(Ira - John, Sr., - Lewis - James - John)
Ira Scalf, son of John Scalf, Sr., and Edeah (Edy) Carlisle Scalf, was born in Virginia in 1812, according to the 1850 census of Claiborne County, Tennessee. Place of birth in Virginia was Russell County, probably on the Clinch River.
His life is featured by obscurity and most of what we know has come down to the present day descendants by oral tradition. (1) He was one of the seven sons of John Scalf, Sr. who were apprenticed in Russell County in 1820. Whether he served out his apprenticeship or not we do not know but there is an inference from traditional stories that he may not.
He married Roseannah Gibson who had been an inmate of a South Carolina Methodist Church orphanage. Date of the marriage was about 1833 or 1834. Roseannah and her brother David, their parents' names unknown, were not living in the orphanage at the time of the marriage, it is believed. Ira and Roseannah probably went to housekeeping in Russell County, Virginia, for it was in Virginia that their first child, Miles, J., was born in 1834, according to the 1850 Claiborne County, Tennessee, Census. The same census also gives, the birthplace of the next child as Virginia but Miles J., at the time of his marriage, as well as his sister Jane, stated they were born in Hancock County, Tennessee.
Roseannah had been taught to sew and became an accomplished seamstress, David had been initiated into the skills of carpentry. When Roseannah married, David left the orphanage, if he had not already left, and went to reside with his sister. He married Mary Smith, Washington County, Tennessee, July 24, 1834. (2)
Tradition is consistent that Roseannah Gibson Scalf was of dark complexion, this physical trait descending to her children and grandchildren. Her life was marked with hardship and high courage in rearing her family. She was born in Virginia in 1814 and was about 20 years of age at the time of her marriage, two years younger than her husband.
The mother of Roseannah, of dark skin and hair, was said to be clairvoyant by her family and neighbors, She predicted her own death. Within three years, scratched the date on the bottom of a pewter place and showed it to her daughter Rose.
Nothing is preserved by tradition relative to Roseannah's father so we assume that at the time of the prediction of her mother's death was made, he was already deceased. Naturally, the children, facing the impact of their mother's prediction, talked to the neighbors. The old witch hunt psychosis was still lingering and the aroused neighbors charged Mrs. Gibson with being a witch. Under the threat of a trial or ill treatment from the neighbors, the mother gathered her children and what possessions she could carry and fled. There is evidence, deduced from tradition, that the family was living in either Virginia or North Carolina at the time.
Fleeing south with her children, Mrs. Gibson finally domiciled in South Carolina. There, true to her prediction, it is said, she died, followed by two other children, leaving Roseannah and David. The latter two were placed in a Methodist Church orphanage. It is only a folk tradition but may have a background of truth. Like many folk stories it conflicts with the record. Roseannah Gibson, according to census records, was born in Virginia.
Roseannah Gibson must have been a very intelligent person for besides rearing her children under adverse conditions and managing the household, she undertook the task of teaching her children, as well as her husband, to read and write. She told them the traditional stories of her life and ancestry. She made their clothing, skillfully sewn and fitted for the times and a farmer's family. This intelligent management of the family and household by Roseannah enabled Ira to accumulate considerably more in property than his neighbors. Jealously of the Ira Scalf family invaded the community and the old witch stories were revived, this time with Roseannah the victim. Probably to escape the opprobrium of the neighbors, the family moved from Hancock County, Tennessee, to Washington County and afterwards to Claiborne County, Tennessee.
Descendants of Ira and Roseannah Scalf are convinced that she was clairvoyant and this psychic attribute descended to her daughter Jane. One descendant, in writing about Jane, said: "The facts she foretold, the things she seemed to just know, would make a book itself. She was shown in some fashion, often it was a dream or vision, when her father died as well as her sister, Phoebe. Mrs. Rosa Holloway, the only living daughter of Jane in 1967 is firmly convinced that her mother, Jane, was clairvoyant.
Ira and Roseannah resided in Virginia approximately three years. It was there a second son, David, was born, in 1835. The third child, Wesley, was born in 1837 in Tennessee. Six other children were born in Tennessee, one of them, Jane, who said she was born in 1846 although the census records give the date of 1843. The five other children, with dates of their births, were Greenberry, 1839; Charity, 1840; Alfred, 1846; Roseannah, 1848; and Pacify L., born August, 1850. (3) (See Appendix I, this section.)
Ira became a convert to the church, either Baptist or Methodist, his descendants preferring to think it was Missionary Baptist, and in the ensuing years became a minister. He traveled a great deal on preaching missions, coming home only for extended periods of time when crops had to be planted, cultivated, or harvested. While he was absent on his work in the backwoods country of Western Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, or possibly Eastern Kentucky, his farm was managed by Roseannah with the assistance of her sons. (4)
Traditional stories of the family preserve for us an intimate picture of the household presided over by Roseannah. Among her accomplishment was the art of weaving and she taught her daughters the skill. While Ira was away from home and in the long evenings Roseannah would sit at the loom while Jane was at the spinning wheel. As in most backwoods homes, there was raw wool to pick, clean and card into rolls for spinning into yarn. Roseannah's deft fingers took the woven cloth and with Jane's help, cut, sewed and fitted clothes.
