<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Wilson Woody
Robinson, Jr. was born October 15 1941 in Pikeville, KY. He married
Lacy M. Bowens on October 15, 1966. Lacy was born August 14, 1951, the daughter
of Hansford Bowens and Mary Blankenship. Woody died March 2, 2002 in Pikeville
and is buried in the Annie E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek in Pikeville,
Children of Woodrow Robinson, Jr. and Lacy Bowens:
Mark Duane Robinson - born December 10, 1969.
2) Samantha Louise
Robinson - born July 8, 1980.
Son of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson, Sr.
Robert Robinson, Jr.<Woodrow Robinson, Sr.<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Robert Preston Robinson was born July 28, 1944 in Pikeville, KY. He married Carol Lou Spears on July 6, 1963. Carol was born March 27, 1946, the daughter of Buell Spears and Virginia Allen. Carol died February 29, 2008 in Florida.
Children Of Robert Robinson
and Carol Spears:
1) Catherine Lee Robinson -
born February 27, 1964.
2) Robert Courtney Robinson - born June 6, 1968.
Son of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson, Sr.
Ralph<Woodrow Robinson, Sr.<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ralph Edward Robinson was born March 15, 1946 in Pikeville, KY. He married Linda Carol Blackburn. Linda was born December 13, 1950, in Pikeville, KY, the daughter of Allen Blackburn and Lucille Hunter. Ralph died January 27, 2003 in Gillette, Wyoming and is buried in the Annie E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek, in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Children of Ralph Robinson and Carol Blackburn:
1) David Edward Robinson
- born August 3, 1972.
2) Darrell Lee
Robinson - born August 3, 1972.
3) Jennifer Robinson.
Son of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson, Sr.
Raymond<Woodrow Robinson, Sr.<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Raymond Earl Robinson was born December 25, 1947, in Pikeville, KY and died February 14, 1977. He is buried in the Ft. Pierce Cemetery in Ft. Pierce, Florida. Raymond was an army veteran of the Vietnam War. He married Belinda ______. No children.
Daughter of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson, Sr.
Morea<Woodrow Robinson, Sr.<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Morea Cookie
was born
December 5, 1948, in Pikeville, KY. She married Jimmy Lee Daniel on May 24, 1980.
Jimmy was born December 28, 1946 in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Robert Daniel
and Revanell Watts. Jimmy died January 23, 2000 in Titusville, Florida.
He is buried in the Annie E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek in Pikeville,
Daughter of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson
Opal Robinson<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Opal Robinson was born January 8, 1921, in Pikeville, Kentucky and died March 16, 1927, at the age of six years. She is buried in the Dils Cemetery on Lower Chloe Creek, in Pikeville, KY.
Daughter of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson
Catherine Robinson<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr.<Lewis Scalf
EdBilliter on August 16, 1941 in Pikeville, KY. Charles was born December 20, 1921, the son of Arthur Billiter and Elizabeth Thacker. Charles died April 9, 2001 in Roanoke, Virginia and is buried in the Annie E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Children of Catherine Robinson and Charles Billiter:
1) Vonna Sue Billiter - born August 9, 1942 in Pikeville, KY. She married Tennis Newsome on July 20, 1963. Tennis was born February 20, 1940, the son of Forester and Barbara Newsome. Their children are: Kathy Lynn Newsome, born March 26, 1964; Michael Edward Newsome, born July 6, 1966 and died November 29, 1995; and, Mark Tennis Newsome, born January 10, 1969 and died July 16, 2005.VickieBilliter, born October 21, 1951 in Pikeville, Kentucky. Married Danny Ray Canada on February 27, 1969 in Pikeville, Kentucky. Danny was born February 24, 1951 in Floyd County, Kentucky, the son of Luther Canada and Mary Hall. Their child is: William Scott Canada, born July 6, 1969.
Daughter of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson
Jetta Robinson<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Jetta Lee Robinson was born
August 21, 1924 in Pikeville, Kentucky and died November 7, 2009 in
Christiansburg, Virginia. She married first Clyde Melvin Ray on March 15, 1945
in Pikeville, Kentucky. Clyde was born September 15, 1923, the son of Richard Ray and
Alta Eva Reynolds Carter. Clyde died on March 15, 1952 and is buried in the Ray
Family Cemetery on Harold's Branch in Pikeville, Kentucky. Their children are: Barbara
Louise Ray, born September 27, 1946 and died September 28, 1946 - buried in the
Ray Family Cemetery on Harold's Branch in Pikeville; Janice Marie Ray, born May
22, 1948; and, Kathleen Alice Ray, born February 18, 1950. Jetta married second
William Bill
Greene in Michigan.
Son of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson
James Robinson<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James Edgar Robinson was born
September 19, 1927 in Pikeville, Kentucky. He married Glenna Hall on December 12, 1955 in
Pike County, Kentucky. Glenna was born January 1, 1938, the daughter of Milburn
Hall and Hattie Damron. Glenna died August 15, 2003 and is buried in the Annie
E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek in Pikeville, Kentucky. Their children
are: Karen Faye Robinson, born March 9, 1958 in Pikeville; James Jimmy
Robinson, born December 4, 1960 ; Christopher Chris
Robinson, born December
10. 19___.
