Chapter V


Peter Scalf, son of John Scalf and Edeah Carlisle Scalf, was born in Virginia about 1815. On August 3, 1820 he and six of his brothers were "bound out" or apprenticed by a court order in Russell. County, Virginia. Peter moved about quite often as a youth and it has already been pointed out how his father took the family from county to county and state to state during Peter's childhood. Peter Scalf grew up on the frontier and developed a preference for the outdoor life. During his adolescence he must have taken some interest in lumbering as this became his chosen occupation later on in life. Peter, along with his brothers, Jesse and Robert, left Tennessee about 1832 or 1833 and moved up to Clay County, Kentucky probably seeking employment at the Goose Creek Salt Works where their father, John, had worked earlier for a few years. Soon after his arrival in Clay County Peter took as his wife, Charlotte Hubbard, daughter of Leddy Hubbard and Josiah Jackson. Charlotte "Lotty" Hubbard used the Hubbard name as her mother married second to James Hubbard in Clay Co., Ky. Charlotte was the granddaughter of Benjamin Hubbard, an early Clay County resident who was born in 1768 in Virginia and had moved to Kentucky from Ashe Co., North Carolina before Clay County was formed in 1806. Lotty, Peter's wife, was born in 1821 in Clay County. Peter and Charlotte took out their marriage license on October 11, 1835 at the Clay County Courthouse in Manchester, Kentucky. They were married by Thomas Waggoner, Minister of the Gospel, on October 18, 1835. It is interesting to note that Peter's brother, Robert Scalf, took out a marriage license on the same day as Peter and married Patsy Jackson of Clay County on October 18, 1835. The marriage of Peter Scalf and Lotty Hubbard proved to be a stormy one indeed and was marked by an unfortunate divorce followed later by conciliation and re-marriage.

Peter and Charlotte began their family with a son, William, born in 1836 in Clay County. They were the parents of seven other children including Thomas, James M., John M., Rhoda, Mary, Emily and Milton. The first four children of Peter and Lotty, all boys, were born in Clay County after which Peter moved his family over to Knox County and settled along the Middle Fork of Stinking Creek near Flat Lick, Kentucky. Peter's family, including Lotty and the four boys, are listed in the 1850 Knox County Census. Knox County in 1850 was still rather sparsely populated as the County Seat, Barbourville, had only 21 families living there at that time and the records further show that there were only 3086 males and 3041 females living in the entire county in 1850.

Peter Scalf moved to Knox County because of the fine hardwood timber that was plentiful there in the 1800's. This valuable hardwood timber included walnut, hickory and chestnut. Peter found work at the old sawmill on Stinking Creek owned then by Moses Hubbard. Later on after all of the best timber had been cut out a grist mill took its place and Peter's son, Milton, helped in its operation. Milton married Moses Hubbard's daughter, Polly, who was a sister to Rosanna Hubbard who became John M. Scalf s second wife. Only a few remnants of the old Hubbard mill remain today down the hill behind Jim Bingham's store just outside the small town of Scalf, Kentucky on highway 233 in Knox County.

After Peter's son, Milton, was born in 1856 the family started to experience some difficult problems. It has been said that Charlotte became a nagging wife and that Peter was himself somewhat of a ladies man. There is some evidence of this seen in the divorce action filed by Charlotte against Peter in 186 1. As plaintiff Charlotte Scalf gave this deposition vs. the defendant, Peter Scalf.

"The plaintiff, Charlotte Scalf, states that a great many years since that she intermarried with the defendant, Peter Scalf, and that they continued to and did live together as man and wife and that she has had seven children by the defendant, Peter Scalf, several of which are very small and dependent upon the plaintiff for a living and support.

"The plaintiff further states that about three years ago next before the filing of this application, that the defendant, Peter Scalf, took up with another woman and left with her and has never returned and that the defendant abandoned the plaintiff without any just cause or provocation and has been living separately and apart from her for more than one year last past next before the filing of this application and without any cohabitation or intercourse whatever. The plaintiff further states that she is a resident of Knox County, Kentucky and has been for a great many years and that her cause of action for a divorce occurred in the state and within five years next before the filing of this application.

"The plaintiff further states that the defendant is a non-resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and has been for about three years last past.

"The premise considered, the plaintiff prays for a warning order against the defendant and that an attorney be appointed and she prays for a divorce and that she be restored to all rights and privileges of an. unmarried woman and she prays for all other proper relief"

                                                                           F.P. Stickly, Atty. for Plaintiff

An attorney for the defendant, Peter Scalf, was appointed by the court to find and represent the interests of Peter. However, as the following court entry taken at the next court term indicates the attorney, R. Boyd, was unsuccessful in his efforts to locate Peter. The entry reads as follows:

"R. Boyd who is the attorney for the non-resident defendant, Peter Scalf, says that he has since the last term of the court, made diligent inquiry as to the residence of the defendant and has been unable in consequence thereof, to correspond with the defendant, Scalf, and inform him of the institution pending and object of this suit. He therefore denies each and every allegation in plaintiff's petition prejudicial to his interests and admits all those favorable to his interest and calls for proof He prays that the rights of the defendant, Peter Scalf, be fully protected by the court and for all proper relief"

                                                                          R. Boyd for the defendant

Following this action, another attorney was appointed to replace Mr. Boyd. Then at the December 23, 1862 court term Peter was warned to appear in court on April 1, 1863 to answer the petition of the plaintiff, Charlotte Scalf. In April, 1864 an answer was filed and the case was continued but in April, 1865 the case was dismissed. It is not known for certain where Peter Scalf went when he left Knox County late in 1860. One source close to the family is certain that he went to Tennessee even though others believe that Peter went to Indiana. It is thought that the "other woman" mentioned in Charlotte's divorce petition was Sarah Kellard on Kellem and that she and Peter were the parents of seven children. One of these seven may have been the Peter Scalf who married Julia Jackson (8-6-1891) in Knox County, Ky. J.C. Kellem, believed to be the brother of Sarah, was living near the Peter Scalf home in Knox County in 1860. There were Kellards also living in nearby Jackson County, Ky. in 1860.

When Peter left Charlotte and their family in 1860, the children and Lotty were alone and without any means of support. Because of this several of Peter's children grew bitter, especially his son, Milton. Peter's oldest son, William, had married Joicy Ann Jackson in 1857 and of course had left home as had two other sons, Thomas and James, by 1862. Still another of Peter's sons, John M. Scalf, married in 1865 as did one of his daughters, Rhoda. This left Charlotte with her other three children, Mary, Emily, and Milton, to fend for themselves and no doubt helps explain the bitterness that Milton felt later towards his father. This became apparent when Peter Scalf returned to Knox County shortly after 1870. Upon his return late in 1870 or early in 1871, Peter discovered that his wife, Lotty, had remarried in February of 1870 to John Broughton. This was a second marriage for both. Milton and Emily were still living with their mother as was John Broughton's son, Henry, by his previous marriage to Sarah. Mary had married Peter Bargo in 1868 and was out of the house. The marriage index at the Courthouse in Barbourville, Kentucky shows that John Broughton and Charlotte Scalf were married on February 28, 1870. A son of John Broughton by his first marriage, Peter Broughton, had married America Edwards in 1866. This America Edwards was the sister of Alabama Edwards who was the first wife of Peter's son, John M. Scalf.

According to tradition and information passed down through the Peter Scalf descendants, it is said that Peter repented for his transgressions upon his return to Knox County late in 1870 or early in 1871 and asked his son's forgiveness and for permission to move in with them. Milton was not willing to forgive or forget and gave a no response although Peter's other sons relented somewhat and indicated that they would accept their father by himself, however, "there was no way that other woman nor her children could stay." It is believed that Peter's second family left Knox County and went to West Virginia while Peter stayed in Knox County living alternately with his older sons.

Evidently John Broughton who was 64 when he married Charlotte died shortly after 1870 or possibly, he and Charlotte opted for a divorce. The 1880 Knox County, Kentucky Census indicates that Charlotte and her mother, Leddy, were living in the next house over from Charlotte's son, Thomas Scalf, and this record shows that Lotty was divorced and that her mother was a widow.

Not long after 1880, Peter and Charlotte apparently began to see each other and rekindle the feelings they shared in happier years for there is a rather poignant ending to their relationship. No doubt Peter Scalf and Charlotte May Hubbard did resolve whatever differences there were between them since in their old age they did according to the records remarry. There is on record at the Knox County Courthouse the marriage of Peter Scalf to Charlotte Scalf on December 13, 1881. His age was listed as 67 and her age as 58 at the time of this marriage. The record goes on to mention that this couple was getting married to, each other for the second time. It was signed by S.W. Taylor, Court Clerk.

Peter Scalf died in 1898 at the home of Col. Pat Dizney in Knox County, Kentucky while on a visit there. Peter's grandson, Dawrity Scalf, (son of Thomas Scalf) had married Col. Dizney's daughter, Sarah, in 1894 in Laurel County, Kentucky. For the interest of Peter Scalf s descendants, it might be noted that Peter's daughter, Mary, is only listed in the 1860 Knox Co., Ky. Census. This is because she was born in 1852 and married in 1868.

Children of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Jackson-Hubbard
William M. Scalf (B. 1836 D. 1879) married Joicy Ann Jackson
        (3-18-1859 Clay Co., Ky.)
    Thomas J. Scalf (B. 1839 D. 1905) married Martha Hammonds
        (7-31-1863 Knox Co., Ky.)
    James M. Scalf (B. 1842 D. 1862) married Chiney Gambrel
        (4-4-1862 Knox Co., Ky.)
    John M. Scalf (B. 1844 D. 1899) married
        1. Alabama Edwards (3-14-1865 Knox Co., Ky.)
        2. Rosannah Hubbard (9-7-1871 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Rhoda Scalf (B. 1850 D. 1916) married Josh "Watt" McVey
        (3-2-1865 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Mary Scalf (B. 1852 - ) married Peter Bargo (9-18-1868 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Emily Scalf (B. 1854 - ) married
        1. Jason Hubbard (3-16-1871 Knox Co., Ky.)
        2. Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf (8-26-1872 Knox Co., Ky.)
        3. Stephen Morgan (5-25-1886 Harlan Co., Ky.)
    Milton Scalf (B. 1856 D. 1935) married
        1. Polly Hubbard (12-10-1874 Knox Co., Ky.)
        2. Martha A. Black (3-2-1918 Knox Co., Ky.)


William Scalf, oldest son of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf, was born in 1836 in Clay County, Kentucky. William married Joicy Ann Jackson (B. 1839) in Clay County on March 18, 1857. Joicy Ann Jackson was the daughter of Lewis Jackson and Susan Hubbard and Joicy's mother was a sister to Peter S calf's mother-in-law, Leddy Hubbard. One sister of Joicy, Patsy Jackson, married Peter Scalf's brother, Robert Scalf.

Other Jackson children in this family were:
1. Sally A. (B. 1828)
    2. Roda (B. 1834)
    3. Perry (B. 1840)
    4. Joseph (B. 1842)

William Scalf was a farmer in Knox County, Kentucky. He and his family lived near Flat Lick along the Stinking Creek on the 70 acres of land that had been granted to William by the state of Kentucky on April 27, 1868. This tract of land was located on the Trace Fork of Stinking Creek and it is there that we find William and his family mentioned in the 1870 Knox County Census. Listed in this census record was William Scalf 35, Joicy 33, Mary 10, James M. 8, Nathan 6, Francis M. 3, and Amanda 1. The 1880 Knox County Census does not list William; however, Joicy Scalf is shown with her family of Francis 13, Amanda 11, Milton 9, Noah 7, William 3, Louis 10 months old and a grandson, Henry 3. Judging by the fact that Louis Scalf was born in 1879 and that William is not listed in the 1880 Census, it is possible that William Scalf died late in 1879 or early in 1880.

Children of William M. Scalf and Joicy Ann Jackson
Mary "Polly" Scalf (B. 1869 D. 1876)
    James M. Scalf (B. 1862 - ) married Mary Jackson
    Nathan Scalf (B. 1864 - ) no information
    Francis M. "France" Scalf (B. 1868 -) married Malinda Jackson
        (1887 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Amanda Scalf (B. 1869 no information
    Milton Scalf (B. 1871 D. 1950) married Celia Miracle (1896 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Noah Scalf (B. 1874 - ) married
        1. Martha Caldwell (1893 Knox Co., Ky.)
        2. Abby Scalf (8-29-1896 Knox Co., Ky.)
    William J. Scalf (B. 1876 D. 1959) married Dorcas A. Mills, Hubbard, Jackson
        (1900 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Lewis Scalf (B. 1879 - ) no information


James M. Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Joicy Ann Jackson Scalf, was born in 1862 in Knox County, Kentucky and died sometime in the early 1940's. James married Mary Jackson, daughter of Daniel Jackson and Joyce Edwards Jackson. Daniel Jackson was the son of Dan Jackson and Lovicy Hubbard. Lovicy was not the mother of Charlotte who married Peter Scalf, James M. Scalf s grandfather. Dan Jackson, Sr. had a brother, Greenberry who served in the Civil War. James Scalf was sometimes known by the name, "Jeems" and stories persist that at one time he moved away from his family and went to Laurel County, Kentucky. James was a skilled carpenter. It is believed that he disliked his mother-in-law very much. His mother-in-law, Joyce Edwards Jackson, was considerably older than her husband, Daniel Jackson and had married and divorced Nasby Mills before her marriage to Daniel Jackson. "Jeems" Scalf possessed some personality traits that set him apart as " different" and his stuttering handicap only served to reinforce this. It is believed that James' wife, Mary, also had a speech problem as well as a hearing problem. James, or "Jeems" is believed to have been a demanding husband and father but if this was the case it was probably due to the adverse physical handicaps with which he had to adjust.

Children of James M. Scalf and Mary Jackson
Daniel Scalf married Hester Scalf
    Martha Scalf (D. 1945)
    Maggie Scalf (died at age 2)
    John Scalf married Ruth A. Reed, granddaughter of Adam R. Reed and great
        granddaughter of Noah Reed and Louisa Hibbs
    Joyce Scalf married
        1. Ross __________
        2. David __________
        3. Owen __________
    James Scalf married
        1. Dove Reed
        2. Gertrude Whitlock
    Axie Scalf no information
    Cordia Scalf married Harrison Goins
    Sollie Scalf married - Baker
    Dora Scalf married
        1. Albert Knight
        2. Albert Cole
    Sherman Scalf may have served in World War I.


Francis M. "France" Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Joicy Ann Jackson Scalf, was born in 1866 in Knox County, Kentucky. France was 21 years old when he and Malinda E. Jackson were married in Knox County on July 26, 1887. Malinda was only 13 years old at the time of her marriage. France and Lindie are found in the 1900 Knox County Census although they later moved to Laurel County, Kentucky.

Children of Francis "France" Scalf and Malinda E. Jackson
Solomon Scalf (B. 1889 - ) married
        1. Ellen (B. 7-4-1897) Jackson (1-23-1915 Clay Co., Ky.)
        2. Lizzie Pierce (1924) Knox Co., Ky.)
    Dora Scalf (B. 1892) married Nelson Messer (1-23-35 Bell Co., Ky.)
    Maud Scalf (B. 1894 - ) married William A. (B. 1893) Jackson (1917)
        Knox Co., Ky.)
    Mossie Scalf (B. 1892) married Harrie Myrick
    William Scalf (B. 1900) no information
    Auddie Scalf married John Myrick
    Edna Scalf married Rice Johnson (son of John Johnson and Nancy Collett)
    Ada Scalf (died young)
    Greenberry Scalf (died young)
    Tressie Scalf (died young of leukemia)
    Elmer Scalf (B. 10-19-1916) married Rose Warren (Elmer, Jr. and Shirley)
        m. Larry Hembree
    Martha Scalf killed in auto accident in Harlan Co.
    Hester Scalf (B. 1904) married Daniel Scalf (D. 3-27-1981)

Children of Elmer Scalf and Rose Warren
Elmer Scalf, Jr.
    Shirley Scalf m. Larry Hembree


Milton Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Joicy Ann Jackson, was born on October 4, 1870 in Knox County, Kentucky. Milton died on December 2, 1950. Milton Scalf married first to Cresea Squawls on August 8, 1889 in Knox County. The marriage took place at Milt Scalf's home. Milton Scalf married second to Celia Miracle on October 20, 1896. Celia was the daughter of John and Mary Miracle. She was born on April 9, 1879 and died in 1964.

