(Brittan - John, Sr. - Lewis)

 John Henry Scalf, son of Brittan and Talitha Couch Scalf, was born ca 1836 in Russell County, Virginia on the Clinch River farm of his parents. He was about ten years old when he was brought to Pike County by his mother in 1846.

As a young man he worked on the farm alongside his brothers and following the marriage of his brother, Archibald, in 1852, he became the chief support of the family. Since Archibald had married Sarah Ann Sellards and resided for a time in the Sellards Settlement community on Buffalo Creek, John visited his brother frequently and became acquainted with Clarinda Sellards, cousin of Sarah Ann's.

John Henry Scalf and Clarinda Sellards were married, March 25, 1856, probably at the home of the 17 year-old-bride's parents, Thomas A. and Mary Clark Sellards. They went to housekeeping on Buffalo Creek on the Sellards lands. Site of their home was a mile west of the original homestead of the pioneer John Sellards, grandfather of Clarinda. Their first child, Solomon, was born there, March 27, 1857. A second son, John Breckinridge, was born April 24, 1859.

John and Clarinda, both inured to hard work under near pioneer conditions, were rapidly establishing themselves with a measure of security on the Buffalo Creek farm when talk of civil war pervaded the isolated valley. Archibald and Hezekiah were discussing plans to join Captain Andrew Jackson May who was recruiting for the Confederacy at Prestonsburg. All around the countryside young men were marching away to war, either to fight for the Union or Confederacy. John, his wife carrying another unborn son, listened to the talk but decided to stay with his family. His third son, James Wise, was born Sept. 18, 1861.

Guns were blazing in the region within a month after John's third son was born. Gen. W.O. Nelson pushed into the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, defeated May's Confederates at the battles of Hazel Green and West Liberty. May and his raw troopers, among whom were Archibald and Hezekiah Scalf, made a stand Nov. 9, 1861, at Ivy Mountain, a few miles from the John Scalf home. The Confederate leader, his troops severely mauled by Nelson's superior army, pulled his force back toward Virginia.

Law and order disappeared in the Big Sandy valley after the Battle of Ivy Mountain and many residents, in order to protect themselves and family, joined rapidly forming partisan groups. Dr. Robert Jackson, who had induced Talitha Couch Scalf to move to Johns Creek from Russell County, gathered neighbors and kinsmen of Southern sympathies. Peyton Blackburn, inclined to the Union, rallied neighbors and began a guerrilla war with Jackson.

John Scalf, although of Confederate sympathy, determined to stay out of the struggle if he could. To all overtures that he join with his. brothers, he turned a deaf ear. He had his family to guard and feed. Assiduously applying himself to his farm he began to accumulate livestock and feed. But for the war he could look around his acres with a measure of satisfaction.

The internecine struggle waxed fierce in the valley. Jackson's Confederates stalked Blackburn's Unionists. Dow Elkins, searching the countryside for Blackburn, was killed by the accidental discharge of his rifle as he talked with his fiancee at her door step. Finally Jackson and Blackburn met in battle and John P. McGuire was. killed. Seeking revenge, Jackson and his adherents, ambushed Blackburn and shot his brains out.

The roar of the partisan guns, a few miles from the John Scalf home, had scarcely died when his fourth child, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was born June 14, 1863. While the babe lay in its cradle the partisans of the South roamed the valley but they inflicted no harm on the John Scalf family for they knew for all his facade of neutrality his sympathies were with the Confederacy. Someday, he feared, the Union guerrillas would come.

A few months after the birth of his, daughter the dreaded event occurred. Men swarmed over his farm and at the point of guns robbed his pantry and smokehouse of all the food on the place. With their bayonets they ripped the featherbeds apart.  Much of the furniture was burned in the yard while John stood helpless and his wife and children cried.

The bogs and cattle were butchered on the farm and the meat packed on their horses. A team of horses with which John did his farm work were taken from the barn and driven away. When they left the Scalf farm that bitter winter day the family was destitute. Their neighbors, stricken as they, were impoverished, too, particularly the family of James W. Sellards, brother of Clarinda Scalf. The guerrillas left only the roofs over their heads and the clothes they wore. A hundred years later the dastardly deed was still green in the traditions of the Scalf and Sellards descendants.

