Chapter VII

John Scalf, Jr.

John Scalf, Jr., son of John. Scalf, Revolutionary Soldier and Edeah Carlisle Scalf, was born in 1791 in North Carolina. John's life is marked by a constant moving around as a youth and in later life. Within seven years after he was born John's parents made their first move. It was to Surry County, North Carolina where he spent about six years before his family moved again to Wilkes County, North Carolina. John's family remained in Wilkes County until 1806 when they left rather hurriedly because of a bit of trouble John's father had gotten into. It is not clear whether John's family went directly to Kentucky or may have gone to Virginia first. At any rate, John's father appears in the 1810 Floyd County, Kentucky Census. The author is inclined to think the family went to Russell County, Virginia first and that not long after arriving there, John Scalf, Jr. married. The author believes from the information available that John, Jr. remained for a while in Russell County before going over to Kentucky to see his father. It is certain that John, Jr. and his new bride, Patsy Couts, had arrived in Clay County, Kentucky by 18 11 as this was the year their first child, Ann Scalf, was born. Ann Scalf later married in Clay County to Thomas Hubbard on April 6, 1826. John Scalf, Jr. must have stayed in Clay County for a while as did his father, John Scalf, Sr. We know from the records that John, Sr. worked at the Goose Creek Salt Works for a couple of years and it can safely be assumed that John, Jr. may have worked there also. In 1814, a second child was born to John Scalf, Jr. and Patsy. This child was John and he probably received this name in honor of his father or grandfather. Patsy Couts Scalf was born about 1796 in Virginia making her some five years younger than her husband. John Scalf, Jr.'s second child, John later went to Missouri where he appears in the 1870 Putnam County, Missouri Census. In this same census, John indicated that his place of birth was Kentucky. He was 55 at the time of this census.

Although John's father evidently moved back to Virginia about 1813, John, Jr., it appears, remained in Clay County until after his son, John, was born and then moved to Virginia where another son, William was born in 1819. From Virginia, John moved to Tennessee where several other children including, Celia, Fielding, Isaac and Rebecca were born. The author believes John moved back to Clay County, Kentucky about 1825 before moving once more over to Russell County, Virginia just prior to 1830. This would account for John's son, Greenberry, being born in Kentucky in 1826. It was probably after Greenberry was born that John returned to Russell County since his daughter, Matilda, was born in Russell County about 1828. Another child, Richard, was born in 1830. John Scalf, Jr. on occasion left some of his children with other families. This explains the difficulty in accounting for the size of his family at any given time. It is known, for example, that he left his son, Greenberry, with a Mr. Ransome Stewart in Clay County, Kentucky. Later he left his daughter, Mary, with his brother, Jesse, also in Clay County. It is conceivable that he might have left others of his children in the same way as he had at least 14 children altogether and moved about a great deal. In 1833, a year before he was to become involved in a little court battle in Russell County, his daughter, Christence was born.

In 1834, John Scalf, Jr. was tried in Court in Russell County, Virginia for allegedly passing a counterfeit coin. Somehow, it got completely blown out of proportion and John's father had to come to his rescue by obtaining the services of a prominent but expensive lawyer. John Jr. was acquitted, however, not only did it cost his father a small fortune but also it left ongoing angry feelings that would later affect his father's military pension. After the trial, John Jr's. father wasted very little time before moving to Tennessee. John, Ira and Brittan stayed on in Russell County after the trial. In 1836 while still in Virginia, another child was born to John and Patsy. This was their daughter, Catherine, who later married Ira's son Miles Scalf in Claiborne County, Tennessee. Sometime after Catherine was born, the family moved again, this time to Hawkins County. Their next child, Mary, was born there in 1839. By 1840, there was something that lured several of the Scalf families down to Hawkins County. The 1840 Census shows that Ira, John Jr., John, Sr. and William Scalf were all there. The author knows no explanation for what caused this. The year 1840 also included the birth of James Scalf which was the last child identifiable to the author as being part of the family of John Scalf, Jr. John's father had received a military pension in 183 7 for his service in the Revolutionary War only to have it revoked because of some devious actions on the part of John's old enemies the Gose, Valentine and Bush families of Russell County. John and his wife, Patsy, who was somewhat of an instigator of trouble herself helped John's father get the pension restored. This took several years to accomplish. John's father, the soldier, died in 1848 in Greene County, Tennessee and his mother, Edy, spent considerable time afterwards with John's family. She was listed with John's family in the 1850 Claiborne County, Tennessee Census. John bought from his brother-in-law, Alexander Trent, a tract of land in Hawkins County in 1842. It was along the Clinch River. This area later became part of Hancock County when that county was formed in 1844.

One of John's brothers, Greenberry Scalf, had lived in Washington County, Tennessee for many years until he moved to Scott County, Virginia just after 1850. It is believed that John and his second wife, Martha, went to Scott County to visit Berry or whether John and Martha had moved to Scott County is not known.