Milton and Celia are listed in the 1900 Knox County, Kentucky Census along with their son, Francis. Milton's age was given as 28, Celia 16 and Francis 6 months. Living with Milton in 1900 was his mother, Joicy, whose age was given as 71.

Children of Milton Scalf and Celia Miracle
Francis Scalf (B. 1899) no information
    Evie Scalf (B. 1905 D. 1955) married Janie Henson (1930 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Ernie Scalf wife unknown - 2 sons
    Tip Scalf (D. 1977) married Dora Jordan 5 daughters (1924 Knox Co. Ky.)
    Clifford Scalf (B. 1912 D. 1972) married Bessie M. Baker (1931 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Lizzie Scalf (B. 1908 D. 1940) married John D. Smith (B. 1902 D. 1959) - 2 sons, 4 daughters (1926 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Carrie Mae Scalf (B. 1913 - ) married Roy Johnson (1931 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Clarence "Bud" Scalf (B. 1928 no information
    Fred Scalf (B. 1926 D. 1951) married Sarah Miracle Smith


Noah Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Joicy Ann Jackson Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1874. He married first to Martha Caldwell in Knox County on May 16, 1893. Noah's second marriage, also in Knox County, was to Abby Scalf on August 29, 1896. Abby Scalf, born in 1878, was the daughter of Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf and Emily Scalf. "Bud Andy" was the son of Ira Scalf and Nancy Killion, McVey Scalf while Emily Scalf was the daughter of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf. 
Noah moved to Laurel County where he worked at a sawmill.

Children of Noah Scalf and Abby Scalf
Solomon Scalf (B. 1897 - )
    Charles Scalf
    Floyd Scalf
    Julie Scalf married Dewey Parker
    Rosie Scalf
    Nannie Scalf
    Willis Scalf (B. 1912 D. 1924)
    Lela Scalf married Homer Hembree


William J. Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Joicy Ann Jackson Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky on August 5,1876 and he died in Laurel County on January 3, 1959. William is buried at the Dyche Memorial Cemetery in London, Kentucky. William J. Scalf was reared in the home of his older brother, France Scalf, after his father died. William married Dorcas A. Jackson (maiden name Mills) in Knox County on December 3,1900. William J. Scalf must have lived for a period of time in Bell County, Kentucky as his son, Andrew Scalf, indicated on his marriage record in Laurel County in 1933 that he had been born in Bell County. It is known that William and Dorcas lived in Corbin, Kentucky later on. Dorcas Abigail Mills Hubbard Jackson, Scalf was born 11-8-1868. She and William J. Scalf married in Knox Co., Kentucky 12-3-1900. The parents of Dorcas Mills were Nasby Mills and Nancy Jordan. Dorcas married first to a Hubbard, then to Archie Jackson, son of Dan Jackson, Jr. and Joicy D. Edwards.

Children of William J. Scalf and Dorcas A. Mills, Jackson
Leonard Scalf (B. 1904 D. 1974) married Lilian Beckner (2-25-1923) Laurel Co.
    Andrew Scalf (B. 1909 married Hazel McVey (6-21-1922 Laurel Co.)
    Roxie Scalf m. ________ Frost


Solomon "Sollie" Scalf, son of France Scalf and Malinda E. Jackson Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1889. Sollie married first to Ellen Jackson in Clay County in 1915. Three children were born to Sollie and Ellen. Sollie married his second wife, Lizzie Pierce, in Knox County on February 14, 1922. The marriage records at the Courthouse in Barbourville, Kentucky, reveal that when Sollie and Lizzie were married in 1922, he had been divorced and Lizzie's name was Lizzie Miller. The records show that she was a widow. Sollie's age was listed as 31 and Lizzie as 28. Sollie and Lizzie divorced and then remarried on September 2, 1924 in Knox County. Lizzie was the daughter of Jerry and Linda Pierce. Solomon "Sollie" Scalf died in 1969 and is buried at the London Cemetery in London, Kentucky. Ellen Jackson, first wife of Sollie Scalf, was the daughter of Larkin Jackson and Sarah Hubbard. However Sarah's father was a Davis and her mother, Louisa Davis Hubbard.

Children of Sollie Scalf and Ellen Jackson
Virginia Scalf married Neely Warren
    David Scalf married Bertha Lou Bunch
    Amos Scalf married Wilma Rowland

Children of Sollie Scalf and Lizzie Pierce
Dewey Scalf not married
    Raymond Scalf married Elizabeth Keller (9-22-1959 Laurel Co.)
    Frank Scalf married Gerthia Johnson (10-31-1957 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Audrey Scalf married _______ Epperson
    Reta Scalf married _________ McQueen
    Lorene Scalf

Children of Raymond Scalf and Elizabeth Keller
Lisa Scalf (B. 1965)
    Samuel Scalf (B. 1960)
    Larry Scalf (B. 1961)
    William Scalf (B. 1963)
    Mary Scalf (B. 1966)

Children of Frank Scalf and Gerthia Johnson
Janet Scalf
    Joe Frank Scalf, Jr. married Charlotte Watkins (12-24-1977 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Audrey Lee Scalf (B. 8-31-1955)

Children of Joe Frank Scalf, Jr. and Charlotte Watkins
Heather M. Scalf (B. 3-18-79)
    Joe Frank Scalf Ill (B. 11-3-80)


Leonard Scalf, son of William J. Scalf and Dorcas Mills, Jackson Scalf was born on May 22, 1904. He died in 1974. Leonard Scalf married Lillian Beckner, daughter of J. T. Beckner, in Laurel County, Kentucky in 1923. Leonard and Lillian, it is believed, had 4 children, all sons. Leonard Scalf died in Laurel County and is buried at the Dyche Cemetery in London, Kentucky.

Children of Leonard Scalf and Lillian Beckner
Paul Scalf
    J. W. Scalf
    Jim Scalf
    Joe Scalf


Roxie Scalf, daughter of William J. Scalf and Dorcas Mills, married a Frost. Roxie had one daughter, Patty, who married a Wilhoyte.


Andrew Scalf, son of William J. Scalf and Dorcas Mills, Jackson Scalf, was born in 1909 in Bell County, Kentucky. Andrew married Hazel McVey, daughter of James F. McVey and Maggie A. Wells McVey, in Laurel County in 1933. This was a second marriage for Hazel. Both Andrew and Hazel were living in South Corbin at the time of their marriage on June 21, 1933.

Paul Scalf, J. W. Scalf, Jim Scalf and Joe Scalf, all sons of Leonard Scalf, have had distinguished careers as engineers. Joe and Paul worked with the famous German scientist, Von Braun, at Huntsville, Alabama, and invented solar energizing cells in addition to the gyroscope used in satellites. They still work with a team of leading scientists in the space program.

Dorcas Mills, wife of William J. Scalf, had a son, Thomas Hubbard, by her first husband and also a daughter, Julie Hubbard. Julie married a Mills and had six children. Two daughters were born to Dorcas and her second husband, Arch Jackson. Martha Jackson, daughter of Arch and Dorcas, married a Wilder. Martha Jackson Wilder's children were: Walter, Lee, Clifford, Bill, Geneva and Johnny. The other daughter born to Arch Jackson and Dorcas was Nancy Jckson who married James Thomas Cox. James Cox and Nancy Jackson's children include: James T. Cox, Virginia Sue Cox (married - Harris), Georgia A. Cox (married - Salmons), Peggy J. Cox (married - Brock) and Tommy Lou Cox (married - Burns). Nancy Jackson Cox then married second to a Schmockel. James Thomas Cox later married (1) Caroll (2) Murphy.


Thomas J. Scalf, second oldest son of Peter Scalf and Charlotte, Hubbard Scalf, was born in Clay County, Kentucky on August 20, 1839. Thomas died in Knox County on July 10, 1905 and he is buried at the Concord Cemetery near Flat Lick, Kentucky. Thomas J. Scalf married Martha Hammonds, daughter of Elijah and Nancy Hammonds, on July 31, 1862 in Knox County Kentucky. Martha Hammonds was born on November 28, 1840 and she died on October 23, 1896. Martha is also buried at the Concord Cemetery. Cemetery

Thomas J. Scalf was unlike many of the other Scalfs who lived in Knox County in that he seemed to place a high priority on education. Most of his children were well educated and some of his daughters were teachers. Ellen Scalf, one daughter of Thomas and Martha, attended the Loretto Seminary in Marion County, Kentucky.

Thomas J. Scalf was a real estate operator, raised cattle, owned a livery stable in Flat Lick, rented horses and wagons and operated a wholesale meat business in Knox County. He owned many acres of land. Thomas was granted three tracts of land in Knox County, Kentucky.*The first of these was an 800 acre tract of land given to Thomas on May 16, 1868 and it was located on Trace Fork along Stinking Creek. Then on January 26, 1870, he received 100 acres on the Salt Gum Fork in Knox County. Later the state of Kentucky gave Thomas an additional 100 acres of land on Trace Fork. This last parcel of land was granted to him on May 9, 1870. The Knox County, Kentucky records of Land Conveyances show that Thomas J. Scalf was the grantor of 16 recorded deeds. Thomas was also a Justice of Peace in Knox County and officiated in this role at the marriages of many couples including the marriage of William Broughton and Almiry Scalf. Thomas J. Scalf also presided at the Upper Stinking Creek Court in Knox County. A copy of the newspaper, "The Mountain Echo," printed in Barbourville, Kentucky and dated October 2, 1874 has on the front page an article indicating that Thomas J. Scalf would be presiding at the Magistrate's Court at Upper Stinking Creek, District No. 7 when it met Thursday after the second Monday in March, June, September and December.

Thomas and his family appear in the 1870 Knox County Census. His age was given as 33, Martha 32, Nancy 7, Susan 5, James 4, Elijah 3 and a second Nancy age 1. Living in the Thomas J. Scalf home in 1870 was Mary Cundiff age 14. This census record indicates Flat Lick as the nearest post office.

The 1880 Knox County Census lists Thomas as 40, Martha 40, Nancy 16, Susan E. 15, James W. 13, Elijah 12, Ellen 10, Henry 9, Dawrity 7, John 3 and Laura 1. Also living with Thomas in 1880 was his father, Peter Scalf, age 65 and Thomas's nephew, James Scalf, 18. Living on property owned by Thomas J. Scalf in Knox County in 1880 and in the dwelling next to him were Charlotte Scalf, his mother, age 60 and Leddy Hubbard, Charlotte's mother, age 80. Although it is known that Thomas died in 1905 and is buried in Knox County; still, he does not show up in the 1900 Knox County, Kentucky Census.

Thomas J. Scalf before his death did something else that made him unlike most early Kentucky Scalfs. He made out a will. In the Knox County, Kentucky Will Book " C" on page 545 is found the will of Thomas J. Scalf dated 21 November 1905. It reads:

"In the name of God, Amen. I, Thomas J. Scalf, having lived to a good old age and knowing the uncertainty of life and the assurance of death do this November 8, 1904, make and publish this, my last will and testament.

"I will bequeath unto my children, namely: Mary Stone, Elizabeth Gray, Henry S. Scalf, and J.W. Scalf, the infant heirs of E.S. (Elijah), D.W. Scalf, Ellen Davis, Sarah Farley, Lee Scalf, Ashia (Axie) Crowder, and Johnny Scalf. After my burial expenses and what, little debts I owe which is just is paid, then the remainder of my real and personal property which I request to be equally divided with my eleven children herein mentioned. My real estate composes of dwellings house and lot, butcher shop and in Flat Lick, Knox County, Kentucky in the forks of the road all of which may be fully described by my deed to same.

I further desire that my said children put same to best use and benefit and that this division l here make may satisfy all of them. Done by me at Flat Lick, Knox County, Kentucky, on the day and date above written in the presence of Andrew Short.

                                                                               Signed, Thomas J. Scalf

Children of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds
Nancy "Mary" Scalf (B. 1863 - ) married
        1. Wilkerson Broughton (1880 Knox Co., Ky.)
        2. Jasper Stanfield (2-18-1894 Knox Co., Ky.)
        3. Nick Stone (1-19-1903 Bell Co., Ky.)
    Susan E. Scalf (B. 1864 -) married Nelson Gray (1877 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Jarnes W. Scalf (B. 1866 married Florence York 11-4-1889 Knox Co., Ky.
    Elijah Scalf (B. 1868 - married Nannie Rice
    Ellen Scalf (B. 1870 - married Preston Davis (1888 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Henry S. Scalf (B. 1871 - ) married
        1. Monie Hoskins 10-30-1890 Bell Co.
        2. Chastella Williarns
    Dawrity Scalf (B. 1873 - ) married Sarah Dizney (daughter of Colonel Pat Dizney &
        Camella Owens) (6-23-1894 Laurel Co.)
    Johnny Scalf (B. 1878 - ) married Sarah Lockhard (1894 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Laura "Sarah" Scalf (B. 1879 - ) married George M. Farley 8-19-1897
        Bell Co., Ky.
    Lee Scalf (B. 1881 - ) married
        l. Polly Owens (1897 Bell Co., Ky.)
        2. Julia E. Chambers
    Axie Scalf married - Crowder


Nancy "Mary" Scalf, daughter of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in 1863 in Knox County, Kentucky. She married first to Wilkerson Broughton, son of William and Elizabeth Slusher Broughton, on December 22, 1880 in Knox County. She married second to Jasper Stanfield on February 18, 1894. It was a second marriage for the groom also. Nancy "Mary" Scalf married again later to Nick Stone. She died in Arkansas although the author has not learned where in Arkansas. It has been said that Mary inherited a great deal of money at the time of her last husband's death and that she went to Arkansas where she bought a considerable amount of property. It is said that her last husband was a rather wealthy hotel owner and saloon operator. All of her children are not known, however, the children listed here are from her first marriage to Willis "Wilkerson" Broughton.
The records seem to indicate that Wilkerson and Mary may have divorced each other with Wilkerson marrying a second time to a Sarah, maiden name unknown.

Children of Witherson Broughton and Nancy "Mary" Scalf
Thomas Broughton (B. 1882 - )
    Ellen Broughton (B. 1884 - )
    Martha Broughton (B. 1886 - )
    Lillie Broughton (B. 1888 - )


Susan "Elizabeth" Scalf, daughter of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, married Nelson Gray in 1877. Using the 1900 Knox County Kentucky Census as a guide we find their children fisted as shown below.

Children of Nelson Gray and Susan "Elizabeth" Scalf
Ida Gray (B. 1879 - ) m. John. Epperson.
    Thurza Gray (B. 1883 - )
    George Gray (B. 1886 - )
    Rebecca Gray (B. 1887 - ) m. ________ Horn
    Bertha Gray (B. 1888 - )
    Mattie Gray (B. 1892 - ) m. Lath Bingham
    Lucy Gray (B. 1894 - )
    Clell Gray (B. 1895 - )
    Mertie Gray (B. 1896 - ) m. ________ Baird (Bell Co., Ky.)
    Vincent Gray (B. 1899 - )
    Nina Gray (B. 1900 - )
    Cletus Gray m. Sudie Jackson


James W. Scalf, son of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1866. James W. Scalf married Florence York in Knox County on November 14, 1889. James was 23 and Florence was 17 at the time of their marriage. James W. Scalf was a farmer. He moved his family over to Whitley County late in the 1890's.

