Jonas Scalf, native of Tennessee, is first found in the 1860 Census of Fulton County, Illinois. He was listed as 33 years old and was thus born in 1827. No wife is listed but two sons, John, age 10, and William, age 8, are enumerated. There is no information as to his progenitor as yet.

"Jonas Scalf was a riverman and came up from the deep south on a boat as some kind of officer," Roy V. Scalf, Canton, Illinois, wrote the present writer, Sept. 10, 1968. "He served as boat captain on the Illinois River, I am told, for several years, then purchased land close to Liverpool, Ill. and we still call this the Scalf homestead. His two sons were William and John. John married and became the father of six sons and three daughters, one son, ................, be came my father. The family, by and large, has been a religious group, many ministers coming from the family. Rev. William E., my uncle, traveled extensively, lecturing against the theory of evolution.

William E. Scalf, son of Jonas, is found on the 1880 Census of Fulton County. He was listed as 28 years of age. His father was born in Tennessee, his mother in Illinois. His wife, Laura, was 23 years old, her father a native of Wisconsin, her mother of Illinois. Children were Minnie, 7, Leona, 5, and Bertha B., 3. Rev. William E. was a Free Methodist minister for 50 years, serving in Illinois and Iowa.

William E. moved to Iowa about 1890 where he remarried to Esther Smelser, a native of Illinois. There is no available date as to the year Laura died. lt is thought that he remarried in Iowa and not in Illinois. William and Esther had one child, born Nov. 1890, in Iowa. William Scalf moved with his wife, Esther, and daughter, Cassie, to Covina, California, in 1895.

According to California records of births and deaths, William E. Scalf's wife Esther was born Nov. 7, 1862 in Illinois, died at, Covina, California, Dec. 31, 1908. Her father was listed as James O. Smelser, native of Kentucky, and her mother, Malissa Robertson, a native of Illinois. Esther Scalf lies buried at Covina. Two months after the death of Esther her daughter Cassie died. The date is Feb. 27, 1908.

William E. Scalf survived his second wife until March 28, 1930, dying at the age of 78 years. The records show he was born Jan. 24, 1852, in Illinois. He had been a resident of Covina for six years, in California 35 years.

John Scalf, son of Jonas, and brother to William, was born 1850 in Illinois. He was a farmer, owned 50 acres of land, reared six children: Jacob, George, Jesse, Elijah, ............, .......... His wife's name was Priscilla but we do not know her maiden name. The family resided in Fulton County.

Jesse James Scalf, born Jan. 26, 1883, son of John, grandson of Jonas, was a farmer of Fulton County. He married Mary Wallick. They reared six children: Roy V., Millie, Reba, Jesse, Jr., John F., and Carmen. Mary Wallick Scalf died 1959.

Roy V. Scalf, son of Jesse, Sr. was born March 17, 1907, in Fulton County, Illinois, married June 17, 1927 to Edna Wood, born Sept. 8, 1910. Edna Wood Scalf was a daughter of Otis R. Wood and Edith Mable Matsinger Wood. Roy V. Scalf, who resides at 939 South First Avenue, Canton, Ill., is a retired employee of the International Harvester Company where he was active in union activities. He has associated himself with many civic affairs but is now retired.

Elijah Scalf, son of John Scalf, grandson of Jonas, married Lizzie Wowney. Three children of this union are Dorothy, John Glee, and Hubart. John Glee, born 1913, married Wilma Painter, and reside in Springfield, Illinois.


This branch of the Scalf family is headed by John Scalf, native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Most of the early history of this branch is tradition. Evidence that John was born in Pennsylvania is slight and persons interested in the family history do not accept the statement that he was born in Pennsylvania as incontrovertible. One bit of interesting tradition still extant is that John had a brother Lewis, leading to the inference that both were probable nephews of Lewis Scalf, son of James.

One researcher of this branch of the Scalf family is Mrs. Della Rae Marvin, 2509 Kulshan St., Bellingham, Washington. (1961) Traditionary stories of the family were passed to her by her greatgrandfather, James Allen Scalf (1861-1949) and her grandfather, Charles Vestal Scalf (born 1895), both of Lucerne, Missouri.

James Allen Scalf, son of John Scalf, was born April 5, 1861, at Lucerne; married Sarah J. Scott, 1885; died Sept. 14, 1949. Charles Vestal Scalf, son of James Allen and Sarah J. Scott Scalf, was born August 2, 1895, at Lucerne; married Mary E. Gleason, August 16, 1916; was still living and residing at Unionville, Missouri, in 1961. ''One daughter of Charles Vestal and Mary Opal Scalf, born August 25, 1919, at Lucerne; married Floyd E. Rupe, March 9, 1935. They are parents of the family researcher, Mrs. Della Rae Marvin, of Bellingham, Washington.

Mrs. Marvin prepared a manuscript in 1961 on her branch of the family for use in this volume. It is quoted here almost in entirety:

"Our record goes back to 1815, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to the birth of John Scalf. Little is known of his early life in Pennsylvania but we do know that he came to the northwest part of Missouri in 1840. There he married and though the name of his wife is not known we do know that they had two boys whose names were Wess and Frank. Sometime after the birth of the youngest boy his wife died. John, being a man who loved to travel, left the two boys with a Mr. Young in Unionville, Missouri, and began a long interval as a roaming man.

