Son of Lewis Scalf (1745)

Benjamin Scalf, son of Lewis Scalf and his wife, Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf, was born May 10, 1764 in Johnston County, North Carolina according to his obituary. A copy of this was submitted to the author by Wendy Klosterman. Spelling and punctuation have been left as found in the article.

Herald Of Truth - Volume VII, Number 5 - April, 1870, page 62-63

Death notices should be written as briefly as possible, and when poetry is added, it should not exceed eight lines.

In Millersburg, Elkhart county, Ind., on the 8th of March 1870, BENJAMIN SCALF, aged 105 years 9 months and 28 days. He was born in Johnson county, North Carolina, May 10th 1764, and consequently was about 12 years old at the time of the Declaration of Independence. He moved to Illinois at an early day, and afterwards removed to this county, probably about 15 years ago. He retained his mental faculties until his death. He had been a member of the M. E. Church over 50 years, though he was 50 years old when he joined the church. He was peculiarly fond of speaking of his religious comforts and *christian enjoyments, which he enjoyed even unto the end. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

M. E. is an abbreviation for the Methodist Episcopal Church. The obituary states that Benjamin had joined around fifty years or more prior to 1870, and this calculates to at least the year 1820.

The obituary states he was born in Johnson County, NC; however, this should be JOHNSTON. This information also reveals that his father, Lewis Scalf, was living in Johnston County, NC during the time of Benjamin’s birth and may have married there.

Benjamin is believed to have been the second son of Lewis Scalf (born 1745). For identification purposes we will call him Benjamin Sr. Although no records have been found stating he was a senior, he did have a son named Benjamin and for identification purposes, the author has used senior and junior in these writings.

Little has been known through the years about the line of Benjamin Scalf, Sr. and very little documentation was found prior to these writings. Since the first posting of this chapter, a number of descendants have become involved in helping us put together the family of Benjamin Scalf, Sr., and for this we are very grateful.

We have been unable to find Benjamin listed on an 1800 census as head of house although we believe he might have been married at that time. His father, Lewis, and brother, John, were found living in Surry, a neighboring county, in 1800 and were heads of house in that year.

Benjamin was also not found in 1820 making it further difficult to determine the exact number of his children. His father Lewis and brothers, William and David, were living in Greenville County, South Carolina in 1820 and his brother, John, was living in Russell County, Virginia in 1820.

Following is a timeline of where Lewis Scalf and his sons were located in specific years:

1) 1745 - August 21, 1745, Lewis Scarf was born in Pasquotank Co. NC. Scalf appears to be spelled SCARLF on this record. (Pasquotank Births, Marriages, Deaths, Brands And Flesh Marks 1691-1797, Page 42, Raleigh, NC Archives)

2) 1779 - Tax list. Lewis Scalf in Cumberland Co. NC

3) 1784 - Tax list. Lewis Scalf in Johnston Co. NC.

4) 1787 - Lewis in Johnston County, NC State Census.

5) 1790 - Lewis is HOH in Edgecombe Co. NC census. Son, John Sr., married 1787 but not found as HOH in 1790. Believed to be in the home of his father at this time.

6) 1798 - Lewis and son, John Scalf, Sr., were found on a tax list of Surry County, NC. "At the age of 53 Lewis was in Surry County, North Carolina. His name appears there on a tax list in 1798. John Scalf, his son, was living on an adjoining farm."(Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

7) 1799 - Lewis is still in Surry Co. NC. "In 1799 Lewis Scalf again was listed on a tax list for Surry County." (Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

8) 1800 - Lewis Scalf is HOH on Surry Co. NC census.

9) 1800 - John Scalf Sr. (Son of Lewis) in Surry County census as HOH. Neither Benjamin, David, nor William was found as HOH in 1800.

10) 1805 - Lewis Scalf was taxed in Wilkes County, NC. "Shortly after 1800, however, Lewis moved to Wilkes County, North Carolina where he appears on a tax list in 1805. Lewis was farming 150 acres at this time and with him was his wife, Elizabeth, and his daughter, Sarah."(Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

11) 1806 - John Scalf, Sr., leaves North Carolina. "One son, John, left around 1806. He had been charged just prior to this with stealing a "light blue hog." John’s brother, William, went on his bond for $40 but John saw fit to leave the county before the trial came up."(Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

12) 1810 - Lewis was still in Wilkes County, NC. "Another tax list for 1810 shows Lewis was still residing in Wilkes County at the age of 65."(Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

13) 1810 - Lewis Scalf found as HOH in Wilkes Co. NC census.

14) 1810 - Benjamin and David (sons of Lewis) are also HOH in nearby Iredell Co. NC census.

15) 1810 - John Scalf, Sr. (Son of Lewis) is HOH Floyd County, KY census.

16) 1812 - David and Benjamin Scalf reported to have left North Carolina around this time. "Two other brothers, David and Benjamin, were in the area also. They both left about the year 1812 and went to Iredell County, North Carolina for a short stay. From Iredell County they soon moved with David going first to Greenville, South Carolina and later on over into, Tennessee. Benjamin, it appears, went directly to Tennessee and later migrated to Indiana where he lived to quite an advanced age." (Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

17) 1812 - Court record of Surry County records the following -"In the Surry County Superior Court Minutes of March, 1812 there is an entry indicating that Lewis and Elizabeth Scalf were paid to act as witnesses in the trial of Sarah Scalf for the murder of her infant son. Lewis and his wife had to appear in court to give evidence on behalf of the state as did his son, Benjamin, and Benjamin’s wife, Ceeley. They were all paid expenses for showing in court according to the records. The final result of the trial has never been learned. In the State Docket bock the records indicate that Lewis had been placed under a $200 appearance bond for himself and his wife to assure their being in court to give testimony in this case."(Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

18) 1814 -Elmer Scalf states that Lewis left North Carolina about 1814. "Lewis Scalf bought and sold land most everywhere he went. After he moved from North Carolina about 1814 he went to Greenville, South Carolina and bought land there."(Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

19) 1820 - Lewis Scalf is HOH in Greeneville Co, SC census.

20) 1820 - David and William, (Sons of Lewis) each are HOH in Greenville Co. SC census.

21) 1820 - Benjamin not found anywhere as HOH, but suspected to be in East TN. No 1820 East TN censuses survived.

22) 1820 - John Scalf, Sr., (son of Lewis) HOH in Russell Co, VA census.

23) 1830 - Lewis Scalf HOH in Habersham Co. GA census.

24) 1830 - William Scalf (son of Lewis) HOH Habersham Co. GA census.

25) 1830 - John Scalf, Sr. (son of Lewis) HOH Russell Co. VA census.

26) 1830 - Benjamin and David (sons of Lewis) both HOH in Washington Co. TN census.

27) 1840 - Lewis Scalf died around 1839-1840 in Habersham, Walker, or Franklin Co. GA. "It is quite possible that Lewis Scalf may have died in Franklin County, Georgia or even Jackson County, Georgia instead of Habersham County as many people have believed for years to be the case."(Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf, online @ Scalf Family Website)

28)1840 - William (son of Lewis) HOH in Habersham Co census.

29) 1840 - John Scalf Sr. (son of Lewis) HOH in Hawkins Co. TN census.

30) 1840 - Benjamin Scalf (son of Lewis) HOH in McDonough County, IL census.

31) 1840 - David Scalf (son of Lewis) HOH in Sullivan Co. TN census.

32) 1848 - John Scalf, Sr. died 1848 at Greene County, TN

33) 1850 - David Scalf (Son of Lewis) living with son-in-law and daughter in Carter Co. TN.

34) 1850 - Benjamin Scalf (Son of Lewis) still living, but not found on any census with family or as HOH.

35) 1860 - Benjamin Scalf (Son of Lewis) living with son, Benjamin, in Elkhart, Indiana census.

36) 1860 - David Scalf (Son of Lewis) no longer found and assumed deceased.

37) 1870 - Benjamin Scalf (Son of Lewis) died March 1870 before the census enumeration.

Benjamin Scalf left the East Tennessee area 1830-1836 and moved to McDonough County, Illinois. Most, if not all, of Benjamin’s children followed him to Illinois. We believe Benjamin and some of his sons might have left East Tennessee around the same time and several daughters with their families followed; however, it is very possible they all left together as most families did in those days with the exception of Rebecca Scalf Hankle who followed 1860-1870. No doubt, they were following the land prices, and during the 1830’s land had opened up in these areas at very low prices.

By estimation from his obituary, Benjamin would have been born around 1765. His brother, John Scalf, Sr. was stated in DAR records to have been born around 1760-1762 and was the oldest son of Lewis Scalf. The author does not agree with this date due to the birth date of their father, Lewis, whose birth record states he was born 1745. If we accept the DAR record of John’s birth date this places Lewis-age around 14-16 years old when John Sr. was born, which is very unlikely for the time period involved.

Due to the birth date of Lewis Scalf, it is very unlikely that he married at the age of 15 or even 16 in a time period when men were not considered of legal age until they reached 21. It was not common for a man to marry under the age of 21 at that time and those that did, which were very few, required the signature of a parent. Since we have no marriage record for Lewis we cannot know for sure that he did not marry before age 21; however, the author believes that John Scalf Sr. was likely born at least 1765-1767 when his father, Lewis, was 20-22 years old, and Benjamin was likely born a year or two later. If Lewis Scalf did marry around 21 years old as was common, then John was likely born around 1766 or 1767 and would have been around 14 or 15 years old during the Revolutionary War. This seems quite young by today’s standards, but was not uncommon for the Revolutionary War.

If this is correct, this would place Benjamin’s birth date around 1767 or 1768; therefore, his age would calculate to around 102-103 years old when he died in 1870. This seems more logical to the author than the dates that have been suggested. Either way we know that Benjamin certainly lived a very long time.

The next son, David S. Scalf, appears to have been born around 1772 from census records. There would have been at least a 4-5 year span between Benjamin and David and certainly enough space for the birth of at least one child.

Due to the fact that Benjamin cannot be traced very well in the earlier time period, we have been unable to satisfactorily document most of his children and this leaves much to speculation. Benjamin likely married a little earlier than his brother David, but a marriage record for either brother has not been found. Had it not been for the pension file of John Scalf, Sr. we likely would have never known when John married as well. Many tragedies happened in the colonial days of this country that resulted in records being lost and/or destroyed.

If the younger males and females in the home of Benjamin in 1810 were his children, he had a total of four at that time; two daughters and two sons. However, in 1820 Benjamin is missing from the records and twenty years lapse before we find him again. It is likely that some of his children married and left home before he was again found on a census record; therefore, we may never know exactly how many children Benjamin had.

The fact that David and Benjamin were both living in Washington County, Tennessee in 1830 also causes much difficulty in separating their children. Another factor involved is the area. Washington County, Tennessee is located near Russell County, Virginia where their brother John lived, and some of John’s family also visited the family in Washington County, Tennessee and one son of John married there. A daughter of John and Edy Carlisle Scalf, Lydia Scalf, married Johnston Painter who was also from Washington County, Tennessee and likely lived there for a period of time. The records certainly suggest that the family did keep in touch.

The author has taken liberty in this chapter to present the children believed by the author to have been children of Benjamin Scalf and this may not be correct; however, we believe there is enough circumstantial evidence to support them being children of Benjamin and Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf.

There are also families in the Carter and Washington County, Tennessee area that have not been placed and although the author feels that most of them likely belonged to one or the other of these men, not enough evidence of any type has been found to comfortably place them with either David or Benjamin. They might also have been children of John Scalf, Jr. and Martha Patsy Counts Scalf; therefore, if we cannot find enough information to place these folks, a chapter will be written with the information found to date to elicit help from descendants in placing these folks.

Genealogy will always be a work in progress as long as there is life. Our hope is to guide those who follow the genealogy trail in resolving the mysteries concerning these families.

Benjamin was not found as head of house in 1800 and might have been one of the males in his father’s home at this time. We know that John Scalf, Sr. was married at this time and was head of his own household in 1800. Benjamin, David and William were not found as head of house and this leads us to believe that the other three males were Benjamin, David and William although the ages do not appear to correlate with Benjamin and David.

1800 Surry Co. NC:

Lewis Scalf

2 males 10 - 16 (1784 - 1794)
1 male 16 - 26 (1774 - 1784)
1 male > - 45 (1755 or before)
1 female > - 45 (1755 or before)

Assuming that the ages might have been misstated on this census at least one male 10-16, born 1784-1790 by estimation could have been William. William was born 1780 by estimation of other census records. The other male aged 16-26 was born 1774-1784 and could have been David, but his birth year on later census records estimates his birth date as 1772 and Benjamin was older than David according to his obituary, as well as census records.

We find Benjamin as head of house in 1810 Iredell County, NC.

1810 Iredell CO NC

SCALF, Benjamin

2 males < 10 (1800 - 1810) 2 sons
1 male 26 - 44 (1765 - 1784) Benjamin and a relative
2 females < 10 (1800 - 1810) 2 daughters
1 female 26 - 44 (1765 - 1784) Benjamin’s wife
1 female 45 - older (before 1766) wife or relative

In analyzing this census, there are a number of things that are possible. First, it is possible that the female 26-45 years old was Benjamin’s wife and one of the males in the same age range was Benjamin.

Second, it is just as possible that the female 45 or older was Benjamin’s wife, Ceely Ann Keziah. Benjamin would have been around 40-45 years old if he was actually born 1765-1770 and the female 45 or older could have been 46 years old or older on this census. It was not unusual for a woman to be several years older than her husband, so this census could also be determined in this way.

Third, it might also be assumed that the female 45 or older, was Benjamin’s mother-in-law or any relative of either Benjamin or Ceely Ann living with the family. The same could be said for the other male 26-45 years old. We can certainly rule out the possibility of the male 26-45 being one of Benjamin’s brothers because they were all head of house in this year with their own families, unless Benjamin had a brother we know nothing about. To my knowledge, there has never been any information to suggest to researchers that another brother existed. We can probably rule out the possibility that the older female was Benjamin’s mother on this census due to the fact that a female was in his father’s home that was likely Benjamin’s mother. However, we must not forget that sometimes people were enumerated in their own home and then in the home of a family member in the same census year depending on what day the enumerator came around. Therefore, the earlier census records, especially before 1850, will be mostly speculation. The only factual thing about the 1790-1840 census records is the head of house, for they were the only family members named.

Last, there is the possibility that one of the males aged 26-45 could have been a brother to Ceely Ann and the older female 45 or older was his wife. Therefore, we also cannot confirm that the children were children of Benjamin and Ceely Ann because they may just as easily have been children of this male and older female.

We do know from Keziah researchers, along with our own research that the Keziah family was living in the same area at this time. We also believe that Sandifer Keziah, believed to have been Ceely Ann’s father, had died by this date and this makes it highly possibly that her mother was living with them at this time and possibly a brother of Ceely Ann.

Assuming that the female aged 26-45 was Benjamin’s wife, the other male aged 26-45 was a relative, the older female 45 or older was Ceely Ann’s mother, and the two younger males and females were children of Benjamin and Ceely, then they had four children by 1810 and the oldest child was born at least 1800 (plus or minus a few years), then Benjamin and Ceely Ann likely married 1795-1800. We also assume Benjamin was in his 30’s before he married. Due to the common age that was likely for Lewis Scalf when his first child, John Sr., was born, the author believes Benjamin was likely born at least 1768-1770; however, we can only speculate on all of this and the margin of error for speculation has no boundaries.

As stated above, assuming these were Benjamin’s children, we believe these children were Lewis, Benjamin Jr., Mahala and possibly Joanna.

The next record we have of Benjamin was found in the Surry County, North Carolina Court Minutes of 1812, which does reveal that Benjamin was married at this time. This record has not been reviewed by the author but is listed in Scalf Family History. Below is an excerpt from that book:

In the Surry County Superior Court Minutes of March, 1812 there is an entry indicating that Lewis and Elizabeth Scalf were paid to act as witnesses in the trial of Sarah Scalf for the murder of her infant son. Sarah used an alias, Caps, according to the record. Lewis and his wife had to appear in court to give evidence on behalf of the state as did his son, Benjamin, and Benjamin’s wife, Ceeley. They were all paid expenses for showing in court according to the records. The final result of the trial has never been learned. In the State Docket bock the records indicate that Lewis had been placed under a $200 appearance bond for himself and his wife to assure their being in court to give testimony in this case. (Scalf Family History, Chapter III, Lewis Scalf)

We have no knowledge of how, or if, this case was settled because there is no follow-up record. The term "alias" used in this record was simply to indicate that Caps was either Sarah’s maiden or married name, not that she was using an assumed name. This can be found in many of the old records concerning marital names. The word, alias was not a specific term for using an assumed name during that period as it is today, although the term sometimes indicated an assumed name was being used.

Note: A James Cap was living six houses away from Benjamin on this census. Sarah Scalf, daughter of Lewis, is believed to have married James Caps/Capps. This family might have been the family of James and Sarah Scalf Caps. If so, they had five children in 1810. From the ages of the children, it is indicated that James and Sarah married before 1800. The oldest children were being born as early as 1784 on this census which also complicates things even further. If Sarah had children as early as 1784 it would suggest that she was married around 1780-1784. For Sarah to have been married by 1780 she would have been born around 1759 if she was 21 at her marriage as was common for the time. Even if she was 16-20 she would have been born around 1764-1768 which would again complicates things if we believe that Benjamin was born 1767-1770. John Scalf Sr. was born at least 1766 or 1767. If this was Sarah Scalf Caps, she might have been born between John and Benjamin or between Benjamin and David. David is believed to have been born 1772; therefore, John would have been born 1766, Benjamin in 1768, Sarah in 1769 or 1770 and David in 1772.  If Sarah was born in 1770 she would have only been 14 when she married and although it was not impossible, it was very improbable for this early time period. It did happen much later, but it was rare in this time period. Not to say that it could not have happened, but the probability of it was rare. We also cannot forget that Elmer Scalf stated that Sarah was with her father in 1805 although we do not know on what reference Elmer might have found to base this on. It is just as possible that another daughter was with Lewis in 1805. We might be able to resolve some of these mysteries with further research before Lewis Scalf.

This appears to be the only census this family was found on. Nothing has been learned of Sarah Scalf Capps, although a number of the Capps/Caps family was found living in Grainger and Claiborne County, Tennessee along with the Scalf family and some of their marital ties. A connection to these families has not been established at this time.

It should also be noted here that one of the Caps researchers does not believe the family living nearby was actually Caps but was likely Cass instead.  This may be one of the reasons we have not learned much about Sarah Scalf Caps. The name might have been Sarah Scalf Cass instead of Caps.

1810 Iredell Co. NC

Cap, James

1 male < 10 (1800 - 1810) 1 son
2 males 16 - 26 (1784 - 1794) 2 sons
1 male 45 - older (1765 - before) Head of house
1 female < 10 (1800 - 1810) 1 daughter
1 female 16 - 26 (1784 - 1794) 1 daughter
1 female 26 - 45 (1765 - 1784) wife

Benjamin Scalf married Ceely Ann Keziah (also spelled Koziah/Coziah/Coziahr). If they married at the common age of 21, they most likely married around 1785-1790. However, it appears from information thus far that they married 1795-1800. The Keziah family can be found in Washington County, Tennessee (spelled various ways) at the same time the Scalf families were living there and Sandifer Keziah appeared to have been in Washington County before the Scalf family.

Benjamin and Ceely Ann had a son, Lewis, born 1800-1805 who was living in Washington County, Tennessee and has often been mistaken for his grandfather, Lewis, by researchers over the years. Many researchers have thought that Benjamin and his father, Lewis, were in Washington County, Tennessee but this was Benjamin’s son, not his father.

Lewis (son of Benjamin) can be found with his first wife, Nancy Keziah (appears as Hoziah/Koziah in Washington Co.) on the 1830 census of Washington County, Tennessee. Lewis (Son of Benjamin) and Nancy Keziah married in 1829. Although no definite proof has been found, the author and Keziah family researchers believe that Nancy was a niece of her husbands-mother, Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf.

At first glance of the name Koziah on the Washington County, Tennessee records concerning Nancy, the name appears as Nancy HOZIAH on page 55 of the Washington County Marriages, Book 1. The name then appears on page 222 of the same book as Nancy Kozeah. The Koziah name is also found with numerous spellings such as Coziah/Coziar/Coziahr/Keziah/Kizziah/Casiah/Ceziar/Koziah/Hoziah, just to mention a few, and is very difficult to research. The K and C are interchangeable. The most correct spelling according to family researchers is KEZIAH.

Research on the Keziah name leads us back to Surry County, North Carolina to the 1810 census. On the 1810 Surry County census, a Jodwick and a William Coziah are found. The name Jodwick should be Lodwick or Ludwick according to a Keziah researcher. Recall that Lewis Scalf had lived here in 1800. Lewis Scalf and wife Elizabeth, Benjamin and wife Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf, were also summoned to appear in court there in 1812.

According to a Keziah researcher, the Keziah family was in Washington County, Tennessee as early as 1782. A Sandifer Kesiah was listed in a deed of land to James Ray (Old Book A, page 38-39, 10/24/1782, NC grant #242 to James Ray 190 acres on a branch of Cherokee Creek adj. Sand’fr Kesiah and Mr. Pinson -Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, County Court Volume 1, 1778-1779 Washington Co. NC-TN. Washington County, TN Deeds 1775-1800 by Loraine Rae, 1991 Southern Historical Press)

Sandifer Kesiah is also listed in the Revolutionary Army Accounts. A copy of this is posted and shows that Sandifer received payment in Washington (then Sullivan County, North Carolina) from the State of North Carolina.The pay vouchers were signed by Landon Carter and E. Williams. Sandifer received one pound-eleven shillings on June 12, 1782, and sixteen shillings on November 12, 1783. The pension record for Sandifer Kesiah has been requested, if one exists. This record of payment shows that Sandifer was drawing a pension for his service.(See copy of Pay Vouchers)& (Army Accounts Index)

UPDATE October 2010:A pension file for Sandifer Keziah was requested and the author was informed that none exists.

The area of Washington County that Sandifer Kesiah lived in was also a part of North Carolina before it became Tennessee. Parts of Surry County, North Carolina were taken to create Washington District, which later became Washington and Sullivan County, Tennessee. Several changes took place concerning the North Carolina/Tennessee boundary which is very confusing to researchers. Without going into the land changes of Tennessee, the author can only direct that a study of Tennessee land versus North Carolina be undertaken to understand these boundary changes. Otherwise, one might lose an ancestor that did not move from the area but the record is recorded other than where one thinks it should be. Depending on the year in question, the record could be recorded in North Carolina or Tennessee as well as Virginia because Virginia and North Carolina both claimed the land that is now East Tennessee at one time. Washington County was also Washington District before it was Washington County. Districts were created before counties and were called Militia Districts. Again, this depends on the years in question.

My Keziah correspondent states that Sandifer Kesiah was the father of Lodwick Coziah who was found on the 1810 Surry County, NC census. A William Coziah is also found on the same census as head of house and was most likely Lodwick’s son due to his estimated age. The estimated birth date of Sandifer Kesiah is around 1737, just eight years prior to the birth of Lewis Scalf (1745). Sandifer’s son Lodwick’s estimated birth date is around 1765-1774 and would fit in the birth range of Benjamin Scalf and his brother David. If Ceely Ann was born 1767-1770, she was most likely a sister of Lodwick and daughter of Sandifer Kesiah. This is only speculation according to the birth date of her husband, Benjamin Scalf. No documented evidence has been forthcoming as to the actual birth date of Ceely Ann Keziah/Coziah.

The fact that the Keziah family was in Surry Co. NC while Benjamin and Ceely Ann were in Iredell (neighboring counties) along with the fact that Sandifer Kesiah went to Washington County, Tennessee around 1782, and the Scalf family later arrived in Washington County as well would certainly lend support to the theory that she could have been part of the Sandifer Kesiah family especially, when considering the birth date of Benjamin Scalf compared to the birth date of Sandifer’s son, Lodwick, who was most likely Ceely Ann’s brother.

My correspondent on the Keziah family is an enrolled member of the Tuscarora Nation. Although it has not been determined with absolute certainty at this time which tribe the name descends from, there is strong evidence that it may descend from the North Carolina Tuscarora. Many of these Natives blended in among the settlers and other tribes in the area after the Indian Wars.

The link to the history that was listed here previously has been removed due to a dead link.

Sandifer Kesiah has been documented in:

County Military Rosters of VA
Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia records of 1767
1772 land grant in Edgefield Co. SC.
Treasurer and Comptrollers Papers, Revolutionary War Pay Vouchers.
Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1778-1779 Washington County, NC/TN.
1790 Rutherford County, NC Federal Census
1791 Petition to form Buncombe County, NC. br> 1795 Buncombe County, NC Court records
Pulaski County, KY tax and census records 1799-1809

According to my correspondent, If Ceely Ann Keziah was the daughter of Sandifer Keziah she could be a descendant of the Tuscarora, Cherokee, or both. One must remember that many of the tribes intermingled and married into each other’s tribes and Native Indian research is a difficult task due to the lack of records. Native Indian records consist of their history passed down through the tribe through their historians, and unless or until, they ended up in the white population, no conventional records will be found. The traveling patterns of David and Benjamin, and the close ties to family do seem to suggest that there was a tribal pattern here. However, again this is only speculation.

The name,KE SI HAHappears on the Henderson Roll of 1835 and listed in North Carolina. "The 1835 Henderson Roll is a census of over 16,000 Cherokee residing in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina to be removed to Oklahoma under the treaty of New Echota (1835)." (Vol. 1, Eastern Cherokee Rolls)

This name may, or may not, be related to the surname Keziah/Koziah/Kesiah. The author is not familiar with the Cherokee language, and cannot say for certain. In English version it would appear to be related. A student of Cherokee language may be able to determine if these names are related.

For help in researching the Scalf/Keziah line, a study of the history of North Carolina and the movements of the Scalf and Keziah families from North Carolina to Tennessee and then to Indiana and Illinois would be a good idea. Research is ongoing on this and I have received much help from one of the Keziah descendants. A study of the names in the counties of North Carolina where our Scalf family is found has revealed that they were very much tribal oriented. Many of the marital connections are found in the same counties of North Carolina and in other states with the Scalf family. A study of the marital connections of the Scalf family and their movements are ongoing at this time.

The Keziah family and the Scalf family were in Surry County, North Carolina and then in Washington County, Tennessee at the same time. Some of these families moved on to the Indiana and Illinois areas together. The Keziah family is found in Indiana as early as 1820 and then in Illinois. One of Benjamin’s sons, Benjamin Jr., can be found in Elkhart, Indiana as early as 1835. Lewis Scalf, son of Benjamin, can be found in McDonough County, Illinois, as well as the Keziah family and the spelling in these areas is Coziahr.

A William Koziah found in Washington County, Tennessee in 1830 could have been the father of Nancy Koziah. The Lewis Scalf family (son of Benjamin) moved on to McDonough County, Illinois 1830-1840 where Nancy Keziah Scalf died and Lewis remarried to the widow, Ruth Osborne. Benjamin Scalf Sr. is also found in McDonough County, Illinois as early as 1836. Further research into the Keziah family concerning the Native Indian ancestry is still ongoing and updates will be listed as new information is found.

With permission from Kevin Wolfe, the following information is listed from an obituary. This obituary documents that this Koziah/Coziah/Kesiah family was known to have been Native Indian. However, in no way does this mean that our Keziah line is Native Indian, but it does confirm the fact that some of the Keziah family was Native Indian. This Keziah family member and my correspondent on the Keziah family are two known Keziah family members that are Native Indian.

This is presented only to show that there is documentation to confirm the Native Indian ancestry in the Keziah family. It is unknown if Thomas Kesiah was related to Ceely Ann Keziah at this time. Kevin also does not know if his Kesiah family has any connection to Sandifer Kesiah/Keziah, possible father of Ceely Ann Koziah.

Mr. Thomas Kesiah, the Indian survivor of his generation, of Benekee [Abenaki -NL] tribe of Canada, has passed to his long home. A soldier and pensioner of the war of the rebellion, his Grand Army badge and flag draped casket bore testimony to his faithful Americanism. His romantic life in camp at many places in this state; as a traveler on the Mississippi River, an expert weaver of Indian baskets at many summer resorts (Saranac Lake, Saratoga Springs, Glen Falls, Catskill Mountains and Greenwood Lake and other places) made for him a life rich in remembrances. Perhaps the climax of romance was reached when his wife, Margaret Kesiah, dressed in men’s clothes, stealthfully accompanied him to the front, in the war of the rebellion, where, after discovery of the ruse, she remained and assisted in nursing sick and wounded soldiers. He understood and used the Indian dialect fluently when conversing with Mrs. Kesiah. He was fond of music, a good singer, most kindly and sympathetic and gentle in his home. He will be long remembered and cherished by those as fortunate as to have known him intimately. He made his home for some time past with Joseph Coddington of Monroe, N.Y., whose wife was a grand niece and a daughter of his niece, Mrs. David Ball of Greenwood Lake, N.Y., who with her children Thomas, Fred, George, Harold, Minnetta and Emmett are his surviving relatives. (Contributed by: Kevin M. Wolfe, Jul-1999, Published: Monroe Gazette, February 7, 1919)

As stated previously, an 1820 census of East Tennessee does not exist; therefore, we cannot confirm that Benjamin was in the area in 1820. He does appear in 1830 in Washington County, Tennessee. He appears to have four sons and one daughter on this census. Recall that he had two sons and two daughters in 1810 Iredell Co. NC, if in fact they were his children. Twenty years had lapsed between these censuses and if they were his children they likely married and are not listed here. If they were his children, he had nine children by 1830 and no doubt, there were more that had married and left home before this census.

The following children are believed to have been children of Benjamin and Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf.

  1. Mahala Scalf - born 1798 - died probably before 1880.
  2. Lewis Scalf - born about 1805 in North Carolina.
  3. Joanna Scalf -dates unknown at this time, but possibly 1800-1810.
  4. Benjamin Scalf Jr. - born 1810 -1815 South Carolina and died July 14, 1889 in Elkhart, Indiana.
  5. John R. Scalf - born about 1815 and died 1872 in Putnam County, Missouri.
  6. Isaac Scalf born in Tennessee about 1822. Died in Collin County, Texas 1889.
  7. Rebecca Scalf -born 1823 in Tennessee and died 1880-1900 in Illinois.
  8. Jonah Scalf -born in Tennessee October 5, 1825 and died September 25, 1894 in Iowa.
  9. Elizabeth Scalf - born 1827 -1836. Died 1860-1870.

It is also possible that Malinda Scalf Cash was a daughter of Benjamin and Ceely Ann, but Malinda remained in Carter County, Tennessee and did not move to Illinois, although the fact that she remained in Tennessee certainly does not mean she was not a daughter of Benjamin Sr. However, the author believes she was likely a daughter of David Scalf. We believe Malinda died 1860-1870 for she is missing from records after 1860.

Benjamin Sr. was in Illinois by 1836 and his son, John R. Scalf, said he left home due to disagreements with this step-mother. John left home at the age of 15 and this would have been around 1830. From this statement we know that Benjamin had remarried and the 1830 census does suggest that he had a wife aged 40-50 on the 1830 census; however, either they divorced or she died because Benjamin was in McDonough County, Illinois by 1836 and there was no female in his home in 1840.

The 1830 census below shows four sons in the home. It is possible the sons were John R., Benjamin Jr., Isaac and Jonah. Lewis had married in 1829 and was head of house in 1830.

1830 Washington CO TN

SCALF, Benjamin

1 male 5 - 10 (1820 - 1825) Isaac (?)
3 males 15 - 20 (1810 - 1815) John R. (?) Benjamin Jr. (?) Jonah (?)
1 male 60 - 70 (1760 - 1770) Benjamin Sr.
1 female 15 - 20 (1810 - 1815) Joanna (?)
1 female 40 - 50 (1780 - 1790) Second wife of Benjamin

Recall that there were two young males in Benjamin’s home in 1810. The author believes that one of them was his son Lewis that married Nancy Keziah in Washington County, Tennessee and was head of house there in 1830. The other male in 1810 may, or may not have been Benjamin Jr. These two boys appear to have been the oldest sons of Benjamin. Benjamin Jr. moved on to Indiana where he married in 1835 and was enumerated there in 1840. The author believes he left Washington County, Tennessee 1830-1835. If he was in the home of Benjamin in 1830 and son Lewis married in 1829 and was head of house in 1830, then one of the males in 1830 was probably John R. Scalf. The other two males might have been Isaac and Jonah.

We believe that Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf died before the enumeration of the 1830 census and Benjamin had remarried. The oldest female on the 1830 census is younger than the female from the 1810 census and this suggests there was another daughter that had married by 1830. The author believes this was Mahala Scalf. Marriage records of Washington County, Tennessee reveal that Mahala married there and was in her own home by 1830.

A letter from Mrs. Roy E. Scalf was written in response to what Elmer Scalf listed in his book,Scalf Family History.Elmer listed John Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri as the son of John Scalf, Jr. Mrs. Scalf did not agree that this was possible. The author agrees with Mrs. Scalf due to the fact that John Jr. and Martha Patsy (Counts) Scalf did not divorce. Therefore, it is unlikely that John Scalf of Putnam County, MO was a son of John Jr. and Patsy.

Several years ago, the author became acquainted with Jean Scalf Grier while researching the family of Archibald Scalf, son of Jesse Scalf from East Tennessee. Jean sent me copies of letters of correspondence from various researchers she had corresponded with in search of her family. Jean was searching for a John Scalf, a son of Archibald Scalf, and in her research she met several other researchers with someone named John in their line. She received a letter from Mrs. Roy (Catherine) Scalf whose husband was a grandson of John R. Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri. Below are excerpts of one of the letters from Mrs. Scalf:

Excerpt from letter of Mrs. Roy E. Scalf:

“Now I’ll try to explain as briefly as possible about Roy’s grandfather John Scalf, what I learned many years ago from my father in law, all was handed down by word of mouth. There are no written records. John Scalf left home at age 15 -trouble between him and stepmother. He never returned home. He was working for a man with family. This man was dyeing and begged John to marry his wife and take care of her and their children. John was against doing this but finally consented. I think history gives it he married about 1840. It must have been before his 20thbirthday as my father-in-law said John was 19 -the woman 29. He married somewhere in MO.

Next we know they had 2 sons -both in Iowa, John Wesley -born 1844 and Benjamin Franklin, born 1846. She dies when or shortly after Benj. was born. We do not know who she was but I learned while back home (Putnam Co. MO) (Unionville) that she was buried by first husband -so not knowing names, no way to find cemetery record. John, lost and despondent started to roam. He left his two sons with a Mr. Young in east part of Putnam Co. MO. Made his way to CA Gold Fields. Some said he struck it rich.

“He finally came back to MO to sons and took land in Putnam Co. although at that time it was called Dodge Co. I only today received papers showing he took 40 acres in 1850 -so did not know until today that he had returned by 1850. One abstract that we had (Roy and I owned at one time land that had belonged to his grandfather. It was dated 1852 so this is land he bought later on).
On with story: After John tired of prospecting or claim ran out - whatever the reason he took a boat - came in around ‘The Horn,’ my father in-law said. Was somewhere in PA waiting on a train for journey back to MO. He had 4 hours wait. While waiting he saw an old gentleman across from the depot - he was sitting on his porch in a rocking chair, looking at a paper. John was drawn to the old fellow and evidently there was an attraction to John, for the old fellow would lower his paper and peer over his spectacles at John. This went on for quite a while and about the time John had made his mind up to go talk to the old fellow, he heard the train in the distance and not wanting to miss the train he remained until train arrived, boarded it and was on way home. The memory of the old gentleman haunted John. He couldn’t seem to get him out of his mind. Now John takes land.

“Then in Feb. 1856 he married Ann Eliza Tate of Linn Co. MO. They are married at Unionville MO. They had 4 daughters and one son - My father-in-law, James Allen Scalf, born April 5, 1861. Then between 1861 and 1870 John’s brother Lewis and Matt come to MO. In their talks John speaks of the old fellow he had been drawn to in PA. Brothers learn the location and tell John. ‘My God John, that was your father!’ John was crushed and could never seem to get over it. John dies in late 1871 or early 1872 - Date on tombstone -1815-1872 -but stone was put up when my husband was a young man. Court records show administrator appointed Jan. 1872.

“Now while back in Unionville MO last couple of years I went to library and found census records. Because of episode of PA my father in-law always thought his ancestors were from PA. Not so according to 1860 & 1870 census. Following is what I found.rdquo;
 (Courtesy of Jean Scalf Grier)

Catherine goes on to list the census records of Lewis Scalf and his son, William, along with marriages of McDonough County, Illinois. Catherine was correct in what she believed and the marriages of Illinois, along with census records, support her belief as will be shown in the sections of Benjamin’s children. However, Catherine states two brothers of John and names them as Lewis and Matt. No one named Matt has been found at this time.

It is possible that William, son of Lewis, was the person that she thought was Matt because William and Matilda Jane also moved over to Missouri around the same time as his father, Lewis. However, her father-in-law stated to her and her husband, "two brothers. Therefore, we cannot discount that there might be another brother that did not remain in Missouri but left. Catherine wrote another letter mentioning Matt and an excerpt is listed here:

That coupled together with stories my father-in-law told and retold of his uncle Lewis being there in MO of his uncle Matt moving on -or going back home. Uncle Lewis stayed awhile as is proven by the 1860 census. (Letter from Catherine Scalf to Jean Grier, 1983, Courtesy of Jean Scalf Grier)

The author has determined that Matt might have been a name not used on records by this brother as he has not been found. This might have been a middle name or a first name.

Benjamin left East Tennessee and was found listed on the Illinois Public Land Purchase Records of 1836 in McDonough County, Illinois.

Illinois Public Land Purchase Records (Internet)
Section: NENE
Price: 125
Total: 3698
Date: 21 January 1836
Volume: 698
Page: 143
Type: FD
Sect: 03
Township: 04N
Range: 04W
Meridian: 4
Acres: 2958
Corr-Tag: 0
ID: 007603
Reside: 000

Illinois Public Land Purchase Records

Benjamin was then found as head of house in 1840 McDonough County. Note that the oldest male (Benjamin) is still the same age as he was on the 1830 census of Washington County, Tennessee. This was not at all uncommon on the early census records. He should have been 70 - 80 on this census. The other older male (assumed son) on this census was born 1825-1830 and could not have been the John Scalf Mrs. Roy Scalf was talking about because John was born 1815. He was likely in the home in 1830 Washington County, Tennessee, but had moved on by 1840.  In fact, John married Malinda Wood/Woods in 1837 Lewis County, Missouri. (Missouri Marriages)

Although it is only an opinion, the author feels that John and some of his brothers left Washington County, Tennessee around the same time and their father either left with them or followed. Due to his age at the time, the author believes that Benjamin and his sons left Washington County, Tennessee together and likely around 1834-1836.

1840 McDonough CO IL

SCALF, Benjamin

1 male 10 - 15 (1825 - 1830) Jonah (?)
1 male 15 - 20 (1820 - 1825) Isaac (?)
1 male 60 - 70 (1760 - 1770) Benjamin

It cannot be determined at this time if these children were sons of Benjamin or grandsons. Lewis Scalf, (probable son of Benjamin) is also in McDonough County during this time. Note that another son has been born since the 1830 census if the ages were correct and they most likely were not since this son should have been on the 1830 census if born 1825-1830. This could be the same son born 1820-1825 on the previous census. However, the male born 1820-1825 on this census appears to be the same male born 1820-1825 on the previous census and most likely the one born 1825-1830 is another child born during 1830 or after.

In the Bureau of Land Management Records is a land patent for Benjamin Scalf patented in November of 1840 for 29.58 acres in Quincy (McDonough County), Illinois. He also lived in this area until around 1855 when he then moved over to Elkhart, Indiana to live with his son, Benjamin Jr. We know the land patent owner was not the son, Benjamin Jr., because he had been living in Elkhart, Indiana after his move from Tennessee and married Eleanor Thomas there in 1835.(See copy of Land Patent).

Benjamin Scalf Sr. is not found in 1850 when he should have still been in McDonough County, Illinois. However, he may have been living with another child on the 1850 census of McDonough and was missed. Benjamin Sr. is then found on the 1860 Elkhart, Indiana census in the home of his son, Benjamin Jr. and wife, Eleanor Thomas. Benjamin Jr. was found in Elkhart, Indiana in 1850, but his father has not been found on any of the 1850 censuses at this time. This copy of the census comes from Barbara Bowman, a probable descendant of this line who has worked diligently in help solve some of the puzzles of this line.

1860 Elkhart CO IN 29 May 1860 Clinton Township

SCALF, Benjamin M 45 1805 NC
   Eleanor F 45 1805 VA
   William L. M 24 1826 IN
   Francis F 19 1831 IN
   Henry M 16 1834 IN
   Mary F 11 1839 IN
  Benjamin M 95 1745 NC

At the enumeration of the 1870 census, enumerated in July, Benjamin Jr. was living with his son William, and Benjamin Sr. may have been in the home when he died in March of 1870. The census was enumerated in July after Benjamin Sr. had died.

1870 Elkhart CO IN

SCALF, William M 34 1836 IN Brick Mason
   Mary F 23 1847 Germany Housekeeper
   Benjamin M 56 1814 NC Shoemaker
   Eleanor F 56 1814 VA  

If the census records of 1810 and 1830 reflect the children of Benjamin Scalf, Sr., then he had at least nine children. However, it is very likely there were more due to the fact that Benjamin’s family is missing in 1820. There is a twenty-year lapse in time between the 1810 census and the 1830 census and certainly enough time gone by for children to have married without us ever knowing who they were.

The author has taken liberty to add children to this chapter that may, or may not, have been children of Benjamin Scalf, Sr; however, there it appears logical that these were Benjamin’s children. If these children are not children of Benjamin and anyone has information to support this, please contact our website so we can place these folks in their proper line.


Daughter of
Benjamin Scalf & Ceely Ann Keziah
Mahala<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

There has been extensive confusion about Mahala. While leaving Margaret Fleenor's original writing intact, I will add several notes trying to correct - or at least explain - the confusion.

Mahala Scalf is believed to have been a daughter of Benjamin Scalf, Sr. and Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf. We first find Mahala in the Washington County, Tennessee marriages where she married William M. Moon or Moore September 2, 1825. This was a short marriage because the marriage records show Mahala Scalph married James Moore on March 8, 1827 in Washington County, TN.

It should be noted that William might have been William Moore and not William Moon. The name Moon might be Moore instead due to the handwriting of the clerk. The author has spent many years trying to determine if the name was Moon or Moore without success. Research into the Moon family has also not revealed a Mahala Moon that correlates with our Mahala Scalf. (Mahala Scalf & William Moon Marriage Data)

NOTE: First problem - Is Mahala Scalf who married William Moon the same individual as the Mahaley Scalph who married James Moor(e)? William and Mahala Moon do not show up in any census records. However, a William Mitchell Moon married Mahala Patterson in October 1852 in the home of Mahala's father, Cornelius Patterson. This is clearly the same Mahala who filed for William's Civil War pension on May 17, 1893. (William M. Moon Civil War Pension) (courtesy of Stephen L. Scalf). William M. Moon (b. 1826 - d. 1893) was buried in Sevier County, Tennessee and there is a record of his grave being relocated due to the construction of Douglas Reservoir. (Information from TVA's website on relocated cemeteries, found at (Relocated Cemeteries) at the time of this writing.) This couple is a generation younger than the Mahala and William we are trying to identify and should not be confused with that couple.

The most likely association with William Thomas Moon, born about 1807 in Sevier County, Tennessee. We gather the following from the 1830 census:

1830 Sevier Co. Tennessee
William Moon

Under 5 1 male 1 female
20-29 1 male 1 female

It is possible that this Mahala died between 1830 and 1840, since the 1840 Census shows the following:

1840 Hamilton Co. Tennessee
William Moon

Under 5 1 male 2 females
5-9 1 male  
20-29   1 female
30-39 1 male  

The wife in the 1830 census should have been 30-39, as well as William, but we see that the wife is obviously younger. All subsequent census records for William list the wife as "Mary A. Moon." The female in the home under 5 in 1830 is also not listed in the 1840 census. Therefore, the belief that Mahala (and possibly one daughter) died prior to 1840.

Some time between 1840 and 1850 William and family moved to Alabama. William died of consumption June 1869 in East, Blount County, Alabama.

Note: Second Problem - Which Mahala is the daughter of Benjamin Scalf, Sr.?

Because the Mahala Scalf who married William Moon in 1825 was still listed with him in the 1830 Census, it is my belief that this Mahala Scalf is NOT the daughter of Benjamin Scalf, and is an entirely different person than the Mahaley Scalph who married James Moor(e) in 1827 who I believe WAS the daughter of Benjamin Scalf, Sr. - Stephen L. Scalf

Either William died or they divorced because Mahala then Mahaley Scalph married James Moore in Washington County, Tennessee on March 8, 1827. (Mahala Scalf & James Moore Marriage data)

Research of the 1830, 1840 and 1850 census records of East Tennessee does not reveal James and Mahala Scalf Moore. It is unknown where they might have moved to after their marriage, but we have not been able to find them in Tennessee. It is possible that they did move to Illinois as did Benjamin Scalf, Sr. and the rest of the children.

Because this family migrated to Illinois with Mahala's father, Benjamin Scalf, Sr., it is my belief that this Mahala is the daughter of Benjamin, and not the Mahala that married William Moon. - Stephen L. Scalf

Mahala Moore then married Fielding Hankins in 1862 McDonough County, Illinois.

Illinois Statewide Marriages, online
Groom: Hankins, Fielding L.
Bride: Moore, Mahala Mrs.
Date: 1862-12-02
County: McDonough

Note: This next entry is the result of past efforts to link Rosanna Moore to Mahala Moore. I have left it to prevent this error in the future, but have highlighted it in red because it is confusing and misleading, the original connection based on erroneous assumptions. - Stephen L. Scalf

Neither Mahala nor Rosanna was found in 1860 in Illinois or the surrounding area. Mahala Moore was found in York County, SC but this Mahala Moore had been living in York County in 1850 and we don’t believe this was the same person as Roseanna Moore in Pike County, Illinois in 1850. Mahala’s family in York County, SC appeared to remain in the York County, area after she was gone from census records and she appeared there in 1850 while Roseanna appears in Illinois 1850. Rick stated that her name was listed on records as Roseanna and Mahala. We will need to find the records that she signed for her children’s marriages to confirm that this is the same person.

Rick stated that his ancestor, Wilkins Osborn, was a son of Joseph Osborn and Mary C. Moore, daughter of Mahala. Wilkins Osborn married Sarah Moore Johnson. Sarah had been married to Joseph Johnson prior to her marriage to Wilkins and Joseph was killed in the Civil War. Their marriage is recorded in the Illinois Statewide Marriages. Sarah was a daughter of Mahala.

NOTE: Given the inaccuracies of census records, this confusion is easily understood. However, Wilkins was actually the son of Joseph Osborne and Mary C. Elkins (not Moore). The Moore that was the daughter of Mahala was Sarah Ann Moore. (See the section for Sarah Ann Moore, below) Additionally, the attempts to connect Mahala Scalf Moore to Roseanna Moore lead to incorrect assumptions and have been deleted from this chapter. Both Mahala Scalf Moore and Roseanna Moore had sons named Mark; however, Roseanna’s other children do not match the children of Mahala Scalf Moore. I have added extensive information about the descendants of Mahala - listed below - using records that were not available when Margaret Fleenor composed this chapter, which should clear up previous confusion. - Stephen L. Scalf

According to the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index
Groom: Johnson, Joseph
Bride: Moore, Sarah A
Date: 1861-05-22
County: McDonough

Mahala was then found in the 1870 Canton, Lee County, Iowa in the home of her son, Martin Moore. Fielding Hankins had apparently died by 1870. (See the section for Martin V. Scalf, below)

NOTE: This statement is incorrect. Fielding is found in the home of his son, Wesley in both 1870 and 1880. The assumption is that Mahala and Fielding divorced prior to 1870, since they were living in separate homes, Fielding in Tennessee, and Mahala in Iowa. According to the book, "History of McDonough County, Illinois" 1885, Fielding died on December 18, 1880 in Hire Township, McDonough County, Illinois. Rather than being divorced, it is also possible that as both Fielding and Mahala aged, that one or the other (possibly both) needed additional care or assistance and the responsibility was shared by family members. - Stephen L. Scalf

Mahala was not found after the 1870 census; however, Martin was found living in Sullivan County, Missouri, just across the river from Iowa. We believe that Mahala died between 1870-1880, probably in Canton, Iowa and is probably buried there.

As stated previously, James Moore and Mahala Scalf were married on March 8, 1827. They had four children.

  1. Martin V. Moore, born in 1834 in Illinois.
  2. Sarah Ann Moore, born 1835 in Illinois.
  3. James Levi Moore, born on August 9, 1845 in Tennessee, McDonough County, Illinois and died on May 28, 1927 in Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois.
  4. Julia Ann Moore, born in 1847 in Illinois.


Martin Van Buren Moore
Son of
Mahala Scalf & James Moore
Son<Mahala<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Martin Van Buren Moore was born March 15, 1834 in Illinois. He died Dec. 11, 1916 in Blackburn, Washington County, Arkansas. He married 1) Susan Ann Reed (b. Oct. 14, 1840, d. Aug. 31, 1905) daughter of Elizabeth (Gallimore) and Eldad Reed III. They had four daughters and one foster daughter:

  1. Mahalia Moore - born 1861 in Missouri. Mahalia was 9 years old in the 1870 Lee County, Iowa Census and does not appear in the home of her father in the 1880 census. We assume she married, but no additional information available at this time.
  2. Harriett Julia Anne Moore - born Nov. 4, 1863, died May 21, 1947. She married Jonathan Taylor Courtney (b. Jun. 27, 1860, d. Jul. 21, 1941), son of Elizabeth (Miller) and John Atwell Courtney, on Jul. 25, 1880. They had seven children:

    1. Cora Sue Ann Courtney - b. May 1, 1881 in Blackburn, Washington County, Arkansas, d. Sep. 7, 1883 in Blackburn.
    2. Rose Ella Courtney - b. May 1, 1883 in Washington County, Arkansas, d. Nov. 1, 1961 in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. She married 1) George Freeman (b. 1871), son of Lucinda (Waddle) and Lafayette Franklin Freemen, on Mar. 11, 1900. They had one daughter:

      1. Florence Jewel Freeman - b. Mar. 13, 1902 in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, d. Oct. 1, 1996 in Hemet, Riverside County, California. She married George Dewey Hepburn (b. Oct. 10, 1897 in North Bend, Dodge County, Nebraska, d. Oct. 6, 1981 in Riverside County, California) on July 16, 1917 in Solano, Harding County, New Mexico. They had two daughters:

        1. Gladys E. Hepburn - b. Jan 24, 1920 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, d. May 9, 2001 in Hemet, Riverside County, California. She married 1) James N. Ewen (b. 1918) on Feb 24, 1962 in Imperial County, California. The couple divorce in Jan. 1976 in Riverside County, California. Gladys married 2) Francis Frank Henry Trexler (b. Dec. 15, 1910 in California, d. Dec. 18, 1960 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California) Both these marriages occurred later in life, with no children from either union.
        2. Mabel Irene Hepburn - b. Mar 26, 1924 in Solano, Harding County, New Mexico, d. Oct. 29, 2010 in Irvin, Orange County, California. She married Fred Emmer Carter (b. July 24, 1921 in Havre, Hill County, Montana, d. Oct. 6, 1996 in Orange County, California) in June 1944 [Source: Tuesday, June 6, 1944 edition of the Oakland Tribune, p. 18, stated a marriage license had been granted.] They had one son:

          1. Casey Philip Carter - b. Apr. 25, 1948 in Los Angeles. He married Carol L. Mattern (b. Aug. 18, 1949 in Los Angeles) on Aug. 28, 1971 in Los Angeles.

          Mabel was a WWII Veteran, serving as a Hospital Apprentice First Class. She is buried in the Ft. Rosencrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California.

    3. Ida May Courtney - b. Oct. 28, 1885 in Arkansas, d. Sep. 28, 1930. She married Frank Hermis Payne (b. Jul. 19, 1882, d. Jan. 12. 1965)
    4. on Mar. 25, 1904 in Muskogee County, Oklahoma. They had two children:

      1. Louis Hermis Payne - b. Feb. 28, 1905 in Oklahoma.
      2. Nellie Uva Payne - b. Jul. 16, 1907 in Oklahoma, d. Feb. 19, 1987 in Oklahoma. She married 1) Lawrence Davison (b. Jul. 24, 1903 in Jenny Lind, Arkansas, d. Dec. 23, 1995 in Bloomfield, Oakland County, Michigan) on Apr. 4, 1924 in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. They had one son:

        1. Herman Doniver Davison - b. Jul. 9, 1925 in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, d. May 24, 2019. He married 1) Erma Louis Weatherman (b. Sep. 21, 1931 in Bristow, Creek County Oklahoma, d. Dec. 22, 2016 in Stanton, Orange County, California) on Feb. 2, 1948 in Sebastian County, Arkansas. This marriage was very short-lived because Erma married Kenneth S. Ludolph on Nov. 24, 1948.
          Herman married 2) Gloria June Golleher (b. Feb. 24, 1931 in Kansas City, Missouri, d. Sep. 1, 2007) on Sep. 8, 1951 in Kansas City. They had one daughter:

          1. Cheryl Ann Davison - b. Dec. 15, 1956 in Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, d. Feb. 9, 2009 in Foster, Garvin County, Oklahoma. She married 1) Melvin Wayne Webb (b. Jul. 28, 1953 in Lindsay, Garvin County, Oklahoma, d. Dec. 28, 1991 in Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma) on Jul. 2, 1987 in Ohio. The couple divorce on Jun. 28, 1990 in Wayne County, Ohio. They had one son:

            1. John Patrick Webb - b. Mar. 22, 1984 in Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma, d. Jun. 16, 2014 in Foster, Garvin County, Oklahoma. He married Crystel Wilson (b. Oct. 1983 in Elmore City, Garvin County, Oklahoma) on Apr. 1, 2007. They had two children:

              1. Thomas Alan Webb
              2. Autumn Reighn Webb

            Cheryl then married 2) Charles Swain, to whom she was married at the time of her death.

        Nellie married 2) Roy Edgar Lohner. The couple divorced on Oct. 7, 1937, but remarried on Jul. 29, 1946. They had one son:

        1. Gerald James Lohner - b. Mar. 8, 1941.

    5. Nettie L. Courtney - b. Jun. 6, 1890 in Winslow, Washington, Arkansas, d. Feb. 12, 1965 in Paulding County, Ohio.

      NOTE: There has been a great deal of confusion about Nettie. Some families have her married to Ben Krupsky and Jesse Benjamin Bloom; however, census records show that Nettie was a different individual - she could not have been married in two different homes with different children in 1930 and 1940. After comparing records - considering Ben Krupsky was in Illinois rather than in Oklahoma, I (Stephen Scalf) am convinced that the information provided below is accurate.

      Nettie married 1) Edward S. Payne (b. Jan. 8, 1948 in New York, d. Feb. 12, 1920 in Oklahoma) about 1915. Edward was considerably older than Nettie. According to the 1920 Census, Edward was 70 and Nettie was 29. The 1920 Census lists one adopted daughter:

      1930 McIntosh CO OK  April 7 & 8 January 1920   Checotah City
      PAYNE, Edward S. Head M W 45
        Nettie Wife F W 29
        Ethel C. adopted Daughter F W 4 11/12

      Nettie married 2) Lester Thomas Logan (b. Sept. 4, 1884 in Harrison, Boone County, Arkansas, d. Mar. 18, 1946 in Okmulgee, Okmulgee County, Oklahoma) on Nov. 23, 1921 in Wagoner, Wagoner County, Oklahoma. Marriage Certificate - Nettie L. Payne and L. Thomas Logan
      No known children from this union. Nothing else is known Ethel at this time, as she is no longer with Nettie in 1930.

      1930 Okmulgee CO OK  April 8, 1930   Okmulgee City
      LOGAN, Tom Head M W 45
        Nettie Wife F W 39

    6. Ina Courtney - b. Nov. 7, 1894 in Winslow, Washington County, Arkansas, d. Dec. 15, 1944 in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. She married Ole Orvil Lowe (b. Sept. 21, 1889 in Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, d. Feb. 26, 1978 in Willard, Greene, Missouri) on Aug. 22, 1910 in Checotah, McIntosh County, Oklahoma. [Marriage data from the Friday, Aug. 26, 1910 edition of the Checotah Enquirer]
      Mr. Ollie Lowe was married to Miss Ina Courtney last Monday morning by Rev. Twitte, of Texas.
      Mr. and Mrs. Lowe will for the present make their home with the parents of the groom.
      Ina and Ollie had nine children:

      1. Hellen Christine Lowe - b. Jul. 22, 1911 in Checotah, d. Nov. 27, 1967 in Springfield, Missouri. She married 1) Robert Clarence Mosley (b. Mar. 12, 1907 in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, d. Jun. 22, 1986 in Los Angeles County, California) on Feb. 4, 1928 in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma. They had three children:

        1. Carolyn Elizabeth Mosley - b. Apr. 8, 1930 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, d. Aug. 3, 1996 in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. She married Leonard Leon Dickey (b. Nov. 24, 1926 in Springfield, Missouri, d. Apr. 12, 1999 in Lexington, Henderson County, Tennessee) on Dec. 14, 1947 in Springfield, Missouri. They had at least one son - and possibly three:

          1. Carroll Lee Dicky - born and died on Sept. 20, 1949 in Springfield, Missouri.

          2. and possibly:

          3. Thomas Eugene Dickey - b. Jun. 17, 1953 in Springfield, d. Mar. 20, 2019 in Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon.
          4. Tim Dickey. No further information at this time.

          At some point, the marriage of Carolyn and Leonard ended. Records available at this time do not tell us whether by divorce, or when Carolyn passed away. However, Leonard eventually married Louise Smith, and only Louise is mentioned in his obituary in the Tuesday, Apr. 13, 1999 edition of the Memphis, Tennessee Commercial Appeal:
          LEXINGTON - Leonard Leon Dickey, 72, retired employee of Dayco, died Monday at his home after a heart attack. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Greenlawn Cemetery in Springfield, Mo. Reed's Chapel has charge. Mr. Dickey, the husband of Louise Smith Dickey, also leaves two sons, Thom Dickey of Eagle Pointe, Ore., and Tim Dickey of Poway, Calif., and two brothers, Frank Dickey of Springfield and Coy Dickey of Vista, Calif.
          It is unclear at this time whether Thom and Tim were sons of Carolyn Mosley or Louise Smith. It is possible that Leonard married Louise Smith after Carolyn's death in 1996.

      2. Billy Taylor Lowe - b. May 13, 1913 in Checotah, d. Feb. 5, 1916 in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma.

      3. Pauline Jewel Lowe - b. Jun. 1, 1915 in Okmulgee County, d. Apr. 16, 1967 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She married Raymond Clint Brown (b. Oct. 28, 1912 in Missouri, d. Nov. 8, 2003 in Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma) on Jul. 5, 1936 in Stoutland, Camden County, Missouri.
        Pauline Brown Dies Sunday [Monday, Apr. 17, 1967 edition of the Sapulpa, Oklahoma Daily Herald, p. 9]
        Mrs. Pauline Jewell Brown, 51, 4301 S. 35th West Avenue, Tulsa, died Sunday morning at her home. She had been ill for four months.
        Mrs. Brown had live in Tulsa since 1959, moving there from Springfield, Mo. She was born at Okmulgee June 1, 1915. She was a member of the Church of God.
        Surviving are the husband Raymond C. Brown of the home; the father Ole O. Lowe, Springfield, Mo., two sons, Lewis H. Brown, Winchester, Tenn. and Kenneth Ray Brown, Richland, Mo.; three daughters, Doris Pauline Brown and Mildred D. Brown, both of the home, and Mrs. Viola Sue Browning, Tulsa; two grandchildren; two brothers Harry V. Lowe, Greenwood, Ark. and Gerry L. Lowe, Springfield, Mo.; six sisters, Mrs. Helen C. Burdick and Ruby O. Lowe, both of Springfield, Mrs. Virginia M. Harmon, Overland Park, Kan., Mrs. Mary Joe Cooksey and Mrs. Dorothy L. Hanson, both of Shawnee, Kan. and Mrs. Violet A. Harmon, Portland, Ore.
        Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Smith Funeral chapel with Bros. Charles Smith and Richard Madden officiating. Interment will be in Sapulpa cememtery, under direction of Smith Funeral Home.
        Pauline and Raymond had six children:

        1. Donald Eugene Brown - born and died Dec. 8, 1931 in Stoutland, Camden County, Missouri.

        2. Doris Pauline Brown b. Feb. 9, 1941 in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri, d. Sept. 12, 2015 in Guthrie, Logan County, Oklahoma. She married Audie Junior Sorrel (b. Aug. 13, 1940 in Myrtle, Oregon County, Missouri, d. Nov. 21, 1975 in Couch, Oregon County, Missouri) on Aug. 24, 1969 in Conway, Webster County, Missouri.
          Obituary of Audie Junior Sorrell [found on]
          Audie Junior Sorrell, son of Audie Lee Sorrell and the late Tola Anna Chester Sorrell, was born August 13, 1940 at Myrtle, MO, and departed this life November 21, 1975 at his home in Couch, MO, at the age of 35 years.
          He was united in marriage to Doris Brown, August 24, 1969 at Marshfield, MO. She survives him.
          Also surviving are one son, Terry Eugene of the home; his father, Audie Lee Sorrell, Thayer; 4 brothers, James L. and Samuel P. both of Thayer, Thomas E. of Myrtle, and Paul of Guthrie, OK, 2 sisters, Eva Lou Gaines, and Rebecca Ann Sorrell, both of Thayer.
          He was a member of the Church of God, Myrtle, and the Mid-West Dairy Association.
          Funeral services were held Sunday, November 23, 1975 at the Carter Chapel with Curtis Williams officiating.
          Doris and Audie had two sons:

          1. Terry Eugene Sorrell - b. Jun. 29, 1970.
          2. Vance Audie Sorrell - born and died Nov. 14, 1973 in Salem, Fulton County, Arkansas.

        3. Kenneth Ray Brown - b. Jul. 16, 1942 in Springfield, Green County, Missouri, d. Nov. 14, 1997 in Missouri. He married Laurel Isabel Shipley (b. May 8, 1947) on Jun. 6, 1966 in Laclede County, Missouri.
        4. Viola Sue Brown - b. Nov. 9, 1947 in Missouri. She married Clarence Randall Browning (b. Mar. 30, 1944) on Mar. 4, 1967.
        5. Mildred D. Brown - b. Sept. 29, 1944 in Missouri.
        6. Lewis H. Brown.

      4. Virginia May Lowe - b. May 17, 1917 in Okmulgee County, d. Sept. 13, 2005 in Pea Ridge, Benton County, Arkansas. She married Roy Dean Harmon (b. Jul. 4, 1916 in Glasgow, Missouri, d. Feb. 25, 2009 in Pea Ridge, Benton County, Arkansas) on Aug. 22, 1935 in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri.
        Obituary - Pea Ridge - Virginia M. Harmon
        Virginia May Harmon, 88, of Pea Ridge, Ark., died Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2005, at her home, following a six-week illness. She was born May 17, 1917, in Okmulgee, Okla.
        She married Roy Dean Harmon on Aug. 22, 1935, in Springfield, Mo. She moved to the Pea Ridge area in 1985 from Sheridan, Ark. She was a homemaker and a member of the Church of God. She enjoyed all crafts, including needlework, leatherwork, ceramics and sewing.
        She was preceded in death by four sisters, Hellen, Pauline, Violet and Dorothy; and a brother, Harry.
        Survivors include her husband, Roy D. Harmon; a son, Robert D. Harmon of Bentonville, Ark.; three daughters, Alta Mae Harmon of Cassville, Mo., Dorothy Jean Montoya-Peake of Anaheim, Calif., and Carol Ann Blair of Bentonville; a sister, Mary J. Cooksey of Shawnee, Kan.; 12 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.
        Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at Clark Funeral Home of Neosho, Mo., with the family receiving friends from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
        Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16, at the Clark Funeral Home Chapel of Memories with Pastor Ed Wilson.
        Burial will be at the Neosho IOOF Cemetery with the family serving as pallbearers.
        Virginia and Roy had five children:

        1. Alta Mae Harmon - b. Aug. 2, 1936 in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri, d. Apr. 18, 2023 in Cassville, Barry County, Missouri. She married Verlin Carroll Porter (b. Oct. 16, 1935) in Nov. 1957. The marriage ended in divorce, with Verlin marrying Della F. Roberts (b. 1935) on Jun. 17, 1970 in Imperial County, California.
          Obituary - Alta Mae Harmon [From Fohn Funeral Home Website]
          Alta Mae Harmon, age 86, of Cassville, Missouri passed away Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at Roaring River Health and Rehabilitation in Cassville, Missouri.
          She was born August 2, 1936 in Springfield, Missouri the daughter of Roy and Virginia (Lowe) Harmon, who preceded her in death. Also preceding her in death were one sister, Dorothy Jean and one brother, Robert Dean.
          Surviving are one son, Ron Porter and his wife Cindy of Mustang, Oklahoma; one daughter, Diana Carter of London, England; one sister, Carol Ann Blair of Bentonville, Arkansas; one sister-in-law, Norene Harmon of Goodman, Missouri; three grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.
          Alta attended school in Overland Park, Kansas graduating from Shawnee Mission North High School. She enjoyed being a homemaker. Some of her favorite pastimes were painting, being outdoors and she loved writing poetry. She was a member of the Church of God in Overland Park, Kansas.
          Alta and Verlin had two children:

          1. Ronald Dale Porter - b. Nov. 10, 1958 in Oklahoma. He married 1) Sharon Kay (Pohl) McGahey (b. Jun. 15, 1956) on Nov. 20, 1981. They had one daughter:

            1. Sarah Elizabeth Porter - b. Mar. 24, 1989 in El Paso, El Paso County, Texas.

            Ronald married 2) Cindy [from Alta’s obituary]. No further information at this time.

          2. Diana Porter. Married Mr. Carter. No further information at this time.

        2. Dorothy Jean Harmon. More research will be required to unravel the confusion concerning different individuals named Dorothy Jean Harmon. From the Monday, May 16, 1938 edition of the Springfield, Missouri Leader and Press, we know Dorothy was born May 2, 1938 in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. Her father’s name, their address, Dorothy’s name, and her birthdate are all stated in the birth announcements. lists two sources: U.S., Cemetery and Funeral Home Collection, 1847-Current, and U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-Current, that show her name at death as Dorothy Jean Montoya, and since her father's name is listed, we are assured this is correct.

          Where it becomes difficult to untangle, there was another Dorothy Jean Harmon born just one day earlier (May 1, 1938) in St. Louis, Missouri. Records show this Dorothy's father was Edward L. Harmon, she married Roy Backs [from], and died in Missouri in 1985; these provide clues that help keep the two separate - specifically, that she remained in Missouri, while our Dorothy moved to Kansas.

          Although Dorothy Jean's parents, Virginia and Roy Harmon, do not appear in the 1940 census, Roy’s WWII draft card show them living in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. By 1950, they had moved to Kansas.

          1950 Johnson CO Kansas  April 3, 1950   Mission City
          HARMON, Roy D. Head W M 34
            Virginia M. Wife W F 34
            Alta May Daughter W F 13
            Dorothy J. Daughter W F 11
            Robert D. Son W F  6
            Carol A. Daughter W F 1949 May

          Kansas also conducted its own census, apart from the federal census. Up until the age of 19, Dorothy is listed with her family. However, on Mar. 1, 1958, she is shown as a resident of Topeka State Hospital, age 20. Topeka State Hospital was a mental institution. Kansas 1958 Census - Dorothy Harmon

          At present, there are no known marriage records to show Dorothy marrying a Mr. Montoya, nor any death records that that correlate to this Dorothy Jean Harmon. Some family records show an approximate date of death as Abt 2015, however, this date refers to the obituary of Dorothy Jean Harman who died in Louisiana, and would not correlate to Dorothy Jean Harmon by location or by her known name at death of Montoya.

        3. Robert Dean Harmon
        4. Allen Eugene Harmon
        5. Carol Ann Harmon

      5. Harry Valjean Lowe - b. Apr. 11, 1919 in Okmulgee County, d. Sept. 21, 1997 in Greenwood, Baxter County, Arkansas.
      6. Violet Arline Lowe - b. Sept. 20, 1920 in Okmulgee County, d. Aug. 27, 1993 in Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon.
      7. Mary Julia Ann Lowe - b. Jun. 1, 1923 in Springfield, Missouri, d. Apr. 11, 2008 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri.
      8. Dorothy Louise Lowe - b. Jul. 29, 1925 in Springfield, Missouri, d. Apr. 14, 2002 in Humansville, Polk County, Missouri.
      9. Catherine Ruth Lowe - b. May 12, 1927 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, d. Aug 22, 1927 in Shawnee.

    7. John Henry Courtney
    8. Minnie Courtney

  3. Nancy Emerine Moore - born May 27, 1866 in Missouri, died Nov. 27, 1918 in Lee Creek, Washington County, Arkansas. She married Steven McClelland Southern (b. May 15, 1864, d. Dec. 27, 1940), son of Sarah Ann (Hudson) and Stephen Marion Southern. They had 9 children:

  4. Sarah Ida Mahala Moore - born May 16, 1868 in Sullivan, Missouri, d. Dec. 10, 1929 in Blackburn, Washington County, Arkansas. She married William Sherman Southern (b. Dec. 29, 1864, d. Oct. 6, 1931), son of Sarah Ann (Hudson) and Stephen Marion Southern - brother of Nancy Emerine Moore's husband, in 1885 in Washington County, Arkansas. They had 13 children:

  5. Eva E. Jarvis is listed in the 1880 Sullivan County, Missouri Census as a foster daughter, . The following story was submitted by Kathy Roberts on and is included with her permission, Kathy stated she has researched for years trying to find out what happened and believes she has established the facts correctly. She lives in Missouri near where this took place and had access to local records:

    Mother, Lucy E [Cooper] Jarvis, is missing between the time of her 1877 marriage and 1880 when Abiga remarries. I believe it’s highly probable that Lucy died during childbirth and Abiga Jarvis was unable to take care for his infant alone. The 1880 Sullivan County census shows Rev. Martin Van Buren Moore [Abiga's uncle] and his family have little Eva E. Jarvis [born in Illinois, home state of her father] in their household.

    “Also, Lucy Cooper Jarvis’ brother, Nathan Sylvester Cooper, has a daughter in his household named Eva E. born the exact same year as Lucy's daughter with the exact same name. Is it possible that Eva E. Jarvis was in both relatives households in 1880 and counted twice? Brother Nathan was living just south of Sullivan County across the border to the adjacent county and could have adopted his sister's baby. If so, Eva went on to live with the Coopers after moving to Iowa.

    “Note: Lucy E Cooper was not only sister to Nathan Sylvester Cooper, but also sister to Gertie Cooper, wife of William Albert Courtney. The Courtney's were related to the Moore family as well as the Jarvis’ thru marriage.

After the death of his first wife, Susan, Martin married 2) Viola. She appears as Martin’s wife in the 1910 Whitley, Crawford County, Arkansas Census. This census states the couple had been married five years, so Martin must have remarried shortly after Susan’s death. No additional documentation concerning Viola available at this time.

1870 Lee CO IA 18 June 1870 Canton Van Buren Township

MOORE, Martin M 36 1834 IL
   Susan F 29 1841 SC
   Mahalia F   9 1861 MO
   Harriet F   7 1863 MO
   Nancy F   4 1866 MO
   Ida F   2 1868 IL
HANKINS, Mahalia F 72 1798 SC

1880 Sullivan CO MO 28 June 1880 Jackson Township

MOORE, Martin V. Head 46 1834 IL TN TN
   Susanna Wife 39 1841 NC NC NC
   Hariet, J. Dau 16 1864 MO IL NC
   Nancy E. Dau 15 1865 MO IL IL
   Sarah I. M. Dau 12 1868 IL IL IL
JARVIS, Eva E. Foster dau   1 1879 MO IL OH

Martin was then found in Washington County, Arkansas in 1900.

1900 Washington Co. AR 6 June 1900 Lees Creek Township

MOORE, Martin B. Head 66 Mar 1834 IL TN TN Married 39 years
   Susan Wife 59 Oct 1840 NC NC NC Married 39 years

By 1910 Martin was in Crawford County, Arkansas and Susan had died. He had remarried to Viola _____.

1910 Crawford Co. AR 30 April 1910 Whitley Township

MOORE, Martin V. Head 76 1834 IL TN TN 2nd marriage Married 5 years
   Viola Wife 49 1861 IL OH KY 2nd marriage Married 5 years, 2 children born, 2 living


Daughter of
Mahala Scalf & James Moore
Sarah<Mahala<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Sarah first married Joseph Johnson on May 22, 1861. According to Rick Linsky, they had two daughters: Rebecca born in 1862, and Mary Jane, born in 1864.

