(Brittan -.John, Sr., - Lewis - James - John)

Elizabeth "Betsy" Scalf, daughter of Brittan and Talitha Couch Scalf, married William Blackburn in Pike County, Kentucky, October 27, 1850. Her husband was known as "Monkey Will" by everyone. They resided on Johns Creek and on a tributary stream, Buffalo Creek.

William Blackburn had been married ten years when the Civil War began and he enlisted in the Thirty-Ninth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, U.S.A. under Colonel John Dills, at Pikeville. Since the regiment was designated to defensive operations in the Big Sandy valley, Blackburn was stationed in his home area. He became a partisan of Peyton Blackburn, Union leader in the valley, and participated in the local struggle against Dr. Robert Jackson and his Confederate sympathizers who were organized under the banner of the Fifth Kentucky Infantry.

The partisans of Peyton Blackburn and Dr. Robert Jackson collided in several pitched skirmishes. on Johns Creek. One fight occurred. at the mouth of the present Clark Branch and John McGuire, a member of the Fifth Kentucky Infantry, C.S.A., was killed. Another fight, in which no one was killed on either side, occurred on the Blankenship farm near the present postoffice of McCombs. Seeking to revenge the death of McGuire, the Jackson followers ambushed Peyton Blackburn in Pettit (Peyton) Gap, a pass leading from Johns Creek to Brushy Creek, and killed him. One of the participants in this ambush and a member of the Jackson party was William ("Bill") Collins, who afterward married Mary Blackburn, daughter of William Blackburn and Elizabeth Scalf Blackburn.

Seven children were born to William and Elizabeth Blackburn. These were William H. ("Bud") Blackburn, Thomas ("Trucker") Blackburn, Mary ("Sis") Blackburn, John Henry ("Dink") Blackburn, Jane Blackburn, Mintie Blackburn, and Hudson ("Hut") Blackburn. (Hudson Blackburn married Mary Jackson. No other information in this compilation).

Elizabeth Scalf Blackburn preceded her husband in death several years and lies buried on the Blackburn cemetery on Missouri Branch, a tributary of Johns Creek, at McCombs, Kentucky. Her husband subsequently remarried twice. He is also buried on the Blackburn cemetery. The cemetery is on the farm of Roscoe Blackburn, a grandson, and a memorial service is held annually in October on the cemetery. It is attended by Blackburns and their relatives from a wide area and other states.

I. W.H. ("Bud") Blackburn was twice married. His first wife was Mary ("Pop") Scalf, daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah Brinstone Scalf. Two children were born to this union: W.C. ("Bogue") Blackburn, who married first Maude Damron, of Yeager, Kentucky; and Mary Jane Blackburn, who married Jessee Daniels, of Johnson County, Kentucky. W.C. Blackburn served as Pike County Justice of the Peace.

W.H. Blackburn married second to Margaret ("Sis") James, daughter of William James. Issue of this union were Roscoe Blackburn, married Della Justice; Vatie Blackburn, married C.C. ("Lum") Whitt; Van Blackburn, married Bird Ratliff; Gordie Blackburn, married Mellie Justice; Verdie Blackburn, married Allen Click, French Blackburn, married Bessie.Spears; Bradley Blackburn, married. Cora Justice; Okie Blackburn, married Willie Justice; and Beechie Blackburn, married Ambrose Roop.

II. Thomas ("Trucker") Blackburn married Elizabeth Sherman, daughter of Jeff and Kate Clay Sherman and granddaughter of Matthew Clay, early Buffalo Creek resident. Thomas was a farmer and logger. He earned his nickname when he operated a logging vehicle on a tram road on Buffalo Creek in the early 1880's. He lived and died on the Lick Branch of Buffalo Creek. Issue of his union with Elizabeth Sherman were W.H. ("Buddie") Blackburn, married Alice DeRossell; Thomas Blackburn, married Bertha Burchett; Alice Blackburn, married Joe Ray; George Blackburn, married Susan Endicott; Elbert Blackburn, married Antha. Lowe; Floyd ("Blue") Blackburn, married Effie Justice; and Emma Jane ("Sis") Blackburn, married Bailey Hite.

III. Mary ("Sis") Blackburn married William Collins, of Pike County. Issue were Reuben, who died not married; Jack, married first Ann Branham, second Lynn Hall; Garfield, married Nora Spears; John D., unmarried; Rastus, married Esta Burchett; Tobias, married Cooch Ratliff; Betsy, married George Runyon; Henry, died unmarried. This family resided on Johns Creek, chiefly near. Gulnare postoffice.

IV. John Henry ("Dink") Blackburn, married Susannah James. Issue of this marriage were Thomas, married America Burchett; Anna, married Fletcher Cisco; Elzie, married George Washington Cisco; Willie, married Anna Sherman; Leck, married Laura Sherman; Margaret, married first John Justice, second Jenk King; Maudie, married Garfield James.

V. Jane Blackburn, married Wesley Thompson, moved to State of Washington, about 1911, at the time of the Scalf-Goble-Music migration to that state. One son was James Thompson, who did not move to Washington. James married Mary Ratliff, Pike County. James was a miner at Betsy Layne, Ky.

VI. Mintie Blackburn married Harry Burchett. They resided on the Missouri Branch of Johns Creek. Issue of this marriage were James, married Belle McCoy, moved to Washington; Emmet, married Mary Blackburn; Stella,, married Gilbert Justice; Louanna, married Buck McCoy; Turner, married Lucy Hatfield Spears; Jeannette, married in Virginia; George, married in Virginia; Birgie, married in Virginia; Roland, died not married; Walter married a Mullins, in Virginia; Zona, married Mont Walker; Julia, married James Blackburn, Two children of the union of Zona Burchett and Mont Walker were Sallie, died young, and Trevert, who married Eunice Spears.

Issue of Thomas Blackburn (son of John Henry and Susannah James Blackburn) and America Burchett Blackburn were Wade, married Ora Burchett; Lucy, married Forrest Burchett; Ona, married Floyd Harris; Elizabeth ("Lizzie"), married Otta Cisco; Della, married Will Hunt; Elmer, died young.

Issue of Stella Burchett (daughter of Harry Burchett and Mintie Blackburn Burchett) and Gilbert Justice were Emery Justice, married Sadie Maynard; Floris (Forest) Justice, married first Della Maynard, second a Miller; Curtis Justice, married Nell Ruth Spears; Clyde Justice, married Magdalene Spears, divorced; Laura Justice, married Joe Foley, divorced; Minnie Justice, married Everett Scalf; Kathleen Justice, married Grover Blackburn; Dorothy Justice, married Woodrow Scalf.