"He first made his way to California in 1849, along with, thousands of other people who had dream of making a fortune in the Gold Rush of '49. Unlike many of those anxious people, John Scalf was fortunate enough to 'strike it rich.' He tired of the life of a miner or else the strike ended. At any rate the next record we have of our ancestor is further wandering. He boarded a ship and sailed around Cape Horn and landed at Philadelphia.

"The urge to see his sons and the old home in Missouri caused him to board a train that would take him home again. He discovered that he would have a four-hour wait at the depot in Philadelphia and while he was waiting his attention was drawn to a little house just across the street from the station. His gaze kept going to the little old man who was sitting on the porch. Something about the old fellow seemed to draw John to him. The impulse to go across and speak to the old man grew stronger and stronger and just when John had decided to go speak to him the train pulled into the station and John left on it. Years later, when John's brother Louis (Lewis) came to Missouri, he told a story that explained the attraction of the old man to John and caused John much sorrow as the years went by. Louis brought the news that the old man reading the newspaper on the porch of that little house was none other than John's own father whom he had not seen since he left his home in Pennsylvania in his youth.

"Upon his return to Missouri, John met and married Ann Eliza Tate in 1856. His older sons were both soldiers in the Civil War. Frank was killed but Wess returned and reared two children. John and Eliza had five children: James Allen (my grandfather), Sally, Elizabeth, Arminda, and Evalyne.

"John's wandering days were over when he married Eliza and realized he had responsibilities as husband and father. He homesteaded a farm in Putnam County, Missouri, near West Locust Creek. He was a devoted husband and father but died before he saw his children grown. After his death in 1872, his only son, James, just a youth then, took over the farm and became the head of the household. James took his responsibility seriously and conscientiously cared for his mother until her death.

"James married a neighborhood girl, Sarah Scott, in 1885. They became the parents of eight children: Roy, Dollie, Lelah, Charles (my grandfather), Annie, Opal, Bertha, and Finis. Jim, as he was known, inherited none of the wandering habit of his father. He settled on the farm his father homesteaded, sent his children to the same school where he had attained his limited education. He died on a little farmstead within a mile of the old home, the home place having passed into the hands of his son, Charles, a few years before his death. His children seemed to inherit the same homing instinct James showed in his life since the records of that little country school show that not only all his children were students, but all of his more than twenty grandchildren either attended or were graduated from that school and his great-grandchildren are among the students now registered in that same little school.

"To show the ability of this grandfather, when his small son, Charles, was less than six years old, a team ran away, throwing him out of the wagon. His hip was cut badly. There being no doctor near, the father sewed the wound up with a needle and thread, washed it out with turpentine. He died Sept. 14, 1949 and interment was in West Liberty cemetery. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Eliza Scalf made her home with her son James until her death in 1911.

"John and Eliza Scalf, were both buried in the Mt. Grove Community Cemetery. Sarah Jane Scott Scalf joined the United Brethren Church when quite small. She died Nov. 6, 1953 and was interred beside her husband, James , in the West Liberty Cemetery."


The Scalfs of Georgetown, Ohio, originated in Knox County, Kentucky. They trace their ancestry back to Richard Scalf, Jr. son of Richard, Sr. who was born May 5, 1903, at Barbourville, Kentucky, and died Jan. 5, 1945, at Manchester, Ohio. Richard married Sarah Ann Mills, of Barbourville, March 22, 1926 in Lee County, Virginia. She was born May 14, 1902, at Barbourville. They moved to Ohio in 1927 and changed the name to Sibert. Under this name they were lost to the knowledge of the Eastern Kentucky Scalfs for 18 years. The Sibert family was an old Clay County one and one of the maternal ancestors of the children of Richard, Jr. and Sarah Ann Mills Scalf, was a Sibert. Sarah Ann Mills was a daughter of John O. Mills and Eliza Broughton, and a granddaughter of Obie Mills and Nancy Bargo Mills.

The marriage of Richard Scalf, Jr. and Sarah Ann Mills was a second marriage. His first wife was Mary Brumley. Children of this union were Lucille, Willie, and Junior.

The first of the children of Richard Scalf, Jr. and Sarah Ann Mills Scalf was John Scalf, Jr. He was born at Pennington Gap, Va., August 17, 1927 under the name of Junior J. Scalf and this name is on his birth certificate. He later changed his name to John, Jr. It was after the birth of John, Jr. that his parents moved to Ohio.

Eight other children, all under the name of Sibert, were born to Richard Scalf, Jr. and Sarah Ann Mills Scalf. They are: Mary Louise, born Dec. 27, 1928, Cincinnati, Ohio; Leonard Rubin, born May 13, 1931, Mt. Holly, Ohio; Ruth Jean, born August 17, 1932, Lavana, Ohio, died August 21, 1932; Effie Jane, born Nov. 10, 1934, Lavana, Ohio, died March 17, 1936; Geneva, born August 9, 1936, Lavana, Ohio, deceased; Julia Evelyn, born Sept. 3, 1936, at Ripley, Ohio; Rosetta, born Dec. 14, 1937, Brown County, Ohio; Albert Edward, born March 19, 1944, Manchester, Ohio.

John Scalf, Jr. (son of Richard Scalf, Jr. and Sarah Ann Mills Scalf) was twice married. His first wife was Rosa Mae Burns. They were married at Manchester, Oh., Nov. 1, 1947, and divorced in 1956. Children of this union were Roweena Mae, born Dec. 12, 1948, Maysville, Ky.; and Floyd Richard, born July 20, 1952, at Maysville. John Scalf, Jr.'s second wife was Evelyn Mae Creech. They were married Nov. 1, 1963, at Covington, Ky. There are no children by this second marriage.