According to the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index
Groom: Johnson, Joseph
Bride: Moore, Sarah A
Date: 1861-05-22
County: McDonough

Joseph died in 1864. Rick stated Joseph died during the Civil War. This is confirmed by the following:

U.S. Registers of Deaths of Volunteers, 1861-1865
Name: Joseph Johnson
Death Date: 21 Sep 1864
Death Place: Andersonville, Georgia
Enlistment State: Illinois
Rank: Private
Company: K
Regiment: 128 Ills Inf
Box Number: 5

Camp Sumpter in Andersonville, Georgia was the site of the worst prisoner of war camp of the Civil War. More than 45,000 Union soldiers were imprisoned there and 12,912 died from disease, malnutrition, overcrowding, or exposure. Obviously, Joseph was one of these.

Sarah then married Wilkins T. Osborne on December, 9, 1969 in McDonough County, Illinois. Because Sarah was then known as Sarah Osborne, this has created some confusion in the past. Researches have seen Sarah Osborne married to a Joseph, and because her maiden name was "Moore," assumed that her husband was Joseph Osborne (because Sarah's first husband was also named Joseph), and as a result confused Sarah Moore Osborne with Mary C. Osborne. This Joseph and Mary C. Osborn were actually the parents of Wilkins T. Osborne, who was Sarah's second husband. Because of this past confusion, I have included the 1860 Franklin County Illinois showing Wilkins’ family when he was 10:

1860 Franklin CO IL 1860 T 5 SR 2 E

OSBORN, Joseph M 35 1825 IL
   Mary C. F 28 1832 IL
   Wilkins M 10 1850 IL
   Minerva J. F   8 1852 IL
   John V. M   6 1854 IL
   Sarah E. F   2 1858 IL

The Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1860-1920 lists the marriage of Joseph Osborn and Mary C.Elkins (not Osborn/Osborne) on December 6, 1848 in Franklin, Illinois. This should resolve any remaining confusion concerning which Joseph married Sarah Ann Moore Johnson.

Sarah and Wilkins had three children. Wilkins died on September 29, 1877, just one year after their youngest son was born, leaving Sarah, a young widow, to care for three children, the oldest, Josie, just 10 years old. The three children were:

  1. Josie Isabelle Osborne, born March 10, 1867 in McDonough County, Illinois and died on January 22, 1946 in Richwoods Township, Peoria County, Illinois.
  2. John R. Osborne, born on September 15, 1872 in McDonough County, Illinois and died on November 19, 1922 in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana.
  3. Joseph Henry Osborn, born on December 25, 1876 in Havana, Mason County, Illinois and died on August 25, 1959 in Galesburg, Knox County, Illinois.


Daughter of
Sarah Ann Moore & Wilkins T. Osborne
Josie<Sarah<Mahala<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Josie Isabelle Osborne was born on March 10, 1867 in McDonough County, Illinois. Her father, Wilkins T. Osborne, died when she was just 10 years old. Based on family records, at age 15 Josie married Garland Marion Sivley on December 31, 1882 in Havana, Mason County, Illinois.

Garland was born on April 27, 1859 in Ellisville, Fulton County, Illinois to Samuel Thomas Sivley and Elizabeth White. In the 1870 Havana, Mason County, Illinois Census, Garland (Sibley), age 11, was found in the home of James Dailey, occupation listed as "Work on Farm."

The Illinois Marriage Index shows Garland marrying Alice Josephine Trotter on February 8, 1880 in Fulton County, Illinois. According to the 1870 Havana, Mason County Illinois Census, Alice was born in 1860. It is unknown at this time whether she died or Garland divorced her, but just two years after this marriage, Garland married Josie Osborne. Because Alice’s middle name was Josephine, many researchers have confused records listed as "Josie Sivley" as referring to her; however, both the 1870 and 1880 Census lists her as Alice, not Josie. This, coupled with the known marriage date for Garland to Josie Osborne, clarifies to whom the records refer.

Garland’s and Josie’s five children (all daughters) were:

  1. Ethel Mae Sivley - born July 6, 1883 in Havana, Mason County, Illinois, died June 8, 1950 in Peoria County, Illinois. Ethel married Herman Frederick Mehl (b. May 1868 in Germany - d. Apr. 19, 1947 in Peoria, Illinois) on June 6, 1901 in Peoria, Ill. They had three children:

    1. Baby Mehl - b. Oct. 2, 1901 - d. Oct. 3, 1901
    2. Naomi Joan Mehl - born September 10, 1904 in Chilicothe, Peoria County, Illinois, died May 6, 1977 in Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois. She married James Sylvester Van Scyoc (b. Nov. 24, 1895 in Eureka, Woodford County, Illinois, d. Feb. 19, 1967 in Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois) in 1936. No known children from this union. However, James had been married previously to Rose Ellen Craig (b. Feb. 29, 1896 - d. Dec. 1, 1987). They had one daughter, Helen Marie Van Scyoc (b. Jul. 18, 1917 - d. Jul. 12, 2009). James’ obituary states he was preceded in death by a son. No child is listed for James and Naomi in the 1940 Census. James and Rose do not appear inthe 1930 Census. From the information currently available, we are unable to determine then name of the son or his mother.
    3. Ruth Marian Mehl - b. Feb. 27, 1909 in Chilicothe, Peoria County, Illinois, died Jan 13, 1990 in Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois. She married Joseph Francis Frederick Burke (b. Dec. 14, 1899 in Ramona, Lake County, South Dakota - d. Aug. 21, 1972 in Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois) on Jun. 6, 1930 in Peoria. They had two children:

      1. Richard Lorrence Burke - b. Sep. 9, 1931 in South Dakota - d. Sep. 27, 2011 in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. he married Eleanor Mae Dirks (b. Dec. 29, 1925 - d. Aug 2017) on Jun. 7, 1964 in Monterey, California. No known children from this union.
      2. Judith E. Burke - b. Jan. 25, 1937 in Illinois, d. Aug. 17, 2014 in La Grange, Oldham County, Kentucky.

  2. Iva Lee Sivley - born May 1, 1886 in Meredosia, Morgan County, Illinois, died 1971 in Peoria County, Illinois. She married Lyle Wesley Roszell, Sr. (b. Jun. 4, 1887 in Peoria- d. Jan. 29, 1960 in Peoria) on Oct. 26, 1910 in Peoria. Thay had four children:

    1. Lois M. Roszell - b. Jul. 31, 1911 in Peoria, d. Oct 4. 1994 in Peoria. She married Robert Llewlyn Owen (b. Jun. 10, 1911 in Peoria, d. Aug 18, 1993 in Peoria) on Nov 2, 1933 in Peoria. No further information at this time.
    2. Virginia Lee Roszell - b. Nov. 15, 1913 in Peoria, d. Oct. 21, 1964 in Peoria. She married Leslie Fulton Robinson (b. Nov. 21, 1909 in Peoria, d. Jul. 27, 1983 in Peoria) on Jan 20, 1937 in Peoria. They had three children:

      1. Alan Leslie Robinson - b. Mar. 29, 1939 in Peoria, d. Dec. 4, 2015 in La Grange, Oldham County, Kentucky. He married Margaret A. Pope (b. Jul. 1, 1938 in Laurel County, Kentucky, d. Sep. 2021 in London, Laurel County, Kentucky) in 1966. They had two children:

        1. Laurel Robinson - b. Feb. 7, 1968. She married Peter Michael George on Oct. 18, 2003 in Clark County, Nevada.
        2. Bryan Alan Robinson - b. Dec. 30 1974 in Laurel County, Kentucky.

      2. Lyle Douglas Robinson - b. Jul. 19, 1940 in Peoria, d. May 15, 2000 in Crystal Lake, Benzie, Michigan. He married Darlene Zobel on Aug. 9, 1963 in Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois. They had five children:

        1. Elizabeth Robinson
        2. Scott Robinson
        3. Bryce Robinson
        4. Jean Robinson
        5. Douglas Robinson

      3. Kathleen R. Robinson - b. May 27, 1946 in Illinois. Married John A. Robertson (b. 1941) on Nov. 28, 1969. The couple divorced on Jun. 9, 1988 in Dallas, Texas.

    3. Lyle Wesley Roszell, Jr. - b. Apr. 1, 1924 in Peoria, d. Nov 23, 2012 in Chatham County, North Carolina. He married Lisa Ann Matlock in June 1983. They had two sons:

      1. Stephen Wesley Roszell - b. Mar. 31, 1949 in Peoria, d. Aug. 10, 2022 in Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona. No further information at this time.
      2. Jeffrey Alan Roszell - b. Mar. 2, 1959 in Peoria. He married Lisa Ann Matlock in Jun. 1983. No further information at this time.

    4. Douglas Bourne Roszell - b. Apr. 11, 1926 in Peoria, d. Aug 19, 1981 in Peoria. He married Marianne Gorenz. They had two sons:

      1. Richard B. Roszell - b. Dec. 15, 1953 in Peoria, d. Apr. 15, 2014 in East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois.
      2. John Douglas Roszell - b. Jan. 21, 1958 in Illinois. He married Mary Miriam (Hildreth) Bolin (b. Aug. 12, 1959, d. Apr. 17, 2011) on May 28, 1994 in Anderson County , Tennessee. Obit of Mary Miriam Hildreth. They had one son:

        1. Joseph Roszell

  3. Susan Pearl Sivley - b. Dec. 20, 1889 - d. Apr. 3, 1964. She married Robert Burkey Taylor (b. May 11, 1889, d. Dec. 12, 1980) on Jan 25, 1911 in Peoria. They had one daughter:

    1. Phyllis Ethel Taylor - b. May 22, 1913 in Peoria, d. Sep. 9, 1995 in East Peoria. She married Christian Gerhard Rosenbohm (b. May 6, 1910, d. Aug. 12, 1989). They had one daughter:

      1. Susan K. Rosenbohm - b. Oct. 27, 1943 in Peoria, d. Apr. 4, 2011 in Bartonville, Peoria County, Illinois. She married David R. Semelroth (b. Apr. 26, 1943, d. jan 2 5, 2019) on Apr. 16, 1966 in Bartonville. They had two sons:

        1. Brian Douglas Semelroth - b. Jun. 14, 1968
        2. Russell C. Semelroth - b. Dec. 1971

  4. Daisy Venus Sivley - b. July 30, 1892 in Alton, Madison County, Illiinois, d. Nov. 14, 1976 in Bluff, Lake County, Illinois. She married William Stuart Cloud, Sr. (b. Apr. 20, 1893, d. Dec. 1966) on Jan. 22, 1919 in Washington, D.C. They had six children:

    1. William Stuart Cloud, Jr. - b. Oct. 8, 1920 in Peoria, d. Mar. 1, 2012 in Evanston, Cook County, Illinois. He married Betty Marie Heckle (b. Mar. 1, 1923, d. Oct. 2017) on Dec. 24, 1942 in Orange County, California. They had two children:

      1. Patricia Ann Cloud - b. Jul. 3, 1943 in Merced, Merced County, California. She married 1) George Alexander McRae, Jr. on Aug. 29, 1964 in Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois. She married 2) Mr. wilkinson. No further information available at this time.
      2. James William Cloud - b. Sep. 7, 1946 in Illinois.

    2. Charles Edward Cloud - b. Dec. 30, 1922 in Peoria, d. Jun. 14, 2008 in Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois. He married Alice J. Hussak on Feb. 11, 1952 in Cook County, Illinois. No further information available at this time.

    3. Patricia Ann Cloud - b. Jun. 28, 1925 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, d. Oct. 10, 1925 in Berkeley, Alameda County, California.

    4. Donald Emerson Cloud - b. Aug. 9, 1928 in Bronx, New York City, New York, d. Feb. 2, 2018 in Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida. He married 1) Bertha Joyce Halter (b. Aug 6, 1929, d. Jun. 25, 2006) before Nov. 1948 in Cook County, Illinois. He married 2) Doris L. Jenkins on Jun. 22, 1954 in Contra Costa County, California.

    5. Nancy Jean Cloud - b. Aug. 10, 1931 in Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, d. May 24, 2012 in East Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Obit for Nancy Loeschner. She married Ray B. Loeschner on Dec. 18, 1958 in Cook County, Illinois. Ray was the head coach of the Augie football team, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois. They had two children:

      1. Mark Allen Loeschner, Sr. - b. Mar. 13, 1960 in Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. No information on his wife. He has two children:

        1. Mattie Loeschner
        2. Mark Allen Loeschner, Jr. - b. 1990

      2. Amy E. Loeschner - b. Jul. 9, 1963. She married James Keane, Sr. in 1992 in Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois. They had three children:

        1. James Keane, Jr.
        2. Katie Keane
        3. Emma Keane

    6. Roger C. Cloud - b. Jul. 9, 1935. No additional information at this time.

  5. Oreal Gladys Sivley - born Oct. 29, 1898 in Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois, died Nov. 9, 1956 in Peoria. She married Robert M. Haney (b. Jul. 8, 1896 - d. Apr. 13, 1986) on Jul. 27, 1918 in Peoria. They had four children:

    1. Joan Robert Haney - b. Apr. 30, 1919 in Peoria, d. Apr. 25, 1972 in Peoria. She married Harold William Howells (b. May 10, 1916, d. Jul. 30, 1994) on May 21, 1943. They had two children:

      1. Rand Stephen Howells - b. 5 Jun 1945 in Peoria, d. Sep 11, 1981 in Florence, Lane County Oregon. Rand served in the Army from Aug. 30 1966 through Apr. 3, 1969. He was later a photographer for The World newspaper in Coos Bay, Oregon. He married Claudia L. Williams in Sep. 1972 in Wycoff Township, Bergen County, New Jersey. The couple divorced Oct. 23, 1978 in Lane County, Oregon. No additional information available at this time.
      2. Paula Jane Howells - b. May 14, 1948 in Illinois.

    2. Lyla Haney - b. 1921 in Illinois. She was still living in the home of her parents at age 29 in the 1950 Peoria Census.

    3. Robert Edward Haney - b. Feb. 28, 1926 in Peoria, d. Jan. 15, 2001 in Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois. He served as an Electrician's Mate 3rd Class in the U.S. Navy during WWII. He married Mary Ellen (No additional information available). They had one son:

      1. Gregory Robert Haney - b. Oct. 1947 in Illinois.

    4. Jacqueline Gay Haney - b. Jul. 9, 1931 in Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois, d. Mar. 20, 2008 in Kernersville, Forsyth, North Carolina. She married 1) Jack William O'Brien (b. Jul 28, 1926, d. Apr. 21, 1996) on Mar. 25, 1951 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. They had one son:

      1. David O'Brien - b. 3 Jul 1964

      She married 2) Jesse Thomas Copeland (b. Apr. 12, 1933, d. Jun. 7, 1999). No additional information available at this time.

Thanks to Cindy Lee Jackson's research into newspaper articles from that time, we learn a great deal about Garland and Josie Sivley, as well as the history of the steamboat industry.

Note: Some of the articles alternately used the spelling Sively instead of Sivley. An accidental spell-check converted all entries to the correct spelling of Sivley rather than the spelling in the original article. However, this error remains uncorrected to avoid confusion as to the correct spelling of the name.

In the Dec. 1, 1890 issue of the Memphis, Tennessee Appeal-Avalanche:

The Dick Clyde and barge, Capt. G. M. Sivley, arrived yesterday evening from the Upper Mississippi River, and will probably go in one of the local trades here.

In the Oct. 5, 1893 issue of the Savannah, Tennessee Courier:

Steamer G. M. Sivley.
This new and substantial steamer entered the Savannah and Johnsonville trade Monday. She will make three trips a week, leaving Savannah at 6 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arriving at Johnsonville at 5:40 p.m. same day in time to connect with the evening train for Nashville. She will leave Johnsonville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sturdays at 6 a.m., arriving in Savannah at 6:45 p.m. same day, making a daylight run each way.
Captain G. M. Sivley, who owns and operates the boat, assures us that he is not here to interfere with the established rates, but offers a quicker service on schedule time, and expects thereby to secure and merit business.
During the past few years there has been much said about a boat for this special trade, and some effort has been made by people along the river to secure it. It is here now and the question naturally arises, what will the people do for it? It certainly cannot remain here without some business.

In the Aug.4, 1894 issue of the Alton, Illinois Evening Telegraph:

A Rumor.
A rumor was afloat last night of a double tragedy aboard the steamer G. M. Sivley at Hardin on te Illinois river. The story is to the effect that the Sivley with an excursion of passengers bound for Plasa Bluffs had been tied upat Hardin by the mutinous crew. Troubles arose and a woman aboard shot and killed two men. A bloody mattress said to have been found near the assembly grounds augmented the credulity of the people regarding the killing. The Sivley is at present on the Illinois river. A search among river men failed to reveal any facts whatever in the case. The story is flavored with fishy inferences and is in all probability untrue.

In the Apr. 3, 1895 issue of the Helena, Arkansas Weekly World:

The G. M. Sivley came in last night, at dark, with nine thousand sax cotton seed for the Planters Oil Mill. This immense cargo, the largest that has been received at Helena since the days of the Charles P. Chouteau and the Henry Frank, was stored on three barges. The Sivley is a small boat, but she is equipped with 12 inch cylinders and walks up the river with three loaded barges just exacctly like she was going somewhere. Clerk Whittaker, remained over to superintend the delivery of this big lot of seed, while Capt Sivley went back to Old Town landing with his boat, for a lot of seed and cotton. This morning at 7 o’clock, when a WORLD reporter arrived at the elevator, joe Lawrence had 15 or 20 teams hauling seed to the mill, while a half hundred Helena roustabouts were unloading the seed. It was a busy scene and one to warm the cockles of any Helenian's heart.

In the Aug. 5, 1895 issue of the Alton, Illinois Evening Telegraph:

The Josie Sivley, Capt. Sivley's new boat, was towed up to Macoupin creek yesterday by the G. M. Sivley for a load of wheat. She had steam raised but did not use it. The boat will be completed on her trip.
The river fell 3 or 4 inches last night and has fallen about a foot since Saturday.

In the Oct. 19, 1895 issue of the Alton, Illinois Evening Telegraph:

The steamer Josie Sivley will leave today for Helena, Ark., and not the G. M. Sivley, as has been erroneously stated by the daily papers. The G. M. Sivley will remain in the Calhoun county trade until Nov. 15. There is a three-cornered fight now going on in the Calhoun county trade between the G. M. Sivley, the Diamond Jo Lind and teh St. Louis and Clarksville Packet Co. - Waterways Journal.

In the Nov. 20, 1895 issue of the Helena, Arkansas Weekly World:

Hurrah for the Sivley!
The G. M. Sivley has arrived in port from St. Louis, having in tow a barge with a consignment of 500 barrels of flour for Helena. Capt. G. M. Sivley himself, who built up such and excellent trade last year for Helena, is in the pilot-house. The Sivley will leave at once for the Arkansas and Re rivers, and will run regularly from here up those rivers and return, and also up the St. Francis. Truly Capt. Sivley is a hustler and will no doubt work wonders for Helena this season. We know him of old and are sure he will do all he can, and that is a great deal, for us. His boat will turn to Helena the wealth of the fertile and prosperous districts around White, Red, Arkansas, and St. Francis rivers. Last year he never failed to return without having his boat loaded to the guards with cotton and seed, and though a little late in getting here this season, he will materially liven up business.
Here's to the success of the Sivley and her crew.

In the Oct. 15, 1896 issue of the Alton, Illinois Telegraph:

Charged With Embezzlement.
Archie J. Ellison was arrested last Friday on a warrant sworn out by G. M. Sivley charging him with embezzling $500. The warrant was issued by Justice Quarton, and Ellison was detained in the police station and by request of Mr. Sivley ws not locked up but a special guard was detailed for him. He remained in the station all night. G. M. Sivley is the owner of the steamers G. M. Sivley and Josie Sivley. An attempt was made to compromise the matter, but the parties interested could not agree.
Mr. Ellison had up to the time of his arrest acted as Captain of the Josie Sivley.

In the Aug. 19, 1897 issue of the Kewanee, Illinois Star:

Excursion to Illinois River.
No little interest is being aroused in the Eastern Star excursion to River View park next Wednesday. This park is a beautiful grove of Elm trees twenty acres in extent located opposite Beardstown on the Illinois river. Just across the river from the park are the best fishing grounds in Illinois namely Muskooten Bay and Wood Slough. A hard road four miles long level as a board and shaded the entire distance affords wheelmen an opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Beardstown. The steamer G. M. Sivley and Barge Pearl will make two excursion trips during the day passing through two draw bridges also locking through government locks and return. A special baggage car will be provided for lunch baskets and bicycles. The round trip fare from Kewanee is $1.50.

In the Oct. 23, 1897 issue of the Alton Evening Telegraph:

The Josie Sivley and the G. M. Sivley with barge, arrive from Calhoun county yesterday afternoon with the largest cargo of apples brought out of the Illinois river, this fall. The boats were so loaded that there was not room for another barrel of apples.

In the Oct. 3, 1899 issue of the Alton, Illinois Evening Telegraph:

Capt Sivley Elopes.
Capt. G. M. Sivley, owner of Sivley steamers, eloped at Peoria a few days ago with a Miss Sherbe of Peoria. Sivley left his wife and two children, taking the woman and $2,000 in cash. He left his wife the steamer G. M. Sivley and barge and in the safe on the boat was $1,000.

In the Oct. 3, 1899 issue of the Alton, Illinois Evening Telegraph:

The G. M. Sivley, in charge of Mrs. Josie Sivley, who is one of the few women to hold a captain's license on the Mississippi, passed down last night. Since her husband, George M. Sivley, deserted her, leaving her the G. M. Sivley and the Josie Sivley, Mrs. Sivley has taken charge of the boats and is running them herself. Captain Sivley's queer action in deserting his family for another woman is still puzzling people who know him, but the view is acceptd by most people that it was a mutual agreement to quit.

The article’s title Capt Sivley Elopes article is inaccurate. Garland did not actually marry Lucy Sherb until August 13, 1908 in St. Joseph, Berrien County, Michigan so his departure was not an actual elopement.According to census records, Lucy Sherb was born between 1881 and 1885. Because the 1900 Census also lists a month for her birth, September 1881, this may be more accurate. Her parents were Marcus Sherb and Katherine Jane Bartels. No other information is available about her at this time.

Also confusing is the claim of his leaving two children. There were a total of five children born to Josie and Garland. We can only speculate that at the time Garland left, only the two youngest, Daisy and Oreal, were still at home. However, at the time of Garland’s marriage to Lucy Sherb, only the oldest daughter, Ethel Mae, was married. Iva and Susan did not marry until 1910.

In the Aug. 27, 1901 issue of the Washington, D. C. Evening Star:

Will Be Prosecuted for Alleged Threats to an Inspector.

The Treasury Department today requested the Department of Justice to ask the United States district attorney for the central district of Illinois to commence criminal prosecution against Captain G. M. Sivley, a well-known steamboat owner and master on the Illinois river. Reports received by Inspector General Dumon of the steambaot inspection service indicate that Captain Sivley figured a few days ago in an incident involving William G Lindbeck, boiler inspector of the St. Louis district, and Archibald Gordon, hull inspector of the same district. The two inspectors had gone to Havana, Ill., at the request of Captain Sivley, it is said, to conduct an inspection of the steamer City of Peoria, of which Sivley is master. Some friction developed over the delay in the arrival of the vessel and later over the refusal of the inspectors, who worked during the afternoon on the boat, to return at 2 o’clock in the morning to continue their work.

The report claims that Captain Sivley did not offer them accommodations for the early part of the night, and says they were obliged to go some distance for hotel accommodations. Inspector Lindbeck, at 4:30 o’clock the next morning, again visited the boat and expressed a desire to enter the boiler for inspection. Captain Sivley told him that he could not do so, and when Lindbeck persisted in his attempt Sivley pulled a pistol on him and threatened to kill him if he continued. Lindbeck did no go further and reported the whole affair, with the result that Sivley's license has been revoked and he will be prosecuted for intimidation of an officer of the steamboat inspection service.

In July 24, 1902 issue ofthe Nashville, Illinois Journal:

Governor Stopped the Fight.
The ten-round bout that was supposed to have taken place between Fitzpatrick, of Chicago, and Flaherty, of Kansas City, on the steamer City of Peoria, and the barge, Pearl, at Havana, was stopped by Sheriff Hoff on a telegram from Gov. Yates.

In the Sept. 4, 1902 issue of the Lacon, Illinois Marshall County Democrat:

The Steamer G. M. Sivley has been sold to a New York firm and take to the Gulf of Mexico. She will be placed in freight and passenger trade between Vera Cruz and the Cosamaloapan estate.

In the May 23, 1908 issue of the Chicago, Illinois Tribune:

Illinois Woman Boat Captain.
Peoria, Ill., May 22 - [Special.] - Mrs. George M. Sivley of this city yesterday passed the examination which entitles her to the papers of a master of river steamers. Her license, it is expected, will reach her on Monday, and she will immediately assume command of the steamer City of Peoria.

In the Sept. 1, 1910 issue of the White Cloud, Kansas Globe-Tribune:

Steamboat Excursion
Friday evening Sept. 2, 8 P.M. Returning at 10.30 P.M. on the Barge Steamer City of Peoria. Capacity 500 passengers. Tickets for a round trip 25 cts. Music by Orchestra and Auxedophone. Refreshments on board.
Steamboat excursions do not come here every day. Don't miss the opportunity to have a good time. 2 large dance halls.
Dancing free.

In the Aug. 21, 1913 issue of the Natchez, Mississippi Democrat:

The St. Louis Waterways Journal of Saturday says:
Captain G. M. Sivley, who formerly owned the City of Peoria, G. M. Sivley, Dick Fowler and other boats, has sold all of his steamboat interests and retired from the river. He writes us he expects to go into the fish business at Fort Adams, Miss., which he says he knows something about.

In the Jan. 1920 issue of the Vicksburg, Mississippi Herald:

Wishes to announce to the public that the steamer Vicksburg is being converted into an excursion steamer to run out of Vicksburg and vicinity during the summer months. The boat will have a licensed capacity for 400 people, the dance floor will be 38x50 and the steamer will be run for pleasure. The management will make it a strictly first-class real pleasure boat, with safety first, good order, please patrons and last, but not least, the management expects to make some money, thereby being able to keep the boat in the trade. In order to do this the boat mus have the patronage of the public from the start and they want all prospective patrons to get acquainted with the boat and the crew so they can feel at home. No objectionable characters will be permitted on the boat and no rowdyism will be tolerated. However, the management will do everything possible to make it pleasant for respectable patrons. The first excursion will be with the M. E. Epworth League about the 17th of this month on an afternoon excursion. The next will be a moonlight, with the home guards a few days later. Prices, dates and leaving hours will be advertised in the Herald later. The boat will carry an up-to-date orchestra for moonlight excursions.

Fromthe Havana, Illinois Mason County Democrat's Old Times Column:

90 Years Ago - Original article ran on Aug. 21, 1931
Captain G. M. Sivley, former well known Illinois riverman, boat owner and master of excurions boats on this river, took his own life at his rooming place in Memphis, TN, on Thursday.


Son of
Benjamin Scalf & Ceely Ann Keziah
Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Lewis Scalf, son of Benjamin and Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf, was born about 1805 in North Carolina (probably Wilkes or Iredell County) and married Nancy Coziah/Keziah in Washington County, Tennessee September 12, 1829. (Washington County Marriages, Book 1, page 55 and page 222- Washington County, Tennessee Courthouse). (Marriage Record of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah)

In order to confirm that Lewis Scalf and John Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri were brothers and sons of Benjamin Scalf, we list the following:

Mrs. Della Rae Marvin wrote the following information in a letter concerning John Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri when Henry Scalf wrote the book, Chronicles of the Scalf Family. Mrs. Marvin thought that John came from Pennsylvania. Please see Chapter XIV of Chronicles of the Scalf family for the complete letter.

Excerpt from Chronicles of the Scalf Family

Years later, when John’s brother, Louis came to Missouri he told a story that explained the attraction of the old man to John and caused John much sorrow as the years went by. Louis brought the news that the old man reading the newspaper on the porch of that little house was none other than John’s own father whom he had not seen since he left his home in Pennsylvania in his youth. (Paragraph #7, Putnam County, Missouri Scalfs, Chapter XIV, Chronicles of the Scalf Family)

We believe that this information, along with Mrs. Roy (Catherine) Scalf and our own research confirms that Lewis and John R. Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri were brothers. We do not, however, believe that Pennsylvania was the area that John might have seen his father in, but was likely Elkhart, Indiana.

We know that Lewis had arrived in McDonough County, Illinois by 1836, for he patented 40 acres of land in September of that year. His father, Benjamin, was in McDonough County earlier and had patented land in January of the same year. From these land patents we know that Benjamin Scalf, Sr., left Washington County, Tennessee at least by January of 1836 and possibly before.

Illinois Public Land Purchase Records
Section: NESE
Price: 125
Total: 5000
Date: 06 September 1836
Volume: 698
Page: 143
Type: FD
Sect: 03
Township: 04N
Range: 04W
Meridian: 4
Acres: 4000
Corr-Tag: 0
ID: 009163
Reside: 000 (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
Purchaser: SCALF LEWIS
Residence of Purchaser: Unknown
Social Status:
Aliquot Parts of Lot: NESE
Section Number: 03
Township: 04N
Range: 04W
Meridian: 4
County of Purchase: McDonough

1830 Washington CO TN

SCALF, Lewis

1 male 20 - 30 (1800 - 1810)
1 female 20 - 30 (1800 - 1810)

Lewis and Nancy were then found on the McDonough County, Illinois census in 1840. At this time they had four children; two males and two females.

1840 McDonough CO IL

SCALF, Lewis

1 male < 5 (1835 - 1840) Elija C.
1 male 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835) William
1 male 30 - 40 (1800 - 1810) Lewis
1 female < 5 (1835 - 1840) Unknown female - possibly Celia Elizabeth Scalf
1 female 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835) Mary J.
1 female 20 - 30 (1810 - 1820) Nancy Keziah Scalf

Lewis then patented another 40 acres on November 3, 1840 in Quincy (McDonough County), Illinois. (Land Patent)

In 1846, Lewis appeared on the tax list of McDonough County along with Jonah Scalf. (1846 Tax List)

Lewis appeared again on the tax list of 1846 but Jonah is not listed in this year, possibly indicating he was no longer in McDonough County. Benjamin was also missing from this tax list; however, Riley Bloyd, who later married a daughter of Lewis and Nancy, was listed on this tax list. The author believes the name was likely Boyd and not Bloyd. This was probably an error due to the handwriting of the enumerator. (1847 Tax List)

Wendy Klosterman checked the records in the counties these families lived in and reports that Benjamin sold his land to his son, Lewis, on February 3, 1847. Although we can only speculate, this might have been when Benjamin moved over to Elkhart, Indiana to live with his son, Benjamin Jr., or he might have gone to live with another child. He was not found on the 1850 census at all so we have no information concerning Benjamin Sr., until he appears again in 1860 living in the home of his son, Benjamin, Jr., in Elkhart, Indiana. His obituary suggests he moved to Elkhart, Indiana about 1855. If this is correct, Benjamin might have been anywhere in 1850 and living with someone we don’t have a name for yet.

Email from Wendy:

As I found on the internet, Benjamin bought land in January 1836, and Lewis bought land on September of that same year. They were not given their land, but bought it from the Federal Government. In Feb. 3, 1847 Benjamin sold his land to Lewis. Margaret, on the 1861 Platt map I sent you I found Lewis Scalf, he is in section 3. Then I have a copy of Lewis selling his land to a Darell Jenkins in December 1850. On January 30, 1860, Lewis and Ruth sell land to Edward Darnell for $450.00. The writing is hard to distinguish. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

In 1850, Lewis and Nancy are listed as head of house and living in McDonough County, Illinois. They have seven children in the home and a son-in-law, Riley Bloyd. Scalf is misspelled on this census as Calve. Note the gap in the births of the children between 1834 and 1842. This might indicate there were more children that possibly died. If the ages of the children are correct on this census, there is enough space for at least two, and possibly three, more children to have been born.

Living three homes away from the Lewis Scalf family is Eliji and Rebecca Bloyd, 40 and 35 years old respectively. They may or may not be relatives of Riley Bloyd.

1850 McDonough CO IL 1 October 1850

CALVE, Lewis 45 1805 NC
   Nancy 40 1810 TN
   William 20 1830 TN
   Mary J. 18 1832 TN
   Elijah C. 16 1834 TN
   James   8 1842 TN
   John   6 1844 TN
   Nancy   4 1846 TN
   Henry   2 1848 TN
BLOYD, Riley 23 1827 TN

Recall that Lewis and Nancy had two boys and two girls in 1840. The two boys were likely William and Elijah. One of the girls was probably Mary J., but the other girl does not appear on the 1850 census. It is possible that the female in 1840 that is missing in 1850 was Celia Elizabeth Scalf found in the marriage records of McDonough County.

Celia Elizabeth Scalf married Augustine Borden September 15, 1853 in McDonough County, Illinois.Illinois Statewide Marriages, License No. 333.(Illinois Marriage Index)

(Marriage License for Augustine Borden and Celia Elizabeth Scalf)

Celia Elizabeth Scalf appears only one time in the records and we are unable to determine where she fits into the family.

The David Jenkins family was living next door to Lewis in 1840 and was still living there in 1850. Also, in 1840, Benjamin was living on the other side of David Jenkins but he does not appear there on the 1850 census.

Lewis was then found on the 1855 State census of McDonough County. He would have been 55 years old at this time. This is a Militia census and Lewis and four of his sons were listed. These were probably Elijah, James, John and Henry.

1855 McDonough CO State Census 3 July 1855 Township 4

SCALF, Lewis        
      Militia Value if Life Stock
2 males 10 or less (1845 - 1855)
2 males 10 - 20 (1835 - 1845)    
1 male 40 - 50 (1805 - 1845) 1 100

Nancy Keziah Scalf died between October of 1850 and April of 1851 for the marriage records of McDonough County reveal that Lewis Scalf married the widow, Mrs. Ruth Osborne, on April 17, 1851.

Scalf, Luis  Osborn, Ruth Mrs.  04/17/1851  106  McDonough (Illinois Marriage Index)

Ruth Osborne Scalf was living in the home of William Smith in October of 1850. In the home was her daughter Matilda and son, Joseph Osborne.

Wendy Klosterman made a trip to McDonough County and sent us the following information concerning Lewis and Ruth:

I traveled back to McDonough County IL today (it was a nice day by the way). I found out who Ruth Osborn Scalf’s first husband was, James Osborn, and he died in Missouri. An Elizabeth Jones gave oath. I have a copy of her wedding certificate to Lewis Scalf. They were married in April 17, 1851. I could not find birth records for our group or death records as they didn’t have to report these happenings until 1880’s.
Note: I have a copy of Lewis selling his land to a Darell Jenkins in December 1850.
 (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Wendy found a deed stating that Lewis sold his land to Darrell Jenkins and the census lists a David Jenkins as a neighbor to both Benjamin and Lewis in 1840. The name might have been misread on one or the other documents, or Darrell might have been a son of David Jenkins.

1850 McDonough CO IL 16 October 1850 

SMITH, William M 30 1820 IN
   Malinda F 26 1824 IL
OSBORNE, Ruth F 32 1818 IN
   Matilda F 13 1837 IL
   Joseph M   6 1844 IL

We speculate that Nancy Keziah Scalf might have died in childbirth to the last child, Lydia. According to the 1850 census, Lydia had not been born at the enumeration of the 1850 census enumerated in October of 1850; however, Lydia then appears on the 1860 census of Putnam County, Missouri in the home of her father Lewis and his second wife, Ruth Osborn Scalf. Lydia is listed on the 1860 Putnam County, Missouri census with an estimated birth date of 1849.

Joseph Osborn, age 14, is found in the home of Lewis and Ruth in 1860 and was the son of Ruth and her previous husband, James Osborn.

By 1860, Lewis and Ruth moved over to Putnam County, Missouri where John R. Scalf was living.

1860 Putnam CO MO 21 September 1850 Jackson Township

SCALF, Lewis 53 1807 NC
   Ruth 45 1815 IN
   James 18 1842 TN
   John 17 1844 TN
   George 15 1846 IL
   Henry 15 1846 IL
   Lydia 11 1849 IL
OSBURN, Joseph 14 1846 IL

Living between John R. Scalf and Lewis Scalf in Putnam County, Missouri in 1860, is William and Matilda Osborne Scalf, son of Lewis and Nancy Keziah Scalf. Matilda was the daughter of Ruth (Smith) Osborne Scalf. William and Melinda Smith from the 1850 McDonough County, Illinois census are living on the other side of Lewis and Ruth. Other families in Putnam County, Missouri previously in McDonough County were the Nobles, Caves and Dixon families.

Line 15
HH # 1103/173

1860 Putnam Co. MO 21 Sept. 1860 Jackson Township

SCALF, William 30 1830 TN
   Metilda 23 1837 IL
   William   7 1853 IL
   James   4 1856 IL
   Daniel   2 1858 IL

Note: On January 30, 1860, Lewis and Ruth sold land to Edward Darnell for $450.00. The writing is hard to distinguish. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Lewis and Ruth are then found in Marion County, Missouri. Lewis’s daughter, Lydia A. Scalf, married Wilson R. (Rice) Boyd on May 13, 1869 in McDonough, Illinois (Illinois Marriages). Lydia and Wilson are in the home with Lewis and Ruth in 1870. (Marriage Certificate of Lydia Scalf and Wilson Boyd) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

1870 Marion MO 28 June 1870 Fabius Township

SCALF, Lewis M 58 1812 NC
   Ruth F 50 1820 IL
BOYD, Lydia F 18 1852 IL
BOYD, Rice M 23 1847 IL

History of McDonough County, Illinois:

In 1832, Joseph Smith made the first settlement in what is now Mound township, on section 18, where he remained until the spring of 1837. (History of McDonough County, Illinois)

According to the History of McDonough County, The Smith and Osborne families were very early settlers. The Osborne family can also be found on earlier census records of North Carolina.
Stephen Osborne, in 1826, also made settlement in the neighborhood of Mr. Carter, where he remained but a short time when he went to Knox County, and passed out of the knowledge of those left here. William Osborne is believed to have been the first to make settlement in what is now known as Scotland township, he camping out all the summer of 1828, on the banks of the water-course since known as Camp creek, from this circumstance. This Osborne was not what may be truly termed a settler, but rather in the light of a temporary inhabitant. (History of McDonough County, IL)

The above information shows a relationship of the Osborne and Smith families very early on in McDonough County, Illinois.

Lewis and Ruth were not found after the 1870 census of Putnam County, Missouri. Lewis would have been around 75 years old in 1880 if he was born 1805. He might have died before the enumeration of the 1880 census. Ruth was also not found after 1870 and could have died, or possibly remarried. Several of Lewis-sons had moved to the area by 1883.

A Jesse Scalf was found on the 1865 Clay County, Illinois State Census that cannot be placed with any of the families and might be another son of Benjamin Scalf, Sr., that we have not heard about. We are still researching this Jesse Scalf. According to the ages of his children, he probably married 1850-1855; however, no marriage record was found on the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index. Jesse was born 1825-1830 and might have been the brother of Lewis that was mentioned in a letter as being the brother that moved on or went back home although the brother was named Matthew in the letter. Matthew might have been a middle name for Jesse. Jesse was not found before or after this census.

1865 Clay CO State Census 3 July 1865 Songer
SCALF, Jesse

      Militia Value of Live Stock
1 male 10 or less (1855 - 1865)    
1 male 30 - 40 (1825 - 1835) 1  
2 females 10 or less (1855 - 1865)    
1 female 20 - 30 (1835 - 1845)    


Son of
Lewis Scalf & Nancy Keziah
William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

William Scalf, son of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Koziah/Keziah was born about 1831 in Washington County, Tennessee (Census estimation). In his pension application, William stated he was born August 12, 1825 in Washington County, Tennessee. William died October 30, 1908 at Nara Visa New Mexico. His daughter-in-law stated he was buried there in a country cemetery. (Pension file of William Scalf, courtesy of James Monger)

William married Matilda Jane Osborne. Matilda was born January 24, 1837 and died April 25, 1899 at Wellman (Washington Co. Iowa). She is buried at Wassonville Cemetery. Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Death Certificate of Matilda Jane Smith-Osborn-Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

William and Matilda Jane Osborn were married March 21, 1853 in Macomb (McDonough County) Illinois (Illinois Statewide Marriages-License number 291). Matilda was the daughter of James and Ruth (Smith) Osborne. Ruth Smith Osborne married William’s father, Lewis Scalf, after the death of William’s mother, Nancy Keziah Scalf. Riley Bloyd/Boyd signed the consent for Matilda’s mother, Ruth. (Marriage Document of William Scalf and Matilda Osborne)

William appears to have been the first child born to Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah Scalf. The 1840 census of McDonough County, Illinois estimates his birth 1830 -1835 and the 1850 census suggests he was born in 1830. Since Lewis and Nancy married in September of 1829, William was most likely born 1829-1831.

We believe William was the male age 5-10 in the home in 1840.

1840 McDonough CO IL

SCALF, Lewis

1 male < 5 (1835 - 1840) Elija C.
1 male 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835) William
1 male 30 - 40 (1800 - 1810) Lewis
1 female < 5 (1835 - 1840) Unknown female - possibly Celia Elizabeth Scalf
1 female 5 - 10 (1830 - 1835 Mary J.
1 female 20 - 30 (1810 - 1820) Nancy Keziah Scalf

In 1850 William is at home with his parents. His age is listed as 20 on this census.

1850 McDonough CO IL 1 October 1850

CALVE, Lewis 45 1805 NC
  Nancy 40 1810 TN
  William 20 1830 TN
  Mary J. 18 1832 TN
  Elijah C. 18 1834 TN
  James 8 1842 TN
  John 6 1844 TN
  Nancy C. 4 1846 TN
  Henry 2 1848 TN
BLOYD, Riley 23 1827 TN

Riley Bloyd, husband of William’s sister, Mary Jane Scalf, signed an affidavit for consent of Ruth Osborne for the marriage of her daughter, Matilda Jane to William Scalf. (Marriage consent - Riley Bloyd) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

By 1860, William and Matilda, as well as the William Smith family, had moved over to Putnam County, Missouri near William’s father, Lewis Scalf, and his uncle, John R. Scalf.

The Civil War was brewing at this time and in 1864 William enlisted as a Private in Co. G of the 137thIllinois Volunteer Infantry on 23 May 1864 at Wellman (Washington County) Iowa. He was honorably discharged at Springfield, Illinois 24 September 1864.

William first applied for his pension October 17, 1892. He was 63 years old at this time. The following information was obtained from his pension application submitted by James Monger.

In his pension application, William states he was born August 12, 1825 in Washington County, Tennessee and that his places of residence were as follows: Illinois 8 years; Iowa 3 years; Missouri 3 years and Oregon 2 years. Census records reveal that William lived in Illinois for at least 10 -15 years but he may have forgotten this in his later years.

William then states that he married Matilda Jane Osborn March 20, 1853 in McDonough County, Illinois by Justice Lewis of Marion, Illinois. He stated no certificate was given but the marriage was recorded in McDonough County. A marriage license for William and Matilda was found by Wendy Klosterman recorded in McDonough County, Illinois and the marriage is also listed in the Statewide Marriages of Illinois on the Internet.

William stated he had not been married before and lists the names of his and Matilda’s children.

  1. James M. Scalf - born December 22, 1853
  2. Daniel M. Scalf - born August 5, 1857
  3. Irene B. Scalf - born June 16, 1867

The names of the above children correspond to the children found on the census records; however, William did not mention having a son, William, who was the oldest child. William, son of William and Matilda, is listed on the 1860 census. This William was confused by earlier researchers and listed as a son of Jonah Scalf. This also confused the author when compiling these families and was listed as Jonah’s son. However, this William was not the son of Jonah Scalf. Jonah’s son, William, married Lauretta Griffin and William’s son, William, married Esther Smeltser.

1860 Putnam MO 21 September 1860 Jackson Township

SCALF, William M 30 1830 TN
   Matilda F 23 1837 IL
   William M   7 1853 IL
   James M   4 1856 IL
   Daniel M   2 1858 IL

William and Matilda were not found in 1870 but were found again in 1880.

William’s description from the pension papers is 5 feet -3 inches tall with a dark complexion, blue eyes and brown hair, and was a farmer. As was common with military pension applications, neighbors and friends gave depositions in support of the pension. One of the neighbors was J. D. Booth. William’s son, Daniel, married Winnie Booth, a neighbor girl who lived on a connecting farm. According to information from Wendy Klosterman, J. D. Booth was actually T. D. Booth, the father of Winnie Booth that married William’s son, Daniel.

Email to the author:

As for Winnie, her father is T.D. Booth a wealthy land owner around Wassonville/Wellman. I have come across his name many times on land deeds and Platt maps. He owned large tracts of land beside the Scalf farm. In fact I think that T.D. Booth and Thurman D. Booth are one of the same as they have both names on the Wassonville Cemetery map and have them buried in the same spot. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Mr. Booth stated that he had known William for 10 years and that William had worked for him at different times. He also stated he knew that William was not able to work more than half-time and since he had the grip last winter he was not able to do much.

Another neighbor, B. F. Van Clear stated, He worked with him about seven years ago until he got so he wasn’t able to work and his son had been keeping him ever since then. He also stated that William was a physical [w]reck. William was allotted a pension in the amount of $20 per month commencing on 18 March 1907.

William Scalf died 30 October 1908 at Nara Visa New Mexico at the home of his son Daniel and wife Winnie Booth Scalf. Daniel and Winnie were living about 14 miles from Nara Visa New Mexico. Winnie stated that William was buried about -miles from her house in the country graveyard. Winnie Booth Scalf cared for her father-in-law until his death.

Matilda Jane Osborne Scalf died April 15, 1900 according to information given by Winnie Booth Scalf in the pension papers. However, a death record for Matilda was found by Wendy Klosterman stating that Matilda Jane Scalf died April 25, 1899 at the age of 62 years, 4 months and 1 day old. She was born in Illinois and died at Lime Creek Township in Washington County, Iowa. She is buried at Wassonville Cemetery, one mile north of Wellman, Iowa.

Children of William and Matilda Osborne Scalf:

  1. William M. Scalf - William was born 1852 or 1853 in Illinois. William died March 28, 1930 in Covina, CA. He married Esther Smeltzer July 15, 1883 in Knox County, IL. Esther was the daughter of James Smeltzer and Melissa Robertson. (Illinois Statewide marriages, Vol. 00F, Pg. 0089, Lic. No. 00006749)
  2. James Scalf - James married Katherine Ida Farley November 9, 1882 in Wellman (Washington County) Iowa.
  3. Daniel Scalf - Daniel married Winnie Booth.
  4. Mary Irene Scalf - married first to William Whetstine November 8, 1882 in Wellman (Washington County) Iowa. She married second to John Wesley Carr March 25, 1894.

William and Matilda were living at Lime Creek Township in Washington County, Iowa in 1880.

1880 Washington CO IA 17 & 18 June 1880 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, William Head 52 1828 TN NC TN
   Matilda Wife 42 1838 IL TN IN
   James M. Son 26 1854 IL TN IL
   Daniel M. Son 23 1857 IL TN IL
   Mary I.B. Dau 13 1867 IL TN IL
BANKS, Edwin Labor 27 1853 IN IRE Unk
BANKS, Elizabeth Housekeeper 23 1857 IL Unk Unk

William and Matilda were still living at the same address at the enumeration of the 1895 state census of Iowa.

1895 Washington CO IA State Census Lime Creek Township

SCALF, William Head 66 1829 TN
   Matilda Jane Wife 57 1838 IL

Matilda Jane Scalf died four years after the enumeration of the 1895 state census. Her husband survived her by nine years. William was living with his son Daniel in 1900 at Lime Creek Township.

1895 Washington CO IA State Census Lime Creek Township

SCALF, Daniel Martin Head 36 1859 IL
(Booth), Winnie Wife 29 1866 IA
   Edith Dau   6 1889 IA
   James Vivian Son   3 1892 IA
   William (father) 66 1829 TN
   Matilda Jane (mother) 57 1838 IL

1900 Washington CO IA 2-4 June 1900 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, Daniel Head 38 Sep 1861 OH OH OH  
   Winny Wife 35 May 1865 IA ME IA 6 children born, 2 living
   Edith Dau 12 Apr 1888 IA IL IA  
   James V. Son   8 Aug 1891 IA IL IA  
SCALF, William Father 74 Aug 1825 TN TN TN Widower

William was living with his son, Daniel, in 1905.

1905 Washington CO IA State Census Wellman

SCALF, Daniel  
   William (father)

William Scalf, son of Lewis and Nancy, died three years after the enumeration of the 1905 state census.


Son of
William Scalf & Matilda Jane (Smith) Osborn Scalf
William M<William M<Lewis<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

William M. Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Matilda Jane (Smith) Osborn Scalf, was born 1852 in Illinois. William died March 28, 1930 in Covina, CA.

William M. Scalf was listed with his parents in 1860 Putnam County, Missouri. However, William was gone from the home by 1870. His father did not list him as a child in his pension affidavit. William would have been around 17 or 18 years old in 1870.

1860 Putnam MO 21 September 1860 Jackson Township

SCALF, William M 30 1830 TN
   Matilda F 23 1837 IL
   William M   7 1853 IL
   James M   4 1856 IL
   Daniel  M   2 1858 IL

We have no knowledge of where William was until his marriage to Esther Smeltzer.

William married Esther Smeltzer on July 15, 1883 in Knox County, IL. Esther was the daughter of James Smeltzer and Melissa Robertson. (Illinois Statewide marriages, Vol. 00F, Pg. 0089, Lic. No. 00006749)

Esther was born 1861 in IL and died 1915 in Covina, CA. (Illinois Marriage Index)

We next find William and Esther in Union County, Iowa on the state census. They were living in Lincoln Township. Note that their first child on this census appears to be named Cassie; however, her headstone in California reveals that her name was Carrie L. We believe the handwriting of the enumerator caused her name to appear as Cassie. William’s brother, James Madison, also named a daughter Carrie.

1895 Union CO IA State Census Lincoln Township

SEALF, William Head 43 1852 IL (Married 7/15/1883)
(SMELTER), Esther Wife 33 1862 IL  
   Cassie (Carrie L.) Dau   4 1891 IA  
   Fannie Dau   2 1893 IA  

By 1900, William and Esther had moved to California and were found on the 1900 census of San Diego County. Esther’s name appears on this census as Esta and the oldest child, Carrie, appears as Esta Cassie. Fannie, the second child from the 1895 census is missing on this census but appears again in 1910. .

1900 San Diego CO CA 13 June 1900 National Township

SCALF, William Head 48 Jan 1852 IL IL IL  
   Esta L. Wife 38 Dec 1861 IL IL IL 3 children born, 2 living
   Esta (Carrie L.) Dau   9 Jul 1891 IL IL IL  

William Scalf was listed in the Saturday, April 19, 1902 issue of The Los Angeles Times, p.16

SAN BERNARDINO, April 18.--William Scalf, an old rancher who lives in Cajon Pass and keeps the law officers guessing most of the time, had a busy day yesterday and finally won. In the morning he was before Justice Thomas on a charge of threatening to kill a neighbor, and was placed under $500 bonds to preserve the peace. Not being able to furnish the bonds, he was sent to jail for six months. In the afternoon his case was carried to the Superior Court, and Judge Oster granted a petition for a writ of habeas corpus for the release of teh prisoner, on the ground that the proceedings in the Justice Court had not been conducted in accordance with law. Scalf was jailed lass than three hours.

In the San Diego County Register of Births, William and Esther are listed as having a premature/stillborn son, born Aug. 3, 1902. According to the document, no name was given to the child; however, subsequent record indicate this was Lester Eugene Scalf. William’s brother, James Madison, named a son Merton Lester, perhaps a family name.

In 1910, William and Esther are living at Los Angeles County. Esther stated she had three children born with two living. Carrie had died in 1908 and Fannie is in the home again.  (Cemetery Marker of Carrie L. Scalf)

1910 Los Angeles CO CA 30 May 1910 Rowland Township

SCALF, William F. Head 58 1852 IL Unk IL  
   Esther L. Wife 48 1862 IL KY IL 3 children born, 2 living
   Fannie F. Dau 17 1893 IA IL IL  
   Lester E. Son   8 1902 CA IL IL  

Esther died in 1915 at the age of 54.  William, Esther and Carrie are all buried at Oakdale Memorial Park in Covina (Los Angeles Co.) California. (Find a Grave Memorial)

William was not found on the 1920 census, but both William and his son, Lester, were listed on the 1922 Los Angeles County Voter’s Registration list. William’s occupation was Rancher at this time and his son was listed as Laborer and Workman. We don’t know if William owned a ranch, or worked for someone else at this time. William was listed again on the 1924 Voter’s Registration, but his son was not listed. (1922 Voters Registration)(1924 Voters Registration)

William was not found on the 1930 census. He died in 1930 at the age of 78 and is buried at Oakdale Memorial Park with his wife Esther and daughter, Carrie. We have no further information on Fannie.


Son of
William M. Scalf & Esther Smelter
Lester<William<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Lester Eugene Scalf was born Aug. 3, 1901 and died Aug. 15, 1961. He married 1) Lois Somerville - license granted on June 4, 1938 in Yuma, Arizona. She was born Jan. 7, 1918 in Los Angeles, California and died June 11, 1970 in Napa, California. The plot next to Lester's burial plot is listed on as belonging to Lester's wife 2) Jessie Nellie Scalf - b. 1901 - d. Apr 1. 1978. The headstone reads Nellie J. Scalf - Mother. Her obituary in the Tuesday, Apr. 4, 1978 edition of the Omaha, Nebraska World-Herald:

SCALF - Jessie Nellie, age 77 yrs. 606 No. 33rd St. Survived by daughter, Doris St. Pierre, Co[uncil] Bluffs, Ia, Sister, Madge L. Smith, Omaha, 2 brothers, Cecil Miles Pullian, and Ross C. Pullian, 5 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren.
Funeral services Wed. 2 PM Dworak Mortuary Chapel. Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery.
This obituary, based on her surviving brothers’ surname of Pullian, led to finding the family of Abraham Lincoln Pulliam in both the 1910 Concord Township, Clinton County, Missouri census and the 1920 East River, Page County, Iowa Census which also named the surviving siblings who were listed in the obituary.

Jessie married 1) Walter Edward Sullivan, (b. Oct. 12, 1900 in Kansas City, Missouri, d. Apr. 12, 1973) on June 16, 1923 in New Market, Taylor County, Iowa. They had one daughter (the surviving daughter listed in the obituary):
  1. Doris Pauline Sullivan - b. Mar. 3, 1924 in Maryville, Nordaway County, Missouri, d. Aug. 3, 2005 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
Jessie married 2) George William Owens (b. Dec. 18, 1902 in Lawrence, Nuckolls County, Nebraska, d. May 15, 1945 in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska) on Mar. 18, 1935 in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

It is my [Stephen Scalf] belief that Jessie married 3) Lester Scalf after the death of her second husband. Although I have not found a marriage record at this time, the obituary and headstone obviously lead to this conclusion.

Lester appears on the 1922, 1934, 1936 Los Angeles County Voters Registration and the 1940 and 1942 San Bernardino County Voters Registration.

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
Name: Lester E.Scalf
Birth Year: 1901
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: California
State: California
County or City: Los Angeles
Enlistment Date: 3 Jan 1942
Enlistment State: California
Enlistment City: Los Angeles
Branch: Air Corps
Branch Code: Air Corps
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Army of the United States - includes the following: Voluntary enlistments effective December 8, 1941 and thereafter; One year enlistments of National Guardsman whose State enlistment expire while in the Federal Service.
Source: Enlisted Man, Regular Army, after 3 months of Discharge
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Tractor Driver* or Truck Driver, Heavy or Chauffeur or Truck Driver, Light An asterisk (*) appearing after a job title indicates that a trade test for the particular occupation will be found in the United States Employment Service Manual or Trade Test
Marital Status: Married
Height: 65"
Weight: 132
The Tuesday, August 15, 1961 edition of the Omaha, Nebraska Evening World-Herald:
Dump Truck Kills Worker
Hit Beneath Overpass of Highway at 84th
Lester Scalf, 60, of 1450-1/2 South Fifteenth Street, was killed Tuesday morning when he was run over by a loaded dump truck beneath the Interstate 80 overpass on Eighty-fourth Street just outside the city limits.
Leonard Cunningham, 48 of 4623 L Street, said he was backing the dirt truck and did not see Mr. Scalf. Mr. Cunningham was hospitalized in shock.
Both men were employees of the Parsons Construction Company which is working on the Interstate interchange near Eighty-fourth and Grover Streets.
The Sheriff's office said there was no immediate ruling as to whether the death would be counted as a traffic fatality.


Son of
William Scalf & Matilda Jane Osborne
James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

We are deeply indebted to Wendy Klosterman of Iowa, a great-granddaughter of James Madison Scalf and Kathrine Ida (Farley) Scalf for her generous help on these families.

James Madison Scalf, son of William Scalf and Matilda Jane Osborne Scalf, was born December 1853 according to the 1900 Washington County, Iowa census.

Family Bible records submitted by Wendy Klosterman list his birth date as December 22, 1852. His father stated in his pension application that James was born December 22, 1853; however, his father was quite elderly when he gave this information.

James Madison Scalf married Kathrine Ida Farley November 9, 1882 in Wellman Washington County) Iowa. Kathrine was the daughter of John R. Farley and Susanna Dobbs Farley.

(Bible Records of James Madison and Kathrine Ida (Farley) Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Email from Wendy Klosterman:

Here is a little history on Kathrine Ida Farley, James’ wife. Her father came to Iowa from Virginia/Ohio (the family moved frequently) with his brothers. They bought land and all had a trade. Isaac Farley was a lawyer and Judge here in Iowa, John and his wife were wagon maker and she was a seamstress, Sylvester bought large tracks of land as did his brothers. They even purchased some from the U.S. government. It is a fact that Jesse James and his gang came through Wassonville/Daytonville/Wellman area frequently. What is rumored is that they stayed with the Farley boys, as they were roughens too. One of the James gang is buried in Wassonville cemetery, plus Wassonville was home to the Underground Railroad. They hid the slaves in the caves in the quarries and in the Wassonville cemetery. Isaac took supplies to John Brown in Kansas for that uprising. All the Farley men were against slavery. Kathrine’s father enlisted twice in the Civil War. Kathrine was a late in life child. Many of my Aunts and Uncles thought she was an only child when in fact she had quite a few siblings (found in census). A couple of them were married before she came to be. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Photograph Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

The marriage record for James and Kathrine lists the following information:
Marriage license No: 140
Date of License: November 9, 1882.
Marriage consent given by: Wm. Scalf and Bride’s parents.
Full Name of Groom: James Scalf
Residence: Wellman, Iowa
Occupation: Farmer
Age next Birthday: 27
Race or Color: White
Place of Birth: Illinois
Father’s name: W. Scalf
Mother’s maiden name: Matilda J. Farley
No. of groom’s marriage: Second
Full name of Bride: Catherine Farley
Place of Residence: Wellman, Iowa
Age next birthday: 17
Race or color: White
Place of birth: Iowa
Father’s name: John R. Farley
Mother’s maiden name: Susan Cobb
No. of bride’s marriage: First
Where and when married: Bride’s residence in Washington Co. Iowa Nov. 9, 1882.
Date of return: November 9, 1882
Date registered: November 11, 1882
By whom certified: J. D. Matthews, Justice of the Peace.

(Marriage License of James Madison Scalf and Kathrine Ida Farley) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

The marriage record of James and Kathrine states that this was a second marriage for James and the first for Kathrine. We do not know at this time who the first wife of James might have been or what might have happened to her. Note that under the heading of Parents names; mother’s maiden name is Wm. Scalf and Matilda Farley. Since Kathrine’s father was a Farley, we believe the clerk got confused and listed James’ mother, Matilda Smith Osborn, as Farley also.

Kathrine’s name was spelled (KATHRINE) in her Family Bible and this is the spelling that will be listed in these writings with the exception of the spellings on the census records and these were copied as they appeared on the records.

Kathrine was born July 10, 1866 in Iowa, the daughter of John R. Farley and Susana Cobb. Wendy Klosterman reports that Kathrine’s parents came to Iowa in the late 1840’s and Kathrine was born around Wassonville. Her father operated a Tailor Shop and a Wagon Shop in town.

James and Kathrine were the parents of five living children. These children and their spouses are listed here from the Bible of Kathrine Ida (Farley) Scalf. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

  1. Carrie Arminda was born December 29, 1883 in Iowa. She married Emanuel Whetstine March 27, 1901. Carrie died November 29, 1906 at Roswell, New Mexico from tuberculosis. She is buried at Roswell, NM.
  2. Susana Matilda was born August 12, 1886 in Iowa. She married Albert Lantz October 21, 1903.
  3. Viola was born September 10, 1888 in Oregon. She married Charles Perrin June 26, 1906.
  4. Lettie Leona was born May 18, 1893 in Iowa. She died November 14, 1893.
  5. Merton Lester was born June 1, 1903 in Iowa. He married first to Lydia Miller April 10, 1925. Lydia Miller Scalf died July 13, 1953. He married second to Grace King (deceased). Merton married third to Lydia Leverne Rhodes born October 17, 1916. She died December 10, 1999. Merton and Lydia Leverne married December 10, 1958. They had two girls; Dorothy Leverne Scalf and Barbara Jane Scalf. Merton Lester Scalf died March 19, 1979. He had a stroke earlier. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

On the 1900 census, Kathrine stated she had four children with only three living. Lettie Leona was born 1893 and died 1893. James stated on this census that they had been married for 17 years; however, they would have been married around 18 years according to their marriage date of 1882.

Photograph of James Madison Scalf and son, Daniel, when they worked for the railroad in 1892. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

This picture, the James Madison Scalf family, was taken in 1906 when James & Kathrine Scalf was in Roswell, NM. They are the older couple standing on the steps in the background. The little boy is Merton Lester Scalf, the father of Ethel Scalf, and the grandfather of Wendy Klosterman. James and Kathrine traveled to Roswell, New Mexico with their daughter Carrie Arminda Scalf Whetstine and her family sometime after the enumeration of the 1900 census because of her health. Carrie had tuberculosis, and she died there in 1906 and is buried in Roswell, NM. Carrie had married in 1901 and had only been married five years when she died. Her children traveled with her, but a family member of her husband came down and took them back to Wellman, IA. James and Kathrine also returned to Iowa.

James Madison Scalf died July 8, 1932 at the age of 79 years, 6 months, and 15 days old at Wellman, Iowa from carcinoma of the bile duct. He is buried at Wassonville Cemetery in Washington County (Wellman) Iowa. His death certificate is listed in Book 5, page 236 of the Washington County, Iowa death records. (Death Certificate of James Scalf)(Death Certificate of James Madison Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Obituary of James Madison Scalf:

Gospel Herald - Volume XXV, Number 19 - August 11, 1932 - page 415.

Scalf, James Madison was born to William and Matilda Scalf on Dec. 22, 1852, in Hancock Co., Ill.; died July 8, 1932, at his home in Wellman, Iowa; aged 79 y. 6 m. 18 d.
On Nov. 9, 1882, he was married to Kathrine Farley. This union was blessed with 4 daughters and 1 son. Two daughters preceded him in death. Surviving are the widow, 1 sister, 3 children, 11 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. His last illness began about last Christmas and gradually grew worse till the end. In February, 1932, he united with the Mennonite Church, to which he was faithful. His testimony of peace with God and his willingness to submit to His plan assures us that our loss is his eternal gain. The funeral was conducted by Abner G. Yoder and Edward Diener. Interment in the Wassonville Cemetery.
 (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Kathrine Ida (Farley) Scalf died December 10, 1950 and is also buried at the Wassonville Cemetery. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

The family of James Madison Scalf and Kathrine Ida Farley were followed on census records through 1930. We first find James and Kathrine on the 1895 Washington County, Iowa State Census, living at Lime Creek Township.

1895 Washington CO IA State Census Lime Creek Township

SCALF, James Head 41 1854 IL
   Catharine I. Wife 26 1869 IA
   Carrie R. Dau 11 1884 IA
   Susannah M. Dau   9 1886 IA
   Viola Dau   7 1888 OR

1900 Washington CO IA June 1900 Wellman

SCALF, James M. Head 46 Dec 1853 IL TN IL  
   Katharine I. Wife 33 Jul 1856 IA OH IN 4 children born, 3 living
   Carrie A. Dau 16 Dec 1873 IA IL IA  
   Susana M. Dau 13 Aug 1886 IA IL IA  
   Viola Dau 11 Sep 1888 OR IL IA  

Note that Kathrine stated in 1900 that she had four children born with three living. She had three children in 1895. James and Kathrine married 1882 and Carrie was born December of 1883 according to the 1900 census. Susana was born August of 1886; therefore, we believe Kathrine had a child that died between Carrie and Susana.

1905 Washington CO IA State Census

James M. Scalf Wellman, IA
Merton Lester Scalf Wellman, IA
Catherine Ida Scalf Wellman, IA
Viola Scalf Wellman, IA

In 1910 Kathrine stated she had five children born with three living.

1910 Washington CO IA 13 May 1910 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, James M. Head 56 1854 IL IL IL  
   Catharing I. Wife 44 1866 IA OH IN 5 children born, 3 living
   Merton L. Son   6 1904 IA IL IA  

1915 Washington CO IA State Census Wellman

James Scalf M 60 1855 IL 45 years in IA
Catherine Scalf F 48 1867 IA 48 years in IA
Merton Scalf M 11 1904 IA 11 years in IA

1920 Washington CO IA 7 January 1920 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, James Head 67 1853 IL TN MO
   Catherine Wife 55 1865 IA OH OH
   Merton Son 16 1905 IA IL IA

1930 Washington CO IA 10 April 1930 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, James M. Head 77 1853 IL TN MO
   Catherine Wife 63 1867 IA OH IN
PERRIN, Willis G-son 16 1914 IA IA OR

1940 Washington CO IA 4 April 1940 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, Catherine Head 73 1967 IA


Daughter of
James M. Scalf & Catherine Ida Farley
Susannah<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Susana Matilda Scalf, daughter of James Madison Scalf and Kathrine Ida Farley, was born August 12, 1886 in Iowa. (Bible record courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

She married Albert Lantz October 21, 1903 in Iowa. Albert was the son of Gilbert and Madeline Lantz. Albert and Susana only had one daughter, Helene Frances Lantz. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

1910 Washington CO IA 29 April 1910 English River Township

LANTZ, Albert Head 27 1883 IA Germ Germ Married 6 years
   Susanna M. Wife 23 1887 IA OH IA Married 6 years

1920 Washington CO IA 9 January 1920 English River Township

LANTZ, Albert Head 39 1881 IA Germ Germ
   Susie Wife 33 1887 IA IL IA
   Helen Dau   5 1915 IA IA IA

1925 Washington CO IA State Census

LANTZ, Albert H. Head 45 1880 IA Father: Gilbert Lantz - Germ - Age: 74 Mother: Madeline Oberle - Germ
   Susie Wife 38 1887 IA Father: James Scalf - IL Mother: Katherine Farley - IA - Age: 73
   Helen Dau 10 1915 IA Father: Albert Lantz - IA - Age: 45 Mother: Susie Scalf - IA

1930 Washington CO IA 24 April 1930 Lime Creek Township

LANTZ, Albert Head 50 1880 IA Germ Germ
   Susie Wife 43 1887 IA IL IA
   Helen Dau 15 1915 IA IA IA

1940 Washington CO IA 4 April 1940 Lime Creek Township

LANTZ, Albert H. Head 60 Iowa
   Susie M. Wife 53 Iowa

1950 Jasper CO IA 18 April 1950 Kellogg Township

LANTZ, Albert H. Head 70 Iowa
   Susie M. Wife 53 Iowa

At some point after 1950, Albert and Susie moved to Oregon where Albert’s parents and some of his siblings lived. According to her death certificate, Susie died on 26 May 1966 in Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon.(Death Certificate of Susie Scalf Lantz)

Both Susie and Albert were buried at Hillcrest Memorial Park, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon.

Helene Frances Lantz married Glenn Smith Hasty on 26 Jun 1938 in Waverly County, Iowas. He was born on 23 May 1907 in Kalona, Washington County, Iowa and died on 1 Dec 1972 in Selma, Josephine County, Oregon. Helene died on 6 June 1986 (in Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon. Both are buried at Hillcrest Memorial Park in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. (Courtesy of Stephen Scalf)


Daughter of
James M. Scalf & Catherine Ida Farley
Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Viola Oley (also known to family as Ollie) Scalf, daughter of James Madison Scalf and Kathrine Ida Farley, was born September 10, 1888 in Oregon. (Bible record of Kathrine Ida (Farley) Scalf, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Viola married Charles Perrin June 26, 1906 in Oregon. James and Kathrine moved their family to Oregon where James was a lumberjack and Kathrine was the camp cook at that time (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)


Seated - (L to R) Sarah Ellen Perrin Brown, Martha Ann Perrin Spear, Mary A. Cassell Perrin, Thadeus Robert Perrin, Emma Mae Perrin Allen & Minnie Alnora Perrin Blumenstein.
Standing - (L to R) Charles Porter Perrin, Jonathan Robert Perrin, William Henry Perrin, Wesley Levi Perrin and Stephen I. Perrin.

Willis Perrin, grandson of James and Kathrine, was living in the home on the 1930 census. He was the son of Charles and Viola Scalf Perrin, daughter of James and Kathrine.

1910 Washington CO IA 18 May 1910 Lime Creek Township

PERRIN, Charles Head 20 1890 IA NY NY
   Viola Wife 21 1889 IA IL IA
   Mabel Dau   2 1908 IA IA IA
   Ida Dau 7/12 1909 IA IA IA

1920 Washington CO IA 12 January 1920 Lime Creek Township

EMDE, William Head 49 1871 IA Germ Germ
   Viola Wife 31 1889 OR IA IA
   Mable S-dau 12 1908 IA IA OR
   Ida S-dau 10 1910 IA IA OR
   Willis S-son   5 1915 IA IA OR


Daughter of
Viola Oley Scalf & Charles Perrin
Ida<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Mabel was born on 1 Jun 1907 in Wellman, Washington County, Iowa. She married Charles Alvin Carter on 26 Jun 1922. Charles was born on 23 Jan 1903 in Liberty Township, Keokuk County, Iowa and died on 28 Apr 1937 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. After his death, Mabel married Albert Samuel Ginn, born on 31 Dec 1912 in Lucas County, Iowa and died on 5 Jan 1991 in Des Moines, Iowa. Mabel died in Des Moines on 28 Aug 1984.

Children of Charles Alvin Carter and Mabel Lavena Perrin:

  1. Alvin Charles Carter, born in Wellman, Iowa on 2 Nov 1923 and died in Des Moines, Iowa on 10 Aug 1987. There is no record of his ever marrying.
  2. Carroll "Sam" Lester Carter, born in Wellman, Iowa on 27 Jun 1929 and died in Des Moines Iowa on 16 Aug 1990. He married Dorothy E. Erb on 26 June 1954 in Jackson, Kansas City, Missouri. She born in Des Moines, Iowa on 16 Jan 1930 and died in Des Moines, Iowa on 10 Mar 2018. They had two daughters, Janet Marie Carter(married Minear) and Kelly D. Carter(married Kevin D. Henry on 4 Apr 1992).


Daughter of
Viola Oley Scalf & Charles Perrin
Ida<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Ida Irene Perrin, daughter of Viola Scalf and Charles Perrin, was born about 1904 in Iowa (Census). Ida married 1) Earl Michael Adams on 22 Jun 1926 in Washington County, Iowa. Earl was born on 17 Dec 1902 in Wapello, Louis County, Iowa to Jesse John Adams and Utica Selena Boyer, and died on 4 Jan 1963 in Des Moines, Iowa. In addition to their other children, Ida and Earl had three still born children: Richard Dean Adams - 24 Jul 1929; Marion Adams - 1930; and Doris Jean Adams - 21 Oct 1931, and so they do not appear on any census records. There is a tombstone for "Adams Babies" bearing all three names in the Wapello Cemetery, Wapello, Louisa County, Iowa. (Adams Babies - Headstone)

Earl and Ida were found on the following census records, with Earl not showing in the 1950 census.

About 1950, Ida married 2) Wayne Chester Floyd, born on 8 Jun 1912 in Gentry County to James W. Floyd and Mary E. Mevin, Missouri and died on 15 Oct 1964 in Des Moines, Iowa.