John Scalf and his wife's kinsmen of the Sellards Settlement, faced the spectre of starvation and want, comforted each other by a division of food that escaped the clutching bands of the jackals. The weeks wore away and spring came. John, without a team with which to plow, fell fiercely upon his soil with band tools. He dug and planted. Weak from lack of food and hard work he took pneumonia and died in May, 1964.

Thomas A. Sellards and his wife, Mary Clark Sellards, assumed the protection and care of their daughter, Clarinda, and her four orphaned children. The year 1864 had been a struggle for survival for ail of them and 1865 was little better. Thomas and Mary began to talk of migrating west, Minnesota, a state since 1858, was now free of Indian troubles. Little Crow was dead and his Santee Sioux were defeated and dispersed. Just why Thomas and Mary picked Minnesota as a place to settle we do not know. It may have been that they had heard of the fast developing state from others of the area who wrote glowingly of the new land.

The decision to move being made, Thomas sold his lands, the last alienation of title being made May 6, 1866 to Charles Goble. Preparation for the migration were advanced and within a few days following the last sale of land, covered wagons carrying the families pulled away from the Sellards Settlement on Buffalo Creek for the West. Domiciled in the wagons were Thomas A. Sellards, his wife Mary and their small children; Clarinda Sellards Scalf and her four children; James W. Sellards, son of Thomas and Mary, with his wife, Lydia Parsons Dials Sellards and several children. Solomon Scalf was nine years of age, John Breckinridge, seven, James Wise, four, and Mary Elizabeth, three.

Of the journey tradition is strangely silent. They probably went by covered wagons to the Ohio River and by boat on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. John Breckinridge, who lived to be very old, recalled that the last part of the journey was made on the two rivers with a short overland trip to the actual site of the homestead in Minnesota. They settled between the town of Dassell, Meeker County, and Washington Lake on lands drained by a tributary of the Middle Fork Crow River. Nearby was a little lake with an Indian name but henceforth to be known as Sellards Lake.

The Sellards families prospered and Clarinda remarried, October, 1869, to, Jefferson Shortridge, a Civil, War veteran. Six children were born to this union of Jefferson Shortridge and Clarinda Scalf Shortridge. (1) Mary Clark Sellards died in 1885 and was buried at Dassel. Her husband went to Fredericktown, Missouri, where relatives from Kentucky had settled, He died in 1889 at Fredericktown.

Jefferson Shortridge, son of Andrew Shortridge, grandson of Robert Shortridge and great-grandson, of Colonel John Shortridge, Revolutionary War soldier, was born May 24, 1646, in Tazewell County, Virginia. Clarinda could not have made a better choice for a second husband and for step-father of her four children. He was fond of his step-children and they grew up to return his affection.

Solomon Scalf was the first to leave the parental home. He married Mary Frances Fuller, Jan. 28, 1883. They were the parents of six children, all born at Dassel. Solomon is best described by a nephew who knew him intimately, and said: "Solomon was a patient an4 enduring man, never unkind and always considerate of others."

Solomon homesteaded at Norma, North Dakota, in 1900 and at one-time, he and his half-brother, William Shortridge, conducted the Lewis Store, an establishment widely patronized. In 1908 he moved to near Coronach, Sasketchewan, Canada, a small hamlet north of the Montana border. It was 25 miles to Scobey, Montana, the grain center of the region and Solomon freighted his wheat there. In 1925 he moved to Coronach where he died, June 3, 1932. His widow survived until February, 1937, and died at Centralia, Washington.

John Breckinridge Scalf, namesake of a famous Kentuckian, married Emma Hanson, October, 1908. Previous to his marriage and while Solomon was developing a homestead at Norma, North Dakota, Breckinridge moved to the area in 1902 but left the next year. He was the businessman of the family and preferred dealing in realty to homesteading. In 1911 he and a nephew, Wayne Coleman, returned to Eastern Kentucky to visit relatives. He never came again.

John Breckinridge or "Bracky", as his friends called him and his wife, Emma Hanson Scalf, were the parents of five children. Breckinridge died Dec. 15, 1952 at Culver City, Calif., and his wife, Emma Hanson Scalf, born July 17, 1886, died in April, 1923. They are buried in the Dassel cemetery at Dassel, Minn.

James Wise Scalf married Lucinda Dancoke, April 25, 1888. They were the parents of a daughter, Myrtle (1888-1913) who married Oscar Broberg. James Wise died Sept. 18, 1893. James and Lucinda are buried at Dassel.