The present address of John Scalf, Jr. is 315 Grant Avenue, Georgetown, Ohio.


Three Scalf families appear in the 1830 South Carolina census that cannot be connected to the Lewis Scalf-James Scarfe-John Scarfe line. Two of the families, that of John Scalf and Isaac Scalf, are in the Darlington County census and the third, that of William Scalef [sic] is in the York County census.

These census records are as follows:

                     DARLINGTON COUNTY S. C. CENSUS - 1830

John Scalf
- 2 females, 10-15 years; 1 male, 15-20 years; 1 male, 20-30 years; 1 female, 40-50 years; 1 male, 50-60 years. Four slaves.

Isaac Scalf - 1 male, 5-10 years; 2 males, 10-15 years; l female, 10-15 years; 1 female, 30-40 years; 1 male, 50-60 years. No slaves.

                           YORK COUNTY, S. C. CENSUS - 1830

William Scalef - 1 male, 1 female, under 5 years; 1 male, 1 female, 20-30 years. No slaves.

It is not possible that John or Isaac Scalf were sons of Joseph Scalf, Revolutionary War soldier who was transferred to the South Carolina Line in 1783 from the 10th Regiment of North Carolina Joseph Scalf was married 1789 and the census records indicate that the two Darlington County family heads were eight or ten years old when Joseph married. It is possible that both John and Isaac were sons of Lewis, son of James Scarfe, William Scalef of the York County census was probably either a son of John or Isaac and the record indicates he was a son of the latter.

John Scalf executed his will, December 12, 1846, in Darlington County. It was probated and recorded February 15, 1849. Since he was unable to write, whether from illiteracy or infirmity we do not know, the scribe who wrote the instrument spelled the name Scoff. In fact the scribe himself exhibited evidence of an inferior education in drawing the document. He spells the name both as Scoff and Scaff.

In the instrument John Scalf devises land, livestock, house furnishings and slaves to his wife, Emilla, during her widowhood and to his children, Mary Hill, Ezekier Scoff, Zilpha Seymore, Riley Scoff, Sarah Morris, Chloe Hill. Grandchildren mentioned are Sarah Olever, John Riley, Morris and William Alexander Seymore. Riley Scoff, son, and William Morris, son-in-law, were appointed executors. Witnesses were James Newbery, William Sanders, and Robert Lawhorn. It is recorded. in Will Book 10, page 121, Darlington County records, Darlington, South Carolina.

The instrument, as written and recorded, with only a few punctuation marks added for clarity, is appended hereto for the interest it may have.


Darlington County, S. C.

In the name of God amen, I, John Scoff, of Darlington District being of sound mind. and disposing memory but weak in body and calling to mind the uncertainety of life and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with do make and ordain this by last Will in manner following - I give unto my beloved wife Emilla Scaff the use of the tract of land whereon the dwelling house stands, except the part deeded to my son Riley Scoff about two hundred & forty three acres to have the use of the improvements & buildings during her widdowhood or life time. I also give to my wife Emilla Scoff seven negroes and their increase namely Jesse, Zelpha, Mindea, Luretta, Peter, Vina, and Charity during her widowhood of life time. I also give my wife, Emilla, two horses (her choice) four milk cows and calves (her choice) and hogs sufscient for her support. I also give my wife Emmilla as above mentioned my household and kitchen furniture, black smith and plantation tools during her life time or widowhood. I desire that the remainder of my stock and other property not desposes of be sold and all my lawful debts to be paid. and the remaining part of the money to be disposed of as follows - one hundred dollars to be paid to Chloe Hill and the balance to be equally divided among My wife Emilla Scaf and my children Mary Hill, Eazekier Scoff, Zilpha Seymore, Riley Scoff, and Sarah Morris - After the death of my wife Emmilla Scoff or after her marriage if she should marry again I give the tract of land will'd to my wife during her life time of widow hood to my son Reley Scoff. I desire after the death or marriage of my wife that all the stock of every kind household and kitchen furniture blacksmith & plantation tools &c to be sold and out of the money arising from the sale one hundred & fifty dollars be paid to my grand Children Sarah Olever, John Riley, Morris & William Alexander Seymore and the remainder to be equally divided between my children namely Mary Hill, Ezekiel Scoff, Riley Scoff, Chloe Hill, and Sarah Morris. I also desire that at the death or marriage of my wife (if she should Marry) again that all my negroes and their increase which I have lent to my wife during her lifetime of widowhood be equally divided between Mary Hill, Reley Scoff, Sarah Morris, Cloe Hill, and Ezekiel Scoff, Children, is not to be sold. or divided among them untill the youngest child comes of age. I desire that if any of my Children should die before they get their portions of my property - I do hereby constitute & appoint my son Riley Scoff and son in law William Morris Executors of this my last will & testament In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 12 day of December A.D. 1846.

                                                John X Scoff        (Seal)

Crawfordsville, Ind.

In an effort to resolve the questions involved in the ancestry of Clyde Otis Scalf, Crawfordsville, Indiana, reliance was made upon tradition and some research. The preparation of an ancestral chart adds some confusion to an already complicated relationship of his progenitors and their descendants. According to tradition in the family there were intermarriages between Scalf cousins, children of three Scalf brothers: Jesse, William and Greenberry Scalf. A daughter of Jesse, Vonnie, is mentioned, and of her very little is known. Greenberry Scalf, wife unknown, was the father of Martha, John, and William.