1930 Washington CO IA 16 April 1930 Daytonville

ADAMS, Earl Head 26 1904 IA IA IA
   Ida Wife 20 1910 IA IA OR
   Virginia Dau 4 8/12 1925 IA IA IA
   Betty J. Dau 2 4/12 1927 IA IA IA


1940 Iowa Census 19 April 1940 Lee Twp, Des Moines, Polk, Iowa

ADAMS, Earl M. Head 37
   Ida I. Wife 30
   Virginia L. Daughter 13
   Betty J. Daughter 12
   Beverly I. Daughter  7
   Marlyn D. Son  5
   Ruth A. Daughter  2
   Ronald M. Son  3/12


1950 Iowa Census 7 April 1950 Polk County, Iowa

ADAMS, Ida Head 40 Iowa
   Ruth Ann Daughter 12 Iowa
   Ronald Son 10 Iowa
   Marlin Son 15 Iowa
   Beverly Daughter 17 Iowa


Daughter of
Ida Irene Perrin & Earl Michael Adams
Virginia<Ida<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Virginia Lavena Adams was born on 16 July 1926 in Wellman, Washington County, Iowa and died on 3 Aug 2006 in Des Moines, Iowa. She married Howard Raymond Luing about 1944. Howard was born on 22 May 1925 in Baxter, Jasper County, Iowa and died on 9 Feb 1970 in Riverside County, California. They had two daughers: Marlene K. Luing (married Sutton) and Linda Darlene Luing (married Kennel) born on 20 Feb 1948 in Des Moines, Iowa and died on 10 Dec 2021 in Des Moines, Iowa.


Daughter of
Ida Irene Perrin & Earl Michael Adams
Betty<Ida<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Betty Jean Adams was born on 4 Nov 1927 in Wellman, Washington County, Iowa and died on 6 Jan 1997 in Des Moines, Iowa. She married Arthur Lee McIntosh. He was born on 30 Aug 1904 in Uniontown, Bourbon County, Kansas and died on 26 Mar 1965 in Des Moines, Iowa. They had three children: Donna E. McIntosh; Larry McIntosh, married Heidi L. Rodberg around 1997; and Rick McIntosh.


Daughter of
Ida Irene Perrin & Earl Michael Adams
Beverly<Ida<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Beverly Eileen Adams was born on 7 Jan 1933 in Wellman, Washington County, Iowa and died on 12 Jan 1997 in Madrid, Boone County, Iowa. she married Robert J. Gustin, born on 22 May 1928 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie County Iowa and died on 21 Jan 1987 in Bagley, Guthrie County, Iowa. They had three daughters: Roxanne (married Bowman), Kathy (married Brant), and Melissa (married Jerry Efkamp); and two sons: Carroll Gustin and Howard E. Gustin.


Son of
Ida Irene Perrin & Earl Michael Adams
Marlyn<Ida<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Marlyn Duane Poker Adams was born on 12 Jan 1935 in Wellman, Washington County, Iowa and died on 25 Jan 1995 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie County, Iowa. He was the Mayor of Panora, Iowa at that time. He married Doris Lorraine Duke on 2 Jul 1955 in Papillion, Sarpy County, Nebraska. Doris was born on 20 Feb 1936 in Guthrie County, Iowa to Rex Duke and Lorraine Addeline Wells and died on 17 apr 2018 in Ankeny, Polk County, Iowa. they had four children: Robert E. Adams; Rhonda R. Adams (married Flanery); Brenda Lee Adams (married Craig Woody); and Beverly J. "Buff" Adams (married Sheley).


Son of
Viola Oley Scalf & Charles Perrin
Willis<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Willis Perrin, son of Viola Scalf and Charles Perrin, was born Mar. 1, 1914 in Wellman, Washington County, Iowa and died Nov. 4, 1953 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. He was living with his grandparents in 1930 Washington County, Iowa.

1930 Washington CO IA 10 April 1930 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, James M. Head 77 1853 IL TN MO
   Catherine Wife 63 1867 IA OH IN
PERRIN, Willis G-son 16 1914 IA IA OR

Willis married 1) Mildred Julia Munyon (b. Oct 16, 1913 in Des Moines, Iowa - d. Apr 26, 1997 in Carlisle, Warren County, Iowa) on Mar. 9, 1935 in Des Moines. The marriage was short-lived, the divorce granded on July 18, 1936. Willis Perrin's Divorce from Mildred (courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Willis married 2) Madaline Francis Weckman (b. Oct. 8, 1914 in Creston, Union County, Iowa to Mabel and Earnest A. Weckman, d. Dec. 26, 1994 in Cedar Rabids, Linn County, Iowa.) on July 20, 1936 in Des Moines, just two days after hid divorce from Mildred was finalized. Willis and Madaline had four children:

  1. Wiline June Perrin - b. 1937.
  2. Willis Harrison Perrin, Jr. - b. 1939.
  3. Mabel Virginia Perrin - b. Dec. 14, 1943 in Des Moines, d. May 2, 2006 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
  4. Georgia Carol Perrin - b. Mar. 6, 1945 in Des Moines, d. Apr. 26, 2003 in Iowa City, Iowa.

1940 Polk CO IA 8 April 1930 Lee County Township

PERRIN, Willie H. Head 26 1914 IA
   Madeline F. Wife 25 1915 IA
   Willine J. Dau 25 1937 IA
   Willis, Jr. Son 1 1939 IA

Their third child, Mabel Virginia Perrin, was born Dec. 14, 1943, shortly before Willis departed for service in the Army during WWII.

Acording to the Iowa WWII Bonus Case Files, 1947-1954, Willis served from Feb. 12, 1944 until Dec. 1, 1945.


Date of entry on extended active duty February 12, 1944
Place of entry on active duty Camp Dodge, Iowa
Date of discharge or separation December 1, 1945
Date of deeparture for foreign service January 24, 1945
Date of return from foreign service November 25, 1945

While Willis was away, serving in the Army, trouble began at home that eventually ended in the dissolution of his family. The Monday, Apr. 10, 1944 edition of The Des Moines Register records the following story:

Three small children who police said were found alone in their home at 3017 Dean ave., Sunday night were taken to the Polk county juvenile home and the case turned over to O. B. Devine, Humane society officer, for investigation.
The mother of the children, according to police, left them with a neighbor girl at 2 p.m. saying she would return at 8 p.m. When she had not returned at 10:30 p .m., the girl went home and reported the fact to her father, who called the police.
The children are Wiline June Perrin, 7; Willis Perrin, jr., 5; and Mable Virginia Perrin, 3 months old. Their mother is Mrs. Willis Perrin, whose husband is in miltary service.

The marriage ended prior to 1950 because Madaline is married to Louis J. Meek in the 1950 Clinton, Linn County, Iowa Census. Georgia is the only child who remained with the mother in the new marriage. As indicated in the article above, Willis was away in military service (from February 1944 until December 1945).

1950 LINN CO IA 22 April 1930 Clinton Township

MEEK, Louis J. Head 43 IA
   Madeline F. Wife 35 IA
   Carolyn P. Dau 15 IA
   Donna L Dau 10 IA
PERRIN, Georgia C. Dau   5 IA

Because Willis would have been away the entire year before Georgia's birth, and because she is listed in the census as a daughter, rather than a step-daughter, it is probable that Louis Meek was Georgia’s biological father, rather than Willis.

Willis died on Nov. 4, 1953 at the age of 39. The Thursday, Nov. 5, 1953 edition of the Des Moines Tribune recorded his obituary:

Willis H. Perrin Funeral Friday
Services for Willis H. Perrin, 39, of 1421 Pleasant st., who died of a kidney ailment Wednesday at Veterans Hospital, will be at 1 p.m. Friday at the Highland Park Funeral Home, with burial in Glendale Cemetery.
Mr. Perrin, who was born in Wellman, had lived in Des Moines 23 years.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Viola Parry of Des Moines; his stepfather, George Parry of Des Moines; and two sisters, Mrs. Ida Foyd, and Mrs. Mabel Ginn, both of Des Moines.

No mention is made of any of the children in the obituary. The three older children may have been placed in foster homes by the time Willis returned from overseas military service, with only Georgia remaining with her mother, Madaline, and her new husband.

Records are available for both Mabel and Georgia, but no additional information is available for either Wiline or Willis Jr.


Daughter of
Willis Harrison Scalf & Madaline Francis Weckman
Mabel<Willis<Viola<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Mabel Virginia Perrin was born December 14, 1943 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, and died May 2, 2006 in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa. Mabel married 1) Cleatis Leroy Hershey (b. May 10, 1943, d. Nov. 13, 2015 in Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri) around 1960. They had four children:

  1. Cleatis Hershey - married Pam Smith.
  2. Machell Hershey (from Mabel’s obituary) however, Machell was married to Kevin Hershey, who was still alive in 2021. They had a son, Jason Michael Hershey (b. Feb. 4, 1989, d. Jan. 22, 2021). More research is required to see whether Machell was Mabel's daughter or her daughter-in-law.
  3. Teresa Ann Hershey - b. Oct 2, 1964 in Pella, Marion County, Iowa, d. Nov. 24, 1966 in Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa. Her death certificate states cause of death was Cerebral Edema caused by Toxicity of Aspirin (Overdose)Death Certificate - Teresa Hershey
  4. David Carroll Hershey - b. Dec. 10, 1966, d. Dec. 10, 1966. The December 15, 1966 edition of the Pella Chronicle Advertiser (p. 1) stated that David died just five hours after his birth.  Death Certificate - David Hershey

The marriage did not last long after the tragic loss of two children in less than three weeks. Mabel married 2) Dale Robert Holliday (b. May 27, 1938, d. Dec 3, 2012) about 1969. She then married 3) Stanley Osyro Wolfe (b. Apr. 12, 1951, d. June 26, 1989) on Mar. 29, 1974 in Ely, Linn County, Iowa. They had three children:

  1. Stanley James Wolfe - b. Feb. 10, 1976 in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa, d. Feb. 19, 1981 in Cedar Rapids.
    Stanley James Wolfe, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley O. Wolfe, 1504 Sixth Ave. SE, died thursday at a Cedar Rapids hospital from injuries he received in a traffic accident.
    Born Feb. 10, 1976, in Cedar Rapids, he was a member of Good News Baptist Church.
    Suriving are his parents; two sisters, Ida and Shannon, at home; a brother, Clete, also at home; paternal granparents, Mr. and Mrs. Osyro Wolfe of lisbon; a grandmother, Madeline Meek, Cedar Rapids; a great-grandfather, Rollie Wolfe, Cedar Rapids, and a great-grandmother, Mabel Weckman of Winterhaven, Fla.
    Services: 1 p.m. Monday at Turner Chapel West by the Rev. Rick Patterson of Good News Baptist Church and the Rev. Fred Austin of the Gospel Tabernacle, Oskaloosa. Burial: Lisbon Cemetery.
  2. Shanna Jean Wolfe - b. Apr. 20 1977 in Cedar Rapids, d. Nov. 19, 2011 in Salem, Harrison County, West Virginia. She married Jason H. Nicholson (b. Mar. 24, 1971) on Sep. 3 1993. They had one son:
    1. Jason Alexander Scott Nicholson - b. July 10, 2005 in Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia, d. Aug 5, 2005 in Morgantown.
  3. Ida Marie Wolfe - b. Oct. 8, 1970. Ida married 1) Mr. Seeman. She then married 2) Donald Lee Price (b. Aug. 24, 1966) on Sep. 20, 1997 in Central City, Iowa.

Mabel Virginia Wolfe Faunce, 62, of 6021 Decautr St. SW, died Tuesday, May 2, 2006, in Manor Care Nursing and Rehab after a long illness.
Services: 2 p.m. Saturday, Turner West Funeral Home, by the Rev. Caleb Plumb of Encounter Christian Church. Burial: Lisbon Perpetual Cemetery.
Survivors include a son, Cleatis (Pam) Hershey of Millington, Mich.; three daughters, Machell Hershey of Pella, Ida (Don) Price of Cedar Rapids and Shanna (Jason) Nicholson of Salem, W.Va.; a sister, Susan Rosen of Salem, W.Va.; two brothers, F. Mac McAllister of Salem, W.Va., and Jerry (Gwen) Meeks of Cedar Rapids; and eight grandchildren, Curtis, Zachary, Tyler and Ashton Hershey, Jason Hershey, Kimberley, Amanda and Jennifer Seeman. Also surviving is a special companion, Norman Heller of Wallace, W.Va.; and several nieces and nephews.
mabel was preceded in death by her parents; a husband, Stanley O. Wolfe; a sister, Georgia Showwalter; three children, David and Teresa Hershey and Stnley J. Wolfe; and a grandson, Alexander Nicholson.
Mabel was born Dec. 14, 1943 in Des Moines, to Willis and Madeline Perrin. She lived most of her life in Eastern Iowa but move to West Virginia before coming back to Cedar Rapids. She was a Methodist by faith.


Son of
James M. Scalf & Catherine Ida Farley
Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Merton Lester Scalf, son of James Madison Scalf and Kathrine Ida Farley, was born June 1, 1903 and died March 19, 1979. Merton married first to Lydia Miller April 10, 1925. Lydia Miller Scalf died July 13, 1953. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Merton married second to Grace King (deceased). They had no children. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Merton married last to Lydia Leverne Rhodes born October 17, 1916. She died December 10, 1999. Merton and Lydia Leverne married December 10, 1958. They had two daughters, Dorothy Leverne Scalf and Barbara Jane Scalf. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

This picture was taken in Roswell NM when the older couple in the picture - James Madison and Kathrine Ida Scalf - was there to help the oldest child, Carrie Arminda Scalf Whetstine when she had tuberculosis. Merton Lester Scalf, their youngest child, is in the far front. The other two gentlemen, no one knows who they are. Carrie died in New Mexico, her children were with her, but part of the Bell family came and took them back to Iowa. This picture was taken in 1906. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Child of Lydia Miller:

  1. Louisa Katheryne Miller born April 12, 1920. Louisa died in a car accident in Savannah Georgia in March of 1983.

Children of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller Scalf:

  1. Carolyn Bernice Scalf born 9-25-1925 at her grandparent’s home in Johnson County, IA.
  2. Ethel Viola Scalf born January 7, 1927.
  3. Iva Ellen Scalf born July 20, 1929. She died February 9, 2000 from cancer.
  4. Calvin Lester Scalf April 8, 1931.
  5. Doris Leora Scalf February 1, 1934.
  6. Evelyn Mae Scalf April 16, 1936.
  7. Daniel James Scalf April 19, 1938.
  8. George Edward Scalf born August 9, 1941.


Merton and his first wife, Lydia Miller, were found on the 1930 census of Washington County, Iowa.

1930 Washington CO IA 11 & 12 April 1930 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, Merton Head 26 1914 IA MO IA
   Lydia Wife 30 1900 IA IA IA
   Louisa S-dau   9 1921 IA OH IA
   Carolyn Dau 4 6/12 1925 IA IA IA
   Ethel Dau 3 3/12 1927 IA IA IA
   Iva E. Dau 8/12 1929 IA IA IA

1940 Washington CO IA 15 April 1930 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, Merton L. Head 36 1904 IA
   Lydie L. Wife 40 1900 IA
   Carolyn B. Dau 15 1925 IA
   Ethyl V. Dau 13 1927 IA
   Iva E. Dau 10 1930 IA
   Calvin L. Son   8 1932 IA
   Doris L. Dau   6 1934 IA
   Evelyn M. Dau   4 1936 IA
   Daniel J. Son   1 1939 IA


Daughter of
Lydia Miller
Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf


Louisa Katheryne Miller (Scalf), daughter of Lydia Miller, was born April 12, 1920 in Wellman, Washington County, Iowa. She married first Lester Sydney Hole (b. Nov. 18, 1914 - Jan 15, 1998) on May 19, 1939.
She married second Melvin Leroy McFadden on Aug. 31. 1941 in Yuma, Arizona. They had two children:
  1. Ethel L. McFadden - b. Apr. 14, 1941 - d. Mar. 13, 2013. She married Ronald Orville Barker (b. Jan. 10, 1940 - d. Jan. 22, 2016). They had one daughter:
    1. Ronna Annette Barker - b. Feb. 8, 1961 - d. Jun. 3, 2014

  2. William A. McFadden - b. 1944
She married third Fred Frank Cox (b. Dec. 9, 1900 - d. Dec. 27, 1963) on March 27, 1946. They had at least one child:
  1. Lydia L. Cox - b. 1946
Louisa died in a car accident in Savannah Georgia in March of 1983. At the time of her death, she had the last name of Stewart.


Daughter of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
Carolyn<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Carolyn Scalf, daughter of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born 9-25-1925.


Daughter of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
Ethel<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Ethel Scalf, daughter of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born January 7, 1927.


Daughter of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
Iva<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Iva Ellen Scalf, daughter of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born July 20, 1929. Iva died February 9, 2000 from cancer.


Son of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
Calvin<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Calvin Scalf, son of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born April 8, 1931.


Calvin Lester Scalf, 74, 109 15th St. East, Wellman, died Monday, April 25, 2005 at his home of lung cancer. Memorial Service: 10:00 A.M. Saturday at the Wellman Baptist Church. Surviving in addition to his wife, Nelle, are two daughters, Carrie Marshall of Lone Tree and Donna Logsdon of Marion; a son, Edward Scalf of Highridge, MO; seven grandchildren; one great grandchild; and 8 brothers and sisters.

He was preceded in death by his parents, and three sisters. Calvin was born April 8, 1931 in Wellman the son of Merton and Lydia (Miller) Scalf. He married Nelle J. Hayes on May 26, 1951 in Wellman.

Calvin worked for Buckwalter Motors, Inc. as the service manager for 40 years, until his retirement in 1993. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. Calvin was a member of the Wellman Baptist Church. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. Calvin loved his family and his church. Military Rites by the Wellman American Legion. Memorials may be made to Washington County Hospice or to the Wellman Baptist Church. Arrangements by the Cremation Society of Eastern Iowa.


Daughter of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
Doris<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Doris Leora Scalf, daughter of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born February 1, 1934.


Daughter of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
Evelyn<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Evelyn Mae Scalf, daughter of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born April 16, 1936.


Son of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
Daniel<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Daniel James Scalf, son of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born April 19, 1938.


Son of
Merton Scalf & Lydia Miller
George<Merton<James<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

George Edward Scalf, son of Merton Lester Scalf and Lydia Miller, was born August 9, 1941. George died November 1, 2010.


Son of
William Scalf & Matilda Jane Osborne
Daniel<William<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Daniel Martin Scalf, son of William Scalf and Matilda Jane Osborne, was born about 1858 or 1859 in Illinois, probably McDonough County.

Daniel married Winnie Booth, daughter of T. D. Booth June 4, 1883 in Washington County, Iowa. Daniel was 26 years old and Winnie was 18. (Marriage License Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman) (Daniel Scalf & Winnie Booth Marriage Certificate)

This picture was taken from the Wellman, Iowa Centennial Book. William Whetstine was Mary Irene Belle Scalf’s first husband. In the picture, William Whetstine, Daniel Martin Scalf, James Madison Scalf and Ed Banks who lived with Daniel and Winnie Scalf as hired help. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

1895 Washington CO IA State Census Lime Creek Township

SCALF, Daniel Martin Head 36 1859 IL
(Booth), Winnie Wife 29 1866 IA
   Edith Dau   6 1889 IA
   James Vinian Son   3 1892 IA
   William (father) 66 1829 TN
   Matilda Jane (mother) 57 1838 IL

1900 Washington CO IA 2-4 June 1900 Lime Creek Township

SCALF, Daniel Head 38 Sep 1861 OH OH OH  
   Winny Wife 35 May 1865 IA ME IA 6 children born, 2 living
   James V. Son   8 Aug 1891 IA IL IA  
   Edith Dau 12 Apr 1888 IA IL IA  
SCALF, William Father 74 Aug 1825 TN TN TN Widower

1905 Washington CO IA State Census Wellman

SCALF, Daniel  
   William (father)

1910 Union CO NM 28 & 29 April 1910 Precinct 20 Ione

SCALF, Daniel M. Head 52 1858 IL TN USA
   Winnie Wife 45 1865 IA IL IA
   Edith Dau 22 1888 IA IL IA
   James Son 18 1892 IA IL IA
   Mayre Adpt-dau 13 1897 IA IA IA

1920 Shannon CO MO 9 February 1920 Montier Township

SCALF, Daniel M. Head 64 1856 IL TN USA
   Winnie Wife 53 1867 IA IA IA
   James V. Son 25 1895 IA L IA
   Leta J. Dau in law 17 1907 MO MO MO
BERRY, Charles Son in law 38 1878 MO USA AR
   Edith N. Dau 32 1888 IA IL IA
   Charles R. G-son 10 1910 NM MO IA
   Robert A. G-son 4 5/12 1915 NM MO IA
   Harold L. G-son 2 4/12 1917 CO MO IA
   Bernice I. G-dau 0/12 1920 MO MO IA

1930 Kearny CO KS 12 April 1930 Southside Township

SCALF, Daniel Head 73 1857 IL TN MO
   Winnie Wife 64 1866 IA IL IA


Daughter of
Daniel M. Scalf & Winnie Booth
Edith<Daniel<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Edith Scalf, daughter of Daniel Martin Scalf and Winnie Booth, was born about 1888 in Iowa. Edith graduated from Wellman High school in 1906. She married Clement Charles Berry and they were the parents of at least six children.(Census records)

1920 Shannon CO MO 9 February 1920 Montier Township

SCALF, Daniel M. Head 64 1856 IL TN USA
   Winnie Wife 53 1867 IA IA IA
   James V. Son 25 1895 IA L IA
   Leta J. Dau in law 17 1907 MO MO MO
BERRY, Charles Son in law 38 1882 MO USA AR
   Edith N. Dau 32 1888 IA IL IA
   Charles R. G-son 10 1910 NM MO IA
   Robert A. G-son 4 5/12 1915 NM MO IA
   Harold L. G-son 2 4/12 1917 CO MO IA
   Bernice I. G-dau 0/12 1920 MO MO IA

The Clem Berry family arrived in Kansas from New Mexico.

1925 KS State Census

BERRY, Clem C. Head 43 1882 MO
   Edith Wife 36 1891 IA
   Richard Son 15 1910 NM
   Robert Son   9 1916 NM
   Lee Son   7 1918 CO
   Bernice Dau   5 1920 MO
   Gordon Son   2 1923 NM

1930 Kearny CO KS 12 April 1930 Southside Township

BERRY, Clem C. Head 48 1882 KS KS IN
   Edith Wife 41 1889 IA IL IA
   Charles R. Son 20 1910 NM MO IA
   Robert A. Son 14 1916 NM MO IA
   Harold L. Son 12 1918 CO MO IA
   Bernice I. Dau 10 1920 MO MO IA
   Gordon E. Son   7 1923 NM MO IA
   Alice L. Dau   2 1928 KS MO IA


Son of
Daniel M. Scalf & Winnie Booth
James<Daniel<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

James Vivian Scalf, son of Daniel Martin Scalf and Winnie Booth, was born August 23, 1891 (WWII Registration Card) in Iowa and died June 28, 1971 in Solano, California. James married Leola Jane Belen on November 21, 1919 in Shannon, Missouri.

Children of James V. Scalf and Leola Jane Belen:

  1. Thelma F. Scalf
  2. Gladys Pauline Scalf

WWI Registration Card
Name: James Vivian Scalf
Age: 25
Home: San Acacio, CO (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: August 23, 1891
Present Occupation: Farming
Employer’s Name: Self
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color eyes: Light Blue
Color hair: Brown
Date: June 5, 1917

1920 Shannon CO MO 9 February 1920 Montier Township

SCALF, Daniel M. Head 64 1856 IL TN USA
   Winnie Wife 53 1867 IA IA IA
   James V. Son 25 1895 IA L IA
   Leta J. Dau in law 17 1907 MO MO MO
BERRY, Charles Son in law 38 1878 MO USA AR
   Edith N. Dau 32 1888 IA IL IA
   Charles R. G-son 10 1910 NM MO IA
   Robert A. G-son 4 5/12 1915 NM MO IA
   Harold L. G-son 2 4/12 1917 CO MO IA
   Bernice I. G-dau 0/12 1920 MO MO IA

1930 Kearny CO KS 12 April 1930 Southside Township

SCALF, James V. Head 38 1892 IA IL IA
   Leta J. Wife 28 1902 MO MO MO
   Thelma F. Dau   9 1921 MO IA MO
  ; Gladys P. Dau   4 1925 KS IA MO

1940 Hamilton CO KS 20 April 1940 Syracuse

SCALF, James V. Head 49 1891 IA
   Louise Wife 54 1886 KS
   Pauline Dau 14 1926 KS

Apparently, James and Loeta Scalf obtained a divorce, but by 1940, they were both remarried. Pauline is living with her father when the census was taken on April 20, 1940; however, she is living with her mother, sister, and step father when the census is taken a few days later on May 1, 1940.

1940 Finney CO KS 1 May 1940 Garden City

GREEN, James R. Head 38 1902 OK
   Leota Wife 38 1902 MO
   Thelma Step dau 18 1922 MO
   Pauline S. Step dau 14 1926 KS
GREEN, James E. Son   1 1939 KS

After staying with her mother for a few days, Pauline was moved again. This time she is living with an older couple, J. A. and A. S. Warner. At this time, we do not know the relationship between Pauline and this couple. However, she is back in the same county as her father. James V. Scalf.

1940 Hamilton CO KS May 1940 Syracuse

WARNER, J. A. Head 81 1859 WV
   S. A. Wife 74 1866 WV
SCALF, Pauline School girl 14 1926 KS


Daughter of
William Scalf & Matilda Jane Osborne
Mary<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Mary Irene Scalf, daughter of William Scalf and Matilda Jane Osborne, was born June 16, 1867 and died October 15, 1943. (Headstone information, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Mary Irene married William Whetstine November 9, 1882. William died November 30, 1893. (Bible records of Kathrine Farley Scalf, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman) (Marriage Document)

After the death of William, Mary Irene married John Wesley Carr March 25, 1894. (Bible records of Kathrine Farley Scalf, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman) John was born October 16, 1864 and died January 22, 1954. (Headstone marker of Mary Irene and John Wesley Carr, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman) (Cemetery Marker)

Mary Irene and William Whetstine were the parents of two sons before William died; Charles Monroe Whetstine born about 1886, and Daniel Harrison Whetstine born about 1889. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Mary and John were the parents of three sons; William Carr born January 1895, Arthur Carr born July 1899 and George F. M. Carr born 1903. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Due to marriage and death date, Mary Irene and her first husband were not found on census records. She was found with her second husband, John Wesley Carr in 1895 Washington County, Iowa, living at Lime Creek Township. They were followed on census records through 1930.

In 1900, Mary Irene stated she had 6 children born with 4 living. It is undetermined if the two deceased children were from the first or the second marriage.

1895 Washington CO IA State Census Lime Creek Township

CARR, John Wesley M 30 1865 IA
   Mary Irene Belle F 27 1868 IL
WHETSTINE, Charles Monroe M   9 1886 IA
WHETSTINE, Daniel Harrison M   5 1890 IA

1900 Washington CO IA June 1900 Lime Creek Township

KARR, John W. Head 35 Oct 1864 IA OH IN Married 6 years  
   Irene Wife 32 Jun 1867 IL TN IL Married 6 years 6 children born, 4 living
   William Son   5 Jan 1895 IA IA IL    
   Arthur  Son   1 Jul 1898 IA IA IL    
WHETSTINE, Charles S-son 14 Mar 1885 IA IA IL    
WHETSTINE, Harry S-son 11 Apr 1889 IA IA IL    

1905 Washington CO IA State Census Kalona Post Office

CARR, John
   William W.
   James A.
   George F.

In 1910, Mary Irene stated she had 7 children born with 5 living. We believe there was another child born to John and Mary that died.

1910 Washington CO IA 13 May 1910 Lime Creek Township

CARR, John W. Head 45 1865 IA OH IN Married 1 time  
   Mary Irene B. Wife 43 1867 IL TN IL Married 2 times 7 children born, 5 living
   William W. Son 15 1895 IA IA IL    
   J. Arthur Son 11 1899 IA IA IL    
   George F.M. Son   7 1903 IA IA IL    
WHETSTINE, Charles M. S-son 24 1886 IA IA IL    
WHETSTINE, Daniel H. S-son 21 1889 IA IA IL    

1920 Washington CO IA 13 January 1920 Lime Creek Township

CARR, John Head 55 1865 IA MI IN
   Mary Irene Wife 51 1869 IL TN MO
   Arthur Son 22 1898 IA IA IL
   George Son 17 1903 IA IA IL

1930 Washington CO IA 5 April 1930 Lime Creek Township

CARR, John W. Head 66 1864 IA MI IN
   Irene Wife 62 1868 IL IL IL

1940 Washington CO IA 16 April 1940 Lime Creek Township

CARR, John Head 75 1865 IA
   Irene Wife 72 1868 IL


Son of
William Whetstine & Mary Irene Belle Scalf
Charles<Mary<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Charles Monroe Whetstine, son of Mary Irene Bell Scalf and William Whetstine, was born March 24, 1886 in Iowa. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman) We have no death date for Charles.

Charles married Velma (maiden name unknown) Whetstine. She was born July 3, 1896. They were married August 11, 1913. Information on Velma was contributed by Wendy Klosterman.

I came across an obit on Velma Whetstine who married Charles Whetstine (son of Mary Irene and Charles Whetstine) in South English, IA on Aug. 11, 1913. Velma was born on July 3, 1896. They had nine children Raymond, Harold, Clifford, Austin, Charles, Evelyn, Ruby, Marvel, and Helen. I talked with some of my older friends, and they remember some of the children. They lived in Wellman, Richmond, and Kinross. Evelyn married a Trent (no first name yet). She lived in Wellman most of her life working at the turkey plant. Raymond lived in Chicago at the time of his mother’s death. Harold lived in Cosgrove, IA (near Wellman). Clifford lived in Midland, TX. Lt. Charles Whetstine was stationed in Ft. Benning, GA. Ruby married a Clark and lived in Inglewood, CO. Marvel married a Correll and lived in Colorado Spring, CO, and Helen married an Abbott and lived in Iowa City, IA. Velma died in a car accident near Hills City, KA in April of 1957. A date was not given, but the paper came out on April 6, 1957. She was driving her and her son Austin when she lost control of the car on a bridge due to slush and ice and crashed into the bridge banister. Austin lived, with only minor injuries. She was 61 at the time of her death. She was preceded in death by three children. I’m not sure if they died in infancy. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

WWI Registration Card
Name: Charles Monroe Whetstine
Age: 32
Home: Wellman, Washington CO, IA (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: March 24, 1886
Present Occupation: Farming
Employer’s Name: J.D. Adams
Nearest relative: Velma E. Whetstine
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color eyes: Blue
Color hair: Light Brown
Date: September 12, (1918)

1920 Washington CO IA 16 January 1920 Lime Creek Township

WHETSTINE, Charles Head 33 1887 IA US US
   Velma Wife 23 1897 IA IA IA
   Ray Son   5 1915 IA IA IA
   Evylan Dau 2 2/12 1917 IA IA IA
   Harold Son 6/12 1919 IA IA IA

1930 Iowa CO IA 4 April 1930 Greene Township

WHETSTEIN, Charles Head 44 1886 IA IA IA
   Velma Wife 33 1897 IA IA IA
   Ray Son 16 1914 IA IA IA
   Evelyn Dau 12 1918 IA IA IA
   Harold Son 11 1919 IA IA IA
   Clifford Son   9 1921 IA IA IA
   Austin Son   8 1922 IA IA IA
   Chas Jr. Son   6 1924 IA IA IA


Son of
William Whetstine & Mary Irene Belle Scalf
Daniel<Mary<William<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Daniel Harrison Whetstine, son of Mary Irene Bell Scalf and William Whetstine, was born April 28, 1889 (WWI registration card) in Iowa. Daniel’s wife was Ina (1920 census). We have no further information on Daniel. Daniel and Ina had five children found on the 1920 and 1930 census records. There might have been more children.

WWI Registration Card
Name: Daniel H. Whetstine
Age: 28
Home: Wellman, Washington CO, IA (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: April 28, 1889
Present Occupation: Brick Layer helper
Employer’s Name: Will Perrin
Dependents: Wife and two children
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color eyes: Blue
Color hair: Light Brown
Date: June 5, 1918

1920 Washington CO IA 2 January 1920 Lime Creek Township

WHETSTINE, Daniel H. Head 30 1890 IA IA IL
   Ina Wife 20 1900 IA IL IA
   Irene Dau   5 1915 IA IA IA
   George Son 2 6/12 1917 IA IA IA
   Arthur Son 11/12 1919 IA IA IA

1930 Washington CO IA 9 April 1930 Lime Creek Township

WHETSTINE, Hal D. Head 40 1890 IA IA IA
   Ina Wife 30 1900 IA IA IL
   Irene Dau 15 1915 IA IA IA
   George Son 12 1918 IA IA IA
   Arthur Son 11 1919 IA IA IA
   Dorothy Dau   9 1921 IA IA IA
   Frances Dau 4 4/12 1925 IA IA IA


Daughter of
Lewis Scalf & Nancy Koziah
Mary<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Mary Jane Scalf, daughter of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah was born about 1832 in Washington County, TN. (Census records)

During her research Wendy found an article stating that Mary Jane died May 28, 1878 of typhoid fever in McDonough County, Illinois and is buried at Brown’s Cemetery in Hancock County, IL. However, Riley Bloyd’s wife on the 1880 census is listed as Mary J. with an estimated birth date of 1830. It cannot be determined at this time if this was the same Mary Jane Scalf mentioned in the article Wendy found, or if the death date was a misprint in this article. This might also have been a second wife named Mary J. If this was not a second wife, Mary Jane might still have been living in 1880.

Mary Jane Scalf married Riley Bloyd October 4, 1849 in McDonough County, IL. (Illinois Statewide Marriages, Internet) (Illinois Statewide Marriages)
Name: Mary Jane Scalf
Spouse: Riley Bloyd
Date: 4 Oct 1849
County: McDonough
State: Illinois
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
Microfilm: 1320670 item 8

In 1850, McDonough County, Illinois, Mary Jane and Riley were living in the home of her parents, Lewis and Nancy Keziah Scalf.

1850 McDonough CO IL 1 October 1850

CALVE, Lewis 45 1805 NC
   Nancy 40 1810 TN
   William 20 1830 TN
   Mary J. 18 1832 TN
   Elijah C. 16 1834 TN
   James   8 1842 TN
  ; John   6 1844 TN
   Nancy   4 1846 TN
   Henry   2 1848 TN
BLOYD, Riley 23 1827 TN

Note: Although it may not be significant, Riley and Mary Jane named a daughter Mahala. This daughter might have been named for Mahala Scalf Moore.  

1880 Hancock CO IL 4 & 5 June 1880 Hancock Township

BLOYD, Riley Head 54 1826 IL MD KY
   Mary J. Wife 50 1830 TN IN IN
   James T. Son 25 1855 IL IL IN
   William H. Son 18 1862 IL IL IN
   Mahala E. Dau   7 1873 IL IL IN


Son of
Lewis Scalf & Nancy Hoziah
James<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

James Scalf, son of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah, was born 1840-1845 in McDonough County, Illinois. James and his wife, Susan, along with their daughter, Nancy, were living with his brother, John, at Deep Water in Henry County, Missouri in 1870. James married Susannah Coziar (Keziah) December 4, 1862 in McDonough County, Illinois. (Marriage License) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

1870 Henry CO MO 9 September 1870 Deep Water

SCALF, John M 27 1843 IL
   James M 30 1840 IL
   Susan F 22 1848 IL
   Nancy F   6 1864 IL
WEBSTER, Julia F 18 1852 IL

In 1880, James and Susanna had moved back to McDonough County and were living at La Moine Township. Their daughter, Elizabeth, was in the home.

1880 McDonough CO IL 7 & 8 June 1880 La Moine Township

SCELF, James Head 39 1841 IL NC NC
   Susanna Wife 36 1844 IN NC TN
   Elizabeth N. Dau 16 1864 IL IL IN

In 1895, James and Susanna had moved to Decatur County, Kansas. Their daughter, Elizabeth, was not in the home and was likely married at this time.

1895 Decatur CO KS - State Census 1 March 1895 Sherman Township

SCALF, James 54 1841 IL Farmer
   Susanna 51 1844 IN  

James and Susanna were still living at Decatur County, Kansas in 1900 and remained there throughout their lives. 

1900 Decatur CO KS 27 June 1900 Sherman Township

SCALF, James Head 50 Nov 1840 IL NC NC  
   Susanna Wife 56 Oct 1843 IN NC TN 1 child born, 1 living

1905 Decatur CO KS - State Census 1 March 1905 Sherman Township

SCALF, James 64 1841 IL Farmer
   Susanna 61 1844 IN  

We believe James died 1905-1910. His widow, Susanna, was living with their daughter, Nancy Elizabeth and her husband, James Hatch, in Decatur County, Kansas in 1910.

1910 Decatur CO KS 15 April 1910 Olive Township

HATCH, James H. Head 44 1866 IL OH KY    
   Elizabeth N. Wife 45 1865 IL IL IN   4 children born, 2 living
SCALF, Susan Mother in law 66 1844 NC TN TN Widow 1 child born, 1 living

1920 Decatur CO KS 20 January 1920 Olive Township

HATCH, James H. Head 52 1868 IL OH KY  
   Nancy E. Wife 55 1865 IL IL IN  
SCALF, Susan Mother in law 76 1844 IN NC TN Widow


Daughter of
James Scalf & Susan Coziahr
Elizabeth<James<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Elizabeth Nancy Scalf, (or possibly Nancy Elizabeth) daughter of James Scalf and Susanna Coziar, was born April 29, 1864. We have managed to piece a small amount of information together on these families through census records and internet searches.

A marriage date for James and Nancy was found through an Internet search:

3 Nov 1886 James H. Hatch m. Nancy E. (Elizabeth) Scalf in Oberlin, Decatur, Kansas
Decatur Co., Kansas Marriage Record Index: (Courtesy of Joyce Zachman)

We believe that Susanna Coziar (Keziah) was from the same Keziah family as Ceely Ann and Nancy Keziah Scalf. The Keziah/Coziar families were in Washington County, Tennessee at the same time the Scalf families lived there and moved to Illinois, then over to Missouri, Iowa, and Kansas.

Benjamin Scalf married Ceely Ann Keziah. His son, Lewis, married Nancy Keziah (spelled Koziah in Washington County, TN). We believe Susanna Coziar was also related to both Ceely and Nancy and likely the spelling was the same depending on the region it is found in. In Illinois the name was found as Coziahr and Coziar.

In 1895 James and Elizabeth had two children; Orpha and May. They were living at Sherman Township in Decatur County, Kansas. They were then living at Olive Township in the same county 1900 through 1930.

1895 Decatur CO KS State Census 1 March 1895 Sherman

   Lizzie F 30 IL
   Orpha F   6 KS
   May F   4 KS

1900 Decatur CO KS 6 June 1900 Olive Township

HATCH, James Head 33 Jul 1866 IL OH KY
   Lizie Wife 36 Apr 1864 IL IL IN
   Orpha Dau 11 Jan 1889 KS IL IL
   May Dau   9 Jul 1891 KS IL IL

1905 Decatur CO KS State Census March 1, 1905 Olive

   N. E. F 41 IL
   Orpha F 16 KS
   May F 13 KS

Nancy stated in 1910 that she had four children with two living. The census calculates that Orpha was born January 1889 and May was born July 1891.

It appears that James Scalf died 1905-1910 for his widow, Susanna Keziah Scalf, was living with her daughter and son-in-law in 1910 and 1920.

1910 Decatur CO KS 15 April 1910 Olive Township

HATCH, James H. Head 44 1866 IL OH KY    
   Elizabeth N. Wife 45 1865 IL IL IN   4 children born, 2 living
SCALF, Susan Mother in law 66 1844 NC TN TN Widow 1 child born, 1 living

1915 Kansas State Census Olive

HATCH, J.H. M 48
   Lizzie F 49
SCALF, Susannah F 70

1920 Decatur CO KS 20 January 1920 Olive Township

HATCH, James H. Head 52 1868 IL OH KY  
   Nancy E. Wife 55 1865 IL IL IN  
SCALF, Susan Mother in law 76 1844 IN NC TN Widow

We believe that Susanna had likely died by 1930 for she was not found as head of house or living with her daughter. In 1930 Charles and Edna Sutton, children of Harvey Sutton and May Hatch Sutton, were living with their grandparents at Oberlin in Decatur County, Kansas.

1930 Decatur CO KS 4 April 1930 Olive Township

HATCH, James H. Head 63 1867 IL OH KY
   Elizabeth Wife 65 1865 IL IL IN
SUTTON, Charles B. G-son 20 1910 NB MO KS
SUTTON, Edna E. G-dau 19 1911 KS Germ Germ


Daughter of
James Hatch & Elizabeth Scalf
Orpha<Elizabeth<James<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Orpha Hatch, daughter of James H. Hatch and Elizabeth Scalf, was born January 1889 (1900 Decatur Co. KS census)

Orpha married first to Charles W. Rozell in McCook (Red Willow County) Nebraska on June 30, 1909. (Internet post, courtesy of Joyce Zachman)

Several internet posts by Joyce Zachman are listed below:


There is a James Rozelle in SSDI, b. 28 Jan 1911, d. May 1960, SSN issued in NE and a William Victor Rozelle, b. 22 May 1913 Kansas, d. 13 Jun 1954 Riverside Co., CA (CA Death Index) (Courtesy of Joyce Zachman)

These may or may not be children of Charles and Orpha.

Orpha then married second to James Otis Dugger in Republican City, (Harlan County) Kansas October 4, 1916.;

Jgzachman  Posted: 29 Dec 2008 4:40PM
Classification: Query

Surnames: Hatch

“I am not related to the Hatch family. I have a business & a hobby that sometimes melds together -antiques and genealogy. I have recently come across a framed marriage certificate that I would like to get to the correct family. I do not own the certificate; it is on loan to me by an antique auctioneer. It is a certificate for Charles W. ROZELL & Orpha T. HATCH who married 30 Jun 1909 in McCook, Red Willow, Nebraska.

“I did a cursory research on both families to see if I could locate a descendant. I believe that there are none. However, perhaps someone in your group might have an interest in it.
“I can locate Orpha with her family in the 1895 & 1905 Kansas State Censuses & the 1900 US Census, in Olive, Decatur, Kansas. And, I found Orpha & Charles in the 1910 US Census in Olive, Decatur, Kansas. I cannot locate them after that census.

“Orpha T. HATCH (b. Jan 1889 KS), was the daughter of James H. HATCH (b. Jul 1866 IL) and Nancy Elizabeth SCALF (b. Apr 1864 IL), who married 3 Nov 1886 in Oberlin, Decatur, Kansas.

“James HATCH & Nancy Elizabeth SCALF had one other daughter, whose full name, I believe, was Bulah Elizabeth Maye (Mary?) HATCH (b. Jul 1891 KS). Maye married Harvey SUTTON on 14 Dec 1907 in Oberlin, Decatur, Kansas. They had two children: Averil (dau) b. c1908, Charles B. b. c1910. It seems that Bulah Maye and her daughter, Averil, must have died before the 1920 census; her husband, Harvey is remarried and living in Colorado. He eventually has three more children. Their son, I believe, is Charles Bazil SUTTON, b. 27 Feb 1910 NE, d. Jun 1978 Oberlin, Decatur, KS. SSN issued in CO. Charles Bazil SUTTON enlisted WWII in Denver, CO; b. NE 1910; lives in Decatur Co., KS; married; Concrete-Mixer Operator* or Earth-boring Machine Operator or Highway Construction Machine Operator An asterisk (*) appearing after a job title indicates that a trade test for the particular occupation will be found in the United States Employment Service.” (Zachman)

(Post by Joyce Zachman: Post submitted by Robin Sutton Oram, granddaughter of Charles B. SUTTON, to Rootsweb, 6 Jul 1998.)

I am looking for information about Charles Bazil SUTTON, born 1912 near Marion, Nebraska. His father’s name was Harvey Sutton, mother Maye HATCH. They lived in Oberlin Kansas from 1914 until ? He was my grandfather.

Another post by Joyce on 6 Aug 1998.

I am still searching in vain for information on my grandfather Charles B. Sutton. His father’s name was Harvey Sutton. Charles had two half-brothers: Mark from Denver Co. and Lyle from California. Charles was born in 1910 moved to Kansas when he was 2 years old. Charles died in 1978 in Oberlin, Kansas. (Robin Sutton Oram)

Joyce also states: I have not contacted Robin Sutton Oram, as the post she made was 10+ years ago. If anyone is interested in the marriage certificate, they can contact me directly and I’ll arrange it for them. However, it needs to be no later than January 4th, as the auctioneer will place it for auction at that time.

Joyce Zachman

An attempt to contact these folks failed as these posts were considerably old when found by the author.

1910 Decatur CO KS 15 April 1910 Olive

ROSELLE, Charles W. Head 21 1889 IL IL WI Married 1 year  
   Orpha Wife 21 1889 KS IL IL Married 1 year No children

From the information posted by Joyce Zachman we find that Orpha married Otis James Dugger, son of W. R. Dugger and Naomi Beckham October 4, 1916 at Republican City (Harlan Co.) Kansas. We do not know if Orpha’s first husband, Charles Rozell, had died or if they had divorced.

4 Oct 1916 Orpha (HATCH) ROZELLE, age 27, b. KS, resident of Republican City, d/o J. H. Hatch & Lizzie Schalf, married in Republican City, Harlan, KS to Otis DUGGER, age 24, b. AR, resident of Republican City, s/o W R Dugger & Naomi Beckham. (Internet post, courtesy of Joyce Zachman)

1920 Phillips CO KS 2 January 1920 Long Island

DUGGER, James O. Head 27 1893 AR AR AR Section Foreman on railroad
   Orpha Wife 30 1890 KS IL IL  
   Bruce Son   8 1912 KS AR KS  
   Victor Son   6 1916 KS AR KS  
   Hazel Dau 2 3/12 1917 KS AR KS  

In 1930 James and Orpha were living at Olive (Decatur Co) Kansas next door to her parents, James and Elizabeth. Orpha’s children from her marriage to Charles Rozell, (James and William) were also in the home. Orpha and her second husband, James Dugger, also had two children at this time, Hazel and Haskell.

1930 Decatur CO Kansas 4 April 1930 Olive

DUGGER, James Otis Head 36 1894 AR AR AR Carpenter
   Orpha I. M. Wife 41 1889 KS IL IL  
ROZELLA, James B. Step son 18 1912 KS IL KS  
   William V. Step son 16 1914 KS IL KS  
DUGGER, Hazel R. Dau 12 1918 KS AR KS  
   Haskell O. Dau   7 1923 KS AR KS  


Daughter of
James H. Hatch & Nancy Elizabeth Scalf
May Hatch<Elizabeth Scalf<James<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

May Hatch (Possibly named Beulah May Hatch), daughter of James Hatch and Nancy Elizabeth Hatch, was born July 1891 in Decatur County, Kansas. (Census)

May married Harvey Sutton December 14, 1907 at Oberlin (Decatur Co) Kansas. (Courtesy of Joyce Zachman)

14 Dec 1907 Harvey Sutton m. Mary (Maye) Hatch in Oberlin, Decatur, Kansas
Decatur Co., Kansas Marriage Record Index:
(Courtesy of Joyce Zachman, Internet post)

I am looking for information about Charles Bazil SUTTON, born 1912 near Marion, Nebraska. His father’s name was Harvey Sutton, mother Maye HATCH. They lived in Oberlin Kansas from 1914 until? He was my grandfather. (Post of Robin Sutton Oram, granddaughter of Charles B. SUTTON, to Rootsweb, 6 Jul 1998) (Joyce Zachman)

Another post on 6 Aug 1998: (Joyce Zachman)

I am still searching in vain for information on my grandfather Charles B. Sutton. His father’s name was Harvey Sutton. Charles had two half-brothers: Mark from Denver Co. and Lyle from California. Charles was born in 1910 moved to Kansas when he was 2 years old. Charles died in 1978 in Oberlin, Kansas. Robin Sutton Oram (b. Jan 1955) listed in in 2002, 11323 Lyons Hwy, Sand Creek, MI 49279-9728 (Robin Sutton Oram post)

Excerpt from post of Joyce Zachman:

Between 1908 & 1910, Harvey Sutton & James H. Hatch were subscribers to the Oberlin Herald Newspaper.emsp;(Courtesy of Joyce Zachman)

Harvey and Bulah (Beulah) were found living at Red Willow Township in Danbury County, Nebraska in 1910. They were then found living at Olive Township in Oberlin (Decatur Co) Kansas in 1915. Their daughter, Averil/Averill (?) was two years old in 1915 and six years old in 1915. Their son, Charles, was 2 -in 1910 and four years old in 1915.

1910 Danbury CO NB 28 & 29 April 1910 Red Willow

SUTTON, Harvey H. Head 25 1885 MO MO USA Married 3 years  
   Bulah E. M. Wife 19 1891 KS MO IL Married 3 years 2 children born, 2 living
   Averil J. Dau   2 1908 KS MO KS    
   Charles B. Son 2/12 1910 NB MO KS    

1915 Kansas State Census     Olive

SUTTON, Harvey M 30
   May F 23
   Averill F   6
   Chas B. M   4

Harvey and Maye were not found in 1920 or 1930; however, their children, Averil/Averill (?) were found living with their grandparents, James and Elizabeth in 1930, indicating that one or both of their parents had died. The spelling Averill is what the name appeared to be on the census; however, this is likely inaccurate.

I believe this woman’s full name is Bulah Elizabeth Mary (Maye?) Hatch the sister of Orpha T. Hatch. Does she die between 1910 and 1920 because Harvey Sutton is remarried and in 1920 US Census for Hale, Yuma, Colorado, he is living with a new wife and her parents? Their children, Averil J. & Charles B. are not with him. As a minor footnote, Harvey Sutton appears on the 1930 census in Casper, Natrona, Wyoming, while his 2nd wife and their 2 children are still living with her parents now in Wray, Yuma, Colorado. (Courtesy of Joyce Zachman, internet post)

Harvey enlisted for WWII at Denver Colorado. Joyce Zachman found this information in her search:

Enlisted WWII in Denver, CO; b. NE 1910; lives in Decatur Co., KS; married; Concrete-Mixer Operator* or Earth-boring Machine Operator or Highway Construction Machine Operator An asterisk (*) appearing after a job title indicates that a trade test for the particular occupation will be found in the United States Employment Service. (Courtesy of Joyce Zachman, internet post)

Charles Sutton, son of Harvey and May, died 1978 in Oberlin (Decatur Co) Kansas. Charles was born 1912 near Marion, Nebraska (Courtesy of Robin Sutton Oram, Rootsweb post)

1930 Decatur CO KS 4 April 1930 Olive Township

HATCH, James H. Head 63 1867 IL OH KY
   Elizabeth Wife 65 1865 IL IL IN
SUTTON, Charles B. G-son 20 1910 NB MO KS
SUTTON, Edna E. G-dau 19 1911 KS Germ Germ

We have no further information on these families.


Son of
Lewis Scalf & Nancy Hoziah
John<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

John Scalf, son of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah, was born about 1843 in McDonough County, Illinois. John was head of house in 1870 Henry County, Missouri, but did not appear to be married at this time. His brother James and sister-in-law Susanna Coziar Scalf was living in the home with their daughter, Nancy Elizabeth.  Julia Webster (relationship unknown) was also in the home.

1870 Henry CO MO 9 September 1870 Deep Water

SCALF, John M 27 1843 IL
   James M 30 1840 IL
   Susan F 22 1848 IL
   Nancy F   6 1864 IL
WEBSTER, Julia F 18 1852 IL

In 1880, Hancock County, Illinois, John was head of house and was married to Martha. Martha was born November 14, 1852 and died January 8, 1883. (Cemetery Inscriptions, Bear Creek Cemetery, online)

We have no marriage record for John and Martha, but by estimation of their child, Lenora, (aka Nora) from the 1870 census, we believe they likely married 1870-1874.

1880 Hancock CO IL 21 June 1880 Hancock Township

SCALF, John Head 37 1843 IL TN TN
   Martha A. Wife 31 1849 MO VA VA
   Leonora B. Dau   6 1874 IL IL VA

John and Martha also had a son, Ansill F. Scalf, born August 6, 1880 and died February 26, 1881. Ansill and his mother, Martha, are buried at Bear Creek Cemetery in Henry County, Missouri. John had a brother named George and on the Illinois deaths online, an Ancel George Scalf is listed. We believe this was John’s brother, George, and Ansill/Ancel was probably the namesake for his brother, George. (Bear Creek Cemetery Record of Ansill F. Scalf and Martha Scalf)

John and Martha were not found in 1900, but by 1910 their daughter, Lenora (Nora), had married William Webb and they were living in Henry County, Missouri. William and Nora had four children in the home, along with Nora’s father, John.

1910 Henry CO MO 25 April 1910 Walker Township 

WEBB, Wm W. Head 45 1865 IL KY KY  
   Nora B. Wife 33 1877 IL IL MO 5 children born, 3 living
   ;Elza Son 14 1896 MO IL IL  
   Elsie Dau 14 1896 MO IL IL  
   Ruth Dau 12 1898 MO IL IL  
   Belle Dau   7 1903 MO IL IL  
   Martha Dau   5 1905 MO IL IL  
SCALF, John Father in law 67 1843 IL SC SC Widower

On the 1915 Kansas State Census, William and Nora were living in Barber County, Kansas. Nora’s father, John, was still living with them. John was now listed as 73 years old. William and Nora had twins, Elza and Elsie.

1915 Barber CO KS (State) 1 March 1915 Kiowa Township

WEBB, W.W. M 50 (1865)
   Nora B. F 38 (1877)
   Elsie F 18 (1897)
   Elza M 18 (1897)
   Bell F 12 (1903)
   Martha F 10 (1905)
SCALF, John M 73 (1842)

In 1920, Nora Scalf Webb was found living in Woods County, Oklahoma with her son, Elza Webb. Two of the daughters of Nora and William Webb were also in the home. Her father, John, was still living with them and listed as 75 years old.

1920 Woods CO OK 19 January 1920 Fritzlen Township

WEBB, Elza Head 23 1897 MO IL IL    
   Nora Belle Mother 42 1878 IL IL MO Widow  
   Belle Sister 17 1903 MO IL IL    
   Martha Sister 14 1906 MO IL IL    
SCALF, John Grandfather 75 1845 IL PA PA Widower Died January 18th

Interestingly, the 1920 census states that John died January 18, 1920, one day before the enumeration of this census. He is listed on this census as 75 years old. However, John would have been around 78 years old if he was born 1842.


Daughter of
John Scalf & Martha A. ___
Leonora<John<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Lenora (Nora) Belle Scalf, daughter of John Scalf and Martha (maiden name unknown) Scalf, was born about 1877 in Illinois. (Census calculation)

Nora married William W. Webb. (Census) We have no marriage date at this time.

William and Nora were the parents of four children according to census records. Nora stated in 1910 that she had five children born with three living; however, there are four children on census records.

We believe Nora’s mother had died by 1910, and her father was living with the family in Henry County, Missouri. He remained with Nora’s family until his death in Oklahoma in 1920. (See section of John Scalf)

1910 Henry CO MO 25 April 1910 Walker Township

WEBB, Wm W. Head 45 1865 IL KY KY  
   Nora B. Wife 33 1877 IL IL MO 5 children born, 3 living
   Elza Son 14 1896 MO IL IL  
   Elsie Dau 14 1896 MO IL IL  
   Ruth Dau 12 1898 MO IL IL  
   Belle Dau   7 1903 MO IL IL  
   Martha Dau   5 1905 MO IL IL  
SCALF, John Father in law 67 1843 IL SC SC Widower

1915 Barber CO KS (State) 1 March 1915 Kiowa Township

WEBB, W.W. M 50 (1865)
   Nora B. F 38 (1877)
   Elsie F 18 (1897)
   Elza M 18 (1897)
   Bell F 12 (1903)
   Martha F 10 (1905)
SCALF, John M 73 (1842)

1920 Woods CO OK 19 January 1920 Fritzlen Township

WEBB, Elza Head 23 1897 MO IL IL  
 Nora Belle Mother 42 1878 IL IL MO Widow
 Belle Sister 17 1903 MO IL IL  
 Martha Sister 14 1906 MO IL IL  
SCALF, John Grandfather 75 1845 IL PA PA Widower


Son of
Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah
(George<Lewis<Benjamin Sr<Lewis)

George Scalf, son of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah, was born about 1845 or 1846 in McDonough County, Illinois. George married Abigail (Abbie) Kepple and this couple was found on the 1880 McDonough County, Illinois census under the spelling of SKELF.

We are indebted to Wendy Klosterman for her diligent research on these families. Wendy’s search has provided us with information from the county records that has enabled us to compile these families. An excerpt is listed here from Wendy’s email dated January 24, 2005:

James F. Scalf married Jennie F. Ingram on March 15, 1896, in Colchester (McDonough County, IL). His parents were George Scalf and Abbie Kepple. James was born in Ladue, Missouri. Jennie’s father’s name was Ira Ingram and her mother’s name was Amelia Box.  Jennie was born in Illinois. This is a first marriage for both and both were 22 years of age. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

From this information, a check of the McDonough County Illinois census of 1880 reveals that George and Abigail were living in La Moine Township when the census was enumerated on June 17, 1880. One son, James, was in the home.

1880 McDonough CO IL 17 June 1880 La Moine Township

SKELF, George Head 34 1846 IL TN TN
   Abigail Wife 27 1853 IL TN IN
   James Son   5 1875 MO IL IL

George and Abigail’s son James, mentioned above in the email from Wendy, arried Jennie Ingram. James was listed on the marriage records as born in Missouri but the census states Illinois. Illinois would seem more likely because his parents were living in McDonough County, Illinois and did not move to Missouri until after his mother died and his father remarried. However, it is possible that his parents had been visiting in Missouri when he was born.

In 1888, twin boys were born to George and Abigail. George Arthur and Charles Artie Scalf were born April 11, 1888 in La Moine Township (McDonough Co.) Illinois. (Birth record courtesy of Wendy Klosterman) Abbie might have died in childbirth for she was not with George in 1900 and he is listed as widowed.

Death records online list two men named George Scalf. One is named Ancel George and he died in 1923. The other is simply George Scalf. It is possible that one of the men might have been the son, George.

George was living with the Potts family in 1900 in Knox County, Illinois at Galesburg Township. We have no information concerning what relationship the Potts family might have been to George, if any at all. George was widowed at this time.

George married Margaret Jane Rhodes in McDonough County, Illinois December 25, 1882. (Marriage License)

We cannot confirm that this was the same George Scalf; however, we have found no other George Scalf of this time period. If this is correct, Margaret also was deceased by 1900 for George was listed as widowed in at this time. Leona Scalf Robison, great-granddaughter of George was living with a Clara Rhodes in 1930 on the Gage County, Nebraska census. We have not been able to determine if Clara might have been a relative of Margaret Jane Rhodes.

1900 Knox CO IL 8 June 1900 Galesburg Township

POTTS, John Head 45 Apr 1855 PA PA PA Married 11 years
   Frances A. Wife 29 Aug 1870 KS IL IL 1 child born, 1 living
   Cora J. Dau 20 Jun 1879 IL PA PA  
   Ada E. Dau 15 Sep 1884 IL PA PA  
   Harry R. Son 10 Apr 1890 IL PA KS  
SCALF, George Boarder 65? Dec 1834 PA TN TN Widower

In 1910 George was living with William Crum and his wife in McDonough County. We have no information on this family.

1910 McDonough CO IL 6 May 1910 Lamoine Township

CRUM, William Head 27 1883 IL IL IL Married 3 years
   May E. Wife 26 1884 IL IL VA 1 child born, 0 living
SCALF, George Hired hand 65 1845 IL US US Widower


George was found on the 1920 census of McDonough County living at the County Inmate Home.Note that his age is 64 on this census. His age estimated at 65 in 1900.

1920 McDonough CO IL 3 January 1920 Scotland Township (County Inmate Home)

SCALPH, George L. Inmate 64? 1856 KS KS KS Widower

From the Illinois deaths online, a death record was found for a George Scalf who died in McDonough County, Illinois May 11, 1923. We believe this is the same George Scalf listed in the County Inmate Home.

Last Name: Scalf
First Name: George
Middle Name:
Sex/Race: M/W
Age: Y-85
Cert No: 0000154
Death Date: 1941-05-10
Date Filed:

(Illinois Statewide Deaths 1916 - 1950)


Son of
George Scalf and Abigail Kepple
James F<George<Lewis<Benjamin Sr< Lewis

James Flemming Scalf, son of George Scalf and Abigail (Abby) Kepple, was born 23 August 1875 in Missouri according to his WW I Draft Registration Card. The Social Security Index lists a birth date of 28 Aug 1874 and a death date of January 1963 in Nebraska. This indicates that George and Abigail Scalf were either visiting or living in Missouri when James was born.

James married Jennie Ingram March 18, 1896 in Colchester (McDonough County) Illinois. Jennie was the daughter of Ira Ingram and Amelia Box. Witnesses to the marriage were C. F. Calliham and E. J. Calliham. (Marriage No. 1418, State of Illinois, page 135 of Marriage Register - Filed March 20, 1896 - Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

James F. Scalf and Jennie Ingram marriage document:  (Front of document)(Back of document) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

By 1910, James and his family were living in Gage County, Nebraska and his wife is listed as Sophronia J. Scalf. Although Jennie’s name is listed as what appears to be Jennie F. on the marriage record and on the 1900 Knox County, Illinois census record, this might have actually been an S instead of F.

James was employed as a railroad worker in 1900 Knox County, Illinois and a farmer in 1910 Gage County, Nebraska. He is then listed as a railroad worker in 1920 Gage County, Nebraska. His occupation on his marriage license was listed as Laborer at Pottery. It appears that James and Jennie were in Iowa around 1897 or 1898 as Myra Leona, their first child, was born in Iowa during this time.

By 1899 the family had moved back to Illinois where Lloyd was born. James states that he was born in Missouri on several census records but then states Illinois and Kansas on others. His father might have been in those states at various times.

James was required to register for the draft of World War I and we find James-birth date and middle name from his draft registration card. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

WWI Registration Card
Name: James Flemming Scalf
Age: 43
Home Address: 803 South 6th, Gage, NE (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: August 23, 1875
Employed: Section Foreman, Beatrice, Gage, NE
Nearest relative: Wife, 803 South 6th, Beatrice, Gage, NE
Height: Tall
Build: Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Date: September 12, 1918

James and Jennie were followed on census records through 1930.

1900 Knox CO IL 9 June 1900 Galesbury Township

SCALF, James F. Head 25 Aug 1874 MO IL Railroad employee
   Jennie F. Wife 26 Apr 1874 IL KY IL 2 children born, 2 living
   Leona M. Dau   3 Jun 1897 IA MO IL  
   Loyd Son 5/12 Dec 1899 IL MO IL  

1910 Gage CO NE 19 April 1910 Elm Township

SCALF, James Head 35 1875 MO IL IL Farmer
   Sophoronie J. Wife 35 1875 IL OH OH 3 children born, 3 living
   Myra L. Dau 13 1897 IA MO IL  
   Loyd Son   9 1901 IL MO IL  
   Lawrence Son   5 1905 IL MO IL  

Leona, daughter of James and Sophronia is listed twice on the census records of 1920 Gage County, Nebraska; once in the home of her parents in 1920 and again in the Hospital Complex. Leona was employed by the hospital at Beatrice (Gage County) Nebraska.

1920 Gage CO NE 11 January 1920 Midland Township

SCALF, James Head 42 1878 KS MO US Railroad employee
   Sophrona J. Wife 43 1877 IL OH OH  
   Leona Dau 23 1897 IL KS IL Hospital employee
   Lloyd Son 20 1900 IL KS IL Railroad employee
   Lawrence Son 15 1905 IL KS IL  

1930 Gage CO IL 16 April 1930 Ward 1 Beatrice

SCALF, James Head 54 1876 MO USA USA
   Sophrona J. Wife 54 1876 IN USA USA
ROBISON, Truman Son in law 27 1903 NE MO USA
   Leona Dau 32 1898 IA MO IN
   Meredith G-dau   7 1923 NE NE IA
     6 1924 NE NE IA
   Bonita G-dau 4 7/12 1925 NE NE IA
   Opal G-dau 3 2/12 1927 NE NE IA

1940 Lancaster CO NB 22 April 1940 Lincoln

SCALF, Lloyd Head 40 1900 IL
   James Father 65 1875 MO Widower

James Flemming Scalf and his son Lloyd are buried at Fairview County Cemetery in Lincoln, Nebraska. i>(

We believe that James and Lloyd’s family members might also be buried there.


Daughter of
James F. Scalf & Sophronia (Jennie) Ingram
Myra Leona<James<George<Lewis<Benjamin Sr< Lewis

Myra Leona Scalf, daughter of James F. Scalf and Sophronia (Jennie?) Ingram Scalf was born about 1877 in Illinois.

We have no marriage record for Myra but census records reveal that she married Truman Robison. Estimating from the birth of her first child Meredith, we believe she married Truman Robison 1920 - 1923. Meredith was born about 1923 according to the 1930 census. Myra and Truman had four children listed on this census with Opal being the last child. We believe there were probably more children.

Myra and her family were living with her parents in 1930 at Beatrice (Gage Co.) Nebraska. We have no further information on this family.

1920 Gage CO IL 15 January 1920 Beatrice

RHODES, Clara Head 36 1884 NE VA OH Hospital employee
SCALF, Leona Assistant 22 1898 IA MO IA Hospital employee

A total of 14 assistants were living in the hospital complex.

Leona was home with her parents in 1920 and probably married shortly afterwards. Leona and her husband, Truman, were living with her parents in 1930.

1930 Gage CO IL 16 April 1930 Ward 1 Beatrice

SCALF, James Head 54 1876 MO USA USA
   Sophrona J. Wife 54 1876 IN USA USA
ROBISON, Truman Son in law 27 1903 NE MO USA
   Leona Dau 32 1898 IA MO IN
   Meredith G-dau   7 1923 NE NE IA
   Truman G-son   6 1924 NE NE IA
   Bonita G-dau 4 7/12 1925 NE NE IA
   Opal G-dau 3 2/12 1927 NE NE IA


Son of
James F. Scalf and Sophronia (Jennie) Ingram
Lloyd<James<George<Lewis<Benjamin Sr< Lewis

Lloyd Scalf, son of James F. Scalf and Jennie Sophronia or Sophronia Jennie Ingram was born December 19, 1899 in Knox County, Illinois. (WWI Registration Card courtesy of Virgil Scalf). He died January 18, 1960 in Lincoln, Nebraska. (SS Index courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

We find Lloyd listed in his parents’ home from 1900 through 1920. The following information was submitted in an email from Stephen Scalf concerning Lloyd:

Lloyd Steven Scalf, b. 19 Dec 1899 in Knox Co., Illinois, d. Jan 1960 in Nebraska where he had been a foreman at Abel Construction. Dates are confirmed by Social Security Index. (Courtesy of Stephen Scalf)

Lloyd married Ella Mary Truman in February of 1945 in Nebraska. Ella was born 25 September 1917 in Wichita, Kansas, the daughter of Henry Truman. We do not have her mother’s name at this time. (Courtesy of Michelle McGee)

Ella had six siblings:

  1. Emmett Truman, married Evelyn Cater/Carter
  2. Ruby May Truman
  3. Geraldine Truman (married Bill __)
  4. Thomas Truman
  5. Beulah Maxine Truman. Beulah was adopted by the Crum family and became Annis Jeanette Crum. (Courtesy of Michelle McGee)

Interestingly, George Scalf, grandfather of Lloyd Scalf, was living with a Crum family in McDonough County, Illinois in 1910. We have no information on the Crum family at this time.

WWI Registration Card
Name: Lloyd Scalf
Age: 18
Home Address Beatrice, Gage, NB (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: December 19, 1899
Employed: Section man, Burlington Railroad
Nearest relative: Sophronia Jane Scalf
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Date: September 12, 1918

Name: Lloyd Scalf
SSN: 507-10-7554
Born: 19 Dec 1899
Died: Jan 1960
State (Year) SSN issued: Nebraska (Before 1951)

Emails were passed between a descendant of this family and the author when it was discovered that the descendant was inquiring about Lloyd and Ella. Listed below is one of those emails:

“Hello, I don’t mind at all, you can email me any time. Here is all the info I have accumulated on my mom’s family. Her father was Lloyd Scalf, born December 19, 1899 in Knox County Illinois, and died January 18, 1960 in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was married in February of 1945 to her mother Ella Mary Truman born Sept. 1917 in Wichita, Kansas and passed away in Leeds, Utah in September 1960 while taking her 6 children to California. She died and was buried in Leeds, Utah. The children where then sent back to Lincoln, Nebraska to live with family. I can’t find anything on either of them except Lloyds-death record. The 6 children; Sandra Jane 1948, Henry James 1942, Barbara Kay 1954, Thomas Lee 1956, Leroy Steven 1958, and Patricia May 1959. In January 1960 Lloyd died and then in September 1960 Ella died. The siblings were split up and I have only found 1, Patricia. My mom was Sandra. I am looking for info on the rest of this family. Any info you could help me get will be greatly appreciated.”

Thank you for contacting me.

Excerpt from another email from Michelle:

The children were brought back to Nebraska and lived with Truman relatives. The Shultz family adopted two of the children. (Courtesy of Michelle McGee)

Michelle states a death date for Lloyd of April 1960, but the Social Security Death Index lists a date of January 1960.

Children of Lloyd Scalf and Ella Mary Truman:

  1. Henry James Scalf born 1942
  2. Sandra Jane Scalf McGee born 1948 (deceased)
  3. Barbara Kay Scalf born 1954
  4. Thomas Lee Scalf born 1956
  5. Leroy Steven Scalf born 1958
  6. Patricia May Scalf Adams born 1959

(Courtesy of Michelle McGee, daughter of Sandra Jane Scalf McGee and granddaughter of Lloyd and Ella Truman Scalf)

1940 Lancaster CO NB 22 April 1940 Lincoln

SCALF, Lloyd Head 40 1900 IL
   James Father 65 1875 MO Widower


Son of
James F. Scalf & Sophronia (Jennie) Ingram
Lawrence<James<George<Lewis<Benjamin, Sr< Lewis Scalf

Lawrence Scalf, son of James F. Scalf and Sophronia Jennie Ingram, was born about 1905 in Illinois. (1930 Denver CO census)

Lawrence was found with his wife, Lillian, living in Denver County, Colorado in 1930.

1930 Denver CO CO 7 April 1930 Denver

SCALF, Lawrence W. Head 25 1905 IL NE NE
   Lillian J. Wife 21 1909 CO CAN CAN

1940 Los Angeles CO CA 8 April 1940 Los Angeles

SCALF, Larry W. Head 35 1905 IL Divorced


Daughter of
Benjamin Scalf & Ceely Ann Keziah
Joanna<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Joanna Scalf, possible daughter of Benjamin Scalf Sr. and Ceely Ann Keziah, cannot be documented as a daughter of this couple; however, I will list here all the information found at this date concerning Joanna and hopefully, the reader will find more information in their search that will eventually document her.

Elmer Scalf wrote the following statement:

Jonah had a sister, Joanna Scalf that married ______ Maine. They went to California also. (Letter from Elmer Scalf to Margaret Fleenor, 1990)

Unfortunately, Elmer did not say how he knew this or if he had found this on some type of record.

Barbara Bowman, another correspondent sent copies of some information she had concerning Joanna. This information is written on a page that appears to have come from a Bible record in the marriage section. On one side of this page the death date of Joanna Jackson is 1876. Two Jackson children are listed on the left side of the page and are likely children of Joanna Jackson. A search on the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index revealed that Joanna Scalf married Samuel Jackson.

Groom: Jackson, Samuel
Bride: Scalf, Johanna
Date: 10/29/1870
Vol./Page: 00D/0167
Lic. No.: 00000263
County: Fulton (Illinois Statewide Marriages)

If Joanna/Johanna married ______Maine, she surely married him before 1870 and if they went to California, then he must have died and she came to Illinois or he died in Illinois. Virgil searched the census records but did not find them listed in any state.

In the late 1990’s I corresponded with a Hankle/Hinkle descendant and she stated that she was told that -_____ Maine was Frank Maine and he married one of the Scalf girls-but she had believed it might have been a first or second marriage for Rebecca Scalf that married James V. Hankle or that one of her sisters married Frank Maine, she wasn’t sure. This came to her through correspondence with other researchers and she knew nothing about the Scalf family other than James V. Hankle married Rebecca Scalf. Of this much she was sure.