Mary Elizabeth Scalf, only daughter of John Henry Scalf and Clarinda Sellards Scalf, married Lewis Coleman, Dec. 25, 1882. They were parents of eight children. Mary died July, 1938, she and Lewis are buried at Dassel, Minn.

Clarinda Sellards Scalf, born Feb. 10, 1840, died January, 1914 and her second husband, Jefferson Shortridge, survived until April, 1933. She buried in Dassel Cemetery, and Jefferson, who remarried, is buried at Minneapolis.


                                     (John - Brittan - John, Sr. - Lewis)

 I. John Robert Scalf, born Sept. 8, 1909, married Eva Catherine Arntz, born March 28, 1909. John has had an outstanding career as a soil scientist with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service. He retired in 1966 after, developing a system to determine the origin, development and ages of soil. He resides at 619 Dazell, Shreveport, La. He has six children: John Robert, Jr., born Nov. 14, 1939; Ann Clare, born April 18, 1943; Catherine Celeste, born December 26, 1944; Helen Marie, born October 13, 1946; Mary Margaret, born March 21, 1950; Elizabeth Eva, born November 9, 1951.

II. Vera Margaret Scalf, born January 17, 1912. Married Lawrence Larson. One daughter, adopted, named Christine, born ca 1949. Lawrence Larson is a teacher, resides at Riverside, California.

III. Eleanor May Scalf, born June 20, 1914. Married Richard

Ransdell. Two chilaren, both adopted: Phillip ("Tim"), born ca 1949, died 1967, and Linda, born 1951. Richard Ransdell is an engineer. Resides at Culver City, California.

IV. Mary Ethel Scalf, born December 18, 1915. Married Arne Nousanen. Two children: Diane, born November 28, 1945, and Marcia, born December 31, 1947. Nousanen is a forest ranger at Grangeville, Idaho and Hamilton, Montana, (retired March 1969).

V. Wilson Lee Scalf, born February 13, 1918. He is an accountant and resides at Culver City, California. Wife's name was Vivian Lucille Corwin.


 Issue of Jefferson Shortridge and.Clarinda Sellards Scalf Shortridge were:

1. Ellen, born May 23, 1873, married Federick Irving Tunnell, Nov. 24, 1897. Seven children. In 1966 resided at Seattle, Washington. She died there in August of 1966.

2. William, born August 23, 1875, married Susan Smith, June 30, 1899. Five Children. William died June 30, 1950. His widow lives at Anoka, Minn.

3. Joseph, born November 30, 1877. Died unmarried, Feb. 5, 1960.

4. Elsie, born March 10, 1882. Unmarried.

5. Emily, born June 20, 1884. Unmarried.

6. Florence, born October 29, 1870, married William Rexford, March 25, 1893. Three children. She died July 3, 1909.

Issue of Frederick I. Tunnell and Ellen Shortridge Tunnell were:

1. Fred, born 1899, married. Wife's name unavailable. One child. Fred resides at Bismarck, N.D., was deputy state auditor.

2. Josephine, born 1902, married Vance Remington, Dec. 25, 1927. Three children. Remington accidentally drowned in 1953. Josephine is a clerk, lives at Seattle.

3. Grace, born 1904, married Al Fisher, August 30, 1930. Two children. Fisher died by accidental gunshot ca 1950. Grace is a clerk, lives in Seattle.

4. Leslie, born 1906, married Sylvia Mahnke, Nov. 3, 1931. Two children. Leslie is creamery plant manager at Mahall, N.D.

5. Edith, born 1907, married Dr. Theodore Dozoia, April 4, 1942. One child. Dr. Dozoia is an entomologist and they reside at Logan, Utah.

6. Ella, born August 1909, married Jacobson, August 16, 1930. Four children. Husband is automobile salesman and they reside at Seattle.

7. Claribell, born 1911, married Dr. Robert St. Clair, April 12, 1938. Three children. Dr. St. Clair is an M.D., and they reside at Northwood, N.D.

All information on the Shortridge descendants was compiled in 1955.


                                 (John - Brittan - John, Sr. - Lewis)

Solomon Scalf, born March 27, 1857, in Kentucky, married at Dassell, Minn. Mary Frances Fuller, January 28, 1883. She was born September 29, 1863. Between 1900 and 1902 the Solomon Scalf family moved from Dassell, Minn., to Norma, N.D. where they lived until 1911, when they moved to Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada. Solomon died there June 3, 1932 and his widow, with sons John, James and William, moved to the state of Washington. She died at Centralia, Washington, February, 1937.