William Scalf, one of the trio of brothers, married Amanda Crumley, and died in 1924 at an advanced age. His children were William Andrew Jackson, Harvey, Mark Monroe, and Vonnie, Mark Monroe, born in Tennessee, married his cousin, Martha, daughter of Greenberry. Vonnie married her cousin, William, son of Greenberry. Harvey, wife's name not known, was the father of three children: Garland, Leona, and Edgar.

William Andrew Jackson Scalf, grandfather of Clyde Otis Scalf, married Matilda Minter, June 15, 1893. He died at Virden, Illinois, Sept. 29, 1929. Matilda was born March 11, 1860, in North Carolina, died Waynetown, Indiana, June 7, 1939. Children of this union were Minter Arthur, born 1894 in Tennessee; Columbus A.; Lula E. She married Theo. Solomon, in Indiana, and two children were Wilson and Dimple Fern. Minter A. Scalf was twice married but the name of his first wife is unavailable. His second wife was Eva Pearl Roach. Children of Minter Arthur, were Helen, Bea, Margaret, Imogene, Mae Ella, Katherine, Arthur, William, Tilly, Minter, Carl, Alma, and Judith. Minter Arthur Scalf died Dec. 3, 1962 at Strawberry Plains and burial was made in Strawberry Plains Cemetery.

Columbus A. (Andrew) Scalf, son of William Andrew Jackson Scalf and Matilda Minter Scalf, was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, Feb. 10, 1899, died at Virden, Illinois, June 10, 1937. He married Lilly Maude Solomon, at Knoxville, Dec, 17, 1921. (1) She was born Sept. 13, 1891 at New Market, Tennessee. Three children of this marriage were Clyde Otis Scalf, William J. Scalf, and Allie Rae Scalf who married Arnold Stuts.

Clyde Otis Scalf was born Sept, 21, 1922 at New Market, Tennessee, married Eleanor Lydia Ridge Feb. 14, 1945 at Crawfordsville, Indiana. She was born April 22, 1926 at Crawfordsville and died there in 1962. Issue of this marriage were two sons.


Lilly Maude Solomon, wife of Columbus Andrew Scalf, was a daughter of Jacob Solomon. and Eliza Clementine Wilson, both of Knoxville, Tennessee. Jacob was a son of Thomas and Mary Solomon and Eliza Clementine was a daughter of Calvin and Phoebe Hankins Wilson. Jacob Solomon was born Oct. 13, 1846, married May 29, 1870, died at Knoxville, June 16, 1916. Eliza Clementine Wilson Solomon was born Sept. 15, 1853, died April 18, 1926, at Knoxville.

A news dispatch from the Crawfordsville, Ind. Journal-Review, under the date of June 2, 1969, notes that Lillie Maude Solomon Scalf died that day in Claxton Hospital near Manasses, Ga. where she had gone to visit a daughter, Mrs. Ray Stultz Lee. She became ill in May. Burial was made in Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville.


Benjamin Franklin Scalf, farmer and shoemaker, was born Feb. 26, 1814, in North Carolina. He was a son of Benjamin and Mahala Scalf, presumably the Benjamin of the 1810 Iredell County, N.C. Census and the 1830 Washington County, Tenn. Census. Benjamin of Washington. had three males in the family in 1830, between the ages of 15 and 20 years. (See SCALFS OF STRAWBERRY PLAINS AND WATAUGA, TENNESSEE, in Miscellaneous Families). If this is correct, Benjamin's wife was named Mahala, but we do not have her maiden name.

Indiana was a young and inviting state in 1834 and the 20-year-old Benjamin migrated there, probably following other North Carolina and Tennessee families who had deserted the mountainous region of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee for the Indiana prairies. He married Eleanor Narcissus Thomas, Sept. 24, 1835, in Union County. She was a daughter of Samuel Thomas, and a granddaughter of Benjamin and Margaret McClain Matthews Thomas. Eleanor Thomas Scalf was born July 22, 1814, in North Carolina.

Benjamin and Eleanor Scalf were parents of five children, four of them living to adulthood.

1. William Lewis (Louis?) Scalf, born July 4, 1836, Union County. He married, first Charity Walters, who died July 12, 1863, leaving no children. William Lewis married, second, Mary Regina Rizenhizer, Oct. 18, 1866, at Goshen, Indiana. Issue of William and Mary Regina Scalf were Oscar D., last known address Cincinnati, Ohio; and Elizabeth, married Cary, and last known address was Memphis, Tennessee; Anna B., born July 21, 1884, no other data. William Lewis Scalf died July 14, 1880, Union County, Ind., and was buried Millersburg Cemetery, Kosciusko County, Ind. His widow went to California and died there but her body was returned to Indiana and buried at Goshen. Lewis Scalf was a brick mason.

2. Samuel Albert Scalf, born 1838, according to the 1850 Elkhart County, Indiana, Census, in Union County. He married Malinda Imbody, Clinton Township, Elkhart County. She was a daughter of Adam and Orpha Tannehil Imbody. Issue of this marriage were William H.A., born June 17, 1860; Orpha Eleanor, born June 16,1865; Benjamin, born June 12, 1868; and Harvey A., born May 11, 1872. William married Elizabeth Rodle. Orpha Eleanor married H.H. Hile, who was chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, World War II. They resided in Virginia. Samuel Albert Scalf is buried at Harbor Springs, Michigan.