Daughter of
Minnie Scalf and Wilson Robinson
Juanita Robinson<Minnie<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
The children of Juanita Robinson and Albert Simpson:
1) Patricia Ann Simpson - born January 24, 1950 in Pikeville, Kentucky. She married Roger Dale Johnson on June 6, 1968 in Pikeville, Kentucky. Roger was born July 18, 1947 in Pike County, Kentucky, the son of Troy Johnson and Lora Tackett. He died on August 26, 1987 in Butler County, Ohio and is buried in Ohio. Their children are: Roger Dale Johnson, II, born September 26, 1969 in Pikeville; Sara Elizabeth Johnson, born January 8, 1973 in Portsmouth, Ohio; and, Jason Todd Johnson, born August 29, 1978 in Portsmouth, Ohio.
Son of
Mitchell Scalf & Arzella Louise McGuire
Joseph<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Joseph Edgar Scalf was born November 7, 1919 in Pike County, Kentucky. He married Princie Abshire. Princie was born May 15, 1920 in Pike County, the daughter of Miles Farmer Abshire and Emma J. Layne. Princie died October 22, 1990 in Winter Park, Florida and is buried in the Annie E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek in Pikeville, Kentucky. Joseph is still living. (Courtesy of Sherrie Simpson)
The Children of Joseph Scalf and Princie Abshire are:
1) Phyllis Ann Scalf - born July 7, 1941 in Pike County, Kentucky and was never Married. Phyllis died July 15, 2009 in Orlando, Florida, at the age of 68. She is buried in the Annie E. Young Cemetery on Upper Chloe Creek in Pikeville, Kentucky.Joseph Scalf is found on two census reports in 1940. He is listed with his parents in Pike County, KY and is on the U. S. Army rolls at Fort Tatten in Queens, New York. Private First Class Joe Scalf is listed with hundreds of other soldiers, and this list of army personnel was probably furnished to the census bureau by the U. S. Army which accounts for Joseph showing up in two locations on the same day.
1940 Pike CO KY
11 April 1940
SCALF, M. T. | Head | 69 | 1871 | KY |
Arzella | Wife | 61 | 1879 | KY |
Joe E. | Son | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Ada May | Dau | 15 | 1925 | KY |
1940 Queens CO NY
11 April 1940
Queens (Fort Tatten)
SCALF, Joe | Soldier, U. S. Army | 20 | 1920 | KY |
Daughter of
Mitchell Scalf & Arzella Louise McGuire
Ada<Mitchell<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ada Mae Scalf was born September 15, 1924 in Pike County, Kentucky. She married James Donald Maxwell, Jr. James was born March 2, 1929 in North Carolina, the son of James Donald Maxwell, Sr. and Gladys Bythe. James died August 25, 1988; Ada Mae died February 13, 1989. Both are buried in Hendersonville, North Carolina. (Courtesy of Sherrie Simpson)
The children of James Maxwell and Ada Scalf are:
1) Ruby Joyce Scalf, born May 4, 1946 in Pike County. She married (1)Tommie A. Reeves and (2) John David Temple.
Daughter of
James Breckenridge Scalf and Rebecca J. Scott
Victoria A<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Victoria A. Scalf was born May 26, 1873 and married first John Riley Nunnery 30 June 1890 in Pike County, Kentucky (2) Thomas Crumb (3) Garland Walker Mayo.
(Link to death certificate of Thomas Crum)
(Link to death certificate of G. Walker Mayo)
Victoria and John had four children.
1) Thomas O. Nunnery married Nora Burchett.
2) James Henderson Nunnery married first Octavia Brown and second Sylvia
3) Effie Nunnery married Goldie Layne.
4) Rebecca Nunnery died young.
Victoria remarried to Thomas Crum. Thomas and Victoria had one son and one daughter.
1) Clarence Crumb. He married May Weddington.
2) Alice May Crumb, married Connell McCoy.
Victoria Adelaide married third to Garland Walker Mayo. No children reported by this marriage.
1900 Pike CO KY 12 June 1900 District 1
Nunery, Victory | Head | 28 | May 1872 | KY | KY | KY | 4 born, 4 living | Widow |
Thomas O. | Son | 9 | Apr 1891 | KY | KY | KY | ||
James H. | Son | 7 | June 1892 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Effie Jane | Dau | 4 | Oct 1895 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Rebecca N. | Dau | 2 | Mar 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Floyd CO KY
21 April 1910
District 5
Crumb, Thomas | Head | 55 | 1855 | KY | KY | KY | married twice |
Victoria A. | Wife | 39 | 1871 | KY | VA | KY | married twice |
Clarence | Son | 3 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY | |
Alice M. | Dau | 4/12 | 1909 | KY | KY | KY | |
Effie J. | Step Dau | 14 | 1896 | KY | KY | KY | |
James H. | Son | 29 | 1881 | KY | KY | KY | |
Malcom T. | Dau | 22 | 1888 | KY | KY | KY | married 1 time |
Laura E. | Dau | 13 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY | |
Amy | Dau | 8 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY | |
Lucinda | Dau in law | 20 | 1890 | KY | KY | KY | married 1 time |
1920 Floyd CO KY
28 January 1920
Precinct 5
Crum, Thomas | Head | 64 | 1856 | KY | KY | KY |
Victoria A. | Wife | 47 | 1873 | KY | KY | KY |
Clarence B. | Son | 13 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Alice M. | Dau | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Floyd CO KY
15 April 1930
Betsy Lane
CRUMB, Addie | Head | 55 | 1875 | KY | VA | KY |
Clarence | Son | 22 | 1908 | KY | KY | KY |
May | Dau in law | 23 | 1907 | KY | KY | KY |
Norma E. | G-dau | 1 6/12 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Floyd CO KY
18 April 1940
District 1
MAYO, Garland W. | Head | 66 | 1874 | KY |
Addie | Wife | 66 | 1874 | KY |
Son of
James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott
Christopher C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Christopher Columbus Scalf was born April 22, 1877 and died February 18, 1965 at Justell, Kentucky. He married Susannah (Susan) McGuire 17 April 1896 in Pike County, Kentucky. Susan was born May 3, 1880 and died November 4, 1931. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family) ) Death records of Floyd County, Kentucky list the death date of Christopher C. Scalf as 9 February 1965 at the age of 87.