Children of James W. Scalf and Florence York
Oscar Scalf (B. 1892 - )
    Connie Scalf (B. 1894 - ) married Lizzie Baker
    Elliott (1912 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Ethel Scalf (B. 1897 - )
    Halsey R. Scalf (B. 1900 - )


Elijah Scalf, son of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in 1868 in Knox County, Kentucky. Elijah must have died prior to 1904 as Thomas J. Scalf mentioned the infant heirs of his son, Elijah, when he made his will in 1904. It is believed that Elijah married Nannie Rice and lived in Pulaski County, Kentucky although he has not been found in either the Knox County nor the Pulaski County marriage indexes. This writer believes Nannie Rice may have been born in Madison County, Ky. as there were Rice families living there before the Civil War.


Ellen Scalf, daughter of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in 1870 in Knox County, Kentucky. Ellen married Preston Davis in Knox County on June 28, 1888. Press was from Martin County, Kentucky.


Henry S. Scalf, son of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 18 7 1. He married first to Monie Hoskins and second to Chastella Williams. Monie was the daughter of Bettie Hoskins and one child was born to Henry and Monie. This was their son, Bruce, born in 1897. Monie died soon after her son was born and Henry went to Tennessee where he became the owner of a furniture factory and set up a chain of furniture stores. It is believed that Henry died in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Children of Henry S. Scalf and Monie Hoskins
Bruce Scalf (B. 1897 - )


Dawrity Scalf, son of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1873. Dawrity was known by several names including D.W., Dow White, Daw and Doc. Dawrity Scalf was a brilliant, well-educated person and perhaps was one of the most illustrious Scalfs ever born. Not only was he an intelligent individual but he was also a very successful business man. Dawrity Scalf was the founder and owner of the highly successful Scalf Medicine Company, producer of the famous "Scalf Indian River Tonic." This tonic was a vitamin and iron supplement and sold extremely well in days past. Dawrity Scalf also developed a cure for pellagra. and at one time had the only cure known. Doctors and hospitals bought his medicine.
Dawrity was tall, handsome and befitting his position was also known to be quite a fancy dresser. Daw married Sarah Dizney, daughter of Col. Pat Dizney and Camella Owens, on June 23, 1894 in Laurel County, Kentucky. He left a sizeable estate when he died in Florida in 1948.
Dawrity Scalf was a member of the First Baptist Church in La Follette, Tennessee. When Dawrity died at Daytona Beach, Florida in 1948 he not only left a large estate to his wife, Sarah, but he also bequeathed a considerable amount of money to the church in La Follette.
Daw's wife, Sarah, is buried at Flat Lick, Kentucky, the place where Daw spent his youth growing up in Knox County.
Dawrity and Sarah had one child, Monie, who was born in 1896. At one time, Monie, who married Ambrose Patterson, was a head nurse at the John L. Lewis Hospital for coal miners in Pineville, Kentucky. Monie's only son, Ambrose Guy Patterson, Jr., was a well-known preacher and singer in Louisville, Kentucky.
The 1900 Knox County Census lists Dawrity as 26, Sarah 21 and Monie 3. Boarding with Daw and his family in 1900 was a Mr. Robert Suricy, 48, who had arrived in the United States from Italy only four years earlier. Mr. Suricy was a hypnotist. Monie Scalf married 1. Ambrose Patterson 2. M.G. Slusher


Johnny S. Scalf, son of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky on February 1, 1877. He married Sarah Lockhart in Knox County on November 3, 1894. Johnny was 18 and Sarah was 17 at the time of their marriage. Johnny raised sorgum and had a molasses mill. He shipped the molasses in one- and five-gallon barrels. He also raised herbs and made a herb tonic. After World War I the Dixie Highway was finished and Johnny operated a bus line, the "Blue Goose" line, with terminals in Louisville and Knoxville. He sold the line to Greyhound for a lifetime job.

Children of Johnny S. Scalf and Sarah Lockhart
Cora Lee Scalf (B. 1896 - ) married Tom Baker (son, Willie Baker)
    Willie D. Scalf (B. 1898 - ) married Lola Defaris Mills
    Ben Scalf (B. 1901 - ) married 1. Sally Howard 2. Maude Maiden 3. Opal Williams
    Mabel Scalf married Lindsey Southard
    Nannie Scalf married Talmage Messer
    Mammie Scalf married Guy Howard
    Dudley Scalf married 1. Mary Percivale 2. Beulah Widner
    Vernon Scalf married 1. Elelyn Smith 2. Carrie Shell
    Reed Scalf married Ruby Elliott


Laura "Sarah" Scalf, daughter of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1879. Records from Bell County in Pineville, Kentucky show that Laura married George M. Farley 8-19-1897. George was born in 1871, in Whiteley County. George Farley, who died in Laurel County in 1951 was a veteran of the Spanish-American War.


Lee Scalf, son of Thomas J. Scalf and Martha Hammonds Scalf, was bom in Knox County, Kentucky on June 18, 188 1. Lee married first to Pollie May Owens, descendant of Col. Abraham Owens, in 1899. They wore married at Pineville in Bell County, Ky. Col. Owens who had earlier bought Owensboro, Ky. in 1804 was killed by Indians. Lee left college at the age of 17 to join Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War. He contracted Yellow Fever in Cuba and was in poor health the rest of his life. Later Lee moved to Florida where he owned considerable real estate in St. Petersburg. In 1910, Lee moved to Daytona and then to New Smyrna. He operated a jewelry store and a barber shop. Lee married second to Julia E. Chambers of Indiana. He died at Bay Pines, Florida on May 18, 1946.

Children of Lee Scalf and Pollie May Owens
Edwin O. Scalf (B. 1900 - ) still living in 1982)

Children of Lee Scalf and Julia Chambers
Clifton Scalf
    Ritchie Scalf



Willie D. Scalf, son of Johnnie S. Scalf and Sarah Lockhart Scalf, was born in 1898. Willie D. Scalf married Lola Defaris Mills.

Children of Willie D. Scalf and Lola Defaris Mills
Leo Carl Scalf married Betty June Francis daughter of Leshe C. Francis and Mildred C. Owen.
    Clarence Leon Scalf married Betty June Dunor
    Mildred Maxine Scalf married William Henry Jarvis
    Dewana Dorothy Scalf married Cecil Earl Adams
    Marietta Georgia Scalf married Fred Ross

Children of Leo Carl Scalf and Betty J. Francis
Gary Thomas Scalf married Betty Jo Graham
    Larry Dean Scalf married Mary Jane Gross
    Leo Carl Scalf, II married Charlotte Rose Ambum

Children of Gary T. Scalf and Betty Jo Graham
Shannon Scalf
    Shawn Scalf

Children of Larry D. Scalf and Mary J. Gross
Stacy Scalf
    Tracy Scalf
    Kacey Scalf

Children of Leo Carl Scalf, II and Charlotte R. Amburn
    Daniel Scalf
    Richard Scalf
    Rachael Scalf
    Virginia Scalf


James M. Scalf, third son of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf, was born in Clay County Kentucky in 1842 but moved to Knox County when his parents went there shortly before 1850. James grew to manhood in Knox County where at the age of 19 he joined Captain Jones' Company 24 Regiment Kentucky Infantry to serve in the Union Army in the Civil War. James was at Camp Jackson in Lexington when he enlisted on November 1, 1861 for a three year hitch in the service. Circumstances intervened and James did not serve for three years.
James M. Scalf mustered in at Camp Temple on. December 31, 1861, however, the records indicate that he deserted at Camp Temple on January 2, 1862.
The marriage records on file at Barbourville, Kentucky show that James M. Scalf married China Gambrel on April 4, 1862 in Knox County. According to the pension application filed by James M. Scalf's only child, James T. Scalf, on February 20, 1890, it is indicated that James T. Scalf was born in Knox County in March 1862. The pension application as well as the military records show that James M. Scalf was shot and killed at home on September 10, 1862 presumably by Confederates. While it is thought that perhaps James M. Scalf was killed by Rebel soldiers it might be pointed out that several Gambrel families were living in Knox County in 1862. No one knows for certain who shot James M. Scalf on September 10, 1862.
Following the death of her husband, James M. Scalf, Chiney married a second time to Isaac Mills. Isaac Mills was the son of Isaac Mills and Lavenna Hammons; grandson of Nasby Mills and Esther Haddock. Lavenna's parents were Obediah Hammons and Elizabeth Skaggs. They were married on August 3,1864 in Knox County. John Scalf, brother of James M. Scalf, was witness witness and Ance Ginsley was the other witness. This was no doubt a second marriage for Isaac Mills also since the 1870 Knox County Census lists Isaac Mills 24, Chiney 26, Isaac 14 and Obediah 6 months. China Gambrel was the daughter of Gordon and Catherine Gambrel. She was bom in 1842. Her brothers and sisters were: Mary, Margaret, Jesse, John, James and Esther. China was the granddaughter of Harlan Gambrel and he was from Tennessee. Harlan Gambrel was a Union soldier in the Civil War. China Gambrel's mother was Catherine Woolum.

Children of James M. Scalf and China Gambrel
James T. Scalf (B. 1862 D. 1949) married
        1. Lucretia Smith (1880 Knox Co., Ky.)
        2. Jennie Mills (B. 1867 D. 1928) (1891 Knox Co., Ky.)


James T. Scalf, son of James M. Scalf and Chiney Gambrel Scalf, was bom in March 1862 in Knox County, Kentucky. On February 20, 1890 he filed a military pension application as a surviving child of a Civil War veteran. James T. Scalf married two times. His first marriage was to Lucretia Smith on August 6, 1880. He was 17 years old as was Lucretia at the time of their marriage. James T. Scalf was a farmer. Three children were born to James and Lucretia: Albert, Victor and Samantha.
James T. Scalf took as his second wife, Jennie Mills, daughter of Anthony and Rebecca Mills of Knox County. This was Jennie's first marriage. James and Jennie were married on December 5, 1891 in Knox County. Other children of Anthony and Rebecca Mills were Samuel, Lucretia, Sarah, John, Jane and Henry.

The family of James T. Scalf appears in the 1900 Knox County Census and lists: James 37, Jennie 36, Victor 14, Cy 7, Maudie 5, Dora 3 and Amos 1. James, it is believed, moved to Whitley County later in life. His son, Victor, was married there. James died in 1949 and Jennie died in 1928. Both are buried at the Park Hill Cemetery in Corbin, Kentucky.

Children of James T. Scalf and Lucretia Smith
Albert Scalf (B. 1880 - ) married Jennie Witt (1901 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Victor Scalf (B. 1885 - ) married Ollie E. Smith (1907 Whitley Co., Ky.)
    Samantha Scalf married John G. Stewart, (1908 Knox Co., Ky.)

Children of James T. Scalf and Jennie Mills
Cy Scalf (B. 1893 D. 1963) no children
    Maud Scalf (B. 9-23-1894 - ) no information
    Dora Scalf (B. 1897 - ) married _______ Booth - no children
    Amos Scalf (B. 1898 D. 1947) married Nellie Siler (B. 1898 D. 1949)
    Floyd Scalf (B. 1906 D. 1927) never married
    Ed Scalf (B ) married Muriel Golden - 6 children


Albert Scalf, son of James T. Scalf and Lucretia Smith Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1881. Albert married Jennie Witt, daughter of Charley and Elizabeth Witt, in Knox County in 1901. Albert is buried in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Children of Albert Scalf and Jennie Witt
Nola Scalf (B. 1909 D. 1933)


Victor Scalf, son of James T. Scalf and Lucretia Smith Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1885. Victor married Ollie E. Smith, daughter of Joseph Smith and Mary Marcum Smith, in Whitley County in 1907. Ollie was born in 1891. Victor Scalf grew up in Knox County, however, he moved to Whitley County, married and raised his family around Corbin. Victor and Ollie were the parents of six children. Victor Scalf died in April, 1967 and is buried at the Park Hill Cemetery in Corbin, Kentucky.

Children of Victor Scalf and Ollie E. Smith
Cecil L. Scalf (B. 1908 - ) married Sallie Neal
    Glenn H. Scalf (B. 1914 -) married Ethel Jones (1933 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Wilton L. Scalf (B. 1915 - ) married Dorothy M. Purkey
    Charles V. Scalf (B. 1919 D. 1949)
    Jack T. Scalf (B. 1923 - ) married Marie Goodin
    Mary Jo Scalf (B. 1930 - ) married Golden Blankenship


Jack T. Scalf, son of Victor Scalf and Ollie Smith Scalf, was born in 1923. He is married to Marie Goodin, daughter of George W. Goodin and Ida Peace Goodin. Marie is the granddaughter of Harvey B. Goodin and Ben Peace and Betty Harp Peace. Jack Terrell Scalf and his wife, Marie, live in Cincinnati, Ohio. One son, Gary Lee Scalf, lives with his wife, Norma, in Stratford, New Jersey.

Children of Jack T. Scalf and Marie Goodin
Gary Lee, Scalf


Wilton L. Scalf, son of Victor Scalf and Ollie Smith Scalf, was born in 1915. He married Dorothy Purkey, daughter of W.C. Purkey and Bessie Rogers Purkey. Dorothy is the granddaughter of John Purkey.

Children of Wilton L Scalf and Dorothy M. Purkey
William M. Scalf


Amos Scalf, son of James T. Scalf and Jennie Mills Scalf, was born in 1898. He died July 31, 1947. Amos married Nellie Siler, daughter of Fred M. Siler and Evelyn Young Siler. Eleven children were born to Amos and Nellie.

Children of Amos Scalf and Nellie Siler
Vernon Scalf (B. 1920 - ) married Artis Mae Tipton
    Jack Scalf (B. 1922 D. 1922)
    William Ray Scalf (B. 1923 - ) married Janete Tye
    Ned Scalf (B. 1925 - ) married Georgia Sears
    James F. Scalf (B. 1926 - ) married Billie Jean Carroll
    Marjorie Scalf (B. 1929 D. 1931)
    Betty June Scalf (B. 1932 - married Bob Paston
    Floyd Wayne Scalf (B. 1933 married Mary Ruth Gentry
    David Scalf (B. 1936 D. 1936)
    Jennie Lee Scalf (B. 1938 D. 1938)
    Ohler S. Scalf (B. 1944 - ) married Aundra Cline

Children of Vernon Scalf and Artie M. Tipton
Gloria Jean Scalf
    Ricky Scalf

Children of William R Scalf and Janete Tye
Diana Scalf
    Billy Ray Scalf

Children of James F. Scalf and Billie J. Carroll
Nancy Scalf
    Wayne Scalf
    Penny Scalf

Children of Floyd W. Scalf and Mary R. Gentry
Kathy Scalf
    Jeffery Scalf
    Stephie Scalf

Children of Ohler S. Scalf and Aundra Cline
Nicky Scalf


John M. Scalf was the fourth son of Peter and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf John M. Scalf (M. is for Milton) was born in Clay County, Kentucky on December 14, 1846 and moved with his parents to Knox County about 1848. John M. Scalf married at the age of 19 to Alabama Edwards who was 17 years old at the time of her marriage on March 14, 1865 in Knox County. The couple were married at the home of Alabama's parents, Aaron and Sarah Edwards. Performing the marriage ceremony was Thomas Stewart and the witnesses included John's older brother, William Scalf, and Benjamin Edwards who had been the guardian of Alabama's mother, Sarah Edwards, for many years. Benjamin Edwards was a brother of William Edwards who was Sarah Edwards' father and Alabama's grandfather on her mother's side. William Edwards died in the 1840's and the Knox Co., Ky. court appointed Benjamin Edwards guardian of William's children which included Sarah, Alabama's mother. Benjamin Edwards married Peggy Stewart, daughter of Alexander and Catherine Stewart. Alexander Stewart, born 1755, was from Galloway, Scotland, and a Revolutionary War Soldier. Alabama Edwards was short and rather heavy set. She died from measles after giving birth to her third child. The baby also died from measles.