3. Caroline Phoebe Scalf, was born Sept. 22, 1339, Union County. She died May 2 or 20, 1840.

4. Francis Marion Scalf, was born June 23, 1841, Union County, died Nov. 2. 1868. No further information.

5. Henry B. Scalf, born Feb. 1, 1844, Union County, died either in 1905 or 1906. He married Cindy Anglon. She and children were living in Goshen in 1909. Henry B. Scalf was a barber, following his profession at Elkhart, Indiana.

A letter from Ray W. Scalf, 812 Durant Street, Lansing, Mich., to Mrs. Elsie Payne Archer, Springfield, Illinois, dated March 19, 1957, states:

"My grandfather was Samuel Albert Scalf, brother of Louis, of Ligonier, Indiana, and Henry of either Elkhart or Goshen, Indiana. My grandfather moved to Harbor Springs, Mich., in 1876, where I was born in 1889. Father (William) had two brothers, Benjamin and Harvery, and sister Ella (Orpha E.). Benjamin's two granddaughters live in Arlington and Falls Church, Virginia, and one in Michigan [sic]. Ella has children in Newport News, Virginia."

In 1850, Benjamin Franklin Scalf and family were residents of Elkhart County, Jefferson Township, Indiana, for they were enumerated there that year. Benjamin Franklin Scalf died July 14, 1889. His widow survived until July 5. 1899.


David Scalf and wife first appear in the 1790 Census of Edenton District, Camden County, North Carolina. At that time they had no children. His name was written as David Scaff. He was the only person writing his name as Scaff, Scarfe, or Scalf in the entire census of the state. However, there was an Israel Scag listed in Craven County, according to state records of North Carolina. The federal version lists the name as Israel Scapp and he is probably the same Israel Scarfe named in the will of John Scarfe probated in 1753 in Pasquotank County, N.C.

David Scalf and Benjamin Scalf appear on the 1810 Iredell County, N.C. Census. In the David Scalf family were one male, age 26-45 years, one female age 16-26 years, and an older female, same age group as David. We can safely assume that the couple at this time had only one child. In the Benjamin Scalf family there are two males and two females under 10 years of age, two males and a female in the 26-45 age group and one female 45 and over group.

We find. David and Benjamin on the 1830 Washington County, Tennessee, Census. From this census we learn that Benjamin and his wife are approximately a decade older than David and his wife. Benjamin is listed in the 60-70 years group, his wife in the 40-50 years group. David and his wife are listed in the 50-60 and 30-40 age group, Children in the David Scalf family are listed as a male and female between one and five years, two males between five and 10 years, and a male and female between 10 and 15 years. In the Benjamin Scalf family are five children: One male is between five and 10, three males are between 15-20 years, and one female between 15-20 years.

Two other Scalf households in Washington County at the time were headed by Elizabeth Scalf, age 20-30 years, with a son under five and a daughter between 10-15 years; and Lewis Scalf and wife both between 20-30 years. This Lewis Scalf had married Nancy Koziah, September 12, 1829, in Washington County. It cannot be assumed with safety that Lewis Scalf was either a son of David or Benjamin for several other Scalf marriages occurred in Washington County between 1825 and 1836, some of the grooms or brides identifiable as belonging to branches other than that of David and Benjamin. (See Appendix).

An analysis of the 1830 Washington County Census, made by Fred Robert Scalf, Jr., of Knoxville, Tennessee, and a descendant of David Scalf, is as follows: David was 59 years old, Nancy, his wife, 39 years old. The youngest son, Benjamin, was three, Malachi, eight, David, ten, another son, probably William, between 10-15 years, Rebecca, under five, and Sarah, 12 months. This modification of the census was made in the light, of knowledge acquired in researching the family genealogy. Fred Robert Scalf also concluded that two of the children of Benjamin were Berryman and Peter. He points out that there is a possibility that William could be either the son of David or Benjamin.

David, Benjamin, and Malachi Scalf, with a sister, possibly two sisters, settled in the Watauga, Tennessee, area. Research convinces all family students that these Scalfs were either children of David or Benjamin. Malachi and David fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War but Benjamin was too young. The sister was Sarah, who married Levi Taylor Emmert, in 1830.

Malachi Scalf, born June 2, 1822, first married Diannah Ann Lacy, in 1841. Three children of this union were William Jackson Scalf, married Elizabeth Foust; James Scalf, married Mary Ann Emmert; and Matilda Scalf, never married. Following the death of Diannah Lacy Scalf, Malachi remarried to Ellen Spivey. Issue of this last union were Nelson, married Nancy Milhorn; George, married Lula Scalf; John, married Nannie Goble; Samuel, married Ellen Robinson; Charles, married Neddie Carr; Sarah, married Robert Richards; Maggie, married a Berry; Belle, married a Richardson.

David Scalf married Susannah Smalling. Issue of this union were Nancy Jane, married Eli Peeks; Elizabeth, never married; Solomon David, married Sarah Jane Ellen Emmert; Sarah; William. Nancy Jane Peeks was an herb doctor and midwife and widely respected in the area.

Benjamin Scalf moved to Sullivan County, Tennessee, and married Lydia Mayfield, August 19, 1847. In the 1850 Sullivan County, Tennessee, Census, Benjamin is listed as 21 years old, Lydia, as 18. He was born in Tennessee, she in North Carolina. Two children, Isaac, two years old, and Jesse, one month old, were born in Sullivan County.

Issue of the union of Nancy Jane Scalf and Eli Peeks were Jerry, Athie, Lorene, Texana, David.