Solomon Scalf and Mary Frances Fuller Scalf were parents of six children, all born at Dassell, Minnesota.

I. John Henry Scalf. Born February 13, 1884. Married Mabeld ...... Died August 1949 and buried at Tacoma, Washington. Five children: Erbelle, Martes, Vernon, Kenneth, Marie. Erbelle and Marie were missionaries in 1958. No information available on Kenneth. Vernon married Dorothy Robertson and were parents of Larry, Lonny, and Michael. In 1955 Vernon and Dorothy were living in Washington. Martes married Esther Battdorf at Seattle and parents of one child. Esther is deceased and Martes is a minister and last heard from was residing at Des Moines, Iowa.

II. Richard Lee Scalf. Born October 14, 1886. Died at Dassell, Sept. 23, 1889.

III. James Harrison Scalf. Born June 6, 1889. Was never married. Lived for years in Oregon and California.

IV. William Leslie Scalf. Born February 7, 1892. Married Fern Randall, March 26, 1918, at Plentywood, Montana. Fern died October 23, 1930 at Coronach, Saskatchewan, Canada. Address of William Leslie Scalf in 1958 was Stanfield, Oregon. Seven children.

1. Donald Dale Scalf. Born Eddyside, Saskatchewan, December 27, 1918. Married Neva ("Trudy") McNair, May 1, 1938, Kalespell, Montana. Children of Donald Dale Scalf and Neva McNair Scalf were William Dale, born April 28, 1939, Coquille, Oregon; Donald Richard, born Seattle, Washington, Sept. 22, 1940; Vicki Ann, born Oct. 9, 1949, Renton, Washington; Sue Ellen Scalf, born January 7, 1951, Seattle, Washington; Mark, born May 15, 1956, Portland, Oregon.

2. Virgil Glenn Scalf. Born East Poplar, Saskatchewan, Sept. 16, 1920. Married Ruth Burns, August 6, 1940, at Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Two children: Glen Dale, born March 9, 1941, Yorkton, Saskatchewan; and Joyce Elaine, born June 7, 1943, Seattle, Washington. Virgil Glenn Scalf remarried second to Wilma Potts, March 18, 1947, Seattle, Washington. Two children by second marriage: Nylene Annette, born January 29, 1949; and Floyd Leslie, born June 3, 1957. Virgil Glenn, a fleet truck operator, was residing in Seattle in 1958.

        3. Eugene Vincent Scalf. Born November 11, 1921, East Poplar, Saskatchewan. Married Ruth Heinle, July 7, 1941, Vancouver, Washington. Seven children: Sharon Gayle, born June 28, 1942, Hermiston, Oregon; Gary Gene, born October 4, 1943, Hermiston, Oregon; E. Randall, born January 11, 1945, Atascadero, California; Dennis, born May 24, 1947, Pittsburg, Illinois; Kathleen and Kandyce, twins, born September 13, 1952, Los Angeles, California; Tami, born August 28, 1954, Hillsboro, Illinois. Eugene Vincent Scalf, a construction worker, was living in Portland, Oregon, in 1958.

        4. Veryl Clyde Scalf. Born September 18, 1924, Coronach, Saskatchewan. Married Pearl Beauchamp in 1947. One child: Carol, born May 10, 1951, Kennewick, Washington. Married second to Lillian Wagner, September 18, 1955, Camas, Washington.

         5. Lila Irene Scalf. Born July 25, 1926, Scobey, Montana. Married Gale Peterson. No children. Living in Brandon, Oregon, in 1958.

         6. Lowell Leslie Scalf. Born August 21, 1928, Coronach, Saskatchewan. Married Jean Hynek. Divorced. No children.

         7. Marvin Manley Scalf. Born November 21, 1929, Coronach, Saskatchewan. Married Florence Marianne Roberts, September 10, 1948, New York, N.Y. Children are Dale Henry Scalf, born March 1, 1949, Kindley Air Force Base, Bermuda Island; Gloria Ann, born March 16, 1951, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. City, Oklahoma; Teresa Marie, born January 29, 1953, Seattle, Washington. Bus driver and living in Gresham, Oregon, in 1958.