John M. Scalf was a farmer. He farmed in Knox County subsequent to his marriage to Alabama and later when he moved over to Laurel County he continued farming there with his old mule, Sal.

On September 21, 1866, a son, William M. Scalf, was born to John and Alabama at their home on Stinking Creek in Knox County, Kentucky. The following year on March 24, 1867, a second son, Peter Scalf, was born. John's family is listed in the 1870 Knox County Census with John 24, Alabama 2 1, William 2, and Peter 1. Not long after this 1870 census was taken, Alabama Edwards Scalf died in Knox County. John being left with two young sons to care for, soon took as his second wife, Rosannah Hubbard, daughter of Moses Hubbard, a long time Knox County resident. John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard were married in Knox County on September 7, 1871. John was 25 at this time and Rosannah was 20. While this was John's second marriage it was Rosannah's first. The couple were married at Moses Hubbard's home. Rosannah's mother was Lovicy Hubbard who married first to Daniel Jackson and then to Moses Hubbard. Moses Hubbard had been married before his marriage to Lovicy. His first wife was Peggy McFarland and later on he married again to Ouncy Bell Taylor. Another daughter of Moses Hubbard was Polly Hubbard who married John M. Scalf's brother, Milton.
Not long after John and Rosannah were married, they had their first child which they named Greenberry probably in honor of John's uncle, Greenberry Scalf, who was living in Scott County, Virginia at the time. John and Rosannah's son, Green T. Scalf, was born June 19, 1872 in Knox County. Other children born to John M. Scalf and Rosannah "Cody" Scalf were: Robert, Josh, Frank, Jesse E., Isaac, Alabama, Martha, Nancy, Lora and Elizabeth. About 1890, John moved his family over to Laurel County approximately 35 to 40 miles from where he had been living near Flat Lick. On July 7, 1890, John purchased in cash for $1,000 a 151-acre farm along Robinson Creek in Laurel County from George W. Colbert and his wife, Lucy. This was the old original John Sutherland farm as it was called in those days. The farm was located near the small town of Lily, Kentucky and was not too far from the slightly larger town of London, Kentucky.
When John M. Scalf died in 1899, he left no will, however, his farm as part of his estate was divided among his surviving children. Although taking care of his family and his farm required most of John's time, he did nevertheless make an effort to become an involved citizen. In 1890, John was appointed by the Republican Party as magistrate at McHargue. John M. Scalf died in Laurel County on November 28, 1899. He is buried at the McHargue Cemetery there next to his second wife, Rosannah, who died later in 1921.
After John died in 1899, his widow, "Cody," married a second time to Josh Hodge in Laurel County. The marriage took place at Rosannah's home on October 24, 1901. Alex Felts and Ance Hurley were the witnesses. This was the third marriage for Josh, who was 52 at this time. "Aunt Cody," as Rosannah was affectionately called by friends and neighbors, was 51. Josh Hodge had previously been married to Eliza Bryant in 1874 and to Mahala Hammonds in 1889. His children from his first two marriages included: Caleb, Roland, Harm, Steve, James, John and Josh Jr. Josh Hodge was the son of Edward Hodge and Luraine Mullins. Josh's parents were married November 3, 1834
A sister to Josh Hodge was Sally Hodge, who was the mother to Amanda Killion who married John M. Scalf's oldest son, William M. Scalf.

Josh Hodge, Jr., son of Josh Hodge who married Rosannah Hubbard Scalf in 1901, married John M. Scalf's daughter, Lora. Rosannah "Aunt Cody" (Hubbard) Scalf was a well-known midwife in Laurel County. Among those she helped to, deliver was Hugh Hopkins' daughter, Edna (Hopkins) Mullins

Children of John M. Scalf and Alabama Edwards
William M. Scalf (B. 1866 D. 1946) married Amanda Killion
        (8-2-1888 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Peter Scalf (B. 1869 D. 1941) married Kitty Bright (B. 1878 D. 1976)
        (3-28-1893 Clay Co., Kentucky)

Children of John M. Scalf and Rosannah "Cody" Hubbard
Greenberry T. Scalf (B. 1872 D. 1900) married to, Catherine
        Champlin Copenhaver  (6-8-1892 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Robert M. Scalf (B. 1874 D. 1957) married Emily Hubbard
        (B. 1877) (8-19-1897 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Joshua "Dock" Scalf (B. 1880 D. 1944) married
        1. Sarah Scarborough (11-9-1899 Laurel Co., Ky.)
        2. Raney Sturgill (1-1-1906 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Frank Scalf (B. 1881 D. 1958) married Janie Copenhaver (1900 Whitley Co., Ky.)
    Jesse E. Scalf (B. 1886 D. 1967) married
        1. Rillie Hubbard (1-21-1905 Laurel Co., Ky.)
        2. Carrie Mills
    Isaac Scalf (B. 1884 D. 1935) married Clara Hurley (B. 1890 D. 1965)
        (1-21-1905 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Alabama Scalf (B. 1875 D. 1943) married W.M. Queen (1893 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Martha Scalf (B. 1877 D. 1935) married James Brock
    Nancy Scalf (B. 1888 - ) married Richard Hodge (10-24-1901 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Lora Scalf (B. 1891 - ) married Josh Hodge, Jr., (4-4-1907 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Elizabeth Scalf (B. 1890 D. 1892) died young


William M. Scalf, son of John M. Scalf and Alabama Edwards Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky on September 21, 1866. William grew up along the middle fork of Stinking Creek near Old Flat Lick. The Civil War was winding down when William Scalf was born and his father had just married the year before William was born. William's father was a farmer in Knox County and William grew up learning the skills that would prove valuable to him later on in life when he acquired his own farm in Laurel County. Knox County was a beehive of activity during William's childhood as there was still plenty of good hardwood timber being cut out there. The road into Barbourville from Flat Lick had been improved after the War and was alive with Stinking Creek residents riding horseback or by wagon into the county seat to buy seed, implements, household needs, etc. Others were on their way there to record deeds or transact business at the old courthouse. Knox County, in the late 1860's, following the Civil War, was an exciting place for young William Scalf who loved the outdoors. Life could still be harsh, however, and this became cruelly evident to William when he lost his mother following the birth of William's brother, Peter. His father, John M. Scalf, remarried soon afterwards in 1871 to Rosannah "Cody" Hubbard. Rosannah, William's stepmother, was gentle and understanding and good to the boys. William lived in Knox County until his father moved the family over to Laurel County shortly after 1880. It is quite possible that William's father may have had second thoughts about his decision to move to Laurel County, however, since the family had only been there a short time before the greatest natural disaster ever to hit Laurel County came along. This was the cyclone that passed through there in 1884 leaving widespread damage in its wake.

The family had been in Laurel County for only a short while before another event of only slightly less earth-shaking proportion occurred. William met his future wife, Amanda Killion. William and Amanda were married in Laurel County on August 2, 1888. William was 22 at this time and Mandy was 16. The couple were married at the home of Amanda's father, John J. Killion. The Killion farm adjoined the Scalf farm and it surely must have been providential that William and Amanda would meet. Their courtship was brief and soon after their wedding, William and Amanda settled into their own house near Boering, Kentucky just outside the picturesque little town of Lily. They had their own farm. to care for which demanded most of their time and efforts. William, however, found employment from time to time away from the farm. He, like so many other men in the area, toiled many long days working in the dark and capricious shafts of the ever-dangerous coal mines that opened up in Laurel County before the turn of the century. It was while engaged in this back breaking labor that William acquired the name "Big Dink" by which many of his close friends still remember him today. A dink or dinky was a small loading car used in mining operations.
William Scalf was a tall, ruggedly handsome man who stood well over six feet two inches tall and was possessed with such enormous strength that he was practically a legend among the men with whom he worked. The bleak, cold coal mines of southeastern Kentucky with their ever-present dangers claimed the lives of many. William's oldest son, Elmon, tragically died in a bizarre and horrifying accident in the mines of Western Virginia in 1928.
William, "Big Dink," Scalf also spent some time working on the railroad. The Louisville and Nashville Railroad had come into Laurel County and by 1883 had finished the line there and while it furnished needed work for many, it was all too often not a case of an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.
William Scalf, however, was primarily a farmer and preferred living in the nearly self-sufficient manner that independent farmers were accustomed to in those days. He cherished his dog, Ted, and his horse, Bob. He grew the needed corn to feed his livestock; the yield of fresh vegetables from his fields were more than sufficient to meet the needs of his family; he raised and butchered his own hogs and cured the meat. The William Scalf family always had food enough for themselves and it was no secret that Will and Mandy could always be counted on for a hearty meal even for a family just passing through.

Amanda Killion, daughter of John J. Killion and Sarah "Sally" Hodge, Tudors, Mullins, Killion was born in Laurel County on March 9, 1872. Amanda loved being with people and she especially delighted in family history type conversation and by Amanda's reckoning most people in Laurel, Knox, Clay and Whitley Counties were kinfolk to the Scalfs in some way. Amanda Killion was small in size yet she was very feminine and had that distinct Killion look with wide set eyes, high cheekbones and wide, thin mouth. Not surprisingly, she also had the well-known Irish temper which she exhibited on occasion to the children. Amanda thrived on being the center of attention and was adored by all of her children. Her gregarious personality complimented the quiet, reserved and almost Stoic manner that characterized her husband. One of Amanda's greatest attributes will never be recorded by history though as her efforts at matchmaking seldom bore fruit; which is to say that her sons did not always marry Mandy's band picked selections.
The Laurel County that William Scalf moved to about 1883 was just beginning to grow with people coming in from Virginia, Tennessee and other counties of southeastern Kentucky. In nearby London Town, county seat of Laurel County, new businesses were springing up along Main Street and the area along Whitley Street to Broad. County court days furnished plenty of excitement as did watching the horse traders in action along old Jockey Street. Perhaps William's father took the family to see the John Robinson Circus when it came to London in 1887 or to the Laurel County Fair that began annual sessions in 1883.
Several coal companies were already in operation when William arrived in Laurel County and he later obtained work at some of these mines. The East Bernstadt Coal Company, Litton Coal Company, Alta Coal Company and the Pitman Coal Company were all doing business in Laurel County by 1883.

The Louisville and Nashville Railroad had begun laying track in 1880 in Laurel County and this railroad was to furnish William, his brothers and his sons employment later on.

The small country home where William and Amanda Scalf raised their children featured a special blend of tiresome farm work mixed with happy family experiences. William and Amanda reared their children in a Christian home where Christian beliefs and values were practiced as well as taught. The Slate Ridge Church, as well as the Slate Ridge School, were both of vital importance in the lives of the Scalf children.
William's farm produced a yearly harvest of rich sugar cane for making delicious, sweet sorghum molasses and William's old molasses mill across the road from the old home place was used by several neighbors in the area as well as by William himself. He and Will Taylor had set up the lassy mill and "Uncle Dinkie" moved it down toward the holler when he began operating it himself.
Laura Elon Scalf was born on November 14, 1890. Laura died some eight years later on October 3, 1898. The second child born to William and Amanda was also a daughter, Julia Ann Scalf, who was born on July 10, 1895 and died October 4, 1895. Both of these little girls lie buried at the McHargue Cemetery in Laurel County, Kentucky. In addition to their two daughters, William and Amanda Scalf were the proud parents of six sons.
William M. Scalf died on April 20, 1946 less than a year after his beloved Mandy had passed away on May 30,1945. Both William and Amanda are buried at the Hopkins Cemetery in Laurel County.
Gone are the days of the coal oil lamps; the blackberries waiting in the early morning dew to be picked by little "younguns" swinging their tiny lard cans; old Flossie heifer waiting in the barn to be fed; juicy, tender, home-cured hams hanging in the smokehouse; the old roads barely suitable for the model T's and model A's with that special kind of sand that rises between the toes and relaxes the feet; the big sand rocks surely put there for the enjoyment of little children; lassie cakes and speckled rooster. Yes, perhaps gone but never to be forgotten also is that elegant old two-holder with the raspy corn cobs piled high in one corner and the educational. but expendible Sears catalogue in the other.



Children of William M. Scalf and Amanda Killion
Laura Elon Scalf (B. 11-14-1890 D. 10-3-1898)
    Julia Ann Scalf (B. 7-10-1895 D. 10-4-1895)
    Elmon Scalf (B. 1-15-1895 D. 11-29-1928) married Nancy Seals (1920 Harlan Co., Ky.)
    Robert Scalf (B. 10-23-1899 D. 1-9-1977) married Ella Taylor (11-8-1919 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Chester R. Scalf (B. 2-26-1902 -) married Zannie Seals (11-7-1922 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    James Scalf (B. 4-4-1905 - ) married Nola Reeves (3-23-1927 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Jesse Scalf (B. 1-4-1908 D. 10-18-1975) married Mollie Scalf (4-24-1928 Laurel  Co., Ky.)
    William F. Scalf (B. 5-16-1911 D. 5-12-1969) married Roxie Adkins


Elmon Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf, was born on January 15, 1897 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Elmon grew up in Laurel County learning from his father the skills needed to run a farm. Elmon learned quickly. It is said that he could master most any kind of work he encountered. Elmon possessed that rare combination of self-confidence and pleasing personality that made people feel at ease when being around him. He was handsome, intelligent and a leader. But Elmon Scalf was taken from us much too soon. He died in a tragic accident in a coal mine in western Virginia on November 29, 1928. It was appropriate and fitting that the train which brought him back to Laurel County arrived on a cold, dark and rainy evening as that surely matched the mood of his loved ones who were there waiting when the train pulled in. Elmon is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery in Laurel County not far from the farm he had bought for his family earlier. Elmon "Young Dinkie" Scialf had married Nancy "Nannie" Seals, daughter of William Seals and Catherine Jones Seals, in Harlan County in 1920. Nannie was born on March 5, 1895 in Hancock County, Tennessee. She raised the family that Elmon had left in her care and it can truthfully be said that she did so in a marvelous way and in such a manner that would have made Elmon very proud.

Children of Elmon Scalf and Nancy Seals
Rollie H. Scalf (B. 1921 D. 1930)
    Johnnie H. Scalf (B. 1926 D. 1933)
    Drusilla Scalf (B. 1922) m. Dewey Hogue
    Walter Scalf (B. 3-28-1924 D. 10-22-1980) m. Gladys Whitaker
    Paul Scalf (B. 1928) m. Lois Taylor 4-4-1950

Children of Walter Scalf and Gladys Whitaker
Rayford Elmon Scalf (B. 9-23-1945) m. 1. Christine Nicley 2. Joan Hollingsworth
        3. Ruth Vest 4.Sue Marchum
    Diane Scalf (B. 12-16-1953) m. 1. Wilman Joseph Downey
        2. Douglas Fallmer 3. Joseph Overburg
    Randy Dale Scalf (B. 3-8-1963)
    Brenda Kay Scalf (B. 9-30-1956) m. Larry Prater 11-23-1975

Children of Rayford Elmon Scalf and Christine Nicley
Shanon Lolita Scalf (B. 8-14-1965)

Children of Rayford Elmon Scalf and Joan Hollingsworth
Gregory Ray Scalf (B. 10-23-1967)
    Mark Allen Scalf (B. 1-12-1969)

Children of Rayford Elmon Scalf and Ruth Vest
Jodi Diane Scalf (B. 10-31-1971)

Children of Diane Scalf and Joseph Downey
Jeffrey William Downey (5-10-71)

Children of Diane Scalf and Joseph Overburg
Ryan Joseph Overburg (B. 8-17-1981)

Children of Brenda Kay Scalf and Larry Prater
Joshua Wayne Prater (11-21-1976)

Children of Paul Scalf and Lois Taylor
Judy Lynn Scalf (B. 4-26-1952) m. Joseph J. Bain 4-15-1972
    Catherine Lee Scalf (B. 9-22-1958) m. Greg J. O'Conner 1-24-75

Children of Joseph J. Bain and Judy Lynn Scalf
Tara Bain (B. 10-30-1972)
    Kimberly Bain (B. 10-1-1979)

Children of Greg J. O'Connor and Catherine Lee Scalf
Brian M. O'Conner (B. 1-4-1977)


Peter Robert "P.R." Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky on October 23, 1899. Robert married Ella Taylor, daughter of William Taylor and Mary Engle Taylor, on November 8, 1919 in Laurel County. Robert died on January 9, 1977 and he is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery. Ella Taylor Scalf was born on January 21, 1900. Ella died November 9,1980. P.R. Scalf and his brother, Elmon, did not always like to go with their father to hoe corn and at times would play sick. On one occasion their father made them go anyway. The boys told on each other causing aflight to take place. Ella Taylor S calf was the daughter of William Taylor and Mary Engle Taylor. William and Mary also had: Norm, Mizy, Lee, Dora, Alex and Nellie Taylor. William Taylor was born 1863 and died 1946. His father was John Taylor (born 1845) who was the son of William Taylor (born 1823 in North Carolina) who was the son of Cornelius Taylor and Sally Walker. Cornelius Taylor was born in 1793 in Virginia and was in the War of 1812. Cornelius and Sally married in 1814 in Knox Co., Ky.