Under the mother's supervision, the boys tended the crops, chopped wood, helped to dry fruit and gathered wild fruits, walnuts, and nuts. One story Jane left her children was a lesson she learned, in honesty. Miles, she said, had gathered a quantity of nuts, put them in a cloth bag and tied it to a rafter of the house. Jane yearned for those nuts but was told with emphatic emphasis, to leave them alone. However, one day a chance turn of events enabled, her to get them unobserved by placing a chair on a table and standing on it, She ate the nuts in secret, hid all the evidence of her wrong doing, thinking to escape punishment. She had reckoned without considering her conscience, however. One night the Devil came to her in a dream and she awakened the family with screams. Under the stress of this nocturnal emotion, she confessed to the theft of the nuts. The family forgave her but as long as she lived the vision of Old Nick stayed with her, a hideous prohibition to wrong doing.
There is a tradition relative to the Goose Creek Salt Works, of Clay County, Kentucky, extant with the descendants of Ira. Scalf, the details obscure. The mountain minister probably lived there for a few years but more probably it was Jane, and her husband, Benjamin Madison Phillips. The first four Phillips children. were born in Clay County. It is said Phillips was a tenant farmer but he may have also labored at the salt works that had been founded early in the century by the Garrard family. It attracted laborers from a wide area.
In late 1850, when Ira was living in Claiborne County, Tennessee, Roseannah contracted, the measles. Her baby, Pacify, only a few months old, was also stricken. The mother died followed, within a few hours by the child. Both were buried together. Date of their deaths was either December 1850 or January 1851. (5)
Three years later, Ira, burdened with his small children, sought a second wife. At home were probably four children - Charity, Jane, Alfred and Roseannah. Neither were over 14 years of age. Some of the children had gone to stay with relatives following their mother's death. Ira, in order to save his family from dissolution, made the mistake of marrying the widow, Nancy McVey, of Claiborne County, Feb. 2. 1854. (6) She had six children of her own.
Nancy was typical of all the things said about a step-mother scolding, nagging, evil-tempered. Jane, then about 11 or 12 years old and unable to tolerate the shrewish treatment, left home. Ira became moody and distressed, envisioning no escape from the intolerableness of the household.
All semblance of a harmonious home life disappeared from the house of Ira Scalf under the impact of the new Mrs. Scalf's disposition. She was a bad manager, contrary to her predecessor, but she was convinced that she was doing all possible to make a home and felt that if anyone could do better she must be a witch. The old witch tales still hang over the family; dread stories with their origin in medieval days now carried over into the backwoods to haunt them. The Scalf children were questioned by relatives, most believing that the proficiency of the children in weaving, spinning and sewing must have, been acquired from Roseannah with the connivance of the Devil.
Jane carried the story of what the neighbors were saying back to her father. They were now living in Knox County, Kentucky. In desperation he built a small cabin in the rear of his house, brought his children home, and sent for his mother, Edeah Carlisle Scalf. His mother was now in her eighties. It was the year 1859. Jane, who had been staying with Robert Scalf, came home to assist with her grandmother. The old lady, enjoying a pension as the widow of John Scalf, Sr., Revolutionary War soldier, moved into the cabin at the rear of the house. When Ira was not at work or on a ministerial mission, he usually stayed in the cabin with his mother in order to partially divest himself of the scolding and nagging of his wife. Jane said years later that her father became convinced that his wife in creating such turmoil in his home had destroyed his effectiveness as a minister. He gave up his life's work and brooded long hours.
Ira and Nancy were the parents of one child, its name unknown. It was frail and ill from birth and did not live long. Tradition recalls, that it continually cried, its wailing so piteous and heartrending it taxed the minds of the whole family. Jane, between her duty to her grandmother and the need to help care for the child, was distraught with worry. Members of the family said after its death that the affliction of the child and its death were retributions of a just God for Nancy's treatment of Ira's household. (7)
Previous to Edeah Scalf's removal to Kentucky in 1854, she had been engaged in an effort to procure a pension as the widow of John Scalf, Sr. Her efforts were successful, she being awarded $80 annually. She was paid back to the date of her husband's death in 1848. One of the attorneys who assisted her in the bureaucratic maze at Washington was Congressman John M. Elliott, Prestonsburg, Kentucky. Elliott, in a letter addressed to the Pension Department while he was in Washington, dated Feb. 19, 1854 wrote: "Mrs. Scalf wants her Certificate made payable at Louisville as she has moved to Knox County, Kentucky. You will please return this Certificate to me when transferred as that is the Scalf direction." (8)
Edeah Scalf was still living Sept. 4, 1859, for on that date she executed an instrument in Knox County appointing Laten B. Porch as her attorney. Again she asked the annuity be paid through the Louisville office. The document was signed by Ira Scalf and Samuel Jones as witnesses. (9) She died in 1860, possibly as late as 1861, at approximately the age of 89 years.
Following the death of his mother, Ira Scalf, too, recedes from history. He probably died in Knox County, Kentucky. There is a traditionary story that he lived to approximately the age of 99 years, dying in 1911. Jane, his daughter, now married to Benjamin Madison Phillips, had a clairvoyant premonition of his death, the family said.