Joanna Jackson died October 14, 1876. (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman family records)

Children of Samuel Jackson and Joanna Scalf:

  1. Daniel Marion Jackson Born April 11, 1872. (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman family records) It appears that Daniel married Wilhelmina G. Wilkes January 24, 1901 in Cook County, Illinois. This might not be the same Daniel M. Jackson; however, he is the only Daniel M. Jackson found in the Illinois marriage records online. (Illinois Statewide Marriages, License No. 321254.5)
  2. Wm. Marine (?) Marion (?) Jackson Born February 22, 1874. (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman family records) There are too many William Jacksons in the Illinois Statewide marriages to determine which one he might be; however, marriages for these families can be found at the URL address listed in this chapter for the Illinois Statewide Marriages. (Record of Jackson Children and Death of Joanna) (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman)

Interestingly, only Joanna’s death is listed in this family record and there is no marriage date. The above birth dates of David and William Jackson correlate with the marriage of Joanna to Samuel Jackson for they were married in 1870. According to Barbara’s record, Joanna died 1876. If this is correct, Joanna only lived six years after her marriage and only had two children during that time, so she obviously could not have married Mr. Maine after her marriage to Samuel Jackson.

Joanna is not listed on any records with the Benjamin Scalf family and appears only in Illinois on the marriage records and disappears afterwards; however, she probably came to Illinois with the family of Rebecca Scalf Hankle. Rebecca came to Illinois after the enumeration of the 1860 census and before the enumeration of the 1870 census. It has been stated that she left East Tennessee around 1862 and this may be correct. At this time, we have no further information on Joanna.

Son of
Benjamin Scalf Sr. and Ceely Ann Koziah
Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Benjamin Scalf, Jr., son of Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah, was born about February 26, 1814 in Rowan County, North Carolina according to the History of Elkhart County, Indiana, 1881, p. 715-716.

Benjamin Jr. married Eleanor Narcissa Thomas in Union County, Indiana on September 24, 1835. Eleanor was the daughter of Samuel Thomas of Virginia and granddaughter of Benjamin Thomas and Margaret McClain Matthews. Benjamin and Eleanor were found on the 1850, 1860 and 1870 Elkhart, Indiana census records.

From the History of Elkhart we learn that Benjamin Scalf, Sr. moved his family to Washington County, Tennessee in 1823. We know from records that Benjamin Scalf, Sr., had left Washington County, Tennessee sometime between 1830 and 1836 and moved to McDonough County, Illinois; however, we cannot establish exactly when his son, Benjamin, left the area of Washington County or whether he went directly to Indiana or Illinois. The History of Elkhart states Benjamin, Jr. emigrated to Union County, Indiana in 1832. We also know that he married in Elkhart, Indiana by September of 1835 and we assume he had gone directly to Indiana and probably did not go to Illinois as his father did.

The History of Elkhart [Indiana], 1881, p. 715-716

Benjamin Scalf [Jr.] was born in Rowan county, N.C., Feb. 26, 1814, and comes of a family noted for their longevity; his father, Benjamin Scalf, was born May 10, 1764, and died at the residence of his son, the subject of this sketch, in Millersburg, on March 8, 1870, thus reaching the patriarchal age of 105 years and 10 months. Mr. Scalf's mother was Celia Keziah, also a native of North Carolina. Young Benjamin was taken by his parents to Washington county, Tenn., in 1823, where he received a common-school education, and worked at farming until about 17 years of age, when, in 1832, he emigrated to Union county, Ind., and was married Sept. 24, to Eleanor Narcissa Thomas, the daughter of Samuel Thomas, an old resident of Virginia. Their 5 children are: William Lewis, born in 1836, now a prominent citizen of Millersburg; Samuel A., born in 1837, a farmer by occupation, now residing in Michigan;; Caroline; Phoebe died in infancy; Francis Marion, born June 23, 1841, and died Nov. 1, 1868; Henry B., born Feb. 11, 1844, now engaged in business in Goshen. Mr. Scalf located permanently in this tp. in 1838, where he commenced the business of boot and shoe maker, being the only one engaged in that line of trade in Millersburg for a great many years. He has many incidents to relate of early pioneer life, and makes mention of seeing the Indians making maple sugar on sec. 16. Himself and wife are both members of the M.E. Church, and he is strictly Democratic in politics. In business he has been successful.

In 1840 Benjamin and Eleanor had two sons.

1840 Elkhart CO IN

SCALF, Benjamin

2 males < 5 (1835 - 1840)
1 male 20 - 30 (1810 - 1820)
1 female 20 - 30 (1810 - 1820)

Benjamin and Eleanor had four sons at the enumeration of the 1850 census.

1850 Elkhart CO IN 23 August 1850 Jefferson Township

SCALF, Benjamin M 35 1815 NC  
   Mrs. Scalf F 34 1814 NC  
   Louis M 14 1836 IN  
   Albert M 12 1838 IN  
   Frances M 9 1841 IN  
   Henry M 8 1842 IN  
CONRAD, Malinda F 53 1797 PN Poor house
DICKEY, Joseph M 72 1778 IRE Poor house
RENAS, Desia F 39 1811 Europe  Poor house

Their son, Louis, on the 1850 census, is listed on the 1860 census as William L., as can be seen below. Albert, the son of Benjamin Jr., had married and is in his own home in 1860 as head of house.

William L. Scalf married Mary Fissenhizer on October 18, 1866 in Elkhart County, Indiana, Book 2, page 520 of the Elkhart County, Indiana marriages.  

The same marriage records also show that William L. Scalf married Charity Walters on January 3, 1861 in Book 1, page 563. William married Charity Walters first and after her death, he married Mary Fizzonhizer/Fissenhizer. The name is spelled Rizenhizer inChronicles of the Scalf familyandScalf Family History.We have no knowledge as to which spelling is correct.

On the 1850 and 1860 census of Elkhart, Indiana, Benjamin has a son named Francis. Francis is gone in 1870 and no records have been found for this Francis Scalf.Chronicles of the Scalf Familylists this son as Francis Marion Scalf born June 23, 1841, Union County and died Nov. 2. 1868. Henry had no further information on this Francis Scalf in his book. Elmer Scalf then lists the same information inScalf Family History. However, we have been unable to find information that correlates with this Francis Scalf and neither author listed any sources for their information.

However, information for Francis Frank M. Scalf, son of Henry B. Scalf was found and his full name was Francis M. Scalf, also known as Frank. We believe the information concerning Francis Scalf and Francis Marion Scalf has been confused. Elsie Payne Archer helped Henry with his research on the Scalf family, but Henry did not state whether Elsie found the information on Francis Marion Scalf or not.

Virgil then checked the Indiana Marriages and found the following:

The marriage records of Elkhart, Indiana 1850-1920 show that a Francis Marion Scalf married Ester McCloughen on January 25, 1904 in Book 13, page 268. If this is the son from the 1860 census, then this would have been a second wife for Francis was born about 1841 according to the census and probably married before 1904 since he would have been around 63 in 1904. (Email from Virgil Scalf)

Neither the Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, nor Iowa marriage records online show a marriage for a Francis or Francis Marion Scalf other than Francis M. Frank Scalf, son of Henry B. Scalf. Henry and Elmer Scalf state that Francis Marion Scalf died 1868; therefore, if Benjamin Jr. had a son named Francis Marion that was born and died at the time indicated, he would have been around 27 years old at this death and one would think he would have married before that time. Also, if he died 1868 he could not have been the Francis Marion that married Esther McCloughen. It is possible that he never married; however, as stated above, the author believes there has been some confusion concerning Francis Marion Scalf.

A letter from Ray W. Scalf, 812 Durant Street, Lansing, Mich., to Mrs. Elsie Payne Archer, Springfield, Illinois, dated March 19, 1957, states:

My grandfather was Samuel Albert Scalf, brother of Louis, of Ligonier, Indiana, and Henry of either Elkhart or Goshen, Indiana. My grandfather moved to Harbor Springs, Mich., in 1876, where I was born in 1889. Father (William) had two brothers, Benjamin and Harvey, and sister, Ella (Orpha E.). Benjamin’s two granddaughters live in Arlington and Falls Church, Virginia, and one in Michigan. Ella has children in Newport News, Virginia.

In 1850, Benjamin Franklin Scalf and family were residents of Elkhart County, Jefferson Township, Indiana, for they were enumerated there that year. Benjamin Franklin Scalf died July 14, 1889. His widow survived until July 5. 1899. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIV)

Louis, mentioned by Ray Scalf, was William Lewis/Louis Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf, Jr. Samuel Albert and Henry B. were brothers of William Louis/Lewis Scalf. Ray did not mention a brother, Francis, or Francis Marion, which suggests that Ray had not heard of this brother. It could be possible that Francis died in 1868 and was not mentioned by the family, or he might have left home early and was not mentioned, as was the case with Arch Scalf, son of Jesse Scalf of East Tennessee. Some descendants had not heard of Arch because he left East Tennessee early in life and was only mentioned to a few grandchildren in that line and others had never heard the name. However, we believe that Francis Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf, Jr., was actually John Francis Scalf and is discussed under the section titled, John Francis Scalf.

1860 Elkhart CO IN 29 May 1860 Clinton Township

SCALF, Benjamin M 45 1805 NC
   Eleanor F 45 1805 VA
   William L. M 24 1826 IN
   Francis M 19 1831 IN
   Henry M 16 1834 IN
   Mary F 11 1839 IN
   Benjamin M 95 1745 NC

As can be seen, Henry’s age is off on this census and Mary was born after the 1850 census was enumerated, so she most likely was born in 1850 instead of 1849. The years between the birth of Henry and Mary also suggest that there may have been children that died.Benjamin Sr. is listed as 95.; Eleanor is stated as being born in Ohio or at least an O is used and I’m assuming Ohio. She was listed as being born in NY on the 1850 census and on the 1870 census she was born in Virginia. Louis, on the 1850 census was actually, William Louis. Living two doors down from Benjamin and Eleanor was son, Albert, and his wife Malinda. Benjamin Sr. is living in the home of his son on this census. He was now 95 years old.

Benjamin Jr., was no longer head of house in 1870 and he and his wife were living with their son, William Lewis Scalf. His father, Benjamin Sr. had passed away in March of this year.

1870 Elkhart CO IN 29 July 1870 Clinton Township

SCALF, William M 34 1836 Brick mason IN
   Mary F 23 1847 Housecleaner Germany
   Benjamin M 56 1813 Shoemaker NC
   Eleanor F 56 1813   VA

1880 Elkhart CO IN 1 June 1880 Clinton Township

SCALF, Benjamin Head 66 1814 NC NC NC
   Ellender Wife 66 1814 VA VA VA

Neither Benjamin nor his wife Eleanor was found after the 1880 census and we assume they had both died; however, we have no information to confirm their death, or where they might be buried.


Son of
Benjamin Scalf & Eleanor Narcissus Thomas
William<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

William Lewis Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf, Jr. and Eleanor Thomas, was born about 1836 in Union County, IN and died 1900 -1910. (Census estimations)

William Lewis Scalf married first to Charity Walters January 3, 1861 in Elkhart, Indiana. Charity died July 12, 1863 in Union County, IN.  We have found no children for William and Charity at this time and Henry Scalf states there were no children of this union in Chronicles of the Scalf Family under Miscellaneous Families.

Indiana Marriages 1811-1959
Groom: Wm Lewis Scalfe
Bride: Charity Walters
Date of license: 29 Dec 1860
Date of marriage: 03 Jan 1861
Digital folder number: 4540477
Number of images: 1

William married second to Mary Regina Fizzonhizer October 18, 1866 in Elkhart, Indiana.;

Indiana Marriages 1811-1959
Groom: William L Scalf
Bride: Mary Fizzenhizer
Date of license: 18 Oct 1866 County of license: Elkhart
Date of marriage: 18 Oct 1866
Place of marriage: Elkhart, Indiana
Digital folder number: 4540478
Number of images: 1

William is buried at the Millersburg Cemetery, Kosciusko Co, IN. Mary is buried in Goshen, IN. Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIV

Children of William Scalf and Mary Fizzonhizer:

  1. Oscar D. Scalf - married Mae Jennings December 25, 1895, Elkhart, Indiana. (Indiana marriages, online)
  2. Elizabeth Scalf married James Harrison Cary 9/20/1892 in Cook County, Illinois. (Illinois Statewide Marriages, Internet)
  3. Anna Berdina Scalf was born July 21, 1884.

1870 Elkhart CO IN 29 July 1870 Clinton Township

SCALF, William M 34 1836 Brick mason IN
   Mary F 23 1847 Housecleaner Germany
   Benjamin M 56 1813 Shoemaker NC (Father of William)
   Eleanor F 56 1813   VA (Mother of William)

William Louis Scalf named a son, Oscar, probably for his brother Oscar D.

1880 Elkhart CO IN 1 June 1880 Clinton Township

SCALF, Lewis Head 44 1836 IN NC VA  (William Lewis)
   Mary Wife 32 1848 Baden Germ Baden
   Elizabeth Dau 10 1870 IN IN Baden
   Oscar Son   7 1873 IN IN Baden

1900 Elkhart CO IN 16 June 1900 Clinton Township

SCALF, Lewis W. Head 63 Jul 1836 IN NC Unk  
   Mary Wife 52 Sep 1847 Germ Germ Germ 4 children born, 3 living
   Anna Dau 15 Jul 1884 IN IN Germ  

William Lewis Scalf died 1900-1910 and his widow was found as head of house with their daughter, Anna, and their granddaughter Vera, daughter of their son Oscar.

1910 Elkhart CO IN 19 April 1910 Clinton Township

SCALF, Mary Head 62 1848 Germ Germ Germ Three children born, 3 living Widow
   Anna B. Dau 25 1885 IN IN Germ    
   Vera J. G-dau 12 1898 IN IN IN (Oscar’s dau)  

Mary and Anna moved to California and were listed on the San Diego County Voters Registration in 1916. Mary is listed on the San Diego and Alameda County Voters Registration from 1916 through 1918.

1920 Alameda CO CA 5 January 1930 Oakland

SCALF, Anna Head 35 1885 IN IN Germ  
    Mary Mother 72 1848 Germ Germ Germ Widow


 Daughter of
William Lewis Scalf & Mary Regina Fizzonhizer
Elizabeth<William<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of William Lewis Scalf and Mary Regina Fizzonhizer was born about 1870 in Indiana. (Census calculation)

She married James H. Carey September 20, 1892 in Cook County, Illinois. (Illinois Statewide Marriage Index)
Groom :Carey, James H
Bride: Scalf, Elizabeth
Marriage Date: 1892-09-20
License No.00189218
County: Cook

Elizabeth and her husband, James, moved to Memphis (Shelby Co) Tennessee where they were enumerated in 1900. Elizabeth died June 9, 1921 and James was head of house in 1930.

James and Elizabeth were living in the home of Benjamin Talley/Tolley/Tulley in Shelby County, TN in 1900. The name could be any of the three names listed above, but appears to be Talley. Mr. Talley was a contractor by occupation and James might have been working for him.

1900 Shelby CO TN 1 June 1900 Memphis

TALLEY, Benjamin Head 59 May 1841 IA IA IA    
   Olivia Wife 57 Sept 1842 MO MO MO    
CARY, James H. Boarder 44 Oct 1855 TN TN KY Married 8 years  
   Elizabeth Boarder 29 Aug 1870 IN IN GERM Married 8 years No children
THOMAS, Melissa Servant 32 Apr 1868 TN TN TN    
WRIGHT, Henderson Servant 25 May 1875 AL AL AL    

By 1910 James and Elizabeth were in their own home and still living in Shelby County, TN. It does not appear that James and Elizabeth had any children. None were listed on any of the census records.

1910 Shelby CO TN 20 April 1910 Memphis

CARY, James H. Head 54 1856 TN KY KY M1 for 17 years
   Elizabeth wife 39 1871 IN IN GERM M1 for 17 years
NASH, Mary Servant 25 1885 MS NC VA Divorced

1920 Shelby CO TN 9 January 1920 Memphis

CARY, James Head 64 1856 TN VA KY
   Elizabeth Wife 49 1871 IN IN GERM

(Sarah Elizabeth Cary - Obituary)

1930 Shelby CO TN 4 April 1930 Memphis

CARY, James H. Head 74 1856 TN KY KY Widower


Son of
William Lewis Scalf & Mary Regina Fizzonhizer
Oscar<William<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Oscar Dewey Scalf, son of William Louis Scalf and Mary Regina Fizzonhizer, was born April 6, 1873 at Millersburg, Indiana and died December 30, 1843 at the age of 70 years, 8 months and 24 days old from coronary occlusion. His wife gave the information for his death certificate. Oscar was a bookkeeper for a manufacturing business by occupation. His father was listed as Luis Scalf, born in Virginia and his mother was listed as Mae Fizenhaizer born in Germany. Oscar was living at Norwood (Hamilton Co) Ohio when he died and had been a resident for 30 years. (Death Certificate of Oscar Dewey Scalf - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Indiana, Marriages, 1811-1959
Groom: Oscar D Scalf
Bride: E May Jennings
State of license: 24 Dec 1895
County of license: Elkhart
Date of marriage: 25 Dec 1895
Place of marriage: Goshen, Elkhart, Indiana
Digital folder number: 4540481
Number of images: 1

In 1900 Oscar’s family was living in the home of Sarah Waldro. Oscar and Mae had one child, Vera, at this time.

1900 Noble CO IN 23 June 1900 Orange Township

WALDRON, Sarah Head 64 Sep 1835 OH OH MD  
SCALF, Oscar D. Boarder 27 Apr 1873 IN NC Germ  
   May E. Boarder 27 Sep 1872 IN OH OH 1 child born, 1 living
   Vera Boarder   2 Sep 1897 IN IN IN  
LOWE, Frank Boarder 17 Sep 1882 IN IN IN  

Apparently Oscar and his wife were separated in 1910 for Oscar was living at the Munroe Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio at this time. He might have been working there. His wife was not found in 1910, but appears again in 1920 in the home in Ohio. Vera, their daughter was living with her grandmother, Mary FIzzonhizer in 1910 Elkhart, Indiana.

1910 Hamilton OH 16 April 1910 Cincinnati

  Munroe Hotel          
SCALF, Oscar D. Guest 37 1873 IN SC Germ
WWI Registration Card
Name: Oscar Dewey Scalf
Age: 45
Home: Hamilton, OH (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: April 6, 1873
Employed: Section man, Burlington Railroad
Nearest relative: Mary Scalf - mother
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color eyes: Blue
Color hair: Black
Date: September 12, 1918

By 1920, Oscar and his family were living in Hamilton County, Ohio. Their daughter, Vera, was again with her parents.

1920 Hamilton CO OH 16 January 1920 Columbus Township

SCALF, Oscar D. Head 47 1873 IN VA OH
   E. Mae Wife 47 1873 IN OH OH
   Vera J. Dau 22 1898 IN VA IN

Vera J. Scalf died March 31, 1927. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf) (Death Certificate)

Oscar and Mae were still living in Hamilton County, Ohio in 1930

1930 Hamilton CO OH 17 & 18 April 1930 Columbus Township

SCALF, Oscar D. Head 57 1873 IN VA Germ
   Mae E. Wife 57 1873 IN OH OH

1940 Hamilton CO OH 25 April 1940 Norwood

SCALF, Oscar D. Head 66 1874 IN
   Effie Mae Wife 67 1873 IN


Daughter of
William Lewis Scalf & Mary Regina Fizzonhizer
Anna<William<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Anna Berdina Scalf, daughter of William Lewis Scalf and Mary Regina Fizzonhizer, was born July 21, 1884 and died July 31, 1975 (SS Index). She was a school teacher and may have never married. There is some speculation that Anna married Lloyd D. Botts in Elkhart, IN; however, we have found that Berdina Scalf, daughter of Frank Scalf married Lloyd Botts and not this Anna.

Anna moved to California with her mother by 1916, where they appeared on the San Diego County Voters Registration in 1916. Later, they moved to Alameda County, CA and appeared on the Alameda County Voters Registration in 1918. Mary and Anna Scalf were members of the Democratic Party. Anna is listed on the San Diego and Alameda County Voters Registration from 1916 through 1944. (CA Voter’s Registration list)

1920 Alameda CO CA 5 January 1930 Oakland

SCALF, Anna Head 35 1885 IN IN Germ  
   Mary Mother 72 1848 Germ Germ Germ Widow

In 1930 and 1940, Anna was boarding with the Rounds family in Alameda County, California. We believe her mother died 1920-1930.

1930 Alameda CO CA 14 April 1930 Piedmont

ROUNDS, Florence E. Head 74 1856 IA OH OH
   Frances E. Dau 40 1890 WY NY IA
Fuendeling, Valdi B. G-dau 27 1903 WY MO IA
SCALF, Anna Boarder 43 1887 IN IN Germ

1940 Alameda CO CA April 1940 Piedmont

ROUNDS, Frances E. Head 50 1890 WY
DOSS, Lucille R. Sister 40 1900 WY  Divorced
   Thomsa Edwin Nephew   9 1931 OH
SCALF, Anna Roomer 55 1885 IN
SEARS, Louise Fisher Housekeeper 66 1874 Nova Scotia  Widow

On May 1, 1952, Anna Scalf is listed onboard the Hawaiian Pilot that was sailing from Honolulu, Hawaii to San Francisco, CA. (Passenger List)

Anna Scalf was also listed onboard the R.M.S. Franconia that sailed from Liverpool, England on July 29, 1954 and arrived in Quebec, Canada on August 6, 1954. (Passenger List)

Anna died July 31, 1975. (Social Security Index)
Name: Scalf, Anna B
Social Security #: 558662994
Sex: Female
Birth Date: 21 Jul 1884
Birthplace Indiana
Death Date: 31 Jul 1975
Death Place: Alameda


Son of
Benjamin Scalf & Eleanor Narcissus Thomas
Samuel<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Samuel Albert Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf, Jr. and Eleanor Thomas, was born October 23, 1837 in Elkhart, Indiana and died May 29, 1924 in Harbor Springs, Emmet County, Michigan.

(Death Dertificate of Samuel Albert Scalf)

(Death Dertificate of Malinda Inbody Scalf)

He married Malinda Imbody October 25, 1859 in Elkhart, Indiana. (Indiana Marriage Index 1811-1959) She was the daughter of Adam Imbody and Orpha Tanehil. Samuel Albert Scalf is buried in Harbor Springs, Michigan. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIV)

Groom: Samuel A Scalf
Bride: Malinda Inbody
Date of license: 23 May 1859
County of license: Elkhart
Date of marriage: 25 Oct 1859
Place of marriage: Elkhart, Indiana
Digital folder number: 4540477
Number of images: 1

Children of Samuel Scalf and Malinda Imbody:

  1. William H. A. Scalf was born June 17, 1860. He married Elizabeth Rodle/Roddle.
  2. Orpha Eleanor Scalf was born June 16, 1865. Orpha married H. H. Hile.
  3. Benjamin Scalf was born June 12, 1868.
  4. Harvey A. Scalf was born May 11, 1872.

Civil War Record
Name: Samuel Scalf
RESIDENCE: Goshen, Indiana
Enlistment Date: 15 Feb 1865
Side Served: Union
State Served: Indiana
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 February 1865.
 Enlisted in Company E, 152nd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 15 Feb 1865.
 Mustered Out Company E, 152nd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 30 Aug 1865 at Clarksburg, WV.
Name: Samuel A. Scalf
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Indiana
Regiment Name: 152 Indiana Infantry
Regiment Name Expanded: 152nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Company: E
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private
Alternate Name: Samuel/Scalf
Film Number: M540 roll 67

(Michigan Land Certificate)

Name: Samuel A. Scalf
Land Office: REED CITY
Sequence #: 1
Document Number: 4428
Total Acres: 160
Misc. Doc. Nr.: 7172
Signature: Yes
Cancelled Document: No
Issue Date: 5 Jul 1883
Mineral Rights Reserved: No
Metes and Bounds: No
Statutory Reference: 12 Stat. 392
Multiple Warantee Names: No
Act or Treaty: May 20, 1862
Multiple Patentee Names: No
Entry Classification: Homestead Entry Original
Land Description: 1 SW MICHIGAN-TOLEDO STRIP No. 36 N 6 W 22

1860 Elkhart CO IN 29 July 1860 Clinton Township

SCALF, Albert M 22 1838 IN
   Malinda F 23 1837 OH
IMBODY, Ophra F 46 1814 OH
IMBODY, Mary F 20 1840 OH

1870 Elkhart CO IN 2 July 1870 Ward 1 Goshen

SCALF, Albert M 32 1838 IN
   Malinda F 35 1835 IN
  William M 10 1860 IN
  Nathan M   7 1863 IN
  Ellen F   6 1864 IN
IMBODY, Orpha F 67 1803 OH
IMBODY, Mary F 25 1845 OH

1880 Emmet CO MI 18 June 1880 Friendship Township

SCALF, Samuel A. Head 42 1838 IN TN NC
   Malinda Wife 44 1836 IN OH OH
   William H.A. Son 20 1860 IN IN IN
   Benjamin A. Son 17 1863 IN IN IN
   Orpha E. Dau 15 1865 IN IN IN
   Harvey Son   8 1872 IN IN IN

1884 Emmitt CO MI State Census Friendship

SCALF, Samuel A. Husband 46 1838 IN  
   Ath Malinda Wife 49 1835 IN (Wife of Samuel Scalf)
   William H. A. Son 23 1861 IN  
   Susan E. Wife 19 1865 MI (Wife of William Scalf)
   Harvey A. Son 12 1872 IN  
1890 Emmett CO MI, Veterans Schedule
Name: SCALF, Samuel A.
Rank: Private
Company: E
Regiment: 152 In Reg.
Date of enlistment: Feb 15, 1865
Date of discharge: August 30, 1865
Post Office address: Harbor Springs
Disability Incurred: Injury to spine

1900 Emmet CO MI 12 June 1900 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Samuel Head 62 Oct 1837 IN NC TN  
   Malinda Wife 65 Mar 1835 IN PA OH 4 children born, 4 living

1910 Emmet CO MI 19 April 1910 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Samuel A. Head 72 1838 IN TN NC
   Malinda Wife 74 1836 IN OH OH

Malinda Imbody Scalf died November 26, 1913, and Samuel was living with his son and daughter-in-law in 1920.

1920 Emmet CO MI 5 & 6 January 1920 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Will Head 59 1861 IN IN IN  
   Elizabeth Wife 54 1866 MI NY OH  
   Samuel Father 82 1838 IN TN TN Widower


Son of
Samuel Albert Scalf & Malinda Imbody
William H.A<Samuel A<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

William H. A. Scalf, son of Samuel Albert Scalf and Malinda Imbody, was born June 17, 1860 in Elkhart, Indiana and died August 28, 1928 in Harbor Springs, Emmet County, Michigan. William married Susan Elizabeth Rodle. We have no marriage date for this couple. Only one child appears on census records with William and Susan. This was Ray W. Scalf. A nephew, Elmer Roddle, was living in the home with the family in 1910 Emmet County, Michigan. Susan stated in 1900 that she had one child born, with one child living.

(William Scalf Death Certificate)

1900 Elkhart CO IN 5 & 6 June 1900 Benton Township

SCALF, William H.A. Head 39 Jun 1860 IN IN OH  
(Rodle), Susan Wife 35 May 1865 MI PA OH 1 child born, 1 living
   Ray W. Son 11 May 1889 MI IN MI  

Sometime after the 1900 census, William moved his family to Emmet County, Michigan. We believe his wife’s family was from Michigan. The census lists her birthplace as Michigan.

1910 Emmet CO MI 16 April 1910 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, William Head 49 1861 IN IN IN
   Elizabeth Wife 44 1866 MI PA OH
   Ray Son 20 1890 MI IN MI
RODDLE, Elmer Nephew   7 1903 MI MI MI

1920 Emmet CO MI 5 & 6 January 1920 Little Traverse Township 

SCALF, Will Head 59 1861 IN IN IN  
   Elizabeth Wife 54 1866 MI NY OH  
   Samuel Father 82 1838 IN TN TN Widower

William H. A. Scalf died August 28, 1928 and his widow is head of house.

1930 Emmet CO MI 7 April 1930 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Elizabeth Head 64 1866 MI PA OH Widow
LA COUNT, Lela M. Boarder 18 1912 MI MI IN  

1940 Emmet CO MI 22 April 1940 Harbor Springs

SCALF, Elizabeth Head 74 1866 MI
BLACKMAN, Fred Lodger 42 1898 MI


Son of
William H.A. Scalf & Elizabeth Rodle
Ray W<William<Samuel<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Ray W. Scalf, son of William H. A. Scalf and Susan Elizabeth Rodle, was born May 4, 1889. (WWI registration card)

In 1910, Ray was with his parents. By 1917, he had registered for the draft of WWI and the draft card did not indicate that he was married at this time.

WWI Registration Card
Name: Ray W. Scalf
Age: 28
Home: Harbor Springs, MI (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: May 4, 1889
Employed: Section man, Burlington Railroad
Nearest relative: Mary Scalf - mother
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Color eyes: Blue
Color hair: Medium
Bald: Yes
Date: June 5, 1917

Ray W. Scalf married Madge Densmore August 21, 1912 in Emmet County, Michigan. On December 16, 1913, Madge gave birth to a daughter she named Vinian Irene Scalf. For reasons unknown, on February 21, 1914, Ray and Madge gave Vinian up for adoption and she became the daughter of Herman and Katherine Fetz. Vinian was then named Frances Elizabeth Fetz.

The author was contacted by Bob Scalf of Knoxville, Tennessee after he had heard from a descendant of this family. The descendant asked if we could assist him in finding his line and Bob informed him we would certainly try. Virgil and I went to work on this and found information that corresponded with what the descendant knew. We were able to place this family in the proper position and these are the results of that search. With his permission, this is an email from the son of Vinian Irene Scalf (aka as Frances Elizabeth Fetz).

“Following is what we know re my mother:

“Born Dec. 16, 1913 as per birth certificate from Emmet County, Michigan in town of Petosky. Born to Ray W. Scalf & Madge Irene Scalf, unknown maiden name, & both of Petosky, Mi. as per PROBATE COURT, Emmet Co. Mi. 0n 21 Feb. 1914, establishing the Scalf’s as the natural parents & directing the adoption of their daughter, Vinian Irene Scalf, my mother, by Herman Fetz and his wife, Katherine Fetz, both of Petosky also. On that day, my mother’s new/adopted name became Frances Elizabeth Fetz. Herman’s middle name was Joseph & Katherine’s middle name was Louise. Katherine’s maiden name was BEACH. Mothers’ birth certificate certifies DOB of 16 Dec.1913 to parents Herman Fetz & Katherine Fetz and is authenticated on 19 Aug. 1966, by State Director of Public Records. That’s what the record search will show today. However, a deeper search of the Emmet Co. Probate Court records, referenced above, will show what actually transpired at the times reported. Michigan was a state which hid adoption records from appearing on birth certificates.

It was rumored that Ray and Madge were medical students struggling with the cost of medical school, etc., as the reason for their adopting Vinian to the Fetz; however, the family has not found for certain what happened. (Courtesy of Richard Martin)

Madge was at home with her parents in 1910.

1910 Emmet Co. MI 21 April 1910 McKinley Township

DENSMORE, Emery C. Head 47 1863 MI MA MI Married @ 30 years old  
   Elfie J. Wife 43 1867 MI MI NY Married @ 20 years old 2 children born, 1 living
   Madge  Dau 17 1893 MI MI MI Single  
Tower? Power? Rosamond Lodger 26 1884 IL IL MI Single  
Roland, Alice Lodger 26 1884 MI NY NY Single  

Ray and Madge were found on the 1920 census of Cheboygan County, Michigan with their son, Ray E. Scalf. Ray E. Scalf was born about 1917.

1920 Cheboygan CO MI 7 & 8 January 1920 Cheboygan

SCALF, Ray W. Head 30 1890 MI MI MI
(Densmore), Madge Wife 26 1894 MI MI MI
   Ray E. Son 2 4/12 1917 MI MI MI

In 1930, Ray and Madge had moved from Cheboygan County and were living in Kent County, Michigan. Madge’s parents were in the home with them in 1930.

1930 Kent CO MI 25 April 1930 Gaines Township

SCALF, Ray Head 40 1890 MI IN MI
   Madge I. Wife 36 1894 MI MI MI
   Ray E. Son 12 1918 MI MI MI
DENSMORE, Emory C. Father in law 67 1863 MI MA PA
DENSMORE, Effie Mother in law 63 1867 MI MI NY

1940 Montcalm CO MI 6 & 7 May 1940 Greenville

SCALF, Ray W. Head 50 1890 MI
   Madge Wife 47 1893 MI
Michigan, Death Records
Name: Madge I Scalf [Madge I Densmore]
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Birth Date: Apr, 1893
Birth Place: St Johns, Michigan
Death Date: 13 May 1947
Death Place: Lansing, Ingham, Michigan, USA
Death Age: 54
File Number: 022051
Father: Emery C Densmore
Mother: Effie Densmore


Daughter of
Samuel Albert Scalf & Malinda Imbody
Orpha<Samuel<Benjamin, Jr.<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Orpha Scalf, the daughter of Samuel Albert Scalf & Malinda Imbody, was born June 15, 1865 and died October 6, 1941 in Hampton, Virginia. Orpha married John Henry Hile in Emmet, Michigan on July 8, 1883. John Hile died May 9, 1911

Orpha married a second time to Joseph W. Ready.

Children of John H. Hile and Orpha Scalf:

  1. Benjamin Hile
  2. Minnie Hile
  3. Florance Grace Hile
  4. Ira Henry Hile - born June 18, 1890 in Michigan and died April 20, 1963 in Virginia.(Death Certificate)
  5. Harvey Harmon Hile
  6. Esther A. Hile
  7. Rose O. Hile
  8. Orpha Eleanor Hile
  9. Esmeranda Hile
  10. Marian Elizabeth Hile
(Photograph - Internet)

1900 Warwick CO VA 6 June 1900 Newport News

HYLE, John H. Head 47 Jul 1852 OH GERM GERM Married 19 years  
   Orpha Wife 36 Jun 1863 IN IN IN Married 19 years 8 children born, 7 living
   Minnie M. Dau 14 Apr 1886 MI OH IN    
   Florence T. Dau 12 Mar 1888 MI OH IN    
   Ira H. Son   9 Jun 1890 MI IH IN    
   Henry H. Son   7 Jan 1892 MI OH IN    
   Esther A. Dau   5 Aug 1894 MI OH IN    
   Rosa O. Dau   4 Apr 1896 MI OH IN    
   Orpha E. Dau 6/12 Nov 1899 VA OH IN    
MCGONIGAL, Daniel Lodger 60 Aug 1839 CAN CAN CAN    
KEYS, John Lodger 59 Nov 1840 VA VA VA    
   William Lodger 20 Jul 1879 VA VA VA    

1920 Elizabeth City CO VA 16 & 17 February 1920 Hampton

54 26 15
HILE, Harvey H. Head 28 1892 MI GERM GERM  
   Orpha Eleanor Mother 1866 MI IN   Widow
   Esther Sister 1894 MI GERM GERM  
   Esma Sister 1905 VA GERM GERM (Death Certificate)
   Annie Sister 15 1905 VA GERM GERM  
   Marion Sister 11 1909 VA GERM GERM  
SMITH, Orpha Sister 20 1900 VA GERM GERM  
   Harry Brother in law 23 1897 VA VA GERM  


Son of
Samuel Albert Scalf & Malinda Imbody
Benjamin A<Samuel<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Benjamin A. Scalf, son of Samuel Albert Scalf and Malinda Imbody, was born June 17 1863 in Indiana and died November 21, 1934 in Emmet County, Michigan. Benjamin married Hattie Randle, the daughter of Henry Randle and Catherine Metz. Hattie was born December 21, 1866 in Michigan and died October 13, 1905. Benjamin was followed on census records 1900 through 1930. (Benjamin Scalf Death Certificate)(Hattie Belle Scalf Death Certificate)

After Hattie Scalf died in 1905, Benjamin’s wife is listed as Charlotte M. on the 1910 census, and Bethel Thompson is listed as a stepdaughter on this census. From this information we know that Charlotte had been married to a Thompson prior to her marriage to Benjamin.

It appears that Benjamin and Hattie only had three children, Fred, Nettie and Verna. Charlotte had two children from a prior marriage, but it does not appear that Benjamin and Charlotte had any children.

Charlotte died at Santa Clara, CA on February 13, 1953. (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

1900 Emmet CO MI 23 June 1900 Friendship Township

SCALF, Benjamin Head 37 Jun 1863 IN IN OH  
   Hattie Wife 33 Dec 1866 MI OH Unk 3 children born, 3 living
   Fred Son 11 Dec 1888 MI IN MI  
   Nettie Dau   9 Nov 1890 MI IN MI  
   Verna Son   5 Jun 1894 MI IN MI (Death Certificate)

1910 Emmet CO MI 4 May 1910 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Benjamine Head 47 1863 IN IN OH  
   Charlotte M. Wife 48 1862 ENG ENG ENG 2 children born, 2 living
THOMPSON, Bethel G.   S-dau 15 1895 ENG ENG ENG  

1920 Emmet CO MI 3 & 4 February 1920 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Benjamin Head 56 1864 IN IN IN
   Charlotte M. Wife 57 1863 CAN IRE CAN

1930 Emmet CO MI 5 April 1930 Petoskey

SCALF, Benajmin Head 66 1864 IN IN IN
   Charlotte Wife 68 1862 CAN IRE CAN

Note:Charlotte Maria Scalf died in Santa Clara, CA on February 13, 1953.


Son of
Benjamin Scalf & Hattie Radle
Fred<Benjamin<Samuel<Benjamin, Jr.<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Fred O. Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf and Hattie Radle was born December 8, 1887 at Harbor Springs, Michigan and died April 21, 1939 in Allegan, Michigan. (Death Certificate of Fred Scalf)(Death Certificate of Vivian Scalf)

Fred was living with the Ryers family in 1910 as a boarder. By 1920, Fred was married to Vivian Elizabeth Jenner Cruse and they had four daughters, Janet and Frances, Virginia and Mable.

1910 Emmet CO MI 25 April 1910 Resort Township

RYERS, Joe J. Head 33 1877 MI OH NY
   Edith Wife 28 1892 MI NY NY
   Leon Son   9 1901 MI MI MI
SCALF, Fred Boarder 22 1888 MI IN OH
WILLIAMS, Harold Boarder 19 1891 NY NY NY
WILLIAMS, Hedelaid Hired hand 17 1893 MI NY NY
DAVIS, Leu Boarder 38 1862 MI MI MI


WWI Registration Card
Name: Fred O. Scalf
Age: 29
Home: Allegan, MI (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: December 8, 1887
Born: Harbor Springs, MI
Employed: Inspector in machine shop
Height: Tall
Build: Medium
Color eyes: Black
Color hair: Black
Bald: No
Date: June 5, 1917

1920 Emmet CO MI 3-5 January 1920 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Fred Head 31 1889 MI IN MI
   Vivian Wife 30 1890 MI MI MI
   Janet Dau 4 3/12 1915 MI MI MI
   Francis J. Dau 1 9/12 1918 MI MI MI

1930 Baraga CO MI 10 April 1930 L’Anse

SCALF, Fred O. Head 42 1888 MI IN IN
   Vivian Wife 40 1890 MI MI MI
   Janet M. Dau 14 1916 MI MI MI
   Frances J. Dau 12 1918 MI MI MI
   Virginia L. Dau   8 1922 MI MI MI
   Mable J. Dau   5 1925 MI MI MI
Michigan Death Index:
Name: Fred O. Scalf
Birth Date: 8 Dec 1887
Birth Place: Harbor Springs, Mich.
Death Date: 21 Apr 1939
Death Place: Allegan, Allegan, Michigan
Burial Date: 24 Apr 1939
Cemetery Name: Oakwood Death
Age: 51 Occupation: Oil Leaser
Race: White Marital
Status: Married
Gender: Male
Father Name: Benjamin Scalf
Father Birth Place: Ind.
Mother Name: Hattie Radle
Mother Birth Place: Ind.
Spouse Name: Vivian Scalf
FHL Film Number: 2110084

1940 Allegan MI 11 & 12 April 1940 Allegan

SCALF, Vivian Head 50 1890 MI Widow
   Virginia Dau 18 1922 MI (Died September 15, 1941)
   Joyce Dau 14 1926 MI  


Daughter of
Fred Scalf & Vivian Radle
Janet<Fred<Benjamin<Samuel<Benjamin, Jr.<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Janet Scalf, the daughter of Fred Scalf & Vivian Radle, was born about 1915.

1940 Washington DC 24 April 1940 Washington

REDMAN, Celo Head 45 1895 OH
   Leafy Wife 44 1896 VA
   Villa M. Dau 18 1922 DC
   Theo Dau 16 1924 DC
SCALF, Janet Lodger 24 1916 MI


Daughter of
Fred Scalf & Vivian Radle
Virginia<Fred<Benjamin<Samuel<Benjamin, Jr.<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Michigan Death Index:
Name: VirginiaLouise Scalf
Birth Date: 6 Jul 1921
Birth Place: Allegan, Michigan
Death Date: 15 Sep 1941
Death Place: Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan
Burial Date: 15 Sep 1941
Burial Place: Allegan, Mich.
Death Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Female
Residence: Allegan, Allegan, Michigan
Father Name: Fred A. Scalf
Father Birth Place: Michigan
Mother Name: Vivian Cruse
Mother Birth Place: Michigan
FHL Film Number: 2110084


Daughter of
Benjamin Scalf & Hattie Radle
Nettie<Benjamin<Samuel<Benjamin, Jr.<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Nettie Scalf, the daughter of Benjamin Scalf & Hattie Radle was born September 6, 1889 in Emmet County, Michigan, and died January 24, 1913 Emmet County, Michigan. Hattie married John R. Atkins. John and Hattie have one son, Leroy Arkins, listed on the 1910 census. (Nettie Scalf Death Certificate)

1910 Cattaraugus CO NY 6-7 May 1910 Mansfield

ATKINS, James P. Head 60 1850 Canada England England  
   Ida J. Wife 53 1857 NY PA NY 7 born, 4 living
   John R. Son 21 1889 PA Canada NY  
   Nettie M. Dau in law 20 1890 MI IN IN 1 born, 1 living
   Kathryn G. Dau 18 1892 NY Canada NY  
   Earl C. Son 11 1899 NY Canada NY  
   Leroy F. G-son 9/12 1909 NY PA MI  
LONG, Charles Boarder 62 1848 NY NY NY  

1920 Cattaraugus CO NY 9-12 January 1920 Mansfield

ATKINS, James P. Head 68 1852 Canada England England
   Ida J. Wife 62 1858 NY NY NY
   Leroy F. G-son 10 1910 NY NY NY

1930 Los Angeles 12 April 1930 Los Angeles

ATKINS, James P. Head 41 1889 NY Canada NY
   Anna Wife 44 1886 Sweden Sweden Sweden
   Allen C. Son   5 1925 CA NY Sweden
   Leroy F. Son 20 1910 CA NY Sweden
   Earl C. Son   7 1923 CA NY Sweden


Son of
Samuel Albert Scalf & Malinda Imbody
Harvey<Samuel<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Harvey Scalf, son of Samuel Albert Scalf and Malinda Imbody, was born May 1873 in Indiana. He married Rosa Bell Young in Harbor Springs, Michigan April 17, 1897. Harvey died on February 22, 1903, and Rosa married Charles Losinger. Harvey and Rosa had two children before his death; Dovey E. Scalf born June 1897, and Tera E. Scalf born about 1901. (Harvey Scalf and Rosa Bell Young Marriage Document)(Harvey Scalf Death Certificate)

Rosa and her second husband had two children in the 1910 census, Dortha M. born about 1908 and Effie G. born about 1909.

1900 Emmet CO MI 12 June 1900 Little Traverse Township

SCALF, Harvey Head 27 May 1873 IN IN IN
   Rosa Wife 21 May 1879 MI MI MI
   Dovey E. Dau   2 June 1897 MI IN MI

1910 Emmet CO MI 18 April 1910 Little Traverse Township

LOSINGER, Charles Head 35 1875 PA PA PA
   Rosa B. Wife 31 1879 MI NY ENG
   Dortha M. Dau   2 1908 MI PA MI
   Effie G. Dau 5/12 1909 MI PA MI
SCALF, Dovie S-dau 12 1898 MI IN MI
SCALF, Tera E. S-dau   9 1901 MI IN MI


Son of
Benjamin Scalf, Jr. & Eleanor Narcissus Thomas
John F<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

Francis Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf, Jr. and Eleanor Narcissus Thomas, was born about 1841 in Illinois according to the 1860 Elkhart, Indiana census. On the 1850 census of Elkhart, Indiana it was stated that both Benjamin and Eleanor were born in NC. On the 1860, 1870 and 1880 censuses, it was stated that Benjamin was born in NC and Eleanor was born in VA with his parents being born in NC and her parents born in VA. The author believes that Eleanor was born in VA, as well as her parents, and might have been from the Thomas family of Washington County (Abingdon) Virginia; however, we have not been able to confirm this at this time.

For many years the author has believed that John Francis Scalf could have been the Francis Scalf listed in the home of Benjamin Scalf, Jr., but no confirming evidence could be found to place him in this line of the family. The author had read inChronicles of the Scalf Familythat this Francis Scalf was Francis Marion Scalf and his birth date was given, but Henry had no further information for him. However, when compiling the information for the update of the Benjamin Scalf, Jr. family, Henry Scalf’s information inChronicles of the Scalf Family,Chapter XIV, Miscellaneous Scalf Families, Elkhart and Union County, Indiana Scalf’s,was reviewed once again and it was determined by the author that Francis Scalf listed on the 1860 census in the home of Benjamin Scalf, Jr. was probably not Francis Marion Scalf as Henry thought.

Virgil then began a search for Francis Marion Scalf and found Frank Scalf that married Esther McCloughen. He is listed in the Indiana Marriage Index as Francis M. Scalf and married Ester/Esther McCloughen in 1904. We then determined from Virgil’s information and the information inChronicles of the Scalf Familythat Francis Marion Scalf that married Ester/Esther McCloughen could not have been this Francis Scalf in the home of Benjamin Scalf, Jr in 1860. Francis Marion Scalf was called Frank as a short name for Francis, and was a son of Henry B. Scalf and Lucinda Anglon and would have been the grandson of Benjamin Scalf, Jr.

The author began corresponding with Barbara Bowman, a descendant of John Francis Scalf, in 1999. Barbara and I worked diligently on John’s parentage off and on for a number of years until we lost contact. The fact that John’s wife, MaryHelen Ferguson Scalf, stated on his death certificate that John was born in VA and that his father’s name was John caused us much confusion; however, it is the opinion of the author that Mary Helen was confused at the time she gave the information for the death certificate. Mary Helen was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease when her husband, John Francis Scalf, died. 

It has been believed by some researchers and some descendants that John Francis Scalf might have been the son of John Scalf, Jr. and Patsy Counts Scalf; however, we believe if John and Patsy had a son named John born 1839-1842 the 1840 census would have reflected this, and he would have been listed by name on at least the 1850 census. The estimated birth date of the son from the 1840 census does not correlate with the estimated birth date of John Francis Scalf. There is only one son in the home of John and Patsy in 1840 and we believe this son was Richard Scalf. John Francis would only have been 1 year old in 1840 if he was born 1839 and it is doubtful at that age that he would have been living with relatives. John Francis Scalf would have been 11-13 years old in 1850 if he was born 1839-1842 and again, we believe he would have been in John Jr.’s home in 1850 if he was a son of John and Patsy. He certainly would have been too young to have left home and tried to make it on his own. Therefore, the author must rule out the possibility that he was a son of John Scalf, Jr.

None of the brothers of Benjamin Scalf, Sr. (John Scalf, Sr. and David Scalf) appear to have had a son named John born at the time John Francis Scalf was born. The possibility that John Francis Scalf was a son of Benjamin Scalf, Sr. has also been considered, but again, his estimated birth date does not correlate to have been the son of Benjamin Sr., unless he was the son of the second wife of Benjamin, and from information gathered, it does not appear that Benjamin and his second wife were together after 1835. Benjamin Sr. had left East Tennessee and was in Illinois by 1836 where he purchased land there in January of that year.

(Photographs - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)

By 1840, Benjamin Sr. was in McDonough County, Illinois with only two sons in the home, neither of which had a birth date that would coincide with John Francis. Benjamin was without a wife in 1840 and although we cannot verify that his second wife did not go to Illinois with him, we cannot verify that she did. From records and family information from this line, it does not appear that Benjamin Sr. had any children after 1829. The earliest birth date we find from all information concerning John Francis is 1839 and the latest is 1842. The 1860 census of Benjamin Jr. lists Francis as being born about 1841.

Barbara and I often wondered why John Francis chose to leave Illinois and move to Shelby County, Tennessee and during the compilation of this chapter, the author learned that Elizabeth Scalf, a daughter of Benjamin Scalf, Jr. married James Harrison Cary and this family moved to Shelby County, Tennessee. John Francis Scalf also moved to Shelby County, Tennessee by 1879. This also suggests that John Francis Scalf could have been a part of the Benjamin Scalf, Jr. family.

John was living in district 8 of Shelby County and Elizabeth was living in district 15 in 1900. John Francis was a cabinet maker by trade and Elizabeth and her husband was living in the home of a Mr. Talley whose occupation was contractor. It is possible that John Francis moved to Memphis due to work opportunities.

John Francis Scalf was not found on the 1870 census in any state. Barbara reports it was rumored that he was a Medic during the Civil War; however, no Civil War record has been found for John at this time. Barbara stated that John Francis was known to have many talents and often worked at various trades.

John is first mentioned in the marriages of Peoria County, Illinois when he married Sarah Ellen Millison October 22, 1872.

(John F. Scalf & S. E. Millison Marriage Record)

The next record pertaining to John was the death of his wife. Sarah Ellen Millison Scalf died in childbirth to a son, Norman Francis Scalf. It was believed that the doctor that delivered the child caused Sarah Ellen’s death and several newspaper articles were found concerning this. The child only lived a few months. 

Links to Newspaper Articles of Sarah E. Millison Scalf - December 20, 1873  (PART 1)(PART 2)(PART 3)

Another researcher, Rick Lipsky, sent a note to the author that he had found the following information concerning John Francis Scalf and Sarah Ellen Millison Scalf.

Note: Sarah E. Scalf had a business selling sewing machines. The Peoria City Directories listed Scalf, S E, sewing machines - Adams bs 5 res 2 b Franklin, and Scalf, John F. cabinet maker; - res Adams bs 2 b Franklin. Sarah Scalf died on or about the 14th day of December, 1873 in Peoria Illinois, leaving a husband John F Scalf and one child, a son Frances Norman Scalf. Francis Norman Scalf, 2 months, 30 days, died or buried 3-11-1873? (Courtesy of Rick Lipsky)

Child of John Scalf and Sarah Ellen Milleson:
  1) Norman Francis Scalf - born December 1873 and died 1873.

After Sarah Ellen died, John remarried to Mary Helen Ferguson. Their first child, Almeda, was born about 1876 in Evansville, Indiana and we estimate their marriage around 1875. We have no marriage record for John and Mary Helen.

The next child born to John Francis and Mary Helen Ferguson Scalf was Deleana born in Shelby County in 1879; therefore, we know that John had arrived in Shelby County, Tennessee by 1879 and quite possibly before.

(John Francis Scalf & Family - 1892) (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman)

John and Mary Helen were not found in 1880, but were found in Shelby County, Tennessee in 1900. We believe it has been difficult to find John on census records due to so many misspellings of the name Scalf on census indexes, as well as the handwriting of some enumerators.

1900 Shelby CO TN 22 June 1900 District 8

SCALF, J. F. Head 53 Jan 1847 VA NC NC  
   Mary Wife 41 Oct 1858 IL IL KY 7 children born, 4 living
   Almeda Dau 24 May 1876 IN VA IL  
   Otto Son 14 Apr 1886 TN VA IL  
   Leo Son 11 Feb 1889 TN VA IL  
   Mary Dau   5 Oct 1894 TN VA IL  
   John Iving Son 7/12 Sep 1899 TN VA IL  

John had several children that were born and died in Shelby County. John and Mary Helen then had a son, Francis Erwin, born 1883 in Shelby County and died 1886 in Shelby County.

(Cemetery Marker of Deleana Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

(Cemetery Marker of Francis Erwin Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

John and Mary Helen had eight children; all but one was born in Shelby County, Tennessee. The last child was born 1899 in Shelby County.

According to Barbara’s information, they lived in Bartlett (Shelby County) and then in Arlington, also in Shelby County. We don’t know when they left Tennessee and moved to California, but they were in California by the enumeration of the 1910 census where they spent the remainder of their lives and are buried there. Barbara also stated there was another child, Vernon, born 1892 between Leo and Mary Ella and this child also died in 1893 in Shelby County. We do not have a cemetery marker for Vernon or a death record. Mary Helen stated on the 1900 census that she had 7 children with four living so there was a mistake either on the census or in Barbara’s information. It is possible that Vernon was born between Mary and John Ivan instead of between Leo and Mary.

Children of John Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson:

  1. Almeda Scalf - born May 14, 1876, Evansville (Vanderburgh County) IN; died March 1967, Oakland (Alameda County) CA.
  2. Deleana Scalf - born February 10, 1879, Wythe Depot (Shelby County) TN; died August 18, 1884, Arlington (Shelby County) Tennessee.
  3. Francis Erwin Scalf - born May 11, 1883, Shelby County, TN; died January 26, 1886, Shelby County, Tennessee.
  4. Otto Levy Scalf - born April 13, 1886, Shelby County, TN; died January 10, 1962. He is buried at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Brundo, San Mateo County, California.
  5. Leo Cephus Scalf - born February 14, 1889, Shelby County, TN; died August 1979, CA. Leo Scalf is buried at the Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, CA
  6. Vernon Scalf - born November 21, 1892, Shelby County, TN; died October 28, 1893, Shelby County, Tennessee.
  7. Mary Ella Scalf - born October 10, 1894, Shelby County, TN; died October 17, 1978, Berkeley (Almameda County) CA.
  8. John Ivan Scalf - born September 01, 1899, Shelby County, TN; died October 1979, Berkeley (Almameda County) CA. John Ivan Scalf is buried at the Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, CA.
(Courtesy of Barbara Bowman)

By 1910, John Francis Scalf had left Memphis and moved his family to Butte County, California.

1910 Butte CO CA 29 April 1910 Chico Township

SCALF, John F. Head 68 1842 VA VA NC  
   Mary E. Wife 52 1858 IL KY KY 8 children born, 5 living
   Leo Son 21 1889 TN VA KY  
   Mary Dau 14 1896 TN VA KY  
   John I. Son 10 1900 TN VA KY  

John Ivan was the only child still at home in 1920.

1920 Alameda CO CA 10 January 1920 Oakland Township

SCALF, John F. Head 78 1842 VA VA NC  
   Mary E. Wife 60 1860 IL KY KY  
   John I. Son 20 1900 TN VA IL  
EDMISTON, Louisa Lodger 65 1855 NY USA USA Widow
   Lois E. Lodger 12 1908 CA NY NY  
   William Lodger 36 1884 NY USA NY Widower

John Francis Scalf died before the enumeration of the 1930 census and Mary Helen was living with her son, John Ivan, in 1930. Barbara stated that John Francis always called her Mary Ellen but her name was Mary Helen. She is listed on census records as Mary E.

(Death Certificate of John Francis Scalf)

1930 Alameda CO CA 15 April 1930 Albany

SCALF, J. Ivan Head 30 1900 TN VA IL  
   Mary E. Mother 70 1860 IL IL IL Widow
LAGRONE, Allie Sister 53 1877 IN VA IL  


Daughter of
John Francis Scalf & Mary Helen Ferguson
Alemda< John Francis Scalf<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

Almeda Scalf, daughter of John Francis Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson, was born May 14, 1876 in Illinois and died April 10, 1967 in California. Almeda married David Lagrone and they were living in Oklahahom in 1910. (SS Index)

1910 Oklahoma CO OK 25 April 1910 Oklahoma City

LAGRONE, David Head 49 1861 MS SC PA Married 9 years
   Allie Wife 34 1876 IN VA KY 3 children born, 3 living
   Frank Son   6 1904 TN MS IN  
   Stella Dau   4 1906 TN MS IN  
   Myrtle Dau   2 1908 CA MS IN  
   Anna Mother 76 1834 PA PA NJ 6 children born, 1 living

By 1920, Almeda and her family were living in Butte County, California.

1920 Butte CO CA 19-21 January 1920 Durham

LAGRONE, David H. Head 59 1861 MS SC PA
   Allie Wife 43 1877 IN TN IL
   Henry Son 16 1904 TN MS IN
   Stella M. Dau 13 1907 TN MS IN

1930 Alameda CO CA 15 April 1930 Albany

SCALF, J. Ivan Head 30 1900 TN VA IL  
   Mary E. Mother 70 1860 IL IL IL Widow
LAGRONE, Allie Sister 53 1877 IN VA IL  
Social Security Death Index
Name: Almeda Lagrone
Social Security #: 560286613
Birth Date: 14 May 1876
Birthplace: Indiana
Death Date: 10 Apr 1967
Death Place: Alameda
Mother’s Maiden Name: Furgerson
Last residence: 94703 Berkeley, Alameda, California, United States of America
State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951)

(Obit of Almeda Allie Scalf Lagrone)

(Photo of Almeda Scalf Lagrone at 16)

(Link to photo of Almeda and David Lagrone) (Photograph - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)


Son of
John Francis Scalf & Mary Helen Ferguson
Otto L<John F<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Otto Levy/Levi Scalf, son of John Francis Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson, was born April 13, 1886 in Shelby County, Tennessee and died January 10, 1962. He is buried at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Brundo, San Mateo County, California.

Otto registered for the draft in WWI. At this time, he was employed by Oakland Antioch Railroad. He married Eunice Lillian Chapman. They were living at Vine (Berkeley Co) California in 1918. Otto also registered for the draft of WWII.

We believe Otto and Eunice divorced for she was listed as head of house in 1930 Alameda, California. Otto was married to Thelma ______ in 1930.

(Photograph of Otto Scalf & son, Neil Otto Scalf) (Photograph - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)

Name: Otto Levy Scalf
Age: 32
Date of Birth: April 13, 1886
Address: 1811 Vine, Berkley, CA (Link to Original Document)
Occupation: Electrican
Employer: Oakland Antioch Railroad
Location of employment: Oakland, CA
Nearest Relative: Eunice Lillian Scalf
Address of nearest relative: 1811 Vine, Berkeley, CA
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Date: September 12, 1918

1920 Alameda CO CA 5 January 1920 Oakland Township

SCALF, Otto L. Head 32 1888 TN VA IL
   Eunice L. Wife 26 1894 KS IL IA
   Neil O. Son   9 1911 CA TN KS

1930 Alameda CO CA 3 April 1930 Health District 5

SCALF, Otto Head 43 1887 TN VA IL Married @ 22
   Thelma Wife 23 1907 CA MS MI Married @ 20

1940 Alameda CO CA 19 April 1940 Warm Springs

SCALF, Otto L. Head 54 1886 TN
   Thelma Wife 34 1906 CA
Name: Otto Levy Scalf
Place of Residence: Irvington, Alameda, CA
Telephone #: Berkeley Thornwell 0554
Age: 56
Date of birth: April 13, 1886 (Link to Original Document)
Place of birth: Arlington, TN
Name of person who will know your address: D. H. Lagrone
Employer’s name and address: Pacific Gas & Electric Co, P. G. & E. Bldg, San Francisco, CA
Place of employment: P. G. & E. Substation, Newark, Alameda, CA

Eunice, first wife of Otto Levy Scalf was living in Alameda County in 1830 as head of house.

1930 Alameda CO CA 9 April 1930 Health District 6

SCALF, Eunice Head 36 1894 KS IL IA


Son of
Otto Levy Scalf & Eunice Lillian Chapman.
Neal O.<Otto L<Neil<John F<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

Neil Otto Scalf, son of Otto Levy Scalf and Eunice Lillian Chapman, was born about 1911 in California. (1920 census of Alameda Co. CA)

Neil Otto Scalf married first to Georgina Marie Weidemann and they had one son.

Child of Neil Otto Scalf and Georgina Marie Weidemann:
  1) George Neil Scalf.

George had three daughters.  Elizabeth, Victoria and Katherine. (Courtesy of Georgianna Morse Alcazar)

Neil Otto Scalf then married Mary Margaret Martin and they had one child.

Child of Neil Otto Scalf and Margaret May Martin
  1) Carrolyn Mae Scalf.

Carrolyn married _______Morse. Carrolyn has five children; Karin, Neil, Joseph, Michael and Georgianna. (Courtesy of Georgianna Morse Alcazar)

(Photograph - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)


(Photograph of Neil Scalf & his grandmother, Mary Helen Ferguson Scalf) (Photograph - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)

Email from Georgianna:

My Mother’s brother (my uncle) is the late George Neil Scalf son of Neil Otto Scalf, Grandson to Otto Levy Scalf, etc.... Neil Otto Scalf only had 2 children. Son: George with wife Georgina Marie Wiedemann & Daughter: Carrolyn with wife Margaret May Martin. No other children. George Neil Scalf has 3 daughters (my 1st cousins) Elizabeth, Victoria, Katherine. Carolyn Mae Scalf had 5 children, Karin, Neil, Joseph, Michael, Georgianna. (Courtesy of Georgianna Morse Alcazar)

1940 Alameda CO CA 17 April 1940 Emeryville

MARTON, Harrietta M. Head 42 1898 MO Widow
SCALF, Margaret M. Dau 21 1919 CA
   Carolyn M. G-dau   1 1939 CA


Son of
Neal Otto Scalf & Georgia Weidmann
George N.<Neal O.<Otto L<Neil<John F<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

1940 Alameda CO CA 10 April 1940 Oakland

WIEDMAN, George Head 51 1889 Germ
   Anna Wife 47 1893 Germ
   Georgia Dau 27 1913 CA
   Albert G. Son 25 1915 CA
SCALF, Neal G. G-son   9 1931 CA


Son of
John Francis Scalf & Mary Helen Ferguson
Leo< John Francis Scalf<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

Leo Cephus Scalf, son of John Francis Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson, was born February 4, 1889 and died August 1979 at Oakland (Alameda Co.) CA. (SS Index)

Leo married Virginia Davis. Leo and Virginia were found on the census records of 1920 and 1930.

BIRTH DATE: 4 Feb 1889.
DEATH DATE: Aug 1979.
AGE: 90
PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE: Oakland, Alameda, CA 94619
PLACE ISSUED: Oakland, Alameda , CA 94619
SS-5 Letter

(Photograph - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)

(Photograph of Leo & Virginia Davis Scalf circa 1940) (Photograph - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)

1920 Alameda CO CA 5 January 1920 Oakland Township

SCALF, Leon C. Head 30 1890 TN VA IA
(Davis) Virginia E. Wife 22 1898 OH OH OH
   Pauline J. Dau 3 10/12 1916 CA TN OH
   Howard L. Son 1 7/12 1918 CA TN OH

1930 Alameda CO CA 14 April 1930 Oakland

SCALF, Leo C. Head 41 1889 TN VA IA
   Virginia Wife 32 1898 OH OH OH
   Pauline Dau 14 1916 CA TN OH
   Howard Son 11 1919 CA TN OH
HYLER, Graham Lodger 30 1900 NY NY NY

Howard Scalf, son of Leo and Virginia Davis Scalf, was hit and killed October 30, 1933 by an automobile at the age of 15. Howard was pulling a wagon of wood at the time of the accident. A friend was injured in the accident, but survived.

Newspaper article concerning death of Howard Scalf:  (Part 1)(Part 2)

Litigation concerning death of Howard Scalf: (Link to Document)

Newspaper article concerning settlement for Mrs. Virginia Scalf: (Link to Document)

1940 Alameda CO CA 4 April 1940 Oakland

SCALF, Leo Head 50 1890 TN
   Virginia Wife 42 1898 OH
Name: Leo Cephus Scalf
Place of Residence: 681 30th Street, Oakland, CA
Telephone #: Higate 7064
Age: 53
Date of birth: February 4, 1889 (Link to Original Document)
Place of birth: Shelby CO TN
Name of person who will know your address: D. H. Lagrone
Employer’s name and address: East Bay Electric CO
Place of employment: 140 12th Street - Oakland, CA 

(Photograph of Pauline Scalf - daughter of Leo & Virginia Scalf)

Pauline married Stanley Peterson.

(Photograph of Stanley and Pauline Scalf Peterson - 1940’s) (Photograph - courtesy of Vicky Daniels)


Daughter of
John Francis Scalf & Mary Helen Ferguson
Mary<John Francis Scalf<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

Mary Ella Scalf, daughter of John Francis Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson, was born about 1895 according to the 1930 census. Mary married Lindsey McKinstry and they were found on the 1930 census of Alameda County. Elizabeth Mitzel was listed as a step-daughter to Lindsey McKinstry; however, we have no information on a prior marriage for Mary Ella.

1930 Alameda CO CA 12 April 1930 Berkeley

MCKINSTRY, Lindsley C. Head 46 1884 PA PA PA
   Mary E. Wife 35 1895 TN WV IL
MITZEL, Elizabeth Step-dau 11 1919 CA MO TN


Son of
John Francis Scalf & Mary Helen Ferguson
John I< John Francis Scalf<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

John Ivan Scalf, son of John Francis Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson, was born September 1, 1899 in Memphis (Shelby Co.) Tennessee and died October 1976 at the age of 77 years old in Oakland (Alameda Co.) California. John Ivan Scalf is buried at the Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, CA

John married Mary E. _____ (maiden name unknown).  John and Mary were found on the 1930 census of Alameda County, CA only. John’s sister, Allie, (Stella) was living with them in 1930.

Name: John Scalf
Birth Date: 1 Sep 1899
Death Date: Oct 1976
AGE: 77
LAST RESIDENCE: Oakland, Alameda, CA 94621
Last Benefit: Not specified.
Issued: California

1930 Alameda CO CA 15 April 1930 Albany

SCALF, J. Ivan Head 30 1900 TN VA IL  
   Mary E. Mother 70 1860 IL IL IL Widow
LAGRONE, Allie Sister 53 1877 IN VA IL  

1930 Alameda CO CA 15 April 1930 Berkley

SCALF, Ivan J. Head 40 1900 TN
   Mary E. Mother 80 1860 IL
LAGRONE, Almeda Sister 63 1877 IA


Son of
Benjamin Scalf & Eleanor Narcissus Thomas
Henry B<Benjamin, Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Henry B. Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf and Eleanor Thomas, was born about 1843 in Indiana and died October 20, 1902 in Grant County, Indiana. Henry married Lucinda Anglin/Anglon March 13, 1867 at Kosciusko County, Indiana. (Indiana Marriage Collection, courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Indiana Marriage Collection
Name: Henry B Scalf
Spouse Name: Lucinda Anglin
Marriage Date: 1867
Marriage County: Kosciusko
Source Title 1: Kosciusko County Indiana
Source Title 2: Marriages 1846-1891
Source Title 3:Brides Compiled by Ruth M Slevin 1972
Book: C
OS Page: 487

In 1870, Henry and Lucinda were living in Marshall County, Indiana. They had one child, Mary, born about 1868.

1870 Marshall CO IN 6 August 1870 Bourbon

SCALF, Henry M 27 1843 TN
   Lucinda F 20 1850 IN
   Mary E. F   2 1868 IN
PICKETT, J.W. M 49 1821 OH
PICKETT, Samuel M   6 1864 OH

When the census was enumerated on June 5, 1880, Henry was boarding with James Rowley in Elkhart, Indiana. By June 18, 1880 Henry was living with his family once again. Henry and Lucinda had three children at this time, Mary, Effa, and Burty.

1880 Elkhart CO IN 5 June 1880 Elkhart

ROWLEY, James Head 29 1851 NY NY NY
   Lydia Wife 20 1860 MI MI MI
   Frankie E. Son   2 1878 IN NY MI
   Maud Dau 11/12 1879 IN NY MI
SCALF, Henry Boarder 37 1843 IN NC NC

1880 Elkhart CO IN 18 June 1880 Goshen

SCALF, Henry Head 37 1843 IN PA PA
   Lucinda Wife 29 1851 IN VA IN
   Mary A. Dau 12 1868 IN IN IN
   Effa Dau   7 1873 IN IN IN
   Burty Dau   5 1875 IN IN IN

By 1900, Henry was living in Grant County, Indiana at the National Military Home. He had been a soldier of the late Civil War.

1900 Grant IN 16 June 1900 Marion Branch, National Military Home

SCALF, Henry B. M 56 1844 Widower

Henry joined Company E. of the 129thIndiana Infantry during the war.  

U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
Name: Henry B. Scalf
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Indiana
Regiment Name: 129 Indiana Infantry.
Regiment Name Expanded: 129th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Corporal
Rank Out Expanded: Corporal
Film Number: M540 roll 67

Henry B. Scalf died October 20, 1902 in the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers located in Grant CO, IN.

(Link to Original Document)

(Henry B. Scalf Death Certificate)

The National Asylum for disabled Civil War volunteers was established by Congress in 1865, and was renamed the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in 1873. (It became known as the National Military Home, and colloquially as the Old Soldiers Home). It was originally funded by various fines and by pensions, but in 1875 Congress began appropriating money directly for it. In 1930, President Hoover combined the National Home and the Veterans Bureau (created after World War I) into the Veterans Administration. (Internet Source)

Henry was listed as widowed on the 1900 census; however, it appears that Henry and Lucinda had gone their separate ways. Lucinda had remarried to Charles Hopper and they were found living at Elkhart, Indiana in 1900. In 1910, Lucinda stated she was the mother of four children with three living.

1900 Elkhart CO IN 2-4 June 1900 Elkhart Township Goshen

HOPPER, Charles Head 50 Jan 1850 MI NY PA
   Lucinda Wife 49 Jul 1850 IN VA Unk
SCALF, Bertie S-dau 25 May 1875 IN IN IN
SCALF, Frank S-son 16 Jul 1883 IN IN IN

1910 Elkhart CO IN 16 April 1910 Elkhart Township Goshen

HOPPER, Charles Head 59 1851 MI NY NT Married 14 years  
   Lucinda Wife 59 1851 IN VA VA Married 14 years 4 children born, 3 living
SCALF, Bertie E. S-dau 34 1876 IN IN IN    

Children of Henry B. Scalf and Lucinda Anglon:

  1. Mary Scalf born about 1868
  2. Effa Scalf born about 1873
  3. Burty/Bertie Scalf born May 1875
  4. Frank Scalf born July 1883


Daughter of
Henry B. Scalf & Lucinda Anglon
Effa<Henry B<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Effa Scalf, daughter of Henry B. Scalf and Lucinda Anglon, was born March 1873 in Indiana. We have no death date for Effa. She married Herman Bartels November 17, 1892 at Elkhart, Indiana. It does not appear that Effa and Herman had any children.

Name:Effie Seolf
Spouse Name: Herman Bartels
Marriage Date: 17 Nov 1892
Marriage County: Elkhart
Source Title 1: Elkhart County, Indiana
Source Title 2: Index to Marriage Record 1850-1920 Inclusive Volum
Source Title 3: Original Record Located: County Clerk’s Office Goshen
Book: 9
OS Page: 131

1900 Elkhart CO IN 12 & 13 June 1900 Elkhart Township

BARTELL, Herman Head 37 Apr 1863 IN Germ Germ  
   Effie Wife 27 Mar 1873 IN IN IN No children born
WYSONG, Guy Nephew   5 Feb 1895 IN   -   -  

1910 Elkhart CO IN 23 April 1910 Goshen Ward

BARTELLS, Herman M. Head 48 1862 IN Germ Germ
   Effie J. Wife 37 1873 IN Unk IN
WYSONG, Guy M. Nephew 15 1895 IN IN IN

1920 Elkhart CO IN 8 January 1920 Elkhart

BARTEL, Herman F. Head 59 1861 IN Germ Germ
   Jane Wife 47 1873 IN IN IN

1930 Elkhart CO IN 12 April 1930 Goshen

BARTELL, Herman Head 67 1863 IN Germ Germ
   Effie Wife 56 1874 IN US US


Daughter of
Henry B. Scalf & Lucinda Anglon
Bertie<Henry B<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Bertie Estella Scalf, daughter of Henry B. Scalf and Lucinda Anglon, was born May 4, 1875 in Indiana and died March 6, 1950 in Indiana. A marriage record for Bertie was found online at Indiana Marriage Indexes. (Bertie Landon Death Certificate) (Link to Marriage Document)

Groom: Harry Landon
Groom’s race: White
Groom’s date of birth: 08 Sep 1887
Groom’s place of birth: Ligonier, Indiana
Groom’s residence: Goshen, Indiana
Groom’s father: Samuel Landon
Groom’s mother: Irena Conrad

Bride: Estella Scalf
Bride’s race: White
Bride’s date of birth: 04 May 1875
Bride’s place of birth: Goshen, Indiana
Bride’s residence: Goshen, Indiana
Bride’s father: Henry Scalf
Bride’s mother: Lucinda Anglin

Date of license: 30 Jan 1915
County of license: Elkhart
Date of marriage: 30 Jan 1915
Place of marriage: Elkhart, Indiana
Digital folder number: 4540487

1930 Elkhart CO IN 12 April 1930 Goshen

LANDON, Harry Head 49 1881 IN IN IN
   Bertie Wife 52 1878 IN IN IN

1940 Elkhart CO IN 24-26 April 1940 Goshen

Landon, Harry Head 58 1882 IN
   Bertie E. Wife 62 1878 IN


Son of
Henry B. Scalf & Lucinda Anglon
Frank<Henry B<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Francis Frank Marion Scalf, son of Henry B. Scalf and Lucinda Anglon was born July 1883 and died February 14, 1925. He married Esther McCloughen January 25, 1904 in Elkhart, Indiana. (Indiana Marriages Online

(Frank Scalf Death Certificate)

Groom: Francis M Scalf
Bride: Esther Mccloughen
Date of license: 25 Jan 1904
County of license: Elkhart
Date of marriage: 25 Jan 1904
Place of marriage: Elkhart, Indiana
Digital folder number: 4540482
Number of images: 1

Frank and Esther had one known child, Berdina Irene Scalf.