V. Clarence Easterly Scalf. Born May 18, 1895. Died at Dassell, Minnesota, February 24, 1896.

VI. George Edward Scalf. Born March 14, 1897. Married Mildred Agnes Randall, October 19, 1917, Plentywood, Montana. George Edward Scalf is mayor of Swan River, Manitoba, Canada and in 1958 had served nine years. He engaged in the farm implement business.

In 1958, Mayor Scalf, in seeking to establish contact with his relatives in Eastern Kentucky, wrote Kentucky Governor A.B. Chandler, asking for the address of the author of this history of the Scalf family, then associate editor of the Floyd County Times, Prestonsburg, Kentucky. Governor Chandler forwarded the letter to this writer. In May, 1959, Clare Vincent Scalf, the Mayor's son, and his wife, visited at Prestonsburg and made a return visit in 1961. Mayor Scalf subsequently visited the writer.

Children of George Edward Scalf and Mildred Agnes Randall Scalf are:

1. Ethel May Scalf. Born August 19, 1918, Eddyside, Saskatchewan. Married Byron Levenseller, October 7, 1944, Bremerton, Washington. Divorced 1958. One child: Gregory Alan, born July 2, 1946, Bremerton. Ethel May remarried, April 12, 1958, to Phillip Earl Roberts, in California. Address in 1958 was Brentwood, Calif.

2. Alverne Clifford Scalf. Born May 1, 1920, Eddyside, Saskatchewan. Died at Norma, N.D., November 2, 1920, age five months.

3. Irwin Stanley Scalf. Born July 3, 1922, Eddyside, Saskatchewan. Married Evelyn Redford, October 20 1948, Yorkton, Saskatchewan. One son: Lloyd Stanley, born July 14, 1949, Kamsack, Saskatchewan. Irwin Stanley Scalf was drowned at Murray Lake, Saskatchewan, June 23, 1953. His widow remarried, June 21, 1954, to James Edward Jordan, North Battleford, Saskatchewan.

4. Clare Vincent Scalf. Born May 3, 1924, East Poplar, Saskatchewan. Married Rose Delina LaFontaine, August 20, 1947, Kamsack, Saskatchewan. Two adopted children: Gay Teresa Scalf and George Randall Scalf. Clare now lives at Byron, Ontario, and is a service station operator. (See story in appendix.) Gay Teresa was born at Winnipeg, Manitoba, December 10, 1951, and George Randall was born April 8, 1954, at Ste. Rose Du Lac, Manitoba.

5. Gloria Vivian Scalf. Born January 20, 1928, Coronach, Saskatchewan. Married Alvin Franklin Allison, April 4, 1953, at Juneau, Alaska. One child: Gordon Franklin, born at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, May 1, 1955. Alvin Franklin Allison and family reside at Mile 1016, Haines Junction, Alaska Highway, Yukon Territory, where he is postmaster and merchant.

6. Gordon Wendell Scalf. Born January 29, 1930, Coronach, Saskatchewan. Married Edith Almeda Elizabeth Stewart, May 26, 1952, Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Gordon Wendell Scalf is an accountant and employed by the Bank of Montreal, Tribune Building, 257 Smith Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Three children: Stewart Gordon, born April 15, 1953, Melville, Saskatchewan; Karen Rae, born April 16, 1954, Yorkton, Saskatchewan; Janet Alice, born July 22, 1956, at Yorkton.

7. Glen Alva Scalf. Born June 23, 1932, Coronach, Saskatchewan. Not married in 1958. Bank accountant at Bank of Montreal, 97th Street Branch, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


I.   Charles Breckenridge Coleman (1883-1958)
     Married Louise Elizabeth Stelton (1886-1951)

II.  Anthony Wayne Coleman (1886-1957)
      Married Hilda Naomi Nelson (1899-1961)

III.  Harry Coleman (1888-1963)
       Married Helen Josephine (1895 ........)

IV.  Joseph Leon Coleman (1892-1926)
       Married Amy Beatrice Anderson (1892 .....)

V.   Alma Caroline Coleman (1894-1946)
      Married H. Fred Frehe

VI.  Clarinda Jane Coleman (1896 ..... )
       Married Oscar Carlsted (1886-1952)

VII. Lewis Emerald Coleman (1899-1954)
       Married Edith Irene Nelson (1908-1931)
       First Wife

       Married Anna Johanna Gravlun (1907 ......)
       Second Wife

VIII. Ruby Ellen Coleman (1901-1965)

                                           DASSEL, MINNESOTA

I.      CHARLES BRECKENRIDGE COLEMAN 12-22-83 to 11-7-58
        Louise Elizabeth Stelton (wife) 7-8-86 to 2-2-51

                 Philmore Edelman Iskowich (husband) 5-4-05

                            CHARLES HARRIS ISKOWICH 12-14-44

                 TIMOTHY "TIP" HERMAN COLEMAN 3-24-07 to 9-13-58
                 Ruth Melissa Hall (wife) 11-18-10