Jane Scalf never knew her exact given name. From her girlhood she had been called Jency but in later years her husband, not agreeing that the name had been bestowed at birth, called her Jennie. She was married under the name Jane, drew a pension as the widow of a Union soldier under the name of Jennie. This name is also on her gravestone. A descendant thought her name might be Virginia until she found the name Jane on a census report. (10)
According to the Claiborne County, Tennessee, Census of 1850, Jane was born in 1843, but she always said she was born in 1846 and this is probably correct, the census notwithstanding, for she was approaching 15 years of age, her husband 20 years, at the time of her marriage in early 1861.
Jane knew little of the comfort and security of a home when she was young., She was a mere child when her mother died and only an adolescent girl when her father remarried to the scoldings nagging, quarrelling Nancy McVey. She had left home because of her stepmother and was living with either her uncle, Robert Scalf, or one of her cousins, when her father asked her to return and assist in care of the aged Edeah Scalf, her grandmother.
Only a short time, perhaps a year, elapsed between the date of the death of her grandmother and the outbreak of the Civil War. Jane, according to family tradition, went to work in a shirt factory which had contracts with the army. She was not the accomplished seamstress her mother had been and the work being new she found difficulty in performing the assigned tasks. Her amateurish performance was the subject, to her humiliation, of several humorous stories. She was, then not quite 15 years old.
She married Benjamin Madison Phillips, Feb. 22, 1861, in Clay County, Kentucky. The ceremony was performed by Justice of the Peace Chas. Ramsey. They began housekeeping in Clay County and in 1862 their first child, a son, James, was born. (11) (See Appendix III, this section).
Benjamin Phillips volunteered for enlistment in the Union Army at Manchester, Kentucky, August 8, 1863. He became a Corporal in F Company, 49th Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers. His wife was pregnant with a second child when he entered the service and for protection and security in the troubled area of Southeastern Kentucky, Jane took her first born and went to stay with her cousin Malinda, daughter of Robert Scalf, who had married William Payne. He was a heavy drinker and Jane removed to the home of Polly Scalf (Mrs. John) Payne.
Benjamin Phillips was discharged from the army at Lexington, Dec. 26, 1864, and returned to his family. The second child, William, had been born. Immediately following her husband's return from the army, Jane went to visit her father, Ira, for the last time. She never saw him again.
Two other children were born to Benjamin and Jane Scalf Phillips while they were living in Clay County, probably at Manchester. These were Anne, born September 29, 1866, and Phoebe, born, it is thought, in 1869. Sometime in the early 1870's the family migrated to Dallas County, Missouri, where two other children were born - Charles, April l, 1874, and Rosa, September 20, 1877.
Anne Phillips, third of the children of Benjamin and Jane Scalf Phillips, married Martin Alexander Payne, March 4, 1886, at West Plains, Howell County, Missouri. The family continued to live in Howell County until four children were born. Martin A. Payne was a widower with nine children; one had married and two had died. (See Appendix IV, this section.)
In 1891, Martin Alexander Payne, Benjamin Madison Phillips and some Missouri neighbors decided to move to Indian Territory. Covered wagons were assembled, house furnishings and other necessities were packed into them and the caravan of vehicles started in October for the new land. The two wagons of Martin Payne's were drawn by mules, with two mule colts too young to work, tied to the tailgate of the wagons. Benjamin and Jane Phillips had ox teams. The train of seven wagons wended its way slowly toward the west.
After several days on the road they realized that the slow rate of travel would let them be caught on the plains in winter. The weather was becoming inclement and the children had to be kept in the wagons. It was decided that those with mule-drawn wagons and those with children should go ahead. The eventual camp-site was to be near the Indian trading post of Tulsa, then a village of 200 souls near the Arkansas River. When the immigrants finally set up camp, tents were erected near the wagons. The men slept in the tents, leaving the wagons to the women and children. A Payne daughter, Jennie recalled: "This arrangement lasted until father could manage to 'floor' the tent and provide heat. They had arrived in the late fall with no place to go. They spent the winter in those tents. They were protected on the north by a large timbered hill but to the south was that expanse of cold water. One family had dirt floor tents all winter. Every evening the mother would come to our tent and ask to, stay until they were warm before going to, bed." This old camp site was near 31st Street on Riverside Drive in the present city of Tulsa."
In the spring of 1892 Martin Payne went looking for a farm, found one owned by a man and his Indian wife about five miles south of the river. He rented the farm, moved into a small log house with a dirt floor. A tent was set up adjacent to, it and used as a kitchen and dining room. Work was begun as soon as possible on a larger and better cabin, with flooring this time, and when it was completed the family moved into it. Benjamin Madison Phillips and wife Jane occupied the smaller cabin. The Paynes and Phillipses were very close, cooperating with each other in the hard task of settling the new land.
A year passed and Payne, dissatisfied with the farm he had rented, searched for and found a farm about 15 miles away. The soil was rich and under proper management would be highly productive. There was no house on it but Payne acquired the land anyway and went to work on a home. Carefully selecting the logs, he hewed and notched, numbering each log for erection at a "cabin raising."