1910 Elkhart CO IN 27 April 1910 Elkhart Township Goshen

SCALF, Frank Head 25 1885 IN IN IN  
   Esther Wife 21 1889 IN IN IN 1 child born, 1 living
   Berdinia Dau   7 1903 IN IN IN (married Lloyd D. Botts)
BOWEN, William Boarder 47 1863 OH OH OH  

1920 Elkhart CO IN 5 January 1920 Elkhart Township Goshen

SCALF, Frank Head 31 1889 IN IN IN
   Esther Wife 30 1890 IN IN IN
   Berdina Dau 17 1903 IN IN IN


Daughter of
Frank Scalf & Esther McCloughen
Berdina I<Frank M<Henry B<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Berdina Irene Scalf, daughter of Francis M. Frank Scalf and Esther McCloughen, was born January 9, 1903 in Goshen, Indiana. Berdina married first to Lloyd Donald Botts on September 4, 1920 in Elkhart County, Indiana. He was born September 27, 1901 in Millersburg, Indiana.

There were three Berdina Scalf’s living during this time period and are easily confused. As discussed earlier, Anna Berdina Scalf, daughter of William Lewis Scalf, was born about 1884 and never married. (Virgil Scalf)

Indiana, Marriages, 1811-1959
Groom: Lloyd Donald Botts
Groom’s race: White
Groom’s date of birth: 27 Sep 1901
Groom’s place of birth: Millersburg, Indiana
Groom’s residence: Goshen, Indiana
Groom’s father:
Daniel Botts
Groom’s mother: Zoa Ott

Bride: Berdina Scalf
Bride’s race: White
Bride’s date of birth: 09 Jan 1903
Bride’s place of birth: Goshen, Indiana
Bride’s residence: Goshen, Indiana
Bride’s father: Frank Scalf
Bride’s mother: Esther Mccluen

Date of license: 04 Sep 1920
County of license: Elkhart
Date of marriage: 04 Sep 1920
Place of marriage: Elkhart, Indiana
Digital folder number: 4540489
Number of images: 1

(Indiana Marriages online)

We believe Berdina married twice for a marriage was found for Berdina Irene Botts in Lagrange, Indiana. Berdina married second to Edmund E. Fritz. Edmund was born June 9, 1903 the son of Charles W. and Cora L. Fritz. (Indiana Marriage Index)

1930 Elkhart CO IN 10 April 1930 Goshen

BOTTS, Lloyd D. Head 28 1902 IN OH IN
   Berdina Wife 28 1902 IN IN IN
   Corbett Son   5 1925 IN IN IN
BOWEN, William Boarder 68 1862 OH OH OH
Indiana, Marriages, 1811-1959
Groom: Edmund E Fritz
Groom’s race: W
Groom’s date of birth: 09 Jun 1903
Groom’s place of birth: Waterloo, Dekalb, Indiana
Groom’s residence: Ligonier, Indiana
Groom’s father: Charles W Fritz
Groom’s mother: Cora L Fritz

Bride: Berdina Irene Botts
Bride’s race: W
Bride’s date of birth: 09 Jan 1903
Bride’s place of birth: Goshen, Elkhart, Indiana
Bride’s residence: Topeka, Indiana
Bride’s number of marriage: once
Bride’s father: Frank Scalf
Bride’s mother: Esther Mccloughen

Date of license: 20 Oct 1934
County of license: Lagrange
Date of marriage: 20 Oct 1934
Place of marriage: Lagrange, Indiana
Digital folder number: 4839126
Number of images: 1

(Indiana Marriages online)


Son of
Lloyd Donald Botts & Berdina Irene Botts
Corbett Botts<Berdina I. Scalf<Frank M<Henry B<Benjamin Jr<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Corbett Neal Botts, son of Berdina Irene Scalf and Lloyd Donald Botts, was born February 20, 1925 in Indiana. Corbett married Patricia Joanne Reynolds. She was born August 24, 1931 in Niles, Michigan, the daughter of Raymond Rodney Reynolds and Mabel Mullins. Berdina’s name is stated as Berdina Lorene Scalf on this record; however, she is listed as Irene on other records. We have no further information on this family.

Groom: Corbett Neal Botts
Groom’s race: White
Groom’s date of birth: 20 Feb 1925
Groom’s place of birth: Goshen, Indiana
Groom’s residence: Elkhart, Indiana
Groom’s number of marriage: 1
Groom’s father: Lloyd Donald Botts
Groom’s mother: Berdina Lorene Scalf

Bride: Patricia Joanne Reynolds
Bride’s race: White
Bride’s date of birth: 24 Aug 1931
Bride’s place of birth: Niles, Michigan
Bride’s residence: Elkhart, Indiana
Bride’s father: Raymond Rodney Reynolds
Bride’s mother: Mabel Mullins

Date of license: 12 Jul 1951
Date of marriage: 14 Jul 1951
Digital folder number:4540511
Number of images:1

(Indiana Marriages online)


Son of
Benjamin Scalf & Ceely Ann Keziah
 John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

John R. Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah, was born about 1815 and died 1872 in Putnam County, Missouri. (Cemetery stone of Union Grove Cemetery, courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

We are indebted to Lorna Carol Bates and Wendy Klosterman, for most of our information on this family. Lorna has diligently researched this family for many years and the author was very fortunate to meet Lorna and her husband, John, when they made a trip to Murphy, North Carolina and went out of their way to visit me on their trip. We enjoyed our visit very much, but unfortunately it did not last long enough. Wendy had planned to come with Lorna but had to cancel her plans and I regret not having the opportunity to meet Wendy. Wendy has traveled over the Iowa/Illinois counties and collected a lot of information on the line of Benjamin Scalf to help us connect and document this line. We are indebted to both Wendy and Lorna for their help.

We will begin this segment with several excerpts fromChronicles of the Scalf Familyby Henry P. Scalf in order to explain why the author believes that John should be added to the Benjamin Scalf chapter. It was believed by both Henry and Elmer Scalf, author ofScalf Family Historythat this John Scalf was a son of John Scalf, Jr. and Martha Patsy Counts Scalf. We have no factual information to share with you that would explain why they felt John belonged in the John Scalf, Jr. family other than the fact that Patsy made a statement in Rogersville, Tennessee in 1845 that she and John had 14 children. The fact that a lot of those children do not appear on census records might be the reason they felt this John Scalf to be one of those children; however, this is only speculation and nothing has been stated to this author by Elmer Scalf to suggest this. The fact that John R. Scalf was born 1815 and would not have appeared on census records in his parent’s home might be part of the reason for Henry and Elmer placing him in John Jr.’s family.

When Henry wrote his book on the Scalf family, he and Elsie Payne Archer wrote letters to Scalf family members all over the United States trying to solicit help in placing family members in the correct line; however, many of those letters went unanswered and letters that were answered were not often very helpful for many folks did not know farther back than grandparents. It was a difficult task to put together so many family lines at that time. Henry and Elmer did not have access to family members as we do now but, overall they did a commendable job with what they had to work with.

Henry corresponded with Mrs. Della Ray Marvin on this branch of the family and I have pulled excerpts from his book concerning what Mrs. Marvin had to say about John R. Scalf.

“Our record goes back to 1815, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to the birth of John Scalf. Little is known of his early life in Pennsylvania but we do know that he came to the northwest part of Missouri in 1840. There he married and though the name of his wife is not known we do know that they had two boys whose names were Wess and Frank. Sometime after the birth of the youngest boy his wife died. John, being a man who loved to travel, left the two boys with a Mr. Young in Unionville, Missouri, and began a long interval as a roaming man. He first made his way to California in 1849, along with, thousands of other people who had dreams of making a fortune in the old Rush of ’49. Unlike many of those anxious people, John Scalf was fortunate enough to ‘strike it rich.’ He tired of the life of a miner or else the strike ended. At any rate the next record we have of our ancestor is further wandering. He boarded a ship and sailed around Cape Horn and landed at Philadelphia.
“The urge to see his sons and the old home in Missouri caused him to board a train that would take him home again. He discovered that he would have a four-hour wait at the depot in Philadelphia and while he was waiting his attention was drawn to a little house just across the street from the station. His gaze kept going to the little old man who was sitting on the porch. Something about the old fellow seemed to draw John to him. The impulse to go across and speak to the old man grew stronger and stronger and just when John had decided to go speak to him the train pulled into the station and John left on it. Years later, when John’s brother Louis (Lewis) came to Missouri, he told a story that explained the attraction of the old man to John and caused John much sorrow as the years went by. Louis brought the news that the old man reading the newspaper on the porch of that little house was none other than John’s own father whom he had not seen since he left his home in Pennsylvania in his youth.
Upon his return to Missouri, John met and married Ann Eliza Tate in 1856. His older sons were both soldiers in the Civil War. Frank was killed but Wess returned and reared two children. John and Eliza had five children: James Allen (my grandfather), Sally, Elizabeth, Arminda, and Evalyne.
(Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIV, Miscellaneous Scalf Families, Putnam County, Missouri Scalfs)

Note that Mrs. Marvin believed that John was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; however, the records will show that John was likely born in either North Carolina or Tennessee. She mentions his brother Louis (Lewis) moving to Missouri and the records show that Lewis Scalf married Nancy Koziah (Keziah) in Washington County, Tennessee in 1829. Lewis and Nancy moved to McDonough County, Illinois along with Lewis’ father, Benjamin Scalf, Sr. by 1836. Benjamin patented land there in January of 1836 and his son, Lewis, patented land there later in the same year. Lewis’ wife, Nancy, died in McDonough County, Illinois and he remarried to the widow Ruth Osborne. Lewis and Ruth then moved over to Putnam County, Missouri near John and his second wife, Ann Eliza Tate. (See sections on Benjamin Scalf, Sr. and Lewis Scalf)

Mrs. Roy Scalf, a daughter-in-law of James Allen Scalf, son of John R. Scalf and Eliza Tate corresponded with a friend of the author, Mrs. Jean Grier and Mrs. Grier sent copies of her letters to me:

It just does not jive with what my father-in-law told time and again of his father John leaving home at age 15 because he couldn’t get along with his step-mother. Our John was born 1815 - so his father would have had to be remarried by 1830 or before. Also, John saw his father sitting on a porch in Pa. (See Elmer’s book-pages 156 and 157). Since our John is supposed to have taken land in1850 in what was then Dodge Co., later in 1853 it became Putnam County, MO

She goes on to stateour John homesteaded land 1850, name John R. Scalf. In 1850 - John Jr. and wife Martha was probably in Scott County, VA. (Page 157) (Courtesy of Jean Scalf Grier)

In our research we find that John R. Scalf married first to Malinda Wood January 17, 1837 in Lewis County, MO (Missouri marriages). She was born 1800 - 1815 in MO and died in MO. John and Malinda had two sons, John Wesley and Benjamin Franklin Scalf.

(Marriage Record of John Scalf and Malinda Wood) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

A John Scalf married Mary Ette Hiles November 22, 1849 in Dubuque County, Iowa. However, we have been unable to verify who this John Scalf was.

We know that John R. Scalf was in Putnam County, Missouri by 1852 because he had purchased land there at that time.

(Land Plat of John R. Scalf) (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

Deeds were registered in 1856 and 1857; however, this might have been from the purchase of 1852.

Link to deeds: (6314)(6315)(6316) (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

John then married Ann Elizabeth (Eliza) Tate February 24, 1856 in Unionville, MO. She was the daughter of Andrew Tate and Elizabeth Bruce. (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

According to her death certificate, Ann Eliza was born June 25, 1851 in Putnam County MO and died November 26, 1911 in Putnam County MO.

(Marriage Document of John Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Death Certificate of Ann Eliza Tate Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Living nearby the family of John and Ann Eliza (Tate) Scalf in Putnam County, Missouri is John’s brother, Lewis Scalf and wife, Ruth Osborne Scalf, along with Lewis-son, William Scalf and his wife, Matilda Jane Osborne Scalf.

1860 Putnam CO MO 21 September 1850 Jackson Township

SCALF, Lewis M 53 1807 NC
   Ruth F 45 1815 IN
   James M 18 1842 TN
   John M 17 1844 TN
   George M 15 1846 IL
   Henry M 15 1846 IL
   Lydia F 11 1849 IL
OSBURN, Joseph M 14 1846 IL

1860 Putnam MO 21 September 1860 Jackson Township

SCALF, William M 30 1830 TN
   Matilda F 23 1837 IL
   William M   7 1853 IL
   James M   4 1856 IL
   Daniel M   2 1858 IL

To establish the family relationship of John R. Scalf and Lewis Scalf, we have relied on letters from family members written to Henry P. Scalf, along with other available records. Although a will naming John R. Scalf as Benjamin’s son would certainly establish him as Benjamin’s son, we feel the evidence found lends a significant amount of support to this theory. The author has listed here the letter written to Henry P. Scalf from Mrs. Della Rae Marvin of Washington:

“This branch of the Scalf family is headed by John Scalf, native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Most of the early history of this branch is tradition. Evidence that John was born in Pennsylvania is slight and persons interested in the family history do not accept the statement that he was born in Pennsylvania as incontrovertible. One bit of interesting tradition still extant is that John had a brother Lewis, leading to the inference that both were probable nephews of Lewis Scalf, son of James.
“One researcher of this branch of the Scalf family is Mrs. Della Rae Marvin, 2509 Kulshan St., Bellingham, Washington. (1961) Traditionary stories of the family were passed to her by her great-grandfather, James Allen Scalf (1861-1949) and her grandfather, Charles Vestal Scalf (born 1895), both of Lucerne, Missouri.
“James Allen Scalf, son of John Scalf, was born April 5, 1861, at Lucerne; married Sarah J. Scott, 1885; died Sept. 14, 1949. Charles Vestal Scalf, son of James Allen and Sarah J. Scott Scalf, was born August 2, 1895, at Lucerne; married Mary E. Gleason, August 16, 1916; was still living and residing at Unionville, Missouri, in 1961. One daughter of Charles Vestal and Mary Opal Scalf, born August 25, 1919, at Lucerne; married Floyd E. Rupe, March 9, 1935. They are parents of the family researcher, Mrs. Della Rae Marvin, of Bellingham, Washington.”

Mrs. Della Rae Marvin stated that this John Scalf came from Pennsylvania. However, we have been unable to verify that John R. Scalf, or any of this Scalf family was in Pennsylvania. John was born in Washington County, Tennessee and left the area 1830-1838 and we believe he is the same John Scelf found on the Van Buren County, Iowa which census of 1838 which was the 1838 Wisconsin Territorial Census at that time.

1838 Van Buren County Iowa Census Wisconsin Territory


Male 1
Female 2
Total 3

There were two females in the home at this time but we have no way of knowing how old they were. We believe one of the females was Malinda Wood Scalf, the first wife of John R. Scalf. It is possible that one of the females was a child, but if so, the child must have died because no one in the family knows of a daughter. It could have been a sister, mother, or even a daughter from a prior marriage of Malinda.

The 1838 Wisconsin Territorial Census of the recently established Van Buren County was alphabetized from the original document by Mrs. Gerald Reynolds, Des Moines, Iowa. The original of this manuscript is in the Iowa Department of History and Archives. (Van Buren County, Iowa GenWeb)

The above territorial census was once available online; however, the link to this census is dead and it is no longer available as a free census. Therefore, a reference link cannot be listed.

The information from land records, tax records, censuses and letters of Mrs. Della Rae Marvin and Mrs. Roy Scalf appears to tie Lewis of McDonough County to John Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri.

In the home of John in Van Buren County, Iowa in 1840 is listed two males aged 20-30, one male 5 or under and one female 30-40; four persons total. One male is no doubt, John and the younger male is likely a son of John and his wife, Malinda Wood Scalf. One of the females in the home in 1838 is missing on this census.

1840 Van Buren Co. IA

SCELF, John 

1 male < 5 (1835 - 1840)
2 males 20 - 30 (1810 - 1820
1 female 30 - 40 (1800 - 1810)

In the neighborhood of John Scalf on this census was Jesse Smith, believed to be the father of Sarah Jane Smith Scalf, who later married Isaac Scalf. The author has long believed that the male in the home of John Scalf in Van Buren County, Iowa in 1840 was Isaac Scalf.

John did not appear on the 1847 Van Buren County, Iowa Territorial census and is believed to have left the area at this time; however, Isaac Scalf does appear as head of house on this census. This census only names the head of house and the number of people living in the home. The census lists Isaac as head of house with a total of three people in the home. Isaac had married Sarah Jane Smith in 1845 and they might have had a child at this time. Jesse Smith, Sarah Jane’s father, is still living in the area with 8 people in the home.


SCOLF, Isaac 3 (Van Burn County, Iowa GenWeb)

In 1850, John was not found on any census record and this might have been when he was traveling according to Mrs. Marvin, or he might have simply been missed by the enumerator on the 1850 census.

The only John Scalf of any spelling found in the area in 1850 is a John Scarf in Henry County, Iowa. We have been unable to identify this John Scarf/Scalf at this time, but he was born around 1809 in Maryland and does not appear to be from any line of these families.

1850 Henry Co. Iowa 5 September 1850 Division 2 - Trenton Township

SCARF, John M 41 1809 MD
   Laura F 35 1815 MD
   William M 13 1837 OH
   John M 12 1838 OH
   James M 11 1839 OH
   Samuel M   9 1841 OH
   Mary F   6 1844 IA
   Rebecca F   4 1846 IA
   Edmund M 6/12 1850 IA

James, Rebecca and Emily Scott (born in Illinois) were living in the neighborhood on this census. They may or may not have been related to James Allen Scalf’s wife, Sarah Jane Scott. The John Scarf listed above may not have been part of the Scalf family; however, the author has listed this information in the event that someone might recognize this family.

As stated above, John left the area after his wife Malinda Wood Scalf had died, and John left their children with the William Young family in Wapello County, Iowa. Although we do not know at this time if this family was related to the Scalf family, Jane Young, wife of William Young, was born in Tennessee.

Note that Wesley Scalf was born in Iowa as well as his brother, Benjamin. Benjamin was born in 1845 and Wesley in 1842 by estimation on this census. However, there was a male in John’s home in 1840 that might have been Wesley and if so, he was born before 1842.  

1850 Putnam CO MO 27 August 1850 District 13

YOUNG, William M 62 1788 London, England
   Jane F 51 1799 TN
   William M. M 27 1823 TN
   John D. M 25 1825 TN
   Mary L. F 19 1831 TN
   Elizabeth F 19 1831 TN
   Giles M 17 1833 TN
SCALF, Wesley M   8 1842 IA
SCALF, Benjamin F. M   5 1845 IA

The next record of John was the land purchase of 1852. John disappears from records after 1840 and legend has it that he went to California to try his luck in the gold rush. This may be true.

He then married Ann Eliza Tate February 24, 1856 in Unionville, MO and appears on the 1860 census of Putnam County. Eliza’s mother, Elizabeth Bruce Tate was living in the home in 1860. Her maiden name was sent to the author by Lorna Carol Bates, a descendant of this family.

John Wesley and Benjamin Franklin Scalf, sons of John and Malinda Wood Scalf, were at home with John and Eliza on the 1850 census; however, by 1861 John Wesley had enlisted in Company M, 7thRegiment of the Missouri Calvary. Brother Benjamin followed January 22, 1862 and enlisted in Company C, 1stRegiment of the Missouri State Militia. John survived the war but Benjamin lived only three months after his enlistment and died April 11, 1862 at Laclede, Missouri of Brain Fever. (Military file of Benjamin F. Scalf courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

1860 Putnam CO MO 21 September 1860 Jackson Township

SCALF, John M 45 1815 NC
   Eliza F 28 1822 MO
   John W. M 16 1844 IA
   Benj. M 14 1846 IA
   Arminda F   3 1857 MO
   Elizabeth F   1 1859 MO
TATE, Elizabeth F 53 1807 KY

1870 Putnam CO MO 22 June 1870 Jackson Township

SCALF, John M 55 1815 KY
   Eliza A. F 39 1831 MO
   Amanda F 13 1857 MO
   Betsy J. F 11 1859 MO
   James A. M   9 1861 MO
   Malinda F   6 1864 MO
   Sarah F   2 1868 MO

Estate of John Scalf: (Page 1)(Page 2)(Page 3)(Page 4)(Page 5)(Page 6) (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

John R. Scalf died 1870 according to a land deed issued from Ann Eliza Tate Scalf to her son, James Allen Scalf in 1903. John’s headstone states he died 1872. John was head of house in Putnam County in 1870; therefore, if he died in 1870 he likely died after June 22.

Link to deed from Ann Eliza to James Allen Scalf: (Page 1)(Page 2)(Page 3) (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

Ann Eliza was listed as head of house in 1880. Leonard A. Scalf, a grandson of Ann Eliza, son of Arminda, was living in the home.

1880 Putnam CO MO 4 June 1880 Jackson Township

SCALF, Anna E. Head 49 1831 MO KY KY Widow
   Amanda Dau 23 1857 MO TN MO (should be Arminda)
   Betsy J. Dau 21 1859 MO TN MO  
   James A. Son 19 1861 MO TN MO  
   Malinda E. Dau 16 1864 MO TN MO  
   Sarah S. Dau 12 1868 MO TN MO  
   Leonard A. G-son   1 1879 MO MO MO

By 1900 Ann Eliza had turned the home place over to her son, James Allen Scalf, and was living in the home with his family. She was not found after this census although she did not die until November 26, 1911. (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

Census records of her son, James, in 1910 does not show Ann Eliza in the home of his family and she might have been living with another child. In 1900 Ann Eliza stated she had five children with five living.

1900 Putnam CO MO 1 June 1900 Jackson Township

SCALF, James A. Head 39 Apr 1861 MO TN MO  
(SCOTT), Sarah J. Wife 36 Jan 1864 MO WV MO 6 children living
   Dollie L. Dau 11 Apr 1889 MO MO MO  
   Roy E. Son   9 Mar 1891 MO MO MO  
   Anna E. Dau   7 May 1893 MO MO MO  
   Charles V. Son   4 Aug 1895 MO MO MO  
   Lelie E. Dau   2 Aug 1897 MO MO MO  
   Pell M. Dau 10/12 Aug 1899 MO MO MO  
SCALF, Anna E. Mother 68 Jun 1831 MO TN KY 5 children born, 5 living


Son of
John R. Scalf & Melinda Wood
John W<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

John Wesley Scalf was born about1842 in Putnam Co. MO and died May 25, 1899 at St. Mary’s Hospital, Puget Sound, Washington. John lived at Walla Walla, Washington when he died at the age of 58. The cause of death was alcoholism. (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

(Death Record of John Wesley) - Line No. 842 (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

John married Maranda Jane Dickson/Dixon March 7, 1865 in Putnam County, MO. They were married at the home of John Cave. (Book 1, p 316, Putnam Co. MO marriages, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Marriage Record of John Wesley Scalf and Marnada Jane Dixon/Dickson) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Children of John Scalf and Maranda Dickson:

  1. Willie Scalf. Willie died young and is buried in Putnam County, MO.
     We assume he is buried in the same cemetery as John and Eliza Ann Tate Scalf; however, we cannot verify this.
  2. Phoebe Caroline Carrie Scalf
  3. Leonard Wesley Scalf

1850 Putnam CO MO 27 August 1850 District 13

YOUNG, William M 62 1788 London, England
   Jane F 51 1799 TN
   William M. M 27 1823 TN
   John D. M 25 1825 TN
   Mary L. F 19 1831 TN
   Elizabeth F 19 1831 TN
   Giles M 17 1833 TN
SCALF, Wesley M   8 1842 IA
SCALF, Benjamin F. M   5 1845 IA

John first appears again as head of house in 1860 Putnam County, Missouri with his second wife, Ann Eliza Tate and their children, along with his two sons by Malinda Wood Scalf, John Wesley and Benjamin F. Scalf.

(Marriage Document of John Scalf and Eliza Tate)

1860 Putnam CO MO 21 September 1860 Jackson Township

SCALF, John M 45 1815 NC
   Eliza F 28 1822 MO
   John W. M 16 1844 IA
   Benj. M 14 1846 IA
   Arminda F   3 1857 MO
   Elizabeth F   1 1859 MO
TATE, Elizabeth F 53 1807 KY

On July 11, 1861, John W. Scalf enrolled in Company M, 7th Regiment, Missouri Cavalry. He was honorably discharged at St. Louis, Missouri on November 22, 1864. On December, 19, 1890, John applied for his pension. See pension documents:(Document 1)(Document 2)(Document 3)(Document 4)(Document 5) (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

1870 Putnam CO MO 23 July 1870 Jackson Township 

SCALF, John W. M 25 1845 IA
(DICKSON) Maranda F 21 1849 MO
   Leonard M   3 1867 MO
   William H. M   2 1868 MO

We believe that William H. was the son Maranda called Willie in her letter to James Allen Scalf. Willie was born 1868 and died 1874.

In 1880, John was found living with Ann Eliza’s relatives in Centreville, Oregon.

1880 Umatilla CO OR 28 June 1880 Centreville

TATE, Morgan Head 33 1847 IL IL IL
   Sarah Wife 26 1854 IL IL IL
   Wesley Son   3 1877 WA IL IL
   William Son 1/12 1880 OR IL IL
SCARF, John Boarder 35 1845 MO MO MO

John’s wife, Maranda, filed for divorce in 1877. (Divorce File) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

By 1880, Maranda Dickson Scalf had divorced John and moved to California. She had remarried to Andrew Miller. A daughter, Eva L. Miller, was born about 1881. Either Andrew or Maranda divorced, or Andrew died for she then married a Ledford around 1902.

In 1908 Maranda wrote a letter to James Allen Scalf, the half-brother of John Wesley, inquiring about some land that had been sold by her husband without her knowledge. (Letter, part 1)(Letter, part 2) (This letter was transcribed by Lorna Bates)

1880 Yolo CO CA June 1880 Cacheville

MILLER, Andrew Head 33 1847 IA KY KY
   Maranda Wife 31 1849 MO SC KY
SCALF, Leonard S-son 13 1867 MO IA MO
SCALF, Phobe S-dau   6 1874 MO IA MO

In 1910, Maranda was living with her brother-in-law, George Hiatt/Hyatt. We don’t know if Andrew Miller had died or if they had divorced.

1910 Yolo CO CA 16 April 1910 Woodland Township

HIATT, George W. Head 82 1838 KY KY TN Widower  
LEDFORD, Marenda J. Sister in law 60 1850 MO Unk KY Married 8 years 4 children born, 3 living

In 1920 Maranda was living with her daughter Eva and son-in-law James Roseberry. She is listed as a widow on this census. We assume her last husband had died at this time.

1920 Solano CO CA 3 & 5 January 1920 Silveyville Township

ROSEBERRY, James H. Head 41 1879 CA PA CA  
   Eva L. Wife 39 1881 CA IA MO  
   Elizabeth J. Dau 14 1906 CA CA CA  
LEDFORD, Marenda J. Mother in law 70 1850 MO US PA Widow


Son of
John Wesley Scalf & Maranda Jane Dixon
Leonard W.< John W.<John R.<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Leonard Wesley Scalf, son of John Wesley Scalf and Maranda (also known as Amanda) Jane Dixon/Dickson was born November 28, 1878 in Putnam County, Missouri. (U.S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914 - courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

He enlisted in the Army on November 24, 1891 in Woodland, CA. He was 25 years old. Leonard stayed in the Army for about 18 months and was discharged on May 31, 1893. (Register of Enlistments)

Leonard Wesley Scalf appeared on the Yolo County, California Voters Registrations in 1902 thru 1920.

1920 Yolo CO CA 16 February 1920 Woodlawn Township

BRAY, Sarah Head 54 1866 CA KY TN
SCALF, Leonard Employee 53 1867 MO MO MO

Leonard was a foreman at the Sarah Bray ranch in Woodland California where he died while doing his chores. (Newspaper article 1)

Note: Leonard W. Scalf died August 7, 1922. (Newspaper article 2)

In the August 9, 1922 issue of the Woodland, CA newspaper, Woodland Daily Democrat, the following notice was posted: Last rites for Leonard W. Scalf, ranch foreman, were held from the Kitto and Wilson Chapel at 2:00 this afternoon. Rev. C.C. Black of the South Methodist Church officiated. Scalf was foreman for the Bray farm for many years. Later, an article from family members thanking everyone for their concern was placed in the newspaper. (Newspaper article 3) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)


Daughter of
John Wesley Scalf & Maranda Jane Dixon
Phoebe C< John W<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Phoebe Caroline Scalf, daughter of John Wesley and Maranda Dixon/Dickson Scalf, was born about 1874 in Missouri. (Census estimation)

She married Cyrus Warren. In the early 1900’s, Cyrus and Caroline were living in Sacramento CO, CA and later moved to San Francisco, CA. Cyrus was a bartender, drove a brewery truck, and operated a saloon.

1910 San Francisco CO CA 8 April 1910 San Francisco

WARREN, Cryus Head 38 1872 CA ME IRE Married 14 years  
    Carrie Wife 36 1874 MO MO MO Married 14 years No children born

1920 San Francisco CO CA 9 January 1920 San Francisco

WARREN, P. Cyrus Head 49 1871 CA ME IRE
   P. Carrie Wife 45 1875 MO MO MO
NOGEAL, Gus Roomer 48 1872 RUS RUS GERM
WILLIAMS, David Roomer 40 1880 PA US US


Daughter of
Andrew Miller & Maranda Jane Dixon
Eva L< John W<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Eva L. Miller, daughter of Maranda Dixon/Dickson Scalf-Miller was born September 1880 in California. (1900 Yolo County, CA census) She married James H. Roseberry. We have no further information on this family.

1900 Yolo CO CA 4 & 6 June 1910 Woodland Township

ROSEBERRY, James H. Head 22 Feb 1878 CA PA CA  
   Eva L. Wife 19 Sep 1880 CA MO MO Recently married with no children
   Lizzie L. Sister 21 Apr 1879 CA PA CA  
   Etta M. Sister 19 Sep 1880 CA PA CA  

1910 Placer CO CA 18 April 1910 Roseville

ROSEBERRY, James H. Head 32 1878 CA PA CA  
   Eva J. Wife 27 1883 CA MO CA 2 children born, 1 living
   Elizabeth Dau   5 1905 CA CA CA  

1920 Solano CO CA 3 & 5 January 1920 Silveyville Township

ROSEBERRY, James H. Head 41 1879 CA PA CA  
   Eva L. Wife 39 1881 CA IA MO  
   Elizabeth J. Dau 14 1906 CA CA CA  
LEDFORD, Marenda J. Mother in law 70 1850 MO US PA Widow

1930 Yolo CO CA 8 April 1930 Winters Township

ROSEBERRY, James Head 52 1878 CA PA CA
   Eva Wife 49 1881 CA US MO

James Heaton Roseberry (WWII Registration Card)


Daughter of
James H. Roseberry & Eva J. Miller
Elizabeth Roseberry<Eva L. Miller<Maranda Dixon Scalf Miller

Elizabeth Jane Rosenberry, daughter of James Rosenberry and Eva J. Miller, was born February 9, 1905 in California and died November 6, 1992 in Nevada. Elizabeth married Wallace Kenbrook and was found on the 1930 Alameda County, CA census. No further information.

1930 Alameda CO CA 5 April 1930 Oakland

KENBROOK, Wallace Head 28 1902 CA TN CA
   Elizabeth Wife 25 1905 CA CA CA
Name: Elizabeth Jane Zane [Elizabeth Jane Roseberry]
Social Security #: 566302406
Sex: Female
Birth Date: 9 Feb 1905
Birthplace: California
Death Date: 6 Nov 1992
Death Place: Nevada
Mother’s Maiden Name: Miller
Father’s Surname: Roseberry


Son of
John R. Scalf & Melinda Wood
 Benjamin F<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Benjamin Franklin Scalf, son of John R. Scalf and Malinda Wood, was born about 1845 (Census) and died April 11, 1862 of brain fever at Laclede County, Missouri.

Name: Benjamin F. Scalf
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Missouri
Regiment Name: 1 Missouri S.M. Cav.
Regiment Name Expanded: 1st Regiment, Missouri State Militia Cavalry

Benjamin F. Scalf enlisted in Missouri State Militia, 1st Regiment Cavalry M.S.M., Company C, and was on the Muster Roll from February 17, 1862 until April 30, 1862. However, he died in the hospital at Laclede, Missouri on April 11, 1862 from brain fever which was a term used for meningitis in the Civil War. Benjamin did not receive any pay due to the short time he was in the militia, but his clothing allotment consisted of a jacket, cap, pants, underwear, a pair of socks, overcoat, blanket, and a pair of boots.

Links to military file of Benjamin Franklin Scalf:  (PAGE 1)(PAGE 2)(PAGE 3)(PAGE 4)(PAGE 5) (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

1850 Putnam CO MO 27 August 1850 District 13

YOUNG, William M 62 1788 London, England
   Jane F 51 1799 TN
   William M. M 27 1823 TN
   John D. M 25 1825 TN
   Mary L. F 19 1831 TN
   Elizabeth F 19 1831 TN
   Giles M 17 1833 TN
SCALF, Wesley M 8 1842 IA
SCALF, Benjamin F. M 5 1845 IA

Note:Benjamin is living with parents in 1860.

1860 Putnam CO MO 21 September 1860 Jackson Township

SCALF, John M 45 1815 NC
   Eliza F 28 1822 MO
   John W. M 16 1844 IA
   Benj. M 14 1846 IA
   Arminda F   3 1857 MO
   Elizabeth F   1 1859 MO
TATE, Elizabeth F 53 1807 KY


Daughter of
John R. Scalf & Ann Eliza Tate
 Arminda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Arminda Scalf, daughter of John R. Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate, was born about 1857 in Unionville, MO.(Census). She married Isaac Harper December 10, 1880. (Marriage date, courtesy of Ed Scalf) This marriage is recorded in the Putnam County, Missouri marriages and verified by Wendy Klosterman in her research. (Book 3, page 145)

Isaac and Arminda were found on the 1900 census but Isaac died before the 1910 census. We believe Isaac and Arminda spit up before 1908. Ed states that Arminda married John Norman in 1908 in Powersville, Missouri and they were found on the 1910 census of Putnam County, MO.

1900 Putnam Co MO 13 June 1900 Union Township

HARPER, Isaac Head 74 Mar 1826 SPN SPN SPN  
   Scalf Wife 43 Jan 1857 MO IL IL 9 children born, 9 living
   Harriett C. Dau 17 Aug 1882 MO SPN MO  
   Sarah E. Dau 15 Nov 1884 MO SPN MO  
   Catherine J. Dau 12 Nov 1887 MO SPN MO  
   Annie E. Dau 10 Mar 1890 MO SPN MO  
   Leroy W. Son   7 Nov 1892 MO SPN MO  
   Charles J. Son   6 May 1894 MO SPN MO  
   Walter V. Son   4 May 1896 MO SPN MO  
   Minnie M. Dau 2/12 Mar 1900 MO SPN MO  

Note: Isaac Harper died June 30, 1912. (Death Certificate)

From the Missouri birth and death records online, we have a birth record for Annie E., daughter of Isaac and Arminda:
County: Putnam
Roll No.: C 5578
Page: 53
Number: 2329
Date of Return: Mch 20 1890 (Note: March)
Sex: Female
No. of child of this mother: third
Race: White
Date of Birth: March 9 1890
Place of Birth: Jackson Township
Nationality of Father: American
Place of Father’s Birth: VA
Age of Father: 40
Nationality of Mother: American
Place of Mother’s Birth: Putnam Co.
Age of Mother: 34
Full Name of Mother: Armianda Harfrer (Note: Should be Arminda Harper)
Maiden Name of Mother: Scalf
Residence of Mother: Jackson Township
Full Name of Father: Isaac Harfu? (Note: Should be Harper)
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Name and Address of Medical Attendant: W L Downing, Unionville MO
Name and Address of Person Making Certificate: W L Downing, Unionville MO
Returned by: W L Downing, Unionville MO

Ed Scalf, a descendant of this line states that Arminda married John A. Norma in 1910. We have no marriage license for this couple at this time. They were found on the 1910 Putnam County, Missouri census only. John Kellogg was in the home of John and Arminda and listed as a step son-in-law with two children. We do not know which one of the daughters might have been married to John Kellogg at this time but it appears the daughter was deceased.

1910 Putnam Co MO 26-28 April 1910 Lincoln Township

NORMAN, John A. Head 53 1857 MO KY IN  
   Arminda Wife 52 1858 MO US US 11 children born, 9 living
   Elen G-son   9 1901 MO MO MO  
HARPER, Charley Step-son 15 1895 MO MO MO  
   Virgil Step-son 13 1897 MO MO MO  
   Maud Step-dau 10 1900 MO MO MO  
KELLOGG, John Step son in law 29 1881 MO IL IL  
   Roxie Step g-dau   7 1903 MO MO MO  
   Florence Step g-dau   3 1907 MO MO MO  

The name ELEN might have been ALEN on this census since the relation is listed as grandson. We only have information for Leonard Arthur, son of Arminda and Isaac at this time; therefore, the other children are not listed in sections.

The 1915 Iowa State Census listed Arminda Norman as a widow and living in Appanoose County. (Census Record)


Son of
Arminda Scalf
Leonard<Arminda<John<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Leonard Alford Scalf, son of Arminda Scalf, was born November 23, 1878 in Putnam County, Missouri and died September 20, 1951 in Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri at the age of 72 years, 9 months, and 27 days old. He was a carpenter by occupation. The cause of death was degenerative myocarditis with an underlying condition of embolism and gangrene of the right foot. His mother is listed as Arminda Scalf and his father as John Scalf. His wife, Ella, gave the information.

We believe that John was listed as his father because he lived with his grandfather, John Scalf. Leonard was born before Arminda’s marriage.

(Death Certificate) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Leonard married Ella Columbus Swiger February 25, 1900 in MO. Ella was the daughter of Jasper Swiger and Mariah Chaplin. She was born October 18, 1872 in West VA, and died December 19, 1953 in MO. Leonard and Ella are buried in the Unionville Cemetery in Putnam County, Missouri. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)

Children of Leonard Scalf and Ella Swiger:

  1. Harry Wortz Scalf - born August 07, 1902, Sullivan County, Missouri and died July 2, 1970, Aurora, CO.
  2. Zelpha Edith Estella Scalf - born October 11, 1904, Lucerne, (Putnam Co) MO; died after 1980;
     married Chester Frank Jones, February 12, 1922; Chester was born July 15, 1899; died April 15, 1970, Rockford, IL.
     Burial: Both are buried in the Unionville Cemetery, MO.
  3. Dale Bill Scalf - born August 10, 1907, Putnam County, MO; died August 5,1953 at Denver, CO.
     married Myrtle Lawson, December 24, 1932 (Book 8, p 214, Putnam Co. MO Marriages, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)
     Burial: Crown Hill Cemetery, Denver, CO. (Obituary of Myrtle Lawson Scalf, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)
  4. Harold Obert Scalf - born October 09, 1910, Putnam County, MO; died June 28, 1976, Putnam County, MO;
     married Crystal Fickle; Burial: Crown Hill Cemetery, Denver, CO.

1900 Putnam CO MO 1 June 1900 Jackson Township

SCALF, Leonard A. Head 23 Nov 1876 MO TN MO  
   Ela Wife 26 Oct 1873 WV WV PA No children

1910 Putnam CO MO 5 & 7 May 1910 Medicine Township

SCALF, Lenord A. Head 31 1879 MO OH MO  
   Ella Wife 32 1878 VA VA VA 3 children born, 3 living
   Harry Son   7 1903 MO MO VA  
   Edith Dau   4 1906 MO MO VA  
   Jewel Son   2 1908 MO MO VA  
WWI Registration Card
Name: Leonard Alfred Scalf
Age: 39
Home: Putnam CO, MO (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: November 28, 1878
Employed: Carpenter
Nearest relative: Ella C. Scalf
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color eyes: Brown
Color hair: Light Brown
Date: September 12, 1918

1920 Putnam CO MO January 1920 Jackson Township 

SCALF, Leonard Head 40 1880 MO Unk MO
   Ella C. Wife 47 1873 WV WV PA
   Harry W. Son 17 1903 MO MO WV
   Zelta E. Dau 15 1905 MO MO WV
   Jewell D. Son 12 1908 MO MO WV
   Harold O. Son   9 1911 MO MO WV

1930 Putnam CO MO 9 & 10 April 1930 Jackson Township

SCALF, Leonard A. Head 52 1878 MO USA MO
   Ella C. Wife 54 1876 WV WV PA
   Jewell D. Son 22 1908 MO MO WV
   Harold O. Son 19 1911 MO MO WV

1940 Putnam CO MO 16 April 1940 Jackson Township

SCALF, Leonard Head 61 1879 MO
   Ella Wife 67 1873 WV

A few days after the first census report on April 16 Ella is listed with the Walsh family as a housekeeper, and she is divorced.

1940 Washington CO OH 27 April 1940 Belpre

WALSH, Peter J. Head 52 1888 OH
   Hannah Sister 65 1875 OH
   Ella Housekeeper 52 1888 WV Divorced

Link to history of the Swiger family:  (PAGE 1)(PAGE 2) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)


Son of
Leonard Scalf & Ella Swiger
Harry<Leonard<Arminda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Harry Wortz Scalf was born August 07, 1902 in Sullivan County, Missouri, and died July 2, 1970 in Aurora, CO. He married first to Edith Golda Watson on June 17, 1923 in Putnam County, Missouri. Edith was the daughter of Willie Watson and Rosie (Nelson?). She was born December 10, 1898 in Livingston, Iowa, and died December 13, 1947 in Denver, CO. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)

(Obit of Edith Watson Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Harry married second to Pearl Knox on February 11, 1950, she passed away in 1964. Preceeding him in death is brother Jewell Dale Bill Scalf.

Both Harry and Pearl are buried in the Crown Hill Cemetery, Denver, Colorado. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)

(Obit of Harry Wortz Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Children of Harry Wortz Scalf and Edith Watson:

  1. Ralph Leon Scalf - born March 31, 1928, Lucerne, (Putnam Co) MO. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)
  2. Marjorie Eileen Scalf - born November 28, 1924, Putnam County, MO. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)
     Marjorie died November 28, 1924, Putnam County, MO. (Union Grove Cemetery, courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)
  3. Carol Max Scalf - born March 16, 1926, Lucerne, (Putnam Co) MO. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)
     Max died September 05, 1999, Friendswood, TX;
     married Marylin McGuire, August 05, 1955; Marylin was born May 31, 1930. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)
  4. Harry Wayne Scalf - born February 20, 1930; married Beverly Daniels on September 13, 1930;
     died June 14, 1993 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)
  5. Phyllis Jean Scalf - born October 4, 1932; died October 11, 1932;
     buried in Union Grove Cemetery, MO. (Union Grove Cemetery, courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

(Obit of Phyllis Jean Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

1930 Putnam CO MO 9 & 10 April 1930 Jackson Township

SCALF, Harry W. Head 27 1903 MO MO WV
   Edith G. Wife 31 1899 IA IA IA
   Carol M. Dau 4 1/12 1926 MO MO IA
   Ralph L. Son   2 1928 MO MO IA
   Harry W. Son   1 1929 MO MO IA

1940 Putnam CO MO 16 April 1940 Jackson Township

SCALF, Harry Head 37 1903 MO
   Edith Wife 42 1898 IA
   Carrol Son 14 1926 MO
   Ralph Son 12 1928 MO
   Wayne Son 10 1930 MO


Son of
Harry Scalf & Edith Watson
Ralph<Harry<Leonard<Arminda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Ralph Leon Scalf was born March 31, 1928 in Lucerne, Putnam County, MO. He married Doris Jean Warden on April 7, 1950 in New Mexico. Doris is the daughter of Harley Warden and Bessie Hulvey. She was born April 29, 1931 in Picher, OK and died June 27, 1995 in Aurora, Colorado. Doris is buried at Fort Logan National Cemetery, CO. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)

Children of Ralph Scalf and Doris Warden:

  1. Barbara Jean Scalf - born August 03, 1947, Denver, CO; married Robert Rector Wallace on July 20, 1967.
  2. Doris June Scalf - born August 20, 1951; married Roger Joseph Charette on November 23, 1974.
  3. Edward Leon Scalf - born May 16, 1953, Denver, CO; married Nancy Lynn Hoppis on August 04, 1974. (Courtesy of Ed Scalf)


Son of
Ralph Scalf & Doris Warden
Edward<Ralph<Harry<Leonard<Arminda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Edward Leon Scalf, son of Ralph Leon Scalf and Doris Warden, was born May 16, 1953, in Denver, Colorodo. Edward married Nancy Lynn Hoppis August 4, 1974.(Courtesy of Ed Scalf)

Children of Edward Scalf and Nancy Lynn Hoppis:

  1. Lisa Kay Scalf - born October 13, 1979
  2. Patricia Lynn Scalf - born August 4, 1982
  3. Laurie Lynn Scalf - born August 4, 1982.


Son of
Leonard Scalf & Ella Swiger
Jewel<Leonard<Arminda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Jewel Scalf , son of Leonard Scalf & Ella Swiger, was born August 10, 1907 and died August 5, 1953. Jewel married Myrtle Lawson about 1935.

1940 Muscatine CO IA 4 April 1940 Muscatine

SCALF, Jewell D. Head 33 1907 MO
   Myrtle Wife 28 1912 OK
   Beverly Dau   4 1936 IA
   Melvin Son   1 1939 IA


Son of
Leonard Scalf & Ella Swiger
Howard<Leonard<Arminda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Howard Scalf, son of Leonard Scalf & Ella Swiger, waas born October 9, 1910 and died June 28, 1976. Howard married Crystal Marie Beal.

1940 Muscatine CO IA 4 April 1940 Muscatine

SCALF, Howard Head 30 1910 MO
   Crystal Wife 31 1909 MO
FICKLE, Lloyd Son 12 1928 MO
   Doris Jean Dau 11 1929 IA


Son of
Isaac Harper & Arminda Scalf
Leroy<Arminda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Leroy Harper, son of Isaac Harper and Arminda Scalf, was born November 1892 according to the 1900 census in the home of his parents. We have very little information on Leroy. His wife is listed as Levah on census records. This spelling may appear as Levah due to the handwriting of the enumerator. Her name might have been something different. Leroy and Levah divorced sometime between 1920 and 1930 and Levah is living with her father, Tom Hatchett.

1920 Putnam CO MO 14 & 15 January 1920 Medicine Township

HARPER, Leroy Head 27 1893 MO ?? MO
   Levah Wife 23 1897 MO IL MO
   Forest L. Son 1/12 1920 MO MO MO

1930 Livingston CO MO 25 April 1930 Ludlow

HATCHETT, Tom Head 70 1860 IL USA USA Widower
   Levah S. Dau 33 1897 MO IL MO Divorced
   Forest E. G-son 10 1920 MO USA MO  


Daughter of
John R. Scalf & Ann Eliza Tate
Elizabeth J<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Elizabeth Jane Betsy Scalf, daughter of John R. Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate, was born about 1859 according to the 1870 census of Putnam County, Missouri in the home of her parents. Very little is known about Betsy; however, a marriage record was found for Elizabeth Jane Scalf to John Grindstaff dated August 31, 1881. (Book 1, pg. 5, Putnam Co. MO marriages, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Marriage License of Elizabeth Scalf and John Grindstaff) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

They were married at the home of the widow Scalf. We believe this was the daughter of John and Ann Eliza Tate Scalf.

We have a birth record for at least one child of John and Betsy. This record was found on the Missouri Marriages online and does not list the child’s name. (Birth Record)

According to the 1900 census, Elizabeth had eight children with seven living but only Mary E. Grindstaff remained at home.

1900 Sullivan CO MO 18 June 1900 Jackson

GRINDSTAFF, John Head 53 Feb 1847 MO KY KY Married 19 years  
   Elizabeth Wife 42 Oct 1857 MO Unk Unk Married 19 years 8 children born, 7 living
   Mary E. Dau 17 Jul 1882 MO MO MO    


Son of
John R. Scalf & Ann Eliza Tate
James A<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

James Allen Scalf, son of John R. Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate, was born April 5, 1861 in Putnam County, Missouri and died September 14, 1949 in Putnam County (Jackson Township) Missouri at the age of 88 years, 5 months and 9 days old. He was the son of John Scalf and Anna Tate. The cause of death was chronic nephritis and prostatitis. Charles Ingersoll submitted the information for the death certificate.

(Death Certificate of James Allen Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

James married Sarah Jane Scott April 3, 1884 in MO. Sarah was the daughter of Alexander Scott and Susan Elizabeth Bruce. (Obituary of Susan Elizabeth Bruce, courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

Sarah Jane Scott was born January 24, 1864 in Putnam County, Missouri and died November 6, 1953 in Putnam County, Missouri from cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 89 years, 9 months, and 24 days old. Her son, Charles, gave the information for the death certificate.

(Marriage License of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Death Certificate of Sarah Jane Scott Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

James and Sarah Jane Scott Scalf are buried at West Liberty Cemetery in Missouri. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Children of James Scalf and Sarah Scott:

  1. Infant son of Jim Scalf, born (?) died December 24, 1885.
     Buried at West Liberty Cemetery in Putnam County, Missouri. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)
  2. Dollie Lavern Scalf - born April 09, 1889, MO; died November 07, 1947, MO. She married Charles Milton Ingersoll.
  3. Roy E. Scalf - born March 31, 1891, MO; died December 30, 1974, MO; married Catherine L. Butler on March 05, 1930.
  4. Anna L. Scalf - born May 06, 1893, MO; died November 1911. Anna married Walter W. Christian, May 14, 1914 at Putnam County, MO. (Book 6, pg. 67, Putnam Co. MO marriages, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)
  5. Charles Vestal Scalf - born August 02, 1895, Lucerne, MO; died September 10, 1975, MO. Charles married Mary E. Gleason.
  6. Lelah E. Scalf - born August 12, 1897, MO; died February 26, 1967; married February 27, 1917, Oscar Ingersoll.
  7. Opal M. Scalf - born August 25, 1899, MO; died June 1945. Opal married ____Hackney.
  8. Bertha Oral Scalf - born June 11, 1902, Missouri and died July 6, 1993 at Unionville, Missouri (Courtesy of Tina Marie Gillispie)
  9. Finis T. Scalf - born December 09, 1907, MO.

1900 Putnam CO MO 1 June 1900 Jackson Township

SCALF, James A. Head 39 Apr 1861 MO TN MO  
(SCOTT), Sarah J. Wife 36 Jan 1864 MO WV MO 6 children living
   Dollie L. Dau 11 Apr 1889 MO MO MO  
   Roy E. Son   9 Mar 1891 MO MO MO  
   Anna E. Dau   7 May 1893 MO MO MO  
   Charles V. Son   4 Aug 1895 MO MO MO  
   Lelie E. Dau   2 Aug 1897 MO MO MO  
   Pell M. Dau 10/12 Aug 1899 MO MO MO  
SCALF, Anna E. Mother 68 Jun 1831 MO TN KY 5 children born, 5 living

In 1903, Ann Eliza sold the property she and John had owned to her son, James Allen Scalf.

Link to deed from Ann Eliza to James Allen Scalf:  (Page 1)(Page 2)(Page 3) (Courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)

1910 Putnam CO MO 28 April 1910 Jackson Township

SCALF, James Head 49 1861 MO MO MO  
   Sarah J. Wife 46 1864 MO VA MO 11 children born, 8 living
   Roy Son 18 1892 MO MO MO  
   Annie Dau 16 1894 MO MO MO  
   d> 14 1896 MO MO MO  
   Lella Dau 12 1898 MO MO MO  
   Opple Dau 10 1900 MO MO MO  
   Berth Dau   7 1903 MO MO MO  
   Fines Son   3 1907 MO MO MO  

1920 Putnam CO MO 27 & 28 January 1920 Jackson Township

SCALF, James Head 58 1862 MO TN MO
   Sarah Wife 55 1865 MO WV MO
   Roy Son 28 1892 MO MO MO
   Bertha Dau 17 1903 MO MO MO
   Finis Son 13 1907 MO MO MO
CHRISTION, Oliver G-son   5 1915 MO MO MO

1930 Putnam CO MO 7 -9 April 1930 Jackson Township

SCALF, James A. Head 69 1861 MO TN MO
   Sarah J. Wife 66 1864 MO WV MO

1940 Putnam CO MO 16 April 1940 Jackson Township

SCALF, James A. Head 78 1862 MO
   Sarah Wife 76 1864 MO

1950 Putnam CO MO 19 April 1950 Jackson

FISH, Melvin E. Head 68 1882 MO Farmer
   Octa Wife 54 1896 MO  
SCALF, Sarah J. Mother (in law) 86 1864 MO  

Wendy Klosterman reports that James and Sarah raised two grandchildren; Orvil and Viola Christian.

(Obituary of Sarah Jane Scott)

Sarah Jane Scott Scalf, daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Scott, was born January 24, 1864 in Putnam County, Missouri. She was living with her children, Charley and Isabel, when she was called home to be with the Lord on November 6, 1953 at the age of 89 years, 10 months and 13 days.

When Sarah was just a few weeks old her parents moved to Wayne County, Iowa where they live until she was nineteen years old. At that time they moved to a farm in Putnam County where Sarah met and married James A. Scalf. They lived on a farm near Lucerne until Mr. Scalf was called home in September 1949. Also preceding her in death were three daughters, Dollie Ingersoll, Opal Hackney, Anna Christian.

Surviving are three sons, Roy and Charley of Lucerene and Finis of Stevensville, Montana, two daughters, Lelah Ingersoll of Unionville and Bertha of Liermo Brooklyn, Iowa. She is survived by 24 grandchildren, included two of whom she reared as her own, Orval Christian of Kingsburg, California and Viola Alexander of Lucerne and also surviving are 37 great grandchildren. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Anna, daughter of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Scott married Walter William Christian. Walter was born November 4, 1891 and died October 17, 1980. He served in the Army in WWI. Anna was born May 6, 1893 and died December 23, 1915. Both are buried at Union Grove Cemetery in Putnam County, Missouri. Walter and Anna had an infant son buried near them. He died October 27, 1915. (Cemetery stones courtesy of Lorna Carol Bates)


Daughter of
James Allen Scalf & Sarah Jane Scott
Dollie L<James A<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Dollie Lavern Scalf, daughter of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott, was born April 10, 1889 and died November 7, 1951. Dollie is buried at West Liberty Cemetery in Putnam County, Missouri. (Cemetery Stone Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Dollie Scalf married Milton Ingersoll (Book 4, p 398, Putnam Co. MO Marriages, Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Wendy found the index for this marriage but was not able to find the marriage license. The obituary of James Ingersoll confirms this marriage. Milton’s first name was Charles and was taken from census records.

We have very little information on Dollie’s family. What is known of her family comes from census records and the obituary of her son, Rev. James Ingersoll.

Obituary of Rev. James Ingersoll:
Rev. James Ingersoll, 88, of Unionville, Mo., died early Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006, at Putnam County Memorial Hospital in Unionville, Mo.
He was born March 16, 1917 near Lucerne, Mo., the son of Milton and Dolly (Scalf) Ingersoll.
He married Gayle McHenry on Feb. 15, 1940 in Unionville, Mo. She survives.
Also surviving are one daughter, Sarah Johnson and husband, Robert, of Milan, Ga.; three sons, Jim Ingersoll and wife, Laura, of Tehachapi, Calif., Robert Ingersoll and wife, Diana, of Lancaster, Mo., and Rick Ingersoll and his wife, Kimberly, of Godfrey, Ill.; eight grandchildren, Jason Ingersoll and wife, Jill, Jeana Wolfe and husband, Eric, Kenneth Johnson and wife, Donna, Mandi Johnson, Abby Johnson, Adam Ingersoll and wife, Pam, Bess Ingersoll and Annie Elliott and husband, Jeff; and 14 great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by one grandson, Jerry Johnson; three sisters, Mary Ingersoll, Beulah Houston and Thelma Bennett; and two brothers, Willard Ingersoll and Don Ingersoll.
Jim grew up in the Midway area of Putnam County, Mo. When he was 15, he went to Montana and worked as a fire watcher and was a guide at a dude ranch. Following his marriage, he and Gayle moved to Missoula, Mont., where he worked in a sugar beet factory. In 1942, the family moved to Ottumwa and he was employed in various industrial facilities. He served with the U.S. Navy Seabees during World War II. In the early 1950s they returned to Putnam County and he was engaged in farming and carpentry. In 1961, he accepted the call into the ministry in the Southern Baptist denomination. He pastored several churches in northern Missouri, including Livonia, Hartford, Omaha, Worthington, Lancaster, LaPlata, Unionville, West Liberty, Memphis, Novinger and Mount Tabor. He performed over 900 weddings and numerous funerals over the years. During his 18 years in Lancaster, he also worked part time as a carpenter and at Norman Funeral Home and Ambulance Service.
Visitation was held Monday at the Norman Funeral Home in Lancaster, Mo., and will continue from 10 a.m. until time of services at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist Church in Unionville, Mo.
The family has requested that memorial donations be made to Missouri Baptist Children’s Home, Bridgeton, Mo.

Children of Dollie Scalf and Charles Ingersoll from the 1920 and 1930 census:

  1. Thelma Ingersoll born March 9, 1912 in Putnam County, Missouri and died July 23, 1998 at New Mexico. She married Raymond E. Bennett November 13, 1936 at Unionville, Missouri. Thelma and Raymond had two children; David married Alice ____. Sue Ingersoll married Bob Allison. (Obituary of Thelma L. Ingersoll Bennett, courtesy of Virgil Scalf)
  2. Beulah Ingersoll born about 1916. She married _____Houston. (Obituary of James K. Ingersoll, courtesy of Ed Scalf)
  3. James K. Ingersoll born March 16, 1917, died February 4, 2006. Veteran of Navy Sebees WWII. (Obituary of James Ingersoll, courtesy of Ed Scalf)
  4. Willard R. Ingersoll born about 1919-1920. Married Bernice ____.
  5. Mary P. Ingersoll born about 1926.
  6. Don Charles Ingersoll born July 26, 1928 in Putnam County, Missouri and died May 27, 1992 at Kansas City, Missouri. Don married first to Shirley Sallie Barrett and one son was born; Mark Ingersoll. Don married second to Mary Whitt. No known children. (Obituary of Don Charles Ingersoll, courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

1920 Putnam CO MO 12 & 13 January 1920 Sherman

INGERSOLL, Charles M. Head 32 1888 MO US US
   Dollie Wife 31 1889 MO MO IA
   Thelma Dau   7 1913 MO MO MO
   Bulah Dau   4 1916 MO MO MO
   James Son   2 1918 MO MO MO
   Willard Son 4/12 1919 MO MO MO

1930 Putnam CO MO 23 April 1930 Union

INGEROAL, Chas M. Head 42 1888 MO MO MO
   Dollie L. Wife 41 1889 MO MO MO
   Thelma I. Dau 18 1912 MO MO MO
   Bulah I. Dau 14 1916 MO MO MO
   James K. Son 13 1917 MO MO MO
   Willard R. Son 10 1920 MO MO MO
   Mary P. Dau 3 9/12 1926 MO MO MO
   Don C. Son 2 9/12 1927 MO MO MO


Son of
James Allen Scalf & Sarah Jane Scott
Roy E<James A<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Roy E. Scalf, son of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott, was born March 31, 1891. (WWI Draft Registration) Roy died December 30, 1974.

Roy married Catherine L. Butler March 5, 1930 in Unionville, Missouri. (Obit of Roy E. Scalf)

Catherine was born October 5, 1910 and died January 1997.  She is buried at Unionville Cemetery in Unionville, Missouri. (Obit of Catherine Butler Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Children of Roy and Catherine Butler Scalf from the obituary of Catherine Butler Scalf:

  1. Joseph Allen Scalf. Joseph married Blanche Joan Baker.
  2. Roy Edward Scalf
  3. James Ronald Scalf. Wife is Carol ____. (Obituary of Catherine)
  4. Donald Scalf. Wife is Annette _____. (Obituary of Catherine)
  5. Lilly Yvonne Scalf Bell.

WWI Registration Card
Name: Roy Elbridge Scalf
Age: 26
Home: Lucerne, MO (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth: March 31, 1891
Employed: Farmer
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color eyes: Brown
Color hair: Dark Brown
Date: June 5, 1917

(WW1 Service Record)

1930 Putnam CO MO 7-9 April 1930 Jackson Township 

SCALF, Roy E. Head 39 1891 MO MO MO  
   Katherine L. Wife 19 1911 MO USA USA  
   Charley V. Brother 34 1896 MO MO MO Widower
CHRISTIAN, Oliver M. Nephew 15 1915 MO MO MO  
SCALF, Viola A. Niece   6 1924 MO MO MO  

Note:Viola A. Scalf in the home of Roy and Catherine is the daughter of Bertha Scalf, daughter of James A. Scalf. (Courtesy of Lorna Bates)

1940 Putnam CO MO     16 April 1940      Jackson Township

SCALF, Roy Head 49 1891 MO
   Katherine Wife 29 1911 MO
   Joseph Son   9 1931 MO
   Yvonne Dau   7 1933 MO
    Roy E. Son   1 1939 MO
   Charles Son 2/12 1940 MO

Son of
Roy E. Scalf & Catherine L. Butler
Joseph A<Roy E<James A<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Joseph Allen Scalf, son of Roy E. Scalf and Catherine L. Butler, was born November 29, 1930 in Lucerne, Missouri. Joseph died February 27, 2006. (Obituary, courtesy of Ed Scalf)

Joseph married Blanche Joan Baker December 5, 1953. They were the parents of two children; James and Sandy. (Marriage Document)

Children of Joseph Allen Scalf and Blanche Joan Baker from obituary:

  1. James Scalf married Dianna (maiden name unknown)
  2. Sandy Scalf married Richard Cash.

(Obituary of Joseph Allen Scalf)

Obituary of Joseph Allen Scalf:

Joseph Allen Scalf
Nov. 29, 1930 - Feb. 27, 2006
Joseph Allen Scalf, 75, Independence, died Monday, Feb. 27, 2006, at the Medical Center of Independence.
He was born Nov. 29, 1930, in Lucerne, the son of Roy and Catherine Scalf.
Mr. Scalf was a ranger, serving in the United States Army as a Staff Sergeant from 1949 to 1952, during the Korean War.
Dec. 5, 1953, he married Blanche Joan Baker.
He was a member of Sugar Creek Memorial VFW Post #3976, having served in the position of post commander. He was also a member of the American Legion Post #340.
Mr. Scalf retired in 1996 from Gold Foundry in Independence after 20 years.
Preceding him in death were his parents: Roy and Catherine Scalf; and two brothers Charles Scalf and Edward Scalf.
Surviving are his wife of 52 years, Joan, of the home; a son and daughter-in-law, James and Dianna Scalf, Raymore; a daughter and son-in-law, Sandy and Richard Cash, Independence; six grandchildren, Erika Schaal and husband, Joey, Jacob Scalf, Stasi Ellis, Megan Scalf, Katie Cash and Cody Cash; a sister, Yvonne Bale and her husband, Jerry, Saughtuck, Mich.; two brothers, Donald Scalf and his wife, Annette, Dallas, Ga., and Ronald Scalf and his wife, Carol, Unionville.
Visitation was from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 2, 2006, at D.W. Newcomber’s Sons Noland Road Chapel.
Graveside services are at 11 a.m. Friday, March 3, 2006, at Mt. Washington Cemetery in Independence.
Mr. Scalf spent his entire life dedicating many hours in community service and to helping his fellow man. The family wishes to thank the nursing staff at MCI, for their compassionate care during his hospital stay. Arrangements were under the direction of the D.W. Newcomber’s Sons Noland Road Chapel. (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)


Son of
Roy E. Scalf & Catherine L. Butler
Roy E>Roy E<James A<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Roy Edward Scalf, son of Roy E. Scalf and Catherine L. Butler, was born January 3, 1939 at Lucerne, Missouri. Roy died May 4, 1998 at the age of 59. Roy’s wife was not mentioned in his obituary, but he was the father of two sons and two daughters that were living at his death; Joe Scalf, Stephen Scalf, Juanita Gemmer and Lori Gordy. We have no further information on Roy.

(Obit of Roy Edward Scalf) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)


Son of
Roy E. Scalf & Catherine L. Butler
Charles<Roy E<James A<John R<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

Charles Walter Scalf is a son of Roy E. Scalf and Catherine L. Butler. We have no information on this family.


Son of
Roy E. Scalf & Catherine L. Butler
James R<Roy E<James A<John R<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

James Ronald Scalf is a son of Roy E. Scalf and Catherine L. Butler. We have no information on this family.


Son of
Roy E. Scalf & Catherine L. Butler
Donald<Roy E<James A<John R<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

Donald Scalf is a son of Roy E. Scalf and Catherine L. Butler. We have no information on this family.


Daughter of
Roy E. Scalf & Catherine L. Butler
Lilly Y<Roy E<James A<John R<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

Lilly Yvonne Scalf is a daughter of Roy E. Scalf and Catherine L. Butler. We have no information on this family.


Son of
James Allen Scalf & Sarah Jane Scott
Charles V<James A<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Charles Vestal Scalf, son of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott, was born August 7, 1895 according to his WW I registration card. According to his granddaughter, Mrs. Della Rae Marvin, he was born August 2, 1895.

Charles Vestal Scalf, son of James Allen and Sarah J. Scott Scalf, was born August 2, 1895, at Lucerne; married Mary E. Gleason, August 16, 1916; was still living and residing at Unionville, Missouri, in 1961. One daughter of Charles Vestal and Mary Opal Scalf, born August 25, 1919, at Lucerne; married Floyd E. Rupe, March 9, 1935. They are parents of the family researcher, Mrs. Della Rae Marvin, of Bellingham, Washington. (Courtesy of Mrs. Della Rae Marvin, Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIV)

Mrs. Marvin stated that Charles married Mary E. Gleason August 16, 1916. She also stated that one daughter was born to Charles and Mary Opal Scalf. We believe Mrs. Marvin intended to say Mary E. Scalf instead of Mary Opal Scalf. Mary Opal Scalf was the daughter of Charles and Mary. Charles and Mary E. Gleason Scalf had two children, Mildred and Mary Opal.

WWI Registration Card
Name: Charles Vestel Scalf
Age: 21
Home: Lucerne, MO (Link to Original Document
Date of Birth: August 7, 1895
Employed: Farmer
Height:& Medium
Build:& Slender
Color eyes: Gray
Color hair: Dark Brown
Date: June 5, 1917

Children of Charles Vestal Scalf and Mary Elizabeth Gleason:

  1. Mildred Scalf - born 1918 - Mildred married _____Slye.
  2. Mary Opal Scalf -born August 25, 1919 in Lucerne, MO. She married Floyd E. Rupe on March 09, 1935 in the state of Washington. They were the parents of Mrs. Della Mae Rupe Marvin. (Courtesy of Della Rae Rupe Marvin)

Charles and Mary Elizabeth were living in Putnam County, Missouri in 1920. However, they apparently divorced for Mary Elizabeth remarried to Barney R. Wache 1920-1930 and was found living in Wapello County, Iowa. Her two children, Mildred and Mary Opal were in the home.

1920 Putnam CO MO 17 & 19 January 1920 Jackson Township

SCALF, Charles Head 24 1896 MO MO IA
   Elizabeth Wife 22 1898 MO MO MO
   Mildred Dau   2 1918 MO MO MO
   Mary O. Dau   1 1919 MO MO MO

1930 Wapello CO IA 16 April 1930 Center Township   Ottumwa

WACHE, Barney R. Head 28 1902 IA IA IA
   Elizabeth Wife 28 1902 MO MO MO
SCALF, Mildred S-dau 12 1918 MO MO MO
SCALF, Mary S-dau 10 1920 MO MO MO

Charles Vestal Scalf was head of house in 1920 Putnam County, Missouri; however, he was living with his brother, Roy E. Scalf and family, in 1930. He was listed as a widower, but the 1920 census of Wapello County, Iowa reveals that his wife had remarried and his children were living with the Wache family.

1930 Putnam CO MO 7 -9 April 1930 Jackson Township 

SCALF, Roy E. Head 39 1891 MO MO MO  
   Katherine L. Wife 19 1911 MO USA USA  
   Charley V. Brother 34 1896 MO MO MO Widower?
CHRISTIAN, Oliver M. Nephew 15 1915 MO MO MO  
SCALF, Viola A. Niece   6 1924 MO MO MO  

On November 24, 1937, Charles Vestal Scalf married Isabell Meyer, born December 12, 1911 in Unionville (Putnam County) Missouri, the daughter of Henry and Nancy Jones Myer.

1940 Putnam CO MO 12 April 1940 Jackson Township

SCALF, Charley Head 43 1897 MO
   Isabel Wife 28 1912 MO

Isabell Scalf died March 29, 1999 (Obit of Isabell Scalf)

WWII Registration Card
Name: Charley Vestal Scalf
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence Age: 46 (WWII Registration Card)
Birth date: 2 Aug 1896
Birth Place: Putnam, Missouri, USA
Residence Date: 1942
Residence Place: Lucerne, Missouri, USA
Occupation: Self
Height: 5' 7"
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Gray
Weight: 150
Complexion: Ruddy


Daughter of
James Allen Scalf & Sarah Jane Scott
Lelah<James<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Lela E. Scalf, daughter of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott, was born about 1898 in Missouri (Census). Lelah married Oscar H. Ingersoll, Unionville, Putnam County, MO on February 27, 1918. (Book 6, p 312, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Wendy states that Lela was listed as Lula on the record and this might have been her name instead of Lela and possibly even Lucy.

1920 Putnam CO MO 13 & 14 January 1920 Jackson Township

INGERSOLL, Osker H. Head 25 1895 MO MO MO
   Lela E. Wife 22 1898 MO MO IA

1930 Putnam CO MO 14 April 1930 Wilson Township

INGERSOLL, Oscar Head 34 1896 MO US US
   Lela Wife 32 1898 MO MO MO
   Sarah F. Dau   9 1921 MO MO MO
   Shirley F. Dau   6 1924 MO MO MO
   Dorris J. Dau 3 6/12 1926 MO MO MO


Daughter of
James Allen Scalf & Sarah Jane Scott
Opal<James A<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Opal M. Scalf, daughter of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott, was born about 1900 in Missouri (Census). Opal married Floyd Hackney (No marriage date). This family was found on the 1920 census of Putnam County, Missouri.

