(John, Sr. - Lewis - James - John)

Berryman Scalf, son of John Scalf, Sr., and Edeah Carlisle Scalf, was born 1809, according to the 1850 Census of Washington County, Tennessee. He was apprenticed in 1820 at the age of 11 years with six brothers by order of the Russell County, Virginia, court. To whom he was apprenticed or "bound out" there is no record. He is variously called Berry, Berryman. and Greenberry on the records. We feel sure his correct name was Berryman for he was married under that name.

Berry married Rebecca Page, November 17, 1831, in Washington County, Tennessee. He was 19 years old and his wife was 18. James Wheeler was bondsman. We learn nothing more of Berry Scalf until he appears in the 1850 Washington County Census. At that time he was living in the Eastern District of the county and there were eight children in the family. Value of his property was listed at $85.00.

The census record upon which we rely to reconstruct the Berry Scalf family, is as follows:

          State Born
1963-2006 Berry Scalf Age 41 M farmer Virginia
  Rebecca Scalf age 40 F   Tennessee
  Jesse Scalf age 18 M Student Tennessee
  Nathan Scalf age 15 M Student Tennessee
  Martha J. Scalf age 13 F Student Tennessee
  Mark M. Scalf age 12 M   Tennessee
  James Scalf age 9 M   Tennessee
  Andrew Scalf age 7 M   Tennessee
  William Scalf age 5 M   Tennessee
  Henry Scalf age 3 M   Tennessee

At the time of the enumeration of the 1850 Washington County Census there were several other Scalfs in the county but their place in the family tree is uncertain. There was the family of William Scalf, age 28, farmer and Mary J. Scalf, his wife, age 20. Both were born in Tennessee. Rebecca Scalf, age 25, born in Tennessee, was an inmate of the household of Nat. Cash and Sarah Cash. There was another William Scalf, this one age 18 years, and living in the home of George and Susan Crouch (Couch?). Betsy Scalf, age 36, had a household of her own with three children. Sela Scalf, age 16 years, born in Tennessee, was residing in the home of William and Phebe Guinn.

Rebecca Page Scalf was probably a sister to Susanna Page who married Simpson Carter, July 5, 1932, in Washington County, Tennessee, for we find Berry Scalf named as bondsman. A Scalf marriage of Washington County on September 2, 1825, was that of William Moon to Mahala Scalf, with Mark Anderson as bondsman. We are unable to identify this Mahala Scalf and can only surmise that she was probably a niece of John Scalf, Sr.

We are inclined to believe that Sela Scalf, who was residing in the household of William Guinn in 1850 was a daughter of Berry and Rebecca Page Scalf. Patsy Scalf, wife of John Scalf, Jr., in an affidavit made in 1845 to support John Scalf, Sr.'s pension application, stated Berry Scalf had eight children. The 1850 Census shows only seven children born by 1845 for Henry was not born until 1847. Sela, age 16, a year older than Nathan Scalf, had gone to stay with the Guinns, we feel sure. This was not an uncommon custom of the time in case of large families.

                        WASHINGTON COUNTY (TENN) MARRIAGES

                                                             1787 -1840

1825, September 2

      William MOON married Mahala SCALPH
            Mark Anderson, bondman

1827, March 8

      James MOORE married Mahaley SCALF
            George King, bondman

1829, September 12

      Lewis SCALF married Nancy KOZIAH

1831, November 17

      Berryman SCALF married Rebecca PAGE
            James Wheeler, bondman

1832, July 5

      Simpson CARTER married Susannah PAGE
            Berry SCALF, bondman

1836, March 17

      William L. CASH married Malinda SCALP

Copyright (C) 1970 by Henry P. Scalf, All Rights Reserved.