A daughter, Mrs. Jennie Payne Cardwell, in telling of the erection of the new home, said: "Several of the men hunted the day before the 'cabin raising' and there was plenty of meat. The women cooked everything they could find. The neighbors came from miles around to help. There was much laughter and many jokes. By night fall the house was done. Just in time, too, for in April, 1893, another son was born. He named Henry Corbitt and another son, Elmond Avery, two years older, was nicknamed Sullivan, both children being named or nicknamed for the leading pugilists of the day. The family shortened the names to Sull and Corb." (See Appendix II to this section).
Mrs. Elsie Payne Archer, in writing about the Payne home, said "As each child was born thereafter another room or lean-to was added or a breezeway was boarded up to make another room. Finally, there were seven rooms, if they could be called rooms. The original two rooms were at least 16 feet square with a 14foot breezeway in between. Each of the large rooms had fireplaces and lofts. The lofts were used for sleeping and storage.
"I visited this place November 1965. Part of the cabin was still standing, some of the chinking was still in place. Some of the logs had been removed and used as fence posts. The old cellar place was now only a dent in the hillside. The site is now on 116th Street, in the present city of Tulsa. Jane and Madison lived about a mile from the Paynes, on what is 111th Street in Tulsa.
"Anne's family grew to nine children, seven daughters and two sons. The last five were born on riverside farm. Death visited them while they lived there. Anne's step-daughter, Malvina, age 19 was drowned in Polecat Creek along with her sister-in-law, Naomi, wife of her brother Thomas. Death also claimed Anne's daughter Lily, an infant of ten months.
"About the year 1900 Benjamin Phillips decided to homestead farther west in Oklahoma. He and his bachelor son, Charles: son-in-law, William H. Holloway who married Rosa Phillips; and William's brothers Kneut, went to Woodward County. Each man staked 160 acres. The farms were proven as per government requirements and when fulfilled, deeds obtained. The lands are still in the-possession of the Holloways."
Mattie Mae Payne, oldest daughter of Martin Alexander Payne and Anne Phillips, married Samuel William Brown, Jr., Chief of the Yuchi Indians, August 14, 1904. He was a son of Chief Samuel William Brown, Sr. (1843-1935) and Neosho Parthenia Porter Brown. The senior Brown was a son of Lieut. T.W. Williams, of the United States Army, and Suttah, sister of Chief Tissoso of the Yuchi tribe. Brown took his name from S.C. Brown, a prominent Indian who assisted him.
Samuel Brown, Jr. was born June 9, 1879, near the Old Creek Agency, four miles west of Muskozee, Oklahoma. He was sent to school at Eufaula but had a fight with three Creeks, soundly thrashed them, and ran away. After the death of his mother, in 1897 he lived with two great uncles, Sakasenney (Little Bear) and Sincohah (Fus Hudge). They were cattle ranch operators and the young Brown worked for them for awhile as a cowboy.
Through the years Chief Brown managed to procure an education in the Indian schools and became proficient in speaking five languages of the civilized tribes. His services were in demand as an interpreter and his association. with attorneys and courts taught him that the white man was exploiting his Indian kinsmen. Dedicating his life to his people, he made trips to Washington in their behalf. In his later life he became quite wealthy.
"Chief Brown often stated that he was a graduate of the School of Hard Knocks on the prairies of what is now Oklahoma and along cattle trails to shipping points in the north. It was on a cattle drive that he met the girl destined to become the mother of his five children. During long cattle drives it was customary, when in the vicinity of a ranch known to be friendly to the cowboys, to stop for a big, hot meal. Brown was working with a large herd of cattle moving through the Territory. Mattie Mae Payne had gone to the home of her half-brother, Tom Payne, to help during the birth of a child, and was cooking the meal to be consumed by the regular Payne ranch hands plus the hungry cowboys enroute to a shipping point in Kansas.
"The young Brown made three or four return visits during the following year and on August 14, 1904, he and Mattie Mae Payne were married in Sapulpa. They established their first home near what is now Leonard, Oklahoma, near the old Wealaka Mission, where their first two children, Juanita and Samuel Wayne, were born. Then they moved to Sapulpa where Alice, Jewell and Dorothy were born." 13) (See Appendix V).
Mattie May Payne, born December 20, 1886, died November 19, 1950. Her husband, within a few years, went to live with one of his children at Mathis, Texas, It was while there in 1956 that he dictated his will as Chief of the Yuchi (Euchee) Indians, "Children of the Sun." In the instrument, dated Nov. 23, 1956, he appointed "My fourth child, Jewel Brown Catons my daughter, Whee-Lee-Tche, my successor to the Euchee (Yuchi) Queen, to act as if I were present, for spiritually, I will be close beside her and known by others as Chief of the Uchee Tribe."
Samuel Brown, Jr., chieftain of the Children of the Sun, died December 31, 1957 at Mathis. News of his passing was telegraphed throughout Oklahoma. The body was brought back to his beloved state and funeral services, attended by a large concourse of people, were held at Little Cusseta Indian Church and burial was made in South Heights cemetery at Sapulpa. Traditional Indian rites were performed at the graveside. Thus, passed one of Oklahoma's great Indian leaders. He had fought for his people all his life but with the weapons of law in the courts and at Washington. If he had been a son of an earlier period, he would have ridden with his warriors and the wind.
Gertrude Payne, youngest daughter of Martin and Anne Payne, married Stiles Herbert Goddard, of part Cherokee blood, who was a relative of Will Rogers, the humorist. Stiles and Gertrude had a son, Dale, who married Jean Clements niece of Governor Frank G. Clements, of Tennessee. They are the parents of three daughters.