1920 Putnam CO MO 7 & 8 January 1920 Jackson Township

HACKNEY, Fiold F. Head 19 1901 MO MO MO
   Opal M.  Wife 20 1900 MO MO IA
   Floy M. Dau 9/12 1919 MO MO MO


Daughter of
James Allen Scalf & Sarah Jane Scott
Bertha<James<John R.<Benjamin, Sr.<Lewis Scalf

Hi! I am a descendant of the Scalf family. My grandma ‘Bertha Oral Scalf’ was married to Emmet E. Gillispie. She passed away on July 6, 1993 in Unionville, Missouri where she was buried next to Thomas Leirmo her second husband. She was my only grandparent I knew. Her first husband Emmet died December 15, 1982. Buried in Ottumwa, Iowa. Bertha came from the James Allen Scalf/Sarah Scott line. I know his father was John who was born in 1815. I think you have done a great job with your research. I would like to thank you for all your work. I have researched and found bits and pieces. I found out the Gillispie family came from Scotland too. (courtesy of Tina Marie Gillispie)

1950 Putnam CO MO 19 April 1950 Jackson

FISH, Melvin E. Head 68 1882 MO Farmer
   Octa Wife 54 1896 MO  
SCALF, Sarah J. Mother (in law) 86 1864 MO  

(Photo of Bertha Scalf - Courtesy of Tina Marie Gillispie Clawson)

(Photo of Tina Marie Gillispie - Courtesy of Tina Marie Gillispie)


Son of
James Allen Scalf & Sarah Jane Scott
Finis<James<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Finis T. Mac Scalf, son of James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott, was born December 9, 1907 and died April 23, 1991. He is buried at Riverview Cemetery in Stevensville (Ravalli County) Montana. He married Wava Marie Van Dyne August 3, 1927 at Unionville, Missouri. Wava was born March 1, 1912 at Powersville, Missouri and died February 20, 2001 at Stevensville, Montana. Wava was the daughter of L. G. and Minnie Sandusky Van Dyne. (Obituary of Finis and Wava Van Dyne Scalf, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Stevensville, Ravalli County, Montana Cemeteries (Cemetery records online:)
Surname - Given Name
Scalf   F T Max
Birth Date: 1907
Death Date: 1991
Cemetery: Riverview Cemetery

(Obit of Finis Scalf)

(Obit of Wava Scalf)

Lois M. Scalf, daughter of Finis and Wava, married Joe Gates. Finis and Wava also had a son, James. (Obituary of Finis T. Scalf - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

1930 Putnam CO MO 12-14 April 1930 Jackson Township

SCALF, Finis T. Head 23 1907 MO MO IA
(Van Dyne), Wava M. Wife 18 1912 MO IL MO
   Lois M. Dau 2 1/12 1928 MO MO MO

1940 Missoula CO MT 10 April 1940 Missoula

SCALF, F. T. Head 33 1907 MO
   Wava Wife 28 1912 MO
   Lios Dau 12 1928 MO
   James James   1 1939 MT


Daughter of
John R. Scalf & Ann Eliza Tate
Malinda<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Malinda Evelyn Scalf, daughter of John R. Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate, was born February 1864 (Census) in Missouri. We have no official birth or death date for Malinda. Malinda married James F. Harlan on February 21, 1887. (Book 1, p 405, Putnam Co. MO marriages, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Marriage License of Malinda E. Scalf and James F. Harlan) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Online birth records of Missouri list a son born to James and Malinda November 26, 1887 at Jackson Township. The child was not named; however, we believe this was the birth record of James L. Scalf from the 1900 Pulaski County, Missouri census.

County: Putnam
Roll No.: C 5578
Page: 5
Number: 1702
Date of Return: December 13, 1887
Sex: Male
No. of child of this mother: Second
Race: White
Date of Birth: Nov. 26, 1887 (Link to Original)
Place of Birth: Jackson Township
Nationality of Father: American
Place of Father’s Birth: Missouri
Age of Father: 32
Nationality of Mother: American
Place of Mother’s Birth: Missouri
Age of Mother: 23
Full Name of Mother: Malinda E. Harlan
Maiden Name of Mother: Scalf
Residence of Mother: Jackson Township
Full Name of Father: J. E. Harlan
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Name and Address of Medical Attendant: L. L. Gray, Central City
Name and Address of Person Making Certificate: L. L. Gray, Central City
Returned by: L. L. Gray

1900 Sullivan CO MO 12 June 1900 Buchanan Township

HARLAND, James Head 47 Mar 1853 MO KY MO  
   Malinda E. Wife 36 Feb 1864 MO MO MO 5 children born, 4 living
   James L. Son 12 Nov 1887 MO MO MO  
   John W. Son   7 Aug 1892 MO MO MO  
   Vergle E. Son   3 Jun 1896 MO MO MO  

1910 Pulaski CO MO 30 April 1910 Cullen Township

HARLAN, James F. Head 56 1854 IA KY MO  
   Malinda Wife 46 1864 MO KY MO 6 children born, 5 living
   James L. Son 22 1888 MO IA MO  
   John W. Son 18 1892 MO IA MO  
   Virgil Son 14 1896 MO IA MO  
   Emmett M. Son 11 1899 MO IA MO  
   Henry M. Son   8 1902 MO IA MO  

1920 Pulaski CO MO 27 & 28 January 1920 Cullen Township

HARLAN, James F. Head 66 1854 IA KY IL
   Evelyn Wife 55 1865 MO KY MO
   Virgil Son 23 1897 MO IA MO
   Emit Son 20 1900 MO IA MO
   Morgan Son 17 1903 MO IA MO

1930 Phelps CO MO 15 April 1930 Liberty Township

HARLAN, James F. Head 77 1853 IA KY KY
   Evelyn Wife 66 1864 MO KY MO


Daughter of
John R. Scalf & Ann Eliz Tate
Sarah<John R<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Sarah S. Scalf, daughter of John R. Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate, was born in Missouri about 1868 (Census). She married James H. Greene on February 26, 1886. (Book 1, p 348, Putnam County, MO marriages, courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

(Marriage License of Sarah S. Scalf and James H. Greene) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

We have no information to determine if James died or if they divorced; however, she later married Frank A. Barton about 1905.

1910 Putnam CO MO 19 April 1910 Sherman

BARTON, Frank A. Head 44 1866 MO MO USA Married twice Married 5 years
   Sarah S. Wife 45 1865 MO USA MO Married twice Married 5 years
HARKER, Maud M. Niece 10 1900 MO Unk MO    

1920 Wapello CO IA 5 January 1920 Center Township

BARTON, F. A. Head 52 1868 MO USA USA
   Sarah Wife 51 1869 MO KY USA

1925 Wapello CO IA State Census 1 January 1925 Ottumwa

BARTON, Frank A. Head 58 1867 MO Father: James A. Barton - KY Mother: Sara Noble - IL  
   Sara S. Wife 57 1868 MO Father: John Scalf - KY Mother: Ann E. Tate - KY Parents married in MO

1930 Wapello CO IA 5-8 April 1930 Center Township

BARTON, Frank A. Head 63 1867 MO KY KY Married @ 20
   Sarah Wife 62 1868 MO KY KY Married @ 18

Sarah stated she married at age 18; however, this would have been her age at her first marriage to James Greene. Sarah would have been around 40 years old +/- a few years when she married Frank Barton.


Son of
Benjamin Scalf & Ceely Ann Keziah
Isaac<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

The family of Isaac Scalf has been researched in-depth over the past twenty years by this researcher and others. Numerous trips to Claiborne, Hawkins, Grainger, Union, Hancock, Washington, Carter and Sullivan County, Tennessee, as well as Russell, Scott, Lee and Wise Counties in Virginia have been made in an effort to find some tidbit of information that might connect Isaac Scalf to the family of John Scalf, Jr. No information has been found to either suggest or document Isaac as being the son of John Scalf, Jr. In fact, there is more evidence to suggest that Isaac was a son of Benjamin Scalf rather than John Scalf, Jr.

Correspondence with various descendants of the Isaac Scalf family has also failed to reveal the parentage of Isaac. The majority of the information concerning the Isaac Scalf family of Collin County, Texas has been contributed by Glenda (Bales) Mounger. Glenda is the great-granddaughter of Jasper Richard Scalf, son of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith Scalf.

Over the years Glenda and I have corresponded and shared information concerning Isaac in an effort to establish his parentage. Many hours have been spent working on this family. Glenda and I were able to meet some years ago when she and her aunt, Betty, made a trip to Tennessee to do some research. We have remained friends for many years.

Two other descendants and good friends, Carol Waldroup and Mary Beckham, have also contributed to this research. Carol spent many hours searching census records and tracking the family of Isaac Scalf as well as other family lines. Carol and Mary are great-granddaughters of Jesse Benjamin Scalf, son of Isaac and Sarah. Carol was diagnosed with bone cancer in 2003 and had to give up the search due to the pain in her legs.

Unfortunately, I received an email at 12:06 a.m. on November 15, 2009 from Carol’s sister, Mary, informing me that Carol had passed away in her sleep at 10 p.m. central time November 14, just a few short hours before Mary sent the email. Carol had been feeling bad and laid down on the bed to rest. Her husband checked on her a short time later and found her to be incoherent so he took her to the hospital where she passed away having never awakened. Carol has been greatly missed.

During Carol’s battle with cancer, Virgil Scalf stepped in and continued the research with the author for the Scalf family. Once again, I not only found someone to assist with the research but found another dear friend.

With the dedication and efforts of these folks, information concerning the Isaac Scalf family of Collin County, Texas is presented here. Although we cannot officially document the parents of Isaac at this time, we strongly believe he was the son of Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah. It has been thought by prior researchers that Isaac Scalf was a son of John Scalf, Jr. However, there has not been even the slightest piece of evidence to support this and Isaac has been placed in the miscellaneous families for a very long time. The author strongly believes that Isaac was a son of Benjamin Scalf and believes there is enough circumstantial evidence to place Isaac in the Benjamin Scalf line until further evidence proves otherwise.

In 1840 Van Buren County, Iowa in the home of John Scalf, who moved to Putnam County, Missouri, there is another male near the age of John. Although it cannot be documented at this time with certainty, the author believes this to have been Isaac Scalf.

The reasoning for this is purely circumstantial and may not be accurate; however, considering the statements made by Mrs. Roy Scalf concerning John Scalf leaving home, coupled with the fact these two men were found in near proximity of each other in Iowa, an analysis of the information suggests a relationship between John Scalf in Van Buren County, Iowa and Isaac Scalf who appears in Van Buren and then Appanoose County, Iowa. Appanoose County was created from Van Buren.

Isaac Scalf was born about 1822 and died February 13, 1889 in McDonald Community, Collin County, Texas.

(Marriage Record of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith)

Before Davis, Van Buren and Appanoose were created the only counties in existence in what is now the state of Iowa was Des Moines and Dubuque:

Until 1833, Indians held the land that is now Des Moines County.

Des Moines County was established in 1834. Des Moines and Dubuque County were the only counties in existence at this time. Together they contained all of present day Iowa in their borders. In 1836 the Wisconsin Legislature split Des Moines County into Lee, Van Buren, Des Moines, Henry, Louisa, Muscatine and Cook counties. The present boundaries of Des Moines County were established in 1839. The county is named for the river that runs through it.(Des Moines County, History)

The Scalf family was traveling through McDonough County, Illinois and Elkhart, Indiana at this time. A John Scalf appears first in Iowa on the Territorial Census of Van Buren County in 1837. This John Scalf appears to be the same John Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf, Sr.

By 1840, there is a male in John’s home thatcould have been Isaac Scalf. Isaac then married Sarah Jane Smith in 1845 Van Buren County, Iowa and states he is from Davis County, Iowa. Isaac is found as head of house on the 1847 Territorial Census of Van Buren County, Iowa and is living in Appanoose County, Iowa in 1850.


“The first county elections were held in Farmington in the spring of 1837. That winter, the Legislature of Wisconsin passed an Act relocating the county seat to Rochester. This was vetoed by the Territorial Governor. An election was then held to determine the county seat. Keosauqua edged out Bentonsport for this honor.

“On January 25, 1839 a legislative Act provided that Keosauqua would remain the county seat if it provided $5,000 worth of lots or materials toward the construction of the county courthouse. After several debates and changes, the final contract was awarded to Edward Manning. The construction dragged on for several years, but it was finally completed in the fall of 1843 at a total cost of $6,712.

Van Buren has the distinction of having the oldest county courthouse in use in Iowa, and the second oldest in the nation.(Van Buren County History)

On the 1840 census of Van Buren County, Iowa, two males are listed in the home of John Scalf as 20 -30 years old, one is John Scalf. There is a female, age 30 -40, which was likely Malinda Woods Scalf, John’s wife. It is reported by descendants that she was older than John. John and Malinda married January 17, 1837. A male child is in the home under 5 years old on this census. The older males would have been born 1810 -1820 according to their ages.

Isaac Scalf married Sarah Jane Smith March 17, 1845 in Van Buren County, Iowa. Sarah was the daughter of Jesse Smith and Ester Freer. Sarah was born about 1826 in Ohio and died 1896 in McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX. Isaac and Sarah are buried in the Scalf Cemetery, Collin Co. Texas. Sarah was 18 years old and Isaac was 21 when they were married at the home of Jesse Smith in Van Buren County, Iowa. Lorenzo Ellis, J.P. performed the marriage. Isaac stated on his marriage license that he was from Davis County, Iowa.

On the1847 Territorial Census of Van Buren, Iowa, Isaac Scalf appears as head of house with one male child. His name is listed as Isaac SCOLF on this record. This son would be Jasper Richard Scalf born 1845. A John Scalf is not listed on this census.

By 1850, five years after their marriage, Isaac and Sarah are in Appanoose County, Iowa. Appanoose was formed from Van Buren County around 1844 but was not made official until a few years later. Isaac’s property may have fallen into this boundary change. Isaac is listed as either 25 or 28 and this number appears to be a faded (8). When comparing other numbers made by this enumerator, the number appears more likely to be (8). If the age of Isaac is 28, Isaac’s birth estimates around 1822 from this census.


Appanoose County was established by the Iowa Territorial Legislature on January 13, 1846. It is named for the chief of the Sac and the Fox Indian tribes who headed the peace party during the Black Hawk War. Appanoose means A Chief When a Child.

Appanoose County was one of the main coal mining areas in Iowa during the first third of the 20th Century.

On November 1, 1844 the Legislative Assembly of Iowa ordered Andrew Leach and William S. Whitaker to locate the county seat of Appanoose County. It was soon located and named Chaldea. It was then platted by the county surveyor. The name Chaldea was later changed to Senterville, in honor of Governor Senter, of Tennessee. The spelling was changed and the county seat of Appanoose is currently Centerville.

In the summer of 1847 it was decided that the county would erect a courthouse, but nothing was done at this time. On September 10, that same year, the dimensions and plans for the courthouse were decided upon and bids were sent out. The contract was given to James Jackson for $160 and the finish work was done by Jesse Wood for $119. The building was ready for occupation in April 1848.

A male was listed in the home of Benjamin Scalf, Sr., in 1840 McDonough County, Illinois around the age that could have been Isaac Scalf. We believe the other male was Jonah Scalf and Jonah then appears on a tax list nearby Benjamin in 1846; however, the other male in the home was not found in the area after 1840. A male was found in the home of John Scalf in Van Buren County, Iowa in 1840 and Isaac marries Sarah Jane Smith in Van Buren County in 1845. He then appears as head of house on the 1847 Van Buren County census. It is possible that Isaac could have been in the home of Benjamin Scalf, Sr., in 1840 and left shortly after, moving over to Van Buren County, Iowa, just across the river and was in the home of John R. Scalf as well in 1840. We have no information as to what dates the two censuses were enumerated.

Isaac Scalf was found on the 1850 Appanoose County, Iowa census with his wife, Sarah. This couple had three children at this time.

1850 Appanoose County, Iowa 10 December 1850 Union Township

SCALF, Isaac M 28 1822 TN
   Sarah J. F 23 1827 OH
   Jasper M   3 1847 IA
   Lawra F   1 1849 IA
   Henry C. M 10/12 1850 IA

The family is living four houses away from Patrick Crandall and Delilah Smith Crandall.

Delilah Smith Crandall was a sister to Sarah Jane Smith Scalf. Delilah married Patrick Crandall, son of John Crandall born 1770 in New York and Magdalene Woods born 1764 in New York and died 1858 at Galland Grove, Shelby County, Iowa. John and Magdalene were the parents of at least eleven children and possibly more. We do not know if there was any relationship between Malinda Wood Scalf and Magdalene Wood Crandall at this time. (Combined research of Glenda Mounger and M. Fleenor)

Aaron Luce is living next door to Isaac and Sarah and is another relative to Sarah. On the opposite end of Isaac and Sarah two doors away are Jesse Smith and Ester, the parents of Sarah Smith Scalf and Delilah Smith Crandall. (Mounger-Fleenor research)

Living nearby Patrick Crandall and Delilah Smith Crandall in 1860 is Ozander/Ozonder Crandall, a son of Patrick and Delilah. Benjamin and Rebecca Crandall are living nearby as well. Benjamin was a brother of Patrick Crandall and son of John and Magdalene Wood Crandall. Benjamin married Rebecca Simons 1838 in Davis County, Iowa. Benjamin also had a son named Ozander/Ozonder. (Mounger-Fleenor research)

No relationship has been found as yet between the families of Malinda Wood Scalf and Magdalene Wood Crandall. Many of the Wood, Smith, Crandall and Luce families were living in Van Buren County, Iowa very early on and some remained there and in the surrounding counties.

There is also no evidence at this time to suggest that this Smith family was related to the family of Nancy Smith who married David Crockett Scalf in Claiborne County, Tennessee. Nancy Smith’s family appears to have been from North Carolina unless there is other evidence concerning her family that is not known to this researcher.

To add to the mystery of the parentage of Isaac Scalf, descendants state that when Isaac was asked where he came from, etc., he would answer with, I was hatched on a rock. Isaac would not reveal any information concerning his parents or family members. This has been stated by several descendants.

An obituary from a Texas newspaper listed Isaac as born in Bosque, TN. A search of this was undertaken revealing there was never an area known as Bosque, TN but there is a Bosque, Texas.

The records show that Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith Scalf moved to Collin County, Texas between 1852 and 1856. The above article from the newspaper stated that Isaac moved to Collin County, Texas in 1852 but this cannot be confirmed at this time.

(Newspaper Article) (Courtesy of Carol Waldroup)

According to census records, the last child born in Iowa was Martha Ann Scalf born August 8, 1852. The first child born in Texas was William Harvey Scalf, born March 28, 1856. Sometime between August of 1852 and March of 1856, the Isaac Scalf family traveled to Collin County, Texas.

Although the season would have been cool at this time in Iowa, the weather would have become warmer as the family traveled south. Isaac’s family could have arrived in Texas late in the year of 1852. Martha Ann would have been an infant at this time. There is a time span of four years between the births of Martha Ann and William Harvey suggesting the family might not have left for Texas until 1853 or there might have been a child born and died in these years. However, the Obituary of Isaac Scalf states that he was in Texas in 1852.

(Obituary of Isaac Scalf)

Isaac and Sarah remained in Collin County, Texas throughout their lifetime. The children all grew up in Collin County where a number of descendants remain today.

The following families of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith have been contributed from the research of Glenda Bales-Mounger. The census records have been searched and compiled by Virgil Scalf.

1860 Collin County, TX 5 July 1860 Precinct #1   McKinney

SCALF, Isaac M 36 1824 TN
   Sarah J. F 35 1825 OH
   Jasper M 14 1846 IA
   Henry C. M   9 1851 IA
   Lory A. F 12 1848 IA
   Martha A. F   8 1852 IA
   Wm. M   5 1855 TX
   John W. M   3 1857 TN
   Charles E. M 2/12 1860 TX

Note that the enumerator got out of line with the children and their ages. Henry C. is listed before Lory (Laura) who was born after Jasper.

In 1870, Isaac’s wife is listed as Anna. It is only assumption, but it is believed that Sarah Jane’s full name might have been Sarah Anajane Smith Scalf. Isaac and Sarah were enumerated on the 1880 census of Collin County.

1870  Collin County, TX 6 October 1870 Precinct #1  McKinney

SCALF, Isaac M 48 1822 TN  
   Anna F 38 1832 MO  
   William M 15 1855 TX  
   John M 13 1857 TX  
   Charlie M 11 1859 TX  
   Elizabeth F   5 1865 TX  
   Jesse M 1/12 1870 TX May
   Ann F 24 1846 IA  

On this census Jesse is listed as one month old. The number on the record is very clear. However, it also states he was born in May so he would not have been one month old at this time, he would have been five months old.

1880 Collin County, TX 8 June 1880 Precinct #1  McKinney

SCALF, Isaac Head 61 1819 TN NC NC
   S.J. Wife 58 1822 OH NY NY
   John Son 22 1858 TX TN OH
   Charley Son 20 1860 TX TN OH
   Lizzie Dau   9 1871 TX TN OH
KEYS, L.A. Dau 30 1850 IA TN OH
   Jesse Son   8 1872 TX TN OH
KEYS, William G-son   6 1874 TX IA MO
   Joseph G-son   4 1876 TX IA MO
   Pearl G-dau   1 1879 TX IA MO

Laura Scalf, daughter of Isaac and Sarah had married Joseph Keys before this census was taken. It is believed that Joseph died and Laura moved back into her parent’s home with her children, William, Joseph and Pearl. Richard Scalf, son of Isaac and Sarah is living next door in household #163.

The mystery of the parents of Isaac Scalf has remained a mystery in this family throughout their lives and remains so today. Any tiny tidbit of information from anyone could help in identifying the parents of Isaac Scalf. If anyone has any information concerning this family, please email us.

The descendants of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith is contributed by Glenda Bales-Mounger. Census records confirming the names of this family has been contributed by Carol Waldroup and Virgil Scalf. The family of Jesse Benjamin Scalf has been compiled by Carol Waldroup and her sister, Mary Beckham.


Son of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

(Photo of Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts)

Jasper Richard Scalf, son of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith, was born February 17, 1845 in Van Buren County, Iowa. Richard did not like to be called Jasper and used his middle name, Richard. Jasper Richard Scalf married Nancy Elizabeth (Roberts) Wilmeth 14 January 1866 in Collin County, Texas. Nancy was the daughter of James Roberts and Catherine Fisher. She was born 12 August 1835 in Pettis County, Missouri and died December 1911 in Collin County, Texas. Richard died 7 December 1908 in Collin County, Texas. They are buried at the Scalf Cemetery in Collin County. (Courtesy of Glenda Mounger)

Nancy had been married prior to her marriage to Richard. She was a widow and mother of two children. Nancy’s first husband, James Wilmeth, was killed in the Civil War. Nancy’s family migrated to Texas about 1844 and was part of the original Old Buckner Settlers. It has been stated that Nancy’s gg-grandmother was full blood Cherokee. Nancy was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church in Collin County, Texas. Richard and Nancy were the parents of six children. (Courtesy of Glenda Mounger)

Children of Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts:

  1. Sarah Elizabeth Scalf born 30 March 1869 Collin Co. TX; died 9 February 1890 at Collin Co. TX.
  2. Hattie Harriet Anna Louisa Scalf born 13 February 1871 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX and died 21 May 1921 at Redwater, Bowie Co. TX.
  3. Martha Jenny Arene Scalf born 12 August 1874 Collin Co. TX and died 31 May 1961 at Collin Co. TX.
  4. Joe Cline Scalf born 21 November 1876 McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX and died 17 March 1964 at McKinney, Collin Co. TX.
  5. Timothy Titus Scalf born 21 July 1879 McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX and died 7 September 1959 at McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX. Timothy never married.
  6. Charlie Richard Scalf born 4 March 1884 McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX and died 26 November 1970 at McKinney, Collin Co. TX. (Courtesy of Glenda Mounger)

1870 Collin County, TX 28 September 1870 Precinct 1 McKinney

SCALF, Richard M 35 1835 IA
   Nancy F 33 1837 MO
   Sarah F   1 1869 TX

1880 Collin Co. TX 8 June 1880 Precinct 1

SCALF, R. 35 Head 1845 IA TN OH
   Nancy 44 Wife 1836 MO TN KY
   S. E. 11 Dau 1869 TX IA MO
   H. A.   9 Dau 1871 TX IA MO
   M. J.   5 Dau 1875 TX IA MO
   D. C.   3 Son 1877 TX IA MO
   Templeton 11/12 Son 1880 March TX IA MO
HILL, W. P. 26 Son-in-law 1854 TN TN VA
   J. M. 21 Step-Daughter 1859 TX TN MO

1900 Collin Co. TX 11 June 1900 Precinct 1

SCALF, Richard 53 Head Jan. 1845 IA TN OH
   Nancy E. 63 Wife May 1847 MO MO MO
   Timmie 20 Son Aug 1880 TX IA MO
   Charles 16 Son May 1884 TX IA MO

Nancy stated she had been married for 34 years - had 12 children with 7 living.

Jasper Richard Scalf died December 7, 1908. His wife was found on the 1910 census as a widow and head of house. Their son, Timothy Titus, was in the home along with a boarder, W. R. Hogue.

1910 Collin Co. TX 7 May 1910 Precinct 1

SCALF, Nancy Head 75 1835 Widow MO KY KY
     Titus Son 30 1880   TX IA MP
HOGUE, W. R. Boarder 22 1888   TX ARK TX

On this census Nancy stated she had 12 children with 8 living. Nancy died 8 December 1911. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)


Daughter of
Jasper Richard Scalf & Nancy Elizabeth Roberts
Sarah<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Sarah Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts, was born March 30, 1869 in Collin Co. TX and died February 9, 1890 at Collin Co. TX. Sarah married David Booth Fisher on October 17, 1884. We have no further information on Sarah at this time.


Daughter of
Jasper Richard Scalf & Nancy Elizabeth Roberts
Harriett<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Harriet, Anna Louisa Hattie Scalf, daughter of Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts, was born February 13, 1871 in McDonald Community, Collin County, TX and died May 21, 1921 at Redwater, Bowie Co. TX. Harriett married Joseph Melton Strickland in Texas.

Children of Joe Strickland & Harriett Scalf:

  1. Mary Ellen Marilla Strickland - born April 25, 1889 and died March 25, 1976.
  2. Isaac Richard Strickland - born March 10, 1891 and died May 11, 1928.
  3. Benjamin Cline Strickland - born February 1, 1894 and died February 3, 1939.
  4. Malinda Strickland - October 1894.
  5. Timothy P. Strickland - born January 7, 1899 and died March 30, 1989.
  6. Maggie Strickland - born October 1, 1904 and died September 16, 1928.
  7. Leonard Strickland - born May 13, 1907 and died April 18, 1962 (Death Certificate)

1900 Collins CO TX -11 June 1900        Precinct 1

STRICKLIN, Joe Head 26 Jan 1874 TX GA GA  
   Harriett Wife 26 Apr 1874 TX IA IL 6 born, 5 living
   Marella Dau   9 Oct 1890 TX TX TX  
   Isaac Son   7 Apr 1893 TX TX TX  
   Clyne Son   6 May 1894 TX TX TX  
   Malinda Dau   3 Oct 1894 TX TX TX  
   Tim Son   1 May 1899 TX TX TX  

1910 Morris CO TX 25 April 1910 Omaha

STRICKLAND, Joe Head 41 1869 GA TN GA  
   Harriett Wife 38 1872 TX IA MO 9 born, 7 living
   Jack Son 18 1892 TX GA TX  
   Cline E. Son 15 1895 TX GA TX  
   Maindie Dau 13 1897 TX GA TX  
   Jonnie Son 11 1899 TX GA TX  
   Maggie Dau   5 1905 TX GA TX  
   Lenard Son   3 1907 TX GA TX  

1920 Bowie CO TX 27 January 1920 Precinct 5

STRICKLAND, Joe M. Head 50 1870 GA GA GA
   H.A. Wife 48 1872 TX IA MO
   Lenard Son 12 1908 TX GA TX


Daughter of
Jasper Richard Scalf & Nancy Elizabeth Roberts
Martha A<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

Martha Arene Jenny Scalf, daughter of Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts, was born August 12, 1874 in Collin Co. TX and died May 31, 1961 at Collin Co. TX. After Sarah Scalf, David Fisher married Martha Jennie Scalf, the younger sister of Sarah. They were followed on census records from 1900 through 1920. We have no further information on Martha at this time.

(Death Certificate of David B. Fisher)

(Death Certificate of Jennie Arene Fisher)

1900 Collin CO TX 2 June 1900 Justice Precinct

FISHER, David B. Head 34 Jan 1866 TX MO MO Married 8 years  
   Jennie Wife 25 Aug 1874 TX IA MO Married 8 years 3 children born, 3 living
   Joseph H. Son 14 Feb 1886 TX TX TX    
   George N. Son 11 Jun 1888 TX TX TX    
   Rittie R. Dau   8 Sep 1891 TX TX TX    
   Vergal S. Son   5 Jul 1894 TX TX TX    
  ; Nancy M. Dau   1 Sep 1898 TX TX TX    

1910 Collin CO TX 16 April 1910 Justine Precinct

FISHER, David B. Head 44 1866 TX MO USA Married 2 times  
   Jennie R. Wife 35 1875 TX MO IA Married 1 time 7 children born, 7 living
   Virgle L. Son 15 1895 TX TX TX    
   Nellie N. Dau 11 1899 TX TX TX    
   David, Jr. Son   9 1901 TX TX TX    
   Ollie A. Son   7 1903 TX TX TX    
   Maggie N. Dau   5 1905 TX TX TX    
   Lloyd A. Son   1 1909 TX TX TX    

1920 Collin CO TX 7 January 1920 Justice Precinct

FISHER, Dave B. Head 53 1867 TX MO TX
   Jennie Wife 45 1875 TX IA MO
BARNS, Nealie Dau 21 1899 TX TX TX  Widow
(FISHER), Ollie Son 17 1903 TX TX TX
   Maggie Dau 14 1907 TX TX TX
   Loyd Son 11 1909 TX TX TX
   Roe Son   8 1912 TX TX TX
   Ellen Dau   7 1913 TX TX TX
   Dick Son 3 6/12 1916 TX TX TX


Son of
Jasper Richard Scalf & Nancy Elizabeth Roberts
Joe C<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Joseph Cline Scalf, son of Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts, was born November 21, 1876 in McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX and died March 17, 1964 at McKinney, Collin Co. TX. Joe married Sarah Alice Murphy. Sarah died October 20, 1962 (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

(Joseph Cline Scalf Death Certificate)

(Sarah Alice Scalf Death Certificate)

They were followed on census records from 1900 through 1940.

1900 Collin CO TX 22 June 1900 Justice Precinct #1

SCALF, Joe C. Head 23 1877 TX IA MO
   Sarah A. Wife 19 1881 TX Ireland TX
   Tensley R. Son   1 1899 TX TX TX

1910 Collin CO TX 7 May 1910 Precinct #1  McKinney

SCALF, J. C. Head 33 1877 TX IA MO  
   Alice Wife 27 1883 TX Ireland TX  
   Tensley Son 11 1899 TX TX TX  
   Bryant Son   5 1905 TX TX TX  
   Willard Son   4 1906 TX TX TX  
   Gertrude Dau   2 1908 TX TX TX  

Timothy Titus Scalf, brother of Joe Cline Scalf, was living in the home with Joe and Sarah in 1920 and 1930.

1920 Collin CO TX 13 February 1920 Precinct #1

SCALF, Joe C. Head 43 1877 TX IA MO
   Sarah A. Wife 38 1882 TX Ireland TX
   Bryant Son 16 1904 TX TX TX
   Willard Son 14 1906 TX TX TX
   Bertha Dau 12 1908 TX TX TX
   Tim T. Bro 40 1880 TX IA MO

1930 Collin CO TX 9 May 1930 Precinct #1

SCALF, J.C. Head 53 1877 TX IA MO
   Alice Wife 49 1881 TX IL TX
   Tim T. Brother 50 1880 TX IA MO

1940 Collin CO TX 18 April 1940 Precinct #1 

SCALF, Joseph C. Head 63 1877 TX
   Alice Wife 59 1881 TX
   Timothy T. Brother 60 1880 TX


Son of
Joe Cline Scalf & Sarah Alice Murphy
Tinsley R<Joe C<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

Tinsley R. Scalf, son of Joe Cline and Sarah Alice Murphy Scalf was born March 10, 1899 and died August 26, 1973. Tinsley married Viola Corley. We have no marriage date for Tinsley at this time. They were followed on census records from 1920 through 1940.

(Death Certificate of Tinsley Scalf)

Death Certificate of Dora Viola Scal)

1920 Collin CO TX 13 February 1920 Precinct #1

SCALF, Tensley R. Head 20 1900 TX TX TX  
   Viola Wife 18 1902 TX TN TN  

1930 Collin CO TX 9 May 1930 Precinct #1 

SCAFF, Tensley R. Head 31 1899 TX TX TX  
   Viola Wife 28 1902 TX TN TN  
   Laura A. Dau   5 1925 TX TX TX  

1940 Collin CO TX 18 April 1940 Precinct #1 

SCALF, Tinsley Head 41 1899 TX
   Viola Wife 38 1902 TX
   Laura A. Dau 15 1925 TX


Son of
Joe Cline Scalf & Sarah Alice Murphy
Taylor<Joe C<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Taylor Bryant Scalf, son of Joe Cline Scalf and Sarah Alice Murphy, was born August 27, 1903 at McKinney (Collin County) Texas. He married Hazel Iona Ritter on 1 Jan 1923. Hazel was born May 18, 1902 in Durham, Washington County, Arkansas to Jesse Franklin Ritter and Sarah Francis Stewart. Hazel died September 18, 2007 at age 105 in Denton County, Texas and is buried in the Pecan Grove Cemetery in McKinney, Collin County, Texas.

Taylor died on November 13, 1995 in Denison, Grayson County, Texas and is buried in the Pecan Grove Cemetery in McKinney, Collin County, Texas.

Taylor Bryant Scalf and Hazel Iona Ritter had four children:

  1. Doris Alyne Scalf - born March 24, 1924 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas. She married Gerald LaVern Pete Parker (b. June 2, 1917 - d. Mar. 1, 1997) on Sept. 22, 1944. She died May 1, 2018 in Tyler, Smith County, Texas.
     Doris Alyne Scalf and Gerald LaVern Parker had two sons:
    1. Joe Edward Parker - born Aug. 9, 1947 in Dallas, Texas. (Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997)
    2. Gerald Jerry Lynn Parker - born Oct. 31, 1952 (Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997) and married Susan E. (Erwin) Martin Terjesen (b. Dec. 24, 1948 in San Diego, California) on Oct. 25, 1976 in Smith County, Texas.
  2. Taylor Bryant Scalf, Jr. - born July 20, 1925 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas. He married Margaret Yvonne Smith (b. Sep 14, 1931 in Dallas, Texas) on Dec. 16 1950. Taylor died Apr. 16, 2018
      Taylor Bryant Scalf, Jr. and Margaret Yvonne Smith had at least one infant son (b. Aug. 27, 1957 - d. Aug. 28, 1957 in Richardson, Dallas County, Texas) (Death Certificate of Infant Son)
  3. Leta Wynelle Scalf - born Aug. 26, 1928 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas. She married Roy Alvin Westbrook (b. Dec. 22, 1921 - d. Feb. 12, 2014) on Dec. 22, 1948 in Dallas, Texas. Leta died Nov. 17, 2017 in Mineola, Wood County, Texas and is buried in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Alba, Wood County, Texas.
     Leta Wynelle Scalf and Roy Alvin Westbrook had one child:
    1. James Glen Westbrook - b. Oct. 6, 1955 in Dallas, Texas. He married Lindee L. Bealmear on Mar. 20, 1982 in Dallas, Texas. He died Feb. 21. 2009 in Dallas, Texas and is buried in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Alba, Wood County, Texas.
  4. Melba Grace Scalf - born Nov. 25, 1930 in Dallas Texas. She married Roy Edward Curran (b. about 1934) on June 27, 1953. Melba died Oct. 19, 2000 in Dallas, Texas and is burried in Calvary Hill Cemetery in Dallas, Texas.
     Melba Grace Scalf and Roy Edward Curran had one daughter:
    1. Rosemary Curran - b. May 31, 1956. She married Robert Ingle (b. Sept. 11, 1957) on June 26, 2010 in Tarrant, Texas.

1940 Ellis CO TX 8 April 1940 Precinct 3

SCALF, Byrant Head 36 1904 TX
   Hazel Wife 37 1903 AR
   Doris; Dau 16 1924 TX
   Byrant, Jr. Son 14 1926 TX
   Leta Dau 11 1929 TX
   Melba Dau   9 1931 TX

(Birth Certificate of Taylor Bryant Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)


Son of
Joe Cline Scalf & Sarah Alice Murphy
Willard<Joe C<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Willard Scalf, son of Joe Cline Scalf and Sarah Alice Murphy, was born September 17, 1905 and died January 19, 1986. Willard married Alma Gertrude Kinser. Alma was born August 16, 1905 to Horace Walter and Sarah Lavica (Blankenship) Kinser. Shed died July 28, 1995.

Children of Willard Scalf and Alma Gertrude Kinser:

  1. Walter Cline Scalf - born December 31, 1925 and died July 25, 1944 on Guam, South Pacific - WWll (KIA)
  2. Gerald Ray Buddy Scalf - born August 26, 1929 and died April 26, 2014 in Corpus Christi, Texas. He married Lillian Ann Moore (b. Aug. 21, 1931 - d. Sept. 5, 2012).
     Gerald Ray Scalf and Lillain Anne Moore had three children:
    1. Infant Son - b. Jan. 6, 1958 - d. Jan. 6. 1958
    2. Sharon Anne Scalf - b. Oct. 3, 1955 in Travis County, Texas - d. June 2, 2018 in Lakeway, Texas. She married 1) Joe Hannon Martin on June 26, 1976 in Corpus Christi, Texas, and 2) James Anthony Edwards on Jan. 1, 1982 in Collin County, Texas.
       Sharon Anne Scalf and James Anthony Edwards had two children:
      1. James Anthony Edwards. James married Aubrey. (from Obituary of Sharon Anne Scalf)
      2. John Ashley Edwards
    3. Gerald Ray Butch Scalf, Jr. - b. 1959. He married Ida. (from Obituary of Gerald Ray Scalf)
       Gerald Scalf and Ida had one daughter:
      1. Ashley Scalf

Obituary of Gerald Ray Scalf, Sr.

Gerald Ray Scalf
Corpus Christi, TX
Buddy passed away peacefully April 26, 2014 in Corpus Christi.
He was predeceased by his wife Lillian Anne (Moore) Scalf.
He was born August 26, 1929 in McKinney, Texas to parents Alma Gertrude (Kinser) Scalf and Willard Scalf.
He was blessed with brothers Walter Cline (WC) Scalf, Marion Richard Scalf and Bobbie George Scalf.
Buddy attended McDonald School for grades 1-7, near his home. The school was donated by his family to their community.
Buddy loved spsorts and played football, basketball and baseball. It was at McKinney High School that he met his future wife Lillian and graduated in 1948.
He joined the US Army in July 1948 at age seventeen. Buddy served in Japen in 1949-59 as a Physical Training and Athletic director. He was recalled in October 1950 at the start of the Korean War. He was stationed at Pusan at the southern tip of Korea. Buddy worked in an ordinance unit, passing out supplies to the troops. He left Korea in May 1951 and was honorably discharged shortly after.
Lillian and Buddy married October 23, 1951 in Clovis, New Mexico where Buddy worked for Magnolia Oil.
Afterwards he attended the University of Texas in Austin and was gifted by the birth of their daughter Sharon Anne Scalf in 1955. Buddy graduated with a degree in civil engineering in 1957 and moved to Corpus Christi to join the Texas Highway Department shortly thereafter. Then, 1959 brought the birth of his son Gerald Ray Butch Scalf Jr.
Around 1957 Buddy was appointed the Nueces County Engineer where he sesrved proudly until his retirement in 1991. He loved to hunt and fish and always love the great outdoors.
His wife Lillian passed away in September of 2012. Buddy was a loving husband, father and a great family man. He will be greatly missed.
Buddy is survived by loving daughter Sharon Scalf, son Butch Scalf and his wife Ida; His grandchildren: Jamie Edwards and his wife Aubrey, Ashley Scalf and John Edwards; Step granddaughter Elaina Luu and her husband Cuong Luu and great grandson Landon Luu.
A Memorial Service will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 in the Chapel at Cage-Mills Funeral Directors, 4901 Everhart Road.
To offer your condolences, please visit us at
(Corpus Christi Caller-Times, April 29, 2014, pg. 13)

Sharon Anne ScalfObituary of Sharon Anne Scalf

Sharon Anne Scalf, 62, passed away peacefully in her home in Lakeway, Texas on Saturday June 2, 2018.

Sharon was born to Gerald Buddy Scalf and Lillian Anne Scalf on October 3, 1955, while her father was attending the University of Austin.
She moved to Corpus Christi in 1957 where she attended school at Fraser Elementary, Cullen Junior High and graduated from King High school in 1973. From there Sharon went to Texas A&I in Kingsville, TX where she graduated with a degree in Fine Arts.
Sharon lived in Dallas, Texas before marrying and moving to Austin in 1982. sharon had two sons, James Anthony and John Ashley Edwards who both attended school in the Austin area.
She loved the Austin area and lived here until her passing. She had a unique artistic talent which was appreciated by many. She was an avid animal lover and the family kept many pets in the home through the years. Sharon was loved by all who knew her and will be missed very much.
Sharon is survived by her son James and wife Aubrey, son John Edwards, brother Gerald Butch Scalf, sister-in-law Ida Scalf and niece Ashley Scalf.
A memorial service will be conducted at 10 AM on Saturday, Jun 9, 2018 at Weed-Corley-Fish Lake Travis, 411 Ranch Road 620 in Lakeway, Texas where services will conclude.
(Dignity Memorial Obituaries - Online)


Daughter of
Joe Cline Scalf & Sarah Alice Murphy
Bertha G<Joe C<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

 Bertha Gertrude Scalf, daughter of Joe Cline Scalf and Sarah Alice Murphy, was born October 9, 1907 and died of May 4, 1908. She was buried in the Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery in Houston, Texas. She married Lester Kerby Warden on October 24, 1926 in Tobstone, Cochise County, Arizona.

Lester was born September 7, 1902 in Collin County, Texas to Hezekiah and Mary Mollie A. (Faulkner) Warden, and died January 20, 1986 in Houston, Texas.

Children of Bertha G. Scalf and Lester K. Warden:

  1. Bertha Ruth Warden - born May 16, 1928 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas and died Jan 30 2016 in Kingwood, Harris County, Texas. She married Orvel Ray Hutto on September 23, 1950 in Harris, Texas.
    Orvel was born November 6, 1924 in Bertram, Texas to Elbert Ross and Claire Elizabeth (Jordan) Hutto. He died April 13, 2009 in Kingwood, Texas. Bertha and he were buried in San Jacinto Memorial Park in Houston, Texas.

     Children of Bertha Warden and Orvel Hutto:
    1. Patricia Hutto - born Feb. 25 1959, married David A. Mauck on Nov. 20, 1981
    2. Michael Hutto
  2. Lester Kerby Warden, Jr. - born Nov. 3, 1933 in Collin County, Texas and died June 4, 2017 in Richmond, Texas. He married Barbara Lanell Simon on Apr. 28, 1958 in Harris County, Texas.
    Barbara was born about 1939 in Houston, Texas to Albin Frank, Sr. and Pauline Mary (Balgewicz) Simon. The couple divorce Sept. 5, 1974, and according to divorce record, having had three children:
    1. Glenna Warden - born Feb. 14, 1966 in Texas. She married Mark Harkness in Nacogdoches, Texas on July 8, 1993.
    2. Unknown
    3. Unknown


Son of
Jasper Richard Scalf & Nancy Elizabeth Roberts
Timothy T<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Timothy Titus Scalf, son of Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts, was born July 21, 1879 in McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX and died September 7, 1959 at McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX. Glenda reports that Timothy never married. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

(Photo of Timothy Scalf & his mother, Nancy Scalf)

WWI Registration Card
Name: Timothy Titus Scalf
Age: 39
Home Address: RFD #2, McKinney, Collin, Texas (Link to Original Document)
Date of Birth:January 21, 1879
Occupation: Farmer
Nearest relative: J. C. Scalf
Address of relative: RFD #2, McKinney, Collin, Texas
Height: Medium
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Brown
Date: September 12, 1918

1920 Collin CO TX 13 February 1920 Precinct #1

SCALF, Joe C. Head 43 1877 TX IA MO
   Sarah A. Wife 38 1882 TX Ireland TX
   Bryant Son 16 1904 TX TX TX
   Willard Son 14 1906 TX TX TX
   Bertha Dau 12 1908 TX TX TX
   Tim T. Bro 40 1880 TX IA MO

1940 Collin CO TX 18 April 1940 Precinct #1 

SCALF, Joseph C. Head 63 1877 TX
   Alice Wife 59 1881 TX
   Timothy T. Brother 60 1880 TX


Son of
Jasper Richard Scalf & Nancy Elizabeth Roberts
Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Charlie Richard Scalf, son of Jasper Richard and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts Scalf was born 4 March 1884 in McDonald Community, Collin Co. TX and died 26 November 1970 at McKinney, Collin Co. TX. Charlie married Elizabeth Lizzie Maudina Murphy. They were followed on census records from 1910 through 1940.

(Death Certificate of Charles Richard Scalf)

(Death Certificate of Elizabeth Maudina Scalf)

1910 Collin CO TX 7 May 1910 PRECINCT #1 McKinney

SCALF, C. R. Head 26 1884 TX IA MO
   Lizzie Wife 27 1883 TX Ireland TX
   Daisy Dau   7 1903 TX TX TX
   Ethel Dau   5 1905 TX TX TX
   Mattie Dau   3 1907 TX TX TX
   Wilbur Son 11/12 1909 TX TX TX

1920 Collin CO TX 13 February 1920 Justice Precinct #1

SCALF, Charlie R. Head 33 1887 TX IA MO
   Elizabeth Wife 37 1883 TX ?? TX
   Daisy Dau 17 1903 TX TX TX
   Ethel Dau 15 1905 TX TX TX
   Mattie Dau 13 1907 TX TX TX
   Wilbur Son 11 1909 TX TX TX
   Choice Son   8 1912 TX TX TX
   Arile Son   7 1913 TX TX TX
   Geneve Dau   5 1915 TX TX TX
   Alice Dau 2 11/12 1917 TX TX TX
   Lucille Dau 1/12 1920 TX TX TX

1930 Collin CO TX 21 April 1930 Precinct #1

SCALF, C. R. Head 46 1884 TX IA MO
   Elizabeth Wife 47 1883 TX ?? TX
   Oda Son 4 3/12 1926 TX TX TX
   Ethel Dau 25 1905 TX TX TX
   Truett Son 2 4/12 1927 TX TX TX
   Wilbur Son 21 1909 TX TX TX
   Joice Son 19 1911 TX TX TX
   Arley Son 17 1913 TX TX TX
   Geneve Dau 15 1915 TX TX TX
   Alice Dau 13 1917 TX TX TX
   Lucille Dau 10 1920 TX TX TX
   Eugene Son   9 1921 TX TX TX
   Nellette Dau   6 1924 TX TX TX

1940 Collin CO TX 18 April 1940 Precinct #1

SCALF, Charlie R. Head 56 1884 TX
   Elizabeth Wife 57 1883 TX
   Eugene Son 19 1921 TX
   Nelette Dau 16 1924 TX
   Oddie Son 14 1926 TX
   Truett Son 12 1928 TX
PRICE, Charlsie P. G-dau   2 1938 TX


Daughter of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Daisy M<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Daisy Mellina Scalf, daughter of Charles Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born about 1903 in Texas. Daisy married Vernie Oscar Bales.

(Death Certificate of Daisy Melina Bales)

1930 Collin CO TX 29 April 1930 Justice Precinct #1

BALES, V. O. Head 25 1905 TX TN TX
   Daisy Wife 27 1903 TX TX TX
   Johnie R. Son 4 10/12 1925 TX TX TX

1940 Collin CO TX 12 April 1940 McKinney

BALES, Vernie O. Head 35 1905 TX
   Daisy M. Wife 37 1903 TX
   John R. Son 14 1926 TX
   Billy Son   6 1934 TX
   Betty Dau   6 1934 TX


Daughter of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Ethel<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Ethel Scalf, daughter of Charles ’Charlie-Richard and Elizabeth Murphy Scalf, was born October 28, 1911 three miles southeast of McKinney, and died April 9, 1980 in dallas, Texas. Ethel married William Orbin Elliot.

(Death Certificate of Audie Ethel Elliott)

1940 Collin CO TX 15 April 1940 McKinney

ELLIOTT, William O. Head 27 1913 TX
   Ethel Wife 28 1912 TX


Daughter of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Mattie<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Mattie Scalf, daughter of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born October 10, 1906 in Collin County, Texas. We have no further information on Mattie.

Birth Record of Mattie Sc) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)


Son of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Wilbur<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Wilbur Scalf, son of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born October 4, 1908 in Collin County, Texas, and died December 4, 1990. Wilbur married Lois Marie Tucker.

1940 Collin CO TX 20 April 1940 Precinct 1

SCALF, W. C. Head 31 1909 TX
   Lois M. Wife 27 1913 TX
   Barbara L. Dau   1 1939 TX


Son of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Choice<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Choice Scalf, son of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born March 25, 1911 in Collin County, Texas and died August 31, 1968 in Dallas, Texas. Choice married Beatrice Mantooth according to the death certificate of his daughter, Joyce Juanita Scalf.

(Death Certificate of Choice R. Scalf)

Children of Choice Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy:

  1. Joyce Juanita Scalf - born January 30, 1938 and died January 31, 1938. (Death Certificate of Joyce Juanita Scalf)
  2. Joel Richard Scalf - born August 14, 1943.

1940 Collin CO TX 20 April 1940 Precinct 1

SCALF, Choice Head 29 1911 TX
   A. Beatrice Wife 28 1912 TX


Son of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Arlie R<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Arlee Richard Scalf, son of Charlie Richard and Elizabeth Murphy Scalf, was born December 31, 1912. Arlie was killed in an auto accident February 23, 1947 at Traffic Circle on White Settlement Road in Fort Worth, Texas. He was employed with Consolidated Aircraft. Mrs. Gladys Scalf gave the information for his death certificate.

(Death Certificate of Arlie Richard Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

1940 Collin CO TX 15 April 1940 McKinney

SCALF, Arlee Head 27 1913 TX
   Gladys Wife 26 1914 TX


Daughter of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Geneva<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Geneva Scalf, daughter of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born about 1915 (Census). We have no further information for Geneva.


Daughter of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Alice<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Alice Scalf, daughter of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born about 1917 (Census). We have no further information for Alice.


Daughter of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Lucille<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

 Lucilee Scalf, daughter of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born about 1920 (Census).We have no further information for Lucille.


Son of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Eugene<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Eugene Pat Scalf, the son of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy was born December 24, 1920 in Texas and died May 10, 1970 in Collin, Texas. Eugene married Helen Louise Sartin on October 9, 1948 in McKinney, Collin, Texas.

(Death Certificate of Eugene Pat Scalf)


Daughter of
Charlie Richard Scalf & Elizabeth Murphy
Nellette<Charlie R<Jasper R<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Nellette Scalf, daughter of Charlie Richard Scalf and Elizabeth Murphy, was born about 1924 (Census). We have no further information for Nellette.


Daughter of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
Laura A<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Laura A. Lory Scalf, daughter of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith, was born about 1848 in Appanoose County, Iowa. Her death date is unknown at this time. Lory married first to Joseph T. Keys. Joseph is believed to have been the son of William Keyes born 1813/1814 in Virginia and Jane Furr born about 1821/1823 in Virginia. William and Jane married in Virginia in 1837. Joseph T. Keyes is listed in the home of his parents on the 1850 Monroe County, Kentucky census. Joseph died after his marriage to Laura, and due to this Joseph and Laura do not appear together on a census. After Joseph’s death, Laura moved back into her parent’s home in Collin County, Texas with her three children. (Courtesy of Sandra Keyes Kennedy)

Laura married second to Clay Drake in 1881. By 1899, Clay and Laura were living in Indian Territory, Oklahoma in the Choctaw Nation.

The following information is listed concerning the family of Joseph T. Keyes and was submitted by Sandra Keyes Kennedy. Census records compiled by Virgil Scalf.

1850 Monroe Co. KY 2 August 1850

KEYS, William 37 1813 Blacksmith VA
   Jane 29 1821   VA
   James 12 1838   VA
   John   8 1842   VA
   William   6 1844   KY
   Joseph T.   3 1847   KY
   Susan M.   1 1849   KY
FURR, John 21 1829   TN

William Keyes might have been the son of Samuel Keyes and Elizabeth. If so, his siblings were Nimrod Keyes, Catherine Keyes, A. O. Keyes and Samuel Keyes. This Keyes/Keys family migrated from Virginia to Kentucky to Arkansas and to Texas and finally to Indian Territory, OK.

On the 1850 Monroe County, Kentucky census are several Keyes families believed to be related to the above families. The Keyes families have marital ties to the Williams family and migrate with them from to Carroll County, Arkansas by 1860 and were living in Carrollton Township. Some of these families were also living in Crooked Creek Township. There also appears to be ties to the Crabtree family living in Crooked Creek Township.

In 1860 Carroll Co. Arkansas, William and Jane Keyes have the above children including twins, Turner Henry Keyes and Preston Leslie Keyes both born 1853 Berryville, Arkansas; Anna Elizabeth Keyes born 1854 Berryville, Arkansas and Catherine J. Keyes born 1860 Berryville, Arkansas. (Courtesy of Sandra Keyes Kennedy)

1860 Carroll Co. AK 7 July 1860 Prairie Township Berryville

KEYS, William 46 Blacksmith 1814 VA  
   Jane 36   1824 VA  
   James S. 21   1839 VA  
   John W. 19   1841 KY  
   William S. 17   1843 KY  
   Joseph T. 13   1847 KY  
   Susan M. 12   1848 KY  
   Turner A.   7   1853 AR Twin
   Preston H.   7   1853 AR Twin
   Ann E.   4   1856 AR  
   Catherine J. 9/12   1859 AR  

By 1870, William and Jane Keyes are in Collin County, Texas and appear on the 1870 census. William Smith Keyes and Joseph T. Keyes are still in the home as are the other children with the exception of Catherine who appears to have died. There is an additional son, Farrow who would have been 3 in Arkansas but does not show up there. Ferrow (Probably should be Pharaoh) might have been a relative. James has married to Malinda (maiden name unknown) and is a blacksmith as is his father, William. John W. Keyes is found in Grayson County, Texas married with wife Mary V. Keyes and a daughter born in MO, aged 8 months.

1870 Collin Co. TX 10 October 1870 Precinct #1 McKinney

KEYS, William 56 Blacksmith 1814 VA
   Jane 47   1823 VA
   Smith 24   1846 KY
   Joseph 22   1848 KY
   Turner 17   1853 AR
   Preston 17   1853 AR
   Ann 15   1855 AR
   Farrow 13   1857 AR
   Charles   9   1861 AR
   James 31   1839 VA
   Malinda 25   1845 AR
   Amy 2/12   1870 TX

Susan M. Keyes is also married to Benjamin H. Boone and lived near the Keyes in Arkansas.

Joseph T. Keyes married Laura Lory A. Scalf in 1871. They were married February 18/19 1871 in Collin County, TX (no confirmation of this marriage or his death). Joseph died shortly before the birth of their daughter Pearl and Laura is then found in the home of her parents, Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith in 1880 in Collin County, Texas. Joseph’s father, William Keyes, age 67 is now living with his daughter, Anna Elizabeth Keyes Graham in Cooke County, Texas in 1880.-(Courtesy of Sandra Keyes Kennedy)

Susan M. Keyes is also married to Benjamin H. Boone and lived near the Keyes in Arkansas.

Joseph T. Keyes married Laura Lory A. Scalf in 1871. They were married February 18/19 1871 in Collin County, TX (no confirmation of this marriage or his death). Joseph died shortly before the birth of their daughter Pearl and Laura is then found in the home of her parents, Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith in 1880 in Collin County, Texas. Joseph’s father, William Keyes, age 67 is now living with his daughter, Anna Elizabeth Keyes Graham in Cooke County, Texas in 1880.

1880 Cooke CO TX 17 June 1880 Justice Precinct 5

GRAHAM, John Head 29 1851 TX -- --  
   Ann Wife 25 1855 AR VA VA  
   Rosa Dau   6 1874 TX TX AR  
   Oscar Son   3 1877 TX TX AR  
KEYS, Wm Father in law 67 1813 VA VA VA Widow
   Charles Brother in law 19 1861 AR VA VA  

It is unknown when Laura A. Scalf Keyes Drake died but is believed to have died in Oklahoma.

Children of Laura A. Scalf and Joseph T. Keyes:

  1. William Isaac Keyes born 2 January 1874 TX. Died 29 April 1961 in Collin Co. McKinney, TX.
  2. Joseph Clarence Keyes born about 1879 in Collin Co. TX. Death date unknown.
  3. Pearl Keyes born about 1878 in Collin Co. TX. Death date unknown. She married D.B. Huff 1895 in Collin Co. TX.

(submitted by Sandra Keyes Kennedy. The 1860, 1870 and 1880 census records compiled by Virgil Scalf.)


Son of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
Henry C<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Henry C. Scalf, son of Isaac and Sarah Jane Smith, was born about 1850 or 1851 according to the 1850 Appanoose County, Iowa census and the 1860 Collin County, Texas census.  It is unknown for certain when Henry died but it appears he died between the enumeration of the 1860 and 1870 Collin County, Texas census and would have been 9 -19 years old when he died.

Henry appears on the 1850 Iowa census and 1860 Texas census but is missing from the 1870 census of Collin County, Texas. It has been stated that he was the first person buried in the Scalf Cemetery in Collin County; however this has not been confirmed.

1850 Appanoose County, Iowa 10 December 1850 Union Township

SCALF, Isaac M 28 1822 TN
   Sarah J. F 23 1827 OH
   Jasper M   3 1847 IA
   Lawra F   1 1849 IA
   Henry C. M 10/12 1850 IA

1860 Collin County, TX 5 July 1860 Precinct #1 McKinney

SCALF, Isaac M 36 1824 TN
   Sarah J. F 35 1825 OH
   Jasper M 14 1846 IA
   Henry C. M   9 1851 IA
   Lory A. F 12 1848 IA
   Martha A. F   8 1852 IA
   Wm. M   5 1855 TX
   John W. M   3 1857 TN
   Charles E. M 2/12 1860 TX


Daughter of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
Martha A<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Martha Ann Scalf, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Jane Smith Scalf, was born 8 August 1852 in Appanoose County, Iowa and died 7 May 1915 in Levita (Coryell Co) Texas. Martha Ann married first to Robert Richard James on January 4, 1870 in Collin County, Texas. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

Children of Martha Ann Scalf and Robert Richard James:

  1. Benjamin Richard James - born 1868 in Collin Co. Texas; died 1937 Coryell Co. Texas. Burial in Levita Cemetery, Coryell Co. TX.
  2. Laura A. James - born Aug. 13, 1869 in Collin Co. Texas and died Apr 15, 1896. She married James William Maxwell (b. June 1, 1867 - d. Sept. 27, 1945) in 1889 in Coryell County, Texas. Burial in Levita Cemetery, Coryell Co. Texas. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

1870 Collin CO TX 7 October 1870 Precinct #1 McKinney

JAMES, Robert 18 1852 KY
   Martha 19 1851 IA
   Letitia 72 1798 VA

Martha Ann married second to Reverend Fielding Preston Rutherford in 1875 in Coryell County, Texas. He was the son of Reuben Rutherford and Margaret Griffin. Fielding Rutherford was born November 17, 1841 and died October 13, 1888. Martha was listed as a widow and living in the home of her daughter in 1900.

Children of Martha Ann Scalf and Rev. Fielding Preston Rutherford:

  1. Nancy Jane Rutherford born 21 December 1875 in Coryell Co. TX; died 13 April 1948 Levita, Coryell Co. TX.
  2. Isaac Calvin Rutherford born 12 March 1877 in Jonesboro, Coryell Co. TX; died 17 November 1964 in Stanford, TX.
  3. Nellie Blye Rutherford born 2 April 1879 Levita, Coryell Co. TX; died 24 March 1969 in Waco, McLennan Co. TX.
  4. Martha Louise Rutherford born June 1881 Coryell Co. TX; died 1972 Levita, Coryell Co. TX.
  5. William Rutherford born 22 November 1883 Coryell Co. TX; died 1927 December 1966 Levita, Coryell Co. TX.
  6. Rhoda P. Rutherford born April 1886; died Abt. 1970 in Waco, McLennan Co. TX.
  7. Fielding Rutherford, born 1888. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

(Photograph courtesy of Mary Maxwell)

From her research, Glenda lists seven children for Fielding and Martha. There are four older children listed on the 1880 census. These children were born before the marriage of Fielding and Martha and appear to be children of Fielding from a former marriage. The two children of Martha and Robert James are also in the home.

1880 Coryell CO TX 24 June 1880

RUTHERFORD, Fielding Head 38 1842 TN TN TN
   Martha A. Wife 28 1852 IA TN IA
   Bartlett Son 16 1864 TN TN TN
   Austen Son 12 1868 TN TN TN
   Margaret Dau 11 1869 TN TN TN
   Elizabeth Dau   9 1871 TX TN TN
   Nancy J. Dau   4 1876 TX TN IA
   Calvin Son   3 1877 TX TN IA
   Nelley Dau   1 1879 TX TN IA
JAMES, Robert S-son   9 1871 TX KY IA
JAMES, Laura A. S-dau   7 1873 TX KY IA

1910 Coryell CO TX 15 April 1910 Justice Precinct #1

MAXWELL, James W. Head 43 1867 TX AL MS  
   Nellie Wife 30 1880 TX TN IA  
   J. Frank Son 19 1896 TX TX TX  
   Herman R. Son 17 1893 TX TX TX  
   Henry R. Son 14 1896 TX TX TX  
RUTHERFORD, Maggie S-dau 14 1896 TX TN TX  
RUTHERFORD, Coke S-son 12 1898 TX TN TX  
MAXWELL, Milry D. Son   5 1905 TX TX TX  
   Alma H.     3 1907 TX TX TX  
   Onlon Son 1 11/12 1908 TX TX TX  
RUTHERFORD, Martha Mother in law 58 1852 IA TN IA Widow 


Daughter of
Fielding Rutherford & Martha Ann Scalf
Nancy J. Rutherford<Martha A<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Nancy Jane Rutherford, daughter of Fielding and Martha Ann Scalf Rutherford, was born about 1876 by census estimation. She married Lee F. Maxwell and they were found on the 1900 Coryell County, Texas census but they were not found afterwards.

1900 Coryell CO TX 2 June 1900 Precinct #8

MAXWELL, Lee F. Head 28 1872 TX AR TN
   Nancy J. Wife 24 1876 TX TN IA
   Isaac L. Son   4 1896 TX TX TX
   Dave F. Son   4 1896 TX TX TX
   U. D. Son   2 1898 TX TX TX
   William B. Son 1/12 1900 TX TX TX
MAXWELL, Mary Ann Mother 57 1843 TN TN TN


Son of
Fielding Rutherford & Martha Ann Scalf
Isaac C. Rutherford<Martha A<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Isaac Calvin Rutherford, son of Fielding and Martha Ann Scalf Rutherford, was born about 1877 according to census estimation. He married Lya (likely Lydia) E. (Maiden name unknown) and they were found on the 1900 Coryell County census only.

1900 Coryell CO TX 8 June 1900 Precinct #1

RUTHERFORD, Isaac Head 23 1877 TX TN TX
   Lya E. Wife 25 1875 TX AR TN
   Reuben L. Son   2 1898 TX TX TX
   Mattie A. Dau 1/12 1900 TX TX TX


Daughter of
Fielding Rutherford & Martha Ann Scalf
Nellie B. Rutherford<Martha A<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Nellie Blye Rutherford, daughter of Fielding and Martha Ann Scalf Rutherford, was born about 1879 according to census estimation. Nellie married James W. Maxwell. They were found only on the 1900 Coryell County, Texas census. A stepson and stepdaughter are listed in the home of James Maxwell in 1900.

1900 Coryell CO TX 5 June 1900 Justice Precinct #1

MAXWELL. James W. Head 31 1869 TX TX TN
   Nellie Wife 21 1879 TX TN TX
   James F. Son   9 1891 TX TX TX
   Herman Son   7 1893 TX TX TX
   Robert H. Son   4 1896 TX TX TX  
RUTHERFORD, Coke S-son   2 1898 TX TN TX
RUTHERFORD, Maggie S-dau   4 1896 TX TN TX


Daughter of
Fielding Rutherford & Martha Ann Scalf
Rhoda P. Rutherford<Martha A<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Rhoda P. Rutherford, daughter of Fielding Rutherford and Martha Ann Scalf, was born about 1886 according to census estimation. She married William B. Dyson and they were followed on census records from 1910 through 1930.


William B. Head 28 1882 MS SC SC
Rhodia Wife 24 1886 TX MS TX
Columbus G. Son   6 1904 TX MS TX
Carol J. Dau   4 1906 TX MS TX
Oliver Son   2 1908 TX MS TX

1920 Coryell CO TX 3 February 1920 Justice Precinct #3

DYSON, W. B. Head 38 1882 MS MS VA
   R. P. Wife 32 1888 TX US TX
   C. G. Son 15 1905 TX MS TX
   Jewell Dau 14 1906 TX MS TX
   Otis Son  5 1915 TX MS TX

1930 Dallas CO TX 3 April 1930 Ward #20 Dallas

DYSON, W. B. Head 48 1882 MS MS MS
   Rhoda Wife 43 1887 TX LA LA
   Otis Lee Son 15 1915 TX MS TX


Son of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
William H<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

William Harvey Scalf, son of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith, was born 29 March 1856 in McDonald Community, Collin County, Texas. William died 6 April 1936 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas. He married first to Nancy Moore on 3 December 1876 in Collin County. He married second to Nancy Neelam 14 December 1885 in Collin County, Texas.  He married third to M. A. Walker 14 June 1890. He married last to Sarah Ellen Hampton after 1892. She was the daughter of Samuel Hampton and Sarah Willis. Sarah Ellen was born 18 February 1853 in Somerset Kentucky and died 21 January 1932 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

William and Sarah Ellen are buried at Pecan Grove Cemetery in McKinney, Collin County, Texas. William also set aside land for the Scalf Cemetery in Collin County. It is reported that William was the first white child born in McDonald Community but no confirmation has been found for this. Sarah had been married prior to their marriage to _____ Gray. No information is known of the previous wives of William Harvey Scalf. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

(Death Certificates of William Scalf)

(Death Certificate of Sarah Jane Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Children of William H. Scalf and Nancy Moore:

  1. Martha Alice Scalf born 26 April 1878 in Wylie, Collin Co. Texas and died 4 February 1973 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas.
  2. Lizzie Scalf born about 1877.

William Harvey was not found on the 1880 census but was found living in Arkansas in 1900. His daughter Lizzie from his marriage to Nancy Moore was found living in the home of Frank Lesieur and listed as a servant.


Daughter of
William Harvey Scalf & Nancy Moore
Martha<William H<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Martha Scalf, the daughter of William Harvey Scalf & Nancy Moore was born April 26, 1878 in Collin CO, Texas and died February 4, 1973 in McKinney, Collin County, Texas. Martha married Eyeridill Martin Brannum July 8, 1894 in Randolph County, Arkansas .

(Death Certificate of Martha Alice Brannum)

(Death Certificate of Eyeridill Martin Brannum)

1900 Grayson CO TX 2 June 1900 Justice Precinct 1

BRANNUM, Martin Head 34 Aug 1865 KY KY KY married 5 years
   Alice Wife 21 Apr 1879 TX TX TX married 5 years

1920 Grayson CO TX 2 & 3 February 1920 Justice Precinct

BRUNNUM, E. M. Head 54 1866 KY KY KY
   Martha A. Wife 40 1880 TX IA MS
   Abmous C. Son 16 1904 TX KY TX
   Charley L. Son 14 1906 TX KY TX
   William H. Son 12 1908 TX KY TX
   Velma L. Dau   6 1914 TX KY TX

930 Collin CO TX 9 April 1930 Precinct 5

BRUNNUM, Martha Head 51 1879 TX IA US Widow
   Almous Son 26 1904 TX TX TX  
   William Son 22 1908 TX TX TX  
   Velma Dau 16 1924 TX TX TX  

1940 Collin CO TX 26 April 1940 Justice Precinct 5

BRANNUM, Wm H. Head 32 1908 TX  
   Lora Irene Wife 24 1916 TX  
   Edgar Clifton Son   7 1933 TX  
   Drennon Son   3 1937 TX  
   Alice Mother 59 1881 TX Widow


Daughter of
William Harvey Scalf & Nancy Moore
Lizzie<William H<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Lizzie Scalf, daughter of William Harvey Scalf and Nancy Moore, was born about 1878 in Texas. Lizzie was living in the home of Frank Lesieur in Randolph County, Arkansas in 1900. We have no further information on Lizzie.

1900 Randolph Co. ARK 1 June 1900 Demun Township Pocahontas

LESIEUR, Frank A. Head 42 1858 MO MO MO
   Ethel A. Dau 15 1886 AR MO AR
   Valle J. Son 9 1891 AR MO AR
   Felix A. Son 5 1895 AR MO AR
 &emsp Mary E. Sister 40 1860 MO MO MO
SCALF, Lizzie Servant 22 1878 TX TX TX

In 1900, William Harvey and his last wife, Sarah, were also living in Randolph County, Arkansas. Sarah’s son by her marriage to Mr. Gray was also living in the home.

1900 Randolph County, Ark. June 1900 Pocahontas City

SCALF, William H.



March 1851




   Sarah Wife 45 Sept. 1851 KY KY KY
GRAY, Herman Stepson   9 June 1890 AR KY KY

Sarah stated she had been married 25 years and had four children with three living.  Sarah could not have been married to William Harvey Scalf for 25 years. She had been married prior to her marriage to William and was probably stating the total years of marriages.

1910 Collin Co. Texas 25 April 1910 McKinney

HH #264 -265

SCALF, William 55 1855 KY US US  
   Sallie 53 1857 AR TX KY  
GRAY, Herman 18 1892 AR AR KY  
HILL, Beulah   8 1902 TN TN TN Granddaughter

On the 1910 census, Sallie and William state they were married 11 years. Sarah stated she had four children with only two living. A granddaughter, Beulah Hill, was living in the home but we are not certain if this was William’s granddaughter or Sarah’s.


SCALF, Will H. Head 65 1855 TX IA IA
   Sarah Wife 67 1853 KY KY KY

William and Sarah were living alone on the 1920 and 1930 censuses.

1930 Collin County, Texas 16 April 1930 McKinney

HH #1010 -494 -493

SCALF, W. H. Head 74 1856 TX IA US
   Sallie Wife 76 1854 KY England IN

William stated he was 21 at his first marriage and Sarah stated she was 18 at her first marriage.


Son of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

John Wesley Scalf was born 22 August 1857 in McDonald Community, Collin County, Texas. He died 6 November 1928 in McDonald Community. John is buried at the Scalf Family Cemetery in Collin County. He married Sarah Jane Cheshier about 1880 in Collin County, Texas.; She was the daughter of George Cheshier and Edith Hemlane. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

(Death Certificate of John Wesley Scalf, Sr.)

(Death Certificate of Sarah Jane Scalf)

Sarah was born 16 January 1849 in Eureka, Missouri and died 3 March 1929 in McDonald Community, Collin County, Texas. John Wesley and his wife are both buried at the Scalf Cemetery in Collin County, Texas.  Sarah’s obituary stated that she had an adopted daughter, Mrs. Jim Rutherford of Rt. 5 McKinney, Texas. John Wesley also set aside land for the Scalf Cemetery. (Courtesy of Glenda Mounger)

Children of John Wesley Scalf and Sarah Jane Cheshier:

  1. John Wesley Scalf, Jr. (aka Walter and Monk).  Born 15 December 1883 (1882 by death certificate) McKinney, Collin County, TX; died 10 December 1930 McKinney, Collin County, TX. John Wesley, Jr. married Edna Oneal (Death Certificate)
  2. Isaac Burch Scalf born 13 May 1885 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX; died 20 July 1947 in McKinney, Collin County, TX.
  3. Mary Scalf. Adopted.

1900 Collin Co. TX 2 July 1900 District 2

Scalf, John W. Head 38 Aug. 1861 TX IA IA Married 19 years
   Sary Wife 51 June 1847 MO NC IA Married 16 yrs.
   John W. Son 17 Dec. 1883 TX TX MO  
   Isaac B. Son 15 May 1885 TX TX MO  

John stated he had been married 19 years. Sarah stated she had been married 16 years. From this statement, it appears Sarah might have been married prior to her marriage to John Wesley. This may be why she had an adopted daughter. Her first husband might have been a Rutherford. It appears that the enumerator made an error on this census. Listed above John Wesley in the home of John Enlow, is a Henry Scalf, age 19.

There is no surname listed before John Wesley but the Scalf surname is listed before Henry on the line above. It is unknown if Henry was living in the home of John Scalf or in the home of John Enlow. It is possible that the enumerator missed the line of John Wesley’s name and mistakenly listed it in front of Henry instead. The Henry in the home of Enlow might not have been a Scalf. Henry was a boarder in this home.

Due to the fact that Henry was listed above John Wesley instead of below the family as a boarder, it is very doubtful that this Henry was in the home of John Wesley Scalf.

1910 Collin Co. TX 7 May 1910 McKinney

SCALF, J. W. Sr. Head 52 1858 TX TX MO Married 1 time -30 years
   Jane Wife 55 1855 MO NC ? Married 1 time -30 years
   Mary Dau 17 1893 OK OK OK  

1920 Collin CO TX 2 February 1920 Justice Precinct #1

408 SCALF, John W. Head 62 1848 TX TN IA  
     Sarah J. Wife 70 1840 MO NC NC  
409 SCALF, Isaac B. Son 33 1887 TX TX MO Widower
     Troy G-son 13 1907 TX TX TN  
     Floyd B. G-son 11 1909 TX TX TN  

John Wesley Scalf died 1928.