Christopher Columbus Scalf then married Emily Worland. Columbus is buried at Scott Cemetery at Gulnare, Kentucky.
Children of Christopher Columbus Scalf and
Susan McGuire from Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter VIII and
Sherry Blackburn research:
1) Sterling J. Scalf, Sr. born Jan. 3, 1899, married Lillian Gose. (Henry Scalf) Sterling died June 1984 in Big Rock, Virginia at age 86.
Sherry has a birth date of 1898 for Sterling. (Sherry Blackburn research)
2) Lula Scalf, born June 16, 1901, married Wallace Young. (Henry
Scalf) Louisa Jane (Lula) was born June 16, 1900 at Betsy Lane (Pike Co)
Kentucky and died July 9, 1973 in Williamson, West Virginia at the age of 73
from a heart attack. Lula is buried in Memory Gardens at Huddy, Kentucky.
(Sherry Blackburn). Lula was Sherry's grandmother.
3) Emily Scalf, born June 19, 1907, married Raymond Adams.
4) William Lee Scalf, born July 31, 1903, died April 2, 1923 in a mine
accident at Betsy Layne, Kentucky.
Link to death certificate
5) Edna Scalf, born Feb. 26, 1911, died Dec. 20, 1931.
6) Everett Scalf, born Aug. 1, 1909, married Minnie Justice.
7) Woodrow Wilson Scalf, born Jan. 17, 1917, married Dorothy Justice.
8) Edgar Scalf, born Nov. 8, 1905, died young.
Columbus and Susan were found on the census records from 1900 through 1930 with the exception of the 1920 census.
1900 Pike Co KY 12 June 1900 District #7
SCALF, Columbus |
Head |
23 |
1877 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Susan |
Wife |
20 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sterling J. |
Dau |
3 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Luesa J. |
Dau |
11/12 |
1899 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1910 Floyd Co KY 21 April 1910 District #5
SCALF, Christopher C. |
Head |
32 |
1878 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Susan |
Wife |
29 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Sterling J. |
Son |
13 |
1897 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Luesa J. |
Dau |
10 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
William L. |
Son |
7 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
America E. |
Dau |
3 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Everett |
Son |
1 10/12 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Edna R. |
Dau |
1/12 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: Christopher Columbus Scalf
Age: 41
Home Address: Betsy Layne, Floyd CO, KY
Date of Birth: April 22, 1877
(Link to original document)
Employer: Self employed
Occupation: Farmer
Nearest relative: Susan Scalf
Address of nearest relative: Betsy Layne, Floyd CO, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of Eye: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: September 12, 1918
1930 Floyd Co KY 11 April 1930 Betsy Layne Precinct
SCALF, Lumb C. |
Head |
54 |
1876 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Susan |
Wife |
50 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Emile |
Dau |
22 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Everett |
Son |
21 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Edna |
Dau |
20 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Woodrow |
Son |
13 |
1917 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
After Susan died November 8, 1930, Lum remarried to Emily Worland.
1940 Pike CO KY
1 May 1940
District 1
SCALF, Lum | Head | 66 | 1874 | KY |
Ema | Wife | 47 | 1893 | TN |
Son of
Christopher Columbus Scalf & Susannah McGuire
Sterling J<Christopher C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Sterling J. Scalf was born Jan. 3, 1898 or 1899 in Pike County, Kentucky and married Lillian Gose born about 1903 in Floyd County, Kentucky. Henry Scalf states the date was 1899. Sherry Blackburn, great granddaughter of Columbus Scalf and daughter of Louisa (Lula) Scalf Young states 1898.
(Link to death certificate of Lillian Scalf)
Sterling and Lillian were found on the 1930 census of Pike County, Kentucky. Death records of Pike County, Kentucky reveal that Sterling and Lillian were married sometime before December of 1919 for the death records show that Sterling and Lillian were the parents of a son that was stillborn December 17, 1919 in Pike County. The child was unnamed on the death record but the birth records of Pike County, Kentucky lists a child named Sterling I. Scalf born December 17, 1919. His mother's name was Lillian Gose on this record. Another son was born in 1921 and listed as Sterling J. Scalf born August 5, 1921 in Pike County, Kentucky. No other children were listed.
Their son was buried at Kewasse, Kentucky December 18, 1919. Sterling was listed as the undertaker. The death certificate states that Sterling was born in Pike County, Kentucky and Lillian was born in Floyd. Sterling and Lillian were living in the home of John Scalf in Pike County, Kentucky in 1920.