Martin Alexander Payne and Anne Phillips Payne's other children married oilfield workers, engineers and men of the soil. Phoebe, daughter of Benjamin Madison Phillips and Jane Scalf Phillips, married Cyrus Lovan, postmaster at Willow Springs, Missouri, for many years. Their only daughter, Mable, is a teacher. Rose, youngest daughter of Jane, married William H. Holloway. They were the parents of five children, three living to adulthood. None of Jane Scalf Phillips' sons had families. James Ira died young, William was killed in an accident while young, and Charles never married, lived with his parents and cared for them until they died.
Benjamin Madison Phillips died March 8, 1917 and Jane Scalf Phillips survived until December 1, 1924. Both are buried in the Baptist churchyard cemetery at Freedom, Oklahoma.
Elsie Payne, one of the children of Martin Alexander Payne and
Anne Phillips Payne, was born in Oklahoma June 21, 1902. She married Roosevelt
Archer, December, 1919 and they are the parents of three sons and a daughter.
Mrs. Archer, who collaborated in this research on the Scalf family resides now
(1967) at 1614 East Edwards Street, Springfield, Illinois.
1. The writer has relied heavily upon the traditions about Ira Scalf and his
family still extant in the Phillips family.
2. Washington County, Tennessee, marriage records. Research by Mrs. Archer.
3. Claiborne County, Tennessee, Census of 1850. The census is probably accurate
but, it does not altogether agree with other birth date information.
4. Tradition in the Benjamin Madison Phillips and Jane Scalf Phillips family
5. Ibid.
6. Claiborne County, Tennessee, records.
7. Phillips family tradition.
8. John M. Elliott was assassinated at Frankfort, Kentucky, by Thomas Buford,
while serving on the Court of Appeals. He was at one time a Confederate
Congressman from Prestonsburg, Kentucky, to Richmond, Virginia.
9. National Archives, Washington, D,C.
10. Mrs. Archer.
11. Benjamin Madison Phillips was a son of Abraham and Sarah Ann Hampton
Phillips, Blount County, Tennessee. Abraham and Sarah Ann were the parents of 11
children. One of these parents had two half-brothers, William and John Payne,
who married Malinda Scalf and Polly Scalf, cousins to Jane Scalf Phillips.
12. Martin Alexander Payne's people were from North Carolina. He was a son of
Martin and Margaret Vaughn Payne.
13. "The Yuchi: Children of the Sun," by Carolyn Thomas Foreman, and "Notes on
Samuel William Brown, Jr., Yuchi Chief," by Orpha B. Russell, both articles in
THE CHRONICLES OF OKLAHOMA, Winter 1959-60 issue, a publication of the Oklahoma
Historical Society.
(Greenberry - Ira - John, Sr. - Lewis - James)
Greenberry Scalf, fourth son of Rev. Ira and Roseannah Gibson Scalf, was born in Tennessee in 1839, according to the 1850 Census of Claiborne County, Tennessee. (See Appendix I). He married Sally Ann Johnson, October 26, 1861, in Laurel County, Kentucky, at the home of Gray Johnson, who was probably her father.
Greenberry (he often wrote the name as Green Berry) and Sally Ann Johnson Scalf resided most of their lives in Tennessee. For years they lived at Paint Rock, Roane County, Tennessee, on a tributary stream of the Tennessee River, south of Oak Ridge and west of Loudon. Greenberry died there and it is presumed he was buried there. A granddaughter, Mrs. Nora Campbell, Lewisport, Kentucky, says that her father, John Robert Scalf, a son of Greenberry and Sally Scalf, was raised in Laurel County, Kentucky, so we must assume that for several years they were also residents of Kentucky.
Greenberry and Sally Johnson, Scalf were the parents of 11 children. These were John Robert Scalf, Andrew J. Scalf, Charles Scalf, Mollie Scalf, Frances Scalf, Sarah Scalf, George Scalf and four children, their names unavailable but they probably died young. Charles married Callie Heath, who died in 1966, had nine daughters, and was living at Evansville, Indiana, in 1967. Frances Scalf married Henry North; Sarah Scalf married Brownlow Hurst.
Andrew J. Scalf married Aggie, her maiden name not known. They were the parents of seven daughters and a son George who was drowned in the Ohio River at Evansville, Indiana, at age 10 or 12 years. Names of four of the daughters were Martha, Mary, Ester, and Katie. The other daughters died young, Andrew J. ("Andy") was twice married but he had no children by the last marriage. He died in Indiana.
John Robert Scalf was born April 7, 1874, in Laurel County, Kentucky, and grew to manhood there. He married Mary Eunice Cook, September 10, 1898, at Huntsville, Scott County, Tennessee. He died October 8, 1947, of cancer, at Livermore, McLean County, Kentucky. Death came at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Flora Davis. He is buried at Livermore. Mrs. Mary Eunice Cook Scalf, born in 1878, survived her husband until March 25, 1958. She died at the home of Mrs. Nora Campbell, a daughter.