Issue of the union of Solomon David. Scalf, who married Sarah Jane Ellen Emmert, September 5, 1880, were Sudy Harriett Ann Scalf, born Jan. 5, 1882; Samuel Washington Scalf, born Feb. 24, 1884, died June 29, 1947; Mattie Lou Sindie Scalf, born Feb. 15, 1887; Laura Zeal Scalf, born Nov. 30, 1890; Marshall J. Carl Scalf, born March 3, 1892; Henry Clay Ivenes Scalf, born April 16, 1895, died Sept. 26, 1896; Myrtle Ethel Mary Scalf, born June 4, 1897; Ivia Minnie Bell Scalf, born Sept. 14, 1899; Dorothea Pearl Scalf, born Sept, 7, 1902; Robert Bruce Scalf, born Dec, 22, 1905, died June 28, 1913.

(The above fragmentary genealogy of the David and Benjamin Scalf families has been written chiefly from notes supplied by Fred Robert Scalf, Jr., who was, at the time, June 1967, attending the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, studying engineering electronics. Scalf undertook to research this branch of the family but had only begun to make progress when his work was interrupted by naval demands ... May 22, 1968, he wrote an explanation:

"I have just completed my Master's thesis and have received a new set of orders. As things stand at this time, I will have to spend 19 weeks in San Diego, beginning the last of June. This time will be spent in getting checked out in a new airplane. After that I must join my new squadron, Patrol Squadron ONE, in Sangley Point, Philippines, and Cam Rahn Bay, Vietnam, for a six-month deployment. My next home station will be at Whidbey Island, Washington, for two years."

Fred Robert Scalf, Jr., is son of Fred Robert Scalf, Sr., and Dorothy Burris Scalf; grandson of Marshall J. Carl Scalf and Mary Porterfield Scalf; great-grandson of Solomon David Scalf and Sarah Jane Ellen Emmert Scalf; great-great-grandson of David Scalf and Susannah Smalling Scalf, Fred Robert married Janis Jeffries, of Knoxville, Tennessee. They have two sons - Fred, III, and Jerry).


Transcripts taken from a book entitled History of the Revolution in Europe 1838, which was owned by William Jackson Scalf and in the possession of his granddaughter, Mrs. Rhoda Peeks Motychak, of Watauga, Tennessee in June, 1967. Entries were written in the book by hand, some were in green ink written by quill. Solomon David Scalf had penned his name inside the back cover.

Mary Scalf was born September 9, 1863

James Scalf was born August 12, 1866

Modinay (Modina) Scalf was born Jun. 6, 1869

Loid (Lloyd) Scalf was born July 20, 1872

Molissie (Molissa) Scalf was born December 19, 1874

Rhoda Scalf was born April 3, 1877

Granddaughter Rhoda Peeks was born January 2, 1893

Lucy Scalf was born June 6, 1886

M.E. (Mary Elizabeth) Scalf will be 52 on February 24, 1890

Theodore Motychak was born March 2, 1879

Rhoda Motychak was born January 2, 1895

Elizia Hubbard was born August 24, 1912

William Hubbard was born November 20, 1914

Howard Motychak was born September 30, 1920

Ruth Motychak was born May 6, 1926

Olga Motychak was born September 9. 1928


Members of the Scalf family buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Knoxville, Tennessee. (It is possible that others are buried there but they would all be female members who have other married names).



Section Burial Number
Alexander Scalf 73C K 3620
Mrs, Jane Smith Scalf (1) 278 N 5916
Katherine Scalf 73C K 3917
Mrs. Willie Scalf (Mrs. Sam) (2) 723 Va 6589
Mrs. C.M. Scalf (6) 328 Y 8983
Michael David Scalf (3) 16B Q 9681
Thomas Nelson Scalf (4) 17 Y 10750
Pauline Scalf 382 Y 1087
James S. Scalf 60A M 12717
Elbert S. Scalf  93 K 12970
Mrs. Jessie Scalf (5)  93 K 13050
Martha Scalf Williams Mowl 93 K 13086

(1) Mrs. Jennie Scalf owns an 8 grave lot in this location, Marker has two names on it in reverse sides and sides are labeled "Mother" and "Brother". Reverse side lists _____?_____ E. Smith, Colonel, Air Service Prod. Troop, died Oct. 17, 1918.

(2) No marker on this grave.

(3) Infant. No marker on this grave.

(4) Headstone has the name Scalf on one side and Ford on the opposite side. Thomas Nelson Scalf, according to a Knoxville newspaper obituary, died March 22, 1957, at the age of 85 years. According to the obituary, his surviving wife was Nancy Melhorne Scalf. Surviving son and daughter were Gaines Scalf and Mrs. Virgie Ford, both of Knoxville; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Sams, and Mrs. Bell Sams, both of Knoxville; a brother, John Scalf, Johnson City, Tenn.; nine grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

(5) Second wife of Elbert Sevier Scalf. (6) C.M. Scalf is the half-brother of Ollie Scalf of Knoxville.


Scalf Graveyard on Smalling Road, Route 1, Watauga, Tenn. Only the marked graves of interest were recorded. There are many Scalfs buried on the low side in unmarked graves but no known way of identification exists.