Children of Peter Robert "P.R." Scalf and Ella Taylor
Fred Scalf (B. 1920 D. 1961)
    Jewel Scalf m. Lesley Davis (4-24-1943 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Pearl Scalf m. Wesley Davis




                                      CHESTER R. SCALF

Chester R. Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky on February 26, 1902. Laurel County, the place of Chester's childhood, was a rural area bordering on the fringe of Appalachia and Laurel Countians in 1902 were already experiencing the problems brought about by the coming of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad and the rapid increase in coal mining activities. Laurel County in 1902 was in need of better roads and better transportation as people were going to town more often. However, life in Laurel County in 1902, the year of Chester's birth, was exciting and very much worth living. There were many things to be thankful for and mostly people were happy, really happy. There were several churches in the area offering joyous days of singings and revivals. The Reverend A.P. Jones was soon to become the new pastor at the Hopewell Church and there was plenty of activity going on over at the Campgrounds. William Scalf, Chester's father, was pulling teeth for his neighbors in 1902 with his own "special pliers." Soon there would be automobiles coming into Laurel County for the first time.
Chester R. Scalf was the third son and fifth child born to William and Amanda Scalf. His two sisters had already died and were buried at the McHargue Cemetery by the time Chester was learning the basic skills boys needed to know in order to be of help around the farm.
Time passed quickly and by the year 1910, Chester had two more brothers to go along with the two that he already had. Elmon, Robert, Chester, Jim and Jesse along with their parents, William and Amanda, made up the Scalf family that sold their farm. in 1910 and boarded the train headed for Arkansas. After a two-day journey, they reached the end of the line at Pettegrew where Amanda's cousin, Harm Hodge, was waiting to meet them with his buckboard wagon. The family stayed with Harm for a few days until Chester's father found a small, three-room house for the family to move into. They made out as best they could with the older boys, Elmon and Robert, sleeping upstairs, Chester and Jim sleeping on the floor and little Jesse who was only two at the time, sleeping with his parents.
Chester's father soon found work for the entire family. It was picking cotton and was more like slave labor so it wasn't long before his mother's patience began to wear thin and she implored her husband to return to Kentucky.
"Pap" gave in, though in truth, he probably didn't need too much coaxing and he loaded the family on the train once more for the journey back to Kentucky. Upon returning to Laurel County, Chester's father bought another farm and before long things settled down.
When Chester reached the age of twelve, his father reluctantly allowed him. to begin working in the coal mines making the whopping wage of three whole dollars per week. He rode deep into the dangerous mine shafts to load the heavy coal with nothing to see with but the flickering light on his cap. It was during this time in Chester's life while he was working in the dreary and hazardous coal mines that he experienced the profound joy of becoming a born again Christian. Chester had gone over to the Slate Ridge Church one night where Reverend Wooleridge was holding an old fashion revival. Having answered the alter call Chester realized while walking home what had happened to him. He made a life-long commitment to God that-night on the ridge which he has diligently kept through the years. Time moved on and so did Chester leaving the dark coal mines to take on a new job with the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Chester was 17 now and the year was 1919. The big news, of course, was the War. But in town, Londoners were talking about other things, too. A brief look at the Thursday, April 10, 1919 edition of The Sentinel-Echo reveals some idea of what was going on. One advertisement indicated that the auction sale of mares and horses to be held at London, Saturday, April 12, 1919 would take place at 10:3 0 a.m. rain or shine and would include the best car load of mares and horses ever shipped to London, Kentucky. Another article in the same newspaper announced that "more stills had been captured" while yet another article headlined a "Big Revival At Baptist Church." There was still another article reminding citizens that the chicken ordinance required every owner of chickens to keep them on his own premises from April 1st to October l st of each year. Other articles dealt with work on the "Dixie Highway" and the Sue Bennett School's request for donations.
Meanwhile, Chester Scalf was still working and was still learning, learning mostly from experience. He had earlier encountered what might best be described as a brief career in education. Chester learned some lessons the hard way. He learned that some wires contain 220 volts; he learned that mares have hooves not heels; he learned that sometimes a snake likes the water at the spring also.
At the age of 17, working on the railroad was a memorable time in Chester's life even though it may not have been a highly profitable time. Nevertheless he returned home often giving help to his parents with the meager earnings he had made.
It was later, in 1922, while working on the railroad that Chester met the pretty girl that would become his wife. There had been others, to be sure, and Elvie and Myrtle came close, however, when Chester met Zannie Elizabeth Seals, the choice became easy. He must have shared his feelings with his brothers and his friends like Willie McHargue and Tip Harris in order to work up the courage to inform his mother. Chester made a wise choice when he asked Zannie to be his wife. He and Zannie have passed 59 years of happiness together learning to give and take. Chester married Zannie Seals, daughter of William Seals and Catherine Jones Seals, on November 7, 1922 after a brief courtship. The marriage took place in Corbin. Chester was 20 and Zannie was 19 at the time of their marriage. The couple set up housekeeping in Laurel County and the following year, 1923 brought the arrival of their first child, Harold. The next year, 1924, saw another son born to Chester and Zannie; Everett Lee Scalf made his arrival into the world on December 20, 1924 with the aid of a country mid-wife from Boering, Kentucky. Chester and Zannie, now blessed with two young sons, soon began to realize the difficulties and hardships associated with subsistence style farm life and made the decision to move away from the rigors of living in Laurel County. The purpose of the move was, of course, to make a better life for the family. The couple, with their two young sons, Harold and Everett, moved up to Cincinnati, Ohio. Chester worked at various jobs including the Reading Concrete Block Co., a construction company in Sharonville, polishing shoe heels, the Proctor and Gambel Co. and the Champion Paper Co., in Hamilton before moving his family back to, Laurel County. Chester remained in Kentucky for almost a year before moving back once more to, Cincinnati, where he found work at the National Distilling Co. He stayed at this job for about three years before an illness hospitalized him. In 1929, Chester began working at the Carthage Mills, a linoleum factory in suburban Cincinnati, making 29 cents per hour. He remained at this job for 40 years before his retirement in 1969.
On March 21, 1927, Chester and Zannie became the parents of their first daughter, Thelma, born in Cincinnati on that date. Times were extremely hard but Zannie's ability to manage things at home while Chester put in long hours at the plant pulled the family through. Then, just nine days prior to, the beginning of the "Great Depression," on September 20, 1929, another son was born to, Chester and Zannie. On that date, September 20, 1929, Elmer D. Scalf, son of Chester Scalf and Zannie Seals Scalf, slipped rather unnoticed onto the scene. The family acquired one more member on October 31, 1931 when Doris Evelyne Scalf was born. There were hard times to be endured but Chester's family remained secure as his children grew. He balanced his monotonous work at the factory with singing in a gospel music quartet with close friend, Grady Burton; with summer vacations in Kentucky; with playing softball on one of the company's teams and with attending church regularly at the Columbia Parkway Church of God in Cincinnati. He would make the nearly forty-mile round trip every Sunday to hear the long winded, but dedicated brother Huff preach his never to be forgotten sermons.
On August 6, 1935, tragedy struck the family when Chester and Zannie lost their oldest son, Harold, in a freakish and terrifying accident in Kentucky. Harold had been spending the summer down on the farm with Chester's parents. The news of Harold's death was a severe shock to, Chester and was especially bard on Zannie.
In time the family was joined by its final member when Shirley Ruth Scalf was born on April 6, 1942. Chester and Zannie have seen their children grow to, maturity and leave home to raise families of their own. Their two sons, Everett and Elmer were both called to serve for their country in a time of war, Everett serving in World War Il and Elmer in the Korean War. Chester and Zannie have grown old, graciously. Still very close to each other in the twilight of their lives they continue to enjoy each other's company as they did in earlier days; as they have through the years.

Children of Chester R. Scalf and Zannie Seals
Chester Harold Scalf (B. 2-12-1923 D. 8-16-1935)
    Everett Lee Scalf (B. 12-20-1924 - ) married Elsie McHargue
    Thelma Mae Scalf (B. 3-21-1927 -) married Charles "Ray" Wood
    Elmer Doyle Scalf (B. 9-20-1929 - ) married Maria Diaz
    Doris Evelyne Scalf (B. 10-31-1931 - ) married
        1. Alex Carmack
        2. John Wesley Stricklin
    Shirley Ruth Scalf (B. 4-6-1942 - ) married William Kiefer


Chester Harold Scalf, son of Chester R. Scalf and Zannie Seals Scalf, was born on February 12, 1923 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Harold was a witty, clever and very intelligent youngster. He was a model student at school and a polite, conforming son at home. He was truly the "apple of his mother's eye" and the "sunshine in his father's life." Harold excelled in the classroom. He was mature much beyond his age. Harold possessed many endearing little habits including the one he played on his mother daily when school was in session. Harold would pitch his hat through the door announcing his arrival home and as a signal to see if the " coast was clear." He was a creative person; an extraordinary child who bordered on the genius in academic potential. He was industrious as evidenced by the fact that he had already established a magazine sales operation by the age of twelve.
However, the world would not see this boy's talents reach fruition, as he died in a tragic accident at the age of 12 while visiting his grandparents in Kentucky. Harold met his appointment with death on August 6, 1935. Harold Scalf surely epitomizes the simple yet profound truism that the "good die young." Society has been cheated in that we will never know to what lofty heights this manchild could have reached. Harold is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery in Laurel County, Kentucky.


Everett Lee Scalf, son of Chester R. Scalf and Zannie Seals Scalf, was born on December 20, 1924 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Everett's parents moved to Cincinnati, Ohio when he was very young, however, Everett has maintained connections with the state and county of his birth. Everett, a graduate of the Cincinnati Central Vocational High School, was a journeyman electrician for several years before he made the change to working for the United States Postal Service. He was forced to retire not too long ago because of disabling physical problems. Everett Lee Scalf is a veteran of World War Il having served his enlistment in what was then the Army Air Corps. His honorable discharge from the service was accompanied by a disability pension given for injuries sustained while on active duty. Everett is a licensed rainister of the gospel although health reasons prevent his carrying on his work as he would like to do. Everett has traveled extensively, is very knowledgeable about the history of the Scalf family and contributed extensively to the writing of this book. Everett is married to Elsie McHarque, a native of Laurel County, and the couple have three children and seven grandchildren. Elsie McHargue Scalf is from the old and distinguished pioneer McHargue family that was in Laurel County long before its actual formation in 1826. Just retired, Elsie, who is an exceptional cook, seamstress and homemaker, worked for many years for the Kroger Company in the Cincinnati area. Elsie is the daughter of William McHargue and Sophia Gains. She is the granddaughter of Hiram McHargue and Julia Elliott and the great-granddaughter of Matison McHargue.

Children of Everett Lee Scalf and Elsie McHargue
Lois Scalf m. Richard Phillips
    Harold Scalf m. Mary Ash
    Sharon Scalf m. Hancel "Junior" Henson

Children of Richard Phillips and Lois Scalf
Ricky Phillips
    Lisa Phillips

Children of Harold Scalf and Mary Ash
Josh Scalf
    Dawn Daugherty - daughter of Mary by previous marriage
    Johnny Daughterty - son of Mary by previous marriage.

Children of Hancel Henson, Jr. and Sharon Scalf
Leah Henson
    Lena Henson




Thelma Mae Scalf, daughter of Chester R. Scalf and Zannie Seals Scalf, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on March 21, 1927. Thelma grew up during the years of the depression and as the oldest girl in the family, she was often pressed into service with helping her mother with the housework. Thelma has always been a dependable, steadying force in the family and a source of comfort to her parents. Being a very patient kind of person, Thelma has never been a problem; she has always been the sort of person that others seek out when they have problems. This same kind of quiet strength spiced with a wry wit and ever-present sense of humor has helped her with her own family in recent years. Thelma is the one who is always there when you need here.

Thelma married Charles "Ray" Wood in 1946 and for the past few years, she and Ray have made their home in Toledo, Ohio. Ray Wood is a veteran of World War II and has been employed in the roofing business in Toledo for several years. Ray Wood is the son of Henry W. Wood and Mary E. Carter of Casey Co., Ky. His grandparents on his paternal side are John W. Wood, Sr. and Mary K. Warner. Ray's maternal grandparents are Albert J. Carter and Mary J. (Copply) Carter.

Children of Charles "Ray" Wood and Thelma Scalf
Chester Ray Wood married Mary A. Linkey
    Scott L. Wood married Vicky L. Beutler
    Janet E. Wood married John E. Murphy
    Kaye E. Wood married Joseph W. Burnep
Children of Chester Ray Wood and Mary A. Linkey
Charles R. Wood
    Sherri Marie Wood
    Brandi Sue Wood

Children of Scott Wood and Vicky Beutler
Scott Wood II
    Skye Wood

Children of John E. Murphy and Janet Wood
Diane Marie Murphy


Elmer D. Scalf, son of Chester R. Scalf and Zannie Seals Scalf, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on September 20, 1929. Elmer, a school counselor in California, received his B.A. degree from Bowling Green University and his masters degree from San Diego State University. He served in the United States Army from 1952-1954 in the Engineer Corps stationed for 13 months in Mexico City. Elmer speaks, reads and writes fluent Spanish learned during his enlistment in the service in Mexico and Central America. He is married to Maria Diaz, daughter of Andres Diaz and Dolores Cordoba Diaz. The couple were married in Ciudad Valles, Mexico and they have seven children and five grandchildren. Maria Diaz is the granddaughter of Isidro Diaz and Fernanda (Garcia) Diaz on her father's side of the family. She is the granddaughter of Isidro Cordoba and Francisca (Paredes) Cordoba on her mother's side.

Elmer D. Scalf and Maria Diaz
Melodie Carmela Scalf (B. 12-23-1954 - ) m. Dean C. Line
    John Wesley Scalf (B. 1-3-1956)
    Shirley Jean Scalf (B. 11-25-1956) m. Raul Cabrera
    Dolores Ann Scalf (B. 2-13-1959)
    Georgia Lee Scalf (B. 2-22-1960) m. David Frederick
    Ronald Joseph Scalf (B. 9-8-1962)
    Nancy Lynn Scalf (B. 5-28-1968)

Dean C Line and Melodie C Scalf
Jacob Dean Line
    Yvonne A. Line
    Dean Bruce Line
        Dean Line is the son of Bruce Line and Virginia M. Ritch

Children of Raul Cabrera and Shirley J. Scalf
Raul Cabrera, Jr.
    Nancy Cabrera


Doris E. Scalf, daughter of Chester R. Scalf and Zannie Seals Scalf, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on October 31, 1931. Doris married first to Alex Carmack. Two children were born to Alex and Doris. Doris married second to John W. Stricklin. Jack and Doris are the parents of two children and they make their home in New Carlisle, Ohio. Alex is the son of Harvey Carmack and Amanda Hubbard.