John R. Scalf and Mary Eunice Cook Scalf had nine children. These were:
1. Annie Belle Scalf, born September 10, 1899. Died at the age of 13 months.
2. Albert Lonzo Scalf, born October 10, 1901, died November 10, 1901.
3. Nora Frances Scalf, born Nov. 11, 1902, married James Campbell. He was a veteran of World War I. He died in 1956. They had two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Campbell was surviving in 1967 and residing alone on her farm at Lewisport.
4. Emory Green Scalf, born December 8, 1905, married first Eva Howard. They were parents of a son, Albert A., died age seven, and a daughter, Virginia Lee, married G.J. Hedrick, had two children. Emory Green married second Ruby M. Cardwell. They are parents of Cecil Ray, died infant; Harold Roger, born Sept. 28, 1944; Alice Faye, born June 19, 1946; Helen Marie, born June 18, 1950; Cathie Ann, born Oct. 28, 1954; Reda Mae, born March 6, 1956; and Bonita Sue, born March 15, 1962. Emory Scalf and family reside at Morgantown, Kentucky.
5. Cora Lee Scalf, born July 16, 1908, died August 13, 1910.
6. Flora Mae Scalf, born January 9, 1912, married John Davis. They reside (1967) at Livermore. Of 12 children, six survive.
7. Charles Andrew Scalf, born July 1, 1915, died December 16, 1953. He never married. A veteran of World War II, he came home an invalid and died in a Veterans Administration hospital.
8.. Ora Fern Scalf, born May 31, 1918, married Estel Burden. They reside (1967) at Centertown, Kentucky, and are parents of two sons and three daughters.
9. John Arthur Scalf, born December 11, 1921, married Pearl
Farris. They reside at Island, McLean County, Kentucky, and are parents of three
sons and a daughter. One son, Willie Lee Scalf, resides at Owensboro, Kentucky.
(Miles J. - Ira - John, Sr. -.Lewis - James)
Miles J. Scalf, eldest son of Rev. Ira and Rosannah Gibson Scalf, was born in 1834 in Virginia, according to the 1850 Census of Claiborne County, Tennessee.
Knowledge of the Miles J. Scalf (we do not know for what the letter "J" is the initial) is fragmentary and most of what we consider as correct information has been deduced from meager records and not from a research in depth.
He was twice married, we conclude from the marriage records. He first married Catherine Scalf, September 14, 1854, in Claiborne County. She was his first cousin, a daughter of John Scalf, Jr. and Patsy Scalf. At this time Miles J. would have been 20 years old and his wife the same age, according to the above census. There is recorded in Claiborne County the marriage of a Miles Scalf, Jr. to Martha E. Qualls, July 10, 1854. We have no information on this Miles, Jr. He was certainly not Miles J. Scalf's son.
Catherine Scalf must have died soon
after her marriage for Miles J. remarried to Lucy Jackson, September 10, 1857,
in Clay County, Kentucky. He gives his age as 24 and she as 23. He stated he was
born in Hancock County, Tennessee, contrary to other records, but we find this
discrepancy in the birthplaces of other Scalfs so the discrepancy in birthplace
given at the time of his second marriage is not fatal to our conclusion that
Miles J. was twice married, the years 1854 and 1857.
(David Crockett - Ira - John, Sr. - Lewls - James - John)
David C. Scalf, second son of Rev. Ira Scalf and Roseannah Gibson Scalf, was born in Virginia in 1835, according to census records. He married Nancy Jane Smith, daughter of John and Nancy Elliott Smith, of North Carolina. She was born April 20, 1839, in Tennessee.
He was married in 1853, possibly 1854, at which time he would have been 17 or 18 years old. His wife would have been approximately 15 years old.
David C. Scalf and his family moved several times. He was
living at Kingston, Madison County, Kentucky, at the time of the 1870 and 1880
census enumeration, Later, it is said, he lived for sometime in Louisville,
Kentucky. Both the 1870 and 1880 census enumerations are confusing and they are
reproduced here for those who may be interested in correcting the record or
pursuing further research on the David C. Scalf family.
1870 Madison County, Kentucky, Census
Kingston Postoffice 58-58
Name |
Age |
State Born |
David Scalf |
35 |
Kentucky |
Nancy Scalf |
34 |
Kentucky |
Sarah Scalf |
17 |
Kentucky |
Isaac Scalf |
8 |
Kentucky |
Elihua |
6 |
Kentucky |
Nancy |
4 |
Kentucky |
Coleman |
2 |
Kentucky |
1880 Madison County, Kentucky, Census 77-77
Name | Age | State Born | State Father Born | State Mother Born |
D.W. Scalf | 43 | Kentucky | North Carolina | Virginia |
Nancy J. Scalf | 42 | Tennessee | Virginia | Virginia |
Isaac Scalf | 18 | Tennessee | ||
Elihu Scalf | 14 | Tennessee | ||
Nancy A. Scalf | 12 | Kentucky | ||
Coleman Scalf | 11 | Kentucky | ||
Permina Scalf | 8 | Kentucky | ||
Thrusa Scalf | 6 | Kentucky | ||
Rosa Scalf | 3 | Kentucky | ||
Davie Scalf | 2 | Kentucky | ||
Elizabeth Scalf | 1/12 | Kentucky | (Born in May) |
There are several differences or discrepancies in these two census records but they are believed to be the same family.