Wm. J. Scalf Co. H 13 Tenn. Cav. (Stone provided by government)

Myrtle Dwanedith, daughter of Laura Scalf 25 Apr 1913 to 9 Nov 1915

S.D. Scalf 11 Oct 1862 to 1 Oct 1934

Sarah Jane Scalf 11 Sept 1864 to 3 Apr 1946

Robert B. Scalf 22 Dec 1905 to 28 June 1913

Mary Emmert 9 Sept 1863 to 24 July 1884

Mike son of T.G. & Myrtle Campbell born 21 May 1913 died 22 May 1913

J.L. Scalf Co. H 13 Tenn Cav (Stone provided by government)

Peter Scalf 8 Apr 1871 to 15 June 1955

Nancy A. Scalf 27 Sept 1880 to 19 Dec 1939

Pearl Scalf Mar 20, 1908 to Aug 5, 1927

James Scalf Jr. Dec 23, 1919 to June 11, 1921

J.H. Jr. Son of J.H. & Bessie Scalf 29 June 1925 to 29 June 1925

Mary Katherine Scalf 12 July 1926 to 13 July 1927

John Scalf 1963

Malichi Scalf 2 Jan 1822 to 2 Aug 1891

Carrie A. daughter of M. & R.E. Scalf Aug 6, 1886 to Oct 7, 1887

Rhoda Scalf Apr 3, 1877 to Oct 18, 1884

Molissie Scalf 18 Dec 1874 to 5 Mar 1898

Lucy Scalf 6 June 1886 to 25 Aug 1905

Elizabeth Scalf Feb 24, 1846 to Jan 28, 1921


Transcript of records taken from the Bible of Sarah Jane Emmert Scalf and in the possession of her daughter, Laura Scalf McGinnis, who resides on Mascot Road in Strawberry Plains, Tennessee in June, 1967.

Jeremiah Emmert died July 2, 1896 and was 70 years, 21 days old

Jeremiah Emmert and Francis Moodie were married January 30, 1848

Francis Moodie was born November 30, 1832

Jeremiah Emmert was born June 11, 1826

Elizabeth Emmert was born December 29, 1849

Catherine Emmert was born September 15, 1850

Marianne Emmert was born November 25, 1852

Peter W. Emmert was born December 25, 1854

David Swetenburg Emmert was born September 30, 1856

John Miller Emmert was born January 29, 1858

Harriet Levina Emmert was born March 24, 1862

Sarah Jane Ellen Emmert was born September 11, 1864

Solomon D. Scalf and Sarah J.E. Emmert were married Sept, 5, 1880

Harriet Sudy Scalf was born January 5, 1882

Samuel Washington Scalf was born February 24, 1884

Mattie Lou Sindie Scalf was born February 15, 1837

Laura Zeal Scalf was born November 30, 1890

M. Carl Scalf was born March 3, 1892

Henry Clay Ivenes Scalf was born April 16, 1895

Myrtle Ethel Mary Scalf was born June 4, 1897

Ivia Minnie Bell Scalf was born September 14, 1899

Dorthie Pearl Scalf was born September 7, 1902

Robert Bruce Scalf was born December 22, 1905 and died June 28, 1913

Ivia Minnie Bell Scalf and Charlie Leonard Norman were married Aug. 22, 1916

Charlie Leonard Norman was born July 6, 1897

T.J. Norman was born October 29, 1917

Floyd Campbell and Sudie Scalf were married August 21

Myrtle Scalf and T.G. Campbell were married April 19, 1913

Alma Gertrude Campbell was born April 23, 1914 and died January 5, 1916

Mat Houd Campbell was born March 7, 1916

Dossie Eller Campbell was born ....... (no further entry)

S.C. Humphreys was born April 7, 1906

David Frank Humphreys was born October 7, 1907

Edith Florence Humphreys was born September 14, 1909

James Willie (Wiley) Humphreys was born July 28, 1911

Suda Riva Bell Humphreys was born September 8, 1913

Lucy Irene Humphreys was born July 17, 1915

Laura Scalf married Abraham Bolling on March 7, 1910

                         TENNESSEE MARRIAGE RECORDS

                                                   Volume 1

                                          by Pollyanna Creekmore

                                       CARTER COUNTY, TENN.

                                                     1796 - 1850

1847, August 18                                                         date license, obtained

           Benjamin SCALF married Lidia MAYFIELD
                    Malachi SCALF, bondman
           (married Aug 19, 1847, by George EMMERT, J.P.)

1850, September 2

            James HINKLE married Rebecca SCALF
                     William, L. CASH, bondman

1845, September 18 date license obtained

             William SCALP married Mary CURTICE
             (married Sept. 18, 1847, by Henry Little, J.P.)

Scalph, Scalf, Scalp - from Marriage Records of Washington County, Tenn.,
1787-1840, compiled by Norma Rutledge Grammer and Marion Day Mullins.

Sept. 21, 1825          William Moon - Mahala Scalph                             26
                                  Bd.: Mark Anderson

Mar. 8, 1827             James Moore - Mahaley Scalf                              29
                                  Bd.: George King

Sept. 12, 1829           Lewis Scalf - Nancy Koziah                                33
                                  No bd.

Nov. 17, 1831            Berry Scalf - Rebecca Page                                38
                                   Bd.: James Wheeler

July 5, 1832                Simpson Charton (Carter?) - Susannah Page      39
                                   Bd.: Berry Scalf

Mar. 17, 1836            William L. Cash - Malinda Scalp                        45

                           COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, SCALFS

The Scalf family of Collin County, Texas, was founded by Isaac Scalf. He was born in 1823 in Tennessee. Of his ancestry we know nothing for research on the family was limited but while genealogical guessing is one of the most hazardous of risks, it is thought that Isaac was a descendant of either David or Benjamin Scalf, of Iredell County, N.C.