Children of Alex Carmach and Doris Scalf
Sandra Carmack m. Geoffory Hollis
    Darryl Carmack m. Nancy F. Fluty

Children of John Wesley Stricklin and Doris Scalf
Monica Stricklin m. Frederick Hing
    Johnny Stricklin m. James B. Walker


Shirley R. Scalf, daughter of Chester R. Scalf and Zannie Seals Scalf, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 6, 1942. Shirley is a graduate of Cincinnati Woodward High School, married William Kiefer in 1963 and the couple have three children. William Louis Kiefer (B. 12-18-1942) is the son of Daniel W. Kiefer and Alice Morgan Chapman. He is the grandson of William A. Kiefer and Minnie J. Trautwein and William A. Chapman and Ida Morgan. Bill is the great grandson of Daniel Kiefer and Margaret Bailey. They make their home in Forest Park, Ohio. Shirley's parents have been living in her home for several years.

Children of William Kiefer and Shirley R. Scalf
Kimberly Kay Kiefer (B. 7-27-1964)
    William Daniel Kiefer (B. 10-3-1965)
    Christina Noelle Kiefer (B. 12-30-1974)


James Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky on April 4, 1905. Jim Scalf grew up in Laurel County sharing the same good times and bad times as did his brothers: Elmon (young Dinkie), Robert (P.R.), Chester (Checker), Jesse (Cut) and Willie. Jim's personality as a youngster might be described as "feisty." But somehow, he made it through those trying years of fist fighting, rooting out the mumbling peg, and playing marbles at Dan McVeys. Jim's only narrow escape might have been that little escapade with old Ross McNew when the boys left home to try it on their own for a while. He was sure surprised when he got back home to find that his mother was glad to see him. Jim had rather expected something worse. James Scalf was well known to all, friendly and popular. His family moved to Arkansas for a short stay when Jim was " no bigger than a peanut" and he, like the rest of the family, was glad to get back to Laurel County. Jim had lots of friends when he was young; Lee, Mat, Willie, Ronald, Ross, Tipthey all knew and liked Jim. He and his friends would sometimes walk all the way to " Sporty John" Champlin's store to buy candy.

With the passing of the years, Jim settled down and eventually decided to marry and start a family of his own. He took as his wife, Nola Reeves, and "buddy" he sure made a fine choice. Nola was the daughter of Simon Reeves and Emma Hill Reeves and she and Jim were married on March 23, 1927 at Boering, Kentucky. Virgil and Beatrice Hooker acted as the witnesses. Jim was 21 years old and Nola was 18 when they married.

Jim and Nola moved to Cincinnati after their daughter, Marjorie, was born. Other children born to Jim and Nola were Earl, Betty Jane and James Arnold. Jim and Nola have lived for many years in Reading, Ohio where they raised their family on Benson Street. He worked at the Lunkenheimer Plant in Carthage, Ohio for many years as a carpenter. In his spare time Jim built some of the best porch swings ever put together.

Children of James Scalf and Nola Reeves
James A. Scalf (B. 1929 - died young)
    Marjorie Scalf (B. 1928 - ) married Ted Jackson
    Earl Scalf (B. 1931 - ) married Pauline Emerson
    Betty Jane Scalf (B. 1937 - ) married Danny Mix

Children of Ted Jackson and Marjorie Scalf
Michael D. Jackson
    Patricia M. Jackson
    Randall C. Jackson

Children of Earl Scalf and Pauline Emerson
Allen W. Scalf
    Ronald L. Scalf
    Charles E. Scalf
    Nancy R. Scalf

Children of Danny Mix and Betty Jane Scalf
Cyndy K. Mix
    Cathy A. Mix
    Sharon J. Mix
    Karen M. Mix

One of the author's favorite stories pertaining to, his "Uncle Jim" took place many years ago in Kentucky when "Uncle Jim" was a young boy. One day, Mr. Hugh Hopkins arrived at the Scalf farm looking for one of the boys to, go with him to work in the fields. Grandma told Mr. Hopkins that all the boys except Jim had already gone to the fields to, work and that he probably wouldn't want to, take Jim since he was too young. Mr. Hopkins replied, "I'll take him anyway." He took "Uncle Jim" out to the field and taught him to layoff rows.


Jesse Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf was born in Laurel County, Kentucky on January 4, 1908. Jesse "Cut" Scalf was one of the friendliest and best liked Scalfs who ever lived. Everyone was welcome at Jesse's house and all who knew Jesse liked him. Jesse was only two when his parents moved the family to Arkansas for a brief stay. Jesse was a farmer and he enjoyed farm life. It is believed that Jesse's mother may have selected a girlfriend for him, however, be that as it may be, his choice was Mollie. Jesse married Mollie Scalf, daughter of Dan Scalf and Betsy Jones Scalf, on April 24, 1928 in Laurel County. Jesse was 19 and Mollie was 17 when they married. Jesse and Mollie were cousins and they had no children. When Jesse's parents, William and Amanda Scalf, grew old it was he and Mollie that cared for them and they were both living with Jesse when they died in 1945 and 1946. Jesse "Cut" Scalf died on October 28,1975. He is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery in Laurel County. Mollie is still living at the site of the old home place in Laurel County.


Willie Scalf, son of William M. Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf, was born on May 5, 1911 in Laurel County, Kentucky. Willie was born shortly after the family had returned from their brief stay in Arkansas. Willie enjoyed the advantages of being the youngest child in the family and was a favorite with his mother. Willie spent most of his life living with or near to his parents. Willie was a good worker and during his lifetime worked as a farmer and a plumber. He also ran a sawmill and was employed in other types of work. Willie Scalf moved to Pontiac, Michigan for a while but later returned to Laurel County. Willie married Roxie Adkins, daughter of Robert Neal Adkins (B. 416-1869 D. 6-16-1954) and Eliza Ann (Higginbotham) Atkins (B. 328-1869 D. 5-8-1951) in Campblesville, Kentucky. Roxie's father was from Tennessee and her mother was from Paducah, Kentucky. Willie and Roxie were the parents of six children. William Franklin "Willie" Scalf died in Laurel County on May 12, 1969 and he is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery there. Roxie, who was born 12-271906, still. resides in Laurel County, near Lily, Kentucky.

Children of William Franklin Scalf and Roxie (Adkins) Scalf
Hattie Oshie Lee (B. 9-4-1930) m. Samuel Owen Smith
    Emily Mae Scalf (B. 10-18-1931) m. Verrel Cornett
    Naomi Faye Scalf (B. 5-10-1937) m. Ray Proffitt
    Agnes Imogene Scalf (B. 2-27-1935 D. 10-11-1976) m. Willard Pettyjohn
    Grace Ann Scalf (B. 10-9-1936) m. Hobert Hoskins
    William Neal Scalf (B. 6-24-1938) m. Rochelle C. Kilway


Hattie Oshie Lee Scalf, oldest child of Willie Scalf and Roxie (Adkins) Scalf, married Samuel Owen Smith (B. 2-2-1926) at London, Kentucky. The couple were married 6-27-1949 and have three children. Sam is the son of Matt Smith and Pearl Engle.

Children of Hattie Oshie Lee Scalf and Samuel Owen Smith
Darrell Anthony Smith (B. 12-21-1951) m. Bernice I. Greenleaf
    Ronald Wade Smith (B. 3-8-1956) m. Mary R. Fowler
    Jeffrey Owen Smith (B. 9-1-1963)


Emily Mae Scalf, daughter of Willie Scalf and Roxie (Adkins) Scalf, married Verrell Cornet at London, Kentucky 12-10-1949. The couple have one child, Charlotte.

Children of Emily Mae Scalf and Verrell Cornett
Charlotte R. Cornett (B. 10-10-1951) m. James E. Shields


Naomi Faye Scalf, daughter of Willie Scalf and Roxie (Adkins) Scalf, married Ray Proffitt (B. 2-13-1933) at London, Kentucky. The couple were married 5-25-1951 and have four children.

Children of Naomi Faye Scalf and Ray Proffitt
Jackie William Proffitt (B. 1-8-1953) m. Pauletta A. Taylor
    Leonard Ray Proffitt (B. 12-26-1954) m. Rickie Lou Taylor
    Catrina Roxie Mae Proffitt (B. 3-16-1969) (adopted 7-29-1969)
    Jesse Michael Proffitt (B. 9-29-1970)


   Agnes Imogene Scalf, daughter of Willie Scalf and Roxie (Adkins) Scalf, married Willard Pettyjohn (B. 12-20-1930). The couple were married 12-20-1960 and have three children.

Children of Agnes Imogene Scalf and Willard Pettyjohn
Lynda Sue Pettyjohn (B. 1-20-1962) m. Lawrence Harris
    Wilma Jean Pettyjohn (B. 9-23-1963 D. 2-24-1973)
    Susan Carol Pettyjohn (B. 5-25-1965)


   Grace Ann Scalf, claughter of Willie Scalf and Roxie (Adkins) Scalf, married Hobert Hoskins (B.11-3-1934). The couple were married 10-7-1955 and have two children.

Children of Grace Ann Scalf and Hobert Hoskins
Roger Douglas Hoskins (B. 4-25-1957) m. Debbie M. Cheek
    Gary Lynn Hoskins (B. 12-9-1961)


   William Neal Scalf, son of Willie Scalf and Roxie (Adkins) Scalf, married Rochelle C. Kilway (B. 4-20-1943). The couple were married 9-1-1962) at Pontiac, Michigan.

Children of William Neal Scalf and Rochelle C. Kilway
Timothy Neal Scalf (B. 3-31-1969)
    Kimberly Ann Scalf (B. 3-9-1965)

Peter E. Scalf, second son of John M. Scalf and Alabama Edwards Scalf, was born in Knox County Kentucky on March 24, 1869. Peter grew up in Knox County later moving to Laurel County about 1883. Peter was a farmer in Laurel County and also worked for the railroad. Peter went to Clay County to marry his sweetheart, Kitty Bright. The marriage of Peter and Kitty took place in Clay County on March 28, 1893. Kitty was 9 years younger than Peter. She was born on October 19, 1878. Peter E. Scalf also worked in the coal mines of Southeastern Kentucky as did his father and brothers.

After their marriage in 1893 the couple set up housekeeping around the corner from where the Slate Ridge Road runs into the Hopkins Cemetery Road. Peter set out a number of walnut trees there many years ago. The location is across the road from where the Queen Cemetery is situated today. Later, Peter and Kitty moved to Whitley County where they appear in the 1900 Whitley County Census. Peter is listed as 30 and Kitty as 20. They had no children at this time. According to this 1900 Census, Peter was working as a coal miner and was living near Williamsburg, Kentucky. One child, Edna Lee Scalf, was born to Peter and Kitty on August 13, 1908. Peter E. Scalf died on January 8, 1941. His wife, Kitty, died several years later on April 15, 1976.

Peter Scalf suffered a stroke during his lifetime and was a familiar figure with his "walking cane." Earlier, he and Kitty, along with his stepbrothers, Ike and Robert, and their wives, Clara and Emily, had gone to Denver, Colorado for a while. They stayed at a boarding house run by a Mrs. Hilliard. Edna (Scalf) Peters, daughter of Peter and Kitty, still has several beautiful articles her parents brought back to Kentucky from their stay in Colorado. Prior to Peter Scalf s marriage to Kitty Bright he was the father of a young son who was blind and died at a very young age. The boy's mother was Riney Mullins who later married Watt McVey, Jr. Both Peter and Kitty are buried at the Hopkins Cemetery.

Children of Peter E. Scalf and Kitty Bright
Edna Lee Scalf (B. 8-13-1908) m. Roy Peters

Children of John L. Bright, Jr. (son of Jack Bright, born in Ireland and moved to Virginia) and Malinda Hibbard. John Bright (6-161857 D. 3-29-1891) was from Clay Co., Ky. as was Malinda Hibbard (B. 11-27-1856 D. 3-17-1910. Following the death of John L. Bright, Jr., Malinda married William Hubbard, son of Squire Hubbard and Cealy Ann (Smith) Hubbard. They had one child, Frank Hubbard, who married Honor Woods. Ms. Woods furnished this information from her family Bible.

Children of John L Bright Jr. and Malinda Hibbard.
Sarah Bright (B. 10-5-1877) m. Robert Woods
    Kitty Bright (B. 10-19-1879) m. Peter Scalf
    George Bright (B. 12-5-1882 D. 12-5-1884)
    Tom Bright (B. 5-26-1885 D. 10-14-1905)
    Chester Rollie Bright (B. 6-9-1887)
    Sudie Bright (B. 7-9-1890)


Edna Lee Scalf, daughter of Peter E. Scalf and Kitty Bright Scalf, married Roy P. Peters, son of William C. Peters and Elizabeth Ann Lockaby Peters. Roy was born in 1897 and he died in 1960. Roy is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery in Laurel County.

Children of Roy P. Peters and Edna Lee Scalf
Roy Peters, Jr. m. Lois Sasser
    Fay Peters m. Ray Reed (son of Grant Reed)
    Catherine Peters m. Paul Goodin
    John M. Peters m. Jackie Wells
    Charles Peters m. Ann Boggs
    Elizabeth Ann Peters m. Ronald Pennington

Roy Peters had been married once before his marriage to Edna Lee Scalf. Roy's first wife was Ida Martin, daughter of William Austin. Martin and Rebecca Mullins. The couple had two children, Teresa and Claude.


Greenberry T. Scalf was the first child born to John M. Scalf and his second wife, Rosannah Hubbard Scalf. Green was born in Knox County, Kentucky on June 19, 1872. He moved with his family to Laurel County in the early 1880's. Green T. Scalf married Catherine "Kate" Champlin Copenhaver in Laurel County on June 8, 1892 at the home of Kate's father, William Champlin. William Champlin was the son of Jesse Champlin. Her mother was Charity Hogan. Kate's marriage was her second marriage. Catherine "Kate" Champlin had previously married Charles Copenhaver and she and Charles had four children: Elbert, Carly, Janie and Mamie. Janie Copenhaver later married Frank Scalf, son of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf. Kate Champlin Copenhaver was 24 when she married Green T. Scalf and he was 19. Years later after Green's death, Catherine remarried a third time to Bill Shotwell and she and Bill had one child, Wesley. Later on, Kate married a fourth time to a man named Bill Black.

Green T. Scalf died in Laurel County only eight years after his marriage to Kate. Green died on December 16, 1900 and he is buried at Hopkins Cemetery.

Children of Green T. Scalf and Catherine Champlin Copenhaver
  McKinely Scalf m. Jennie Culver (Whitley Co. Ky. 1917)
    Martha Scalf m. 1. Parris Shotwell 2. Jasper N.
    Bessie Scalf m. Eldon McKiddy

Children of McKinley Scalf and Jennie Culver
June Scalf
    Dorothy Scalf
    Jack Scalf
    Margie Scalf m. Eugene Helton

Children of Eldon McKiddy and Bessie Scalf
Eileen McKiddy
    Katherine McKiddy m. Raymond Padgett

Children of Charles Copenhaver and Kate Champlin
Mamie Copenhaver m. Barney Roark

Children of Charles Copenhaver and Kate Champlin
Mamie Copenhaver m. Barney Roark
    Janie Copenhaver m. Frank Scalf
    Elbert Copenhaver m. Nellie Philpot
    Carly Copenhaver m. _______Webb

Chikiren ofBill Shotwell and Kate (Champlin) Copenhaver Scalf
Wesley Shotwell m. Mamie Roark

Bill Shotwell was married three times. By his first, wife, Sally Hodge, he had Jim, Bill and Ellen. By his second wife he had a son, Parris Shotwell. By his third wife, Kate (Champlin) Copenhaver, Scalf, he had a son, Wesley Shotwell.