                             TYTUS COLEMAN 10-9-36
                             Juletta Rae Gehring (wife) 10-21-38

                                           CINDY KAY COLEMAN 11-16-57
                                           TIP TYTUS COLEMAN 6-22-60

                             KAREN RUTH COLEMAN MILLER 9-11-43
                             Merrill Eddie Miller (husband) 10-25-42

                 ROSELLA LOUISE COLEMAN 9-19-11 to 8 - 128

                WOODROW CURTIS COLEMAN 10-20-12 to 9-22-61
                Gladys Shores (wife) 3-31-12

                            CURTIS LEE COLEMAN 8-21-33
                            Mary Ann Friend (wife) 3-1-35 to 12-22-62

                                     CONNIE LEE COLEMAN 7-19-54 to 12-22-62
                                     CALVIN WOODROW COLEMAN 1-28-57 to 12-22-62
                                     CLAY TYLER COLEMAN 3-12-60

               William Fredrick Schlieman (husband - 1st marriage) 5-14-98 to 3-25-51

                                      PATRICIA LOUISE SCHLIEMAN SCOTT 5-30-40
                                     Max William Scott (husband) 5-6-33

                                               STEPHANEE LYNN SCOTT 7-15-58
                                               PAUL WILLIAM SCOTT B-23-59
                                               GEORGE LOYD SCOTT 5-7-62

                Donald M. Bruce (husband - 2nd marriage) 8-7-15

                                   CARMEN MARIE BRUCE B-29-53
                                   ROGER ALLEN BRUCE 7-21-57
                                   DAVID ARMAND BRUCE 5-29-60

II.   ANTHONY WAYNE COLEMAN 11-27-96 to 10-3-57
       Hilda Naomi Nelson (wife) 8-14-99 to 8-31-61

                 WAYNE NEWELL COLEMAN 6-1-30
                 Carol Mae Weispfennig (wife) 12-2-30

                                 THOMAS SCOTT COLEMAN 6-14-57
                                 TERESA SUSAN COLEMAN 8-22-60
                                 TAMARA SARA COLEMAN 6-17-62

III.  HARRY COLEMAN 10-2-88 to 5-27-63
       Helen Josephine (wife) 6-14-95

                 William T. Carlson (husband) 2-11-12

                                ROSE MARIE CARLSON GUIZZA 6-21-39
                                Donald Guizza (husband)

                                          DONALD GUIZZA, JR. 8-2-58
                                          DEBORAH JO GUIZZA 3-22-62
                                          THERESA HENEN GUIZZA 10-23-64

                                SALLY MAE CARLSON 7-18-50

                 ROSEMARY COLEMAN WHITTAKER 12-12-17
                 Floyd J. Whittaker (husband) 9-8-03

                                PATRICIA JOE WHITTAKER ASKEW 5-6-40
                                Presley Frank Askew (husband)

                                           PRESLEY JOHN ASKEW 11-23-62
                                           PAMELA ROSE ASKEW 8-27-64

                                FLOYD JAMES WHITTAKER 10-8-45

               ANGELA MARIAN COLEMAN FOLLETT 11-30-18
               Ray B. Follett (husband) 9-2-18

                               MARIAN LARAE FOLLETT BERNING 3-15-41
                               Martin Berning (husband) 12- '36

                               PAUL EUGENE FOLLETT 1-29-46

                Philip Malesick (husband)

                               NANCY LEE MALESICK STEPHENS 2-29-44
                               Gary F. Stephens (husband)

                               RANDY COLEMAN 2-28-48
                               RICHARD RAY MALESICK 4-10-51

                 HARRY LA VERNE COLEMAN 11-5-32
                 Shirley Rae Steel (wife)

                              FRED RICHARD COLEMAN 7-25-58
                              MICHAEL JAY COLEMAN 2-21-60
                              CINDY ANNETTE COLEMAN 6-13-62