WWI Registration Card
Name: Sterling J. Scalf
Age: 21
Home Address: Betsy Layne, KY
Date of Birth: January 3, 1897
Born: Gulnare, KY
Father's birth place: Betsy Layne, KY
Name of employer: Self
(Link to original document)
Place of employment: Betsy Layne, WV
Name of closest relative: C. C. Scalf, Betsy Layne, KY
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: June 5, 1918
1920 Pike Co KY 15 January 1920 District #8 Mouth Shelby
SCALF, John |
Head |
30 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ammile |
Wife |
25 |
1895 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John W. |
Son |
6 |
1914 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Hubert |
Son |
4 7/12 |
1915 |
WV |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Sterlin |
Brother? |
23 |
1893 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, Lillian |
Sister in law |
17 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
1930 Pike Co KY 19 April 1930 District #6
SCALF, Sterling |
Head |
30 |
1900 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Lillie |
Wife |
27 |
1903 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Junior |
Son |
8 |
1922 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 08/05/1921 |
1940 Buchanan CO VA
20 May 1940
Big Rock
SCALF, Sterling | Head | 42 | 1898 | KY |
Lillian | Wife | 37 | 1903 | KY |
Sterling, Jr. | Son | 18 | 1922 | KY |
1950 Buchanan CO VA
5 April 1950
SCALF, S. J. | Head | 50 | 1900 | KY | Works in Coal Mine |
Lillian | Wife | 47 | 1903 | KY |
We do not know if there were more children of Sterling and Lillian at this time. The only child listed by Sherry Blackburn is Sterling Jr. who appears on the 1930 census census and in the birth records of Pike County, Kentucky.
Child of Sterling Scalf, Sr. and Lillian Gose from the research of Sherry Blackburn:
Sterling Scalf, Jr. born August 5, 1921 in Virginia and died June 14, 1992 in Fruitland Park, Florida at the age of 70. Sterling Jr., married Helen Looney June 20, 1947 in Pikeville, Kentucky. She was born about 1923 in Weller Yard, Virginia, the daughter of Curmil Looney and Ritha Lochard.
Name: Sterling Jennings Scalf
Place of residence: Big Rock, Buchanan, VA
(Link to document)
Age: 45
Date of birth: January 3, 1897
Place of birth: Floyd CO, KY
Name and address of person who will know your address: Mrs. Lillian Scalf, Big
Rock, VA
Employer: Buchanan County Coal Corporation, Big Rock, VA
Son of
Sterling Jennings Scalf & Lillian Gose
Sterling J., Jr.<Sterling J<Christopher C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
SCALF, Junior | Head | 28 | 1922 | KY | Works in Coal Mine |
Hellen | Wife | 19 | 1931 | VA | |
Terry Rand | Son | 1 | 1949 | VA |
Daughter of
Christopher Columbus (Lum) Scalf & Susannah McGuire
Louisa J<Christopher C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Louisa (Lula) was born June 16, 1900 at Betsy Lane (Pike Co) Kentucky and died July 9, 1973 in Williamson, West Virginia. She is buried at Memory Gardens in Huddy, Kentucky. Lula married Wallace Thomas Young October 8, 1920 in Hays Maynard's Zebulon, Pike County, Kentucky. Wallace was born February 5, 1896 in Varney, Kentucky, the son of Henry Young and Polly Fields. He died May 18, 1971 in South Williamson, Kentucky from grief over the death of Pauline. He was 75 years old. (Sherry Blackburn).
Children of Lula Scalf and Wallace Young:
1) Eula May Young born November 13, 1921 and died 1998 – 2000.
She married Hi Gillman, Jr. February 26, 1941 at Pikeville, Kentucky. Hi was
born October 14, 1915 in Borderland, West Virginia (Kentucky side) and died July
10, 1982 in Hatfield, Kentucky. He was the son of Hi Gillman, Sr. and Ellia L.
Aldridge. He is buried in the family cemetery in Gillman Hollow.
2) Virginia Young born January 16, 1924 in Pike Co. Kentucky and died
January 7, 1925 in Pike Co. Kentucky. Buried at Scott Cemetery, Johns Creek,
3) Lenora Young born December 10, 1926 at Pond Creek, Kentucky and died
May 20, 1933 in Chattaroy, West Virginia at age 6. She is buried in Scott
Cemetery at Johns Creek, Kentucky.
4) Juanita Young born September 28, 1928 at Pond Creek, Kentucky.
5) Betty Jean Young born October 21, 1930 married Robert Gilispee.
6) Wallace Clifford Young born December 16, 1932 at Chattatory, West
Virginia. Wallace married Betty Bertenia Stepp March 15, 1955 in Pikeville,
Kentucky. She is the daughter of Bill Stepp and Virgie.
7) Agnes Irene Young was born December 9, 1934 in Chattaroy, West
Virginia and died July 7, 1987 in St. Clair, Michigan from cancer at age 52. She
is buried in Brighton, Michigan. She married Thomas Johnson born December 8,
1934 and died May 30, 1996 in Michigan from cancer of the throat at age 61.
Agnes and Thomas were divorced.
8) Pauline Young born June 30, 1937 in Varney, Kentucky and died February
21, 1971 in a car accident in Toler (Pike Co) Kentucky at the age of 33. She is
buried at Memory Gardens in Huddy, Kentucky. She married Homer Billy McCoy born
about 1933 in Thomas, Kentucky. They were married August 2, 1954 in Goody (Pike
Co) Kentucky. He was the son of William T. McCoy and Fannie.
9) Geraldine Young born June 12, 1939 in Varney, Kentucky. She married
Bud Steenburgen in Louisville, Kentucky. They divorced. Geraldine married second
to Lee Thomas Leedy in 1967. They divorced March 26, 1980.
1930 Mingo CO WV 10 April 1930 Chattaroy
YOUNG, Wallace | Head | 33 | 1897 | KY | KY | KY |
Lula | Wife | 30 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY |
Eula M. | Dau | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Lenora | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Juanita | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
A continuation of this line can be found in the database when the database is posted.