David moved to Missouri in 1905 where three of his children married, in St. Clair County. Within a few years, probably 1908, he moved to Shasta County, California. He died 1915 at Pitville and is buried in Pine Grove cemetery, McArthur, California. His grave is unmarked. He was a leather craftsman.
One son David, David A. ("Ambrose") Scalf, was born June 13, 1869, in Kentucky, died in 1934 at Shasta, California.
Incomplete research in California on the David Crockett Scalf and Nancy Elliott Smith Scalf family yields additional information. It follows.
Isaac Scalf. Never married. Died rather young at Roseville, Kentucky.
Elihua Scalf. Lived near Santa Rosa, California. Wife's name Nellie, her maiden name not known. Died at Edmonds, Washington, and family came back to California. Wife remarried.
Nancy Ann Scalf. Married a Payne. Three children; one was Norman Payne.
Coleman Scalf. Born at Louisville, Kentucky. Married Mildred Hershel Tuter, daughter of Henry Picard Tuter and Miriam Reed Tuter.
Permina Scalf. Died at age 12 of meningitis.
Thirza Jane Scalf. Married George Ballard Tuter near Springfield, Missouri. Born ca 1874 at Louisville, Kentucky. Several children. One, Effie May Tuter, born December 21, 1898, married Charles Nelson, Mt. Shasta. Another, Irving B., born October 28, 1905, McCloud, California.
Mary Rosa Scalf. Born December 5, 1876, Madison County, Kentucky. Married James William Tuter.
Davie Scalf, called "Young Davie" never married. Died rather young in Missouri.
Elizabeth Scalf. Married a Hoagland. Lived in Kansas,
Dovey Scalf. Married a James.
Robert E. Scalf, a son of Coleman, served in the Army from California. He enlisted in Siskiyou County and was discharged in 1918. He died at Mt. Shasta, August 9, 1934.
Ella Scalf, daughter of Coleman, married Frank Lester. One son is Coleman J.
Lester, a chiropractor, Sacramento, California. We are indebted to Coleman J.
Lester for the statement that the Scalfs came to California about 1898 and
settled at a place called "The Bench" in Shasta County, He said one reason for
leaving Tennessee was an epidemic in which many of the Scalfs died. One brother
of Coleman J. Lester is Roy A. Lester, Rio Linda, California.
Page 607 - Line 21 - Family 794
Name | Age | State Born | Occupation | Birthdate Caculation |
Ira Scalf | 38 | Virginia | Farmer (Worth $100) | 1812 |
Roseannah | 36 | Virginia | 1814 | |
Miles J. | 16 | Virginia | 1834 | |
David | 15 | Virginia | 1835 | |
Wesley | 13 | Tennessee | 1837 | |
Greenberry | 11 | Tennessee | 1839 | |
Charity | 10 | Tennessee | 1840 | |
Jane | 7 | Tennessee | (Hancock County) | 1843 |
Rosannah | 2 | Tennessee | 1848 | |
Pacify L. | 2/12 | Tennessee | 1850 |
Census enumerated October 16, 1850
The Family of Martin Alexander Payne and Anne Phillips Payne
1. Mattie Mae Payne, born December 20, 1886, Howell County, Missouri,
married Samuel William Brown, Jr. Four daughters and a son.
2. Grace L. Payne, born March 4, 1888, Howell County, Missouri. Married Gilliam
Phillips (no relation). She died March 31, 1964, buried at Fresno, California.
One daughter, Irma.
3. Jennie J. Payne, born October 12, 1889, Howell County, Missouri. Married
George Pritchard. Two sons and two daughters.
4. Elmond Avery Payne, born Feb. 8, 1891, Howell County, Missouri. Died Feb. 20,
1920. Nicknamed Sullivan or Sull. No children.
5. Henry Corbitt Payne, born April 6, 1893, in Creek Nation, Indian Territory.
Died April 29 1926. Buried at Sapulpa, Oklahoma. No children.
6. Nellie L. Payne, born April 3, 1895, Creek Nation. Died November 4, 1952,
Houston, Texas. Married Gaylord Hubbard. One daughter, Iris.
7. Lillie Payne, born October 28, 1898, Creek Nation, died August 10, 1899.
8. Elsie Armilda Payne, born June 21, 1902, Creek Nation; married Rossevelt
Archer, December 23, 1919, Three sons and a daughter.
9. Gertrude Okemah Payne, born April 30, 1906, Creek County, Oklahoma, Married
Stiles Herbert Goddard, One son.
Family of Benjamin Madison Phillips and Jane Scalf Phillips
(From military records of Benjamin Madison Phillips, grave stones and
personal knowledge of those living in 1967.)
1. James Phillips, born June 20, 1862, Clay County, Kentucky. Died age 15 mos.
2. William Phillips, born October 19, 1864, Clay County, Kentucky, never
3. Anne Phillips, born September 29, 1866, Clay County, Kentucky. Died July 7,
1927, Sapulpa, Creek County, Oklahoma.
4. Phoebe ("Dutch") Phillips, born Jan. 16, 1872, Dallas County, Missouri.
5. Charles Phillips, born April 1, 1874, Dallas County, Missouri. Died 1963 in
6. Rosa Phillips, born September 20, 1877, Dallas County, Missouri, living in
Children of Martin Alexander Payne and his first Wife, Sarah Adner Stewart
She was a daughter of James B. Stewart and Sarah Smallwood Stewart. She died
February 13, 1885.. They were married April 23, 1868, Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
She was born April 12, 1850.