IV.    JOSEPH LEON COLEMAN B-16-92 to 8-17-26
         Amy Beatrice Anderson (wife) 1-30-92

                 JOSEPH LESLIE COLEMAN 9-28-15
                 Frances Elizabeth Bowman (wife) 3-11-17

                              THOMAS LESLIE COLEMAN 1-15-43
                              DAVID JEFFRY COLEMAN 4-22-47
                              STEPHEN DENNIS COLEMAN 9-22-53
                             WILLIAM RICHARD COLEMAN 2-22-57

                 RICHARD DONALD COLEMAN 7-31-17
                 Nathalie Minnie Brodin (wife) 7-18-18

                             JULIE CAROLYN COLEMAN 12-28-42
                             LINDA AMY COLEMAN 9-17-45
                            GERI ANN COLEMAN 1-21-53

                  ETHEL LORRAINE COLEMAN BRODIN 3-15-19
                  John Richard Brodin, Sr. (husband) 3-9-06

                             RODGER MYRON BRODIN 4-5-40
                             JOHN RICHARD BRODIN, JR. 4-17-42
                            NEIL KERMIT BRODIN 5-15-46
                            BECKY LORRAINE BRODIN 11-25-51

                  ALICE MARIE COLEMAN HALE 12-16-20
                  Harrison Edward Hale (husband) 9-13-14

                             BARBARA JO HALE 10-15-50
                             BEVERLY JEAN HALE 12-4-51
                             MICHAEL EDWARD HALE 7-8-53

V.     ALMA CAROLINE COLEMAN FREHE 6-10-94 to 11-17-46
         H. Fred Frehe (husband)

                            MARY LOUISE FREHE Born 1926 (died in infancy)
                            DOROTHY WILHELMINA FREHE Born 1935 (died in infancy)

         Oscar Carlsted (husband) 12-25-96 to 5-3-62

VII.   LEWIS EMERALD COLEMAN 3-8-99 to 7-4-54
         Edith Irene Nelson (wife - 1st marriage) Born 1908 to 12-21-31

                  JACQUELINE JAYE COLEMAN WILSON Born 1927
                  Douglas Clark Wilson (husband)

                            PAMELA JEAN WILSON 1-15-48
                            DOUGLAS DEAN WILSON 1-9-49
                            DARRELL EUGENE WILSON 7-16-50
                            ROXANNE ELAINE WILSON 12-1-51
                            JAMIE LOUISE WILSON 7-28-62

                  LOREN EUGENE COLEMAN 1-27-28
                  Barbara Alice Boermer (wife) 6-12-31

                           DANA RAE COLEMAN 5-20-55
                           CRAIG EUGENE COLEMAN 9-23-58

                  DARREL NELSON COLEMAN 5-28-29
                  Bettie Joyce Friedel (wife) B-11-33

                           DARREL NELSON COLEMAN, JR.-7-15-52
                           PAUL CHRISTY COLEMAN (stillborn) 1-20-54
                          CHERYL LYNN COLEMAN 2-19-56
                          JUDY LEE COLEMAN 12-17-59
                          TRUDY LEE COLEMAN 6-15-61

                  DEAN LEWIS COLEMAN 7-6-30
                  Carmen Vasquez (wife) 3-17-30

                           PATRICIA MARIE COLEMAN 6-22-57
                           LYNN VALERIE COLEMAN 8-10-59
                           PAUL ALEXANDER COLEMAN 1-23-62

         Anna Johanna Gravlun (wife - 2nd marriage) 9-23-07

                   JAMES RICHARD COLEMAN 11-11-38
                   Beverly Anne Lanes (wife)

                            DANNIE JAMES COLEMAN 10-9-63
                            MARC RICHARD. COLEMAN 3-27-65

                  MARY LOUISE COLEMAN KLIPSTEIN 12-16-39
                  Roland Gary Klipstein (husband)

                 SHARON ANN COLEMAN 9-6-42

VIII.   RUBY ELLEN COLEMAN 1-27-01 to 8-16-65


The following excerpts from a letter received from Mrs. Ty Coleman, Cut Bank, Montana, dated Nov. 8, 1966, gives much information on the Charles Breckenridge Coleman Family.

"Grandfather Charles B. Coleman was always interested in learning about his relatives and their whereabouts as he left home at a very early age. Grandfather was in farming for several years in North Dakota in the dry years. He quit farming and worked at an elevator until he came to Montana in the 30's. He was in the oil fields here working and then was caretaker of a cemetery the later years of his life. After his wife passed away in 1951 he lived with my father-in-law (Timothy Herman Coleman) and his family. He was a hard worker, loved to argue, and had a keen sense of humor.