Son of
John Wesley Scalf, Sr. & Sarah Jane Cheshier
Isaac B<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Isaac Burch Scalf, son of John Wesley Sr., and Sarah Jane Cheshier Scalf, was born May 13, 1885 and died July 20, 1947. Isaac is buried at Wilson’s Chapel in McKinney, Texas. Isaac died from coronary disease.

(Death Certificate of Isaac Burch Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Isaac was found on the 1910 census of Collin County, Texas with his first wife, Mary Sue LaFollete, daughter of John Lafollette and Margaret Blazer. In the home were their two sons, Troy E. and Floyd B. Isaac was then found in 1920 living with his parents and listed as a widow. Mary was born March 4, 1887 and died of tuberculosis April 8, 1919. She is buried at Mt. Olive Cemetery in McKinney, Texas.

(Death Certificate of Mary Sue Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

By 1930, Isaac had remarried to Maude Smith. Maude gave the information on his death certificate.

Children of Isaac Scalf and Mary Sue LaFollete:

  1. Troy Ellis Scalf - born October 12, 1906 and died October 29, 1948.
  2. Floyd Burch Scalf - born November 27, 1908 and died March 10, 2001.

Children of Isaac Scalf and Maude Smith:

  1. Dorothy Scalf
  2. Wallace B. Scalf - born December 23, 1921 and died February 9, 2008.
  3. Howell E. Scalf - born May 22, 1924 and died August 3, 2004.
  4. Margaret Ruth Scalf - born October 25, 1926 and died October 29, 1926. (Death Certificate)
  5. Forest T. Scalf - born August 26, 1928 and died July 14, 1949.
  6. Vonnie Geneva Scalf - born May 5, 1931 and died February 23, 2002.
  7. Kenneth Roy Scalf - born August 14, 1934.

1910 Collin CO TX 22 April 1910 Precinct #1

SCALF, Isaac Head 24 1886 TX TX MO
   Mary Wife 23 1887 TN TN TN
   Troy E. Son   3 1907 TX TX TN
   Floyd B. Son   2 1908 TX TX TN

In 1920, Isaac Scalf was a widow with two sons and is living with parents.

1920 Collin CO TX 2 February 1920 Justice Precinct #1

408 SCALF, John W. Head 62 1848 TX TN IA  
     Sarah J. Wife 70 1840 MO NC NC  
409 SCALF, Isaac B. Son 33 1887 TX TX MO Widower
     Troy G-son 13 1907 TX TX TN  
     Floyd B. G-son 11 1909 TX TX TN  

1930 Collin CO TX 18 April 1930 Precinct #1

SCALF, I. B. Head 44 1886 TX TX MO
   Maud Wife 30 1900 TX KY KY
   Floyd Son 21 1909 TX TX TN
   Wallace Son   8 1922 TX TX TX
   Howell Son   6 1924 TX TX TX
   Forest Son 1 7/12 1928 TX TX TX

1940 Collin CO TX 20 April 1940 Precinct #1

SCALF, Ike B. Head 54 1886 TX
   Maude Wife 39 1901 TX
   Wallace B. Son 18 1922 TX
   Howell E. Son 15 1925 TX
   Forest T. Son 11 1929 TX
   Vannie Geneva Dau   8 1932 TX
   Kenneth Roy Son   5 1935 TX


Son of
Isaac B. Scalf & Mary Ellen Lafollette
Troy E<Isaac B<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Troy Ellis Scalf, son of Isaac Burch Scalf and Mary Lafollette, was born October 12, 1906 in Texas and died October 29, 1948 at Collin County, Texas. Troy is buried at the Mt. Olive Cemetery in McKinney, Texas. He was found on the 1930 census of Collin County, Texas with his wife, Eda or Edna (maiden name unknown). She was listed on his death certificate as Mrs. Troy E. Scalf.

(Death Certificate of Troy Ellis Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

1930 Collin CO TX 14 April 1930 Justice Precinct #1

SCALF, Troy Head 23 1907 TX TX TN
   Eula Wife 24 1906 TX TX TX

1940 Collin CO TX 16 April 1940 Justice Precinct #1

SCALF, Troy E. Head 33 1907 TX
   Eula Y. Wife 34 1906 TX
   Jenna L. Dau   8 1932 TX


Son of
Isaac Burch & Mary Ellen Lafollette Scalf
Floyd B<Isaac B<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Floyd B. Scalf, son of Isaac Burch Scalf and Mary Ellen Lafollette, was born about 1908 by census calculation. Floyd married Howard Pearl Wade. We have no further information on Floyd.

1940 Collin CO TX 26 April 1940 Precinct #1

SCALF, Floyd B. Head 30 1910 TX
   Pearl Wife 28 1912 OK
   Margaret Dau   7 1933 TX
   Juanita Dau   3 1937 TX
   Frances Dau   1 1939 TX


Son of
Isaac Burch & Maude Smith Scalf
Wallace<Isaac B<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Wallace Scalf, son of Isaac Burch Scalf and Maude Smith, was born about 1922 in Texas. We have no further information on Wallace.


Son of
Isaac Burch & Maude Smith Scalf
Howell<Isaac B<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Howell Scalf, son of Isaac Burch Scalf and Maude Smith, was born about 1924 in Texas. We have no further information on Howell.


Son of
Isaac Burch & Maude Smith Scalf
Forest T<Isaac B<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Forest T. Scalf, son of Isaac Burch Scalf and Maude Smith, was born August 26, 1928, in Collin County, Texas and died July 14, 1949. Forest was a veteran of WW II. Forest was employed as an electrician and died in an electrical accident at work while moving a machine. He was never married and was only 20 years old at the time of the accident. He is buried at Wilson Chapel in Collin County, Texas.

(Death Certificate of Forest T. Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)


Son of
John Wesley Scalf & Sarah Jane Cheshier
John W. Jr<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

John Walter Scalf, Jr., son of John Wesley Scalf, Sr. and Sarah Jane Cheshier, was born December 15, 1882 and died December 10, 1930 in Collin County, Texas. John Walter Jr. married Edna Brooks O’Neal. They were followed on the census records of 1910 through 1930.

(Death Certificate of John W. Scalf Jr.) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

(Death Certificate of Eddie B. Scalf)

1910 Collin CO TX 7 May 1910 Precinct #1

SCALF, J. W., Jr. Head 27 1883 TX TX MO
   Edna Wife 25 1885 TN TN TN
   Roy Son   7 1903 TX TX TN
   Tiscia Dau   4 1906 TX TX TN (Birth Record)
   George Son 1 5/12 1909 TX TX TN
WWI Registration Card
Name: John Walter Scalf
Age:& 35
Home Address: Wilcox, Collin County, Texas
Date of Birth: Decembr 15, 1882
Occupation: Cotton buyer
Employer name: W. S. Scalf (Link to Original Document)
Place of Employment: McKinney, Collin County, Texas
Nearest relative: Mrs. Edna Scalf
Address of relative: Wilcox, Collin County, Texas
Height: Medium
Color of eyes:Brown
Color of Hair:Brown

1920 Collin CO TX 10 January 1920 Precinct #1 McKinney

SCALF, John Head 36 1884 TX TX TX
   Edna Wife 34 1886 TX TX TX
   Roy E. Son 17 1903 TX TX TX
   Ticia J. Dau 13 1907 TX TX TX
   Caral A. Son   7 1913 TX TX TX

By 1930, a daughter is listed in the home as Lucia Sharbine. We believe this was the same daughter listed in 1910 and 1920 as Ticia and had married by 1930.

1930 Collin CO TX 12 April 1930 McKinney

SCALF, J. W. Head 47 1883 TX TX MO
   Edna Wife 45 1885 TN TN TN
   Carl Son 17 1913 TX TX TN
 &emsp Jennie M. Dau   8 1922 TX TX TN
   James Son   6 1924 TX TX TN
   Edwin P. Son   2 1928 TX TX TN
SHARBINE, Lucia Dau 24 1906 TX TX TN

1940 Collin CO TX 12 April 1940 McKinney

SCALF, Edna Head 55 1885 TN  Widow
   Jennie M. Dau 18 1922 TX
   James W. Son 15 1925 TX
 &emsp Edwin P. Son 12 1928 TX


Son of
John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal
Roy<John W. Jr<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Roy E. Scalf, son of John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal, was born September 2, 1902 in Texas and died July 21, 1978 in Austin County, Texas. Roy married (1) Mary O. Hopper & (2) Marguerite Lyons.

(Death Certificate of Roy E. Scalf)

1930 Dallas CO TX 14 April 1930 Dallas

SCALF, Roy E. Head 27 1903 TX TX TX
   Mary O. Wife 21 1909 TX TX TX

1940 Harris CO TX April 1940 Houston

SCALF, Mary O. Head 30 1910 TX  Widow
   Hattey D. Dau   9 1931 TX


Daughter of
John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal
Tiscia<John W. Jr<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Tiscia Scalf, daughter of John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal, was born about January 28,1906 and died January 19, 1981. Tiscia married (1) William F. Sharbine in 1925 (2) Jesse Stiff in 1938.

(Death Certificate of Tiscia Ivy Stiff)

1940 Collin CO TX April 1940 McKinney

STIFF, Jess Head 42 1898 TX
   Tiscia Wife 34 1906 TX


Son of
John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal
James W. Sr<John W. Jr<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

James W. Scalf, the son of John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal was born August 12, 1925 in Texas and died March 11, 1996 in Dallas, Texas. James married Emma Jane Kennedy.


Son of
John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Emma Jane Kennedy
James W. Jr<James W. Sr<John W. Jr<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

James Weldon Scalf, Jr., the son of John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Emma Jane Kennedy was born July 2, 1951 in Texas and died September 17, 1977 in Dallas, Texas.

(Birth Record for James Weldon Scalf, Jr.)

Death Certificate of James Weldon Scalf, Jr. (Part 1)(Part 2)


Son of
John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal
Carl<John W. Jr<John W<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Carl Scalf, son of John Wesley Scalf, Jr. & Edna O’Neal was born about 1913. Carl married Emma Dell Green.

(Death Certificate of Emma Dell Scalf)

1940 Collin CO TX 12 April 1940 McKinney

SCALF, Carl Head 27 1913 TX
   Emma D. Wife 27 1913 TX
   Ann C. Dau   1 1939 TX


Son of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
Charles E<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Charles E. Scalf, son of Isaac and Sarah Jane Smith Scalf, was born about 1859 in Texas, probably in Collin County. He died in Oklahoma but his death date is unknown at this time. Charles married Mary Mollie Betterton March 3, 1881 in Collin County, Texas. Mollie was born August 4, 1859 in Berry County, Missouri and died October 1966 in Kansas City, Missouri. She is buried at Blackland Cemetery in Forman, Arkansas. No further information for this family.


Daughter of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
Nancy E<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Nancy Elizabeth Scalf, daughter of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith, was born March 12, 1867 in Farmersville, Collin County, Texas. She died September 1, 1947 in McDonald Community. Nancy married Joseph Seaphus Morris 17 July 1885 in Collin County, Texas. He was the son of Jim Morris. Joseph was born 19 January 1865 in Perry County, Illinois and died 18 January 1936 in Collin County, Texas. Both are buried in the Scalf Cemetery at McKinney, Collin County, Texas. Nancy and her husband also set aside land for the Scalf Cemetery. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

(Death Certificate of Nancy Elizabeth Morris)

Children of Nancy Elizabeth Scalf and Joseph Morris:

  1. James Benjamin Morris born 19 August 1886 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX, died 15 June 1966.
  2. Lillie Mae Morris born 29 February 1888 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX.
  3. William Harvey Morris born 3 August 1892 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX, died 30 March 1963.
  4. Frank Sherman Morris born 3 august 1892 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX, died April 30 1962 McKinney, Collin County, TX. (Link to death certificate)
     Married 1) Mary Elizabeth Corely; died November 1942. He married 2) Clara Corely 22 April 1944; died 15 September 1969, Collin County, TX.
  5. Sara Francis Morris born 17 February 1895 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX; died 27 February 1932 McKinney, Collin County, TX.
  6. Joseph Albert Morris born 10 June 1897 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX.
     died 11 June 1897 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX. Buried in Scalf Cemetery, Collin County.
  7. Susie Jane Morris born 28 August 1898 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX.
     died 23 October 1994 Collin County, TX. Buried at Ridgeview Memorial Park, McKinney, TX.
  8. Freddie Morris born 10 December 1900 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX;
     died 26 August 1902 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX. Buried in Scalf Cemetery.
  9. John Isaac Morris born 8 March 1903 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX.
  10. Mary Paralee Morris born 8 March 1903 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX;
     died 19 April 1991 in Collin Co. TX. Buried at Ridgeview Cemetery, Collin County.
  11. George Watson Morris born 4 December 1907 McDonald Community, Collin County, TX; 1964 McKinney, TX.
  12. Jesse Berton Morris born 18 February 1910 Collin Co. TX;
     died 24 May 1941 Collin Co. TX. Buried in Scalf Cemetery, Collin Co. TX.
  13. Morris Infant son born 12 February 1913 Collin Co. TX;
     died February 1913 Collin Co. TX.  Buried at Scalf Cemetery, Collin Co. TX.

Nancy appears on census records as Lizzie. This family was followed from 1900 through 1930 on census records.

1900 Collin CO TX 7 June 1900 Justice Precinct #1

MORRIS, Joe S. Head 35 1865 IL AL AL
   Lizzie Wife 30 1870 TX UNK UNK
   James B. Son 13 1887 TX IL TX
   Lillie Dau 12 1888 TX IL TX
   Willie Son 10 1890 TX IL TX
   Frank Son   8 1892 TX IL TX
   Fannie Dau   6 1894 TX IL TX
   Susie Dau   1 1899 TX IL TX

1910 Collin CO TX 9 May 1910 Justice Precinct #1

MORRIS, J. S. Head 46 1864 IL AL AL
   Lizzie Wife 42 1868 TX UNK UNK
   James Son 23 1887 TX IL TX
   Will Son 19 1891 TX IL TX
   Frank Son 17 1893 TX IL TX
   Fannie Dau 15 1895 TX IL TX
   Susie Dau 11 1899 TX IL TX
   John Son   7 1903 TX IL TX
   Mary Dau   5 1905 TX IL TX
   George Son   2 1908 TX IL TX
   Jessie Son 3/12 1910 TX IL TX

1920 Collin CO TX 17 February 1920 Justice Precinct #1

MORRIS, Joe S. Head 55 1865 IL AL AL
   Elizabeth Wife 53 1867 AR IA IA
   Lillie ???? Dau 35 1885 TX IL AR
   Susie Dau 21 1899 TX IL AR
   John Son 16 1904 TX IL AR
   Mary Dau 14 1906 TX IL AR
   George Son 12 1908 TX IL AR
   Jesse Son 10 1910 TX IL AR

1930 Collin CO TX 10 April 1930 Justice Precinct #1

MORRIS, Joe S. Head 65 1865 IL AL GA
   Lizzie Wife 63 1867 TX TN IA
   Susia Dau 31 1899 TX IL TX
   Mary Dau 25 1905 TX IL TX
   Jessie B. Son 19 1911 TX IL TX


Son of
Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith
Jessie B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Jesse Benjamin Scalf, son of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith, was born May 1870 in McDonald Community, Collin County, Texas and died 13 January 1934 in Matoy, Bryan Co. Oklahoma. Jesse married Margaret Maggie Eveline Betterton 29 May 1888 in Collin County, Texas. She was the daughter of William Betterton and Martha Todd. She was born October 1872 in Texas and died 9 May 1950 in Durant, Bryan County, Oklahoma. Jesse was a Butcher by occupation and owned a butcher shop in Collin County in 1898. By 1928, he was living in Oklahoma. Maggie Betterton Scalf is buried at the Maytoy Cemetery in Bryan County, Oklahoma. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

Children of Jesse Benjamin Scalf and Margaret Maggie Betterton:<

  1. Minnie Sofa Scalf born 5 December 1889 Collin Co. TX.Minnie married Roy C. Thomas 1911 in Collin Co. TX.
  2. Mary Elizabeth Lizzie Scalf born August 1892 in Collin Co. TX; died 4 April 1950.
  3. William Wesley Scalf born January 1895 Collin Co. TX; He married Blanch Nichols.
  4. Florance Scalf born October 1896 Collin Co. TX.
  5. Martha Leona Scalf born 27 August 1898 Collin Co. TX. She married Thomas Boydstun born 1890 Oklahoma. Died in Maytoy, Caddo Co., OK.
  6. Walter Allen Scalf born 22 February 1901 TX; died April 1978 Roosevelt, Kiowa Co., OK.
  7. Harvey Metz Doc Scalf born 25 September 1903; died October 1986 Altus, Jackson Co. OK.
  8. Clara Scalf born 6 February 1905; died April 1974 in Durant, Bryan Co. OK. Clara married Jesse Money in Maytoy, Caddo Co., OK. Clara is buried at Maytoy Cemetery in Caddo Co. OK.
  9. Edna Eddie Scalf born 7 October 1910 Oklahoma. She married Tom Humphrey.
  10. Bell Scalf. Birth and death date unknown. She married Elmer Dollins.
  11. Haskel Matt Scalf. No dates.
  12. Fannie Mae Scalf

1900 Collin CO TX 1 June 1900 McKinney

SCALF, Jesse B. Head 30 1870 TX MS IA
   Maggie Wife 27 1873 TX MO MO
   Minnie Dau   9 1891 TX TX TX
   Lizzie Dau   7 1893 TX TX TX
   Wesley Son   5 1895 TX TX TX
   Florence Dau   3 1897 TX TX TX
   Leona Dau   1 1899 TX TX TX

1910 Collin CO TX 16 April 1910 Precinct #1

SCALF, J. B. Head 39 1871 TX IA IA
   M. E. Wife 37 1873 TX MO MO
   Minnie Dau 19 1891 TX TX TX
   Eliza Dau 18 1892 TX TX TX
   Wesley Son 15 1895 TX TX TX
   Florence Dau 13 1897 TX TX TX
   Leona Dau 11 1899 TX TX TX
   Walter Son   9 1901 TX TX TX
   Metz Son   6 1904 TX TX TX
   Clara Dau   4 1906 OK TX TX
   Belle Dau   2 1908 TX TX TX

In 1930, Jesse Benjamin and Maggie were living in the home of their daughter and son-in-law, J. P. Money and Clara. They were not found on the 1920 census records.

1930 Bryan CO OK 9 April 1930 Matoy

MONEY, J. P. Head 26 1904 TX TX TX
   Clara Wife 24 1906 OK TX OK
   Lucile Dau 4 8/12 1925 OK TX OK
   Parnell Son 3 6/12 1926 OK TX OK
   Ollie Dau 1 8/12 1928 OK TX OK
SCALF, J. B. Father in law 60 1870 TX TX TX
   Maggie Mother in law 58 1872 TX TX TX
BOYDSTON, J. B. Nephew 13 1917 OK OK OK
BOYDSTON, Georgia Niece 11 1919 OK OK OK

1940 Bryan CO OK 18 April 1940 Matoy

SCALF, Harvey M. Head 35 1905 TX
   Clara Wife 31 1909 TX
   Bonnie Dau 13 1927 OK
   William Lee Son 10 1930 OK
   Lloyd Son   7 1933 OK
   Cora Bell Dau   4 1936 OK
   Haskell Dau   2 1938 OK
   Maggie Mother 68 1872 TX  Widow


Daughter of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Minnie S<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Minnie Sofa Scalf, daughter of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf, was born 5 December 1889 Collin Co. TX and died August 25, 1965 in Collins County, TX.

(Death Certificate of Minnie Sofa Scalf)

Minnie married Roy C. Thomas 1911 in Collin Co. TX.

1920 Collins CO TX 4 February 1920 Justice Precinct 1

THOMAS, Roy C. Head 33 1887 KY KY KY
   Minnie Wife 30 1890 TX TX TX
   Maggie Dau   7 1913 TX KY TX
   Delitha Dau   6 1914 TX KY TX
   Sid D. Son 10/12 1919 TX KY TX

1930 Collins CO TX 16 April 1930 Justice Precinct 6

THOMAS, Roy C. Head 43 1887 KY KY KY Farmer
   Minnie Wife 39 1891 TX TX TX  
   Maggie Dau 17 1913 TX KY TX  
 &emsp Delitha Dau 15 1915 TX KY TX  
   Sidney Son 11 1919 TX KY TX  
   Gladys Dau 4 5/12 1926 TX KY TX  
   Morrison Cousin 40 1890 TX KY TX  

1940 Collins CO TX 22 April 194 Justice Precinct 1

THOMAS, Roy Head 54 1886 KY
   Minnie Wife 50 1890 TX
   Sidney Son 21 1919 TX
   Gladys Dau 14 1926 TX


Daughter of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Mary E<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Mary Elizabeth ’Lizzie-Scalf, daughter of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf, was born August 1892 in Collin Co. TX and died 4 April 1950. No further information.


Son of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
William W<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

William Wesley Scalf, son of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf, was born January 1895 in Collin Co. TX. His death date is unknown. He married Blanch Nichols. This family was followed on the census records of 1920 and 1930. They lived in Bryan County, Oklahoma.

1920 Bryan CO OK 8 January 1920 Matoy Township #10

SCALF, William W. Head 24 1896 TX US TX
   Blanche P. Wife 19 1901 TX MS MS
   Wesly L. Son   1 1919 OK TX TX

1930 Bryan CO OK 8 April 1930 Matoy

SCALF, Blanch Head 29 1901 TX MS MS Widow
NICHOLS, Ida Mother 54 1876 MS MS MS Widow
SCALF, Roy Son 11 1919 OK TX TX  
SCALF, Lloyd Son   8 1922 OK TX TX  

1940 Bryan CO OK 23 April 1940 Bennington

SCALF, Blanch P. Head 39 1901 OK Widow
   Wesley L. Son 21 1919 OK  
   William L. Son 18 1922 OK  
NICKOLS, Ida B. Mother 64 1876 MS Widow


Daughter of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Florence<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Florance Scalf, daughter of Jesse Benjamin Scalf and Margaret Maggie Betteron, was born October 1896 Collin Co. TX. We have no further information for Florance.


Daughter of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Martha<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Martha Leona Scalf, daughter Jesse Benjamin Scalf and Margaret Maggie Betteron, was born 27 August 1898 Collin Co. TX. We have no death date for Martha. She married Thomas Boydstun. He was born 1890 in Oklahoma. We have no death date for Thomas. He died in Maytoy, Bryan Co. OK.


Son of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Walter A<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Walter Allen Scalf, son of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf, was born 22 February 1901 in Texas and died April 1978 Roosevelt, Kiowa Co., OK. Walter married Lela M. Davis.

1930 Jackson CO OK 17 April 1930 Olustee Township

SCALF, Walter A. Head 29 1901 TX TX TX
   Lela M. Wife 23 1907 TX TX TX
   Lillian T. Dau 2 11/12 1927 OK TX TX
   Joice T. Dau 7/12 1929 OK TX TX

1940 Bryan CO OK 18 April 1940 Matoy

SCALF, Walter Head 38 1902 TX
   Leila Wife 32 1908 TX
   Lillian Dau 13 1927 OK
   Joyce Dau 10 1930 OK
   Troy Son   8 1932 OK
   Almeda Dau   7 1933 OK
   Leonard Son   5 1935 OK
   Shirley Dau   2 1938 OK


Son of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Harvey M<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Harvey Metz Scalf, son of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf, was born September 25, 1903 at McKinney, Texas. Harvey married Clara Bell Peak.

(Birth Certificate of Harvey Metz Scalf) (Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

Harvey died October 1986 at Altus, Jackson Co. Oklahoma. (Courtesy of Glenda Bales-Mounger)

Harvey married Clara B. (maiden name unknown). Harvey and Clara were found on the 1930 Jackson County, Oklahoma census with two children, Bonnie F. and William L. No further information.

1930 Jackson CO OK 17 April 1930 Olustee Township

SCALF, Harvy M. Head 27 1903 TX TX TX
   Clara B. Wife 22 1908 TX TX TX
   Bonnie F. Dau 3 5/12 1926 OK TX TX
   William L. Son 9/12 1929 OK TX TX

1940 Bryan CO OK 18 April 1940 Matoy

SCALF, Harvey M. Head 45 1895 TX
   Clara Wife 31 1909 TX
   Bonnie Dau 13 1927 OK
   William Lee Son 10 1930 OK
   Lloyd Son   7 1933 OK
   Cora Bell Dau   4 1936 OK
   Haskell Dau   2 1938 OK
   Maggie Mother 68 1872 TX  Widow


Daughter of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Clara<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Clara Scalf, daughter of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf was born 6 February 1905 and died April 1974 in Durant, Bryan Co., OK. Clara married Jesse Money, Maytoy, Caddo Co., OK. Clara is buried at Maytoy Cemetery in Caddo Co., OK. Jesse and Clara were found on the 1930 census of Bryan Co., Oklahoma. No further information.

1930 Bryan CO OK 9 April 1930 Matoy

MONEY, J. P. Head 26 1904 TX TX TX
   Clara Wife 24 1906 OK TX OK
   Lucile Dau 4 8/12 1925 OK TX OK
   Parnell Son 3 6/12 1926 OK TX OK
   Ollie Dau 1 8/12 1928 OK TX OK
SCALF, J. B. Father in law 60 1870 TX TX TX
   Maggie Mother in law 58 1872 TX TX TX
BOYDSTON, J. B. Nephew 13 1917 OK OK OK
BOYDSTON, Georgia Niece 11 1919 OK OK OK


Daughter of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Bell<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Bell Scalf, daughter of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf, was born about 1908 according to census records of her father and mother. She married Elmer Dollins. We have no further information for this family.


Daughter of
Jesse Benjamin Scalf & Margaret Maggie Betterton
Edna<Jesse B<Isaac<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Edna Eddie Scalf, daughter of Jesse Benjamin and Margaret Betterton Scalf was born 7 October 1910 in Oklahoma. She married Tom Humphrey. No further information on Edna.


Daughter of
Benjamin Scalf & Ceely Ann Keziah
Rebecca<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Rebecca Jane Scalf, daughter of Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah, was born about 1825 in Tennessee according to census records, but Barbara’s information states she was born June 18, 1823 in East Tennessee. Census records suggest she died 1880-1900, probably in Illinois.

Rebecca Scalf married James V. Hankle September 12, 1850 in Carter County, Tennessee according to the marriage record index located at the county courthouse. The marriage license and bond were issued on September 2, 1860; therefore, we cannot confirm that Rebecca married September 12thand she might have married the date the license was issued. September 12thmight have been an error on the index book made by the recorder.

Rebecca was listed in the home of Nat Cash on September 6, 1850 so it is possible that she did not marry James until September 12th. The date of the marriage for Rebecca and James was transcribed from the records of Carter County, Tennessee by the author some years ago. The marriage bond and license was found by Virgil Scalf.

(Marriage Bond)(Marriage License)

It seems logical that Benjamin Scalf would not have taken his daughters to Illinois with him due to the hardships and dangers of the journey and likely left them with relatives in Washington County, Tennessee. Rebecca would have been around 10-12 years old when Benjamin left the area. We believe that Nat Cash was a relative of William Cash that married Malinda Scalf. Malinda appears to have been a daughter of David Scalf, Benjamin’s brother; however, she could also have been a daughter of Benjamin that remained in Tennessee. We assume that Rebecca was living with the Cash family because Benjamin had remarried. Statements from his son, John R. Scalf, suggest that there was disharmony in the family unit and this might be the reason Rebecca was gone from the home in 1830. If Elizabeth was a daughter, this might be the reason she was not found in the home in 1830, as well as Joanna. Joanna might have been married at that time; however, we have not found a marriage for her in Tennessee.

1850 Washington Co. TN 6 Sept. 1850 Subdivision 4 E. Dist.


CASH, Nat M 35 1815 TN
   Sarah F 25 1825 TN
   Cathr’n F   9 1841 TN
   Elizabeth F   7 1843 TN
   James M   6 1844 TN
   Alford M   3 1847 TN
   Sarah F   2 1848 TN
SCALF, Rebecca F 25 1825 TN

1860 Washington CO TN 5 July 1860 Boones Creek District

HANKLE, James V. M 29 1831 TN
   Rebecca F 33 1827 TN
   Nancy F 53 1807 TN  (Mother of James Hankle)
   Mary L.  F   5 1855 TN  (Daughter of James and Rebecca?)

1870 Fulton CO IL August 1870 Waterford Township

HANKLE, J. V. M 42 1828 TN
   Rebecca F 46 1824 TN
   M. L. F 15 1855 TN  (Mary Lucinda)
   Tennessee F   8 1862 TN  (Phoebe Tennessee)
   Wesley M   7 1863 TN  (William (?) Wesley)

Due to the age difference in Mary Lucinda and Phoebe, it is very probable that Phoebe and Wesley were the children of Elizabeth Scalf and not Rebecca. We also cannot be sure that Mary Lucinda was a child of James and Rebecca. Her age might correlate with their marriage date; however, she would have been born five years after their marriage and might have belonged to Elizabeth as well.

Note that James and Rebecca stated that W. Wesley in 1880 was a nephew and this also suggests that Rebecca did have a sister that was his mother. John is also a nephew and likely the brother of Wesley. Joanna Osborn in the home was a cousin. Recall that Lewis married the widow, Ruth Osborn and his son, William married her daughter, Matilda. Joanna Osborn is probably part of that family since she is listed as a cousin on this census.

(Birth Records) (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman)

1880 Fulton CO IL 4 & 7 June 1880 Isabel Township

HANKLE, James V. Head 48 1832 TN Germ TN
   Rebecky Wife 54 1826 TN SC SC
   W. Wesley Nephew 16 1864 TN TN TN
SCALF, John L. Nephew 14 1866 TN TN TN
OSBORN, Joanna Cousin 13 1867 IL IL IL (This is not Joanna Scalf)

Rebecca died sometime after this census and before the 1900 census.

James remarried to Mrs. Juliet Payne 10/8/1883 in Illinois. (Courtesy of Catherine Schumacher)

Alta Adeline Hankle was my Grandmother. James married Eliza Ann Jones Asbel [who I think was married to a Moore and Alta is Eliza & Moore’s daughter. We were born and raised in Havana, IL. I am the youngest of 6 kids on the Hagel side. We left IL when I was about 3-4 years old. Moved to Colorado and then to Scottsbluff, Ne. were most of the family still reside. (Courtesy of Catherine Shumacher)

Another message was received from Clinton Payne concerning this marriage:

I have the information on Who James V. Hankle married after Rebecca died. It is Juliett (Cox) Payne my ggg-grandmother. She married James after her husband Alexander H. Payne died. They were married 08 Oct 1883, in Lewistown, Fulton County, Illinois. I do have a copy of their marriage lic. (Courtesy of Clinton Payne)

Names from the record of Barbara Bowman:

  1. James Valentine Hankle born December 13, 1824 in East Tennessee, Wa. Co.
  2. Rebecca born June 18, 1823 East Tennessee.
  3. J. V. Hankle married Rebecca Scalf Sept. 2, 1848 by Peter Emett, M.G. East TN, Carter Co.
  4. Mary Lucinda Hankle born Sept. 24, 1854.
  5. Phebe Tennessee Hankle born July 25, 1861 TN.
  6. Westly Hankle born May 5, 1863 TN.
  7. John Franklin Hankle born March 11, 1866 TN.
  8. David Marion Jackson born April 11, 1872.
  9. Wm. Marine Jackson born Feb. 22, 1876.
  10. Mary Hankle md. Thomas Fricks May 11, 1872.
  11. Phebe married Albert Bowman Dec. 25, 1876.
  12. Joanna Jackson died October 14, 1876.

Note:The bottom of page states: James V. & Rebecca mrg. Is wrong 1850 ??? (Writing illegible) dates are off 2 years

(Marriage Record of James Valentine Hankle and Rebecca Scalf) (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman)

It appears that Mary Lucinda was a child of James and Rebecca. Another researcher of the Hankle family stated that they did not believe that James had any children but was always taking in other children.


Daughter of
James Valentine Hankle and Rebecca Scalf
Mary L<Rebecca<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Mary Lucinda Hankle, possible daughter of James Valentine Hankle and Rebecca Scalf, was born September 24, 1854 in East Tennessee. (Courtesy of Barbara Bowman family record)

Mary Lucinda Hankle may or may not have been a daughter of James and Rebecca; however, she was raised by this couple.

Mary Lucinda Hankle married Thomas Frickes May 11, 1871 in Fulton County, Illinois. (Illinois Statewide Marriages, Vol. 00D, Pg. 0178, License No. 00000128)

We have no further information on Mary Lucinda Scalf Frickes.


Daughter of
Benjamin Scalf Sr. & Ceely Ann Keziah
Elizabeth<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Elizabeth Scalf, possible daughter of Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah, was born sometime prior to 1840. Elizabeth married John Miranda White in Washington County, Tennessee. It was stated by a Hankle descendant that Elizabeth and Ran were killed by Indians and James and Rebecca raised the children. We cannot confirm or deny this information; therefore, the author will list the information known concerning Elizabeth Scalf.

Elizabeth Scalf married Miranda White November 8, 1860 in Washington County, Tennessee. Since this marriage is later than the others, it could be a second marriage or Elizabeth might have been the daughter of Benjamin and his second wife.

(Marriage Record of Elizabeth Scalf to Miranda White)

The author has several theories concerning Elizabeth Scalf and the children mentioned above; however, these are only theories and not meant to be taken literally as fact. We offer these theories as avenues of research for anyone interested in researching these families.

First, if Elizabeth married in 1860 and married at the age of 18-21, then she was likely born 1839-1842 which would have been a considerable time after Benjamin Sr. left Tennessee. It is possible that Elizabeth Scalf that married Miranda White was older than this when they married and if so, she could have been born 1820 -1830 and might have been in her 30’s when she married Miranda.

However, the author finds it strange that Rebecca or James would record the death date of Joanna and not the death date of Elizabeth, especially since they did raise her children. This brings the thought to mind that Joanna and Elizabeth might have been the same person.

Elmer Scalf told the author that Joanna married a Frank Maine and lived in Illinois; however, no marriage was found in Illinois for Joanna and Frank and none has been found in Tennessee, but a marriage for Joanna to Samuel Jackson was found in Illinois. Also, Frank and Joanna were not found on any census records.

It is possible that Joanna was the one that married Miranda White but she was Joanna Elizabeth and used Elizabeth on the marriage record to Miranda. Something might have happened that they divorced or Miranda died and Joanna and the children moved to Illinois with James and Rebecca. The children were listed under the Hankle name on the 1870 census with James and Rebecca but Joanna was not in the home. Joanna then married Samuel Jackson in 1872 and died 1876. We cannot find Joanna in 1870 Illinois or Tennessee, and she might have been living with another family member. It does appear that Joanna and Samuel had at least two children before her death for two Jackson children were listed on the record.

Second, it is possible that Elizabeth was Benjamin’s daughter by his second wife and Elizabeth remained in Tennessee with her mother, if they divorced.

On the 1860 Washington County, TN census living next door to James and Rebecca Scalf Hankle is Greenberry Bowen and wife, Mary.  Elizabeth Scalf is living in the home. She was listed as 24 years old with an estimated birth date of 1836 and of course, it is possible this is not correct and she might have been slightly older. This might have been Elizabeth Scalf, sister of Rebecca. If this is Rebecca’s sister Elizabeth, she married Miranda White in December of 1860 and the census was enumerated in July of 1860. Like Joanna, Elizabeth was not in the area in 1870 as Elizabeth Scalf or Elizabeth White.

In 1860 Washington County, Mary Lucinda was in the home with James and Rebecca along with James-mother, Nancy. This suggests that Mary Lucinda was a child of James and Rebecca; however, it is just as possible that she was not. She was born five years after this couple married if she was their child and again, her age might have been wrong as well. During those times, they generally had children within two years after the marriage. It was reported by Hankle descendants that James and Rebecca never had children of their own; therefore, we assume that Mary Lucinda was a child of another family and being raised by James and Rebecca.

Also, in 1860, an Elizabeth Scalf is living in the home of Eli Henry and she is 70 years old, born in NC, and her estimated birth date is 1790. Benjamin’s wife in 1830 Washington County, TN had an estimated birth date of 1780-1790. Could this be Benjamin’s second wife?

There is also a Mary A. Scalf in the home of Eli Henry age 20 and born in TN. It is possible she was a daughter born to Elizabeth after Benjamin left, if this was Benjamin’s second wife, and of course, she would have used the Scalf name since her mother was a Scalf; however, she would not have been Benjamin’s daughter because she would have been born 1840 long after he left East Tennessee. We have not been able to place these folks with any of the East TN families and they may or may not be connected to Benjamin or David Scalf, but we do know they are not connected to the family of John Scalf Sr. that we have been able to find.

James and Rebecca, Greenberry Bowen and Eli Henry were all living next to each other in 1860 Washington County, TN in the Boones Creek District, which is located between Kingsport and Johnson City, TN.

According to everything the author has read concerning Indian raids in East Tennessee, there were no raids after the Indian removal and none a long time before. There certainly were no Indian raids in the 1860’s in East Tennessee. There were several removals and the last one was in 1838 when the Indians were moved from Georgia to Arkansas and then Indian Territory, now Oklahoma; therefore, we believe the legend of the White couple being killed by Indians must have been confused with something else.

It is possible that John Miranda White was killed in the Civil War because the war began soon after this couple married and he most likely was a soldier in this war.

I am fairly certain that James and Rebecca did not move to Illinois around 1862, because Elizabeth and Miranda’s last child was not born until 1866 and the child was with James and Rebecca in Illinois in 1870, so they must have left 1866-1870. Elizabeth could very well have died 1866-1870. If Elizabeth was not Joanna, then there must be another explanation for the deaths of both Miranda and Elizabeth.

It is possible that Miranda died in the war and Elizabeth died from a disease, or they both died from a disease, or he died in the war and she died in childbirth to the last child. He could have been part of a local Home Guard and due to the births of the children it certainly appears he was, if he was in the war at all.

If Miranda was in the war, t is likely he was in a Home Guard unit during the war. A death record for one or both would have to be found in order to sort this out. It should be noted that even though the war ended in 1865, there were still killings going on for quite some time afterwards. East Tennessee was divided in its loyalties and men still killed each other over their loyalties in the war long after the war had ended.

A considerable amount of research has taken place concerning these families with little information becoming available to determine exactly what happened, and much research still needs to be done in order to put the pieces together more accurately. There are many possibilities concerning Joanna and Elizabeth and without better records we may never determine if they were the same person or two separate people.

Children of John Miranda White and Elizabeth Scalf:

  1. Phebe Tennessee Hankle born July 25, 1861 in Tennessee. Phebe married Albert Bowman December 25, 1876 in Fulton County, IL. (Illinois Statewide Marriages, Vol. 00E, Pg. 0051, License No. 00000331)
  2. William Westly Hankle born May 5, 1863 in Tennessee.
  3. John Franklin Hankle born March 11, 1866 in Tennessee.


Son of
Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah
 Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Jonah Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah, was born October 5, 1825 in Tennessee and died September 28, 1894 (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert). Jonah is buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online)

Many of the folks from the family of Jonah Scalf are buried at the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, Illinois along with several other cemeteries in Fulton County. The Mt. Pleasant cemetery was once known as the Apple Cemetery. Directions for this cemetery are listed here along with historical information concerning the cemetery.

“Apple (Mt. Pleasant) Cemetery is located in the south central portion of Section 20 of Liverpool Township. Follow Route 24 in a southwesterly direction until you pass Little America. If you reach Lewistown, you’ve gone too far. Turn right on Clark Road (1960E) which will lead you right to the cemetery.

This cemetery was originally named ‘Apple’ Cemetery after Henry Apple, who gave an acre of land for the burial ground. In later years the name of the church and cemetery was changed to Mt. Pleasant for some unknown reason. When the people of the community incorporated the cemetery and learned there was already a cemetery named Mt. Pleasant in the state and on the suggestion of Mr. Frank Hummel the old name of Apple Cemetery was used. Article dated September, 1935. unknown source. APPLE SCHOOL aka Mt. Pleasant School located 4 1/2 miles east of Lewistown directly across from Mt. Pleasant Church is no longer there. It was moved to the residence of Mrs. Bertha Nott. (submitted by Judy Wickert.) (

We are indebted to Judy Heffren-Wickert for providing us with her research on the Jonah Scalf family, as well as the assistance of Virgil Scalf with various records of the families listed in this chapter. Judy is the daughter of Bernadine Cooper and Raymond Heffren, granddaughter of Grace Scalf and Spencer Cooper, g-granddaughter of Jacob Henry and Elvia Leona Scalf, g-g-granddaughter of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson and g-g-g-granddaughter of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth Wiley.

Judy not only contributed her research but also provided photographs of some of the descendants of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth Wiley, along with death, marriages and other supporting documents. Judy’s research is combined with census records of the Jonah Scalf family to sufficiently document the line of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth (Wiley) Scalf.

We believe Jonah was one of the sons of Benjamin Scalf and Ceely Ann Keziah. The fact that Jonah’s birth date correlates with one of the males in the home of Benjamin Scalf in 1830 Washington County, Tennessee and 1840 McDonough County, Illinois, along with the fact that he then appears on the tax list of McDonough County near Lewis and Benjamin strongly suggests that Jonah was likely a son of Benjamin.

We only have circumstantial evidence to tie Jonah to Benjamin and if we are not correct, this chapter will be updated to reflect this; however, Jonah does not appear to fit with any other family member at this time and the author strongly feels that Jonah was a son of Benjamin. Elmer Scalf stated inScalf Family Historythat he might be a son of John and Temperance Wiley Scalf of North Carolina; however, the author disagrees with this due to information concerning Benjamin and his son Lewis Scalf found in the East TN and Illinois area.

Jonah stated on census records that he was born in Tennessee and his parents were born in North Carolina. This information correlates with Benjamin and Ceely Ann Keziah for both were born and lived in North Carolina until at least1810 and then moved to Washington County, Tennessee probably 1810-1820. Ceely Ann died and Benjamin then remarried, but we have been unable to learn the name of his second wife. It appears that this wife either died, or the marriage did not work out for Benjamin then moved to McDonough County, Illinois by 1836.

We cannot determine if Benjamin left at the same time as some of his children or if he followed, but the records show that Benjamin was in the McDonough County area as early as 1836 as well as his son, Lewis. They then appear on the 1840 census of that county and later on tax records of 1846. Jonah also appears on the 1846 tax list with Lewis and Benjamin suggesting a family tie. Not only were these men together in the same area, but several statements suggest that Jonah was part of this family. When these statements are combined, the author leans heavily toward Jonah having been a son of Benjamin.

Jonah was found on the 1850 census of McDonough County after his marriage to Elizabeth Wiley. Lewis Scalf, son of Benjamin Scalf, Sr. was living in McDonough at the same time. (1846 McDonough Co. Tax List) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Benjamin Sr. was not found in 1850 but this might have been due to the spelling of the name Scalf on the Illinois census records. As can be seen below, Lewis was listed as Lewis Calf and Jonah was listed as Jonah Calve. Benjamin was not found with either of these spellings but it would be difficult to determine exactly what spelling he might have been listed under. Also, many of the census records were very faded on microfilm and his name might have been missed.

Jonah may have been the last child born to Benjamin and Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf. It is apparent from the records that Ceely Ann Keziah Scalf had died before 1830 for this is when Benjamin’s son, John Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri, left home due to ’disagreements with his stepmother-as stated by Mrs. Roy Scalf, wife of a grandson of John Scalf of Putnam County, Missouri.

Illinois Statewide Marriage Records online reveal that Jonah married first to Elizabeth ’Betsy-Wiley December 4, 1845 in McDonough County, Illinois. It is unknown if Jonah and Elizabeth had children that may have died before their first son, John, was born but it is possible due to their marriage date. John, the oldest son found was not born until 1849 according to census records.

Jonah and Elizabeth had at least three children before Elizabeth’s death around 1855. Elizabeth died in childbirth and the child died as well leaving Jonah with two sons to raise, John and William.

Jonah then married Elizabeth Olive Rice September 2, 1855 in McDonough County, Illinois. We do not know if Jonah and Elizabeth divorced of if she died, but Jonah then married Samantha Lane January 15, 1862 in Fulton County, Illinois. Either Samantha died or they divorced for on December 29, 1865 in Fulton County, Illinois, Jonah married again to Minerva Jane Wiley, a half-sister to his first wife, Elizabeth Wiley. We do not know if Minerva died or they divorced; however, Jonah married last to the widow, Mrs. Martha Canevit July 28, 1871. This was the last marriage found for Jonah Scalf. He was found living with his son, John, in 1880 Bremer County, Iowa. According to a descendant of Martha, Jonah and Martha divorced and she remarried to Daniel Harris April 23, 1875 in Fulton County, Illinois.

A quote from the writings of Henry P. Scalf, author of Chronicles of the Scalf Family is listed here:

Jonah Scalf was a riverman and came up from the deep south on a boat as some kind of officer, Roy V. Scalf, Canton, Illinois, wrote the present writer, Sept. 10, 1968. He served as boat captain on the Illinois River, I am told, for several years, then purchased land close to Liverpool, Ill. and we still call this the Scalf homestead. His two sons were William and John. John married and became the father of six sons and three daughters, one son, (Jesse James Scalf), became my father. The family, by and large, has been a religious group, many ministers coming from the family. Rev. William E., my uncle, traveled extenSivley, lecturing against the theory of evolution.  (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, Chapter XIV)

Roy V. Scalf of Canton, Illinois stated that Jonah lived along the Cedar Creek in Iowa; however, we have not been able to confirm that Jonah was a Riverboat Captain at this time. Riverboat records have been searched as much as possible concerningRiverboat Officers and if Jonah was an officer on a riverboat, this record is lost to history. This is not to say that he was not, only that it has not been found. However, this may be the reason Jonah cannot be found in 1870.

The author theorizes that it is possible that Benjamin and his sons went to Illinois via the river as many settlers did during this time. Jonah might have been a Riverboat Captain on the Missouri River later after he married and therefore, might be the reason for the confusion concerning the legend of him coming north as a Riverboat Captain. We can only speculate, but it is one theory. The author believes that Jonah was in the home of Benjamin Scalf, Sr. in 1840 McDonough County, Illinois.

Jonah was followed on census records of 1850, 1860 and 1880 but could not be found in 1870, and Jonah might very well have been on the river at that time. Details of the story about Jonah coming from the Deep South as a Riverboat Captain might have gotten confused with the telling and re-telling of the legend. Researchers of this family are still researching this information and an update will be added when available.

Jonah had died by the enumeration of the 1900 census. Jonah can be found as Jonah, Jonas and Jinah on various records. We do not know if his name was Jonah or Jonas but it appears to have been Jonah and this is the spelling we will list in this section.

Elizabeth Wiley Scalf is reported to have been buried in Iowa. Elmer Scalf states in a letter to the author that Elizabeth Wiley and Minerva Wiley were half-sisters; however, Elmer gave no reference for why he believed this and we have not confirmed it at this time.

(Marriage Record of Jonah Scalf to Elizabeth Wiley - 1845) (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

Children of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth Wiley were:

  1. John W. Scalf - born 1849, Illinois; died 1922, IL
  2. Rev. William S. Scalf - born January 12, 1852, Illinois; died 1923 in IL.
  3. Infant Scalf - born about 1855; died young.

1850 McDonough CO IL 9 October 1850

CALF, Jonas M 24 1826 TN
   Elizabeth F 22 1828 OH
   John M 10/12 1849 IL

Elizabeth died in childbirth around 1855 and Jonas was found with his two sons on the 1860 Fulton County, Illinois census.

1860 Fulton CO IL 14 June 1860 Liverpool Township

SCALF, Jonas M 33 1827 TN
   John M 10 1850 IL
   William M   8 1852 IL

After Elizabeth died, Jonah remarried to Elizabeth Olive Rice in 1855. (Marriage Record of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth Olive Rice - 1855) (Courtesy of Wendy Klosterman)

Jonah’s marriage to Elizabeth Rice was short-lived and he remarried again to Samantha Lane in 1862. (Marriage Record of Jonah Scalf and Samantha Lane - 1862) (Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900)

Jonah was found on the 1865 Fulton County State census with his two sons. This record tells us that Jonah’s wife, Samantha Lane, was not with him in July of 1865.

1865 Fulton CO State Census 3 July 1855 Liverpool

SCALF, Jonah

White Persons 10-20 White Persons 30-40 Value of Live Stock
2 males 1 male 300

Jonah then married Jane Wiley. (Marriage Record of Jonah Scalf and Jane Wiley - 1865) (Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900)

Children of Jonah Scalf and Minerva Jane Wiley were:

  1. Abraham Scalf
  2. William (Willey) Scalf

Jonah’s last marriage was to Martha Canevit. (Marriage Record of Jonah Scalf and Martha Canevit - 1871) (Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900)

By 1880, Jonah-son, John, had married and moved to Bremer County, Iowa and Jonah was living in the home.

1880 Bremer CO IA 1 June 1880 La Fayette Township

SCALF, John Head 30 1850 IL TN IL
   Priscilla Wife 29 1851 MO Unk Unk
   Willie S. Son 12 1868 IL IL MO
   Elizabeth M. Dau   9 1871 IL IL MO
   Jacob H. Son   6 1874 IL IL MO
   George T. Son   3 1877 IL IL MO
   Mary E. Dau   1 1879 IA IL MO
SCALF, Jonas Father 52 1828 TN NC NC


Son of
Jonah Scalf & Elizabeth Wiley
John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

John Wesley Scalf, son of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth Wiley, was born December 8, 1849 in McDonough County, Illinois and died January 20, 1922. John is buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. He was found in the home of his parents at the age of 10 months old in 1850. The census was enumerated in October of 1850.

John married Priscilla Ferguson November 13, 1866 in Fulton County, Illinois at the age of 17. Priscilla was born November 22, 1851. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert) Priscilla died January 24, 1934 at Havana (Mason Co) Illinois. (Illinois deaths online) Priscilla is also buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. She was the daughter of William Ferguson according to cemetery records.  Mt. Pleasant Cemetery at Genealogy Trails, online)

(Transcribed Death Record from Illinois deaths online)

Little is known of the family of Priscilla Ferguson; however, a Betsy Ferguson was found in Fulton County on the 1860 census with a daughter, Priscilla, in the home. This daughter was six years old according to the census. This Priscilla would have been only 12 years old in 1866 when John and Priscilla married. If she was 8 years old instead of 6, she would have been 14 years old in 1866. Therefore, it would be a longshot to say she was the same Priscilla Ferguson that married John Scalf in 1866. This might have been a relative of Priscilla named for her. This was the only Priscilla Ferguson found in the area in 1860 and this family was living a short distance from Jonah. Cemetery records online state that Priscilla was the daughter of William Ferguson; however, William was not found on census records.

1860 Fulton Co IL 12 June 1860 Liverpool Township

FERGUSON, Betsy F 35 1825 IL
   George A. M 14 1846 IL
   Priscilla F   6 1854 IL
   John W. M   2 1858 IL
   Mary J. F 6/12 1860 IL

In the household after Betsy Ferguson is the John and Sarah F. Stufflebeam family. The Wiley’s, Shaw’s, Stufflebeam’s, and Scalf’s all had marital ties. In the next household is Eljah Wilcoxen. The Wilcoxen’s are another marital tie.

In the next household is Joseph S. Parkes or Parker and wife Lucinda. Joseph was born in Illinois and Lucinda was born in Missouri. Living in the home of this family is a John Scelf (Scalf). John was twelve years old and born in Illinois about 1848 suggesting this could have been Jonah’s son, John.

John and Priscilla Ferguson Scalf were the parents of at least nine known children. There were five children born at the enumeration of the 1880 Bremer County, Iowa census and two children in 1900 on the Fulton County, Illinois census.

There were two other children found that were born 1880 and 1884. One son is listed as Jonah Scalf, Jr. on the 1885 state census, and then listed as Joda in his brother Willis-home in 1900 Ford County, Illinois. Another son, Jesse James Scalf, was born January 1883 and was living in the home of Theo Whitenac as a border in 1900. Due to their birth dates, they would not appear on regular census records with their parents. Jonah Jr./Joda was found with his parents in 1885, but this was a state census. Information from Judy Heffren-Wickert confirms that these boys were sons of John and Priscilla. We believe two of the children of John and Priscilla died young.

Children of John and Priscilla Ferguson Scalf:

  1. Rev. Willis S. Scalf born March 7, 1868 and died January 10, 1947. He married Mary Gertrude Ferguson, daughter of John William (Bud) Ferguson and Lucinda E. Eveland. Priscilla Ferguson was a sister to John William Ferguson. (No proof)
  2. Elizabeth M. Scalf, born February 6, 1871 in Illinois and died November 9, 1844. Elizabeth is buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton Co. IL. Elizabeth married 1) George Stoneking, and 2) Stephen A. Clark, born October 1, 1855 and died January 16, 1919. Stephen is buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL.
  3. Jacob H. Scalf born March 22, 1874 in Illinois and died September 2, 1955 in Fulton Co. IL.  He married Elvia Leona Scalf, born March 9, 1875 and died November 14, 1941. Jacob and Elvia are buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton Co. IL.
  4. George Thomas Scalf, born July 29, 1876 and died September 25, 1959. He married Bertha Belle Scalf, born August 4, 1877 and died May 12, 1924. George and Bertha are buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton Co. IL.
  5. Mary Evelena Scalf, born 1879 in Iowa.
  6. Joda Scalf born April 1880 in Iowa.
  7. Jesse James Scalf born January 26, 1883 in Iowa. He married Mary Belle Wallick.
  8. Elijah Everett Scalf born 21 August 1885 in Iowa and died September 26, 1964 in Canton, Ohio. He married Lizzie Downey. Elijah is buried at White Chapel Memory Gardens in Fulton County, IL. (White Chapel Memory Gardens, Surnames N-Z)
  9. Bessie M. Scalf born November 1889 in Illinois. She married ____Folsom.

A birth record for a daughter born to John Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson was found by Wendy Klosterman at the courthouse in Bremer County, Iowa. This daughter was born April 21, 188? in Bremer County, Iowa. The parents are listed as John and Priscilla Ferguson.

It is possible that this could have been the birth record of Bessie M. Scalf since Priscilla stated this was her ninth child. A transcribed copy of the record is listed here. Note that her birth is stated as April 21, 1880 or 1888 and is likely 1888; however, Judy lists a birth date of November 1889 for Bessie, so we cannot be sure this is actually Bessie’s birth record.

Book 1 - Page 94 - Sequence 4:
No. 1121
Date of Return: 16 October 1888
Name of Child: Scalf
Sex: Female
No. of child of this Mother: Ninth
Race or color: White
Date of Birth: April 21, 1888
Place of Birth: Waverly, Iowa
Nationality of Father: American
Place of Birth: Illinois
Age: 38
Nationality of Mother: American
Place of Birth: Illinois
Full Name of Mother: Priscilla Scalf
Maiden Name of Mother: Ferguson
Full Name of Father: John Scalf
Occupation: Farmer
Name and Address of Medical Attendant: Wm. M. Barber, M.D. Waverly, Iowa. (Bremer County Births - Bremer County, Iowa Courthouse - Courtesy, Wendy Klosterman)

John and Priscilla’s family were followed on the census from 1880 through 1930 and match the information provided by Judy Heffren-Wickert.

1880 Bremer CO IA 1 June 1880 La Fayette Township

SCALF, John Head 30 1850 IL TN IL
   Priscilla Wife 29 1851 MO Unk Unk
   Willie S. Son 12 1868 IL IL MO
   Elizabeth M. Dau   9 1871 IL IL MO
   Jacob H. Son   6 1874 IL IL MO
   George T. Son   3 1877 IL IL MO
   Mary E. Dau   1 1879 IA IL MO
SCALF, Jonas Father 52 1828 TN NC NC

1885 Iowa State census Bremer CO LaFayette

SCALF, John M 35 1850 IL  
   Prisculla F 33 1852 MO  
   William M 16 1869 IL  
   Elizabeth M. F 13 1872 IL  
   Jacob H. M 10 1875 IL  
   Thomas M   7 1878 IL  
   Mary E. F   6 1879 IA  
   Jonah, Jr. M   3 1882 IA  
   Jessie M   0 1885 IA  
   Jonah M 56 1829 TN Widower

1900 Fulton CO IL 18 June 1900 Liverpool Township

SCALF, John Head 50 Dec 1849  IL TN OH  
   Priscilla Wife 48 Dec 1851 MO Unk KY 11 children born, 9 living
   Elijah E. Son 15 Apr 1885 IA IL MO  
   Bessie M. Dau 10 Nov 1889 IL IL MO  

1910 Fulton CO IL 4 May 1910 Liverpool Township

SCALF, John Head 60 1850 IL TN OH  
   Priscilla Wife 57 1853 MO USA KY 11 children born, 9 living
   Elijah B. Son 22 1888 IL IL MO (should be Elijah E.)

Note that Priscilla said she had 11 children born with 9 living in 1910.

John filed land June 22, 1842 in Twp. 22, Section 92, Range 10 of Bremer County, Iowa. He then filed land again December 17, 1879 in Twp 92, Section 22, Range 14 of Bremer County, Iowa. Total property was 10 acres. (Wendy Klosterman - Land Records, Bremer County, Iowa)

The 1917 Farmer’s Directory contributed by Virgil Scalf shows the family of John and Priscilla in 1917. John and Priscilla owned 50 acres in Section 8 of Liverpool Township in Fulton County (Lewistown) Illinois in 1917. Their children, Jacob, George, Jesse and Elijah were living in the home in 1917.

Fulton County, Illinois Farmers Directory, 1917
Given Name: John
Surname: Scalf
Spouse (Maiden Name): Priscilla
Children: Jacob, George, Jesse, Elijah
Post Office: Lewistown
RR: 9
Township: Liverpool
Sec: 8
Acres: 50
Year became Resident: 1871

1920 Fulton CO IL 13-16 February 1920 Liverpool Township

SCALF, John Head 70 1850 IL IL IL
   Percilla Wife 68 1852 MO MO KY

Census records suggest that John died after the enumeration of the 1920 census and before the enumeration of the 1930 census and Judy confirms that he died 1922.

1930 Fulton CO IL 17 April 1930 Liverpool Township

SCALF, Pricilla Head 86 1844 IL IL IL Widow

John Scalf, son of Jonah and Elizabeth Wiley Scalf, died January 20, 1922 in Fulton County, Illinois. His widow, Priscilla Ferguson Scalf, was still living in Fulton County in 1930. She was listed as 86 years old but should have been around 79 years old.

Son of
John W. Scalf & Priscilla Ferguson
William<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Rev. Willis S. Scalf, oldest son of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson, was born March 1868 according to the 1900 Ford County, Illinois census. Judy lists a birth date of March 7, 1868 and a death date of January 10, 1947. These dates correspond to the Mt. Pleasant cemetery records online and the Illinois death index 1916-1952.

Willis was also known as Willey. Willis married Mary Gertrude Fergerson probably around 1895-1897 for their first child Aaron V. was born September 26, 1898. Mary G. Eveland Scalf is also buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. Gertrude Eveland was born February 6, 1874 in Waverly, Iowa and died April 13, 1926 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Gertrude was the daughter of John Fergerson and Lucinda Eveland. (Death Certificate of Mrs. Gertrude Scalf)

Willis and Mary had two children on the 1900, 1910 and 1920 censuses. These children were Aaron Victor Scalf and Vera Violet Scalf. There is a span of 9 years between the ages of these children indicating that there might have been children that died and a child named Charlie S. Scalf is found in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online. He was born December 24, 1904 and died August 2, 1905. The cemetery records list his parents as W. S. and M. C. Scalf; however, the author believes this should have been W. S. and M. G. Scalf. Most likely the headstone was difficult to read and the transcriber assumed this was a C.

A marriage record for Willis was found by Wendy Klosterman and states that William S. Scalf married Mary G. Eveland. No father was listed on the record and her mother’s surname is listed as Eveland. Judy also lists the surname as Eveland.

Book 10 - Page 152 - Sequence 5:
No. Of License: 4042
Date of License: 6-8-93
Full Name of Groom:W. S. Scalf
Place of Residence: Waverly
Occupation: Clergyman
Age Next Birthday: 26
Race or Color: White
Place of Birth: Illinois U.S.A.
Father’s Name: John Scalf
Mother’s Maiden Name: Priscilla Fergerson
No. Of Groom’s Marriage: First
Full Name of Bride:Mary G. Eveland
Place of Residence: Waverly
Age Next Birthday: 20
Race or Color: White
Place of Birth: Iowa U.S.A.
Father’s Name:
Mothers Maiden Name: Lucinda Eveland
No. Of Bride’s Marriage: First
Where and When Married: Waverly, Iowa 8 June 1893
Witnesses: John W. Eveland and Ida M. Eveland
By Whom Certified, Name and Office: W. Ward Smith, Minister of the Gospel
Date of Return: 6-10-1893
Registered: 8-21-1893

(Marriage Document)

1900 Ford CO IL 2 June 1900 Mona Township

SCALF, Willis S. Head 32 Mar 1868 IL IL MO  
   Mary G. Wife 26 Feb 1774 IA IL IA 2 children born, 1 living
   Aron V. Son   2 Sep 1897 IL IL IA  
SCALF, Joda (Jonah) Brother 20 Apr 1880 IA IL MO  

1910 Bremer CO IA 26 April 1910 Lafayette Township

SCALF, Willis S. Head 42 1868 IL IL MO  
   Mary G. wife 36 1874 IA Unk IA 3 children born, 2 living
   A. Victor Son 12 1898 IL IL IA  
   V. Violet Dau   3 1907 IL IL IA  

1915 Palo Alto CO IA State Census Ruthvan

SCALF, W. S. M 47 1868 IL 19 years in IA
   Mary G. F 41 1874 IA 26 years in IA
   Aaron V. M 17 1898 IL 5 years in IA
   Vera V. F   8 1907 IL 5 years in IA

1920 Emmet CO IA 9 January 1920 Esterville

SCALF, Willey S. Head 51 1869 IL IL MO
   Mary G. Wife 45 1875 IA IL IA
   Victor Son 22 1898 IL IL IA
   Vera Dau 13 1907 IL IL IA

On the 1925 Linn County, Iowa State census, John Ferguson is listed as Mary Gertrude Eveland’s father and Priscilla Medford is listed as Willey’s mother. It has also been stated that Mary’s father was John William Ferguson. We can offer no explanation as to why Priscilla was listed as Medford instead of Ferguson.

1925 Linn CO IA State Census

        Father Born Age last birthday Maiden name of mother Born Age last birthday
SCALF, Welley S. Head 56 IL John Scalf IL Dead Priscilla Medford MO 72
   Mary Wife 50 IA John Ferguson IL Dead Lucinda Eveland IA 70

1940 Fulton CO IL 17 April 1940 Buckhart

SCALF, Rev Willis S. Head 72 1868 IL & Widower


Son of 
Willis Scalf & Mary Gertrude Eveland
Victor<Willis<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Victor A. Scalf, son of William Scalf and Mary Gertrude Eveland, was born September 26, 1898, probably in Illinois and died December 1967 in Illinois. (WWI Registration and SS Index, courtesy of Virgil Scalf)We have no further information for Victor.

WWI Registration Card
Name: Victor A. Scalf
Age: 20
Home Address: Centuria, Polk CO, WI
Date of Birth: September 26, 1897
Occupation: Farmer
Employer name: W. S. Scalf (Link to Original Document)

Place of Employment: Centuria, Polk CO, WI
Nearest relative: W. S. Scalf
Address of relative: Centuria, Polk CO, WI
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Color of eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Dark
Social Security Death Index
Name: Victor Scalf
SSN: 327-09-8739
Last Residence: 60436 Joliet, Will, Illinois, United States of America
Born: 26 Sep 1898
Died: Dec 1967
State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (Before 1951)


Daughter of
 Willis S. Scalf & Mary Gertrude Eveland
Vera<Willis<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

Vera Violet Scalf, daughter of Willis S. Scalf and Mary Gertrude Eveland, was born about 1907 in Iowa. She married Elmer Roosevelt Dill, Jr. about 1925.

        Father Born Age last birthday Maiden name of mother Born Age last birthday
DILL, Elmer E. Head 55 IA William Dill PA   Ordella Chapman PA  
   Mary M. Wife 49 IA William Carpenter PA   Olive Pratt IA  
   Leon W. Son 18 IA Elmer E. Dill IA 55 Mary M. Carpenter IA 49
   Lloyd E. Son 13 IA Elmer E. Dill IA 55 Mary M. Carpenter IA 49
   Elsie M. Dau   6 IA Elmer E. Dill IA 55 Mary M. Carpenter IA 49
   Elmer R. Son 21 IA Elmer E. Dill IA 55 Mary M. Carpenter IA 49
   Vera V. Dau in law 18 IL Rev W. S. Scalf IL 56 Mary Ferguson IA 50

1930 Winnebago CO IL 5 April 1930 Rockford

DILL, Elmer Head 61 1869 IA PA PA  
   Mary M. Wife 55 1875 IA PA IA  
   Lloyd Son 19 1911 IA IA IA  
   Elise Dau 11 1919 IA IA IA  
   Elmer Son 26 1904 IA IA IA Married @ 21
   Vera Dau in law 23 1907 IA IA IA Married @ 18
   Lowell G-son   5 1925 IA IA IA  
   Mary G-dau   2 1928 IL IA IA  
   Victor G-son   1 1929 IL IA IA  

Children of Elmer Roosevelt Dill and Vera Violet Scalf

  1. Lowell Dill, born about 1924-1925 according to the 1930 census of Winnebago Co. Illinois
  2. Mary Alta Dill, daughter of Elmer and Vera was born April 23, 1927 in Winnebago County, Illinois.
  3. Victor Leon Dill, son of Elmer and Vera was born February 18, 1929 in Winnebago County, Illinois.
  4. (Illinois Birth Records online at Genealogy Trails)


    Daughter of
    John Scalf & Priscilla Ferguson
    Elizabeth<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Elizabeth M. Scalf was born February 6, 1871 probably in Fulton County, Illinois and died November 9, 1944. She is buried at Mt Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton County, IL, as well as her second husband, Stephen Clark. He was born October 1, 1855 and died January 16, 1919. (Mt Pleasant Cemetery records online)

    Little is known of Elizabeth’s family concerning oral history. However, Elizabeth and her husband, George Stoneking, were found on the 1900 through 1930 McDonough County, Illinois census. This family remained in Bethel Township through 1920 and was found living in Macomb in 1930.

    Judy Heffren-Wickert reports that Elizabeth married second to _____Clark. Cemetery records online state his name was Stephen A. Clark. This family will not be found on census records until 1940. Elizabeth and George had nine children with only six living in 1900. Judy reports a death date for Elizabeth of 1937; however, Mt. Pleasant cemetery records list her death date as 1944.

    Children of George and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Scalf Stoneking taken from census records:

    1. Olaf Stoneking was born December 1883.
    2. Owen Stoneking was born March 1889.
    3. Mamie Stoneking was born May 1891.
    4. Walter T. Stoneking was born April 1893.
    5. Henry C. Stoneking was born May 1895.
    6. Hattie M. Stoneking was born April 1898. Married William H. Dorothy or Dorety. (1920 census)
    7. Ellen Florence Stoneking was born 1902.
    8. Infant Stoneking. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickertt)

    1900 McDonough CO IL 20 June 1900 Bethel Township

    STONEKING, George W. Head 39 Oct 1860 IL PA VA  
       Lizzie Wife 38 Feb 1862 IL OH OH 9 children born, 6 living
       Olaf Son 16 Dec  1883 IL IL IL  
       Owen Son 11 Mar 1889 IL IL IL  
       Mamie Dau   9 May 1891 IL IL IL  
       Walter T. Son   7 Apr 1893 IL IL IL  
       Henry C. Son   5 May 1895 IL IL IL  
       Hattie M. Dau   2 Apr 1898 IL IL IL  

    1910 McDonough CO IL 20 June 1910 Bethel Township

    STONEKING, George Head 48 1862 IL PA TN  
       Lizzie wife 47 1863 IL OH OH 10 children born, 7 living
       Owen Son 21 1889 IL IL IL  
       Walter Son 17 1893 IL IL IL  
       Henry Son 14 1896 IL IL IL  
       Hattie Dau 12 1898 IL IL IL  
       Florence Dau   8 1902 IL IL IL  

    1920 McDonough CO IL 26 & 27 January 1920 Bethel Township

    STONEKING, George W. Head 58 1862 IL PA TN
       Lizzie Wife 56 1863 IL OH OH
       Ellen Florence Dau 16 1904 IL IL IL
    DOROTHY, Hattie M. Dau 21 1899 IL IL IL
       William H. Son in law 38 1882 IL IL IL

    1930 McDonough CO IL 4 April 1930 Macomb Ward 2

    STONEKING, George Head 69 1861 IL VA USA
       Lizzie Wife 67 1863 IL IL IL


    Son of
    John W. Scalf & Priscilla Ferguson
    Jacob<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Jacob Henry Scalf, son of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson, was born March 22, 1874 in Fulton County, Illinois and died September 2, 1955. Jacob married Elvia Leona Scalf, daughter of William Scalf and Lauretta Griffith. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Elvia was born March 9, 1875 and died November 14, 1941 in Illinois. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Both Jacob and Elvia are buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) cemetery in Fulton County, Illinois. (Mt. Pleasant cemetery online)

    (Photo of Jacob Henry and Elvia Leona Scalf holding Bob Heffren) (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    William Scalf was a brother to John Wesley Scalf and both were sons of Jonah and Elizabeth (Betsy) Wiley. Jacob was the son of John W. and Elvia was the daughter of William.

    A bit of the history of Jacob and Elvia is listed here as provided by Judy Heffren-Wickert:

    Elvia and Jacob Scalf were first cousins. They married and had 7 children, 2 daughters and 5 sons. They lived on a small acreage east of Lewistown, Illinois in Liverpool Township, R.R. #2, which was known as ’Scab Holler-at the time. Their sons hunted game and sold the furs for a living. They also raised a few chickens and farmed a small area with an old horse that was blind in one eye. Elvia used a wood cook stove and was an excellent cook. She had a hard life and was burdened with severe arthritis. Her daughter, Grace, (my grandmother) died 3 days after Ethel Mae Cooper was born from a ruptured appendix. She left 3 small daughters, which then were raised by Elvia and Jacob. Bernadine, the oldest of the girls was my mother. Little is known by this writer of Elvia and Jacobs-childhood. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Another excerpt is listed here from Judy concerning the family of Jacob and Elvia.

    Jacob and Elvia were first cousins, as stated by Kenneth Stufflebeam. They were first cousins and due to their marriage and being close relatives two of their children, Wilbur and Marjorie bled to death in their early teens. This has not been proven or disproved. (Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    More excerpts from Kenneth Stufflebeam:

    He lived near the Scalfs for several years and was good friends of Imogene, Bernadine and Ethel Cooper. Elvia Scalf raised those girls after their mother died. He visited the Scalfs frequently, often eating meals there. He states,I don’t know where their food came from as the Scalfs were hunters-trappers-fishermen and dug coal out of the east hillside. They did raise hogs, cows, horses and honeybees. They had an orchard and honeybees. They always had hound dogs to hunt with and when the meal was over, the boys would take a biscuit or whatever and throw the hound one and he gulped it down in one swallow. In the winter time the place always smelled like skunk, as there would be several skunk hides hanging in the open to dry.

    Jacob’s death certificate states he resided at Liverpool Township, Fulton County, Lewistown, Illinois. His father is listed as John Scalf and his mother was Priscilla Ferguson. He was born March 22, 1874 and died September 02, 1955 in Graham Hospital after a stay of one month. He was 81 years of age. His diagnosis was Prostatic Hypertrophy, Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease, Gastric Ulcer & generalized arteriosclerosis. His ulcer perforated and he underwent surgery to no avail. Surgery was performed at Graham Hospital, Canton, Illinois. He was buried alongside of his wife, Elvia in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Liverpool Township, Fulton County, Illinois. I do remember that Jacob smoked a corncob pipe and loved ball games. He would listen to them every Sunday on the radio. (Courtesy: Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Children of Jacob Henry Scalf and Elvia Leona Scalf:

    1. Grace Ethel Scalf born July 3, 1892 and died December 4, 1823 - married first to Ollie Morse/Morris. She married second to Spencer Wiley Cooper born September 14, 1889 and died October 23, 1963. Both are buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery. They married October 9, 1919.
    2. Harley Glen Scalf born October 16, 1898, died January 2, 1960; married Mary Burton.
    3. Esta Nathan Scalf born October 24, 1901, died May 20, 1951; married Mary Burton.
    4. Marjorie Scalf born April 15, 1903, died October 21, 1919.
    5. Ross Scalf born May 14, 1908, died September 27, 1975; married Mildred Cozadd.
    6. Wilbur Scalf born 1916, died 1919.