Isaac Scalf left Tennessee, probably in the 1840's migrated north and west to Ohio where he met. and married his wife, Sara J. (Jane?), her maiden name unknown. She was one year younger than her husband. They were probably married in 1845 for the eldest child, Jasper Richard, was born in that state in 1845. Three other children were born in Ohio: Mary A., born 1848, Henry C., born 1851, and Martha A., 1852.

Sometime between 1652 and 1856 Isaac and his family left Ohio and moved to the present Collin County, Texas, north of the present Dallas. Here his next child, a son, William H., was born March 26, 1856. Two other sons followed - John W., born in 1857, and Charles E., in 1859. According to the 1880 Census of Collin County there was a daughter, Laura A., born in 1850 in Texas. She was not named in the 1860 Census so must have been a member of another household. She married Joseph T. Keyes (Keys), Feb. 18, 1871, in Collin County.

Isaac Scalf, a millwright, was a revered minister of the Christian Church, some say Methodist Church. He died at McKinney, Collin County, the date uncertain. He is buried in the Scalf Cemetery there.

Like Isaac Scalf, some of the grandchildren had a wanderlust. One grandson, Isaac Scalf, and one Ozander Crandell, who also may have been a grandson, went north to Ray, lowa, with Isaac's parents. From Ray, in 1898, they wrote back to Jasper Richard Scalf, calling him uncle and complained of the Iowa cold. A nostalgia for the Texas homeland permeates the letter. Many persons, known back in Texas to the Scalf family, were located near Isaac and Ozander, allowing us to infer that quite a colony of Texans had migrated to Decatur County, Iowa. The old letter is now in the family archives of Mrs. L.K. Warden, 4206 Childress, Houston, Texas, a grandaughter of Jasper Richard Scalf.

Jasper Richard Scalf married Nancy Elizabeth Wilmuth, Jan. 14, 1866, in Collin County. She was the widow of a Mr. Roberts who was killed in the Civil War. Martha A. (Matt) Scalf married Robert James, Jan. 4, 1870, in Collin County. Three known children of Robert and Martha A. Scalf James were Ben, who never married; Nancy, married Brown; and Ann, Charles E. Scalf, youngest son of Isaac Scalf, married Molly Betterton. Charles died soon afterwards and his widow remarried to a Mr. Drake, moved to Oklahoma where she was still living in 1965, having passed the century mark in years. Jesse Scalf married Maggie Betterton, sister to Molly.

Known issue of Joseph T. Keyes and Laura A, Scalf Keyes were William and Pearl. William married Mida Evans in Collin County. Seven children were born to this union: Lesley, Clarence, Clifford, Laura, Etta, Eli, and Beatrice. Clifford died young and Lesley was killed. Pearl Keys married a Mr. Huff and her descendants live in Dallas and Houston.

Mrs. L.K. Warden, Houston, Texas, in a letter dated Oct. 20, 1965, to the present writers states:

"My father, Joe Cline Scalf, was the first white child born in Collin County. Only Indians were there then. He was born Nov. 21, 1876, married Dec. 8, 1895, Sarah Alice Murphy. He died March 17, 1964, age 87 years. My mother's father was Steve Murphy from Ireland. Everyone called my father 'Doc' Scalf because he always visited anyone who was sick and was very helpful at all times. He died on the same land where he was born. We didn't bury him in the Scalf cemetery because we wanted him and mother in the bigger cemetery (at McKinney). My grandparents and many others are buried in the Scalf cemetery.

"My father's oldest sister was Harriet who married Joe Strickland. They had six children: Riller Vaught, Cline, Bud, Linda, Tim, and Leonard. The next sister, Elizabeth, married David Fisher. They had two sons, George and Joe. Elizabeth died after the death of her two sons. The next sister, Jennie, married her brother-in-law, David Fisher. They had nine children. All of the Fisher children are living. Joe, the oldest, married in Oregon and lives there. He has a daughter in San Antonio and most all the others live in Dallas and McKinney. Timothy Titus was the bachelor of father's brothers and lived with my father. He died about five years ago.

"Charlie, father's youngest brother, married Elizabeth Murphy. They are parents of 12 children. The eldest, Daisy, married Vernie Bailes; Ethel, married Arbary Hopeman; Mattie, married. Joe Black; Wilburn; Choice; Arlie; and Pat Truett. Arlie was killed in an auto accident. Truett died. The others are living." Our correspondent did not name the other children of Charlie and Elizabeth.

William H. (Uncle Billie) Scalf succumbed April 6, 1936, at McKinney. The McKinney Examiner of Thursday, April 19, headlined the story: "Heart Attack Fatal to Uncle Billie Scalf." On the week preceding his death friends and relatives had celebrated his 80th birthday, an account of the occasion being carried in The Examiner. Burial was made in the Pecan Grove Cemetery.

Genealogical information on the Collin County, Texas, Scalfs submitted by present day members contains discrepancies that may be more apparent than real. There is a possibility that Jasper Richard Scalf, a horse trainer and Confederate veteran, may not have been born in Ohio, as census records show, but was born in Appinossa County, Iowa, as stated by Bryant Scalf, owner of Bryant Scalf Insurance, 17 Terrace Village Center, Richardson, Texas.

Bryant Scalf submits that he is a son of Taylor Bryant Scalf, now a retiree Southern Pacific Railroad employee, born 1903; grandson of Joe Cline Scalf, farmer, born in Collin County, 1876; Great-grandson of Jasper Richard Scalf; and great-great-grandson of Isaac Scalf, born in Washington County, Tenn.

Copyright (C) 1970 by Henry P. Scalf, All Rights Reserved.