Son of
Christopher Columbus Scalf & Susannah McGuire
Everett<Christopher C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Everett Scalf, son of Christopher Columbus Scalf & Susannah McGuire, was born August 1, 1908 and died May 7, 1972 in Raleigh, WV. Everett married Minnie Justice on August 28, 1937.
(Link to Everett Scalf and Minnie Justice marriage document)
(Link to Everett Scalf death certificate)
1940 Boone CO WV 16 April 1940 Wharton
SCALF, Everett | Head | 31 | 1909 | KY |
Minnie | wife | 28 | 1912 | KY |
Everett, Jr. | Son | 1 | 1939 | WV |
Woodrow | Brother | 23 | 1917 | KY |
Son of
Christopher Columbus Scalf & Susannah McGuire
Woodrow<Christopher C<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Woodrow Scalf, son of Christopher Columbus Scalf & Susannah McGuire, was born January 17, 1917 and died August 14, 2002. Woodrow married Dorothy M. Justice.
1940 Boone CO WV 16 April 1940 Wharton
SCALF, Everett | Head | 31 | 1909 | KY |
Minnie | wife | 28 | 1912 | KY |
Everett, Jr. | Son | 1 | 1939 | WV |
Woodrow | Brother | 23 | 1917 | KY |
Son of
James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott
William<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William Scalf, son of James Breckenridge Scalf, was born Aug. 19, 1879 and married Gracie Blackburn. Gracie was born 19 August and died March 1968 at Pikeville (Pike Co) Kentucky. (SS Death Index)
This couple was followed on the census records from 1900 through 1920. William was living in the home of Henderson and Rebecca Scott in 1900.
Children of William and Gracie from Chronicles of the Scalf Family. Births from Pike County, Kentucky Birth Records:
1) Clyde E. Scalf born 20 March 1905 and died 5 February 15, 1993. (SS Death Index and Pike County, Kentucky death records) He married Sallie McCoy. Pike County birth records list a child, Anna L. born August 28, 1930.
2) William Glenn Scalf married Beulah May Johnson. Beulah was born 27 November 1911 and died May 19, 1977. (SS Death Index and Pike County, KY deaths)
3) Clell Scalf married Francis Adkins.
4) Clara Scalf married Frank Mattox.
5) Carie W. Scalf born 08/24/1915, Pike County, Kentucky. Carrie married Hansford Rogers.
6) Carroll Scalf unmarried. Carroll was born 28 April 1920 and died September 1979 Pike Co. KY. (Pike County, Kentucky Births and SS Death Index)
7) Thomas Scalf married Jerry Hayes
8) Ronald Scalf married Patricia Stapleton.
The birth records of Pike County, Kentucky list a Clint Scalf born March 30, 1913 in Pike County, Kentucky. His mother was listed as Gracie Blackburn. A child named Clint was not found on the census records and we cannot determine if this child died or the name may have been transcribed wrong on one of the records. A William G. Scalf was born in 1911 and we believe this to be Glenn.
William and Grace were found on the census records from 1900 through 1930.
1900 Pike Co KY 11 June 1900 District #7
SCOTT, Henderson |
Head |
58 |
1842 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Rebecca |
Wife |
59 |
1841 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Vivian |
Dau |
17 |
1883 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Benjamin |
Son |
14 |
1886 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
John |
Son |
10 |
1890 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
SCALF, William |
Cousin |
20 |
1880 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
HARMON, Maynard |
Boarder |
25 |
1875 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Hiss, Jane |
Servant |
33 |
1867 |
VA |
VA |
FL |
Hiss, Dizzy |
Boarder |
7 |
1893 |
VA |
VA |
VA |
1910 Pike Co KY 22 April 1910 Precinct
#5 Lower Johns Creek
SCAFF, William |
Head |
31 |
1879 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Gracie |
Wife |
21 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Clide |
Son |
5 |
1905 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
McClellen |
Son |
1 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
NUNNERY, James |
Servant |
16 |
1894 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
WWI Registration Card
Name: W.M. Scalf
Age: 39
Home Address: Gulnare, KY
Date of Birth: August 19, 1879
Occupation: Farmer
(Link to original document)
Nearest relative: Gracie Scalf
Address of nearest relative: Gulnare, KY
Height: Tall
Build: Medium
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Date: September 12, 1918
1920 Pike Co KY 15 January 1920 District #5
SCALF, William |
Head |
39 |
1881 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Gracie |
Wife |
31 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Clyde |
Son |
14 |
1906 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 03/20/1905 |
Clare |
Dau |
12 |
1908 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Clel |
Son |
10 |
1910 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Glen |
Son |
8 |
1912 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 05/15/1911 |
Carrie |
Dau |
4/12 |
1919 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 08/24/1915 |
1930 Pike Co KY 9 April 1930 Ward
#57 Pikeville
SCALF, William M. |
Head |
51 |
1879 |
KY |
VA |
KY |
Gracie |
Wife |
41 |
1889 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Clara |
Dau |
23 |
1907 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Clell |
Son |
21 |
1909 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Glenn |
Son |
18 |
1912 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Carrie |
Dau |
14 |
1916 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Carol |
Son |
9 |
1921 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Thomas |
Son |
5 |
1925 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
Ronald |
Son |
2/12 |
1930 |
KY |
KY |
KY |
(b) 02/19/1930 |
1940 Pike CO KY
10 April 1940
SCALF, William M. | Head | 60 | 1880 | KY |
Gracie M. | Wife | 51 | 1889 | KY |
Carrol | Son | 19 | 1921 | KY |
Thomas Oliver | Son | 15 | 1925 | KY |
Ronald E. | Son | 10 | 1930 | KY |
Name: William Martin Scalf
Place of residence: Rockbridge CO, Buchanan, VA
(Link to document)
Mailing address: Box 447, Buena Vista, VA
Age: 62
Date of birth: August 19, 1878
Place of birth: Gulnare, KY
Name and address of person who will know your address: Mrs. W.M. Scalf, Buena
Vista, VA
Employer: Mr. E.S. Shurtless (Farmer), Rockbridge, VA
Son of
William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn
Clyde<William<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Clyde E. Scalf, son of William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn, was born March 20, 1905 and died February 15, 1993 in Pikeville, Kentucky. Clyde married Sallie McCoy, the daughter of Harlow Wellington McCoy and Mousie Anna Fraley. Sallie was born January 3, 1912 and died May 13, 1962.