1. James M. Payne, born Feb. 7, 1869, Kentucky. Died in Oklahoma. Married Bettie
Reed. Two sons.
2. Minnie S. Payne, born January 1, 1873, Kentucky. Died November 11, 1937,
Colorado. Married John C. LaFon. Three children.
3. Sarah Ellen Payne, born December 24, 1874, Kentucky. Died December 5. 1942,
4. Malvina Payne, born October 14, 1876, accidentally drowned July 27, 1895.
Never married.
5. Thomas Lee Payne, born October 2, 1877, died February 15, 1927. No children
of first marriage. Married second to Grace Chastain. Four sons and a daughter.
6. Leulie ("Lou") Payne, born August 1, 1878, died October 18, 1957, California.
Married William Howell. One son, one daughter.
7. Sudie Abigail Payne, born February 18, 1880, died March 18, 1887, Howell
County, Missouri.
8. Alburtus B. Payne, born October 25, 1882, died September 18, 1883.
9. William Adner Payne, born February 13, 1885, Missouri. Died July 15, 1952,
Children of Chief Samuel W. Brown, Jr. and Mattie Mae Payne Brown
Samuel William Brown, Jr. born June 9, 1879, Muskogee, Oklahoma Married August 14, 1904
Mattie Mae Payne Brown, born December 20, 1886, Howell County, Mo.
1. Violet May Brown. Died infant.
2. Juanita Vera Brown, born October 10, 1906. Married Ethan Allen H. Tiger,
full-blood Creek, born June 30, 1903, Deceased. One daughter, Bobbie Jeanne
Tiger, born April 24, 1926, married Thomas J. McLish. Two children of Bobbie
Jeanne Tiger McLish and Thomas J. McLish were Barbara Ann McLish, born January
3. 1947 and Alice Ann McLish, born July 17, 1953.
Juanita Vera Brown married second to Otis Cunningham. No issue. She remarried
third to James-Perkins. No issue.
3. Samuel Wayne Brown, born September 17, 1098, Married first Margaret Runge. No
issue. Married second Mary Ellich. Issue were Samuel Wayne Brown, born March 8,
1954; Mary Alice Brown, born March 26, 1957; Penelope Sue Brown, born July 17,
1959; Patricia Jean Brown, born June 8, 1964.
4. Alice Valentine Brown, born February 13, 1913, died June 3, 1926. No issue.
5. Jewel Virginia Brown, born December 28, 1915. Married Ralph G. Caton. One
son, Ralph Wallace Caton, born August 22, 1936, married Tania Klistoff. Issue of
Ralph Wallace Caton and Tania Klistoff Caton were Katherine Michel Caton, born
May 30, 1963; and Sandra Lynn Caton, born July 22, 1966.
6. Dorothy Jeanne Brown, born November 15, 1917. Address in 1967 was Box 356,
Mathis, Texas.
Children and Grandchildren of Roosevelt and Elsie Payne Archer
(Anne Phillips Payne - Jane Scalf Phillips - Ira Scalf John Scalf, Sr. -
Lewis Scalf - James Scarfe - John Scarfe)
ELSIE ARMILDA PAYNE - Married December 23, 1919 - ROOSEVELT
1. Billie Ray Archer, born July 14, 1920, Bixby, Tulsa. County, Okla. First
Lieutenant in Air Force, World War II, as pilot. Prisoner-of-war 17 months.
Awarded Purple Heart, other medals. Married December 12, 1942, Margaret Sutton
Holcombe, San Antonio, Texas. Four children: William Ray, born September 7,
1943, died July 28, 1959, El Paso, Texas; Richard Michael, born September 18,
19490 El Paso; Margo Elizabeth, born March 2. 1953, El Paso; Monica Louise, born
July 6, 1957, El Paso.
2. Theo. Payne Archer, born March 15, 1922, Bixby Oklahoma. Service in Signal
Corps in South Sea. Islands, World War II, and of the Air Force. Holds seven
diplomas for airplane mechanics proficiency. Crew Chief at separation.
Twenty-three years service. Married January 10, 1943, Tesse Lorraine Ing, Cape
Girardeau, Mo. One child: Sandra Lorraine, born November 18, 1946, Belleville,
3. Gerald Karon Archer, born January 22, 1927, Sapulpa, Creek County, Oklahoma.
Served in U.S. Navy in South Seas in World War II. Married February 5, 1948,
Marian C. Lamb, Carterville, Illinois. Four children: Michael Dennis, born
October 22, 1948, Herrin, Illinois; Patricia Ann, born January 28, 1951, Herrin,
Ill.; Jack Thomas, born February 8, 1953, Herrin, Ill.; Christina, M., born
August 16, 1955, Benton Illinois.
4. Jeannine F. Archer, born June 2, 1931, Bristow, Creek County, Oklahoma.
Married February 25, 1956, Henry Francis Willhite, Springfield, Illinois. One
child: Jenifer Lynn, born April 8, 1957, Springfield, Illinois.
Copyright (C) 1970 by Henry P. Scalf, All Rights Reserved.