    The family of Jacob and Elvia were followed on census records from 1900 through 1930 but were not found in 1920.

    1900 Fulton CO IL 20 June 1900 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Jacob H. Head 25 Nov 1875 IL IL IL  
       Elvia Wife 24 Mar 1876 IL IL IL 1 child born, 1 living
       Harley G. Son   1 Oct 1898 IL IL IL  

    1910 Fulton CO IL 25 April 1910 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Jacob Head 34 1876 IL IL IL  
       Elva L. Wife 35 1875 IL IL IL 8 children born, 6 living
       Harley G. Son 10 1900 IL IL IL  
       Esta N. Son   8 1902 IL IL IL  
       Margie M. Dau   7 1903 IL IL IL  
       William J. Son   3 1907 IL IL IL  
       Ross Son 1 11/12 1908 IL IL IL  
    Fulton County, Illinois Farmers Directory, 1917
    Given Name: J (Jacob)
    Surname: Scalf
    MI: H
    Spouse (Maiden Name): Elvia
    Children: Harley, Estie, Margie, William, Ross
    Post Office: Lewistown
    RR: 4
    Township: Liverpool
    Sec: 17
    Acres: 17
    Year became Resident: 1896
    WWI Registration Card
    Name: Jacob Henry Scalf
    Age: 44
    Home Address: Lewistown, IL  (Link to Original Document)
    Date of Birth: March 22, 1874
    Occupation: Farming
    Nearest relative: Elvia Crona Scalf
    Address of relative: Lewistown, IL
    Height: Medium
    Build: Medium
    Color of eyes: Gray
    Color of Hair: Dark
    Date: September 12, 1918

    1930 Fulton CO IL 10 April 1930 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Jacob H. Head 55 1875 IL IA IL  
       Elva L. Wife 55 1875 IL IA IL  
       Harley G. Son 30 1900 IL IL IL  
       William J. Son 22 1908 IL IL IL  
       Ross Son 21 1909 IL IL IL  
    MORSE, Gerald O. G-son 15 1915 IL IL IL (son of Grace Scalf)
    COOPER, Bernadine V. G-dau   9 1921 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Imogene G-dau   8 1922 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Ethel M. G-dau   6 1924 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Spencer W. Son in law 40 1890 IL IL IL Widower

    1940 Fulton CO IL 20 April 1940 Liverpool Township

    SCALFF, Jacob H. Head 66 1874 IL
       Elvia L. Wife 65 1875 IL
       Harley G Son 42 1898 IL
    COOPER, Ethel May G-dau 16 1924 IL

    (Photo of Jacob Henry Scalf and Sons) (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)


    Daughter of
    Jacob Scalf and Elvia Leona Scalf
    Grace<Jacob<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Grace Ethel Scalf, daughter of Jacob Scalf and Elvia Leona Scalf, was born July 17, 1891 in Fulton County, Illinois at Liverpool Township. She married first to Ollie Morse/Morris and had one son, Gerald Morse/Morris, before her husband died. Grace then married Spencer Wiley Cooper October 9, 1919 and had three children. He was the son of William and Frances Jones Cooper. Grace died December 4, 1923, three days after the birth of her last daughter, Ethel Mae. She is buried at Mt. Pleasant-Apple Cemetery. Spencer Wiley Cooper was born September 14, 1889 and died October 23, 1963. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    (Photo of Grace Ethel Scalf and Gerald Morse) (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Obituary of Grace Ethel Scalf Cooper:

    Canton Daily Ledger, Canton, Illinois, December 5, 1923

    Mrs. Cooper Dies After Operation For Appendicitis.
    Lewistown, Illinois, December 05

    Mrs. Grace Cooper of Liverpool township died at the Graham Hospital, Canton at 4 o’clock yesterday evening, following an operation for appendicitis. Grace Scalf was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Scalf and was born in Liverpool township July 17, 1891. She was united in marriage October 09, 1919, to Spencer Cooper, who survives her. She is also survived by the following children: Gerald (Morse), Bernadine, Imogene, and infant, Ethel Mae Cooper, less than a week old. There are four surviving brothers, William, Harley, Esta and Ross Scalf, all of Liverpool township. The body was brought to the Zimmerman undertaking parlors here yesterday and this morning was removed to the home of her parents in Liverpool township. Funeral services will be held in the Mount Pleasant Church, Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Reverend Mr. Sullivan of Bryant officiating. Interment will be in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
     (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Obituary of Spencer Wiley Cooper:

    Canton Daily Ledger, page 3, Canton, Illinois, October 23, 1963
    Spencer Wiley Cooper

    Lewistown - Spencer W. Cooper, 74, a retired farmer, died at 8:15 a.m. today in Graham Hospital at Canton, following an illness of one month. Mr. Cooper had lived in the Lewistown area all of his life. He was born September 14, 1889, in Waterford Township, a son of William and Frances (Jones) Cooper. On October 09, 1919, he was married to Grace (Scalf) Morris. She died December 04, 1923. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Bernadine Heffren and Mrs. Ethel Illman, both of Canton and Imogene Shaw of St. David, a step-son Gerald Morris of Gold Beach, Oregon, ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Survivors also include a brother, Willis Cooper of Lewistown and sister, Mrs. Georgia Wells of Canton. Two sisters preceded him in death. Henry Memorial Home is in charge of the funeral arrangements. His burial will be at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren/Wickert)

    Writings of Judy Heffren-Wickert concerning Grace Scalf Copper:

    Grace Scalf was born to Jacob and Elvia Scalf. Very little is known of her childhood. She died at an early age due to a ruptured appendix, 8 month labor, 3 days after having her 3rddaughter, Ethel Mae Cooper. She first married Ollie Morse and had one son, Gerald Morse. Ollie died and then Grace married my grandfather, Spencer Wiley Cooper. She is buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Fulton County, Liverpool Township, Lewistown, Illinois, R.R. #4. Zimmerman Undertaker Parlor took care of the arrangements where her visitation was at her home, according to her obituary notes. Her funeral was at Mt. Pleasant Church, Liverpool Township, Fulton County, Illinois. (Obit of Grace Scalf Cooper - Death Certificate of Grace Scalf Cooper - Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Writings of Judy Heffren-Wickert concerning Spencer Wiley Cooper:

    Little is known about Spencer’s life as a child. Spencer’s wife Grace, died when Ethel was only a week old. Their grandmother, Elvia Scalf raised all 3 of the girls, Bernadine, Imogene, and Ethel Mae.

    Mrs. June Clark/Black related to me, Approximately 3 or 4 days before Grace gave birth to Ethel Mae, my grandfather, Spencer was driving his car down their lane and went off the road and rolled the car down in Sister Creek and grandma Grace was thrown out of the car. She felt that Spencer felt so guilty, as Grace died soon after that, he never drove a car again.

    All of my growing up years, I never saw Gramps as us kids called him, ever drive a car. In fact until Mrs. Black related that story to me, I never was aware that he knew how to drive. He worked for the state of Illinois on the roads for several years. Farmed down by Sister Creek when the girls were growing up. There was a violent tornado that went through their area when the girls were teens, and mom told of Gramps finding wash tubs, silverware and all kinds of stuff in the fields after it had gone through. The storm lifted cattle and hogs off the ground and some were never found. Straw was found embedded in the telephone poles, like spears. Gramps loved to sing little songs to us and have us sit on his lap and comb his hair. He was a loving grandfather and took turns living with his daughters, when he was unable to care for himself. He loved to put in large gardens every year that produced very well under his care. He and my mom, Bernadine, loved to go mushrooming every spring, and usually came home with a gallon or so every season. They also loved to go fishing, and would take sandwiches and spend the whole day out fishing. Us kids would get really bored and would talk real loud or throw stones in the water, which would aggravate them to no end and they would finally go home, promising to never take us again. When he was born, he was born with two thumbs on one hand. A neighbor told me of it and when I asked him, he said yes and immediately went out to see who had told me the story. Come to find out they had attended the same school for several years. They would visit with each other each time he came to visit me. He was a God-fearing man, but rarely went to church. He loved to chew snuff. Was a diabetic and I can remember him giving himself injections every morning. According to his Service Registration Card, 125-3A, it states he was born in 1890 but his birth certificate states he was born in 1880.
     (Courtesy - Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Spencer Wiley Cooper was born September 14, 1889 at Liverpool Township (Fulton Co) Illinois, the son of William Henry Cooper and Frances Jones. He married Grace Scalf October 9, 1919 at Havana, Illinois and died at Canton, Illinois, October 23, 1963 at the age of 74 years from uremia and pyelonephritis. (Birth and Death Certificates, courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    (Photo of Spencer Wiley Cooper) (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    (Photo of Spencer Wiley Cooper and Children) (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Child of Grace E. Scalf and Ollie Morse:

    1. Gerald Morse

    Children of Grace E. Scalf and Spencer W. Cooper:

    1. Bernadine V. Cooper born 19 August 1920, died February 3, 1982; married Raymond Anthony Heffren April 16, 1939.
    2. Imogene Frances Cooper born October 9, 1921, died June 9, 1996; married first to Herman Hughes; married second to Rolland Lee Shaw.
    3. Ethel Mae Cooper born December 1, 1923, died October 19, 2000; married Raymond Illman June 7, 1947.

    Children of Bernadine Scalf and Raymond Heffren:

    1. Robert Dale born September 19, 1939.
    2. Judy Carol born May 19, 1941.

    Children of Imogene Frances Cooper and ________

    1. Gary Alan born December 12, 1940 and died November 2004.
    2. Elgie Grace born April 5, 1941.
    3. Shirley Jean born March 21, 1945.
    4. James Eugene born August 25, 1942.
    5. Kathy Lynn born January 16, 1956.
    6. Karen Lee
    7. David Rolland

    1900 Fulton CO IL 18 June 1900 Liverpool Township

    Head 48 Jan 1852 IL TN OH  
       Laura Wife 43 Sep 1856 IL Unk IL 7 children born, 3 living
       Berth Dau 22 Aug 1877 IL IL IL  
    SCALF, George G. Nephew 23 Jul 1876 IL IL IL  
    SCALF, Grace E. Niece   8 Jul 1891 IL IL IL  

    George G. listed in the home of William and Lauretta in 1900 was probably George Thomas, son of William’s brother, John W. This was probably the enumerator’s mistake. He probably heard G instead of T Grace was the daughter of Jacob Henry, and the great niece of William.

    1920 Fulton CO IL 2 January 1920 Liverpool Township

    COOPER, Spence Head 30 1890 IL IL IL
       Ethel Wife 28 1892 IL IL IL

    Grace Scalf Cooper, the daughter of Jacob and Elva Scalf, died in 1923 and her family is living with Grace’s parents in 1930.

    1930 Fulton CO IL 10 April 1930 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Jacob H. Head 55 1875 IL IA IL  
       Elva L. Wife 55 1875 IL IA IL  
       Harley G. Son 30 1900 IL IL IL  
       William J. Son 22 1908 IL IL IL  
       Ross Son 21 1909 IL IL IL  
    MORSE, Gerald O. G-son 15 1915 IL IL IL (son of Grace Scalf)
    COOPER, Bernadine V. G-dau   9 1921 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Imogene G-dau   8 1922 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
    ;   Ethel M. G-dau   6 1924 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Spencer W. Son in law 40 1890 IL IL IL Widower


    Daughter of
    Grace Ethel Scalf and Spencer Wiley Cooper
    Bernadine<Grace<Jacob<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Bernadine Verna Cooper, daughter of Grace Ethel Scalf and Spencer Wiley Cooper was born August 18, 1920 in Liverpool Township (Fulton Co) Illinois and died February 3, 1982 at Graham Hospital in Liverpool Township (Fulton Co) Illinois of malignant lymphoma. (Death Certificate - Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Bernadine married Raymond Anthony Heffren April 16, 1939 at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Havana (Fulton Co) Illinois. Raymond was born October 15, 1916 Lewistown (Fulton Co) Illinois. He died June 20, 1991 at Canton, Illinois. Raymond was 22 and Bernadine was 18 years old. Raymond was the son of Michael Heffren and Ruth Wrestler both of Illinois. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Bernadine and Raymond were the parents of two children, one of which is one of the contributors of information on the Jonah Scalf line, Mrs. Judy Heffren-Wickert.

    As I read these stories, memories flooded my mind of hearing my own parents tell the same types of stories growing up in East Tennessee. My parents lived the same lives as Bernadine and her sisters. My maternal grandmother died when my mother was 13 and my mother lived with various married siblings when my grandfather remarried. My paternal grandmother died when my father was a young man and he took on the job of raising his younger siblings because he was the oldest and his father was off teaching singing schools. They even had the same sayings as Judy mentions hearing from Bernadine. Music was a favorite past-time in the family and singing could always be heard around the house. It is interesting that stories of families that share a common bloodline, yet never knew each other, can correlate so closely. Geographical areas had no boundaries where survival was concerned. I have heard my dad say lots of times, I guess times were hard but we didn’t know it. Judy mentions her mother singing Froggy Went a Courtin, along with You Get a Line and I’ll Get a Pole. If I had a dime for every time my dad sang those songs to me, I would be rich. Of course, I also passed them on. I list here some excerpts of Judy’s writings about her mother, Bernadine Cooper Heffren:

    “They kept house for their dad @ 9 years of age. They were excellent cooks at that young age, making pies, noodles and baking their own bread. They cooked for thrashers without any problems. My mother told me this story. ‘One day they wanted to go play so they put all the dirty dishes and pans in the oven. Ma, (that’s what they called their grandmother) found the dirty pans and made them wash every dish and pan in the house.’ Needless to say they didn’t do that again. The girls were very close. Looked after one another until the day they died. They attended Mt. Pleasant Church, in Liverpool Township, and all are buried at the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, behind the church.

    “They attended Bethel School for 8 years, mom (Bernadine) told of trekking to school during the winter, walking right over the fences due to high drifting and deep snows. Winters were more severe then. Their work was harder as they washed on the board, cooked on a cast iron wood stove. Heated with pot belly stoves and had no electricity. Had to heat all their water. Used coal oil lamps for lights. Their clothes were made from feed sacks into dresses, that they or their grandmother, Elvia sewed. They ironed with sad irons and on a wooden ironing board. They put in large vegetable gardens and canned everything in preparation for the winters. The grandparents eked out a living by trapping animals and of course, the depression was on and sugar and gasoline was rationed. They had a horse for farming, but once in a while when their grandmother didn’t catch them, they took a joy ride on the horse. Their home was in need of repair, but was clean and comfortable. They had a well and a cistern alongside of the house to catch fresh rain water. They raised a few chickens, cow, and hogs for their meat.

    “Mom was always ready to help people in the neighborhood or her family. The sisters were always available to assist in anyway. Mom had an uncanny insight of human beings. She was the leader of our 4-H Club (The Jolly Merry Maids) where I learned to bake and sew. When mother was buried, it was bitter cold and 5 below zero with blowing, blizzard like winds, with a huge amount of snow and ice. The hearse had to go through the middle of the cemetery on graves to get to her grave due to the drifts.

    “She had a carload of sayings, some of them were: ‘Slow as molasses,’ ‘Dead lice wouldn’t fall off him,’ ‘Crazy as a loon,’ ‘Deader than a doornail,’ ‘Dog tired,’ ‘Wore to a frazzle,’ ‘Easy as pie,’ ‘Hard as a rock,’ ‘Use your noodle,’ ‘Slicker than glass,’ ‘Independent as a hog on ice,’ ‘Tougher than nails,’and ‘Hotter than Hades,’ to name only a few. She used to sing little songs to us kids like, ‘Froggie Went a Courting,’ one of our favorites. I can see her yet dancing around the house, with a gleam in her eye, singing ‘Five Foot Two, Eyes are Blue.”
    ^emsp;(Courtesy; Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Children of Bernadine Cooper and Raymond Heffren:

    1. Robert Dale Heffren born September 19, 1939.
    2. Judy Carol Heffren born May 19, 1941.
    3. Kathy Lynn Heffren - half-sister of Bernadine and Robert. Kathy married Garold E. Smart July 4, 1975. Kathy was born January 16, 1956 and Garold was born January 17, 1955. Kathy and Garold have two children; Heidi Beth and Holly Ruth. Heidi married Scott E. Yerbi July 29, 1998. Hiedi and Scott have two children; Zoe Katherine and Ean Garold Scott.

    Robert married first to Irene Goulding and they divorced. He remarried to Rosetta Pasley.

    Children of Robert Dale Heffren and Rosetta Pasley:

    1. Stephen Dale Heffren born October 19, 1960.
    2. Brian Michael Heffren born 1962.
    3. Mark Anthony Heffren born 1965.
    4. Robinette Grace Heffren

    Judy married first to James Harris. James Harris was born March 23, 1939 and died February 25, 2003. James and Judy divorced and Judy married James Wickert.

    Children of Judy Carol Heffren and James Wickert:

    1. Jefferey Raymond Wickert born December 3, 1960, married Laura Miller. Jeff and Laura had one child, Jeramie Raymond and divorced.
    2. James Scott Wickert born August 28, 1962, married Marie Andrews and has one child, Christopher Scott Raymond. James Scott Raymond has two stepchildren: Jamie and Heather. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)


    Son of
    Jacob Scalf and Elvia Leona Scalf
    Harley G<Jacob H<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Harley Glen Scalf, son of Jacob and Elvia Leona Scalf, was born October 16, 1898 in Iowa and died January 2, 1960.He married Mary I. Burton. She was the daughter of Daniel and Estella Lamb Burton. Mary was born 1911 and died 1985. Harley and Mary are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert

    Harley Scalf and Mary Burton had no children. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    WWI Registration Card
    Name: Harley Glen Scalf
    Age: 19
    Home Address: Lewistown, IL
    Date of Birth: October 16, 1898
    Occupation: Coal Miner
    Employer name: Jacob Scalf (Link to Original Document)
    Place of Employment: Lewistown, IL
    Nearest relative: Elvia Leona Scalf
    Address of relative: Lewistown, IL
    Height: Medium
    Build: Slender
    Color of eyes: Grey
    Color of Hair: Light
    Date: September 12, 1918


    Son of
    Jacob Henry Scalf and Elvia Scalf
    Esta N<Jacob H<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Esta Nathan Scalf, son of Jacob and Elvia Leona Scalf, was born October 24, 1901 and died May 20, 1951. Esta married Mary I. Burton. Esta and Mary are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert and Mt. Pleasant cemetery records online)

    Children of Esta Nathan Scalf and Mary I. Burton:

    1. Carl Nathan Scalf
    2. Jerry Lee Scalf born February 5, 1938 and died December 4, 1995. Jerry is buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Mt Pleasant Cemetery records online)
    3. Jackie Eldon Scalf
    4. Clifford Eugene Scalf
    5. Esta Dwayne Scalf. Esta was born June 14, 1930 and died March 2, 1988. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online)
    6. Baby girl Scalf (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Esta and Mary were found on the 1930 census of Fulton County, Illinois.

    1930 Fulton CO IL 30 April 1940 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Esta N. Head 27 1903 IL IL IL
       Mary I. Wife 19 1911 IL IL IL

    1940 Fulton CO IL 10 April 1930 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Esta M., Sr Head 38 1902 IL
       Mary I. Wife 29 1911 IL
       Esta Dwayne, Jr. Son   9 1931 IL
       Clifford U. Son   8 1932 IL
       Jackie E.  Son   6 1934 IL
       Carl N. Son 10/12 1939 IL


    Son of
    Esta Nathan Scalf & Mary I. Burton
    Esta D<Esta N<Jacob<John<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Esta Dwayne Scalf, son of Esta Nathan Scalf and Mary I. Burton, was born June 14, 1930 and died March 2, 1988 in Fulton County, Illinois. Esta married first to Glenna Sales. Either Glenna died or they divorced for Esta then married Mable ____Rilea. Mable was born 1929 and died 1990. Mable was married first to Jerry Rilea. Mable and Esta are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. Esta was a veteran of the U.S. Navy.

    Children of Esta D. Scalf and Glenna Sales:

    1. Brenda Joyce Scalf born April 18, 1960 (Stillborn) Buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL.
    2. Ron Scalf (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    We have no information on whether Ron was the son of Esta and Glenna or Esta and Mable.


    Son of
    Jacob Scalf & Elvia Leona Scalf
    William J<Jacob H<John W<Jonah<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

    William Jennings Scalf, son of Jacob and Elvia Scalf, was born November 18, 1906 and died June 4, 1974. William is buried at Mt. Pleasant cemetery in Fulton County, IL. William married Frances L. Ford. She was born 1922 and died 1999. Frances is also buried at Mt. Pleasant cemetery in Fulton County, IL.

    Children of William Jennings Scalf and Frances Ford:

    1. Chester Henry Scalf
    2. Lydia Scalf

    We have no further information on this family.


    Son of
    Jacob Scalf & Elvia Leona Scalf
    Ross<Jacob H<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Ross Scalf, son of Jacob Henry Scalf and Elvia Leona Scalf, was born May 14, 1908 and died September 27, 1975. He married Mildred Cozadd. Mildred was born April 9, 1911 and died September 17, 1969. Mildred was the daughter of William Cozadd and Lillian Briggs. Ross and Mildred are buried at Mt. Pleasant cemetery in Fulton County, Illinois. Mildred’s name is listed as ’Hildred-on the cemetery records online. (Mt. Pleasant cemetery records)

    Ross and Mildred had no children. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)


    Son of
    John W. Scalf & Priscilla Ferguson
    George T<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    George Thomas Scalf, son of John W. and Priscilla Ferguson Scalf, was born June 29, 1876 in Illinois (WWI Registration).  However, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online at Genealogy Trails, lists his birth date as July 29, 1876. George died September 23, 1959 according to cemetery records.

    George married Bertha Belle Scalf, daughter of William Scalf and Lauretta Griffith. Bertha was born August 4, 1870 and died May 12, 1924. George and Bertha are buried at Mt. Pleasant cemetery in Fulton County, IL. We have no marriage date for George and Bertha at this time. After Bertha’s death, George married Lillian and they were found on the 1930 census. We do not know Lillian’s maiden name.

    George and Bertha had four children at the time of the 1910 census of Fulton County, Illinois. The 1910 and 1920 census shows a total of five children.

    Sylvia, daughter of George and Bertha, married Samuel Dailey and was found on the 1930 census living at Canton Township in Fulton County, Illinois. The name, Dailey/Daley appeared to be Darley on the census record. George and Bertha were listed in the 1917 Illinois Farmer’s Directory with their children, Opal, Sylvia, Clifford, Don and Dean.

    On the 1900 census of Fulton County, Illinois, George was living in the home of his uncle, William Scalf. His middle initial was listed as G on this census. Grace Scalf, daughter of Jacob Scalf was also in the home. Grace would have been a great-niece of William because Jacob was the son of William’s brother, John W. Scalf.

    Children of George Thomas Scalf and Bertha Bell Scalf from census records:

    1. Opal M. Scalf born 1902.
    2. Sylvia P. Scalf born 1904 married Samuel Dailey.
    3. Clifford L. Scalf born 1906.
    4. Don Scalf, born 1907.
    5. Dean Archie Scalf born 1915.

    1900 Fulton CO IL 18 June 1900 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, William Head 48 Jan 1852 IL TN OH  
       Laura Wife 43 Sep 1856 IL Unk IL 7 children born, 3 living
       Berth Dau 22 Aug 1877 IL IL IL  
    SCALF, George G. Nephew 23 Jul 1876 IL IL IL  
    SCALF, Grace E. Niece   8 Jul 1891 IL IL IL  

    1910 Fulton CO IL 25 April 1910 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, George T. Head 33 1877 IL IL IL  
       Bertha B. wife 32 1878 IL IL IL 4 chiildren born, 4 living
       Opal M. Dau   8 1902 IL IL IL  
       Sylva P. Dau   6 1904 IL IL IL  
       Clifford L. Son   4 1906 IL IL IL  
       Don Son   3 1907 IL IL IL  
    Fulton County, Illinois Farmers Directory, 1917
    Given Name: George
    Surname: Scalf
    MI: T
    Spouse (Maiden Name): Bertha
    Children: Opal, Sylvia, Clifford, Don, Dean
    Post Office: Lewistown
    RR: 4
    Township: Liverpool
    Sec: 17
    Acres: 18
    WWI Registration Card
    Name: George Thomas Scalf
    Age: 42
    Home Address: Lewistown, IL (Link to Original Document)
    Date of Birth: June 29, 1876
    Occupation: Farming
    Place of Employment:& Lewistown, IL
    Nearest relative: Bertha B. Scalf - wife
    Address of relative: Lewistown, IL
    Height: Tall
    Build: Stout
    Color of eyes: Brown
    Color of Hair: Brown
    Date: September 12, 1918

    1920 Fulton CO IL 17 & 18 February 1920 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, George Head 43 1877 IL IL IL
       Bertha B. Wife 42 1878 IL IL IL
       Sylvia P. Dau 16 1904 IL IL IL
       Clifford L. Son 14 1906 IL IL IL
       Don D. Son 12 1908 IL IL IL
       Dean A. Son   5 1915 IL IL IL

    1930 Fulton CO IL 24 April 1930 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, George T. Head 53 1877 IL IL IL
       Lillie B. Wife 53 1877 IL IL IL
       Dean Son 15 1915 IL IL IL

    Fulton County deaths online records Lillie Bell Scalf was born about 1877 and died August 13, 1950. However, we cannot confirm that this was the same Lillie Bell Scalf that married George Thomas Scalf after Bertha’s death.


    Daughter of
    George Thomas Scalf & Bertha Scalf
    Opal<George T<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Opal Scalf, daughter of George and Bertha Scalf, was born about 1902 according to census records. She married John K. Wilcoxen. He was born1875 - 1902 and died January 20, 1971.

    Children of Opal Scalf and John Wilcoxen:

    1. Raymond J. (Red) Wilcoxen
    2. Annabelle Wilcoxen; married J. R. Breckenridge.

    We have no further information on this family.


    Daughter of
    George Thomas Scalf & Bertha Scalf
    Sylvia P<George T<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Sylvia Pearl Scalf, daughter of George and Bertha Scalf, was born September 5, 1903 and died October 15, 1978. Sylvia married Samuel Dailey. Samuel was born July 2, 1904 and died November 1, 1979. He was the son of Frank and Mary Smith Dailey. Sylvia and Samuel are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Mt. Pleasant cemetery records online)

    Children of SYLVIA Scalf and SAMUEL DAILEY:

    1. Roger Dailey
    2. Joseph Ray Dailey

    1930 Fulton CO IL 4 April 1930 Canton Township

    DARLEY, Sam Head 25 1905 IL USA USA
       Sylvia Wife 26 1904 IL IL IL
       Richard Son   2 1928 IL IL IL
    SCALF, Don Brother (in Law) 23 1907 IL IL IL

    The 1930 census lists Don Scalf as a brother to Sam Dailey, but this should have been brother-in-law.


    Son of
    George Thomas Scalf & Bertha B. Scalf
    Clifford<George T<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Clifford L. Scalf, son of Bertha B. Scalf and George Thomas Scalf, was born May 4, 1905 and died November 4, 1993. Clifford married Mary Mildred Zink.

    1940 Fulton CO IL 8 April 1940 Canton

    SCALF, Clifford L. Head 34 1906 IL
       Mary Wife 31 1906 IL
       Joan Dau   4 1936 IL


    Son of
    George Thomas Scalf & Bertha B. Scalf
    Don D<George T<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Don D. Scalf, son of Bertha B. Scalf and George Thomas Scalf, was born October 8, 1906 and died August 5, 1977.  Don married Ruth C. Barnhart December 8, 1934. Ruth was born September 15, 1914 and died February 13, 1996. She was the daughter of Harry and Alta C. Sprecher Barnhart. Both are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online)

    From the Schuyler County, Illinois Obituaries online:

    Obituary of Ruth C. Barnhart Scalf - Peoria Journal Star, February 16, 1996, Page: C6

    Ruth Scalf

    Cuba - Ruth C. Scalf, 81, of 625 E. Monroe St., formerly of 856 S. Second Ave., Canton, died at 7:38 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1996, at Graham Hospital in Canton.

    Born Sept. 15, 1914, in Canton to Harry and Alta C. Sprecher Barnhart, she married Don D. Scalf on Dec. 8, 1934, in Peoria. He died Aug. 5, 1977. Two sisters and one grandson also preceded her in death. Surviving are one son, Donnie D. of Canton; one brother, William Edward Barnhart of Canton; one sister, Mary Ashwood of St. David; and one granddaughter.

    Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Oaks-Hines Funeral Home in Canton. The Rev. John Hubbs will officiate. Visitation will be one hour before services at the funeral home. Burial will be in Apple Cemetery in rural Lewistown.

    Memorials may be made to any charity.

    1930 Fulton CO IL 4 April 1930 Canton Township

    DARLEY, Sam Head 25 1905 IL USA USA
       Sylvia Wife 26 1904 IL IL IL
       Richard Son   2 1928 IL IL IL
    SCALF, Don Brother (in Law) 23 1907 IL IL IL

    1940 Fulton CO IL 29 April 1940 Canton Township

    SCALF, Don Head 33 1907 IL
       Ruth Wife 25 1915 IL


    Son of
    George Thomas Scalf & Bertha Scalf
    Archie<Bertha<William<Jonah<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

    Archie Scalfwas born about 1915 in IL and died September 30, 1973. He married Mary Wilma Jenkins.

    Children of Archie Scalf and Mary Jenkins:

    1. Karen Scalf
    2. Carol Scalf (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)


    Daughter of
    John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson
    Mary E<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Mary E. Scalf, daughter of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson, was born about 1879 according to census records. Mary married William N. Courson (also spelled Coursen) 22 February 1896 in Fulton County, Illinois. (Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900, Vol. OOF, Pg. 0193, Lic. No. 00000061)

    Very little is known of this family; however, a message posted on the Scalf family forum by Glenn A. Dickey dated October 1, 2000, confirms that Mary E. Scalf married William Courson and that she was the daughter of John Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson; however, Glenn lists John as John William Scalf and this should be John W. Scalf. John W. did have a brother named William. Several attempts were made to contact Glenn about this family but no response was received.

    Glenn lists a birth date for Mary of 28 November 1878 and a death date of 15 June 1965. He states that William Courson was born about 1878. In his post, Glenn states that William ran a store in Havana, Illinois and he and Mary traveled by wagon train to homestead in Arkansas. He also states that William died of kidney disease in Arkansas.

    Glenn states that William’s full name was William Nixon Courson and Mary’s full name was Mary Evelena Scalf.

    From Glenn’s message, it appears that William Courson had been married prior to his marriage to Mary but Glenn did not know the name of his first wife. In response to Glenn’s post, Kelly Coursen responded and stated that William Nixon Courson married Luella Ackerson in Peoria, Illinois and Luella had died in childbirth to her grandfather.

    The Illinois Statewide Marriage Index reveals that William Coursen married Louella Ackerson January 13, 1885 in Fulton County, Illinois. (Illinois Statewide Marriage Index 1763-1900, Vol. OOE, Pg. 0205, Lic. No. 00000009)

    William and Luella had three children before her death.

    Post of Glenn Dickey - Re: Mary Evelena Scalf and William Nixon Courson

    Looking for William N. Courson. Born about 1878. Location unknown. Location in Arkansas unknown. Am looking for information on William Nixon Courson (Coursen?), Mary Evelena Scalf, John William Scalf, Percilla Furguson (Ferguson?), Clyde Courson, Herman Courson, and William Cobb Courson. Any help would be appreciated.

    William Nixon Courson #63 m. (1)*Unknown Mrs. Wm. N. Courson #933, m. (2)1896, in Peoria, Ill., Mary Evelena (Scalf) (Courson) DeVier #64, b. 28-Nov-1878, (daughter of John William Scalf #824 and Percilla (Furguson) Scalf #825) d. 15-Jun-1965. William Courson ran a store in Havana, Illinois. He & Mary traveled by wagon train to homestead in Arkansas. William died of kidney disease Arkansas.

    Children by Mrs. Courson:

    1. Clyde Courson #934
    2. Herman Courson #935
    3. William Cobb Courson #936

    Children by Mary Evelena Scalf
    1. Mildred (Courson) (Stone) (Davis) #429 b. Aug 12, 1899.
    2. Marie Courson #826 d. At age 7.
    3. Ruth (Courson) #633.
    4. Edgar Coursen #430 b. 1-Jan-1900, m. 1926, Donna (Hinkle) Courson #297, d. 1989. Edgar died 1990. No Children from this marriage.
    5. Hazel Fern (Courson) (Kenneway) #41 b. 8-Dec-1902.
    6. Gladys Martha (Courson) #209 b. 18-Apr-1908.
    7. Mabel (Courson) #207 b. 22-Dec-1909.”

    Reply posted by: Kelly E. Coursen Date: April 11, 2001 at 17:04:13

    In Reply to: Courson Linage??? In tracing the Courson by Glenn A. Dickey

    “Hi, I ran across your message from last fall and I thought I would share my information with you since much of your information is very similar to mine. Take a look and see if you think we are on to something?

    “My Great Grandfather was William Nixon Coursen who married Luella Ackerson in Peoria, Illinois and they lived in Lewiston, Illinois. They had three children:

    1. Archie Clyde Coursen
    2. Herman Cecil Coursen
    3. William Coursen - My Grandfather

    “Luella died giving birth to my grandfather. Sometime in the mid 1890’s he moved to Mammoth Springs, Arkansas. About four years after my grandfather’s birth he married a Ms. Scalf. We never had any further information on his second wife.

    “You mention that William died of Kidney disease, this is puzzling, because if this is the same family, my grandfather William lived until 1976.

    “What a curiosity? I would be glad to share any further information with you. Thanks, Kelly”

    William and Mary Evelena Scalf Courson were found on census records of 1900 and 1910. The first three children in the home were children of William and Luella according to the information from Glenn Dickey and Kelly Coursen. Mary also stated on the 1900 census that she had two children with two living and this corresponds with the marriage date of 1896 stated by Glenn Dickey. These children were Mildred and Maria, spelled Morea on this census.

    1900 Fulton CO AR 22 June 1900 Mammoth Spring Township

    COURSEN, William N. Head 40 Feb 1860 NJ NJ NJ  
       Mary Wife - - IA - - 2 children born, 2 living
       Clyde Son 14 Nov 1885 IL NJ IL  
       Herman Son 12 Mar 1888 IL NJ IL  
       William Son   9 Mar 1891 IL NJ IL  
       Mildred Dau   2 Aug 1897 IL NJ IA  
       Morea Dau   1 Dec 1898 IL NJ IA  

    Note:Marie/Morea Coursen died at age seven.

    1910 Fulton CO AR 11 & 12 May 1910 Mammoth Spring Township

    COURSEN, William Head 50 1860 NJ NJ NJ  
       Mary Wife 31 1889 IA IL IL 7 children born, 6 living
       Mildred Dau 12 1898 IL NJ IA  
       Ruth Dau   9 1901 AR NJ IA  
       Hazel Dau   8 1902 AR NJ IA  
       Edgar Son   5 1905 AR NJ IA  
       Gladys Dau   2 1908 AR NJ IA  
       Mabel Dau 4/12 1910 AR NJ IA  


    Son of
    William Coursen & Mary Evelena Scalf
    Edgar<Mary E<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Edgar Coursen, son of William Coursen and Mary Evelena Scalf, was born January 1, 1900 and died 1990. Edgar married Donna Hinkle in 1926. Donna died 1989. Edgar and Donna had no children. (Post of Glenn Dickey)

    Edgar and Donna were found on the 1930 census. We have no further information on this family.

    1930 Lucas CO OH 7 April 1930 Ward 6 Toledo

    COURSEN, Edgar Head 25 1905 AR CT IA
       Donna Wife 25 1905 OH OH OH


    Son of
    John W. Scalf & Priscilla Ferguson
    Jonah A<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Joda A. Scalf, the son of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson was born April 19, 1880 according to his WWI Registration Card and died 1918-1920. He was listed in his parent’s home on the 1885 Iowa State Census as Jonah Jr. which was probably a mistake by the census enumerator. He is then listed in his brother’s home as Joda and the draft registration card lists him as Joda.

    We believe that Joda was the correct name and the census enumerator made a mistake when he listed him as Jonah in 1885. The two names sound similar and likely the enumerator heard Jonah instead of Joda and since Joda’s grandfather was in the home as well, he simply listed him as a junior.

    Joda married Regina Maud Suddeth, but we have no marriage date for them. Maude was born 1880 in Elkhart, Illinois and died November 22, 1963 in Cook County, Illinois. Maude was not found with Joda on a census record but their daughter, Marjorie’s death certificate lists Joda as her father. Maud was found on census records with the Suddeth family and as head of house.

    In 1816, Congress authorized the publication of the Register of Civil, Military, and Naval Service. This document is a list of all federal employees and is published every two years. Joda Scalf’s name was listed in the document for the year 1903. Joda may have been serving on a ship in the early 1900s. He seems to have disappeared from all records after he registered for service in WWI on September 12, 1918, and his wife, Maud Scalf, is listed as the widow of Joda Scalf in several Springfield, Illinois City Directories. It appears the Joda served on board a ship during WW1 or went overseas and lost his life during this period.
    Also, it appears that Joda and Maude Scalf were divorced and he married a Minnie _________. Also, Minnie is listed on Joda’s WWI Registration Card and in several Springfield, Illinois CityDirectories with Joda Scalf. Also, as you will see Joda and Joseph are used interchangeably in the timeline.

    (Timeline for Joda A. Scalf and family)

    WWI Registration Card
    Name: Joda A. Scalf
    Age: 38
    Home Address: Rock Island, IL
    Date of Birth: April 19, 1880
    Occupation: Paper hanger & decorator
    Employer name: Paridon Wall Paper Co. (Link to Original Document)
    Place of Employment: Rock Island, IL
    Nearest relative: Mrs. Minnie Scalf
    Address of relative: 711 Glendale Ave, Peoria, IL
    Height: Medium
    Build: Stout
    Color of eyes: Light brown
    Color of Hair: Light
    Date: September 12, 1918

    We believe that Maud was the granddaughter of Susan Tarely and listed as ’baby-on the 1880 census below at age 4 months. H. T. and Luella appear to be the parents of the grandchildren listed in Susan’s home. Susan was Luella’s mother; therefore, it appears that she was Luella Tarley before her marriage to Harvey T. Suddeth. Harvey and Luella had four children in 1880; Susan, Francis E., Henry and a baby not named who we believe was Maude.

    1880 IL Logan 12 June 1880 Elkhart

    TARLEY, Susan Head 69 1811 KY VA VA Widow
    SUDDUTH, H. T. Son in law 35 1845 KY KY IL  
       Luella Dau 24 1856 IL KY KY  
       Susan G-dau   7 1873 IL KY IL  
       Francis E. G-dau   4 1876 IL KY IL  
       Henry L. G-son   3 1877 IL KY IL  
       Baby G-dau 4/12 Jan 1880 IL KY IL (Maude Sudduth)

    Harvey Sudduth on the 1900 census, also believed to be H. T. Sudduth on the 1880 census above, and Luella were found still living in Logan County, Illinois in 1900 and have five children. Maud was the child from the 1880 census not named. From the census it appears that Maud was born January of 1880.

    1900 Logan CO IL 11 June 1900 Mt. Pulaski Township

    SUDDUTH, Harvey Head 53 Oct 1846 KY KY KY  
       Liellen Wife 43 Sep 1856 IL KY KY 6 children born, 6 living
       Susan Dau 25 Jul 1874 IL KY KY  
       Frank Son 24 Oct 1876 IL KY KY  
       Luther Son 22 Apr 1878 IL KY KY  
       Maude Dau 20 Jan 1880 IL KY KY  
       Anna Dau 12 Jun 1887 KS KY KY  

    In 1910, Maude is not listed with the family and cannot be found; however, two grandchildren in the home are Marjorie E. and Mabel T., listed as Scalf and believed to be the children of Joda Scalf and Maude Suddeth.

    1910 Logan CO IL 16 May 1910 Mt. Pulaski Township

    SUDDUTH, Harvey, Sr. Head 68 1842 KY KY IL  
       Leullen Wife 54 1856 IL KY KY 6 children born, 6 living
       Frances E. Son 36 1874 IL KY IL  
       Harvey R., Jr. Son 25 1885 IL KY IL  
       Anna J. Dau 22 1888 KS KY IL  
    SCALF, Marjorie E. G-dau   7 1903 IL USA IL  
    SCALF, Mabel T. G-dau   5 1907 IL USA IL  

    In 1920, Maude is head of house and listed as a widow. We have no marriage date for Joda and Maude; however, if Marjorie was their first child, they likely married 1900-1903. Susan Sudduth, a sister of Maude, is living in the home as well.

    1920 Sangamon CO IL 9 & 10 January 1920 Capital Township

    SCALF, Maud Head 40 1880 IL KY IL Widow
    SUDDUTH, Susan Sister 47 1873 IL KY IL  
    SCALF, Marjory Dau 17 1903 IL IA IL  
    SCALF, Mabel Dau 14 1906 IL IA IL  

    By 1930, Maude is boarding in the home of William Black. Maude is listed as divorced on this census.

    1930 Sangamon CO IL 5 April 1930 Springfield

    BLACK, William L. Head 77 1853 IL PA KY  
       Augusta Wife 66 1874 IL Germ Germ  
    SCALF, Maude Roomer 50 1880 IL KY IL Divorced

    1940 Sangamon CO IL 6 April 1940 Springfield

    SUDDUTH, Susan E. Head 60 1880 IL  
    SCALF, Maude R. Sister 55 1885 IL Widow


    Daughter of
    Joda Scalf & Regina Maude Sudduth
    Marjorie<Joda<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis

    Marjorie E. Scalf, daughter of Joda Scalf and Maude Sudduth, was born September 28, 1902 in Illinois and died February 28, 1988 in San Diego, California at Scripps Memorial Hospital of myocardial infarction caused by coronary artery disease which she had for many years. Marjorie was widowed at the time of her death and was self-employed.

    Marjorie married John H. May and they were found on the 1930 census of Sangamon County, Illinois with her sister, Mabel T. Scalf, living in the home.

    Child of John May & Marjorie Scalf:

    1. John S. May

    1930 Sangamon CO IL 4 April 1930 Springfield

    MAY, John H. Head 33 1897 IA WI IA
       Marjorie E. Wife 27 1903 IL IL IL
    SCALF, Mabel T. Sister in law 24 1906 IL IL IL

    In 1940, Marjorie is divorced and living alone.

    1940 Sangamon CO IL 16 May 1940 Springfield

    MAY, Marjorie E. Head 37 1903 IL Divorced Stenographer

    Marjorie married Robert Golding.

    On June 13, 1951, Marjorie and Robert Golding are departing New York for Le Havre, France for a two month trip on the America.(Passengers List)

    On August 7, 1951, Marjorie and Robert Golding are arriving in New York from Cherbourg, France on board the Queen Elizabeth.(Passengers List)

    California Death Index
    Social Security #: 336161455
    Sex: FEMALE
    Birth Date: 28 Sep 1902
    Birthplace: ILLINOIS
    Death Date: 28 Feb 1988
    Death Place: SAN DIEGO
    Mother’s Maiden Name: SUDDETH
    Father’s Surname: SCALF

    (Marjorie Scalf Golding Death Certificate)


    Daughter of
    Joda Scalf & Maude Sudduth
    Mabel<Joda<John<Jonah<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

    Mabel Scalf, daughter of Joda Scalf and Regina Maude Sudduth, was born about 1905 or 1906 in Illinois. Mabel was living with her sister, Marjorie Scalf May in 1930 in Sangamon County, Illinois and later moves to Chicago, Illinois. Mabel was a legal librarian.

    1930 Sangamon CO IL 4 April 1930 Springfield

    MAY, John H. Head 33 1897 IA WI IA
       Marjorie E. Wife 27 1903 IL IL IL
    SCALF, Mabel T. Sister in law 24 1906 IL IL IL

    1940 Cook CO IL 15 April 1940 Chicago

    SCALF, Mabel Head 35 1905 IL


    Son of
    John W. Scalf & Priscilla Ferguson
    Jesse J<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Jesse James Scalf, son of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson was born January 26, 1883 in Waverly, Iowa. (WWI Registration Card, courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

    Jesse married Mary Belle Wallick, daughter of John and Isabelle Figard Wallick, December 25, 1906 in Fulton County, Illinois. (Vol. G, pg. 170, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900)

    Jesse died in 1951 and is buried at Maryville (Bryant) Cemetery in Fulton County, Illinois. Mary Wallick Scalf was born in 1881 and died in 1958. She is also buried at Maryville (Bryant) Cemetery in Fulton County, IL.

    Mary’s mother was living in the home of Jesse and Mary in 1910 Fulton County, Illinois. She was probably a widow but this was not listed on the census records. She had five children born with four living. Mary stated she had two children born with two living.

    Jesse and Mary were followed on census records from 1910 through 1930. Jesse was living in the home of Theo Whitenac in 1900 as a boarder.

    Children of Jesse James Scalf and Mary Belle Wallick from census records:

    1. ;Roy V. Scalf, born 1907.
    2. Millie P. Scalf, born 1908.
    3. Carmen Scalf, born 1911.
    4. Frankie Scalf, born 1913.
    5. Reba Scalf, born 1915.
    6. Jesse Percy Scalf born, 1917 or 1918.

    1900 Fulton CO IL 18 June 1900 Liverpool Township

    WHITENAC, Theone O. Head 45 Jan 1855 IL NY NY
       Lavna Wife 45 Aug 1854 IL OH NC
       Leota Dau 14 Aug 1885 IL IL IL
       Beatrice M. Dau   9 Feb 1891 IL IL IL
       Peter Father 79 Dec 1820 NY NY PA
    SCALF, Jesse Boarder 17 Jan 1883 IA IL Unk

    1910 Fulton CO IL 30 April 1910 Joshua Township

    SCALF, Jesse J. Head 28 1882 IA IA IA  
       Mary B. wife 28 1882 NB NB IL 2 children born, 2 living
       Roy v. Son   3 1907 IA IA IL  
       Millie P. Dau 1 4/12 1908 IA IA IL  
    WALLACE, Isabelle Mother in law 49 1861 NB NB IL 5 children born, 4 living
    Fulton County, Illinois Farmers Directory, 1917
    Given Name: Jesse
    Surname: Scalf
    Spouse (Maiden Name): Mary
    Children: Roy, Millie, Carmen, Frankie, Reba
    Post Office: Cuba
    RR: 2
    Township: Joshua
    Sec: 3
    Acres: 80
    Year became Resident: 1910
    WWI Registration Card
    Name: Jesse James Scalf
    Age: 35
    Home Address: Cuba, IL
    Date of Birth: January 26, 1883
    Occupation: Farming
    Employer name: Self (Link to Original Document)
    Place of Employment: Cuba, IL
    Nearest relative: Mary Scalf
    Address of relative: Cuba, IL
    Height: Medium
    Build: Medium
    Color of eyes: Brown
    Color of Hair: Brown
    Disability: Leakage of heart
    Date: September 12, 1918

    1920 Fulton CO IL 5-7 January 1920& Joshua Township

    SCALF, Jesse Head 36 1884 IA IL IL
       Mary Wife 38 1882 NB NB IL
       Roy Son 13 1907 IA Ia IL
       Millie Dau 11 1909 IA IA IL
       Carmen Dau   9 1911 IA IA IL
       Frankie Son   7 1913 IA IA IL
       Reba Dau   5 1915 IA IA IL
       Jesse Son 2 4/12 1917 IA IA IL

    1930 Fulton CO IL 3 April 1930 Buckhart Township

    SCALF, Jess J. Head 47 1883 IA IA IL
       Mary B. Wife 48 1882 NB NB IL
       Millie P. Dau 21 1909 IL IA IL
       Frank J. Son 17 1913 IL IA IL
       Reba D. Dau 15 1915 IL IA IL
       Jesse P. Son 12 1918 IL IA IL

    1940 Fulton CO IL 16 April 1940 Buckhart Township

    SCALF, Jesse J. Head 57 1883 IA
       Mary Belle Wife 58 1882 IL
    Name: Jesse James Scalf
    Address: Box 1, Bryant, Fulton Co, IL (Registration Card)
    Phone: none
    Age: 59
    Place of birth: Waverly, IA
    Date of birth: January 26, 1883
    Person who will know address: Roy Scalf, Canton, IL
    Employer name: Self employed
    Place of employment: Bryant, Fulton Co, IL


    Son of
    Jesse J. Scalf & Mary B. Wallick
    Roy V<Jesse J<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Roy V. Scalf was born March 17, 1907 in Illinois and died March 12, 1987 in Canton (Fulton County) Illinois. He married Mildred Edna Wood on June 17, 1928 in Galesburg, Knox County, Illinois. She was born September 8, 1910 and died November 11, 1986. Both Roy and Mildred are buried at White Chapel Memory Gardens in Fulton County, Illinois.

    (Anniversary Announcement)

    (Link to Photo of Roy and Mildred)

    (Photo of Roy, Mildred and Family)

    (Photo of Roy and Mildred Scalf)

    (Photo of Roy and Mildred Scalf - 50th Wedding Anniversary)

    Children of Roy Scalf and Mildred Wood:

    1. Robert F. Scalf
    2. Charlotte F. Scalf
    3. Ronald E. Scalf

    1930 Fulton CO IL 5 April 1930 Canton Township

    SCALF, Roy Head 23 1907 IL IA IL
       Mildred Wife 20 1910 IL IL IL
       Robert Son   1 1929 IL IL IL

    1940 Fulton CO IL 20 April 1940 Canton Township

    SCALF, Roy Head 33 1907 IL
       Mildred Wife 30 1910 IL
       Robert Son 11 1929 IL
       Charlotte Dau   9 1931 IL
       Ronald Son   6 1934 IL
    WOOD, Elmer Lodger 51 1889 IL


    Son of
    Jesse J. Scalf & Mary B. Wallick
    John<Jesse J<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    John Scalf, son of Jesse J. Scalf & Mary B. Wallick, was born September 16, 1912 and died December 20, 1992. John marrie Mary Pauline Larson on September 16, 1937 in Macomb, Illinois. Mary was born on January 14, 1916 and died October 7, 1983.

    1940 Fulton CO IL 16 April 1940 Bryant

    SCALF, John F. Head 27 1913 IL
       Mary Pauline Wife 24 1916 IL

    (Obituary of John Scalf)


    Daughter of
    Jesse J. Scalf & Mary B. Wallace
    Reba<Jesse<John<Jonah<Benjamin<Lewis Scalf

    Reba Scalf was born about 1915 in Illinois. According to the 1931 Canton, Illinois High School year book, the Cantonian, Ruba was a very outgoing and talkative young lady.

    1931 Canton, IL High School Yearbook - CANTONIAN


    Son of
    Jesse J. Scalf & Mary B. Wallick
    Jesse P<Jesse J<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Jesse Percy Scalf, son of Jesse James Scalf and Mary B. Wallick, was born August 19, 1917 and died September 18, 1985. (U. S. Veteran Gravesites - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

    He married Lillian Matejewski in Fulton County, Illinois. Lillian was the daughter of Michael Matejewski and Anna Lesko. Lillian Scalf was born September 28, 1918 and died April 5, 2004. They are buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona. (U. S. Veteran Gravesites - Courtesy of Virgil Scalf)

    Children of Jesse Scalf and Lillian Matejewski:

    1. Jesse Eugene Scalf - born April 15, 1938; married Rosemarie Ann Canale. (Marriage Document)
    2. David Lee Scalf - born May 6, 1941; married Linda Mae Hetrick.  (Marriage Document)

    U.S. Veterans Gravesites
    Name:Jesse Percy Scalf
    Veteran’s Rank: S1
    Branch: US Navy
    Last known address: 23029 North Cave Creek Road Phoenix, AZ 85024
    Birth Date: 19 Aug 1917
    Death Date: 18 Sep 1985
    Veteran Service Start Date: 12 May 1944
    Veteran Service End Date: 16 Oct 1945
    Interment Date: 20 Sep 1985
    Cemetery: National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona
    Buried At: Section 18 Site 3669
    Name:Lillian E. Scalf
    Veteran’s Rank: S1
    Branch: US Navy
    Relation Name: Jesse P Scalf
    Relationship: Wife
    Last known address: 23029 North Cave Creek Road Phoenix, AZ 85024
    Birth Date: 28 Sep 1918
    Death Date: 21 Mar 2004
    Interment Date: 5 Apr 2004
    Cemetery: National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona
    Buried At: Section 18 Site 3669


    Son of
    John W. Scalf & Priscilla Ferguson
    Elijah E<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Eliga Everett Scalf, son of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson, was born August 21, 1885 (WWI and WWII Registration)

    Eliga died September 26, 1964 in Canton, IL. He married Sarah Elizabeth Downey or Downing in 1910. Sarah was born October 6, 1888 and died June 12, 1968. Eliga and Elizabeth are buried at White Chapel Memory Gardens in Fulton County, Illinois.

    Although Elijah is the most common spelling of this name, his name is spelled ELIGA on his headstone and will be the spelling used in this section.

    Children of Elijah Scalf and Elizabeth Downey:

    1. John Glee Scalf - born about 1913; married Wilma Painter.
    2. Dorothy Scalf - born 1913 - 1919.
    3. Hubert Scalf - born 1919.
    (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Fulton County, Illinois Farmers Directory, 1917:
    Given name: E (Elijah)
    Surname: Scalf
    MI: E
    Spouse (Maiden Name): Lizzie
    Children: Dorothy, Glee
    Post Office: Lewistown
    RR: 2
    Township: Liverpool
    Sec: 8
    Acres: 25
    Year became Resident: 1887
    WWI Registration Card
    Name: Eliga Everett Scalf
    Age: 34
    Home Address: Lewistown, IL
    Date of Birth: August 21, 1885
    Occupation: Farming
    Employer name: Self (Link to Original Document)
    Place of Employment: Lewistown, IL
    Nearest relative: Lizzie Scalf - his wife
    Address of relative: Lewistown, IL
    Height: 5' 11"
    Build: Slender
    Color of eyes: Brown
    Color of Hair: Brown
    Date: September 12, 1918

    1920 Fulton CO IL 13-16 February 1920 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Eliga E. Head 34 1886 IL IL MO
       Lizzie Wife 30 1890 IL IL IL
       Dorothy E. Dau   8 1912 IL IL IL
       Glee J. Son   6 1914 IL IL IL
       Hubert D. Son 10/12 1919 IL IL IL

    1930 Fulton IL 7 April 1930 Canton Township

    SCALF, Lige E. Head 41 1889 IA IL IL
       Elizabeth Wife 39 1891 IL IL IL
       Dorothy E. Dau 18 1912 IL IA IL
       J. Glee Son 16 1914 IL IA IL
       Hubert D. Son 10 1920 IL IA IL
    PAST, Lora Lodger 17 1913 IL IL IL

    1940 Fulton IL 10 April 1940 Canton Township

    SCALF, John Head 26 1914 IL
       Wilma Wife 23 1917 IL
       Kathleen Dau   4 1936 IL
       Elidga Father 58 1882 IL
       Elisbeth Mother 57 1883 IL
       Hubert Brother 29 1911 IL
       Marie Sister in law 28 1912 IL

    Elida and Elizabeth are living with their son, John Scalf, in Canton, IL, but one week later, she is living and working in Abingdon. The census record indicates that Elizabeth is married but living apart from her husband. Elizabeth has a job in Abingdon and may have been visiting when the census was taken in Canton, IL.

    1940 Knox CO IL 15 April 1940 Abingdon

    RENEAU, Wayne Head 33 1907 IL
       Mary Wife 29 1911 IL
       Norman Son   5 1935 IL
       Regenia Sister 19 1921 IL
    HUFF, Ethel Lodger 35 1905 IL
    ARNETT, Emma Lodger 55 1895 IA
    SCALF, Elizabeth Lodger 50 1890 IL
    Name: Eliga Everett Scalf
    Residence: 434 Baxter Ct., Canton, Fulton CO, IL
    Mailing address: Same as above (Link to Original Document)
    Age: 57
    Date of birth: August 21, 1885
    Name & address of person who will know your address: Mrs. Elizabeth Scalf, 434 Baxter Ct., Canton, Fulton CO, IL
    Employer: On bread and fruit route
    Place of employment: Fulton CO, IL


    Son of
    Eligha Scalf & Elizabeth Downey
    John<Elijah E<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    John Scalf, son of Eligha Scalf & Elizabeth Downey, was born September 3, 1913 and died August 7, 2007 in Oklahoma. John married Wilma Painter.

    1940 Fulton IL 10 April 1940 Canton Township

    SCALF, John Head 26 1914 IL
     &emsp ;Wilma Wife 23 1917 IL
       Kathleen Dau   4 1936 IL
       Elidga Father 58 1882 IL
       Elisbeth Mother 57 1883 IL
       Hubert Brother 21 1911 IL
       Marie Sister in law 28 1912 IL


    Son of
    Eligha Scalf & Elizabeth Downey
    Hubert<Elijah E<John W<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Hubert Scalf, son of Eligha Scalf & Elizabeth Downey, was born April 16, 1919 and died August 7, 2007 in Oklahoma. Hubert married Rosalie Marie Hughawout. Rosalie was born November 4, 1912 and died October 11, 2001.

    1940 Fulton IL 10 April 1940 Canton Township

    SCALF, John Head 26 1914 IL
       Wilma Wife 23 1917 IL
       Kathleen Dau   4 1936 IL
       Elidga Father 58 1882 IL
       Elisbeth Mother 57 1883 IL
       Hubert Brother 21 1911 IL
       Marie Sister in law 28 1912 IL


    Son of
    Jonah Scalf & Elizabeth Willey
    William E<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    William S. Scalf, son of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth Wiley, was born January 12, 1852 in IL. William died May 15, 1923 in Fulton County, Illinois and is buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery in Fulton County, Illinois. William died two months before his wife, Lauretta Griffith. Lauretta died in July. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online) William’s middle initial from the cemetery records online as well as other records is (S). Henry Scalf lists him as William E. Scalf in Chronicles of the Scalf Family.

    William married Lauretta Griffith June 10, 1871 in Fulton County, IL (Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900) Lauretta was the daughter of James Griffith and Minerva Willey.  Lauretta was born September 21, 1855 and died July 1, 1923 in Fulton County, Illinois. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online)

    (Copy of Illinois Deaths Online)

    (Copy of Illinois Statewide Marriages Online)

    Name: Wm. Scalf
    Birth Date: 12 Jan 1852
    Birth Place: Ill
    Death Date: 15 May 1923
    Death Place: Liverpool Twp, Fulton, Ill
    Burial Date: 17 May 1923
    Burial Place: MT Pleasant
    Death Age: 71
    Occupation: Farmer
    Race: White
    Marital Status: M
    Gender: Male
    Father Name: Jonah Scalf
    Father Birth Place: Tennessee
    Mother Name: Elizabeth Wiley
    Spouse Name: Lauretta Scalf
    FHL Film Number: 1557115

    Henry Scalf stated that William E. Scalf was a Free Methodist Minister in the Illinois/Iowa area. Below are excerpts fromChronicles of the Scalf Familyconcerning William E. Scalf. Please note that Henry and Elmer Scalf confused this William Scalf with the son of William and Matilda Jane Osborn Scalf. This William did not remarry after his wife died. In fact, this William died two months before his wife.

    From Chronicles of the Scalf Family by Henry P. Scalf:

    “William E. Scalf, son of Jonah, is found on the 1880 Census of Fulton County. He was listed as 28 years of age. His father was born in Tennessee, his mother in Illinois. His wife, Laura, was 23 years old, her father a native of Wisconsin, her mother of Illinois. Children were Minnie, 7, Leona, 5, and Bertha B., 3. Rev. William E. was a Free Methodist minister for 50 years, serving in Illinois and Iowa.

    “William E. moved to Iowa about 1890 where he remarried to Esther Smelser/Smeltzer, a native of Illinois. There is no available date as to the year his first wife, Laura died. lt is thought that he remarried in Iowa and not in Illinois. However, the marriages of Fulton County Illinois show that he and Esther/Ester were married in Fulton County, Illinois (See Illinois marriages). William and Esther had one child, born Nov. 1890, in Iowa. William Scalf moved with his wife, Esther, and daughter, Cassie, to Covina, California, in 1895.

    According to California records of births and deaths, William E. Scalf’s wife, Esther, was born Nov. 7, 1862 in Illinois and died at Covina, California, Dec. 31, 1908. Her father was listed as James O. Smelser, native of Kentucky, and her mother, Malissa Robertson, a native of Illinois. Esther Scalf lies buried at Covina. Two months after the death of Esther, her daughter Cassie died. The date is Feb. 27, 1908. William E. Scalf survived his second wife until March 28, 1930, dying at the age of 78 years. The records show he was born Jan. 24, 1852, in Illinois. He had been a resident of Covina for six years, in California 35 years. (Chronicles of the Scalf Family, ChapterXIV, Miscellaneous Scalf Families)

    The above dates found in the California records are actually dates for William Scalf, son of William Scalf and Matilda Osborn Scalf. Esther died in 1915 and not 1908. Carrie was their daughter’s name and Carrie died in 1908. Elmer and Henry listed Carrie as Cassie.

    In a letter written to the author from Elmer Scalf, Elmer states that he found the graves of Esther and Cassie while living in California.

    Excerpt from letter of Elmer Scalf to the author dated 1990:

    Now, Margaret, this defies all odds! You know I used to live in Glendora, Calif until I moved to Hawaii. I lived there 13 years. There was a cemetery only about 5 blocks from where I lived there in Glendora. Several years after I had been living there I walked through this cemetery and low and behold there are the graves of this Wm. E. Scalf, Esther, and poor little Cassie. Now don’t that beat the odds? (Letter from Elmer Scalf to Margaret Fleenor, 1990)

    Children of William Scalf and Lauretta Griffith:

    1. Minnie A. Scalf - born January 13, 1873; died March 5, 1911; married John Jacob Stufflebeam.
    2. Elvia Leona Scalf - born March 9, 1875; died November 14, 1941; married Jacob Henry Scalf, son of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson.
    3. Bertha Bell Scalf -born August 4, 1877; died May 12, 1924; married George Thomas Scalf, son of John W. Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson.

    1880 Fulton CO IL 10 June 1880 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, William Head 28 1852 IL TN IL
       Laura A. Wife 23 1857 IL WI IL
       Minnie A. Dau   7 1873 IL IL IL
       Leona E. Dau   5 1875 IL WI IL
       Bertha B. Dau   3 1878 IL WI IL

    1900 Fulton CO IL 18 June 1900 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, William Head 48 Jan 1852 IL TN OH  
       Laura Wife 43 Sep 1856 IL Unk IL 7 children born, 3 living
       Berth Dau 22 Aug 1877 IL IL IL  
    SCALF, George G. Nephew 23 Jul 1876 IL IL IL  
    SCALF, Grace E. Niece   8 Jul 1891 IL IL IL  

    1910 Fulton CO IL 25 April 1910 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, William Head 58 1852 IL TN IL
       Lauretta A. Wife 54 1856 IL WI IL


    Daughter of
    William S. Scalf & Lauretta Griffith
    Minnie A<William E<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Minnie Alice Scalf, daughter of William Scalf and Lauretta Griffith, was born January 13, 1873 in Illinois and died March 5, 1911 in Fulton County, Illinois. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Records online)Minnie married John Jacob Stufflebeam March 6, 1889 in Fulton County, Illinois. (Illinois Statewide Marriages Index, 1763-1900)

    John Jacob Stufflebeam was born June 17, 1867 and died November 30, 1951. He was the son of Christopher Columbus Stufflebeam and Mary Willey. Both John and Minnie are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records online)

    John and Minnie were followed on census records from 1900 through 1920. Minnie was found on the 1900 and 1910 census records, but died in 1911. John was widowed by 1920. Sections are not listed for their children due to a lack of records concerning their marriages and children.

    We have very little information on the children of John and Minnie Alice; however, four of the children are listed in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery records.

    1. Della Cordellia Stufflebeam was born January 23, 1891 and died August 10, 1948. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records)
    2. William Ray Stufflebeam was born January 3, 1894 and died February 12, 1980. He was a WWI veteran. He married Dollie Burton, born 1912 and died 1985, the daughter of Daniel and Stella Lamb Burton. She was a sister of Mary Burton that married Harley and Esta Nathan Scalf. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records)
    3. Tina E. Stufflebeam, daughter of John and Minnie Alice was born May 6, 1896 and died October 2, 1973. She married James W. Smith, Sr. He was born January 19, 1884 and died November 17, 1959. One known son, James W. Smith, Jr. He was born March, 1929 and died February 28, 1979.  He married Sharon K. Conn. All are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records)
    4. Seldon S. Stufflebeam was born May 4, 1906 and died August 14, 1987. Seldon married Helen M. Barnhart. She was born January 17, 1910 and died October 31, 1992. (Mt. Pleasant Cemetery records)

    1900 Fulton CO IL 5 June 1900 Liverpool

    STUFLEBEAM, John Head 32 Jun 1867 IL IL IL Married 13 years  
       Minnie Wife 25 Jan 1875 IL IL IL Married 13 years 7 children born, 6 living
       Sarah A. Dau 12 Oct 1887 IL IL IL    
       Della L. Dau 10 Jan 1890 IL IL IL    
       Evert L. Son   8 Apr 1892 IL IL IL    
       William Son   6 Jan 1894 IL IL IL    
       Tina Dau   4 May 1896 IL IL IL    
       John D. Son   2 Sep 1897 IL IL IL    

    1910 Fulton CO IL 25 April 1910 Liverpool

    STUFFLEBEAM, John J. Head 40 1870 IL IL IL  
       Minnie A. Wife 36 1874 IL IL IL 10 Children born, 8 living
       Della C. Dau 19 1891 IL IL IL  
       Everett L. Son 17 1893 IL IL IL  
       William R. Son 16 1894 IL IL IL  
       Tina E. Dau 13 1897 IL IL IL  
       John D. Son 12 1898 IL IL IL  
       Ruthy M. Dau   9 1901 IL IL IL  
       Seldon S. Son   3 1903 IL IL IL  

    1920 Fulton CO IL 5-9 February 1920 Liverpool

    STUFFLEBEAM, John J. Head 52 1868 Widower
       Della O. Dau 29 1891  
       Ray W. Son 26 1896  
       Dewey J. Son 22 1898  
       Ruth Dau 19 1901  
       Seldon S. Son 13 1907  


    Daughter of
    William S. Scalf & Lauretta Griffith Evita<William<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Elvia Leona Scalf, daughter of William S. Scalf and Lauretta Griffith, was born March 9, 1875 and died November 14, 1941 in Illinois. She married Jacob Henry Scalf, son of John Wesley Scalf and Priscilla Ferguson. (Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    Children of Jacob Henry Scalf and Elvia Leona Scalf:(Courtesy of Judy Heffren-Wickert)

    1. Grace Ethel Scalf - born July 3, 1892 and died December 4, 1823.
       Grace married first to Ollie Morse/Morris.
       Grace married second to Spencer Wiley Cooper born September 14, 1889 and died October 23, 1963.
       Both are buried at Mt. Pleasant (Apple) Cemetery. They married October 9, 1919.
    2. Harley Glen Scalf - born October 16, 1898, died January 2, 1960. He married Mary I. Burton.
    3. Esta Nathan Scalf - born October 24, 1901, died May 20, 1951; married Mary Burton.
    4. Marjorie Scalf - born April 15, 1903, died October 21, 1919.
    5. William Jennings Scalf - born November 18, 1906, died June 4, 1974. He married Francis Ford.
    6. Ross Scalf - born May 14, 1908, died September 27, 1975. He married Mildred Cozadd.
    7. Wilbur Scalf - born 1916, died 1919.

    1900 Fulton CO IL 20 June 1900 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Jacob H. Head 25 Nov 1875 IL IL IL  
       Elvia Wife 24 Mar 1876 IL IL IL 1 child born, 1 living
       Harley G. Son   1 Oct 1898 IL IL IL  

    1910 Fulton CO IL 25 April 1910 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Jacob Head 34 1876 IL IL IL  
       Elva L. Wife 35 1875 IL IL IL 8 children born, 6 living
       Harley G. Son 10 1900 IL IL IL  
       Esta N. Son   8 1902 IL IL IL  
       Margie M. Dau   7 1903 IL IL IL  
       William J. Son   3 1907 IL IL IL  
       Ross Son 1 11/12 1908 IL IL IL  

    Margie M. Scalf died October 21, 1919 at Fulton County, Illinois (Illinois deaths online)

    Fulton County, Illinois Farmers Directory, 1917
    Given Name: J (Jacob)
    Surname: Scalf
    MI: H
    Spouse (Maiden Name): Elvia
    Children: Harley, Estie, Margie, William, Ross
    Post Office: Lewistown
    RR: 4
    Township: Liverpool
    Sec: 17
    Acres: 17
    Year became Resident: 1896

    1930 Fulton CO IL 10 April 1930 Liverpool Township

    SCALF, Jacob H. Head 55 1875 IL IA IL  
       Elva L. wife 55 1875 IL IA IL  
       Harley G. Son 30 1900 IL IL IL  
       William J. Son 22 1908 IL IL IL  
       Ross Son 21 1909 IL IL IL  
    MORSE, Gerald O. G-son 15 1915 IL IL IL (son of Grace Scalf)
    COOPER, Bernadine V. G-dau   9 1921 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Imogene G-dau   8 1922 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Ethel M. G-dau   6 1924 IL IL IL (daughter of Grace Scalf)
       Spencer W. Son in law 40 1890 IL IL IL Widower

    The children of Elvia and Jacob are already listed in the section of Jacob Henry Scalf, son of John W. and Priscilla Ferguson Scalf. For further information see that section.


    Daughter of
    William S. Scalf & Lauretta Griffith
    Bertha<William<Jonah<Benjamin Sr<Lewis Scalf

    Bertha Belle Scalf, daughter of William Scalf and Lauretta Griffith, was born August 4, 1877 and died May 12, 1924 at Maple Mills, Fulton County, Illinois. Bertha is buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL.

    (Death Record of Bertha Bell Scalf)

    Bertha married George Thomas Scalf, son of John W. and Priscilla Ferguson Scalf. George was born July 29, 1876 and died September 23, 1959. He is buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Fulton County, IL. Bertha and George were first cousins. They had four children on the 1910 census of Fulton County, Illinois. The 1910 and 1920 census shows a total of five children.

    Children of George Thomas Scalf and Bertha Bell Scalf from census records and Judy Heffren-Wickert:

    1. Opal Mae Scalf born 1902.
    2. Sylvia P. Scalf born 1904. Sylvia married Samuel Dailey.
    3. Clifford L. Scalf born 1906.
    4. Don Scalf. Don was born about 1907.
    5. Archie Dean Scalf - born about 1915, IL; died September 30, 1973.

    Fulton County, Illinois Farmers Directory, 1917
    Given Name: George
    Surname: Scalf
    MI: T
    Spouse (Maiden Name): Bertha
    Children: Opal, Sylvia, Clifford, Don, Dean
    Post Office: Lewistown
    RR: 4
    Township: Liverpool
    Sec: 17
    Acres: 18

    Children of Bertha and George are listed under the section of George Thomas Scalf, son of John W. and Priscilla Ferguson Scalf. Please see that section for further information



    Virgil Scalf - coauthor and assistant - Line of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Lotty Hubbard Scalf - Census records, military files, birth certificates, death certificates, SS indexes and many other documents.
    Wendy Klostermann - Line of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah Scalf - Family of James Madison Scalf and Kathrine Ida Farley
    James Monger - Line of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah - Family of Daniel and Winnie Booth Scalf
    Michelle McGee - Line of Lewis Scalf and Nancy Keziah Scalf through George and Abigail Kepple Scalf.
    Ed Scalf - Line of John R. Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate through Arminda Scalf and Isaac Harper
    Lorna Carol Bates - Line of John R. Scalf and Ann Eliza Tate through James Allen Scalf and Sarah Jane Scott
    Judy Heffren-Wickert - Line of Jonah Scalf and Elizabeth Wiley Scalf - Family of Raymond and Bernadine Cooper Heffren
    Carol Waldroup - Deceased - Line of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith through Jesse Benjamin Scalf
    Mary Beckham -Line of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith through Jesse Benjamin Scalf
    Glenda Bales-Mounger - Line of Isaac Scalf and Sarah Jane Smith through Jasper Richard Scalf and Nancy Elizabeth Roberts-Wilmeth-Scalf
    Rick Lipsky - Mahala Scalf Moore and Osborne family
    Catherine Schumacher - Information on James Valentine Hankle
    Barbara Bowman - Line of John Francis Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson
    Georgianna Morse - Line of John Francis Scalf and Mary Helen Ferguson
    Scalf Family History - Elmer D. Scalf, author
    Chronicles of the Scalf Family - Henry P. Scalf, author
    Margaret Fleenor - Compiler and author of Scalf Family in America


    Copyright (C) 2001-2017 by Margaret Fleenor, All Rights Reserved.