Robert M. Scalf, son of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1874. He spent his childhood there before moving to Laurel County with his family in the early 1880's. Robert M. Scalf married Emily Hubbard in Laurel County on August 19, 1897. Emily was the daughter of Franklin and Susan Hubbard and she was born in 1877. A sister of Emily was Rilla Hubbard who married Robert's brother, Jesse E. Scalf. Emily Hubbard's brother, John Will Hubbard, acted as a witness at Emily's marriage. She had other brothers, James and Sol, and a sister, Rosina.

Robert worked in the coal mines for a while after he and Emily married. He is listed in the 1900 Whitley County, Kentucky Census as 25 years old while Emily's age is, given as 23. The couple had no children.

Robert M. Scalf was a skilled carpenter and practiced this trade after working for a while in the mines. Robert and Emily lived most of their married life in Lockland, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati. Years later, Robert retired to Florida and when Emily died, he took as his second wife, Betty Mullins. Robert M. Scalf died in 1957 in Florida. Robert and Emily had no children except adopted daughters, Emily and Mona.


Josh H. "Dock" Scalf, son of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky on May 16, 1880. When Josh was about four years old his family moved to Laurel County where Josh grew to manhood. Dock took as his first wife, Sarah E. "Sallie" Scarborough. Dock and Sallie were married in Laurel County on November 9, 1899. The couple lived in North Corbin, where Dock ran his feed and grocery store for many years. Dock was 20 when he and Sallie married and she was 17. Not far from where Dock had his store in Corbin, is where Colonel Harlon Sanders set up the first Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet.

Sarah "Sallie" Scarborough was born in 1882 and she died in 1905. Sallie is buried at the Hopkins Cemetery in Laurel County. One child was born to Dock and Sallie and this was their son, Herbert Harrison Scalf, who was born in 1901. Then following Sallie's death in 1905, Dock remarried Raney Sturgill, daughter of King and Sarah Sturgill. Dock and Raney married in Laurel County on January 1, 1906. Three sons and four daughters were born to Dock and Raney. Dock died on October 18, 1944 and is buried alongside his first wife at the Hopkins Cemetery near Lily, Kentucky.

Children of Josh "Dock" Scalf and Sallie Scarborough
Herbert H. Scalf (B. 1901 D. 1971) married Dora Elva Taylor
        (1-11-1919 Laurel Co., Ky.)

Children of Josh "Dock" Scalf and Raney Sturgill
David Scalf married Dorthula Rumley (4-16-1927 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Frank Scalf married _______ Elam
    Anne Scalf married Jim Harris (8-29-1924 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Mamie Scalf
    Lucilla Scalf
    Edward E. Scalf married Ruth Surgener
    Lilly Mae Scalf married Walter Beaver


Herbert Harrison Scalf, son of Josh "Dock" Scalf and Sallie Scarborough Scalf, was born in Whitley County, Kentucky in 1901. Harrison grew up helping his father run Dock's store in Corbin. Harrison married Dora Elva Taylor in Laurel County on January 11, 1919. Elvie was born in 1896 and was the daughter of William Taylor and Mary Ingle Taylor. Elvie's sister, Ella, married P.R. Scalf, son of William Scalf and Amanda Killion Scalf Elvie had two other sisters, Mizy, who never married, and Nellie who married Elmer Hyden. Elvie had three brothers. Lee married Laura Wyrick, Norm married Grace Archer, daughter of Albert and Charity Archer, and Alex married Pearl Hodge. Harrison Scalf died in 1971 and his wife, Elva, died in 1979. Both are buried at the Hopkins Cemetery.
An interesting story was told to this writer about Herbert Harrison Scalf. According to "Aunt Stella" McHargue, Herbert and his friend, Mat McHargue, were returning home from school once riding bareback on a mule. They were crossing a muddy branch when something spooked the mule and both boys landed in the water.

Children of Herbert Harrison Scalf and Dora Elva Taylor
Nora Scalf (B. 1920) married - Walton (2 children)
    Gladys Scalf (B. 1922) m. Charles Sufredge
    Russell Scalf (B. 1929)
    Herbert Harrison Scalf, Jr. (B. 1925) m. Francis Johnson


Herbert Harrison Scalf, Jr., son of Herbert Scalf and Dora Elvie Taylor Scalf, was born in 1925. He married Francis Johnson. Harrison, Jr. was a veteran of World War Il. He and Francis had three girls only one of which is known to the author by name.

Children of Herbert Harrison Scalf, Jr. and Francis Johnson
Zelah Lou (de Dee) (B. 1946 D. 1977)


David Scalf, son of Josh "Dock" Scalf and Raney Sturgill Scalf, was born about 1907. David married Dorthula Rumley, daughter of Abe and Mary Church Rumley, in Laurel County on April 16, 1927.

Children of David Scalf and Dorthula Rumley
David Scalf, Jr. m. Elsie Hurd
    Everett Scalf (D. 1978)

Children of David Scalf, Jr. and Elsie Hurd
Louise Scalf m. Dewey Cochran (11-28-1964 Laurel Co., Ky)

Dorthula Rumley was the daughter of Alex Rumley and Mary Church. Elsie Hurd was the daughter of Clint Hurd and Lula Nash.


Frank Scalf, son of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was born in 1881 in Knox County, Kentucky. Frank married Janie C. Copenhaver, daughter of Albert and Kate Champlin Copenhaver, in Whitley County in 1900. Frank grew up near Corbin Kentucky.

Children of Frank Scalf and Janie Copenhaver
Arthur Scalf (B. 1905 - ) m. Marie Bolton (1928 Knox Co., Ky.)
    Ethel Scalf m. Albert Le Force
    Cleo and Priclla Webb - Adopted


Jesse E. Scalf, son of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was born in Laurel County in 1886. Jesse grew to manhood there and when he was grown, he lived, at times, in the home of his brother, Robert, in Corbin, Kentucky. Jesse saw action in the Spanish American War. When he was a young man, Jesse and his brother, Frank, made a trip to New York to check on the possibility of the Scalfs being heirs to a large fortune left by the Edwards estate. Jesse worked for the Louisville and Nashville Railroad as a conductor making trips over to Virginia.
Jesse E. Scalf took as his first wife, Rilla Hubbard, daughter of Franklin and Susan Hubbard. Jesse and Rillie were married in Laurel County on January 21, 1905. Jesse was 18 and Rillie was 16 when they married. Rilla Hubbard was a sister to Emily Hubbard who married Jesse's brother, Robert Scalf. Jesse and Rillie had one child, Kenneth, who was born in 1911 and died in 1933 from injuries suffered in an automobile accident. When Rillie died, Jesse remarried to Carrie E. Mills and later retired in Florida as did his brother, Robert. Jesse E. Scalf died in Sarasota, Florida on June 8, 1967 and he is buried at Louisville, Kentucky.
Jesse E. Scalf was known to be a very ambitious man with grandiose ideas. Jesse was known to several of his acquaintances as "Bluff." Willing as Jesse was, he sometimes came out on the short end in his confrontations like the time Josh Hodge got the upper hand and Jesse's white hair went "flyin everywhere."

Children of Jesse E. Scalf and Rilla Hubbard
Kenneth Scalf


Isaac Scalf, son of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky on April 1, 1884. Ike was in the Phillipines in the war. He entered service in 1901 and was discharged in 1905. Ike was in the Kentucky Coast Artillery Corps. Ike married Clara Hurley, in Laurel County on January 21, 1905. Ike and Clara married on the same day as Ike's brother, Jesse E. Scalf. Clara's parents were long time Laurel County residents. Her father, Ance Hurley, was born in 1859 and he died in 1923. Her mother "Aunt Susie" (Gaines) Hurley, was born in 1868 and she died in 1939. Ike and Clara had three sons, Edward, Esker and Ronald. They had one daughter, May Ola. Isaac "Ike" Scalf died on June 1, 1935. After Ike's death, "Aunt Clara" remarried to Charles Johnson (B. 1886 D. 1963). Clara was born in 1890 and she died in 1965. May Ola Scalf, daughter of Ike and Clara, married Bill Bailey and had one daughter, Irene. Isaac Scalf, Clara, Charles Johnson, May Ola Bailey, Irene Bailey, Ance Hurley and "Aunt Susie" Hurley are all buried at the Hopewell Cemetery in Laurel County, Kentucky. May Ola (Scalf) Bailey had three sons, Harold, Ray and Bill, Jr. May Ola died of diptheria just a few weeks after Charles "Ray" was born. Bill Bailey, Sr. remarried to his second wife, Rose, after May Ola's death.
Ike Scalf, Jesse E. Scalf and Frank Scalf were three fun-loving Scalf brothers. When Jesse and Frank went to New York to check on the Edwards "fortune" it is safe to assume they had a "very enjoyable" trip. Frank had many friends and loved the outdoors. The author came across an article in the May 16, 1924 edition of the "London-Echo" describing a weekend fishing trip taken by W.D. Borden, Frank Scalf, William Eaton and C.W. Adams. Ike Scalf and Jesse E. Scalf were responsible for getting John Queen's old mule up in his hay loft which was no easy trick. These same two "good old boys" also managed to get Mr. Queen's wagon wheel up in a tree. And when Mr. Queen heard that cow bell ringing out in his melon patch, it was really Ike and Jesse doing the ringing. John Queen, though, was a highly respected man in Laurel County.
Esker and Ronald moved to California. Esker was a barber and had planned to move to Florida, however, he died in California before his plans materialized. Ronald Scalf is still living in North Hollywood, California residing near his son, Gene, who is a successful business owner in Downey, California.

Children of Isaac "Ike" Scalf and Clara Hurley
Edward Scalf (B. 1-10-1910 - )
    Esker Scalf (B. 1-10-1910 - ) married Opal Carroll 7-2-1929 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    Ronald Scalf (B. 6-19-1911 - )
        married Minnie Lanham (1-10-1931 Laurel Co., Ky.)
    May Ola Scalf (B. 1907 - ) married Bill Bailey


Esker H. Scalf, son of Isaac Scalf and Clara Hurley Scalf, was bom in Laurel County, Kentucky in 1910. Esker married Opal Carroll in Laurel County on July 2, 1929. He died 7-9-1970 at age 60.

Children of Esher H. Scalf and Opal Carroll
Leo E. Scalf married Mary Ann Magner
    Betty Ruth Scalf married Charles Jump

Children of Leo E. Scalf and Mary Ann Magner
Kevin B. Scalf
    Brenda L. Scalf m. 1. Richard Reynolds 2. Jonathan A. Berger

Children of Brenda Lee Scalf and Jonathan A. Berger
Jonathan Blake Berger

Children of Betty Ruth Scalf and Charles Jump
Charlsey Elaine Jump
    Brian Lee Jump


Ronald Scalf, son of Isaac Scalf and Clara Hurley Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky on June 19, 1911. Ronald, a successful business contractor in California, retired in 1953. Previously he was an engineer for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for many years and he lived in Cincinnati, Ohio before moving to California in 1951. Ronald married Minnie Lanham, daughter of Rev. J. T. Lanham (B. 1852 D. 1947) and Pearlie Brooks (B. 1866 D. 1970), in Laurel County on January 20, 1931. Ronald Scalf lives close to his son, Gene, who is the owner of Reliable Graphic Service, a printing company in Downey, California. Rev. J. T. (John Thomas) Lanham, was the son of Lafayette "Lafe" Lanham who was married twice. By his first wife Lafe had Willie A., J. C. and John Thomas Lanham. By his second wife, Rachel Parker, Lafe had Zack, Luther and four daughters. Lafe Lanham was the son of Abel Lanham and his family was from Caliborne Co., Tennessee, where they lived near the Powell River.

Children of Ronald Scalf and Minnie Lanham
1. R. Gene Scalf (B. 1932) m. Geraldine Shakarian

Children of R Gene Scalf and Geraldine Shaharian
Karen Rose Scalf (B. 1960) m. Larry Linamen
        Geri Renee Scalf (B. 1962)
        Michele Inez Scalf (B. 1965)

    2. Ruth Jeanette Scalf m. 1. Donald Panknin 2. Milt Sharp

Children of Donald Panknin and Ruth Jeanette Scalf
Michael Eugene Panknin (B. 1955)
    Karie Lynn Panknin (B. 1957)







Alabama Scalf, daughter of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky, on December 17, 1875. Alabama received her name in honor of her father's first Wife, Alabama Edwards Scalf. Alabama moved to Laurel County with her parents when she was about eight years old. She married W.M. Queen, sonof John Queen and Nancy Taylor Queen, in 1893 in Laurel County. Alabama was 18 years old and her husband was 21 when they married. William and Alabama had three sons and three daughters. William's friend, Hugh Elliott, was known to have a supply of liquid spirits on hand available to the right buyer and William did the selling for him. William Queen, husband of Alabama Scalf Queen, was born on June 7, 1872. His brother, Teedy Queen, married Ollie Hutton. Sister, Emma, married Jeff Cole. William's brother, Bert, had a deaf and dumb handicap. William's sister, Julia Queen, married Scuyler Berry while another sister, Ada, married Arthur Hardin. Another sister to William Queen, Nannie, married John West and still another sister, Bessie, married 1. __________ Riley 2._______ Creasy. These were all Laurel County families. Albama was a good mother and when her daughter, Estie, who lived in Lockland, Ohio, became ill in 1924, Alabama made the trip there to help care for her. One other sister to William Queen, Mary, married Link Langham.
The author has learned a little about Alabama (Scalf) Queen from a recent (198 1) conversation with Mr. Hugh Hopkins (age 97) of Lily, Kentucky. Hugh Hopkins, son of Richard "Dick" Hopkins, related this story to the author. "I remember once not long after Bam had married Bill when she come up the road one day looking all worn out. The Scalf boys were out on the porch when their sister came up the road. Josh stood up on the step and said something I remember this day. He said, "Here comes old Bam and Bill done whuped her. She must have burnt the punkin.'"
According to Mr. Hopkins, Bill and Alabama moved over to the Knox County part of Corbin, Kentucky, where they lived in a house that E d White had built for them. Albama (Scalf) Queen died July 2, 1943. She is buried at the Queen Cemetery in Laurel County, Ky. John Queen, Alabama's father-in-law, was born in 1845 and was a Civil War veteran. John Queen was the son of Tobias and Edna Queen. Tobias Queen was born in North Carolina in 1801. Alabama's mother-in-law, Nancy Taylor Queen, was a sister to Will Taylor who married Mary Engle.



Children of William Queen and Alabama Scalf
Floyd Queen
    Estie Queen m. Steve Parsons
    Julie Queen m. Joe Walker
    Daisy Queen m. Washington Chappell
    John Queen
    Esker Queen
    Edger Queen

Children of Washington Chappell and Daisy Queen
Estie Chappell m. Clyde Tompkins


Martha Scalf, daughter of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was bom in Knox County, Kentucky on September 17, 18 7 7. When Martha was about six years old her family moved to Laurel County. Martha grew up in the area of Laurel County near Robinson Creek. She married Rev. James I. Brock (B. 3-24-1869 D. 5-1-1941) who was pastor at the Baptist Church at Hopewell. Rev. Brock Preached at the funeral services of Martha's mother, "Aunt Cody" and at the funeral services of Elmon Scalf, grandson of John M. Scalf, in 1928. Rev. Brock also spoke at the funeral of Martha's brother, Frank Scalf. Martha Scalf Brock and her husband, James, had no children. Martha died on August 5, 1935. Martha and her husband are both buried at the Hopewell Cemetery in Laurel County.


Nancy Scalf, daughter of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was born in Laurel County, Kentucky in 1889. Nancy married Richard Hodge of Lily, Kentucky on October 24,1901. The marriage took place in Nancy's home and Alex Felts and Ance Hurley acted as the witnesses. Richard was 24 years old and Nancy was only 13 years old when they married. Perhaps it, was because Nancy was so young when she married that she died not long afterwards. She had no children. Richard Hodge was a brother of Reuben Hodge who married Ellen Hyde.