(Link to death certificate of Sallie M. Scalf)
Children of Clyde Scalf and Sallie McCoy:
1) Anna L.
Scalf - born August 28, 1930.
2) Layton Douglas Scalf - born July 5, 1933 and died
May 21, 1990.
3) Donald Gaston Scalf - born July 7, 1940 and died
October 19, 2010.
1930 Pike CO KY 4 April 1930 Pikeville
SCALF, E. Clyde | Head | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 25 |
Sallie | Wife | 18 | 1912 | KY | KY | KY | Married @ 18 |
1940 Pike CO KY
4 April 1940
SCALF, Clyde | Head | 34 | 1906 | KY |
Sallie | Wife | 27 | 1913 | KY |
Anna Lee | Dau | 9 | 1931 | KY |
Douglas | Son | 6 | 1934 | KY |
1950 Pike CO KY
1 April 1950
SCALF, E. Clyde | Head | 45 | 1905 | KY |
Sollie | Wife | 38 | 1912 | KY |
Douglas | Son | 16 | 1934 | KY |
Donnie | Son | 9 | 1941 | KY |
Son of
Clyde Scalf & Sallie McCoy
Layton<Clyde<William<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Layton Douglas Scalf, son of Clyde Scalf &
Sallie McCoy, was born July 5, 1933 and died May 21, 1990 in Ohio. Layton
married Julia Brown.
Children of Layton Scalf and Julia Brown:
1) Sally A.
Scalf - born December 26, 1954.
2) Myrtle Lynn Scalf - born December 12, 1955. Myrtle
married Charles Edward Haines.
(Link to marriage document)
3) Layton Douglas Scalf, Jr. - December 22, 1957.
Son of
Clyde Scalf & Sallie McCoy
Donald<Clyde<William<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Donald Gaston Scalf, son of Clyde Scalf & Sallie McCoy, was born July 7, 1940 and died October 19, 2010.
VERSAILLES - Don Scalf, 70, died Tue, Oct 19, 2010. He was born June 7, 1940 to the late Clyde and Sallie McCoy Scalf. He was a retired employee of the Butler Company. Mr. Scalf was an avid railroader and a past President of the Bluegrass Railroad Museum. He is survived by his sister in law, Julia Scalf; and nieces and nephews, Lynn Haines, Doug Scalf, Sarah Davis, John Scalf, Micah Willis, and Mark Willis. Funeral services will be Sat, 3:30pm at Johnson Memorial Cemetery in Pikeville, KY. Visitation will be Fri from 6-8pm at Clark Funeral Home, Rose Hill and on Sat from 1-3pm at JW Call and Son Funeral Home in Pikeville, KY.
Daughter of
William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn
Clara<William<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Clara Scalf, the daughter of William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn was born January 22, 1907 and died June 12, 2010. Clara married Frank Mattox. frank was born February 28, 1915 in West Virginia and died November 21, 1961in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Children of Frank Mattox and Clara Scalf:
1. Helen Janet Mattox
2. Wanda Lee Mattox
3. Bonnie Jean Mattox
4. William Thomas Mattox
1940 Pike CO KY 12 April 1940 Belfry
MATTOX, Frank | Head | 25 | 1915 | WV |
Clara | Wife | 33 | 1907 | KY |
Jannet | Dau | 4 | 1936 | KY |
Wanda Lee | Dau | 3 | 1937 | KY |
Bonnie Jean | Dau | 3/12 | 1940 | KY |
WHITE, Carrie | Lodger | 20 | 1920 | KY |
1960 - Frank and Clara Mattox were listed in the Columbus, Ohio City Directory.
Son of
William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn
Clell<William<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
McClellen Scalf, the son of William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn was born November 11, 1908 and died February 1, 1896. Clell married (1) Carrie Coleman - died April 11, 1937. (2) Frances Adkins.
(Link to Carrie Coleman death certificate)
1940 PIKE CO KY 10 April 1940 Pikeville
SCALF, Clell | Head | 31 | 1909 | KY |
Frances | Wife | 21 | 1919 | KY |
ADKINS, Earl | Brother in law | 15 | 1915 | KY |
Son of
William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn
Glenn<William<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
William G. Scalf, son of William Morgan Scalf & Columbia Gracie Blackburn, was born May 15, 1911. He married Beulah May Johnson.