"His two sons lived here in Montana. Woody (Woodrow Curtis Coleman) lived in Sunburst, 35 miles from here. He was employed by the Texas Company refinery as head boilerman. He was transferred to Anchortus, Washington, in 1958 where he lived until he passed away. He died of a heart attack while coming home from work in his car. Woody was good-natured, always had a smile and easy-going. While in Sunburst he bought some land and ran a few head of cows and farmed. He and Gladys had only one child, a son, Curtis, who lives in Sunburst and is engaged in farming and ranching there. Curtis had a lovely wife and two other children which he lost in one of our snow storms four years ago. (1962) It happened just a week before Christmas. She ran into a ditch returning home from town. They were waiting for help and were gased in the car.

"Tip, my father-in-law, whose real name was Timothy, was Charles' oldest son. He came out to Montana right after he married Ruth Hall. He worked for the Texas Company for a few years, then went over to Washington and worked on a pipeline and later on Grand Coulee Dam. He returned to Cut Bank and again went to work for the Texas Company. He was a pumper and also for several years had an orchestra. He was a good trumpet player. Along with working for the Texas Company, playing with the orchestra, he started painting on the side. He had a spray painting outfit and did a lot of painting of houses, roofs, tanks, etc. In 1947 Tip bought some land and moved two miles north of Cut Bank and started farming along with everything else. He soon retired from the Texas Company, after putting in 20 years with them. He acquired more land and kept up painting and sand blasting. In about 1954 he started up a small construction business and did backhoe work, digging pipelines, sewers, etc. His son helped him and they also did painting. Tip quit playing the trumpet in 1954. He was a great horse enthusiast. He helped to form the Cut Bank Saddle Club. He and all of his family were good riders.

"Ty (Tytus) and I were married in 1956, Ty went in with his father in his many ventures. Tip bought several houses from the oil companies, which they were selling, and moved them in on his land and fixed them up for rental. Tip was the proudest grandfather in Montana when we presented him with a granddaughter, Cindy, in 1957. I am glad he had her for 10 months before he was taken from us. He was in an accident and killed outright .... Ty is now farming and ranching here on the home place .... Ty's mother lives next to us and she has Tip's rental properties and works at a hardware store in town.

"We now have a son also whom we call Tip after his grandfather whom he never knew. The family still rides. Ty does a lot of team roping and enters the rodeos close home in this event. Karen, his sister, is married and lives in Circle. Her husband is county agent there. He is also a cowboy, bull rider and bulldogger and competes in rodeos in Montana. Karen does a lot of barrel racing. She graduated from Montana State College in 1965. She was on the Rodeo Team in college all four years. She went to the National Collegiate Rodeo in Denver in 1964 and won the National Goat Tying championship. So you see she is quite a cowgirl herself. She broke the horse my husband is now roping off. Ty and Karen, being the only two children, are very close.

"Our children are also interested in horses. Cindy, who is now nine, is going to enter her first rodeo this spring. She will run the barrels. She has competed in gym cannas and has won seven ribbons already. Tip, our son, is six years old and he rides also but has not won a ribbon yet. He swings a good rope on the ground but not yet on a horse. He says he wants to be a bull rider but only time will tell.

"We raise wheat and barley. We finished combining in September. We have Black Angus cows but not too many head. Ty usually goes hunting in October but this year he didn't go. That's the first time he hasn't gone big game-hunting in 12 years. He usually gets deer, elk or antelope or whatever they go for. They take horses and pack back in the Rocky Mountains for a week or 10 days. He has also gotten mountain goats and grizzly bears. He went pheasant hunting last week...

"We are only about 40 miles from Glacier National Park and we can see the mountains from our living room and they are beautiful. It has been real cold the last few days. I imagine you hear that Cut Bank listed as the coldest spot in the nation many times. It really doesn't seem to get so cold. It is a dry cold so it doesn't go through you like back east where the air has more moisture. The people are so friendly out here you would love our state. July is one of the nicest months to visit.

"Ty's aunt, Charlie Coleman's oldest, lives in Illinois. Her name and address is Mrs. Phil Isokwich (Jaye Elizabeth), 240 West Locust Street, DeKalb, Illinois."

Copyright (C) 1970 by Henry P. Scalf, All Rights Reserved.