Lora Scalf, daughter of John M. Scalf and Rosannah Hubbard Scalf, was bom in Laurel County, Kentucky in 1891. She married Josh Hodge, Jr., son of Josh Hodge and Mahala Hammonds Hodge, in Laurel County on April 4, 1907. Josh Hodge, Jr. was 22 and Lora was 16 when they married. Josh and Lora sold their farm in Laurel County that she had inherited from her father, John M. Scalf, to Ehnon and Nannie Scalf, Josh, Jr. also worked for the railroad then later moved to Indiana.

Children of Lora Scalf and Josh Hodge, Jr.
Jasper Hodge
    Nellie Hodge
    Virginia Hodge
    Josephine Hodge
    Josh Hodge, Jr.


Rhoda Scalf, daughter of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf, was bom in Knox County, Kentucky in 1852. Rhoda married Josh McVey in Knox County on March 2, 1865. The marriage took place at her mother's house. Rhoda's father, Peter Scalf had left Knox County about five years earlier and consequently, was not present at Rhoda's wedding. Josh and Rhoda were the parents of eleven children and this family is listed in the Knox County 1870 Census. At that time, Josh was 24, Rhoda 22, Daniel 4 and John 1. Later Josh and Rhoda moved to Laurel County where Rhoda died in 1916. She is buried at the Hopewell Cemetery in Laurel County.
Josh McVey (McVay) was the son of James McVey and Nancy Killion McVey. Nancy later married Ira Scalf as his second wife. Ira Scalf was the brother of Rhoda's father, Peter Scalf.
James McVey was the son of Eli and Mildred McVey who were married in Prince Edward County, Virginia in 1787. Eli McVey was a Revolutionary War soldier. James McVey had a brother, Daniel, and a sister, Jennie, who married Luke Parker in Tennessee.

Children of Joshua and Rhoda Scalf McVay
Daniel McVay (B. 5-11-1866 D. 2-13-1940) m. Julia Shepherd
    John McVay (B. 1869 D. about 1890) m. Julia Gray
    Martha McVay (B. 1872 D. about 1899) m. John Gregory
    Milton McVay (B. 1875 D. 5-28-1957) m. Sarah Broughton
    Walter McVay (B. 12-25-1874 D. 9-1-1949) m. Rhina Mullins
    Mary McVay (B. 12-25-1887 D. 6-2-1946) m. Shelby Hensley
    Joseph McVay (B. 8-4-1884 D. 10-12-1948) m. Roberta Bishop
    Elizabeth McVay (B. 1888 D. 5-29-1930) m. John Gregory
    Axie McVay (B. 1890 D. about 1960) m. John Hodge
    Ancil McVay (B. 1891 D. 4-12-1948) m. Grace Magee
    Charles McVay (B. 1892 D. 11-12-1956) m. Lillie Felts

Children of Dan McVay and Julia Shepherd
Lee McVay m. Bertha Inman
    John McVay
    Matt McVay m. Bessie Mullins
    Jessie McVay m. Nellie Eaton
    Willie McVay m. Irene Reed
    Lillie McVay unmarried
    Elizabeth McVay m. Oscar Sharp
    Mary Jane McVay m. Edgar Felts
    Dora McVay m. Charlie Felts
    Amanda McVay m. Fred Price

Children of Joseph McVay and Roberta Bishop
Virginia McVay m. _______ Peace
    Laura McVay m. James LeForce
    Ora McVay m.________ Hart
    Vincent McVay married Ruth Jones
    Emma McVay m. Maude Large
    Harold McVay m. Dorothy Jones
    James L. McVay m. _________
    Ernest O. McVay (died young)

Children of Walter McVay and Rhina Mullins
Otis McVay m. Sallie Scalf
    Annie McVay m._______ Jones
    Addie McVay m. Willie Felts
    Eunice McVay m. Ross Chambers
    Clyde McVay

Children of Milt McVay and Sarah Broughton
Viola McVay married James Byrley
    Axie McVay married Charlie Lanham
    Walter McVay
    Doc McVay
    Elisha McVay
    Steve McVay
    Willie McVay married Ressie Martin
    Lige McVay
    Martha McVay
    Gladys McVay

Children of John McVay and Julia Gray
Samuel McVay married Anna Kucher

Children of Mary Jane McVay and John Gregory
Roscoe Gregory
    Mary Gregory m. Lee Broughton
    Charlie Gregory m. Edna Magee
    Fred Gregory m. Martha Legear
    Norma Gregory (died young)

Children of John Gregory and Elizabeth McVay
Joe Gregory married Doris Jones
    Jessie Gregory

Children of Axie McVay and John Hodge
Maude Hodge
    Charlie Hodge
    David Hodge
    Rachel Hodge
    Willie Hodge
    Lora Hodge

Children of Mary McVay and Shelby Hensely
Daisy Hensely m. John Hall Robert Hensely

Children of Ancil McVay and Grace Magee
Thelma McVay m. Chester Parrott
    Albert McVay m. Ruby King
    Opal McVay m. Edward L. Tipton
    Alma McVay

Children of Charlie McVay and Lillie Felts
Floyd McVay married Myrtle Bruce


Mary Scalf, daughter of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1852. Her parents had moved to Knox County from Clay County sometime between 1844 and 1850. Very little is known about Mary Scalf. She married Peter Bargo in Knox County on September 18, 1868. When Mary died Peter married second to Julie Leath and later to, his third wife, Rachel Smith. Three children born to Peter and Mary were still living with their father in 1900. These three were: Emmanuel, Rufus and Abraham. Emmanuel was 15, Rufus 13 and Abraham was l 1. In 1900 it may be noted that Peter and Rachel were the parents of five children; Mary, Isabel, Oliver, Rilla and Christopher. It is interesting to see that their first child was named Mary.

Children of Peter Bargo and Mary Scalf
Emmanuel Bargo (B. 1885 D. 1914)
    Rufus Bargo (B. 1887 - )
    Abraham Bargo (B. 1889 - )


Emily Scalf, daughter of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky in 1854. Emily married first to, Jason Hubbard in Knox County on March 16, 1871. This marriage took place at the home of John Broughton. The following year Emily married a second time to Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf, son of Ira Scalf and Nancy Killion, McVey Scalf. The second marriage for Emily also took place in Knox County on August 26, 1872. Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf is discussed in more detail in the chapter of this book pertaining to Ira Scalf. Bud Andy married three more times following his marriage to, Emily.

The family of Andrew and Emily appears in the 1880 Laurel County, Kentucky Census indicating that they had moved there from Knox County sometime between 1872-1880. This 1880 Laurel County Census lists Andrew 25, Emily 30, Charlotte 7, James 5, William 4 and Abby 2. Living in the Andrew Scalf home in 1880 was a niece Emaline Quarles age 22. The author cannot identify the parentage of the James listed in this census. Andrew appears again in the 1900 Laurel County Census. This time his age is given as 43 and living with him are his children Lotty 21 and Daniel 15. There is strong evidence to indicate that there was a divorce between Emily and Bud Andy and that Emily remarried to Stephen Morgan on May 25, 1886 in Harlan County, Kentucky. At the time of Bud Andy's fourth marriage to Christine Jones in Knox County in 1911 he revealed that two of his wives had died and that be bad been divorced from the other. The author is almost certain that Emily Scalf and Bud Andy Scalf did divorce.

Children of Andrew "Bud Andy" Scalf and Emily Scalf
Marie Scalf married Matison Hubbard
    Charlotte Scalf (B. 1873 - ) married
        1. Jesse Hilton (1900 Laurel Co., Ky.)
        2. Harvey Reynolds
    Catherine Scalf married
        1. Albert Hunter
        2. Robert Robinson
    William Scalf (B. 1876 - ) married
        1. Deliah Smith 2. Margaret Owens 3. Becky Spurlock
    Abby Scalf (B. 1878 - ) married Noah Scalf
    Daniel Scalf (B. 1884 D. 1953) married Betsy Jones
    Rosie Scalf (B. 1882 - ) married
        1. John Jackson 2. Patton Jones


Milton Scalf, son of Peter Scalf and Charlotte Hubbard Scalf, was born in Knox County, Kentucky on June 11, 1854. He grew up with his brothers and sisters along Stinking Creek in Knox County where he worked at Moses Hubbard's grist mill near Flat Lick. Milton was a preacher in his later years at the Pleasantview Church in Knox County, Kentucky. He married first to, Polly Hubbard, daughter of Moses Hubbard, in Knox County on December 10, 1874. Polly was born on January 1, 1856 and she died on October 18, 1918.
In 1927, Milton Scalf toured the state of Kentucky making speeches for Flem Sampson of Barbourville who was afterward elected Governor of Kentucky. Flem and his wife, Susie, had earlier in 1909 sold a lot in Flat Lick to Milton. Milton had the reputation of being a fine preacher and an honest man. Milton passed along by word of mouth the tradition that the Scalf family was of Royal ancestry.
Milton and his family are listed in the 1880 Knox County, Kentucky Census where he appears as 28, Polly 24, James M. 5 and Dora 1. Things did not always go too well during the first few years of Milton's marriage to Polly, and in 1882 Polly initiated a divorce petition against Milton. The records reveal, however, that this divorce action was never finalized. At the Knox County Courthouse in Barbourville, Kentucky in Box #220 in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office is found the divorce petition. Polly Scalf is given as the plaintiff and Milton Scalf is mentioned as the defendant. It reads,

"The plaintiff, Polly Scalf, says that she and deft. Milton Scalf, were intermarried in Knox County on or about December 10, 1874 and have lived together as man and wife and have had a continuous residence in Knox County, Kentucky ever since they were married until about December 1, 1882. That for some time before December 1st, 1882, the deft, on divers of occasions treated this plff. cruelly and inhumanly by cursing and beating this plff. with a bucket, chair and fist in such a manner as to convince plff. that deft. had become to have a total everson towards plff. That about Dec l st 1882, deft. drove plff. from their home and sold out house and home and delivered possessions of same to one Josiah Saylor and totally abandoned this plff. and left her without a home or protection, without any cause whatever. She says that since deft. abandoned plff. that he has been laying arounct, keeping company with loose and unchaste women. She says that since deft. drove plff. from their home, he has been selling and destroying and making way with the property they had accumulated while living together as man and wife. She says that there was born to them while living together the following children: James M. age 7, Rilla, age 1 yr. That they have 3 children dead. That there is now in the possession of deft. and owned by him and this plff., the following property: "Viz": 1 yoke cattle, black and white and red spotted, about 3 yrs. old; 1 yoke cattle red and white pided, about 2 yrs. old; 1 lot partnership goods owned by deft. and Wiley Bright, worth about $100; one lot of corn about 200 bushels; l bridle heifer, 1 yr. old past; 1 feather bed and bed sted; 2 feather beds and steads and bed clothing; 1 lot of kitchen furniture, pot, vessels, and other fixtures.

Plff. says that deft. is not a fit person to have the care and custody moral training of children.

Plff. says she has had a continuous residence in this county for more than five years before the bringing of this suit. That her cause of complaint occured in this county and less than one year ago.
Plff. ask to be divorced from the bonds of matrimony with deft.; to be restored to her maiden name. She ask to have the care and custody of their two children "Viz": James M. and Rilla. She asks that deft. be made to help maintain plff. and children. She ask for an attachment to issue immediately against the property described besides other relief to be decreed to this plff. And upon a final hearing of her cause, she prays for all proper relief, both general and special."
                                                                                   Wilson and Culton for plff.
Sworn to before me by Polly Scalf on this 18th day of April, 1883.
                                                                                   W. W. Tinsley D.C.

The attachment was issued as called for in the petition on April 19, 1883. However, at the 1884 February Term this petition. was filed away indicating that Polly and Milton had resolved their problems and had decided to continue, their marriage. One possible explanation for the uncharacteristic behavior on the part, of Milton Scalf prior to December, 1882 could relate to the marriage, of his mother, Charlotte, to, his father, Peter for the second time, in December, 1882. It was known that Milton had not been willing to accept his father when Peter Scalf returned to Knox County with his second family. Perhaps Milton's behavior and actions toward Polly had something to do with feelings of contempt for his father and a sense, of betrayal on the part of his mother. Milton and Polly moved away from Knox County leaving their troubles behind them. Milton took his family to Laurel County where he appears in the 1900 Laurel County Census. Listed in the family in 1900 were: Milton 41, Polly 44, Lee 12, Millie 10, Effa. 6, Nannie 4 and Axey 1. Milton probably moved down to Bell County, Kentucky where his daughter, Minnie, married in 1913. Milt's son, Lee, married Mary Bargo in 1915 in Claiborne County, Tennessee which indicates that Milton may have spent some time, there also. Milt's uncle, Ira Scalf, and several cousins lived many years in Claiborne, County. Although there has been no record found it seems evident that Milton and Polly did eventually get a divorce sometime between 1900-1918. Polly Ann Hubbard Scalf died on October 18, 1918 in Knox County and she is buried at the Concord Baptist Church Cemetery in Knox County near Flat Lick. Earlier in the same, year on March 12, 1918 Milton had remarried to Martha Black, daughter of James and Laura. Black, in Knox County. The marriage record shows the parents of Milton were, Peter and Lotty. Martha Black was 22 at the time of this marriage to Milton Scalf. She was born on August 31, 1896. It is certain that Milton and Martha lived in Knox County in their later years as both died there. Milton died in October of 193 5 and Martha died rather recently on December 19, 1974. Both are buried at the Scalf Cemetery, Turkey Creek, Baughman, Kentucky.

Children of Milton Scalf and Polly Hubbard
James M. Scalf (B. 1875 - ) married _________
    Dora Scalf (B. 1877 D. before 1882)
    Isabell Scalf (B. 1878 D. before 1882)
    Thomas Scalf (B. 1879 D. before 1882)
    Perley Scalf (B. 1880 D. before 1882)
    Rilla Scalf (B. 1882 D. 1895) m. Perry Hubbard
    Julia Scalf (B. 1884 - )
    Lula Scalf (B. 1886 - )
    Lee Andrew Scalf (B. 1887 - ) m. Mary Bargo (Claiborne Co., Tn)
Mollie Scalf (B. 1890 - ) m. Henry Baker 6-22-1910
        (daughter, Shirley) Bell Co., Ky
    Effa Scalf (B. 1892 D. 1914 of tuberculosis)
    Dillie Scalf (B. 1893 - )
    Nancy Scalf (B. 1896 - )
    Minnie Scalf (B. 1898 - )
    Axey Scalf (B. 1899 - )

Children of Milton Scalf and Martha Black
James F. Scalf (B. 1918 - )
    Isaac Scalf (B. 1921 - )
    Junior Scalf (B. 1923 D. 1925)
    Edith Scalf (B. 1926 D. 1929)
    Haskel Scalf (B. 1927 - )
    Shirley Scalf (B. 1930 - )
    Samuel Scalf (B. 1932 - ) m. Sue Wolfe
    Mollie B. Scalf & Henry B. Scalf (B. 1934 D. 1934)


Lee Andrew Scalf, son of Milton Scalf and Polly Hubbard Scalf, was born on February 22, 1887 in Knox County, Kentucky. Lee married Mary Bargo (Born March 6, 1901) in Claiborne County, Tennessee in 1915. Lee is said to have been a soldier in the Spanish American War and was also a very accomplished writer. Lee worked for the C.N.W. Railroad and he retired in 1952. Although he was partially deaf, he otherwise enjoyed good health most of his life until he died on March 10, 1976. Lee and Mary had two sons, Carl, born August 11, 1917, and Webster, born April 16, 1919. He also had one daughter, Georgette, born February 10, 1922.

Children of Lee Andrew Scalf and Mary Bargo
Carl Scalf (B. 1917 - )
    Webster Scalf (B. 1919 - )
    Georgette Scalf (B. 1922 - )

Copyright (c) 1982 Elmer D. Scalf.  All rights reserved.