1940 Pike CO KY 12 April 1940 District 2
SCALF, Glen | Head | 28 | 1912 | KY |
Buelah | Wife | 28 | 1912 | KY |
Son of
William Scalf & Gracie Blackburn
Thomas M<William<James B<Brittan<John Sr<Lewis Scalf
Mitchell Thomas Scalf, son of William Scalf and Gracie Blackburn, was born about 1925 according to the 1930 Pike County, Kentucky census. We have no information on the marriage of Thomas at this time, however, we are grateful to Kevin Scalf, a great-grandson of Thomas who recently updated us on a son of Thomas.
Email from Kevin Scalf, June 9, 2009:
My grandfather was Robert E. Lee Scalf (died Feb. 13, 1992), born Nov. 11,
1904, married Chelsie Bayler. Son of MITCHELL THOMAS SCALF.
They had 2 children:
1) Bobby Scalf, now Bobby Hopkins.
2) Thomas Scalf
3) Gerald Lee Scalf (born July 15th 1944)
My dad is Gerald Lee Scalf and he married Judy Johnson.
Their Kids:
1) Kevin Scalf born March 2, 1970
2) Chrissy Scalf born April 25th 1979
I have a son Evan Robert Scalf born June 2 2003.
Daughter of
James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott
Ruth<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ruth Ann Scalf, the daughter of James Breckenridge Scalf and
Rebecca Scott, was born September 19, 1881 and died 1920-1930. Ruth married
William C. Clark July 16, 1896 in Pike County, KY. William
Clark was
born October 12, 1873 in Pike County, Kentucky and died September 13, 1963 in
Floyd County, Kentucky.
The Clarks were pioneer settlers in the Johns Creek area of early Floyd County, Kentucky. Reuben Clark erected a mill, known as Clark's Mill, near the mouth of Brushy Fork of Johns Creek at the present Pike-Floyd County line, which served a wide area in the log cabin development days. The mill was mentioned frequently in Order Book I, Floyd County. (Courtesy - Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
(Photograph - courtesy of Gary Clark)
Children of William Clark and Ruth Scalf:
1) Emery
Eugene Clark - married May Davis Hill.
2) James Victor Clark - married Oriole Price Clark.
3) Gaynell Clark - born Dec. 21, 1904; married,
July 2, 1927 to Ollie Powers May, born Nov. 6, 1904.
4) Ballard Elmer Clark - killed Sept. 23, 1930 by a
train at Dinwood, near Martin, Kentucky.
5) Georgia F. Clark - born October 12, 1915 and died
April 19, 1917 from measles. (Link to death certificate)
6) Lawton Edward Clark - an airman in World War II, was
killed in a mission over Germany, Sept. 10, 1944.
1900 Pike CO KY
12 June 1900
District 7
CLARK, William C. | Head | 26 | Oct 1873 | KY | KY | VA | Married 4 years | |
?? Bertha A. | Wife | 18 | Sep 1881 | KY | KY | KY | Married 4 years | 2 children born, 2 living |
Emery E. | Son | 3 | May 1897 | KY | KY | KY | ||
James V. | Son | 1 | Jan 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
1910 Floyd CO KY
22 April 1910
Mouth Mud
CLARK, William C. | Head | 35 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | Married 14 years | |
Ruthie A. | Wife | 29 | 1881 | KY | VA | KY | Married 14 years | 6 children born, 4 living |
Emery E. | Son | 12 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY | ||
James E. | Son | 10 | 1900 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Gaynell | Dau | 5 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | ||
Ballard E. | Son | 6/12 | 1909 | KY |
1920 Pike CO KY
26 January 1920
Coal Run
CLARK, W. C. | Head | 45 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY |
Ruth | Wife | 38 | 1882 | KY | KY | KY |
Emory E. | Son | 22 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
James W. | Son | 21 | 1899 | KY | KY | KY |
Ganella | Dau | 15 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY |
Ballard | Son | 10 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Lawlon Edward | Son | 3/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Floyd CO KY
18 April 1930
District 4
MAY, Ollie | Head | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Gaynell | Wife | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Catherine L. | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY | |
Alphajean | Son | 4/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY | |
William | Father in law | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | Widower |
Lawton Edward | Brother in law | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf
Emery<Ruth<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Emery Eugene Clark, son of William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf, was born May 19, 1897 at Gulnare, Kentucky, and died November 4, 1990. He married May Davis Hill on November 9, 1922. May, a daughter of Edward P. Hill, Sr. and Adda Louellen Davis Hill, was born April 25, 1903.
Emery associated himself with the infant gas industry of the Big Sandy valley. He was promoted several times and at his retirement was vice-president in charge of production of the Kentucky West Virginia Gas Company. (Courtesy - Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
Children of Emery Scalf and May Hill:
1) Emery Eugene Clark, Jr. - born Feb.
4, 1924 and died March 4, 1924.
2) Edna Estelle Clark - born Dec. 6, 1925 and died Feb.
4, 1926.
3) Ethel Elaine Clark - born May 7, 1929; married
Howard Carr Lemming.
4) William Edward Clark - born Nov. 15, 1934; married Janeth
Rhea Graham.
1930 Floyd CO KY 3 April 1930 Prestonsburg
CLARK, Emra | Head | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Mae | Wife | 26 | 1904 | KY | KY | KY |
Ethel E. | Dau | 1 11/12 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf
James<Ruth<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
James V. Clark, son of William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf, was born January 1899 (1900 census). James Clark married Oriole Price.
Children of James Clark and Oriole Price:
1) James
Dempsey Clark - born Jan. 21, 1922; married Anna Sue Layne.