Children of John Scalf, Jr. and Patsy Couts
Ann Scalf (B. 1811 - married Thomas Hubbard (4-6-1826 Clay Co., Ky.)
    John Scalf B. 1814 - married
        1. _________ _________
        2. Eliza Tate
    Rebecca Scalf married Abijah Edwards (1860 Clay Co., Ky.)
    Isaac Scalf (B. 1822 - ) married Sarah J. ________
    Fielding Scalf (B. 1816 - ) married Rachel ________
    Greenberry Scalf (B. 1827 placed in home of Ransome Stewart in Ky.
    William Scalf (B. 1819 -) married Tabith Salf (Hawkins County, Tennessee 1839)
    Celia Scalf married Thomas Jackson
    Matilda Scalf (B. 1827 - ) m. Jacob Lay (8-14-1851 Grainger Co., Tn.)
    Richard Scalf (B. 1830 -) m. Jane Perry (1852 Claiborne Co., Tn)
    Christine Scalf (B. 1833 - m. John Wood (7-24-1851 Claiborne Co., Tn.)
    Catherine Scalf (B. 1836 m. Miles Scalf (9-14-1854 Claiborne Co., Tn.)
    Mary A. Scalf (B. 1839 - m. Ed Messer
    James Scalf (B. 1840 - ) married ________

Children of Isaac Scalf and Sarah
Jasper R. Scalf (B. 1846 m. Nancy E. Wilmuth
    Mary Scalf (B. 1848 - )
    Henry C. Scalf (B. 1851 - )
    Martha A. Scalf (B. 1852 m. Robert James
    William H. Scalf (B. 1856 - )
    John W. Scalf (B. 1857 - )
    Charles E. Scalf (B. 1859 - ) m. Mollie Betterton
    Laura A. Scalf (B. 1850 - ) m. Joseph Keyes

Children of John Scalf and his first wife
John Wesley Scalf married Maranda Dixon
    Frank Scalf died in Civil War Camp

Children of John Scalf and Eliza Ann Tate
Amanda Scalf (B. 1857 - )
    Betsy J. Scalf (B. 1859 - )
    James A. Scalf (B. 1861 - )
    Malinda Scalf (B. 1864 - )
    Sarah Scalf (B. 1868 - )

Children of John W. Scalf and Maranda Dixon
Leonard Scalf (B. 1866 - ) m. Ella Swiser
    Phebe Scalf (B. 1874 - )

Children of Leonard Alfred Scalf and Ella Columbus Swiser
Harry Wortz Scalf m. Edith Golda Watson
        (daughter of Willie Watson and Rosie E. Melson)

Children of Harry W. Scalf and Edith G. Watson
Ralph Leon Scalf m. Doris Jean Warden (daughter of Harley Lee Warden
        and Bessie D. Hulvey)

Children of Ralph L Scalf and Doris J. Warden
Edward Leon Scalf

Children of James A. Scalf and Sarah Scott
Roy Scalf
    Dollie Scalf
    Lelah Scalf
    Charles Scalf
    Annie Scalf
    Opal Scalf
    Bertha Scalf
    Finus Scalf


John W. Scalf was a soldier in the Union Army in the Civil War. He enlisted on July 11, 1861 in the Missouri Cavalry. He was discharged in St. Louis, Missouri on November 22, 1864. John contracted a stomach disease of some kind while in service which bothered him for the rest of his life and qualified him for a military pension which he received beginning on December 19, 1890. John got the stomach disease while on active duty with his regiment in the state of Arkansas. John W. Scalf was 5'71/2" tall and weighed 160 pounds when he was 50 years old. John married after he was discharged from service in 1864. He married Maranda Dixon in 1865 probably in St. Louis. John and Maranda had two children, Leonard and Phebe. In 1874 Maranda left John and took the children with her. John moved out to Walla Walla, Washington where he lived the remaining years of his life. Just where John died is not known for certain. Although his permanent residence was in Washington, it is known that he went down to San Francisco on several occasions to try and get his pension increased. About 1963 in the San Francisco Bay area some teenagers were picked up by the police for stealing cemetery gravestones. One of the stones found in their possession was that of a John Scalf.

Children of Fielding Scalf and Rachel Scalf
Davey Scalf (B. 1848 - )
    Caleb Scalf (B. 1855 - )
    John R. Scalf (B. 1841 - )
    Harriet Scalf (B. 1853 - )
    Robert Scalf (B. 1846 - )

Children of John R Scalf and Margaret Scalf
Clarinda Scalf (B. 1867 - )
    Rachel Scalf (B. 1869 - )

Children of Robert Scalf and Susan Scalf
Rachel Scalf (B. 1868 - )

Children of Jonas Scalf and Elizabeth Willey
John W. Scalf (B. 1849 D. 1922) m. Priscilla Ferguson
    William Scalf (B. 1852 D. 1923) m. Lauretta Griffith

Children of William Scalf and Tabitha Scalf
Henry P. Scalf (B. 1841)
    Mary J. Scalf (B. 1842)
    David Scalf (B. 1844)
    John Scalf (B. 1845)
    Mariah Scalf (B. 1847)
    Sarah Scalf (B. 1849)

Copyright (c) 1982 Elmer D. Scalf.  All rights reserved.