2) Darwin Eugene Clark -
born March 29, 1924.
3) Alvanell Clark - born Dec. 28, 1925;
married Petty Leon Thompson.
1930 Floyd CO KY
18 April 1930
District 4
CLARK, Victor | Head | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Oriole | Wife | 28 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
James W. | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Darvin E. | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Alvin L. | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Ballard | Brother | 20 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Daughter of
William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf
Gaynell<Ruth<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Gaynell Clark, daughter of William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf was born December 21, 1904. She was married July 2, 1927 to Ollie Powers May who was born November 6, 1904.
Children of Ollie May and Gaynell Clark:
1) Kathryn Lorraine May -
born April 10, 1928; married Beryl Fraley.
2) Alphajean May - born November 25, 1929;
married David Duane Watson.
3) Altonette May - born September 29, 1936; married Earl
1930 Floyd CO KY
18 April 1930
District 4
MAY, Ollie | Head | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Gaynell | Wife | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Catherine L. | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY | |
Alphajean | Son | 4/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY | |
William | Father in law | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | Widower |
Lawton Edward | Brother in law | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf
Ballard<Ruth<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Ballard Clark, son of William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf, was born October 16, 1909 and died September 23, 1930. He was killed on September 23, 1930 by a train at Dinwood, near Martin, Kentucky. (Courtesy - Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
1930 Floyd CO KY 18 April 1930 District 4
CLARK, Victor | Head | 32 | 1898 | KY | KY | KY |
Oriole | Wife | 28 | 1902 | KY | KY | KY |
James W. | Son | 8 | 1922 | KY | KY | KY |
Darvin E. | Son | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY |
Alvin L. | Dau | 4 | 1926 | KY | KY | KY |
Ballard | Brother | 20 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
Son of
William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf
Lawton<Ruth<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Lawton Edward Clark, son of William Clark & Ruth Ann Scalf, was born October 12, 1919 and died September 10, 1944. Lawton enlisted in December 31, 1940. He was an airman in World War II and was killed in a mission over Germany. (Courtesy - Chronicles of the Scalf Family)
1930 Floyd CO KY 18 April 1930 District 4
MAY, Ollie | Head | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Gaynell | Wife | 25 | 1905 | KY | KY | KY | |
Catherine L. | Dau | 2 | 1928 | KY | KY | KY | |
Alphajean | Son | 4/12 | 1929 | KY | KY | KY | |
William | Father in law | 55 | 1875 | KY | KY | KY | Widower |
Lawton Edward | Brother in law | 10 | 1920 | KY | KY | KY |
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records:
Lawton E
Birth Year: 1919
Race: White, Citizen
Nativity State or Country: Kentucky
State of Residence: Kentucky
County or City: Floyd
Enlistment Date: 31 Dec 1940
Enlistment State: Kentucky
Enlistment City: Fort Thomas Newport
Branch: Air Corps Branch
Code: Air Corps
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the Panama Canal Department
Component: Regular Army (including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, and
Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 1 year of college
Civil Occupation: Actors and actresses
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 69
Weight: 136
Daughter of
James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott
Tabitha<James B<Brittan<John Scalf Sr<Lewis Scalf
Tabitha Scalf, daughter of James Breckenridge Scalf & Rebecca J. Scott, was born May 4, 1885 and died November 3, 1966. Tabitha married Malcolm James on May 29, 1909 in Pike County, Kentucky.
1910 Pike CO KY 22 April 1910 Lower Johns Creek
JAMES, Malcome | Head | 29 | 1881 | KY | KY | KY | married 2 times | |
Litha | Wife | 23 | 1887 | KY | KY | KY | married 1 time | |
Ula M. | Dau | 1/12 | 1910 | KY | KY | KY |
1920 Pike CO KY
15 January 1920
Lower Johns Creek
JAMES, Malcolm | Head | 40 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY | |
Litha | Wife | 34 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY | |
Mabel | Dau | 9 | 1911 | KY | KY | KY | |
May | Dau | 7 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY | |
Guy | Son | 2 6/12 | 1917 | KY | KY | KY | Died September 27, 1931 (Link to death certificate) |
Quentin | Son | 10/12 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY |
1930 Pike CO KY
23 April 1930
District 5
JAMES, Malcolm | Head | 50 | 1880 | KY | KY | KY | married @ 20 |
Litha | Wife | 44 | 1886 | KY | KY | KY | married @ 24 |
Mae | Dau | 17 | 1913 | KY | KY | KY | |
Quentin | Son | 11 | 1919 | KY | KY | KY | |
Imogene | Dau | 6 | 1924 | KY | KY | KY | |
Peggy Racine | Dau | 0/12 | 1930 | KY | KY | KY |
1940 Pike CO KY
6 April 1940
District 5
JAMES, W. M. | Head | 60 | 1880 | KY |
Litha | Wife | 54 | 1886 | KY |
Emma Jean | Dau | 16 | 1924 | KY |
End James Breckenridge Scalf
End Brittan Scalf
Henry Scalf – Chronicles of the Scalf Family
Virgil Scalf
Sharon Scalf Ratliff
Sherry Blackburn
Steve Scalf
Sherrie Simpson
Kevin Scalf
Tami DeRossett Moorcraft
Norman Willard, Jr. and Martin Willard
Jennifer Boyd
Andrew Bananno
Lewis County Historical Museum
US GenWeb
Copyright (C) 2005-2017 by Margaret Fleenor, All Rights Reserved.